#no mare is not pregnant in this part of the fic
teecupangel · 10 months
Hi Teecup, hope everything's going good! Here's yet another Desmond becomes an animal AU, but with a twist! :D
So Desmond gets reborn as a horse. I also imagine it somewhat modern setting, with Ezio being 17 and Altaïr being 16.
Desmond feels the unmistakable sensation at being born and to his suprise he is not a human, but a foal. Born at Auditore Farm. Where Ezio is the new manager after his father retired and Federico was in a bad accident that leaves him unable to ride the horses anymore. And first thing that happens after he takes the position is that the prized mare of Masyaf Ranch breaks into a stallions pen and gets pregnant. After the two ranches struck a deal about the mare that might finally save the struggling Auditore farm from being sold. The mare that was Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad personal, very dear, horse. So, Ezio is not having a good time and Desmond feels bad and blames himself for it. Because he couldn't even die properly, so why should his re-birth be anything other than a huge fiasco and mistake.
Until Ezio takes a look at the foal the next morning and sees the newborn foal just sitting in the corner, not caring about his mothers attempts to get him stand up. It wasn't the foals fault it was born and their farm had always prided themselves in the care and love their horses recieved. So when the foal refuses to nurse, Ezio takes it upon himself to hand raise it.
When Rashid and Altaïr comes for the mare, Rashid looks in disgust at Desmond, but Altaïr looks.... sad. While everyone moves the mare over to the transport, Ezio goes to feed Desmond and finds Altaïr in the stall. Desmond is playing with Altaïr and the teen is smiling, which Ezio thought him incapable off. When Altaïr realises he's been caught he tries to play it off as curiousity at his prized mares offspring, but Ezio of course doesn't buy it. Especially when the offer to try to bottle feed Desmond is recieved with a very enthuastic nod. Sadly Altaïr has to leave and Ezio is left with having to juggle the responsibility of the stable, of raising Desmond who refuses a foster mother and his duty as the middle brother. Life is stressfull, but Desmond certainly brightens any day.
Just a very self indulgent AU with the excuse of having Ezio and Federico in tight jeans and cowboy hats. XD And ofc Desmond causing chaos everywhere he goes, though rarely causing harm. Maybe Leonardo could be a vet that works at both stables for EziLeo or you could even do a rare pair of EziAlt(idk what the ship name is XD) once Altaïr realises that Al Mualim never had the horses in mind, only profit.
Ratonhnhaké:ton can remain largely unchanged if you want him included. Haytham works at Masyaf Ranch and both Auditore and Masyaf border a native american reserve where he met Ziio. Ratonhnhaké:ton prefers to play and eventually help out on Auditore Farm, much to his fathers chagrin. But Haytham does try to be there for him, despite their differences(i've recently gone into a fix it Father-Son fic dive, so i want a Haytham that will at least try for his son).
Full disclmainer: i have only watched/read a few movies and books about ranches and stables, not to mention having no idea how native americans do things, so i apologize if anything is grossly wrong. I don't mean it, i just want a feel good story about a man and his horse overcoming odds and everythin ends well at the end. ^^
Full disclaimer: The only thing I know about ranches and stables are from … well, majority from fanfics where one dude goes to a ranch to work and falls in love with the ranch owner and… the movie Nope and that horse-heavy episode of Leverage. XD
So my immediate idea is that Altaïr ran away from Masyaf Ranch and asks Ezio to employ him for board and food. That’s our setup for AltEzi if you want XD
Or it can turn into Ezio being the older brother and caring parental figure that Altaïr desperately needed.
I don’t know why but I kinda imagine Federico having to use a cane in this one as part of his accident. He still helps out in the ranch but he’s relegated to light work and mostly budgeting and stuff. Altaïr’s employment is a definite godsend.
Federico is also the one who cooks and he cooks a lot when he’s stressed. Even makes his own jam from the garden they have (which Ezio tends to most of the time).
It would be funny if this was set in Desmond’s POV the entire time so the whole EziAlt part is right there but Desmond just assumes they’re becoming such close ‘friends’.
Ratonhnhaké:ton and Haytham works as stable hands and Ratonhnhaké:ton is around Altaïr’s age so they become close.
If you still want this to be EziLeo then the beta couple could be AltCon instead? That’s an even rarer pairing hahahaha
Leonardo is a family friend and the vet to their town (which has a lot of ranches) and he’s close to the family that he sometimes joins meal time whenever he’s there on a job and he has the time. If this was EziLeo, this would be a slowburn friends-to-lovers kind of deal with Federico working overtime to get Ezio to realize that Leonardo has a crush on him. Altaïr gets roped in later on much to his dissatisfaction.
Claudia and Petruccio are both living their own lives with Petruccio away for college. If this was summer time, he comes home to help out and he can be Altaïr’s friend.
Throughout this entire thing, Desmond is just trying to live his horse life while trying to get use to his horse body with his greatest problem being his instincts to move like a human.
He finds love in eating the strawberry field Haytham is in charge of.
His archnemesis is a bird that always tweet so loudly in the morning, waking him up and having the galls to land on his back because it knows Desmond sees him as the bane of his horse existence.
In other words, this is a feel good story about two men finding their own happiness while taking care of the strangest horse… while overcoming odds and everything ends well in the end.
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elennalore · 10 months
Loki associations in Tolkien's legendarium, part 3
[Part 1: Preface]
[Part 2: The Bound God: Loki’s similarities with Melkor]
The final part is here:
The Cunning God: Loki’s similarities with Mairon
Again, this post includes personal and fannish interpretations on the characters.
Mairon, like Loki, has many names. He is known as Gorthaur, Annatar, the Necromancer, and of course, Sauron. His original name Mairon means the Admirable One, either because of his good looks or his excellent skills in crafting and making. In Prose Edda, Loki is also described as pleasing and handsome in appearance. His cunning nature and an ability to create tricks for every purpose are also noted. Both Mairon and Loki are clever beings who offer their help to others – for a variety of motives. Both of them are willing and able to construct an elaborate plot to get what they want.
Early in the history of Arda, Mairon left the home of the Ainur and joined forces with Melkor who had already become the enemy of the Valar. Loki stayed in Asgard longer and only during Ragnarök he joined the opposing forces. Mairon becomes the lieutenant of Melkor and fights for him in many wars of Middle-earth, whereas Loki takes fire giant Surtr’s side during Ragnarök and leads the army of jötunn (giants), monsters and the dead into battle.
Mairon doesn’t want to destroy Middle-earth, though. He wants to shape it according to his own ideas. Loki, too, enjoys wandering in Midgard, the realm of humans in Norse mythology, and in many tales, he helps its inhabitants to thrive. Only after a series of ill events he joins the destructive forces.
Both Mairon and Loki are often pictured as a good-looking male with flaming red hair, linked to the element fire. Loki’s transformational aspect is connected to a flame of a candle, or fire in a hearth. Mairon is linked to the creative fire of a forge.
Mairon and Loki are known shapeshifters; they can change their appearance at will or become different animals. Mairon is known to become a (were)wolf and a bat. Loki in lore has taken the shape of a fly, salmon, and a mare for example. Usually they both use shape-shifting as a means to an end. Mairon is able to fly as a bat. Loki can fly with his sky-walker shoes or by borrowing Freyja’s hawk-feather cloak. In the end, both of them lose their shape-shifting abilities. Mairon loses this ability partially after the fall of Númenor and totally after losing the One Ring. Loki is not able to transform himself anymore when the Æsir capture him and bind him underground.
Loki is not hesitant to change his gender or to use seduction as his weapon to achieve the wanted result. He happily dresses as a bridesmaid and plays the role 100% if the task needs it. As a mare, Loki seduces a magical stallion in order to prevent a disaster in Asgard. As a result, Loki becomes pregnant and gives birth to an eight-legged horse Sleipnir. It is hinted that this is not even the only time he gives birth. Mairon in fanon is also heavily genderfluid. There are fan fics where Mairon becomes pregnant and gives birth to a child with uncommon traits.
Both Mairon and Loki are described as sexually attractive and often using seduction. Loki is said to have slept with everyone in Asgard. In fanon, Mairon is most often shipped with Melkor or Celebrimbor, but also with various others, and seduction is often present at some point in his relationships.
Loki is a father of three monstrous children with his jötunn lover Angrboda. One of these is a giant wolf Fenrir. In the First Age, Mairon lived on an island called Tol-in-Gaurhoth, the Isle of Werewolves where he bred werewolves for his army. Sauron’s messenger Thuringwethil (“woman of secret shadow”) who lives there reminds somewhat of Fenrir’s half-corpse sister Hel.
Loki is skilled in crafting; he is said to be the creator of the fishing net – a crucial invention in ancient times. His trademark is creating solutions to problems (which he may or may not have caused himself). He can also enhance the creativity of others. Spiritually he is often connected with creative fire. Many of the most valuable tools and weapons of the Æsir are courtesy of Loki. Loki’s interaction with the Svartálfar, the best smiths of the nine worlds, leads to the manufacture of those treasures – with some deception from Loki’s part. The Æsir are very happy with the end result, anyway, and Loki deserves a byname “Bringer of Gifts”.
Mairon, too, is extremely skilled in crafting and making. He’s connected to the forge fire. He used the name Annatar, “Lord of Gifts” while living with the Elven-smiths of Eregion and enforcing their creativity, inspiring them to create the Rings of Power – with some deception included.
As the Lord of the Rings, Mairon has a powerful rival in Gandalf who, like Mairon, is a Maia. Gandalf and Odin (especially in his wanderer aspect) share many characteristics, and Gandalf’s fight to end Sauron’s dominion is not far from Odin’s desperate efforts to prevent Ragnarök where Loki has a major role in the opposing side.
At first glance Loki’s trickster aspect is not prominent in Mairon's character, but I think we can see glimpses of it. Mairon is said to laugh at his own tricks, which is shown especially malevolently during the downfall of Númenor. However, it may be that by the Elf-smith Celebrimbor’s influence Mairon’s trickster traits become apparent. In my personal view, Celebrimbor enhances Mairon’s latent trickster attributes, which is sometimes seen in their fanon portrayals. I can imagine various pranks they must have made together. In Eregion, Mairon could have chosen a different path and evolved into a trickster figure, but sadly, it didn’t go like this in canon. Still, based on Mairon’s other similarities with Loki, I dare to think there is potential for a different story.
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lilyharvord · 4 years
The Chain (Part 9)
Thank you to everyone for being so patient with my update for this fic. I’m officially done with my first semester of graduate school and since I’m on break, I want to try and post as many chapters as possible to get as close to finishing this as possible. We’re time jumping after this by the way everyone. It’s about time we kicked it up a few notches and got to the meat and bones of this fic. 
Tag list: @delilahlbard, @king-maven-calore, @thatoddgirl777, @elliekratzzz, @evangelineartemiasamos, @evangeline-of-montfort, @scxrletguardsdawn, @freaky-freiday, @petergrantkavinsky, @kuwei, @whatsup-gorls, @katiemoore,  @redqueenetwork, @tranquil-dusk (I’m trying to add you but for some reason it wont @... the same problem happens with @thatoddgirl777 and I have no idea how to fix it)
Find the rest of the fic here: part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4 / part 5 / part 6 / part 7 / part 8 
Enjoy everyone (: 
When I run from my lesson with Julian, it feels fake and I wonder if he even buys into it. I have far too much control over my ability now, and it is hard to fake going out of control. Still, the rain feels good on my face when I finally find a balcony. I couldn’t care less about the paint that is most likely being washed away. I tilt my head back and inhale, letting the rain drench my hair. Today is just a bad day, and it is only set to get worse. 
The rain is warm as if washes over my face. I wish it were cold. I’ve felt too much lately. I want to be numb for a few minutes. 
Thunder rumbles in the distance. A moment later, the air changes as another bolt of lightning prepares to races across the sky. The storm is right overhead. I miss the electricons more than anything as the pressure escalates around me. 
We’d go storm chasing on a day like today to hunt down the elusive bolts of lightning so that we could harness them ourselves. Harnessing natural storms is like wrestling with my brothers when I was little. It’s pulling against an impossible force, but the power that roars through my veins when I manage to get what I want out of it is exhilarating. 
Gripping the banister, I inhale the smell of ozone and open my eyes to watch the flash of white as it shoots across the sky. Change, lightning is change. Storms come and wash away the old to bring new, brighter things behind it. Tyton had taught me that. Ella taught me it could be elegant. Rafe taught me it was beauty. I taught them it could bend but never break.
A hand closes around my arm and I almost yelp at the freezing touch. Two Sentinels stand over me. They must have followed me out here and given me a careful berth until they were certain I wouldn’t electrocute them. 
“My lady,” One of them growls, his grey eyes like dirty snow. Probably a Gillican judging by his touch. He’s twice my size, but nowhere near as powerful. I still hate the sight of them. 
“Let go.” I insist as I tug my arm. But he grips me tighter and steel panic laces through my bones. They had found me before, but who knows why they have come looking for me now. Has Elara decided to make a move? Has she found something out? 
Tugging against him, I bring my other hand up to grab his wrist and shock him into letting me go. I never get the chance though. 
“You heard my bride.” Maven. My blood runs cold as he steps onto the balcony, looking over the two guards like they are common dirt. “Let her go.”
The relief I should feel is replaced by cold fear. I’ll take the Sentinels over him any day. I’m not in the mood to play games with him. 
“Apologies your Highness, but we must keep Lady Titanos to her schedule.” The one holding me speaks in a baritone that makes Maven’s lips pull down in a frown. His grip is already loosening though. I can’t believe I never realized how in pocket Maven and Elara had the Sentinels. These soldiers stopped serving the king a long time ago. “It’s orders, sir.” 
“Then you have new orders,” Maven’s voice is colder than ice. It reminds me of the freezing nights in Paradise Valley when the wolves would howl at the moon and the wind would answer back. “I will accompany Mareena back to her lessons.” 
I’d sooner let him walk me off a cliff. But the Sentinels drop my arm none the less and leave us on the balcony. The buffer they put between me and Maven leaves with them, and then I am alone with the man who destroyed me. 
“We have working showers inside, you know.” 
I push my wet hair out of my face before turning away from him. Jokes aside, I don’t want to see him. My nightmares have returned in all their supernatural fury. Every night I dream of chasing him down a hallway, the burn of the knife as it cuts my side, and feeling of dying in a Silent Stone room. I wake gasping and on the verge of screaming, but no sound comes out. I’m grateful for that at least. Still, I miss Cal’s warmth, and being able to curl against him to tether myself to reality when the dreams refuse to leave. 
“I want to be alone.” I murmur, setting my head in my hand. My patience is holding, but not for long. 
“I understand that.” 
Oh, I know you do. I keep my lips from curling into a sneer by sheer will alone. Lightning flares across the sky again. The storm is creeping beyond us, but I could still pull a bolt down and hit him if I wanted. My aim is perfect. I could cook him to a crisp like I did Elara. 
I grip the banister again to settle my thoughts. I can almost feel the char of her hair between my fingers and the weight of her head if I close my eyes. I can hear the hum of the cameras as I hold up the head of a she-wolf and promise to come for the pup. 
“I understand how difficult it is.” He continues as he steps up next to me, bolder than he ever was. My eyes snap to him, but I’m more curious now than wary. What has made him so certain? Before, he had still been wary around me. It wasn’t until we joined the Guard together that he truly pretended to open up to me.  
His eyes are cold as he stares out over the palace grounds. “These people. They make it impossible. I can’t say what I want, do what I want—with my mother around I can barely even think what I want. And my brother—!” 
