#no matter how many times you say I won’t I’ll defend you if I can
yellowraincoat · 2 years
Lol if you ever want to be sad think about how Cough it Out by the front bottoms a KitTy song
It’s getting harder and harder and harder and harder for me to call you friend
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Jace teaching his wife how to fight. Maybe he gets a bit too rough or talks bad to you but apologize
This one made me want to pull my hair so many times, so please don't be too hard on the sword-using moments. Why did I do this to myself?
my taglists are here + you can send requests here at any time
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‘’I don’t want to sit back and do nothing, I want to be at the frontlines and fight for our Queen. If Baela and Rhaena can do it, I can too,’’ you told Jacaerys as you were watching him take off his sword and belt, done with his day. ‘’The Queen said herself that I’m one of the greatest dragon riders. Another dragon could be helpful. I want to fight beside you.’’ 
‘’Are you sure?’’ Jacaerys shifted his gaze to you, sitting on your bed. ‘’I’m not saying that because I don’t want you to fight. I would be proud to have you fight beside me. I just want to make sure you know what you're getting yourself into.’’ He removed his cape and unbuckled his jacket, sore underneath from his training. 
You were aware of the dangers of battle, but you were tired of feeling useless. You didn't want to be known as the wife of the Queen’s heir, the one who stayed behind and watched. You wanted to be remembered as a woman who fought and won battles, and helped win the war.
‘’This is what I want, Jace.’’ 
Rhaenyra was on board with you fighting for her claim. On one condition: that you learned how to use a weapon. You couldn’t go into battle with only your dragon to defend yourself and no combat abilities. Being a good dragon rider was great, but you needed to be able to hold a sword…or even a crossbow. 
It was usually Daemon who was in charge of training, but he was away looking for dragonseeds, so Jacaerys volunteered. The latter was supposed to join Daemon on his quest, and bailed at the last minute and sent Baela in replacement. 
You and Jacaerys worked hours together on your sword fighting. He was gentle in his teaching of the basics, but didn't go too easy on you. In the heat of battle, your opponents won’t spare you. It’s a thing Ser Harwin told him when he was little. 
‘’You don't want to leave your upper body open to attacks. You want to keep your arms closer to your body,” he advised, his voice gentle yet firm. ‘’You want to relax your shoulders too. You’ll get hurt if you’re too stiff.’’ 
Jacaerys poked you in the side and a startled giggle escaped you at the unexpected poke, but you quickly regained your focus, nodding earnestly. 
‘’Got it.’’ 
You tried to relax, taking a deep breath. Holding a sword was not easy. It required a lot of control and precision. 
Jacaerys continued drilling the basics with you, very patiently explaining things. And showing you again when you asked. 
‘’Today we’ll work on disarming your opponent,’’ he announced, spinning his sword with ease. ‘’It sounds difficult, but this is one of the first moves that I learned.’’ 
You nodded, and watched intently, trying to absorb every detail as Jacaerys was demonstrating the technique. 
Then, it was your turn to try and disarm him. You stepped forward, your movements light and steady, determined to match his skill although he had years of practice. But no matter how hard you tried, Jacaerys seemed to anticipate your every move, effortlessly blocking each attempt.
‘’Disarming your opponent is not necessary in a battle,’’ Jacaerys explained over the clanging of swords, feeling your frustration. ‘’It’s mostly used during tourney duels, but if you’re ever cornered in a one on one, it can buy you some time.’’ 
The force of his last swing sent you flat on your ass. ‘’It’s looking like I won’t be buying myself much time…’’ you sighed, looking down at the sand on your clothes in disappointment.  
‘’Don’t think like that,’’ Jacaerys said, regretting going too hard on you. ‘’My fault entirely. I’m sorry. I just…I want you to be safe and ready when you’re out there. Alone.’’ The thought of you being cornered and unable to defend yourself haunted him. ‘’I’ll go easier,’’ he promised as he reached out for your hand, helping you up. 
With renewed determination, you made another attempt, and to your astonishment, you succeeded. Jacaerys's weapon clattered a few paces away, rendering both of you momentarily speechless.
He congratulated you and picked his sword back up. ‘’I knew you could do it, my love.’’ 
‘’Do I get a reward?’’ you asked, tipping your chin up. 
Jacaerys pursed his lips, thinking, then leaned down for a kiss — or what you thought was a kiss. Before your lips could touch, he seized the opportunity to disarm you effortlessly in a swift motion. Your sword slipped from your grasp, leaving you momentarily stunned. 
Pulling back, Jacaerys flashed a playful glint in his eyes as he aimed his sword at you. ‘’First rule of battle strategy, don't ever let your opponent distract you.’’
House of the dragon taglist: @khaleesihavilliard @domoron @ididliquorice @lover-of-helios @lover-of-helios @shine101 @tanyaherondale @mikariell95 @serrendiipty @lantsovheiress @gilliananderfuckme @shine101 @tetgod @clayzayden@memeorydotcom @tnu-ree @futuregws @blackravena @winxschester @mysteriouslydelightfulchaos @xxlaynaxx @secretsthathauntus @pilarxxxaguayo @emmavan39 @stargaryenx @erylilly @bbblackmamba @rainedrop97 @dreamer087 @gothicgay14 @ashlatano7567 @superkittywonderland @justaproudslytherpuff @evesolstice @buckysmainhxe @padfootsvixen @scarletmeii @evesolstice @dkathl @kaywsworld @tetgod @padfootsvixen @domoron   @weird-addiction @angeliod @xjennyx2 @adaydreamaway08  @mymultiveres  @secretsthathauntus  @puffycreamcakes@thirsty4nonlivingmen@naty-1001@katiepie67@moshpot24x@hc-geralt-23@lovelynerdytraveler@saturn-sas  @zgzgh @sssjuico10@tabloidteen@timetoten@deekaag@wondxrgurl@aerangi@strmborns@astridyoo15@daemonslittlebitch@queenbeestuffs@severewobblerlightdragon@agentstarkid@msliz@vane1999-blog@fairyfolkloresposts@todaywasafairytale07@otomaniac@zgzgzh@thebeardedmoon@golden-library@kikyrizuki@hnslchw@camy85@winxschester @armstrongscommentsection
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thranduel · 1 year
some facts about astarion that i find very cute/meaningful :)
i wanted to share this so more people can learn about him and appreciate who he is deep down, behind the mask he wears. before cazador turned him, he was just like any other person; he had hobbies, passions and emotions. those things are still there, but they’re just hidden amidst all the darkness. he was so young when he first turned that he barely had a chance to enjoy life or figure himself out. so many people miss out on the complexity of his character due to only focusing on his physical appearance or labelling him as a cruel villain, but in order to see that he’s so much more than that and he’s capable of growing as a person, all you need to do is show him a bit of love!
- he loves embroidery and poetry
- he approves when you pet the owlbear cub because most people view it as a monster (the same way people have always viewed him). it’s like he finds comfort in the fact that you can love and care for something that most people are afraid of, and it gives him hope that you may feel the same way about him too
- if you put a flower on his grave, he smiles and says "cute"
- he comes up to you in camp just to thank you and tell you how grateful he is that you allowed him to make his own decision (after you defend him and don't force him to drink the drow's blood) because he is so used to being told what to do and he was forced to use his body for so many years
- in that same scene, he will hold your hand whether you choose to stay in a romance with him or be friends instead, because he loves and appreciates you no matter what, and any sort of relationship with you is so important and meaningful to him
- if you try to romance karlach and astarion at the same time, he tells you to choose karlach over him, even if he loves you and it hurts him to do so, because he can see that karlach loves you too. he says that normally an arrangement would work for him, but after everything karlach has been through and how fragile her heart is already, he doesn’t want to get in the way or see her hurt
- if you try to romance halsin and astarion at the same time, he just wants you to do what makes you happy, even though you can tell it hurts him if you choose halsin. he’s also worried that you’re unhappy because he hasn’t slept with you (he should never have to worry about that ☹️), so he doesn’t want to stop you from enjoying yourself. in this situation and the one with karlach, you can see that there are moments where he puts others before himself and thinks about their feelings more than his own
- if you’re playing as the dark urge and you’re trying to resist it, he is so incredibly comforting and tries to give you strength and encouragement. one of my favourite astarion lines is this: “you’re not alone in this, none of us are.”
some more lines that i love:
“i don’t hate you. because this is not you. but whatever it is, you’ll get through it. and i’ll be here to make sure you do.”
“whatever it is that’s controlling you, we can fight it. i know that better than anyone.”
“this thing won’t have you. it won’t win.”
“easy now, darling. you’ve got this. and i’ve got you.”
- when you try to break up with him because you’re transforming into a mindflayer and you tell him you’re becoming something horrible, he gets so upset that you would even think that way and tells you that you’re wonderful and he doesn’t care about what you look like. then he says he would get more stares walking down a street than you to try and make you feel better
- if you love and care for him and remind him that there is still good out there, he genuinely wants to grow, be a better person and break the cycle of power and terror that started centuries ago
- he approves when you help people that are considered outcasts or "freaks" because he has felt that way too
- he risked his life and got punished for letting a man go instead of luring him back to cazador because it’s implied he cared about him in some way and he couldn't hurt him (not entirely sure about this one, this is just how i interpreted it based on his voice and mannerisms when he was talking about him)
- he approves when you give an orphaned child food (act 3)
- he becomes vulnerable, honest and more gentle with you once you start treating him like a person, because for the first time in his life, he actually feels safe with someone
- he's extremely insecure despite the mask he wears at the beginning of the game and he doesn't believe he is capable of being genuinely loved for who he is as a person. when you get close to him and tell him you care for him and give him a hug, he is taken aback at first, but then he believes you and hugs you back. also, when you're playing as the dark urge, you get this line: "you like him for more than his looks, but he will never believe that." this is proof that astarion is so used to being reduced to his physical appearance after what he was forced to do for so many years, and he thinks that's the only reason why people like him. he struggles with intimacy and forming strong emotional bonds, so that's why it makes your relationship with him even more meaningful when he realises that you truly do love him for who he is, not just for his looks and body
- when the drow you met at moonrise shows up in act 3 and tries to make you drink something, astarion tells you to say no, because the only thing she's offering is pain and he doesn't want to see you hurt
- if you romance him, stop him from doing the ritual and help him defeat cazador, he tells you that you are the only person he's ever truly cared for
- if you defeat cazador without him and tell him you just wanted to protect him, he gets upset at first because you left him behind without telling him and he wanted to take revenge himself, but then he becomes understanding and says “maybe this is what’s best? the kind of power that ritual offered could ruin a person. even me.” this shows how much he’s grown and matured as a person and he’s aware of the consequences of too much power. the scene also ends with him telling you that he’s grateful for something that you did to help him (again).
- he becomes more self-aware, straightforward and honest over time and he doesn’t pretend like he’s perfect. he tells you that you were by his side through all the bloodlust and pain and misery, despite all of his flaws and mistakes. you remained patient with him and trusted him even though it was an objectively stupid thing to do, but he is so grateful for it because you believed he could become a better person (and he did)
- this is sad but he remembers some of the names of the people he had to lure back to cazador and even the memories he shared with them. you can see this during the scene with sebastian, and it’s clear that he actually cared about him (not sure how many situations were like this, but there was definitely more than one)
- if you say “i’m sorry we couldn’t save the other vampire spawn”, he says:
“we could have tried. we could have given them the same chance i had. i was able to go out into the world and make better choices. to go against my nature and become more than a blood-sucking monster. maybe they would have done the same. or maybe not - but did we have the right to take that choice away from them?”
this scene shows how much astarion has grown and how compassionate and empathetic he can be towards others. he understood what it felt like to have his own freedom taken away while cazador made all his decisions for him, so he didn’t want to put the other vampire spawn through that too (especially because he still feels so guilty for luring them there in the first place)
- if you romance him and he stays as a vampire spawn and you choose to help him look for a cure so he can stand in the sun again, this is revealed during the epilogue scene:
“one night, he tells you that these last six months of happy memories are the counterweight to two hundred years of misery.”
he’s finally truly happy and free, and the short time he’s spent with you is already so incredibly powerful and important to him. being with you has positively impacted his life in such a massive way that it makes all those centuries of pain and misery feel so much smaller
- another sweet line from astarion during the epilogue scene after he tells you to go catch up with your other friends and see how they’re doing:
“i’ll be here when you’re ready. i’ll always be here, my love.”
THE CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT AND GROWTH 😭🫶🏼 he’s become so kind, loving, respectful, genuine and sincere. i’m so proud of him 🥹
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daydreaming-nerd · 7 months
Hey, I saw that you are writing to Rhys and I have been asking, I just ask that you be patient because I don't know how to explain it very well
Anyway, would you like a fic, like, with two scenarios? where Rhys and the reader LITERALLY love each other with the same intensity? like, a scenario where Rhys defends and protects the reader, and another where the reader defends and protects him?
Unconditionally (Rhysand x Female! Reader)
Summary: you and Rhysand are fiercely protective of each other no matter what the situation is. 
AN: I hope this is kinda what you were looking for!
Warnings: fluff, mentions of abuse, Amarantha sighting (brotha ew), blood, death, mentions of rape, SA.
When I found the High Lord of the Night Court I was nothing but a weapon crafted and created from birth by Keir. Chosen for my impeccable beauty, Keir had molded me to be an assassin that could rival Azirel himself. Keir had long sought to own the entirety of the Night Court and he had every intention of using me to do it.  My beauty allowed me to seduce any man within an inch of his life. But my sleight of hand and dexterity made me nearly lethal. When Keir wasn’t using me I was locked away deep within the Hewn City, forced to train with men who were much bigger and stronger than me. Oftentimes I thought to run, escape, but I was always beaten into submission. 
The night I met Rhys was the mission I had been bred to complete for many years. I walked into Rita’s dressed to the nines and blended in perfectly. The second the devilishly handsome High Lord made to leave I followed him, waiting in the shadows until it was my time to strike, the second I got the blade under his neck he winnowed out from under me and returned the favor with a blade of his own. I’ll never forget his first words to me...
