#no meme I just genuinely believe he's that charming
the-suns-beloved · 1 year
SO glad birthday revival started today... I love seeing asmodeus talk about himself bc im right there going yep yep uhhuh it's because you're so beautiful and graceful and compelling and vibrant. nodding my head like a bobblehead
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gojos-thot-patrol · 2 years
I really liked your dating HCs 😃 wanted to know if you could do the jjk men flirting with a crush HCs? 🥰 just all the stuff they try to do to woo a person if interest 😍
Aww, I'm glad you like my dating HCs! Flirting goes hand in hand with dating as far as I'm concerned, so lets do this!
Now Presenting...
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Starring Satoru Gojo, Suguru Geto, Kento Nanami, and Ryomen Sukuna
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Kento Nanami
the quiet type
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Nanami is so bad at flirting I'm being SO SERIOUS 
He doesn't really have the time or energy for it, so it's a struggle for him to flirt. 
All I can think about when I think about Nanami flirting is this clip.
I feel like he treats it as a business transaction because that's just what he knows and is familiar with
When he's not being extremely business savvy, he's trying to get to know you as a person. 
If you're going to make a relationship work, you have to know that person. So he's asking you about your hobbies, your childhood, your opinions, ect.
Now, I know what you're thinking Dear Reader. "Isn't that just what friends do?"
I told you, he's bad at this.
Honestly, you probably wouldn't have any idea he was interested in you romantically until he hits you with that, "I've had feelings for you for a while now, would you like to go out on a date with me?"
But, honestly? Considering all the Information he's gathered about you it's going to be one of the best dates of your life 
After that, his flirting does shaft. It turns more into him sending you “Good morning 💛” texts and checking in on you throughout the day. 
Also he cooks for you.
He flirts by learning your favorite dishes and learning how to cook them perfectly.
As far as he’s concerned, cooking for someone is the oldest expression of love and care, and he’s a sucker for cute traditions. 
He also starts to recommend media based on things you like. He’s flexing that he knows your taste
Ultimately Nanami flirts by showing that he knows you well, which is weird to say lol.
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Suguru Geto
Prince Charming
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Charismatic as fuck.
Out of all of these men he's the best at flirting. 
Suguru is very manipulative, and that translates Into him being phenomenal at flirting, because he can manipulate your emotions. 
I'd give an example but I can't cause he's better at flirting than I am by a mile
I think it's very subtle at first. Almost like him planting the thought of you liking him into your brain.
And once that seed has grown into a full on tree, his flirting becomes more overt, so you know he likes you and you like him
He definitely pebbles.
Giving you wildflowers he picked while the two of you were walking, giving you used books he annotated for you, sending you memes that made him think of you.
Do not be fooled reader, this man is Baby's First Manipulator and this is the start of love bombing.
He writes poetry for you. The type of poetry that when you first read it, it makes you all giggly and love sick, but when you read it after the breakup you realize it was all just pretentious garbage. 
Geto flirts by giving you song recommendations, sending you music that reminds him of you, videos of live performances he thinks you’d like, and the like. 
Music genuinely forms the way this man interacts with the world, so when he starts sending you love songs that should honestly be the first hint that he’s into you. 
He sends his homies over to go and hype him up to you, that's the vibe
The moment you say you’re cold he's covering you in his jacket. 
“Where's my hug?”
Ok, no to the last point but also yes kinda.
I swear I physically CANNOT bring myself to be nice to Suguru
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Satoru Gojo
the goofball
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“Like my shirt? It’s made of boyfriend material.”
“Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?”
“Did it hurt when you fell? Cause you're the only Ten I See…wait, I think I fucked that one up.”
But, it’s almost charming just how earnest he is in trying to woo you. 
He sends you those couple memes like “this could be us but you playin’” paired with a picture of minecraft diamond armor Halloween costumes
He takes you to watch slasher movies so you get scared and cling to him, but ends up getting spooked and clinging to you.
When he looks at you you just see his eyes glittering with adoration
When he looks at you he just sees you through the Shojo vision filter
He always looks for a reason to touch you. Brushing your hair behind your ears, his knees brushing yours when you sit next to each other, anything. As long as you’re comfortable with it of course.
He slips notes into your pocket with other cheesy pick up lines or cute little doodles.
It starts with him just jokingly flirting to hide his real emotions, but it only makes his heart burn brighter for you.
You noticed it, when slowly it turns from him laughing after a cheesy pick up line to him nervously chuckling and trying to hide his blush.
He can’t look at you without smiling, at least just a little bit. 
His heart gets fluttery and he starts to get a little more stuttery.
He decides that just flirting and leaving the chance of a relationship just hanging over you, indefinite and fuzzy, hurts WAY MORE than any possible rejection could hurt
He slips a note into your pocket that's like “Wanna go on a date with me? For real this time! Yes No”
Gojo’s flirting just shows his inexperience with romance and seduction tactics, but it’s almost charming in that way
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Ryomen Sukuna
The Monster
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This man is Radioactive besties, idk how to tell you want nothing he’s peddling. 
He doesn't even flirt.
His flirting is telling you you belong to him and slaughtering anyone who dares to disagree. 
He flirts by being nice to you homie. 
Actually, no, scratch that. He flirts by not being actively hostile.
His tsundere ass would literally kidnap you, force you to spend as much time with him as inhumanly possible, and still be like “I don't understand why you think i like you.”
Basic kindness is his flirting. Like, honestly I don’t know to go about his section of this because he just doesn’t flirt LMAO
Him flirting is him just like, staring at you like a weirdo and just expecting you to know what that means
Him flirting is calling you woman instead of wench
On the real though, flirting is mostly seen in him being over protective of you. 
Like, god help any other person that talks to you where he can see it.
He’s going to choke slam them.
He picks on other people than immediately looks at you for approval because he thinks that sharing violence is flirting.
Honestly, that’s how he flirts. He goes out of his way to try and gain your approval.
He’s like a cat that brings you a dead bird, only the dead bird was another possible suitor.
Except he doesn’t know how to be a decent human being so it’s just him doing the most unhinged and horrific shit then looking at you like “I do good?”
No Ryomen, you don’t do good.
And yet, you’ve won my heart anyway. What a bother.
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anonymous-eggy · 10 months
your leander analysis was soooo spot on !! it's the first one that made sense to me !! i was always like ?? why would he try to mess with you ?? it just didn't make sense to me ?? you're so big brain
i think my point didnt really get across because i said it in a very dramatic manner, but the point is there.
at the end of the day, Leander wants to manipulate you into trusting him. for what reason? we don't know yet. To take down the senobium? for selfish reasons? both?
no matter the reason, he's cunning and manipulative. he's not prone to outbursts and immediate revenge from what we've seen in the demo. he didn't become the trusted and adored leader of a huge gang by having childish outbursts and taking his frustration out on others for not trusting him or not wanting to be around him. he's like a wolf. he will play the long game if he really has to. if it becomes a game of stamina, he'll keep chasing you until you dont want to or cant run anywhere but into his arms. into his maw of fangs that he's conditioned you to believe is home so he can finally snap his jaw shut on you.