“What about him?” My blood runs cold. What has Cal done now? He promised he would stop prying—
The words stick in his mouth, and he pales with a blush. He’s not the perfect statesman that locked me in a cage yet. He’s not the boy listening to a ghost in his head yet. There is still a part of him that is Maven, and not the thing his mother created. “He’s strong, he’s talented, he’s powerful—and I’m his shadow. The shadow of the flame.” 
The part of me that always understood that part of him, and even loved it quakes. I step out of Gisa’s shadow because of him, but he never does leave Cal’s. He never gives himself the chance. He keeps chasing the edge of Cal’s shadow like there is one. Maven casts his own shadows though. They haunts me and they haunts Cal in the future. If only he knew that. 
When the words come to me, they are true and that is what makes me feel sick. “Then maybe you should try to be more than that.” 
His eyes widen at my words, and I find myself unable to stop. “You could be more. I think you could. Stop chasing the edges of shadows, you’ll never find them. Find a way to be alone with your own heart, and be happy with it.” 
His entire face folds in on itself, pinching in places I never saw before. I’ve never seen this emotion from him, and I have no idea what to call it. For a moment I wonder if I’ve said the wrong things, and done exactly what I told Cal not to do. But a part of me still wants to save the boy that I thought was trying to save me. Even if its hopeless, and he is too far gone to save. Monsters aren’t born, they’re made. Julian told me that once. Well if monsters can be made, they can be unmade too.  
“That’s something you should know about us Silvers. We’re always alone. In here, and here.” He gives me a tired smile as he touches his head and then his heart. The line sends a shiver down my spine though. He’d said the same thing last time too. It only reminds me that perhaps we’re on a track, and there is no getting off. There are no other exits, only the ones that I know are coming. 
“I don’t believe you.” 
“You better learn to hide that heart of yours, Lady Titanos. It won’t lead you anywhere you want to go.” 
My heart aches more than he could ever know. This is the boy, this is the truth. There is nothing to save. I am trying to fix a shattered mirror and cutting my hands on the pieces to spill my blood for nothing. I turn my eyes back to the sky, closing them as lightning strikes again, and thunder roars above us. Battle lines were drawn before; I have to redraw them now. 
“I think I can help with your problem.” 
I turn my eyes back down to him, and instantly he is the Maven I dreamed about. The mask is so perfect. I forget there are cracks that the darkness slips through. 
“What problem?”
“You’re homesick.” Holding out his hand to me, he nods down to it when I don’t take it. His skin is like ice when I slide my palm into his. I thought I remember him being warm by this point. Instead, he’s a corpse before I make him one. “I can fix that.” (/////)
The wind cuts through my hair, ripping it from its braid as Cal and I race toward the Stilts. I’ve ridden a cycle with him numerous times since this night. Nothing takes away the rush or competes with the feeling of flying that this generates though. Usually we tear down mountains roads and I close my eyes, trusting him to keep me safe as he cuts around turns. He’s taken Gisa once too. I had to peel her off of him when they returned because she was gripping his body so tightly. 
Right now, his body is warm in my arms, warm and real. It reminds me that I’m safe with him. Even if I’m terrified of the situation we’re in. 
When we finally reach the branch in the road that will bring us into the Stilts he brings the cycle to a stop, and cuts the engine. I’m the first off, and I peel away from him like a second skin. He pushes it into the trees, his eyes dancing to me every so often as he does so. I know that look he is throwing over his shoulder. I’ve seen the worry that creases his brows and the concern that flares like a light show in his eyes many times when he’s uncertain what’s going through my mind.
“Do you want to talk?” He eventually asks after throwing a few leafy branches over the cycle to hide it. I tuck my hands into the pocket of my coat to hide the shake in them. 
“There really was nothing to save.” It’s a thought that’s been going through my mind since Maven confronted me on the balcony. 
His expression melts into true concern faster than I can swallow my words. But he swaps that for a different mask of emotion. There’s no jealousy in his eyes, but I can see the beginning flares of his panic. His one true fear before we started this was that I would choose Maven this time around; that maybe he really was the consolation prize all along and I only chose to try again because I lost my chance to be with Maven. 
“He’s still a ghost.” I whisper to him before reaching out for his hand. He lets my fingers interlace with his. I squeeze them tightly, trying to get him to understand. “That doesn’t mean I won’t mourn a chance lost.” 
He nods tightly, his jaw squeezing until a muscle in it feathers. I cup the spot with my other hand, caressing it to soothe him. “I love you, you know that. Even if you drive me up a wall sometimes.” 
With a light laugh, his worry melts away, and I’m glad for it. We can’t be questioning each other right now. There’s too much at stake. There can be no edges. We filed them down after the war so we could fit together after all. That is where the real truth lies though. 
Maven carved himself to fit with me. But Cal and I smoothed down together, cutting off the edges that mattered so we could fit. I didn’t need to change for Maven because he melted what he needed to make the perfect mask. It had been a lie from the beginning. A beautiful, wonderful lie. Cal had been real though, had never bothered to hide what he was, even when those parts hurt. He made me better, and I made him better. Nothing about Maven had made me better. He made me strong sure, but a brittle kind of strong that hurt anyone that got too close. 
Reaching out, he pushes my hair away from my face, his smile falling fast. “I wish you didn’t have to go through this.” 
He could be talking about anything. Shade. Maven. All the New Bloods. Losing myself. Losing people I love. Even losing him for a bit. 
“I don’t.” I insist, even though the words cut up my insides like glass as I speak them. The truth cuts sometimes. I’m used to the sting. (////////)
The meeting with my family still stabs like a knife. Kilorn’s rage burns like a brand. Gisa’s wish rings in my ears.  I feel like I’m drowning, being swallowed up by the old emotions. It’s like reading a book where I know the ending and hesitate to turn every page. I hate every second. Even as I make my way straight of Will’s wagon. 
Cal trails me, making sure to stay hidden in the shadows so Kilorn doesn’t see him, and so Will’s spies don’t notice him ether. Kilorn knows who Cal is, I know he does. He had known from the moment he first saw him. I couldn’t be more grateful for my friend keeping his fat mouth shut around my family though. I think my dad would have found a way to stand and kill Cal where he stood if he knew he was the Crown Prince. 
I hold my hand out, telling him to stay back silently, while I take the final ten meters to the wagon on my own. He melts into the shadows, playing the part of a shadow so expertly I have to do a double take. But even his eyes are gone. Maybe he turned and went back to the cycle. I hope he did. When I step into the wagon, it’s to see Will smiling, already waiting for what I have to say. I tell him everything. And just like he did last time, he admits to knowing everything.
Tristan waits behind the curtain, ready to pounce. I can see the toes of his boots before he announces his presence. He’s more arrogant than I remember. I still see the pole Ptolemus shoots through him though, and the mental image makes me shudder. 
“The royal monkeys have chosen a queen this past week.” Tristan’s smile is cold as he looks me over. “You’ve been all over the screens Lady Titanos.” 
I hate that name, and all the implications of it. “They aren’t all monkeys.” I insist, and the fire that lights in his eyes makes me wish I hadn’t said anything. 
“Are you talking about the prince you’re engaged to or the one waiting outside in the shadows?” Will asks as he leans back and rests his hands on his stomach. 
My heart does a jump and a skip, and I’m sure all the blood drains from my face. I thought we’d been careful and I had been incredibly impressed with how Cal disappeared. Still, I should have known, Will is a spy in the Guard for a reason. 
Tristan erupts though, and takes two quick steps for the door, his hand flying to his pistol. I leap and grab his wrist though, twisting it expertly and spinning to put myself between him and the door. And ultimately between him and Cal. 
“You brought a Silver here?” he hisses down at me, even though my hands are already lighting with sparks. “The Crown Prince? Do you know what we could do if we took him in? What we could bargain for?”
Relax, I want sneer, you get him eventually. And he will do far more this time than he did last time. My words when I do speak are low, like thunder in the distance as I glare him down. “You leave him alone.” 
Tristan’s lip curls in disgust. “A few weeks in the lap of luxury and your blood is as silver as theirs,” he spits, looking like he wants to curl his fingers around my throat and throttle me. “Do they take turns?”
“What?” I gasp in surprise. That’s not in the script. 
“Do they take turns rolling in the sheets with you?” His lips curl at the surprise on my face. “Or do you pick one over the other? I’m going to guess the one hiding out there gets the most time.” 
Fury like nothing before sears through me. I bring a hand up that sparks as I sneer. “You idiot. I’m protecting you from him. He’s a trained soldier that would turn you inside out like a shirt if he wanted. And he’d burn this place down if you so much as tried to go after him.” 
You’re only alive because I haven’t burned the oxygen from this room. A real threat, one I believed when Cal said it the first time, and one I believe now. I have to keep Tristan away from Cal. I can’t have a stray bullet finding its way into his chest or his head. 
Tristan deflates, his anger melting away as I slowly lower my hand and disburse the sparks. Will lays a hand on Tristan’s shoulder, calming him further. “That’s enough,” he whispers. “What did you come here for, Mare? Kilron is safe and so are you siblings.” 
This is what I came here for. To put the pieces in motion finally. To start the game for my side. “Shade was a member of the Guard, and they killed him for it.” The only fact I can trace. “I have to pretend it doesn’t bother me.” 
“You’re dead if you don’t.” Will reasons. 
“I know. I’ll say what they want. But I’m in the palace, the center of the royal family. I’m quick, and quiet. And I will help the cause.”  
Tristan sucks in a ragged breath. His eyes light with a new fire, this one vastly different from his anger. He rises to his full height, beaming at my words. “You want to join up.” 
“I do.” My words are final, and I don’t bother to look at Will, only Tristan. 
“I hope you know what you’re committing to. This isn’t just my war, or Farley’s or the Scarlet Guards—it’s yours. Until the very end. And not to avenge your brother but to avenge us all. To fight for the ones before and the ones to come.”  
The ones to come. My chest squeezes as I picture Clare’s toothless grin at the same time that her laugh rings through my ears. My own hand curls into a fist on my stomach. There are plenty to come. I swore myself to the Guard to protect them before I even knew about them, and now more than ever my heart pounds for that future. I will fight tooth and nail for it. I will spill my blood and others so that someday, someday I can sit on my porch and watch a little dark haired boy run rampant in the backyard. So my brother’s name can live on in his daughter. So that someday my family never has to be hungry. So that someday, I never have to be afraid. 
I slip my hand into Will’s gnarled one. Cal warned me of war once, of what it brings. We both know the cost now, but I know what waits for us on the other side. There is a light, there is hope, there is good. I will do whatever it takes to get back there. Even if it means mucking my way through blood and mud once again. 
“I am with you.” 
“We will rise,” Will breathes in unison with Tristan. The words are like hope burning in my chest, lighting up the room around us as I speak them too. “Red as the dawn.”
Cal is quiet as we walk through the halls of the palace. And I am too. My silence is contemplative though, his is patient while he waits for what I have to say. He’s always waiting, waiting for me to cross the bridge. He waited for me to say yes too. He asked seven times before I said yes to him in the dead of night wrapped up in cool sheets and half delirious with sleep. I’d pressed a kiss to the space between his brows and said yes without him asking. He waited almost two years for me to say that word after he asked the first time. Now he waits without asking. He knows I will talk eventually. 
“I have to tell you something.” I eventually whisper, and grab his wrist. The cameras whisper around us, and I turn my eyes in their direction before saying, “Your rooms are safe.” 
When Maven brought me there, I made sure to do a sweep. There are no cameras in Cal’s room. I wonder why, but I don’t bother to question it too much. It’s a silent blessing, the perfect meeting place. I don’t have to wait until the guards change to speak with him. 
He nods and takes me a back way. For a moment, I fear we’re lost, until we turn a corner and he brings us to his door. He glances over his shoulder at the same time that I swipe my hand to surge electricity through the camera’s wires, shorting it long enough for me to slide in the room and him to follow me without us being seen. 
In the dark of his rooms, I feel like a ghost. He goes to turn the lights on but I catch his hand. And for the first time in a long time, almost shock him. The hairs on his arms rise as my sparks threaten to explode out from under my skin. I haven’t been this nervous in so long. It makes him jumpy. 
“What happened?” He asks quickly, spinning to face me and grabbing my shoulders. His shadow looks different in the dark, smaller and less imposing. Strange how that is what made him most human to me the first time as well. 
I slip out of his grip only to dive into his chest, wrapping my arms around his middle and burying my nose in his shirt. He smells just a hint like the river as spending a couple of hours in the Stilts, but underneath it, that scent of burning wood clings to him. It relaxes every muscle in my body as I inhale. 
He wraps is arms around my shoulders in response. For a moment, I think he’ll repeat his question. Instead he just reaches up to threads his fingers through my hair that I pulled out of the braid long ago, tangling them in the slightly wavy locks. I can’t hold the secret in any longer, not now that I’ve signed up for this, and he will someday too. I should have told him the moment I found out, but I wanted it be a surprise, a little secret that I could tell him with a laugh. Instead, I feel like I’m telling him before we walk to the gallows. It taints the joy, the happiness of what is to come. 
“I wasn’t completely honest with you before all this.” 
His shoulders stiffen as I bring my hands up to close them in fists on his back. I’m never good at starting conversations like this and I immediately regret the words I spoke. He’s already on edge, and I made I worse. Squeezing the fabric of his shirt softly, I murmur, “before we got here.” 
He relaxes again, and disengages from our embrace to lift my chin. He needs to know, deserves to know. 
“I didn’t want to go after Giselle that night. I told you I was tired, but there was another reason.” It has never been so hard to put something into words. I wish I had just told him in the first place, maybe this whole mess could have been avoided if I had. 
His brows furrow and his face twists as he tries to think back to that strange night and morning. I grab his hands and squeeze tight, willing him to pay attention to my words, more than the memory of what I said. 
“I was going to tell you we had to call off the wedding—”
His eyes widen in surprise, and he opens his mouth to speak. I press my finger to his lips to keep him from doing just that. “For just a little while. Something came up.”
He sits with baited breath, his expression confused and fearful. A mix that’s dangerous for a soldier, especially one like Cal that is used to knowing everything. My lips curl into a weak smile as I say, “We have to get back because something’s waiting for us. Or it may have come with us. I’m not sure. If it did, I have to be more careful than I thought.” 
His eyes dart around the room like someone might be listening, and he slowly takes my hand to pull me into his closet where our voices will be furthered muffled. Has he grasped what I’m about tell him? Cal’s observant, even with all his bullheaded tendencies, and he’s not stupid. He knows me well enough to notice when my habits change. And they had been changing, little by little. I’m a subtle creature, but he’s very good at reading me now. 
In the safety of his closet, I can smile bright. I can let the warmth of my news pulse out of me like sunlight. It had terrified me the moment I knew what was happening, but slowly that panic had been replaced by a strange joy, a strange curiosity. And now, it was longing. 
“You can talk freely now.” He whispers. 
The words die. They won’t come. Like stones, they sit in my throat and choke me. Maybe I shouldn’t tell him. Is it cruel to get his hopes up about something we may never be able to return to? And yet, this is not just my burden to bear. This is our future. I am in this to get back to my family. He is in this to get back to what we had in Montfort. He may need something else, something to fight for that isn’t just me. Even if it’s not as tangible as it is for me. 
I’ll just have to say it, push the words out one by one. “I was pregnant.” 
They come easier than I thought, and honestly come out more like a garbled rush than the wonderful phrase they should be. As soon as I speak those words into existence though, the joy leaves, only to be replaced by trepidation and the air around us is leeched of its warmth. 
“What?” Cal’s question is a wheeze, a word not quite formed. 
“Three or four months, I wasn’t sure.” I grab his hand and squeeze as his eyes widen in the dark to the side of moons. “I told you we had so much waiting for us. That’s what is waiting for us. We have to follow everything to the line because of that future.” 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” He whispers, his eyes darting as he thinks back over everything, every action I committed before that night, every word I spoke. 