“Now what’s a pretty thing like you doing with such a dangerous weapon?” he drawled. 
He could've killed me that night, but he didn’t, he showed me mercy and maybe pity too. It turned out he knew much more of me than Keir thought he did. He saw how scared I was offered me sanctuary. At the time I didn’t have a clue who he was to me, but looking back, I think he knew all along. Through months of getting to know each other despite my fear of him at first, we grew to like each other. Soon we grew to have witty banter that kept me on my toes, and intelligent conversation about anything and everything that would surpass the long hours after dinner.  After a few months he started sending me on missions with Azriel, and eventually after a year or so he sent me on missions of my own, his way of saying he trusted me.  
One fateful mission I was sent on to an Illiryan camp left me battered and bruised. It seemed the Illyrian generals sought to teach me what happens when a woman comes into their camp and causes problems, even if it is at the request of their High Lord. I never would’ve made it home if Cassain hadn’t found my frozen body in the ditch they had left me in. Looking back I was almost thankful for the event, it was how Rhys and I realized we were mates. Ever since then we had been truly inseparable.
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“Rhysand, I won’t ask nicely again,” purred that clearly female voice. 
Amarantha had been after Rhys since he escaped from under the mountain, but I had never seen her in the flesh. She would send letters and emissaries asking for Rhysand to be her whore, promising him riches and luxuries beyond his wildest beliefs. Yet now she stood in the townhouse, auburn hair cascading down her bare shoulders, her black off the shoulder dress squeezing her tightly.  How she got here? I don’t know, but I do know that from where I sat in the shadows she wouldn’t see me drive a knife through her skull. 
“Amarantha, I'm a mated male. The answer is no,” Rhysand drawled trying to keep up appearances, but down the bond I could feel a sense of fear. 
“She can watch if she likes,” Amarantha mused, and it was my last straw. 
I snuck up behind her with the stealth and dexterity that had been bred into me from a young age. I hardly needed to use it anymore, being Rhysand’s mate gave me ample immunity across Prythian. But god if there was ever a time. I press my dagger to Amarantha’s throat and I feel her body try to move but she's far too late.
“Sorry Amarantha I don’t like to share,” I growl, pressing the edge of the blade even deeper. 
“Did I mention that my mate is lethal?” Rhysand boasts with pride.
“I’m s-sorry,” she pleads and a tear falls on my black dagger. 
“Now mate,” Rhysand smirks. “We wouldn’t want to get blood on the new rug.”  
I roll my eyes at his snarky remark. It was little comments and that effortless swagger that had made me fall in love with him in the first place.
“Beg,” I utter in her ear. My voice filled with absolute authority. 
“P-please I’ll leave. I-I’ll never come back,” she says through her sobs. 
I yank her hair back further, “Why should I let you go?” I smirk. 
“Because I’m s-sorry. I-I’m so sorry.” she cries even harder.
“Sorry for what?” I ask condescendingly.   
“For what I d-did to R-Rhysand,” she says, like she’s too afraid to reveal the whole truth.
I felt Rhysand tense through the bond but it only made me see red even more, knowing that her presence still affected him. 
“What did you do to my mate?” I ask like I don’t already know the answer. She stays silent, choosing to cower. “Tell me!” I shout. 
“I’m sorry I f-forced him into my b-bed.” she admits and her knees go weak at her admission the only thing keeping her up is my hand in her hair and my dagger to her neck.
I couldn’t help but see the image of him and her. Rhysand helpless below her as she rode his cock, the reason he still was too scared to let me take him that way. Images of him cumming inside her, his body's natural reaction to what she was forcing him to do. I remember how he told me the stories of him crying himself to sleep while she slept soundly and happily. 
“You touched my mate, and for that you’ll pay the ultimate price,” I sentence her. “He’s fucking mine.” I growl before slitting her throat. 
Her body falls to the floor in a heaping pile of dress skirts and her own blood and I toss my bloodied dagger over her dead body. I check my hands for blood, but like a trained assassin should have it, not a drop is on me. 
“Well so much for the rug,” Rhysand drawls, standing from his chair. 
I walk over to him, the rage the mating bond caused me to see drifting away at the sight of him. He wraps his arms around my waist. 
“I’m sorry,” I said quietly. “But she was a dead woman the second she stepped in this court. Thinking about what she did to you still makes me sick to my stomach.” 
“Shhh,” Rhys coos, pressing a kiss to my forehead. “I’m not mad at you. If you didn’t kill her I was going to.”
“Sorry I kind went all deadly assassin on you, but-” 
“The mating bond was provoked,” he cuts in, tipping my chin up to meet his gaze. “Trust me I know the feeling. How do you think I feel when you come home injured from a mission?”
“Holy shit y/n!” Cassian drawls from behind me. I turn to find him nudging Amarantha’s limp foot with his boot. “Mating bond chafing a bit?” he chuckles. 
“More than a little bit,” Rhys laughs with male pride. 
I simply raise my eyebrows at the Illyrian in a challenge and pull Rhys down to kiss me.
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“Are you sure you want to do this?” Rhys asks me for the millionth time. 
“Yes Rhys I’ll be fine! I promise!” I reply but I wasn’t too sure of my answer. 
I had never been back to The Hewn City since I left on that mission to kill Rhys all those years ago. But today I finally made my return. I had avoided the city as much as possible and Rhys never so much as asked me to come along with him. Returning would mean the torture, the assault and every nightmare I faced here, I would have to face again. Today I had decided I was done hiding, I wanted to face my fear, show Keir that I was more than just what he made me. I knew I would be more vulnerable down here, most likely off my game. But Rhys had assured me we would only be making a quick appearance at the party and then leaving, so I felt now was as good a time as ever. 
“Alight, but if you want to leave at any time you let me know okay?” he says, kissing my brow.
“I will,” I smile. 
We walk through the large doors to find the people of The Hewn City already kneeling. The second I come into view their gasps reverberate throughout the room. Everyone knew I was Keir’s pet, but now I stood dressed in black with a crown atop my head, beside the one man I was bred to kill. The High Lord. 
We take our seats on the twin thrones at the end of the room. Keir bows to us both and I don’t miss the shock in his eyes as he sees what became of his pet. It becomes clear to me that he thought I was dead for all these years, and now I walk into his city once more with a crown on top of my head. 
“Let there be music and dancing!” Rhys proclaims and the room fills with a beautiful orchestra as the festivities begin. 
“Welcome Rhysand, who have you brought with you tonight?” Keir asks, faking his innocence.
“My mate of course,” Rhys says, pressing a kiss to my hand. “I must thank you for introducing us. She is without a doubt the most delectable creature I’ve ever known.” he continues nibbling my palm. 
“I- uh. Well” Keir stumbles over his words. 
“Leave us,” Rhysand orders. 
Keir scrambles down the steps to wherever he thinks he might be safe from Rhysand’s death stare. I knew this place always put him on edge, no doubt with me here tonight he was fuming. 
“How are you feeling?” Rhys asks, fondling my hand.  
“Good, considering I’ve never seen Keir show true fear before,” I laugh replaying the image in my head. 
“Maybe next time I’ll have him juggle and sing you a song then too mate,” Rhys chuckles. 
I watched as people danced and sang and were generally happy. I never knew this side of the Hewn City. The normal side I should say. Keir always kept me locked in the dungeons, the only time I was ever allowed out was on missions and when he chose to parade me around like his little pet. His way of striking fear into the hearts of his subjects. Seeing the people act like, well, people was almost jarring. They were monsters, but they were still fae just like me. 
“I’m thirsty darling, I'm going to grab a glass of wine, would you like one?” I ask Rhys. 
“Yes but let me fetch a servant or come with you.” he replies and I can sense his unease. 
“No, I want to show them all I’m not afraid of them,” I say quietly so only Rhys can hear. He nods his head and I feel him tug on the bond as if to say ‘be safe’. 
I waltz down the dias steps and over to the corner where wine is held in large barrels.  I don’t miss the shocked looks from those around me followed by hushed whispers. No doubt all of them were talking about how I used to be Keir’s pet. I keep my head held high and reach for a glass to fill up. 
“Well hello beautiful,” a deep voice drawls from behind me and I whip around 
My shoulders tense up. I would recognize that voice anywhere. Dante. The man who helped to “train me”  in the art of seduction. He would come into my cell and teach me how to seduce a man, which of course led to him taking advantage of me. He was one of Keir’s favorites. 
“Remember all the fun we used to have little one?” he grins wickedly stepping towards me. 
“Normal people would call that rape,” I snipe at him, trying to act like I’m not terrified. 
“Oh but you used to make such pretty sounds for me,” he teases, stepping closer and I feel my back hit the wall. “Lets see if you still do.” 
In a second his body presses me to the wall and his hands are hiking up my skirts. I try to push him off or look for help, but here in the Hewn City it wasn’t uncommon for males to take what they want when they want it. 
Dante’s motions stop and his eyes go wide, like his brain is about to explode. He falls to his knees before me and every vein in his head and neck look like it’s about to burst. I look up to see Rhys standing behind him, nothing but pure murder in his eyes.
“I would think twice before touching another male’s mate,” Rhys grits out standing in front of me so he can look down on Dante. “Especially your High Lord’s.”  
“I’m sorry Rhysand I didn’t know,” Dante wheezes. 
“Have you touched my mate before?” Rhys asks and Dante neglects to answer. “Very well then I’ll just have to find out for myself.” 
Dante screams in agony writhing on the floor, Rhys no doubt tearing into his mind to find out what he wants to know. I look around at the stunned faces watching one of their own lose his mind in the middle of the ballroom, even the orchestra had stopped. I felt shame fall over me as I realized what Rhys was seeing. Images of me, dirty, bruised and helpless being forced to seduce and please the man writing on the ground. Rhysand’s shoulders tensed and suddenly Dante stopped writhing. 
“So you have touched her before,” Rhysand drawls. “What a pity, I almost considered letting you off with a warning.” 
Within moments Dante’s screams echoed off the walls and I knew what Rhys was doing, he had done it to the Illyrain who threw me in a ditch all those years ago. He was melting his mind from the inside out. He didn’t even have to lift a finger. 
“Let it be known that whoever disrespects my mate again shall meet the same fate!” Rhysand’s voice booms, addressing the crowd now. “Maestro you may continue!” he finishes, turning to me.
Rhysand’s shadows shield us from the rest of the onlooking crowd and the second I look into his eyes I’m immediately comforted. 
“Are you okay?” he asks me, taking me in his arms. 
“Yeah I’m fine, you got here before anything happened.” I sigh, melting into his touch. “I’m sorry you had to see that, you know, the things he did to me. I hoped you’d never know” I say, casting my head down in shame. 
“Hey don’t you dare be ashamed,” he says tilting my chin up. “What he did to you was unforgivable. If I had known earlier I would’ve had his head on a pike.” 
“I love you Rhys,” I say, burrowing my head into his chest. 
“I love you too mate,” he smiles stroking my hair. “Let’s go home.” 
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theradfemprincess · 8 days
You know how many times I’ve been told that I must be a man, even before I made this controversial blog?
And no, I wasn’t being crazy on my other blogs, I was just genuinely posting sfw radfem opinions. Opinions that people didn’t like, opinions that made radfems call me a man.
It feels good, doesn’t it? It feels like an instant win. Well, I’m a woman, so I’m the good guy, and there’s this other person I don’t like… but if THEY’RE a man, aka Bad Guy, then I win!
I mean, it’s not like I can prove I’m NOT a man. So it’s your conclusions vs my testimony. But once you’ve said I’m a man, you’ve already won. No matter what I say in response, your radfem buddies don’t even want to think about agreeing with someone slightly alleged to be a man.
Even though you pulled it out of your ass. But okay.
Obviously I’m doing things much more egregious than you all are used to but my point is that this is a problem spread to even the tiniest radfem disagreements. Who can be the first to call the other the man, let’s race!
Not to mention the fatphobia.
You say “it’s okay to be fatphobic to men”, but I know I’m not a man. I know that for a fact, even if you don’t believe me, because I have XX chromosomes. but even if you don’t believe me, what happened to the “if you’re racist to men, you’re racist to women” rhetoric that’s constantly spread around radblr? Does it no longer apply when it’s fat people? Pancake tits, obese, ugly? There’s a million biological women that look just like me (I am one but what can I do to make you believe me). Even if I was a man, or if I stole that picture from the internet, you are insulting women who look that way. You are insulting fat people. That includes fat women.
I have been sent gore. I have never blocked in my life, but I had to for this because I felt unsafe.
All because someone assumed I was a man. Therefore, it’s okay.
Meanwhile people have been arguing with me that women can rape men. You hate men SO much that you can be fatphobic to them with no problem and send them gore, but you love them enough that you will defend them from women online who think women can’t rape them? I’m just looking for some consistency here. Either males are subhuman or they’re not. Choose one.
Anyway, radblr, you got some problems. You’re a couple of entitled women who can sit back unharmed in your beds while you harass people online as you please in a pretend daydream of faux rightousness. At least I know I’m the bad guy sometimes. Y’all seem incapable of doing the same self reflection, judging from my about a year of different accounts on radblr
This might be up for a while or might be deleted soon idk. But I’ll be back soon with a new acc and you won’t know a thing. I’ve blended in before. I’ve actually rounded up quite a following before. At the end of the day, I am an actual radfem.
Women can be fucked up creatures too, yall. You complain about tumblr virgins but I think you’re the naive ones if you don’t even know the kinda stuff women get up to on here. We can’t ALL be roleplaying tims. There’s absolutely some freaky ones amongst your beloved angel sex. Sorry you had to find out this way.