He is the safehouse, the leader. everyone follows him eventually. he just likes to make you feel like it was your choice all along and not something he was steering you towards since the very beginning.
this is literally what makes him such an attractive character. we know in the back of our minds (whether or not we realize it) that this is what he's doing. its so bad, but it so good at the same time. he has secrets and depth to his character and we want to know them.
honestly, if anything, he grabbed mc's hand when they choose to hesitate out of desperation to prove he can handle it and gain that huge leap of trust in Mc.
which caused mc a moment of panic and surprise, thus causing their curse to flare up. the same way i assume mhin's curse would flare up to protect them. this flare up was more than what leander had planned for, so he has a moment where he has to bat away the curse with whatever stupid powerful magic he's gotten ahold of.
once again, he wants you to trust him. this is obviously a bad situation where there's only two believable and sucky ways to play it off. the truth, or a prank. so he has to pick the lesser of two bad choices and play it off like he was just messing around. like it was just jokes and everything was fine all along!!! i think theres a small crack in his facade when he says something along the lines of Mc's curse being some serious stuff he's never seen before. this is a true statement buried in false ones. its easy to breeze over. he's successfully fooled you and won if he can get you to believe he was genuinely just fucking with you.
but yeah, sure Mc could have gotten pissed with him, but isnt a moment of Mc being pissed at a joke better than them not trusting him with their curse? the trust broken from a prank is MUCH easier to repair than trust broken from a curse that almost slipped through his magical protections.
Leander wants Mc alive, safe, and trusting him COMPLETELY. He (i assume unknowingly) hints at this anytime he talks about how he shouldn't have let you leave his side. he is that one "the illusion of choice" meme.
My ending statement will be this: i am OBSESSED with characters that have a true personality hidden under a different one. the little phrases that slip out and give insight into the truth are my JAM. characters that dangle a shiny charming personality like an angler fish. maybe its because of my trauma, but we dont have to talk about that.
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ryttu3k · 8 months
BECAUSE I AM DUMB (and it is almost 2am) I sent you an astarion ask for the ship ask, but my brain meant wyllstarion! (apparently my brain decided that astarion is intrinsically connected to wyllstarion)
Haha, all good! <3
[ship meme]
Ship It
1. What made you ship it?
lmao it was a post about that clip saying that Astarion used to dream of marrying a man like Wyll. Just the thought of Astarion feeling like he's too old and jaded and cynical for this very pure romance, but Wyll still being young and idealistic and intensely romantic and, you know what, he's going to woo the heck out of this mysterious and charming elf he's crushing on.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
Okay so. I have a List.
They bring out the best in each other. Wyll encourages Astarion, by his actions, to help people, to do good, to be heroic. Wyll so wholeheartedly believes in being a hero that it just... starts rubbing off on Astarion too. Conversely, Wyll can be selfless to a fault, and Astarion can sort of reel him back a bit, get him to think about himself and his own needs. I absolutely believe that left on his own, Wyll would agree to Mizora's deal and sacrifice his own freedom for his father, and Astarion is probably the one best positioned to get Wyll to think about his own future and reject the pact.
The contrasts and parallels in their story. The obvious contrast, monster vs monster hunter, starting out (more or less) chaotic evil vs lawful good, but eventually meeting somewhere in the middle (see: above point about bringing out the best in each other). And then the parallels - both of them are heavily under the influence of someone else, seemingly abandoned by the gods and any other important support structures (Astarion being cut off by Cazador from any kind of support, Wyll being disowned by Ulder who I still haven't forgiven, he was seventeen years old!!), and their main narrative arc is about breaking free from their respective tormentors, and working out who they can be as their own free people. Why not do that together?
The romance is so healing for Astarion. More one-sided here, in that it's more of a benefit for Astarion than it is for Wyll, but a slow courtship is exactly what Astarion needs, with this foundation of trust building, knowing that Wyll cares about him for more than just what he can do in bed.
The mutual attraction. They're so down bad for each other. Using your own post here, Astarion critically fails a charisma roll and Wyll is just. Lucky for you I'm into that shit.
The hands the hands. The hands!
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Honestly, I think they genuinely do work best as a poly ship (or like, a QPP thing) with Karlach. I love all three relationships individually, but I also love them together (there's a lovely post on their dynamic as a trio here, looking at them platonically, but it still holds out for a romance). Wyll and Karlach's storylines are intrinsically bound together, and indeed the only way for Karlach to have a happy ending at this point is with Wyll and/or a love interest accompanying her back to Avernus. I... can't really see Wyll being able to brush off not helping Karlach, leading to her death; I think if she does die, he'd be deeply depressed and feel a lot of guilt for it.
Astarion, too, really values Karlach. He's the most gentle about her if Tav is torn between them, there's just this very sweet dynamic between them. And Karlach clearly adores both of them too! She and Wyll become best friends, she's basically ready to go to war against Cazador to protect Astarion, there's just... so much love and care between the three of them that I can't see any one of them wanting to leave one of the others behind. My 'canon' ending for them would be all three going to Avernus (which Wyll openly offers to do and which Astarion is 100% willing to do as well), finding a solution for Karlach's engine and Astarion's sun issues, and then returning to Baldur's Gate to start working out a future - together.
So in conclusion:
Astarion/Wyll: Good shit.
Wyll/Karlach: Good shit.
Karlach/Astarion: Good shit (but please fix the Origin spawn Astarion ending, Larian!!)
Karlach/Wyll/Astarion: 👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good shit go౦ԁ sHit👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌shit right👌👌there👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯 i say so 💯 thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good shit
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peccaberry · 1 month
what are your headcanons for Volo, Rei, and Akari??
Great question, thank you anon! Obviously a lot of this is also gonna be stuff I've included in my fanfic but I'll go ahead and put it here too for those who haven't read it djdjdjd.
Rei (MC): He misses home a lot and copes by the huge cultural shift of being stuck in the past by trying to cling onto what he remembers of the future. A lot of this would be things like memes and songs that he could repeat verbally which is a big reason I love him having a Chatot. It would probably be soothing to have something familiar like that while in a place where he has so little of what he remembers with him.
He was around 15-16 during the events of PLA. Late growth spurt which is why he looks so tiny for his age.
Rei is gay and being closeted in the Hisuian Era has been really hard for him. He misses the internet where he could talk to other queer people and find support. He had a HUGE crush on Volo and considers him his first love although he never told Volo that. Volo never had any idea bc let's be real he had Arceus blinders on.
He had to grow up really fast due to the situation he was put in and carries a lot of the trauma of too much responsibility too early on him. He feels like it's his responsibility to fix everything because he's quite literally been expected to from a young age. It would be important to him healing to unlearn that.
He feels incredibly heartbroken over what happened with Volo. He both misses the friend he lost and feels incredibly hurt by the enemy he gained. Both these feelings exist within him at once and it's very confusing to deal with.
Rei does not like Kamado or Cyllene after the trauma they've caused him. He's made more peace with Cyllene than Kamado although he doesn't trust either very much.