“I was going to tell you that night, but then we got called to deal with Giselle.” I shake my head, laughing quietly. It feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I am not the only one privy to this secret knowledge. 
His eyes darken though. Storm clouds gather in his irises as he leans down to whisper.  “You said you didn’t know if it came with us.” 
“All my knowledge and memories came with me… and I’m in the same body theoretically just--just five or six years younger. It might have come with me.” It’s a long shot, but if I’m right, we have far bigger problems than we originally thought. 
“You don’t look like—”
“I didn’t look like it in Montfort either.” I reason dryly. He would have noticed if I did. His lips twist and he nods. 
“What do you want to do?”
“I’m going to wait and see if anything happens.”  
He pales at the prospect, but I grip his fingers tightly again, forcing his gaze back down to me. “This is what we are fighting to get back to. Why we have to be so careful.”  
“I wish you’d told me sooner.” He murmurs before reaching down to circle one of his arms around my waist. In the dark I’m not quite sure if he’s smiling or grimacing. Not until he cups my jaw and presses his lips to mine. He pours every ounce of the joy that is about to explode out of him into that kiss. It mixes with mine until I’m certain we are glowing like a small sun. 
And in that closet, nestled in a nest of snakes and wolves, I finally let myself breathe.
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altagraye · 3 years
Alta’s Masterlist
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Bucky Thangs:
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Big Girl Words: (SMUT! MINORS DNI!!! 18+ ONLY!)
Bucky x Pregnant!Reader:
How to Save a life pt 1
How to Save a life pt 2
Status: temporarily discontinued
note: i really dunno what these are but alas, they are here for your consumption
Headcannon/Drabble pt 1
Headcannon/Drabble pt 2
Headcannon/Drabble pt 3
Status: temporarily discontinued
Stucky x Y/N Thangs:
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Stuck (A/B/O):
A/B/O- Stuck pt 1
A/B/O- Stuck pt 2 (WARNING! contains SMUT! MINORS DNI!18+ONLY!)
A/B/O- Stuck pt 3
A/B/O- Stuck pt 4
A/B/O- Stuck pt 5
Status: ongoing
Time After Time (A/B/O)
World building notes part 1: Characters
World building notes part 2: Rules
World building notes part 3: ASD
Excerpt 1- ‘Not good enough’
Part 0.5: Prologue
Part 1: Three Fabrics in Time
Status: Ongoing
Bucky x Y/N & Steve x Y/N:
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WARNING!: The below series contains dark subject matter and SMUT, MINORS DNI! +18 ONLY!
Through a Glass, Darkly pt 1: Go ask Alice
Through a Glass, Darkly pt 2: Adjustment Therapy
Through a Glass, Darkly pt 3: Stolen Goods
Through a Glass, Darkly pt 4: The Mare
Through a Glass, Darkly pt 5: Wild Horses
Status: Ongoing
Chris Evans, Other roles:
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Curtis Everett x OFC!Pyrrah
Snowpiercer (film, 2013):
Damnation part 1
Status: Ongoing
Chris evans fics:
Chris takes care of you when Aunt Flo visits.
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Dean Thangs:
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(Alpha!Dean x OFC! Omega!-Maia)&(Alpha!Sam x OFC!Omega!-Maia) *See warnings!
Big Big Love pt 1: Strawberry Wine
Big Big Love pt 2: Heat of the moment *SMUT*
Big Big Love pt 3: Heart-Shaped Box
Big Big Love pt 4: Nutshell
Big Big Love pt 5: No sleep ‘till Brooklyn *SMUT*
Big Big Love pt 6: Landslide
Big Big Love pt 7: Whiskey Lullaby
Big Big Love pt 8: Right Here
Big Big Love pt 9: This Woman’s Work
Big Big Love pt 10: Angels on the Moon
Big Big Love pt 11: Send her my Love in Bedroom Hymns *SMUT*
Big Big Love pt 12: You've Got another thing Comin'
Big Big Love pt 13: Bad Blood
Big Big Love pt 14: Jane's Addiction
(Dean x Witch!reader!) WARNING! elements of post-r*pe! Minors DNI!:
The Ties that Bind pt 1
The ties that Bind pt 2
Status: ambiguous
Dean x OFC ‘Ari’ (Jo’s sister) WARNING! Elements of implied r*pe! Minors DNI!:
note: Sorry i write about such dark subject matter!! :(
The Other Harvelle Girl pt 1
Status: Ongoing
Alpha! Dean x Omega!OFC ‘Harper’ A/B/O
The Killing Moon pt 1
Status: Ongoing
Faith pt 1
Status: Ongoing
Discontinued works:
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BuckyxOFC ‘Stella’
Sparrows on the Wind pt 1
Status: Discontinued
Comfort Characters (Various):
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System Overload 
Status: Individually completed
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fanficmemes · 2 years
Well written fic about a human getting connected with aliens for work. Human doesn’t really understand what this job entails. Fic doesn’t even actually get to the job which presumably entails beings a breeding mare for a snake man. It’s a relatively slow burn for a kink fic and still a wip, but one cursed part was this scene in a salon for a makeover
I was expecting maybe like waxing or whatever because sex and purity blah blah blah.
I did not remember the inflation tag.
Anyways at this salon or whatever he gets one tube in the ass and one in the mouth and pumped full with some herb water mix. It happens three times. The first two he taps out when it’s uncomfortable, still getting ridiculously big and cunning multiple times. The third time, he asks them to stop and they don’t, until he’s near bursting. He’s still real horny. Then he goes home and doesn’t really think anything of it other than him maybe I should change my answer on the job application about ass play.
It’s later revealed most people don’t get past even one filling and draining. So it’s definitely unusual to him to be filled to look 9 months pregnant on the first go. But he seems to think it’s normal for his body to just do that.
Overall it’s actually a surprisingly cute fic if you ignore the kink. The snake man is picky but find the human very interesting and cute and the human has a crush on the large snake man.
This isn’t even that bad but oh my god. Oh my god I hated it sjsjjsjsjakakakakak 3/10
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eeveedel · 3 years
WIP Sunday
Hello all, I was tagged by to post a bit of my current WIP alongside some “art” -- I don’t have a current moodboard but I thought I would provide some general ~~aesthetic pics and another preview of the rancher harry fic -- this time an HL meet cute! I hope you all enjoy, and happy Sunday
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Harry heard a rapping at the screen door, and he grunted, shifting his weight forward so he could sit up and hoist himself out of his armchair.
He took a step forward on his good leg while his bad one dragged behind him. After a bit of walking around, it usually woke up enough for him to put more weight on it, but for now, after his rest, it was a dead weight of pins and needles behind him. It took a bit of effort to get to the front door, but he got there eventually. He grabbed his cane that was leaning by the door, and then opened the wood door, revealing just the screen and what lay beyond it.
There was a man in mint green scrubs and a thick corduroy jacket on his porch, perfectly centered between the big American flag hanging beside Harry’s door and the pots of tulips lining the front gate. The man at the front door was young. He had some creases around his eyes and mouth but his freshly shaved face looked so youthful, along with his bright eyes behind his big, wire frame glasses.
“Howdy,” Harry drawled, lifting his thermos to his mouth, “You must be — “ His tongue worked in his mouth, trying to come up with the name Margaret had given him last week. It wasn’t something common around here, and yet it still evaded him.
“Shoot, I’m sorry,” he sighed, pushing up the brim of his hat with his thumb, “Help me out, what’s your name, son?”
“Oh, I’m Dr. Tomlinson, but you can call me Louis,” he said. “Dr. Baldwin caught me up on some of the animals you have here and their needs, sir,” he said. “I know you have a pregnant cow nearing the end of term and a newly pregnant mare that just needs a bit of a checkup as your main concerns. She also told me you had a few roosters and a chicken coop, is that correct?”
Harry cracked a smile and nodded.
“Well, that’s correct. Seems like you did your homework,” he said. “Cherry’s gonna have a baby now damn day now and I just found out about Goldie last month.”
He took a sip of his coffee, shuffling his feet and readjusting his cane as he did.
“You don’t need to worry too much about the chickens, they nearly take care of themselves. Got a few pigs but those are going to market in a couple months, but you can take a look at ‘em if you want to.”
He pushed at the screen door, moving out onto the porch to meet Louis directly. When he was in front of the man, he could see Louis looked even younger up close, and he was nearly a full head shorter than Harry.
“Can I get you something to drink or anything before we go out?” Harry asked, taking the briefest moment to look the young vet over.
“Um, maybe a glass of water after we finish up? It is a bit hot out today, even though it’s January,” Louis rambled. “I mean, I came from San Francisco, so it’s still hot there— anyways, sorry.”
He exhaled, his cheeks already pink.
“Could you show me to Cherry first, please?” Louis asked. “I want to make sure she and her calf are in tip top shape.”
Harry smiled gently. The young vet was eager, and looked a bit flustered. He tried not to let his gaze linger too much longer, although he already liked him.
“Sure thing. I’ll show you out the pasture. Cherry’s probably out gossiping with her friends.”
He walked to the edge of the porch, taking the small ramp that was easier to navigate with his cane.
“Tell me, they have a lot of cows out in California, Louis?” he asked as they trudged along the path, “Because if this is your first one, I’ll give you a fair warning. Cherry’s a sweet girl but a little sassy.”
“Well, I grew up in San Francisco, so no, we don’t have a lot of farms there,” Louis said. “But I studied with a bit of everything in veterinary school, and went to a lot of farms up north. So yeah, I’ve worked with cows.”
“Good, good,” Harry nodded.
He walked through along the dirt path that led from the house to the rest of the ranch. He led Louis past the chicken coop and the large horse barn, moving out to the back part of the property with the cattle barn and the large pasture. His leg was starting to wake up, making his gait a bit less strained.
“Where did you study?” he asked.
“UC Santa Barbara for undergrad and then vet school at UC Berkeley,” Louis said. “I just graduated last spring, actually.”
“Congratulations,” Harry said. “Before you look at my girls, you wanna tell me know if you were bottom of your class?”
Louis laughed a little, scratching the back of his neck.
“I was actually valedictorian.”
“Damn. Undergrad or vet school?”
“Uh,” Louis said, smiling sheepishly. “Both? And high school.”
“Jeez,” Harry chuckled. “Well. I didn’t even go to college, so you’ve already impressed me many times over.”
They arrived in front of the enormous cattle barn and the wide pasture beyond it. Harry smiled to himself, lifting the hand that wasn’t gripping his cane.
“Yep,” he smiled to himself, “There she is.”
He gestured to the pasture, and specifically pointed to one of the cows, a rich red brown and swollen at the belly, who was smack in the middle of a group of five other black and white cows.
“Gossiping, just like I thought,” Harry said. He reached for the gate, going to unlock it, “Well, come on, you can give me your expert opinion.”
“Wow, she’s beautiful,” Louis marveled.
“Don’t let her hear that, it’ll go straight to her head,” Harry said. He opened the gate fully, then opened the pasture and turned around, holding it open for Louis.
Once they were both inside, Harry approached Cherry, cooing and clicking his tongue as he walked. She looked up and stared at him, chewing slowly on a thick clump of grass, but when she was done, she let out a low moo and slowly but surely waddled towards him.
“Here she comes,” Harry smiled.
They both stood and watched her as she slowly came over, and when she did, she immediately gravitated to Harry.
“Hey, princess,” Harry said. He set his hand on her head and gently stroked her with his thumb, smiling to himself as she blinked at him with her big, milk chocolate eyes.
“Louis’s gonna take a look at you, pretty girl,” Harry said. “You be nice to him.”
Harry kept petting Cherry’s head and then looked over to Louis. The vet was kneeling on the ground, unlocking the briefcase he had brought. It was funny, seeing him with a shiny, clearly barely used case. Margaret had always just shoved her tools into her ancient Jansport backpack, which was covered in twenty years’ worth of coffee stains and held together with duct tape and spite.
Louis took out a pair of latex gloves and a stethoscope, then moved closer to the animal. He gave her a settle pat on her swollen side, then put the stethoscope’s earpieces in. He set the metal diaphragm on her side, and Cherry jolted a bit, but Louis cooed at her and kept petting her side as he listened. He closed his eyes and nodded a bit as he moved the cold metal over her stomach, humming softly to himself.
Harry watched Louis carefully touch and examine Cherry, the young man’s hands gentle but sure as he did his job. Harry had had his hesitations before Louis arrived. But he seemed at home, and like he really cared about doing a good job. Harry could appreciate that. He had spent years building up trust with Margaret to work with his animals, but, maybe he was just getting sentimental at his age, or Louis really did have a special touch, but he immediately felt just fine with the younger man taking care of his herd.
After a few minutes Louis opened his eyes and ducked his head down, examining Cherry’s udders and nether regions. Finally, he lifted his head and pulled himself up, taking the stethoscope out of his ears and draping it around his neck.
“Well, she looks great,” Louis said as he peeled off his gloves and shoved them into his jacket pocket. “The calf’s got a nice, strong heartbeat. She seems about a couple weeks away, but just keep an eye on her – “
“Early labor, yeah,” Harry said. “I always start preparing at least a couple weeks in advance of the due date, anyways. My girl Caroline went into labor a couple years ago, fuckin’ 16 days before she was due, and I was in Austin for the weekend. Only time I left the house in months, and she picked that weekend.”
One of the white cows in the pasture mooed loudly, and Harry looked over his shoulder and glared.
“Yeah, I’m talkin’ about you, fuckin’ drama queen,” he scoffed. “She’s a good girl. And a tough one. Had a delivery all by herself and nearly gave me a heart attack when I got home and there was a new baby toddling around.”
He turned back to Louis, offering an apologetic smile.
“Sorry, don’t mean to bore you with farm stories right off the bat.”
“It’s okay,” Louis said. “I love to hear animal stories.”
“Well, let me know in a few months if you’re sick of cow stories. That’s nearly the only kind of stories we have in this town.”
Louis just laughed and lifted his hand, shifting his glasses up his nose.
“Would you show me to Goldie, please? Just to see how her early stages are going.”
“Oh, yeah, of course,” Harry said. “Goldie’s in the small barn, come on.”
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noctuaas · 4 years
synopsis; in this tale of romance, revenge, and treason, you, a beautiful commoner, are set to become the princess of aobajousai. will your one true love be able to save you in time?
pairing; kuroo tetsurou x reader
content; princess bride au (heavily based on both the movie and novel), medieval au, torture, mild violence, drama, fantasy/adventure, murder, minor character death, fem!reader
fic navigation
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PRINCE OIKAWA WAS A MAN of great renown. There wasn’t a person in Aobajohsai that couldn’t recognize him in one swift glance; he walked through the kingdom with a swing in his dainty hips, which contrasted his mighty barrel thighs and broad, sinewy shoulders. His steps were surprisingly soft, and if he wanted to become a ballet dancer, he would probably find surprising success. But Oikawa didn’t want to be a ballet dancer. He wasn’t even in much of a rush to be king (considering he practically ran the kingdom anyway, what with his mother and father being too old and senile to do it themselves). Everything took second place in his affections, save for one thing.
Tracking was his love.
He made it a habit to never let more than a few days go by without tracking something down or training his hounds. It started when he was a young boy, with his parents’ two Irish Wolfhounds—off he would go with them, chasing rabbits through fields to add the stew that the palace cook was making for supper. Before long, he started studying other tracking sports, from fox hunting to coonhunting to even scenting out other humans, and became a talented tracker in each field. Once he was determined, once he focused on a target, the Prince was relentless.