Tldr… fatphobia ain’t cool, so either start being freely racist to brown men too or suck it up and don’t be fatphobic to ANYONE, man or not. Stick to your own damn self-imposed rules
(not to mention I’ve been telling y’all to reverse image search that picture and none of you bothered! Lmfao)
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kamotecue · 1 year
meet by chance ・❥・ g. reiten
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pairing: guro reiten x reader
summary: you never expected to run into guro, well knowing the chances of meeting you did, however off the pitch, you didn’t think it would be this quick.
part two of here
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you finished training a while ago, now here you are in the locker room with your damp hair. you were just wearing a sports bra, and a black high waist trousers.
“you haven’t finished getting changed, mate.” katie said, throwing you the black turtle neck you had put on your kit bag.
“thanks, cap.” you said, throwing on the turtle neck ignoring the way you had gotten a notification from instagram.
“will you join us for lunch?” caitlin asked, taking a glance at you, the young irish defender. katie hummed, giving you a nod agreeing with the aussie.
“sure, why not—it’s not like i have anything better to do.” you said, quickly wearing the black button up coat as it was a bit cold
“lets go, then.” caitlin said, grabbing her kit bag. you grabbed yours as well, as you all headed to the car, a small conversation was engaged.
“still won’t tell me who gave you those?” katie said, as you groaned at her behavior. caitlin just laughed at your misery.
“i won’t, no matter how many times you ask.” you said, opening the trunk placing your kit bag first. the other two gently placed theirs, as you closed the door when they were done.
“oh, come on l/n. how bad can it be, it’s not like it’s a chelsea player.” katie said, as you ignored her. oh, how spot on your captain was.
you entered the driver’s seat, igniting the car as katie took the back seat. caitlin had the aux cord, plugging her phone in as she played strawberry kisses by nikki webster. what can you say, it’s a very good song.
“i’ve been missing your strawberry kisses.” caitlin sang, as you focused on the road. you already had the coordinates, as you simply followed what google map had led you to.
“cuz nothing’s as sweet.” katie continued, as you tapped your fingers against the driving wheel.
the drive to the cafe wasn’t that far, you were the last one to exit out of the car. the other two were the first ones to go inside, claiming a table.
you entered the building, not noticing a certain norwegian take a glance at you. why hadn’t she noticed that you were a footballer as well—not to mention an arsenal player as well.
you took the seat in front of caitlin, katie who was beside her handed you the menu.
“i’ll have a grilled panini.” you told them, returning the menu before taking out your phone. you had accidentally clicked on a notification, it lead to an instagram notification.
greiten has followed you.
“holy shit-“ you said, katie furrowing her eyebrows as her conversation with caitlin had came to a stop. the aussie looked at you confused but held concern.
“i said that out loud, didn’t i?” you asked, as katie chuckled. caitlin just gave you a nod, as you winced.
“i’ll just use the restroom.” you stood up heading to the restroom, not noticing a certain person following you. someone you hoped to avoid, but it was practically inevitable.
“so, y/n.” you paused before turning around to see guro, you took note of the clothes she was wearing. it was yours, she gave you a soft look as you avoided her gaze looking at the wall.
“guro.” you simply said, looking at your watch not noticing how she approached you. her hands were holding your hips, pulling you closer to her as you used your hands to steady yourself.
“you forgot to mention that you weren’t just an arsenal supporter.” the thick norweigan accent was noticeable, as you simply flushed at the close proximity.
“well, it didn’t really come up.” you hummed, knowing how she only thought of you as an arsenal supporter but never a fan.
“touché, what do we do now?” she asked, her eyes glanced at your lips.
“what do you want?” you asked, making sure you weren’t overstepping her boundaries.
“i’d like to take you out on a date.” your eyes widened, as she gave you a lopsided grin. you chuckled at her words, before giving her a nod.
“you know y/n, you’re so cute when you’re all flustered.” you shoved her as she laughed at your reaction. you gave her a soft look, as she gazed at your lips again.
“well, now that i’ve seen you. i have to go or else i’ll be late for my training.” you nodded, but she still had her eyes on you.
“no, goodbye kiss?” you joked, as she gave you a small smirk.
she tugged at your hands, guiding you closer to her as she pressed her forehead against yours.
“should i?” she hummed in amusement, as she watched you blushed under her attention.
“i don’t know, reiten. usually this is the part where you’re supposed to kiss me.” you said, giving her a look as she gave you a tender, yet sweet kiss on the lips.
you wrapped your arms around her neck, as she held your waist. it was like you felt your blood rushing through your veins.
guro pulled away as she looked back at you, you were breathless.
“i’ll see you later, y/n.” guro gave you a gummy smile, to which you softly nodded to.
let’s just say, the date went well. you both proceeded to go on dates, and kept it a secret from your teammates.
the day she asked you to be her girlfriend, she made you paper flowers, as well as a handwritten letter. you always wanted to experience the cliche parts in love, so she wrote on a sticky note, will you be my girlfriend?
there was two boxes below, one with yes and one with a no. you obviously checked the one that said yes, and that marked you both official a couple.
pt 3 coming soon
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clarisse0o · 16 days
Camp Wiegman-Part 60
Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
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Alternative Universe : Military School
Words: 6k
Wednesday, February 24; 6:30 PM - Lucy's Apartment
Everything is organized for tonight. No matter how many times I check, there’s not much left to do. I glance over at Joan, who is quietly watching TV on the other side of the room. We had to remove the appetizers to prevent him from snacking on them before our friends arrive in less than an hour.
- "Is it all set?" Lucy asks as she joins me.
I turn to see her perfectly ready in light jeans and a black shirt. She looks gorgeous with her smooth hair and red lips, which are even more attractive that way.
- "It looks like it," I say, moving closer to her.
I let my hands linger at the front of her shirt to fasten one of the buttons that was making her outfit too low-cut. She doesn’t say anything, but her amused expression says a lot about her thoughts.
- "The crepe batter is ready," I say, raising my head slightly to meet her eyes, which are subtly made up with black eyeliner. "Could you check it?"
- "I’ll do it."
Lucy had given me the recipe to make it myself, as I requested. However, given my lack of confidence due to my two left hands, I prefer a second opinion.
- "If it’s good, we just need to plug in the machine. Otherwise, the drinks and ramekins are ready, and the appetizers are prepared," I listed.
- "Looks like we’re good," she smiled, letting her hands rest on my hips.
- "Have you finished with the bathroom? Can I go get ready?"
- "Yes, it’s free now. Is Joan calmed down?"
I smile sadly and shake my head. He wasn’t very well-behaved this afternoon. He was very scatterbrained and excited, to the point of making several messes. Unlike me, Lucy didn’t hesitate to scold him after a while. I admit I found him more irritating than usual, but I expected him to calm down on his own before addressing it. What followed, however, shocked us a lot more. Well, mainly me, to be honest. He dared to answer Lucy back very cheekily. I wasn’t prepared for that, but Lucy reacted quickly. She stopped him from his activity and took him to the couch to calm him down and make him think about what he had just done. From the look my brother gave me when it happened, he expected me to defend him, but I didn’t. He deserved his punishment and needed to be put in his place. Since he arrived, I don’t recognize him. It was as if the shy and kind Joan was far behind.
- "Yeah," I said, glancing in his direction. "Don’t be too hard on him, please. If there’s a problem, come get me."
- "You’re too nice to him. That’s not how he’ll stop."
- "It’s the first time he’s reacted like this."
- "You don’t know that. You haven’t lived in Barcelona for months. For all you know, he’s been like this for a while."
I sighed, looking back at Joan. He had never acted like this before, which is why I’m struggling to punish him. I should have listened to what Sofia and Sam told me. I’ll probably give them a call in the next few days.
- "Hmm, hmm. Well, I’m going to get ready. Don’t forget. Come find me if he causes you any trouble."
- "Promise."
I gave her a quick kiss before heading out with my mind full. Before going to the bathroom, I stopped by the bedroom to find something to wear. Lucy insisted that I empty my suitcase into her wardrobe, where she made space for me. I couldn’t bring myself to refuse such an offer. With a small smile, I grabbed my black dress. When I texted the girls earlier in the group chat we created, they assured me they would be wearing dresses tonight. It was clear that I should wear one too. I hesitated over the shoes but eventually opted for heels from Lucy’s collection. I hope she won’t mind me borrowing them. I was ready to head out in my outfit, but I stopped when I found a very shy Joan behind my door. His eyes were filled with tears that were about to fall. I thought for a moment about Lucy, but I doubt she could have done anything. I finally opened the door wider and stepped aside.
- "Come in," I invited him.
He rushed inside. A discussion is inevitable, so I might as well have it before our friends arrive. I won’t tolerate his behavior for long, and neither will Lucy. She works with troubled teenagers; she knows how to handle him if needed. I’ve been through that myself. My brother looked around timidly, not daring to venture further. It was the first time he’d been in here. We set him up in the room next door. Although he’ll likely sleep with us, we still wanted him to have his own room and choose to come to us on his own without us suggesting it.
- "Is this your new room?"
I frown at him very calm question, contrary to expectations.
- "What are you talking about?"
I approach him as he turns around. My heart tightens seeing the sadness overflowing from his eyes.
- "Jo-"
- "You’re a liar."
- "Hey, you really need to stop speaking like that."
I can’t hold back my harsh tone anymore. Having never heard him talk back before, this is the last straw. He seems to sense my irritation, as he lowers his head and nervously fiddles with his fingers. I finally sigh and decide to take him by the shoulders and sit him on the edge of the bed. I crouch in front of him to be at his level. Still, he doesn’t dare to look at me. I then take his chin to force him to face me. My heart breaks completely when I see the tears streaming down his cheeks.
- "Oh, sweetheart," I whispered. "Why don’t you tell me what’s bothering you?"
My voice is calm, but it seems to make him feel worse than before. I bite my lip as I stand up.
- "N-no! Don’t leave me."
- "I wasn’t planning to leave. I just need to get some tissues, you see?"
I tell him as I grab the box from the nightstand. I return with a tissue to wipe the mess from his cheeks and give him another to blow his nose, which he does.
- "Well, now can you explain to me? Why did you call me a liar?"
- "I heard mom talking to dad. She said you won’t come back and she was very sad."
My eyebrows furrow in confusion. He must have overheard a conversation he wasn’t supposed to, just like I did at his age. I don’t even understand why my mother spoke about it when nothing is decided yet. Perhaps the words were taken out of context.
- "When did you hear that?"
- "This week. She said you would stay here, with Lucy."
I sigh, suddenly understanding all the reasons behind his behavior up to now. He’s upset with us and showing it in his own way. With what I told him in October, he has reason to feel betrayed. I decide to sit next to him and pull him into a hug. He doesn’t hesitate for a moment, holding me tightly.
- "Is it true?"
I sense a hint of worry in his words. I don’t even know how to respond. No matter what I say, he’s likely to be very disappointed.
- "I’m not going to lie to you, Jo. I don’t know yet if I will come back to live at home," I said honestly, gently stroking his back. "What would you do if the love of your life lived at the other end of the country, far from your family? Would you stay with her or with your family?"
He seems to consider the question before eventually shrugging. He slowly raises his  head toward me.
- "L-Lucy is the love of your life?" he asks with innocence. "I thought you didn’t want to fall in love again? That it hurt too much here."
I smile sadly, shaking my head as he clutches his chest near his heart. Joan is a very intelligent boy with a great memory. When I came home, I took my time to talk, and of course, when I started, Joan wanted to know the reasons for my sadness. Instead of explaining that Feli simply destroyed me, I made him understand through a love story. Looking back now, maybe I shouldn’t have.
- "You’re right," I confirmed. "But not all people are like my ex. Lucy has helped me find my smile again. She gained my trust and helped me feel better. Isn’t that what you wanted?"
"Yes, but I never wanted you to leave. You promised to come back and that everything would be better. Lucy just takes you away from me, and she can be very mean. She was very scary at the supermarket. You told me Feli was scary too. What’s different? How do you know she won’t hurt you as well? »
I didn’t expect him to be so honest in his revelations. I’m starting to understand his sudden hatred for my girlfriend better. It’s clear that’s how he feels, and he was probably expecting me to take his side.
- Lucy will never hurt me. Neither you nor me.
- How do you know? Who says he won’t make you go back to the way you were before?
- She won’t make me go back to that because she’s the one who helped me get out of all that, Jo. I remember everything I told you about Feli, but that doesn’t apply to everyone. Lucy is the complete opposite. I love her, okay?
- R-really? Y-you love her? he murmurs.
- Yes, honey. I love her.
- Even when she’s scary and punishes me?
I laugh softly, shaking my head.
- Even if she’s scary and punishes you. Admit it, you kind of deserved it. I went through her punishments myself, you know. So I know how scary she can be.
- So why do you love her if she scares you?
- I’m not afraid of her, I roll my eyes. She’s adorable with me and has helped me a lot. She’s a wonderful person, and if you’re upset with her right now, it’s because you think she’s keeping me away from you, but that’s not true. If it were, she wouldn’t have even agreed to let you come here this weekend. I’m sorry you overheard what Mom said.
- Are you really planning to stay here...?
- Well... I’m not going to lie to you this time. Yes, it’s quite likely, and I assure you it wasn’t planned. Of course, I’ve fallen in love, but maybe I’ll even continue my studies, you know.
- So... we’ll still be far from each other?
- Of course not... I’ll always be close to you, Joan. We’ll call each other regularly. Every day if necessary. And you can come here as much as you want during your holidays, and we’ll come to Barcelona too. During the holidays, for example, or maybe even on weekends. That won’t change.
He takes a gentle breath, nodding. My words seem to reassure him. His eyes are still slightly red, but his little crisis has passed.
- Promise me you won’t hold it against Lucy. She has nothing to do with this. These are my own decisions.
- I’m glad you love her, Ona. I like her too because she makes you happy. You smile like you used to with her and you even laugh. That wasn’t the case before. And she takes care of you, even when she’s angry.
I smile gently, noticing how closely he’s been observing us. Deep down, he likes her, but it seems like he needed to provoke us to show her displeasure.
- You’re right, I whisper.
- As long as you’re happy, I am too, even if it means being far from me, he replies, prompting me to kiss his forehead.