Rei loves Akari very much and her constant friendship and support is a big reason he's been able to keep it together after everything that happened to him. They are pretty inseparable.
Volo: This mfer has autism. He's not super popular because a lot of people think he's "off". He doesn't particularly care and spends most of his time on his special interests (history/mythology). His closest (platonic) relationship is with Cogita and she is easily frustrated/annoyed with him.
He's pansexual and how attracted he is to someone correlates more to how interesting he finds them than gender.
He was a teenager during the events of PLA (around 17-18) and hit a massive growth spurt earlier during puberty (13ish)
There is no "real/fake" Volo. Both the Volo you originally meet and the Volo on the mountain are just him expressing different emotions/sides to himself. The only real difference is that he's probably not as genuinely happy as he could be so it's more of a mask at this point to cover up trauma/rage. If he was to recover more from his issues he would probably still act silly and friendly but it would be more genuine and the rage/hate would subside more.
Volo never stops asking questions and is way too curious for his own good. Whether you consider this annoying (Cogita) or charming (Rei) is up to the individual person.
Volo's trauma and worldview has something to do with growing up in a region where there was a lot of war and fighting between clans. Since peace was only more recently established it's not his "normal". He doesn't have any faith it will last and believes humans don't have the capacity to get along with each other without being forced to.
If something catches Volo's interest he will pursue it relentlessly until he understands it.
Volo is really good at the Celestica flute
Akari (NPC):
Akari snuck onto the Galaxy Team Expedition ship when they were docked in her home region because she wanted to join them. Laventon was the one who found her and advocated for her to be allowed to stay and help him as his assistant. Kamado allowed it and she had been there a few months before Rei, trying to get the basics down.
Akari isn't just good at crafting, but doing art as well. She's amazing at painting and it's her favorite thing to do when she has time to herself.
Akari still has a fear of Electric types (especially the shinx line) after being struck down by one. She's come to peace with Pikachu and is learning to get along better with him as time goes on but still struggles from time to time.
Akari is Aromantic and Asexual. She loves Rei Queerplantonicly and he feels the same way about her although she feels confused about these feelings since there's not a lot of cultural understanding about them in her time period.
Akari enjoys listening to Rei when he talks about the future. As long as he doesn't seem to be doing anything that will put him in any danger she will watch him be as weird as he wants and egg him on because it makes him happy. They both know she doesn't really understand what he's doing/talking about but Rei appreciates her being willing to pretend to make him feel less alone.
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i am not trying to attack you i just genuinely have a question. i feel like people headcanoning nessa as aroace is a little weird because that tends to be a stereotype for disabled people. i understand that there is some evidence for her being ace (in the book) but i don’t see the aromantic part. just wanting to probe your brain about the nuance of it / what you think. again, a headcanon is whatever and i know it’s personal, just wondering your thoughts
It’s really not personal I’d love to share :)
I think it’s more for neurodivergent people than it is for physically disabled people, but it’s also very common for neurodivergent people to be aspec. Personally as an aspec neurodivergent person, I don’t care as long as you don’t use it as a way of either infantalizing neurodivergent people or implying that they don’t have any feelings at all. I don’t know about physical disabilities though. My head cannon doesn’t really have anything to do with her disability, aside from maybe this meme because the bookverse makes it really ironic.
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I see Book Nessa as aroace because she doesn’t seem interested in a partner, I don’t really see her with anyone, and over all I just kinda get that vibe from her. She seems like she’d be better off single to me.
For the musical it’s a little different, I just kind of have it as a sort of headcannon/au/what if scenario kind of thing because I can see her being aroace and Boq being gay (though I feel like he’d be openly bisexual in the book) and them being best friends because it would be nice to see them in a healthy platonic relationship rather than a toxic romantic one.
Boq is gay because of the queercoded relationship between the tin man and scarecrow in the original books. Of course I ship both tincrow and Gelphie so I think they’d make sense as a couple because Boq doesn’t historically have very good luck with women so maybe he was destined for a man the whole time (and I think romantic rivals to romantic partners is such a funny dynamic).
Nessa, I just don’t see her with anyone romantically and I think she’d he better off single. Plus something about her that’s just so aspec. She just gives me the energy of the flag colors if that makes any sense (Not to mention she can become the strong, independent, single ruler of munchkinland, which I think would be good for her).
In the books, they come from the same part of munchkinland and share a religion so they have a lot of culture in common.
I think that their religion or culture (or the way that they learned it) probably values getting married and starting a family so they both want to be in “traditional” heterosexual marriages.
Boq is more focused on finding himself a proper wife that his family would approve of (he’s kind of a daddy’s boy in the book I believe) than actual love, which is why he tries so hard to win over Galinda. He tries to convince himself that he really is in love with her because she’s beautiful, rich, popular, charming and comes from a respectable family, so how could he not be love her with all his heart? This is why he agrees to ask out Nessa. She’s beautiful, charming, and comes from a respectable family, so why couldn’t he learn to love her?
As for Nessa, she’s the same case as Boq, she’s desperate to find a husband and make her family and the unnamed god proud, but she also just wants someone to love and pay attention to her because she’s been coddled all her life, but she’s never had a real friend. She thinks romance/marriage is the only way that anyone will ever love her in such a way. She convinces herself she wants romantic love when really all she wants is a friend.
Ideally, they would come out to each other at the Ozdust and then over time they’d have to learn to accept themselves and they form a close platonic bond over it.
Though it can be switched. Boq can be aroace, Nessa can be lesbian, or they can both be gay or both aroace. This is just my personal interpretation.
Sorry for the ramble <3
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duckiemimi · 4 months
the thing that has been upsetting me the most is the fact that The Sukuna Effect™ is gone, what i mean is that back in the day Sukuna was actually intimidating, the moments when he appeared were exciting and SCARY, he always stole the show and now he doesn't give the same energy at all, and you might think that it is because he now is in the screen constantly due to it being the final showdown, but i genuinely believe that the execution from the very beginning of the fight has been flawed, because i have read villains that are perpetually scary regardless of how much they appear (to name an example most are familiar with, AM from i have no mouth and i must scream was genuinely scary, tho he might not be as scary anymore due to the memes, but back in the day reading the book was FRIGHTENING because of him, another popular example is judge from blood meridian, who had a constant presence and wasn't alway antagonistical yet still was scary thanks to the writing), i just wanted an actually scary antagonist in a shonen and just when i thought i got him he stops being scary 😔
I AGREE! A HUNDRED PERCENT! i think he's lost a lot of the charm he used to have. he's no longer a chilling threat—a threat all the same, of course, but one you can expect and one that no longer elicits the same type of excitement. he's just there. i couldn't have said this any better, so i'm not really sure what to add on 😭 but! i will probably go and find a video essay or an article on how the Perfect Villain would ideally inflict fear in their audience, just to see if i can add anything of substance later!
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sergeifyodorov · 1 year
Hughes brothers for the character ask meme?
im going to be real my first impression of quinn was from noted quinn scholar tanya txstars talking abt him. i dont even know what the first little bit was about because i was like “yeah everyone i follow just has that one guy they’re obsessed with” and then i actually saw photos of quinn and then started to Get It.
jack was the more famous of the three from the getgo. I knew he was a devil but didn’t know which one was jack and which one was nico for a while so there is that
and i’m like 90% sure my first thoughts on luke were THERE’S A THIRD ONE???