For a while, Prince Oikawa traveled the world, acquiring hounds from the most prestigious lineages and persuading masterful hunters to mentor him. As his skill increased, he took to training and breeding his own dogs, creating Aoban pedigrees that had a name in and of themselves. Unfortunately, travelling consumed time, and the time away from Aobajohsai became increasingly worrying. Oikawa’s father was growing old, and as the only male heir to the throne, it eventually became time for the Prince to return home.
Instead, he took to roaming the Aoban countryside on weekends, accompanied by Count Iwaizumi on the horses he trained. (The Count always was a better horseman than the Prince.) Sometimes they paid visits to the far corners of the kingdom, but more often they stuck to day trips near the castle.
Prince Oikawa was walking out of the barn, two horses in hand, in preparation for one of these trips when news of his father’s health taking a turn made its ultimate intrusion. The sun hadn’t been up long, dew still heavy on the grass, when Count Iwaizumi made his appearance.
“There you are!” the Prince chided him, “You’re running behind, you know?”
(Other nobles of Aobajohsai might have gotten in trouble for such tardiness, but the Count was an exception. After he and the Prince grew up side by side, Iwaizumi was the only person that could raise his voice or lay a hand on Oikawa without consequence.)
“There is news,” Iwaizumi did not bother apologizing.
“Of?” Oikawa handed off the Count’s horse.
“I have the report of your father’s annual physical.”
A pregnant pause.
“He’s dying.”
Prince Oikawa sighed, a frown creasing his otherwise flawless cheeks. He wasn’t surprised by this news—the king’s health had been questionable for years now—but it certainly wasn’t how he would like to have started his morning.
“Well, I guess it’s about time I get married then, huh?”
“Looks to be that way, sire.”
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Four of them met in the great council room of the castle: Prince Oikawa, his greatest confidante, Count Iwaizumi, his father, the aging King, and his evil stepmother, the Queen.
(She wasn’t really evil. In fact, she was actually one of the most beloved people in the kingdom, and had been married to the King since long before he began mumbling. Prince Oikawa had been but a child then, and since the only stepmothers he knew of were the mean ones from fairy tales and bedtime stories, he had decided she must be evil.)
“Alright,” the Prince began once they had all been assembled. “I must marry soon, so we have to pick a bride for me.”
“Yes,” the King said, “I’ve been thinking it was about time we found you a bride.”
(In actuality, he mostly just mumbled it, like, “Yesss, I’ve beennn thumbleee about temmmm wefumbbble bridddde.”)
“You couldn’t be more right, dear,” the Queen patted the King’s shoulder. She was the only person that could decipher his words during these little episodes.
“What did he say?”
“He said whoever we decide on will be getting a wonderfully handsome prince for a lifetime companion,” the Queen replied.
“Ah, well thank you, Father. You’re looking quite well yourself,” Oikawa chuckled back.
“It’s the new miracle maker, I’m sure of it,” the King piped in, wiggling a finger. (It came out mumbled again: “I’ssss the nmumble mumble.”)
“What did he say?”
“He said a man of your importance shouldn’t marry just anyone.”
“I suppose,” Prince Oikawa rested his chin in his hands before sighing.
“What about that Ushijima?” The Queen suggested.
“It would be a good match politically,” Count Iwaizumi admitted, though he knew how much the idea revolted Oikawa.
Prince Ushijima was from Shiratorizawa, the country that lay across the Aoba Channel. (They put it differently in Shiratorizawa; Aobajohsai was the country across the Channel of Shiratorizawa, according to them. The two countries had a history together, spending centuries warring each other. There had been the Rice War, and then the Tuna Fish Discrepancy, which nearly sent both nations into bankruptcy, the Fern Fiasco, which did end up running them fiscally dry, but it was followed by the Great Emerald Boom, during which they both got rich again.)
“He’s a handsome young man, I think we should bring him over for a discussion,” the Queen said. She was always the peacemaker in the royal family, a diplomat through and through.
“No, absolutely not!” cried Prince Oikawa. If it had been any other person, had Ushijima had a sibling or something, perhaps he would have mulled it over, but that wasn’t the case. Oikawa simply could not marry Ushijima.
“There’s no other heirs in any neighboring countries that would benefit us,” Count Iwaizumi reminded him, though he knew it wouldn’t change the Prince’s mind.
“I’ll marry a commoner before I marry that Shiratorizawa filth!”
“Boo, no Shiratorizawa filth!” the King chimed in. (“Booo, numble shumble zumfle!”)
The room quieted for a moment; they seemed to be stuck. Finally, the Count perked up.
“Maybe you can marry a commoner.”
Dead silence again.
“Look, your people have been a bit tense with us nobles the past few years,” the Count continued. “You could bridge the gap by marrying a commoner.”
“A commoner as the princess, what a fun idea!” the King said. (“Commumble as theprimmmble, whumble fum idea!” His words were becoming a tiny bit clearer; he seemed to be coming out of the episode).
“What did he say?” Oikawa still asked.
“Whoever it is must look the part of a noble. They should at least look nice,” said the Queen.
“Of course! I’ll find a commoner so beautiful that when you see them, you stop and stare, and say, ‘Wow, that Prince Oikawa must be some kind of fella to marry someone like that.’ That’s what I’ll do! Search the country, no, search the world!”
Count Iwaizumi furrowed his brow in thought.
“No, I think she is already found,” he said. An uncharacteristic smile crossed his face.
The next day at dawn, the two young noblemen reined in their horses at the hilltop by your farm. Iwaizumi rode a massive black gelding, stout and bulging with muscles. Prince Oikawa rode one of his whites, leaner and elegant. His mare made Iwaizumi’s mount seem like a lowly plow puller.
“She delivers milk from her family’s farm to the market square in the mornings,” Count Iwaizumi told him.
“And she’s truly-not-a-shadow-of-a-doubt-without-question beautiful?” Oikawa asked.
“You calling me a liar?”
“I wouldn’t dare,” Oikawa chuckled.
“She was something of a mess when I saw her,” admitted the Count, still grinning in amusement. “But she was still one of the most beautiful people I have laid eyes on.”
From the bottom of the hill, you appeared, turning your horse (whose name now seems quite ironic) onto the path to the farm. Even from this distance, Oikawa knew Iwaizumi was right.
“I must court my princess, now.”
“Good luck,” the Count teased, unknowing that the Prince might actually need it.
And so the Prince rode on, maneuvering his horse quite expertly down the hill until he was at your side.
You blinked curiously when he approached. You had never seen such a man, riding such a brilliantly shiny horse and wearing such extravagantly crafted clothes.
“Are you Miss (y/n)?”
“I am. Who’s asking?”
“Your prince,” Oikawa grinned a dazzling grin. “I’ve come to ask for your hand in marriage.”
Marriage? You continued riding, with one eyebrow quirked incredulously.
“I’m sorry, sire, but I refuse.”
“You can’t refuse.”
“I just did.”
“But refusal could mean treason, and treason means death,” explained a very confused Prince.
“Kill me then,” you told him.
“But…” the Prince trailed off. For the first time in his life, he was left dumbfounded. Speechless. Shellshocked. He had not been prepared to be turned down, not even slightly.
“But I’m your Prince! And—” Oikawa was beginning to stumble over his words. “And I’m not that bad. How could you rather be dead than married to me?”
“It’s nothing personal, sire,” you soothed his ego. “But marriage involves love, and love has never been particularly kind to me, so I’m sworn to never love again.”
Prince Oikawa’s brows furrowed, creasing his otherwise flawless forehead.
“Love? Who said anything about love?” he said. “Look, here’s the deal. There must always be a male heir to the throne of Aobajohsai. Once my father dies, there will only be a king: me. All I ask is that you marry me so that I can provide a new heir to the throne.”
You stared at him silently.
“You’ll get to be the richest and most powerful woman in the country, and give away turkeys at Christmas and meet people from foreign countries. You could even provide us nobles insight to better help commoners like yourself. So won’t you be my wife?”
You paused again, looking back over at your family’s humble little house. Your father was growing older, and milking the cows everyday was becoming difficult with his aching joints.
“I won’t ever love you.”
“If that is what you wish,” Prince Oikawa said.
“Then by all means, let us marry.”
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flamediel · 3 years
About me
ok, so I figure it was finally time for me to make one of these since i’ve been here for a bit and I hate how disorganized tumblr is. Hi, I’m Nadia, I’m 19, and this is my CNCO blog. I’m a mixed black muslim bisexual who uses they/them pronouns and I’m studying law. Other random facts about me are I box, make my own clothes, paddleboard, and love dogs. My aesthetic is all over the place and so is my brain so while typing this out i decided to make a moodboard that’s ✨my aesthetic✨ so here lol:
Tumblr media
Was that necessary? no. did I do it anyway? yes. Moving on..
so what will you find on this blog?
Primarily, CNCO. This is a side blog so I tend to stay pretty on brand with the content I post. I tend to answer asks here, be it about fandom tea or random stuff relating to the boys, but when inspiration strikes I’ll write fics, make moodboards, or even pull together random uquizzes and zodiac interpretations no one asked for. I host a lot of events on here too like to celebrate their albums or band anniversaries, so stay tuned for that as well. As you can see we do a little bit of everything here, so feel free to stop by for a chat whenever. 
Where can I find your writing?
All my fics can be found under the ‘#my writing’ tag on my blog, so check them out there! anything tagged minors dni (or cnco smut for older posts) is 18+
What writing do you have coming up?
Chris sex tape smut
Boxdiel smut
Sub!Richard Smut
Zabdiel + Power Play
The boys while you’re pregnant (Minus Chris since it’s already up)
Richard pampering you
a ton of songfics I have half finished
And if you want anything else, I am taking requests! Keep in mind they may take a while though, I tend to write when inspired and I haven’t had the time at all lately with work. Also, if you remember requesting something that isn’t here, it’s because I likely haven’t gotten to starting it. once I do, I’ll add it here. 
Where can I find your moodboards?
These will be under the ‘#cnco moodboard’ tag on my blog! Requests for moodboards are open (and will probably be fulfilled MUCH more quickly). 
Which CNCO member are you?
Which CNCO hookup are you?
Where are your CNCO Zodiac interpretations?
I’m only doing full chart readings for the boys once we get their birth times, since I don’t like how inaccurate readings can be without houses and such (ie, Chris’s Sagittarius energy doesn’t make sense until you realize it’s all in the fourth house). That means I’ll be analyzing Joel and then Chris’s birth charts in detail for now, and when we get the rest of the info I may do the others’. This is gonna take a while since these are long and take a ton of research, sorry about that
Joel: Part 1 (part 2 coming soon)
Chris: (TBD)
Management vs record label analysis
You've done some analyses of cncos team from a legal perspective, where are they?
Joel leaving the band timeline/contract renegotiation explanation
Who owns cncos trademark
Why are some of your posts tagged minors dni?
Why didn’t you answer my ask?
personally, I don’t feel comfortable with minors interacting with any explicit content on my blog. I tag it that way for people to be able to blacklist these posts (including adults who don’t want to see them). I know minors look at this content anyway, I’m not dumb, but this gives them the opportunity to be responsible without me having to make this whole blog nsfw, andit also provides a clear warning. Minors I find repeatedly interacting with my NSFW posts are getting blocked. You’re violating my consent and disrespecting the rules I put in place on my blog, and I don’t want you around if you cant understand that.
my inbox is almost always full and it takes me a while to get to stuff! I will though, i promise, and if it takes a while maybe resend it since tumblr doesn’t like to work sometimes. 
Why do certain anons have symbols/emojis?
It’s like a signature so I can tell which anon it is. if you want one just ask!
can you tell me about X cnco thing?
usually, yes. but also, keep in mind I don’t know everything, and most of what I say is my opinion, as with everyone else here. don’t take it too seriously please. I will also sometimes answer asks sarcastically or jokingly and entertain dumb stuff, if you have a problem w that just send smth in about that instead of fighting, no need to get disrespectful over tumblr shit I swear it’s unnecessary. 
Why wont you answer dms?
I am. so so bad at checking dms. so bad. it gives me anxiety and i WILL leave people on read. honestly if you’re not my mom you should not be expecting quick replies from me. if you want to talk more and we’re mutuals, message and ask for my snap. I tend to be more active on there
Why aren’t you following me/liking my posts/in my notes? 
I probably am, this is a side blog, I interact from my main @imbrium-mare​
Any other important notes?
A couple. First, something light. info about me is in my ‘#about me’ tag, and if you care what i look like check the ‘#my face’ tag, I tend to delete those every now and then so you might not find anything.
Secondly, more heavy. Like most active cnco blogs, I’ve dealt with my fair share of “anon” hate. Most of the time, I can figure out who you are pretty easily. Yall aint slick at allll, and I am more than happy to expose anyone who thinks online bullying is okay. casual reminder, using racial and homophobic slurs is not cute. I will not tolerate it, you’ll be blocked. the fact people think this is ok to do over a BOYBAND of all things? tragic.
And finally, since this will now be my permanent pinned post, any events I host or new things I write will be linked in a reblog of this post and pinned, rather than pinning the actual post with it. That way this information is all still accessible. That’s it! have fun, and I hope you enjoy your time here xx
24 notes · View notes
fangirleaconmigo · 4 years
Keep Me Forever
Chapter 6, Infinite Resource 4154 k.  By: Descarada. The fic overall is explicit but this chapter is not. Also on AO3.
This is written in my Eskel and His Angel universe, where Jaskier is a sex worker who goes by Dandelion.
Eskel saved Dandelion’s niece from a basilisk as a child so the young man had his heart (and other things) set on bagging that witcher as soon as he could lure him in as an adult.
Not only did he achieve that dream, but now he gets to see Kaer Morhen for the first time.  This is the chapter where it FINALLY happens, he lays eyes on the old keep. Geralt has come out to escort them the rest of the way, and there are the first attempts at trust because this is going to be poly. 
Dandelion loved to attend bardic competitions. He was reminded of them now, riding the trail behind Geralt and Eskel.
He’d seen bards jump on stage with the festival band, never having played with them.  They would wait a few cords, eyes cast to the ceiling, feeling the rhythm and pace of the band. Then they would jump in with their voices, usually triumphantly, though sometimes it took a few bars to get the tempo and pitch correct.
The band of brothers riding in front of him had been playing together for almost a hundred years. And he was the warbling newcomer. 
And every thudding step the three horses took up the mountain road brought them closer to Kaer Morhen where he would be even more than a newcomer. He would be an oddity. Hopefully he wouldn’t be seen as an intruder.
Figuring out how to interact with Geralt, and with Eskel when he was with Geralt, had been a bit of a challenge, but he’d just followed Eskel’s lead. That strategy had seemed to be working well enough. 
Eskel had told him to tend to Geralt’s wounds so he had. Eskel had directed Geralt to take care of Dandelion at the shop, so Dandelion had found something for Geralt to do. He’d delighted in it, in fact. Watching the two of them together was wonderful.  They shared gestures, speech patterns, and seemed to communicate without words.  He felt honored to be a welcome spectator.
But soon they would be in Kaer Morhen with the rest of the wolves. It felt like a chasm of the unknown. Dandelion stood on the edge of it, hoping for the best.
However, the uncertainty didn’t taint the thrill for him. 
“So, when you said your lifelong dream awaited,” asked Geralt. “What dream was that?” 
 The witcher turned his head so that his voice travelled back to Dandelion.  He rode on his brown mare, and the muscles of his back tensed and bunched in response to the jostling of the rocky road.
 “Oh, you know,” Dandelion shouted ahead. “Just a bit of hyperbole. I’m excited is all.”
 Dandelion still felt vulnerable exposing how much this actually meant to him. 
What could he say? I’ve been studying you and Kaer Morhen for ten years? That meeting Eskel was one of three moments that changed my life forever?
Because Dandelion had counted them. 