- Thank you. I promise we’ll see each other regularly. Now... there’s one last thing before I’m completely happy. I don’t want you to be angry with Lucy or take it out on her. I’d prefer that you get along with her for everyone’s sake. What do you think you should do to fix this, hmm?
I raise an eyebrow challengingly, looking him straight in the eyes. He blushes and lowers her head. He seems to understand what I want. I’m certain of it when he speaks.
- I need to apologize to her.
- Yes, that’s exactly it. Do you at least know why?
- I wasn’t nice to her, but I was angry with her.
- Are you still angry now?
He shakes his head frantically, making me smile.
- You love her, so I like her too.
I chuckle softly at his response. I stand up, setting Joan down. He gives me a small shy smile.
- Go find her. I’m sure she’ll be happy to hear what you have to say. I’ll be with you in a few minutes, okay?
- Yes, Onaaa.
She hesitates for a moment but eventually throws himself into my arms for a reconciling hug.
- I love you too, you know.
- Oh, my darling. Of course, I know that. And I love you even more.
- As much as Lucy?
- As much as Lucy, I laugh. Now, let’s meet in a few minutes.
I kiss the top of his head again and smile as I see his rush toward the living room. I’m really glad everything is finally resolved. I hope the next few days will go better now. With all this, I’m later than ever. I hurry into the bathroom with my outfit for the evening. I start putting it on, then, like Lucy, I accentuate my makeup. It might just be a girls’ night, but it’s always nice to look good. When I’m satisfied with the result, I join the girls. I feel a completely new atmosphere in the room. Lucy is pulling out the glasses, and Joan is helping by placing them on the table. Noticing my presence, Lucy looks in my direction with a genuine smile that quickly fades. I lower my head, trying to see if something is wrong, but I don’t find anything.
- Wow. You look beautiful, Ona.
My heart eases from the mini panic attack, and I look up. I blush as Lucy takes the opportunity to come closer.
- Your brother just took the words right out of my mouth.
Her charming smile slightly unsettles me. I’m very happy she supports me with her arm around my waist. I place my hands just below her chest as she pulls me close.
- I didn’t expect this. You look stunning, my love, she whispers against my lips.
My feet falter slightly as she bites my lower lip. She looks between us before looking at me again, her gaze lingering on my slightly plunging neckline.
- And then it’s you who buttons me up? she jokes. Hey, aren’t those my shoes?
- I didn’t have any like these. Does it bother you?
- Of course not. They make your legs look very sexy.
- Thank you...
She kisses me again, much more tenderly, causing Joan to react with a noise of disgust. We both giggle softly, and I end up snuggling into her arms. I love it when she holds me like that.
- Is everything sorted? I whisper.
- Yeah... You’ll explain to me later, right? she asks.
- We’ll talk about it tonight, I reply as the doorbell rings.
- Can I answer? Joan asks, rushing to the intercom.
- Yes, but don’t forget to ask who it is, Lucy warns him before stealing a kiss from me.
I smile as I watch her go to the kitchen to finalize the preparations. I take the opportunity to accompany Joan to the intercom, which he’s already activated.
- Who is it? I ask, earning a shrug from Joan.
- I don’t know. “Ale” something.
I roll my eyes at his indifference. It seems Lucy’s warning didn’t matter much to him. To think he’s not even in his teenage years yet. I started late. Maybe he’ll start early. Despite this scene, I bet he’ll become a perfect little shy one when our friends arrive. He’s never liked strangers, which is quite strange but also very reassuring. At least he’ll never trust just anyone. I take the initiative to slightly open the door, guessing it’s my roommate and her boyfriend, before helping Lucy by bringing the appetizers to the small table in the living room. We manage to finish just as someone knocks on the door.
- Hello, hello... Alexia greets us timidly as she enters.
- Hey, Lucy welcomes them. Come in, she invites.
- Are we the first ones? Alexia asks.
- Is that surprising? I retort.
- Not really, Jenni laughs.
As expected, Joan comes to greet me before allowing me to approach them. Without asking questions, I lift him onto my hip and, following my girlfriend’s example, kiss our guests.
- So, here’s your little brother, Ale comments upon seeing him.
I smile when she tries to touch him, and Joan buries his face in my neck. We’ve seen a lot of each other these past few days, so everyone knew he’d be with us for the weekend.
- Yeah, I reply, patting Joan’s back. Don’t expect a grand welcome; he’s always very shy at first.
- I can see that, she jokes kindly.
- Here, we brought a bottle, Alexia announces, handing it to Lucy.
- Oh, thank you, you didn’t have to. Come, give me your coats and go sit on the couch, she finally invites.
Lucy hands me the bottle while she takes care of our friends’ belongings. I recently discovered that the room next to her bedroom has a desk with a large storage closet where she keeps her jackets. I lead our guests to the couch. Alexia kept her promise by wearing a dress. Jenni, on the other hand, is in jeans and a dark blue shirt. I smile as I notice Alexia looking around. It must be weird for her to be here. At least since last week and since we’ve been together, Lucy seems to finally accept her. After all, she’s in the same situation Jenni was in back then. She’s at least more pleasant and even engages in conversations with her. They found a common interest: sports. Whenever I paid attention, I often heard them talk about football or even gym workouts after Ale asked Lucy for advice.
- So, can I get you a drink? I offer.
Shouldn’t we wait for the others? Alexia asks.
- We might still be waiting a while if we do that, Lucy comments as she returns. Ingrid just sent me a message saying they'll be late.
- Well then... I'll take a glass of champagne if you don't mind, Alexia announces, making us laugh.
- Can you open the bottle?
- Of course.
She opens it while I turn four glasses that were on the small table. I then pour a glass for each of us, and I even think of Joan with a glass of soda. Joan has ended up snuggling up to Lucy. I quickly join them after grabbing my glass.
- So... Did you have a good day? Lucy asks.
- Not too bad, yeah. I showed her our place downtown, Jenni recounts.
- Place? I ask. A place for the gym?
- Yeah. Remember I told you we got the keys. It's downtown. Jenni started working on converting it into a gym.
- Yeah, but it’s still a long way off.
- Will I get to see it too?
- We can go anytime you want... Well, when Jenn finally gives me a key, she giggles.
- I have it in my jacket, she announces. I’ll give it to you later before I forget.
- So, what do you think of the place, Alexia? my girlfriend asks.
- It’s great. You chose it really well. There’s a lot of potential and it’s in a great location.
- Lucy insisted on the location. Being right across from the shopping center was a stroke of luck. It was an opportunity not to miss. We were happy when the loan was approved.
- How long will the work take? I ask.
- I don’t know. Less than a year, I hope. Six months would be nice. I’m doing it alone for now, but it will be better when Lucy is free too.
- Are you going to do the work yourself? I joke.
- Partly, yes, she smiles. It will be after work, and the girls will help me. It’s going to take a while. All summer, for sure. We hope to open around September since Lucy will be unemployed and I’ve also arranged with my boss to leave at the end of August.
- Are you leaving Camp Wiegman? Alexia asks in surprise. Were you aware? she asks me finally.
I nod, glancing at Lucy who smiles at me. I don’t like being reminded of what’s going to happen in a few months. Everything about my future will hinge on that moment. Getting my diploma will be the key to everything. If I fail, I might as well say I’ll destroy everything I’ve built in these past few months. Well, maybe that won’t be the case, but it would really bother me. I’d have to start over with a lot of things and without Lucy’s help at school this time. Lucy places her hand on my thigh, not worrying that my brother is between us.
- By the way, Lucy begins.
I give her a knowing look, fully aware of what she’s about to say.
- Ona will probably continue her studies next year.
I blush at her announcement. I would have preferred to keep that to ourselves. Two days have passed and I still haven’t heard back from my interview. It’s very unsettling not to know. Also, I would have preferred to get a response before mentioning it. At least I would have known where I stood.
- Seriously? Ale reacts. I never would have guessed. You’re not someone who particularly enjoys school, as I remember, she mocks.
- What does that mean? Lucy questions, raising an eyebrow.
- Oh come on, you know I wasn’t the most serious student.
- “Wasn’t,” she repeats. So we agree that it’s no longer the case, hmm?
- Let’s just say that lately, I had other concerns besides school. It was probably the only place where I enjoyed being to clear my head, even if I didn’t like the subjects.
I didn’t mean to bring down the mood, but I couldn’t answer anything other than the truth. Talking about it makes me feel like it’s been ages since those events, even though it’s only been three weeks. Fortunately, the doorbell rings. I have no doubt that the arrival of the girls will lift the mood. Lucy clears her throat as she stands up.
- I’ll get it.
No one dares to say anything because of me. Alexia sends me a small supportive smile that I awkwardly return. Lucy’s absence had put me in a sulk, that’s no secret. After pressing the intercom button and slightly opening the front door, Lucy comes back to us. She has to pass in front of me to return to her seat. She takes the opportunity to gently caress my cheek, sending me a small apologetic smile.
- So, you’ll continue your studies? Alexia prompts again.
- Nothing is certain yet. I had an interview with a gallery and I’m waiting for a response. The owner said that if they take me, I’d have to continue school to improve my art.
- That’s great! Why didn’t you tell me sooner? Ale exclaims enthusiastically.
- Well... It was Lucy who organized everything, I giggle. She first told me in front of my mom.
- It wasn’t planned, Lucy intervenes. I already told you I would have preferred to tell you at a time when we were alone, but I had to reassure her, Lucy smiles gently.
- I know and I appreciated your gesture. You defended me from start to finish that day.
- And I always will. You know that.
- Aww, that’s so cute!
Everyone turns to my best friend who has just arrived. I chuckle as I see Lucy roll her eyes. I feel like their teasing isn’t going to stop anytime soon. I smile as Ingrid gives her a tap on the back of the head just after.
- How to make a dramatic entrance, Alexia mocks as she greets her.
- You have to liven things up a bit. It’s not with sappy lines that it will happen, she continues as she now approaches Lucy.
- Is that a jab? Lucy asks. I think someone who arrives fifteen minutes late doesn’t have much to say.
- Oh, come on. It could have been much worse.
She comes to me to give me kisses, lifting my brother who lets out a high-pitched scream of surprise before laughing. I smile at the interaction between them. I’ve always liked that Mapi takes care of him like her own brother. She was there for him a lot when I wasn’t in a position to be. That’s when they became close and it’s always nice to see.
- So you’re here and you didn’t even come to say hello? she feigns indignation.
- I would have preferred to be with you, my brother mumbles.
- Really? she laughs. What did you do to this poor boy for him to say that?
- He just discovered what a punishment is, I shrug. Hi Ingrid, I say as she passes in front of me.
Before sitting back down, I move over to Lucy who has since gotten closer to Ale to make room for the girls on the other side. Mapi comes to my side, keeping Joan on her lap. He’s become very tense and shy in her arms, clearly showing he’s even less comfortable than before.
- Really? You dared to punish such a sweet little thing!? Shame on you!
- Punish is a strong word, Lucy downplays. He just had to stay on the couch for a quarter of an hour.
- He was a bit upset, so he played the brat all day, but everything is fine now, right?
Joan peeked her head out when I started running my hand through his hair. All he needed was my attention. He’s afraid of losing me and I can understand that. He nods, smiling timidly. I extend my arms and he immediately comes to me. I hold him close, kissing his forehead. Lucy looks at me curiously, but I let her know it’s not the right moment. She then turns to the girls, offering them drinks. Not surprisingly, they also choose champagne.
- I hear you’ve planned some food? Mapi asks. I’m starving.
- You really only think about food, don’t you? Ingrid replies. You’re exasperating.
- Well, Ona told me. I have the right to ask.
- We’ve prepared crepes, Joan announces.
- Really? Mapi asks, suddenly very interested.
- Uh-huh, he confirms. Even Ona helped Lucy cook.
- Oh my God, what are you doing to my best friend, Lucy? she chuckles. It’s the first time I hear that Ona cooks.
- Hey! Why does it have to be Lucy? I’ve always wanted to learn how to cook and I’m taking advantage now that I have the chance.
- Well, it wasn’t for nothing that Sam never let you near the kitchen. Not only did you make a mess every time, but you were also very annoying.
- What? That’s nonsense!
- Oh yes, she mocks. You were unbearable, I remember very well. I was glad I wasn’t Sam at that moment, because you really gave him a hard time, she laughs.
- Is she like that with you too, Luce? Alexia jokes.
- Hmm... Not at all, she says, letting her hand linger in my hair. It seems I’ve managed to control you.
- Not at all. I was simply not as she describes, I defend myself. It’s just that Sam didn’t have patience... and trust. Lucy has more faith in me, I assert.
- Well, you’re still not doing anything extraordinary either. There’s a difference between making a dish and preparing a pizza or a batch of crepes, my girlfriend gently mocks.
Hey, you’re supposed to defend me!
- Oh, but I will always defend you, baby. It’s just that you shouldn’t exaggerate things. For now, the idea of leaving you alone in a kitchen to cook something is out of the question, but it will happen one day, I promise. You’ll just need a bit of practice with me first.
I sulk on the couch as our friends laugh. I really thought I had improved these past few days. Lucy approaches to kiss my cheek, but I pull away.
- No, you don’t have the right.
- Oh, come on. You’re not going to sulk, are you? What I meant is that cooking one dish doesn’t make you a cook.
- Wait, has she already cooked for you? Mapi asks in surprise.
- For us, yes, Lucy corrects her. The first weekend she was here. Well, I assisted and guided her a lot, but the bulk was done by her hands and it was very good.
- Are you kidding? Mapi exclaims. She’s never cooked for me when we were together! I should have been the first one for you to cook a dish for!