Quinn: he is my scrungly. More than the generic fact that i find him hot in a wetpathetic roadside cat kind of way and that i am impressed and delighted by his skating and his ice time, I do really genuinely like him. He comes across as somehow both an idiot well-meaning jock and as an honestly intelligent man; maybe he’s just an airhead stoner. He’s the eldest daughter of our dreams. He should absolutely be the next captain of the Canucks. He’s level-headed and stands up for his teammates off the ice (talking openly about how he thinks they mishandled an injury!?) and is just… an ideal man. He’s also definitely got ghosts after him.
Jack: NIGHTMARE CHILD. I probably first started to hear his name from all the xreader writers who wanted to take him to prom, but once you actually start looking at and seeing him beyond the Boy Band Fluff, he’s… kind of a greasy sharp-toothed demon child? I do like him -- quite a good deal, to be honest, but the instant he let sweat slick his hair back and the playoffs knocked a tooth out he immediately became Interesting to me, as opposed to just some mouse.
Luke: Luke’s relative lack of screentime means my impression is a lot less nuanced than the other two: he both terrifies and excites me. Terrifies because the Devils are in my conference so i’ll have to see him three times a year… and excites because Quinn, Ellen, and Jack all say that he’s the best of the three of them. Can you BELIEVE how good that would make him. Quinn’s one of the best offensive defencemen on the planet (and pretty good defensively, despite what you might think!) and still has a few years before his peak, Jack’s a hundred-point forward at 21, and Luke is BETTER THAN BOTH OF THEM. 
Quinn: the “taking his ESL teammates out to the movies” is endlessly charming to me… even if he picked rather a terrible movie to show to his esl teammates. also pretending to be a really bad driver at petey. Older brother supreme
Jack: either aforementioned tooth loss or any of his comedic falling-overs. Third place goes to snarking to the media… that boy wants nothing to do w any of it. If he was in toronto they’d have ripped him jaw to tailbone
Luke: overtime gwg w jack assist!!!!!!
Quinn: what if i told u im partway through a quinnfic as we speak… he is dealing with the horrors surprisingly well all things considered
Jack: i am not of the opinion that he should get like. romcom fluff. he is as of yet not that type of girl. Get his ass to the mobster movie/wizard maze/indiscriminate pwp. Send him to something violent and a little bit horny and way too complicated for his little brain full of titty magazine and bits of lint. Bamboozle him and cover him in blood and let him top badly. many people are saying this
Luke: until such time as we see Character Traits from him (im not a umich girly dont tell me anything you’ve seen from there) i am content to let him remain for now a background character. he’s big and he has jack’s nose and quinn’s eyebags and he’s the baby. That’s enough
Quinn: i am a quinn will become a leaf eventually truther. not that every born leafsfan will become a leaf at some point in their career but he will. Not because he hates it in vancouver because im pretty sure he doesn’t… just that there’s destinies out there u can’t escape. Im also a quinn will become a devil eventually anti. he’s not going to do that he likes offseason brother time and offseason brother time only
Jack: the beard is a good look on him
Luke: tall people shouldn’t have older siblings it’s wrong
Quinn: quinnpetey kissa time. petey’s cringe little gay romanticism is now going to lead him away from brock to A Person With A Sustainable Future As a Canuck… quinn is going to let petey infringe on his space and his feelings and his bedsheets. they will hold hands through the horrors (vancouver canuckdom)
Jack: now hear me out i want us to explore whatever freudian attraction he had to pk subban. nico is cool and all but there’s more out here
Luke: not in an incestfic way but i do love his relationships w his brothers… siblings i do not understand them
Quinn: there was once a canucks raffle, where you could win bags each of the canucks had chosen stuff for… most of it was kind of generic. wine, a trip somewhere nice in the city, sometimes you’d get a sweater or a record or something. quinn chose cast iron pans and a cookbook. he wants to know how to cook well, he drives a reasonable car instead of petey’s fancy sports cars, he gets esl teammates to repeat his meaning back to him so he knows they understand. he’s grounded in a way few hockeys are and this is part character analysis from what we know and part extrapolation but that’s SO fascinating to me. i think he also knows stuff like how to sew on a button and clean an oven and tie a tourniquet.
Jack: could do sweet tricks on the trampoline
Luke: i dont think he’s going to take after either of his brothers in the personality department… he cares too much he’s going to suck up to the media way more when they want him. He’s avoiding that for now by being shy but he very much did puke into that garbage can at the frozen four he CARES
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How does (canon character) feel about your OC?
Isabela about Cyrus!
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Fandom OC Ask Meme
How does Isabela feel about Cyrus?
Oh she thinks he's darling (genuine but with a slight edge of southern disdain), her foolishly naive prince charming/friend with benefits, too good to be true in that way that sets her teeth on edge a bit, waiting for the sanctimonious self-righteous other shoe to drop, because sure he's friendly and nonjudgmental now, and he shares her love of freedom (for everyone except himself) and respects her duelist's independence (even sees shades of his own self-sufficiency within it), but the shoe does drop when she's finally on the tail of the relic that will save her life and he demands that she return it to the Arishok, choosing Kirkwall over her. But by then it's too late, she cares about him too much and maybe just maybe someone other than him should shoulder the weight of responsibility for once.
She almost wants him to be mad at her when she comes back in act 3, it would be so much easier if he was--the heroic champion too good for a scoundrel like her--but he's not. He welcomes her back to Kirkwall with open arms and that stupid infectious warm smile that makes you believe in ridiculous things like happy endings, and she fights like hell for the rest of the year to protect that smile.
Who would call your OC their best friend?
This is maybe semantic nitpicking, but I don't think any of his most significant platonic relationships would use the specific term 'best friend'. His bonds with Merrill and Fenris run deeper than that-- Merrill, for example, calls him kitleth, a word I made from dalishious' elven fan dictionary to mean platonic life partner. Sebastian too I think would call him his brother-in-arms or something if he never figured out (or kept pointedly ignoring) the homoerotic undercurrent of their relationship. Meanwhile, Isabela's best friend is definitely Varric, not Cyrus.
I think Sera might actually consider him to be her best friend. He covers for one of her pranks on Cullen, and from then on, despite Cyrus' wariness in Skyhold and Sera's uncertainty about being accepted by another elf, the two are thick as thieves. And her gf likes him, so he has to be good, right?
When Yiseeril leaves him in the Fade, it's a really hard moment for her.