There were three events that he could point to to say... and after that, nothing was the same. After that, I felt like I was living in a new life, for better or for worse .
 The first had been when his parents and brother in law Lucas had died. That one had obviously been  for wors  e. Dandelion (Julian then) was orphaned within the space of a week. His sister Sarah had been orphaned  and  made a widow.  
 Sarah had been a giddy newlywed with apple cheeks, a doting young wife with her entire life planned out. After having her family and her future ripped from her, she became a shadow of her former self. She didn’t eat, she didn’t sleep. She was practically a wraith.
 And they had lost almost everything material. They’d kept their titles but that was about it. Their hopeful, full life turned bleak and lonely. They moved out to the small farm that used to be occupied by their workers. They ate and drank and worked in silence, just the two of them. Sometimes an aunt or a cousin would come around to visit. They would sit on the porch and make stilted, polite conversation drenched in grief and exhaustion.
 The second event that had changed everything was the day Sarah found out she was pregnant. She and her Lucas had been trying to conceive before he fell ill. But she didn’t know that their efforts had taken root until after he was gone.
 There is nothing like the bright beam of new life to cut through the despair of loss. They became determined to survive. When Lety was born, Julian took pride in stepping into the role of a father figure for the baby, even at his young age. It meant he was needed. They survived on every gurgle, every gummy grin, every clasp of grey eyed Lety’s chubby fingers. She gave them the love they needed to get up each morning and greet her with kisses.
 The third day that changed Dandelion’s life forever was the day he met Eskel. That was the day they almost lost the only thing that had delivered them from total despair. Their little Lety.
 Some people think that healing from grief is a linear process. It isn’t. You can live your life in grief for ages.  You can walk on bloody eggshells around its remains, edging around the ragged and painful bits forever. You can avoid anything that reminds you of what you used to have. You can survive by cradling your injured limbs and keeping them from hitting doorways. You can survive without healing. Without turning your face to the world once again.
 That was what Sarah and young Julian were doing, the day Lety wandered off into the path of the basilisk.  They were caring for each other, but shutting out the rest of the world that had wounded them. Shutting out their own grief. 
 If Lety had died that day, Dandelion couldn’t honestly claim that he would be here today. At minimum, he would not be in the state he was in, healthy and passionate about living.  He was almost certain Sarah wouldn’t be here at all. 
 Almost losing Lety had been a shock to the system. Those terrifying moments where Julian tore through the woods screaming for her still lived in a corner of his soul. They would forever. Those terrifying moments where Sarah waited, growing more frantic, changed her too. It had reminded both of them that there was still life left to be fought for. It transformed them, and thus their lives.
 They both manifested this change in different ways. They both would have described it using different words. But this was essentially what both of them understood that day.
 It was time to set aside the despair for what they had lost. It was time to fight for what they still had.
 They had found the strength to fight again, thanks to Eskel.
 It was fitting that the first fight Julian ever got into was over Eskel.
 Some kid in town ran up to him the day after Eskel rescued Lety,  and asked if it was true - if they were so poor that the witcher who had saved Lety had ravaged Sarah for compensation.
 The crack when Julian’s knuckles hit the kid’s jaw had been satisfying. He had expected Sarah to chide him when he came home bruised with the kid’s mother dragging him by the ear.  But his sister talked the woman down and when they were once again alone, had smiled at him and pinched his cheek. He protested as always.  He was too grown up to have his cheek pinched. But he listened to her words.
 “What people believe about us matters,” she had said. “People give you what they believe you will accept. And now people believe that we will defend each other, and our friends.”
 She wasn’t the same Sarah as before all of their losses, exactly. But she wasn't the one who grimly survived. She had new vigor. She started laying a plan for how to get back their property and position. It was for Lety, she said. She would lay the groundwork with powerful nobles and once Julian was of age and had legal standing, they would be unstoppable.
 For the first time since losing them, they talked about their parents at meals, remembering the pie their mother had cooked, or the toys their father had carved for them. Julian even overheard Sarah telling stories about Lucas to Lety. “You get your ridiculous sense of humor from your father. Once we were watching a play, and —“
 And Julian, for his part, had found new life as well.  The only two lives he had lived until then was first his childhood in the safe embrace of his parents. Then he had known a lonely life when the world was cruel and frightening.
But meeting Eskel had planted a seed. He still had life to fight for. And meeting Eskel had given him his own passion. Something that he could disappear into, a haven.
 At first, when Julian began his study of witchers, he was truly only looking for things like mating rituals, anatomy studies (sketches preferably) and ways to seduce the man who had saved Lety. At fifteen years old, he very much thought with his cock. And Eskel was spectacular. 
 But as he studied, he became fascinated by the history and stories of all witchers. He read about the different schools and their respective training techniques. He read about decoctions and weaponry.  He was captivated by the ancient keep at Kaer Morhen and its secrets. 
 Sarah didn’t chide him for his fixation. In fact she found ways to add to his collection of books and relics that they found at Oxenfurt and Aretuza estate sales. She would do his chores when he rode to Oxenfurt for public lectures. Even though she didn’t share his passions, (she was much more interested in palace intrigue and regaining their property), she let him ramble on at dinner and at bedtime. She let him tell Lety bedtime stories about the latest tales of witcher contracts and monster slaying.  
 She was just happy to see her younger brother excited about anything again.
 One of the books she sold her combs to afford, Ancient Sea Keeps, was packed away in his saddle bags. On its way to Kaer Morhen.
 He had sent her a letter before he left, so she would know by now that he was on his way.
 He imagined what she would say when she read it.
 She would say,  you scoundrel, you’ve done it .
 Dandelion looked around at the towering pines and inhaled the crisp mountain air. He listened to the occasional chatter of the two witchers riding in front of him. Their voices drifted back to him, entwined with the other sounds of the mountains, with birds and rustling branches.
 At the moment they were arguing over who would enter the cockatrice into their journal.
 “That was my kill. I had it.” Said Eskel, in the clanging rough voice that was already beginning to sound like home.
 “Ahhhhhh,” grunted Geralt in his deep purr, “you had nothing. If I hadn’t come into the clearing you’d still be fighting it, wishing for me to deliver you.” Geralt clutched his chest and delivered an uncanny impersonation of Eskel. “Where is the white wolf? If only he were here.”
 Eskel snorted derisively.
 “You wish,” he laughed. “I let you kill it to help build your confidence. If anything, you slowed me down.”
 Dandelion smiled to himself and absently patted Butterscotch, who was a real trooper on this trail. Come to think of it, so was he.  His riding had come so far in a matter of days, by necessity.
 As they ventured deeper into the mountains, the shadows grew longer. Dandelion finally began to feel the cold. He knew the witchers were probably still fine, so he tried to forebear.
 But when Eskel called for a break and they slid from their horses, the witcher noticed him rubbing his hands together.
 Eskel came over to him and slipped an arm around his waist.
 “You good?” Eskel asked, and he leaned his forehead against his. The feel of his body so close, comforted every part of Dandelion by its mere presence. To be near Eskel meant love. It meant protection.
 Dandelion shivered and Eskel pulled him tight against his barrel chest. The witcher rubbed his back and arms briskly and kissed his temple.
 “C’mon,” he said, and he led Dandelion over to Scorpion.  He rummaged in his bags and pulled out a few rolled up garments. 
 “That isn’t enough for the trail up. You’re going to borrow my things,” he said.  “Take off the cloak.”
 Dandelion slipped off the cloak and laid it carefully over Scorpion.
 Eskel first held out a thick knit sweater, and Dandelion pulled it on.
 Geralt walked over.
 “Everything good?”
 Eskel nodded.
 “Can’t have him freeze on his way up.”
 Dandelion pulled down the sweater. It looked rather dashing actually.  
 Eskel leaned in for a kiss.  Dandelion melted against his warm lips.
 When he pulled away, Geralt was there, holding out a pair of gloves.  Dandelion shot his sweetest smile at him. He even batted his lashes for good measure.
 “Thank you, darling,” and he pulled them on.
 “Can’t have our first human visitor in years say we weren’t good hosts,” Geralt grunted.
 Then Eskel settled the cloak over his shoulders and tied it again.  And lastly, he slipped a soft hat onto Dandelion’s head and pulled it down over his ears.
 “Ooo, cashmere?” asked Dandelion, reaching up to run his fingers over it.
 “Made it from lil bleater’s wool,” he said. Eskel kissed Dandelion’s nose, then his lips.
 Dandelion preened inwardly, but outwardly he looked puffed and layered. If he fell over, he could probably be rolled up the mountain.
 “I think we’d better take the rest on foot,” Said Eskel, looking around.
 Dandelion looked over the trail. It seemed wide enough to continue on horseback.
 Eskel gestured towards a thinning area in the branches to their left.  When they neared, Dandelion realized it was the trail. Witcher’s Trail. They had arrived. He would have never seen it if Eskel hadn’t pointed it out.
 He had pored over the maps, he knew the basic route. But he also knew that witcher trail was enigmatic and didn’t show itself to non witchers or non magical humans. He knew he would only find it, and find his way to the end of it with the guidance of Eskel and Geralt.
 Even after they squeezed through the branches, this offshoot trail seemed to blend into the surroundings.  Dandelion was sure he would have been lost in moments without the witchers there to guide him. They crossed creeks where Dandelion would have lost the trail, but they picked it up instinctively without hesitation, and climbed.
 They climbed and climbed.  Dandelion’s ears tingled with the cold, and his hands gripping Buttercup’s reins became stiff and sore despite the gloves.
 Wind whipped around them, and sometimes branches twacked his cloak as he passed. The sound of his own breath grew louder in his ears.  He made sure to keep Scorpion and Eskel in his sights at all times.
 He kept his head up and strained to see all around him. He walked a trail few non magical humans ever got to see. This was special. He would imprint every sensation into his memory banks.  
 He would remember the green of the pine, the fresh smoke smell.  This was the scent he always sensed on Eskel. He was on an adventure, but Eskel was returning home. He would see Eskel at home, which meant he would truly know him, as much as a person can know another.
 Hours past, and the sun lowered in the sky. But Dandelion wasn’t weary.  He was exhausted, but not weary. He pulled the cloak tight. His legs burned. But he rejoiced, and strained to see the first glimpse of that ancient, legendary keep he’d dreamt of for so long.
 When Kaer Morhen jutted out before him above the peaks of the trees, he didn’t even see it at first.  The gray stones of the keep practically blended into the mountain, and gray mist hung around its turrets.
 It wasn’t until they came to a stop and Eskel shouted back, pointing, that Dandelion’s gaze materialized and his mind interpreted what he was seeing.
 Kaer Morhen.
 Caer a'Muirehen
 Keep of the Elder Sea
 When he knew what he was looking at, the pieces of it suddenly sharpened.  The outer and inner walls. The balconies and parapets.  
 It was like seeing a mystical place.  A legend.  A secret, only unlocked for the magical and mutated. And it was being opened for him. Sex worker of Sodden, Viscount of Vice, and now, Eskel’s angel.
 He gazed in wonder. It was only after his throat began to feel sore that he realized his jaw had dropped and he’d been breathing the cold air through his mouth.
 He’d stopped momentarily and Eskel had waited patiently. He licked his chapped dry lips and mouthed the word,
 Eskel smiled proudly.
 The book Dandelion had stuffed in his bags to keep his drawing for Eskel safe had been his main source of information about the old castle.  He wasn’t sure why he’d brought it with him. He was trying to keep his witcher fixation subtle after all.  But he hadn’t been able to resist. And of course sketches cannot do the real, actual thing justice.
 The sketches in the book were from its infancy, when it was shiny and new. Before the attacks. The majestic, crumbling architecture was everything he had imagined and more.
 After allowing him to gape for a few moments, Eskel urged them on.
 The air grew thinner, and his head lightened. Eskel began to stop often to check on him and offer him water. Buttercup was showing remarkable stoicism. So were Roach and Scorpion, but that had been expected. They’d taken this road many times.
 When they emerged from the last line of trees before the keep. Dandelion stopped cold, face tilted up to take in as much of it as he could. It was more stunning than he could have imagined.  Now he could make out the balustrades, the walkways atop the walls. This was a massive keep, with few equals outside of royal domains.
 He vaguely heard Eskel murmuring to Geralt, asking him to wait.
 After a few moments, he reminded himself that he would be here all winter. He would have all the time in the world to stare at Kaer Morhen.
 “You ready?” Asked Eskel.
“I’m ready,” said Dandelion.
 The first part of the keep that they approached was the outer defensive wall.  It was bordered by two barbicans and in its center was a massive wooden gate. 
 The moat lay in front of it, ringed in dark green moss.  The muddy banks around the top of the moat hinted that it had once been deeper. The water shimmered dark and the moon sparkled off of the ripples where minnows poked up their heads. 
 The bridge was a stone path that was bumpy in places. In the twilight, it would require some amount of concentration to cross.
“Are you ok,” asked Eskel. “Not too light headed?”
 “I’m good,” nodded Dandelion.
 “Walk in front,” said Eskel. “We’ll have Butterscotch follow Scorpion.”
 Dandelion took the first few steps.  He kept his eyes carefully on the path in front of him, intent not to trip on any rocks.
 But when he was about halfway across, the gleam of something white in the shallow water on his left caught his eyes.  He quickly glanced, and the shape of the white object brought him to a swift stand still.
 It looked like a bone. 
 It couldn’t be. But in the dimness of dusk it looked as such. Dandelion couldn’t help but stop and stare. Eskel and Geralt came to a stop behind him with the procession of horses. Dandelion pointed.
 “That looks like a bone,” he said, and he felt stupid as he said it. Why would it be a bone?
 “It is, love,” said Eskel, drawing closer and placing a hand on his lower back.
 Then other sparkles of white emerged from the water, once Dandelion knew what he was looking for. It dawned on him slowly that there were white shaped objects all over the floor of the moat, resting quietly.
 “Yes. Well,” said Dandelion, voice unsure. He knew about the attack on the keep.  As disturbing as it was, these men had done this to themselves, attacking the witchers and slaughtering them. This was the best they deserved.  “I supposed it’s a good reminder to your enemies. Never again.”
 Eskel leaned in to kiss him on the temple. Dandelion smiled bravely. He didn’t consider himself a coward. But a watery graveyard of bones still wasn’t something he relished.
 “No, those are mostly the witchers we lost,” said Eskel.
 Dandelion’s heart sunk. “All of your brothers-in-arms are in there?”
 Eskel squeezed him tight by the waist.
 He slid out of Eskel’s arms and knelt by the water, sweeping his eyes over the water, making out different kinds of bones: skulls, femurs, hands. The passing of clouds obscured them, then cleared, and they glistened at him once more.
 Dandelion realized that every time Eskel walked in and out of the keep, the bones of his people watched him quietly. They were posed as they had fallen, in violent death, betrayed by the very people who had created them, who had needed them, until they didn’t.
 Dandelion couldn’t help picturing the bones of his parents in there. Could he walk by them? Bare and exposed? 
 Eskel knelt beside him, leathers creaking.
 “Are you alright?”
 Dandelion sighed and swallowed. He looked for his voice and was grateful to find it.  “It’s not about me, I know,” he said distantly, unable to yank his eyes from the scene before him. “It’s just. They weren’t buried. Or burned. Why not?”
 “Vesemir said it was so we wouldn’t forget,” Eskel said gently.
 “But. Did you do anything for them?” He asked softly. “To honor them?” He couldn’t, wouldn’t, shame the very people most traumatized by the siege. But he couldn’t understand it. 
 “No,” said Eskel. “I suppose at the time we didn’t think about it. We were all--”
 “In shock?” said Dandelion. “Numb?” He understood that. He’d been numb and had avoided properly grieving for years. Until Eskel had burst into his life. Until Eskel had sliced the light of his life out of a basilisk belly.