Lucy’s reaction is memorable. It clearly shows she doesn’t appreciate the comment. I had understood from the start that she didn’t like Mapi. At first, I thought it was because of her influence, but now there’s no doubt it’s jealousy. At the same time, Mapi has never done anything to hide our bond. It’s already very strong, but I understand my best friend tends to accentuate it to push Lucy’s buttons. She often brings up our past in her presence to drive her crazy, and it definitely works. Although she takes it lightly, I think I should make a comment once. I place my hand on Lucy’s to draw her attention. She jolts at the moment but ends up interlocking our fingers and then replies.
- Sorry Mapi, but the first times are no longer yours, she says.
- Oh yeah? You think so? Mapi retorts.
- Totally, Lucy insists. By the way, I’ve already counted quite a few this month.
- I’d like to know what, then. Most of the things she did with me first, Mapi continues. Give an example to see if she didn’t lie to reassure you.
I don’t like the tone with which she challenges Lucy. There’s no hint of joking, just a desire to prove she’s the best. As if it were a game... It’s surprising Ingrid hasn’t reacted yet. I hope it doesn’t escalate. Lucy narrows her eyes, and a wave of panic washes over me. I recall all the times I might have told her she was the first to make sure it was true. However, I find nothing unusual.
- We took a bath together at the hotel last week. Ona told me I was the first with whom she did that.
Her announcement, so natural, creates a general gasp of surprise. Me, first of all. I didn’t expect her to reveal something so intimate about our relationship. She wanted it to have an effect; otherwise, she would have mentioned we were in swimsuits. This leaves room for imagination in our friends' minds, especially in Mapi’s, who has turned pale. I feel mortified, and it must show on my face. It’s really something I’ve never done with anyone else. Just Joan, but he doesn’t really count since it was when I was younger.
- Wow. I don’t think anyone expected that, Ale comments. Is it true?
I wriggle, feeling too watched all of a sudden. Not only is Mapi staring at me, but the others are just curious to see if I’ll confirm. I gently squeeze Lucy’s hand, forcing myself to nod. Mapi blinks before speaking again. I know her response is going to be explosive given the circumstances.
- Are you kidding me? You deprived me of this desire for years! she half-shouts.
And there we go, I suspected it. I feel Lucy relaxing next to me, as if she was only waiting for my best friend to confirm the opposite. However, she couldn’t, because it was the truth.
- I thought it was something you found too intimate to do!?
- Well, Lucy made me comfortable with the idea.
The shock on her face makes me realize the meaning of my words. I blush again, snuggling against my girlfriend. If she’s upset with me for this, I’d understand. I had no excuse to deny her this desire back then. I wasn’t hurt, but it was simply something that didn’t interest me. I didn’t have the need to cuddle against someone in hot water.
- Oh, relax, Lucy finally says to Mapi seeing my state. It was just a bath to relax after a day in the snow. Nothing special happened. We were even in swimsuits.
- Why make a big deal out of it anyway? Ingrid finally speaks up. That kind of thing is no longer your concern. They have the right to do what they want, right?
- You don’t understand. It was supposed to be a moment for me. Now I’ll probably never experience it, she pouts.
- You know, we can easily remedy that, Ingrid comments.
I grimace as she places her possessive hand on her body. Remembering that my little brother is here, I cover his eyes.
- Anyway. There’s a little one here. Let’s change the subject.
- No, no change of subject, Mapi says, detaching her lips from her girlfriend’s. How come I didn’t know you were so... Complicit, intimate... ? Whatever you want to call it, Mapi replies with a reproachful look.
- What? You expect me to call you for every little thing that happens between us? I reply with irony.
- It would have been the least you could do! After all the time I’ve been there for you! I’m the one who wanted you together from the start.
- Don’t be mistaken, baby. Jenni and I were the first. It started almost in the first weeks.
- How so? I ask curiously.
- I forbid you to tell her that, Lucy threatens.
- Lucy only had your name in her mouth when you arrived at Camp Wiegman, Jenni admits with amusement, ignoring her friend’s threats. Never before you had she talked so much about her students.
- At first, we only thought it was because you were the worst student she’d ever had.
- But once your withdrawal happened, it was completely different, Jenni continues. We knew you were becoming important to her. She was too worried to see you as just a student.
- The girls even blamed you for your actions that Lucy told us about, but she always defended you. They ended up calling you "Lucy’s pet," Ingrid mocks.
- It was quite funny looking back, Jenni confirms. We had long hoped she’d fall for someone other than Keira, so we bet on you. It looks like we did well given where you are now.
A small smile appears on my face. I didn’t know she had developed feelings for me so early. At least, it was certainly more attachment due to Keira at first. She told me I was her only case with drug dependency. She was so closed off at school. I never knew how to read her at the beginning. The only thing I noticed was that she worried a lot about me. It’s not like now where she’s much more open. Lucy looks shy all of a sudden, now that I know this. It’s not a big deal, and I’m glad to know it. It reassures me about the feelings she might have for me. She doesn’t have a heart of stone like I thought for so long. Quite the opposite. I kiss her cheek to relax her, and it seems to work.
- I confirm, you were quite a good actress to have hidden all that from me.
My response surprises her at first, but she soon smiles and kisses me back. I had no intention of embarrassing her with this topic. I would have preferred her to tell me herself, especially when I had doubts about her feelings.
- I wasn’t going to show you I cared too much about you either. You would have gotten a big head.
- She would have especially known how to turn it to her advantage. You don’t realize how scared she was of you when she knew she’d done something wrong, comments Ale, making everyone laugh.
- It’s not funny. Lucy was terrifying when she punished me. Do you confirm, Jo?
- Hmm, hmm, he nods, snuggling against me.
- You’re exaggerating, Lucy replies.
- No, I assure you. I knew right away that you’d punish me when I did something wrong. Everyone thought you’d favor me because of our special relationship, but I confirm that’s not the case.
- Well, I wasn’t there to pamper you. You needed to learn the lesson, didn’t you? But if you want to know, you annoyed me so much because I knew you knew it wouldn’t please me, but you did it anyway. I could have done much worse, but I held back every time.
- I confirm, Ale intervenes. She was so much worse with the previous ones. Korbin, for example. I lost count of how many times I saw her in the hallway removing graffiti made by other students. Believe me, it was much worse than running laps.
- Not for Ona, Lucy responds. Although she found cleaning a bathroom annoying, she hated running much more. That’s why I used that punishment a lot. It was effective and less hard for me.
- I don’t believe it. You were really mean, actually.
- Oh, come on, she laughs. I could have done much worse.
- I don’t see what could be worse! It was like that time you cornered me at the top of a climbing wall to get me to confess. That wasn’t cool either!
Lucy bursts into laughter, recalling that moment. Thinking back, we’ve really come a long way to be able to laugh about it together, sitting on a couch. I could listen to her laugh for hours. The evening continues like this, sharing moments we mostly experienced at school. After us, it’s Jenni and Alexia’s turn to share their memories around the crepes and wine we thought to buy. Evenings like this, just between us, are truly the best in my eyes. I could never do without them. I’m simply surrounded by the people I care about the most.
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obsolescent · 7 months
I personally see Leon having a son and a daughter. We all know he’s wrapped around his daughter’s fingers. So I won’t go into detail with her.
But I see Leon being unintentionally very hard on his son.
Leon knows how fucked the world is. He knows just how dangerous everything is, and while he wants to protect his daughter from it, he wants to prepare his son to handle it.
Leon’s a protector. A warrior. And he wants to instill that same ethic into his son.
He doesn’t do it out of misogyny. Not at all. He knows if she wanted to, his daughter could take on the world. But there’s just something different about his daughter facing such danger vs his son.
If his son is the oldest sibling, it’s even worse. Leon unintentionally goes damn near military on him. Leon sees it as making sure he’s disciplined, hardworking, and a good man. But at the cost of Leon’s son feeling like he’ll never be good enough in the eyes of his father.
Until it all explodes. Maybe it’s when his son is a teenager. His boy breaks down finally and Leon sees the worst thing he ever could. Leon sees himself in his son. The exhaustion. The depression. And Leon *hates* himself for what he did to his boy.
Even taking the steps to undo what’s been done, with therapy and time, Leon despises himself for what he did. He cries one night after his son had a full on panic attack over a C on an exam.
Yea, his son has become hardworking, driven, intelligent…but his son also became anxious, depressed and exhausted.
But Leon loves his kids. He loves his family with every fiber and cell in his body. So he puts in the work to change. He apologizes properly. Hugs his darling little boy and doesn’t let go. He changed his habits. His thought process. He does everything to help break his son out of his unintentional conditioning. It takes time, Leon isn’t perfect. But damnit, he tries his best.
It takes time, but Leon and his son repair the damage and become extremely close. Like, never could be closer type of close. when Leon’s a grandpa, his son is gonna hand him his own grandkid with the middle name ‘Leon’ type of close.
You sent this in a bit ago but I’ve been sitting with it, my apologies. I’ve been trying to see it from your perspective and I’ll have to say, this is one headcanon we don’t share.
But I did agree with the part that Leon knows the world is fucked, how dangerous it is, and with what he went through? The training he had to endure, what the government did to him. I feel like in turn, he would be soft to his children, and would do so regardless of gender.
Though, I do see this through the lenses of being trans, and I feel like if Leon did have a partner like someone like myself, he wouldn’t push those gender stereotypes onto his kids.
Leon’s been through so many things, I think he would have a lot of anxiety about how he’s treating them. Like you said, he knows he isn’t perfect, so he would wonder if he’s doing a good job, raising them well and making sure they’re protected, but can keep themselves safe, too. He would lay awake many nights picking apart his interactions with them.
He would absolutely train any of them to defend themselves, using different types of methods and weapons. He wouldn’t go into detail with them about his job for the obvious reasons, so they would probably be like ??? At his defensiveness, lol.
He would write it off as being prepared for any and all things, no matter what. He may mention some things he saw on the news for his actions, saying “Look, kids. I just want you to be ready for anything, you never know.”
He would be so close to his children. After being away on missions, he would spend every waking moment of his time with his family. Outings and vacations, doing whatever they want; as long as he gets to create memories with them, ones he wasn’t able to have with his own parents.
Though I do see his kids helping him grow regardless, making him more optimistic about the future, about life. I also agree with the part where you said Leon loves his family with every fiber of his being. You and your children would be the ones that keep him going, head held high and fighting like hell to get back to ya’ll.
I know this probably wasn’t what you were expecting from me, sorry if this is a bit disappointing, but this is my take on it! Once again, sorry about the delay in this (and the other anons, I’m still trying to get back into the swing of things).
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bohemian-nights · 2 months
It makes so frustrated and upset that so much of the hotd fandom is already rushing to claim that the it’s not racist to combine rhaena and nettles. I really want the showrunners to feel the backlash cuz maybe they might change it? But no ofc not. The bootlickers and delulus are in full force defending everything these showrunners do. Let me tell you though, if Daeron would be cut, the world would have split in half.
Sadly Nettles has never been a very popular character. Even before HOTD a lot of fans have ignored her, her characterization, her race (people only like to admit she’s Black when it’s time to replace her with someone else), her importance in the Dance, her importance to Daemon, and the broader implications of her character in the ASOIAF universe.
Shes been working an uphill battle since 2013 because she’s a Black female character in a fantasy novel.
In the ASOIAF universe she’s further marginalized because she’s a non-Valyrian lowborn orphan. She survives a war (with her dragon) where many more beloved characters perish. Whether people want to admit to it or not(most obviously don’t), she has an extremely close relationship with a desirable male character.
A relationship that gets in the way of another more popular ship (which is really the source of most of these fans “beef” with her), but the fandom's treatment of her has worsened thanks to the show's fanbase. Thus we have arrived at this point where people actively want her cut and merged with Rhaena..…who she has absolutely nothing in common with.
All I’ll say to the people who think Nettles must be cut in order to prop up Missy Anne give Rhaena “something to do” is that it really does not have to be this way.
If there is room enough to makeup characters, include every other dragonseed/secondary character and expand on their arcs, there is room enough to include the only canonical surviving dragonseed. There is room to include the only Black dragonseed.* There is room to include the only female dragonseed and the only non-Valyrian dragonseed and expand on Rhaena’s preexisting book arc.
*It doesn’t matter if Alyn and Addam are Black now or that Baela and Rhaena(who aren’t even Black, they are mixed) are Black-ish now, Nettles is the only Black book canon character and she’d still be the only non-Valyrian dragonseed.
I cannot stress this enough, even in regards to show canon, there is no good reason to cut Nettles and give her arc to Rhaena.
There can be more than a handful of “Black” characters in the show. There isn’t a limit to how many “Black” female characters they can have. Rhaena doesn’t need to be ride into battle on dragonback to be cool, interesting, and worth character exploration. Nor does Nettles need to be sacrificed in order to “give Rhaena something to do.”
Just like how Helaena and Rhaenyra, Ulf and Hugh, and Addam and Alyn all exist despite sharing the same gender and racial background, so can Nettles and Rhaena.
Y’all can’t have one set of rules for yourselves and another for us. That’s not how this will go down and y’all won’t gaslight your way out of this.
It’s no surprise though that the showrunners seem to share the fandoms sentiments. Nettles unfortunately gets in the way of the narrative (fanfiction) they are trying to tell. They don’t care if she’s axed as opposed to a character like Daeron (who shouldn’t be axed either, but he isn’t more important than Nettles) because Rhaena exists and she’s Black-ish now too.
Rhaena is seen as the “safe option” that will appease shippers while at the same time won’t have the majority of Black fans(the racial group, not the team) calling them out for their blantant misogynoir.
She doesn’t break the status quo. She doesn’t get in the way of a dry wonder bread ship. She doesn’t make Missy Anne look bad. She’s not a threat.
The amount of times Black female characters continuously get the short end of the stick and get treated like human garbage thanks to the showrunners and racist fandoms boils my blood, but you can’t point that out because then you are making it into “a race thing” and you’re being “ungrateful,” blah blah blah
Honestly unless the fandom magically stops being racist(yes it is racism if you think Nettles and Rhaena are one and the same or that Nettles isn’t needed anymore since the show has a whopping five “Black” characters), GRRM talks some sense into Ryan, or Ryan realizes the value in Nettles, don’t expect much.