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catboygirljoker · 18 days
I've recently remembered, how I joked the other day, that, were my fics adapted into movies, I'd love to have Keanu Reeves play Xigbar and it got me thinking: if you were to make a movie (based on your fics or not) with Xigbar in it, which actor would you choose for him?
sdhflsdf its funny because i was just telling my partner about how xigbar has (or i believe is meant to have) a lot of features that Reeves has—hooded eyes, widow's peak, similar facial structure, etc. in terms of face id say he's pretty close!
however, to me it'd be way more important for the performance to be right. reeves is a fine actor but i don't know that he's a good fit. reeves exudes too much warmth, even when he's trying to be an asshole (that's a lot of why i ended up attaching so hard to johnny silverhand lol.) xigbar needs to be someone you dont expect warmth from, but who's still capable of it, in ways that make you wonder whether it's genuine.
id need xigbar to be played by someone middle-aged, looks like a guy you could run into at walmart, able to be charming in a sleazy, used-car-salesman kinda way, but also able to communicate a kind of dangerous gravity. ideally aggressively californian, but not necessary, any actor could speak that way with some training.
you know unironically. unironically. unironically. christian bale. it sounds like a meme answer but i legitimately think he'd do a great job with the character. laid back charismatic but empty on the inside. seems like a harmless coward but is much more dangerous than he appears but is also still fundamentally a coward. they wouldnt need to do much to style him as Dilfy In A Gas Station Kinda Way. thats my pick.
oh uhhh. assuming this is based on the games, not my fic. its possible hed do a good job as a romantic lead but i havent seen him in enough stuff to know whether he could be the specific interpretation/angle/idea of xigbar that's in my fic. like he voiced howl and howl is like the same genus of love interest as xigbar is in my fic, but not the same species. so idk. much too think about.
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moregraceful · 20 days
i've been with my current partner for almost 7 years now and i literally can't believe how happy i am. every time i see his face, i smile and feel like my heart is glowing. i love how goofy we can be together but also how much he's supported me through tough times (with my family, my studies, my job). i honestly don't know if i'd be where i am today without him and i just feel so, so lucky to have someone i can see myself spending the rest of my life with. we've been talking a lot more lately about buying a house and having kids together but like, in a serious, next one to two years kind of way and it's so exciting. i spent so many years scared of living but since being with him i am always looking forward to what the future holds.
also like, idk if you remember that song "hey leonardo" but when i think of my partner and i loving each other, it's that chorus like, he likes me for me. i never thought i'd meet someone who would even tolerate all my fandom shit, but he genuinely supports me in enjoying my hobbies and stuff, like will watch nhl games and hockey analysis vids with me, listens to me ramble about whatever team or show or thing i'm into at the time. laughs at the memes i share with him even if he doesn't get them. doesn't just like me for my job or my "serious" side. genuinely pushes me to spend more time with my friends (including fandom friends) so i have a support network outside of him.
i just feel sooooo lucky!!!!
anon this makes me so happy!!! I'm so glad you have someone who gets you and likes you for who you are and pushes you to create a support network too!!
I hope your future is fruitful and full of as much love, if not holding even more, than you have now!!
(hey leonardo - blessid union of souls, in case anyone else who, like me, did not remember the song...so charming!!)
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nemmet · 1 year
4 for Fred for the comfort character ask?
comfort character ask meme
4 - what about their personality i like
i've mentioned this before, but fred and the evolution of his character/personality over the course of the franchise is sort of a special-interest-within-a-special-interest for me, and i'm always so happy to get to talk about it!!
i love the fact that, essentially, he's been made more and more distinct and enjoyable over the years by the writers just dialing up his enthusiasm to eleven. he's the leader of mystery inc for a reason, and that reason is he has the intense focus, planning skills and gung-ho attitude to land himself and his friends in a new mystery every week!! that and just how much he cares and believes in his friends' abilities, even when sometimes his control issues get the better of him. i love how, in the be cool episode gremlin on a plane, he realises that sometimes being in control means knowing when to hand the reins over to a member of his team more experienced in a particular skill. those little moments of growth for him are really cool to see!
continuing the point on enthusiasm, it's hilarious and so charming to see the writers' ability to take his enthusiasm and apply it to so many different things, especially in the movies. traps! summer camp! the circus! space! cheerleading! the list goes on!!! it never feels forced, it's more like you routinely meet up with your neurodivergent friend for coffee and they have a completely new hyperfixation every time that they're dying to tell you about. not having a consistent thing became his consistent thing, and i am so here for that kind of chaotic characterisation!!
aside from that, it's whole a bunch of little things that i like! how he's crazy talented with his interest in traps/mystery solving but sometimes lacks common sense and social skills. how he seems well put together but can be so very unhinged (/affectionate). how he hyperfocuses and fails to take care of himself (very relatable). how genuine and dorky and undeniably autistic he is overall. truly no one is doing it like frederick herman jones
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masschase · 7 months
for the ask meme: matt and casey, 55. tracing the lines on the other’s hand :]
This got so long... but then it is me we're talking about 😅
'Touching' prompts list (will accept more!)
Heart Line
It really should have been Nyte Blayde night.
It was Friday, after all, and they weren't all the way through their second watch of it yet. However, the moment the Boss had confided in her partner that she'd actually never seen Tron: Legacy, there'd pretty much been no doubt how they were going to be spending their evening. She'd suggested they cuddle up in bed to watch it, mostly so if she got bored it wouldn't be so hard to distract him toward something else, but so far, the movie didn't seem too terrible.
“So this is the guy that made you decide to start puttin’ blue lights on everythin’, huh?” Casey commented matter-of-factly as they watched the protagonist.
“And made it evident I like men.” Matt pointed out with a smirk.
“What made it evident you also like women?” she asked offhandedly. He raised his eyebrows and nodded at the other figure on screen. “Oh yeah.” she chuckled, remembering. “Well... thank you Quorra, I guess.” she said, faux saluting her.
Matt let out a slight chuckle too and took her left hand in his since his right was already around her shoulders. Rather than just holding it though, he began to sweep his thumb along her palm, inevitably catching the lines on it and starting to trace across them one by one. Her hand began to tingle slightly at the touch.
“Mmm.” she purred, glancing down at what he was doing. “That feels nice baby.”
“Yeah?” he replied, smiling and continuing to make his way along them. After a moment he stopped and began to stroke back and forth in the same spot.“I like this line.” he mused. “Sounds a little ridiculous but it's on this top bit of your palm so it’s all... squishy.”. He demonstrated by giving that part of her hand a little squeeze.
Casey glanced down. “Ah see, that is my heart line." she told him. "If you look, it's actually really splintered cause I have y'know... like a shitload of emotional trauma.”. Matt looked over at her, a mixture of confused by the relevance and sympathetic, but she honestly didn't feel the need to talk it through right now, so she shrugged it off and finished her explanation. “And it's up real close to my fingers because I usually suppress my emotions, find it hard to express ‘em, all that shit?”. He knew it better than anyone, if the time they spent dancing around each other before they got together was any indication.
“Love, I don’t want to be an arsehole, but I genuinely don’t know what you’re talking about.” Matt admitted in an amused tone, letting go of her hand and pulling her closer to plant a gentle kiss into the side of her hair.
She sighed, knowing it was stupid but she’d started the tangent now so she might as well get into it. “Look, there used to be this little uh... psychic place back in Stilwater.” she explained. “I didn’t have any money but the lady in there read my palm a little anyway.”. She paused. “She also...said I had poor circulation ‘cause my hands were so cold.” she muttered absent-mindedly.