 “Yes,” said Eskel. “We mostly tended to Vesemir. He was here you know. We found him under the corpse of his mentor. It’s how he survived.”
 “Oh,” said Dandelion.  He gazed, now unseeing, over the water.  “That’s awful.” There weren't any words for it, really. “And you just get used to this?” 
 “It doesn’t help to dwell on something you can’t change,” said Geralt. It was only then that Dandelion realized that Geralt had come up to stand next to them.  He loomed above, with crossed arms.
 “That’s true,” Dandelion said, looking up at Geralt. “But. Ah it’s just—” He stopped. “Nevermind. It’s not about me.” His voice faltered, and he clenched his fists. He blinked and bit his tongue.
 “I’ll see you two inside,” said Geralt abruptly. His voice sounded husky. He stepped around them and trudged towards the keep without another word. Roach clomped lightly around them too, following his witcher.
 Dandelion turned to Eskel. His eyes were adjusting to the darkening sky. The patience and tenderness in Eskel’s eyes almost undid him. This was Eskel’s tragedy. Why was he holding Dandelion’s hand through  his  shock?
 “I’m sorry,” said Dandelion. “I upset him. I. Was just surprised.”
 Eskel took his chin and pulled him to look into his eyes.
 “It’s ok,” he said. “If he’s upset, it isn’t your doing. I’ll check on him later.”
 Dandelion smiled ruefully. “And he was just getting used to me.”
 Eskel chuckled.
 “Used to you?  Is that what you think happened here these last few days? He got used to you?”
 Dandelion nodded. “He let me braid his hair.  He laced the bodice for me.”
 “Oh sweetness,” said Eskel, pulling him in for an encompassing, tight hug. “Geralt doesn’t just let people touch him. He doesn’t just loan out his clothes.  That was him shouting affection.”
 Dandelion pulled back enough to look into Eskel’s sparkling eyes.
“Really?” He asked.
Eskel nodded. “Really.”
 Dandelion nuzzled back into his neck. There they were, sitting on the stones in a pathway surrounded by gleaming bones, and Dandelion had never felt so safe.
 “I’m proud of you,” whispered Eskel. 
 Dandelion had a deficit of people saying they were proud of him. It happens by nature when you don’t have parents.  So he tucked that feeling away in his heart.
 “So. About Geralt,” said Dandelion. “If lending me gloves, and allowing me to touch him without violence is affection, then he worships you.”
 Eskel made a tsking noise. “Eh, it's complicated. We were kind of something more for awhile...but then...” there was a pause. “It was his choice. I understood. He can have anyone.”
 “He said himself that he makes terrible choices,” said Dandelion.
 Again it was silent.  Dandelion watched a crawdad skip across the water.
 “I’m with you now,” said Eskel softly.
 “Darling,” said Dandelion. “Love is an infinite resource.”
 “What do you mean?” asked Eskel.
 “I mean...” now Dandelion was searching for words. “I mean that, while I would not like to share you with just anyone, there are people who only increase the amount of love available.  Geralt is a part of you. And I don’t believe in a love that requires you to cut off part of who you are.”
 Dandelion forced himself to look out over the moat again. “Different people give you different things. He anchors you. He was there. I’m the lark who gives you new wings. We can both matter.”
 Eskel squeezed him again.  “I don’t even know what to say.”
 “You don’t have to say anything,” said Dandelion.
They held each other long enough to shake the cold of the trail. They held each other until Scorpion and Buttercup began complaining. The horses must have sensed Roach inside, eating oats without them.
 “Let’s get you inside and warmed up,” said Eskel. “And now that you’ve spent a week puffing me up, let’s see if I still fit in the door.” 
 He stood and held out his hand for Dandelion to take.
 "Very good. Any advice for making a good impression on the rest of your family?" asked Dandelion.
 "Sure," said Eskel. "Ignore Lambert."
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ariannjs · 5 years
AUNTIES OF KONOHA | A SasuSaku FanFic (One Shot)
This was a sudden idea but it was fun to write! The idea entered my mind when I saw a tweet by one of my friends in the SS fam wherein her mom and tita (aunt) stalked her crush. Haha. And then poof, I suddenly thought of incorporating the “Titas of Manila” vibe in it! 
If you’re a Filipino and you consider yourself a “tita” regardless of your age, I hope you enjoy this!
Cla, thanks to you, this was born! This one’s for you! I hope this fic would make you smile! Stay happy!
Disclaimer: I don’t own Naruto, nor any product, franchise, or establishment mentioned in this fic.
“Hi, Mars!” A high-pitched voice called the attention of Mikoto Uchiha while she was seated at one of the aesthetic tables of Cafe Mary Grace.
“Mare! You’re here!” Quite surprised, she stood up and leaned closer to her new companion to give her a beso on the cheek. “Kushina told me you might not be able to come, so I thought it’s going to be just the two of us.”
Mebuki Haruno slightly chuckled as they both sat down. It was also a surprise to her that she was able to attend their monthly hangout. Originally, she had somewhere else to go to, but she didn’t want to miss out on the updates with her amigas’ lives so she had to find a way to be able to meet with them. “Well, Sakura doesn’t have any classes so she took over all of my tasks for Sunlife today. Anyway, how are you?”
“Well, actually…” Mikoto suddenly picked up her Longchamp from the chair beside her and started rummaging its pockets. 
“What are you looking for?”
“My White Flower.” She sighed. “Actually, I was having some sort of a migraine this morning and it’s quite hitting me again now. Wait, where is it…”
Rolling her eyes, the caramel-haired woman clicked her small pouch open and gave Mikoto what she was looking for. “Here. And I thought Kushina was the forgetful one.”
“Oh, thank you!” Mikoto chuckled bashfully. “You’re still always the girl scout! I think I forgot mine somewhere at home since I used it right after I woke up too.” Opening the lid of the tiny bottle, she placed a finger on its mouth and waited until the liquid that could somehow miraculously heal all kinds of aches dampened the tip of her finger. She applied it on her temples and repeated the process until she felt the soothing sensation that she needed. “Tch. How I wish these headaches would stay away from me, but it’s returning every now and then.”
“Is that a sign that even at eighteen, Sasuke could still be a kuya?”
A subtle gasp escaped Mikoto’s lips as her gaze landed on Mebuki. And with the way the other woman wiggled her eyebrows at her, she couldn’t help but blush. “N-no, that’s not the case!” She cleared her throat and straightened herself on her seat. “Not at all. We don’t need more babies at home, Mare. Besides, I already have lots of baby succulents in my garden.”
Mebuki chuckled at how her friend struggled to keep her composure. “But 43 is not that bad, Mars. I’ve heard it’s still okay being pregnant at our age!”
“I don’t think Sasuke would appreciate having a sibling that is enough to be his own child.”
“Oh well, that could probably make your son more soft, you know? He’s so much like Fugaku! Imagine him taking care of an infant. I bet he needs that. Like a practice!”
Her laughter only received an eye roll from Mikoto. And if Mikoto hadn’t seen another familiar woman by the restaurant’s door, she was sure she’d have to endure Mebuki’s insistence on the matter for a couple of minutes.
“Kumares! Oh my gosh! I’m so sorry I’m late!”
Mikoto knew the newcomer wasn’t quite sorry at all, but she only grinned due to its familiarity. “It’s fine, Mars. We haven’t ordered yet.”
Kushina Uzumaki rounded the table and gave the two a beso before placing her grocery bags on the same chair where Mikoto’s bag was. “That’s great! Oh well. I wasn’t able to stop myself from dropping by at Watsons after I bought some groceries!”
“Who would be able to resist the temptation of Watsons? I could relate to you! I’m sure Mikoto could, too. Did you buy anything?”
“I wasn’t intending on buying anything, really.” The redhead chuckled. “But then I saw a new shade of this famous supermatte lipstick and I knew I needed to have one while it’s on sale!” She opened a small paper bag to reveal its content. Quickly removing the cap of the cosmetic, she twisted its body and showed the lipstick to her friends. “It’s gorgeous, dattebane!”
“Wow, that’s good for you! I’m kind of becoming lazy in shopping at malls recently. I often just hoard some stuff on Shopee and Lazada or ask Sakura to do the shopping for me. Besides, that’s kind of her thing nowadays too.”
Mikoto groaned slightly. “The joy of having a daughter.”
Mebuki chuckled. “Oh yeah, I remember you’ve always imagined that Sasuke would be a girl when you were still pregnant with him. But don’t worry, isn’t Itachi about to get married early next year? You’ll have a daughter-in-law soon!”
“You’re right.” There was a sparkle in Mikoto’s eyes upon hearing the idea. “Wow. You’re right! I didn’t realize that! Izumi’s such a sweet girl and I can’t wait for her to be officially part of the family soon!”
“My, my! I can’t believe things are going too fast! Just a little bit longer and you’re already going to be a lola, Mikoto!” Kushina’s unabashed laughter filled their side of the venue, but the redhead woman didn’t care about the heads turned towards her.
On the other hand, her statement made the Uchiha matriarch glare at her, and for a second, she somehow thought that she saw her eyes became red.
“I’m kidding, ‘ttebane! You know you’ll still be as charming as me and Mebuki regardless of our age! Anyway, why don’t we order first?”
“Good point. Cha! I’m starving. It’s almost lunch time anyway. Waiter?” Mebuki raised a hand to one of the waiters who instantly handed menus to them and asked for their orders.
Kushina was the first to respond, “I’ll get the signature ensaymada – kindly heat it, okay? – and please prepare a dozen of Cheese rolls for takeout. How about you, Mikoto?”
“Mine is...hmm, Chicken Inasal Sandwich with Tomato and Wansoy Salsa.”
“That’s all for you both? Alright, for me—wait a sec—ah, this! Dory and Saffron Cream Pasta and Mary Grace Hot Chocolate. You guys don’t want to add anything?”
Kushina shook her head, but Mikoto turned to the waiter once more. “Please add a cup of tea for me. Thank you.”
“We’re all set then!” The redhead hummed with delight once the waiter left for their orders. “So what’s up with you guys recently?”
“Nothing much, really. Same old, same old.” Mikoto huffed. “Fugaku still has lots of businesses he needed to attend to. But recently, he often brings Itachi to his trips, as training, he says. I don’t even see them much anymore until they came home last week.”
“Still the busy man, huh? Minato’s the same! I called him out about it. Just because he’s the Mayor doesn’t mean he needed to stay at his office and have overtime!”
Mikoto crossed her arms on the table, smirking in amusement that Kushina had the guts to call out her own husband. “That’s the First Lady of Konoha for you. And what did he respond to that?”
“Gladly, he’s been going home earlier lately. It makes me happy that I could prepare dinner for him again. The thing is, it’s quite difficult to tolerate him because it feels like he’s another teenager in the house!” Kushina massaged her temples as her friends snickered. “I’m not sure if he’s just messing with me or he’s trying to practice being sweet again.”
“That’s why Naruto isn’t maturing,” Mikoto quipped.
“You’re right, though. He used to tell me that Naruto got much of his traits from me, but maybe the immaturity actually came from him!”
“Oh well, what is it with our husbands and their busy lives? Kizashi opened another shop in Suna last month, so he hasn’t returned since then.”
“How fun! I mean, missing your husband sucks, but the all-girls company seems fun, ya know? With just you and Sakura at home!”
“Yeah. You and Mikoto are missing out.” The Haruno matriarch chuckled, and then he proposed, “Perhaps we could invite you both soon for dinner?” 
“Sounds good to me. Sometimes I can’t stand Sasuke’s brooding at home.”
“Count me in, too! Oh, hey! Food’s finally here.”
True enough, the waiter returned to their table with the meals they have ordered, making them pause to say a prayer and then instantly devour their food. 
“By the way, have you heard about this thing going on with Hiashi and Tsume?”
Two pairs of eyes glanced from their food to Kushina.
“You’re not talking about a romantic thing, right?” Mikoto asked.
“Actually, that’s exactly what I’m talking about.”
“That seems like a joke, however.” Mebuki laughed before wiping her lips with a table napkin. “With how reserved Hiashi is, and how...how bold Tsume is, that seems like an extreme contrast.”
“I’m still not sure if it’s true. But we all know how Hiashi lost his wife to cancer so many years ago. And how...Tsume’s husband left them because she allegedly scared him, right? They probably need some romance once again.” Kushina shrugged while slicing her ensaymada. “Oh, well. It’s kind of being passed on to their kids because Naruto complained to me days ago about how Kiba seemed to be hitting on Hinata recently.” She snickered.
“But aren’t Naruto and Hinata together now?”
Kushina nodded with glee. “Yes, Mare! I was pretty surprised my son even had the guts to ask a girl out! Especially the Hyuga!” She laughed. “But yeah. Hiashi suddenly had a soft spot for dogs, and it seems like he often brought Hinata with him whenever they dropped by at the Inuzuka’s Petshop to have their pup checked up. And as told by Naruto, Hinata often mentioned how Kiba tried to spend more time with her.”
“Jealousy, huh?” Mikoto laughed. “Ah, young love.”
“I know! Naruto was pissed! I could remember how I was a bit like that – or worse – when a few girls hit on Minato back then!”
They all laughed, remembering how all of them were present in some of those encounters wherein girls threw themselves on the town’s young-looking mayor.
“Our husbands quite have the knack to attract girls, don’t they? Good thing Fugaku’s the kind who never even glances at his fangirls. To think that he still has lots until now! I’m not sure if I’d actually be bothered by the fact that Sasuke seemed to have gotten such attitude too.”
Mebuki bit her lip to stifle a giggle, mind lost in a memory that she wasn’t sure at first if she should share with her friends. “Speaking of Sasuke, I wasn’t able to mention this earlier but…”
Mikoto turned to Mebuki at the mention of her youngest son’s name.
“Well, how do I begin...I’m a bit bothered about why my daughter wasn’t introducing any guy that wants to court her. She wasn’t even talking about any crushes ever since, like every other girl! I was quite afraid that Sakura already became a plant or something. But weeks ago, I’ve tried asking her if there’s a guy that she likes and then – poof! – she went all red!”
“I think I know where this is heading…” Kushina snickered, but Mikoto only raised an eyebrow, wondering if she wasn’t catching up on something.
“She never mentioned the name of the guy. But…” The Haruno smiled mischievously, causing her two friends to lean closer as if a top secret information was going to be revealed inside the decorated walls of Cafe Mary Grace. “She described him – weird hairstyle, dark eyes, fair skin; also...quickly annoyed, rarely talks to others but engages in conversations with her especially through chats, and the one she often tags in memes despite knowing that he wouldn’t find it so funny.”
“So you’re thinking that it’s Sasuke?” Mikoto placed a hand on her mouth, unsure about what she should feel. “But we can’t be sure on the last descriptions!”
“The thing is...I’ve stalked my daughter online.”
“Stalked.” The raven-haired woman gave her a pointed look.
Kushina guffawed in her seat while waiting for the next revelations of her friend.
“You stalked your daughter, Mebuki? Don’t teenagers dislike it when we invade their personal space?” Mikoto mentioned with her fingers forming quotation marks in the air. “That’s what Sasuke usually tells me whenever I ask him who he’s always chatting with on––” And then she gasped.
Mebuki and Kushina were looking at her now, pairs of blue and green eyes shining with delight at the notion that their friend seemed to have puzzled the pieces on her own.
“Oh, goodness.” Kushina chuckled once again. “I haven’t heard anything from Naruto, to think that they’re all best friends! This is great, ‘ttebane! But you haven’t told us yet what you’ve seen when you stalked Sakura.”