I’m remaining hopeful that they aren’t stupid enough to cut her, but it’s best to just not give this show any views(that’s the one thing we have control of and the show isn’t even good so it’s not like anyone is missing anything).
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intensid4d · 2 years
Scared To Be Happy - Leah Williamson x Reader
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It's my first imagine, hope you like it! (Plus english isn't my first language so I'm sorry for any mistakes). Maybe I'll make it a series, if u like it.
It has some past Alexia Putellas x Reader, some fears, maybe truamas, angst.
Not read proof.
Part 2
Leaving Barcelona was something that never crossed Y/n mind until her brake up with the captain of the team, Alexia Putellas. How things ended broke your heart in a lot of pieces, especially when you denied it and tried to hide from everyone what was yours trully feelings.
So when she got that call saying Arsenal wanted to sign for four seasons, she don´t even though twice to accept. One month later and Y/n was on a plane on her way.
Right away  you became close with Katie McCabe, becoming best friends in a matter of two months. Everything was fine, you got play time, made a new best friend (one that you would dare to say was like a life sister for you), usually went out with your teammantes to eat or have some drinks (especially with Katie or Leah Williamson).
And that’s it. Leah Williamson. You always had a smile to her, would fight to defend her on the field and especially, would always be touchy with her. You weren’t a touchy person, at least not with everyone, you had a unconscious list off people who could hug and kiss you. And everyone knew it. Everyone saw how you was with the blondle. McCabe would say “You’re like a puppy around her and a lyon to defend her honor. Soooo in love...”
You always denied. You couldn’t be in love, not again and not with Leah. C’mon she could be with anyone she wanted and you were just... You. So you denied to yourself and to everyone else.
“Hey, the team is going to have some drinks, you in?” Beth asked after practice. You nodded your head and you both went to get changed.
After many drinks you were on the corner at the table watching Leah, Beth, Katie and Lotte dancing awkwardly with each other. Viv, Rafa and Little were on the table in a conversation that you really wasn’t paying attention.
“So... How are you?” You hear Viv ask, and you turn to her. The others no longer seen.
“I’m fine, I guess. And you?” You reply, not really undestanding the real meaning of her question.
“I’m fine... I know I’m not McCabe, but you know you can trust me, right? I’m here to hear and help you...” You frown. Was there something happening that you didn’t know? But then, she looks to Leah and turns back to you. It’s like something clicks on you.
“I... Well, I... Uh... I just got out of a heart break like six months ago... I can’t feel anything for anyone. Won’t let myself feel like shit again... Plus, we’re just friends. I think she’s seeing someone else, actually.” You swallow your drink and look at your empty glass.
“I’m sorry about that. She must be someone really stupid to loose someone like you. You’re a golden girl, Y/n. If I haven’t found the love of my life already and If I didn’t have Leah like a competitive, I would totally go for you.” She laughs a little while you turn a bit red.  “But for real, we all think that Leah has something for you. You should allow yourself to feel. That blonde over there is a really nice person, but already know that. All I trying to say is allow yourself to feel what you are already feeling. It’s stupid how you both are in love with each other, especially ‘cause you try to hide it from yourselves. She’s not your ex, plus if she break your heart I’ll get Katie to tackle her.”
“I don’t think she feels something for me, but that’s okay. Thank you for saying those things. Really. I will have this three days of break to think about all of that. I just... I’m so fucking afraid to be hurt again...” You give her a sad smile and she hugs you.
“Hey! Everything alright?” You both turn to see Leah stading close to you, looking straight into your eyes with worry. Viv gives a gentle squeeze in your arm and let you go.
“Yes, just having some heartfull drunk conversation. Nothing to be worried.” You answer and give her a small smile. She grabs your hand and pushs you up and close to her. You allow her to do it all.
“Come dance with me, please.” She says looking into your eyes and you just nod, not trusting your own words, she was incredible beautiful and attractive with her hair a little messy because of all dacing, her eyes were a little dark too and had something you couldn’t really know what was.
You went to the dance floor, both stading in front of each other and dacing to the beat of the song. Your eyes locked. Unknowingly you closed the distance, now with your bodies glued. Leah put her arms around your neck and instinctively you put yours hand around her waist. Yours hips moved in sync.
Miedema’s words still fresh on your mind, you say without noticing. “You’re looking incredible.”
You only realise you said that because of how her cheeks turn a bit red and she got that little smirk on her lips. She doesn’t reply, instead she just hides her face on your neck. You can feel her breath on your skin, and that’s make you take a deep breath.
Viv was right, you actually had feelings for Leah. With that being realised and the end of the song you excuse yourself, grab your things and go. You couldn’t be in the same room as her. Not right now. You heard the blonde calling your name, but you didn’t turn around.
When you got home all you could do was cry. Cry out of fear, fear of feeling something for somebody else. You had thought it was just a crush and nothing else. You hear your phone ring and just turn it off. You had to alone.
You were just afraid, all the memories of how Alexia came to your home after practice and ended things, saying she “sometimes felt everything and sometimes didn’t feel nothing at all”. It was how thing were for you, everyone would say and show love for you until they just fell out of love.
And with these thoughts you cry your to sleep.
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caapsiizzereads · 1 year
I lvoe how a majority of the jamie tartt fic readers/writers are swifties, so i was wondering if you wanted to write a fic based on labyrinth? One of them has a tumultuous relationship with romance and doesn’t know how to react to a good partner and the possibility of falling in love again but ultimately ending up embracing it. Love your fics!
I ALWAYS want to write a fic based on a Taylor song. This one is for all of my self-sabotaging girlies. Also, anon, congrats and thank you for being my first request! Hope you like this🫶
You never bring the guys that you’re dating to your friend gatherings, but this is a special occasion. It’s your best friend’s boyfriend’s birthday this weekend, and he’s a huge Richmond fan, and you know you will get some major brownie points if you bring Jamie with you. Well, also, Erin insisted that you have to bring him “while he’s still here.”
God, this is embarrassing. You and Jamie met less than a month ago and have only been on a few dates.
“…You totally don’t have to–”
“No, no, sure! I’ll come! I love meeting fans,” he grins cockily.
“I regret this already,” you sigh.
“He seems nice,” Erin says when you get the chance to talk alone.
You shrug. “I guess he is.”
Jamie meets your eyes across the room and smiles at you.
“I think he really likes you,” she gives you a suggestive look.
You roll your eyes. “We’ve been, like, on three dates.”
“It leaves him with what, two more?” she jokes. She knows how it goes for you. You go out with a guy a few times, have a good time, and then dump him before it can turn into something else.
You’re on your way from the party when you notice Jamie sparing you careful glances, like he has something on his mind but second-guesses saying it.
“I’ve been talking to Matt, and he, uh, mentioned a guy named Owen,” he starts cautiously. You sigh loudly. “You can totally tell me to fuck off, it’s none of my business…”
“It’s fine. You can ask if you want. It’s not like it’s a secret or anything.”
“So, what’s the story there?”
“We met when I was in my third year of uni, two years later, we got married, lived supposedly happily for three more years, until he cheated on me.” You say it all so casually, like you’re just reciting some story you’ve told many times before. “And then had the fucking audacity to say that I had changed too much. But what really happened was that I was making more money than him, and he couldn’t fucking deal with it.” Okay, now you sound petty. “Anyways, fuck him.” The resentful tone of your voice lets Jamie know that this was as much as you are willing to talk about it. You leave out the part where you really loved the guy, and you haven’t been in even a remotely committed relationship ever since.
You don’t really care much about Jamie knowing about your shitshow of a marriage, it’s not like it matters anyway. If anything, maybe he won’t be as surprised or disappointed when you inevitably cut him off. You like him: he’s cute, he’s funny, he’s pretty, and you enjoy your time together. You’ve never had any complaints about the quality of the time that you provide for your dates either, so by the end of the day, it’s a fair trade.
Except that Jamie doesn’t seem to get the hint at all. He keeps asking you out and somehow every time manages to make you say yes. He keeps finding new ways to make you laugh, keeps remembering all the little things he gets to learn about you, keeps finding his way into your embrace. It’s so easy to be around Jamie that your attempts to say no become more and more inauthentic.
So here you are, coming back from your seventh date in as many weeks. That’s the record amount of time you’ve kept a guy around in the past two years.
“The weather is nice, let’s take a walk,” you mock. “Let’s take a walk my ass!” You’re grumbling as you and Jamie make it inside your house soaking wet from the pouring rain outside.
“How was I supposed to know?!” He tries to defend himself.
“By the sound of the fucking thunder!” You throw a towel at him.
“I thought we were gonna make it in time!” He takes off his sweatshirt and starts drying himself. “You could’ve talked me out of it!”
“Oh, so that’s my fault?” You’re not really that mad, more like just annoyed, but if Jamie wants to argue, you can argue. He’s grinning at you. “The fuck are you smiling about?”
“I’m sorry!” He raises his hands defensively. “But you’re, like, really hot when you’re mad.”
This fucker. And he’s standing there half naked and wet. “Oh, you’re gonna regret saying this.” You close the distance between you and smash your lips on his.
You keep pushing him backwards until his knees meet the bed and he plops down on it, looking up at you with his eyes dazed. You take a second to appreciate the view, and it gives you this weird feeling inside.
Uh-oh, you’re fallin' in love
It’s all fine, all good. You have it under control. You are not catching feelings for Jamie Tartt.
Even when you do, and it scares the shit out of you.
Jamie has been a constant presence in your life for almost three months now. And he’s always so patient, and considerate, and attentive. He starts asking you more questions, wants to really get to know you, emotional baggage and everything, and it doesn’t seem to bother him one bit. He never asks of you anything more than you can give, never makes you feel like you’re too much or not enough.
You’re lying on your couch with Jamie on top of you, slotted between your legs with his head on your chest. You’re absent-mindedly running your fingers through his hair while you’re watching a movie. Predictably, forty minutes into the movie, he’s dead asleep. You know that he’s been very tired this season, with all the travel and extra matches and practices that playing in the Champions League requires. Honestly, you were surprised that he can make as much time for you as he does, considering all of that.
You let him stay like this, trying not to move your body too much, until the end credits roll and half of your body goes numb. You gently shake him awake, and he looks adorably sleepish. You tell him that you should move it to bed because it’s late anyway. He furrows his brows for a moment in surprise. He’s never stayed over like this before, only if you were having sex. He’s definitely not going to complain, though. He makes his way to your bedroom, and by the time you’re out of the shower, he’s already asleep again. Or at least half-asleep, because when you get in bed next to him, he still snuggles closer to you.
You lie awake for another hour.
In the morning, you wake up first and, quickly disentangling yourself from Jamie, get out of bed.
Jamie notices that you’re acting weird: your smile is tense and you keep looking away, but he doesn’t comment on it. Eventually, he gives you a goodbye kiss and leaves for practice. The moment you close the door behind him and he’s a safe distance away, you let out a loud groan.
Oh no, you’re fallin' in love again
You’ve been ignoring Jamie’s calls for two weeks now. There hasn’t been a single one in two days, though, so maybe he just finally gave up. You can’t help but feel a little bit disappointed, but what right do you have? It was your choice. You’ve been wrapped in your cynicism for so long that you no longer know how to just let yourself be happy again. You tell yourself that you’re better off, and probably so is Jamie.
Your doorbell rings, and when you open the door, you don't know whether you’re relieved or uneasy to see Jamie standing at your doorstep.
“You don’t pick up your phone.”
“Yeah, I…” You don’t actually have any logical explanation for yourself.
“You don’t need to explain.” He collects himself. “I’ve been trying to give you space. But I think it’s becoming too much space for me.”
“No, wait. Let me say something. And if you still want me to leave, then I will.” The remorseful look on your face was probably enough of a giveaway of what you were about to say. Well, here goes nothing. You nod at him to continue. “I am in love with you. And I don’t care that you think you’re a mess or whatever. I mean, so am I, but you don’t seem to mind either. You’re fucking amazing. And I will tell you that every day, if you want. No, I will tell you that every day, whether you want it or not. Just let me stay.”
The following silent seconds might be the longest in Jamie’s life, but then you pull him in and kiss him breathless, and it was absolutely worth the wait.
You’ve been lying awake for a few minutes now, thinking back to the previous night. You’re facing away from Jamie, but chances are he’s still asleep, you still have time to flee. You don’t want to, though.
As if reading your thoughts, Jamie speaks up. “I know you’re awake.” Here goes your escape plan. He softly runs his fingers along your back. “Stay with me.” He places a kiss between your shoulder blades. “Please.”
You take a deep breath and turn to face him. You’ve seen Jamie in the morning many times, but it was never like this. He’s never looked so vulnerable and unsure. You don’t want him to look like this. You gently brush your fingers against his cheek, and he leans into your hand before taking it in his and kissing your knuckles.
It’s been so long since you’ve really felt something for the person next to you, since you’ve let yourself feel something for the person next to you. You forgot how nice it is, how good it feels. That it doesn’t always have to end in hurt. Maybe if Jamie can offer you his heart like this, then you can trust him with yours too. You want to. This realization feels like letting out a breath you have been holding for years.
“Where would I go? We’re in my bed,” you smile, and Jamie huffs a laugh of relief. Alright, then, let’s give it a shot. You lean in and kiss him.
Oh, you’re fallin' in love
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mowiwow · 3 months
little imperfections (modern alkaid)
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“What are you looking at?”
You lift your head, smiling when Alkaid approaches you curiously. He sits down on the couch that the two of you had bought together, comfortably finding his place next to you.
A quiet action that only naturally came to the anxiety-ridden man many years later. Up close, despite all of the wrinkles of time littered across his face, he still looks as handsome as the day you first saw him. Easily, you melt into his side and hold out your left hand.
“I was looking at my wedding ring.”
Alkaid tilts his head slightly, blonde hair tickling your cheeks. His own left hand extends and his hand is placed next to yours.