Matt scoffed slightly. “OK, I’ll give her the last part.” he conceded. “But you know I think that sort of thing’s bollocks.”
“Hey, so do I.” Casey insisted a little defensively, but her eyes did flick over to some of the little good luck charms she’d accumulated over the years that were pinned to a board on their wall, aware that maybe that wasn’t entirely true.
“Right, so all those arguments about ghosts we had were, what, foreplay?” he asked, drawing back a little with a raise of his eyebrows.
“Matt, I swear to god, I’m time jumpin’ us to Old Stilwater some time and this whole damn thing's bein’ put to rest.” she replied.
“Well I look forward to that.” he replied calmly, but there was definitely a tiny hint of smugness to it.
She rolled her eyes slightly. There was a lot of shit she wouldn't have believed had it not directly happened to her, so she didn't feel the need to convince him right this second. But she knew what she’d fucking seen. At least she... was pretty sure. Maybe. Either way, it wasn’t really the point right now. “Look, I don’t believe in all this palm shit now.” she clarified. “But uh... I was 12 so... I may have gotten a little into it after that. I... took the book out from the library, started copying out all the pages and shit...”
“Oh my god.” Matt replied, bringing the knuckle of his index finger to his mouth to stifle a laugh.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m lame.” she replied. “Remind me what you were doin’ at 12 again?” she asked sarcastically, nodding at the screen.
“Trying to hack into The Pentagon, mostly.” Matt pointed out. He paused for a moment. “Go on then, trainee palm reader lady.” he suggested teasingly, offering her his free hand. “Tell me what mine says.”
She took it in both of hers and began to run her fingers over his palm, but she couldn’t resist getting him back. “Huh...” she mused. “Interesting. Says here you were a little bitch when you were a teenager.”
“Oi!” Matt responded, pulling his hand back faux defensively, although he was laughing slightly. “Sorry for trying to indulge your highly scientific pastime.”
Casey laughed along with him. “Baby, c’mon, I couldn’t waste that opportunity.” she laughed. “OK, imma do it for real.” she assured, reaching for his hand once more.
"Real...?" Matt replied sceptically, but he let her take it. She traced the lines more thoughtfully this time. She watched out of the corner of her eye as it made him smile and shift his shoulders a little, obviously finding the sensation rather pleasant. “Well, your head line’s super long.” she explained. “Means you’re smart but like... you overthink shit sometimes.”
“Are you actually reading this or do you just so happen to have met me before?” Matt joked.
She gave him an amused look before glancing back down. “But look, see, you’re also super creative because it curves down a lot.”
“Oh yes, I’m quite the artist in my spare time.” he continued sarcastically, leaning his head back against the headboard, looking entertained.
“I meant with your simulations and shit.” she pointed out. “Although one could argue your fanfic also-“
“Yes, I think you’ve made quite enough jokes about my fanfic, thank you very much.” Matt muttered quickly. He was blushing a little but was comfortable enough with her at this point that he didn’t seem as embarrassed as he once was about it. “Let me see; saliva isn’t lube, don’t use “raven-haired” so much, and you think I need to get some dick.”
Casey bit at her lip, smirking a little. “Well I mean, I was just gonna say the whole setup for Nyte Blayde and Ryder, the character who has the greatest resemblance to you in the entire show by the way, to fuck in the secret lair was pretty creative.” she pointed out. “But good to see you were listenin’ I guess.” She smirked over at him, then returned to looking at the lines before he could further protest. “Ooh, OK, so, your heart line starts in the middle of your palm, that means you fall in love pretty easily.”
“Well... that’s not... entirely untrue.” he admitted.
“Matt that’s probably gonna be the most accurate thing on here.” she teased. “Oh, but it also touches your life line, so you also get your heart broken pretty easily.”
“I can’t tell if you’re supposedly reading it, making it up, or just taking the piss now.” Matt admitted.
“Sweetie, if I was makin’ it up I’d be waaaay more flattering.” Casey admitted, repositioning her head on his shoulder.
“Isn’t that the whole point of these sorts of things?” he pointed out. “Telling people what they want to hear?”
“Well...” she relented. “Maybe if you were paying me.”
“Could be using it to get into my pants.” he teased in a slightly flirty tone, glancing across at her.
“You aren’t wearing pants.” she pointed out.
“Yeah I am.” he replied, releasing his hand from hers and snapping at the waistband of his boxers to prove the point. “I’m not wearing trousers.”
“Not this bullshit again...” she chuckled, squishing the area of his palm just under his index finger. “Hmm, well this says you’ve got a bit of an ego?" she said, raising her brows a little to feign suprise as she looked back to him. She caught the rather intense blue of his eyes and suddenly wasn't so focused on looking at his hand anymore. “But you’re also... real easy to talk to...” she continued. “Sweet... loyal... funny...”. She reached over and pushed his hair back off his face with her free hand before continuing. “You’re all... passionate about your special interests and shit.”. She looked over at him with a fond smile. “You’re just really fuckin’ cool, Matt.”
Matt looked genuinely touched, a far softer smile lighting up his features in return than the chuckles and smirks they'd been enticing from each other. “Well.” he said gently. “I suppose, coming from the Emperor herself, that means a lot.”. He paused and moved his hand to interlink his fingers with hers. “I love you, Cass.”
“I love you too, Matty.” she replied.
He used the arm around her shoulders to pull her towards him and towards him for a soft, slow kiss. That genuine smile was still present when they parted. “You know sometimes I still find it hard to believe you do.” he admitted. “After how long it took to get us here and everything.”
“Yeah, well...” she replied, stroking the hand along his face and catching sight of the little line that had started this whole discussion, then catching his gaze again and smiling. “You make it real easy.”
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marley-manson · 7 months
TrapHawk and/or HawkMarg for the shippy ask meme :3
Thank you 💖
Ship It
What made you ship it?
lol SO. Back in uni I started watching MASH after seeing an old website with an extensive (but, I now realize, nowhere near exhaustive) list of slashy quotes from the show. I enjoyed the homeroticism between Hawk and Trap but only casually, I was into it as a sitcom rather than in a fandomy way. The moment I started actually shipping it and went to find some fic was Trapper's proxy kiss in Welcome to Korea and Hawkeye's race to the airport lol, which is probably the worst time to start shipping them because after that there was no more Trapper and the homoeroticism decreased significantly. I only made it to the end of season 6 before losing steam, so when I watched in 2021 I started from season 7 and wrapped back around.
The second time around I shipped Hawkeye/Trap from the start, and they came as a welcome relief after being underwhelmed by Hawkeye/BJ.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
Their chemistry! They always feel like they're genuinely having fun together, and really adore each other, like they're both just charmed by each other. I also like that they could've easily met pre-war (and did briefly in the book/movie) and they feel like they would've been friends no matter when or where they met. The fwb vibe is also great, I'm incapable of watching the show without wholeheartedly believing they're fucking between scenes. They're a perfect established relationship kinda ship.