Mebuki laughed before she even got to say anything, almost making a vein pop on Mikoto’s already throbbing head. Because, how could they understand the story if the teller was laughing midway? 
“Well, I didn’t see her tag Sasuke on any meme.” The caramel-haired woman restrained another cackle.
“So how were you—”
“It was actually the other way around! I don’t know how I landed on that random Facebook page but I saw a comment of Sasuke tagging Sakura on one of those doctor memes albums. And then my daughter replied with ‘HAHAHA you’re the one who’s annoying, Sasuke-kun! I won’t be like this to my patients one day!’”
Kushina and Mebuki giggled like teenagers then, leaving the Uchiha matriarch at a loss for words.
“Who would have thought, Mikoto? We might end up as co-mothers-in-law!”
“I didn’t...I didn’t expect this. I’ve always known Sasuke to be the shy one. Although he always seems aloof, he’s actually just shy. I never even realized he and Sakura have developed such close friendship...or more. I used to think that only he and Naruto are the ones who are very close in their team.”
“Well, I was surprised with Sakura too. I know she adores both her bestfriends, I just never imagined she could adore Sasuke in a different way. If anything, I’d actually be glad if my assumptions are true.” She winked at her amigas. “They basically grew up together. And Sasuke grew into a fine gentleman with great values, props to you and Fugaku.”
“Alright! We must do something about this then!”
The other moms faced the redhead, each with an eyebrow lifted inquisitively due to her sudden declaration.
“Remember when we were helping you and Fugaku pass on letters to each other in class?”
“Oh my goodness, Kushina, that was a long time ago!” A crimson stain appeared on Mikoto’s cheeks as she remembered how her two best friends and their then boyfriends (now husbands) actually contributed to the relationship between the campus heartthrob and their batch’s top student. “I don’t think we could do such a thing for Sasuke and Sakura though.”
Kushina scoffed. “Of course we wouldn’t do the exact thing! For one, you and Mebuki should allow them to go out. Like, alone.”
“Actually, I’m fine with Sakura going out. She even usually goes out for some shopping with Ino. It’s just that I have a curfew for her. Hmm...maybe I could extend that whenever she’ll be out with Sasuke.”
“The thing is, knowing my son, he wouldn’t be straightforward in asking her out even if he wanted to. He’s so subtle at everything! I think he actually needs some push.” Mikoto nodded to herself as if she already has a to-do list of her own. Her two other friends grinned at each other, noticing the determination in the Uchiha’s eyes that seemed to be filled with hesitation moments ago. “You know what? This is actually a good idea. I don’t want Sasuke to end up being alone. He’s already getting a bit lonely now that his brother is not always around. And Naruto already has a girlfriend to give much of his time to.”
“Exactly!” Kushina clapped her hands, thrilled that they were going somewhere with this SasuSaku mission of sorts. “Those are great contributions, Kumares! I guess mine would have something to do with my son. Let me see...oh! Wait a minute! What if I ask Naruto to invite Hinata, Sasuke, and Sakura for some sort of a double date? Oh my gosh! That would be so sweet, dattebane!”
The three women gazed at each other with silly grins on their faces. They only wanted to hangout and talk about life in general, what they didn’t expect was that they would end up strategizing as if they were gearing up for a school project, much like their High School days.
“Cha! It’s getting cold here.” Mebuki suddenly complained, immediately getting her small pouch that seemed to fit every possible item in it, which included a shawl that she brought out. Placing the shawl around her shoulders, she heard a familiar voice from behind her and for a second, her friends gave her meaningful looks that she didn’t quite catch at first.
For the one who had just entered Cafe Mary Grace was none other than her beautiful (and single) daughter.
“Oh, Sakura! You’re done meeting with everyone for their Sunlife insurance?”
“Yes, mom. I also picked up your box of Vitaplus goods,” the pink-haired maiden said while handing a package filled with health drinks.
“Wow. I didn’t know you’re into that.”
“Nah, Kushina, I have no time for networking, really. But I wanted to help a friend who’s into this, so I sometimes buy their big bulk. Besides, my future doctor here is kind of obsessed with these healthy stuff!”
Sakura only shrugged before greeting the other women in the room, “Hi, Tita Kushina and Tita Mikoto!” She then approached them with a beso on their cheeks. But for some reason, she was stuck in place when the Uchiha matriarch surprisingly hugged her, leaving her wide eyed.
“Great to see you, Sakura!”
She chuckled shyly as she pulled a chair from an empty table near them. “Um, thank you, tita. You too.”
“It’s so nice of you to help out your mom today, Sakura. Thanks to you, we were able to catch up with Mebuki today!” Kushina said. And then she smirked. “So how are you and Sasuke?”
Mebuki and Mikoto threw glances at each other while stifling their laughter. As always, it was Kushina who would do things right off the bat.
Sakura parted her lips in surprise, eyes blinking as all the titas in the table leaned closer to wait for her reply. “I...I’m fine? I think Tita Mikoto would know about Sasuke-kun, though.” She scratched the side of her head.
“That’s not what we mean, dear.” Mikoto smiled, grasping her hand from across the table.
“Right. How are you and Sasuke?” Her mom asked this time.
Her eyes widened at the implication of the hanging question. She fidgeted in her seat, looking down with the hope that the blush on her cheeks wasn’t prominent for them to see. “H-how are...we? But...t-there’s no such thing, mom.” 
The three women’s shoulders slumped, excitement suddenly leaving their system. Sakura was still trying to grasp the reason behind the on-the-spot interrogation when someone’s phone buzzed.
Saved by the bell, she thought.
It was Mikoto’s. A smile graced her lips when she saw the name on her caller ID. “Hello, Sasu-chan? Yes, we’re still here! Oh, you’re already right outside? Alright, thank you. I’ll be there in a bit.” She returned her phone inside her Longchamp before facing her friends with a beam. And for some reason, Sakura didn’t know if that was a good thing. “My son is there to pick me up. Let’s go?” 
Definitely not a good thing.
The other women agreed, settling their bill and gathering their stuff before exiting Cafe Mary Grace.
Once outside, they all saw a black Audi with Sasuke leaning casually against its side. Kushina, Mebuki, and Mikoto couldn’t help but grin like Cheshire cats. Sakura, on the other hand, shifted her weight from one foot to another, gripping the Vitaplus box in her arms even tighter.
When Sasuke sensed their presence, he glanced at their direction, eyes slightly widening at the presence of someone he didn’t expect to be there. But he quickly brushed it off and approached his mom, giving her a kiss on the cheek before gently lifting Kushina’s hand and pressing his forehead against it. He repeated the honoring gesture to Mebuki, which the woman responded with a cheery “Bless you!”
For a brief moment, it was as if the three elders were holding their breaths, bracing themselves while they waited to see how Sasuke would greet Sakura. 
Would he hug her, kiss her, hold her hand, or what?
Their expectations have faltered, however, when Sasuke simply turned to Sakura’s direction and gave her a nod. 
A simple, small nod.
That’s it? Mikoto blinked in surprise, slightly disappointed with her own son. He definitely got that from Fugaku! 
Sakura smiled in response at his raven-haired childhood friend, grinning a bit wider when she noticed the tinge of pink dusting his cheeks. Thankfully, their moms and aunt failed to see it.
“Do you mind if we give them all a ride?” Mikoto then asked once she recovered.
Sasuke – being Sasuke – simply shrugged and unlocked the car, opening both doors for them before assisting Kushina with her grocery bags to be placed in the trunk. As Kushina and Mebuki entered the back seat, he returned to get the box that Sakura was holding so he could also place it beside Kushina’s groceries.
He found his mom standing by the passenger seat then, with a hand on Sakura’s shoulder as if stopping her from going inside the car beside her mother. “Mom, what are you waiting for?”
“I’m actually thinking that Sakura should take the passenger seat so I and your titas could still talk at the back.” 
Sasuke quirked an eyebrow at her. “Couldn’t you do that with you in the front seat?”
“No!” Three voices startled him and Sakura, though he was just asking the question to his mom.
“Well, you see, they agree with me.” Mikoto grinned. “I mean, I just really missed your titas, Sasuke-chan.” She intentionally completed Sasuke’s name to better gain his favor, well aware that he hated being called with his childhood nickname in front of other people. “Besides, while we talk, you and Sakura could have some—I don’t know—catch up or something.”
There was a pregnant pause after that as Sasuke weighed the predicament, sensing something strange. But when he realized that there was no point discussing a petty thing, he finally nodded at his mom and waited for her to get inside the car beside Mebuki. He closed the car door and waited for Sakura to enter the front seat next, before closing her door as well and rounding the car to go to his side.
Internally squealing, the three women at the back seat gave each other knowing glances that Sakura was able to catch through the rearview mirror.
Her neck suddenly felt warm the moment Sasuke entered the car. There’s this weird pressure of being this close to him and having the elders behind them, watching them carefully contrary to what Mikoto said that they would still converse with each other.
She busied herself with her phone then. And upon unlocking it, she noticed the latest Facebook notification that appeared on her screen: Sasuke Uchiha mentioned you in a comment.
Biting her lip to fight her smile from growing, she threw a glance at the man beside her. What made all her tension go away was the fact that he was also surprisingly looking at her with a smirk playing on his lips.
And then Sasuke drove off to bring the titas home.
June 2019 | @AriannJS
Some terms that might need definitions:
Mars/Mare/Kumare - (Tagalog; derived from a Spanish word) appellation for a female close friend; appellation for your child’s godmother 
Kuya - (Tagalog) big brother
Lola - (Tagalog) grandmother
Tita - (Tagalog) aunt
Amiga - (Spanish/also used sometimes in the Philippines) female friend
Thanks for reading! Please let me know what you think! :D
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ginnyzero · 4 years
Completely Harmless Ch. 54
Completely Harmless An SSO SilverGlade Re-imagining Story (Or Fix it Fan Salt fic) By Ginny O.
When Lily and her friends wanted to buy horses and were directed to the Silverglade Manor and its myriad of problems, they didn’t expect to start a revolution. They were just a bunch a stable girls. Completely harmless. Right?
A/N: Things are only canon if I say they’re canon. Pre-Saving the Moorland Stables compliant for the most part. Posted in its entirety on my website. Posted in 2000 to 4000 word bits here. Rated T for Swearing Word Count 177,577
Chapter Fifty-Four CHILL-ax during Happy Horse Week!
The decorations were approved by other clubs while the few votes against them were roundly ignored. It helped that gave everyone a goodie bag and had a snack table set up with their treats and cups of apple cider mixed with ginger ale. The marble balloons had been turned into arches and pillars. She’d borrowed the flag banners from Jorvik Stable to show off what things would look like complete with hay bales.
The Councilman hadn’t been too happy about the hay bales, but Kate had promised to clean.
Everyone was relieved that Lily was okay. And they were more than willing to take shifts at the council house in order to help make the decorations they needed between breaks in training. Training that was more important than they realized.
In fact, it was Herman that clued Lily in as she waited her turn to run through the show jumping event set up in the Arena.
“Really looking forward to seeing all you girls at the County Fair this year,” he said with a big grin on his face. Leaning against the fence of the riding arena he looked almost lazy as he watched the girls.
Lily looked down at him and put a hand on her horse’s neck. “Herman, I think you’re forgetting that most of us have never lived here before. Or should I be asking Linda or Pauline?”
Herman glanced up, the grin didn’t fade. “Didn’t forget. Didn’t know you didn’t know.”
Lily rolled her eyes. Her stallion tossed his mane.
“There’s an eventing contest held at the County Fair every year. It’s the first qualifier for the Claymore Challenge. Every club comes and tries out. Course, last year, and the year before that, and the year before that, was just the Bobcats and the Bulldogz. Be nice to see them have a bit of competition.”
Lily’s brow furrowed. “But we’re collecting ribbons,” she said slowly drawing it out.
“Gotta train your horse and get it into condition so it knows what it’s doing. Practice is one thing, Lily girl, doing exhibition is another. The lights, the crowds, you don’t know how your horse is going to react. Depends on the crowd too.” Herman sucked his teeth. “Yep, some mighty fine riders in practice can’t make it through exhibitions.”
Lily pressed her tongue to her back teeth and looked off to the side as her brows furrowed. “Qualifiers,” she said after a few moments and not coming into any conclusions.
“Yep, helps me winnow it down. I know you’re all doing well in your ribbons. You can’t all go to the Claymore Challenge as much as I’d like to send you all. One Club per county. Thems the rules.”
Lily looked down at him. “I wasn’t given any rule list when I made the club. How many members are we allowed to have maximum anyways?”
Lily blinked. There went the plan to merge clubs to get around that pesky rule. “Well, we’re a bit beyond 100 people, Herman. I think we’re hitting closer to 200.”
Herman grinned. “And you wouldn’t believe how proud I am of that, all of you choosing to leave Moorland and form clubs to help out the district. Brings a tear to me old eyes, it does.”
Lily snorted. She shifted her attention. Tracey rode around the track keeping her posture upright as her stallion took the turns.
“You’re doing good things,” Herman rocked back and forth on his feet.
“If you say so,” Lily glanced back at him.
“You don’t think so?”
“I think I’m doing what needs to be done whether it’s good or bad, I can’t say.” Lily gripped the reins in her hands turning them over between her fingers. “I’m doing the best I can or we are, or I hope we are. One never knows. You have a lot of things you don’t tell newcomers, like, qualifiers being at the County Fair.”
Herman chuckled. “You’re revitalizing this county.”
“You didn’t need me for that, you just needed to act.”
“Mrs. X of CHILL wants to meet you,” Herman said.
“Fancy that,” Lily said in a dry voice. “I’m not surprised.”
“Of course,” Lily murmured. “Because what other way do you meet the leader of a secret organization that,” she paused. “What does CHILL do?”
“Put nails in the road for G.E.D.,” Herman said.
“Your horse idioms are so lovely, Herman,” Lily said. “Where is she?”
“Observatory 12 in Epona.”
Lily backed her stallion away from the fence. “And let me guess, she wants to see me as soon as possible.”
“You know how this works.”
“Way too many crime shows, way, way too many.”
Herman laughed.
“How cliché can you get?” Lily muttered and nudged her horse into a trot. The nearest transport to the Observatory was in Crescent Moon Village she thought. Hillcrest and the Dews Farm in Epona were getting transports set up still. Hillcrest’s was in need of a major repair since someone had tried to use the truck to ram the wall. (It hadn’t worked.)
She took the transport to Crescent Moon Village and went directly down the road through the Marsh and up the side of the mountain to the Observatory perched on the edge of the Cauldron opposite of Hillcrest.
Dismounting, she opened the huge doors of the observatory a crack and slipped inside.
It wasn’t as dark as she’d thought it be. Sunlight streamed in through the small windows illuminating the place.
“I’m glad you came,” Mrs. X said from the middle of the room. She smoothed the skirt of her ankle length green dress, but a deep hood obscured her face.
Lily stepped closer. Mrs. X’s face was also covered with a mask. Crossing her arms, Lily stopped. “I don’t deal with people who hide their faces.”
“My identity is a closely guarded secret, one I’d like to keep that way.”
Lily pressed her lips together. “You’re either trying to recruit me. Or, you have a message for me. Spit it out one or the other.”
“You’ve impressed me.”
“Funny, you don’t sound impressed.”
“You’ve interfered with a major operation. Hillcrest is only a small part of the G.E.D.’s plans for the Harvest and Epona Districts. You’ve set me back months of work.”
“You, lady, are a vigilante.” Lily lifted a finger off of her arm. “You run around in the shadows not sharing information with the authorities, and causing more problems than you solve because you won’t work within the boundaries of the law.”
“The law has failed us.”