There’s the faintest hint of embarrassment in his voice as he speaks. “Are you remembering the time I proposed to you?”
“Naturally. It was just so memorable.”
“It was a disaster,” he says, with a mixture of embarrassment and fondness.
“It really was. You were shaking so badly. You even dropped the ring box.”
“I caught it though,” Alkaid defends himself, meeting your gaze. “I didn’t let it fall.”
“I’ll give you that,” you reply with a wry smile. “You have great reflexes.”
Alkaid coughs lightly, turning his eyes back to the two wedding rings reflecting the light of the falling sun. 
“Great reflexes won’t help me when my voice ends up cracking.”
The corners of your lips twitch. You withdraw your outstretched hand to pat Alkaid’s thigh pressed against your own consolingly.
“It was endearing because it wasn’t perfect.”
You pause, the numerous little scratches and nicks in your wedding ring catching your eye. You bring your hand closer to you, closer to your heart, and smile softly as you silently count the wear and tear your ring has gone through despite painstakingly meticulous care.
“Y’know, kind of like this ring,” you muse.
No matter how carefully something is maintained, imperfections will crop up eventually. Little nicks in the heart are impossible to avoid in life.
You’re glad you were able to go through this sort of life with Alkaid at your side. You’re glad you were able to be with Alkaid throughout some of the rougher times in his life.
“Even though there are all of these little scratches on my ring when I look at it closely, I wouldn’t ever want to remove them. They all lend themselves to the experiences I’ve had with you and I want to cherish each and every one of them,” you ramble. “So I wouldn’t ever want to try and erase these little scratches of ours.”
You can feel Alkaid’s lingering gaze on you, so you meet his eyes. Even though countless years have passed since the two of you got married, he still occasionally looks at you with intense longing, as though the two of you aren’t a married couple who have already vowed to remain together through life and death.
You think Alkaid has come a long way. But sometimes the ghosts of the past are particularly persistent and nobody can ever fully erase their past experiences from their mind.
Slowly, his fingertips touch yours.
“I’m glad,” is all he whispers.
His eyes lower, fixated on both the scratches in your ring and his own.
Neither of you are perfect. The path of life is very rarely a smooth one. Full of conflict, big and small, full of grievances and grudges, full of the struggles that come with living...
But, when you get to walk along that path with Alkaid— well, it's not so bad.
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chevelleneech · 10 days
No matter how many links you all send me, trying to get me to change my mind, I’m not going to.
No matter how many times y’all say I haven’t been a fan long enough, based on the assumption that me creating this blog in April = when I became a fan, to form an opinion, I’m not changing my mind.
No matter the fact that y’all think I haven’t watched original content, doesn’t mean I’ll change my mind.
Assuming I have no life experience or am too young to know real love, won’t change my mind.
You all talk big shit about Tkkrs and Jikook antis harassing Jikook and Jikookers for no reason, and being pissed the fandom refuses to acknowledge it, but here y’all go literally calling me out my name because I said if Jimin and Jungkook are together, I don’t think it happened quickly nor easily. That’s it.
I didn’t call them out their names. I didn’t insult their relationship. I didn’t downplay their affection for one another. In fact, I’ve spent my entire time here defending them and as of late, gushing over how sweet it is that they seem to enjoy simply existing around one another. I’ve been saying AYS seems like them deciding they really are it for each other, and the series is because they wanted to get a paid vacation out of traveling together before enlisting. I think what they have is something serious and special, but that doesn’t have to mean they obtained it immediately and never had to work to maintain it.
We don’t know them. We don’t know what goes on in their heads. We don’t know how long it took either of them to come to terms with their sexualities. We don’t know how long it took them to face the fact that they had feelings for each other. Again, assuming all of this is stuff we’re correct about. We do not know how Jikook came to be, because that is their private business.
Yes, they put a good amount of their interactions on display. Yes, other members have said things that point toward them being a thing. Yes, their own actions point toward them being a thing, but that doesn’t tell us for a fact, how long nor how serious. We can make all the assumptions we want, but that won’t make us correct in the end. Maybe some people will be about certain things, but no one will be right about everything.
So, seeing as all I do is post my thoughts in the tag and mind my business, it would be nice for those of you who don’t agree with me, to do the same. We all think Jikook are together, we just have different opinions on how they got to this point.
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maoam · 2 years
So here’s a post defending Sakura and since it makes assumptions about people who think Sakura is a bad character (not badly written exactly, just unlikeable) I’ll respond to it: [link]
“Sakura is toxic because she made fun of Naruto for being an orphan–” She regretted it the second after Sasuke rightfully called her out and even opened a therapy center for war orphans. “
Her opening a clinic is not canon, it’s novel only, Kishimoto didn’t write that, and only Kishimoto’s portrayal is canon. What Kishi portrayed was that Sakura never redeemed herself when it comes to understanding loneliness.
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She compared her shallow feelings to the massacre of Sasuke’s entire family and clan. That’s how selfish and ignorant she is. She’s taking her family for granted and rubbing it in Sasuke’s face as she makes this about herself and her hurting because he’s leaving her. She even said Sasuke’s revenge won’t make HER happy. As if it’s about her or Sasuke should care whether it makes her happy or not. Even in chapter 693 after Sasuke had given a speech about how he wants change, Sakura went on a rant on how things can go back to how they were if Sasuke just stays with her. She doesn’t even listen what he says! No matter how much time passes. No matter how many times Sasuke tells her her feelings aren���t relevant when it comes to his goals.
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And Kishimoto wrote her to be like this even in the Road to Ninja movie (which’s script he wrote). She has to constantly be told her actions are hurtful. She treats Naruto more like someone she has to tolerate because they’re in the same team rather than a friend. Sometimes she feels guilty when others point out how badly she treats him as a friend/comrade, but she always falls back. It’s hilarious after how awfully she treated him in part 1 she still begged him with tears in her eyes to bring Sasuke back. Lol. And her fake confession was indeed stupid and showed not only she doesn’t know Sasuke, she doesn’t know Naruto either. I hate the “Sakura makes mistakes, she’s human” excuse. I noticed usually when people use the word “human” to defend characters they’re annoying characters. She’s not sympathetic, she’s annoying. And dumb, she left her teammates in the middle of nowhere.
“Sakura is abusive because she constantly punches Naruto–” She only hit him in the manga when he did something perverted or disrespectful, it was heavily exaggerated in the anime. It's called slap stick comedy. If you think it's aBuSiVe, I hope you have the same energy for Jiraiya who peeked at the women's bathroom without consent and gets brushed off as ‘comedic purpose’, double standards much?”
Yes I absolutely have the same energy for Jiraiya. Screw him. And only when Naruto does something stupid? How is punching the shit out of him because he accidentally kissed Sasuke okay? Sasuke isn’t even hers. And what about when he punched both Naruto and Sai because Sai called Ino beautiful?
“Sakura was SEVEN when she announced Ino as her rival. I'm sorry y'all are morally uptight who's never made a single stupid decision as a kid that you feel the need to accuse a child of being a villain for acting like a child. And it has been implied very clearly Sakura wanted to get out of Ino's shadow and only used Sasuke as an excuse to do so. And if Sakura was this horrible bitchy friend you guys think she was then I don't think Ino would immediately jump to protect her during chunin exams. Sasuke did more terrible things to his best friend than Sakura did but once only Sakura gets shit for it. And they never stopped being friends, only their dynamic changed, it included friendly bickering and rivalry. Ino never was mad or bitter with Sakura and even proudly told her she bloomed into a beautiful flower, this doesn't sound like a person who's been unfairly betrayed by a best friend over a crush?”
First of all most little girls don’t dump their friends over a boy. Teenagers maybe. The reason why Ino still cares about Sakura is because Kishimoto portrayed Ino as a good friend who wanted to help Sakura. And still cared about her when her life was in danger. He even used Ino’s dad to stress her care for her friends being what he’s most proud about her during the war arc. He wanted to highlight Sakura’s bad treatment of her friends with Ino. Sakura was always portrayed as catty towards Ino. Their only interaction in part 2 is Sakura wanting Sai to call Ino ugly (why would Kishimoto do this and nothing positive from Sakura towards Ino in part 2?) and in Gaiden she’s nervously laughing when Sarada comes between Ino and Sasuke. Sakura also taped herself over Karin, she sees them both as threats. As she told Ino, she’d never let her near Sasuke. Kishimoto portrayed her consistently like this.
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“She has a Stockholm Syndrom--”
I’m not one of those who thinks she has a Stockholm syndrome. She’s just a dumb girl who mistook her hormonal urges and school girl “romance” for true love and acts obnoxious about it, with no regard for Sasuke’s feelings.
“She is shallow, she only liked Sasuke for his looks–” If her feelings for Sasuke truly were shallow, she'd have moved on after he left the village, she'd have moved on after he became a criminal, like Ino did. She saw Sasuke at his worst and still chose him with all his flaws. A ‘shallow crush’ wouldn't last for so many years. If her feelings weren't strong or deep, Sasuke wouldn't choose her in the end.
Her feelings are shallow. What kind of argument is “she didn’t move on, that’s why her feelings are not shallow” is? I guess this is good news for stalkers, their feelings are always true love because they don’t give up! Kishimoto used 自分勝手な 恋な, (jibungattena koina) which means selfish/self centered/egoistic love to describe Sakura’s feelings for Sasuke in the beginning. It’s a negative word. After the manga had ended he used the word 中毒 to describe Sakura’s feelings for Sasuke, which means addiction. And it’s even worse than the first one. It’s very negative, toxic. How do people not realize he’s mocking her? Also, Sakura DID give up on Sasuke and didn’t accept all his flaws. Sasuke even himself acknowledged at the end Naruto is the only one who never tried to cut ties with him and who never gave up on him. Maybe it’s someone else who needs to read the manga properly.
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Her feelings never matured or developed. Kishimoto showed it to us very clearly. She’s desperate for any crumb from Sasuke, and mopes when she doesn’t get it. Even during the war arc, when the fate of the world was at stake, what she cared about was Sasuke-kun not fussing over her.
I’ll simply copypaste from my other post: Sakura was portrayed like any other fangirl of Sasuke in the beginning, who liked his looks and how cool he was. She never tried to approach Sasuke as a friend but only kept asking him on dates despite his blatant rejections. She never says why she loves him, or even likes him. According to herself Sasuke never says anything to her. Her first confession showed how little she understood Sasuke. She was the girl with everything, with family, while Sasuke and Naruto had nothing. Yet she had the nerve to say if Sasuke left she would be just as lonely as he was. She’s comparing the massacre of Sasuke’s family to a boy she never talks to leaving her, while disrespecting her own parents in the process. How juvenile that must have sounded like to someone like Sasuke. In Part 1 Sasuke occassionally protects Sakura because she’s too weak to protect herself, and in part 2 Sakura probably wanted to entertain the thought Sasuke would still have this consideration for her. But in Part 2 Sasuke treats Sakura like a fodder ninja. She doesn’t manage to get a proper reaction out of Sasuke who focuses on Naruto everytime he meets up with his former team. Sasuke also leaves Sakura to die couple times while choosing to save Naruto instead. Despite all this, Sakura still thought she’s entitled to Sasuke, and in her second confession she started to yet again scream how much she loves Sasuke and how much she hurts due to it. In both of her confessions she is guilt tripping Sasuke and trying to make him pity her. In both of her confessions she makes everything about herself. She admits to herself she can’t do anything for Sasuke, yet she tries to win him over by pity. But she annoys Sasuke once again, and he puts her in a murder genjutsu. Sasuke then says they have no reason to love each other. And he’s right. What does Sakura know about Sasuke? Clearly nothing, considering she said the worst things she could have said during both of her confessions. She heard Sasuke talk about wanting change, yet she started to scream how if Sasuke stays with her, things can go back to how they were. It’s like the most basic things she doesn’t understand. She’s just an overemotional child who has nothing of worth to say. Kakashi who coddles her tries to talk to Sasuke on her behalf as well, insisting Sakura suffers for loving him. Sasuke then thinks of his family and says perhaps those are ties to a failed past. As in Sakura literally lives in the past. And she does. Despite the fact everything has changed, she thinks about the moment when Sasuke thanked her, and ignores him calling her annoying for her ignorant comments, or the fact someone who wants change obviously doesn’t want to go back to the way things were. This brutal rejection though still won’t slow Sakura down, but after Sasuke is leaving to his atonement trip Sakura blushes like a school girl and asks to come with him. After him mocking her and putting her in a genjutsu, this is what she does. Sasuke didn’t choose her, she simply did not leave him alone. This is his reaction after seeing her first time in 12 years:
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Kishimoto also just HAD to drop the information that Sasuke never kissed Sakura. Because he wanted to show to us how loving their marriage is. Hah.
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He also had to drop the information Sasuke avoids her like she’s the plague. Just because.
If she didn't love him, she'd not be able to stop his curse mark.
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I’m gonna stop you right there. Sasuke didn’t want to worry his teammates, he said so many times. He easily withdrew the cursemark during his match as well by remembering his teammates worry over him. It wasn’t that hard for him to do. It had nothing to do with Sakura’s love being “true” or “pure”.
“Sakura is useless as a main character–” That's not her fault. That's a criticism for the author. None of the female characters in the series have as much complexity, fight scenes or power as the male characters. It's a shonen centric more to the male characters. Sakura IS a main character because she contributes more in the manga than other female characters but she's not going to contribute as much as Sasuke or Naruto because the series revolved around men more than women. “
Wait til you find out the only version of Sakura that exists is the one Kishimoto created. And the issue isn’t her “not contributing as much as Naruto and Sasuke” it’s her being a dumbass who can’t do anything on battlefield unless she’s being held by hand and who prioritizes getting validation from Sasuke over actually acting like a proper shinobi. Let’s look at Sakura’s track record:
Land of Waves: Useless, just stands around.