And since Hawkeye is my fave a big reason I like them is because I think Trapper is a good, supportive and caring partner to him - they're both great to each other, but in Hawkeye's other friendships on the show he's mainly stuck in the supportive and caring role without receiving much support back, whereas with HawkTrap it's more even imo.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
idk if it's the most popular take on them but I've seen this take floating around tumblr a lot and I disagree with it: I don't think Trapper is more supportive of Hawkeye than vice versa, or that Trapper supported Hawkeye and then Hawkeye is inspired by or grows from that in order to support BJ, like a baton passing. I think they're both just supportive people and they equally support each other, or would if Trapper got as many emotional plots as Hawkeye does. But on the occasions when he does need emotional support, Hawkeye is right there beside him as a shoulder to lean on.
Don’t Ship It
Why don’t you ship it?
I've never shipped male sitcom protag/token female cast member in my life, and I can't imagine starting here lol. I absolutely love their platonic friendship and adding romance would kill everything that makes their relationship unique and enjoyable to me.
I also would never ever ship Hawkeye of all characters in het. I'm watching the gay Hawkeye show, it'd just be a waste of 300 gay jokes.
And finally, they're not compatible people at all to me. They barely ever even have fun together as friends, Hawkeye needs a double act and Margaret could never keep up comedy wise, and they have very opposing ideological values and there's no indication that ever changes (a lot of people seem to think that Margaret gets disillusioned with the army as the show goes on, but I don't see that at all and I'm not sure where it comes from honestly? And in the finale she doesn't quit the army, she just takes an assignment in the US rather than abroad.)
Plus there's an episode all about them being incompatible romantically and deciding to be friends, which made complete sense to me character-wise, and I adore that that's the direction the show went, thank you Mash <3
What would have made you like it?
If Margaret was a man I could definitely see myself being into it in a frenemies hooking up kinda way, assuming Hawkeye hit on him just as much as he does in canon, which seems like a safe assumption lol.
But otherwise nothing's gonna make me interested in rote sitcom het, and genderbending Hawkeye into a woman wouldn't work for me because like 90% of what I like about his character is his subversion of masculinity.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
Like I said, I love their friendship a lot, love when they support each other, love the occasions that Margaret is the tough guy to Hawkeye's damsel, and I do often enjoy their flirting on the show despite not shipping it, because a lot of it leans into the aforementioned subversion of masculinity, which is fun. Carry on Hawkeye is one of my favourite episodes. I don't want them to fuck, definitely don't want them to get together romantically, but I do really enjoy the d/s and pegging jokes.
ask meme
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sunlessea · 1 year
' i find myself choosing you, more and more every day. ' - adrifires
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dead of ass i don't even know the memes anymore › @londonfallen.
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no one would ever believe him if he told them that mr fires was capable of kindness, even tenderness when it so chose. he isn't under the impression a single person in its factories believes that it loves him, though it's biggest doubter, in all heartbroken irony, would be adrien himself. if it does, though ... he supposes this is its way of saying it, quiet admissions where he finds himself half conscious against its chest in its own unsightly home. he isn't a fan of its lodgings, he'd made that abundantly clear, but still — what an odd intimacy to be afforded, during the times he gives in to it regardless, and stomachs the annoying surroundings for the sake of ... romanticisms, he guesses. he'd never admit it, of course, that he notices these things, and he's not even sure that it knows he does : for all the fight he tended to put up, sometimes he knows it is hard to tell where his delusion ends and his own genuine feelings begin.
it is ... a horrifying feeling, to have terror and love intertwine in one's own heart. it isn't the first time he's felt this way, but it is the first time he's felt it so deeply. nights stolen in his youth taking turns holding hands with the faint memory of a boy he'd only found charming is different from real infatuation. least of all for something london hails a monster. he had once, too. maybe he still did. a monster is still a monster, even when one is tangled in its arms and legs, but it is different when that monster is conceivably your own. he had never endeavored it notice him. choosing him, and the implications of fires's own heart ... he doesn't know what to do with that. worse still, he doesn't know how long he can hide behind the fear of god's damnation, when he has forsaken the heavens of his own free will.
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"but there's always a chance that one day you won't." he peaks his eyes open, but doesn't look up at it. he stares, instead, at its chest, bare ... and silent. neither of their hearts beat. its never did : and he's not sure his ever had, either, until now. "and that frightens me." he will not admit that he's in love with it. it would have to pry it out of him with its cold, bloodied claws, and even then, he would choke on it. but at the same time ... he wanted it to admit it. he's confused. "you see, if i ran and you let me escape now, it would hurt, but i could survive. later, though? later would be heartbreaking." he scrunches his nose, feigning annoyance. the fact of the matter is that his chest hurts. fires terrifies him. it is not for the same reason it terrifies the rest of london. "you could have noticed any one of your workers, or anyone in london for that matter. why did it have to be me? why did you do this to me?"
lamenting is pointless, he knows. he keeps his hands close to his chest, but he doesn't move away from it. every part of him screams to stop before it's too late : if he stopped just running and stood his ground, told it that he didn't love it, that he wanted it to go, he knows that it would. he knows. "speaking of which, it's pretty clear to everyone already that i'm crazy just for being with you. but you have shit taste, by the way."
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milksluice · 2 years
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This was done for the 30 Days of Doing Shipping Wrong meme: "They are the worst possible thing to happen to each other" ship.
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Above is their meetcute. I'm not even going to cheapen this post by pointing out that the second image down on the right is how Peter looks when he's saying to Tom, "I heard you were desperate to come." And the third image down, on the left, is how he looks when he's saying, "I was rather looking forward to rowing you around."
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It's always good to remember this: Peter stands in the light. While Tom stands in the dark.
But here's Peter, welcoming Tom into his world. And Tom, being immensely good at reading the cards in other people's hands, knows that if he acts like the little bird with the broken wing, that Peter will be absolutely helpless to come to his rescue. That he'll keep the bird within the palms of his hands, and guard it well.
See, pretending to be weak, around someone who can become quite protective, means wielding a power over that person far greater than if one were to approach someone such as Peter, as a man of power. Luckily for Tom, he's exactly the type of person that people don't mind being over-powered by (knowingly or not). At least for people such as Peter, Meredith, and myself.
Peter, unfortunately, places himself on the chopping block when he brings up the rumor that Tom may have been killed. I think that Tom is even a little offended that after he put so much work into Dickie's letter to Tom, and that in general, anyone could believe that Dickie could possibly kill him. Him, whom Dickie loves. Like a 'brother'. And for a moment, Tom seems like he might lose his cool, but then he smiles, nervously, and Peter restores their balance by saying the idea of it is absolutely ridiculous.
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More insight on the light vs. dark issue in costuming, as well as more insight into what goes into Tom portraying himself as vulnerable.
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And though Peter welcomed Tom into his light-bound, open arms, Tom has immediately pulled Peter into the dark underbelly, where he now lives.