Chunin exams: She thinks she’s got it during the written exam, but she didn’t realize the true meaning of the test despite acting she’s the smartest in their team. In the forest of death she stands around and screams, when she finally has to fight it’s like 2 minutes and she has to be saved by 4 support characters and Sasuke. She gets mocked for her amateuristic shinobi skills by her opponents. Ino uses shinobi like tactic during their fight, while Sakura only punches and has no strategy.
Konoha crush: She gets one-paneled by Gaara and well needs to be saved as always.
Search for Tsunade: Doesn’t do anything.
Sasuke Retrieval: Doesn’t do anything.
Kazekage Rescue: The only arc where she’s not useless and it’s because she’s literally used as a puppet and someone is directing her moves.
Tenchi Bridge Mission: Useless, gets knocked out and rescued several times.
Akatsuki Suppression: Doesn’t do anything.
Itachi Pursuit arc: Doesn’t do anything.
Pain arc: Cries for Naruto to help. Lmao. Doesn’t even try to buy him time despite acting she’s sooooo strong and wants to protect Naruto and Sasuke.
Kage Summit: Everything she tries to do in this arc she fails.
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Oh Sakura, how useless you are. Can’t even land a punch on a regular Kumo ninja. Can’t even lie to Naruto believably. Can’t even lie to Sasuke believably. Have to be rescued from Sasuke more than once. Then end up crying like you always do. Haha.
War arc: Temari saved Shikamaru’s ass in part 1 already. She was also a great leader during the 4th shinobi war, and land a hit on Madara. And what about some others? Tsunade broke down Susanoo and healed her teammates while being broken in half, Karin took down a monster kages couldn’t, and Ino took control of the Ten-tails and stopped its attacks and connected the whole shinobi army. Meanwhile Sakura stans go crazy when she punches some white zetsus once (and IMMEDIATELY needs to be saved after because she was too busy bragging how she’s better than Tsunade and didn’t pay attention to her surroundings). She only started to fight when Sasuke appeared because she wanted to show off to him. And she’s still useless. Charges in with no strategy once again, gets stabbed by Madara and needs to be rescued. Then stand around in awe when Naruto and Sasuke actually know what they’re doing. She can’t even stab an eye to end it all. Kishi shows how in both Kage Summit arc and War arc she trembles with a kunai and doesn’t hit her target. None of the other female characters except Hinata are this bad. They use whatever little screentime they have to be useful, while Sakura is too busy being rescued and whining because Sasuke-kun doesn’t love her back.
Here’s a couple posts to showcase how Kishimoto writes her. He uses the same narrative motifs with Sakura until the end. Open your eyes:
[link], [link], [link]
There’s countless other posts on both of our blogs but those are pretty right to the point. I doubt people want to read a whole thesis right now.
In short, Sakura Haruno is fucking amazing and maybe if y'all didn't hold female characters to such a ridiculous high standard and bothered to understand the manga instead of watching filler episodes, you'd know.
I never watched fillers because they suck. Sakura also sucks even in the manga. It’s not hard to notice Kishimoto meant to portray her as a shallow, weak and boy crazy character. I’m not even gonna go for the comparison of characters who have suffered massive injustice from the system and react realistically and understandably, and Sakura who has had everything handed to her and couldn’t even began to understand the tragedies and suffering of those characters. Who still acts like her life is so hard when a boy she knows nothing about doesn’t like her back. Lol. She never grew up, and I wait for the day when people stop trying to excuse her character and insisting how she’s supposedly so great.
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supercalime · 5 months
I can’t believe I found people who think about this the exact same way as I do. I don’t get these hardcore buddie stans who suddenly try to make it look like buckTommy shipper are the toxic ones. I haven’t seen a single BuckTommy shipper who was rude without a reason (maybe a bit defensive about their CANON ship). Whereas I’ve seen plenty of incredibly toxic buddie stans who insult everyone who doesn’t ship their ship or share their opinions.
Another thing and don’t get me wrong Im not defending anyone. But I’ve seen many people heavily bullying the marisol actress because she’s apparently homophobic (not saying she isn’t or is) and wanting her to be gone beacause of this reason but totally ignore the alleged racism of ryan (again not saying he is racist or not, i dont know them personally) just because he is part of their beloved ship. By their logic Ryan should leave the show too.
Hey anon, it took me some time to answer your ask (chaotic life stuff lol) but I’m glad to finally have time to talk about this first part with you.
I’ll preface by saying I won’t get involved in actor drama, no matter how true or toxic it is because I don’t have enough information nor am I qualified to talk about the issues they mishandled. I’ll just say that, no matter who does bad things, they should be held accountable.
Okay, back to the main point: yes, it’s very strange how b*ddie st*ns are behaving towards the canon bi!buck thing. Both with people who ship bucktommy but also with the creators and actors on the show. Regardless if they are right or not about b*ddie being canon, this is not how you act with entertainment, specially with the people giving the content.
I hate to bash but it looks and sounds a lot like a toddler throwing a tantrum because they didn’t get a specific toy.
And toddlers only throw tantrums because they are brand new humans who are learning how to behave. They don’t know any better so they react with outbursts and repeated demands because it’s the only way they know to get the attention of the person taking care of them.
If I’m not mistaken, the main audience for the show is 18-45. NO ONE here should be yelling in comment sections “we want buddie! we want buddie! we want buddie!” as if they would immediately get it. It’s not how it works and it’s frankly embarrassing to see a bunch of adults acting like that for everyone to see.
And I can’t stress it enough, I’m not putting myself on a high ground here and saying I’m a better person by shipping bucktommy, as I’m sure there might be a percentage of fans out there being rude and annoying as well. But at least I’m keeping my conscience clear by not acting like me shipping two characters is something big enough in my life to ruin my enjoyment of a whole show in case my favorite ship doesn’t become canon.
I hate how fandoms behave as if they can have control over the content they are consuming. We aren’t entitled to anything and if there is supposed to be ANY discourse about which character was supposed to end with, that should happen AFTER the show ended! The story isn’t over yet! So why are b*ddie st*ns so stressed? If a show is making you this angry and demanding, please step aside a little, give it some distance because that’s not how consuming content is supposed to make you feel.
And I say that last part with sincerity because I too got way too involved with fandom discourse in the past, to the point that I had to distance myself from certain shows because being that involved made me upset.
Im just tired at this point you know. Im trying to protect myself as much as possible. Im not in the bird app, I don’t follow the show or the actors on social media, im avoiding interviews like the plague. All I want from this experience is to watch the show, gather my thoughts, form my opinions, log onto tumblr and reblog the cute stuff I see about my favorite ship without having to worry about whatever the hell is going on outside my pretty little bubble
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lyssak09 · 5 months
hello love!! could i please request yandere headcanons for Q from star trek: tng? thank youu so much!!! <3
Yandere Q hcs
I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG!!!! Q is a basically canonically Yandere for Captain Janeway in Voyager. Also please enjoy my friend! 💙
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Q is a manipulative, narcissistic, obsessive, and possessive yandere.
He first met you on one of his many adventures to f*ck with Picard and everyone on Enterprise. You were covering for one of your friends on the bridge.
When he saw you he froze, and he never freezes because of a puny human. You were just so breath taking.
Maybe you're different from humans. Or you're using some weird power over him, but thats highly unlikely.
Q continues his antics but he harasses you a bit. To the point Picard notices it.
Picard finds it annoying how often he harasses you during his time messing with the enterprise, and how often he forces you to be involved.
If Q doesn't see you while screwing with the Enterprise then he will force you to become a part of it some how, including threatening the captain and enterprise.
"Oh Picard, where is that little Lieutenant of yours? Its almost like you're hiding her from me. Don't tell me I have to shake the ship down till I find her?"
Q loves telling you how lucky you are to have caught the eye of an all powerful being like him. He also loves showing off how powerful he is.
He basically uses his powers as pallor tricks to impress show you how truly amazing he is.
Q periodically comes on the Enterprise to see you, and to piss of Picard.
He gets really mad if you're living your life avoidng him when he comes to visit. How dare you go on a lunch date! He is right here.
“Oh, darling!” You hear a familiar voice say. ‘Oh god.’ you think. You duck your head down and look toward your date, “Don’t do anything to draw his attention please!”. Your date looks at you extremely confused, “Why are you hiding from Q?”, they whisper. You shake your head, saying you’ll explain later. All while Q is scanning the room for you, he starts to get more frustrated the longer he can’t find you. But then unfortunately for you, your server has come with your food, drawing Q’s attention to you. “Ahha! There you are my little-” Q starts to say as he nears you but then he notices you’re not sitting alone. His smile drops and his face tightens. “Who are you?” he hissed. Your date is about to introduce themselves when Q interrupts them, “Actually, I don’t care. I already know you’re an insignificant speck of matter, who has no right to be associating yourself with Y/N.”. You try to defend your date but Q snaps his fingers and sends your date to god knows where. He turns his attention back towards you, arms folded and nostrils flaring. “You should know better than to associate yourself with people like them” Q sneers. He gives you a hard stare before his personality takes a flip. “Why don’t we go eat somewhere new, hm? If you’re good I might bring your ‘friend’ back to the ship. Key word, might.”
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Q loves to give you little tests, to see how you’ll respond and react. He says it's to gain more information on you humans for the continuum but that's a lie. 
He’ll try giving you powers just like he did to Riker, but whatever your answer is it doesn’t matter, he’ll find it fascinating either way. 
Because that's what you are to him, you’re a fascinating incredible human. Not that he’ll admit that to you. 
“Your race is so fascinating, you do realize how lucky you are to have caught my eye right?”
Q will eventually take you, one way or another. He already has a special dimension just for the two of you. 
The bridge crew will do whatever they can to protect you though. But it won’t be enough against him. Not unless they’re willing to start a war against an omnipotent being. 
“Just give her to me and I’ll send you and your ship on your way Picard.” Q offered. Picard looks at him like he’s insane. “In case you haven’t noticed Q, but our civilization has evolved past selling humans.”, Picard spat. Q rolls his eyes which ticks Riker off. “Look Q, we’re not giving her to you. She’s a human being with rights, including the right to not give herself to a narcissistic lunatic.” Riker sneers at Q. Picard gives him a scolding look before continuing to argue with Q, “You’re not getting her Q. Now leave before this gets serious.”. Q chuckles darkly before giving Picard a pointed look. “I’m giving you one last chance Picard. Just bring her to me and nothing bad will happen.”. “That's not going to happen Q.” He glowered. Q let out a big sigh before giving Picard a wicked grin. “Well, that's too bad.” Q laughs as the ship starts to shake.
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He can give you everything you could ever want, all you have to do is give in to him. Just give in and there won’t be a problem, no one will have to get hurt. Just give in
Q is willing to do and give you everything. He’ll show you the multiple universes to your heart's content, he’ll shower you with presents. But he’ll say it's because of how lucky you are to have him, not because he desperately wants to shower you with affection. 
He’ll also manipulate you to love on him. This man is desperate for your touch. Even just accidentally brushing your hand against him will do something to him.
Q can change his appearance, but he thinks the human form he’s chosen is amazing. He will change his appearance for you, but only slightly. And he won’t admit he did it because he overheard your dream guy has blue or green eyes. No, he didn’t add freckles to himself because he heard you talking about them with a coworker. He just felt like changing things up! That's why, no other reason. 
He’ll be willing to change certain things in the bedroom though, but that's for another day another headcanons. 
After a while of beating around the bush and acting subtly, he’ll just start being straightforward. (If you can call how he was acting that.)
He’ll start showing up in your quarters when you come from duty, he has changed how they looked to appear like a wedding venue and he’ll be wearing a suit and tie.
“There’s my dear little human! Are you ready for our wedding? I made it look just as amazing and spectacular as we are together.”
As time goes on his straightforwardness will get worse. Like, extremely.
“Oh my god!” You yell after coming from duty and finding a naked Q on your bed. He had just barely covered himself in rose petals. “Salut mon chéri,” Q purs with a rose in his mouth. You look around and notice all the lit candles, dimmed lights, and wine glasses. Before he knows it you’ve started throwing things at him, screaming for him to get out. He reluctantly leaves before you try attacking him.
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I hope you understand how lucky you are that he hasn’t truly used his powers on you. He’s an omnipotent being for universes’ sake! With a snap of his fingers, he could have you in another universe with just you and him. Q could force you to agree to marry him. He could even force yourself on him if he gets that desperate. 
But, just because he hasn’t really used his powers yet doesn’t mean he won’t. Hopefully, you won’t push him that far.
I told you he’s utterly devoted to you right?
Like to an unhealthy amount, (who am I kidding, isn’t that part of the yandere criteria?)
Just the mere look of another human could set him off.
“Who do you think I am you harlot?! How dare you look into my eyes! I’m taken!”
The same goes if someone even glances at you. You’ll need to hold him back or something.
“HOW DARE YOU TRY TO GET INTO HER PANTS YOU WHORE!” He screeches and tries to lunge and attack the poor ensign who accidentally touched your arm. While you’re struggling to hold him back by his arm.
I’ve already mentioned that he’s manipulative but I didn’t explain how good he is at it. Of course, his powers help him manipulate people, but even without them, he’s still got a nack for it. He’s especially good at manipulating you with your own emotions. 
Q will use fear, guilt, anger, sadness, and any emotion of yours against yourself. 
Have a stalker (who he totally didn’t create) who won’t leave you be? He’ll send him away! Only if you kiss him though.
Your friend has an unexplainable incurable disease and is dying? Q will fix them up even better than before! Just agree to a date with him.
Your favorite commander (whom you were better than friends with) sacrificed themselves to save you and now you have not only grief but survivor’s guilt? He’ll bring him back with a flick of his wrist! You have to marry him and stay by his side forever though.
Just agree to be his forever and everything will be fine. Sure you might not see your family or friends again. But you’ll see every dimension and universe imaginable! And, no one gets hurt.
So unless you’re willing to sacrifice your friends’ lives, hell even the whole ship, just so he might have difficulty getting you, then by all means! Go ahead.
Just remember how much the crew cares for you, and how little Q cares for them.
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