Here's the thing. Tom is just a person. He may be... more or less evil, but he is just a person. However, his life depends on whether or not he can fool everyone into believing that he's done nothing wrong. So when he cracks in front of Peter - when he shows that fear cropping up because they've sent for someone from Rome (someone who might know him as Dickie) - I'd like to think it's because there's this part of Tom that just feels so comfortable with Peter. Now, who wouldn't? Peter is nurturing and caring, and genuinely kind. But for Tom to break in front of Peter for even a moment, without the threat of killing Peter after. I think it's somewhat special. He's showing his fear in a normal human capacity, which begs for comfort. Comfort from Peter.
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Here, you see that Tom is actually quite good at understanding Italian. That he answered is a slip, a mistake because he's nervous. It reaffirms that the language barrier was a part of feigning his broken wing.
From here, Peter takes Tom's charming smile, and then translates throughout the rest of the conversation.
I'm afraid I must admit. There is one part of Tom I still haven't quite figured out after all these years. I suppose Tom thought it would make him look more guilty to admit that he has homosexual desires. And you see his denial throughout practically the entire movie - I guess because some people just aren't ready to admit who they are. Tom, especially. But it always seemed like the least of his problems... In any case, he says no. In front of Peter no less, who seems to take the answer to be one striving for privacy, rather than truth. Because he is not pleased with the question, himself. In fact, he makes a quip to lighten the mood, and put Tom at ease. It never even comes up later, which I think is especially sweet of Peter. He just takes Tom's wishes in stride.
But let me not wax on about how adorable Peter is with Tom. Because this is supposed to be why this ship is all wrong. And god is it wrong.
Then Tom ignores the way Peter tries to swaddle him, and tells Peter a lie - to lie for him, and say that he has a fiance. Which, I think, Peter is surprised to hear, and perhaps a little hurt, though he continually goes with the flow of things. But yet again, he never forces the subject later on. He respects Tom too much to do so. Or perhaps considers Tom too fragile. Either way, it is for Tom's sake.
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I'd like to say that I find it interesting that, here, Tom chooses not to lie. No. He did not kill Freddie and then Dickie.
By asking Peter, frantically, to ask if the Inspector is accusing him, he is begging Peter to place himself in front of Tom, to protect him again. The very reason he brought Peter with him. He's merely putting on a show.
That's when the Inspector pulls out the letter Tom wrote in Dickie's name.
Here, I couldn't say for sure. I feel that Peter's expression, upon finding out it's a 'suicide note' is one of anger, and of disbelief. Anger, perhaps for Tom, for the same reasons Tom expresses as he shouts afterward. And disbelief because all the time he's known Dickie... he'd never kill himself. Or that's what he thought, anyway. I think it's probably a little of both. Which can be confusing, contradicting, and cloud the mind a little.
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Now, this scene is arguably everyone's favorite.
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I think I'll mainly let it speak for itself. It starts with the fact that Peter shows what is, conceivably, sympathy for someone who may have killed. A situation which Tom, himself, is in, and perhaps expects not to be sympathized with at all. And Tom, despite everything, feels like he can divulge certain pieces of truth to Peter, that to anyone else, he would hide.
He makes him feel human. Not like a demon.
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But of course... If Peter needs a whole building to hide his sins, then how big of a space must Tom's take up? So Tom has to fish for some more reassurance. And it may seems as if Tom is just playing, acting, again, but there's a buried, harsh, and painful truth beneath the words he says.
The sadness, the longing in Tom's eyes - was never a lie.
It honestly disturbs Tom, I think, that Peter allows Tom to feel... loved, and genuinely accepted. Not 'allows him', actually, but forces the love upon him. Something Tom has denied himself, possibly forever, and which will cause the greatest feeling of loss and utter self-hatred that Tom will ever feel. Meanwhile, he nearly convinces Peter that Peter is his One, which lulls Peter into a sense of false hope. A sense of trusting, and the future of being together, close and loved.
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May I reiterate? Peter is the light.
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But if Peter is the light, and Tom is the dark - and if Tom lets the light in, to conquer the dark...
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This is mostly just because I'm in love with the song here. Here is a version done by a Slovak philharmonic orchestra and choir, with a translation of the gorgeous lyrics.
There is one lyric of the song which says: Lord, have mercy on him [the guilty man to be judged]. Not only is Peter in the 'choir' asking for this; he is at the center of it. Looking down at Tom. The song then goes on to say: Grant them [presumably those whom the guilty man caused harm] eternal rest. Stating that they would only have rest, not if the guilty man were judged, but if he were judged mercifully.
At this unspecified moment in time, Peter has already fallen completely for Tom. And perhaps Tom, Peter.
I'd like to think this is a full representation of them in the after life. Tom comes in, below Peter leading a choir of angels, pleading with the Lord to grant Tom mercy. And Peter looks down, and sees him, and Tom smiles, and waves, and Peter smiles, and then turns back to the Lord while Tom watches in utter awe at the fact that someone is rooting for him. For him.
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Excuse me while I cry over both of their smiles as Peter says he and Tom found each other.
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I feel quite bad for Marge. It's a bit like throwing her into the lion's den. But Peter is stupidly proud of Tom so... He doesn't even realize what he's doing. I mean... Seriously, do you see how much Peter's cheeks are bulging from his smile after Tom says Peter found the place for him? Just... I think from this point on I'm going to disintegrate into unintelligible sounds.
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"It's better than trying to squeeze into my room." Somehow I doubt Tom would agree, if it were him.
Of course, Marge goes on to be a startling reminder of who Tom really is.
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The funny thing is (it's not funny) that Tom will act weak in front of Peter in order to gain his protection, but when he could truly use some protection and comfort, he becomes shy about it, and refuses Peter's warmth. Much to Peter's disappointment. And Tom's, I guarantee you. Okay, so he refuses to a point. And then they make bedroom eyes at each other and I want to kill myself.
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It's Marge who's shaking and crying in his arms, but Peter wants to know if Tom is okay.
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My insufficient theory on why it was Peter who Tom was thinking about when he was in the bath. Worrying about, even. Wanting. Romantically. Sort of. Maybe.
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This scene would have been much better if Peter had kissed Tom's forehead at the end. Still, it's sweet how he gently rubs the bandage on.
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NOPE. I may actually vomit in a moment.
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This is the end. As soon as it sinks in that someone is calling Dickie's name; the end is coming.
"Are you alone?" he asks, with dim hope, and his heart in his throat.
And that's when he knows. He shakes his head, almost imperceptibly. His world is crashing down...
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I actually hate everything. Fucking shit, I did not want to cry while doing this... But I'm here to do a job - oh look, Tom's mouth is fucking turned down I wonder the fuck why.
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The way his voice wavers over 'good'.
I can't breathe. Which is fitting.
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The destruction, the panic I feel from seeing one strip of cloth. I fucking...
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He is, in fact, so panicked himself, that he slips up again, calling himself Dickie. He becomes dissociative. If he's Dickie, he's not in love with Peter, and this won't hurt, what he's about to do. But Peter corrects him, and there's nothing left to do. But the thing is... Tom no longer exists. At least, in a few minutes, he won't.
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At least this ends with my favorite line.
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I might definitely vomit.
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More impressions on the - situation.
And here is another, prettier picspam.
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