“So, Bernie Winterwell didn’t want to leave his house and was happy to be bribed. Was it a moral failing? Or is House of Winterwell in dire straits? Or is there another reason? I don’t know. I don’t care. If Baron Winterwell isn’t doing what you need to do, you go to Count Marchenghast.”
“He’s ill. The Countess is overwhelmed. They’re too young and inexperienced to handle the G.E.D.”
Lily’s lips parted. “Really? Because, Mrs. X., I’m what, sixteen, and I’ve handled them just fine by oh, seeing that they don’t have the proper paperwork or you know, put people in actual danger and taken this to the people in charge like the Rangers and the nobles who run this county and they’ve managed to take care of things with the information me and my girls have provided them. I do not feel that the people of Hillcrest are an acceptable sacrifice so you can try to stop the grander scheme and get the higher ups.”
“You are too young to understand.”
“I understand that right now you’re no better than the druids, most of whom, also wear hoods and also, who I will not have anything to do with unless they show their faces. Here’s my message to you, it’s the same one I gave to Elizabeth Sunbeam. You lead and take action instead of observing and waiting. You follow. Or you get the hell out of my way. The people of Hillcrest will not thank you for standing by and watching.”
“Jarlaheim is in great danger. You don’t understand how great.”
Lily rolled her eyes. “Yes. We know. You remember Mayor Elaine. She was in Hillcrest. She knew what Ms. Drake was up to. Ms. Drake has been arrested. Given her lawyers, she probably won’t be in there for long. But it’s a good way to stall them and give time for Mayor Elaine to recover and take control over Jarlaheim.” Lily turned on her toe and grabbed the door. Pulling it open, she looked over her shoulder. “Come out of the shadows, Mrs. X, and into the light.” She walked out shutting the door gently behind her.
“People,” she said to her stallion.
He whuffled.
Lily mounted and turned him around down the mountain. “Vigilantism, peh.”
He nodded his head.
“Jarlaheim is in great danger,” Lily mocked. “Gee, you think? I mean, there aren’t four dig sites around the place, probably illegal dig sites, run by the G.E.D. if it’s not in great danger. Like, I don’t have girls in every stable and town and farm in this county by now. And do you know what we teenage girls like to do?”
He knocked his ear back seemingly interested.
“Share information. People might call this gossip. Because they only hear about who is dating who and who is fighting and what embarrassing thing happened to so and so this week. But there is important information among the trivia.” She patted his neck. “Sometimes, if the mare is fat, it’s not that she’s actually fat, she’s pregnant.”
He whinnied.
“Exactly, you get it.” Lily let him trot down the road. “Diabolical corporations. Aliens. Witches. Ghosts. Aliens running diabolical corporations. Druids. Chipmunks and squirrels as spies. Magic horses. Now vigilantes.”
He nodded his head.
“Nahnahnahnahnahnahnah, Batman!”
Her horse whinnied again.
She quieted as she got out of the marsh and into the village. She hummed “Spider-man, spider-man, does whatever a spider can,” under her breath as they passed Hayden’s house.
She took the transport back to Jorvik Stables.
When Herman asked her how it went, she replied with, “It went.”
The decorations were ready in time for Happy Horse week, if barely. Barney had helped them by using the vinyl wall art to make plywood versions of the horse silhouettes with his wooden scroll saw. He’d also made them horse heads to vary up the horse shoes and hang their smaller horse garlands from. They weren’t allowed to touch his saw. They could lose fingers if they weren’t careful. Plus, he was making the silhouettes five or six at a time to save time. Each stable and town had at least one of each galloping, show jumping, and dressage silhouette. Carney Summers had been busy making race signs for everyone.
But everything was painted, glittered, glued together, whatever needed to be done in time to decorate for the week. Metal and plastic buckets had ribbons and bows on them. Plastic helmets also had bows and rhinestones and gold trim. They wrapped fancy striped ribbons in Jorvik national colors around every extra haybale they were strewing about for decorations. (And handy seating for the tired parents.)
So, the day before Happy Horse Week was also busy instead of training, they were decorating and making sure everything was out and just so. They’d put together plenty of snacks for the tables and had decided that mint candies went in predominantly blue favor cones, and granola went in predominantly green favor cones.
Putting together the selfie walls had been a bit easier now they were at the third time around. They used the triangular and horse shoe garlands to drape the circle. Put plenty of championship ribbons on the upper left hand side. Put together a pillar or arch out of marble balloons and made sure there were hobby horses and stuffed plushies (fresh from Fort Pinta) out for people to use as props.
Agnetha has pursed her lips at the arches of balloons in front of the rose archway and on each side of the bandstand, but she hadn’t said anything dire.
Thinking ahead, they set up the pavilion so people could decorate their own buckets and helmets if they wanted to do so. They even had championship ribbons for name badges.
They had to rearrange the jumps in the riding arena. (That gave them time to decorate it.) Though the Rose Arches remained firmly in place. And put together the special race tracks for the cross country races through the grape fields.
It was a good thing that they had extra decorations and banners, because just in time for Happy Horse Week, the Silverglade Oval Track was ready to open and it needed to be decorated as well.
Pia and Ingrid sent pictures of the Art Show and Flea Market respectively. Everything was horse themed! Pia had plenty of exclamation points. She never asked for it to be that way!
They had to help transport the cake from Ma Anna’s Pastry Shop in Firgrove all the way to Moorland. They transported it in separate tiers thank goodness, but they still wanted an escort for some reason. When it was put together, the bottom three tiers were sold colored, there was a blue tier, a green tier, and a white tier. Then the top two tiers, one had stripes, and the smallest was white with green and blue polka dots. They stuck a large golden harp in the top of it as a topper.
The tables for the Moorland feast were set out. And there were extra tables so they could set out the grab bags, horse masks, party hats, and horse ears for the kids. The Farmer’s Market bustled with happy people who were more than happy to put up another tent for the Carnival games of bobbing for apples, pig pen, horse shoes, hobby horse races, and pin the tail on the horse. They had a special spot for the pinatas (and plenty of them.) And a booth all set up so everyone could get their face painted.
Realizing they’d forgotten prizes for said games, Kate and her club ran to Jorvik City to get more of the prizes like they had in the grab bags. (Because why not try to collect them all, according to Regina. She was roundly reminded, again, that this wasn’t Pokemon!)
The Timber Wolves escorted Andy’s petting zoo down and helped him set it up at the same time they brought down the cake.
It was quite the whirl of activity.
No one was sure who exactly hid the Golden Horse Shoes, only, that they were hidden.
So, everyone was excited the first day of Happy Horse Week, despite the fact that they’d had to make a schedule so there were people minding the races, giving beginning riding lessons, doing the lunge informational event, the craft pavilion, and the snack booth.
“Where do we want to go first?” Was the biggest question. Firfall was having a jousting demonstration at their medieval fair. There was the County Fair to check out too with all the food, and booths, and games, and they had to keep an eye on the competition up there with the eventing qualifiers. Or, they could go to Moorland and get a slice of carrot cake or apple spice cake (or both) and go straight to the Farmer’s Market to do games there. Or, they go to Fort Pinta and grab Token Takes Jorvik, buy a horse plushy if they didn’t already have a stuffed lovie of their own and start on the different challenges, plushy vacation pictures, Andy’s Geocaching, and Hayden’s Spider Hunt.
More than a few of them though were bowing out of Hayden’s Spider Hunt.
“No thank you,” they said.
They knew they’d see all of it. It was a matter of did they want to watch a pie eating contest at the County Fair or not? There was going to be a demonstration of a flat track oval race too that sounded interesting. They all agreed that they wanted to see the horse rubber duck race. That sounded too funny not to see.
The last day was the Light Ride.
It was with light hearts that they made their schedule and took to explore the county during Happy Horse Week. (They had Golden Horseshoes to find!) The first place they had to go was the Silverglade Oval Track ribbon cutting ceremony!
Loretta shifted her weight on top of her white stallion, the pink of her showjumping jacket setting off her fair complexion. Lily cynically thought that was the reason why the Bobcats colors happened to be pink. Loretta looked good in it. Loretta glanced over at her. “What are you doing here?”
Lily tugged down the sleeves of her own showjumping jacket, light purple. (Thought she’d the option of a dark purple or mulberry color.) “Same as you, I suspect. Claymore Challenge qualifiers.”
Loretta’s eyes widened. “No. No. You can’t. Your clubs are too,” she trailed off.
“Too what? We’ve qualified. We’ve earned the ribbons.” Lily looked down her nose at her. Had Loretta forgotten about the fact that more clubs meant more competition?
“You haven’t been around long enough to train your horses to be competition ready,” Loretta curled her lip. “You’ve been too busy doing other things.”
Lily leaned forward a bit resting her weight on her folded hands. “Not for the last month, month and a half. You don’t want to train for more than a couple hours every day and risk hurting the horse.”
“But you couldn’t have earned enough ribbons.”
Lily smirked at her. “I did.”
“That’s not right.” Loretta frowned.
“Take it up with Herman.” Lily shrugged. She tilted her head.
The Announcer’s voice rang out. “President of the Bobcats, Loretta.”
“You’re up,” Lily told her.
Rattled, Loretta nudged her stallion into a trot to take the arena.
Lily narrowed her eyes and watched. Either Loretta wasn’t as good as she claimed to be or Lily’s appearance as the next competitor after her had truly rattled her. She missed several jumps knocking down the bars.
When Loretta came off the field she looked furious. She stopped her horse by Lily. “If someone like you who isn’t even from Jorvik keeps me from going to the Claymore Challenge again,” she started.
“Again?” Lily raised a brow. “Last I checked the rules, Jorvik citizenship wasn’t required to compete, only belonging to a Riding Club in Jorvik in good standing.”
Loretta sucked her cheeks in and trotted off. “I won’t be defeated.”
Lily watched her go and put a hand on her horse’s neck. “And President of the Silverglade Equestrian Center’s Silver Drakes, Lily,” The Announcer said.
Lily squared her shoulders. She had an event to do. She could wonder who had beat out Loretta last time. Lisa. Linda. Or Anne?
FOR THE ACCOMPANYING IMAGES PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE MY WATERMARK AND CONTACT INFORMATION. THANK YOU. I get it. Some of you might get excited and want to see this stuff in the game, especially the clothes, tack, and pets. However, the only way I want to see this in the game is if I get paid for it. If I see it in the game and I’m not paid for it, there will be hell to pay. You think I’m salty. I’d be angry. Personally, I’m not going to send this info to SSO. If you do, leave my contact information there! Don’t give them any excuses to steal.
Now, I’ll know you haven’t read this note if you leave me comments about how ‘salty’ I am about the game and if I hate it so much I should do something else. I am doing something else. It’s called Mystic Riders MMORPG Project. Mystic Riders however is a very baby phase game. You can check out our plans on the game dev blog. (Skills, Factions, Professions, Crafting, Mini-Games, 25+ horse breeds!) If you know anyone who would be interested and has money or contacts about game making, direct them to the blog.
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lover-of-midnight · 4 years
Is there a way out - chapter 1
Rating: Explicit Archive Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Rape/Non-Con Categories: F/M M/M Fandom: Merlin (TV) Relationships: Arthur/Original Male Character Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin) Merlin & Arthur Pendragon (Merlin) Leon & Arthur Pendragon (Merlin) Leon & Morgana (Merlin )Leon/Morgana (Merlin) Gaius & Arthur Pendragon (Merlin) Balinor/Hunith (Merlin) Characters: Arthur Pendragon (Merlin) Merlin (Merlin) Leon (Merlin) Morgana (Merlin )Gaius (Merlin) Balinor Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Dark Dark fic Dead Dove: Do Not Eat Rape/Non-con Elements Rape Recovery domestic abuse Suicide Attempt Depression Arranged Marriage soul mates Non-Traditional Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics Non-Consensual Touching Omega Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)Alpha Merlin (Merlin )Alpha Uther Beta Morgana Beta Leon Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics forced bondage  Summary: A whine almost escaped his throat when there was suddenly a hand against his nap. Arthur tried to take controlled breaths, but he was sure that the only thing in the air around him was his fear. The man leaned down, his nose trailing down to his scent gland. Arthur’s hands went to his knees clutching them as if his life depends on it.
Arthur glared at Uther, he wanted to scream and rage and run but there is nothing to be done now. Ever since he presented as an omega was his life going downhill fast. He cast a glance to Morgana, but she only looked bored on.
He knew since he was little that omegas do not matter. The laws that are in place kept them as nothing more than brood mares and slaves. He knows if he even as much as tries and go against the agreement that he would be punished. His hand clutches were his mark sat. He could only hope that at one point he would meet his true mate and that they would help him.
His attention was dragged back to the meeting when the Alpha he would be married to give a victory laugh. A shiver ran down his back, he could feel the dread slowly building up. He does not want to be married to the man.
His thoughts run silent when Uther muttered the words: “In two days the married will take place. The horror that runs through him is almost enough to make him vomit. His eyes roamed around the courtroom wishing someone will stop this madness. This is not something he wants.
A whine almost escaped his throat when there was suddenly a hand against his nap. Arthur tried to take controlled breaths, but he was sure that the only thing in the air around him was his fear. The man leaned down, his nose trailing down to his scent gland. Arthur’s hands went to his knees clutching them as if his life depends on it.
“He would make an amazing omega; his smell is potent. I am sure we will have a litter soon.” His voice was dangerous. Uther gave a delighted smile. Arthur watches half detaches as they greeted each other and then the people slowly started to leave the room. His legs felt like jelly. He did not jerk away when Uther pulled him up. He realised he must have spaced out.
Arthur quickly got his feet back under him, he knows better than to let anyone see him weak. The corridors passed in a haze. He forced himself to listen as his father talked to Gaius. He cast his eyes down when he saw the pity in Gaius' eyes. He would just have to find a way to make sure he would not take in his heats. He could only hope that Gaius would be able to help him.
When Uther left the room he almost crumbled down to the floor. He bit down hard on his lip to keep himself from crying out in frustration. “Sire.” Gaius's voice was comforting to him. The beta gently pulled him over to a chair. “I can’t do this Gaius.” His voice was soft. His hand kept on straying to his mark.
A true mate, and now he would not even be able to be with them one day. “Arthur, you need to listen to me.” Gaius had a sense of urgency around him. Arthur took a deep breath; he knows he needs to get his mind onto the situation if he wants to get out of this. “You have a true mate; this means the bond will not take.” Gaius watches in horror as Arthur jumped up almost hitting his head.
Arthur looks at Gaius in horror. “He will try to form the bond every time.” Arthur's voice was a mere whisper. “Gaius there has to be a way to get out of this?” The look he gave the physician almost broke Gaius' heart.
The silence made Arthur start pacing, the only way he could think of to get out of this is to run away and he knows that it is dangerous, there is only one kingdom that is good to the omegas in their society and they are a boat ride away. There would be no way that he would be able to make it there.
“I am sorry Arthur. I can give you something to dull the sensations and stop you from getting pregnant.” The sorrow in his voice almost made Arthur broke down. This is not fair. They know that Uther knows about the mark on his wrist. It is rare for soul pairings to be born but it does happen every decade or so.
“Alright.” Gaius could only watch as Arthur left his room. Gaius knows that Uther would have already readied extra guards to make sure he would not get out of the castle.
Arthur throws himself onto his bed. This is not what he had expected of the problem. How could he have? The war was rising but they had ever changed to beat those people back without any problems, but no. Uther had decided that it would be better to ally with them.
He could still remember the horror he had felt when he turned eighteen and presented as an omega. Suddenly begin strip from training with the knights and his duties as a knight. He worked hard to made it to be the first knight by the time he was fifteen. His father sudden change of attitude towards him. There were never close, but these days where he is barely allowed out of his chambers.
The fear that had grabbed him when he woke up delirious with fever. Scared out of his mind. His body agitated and needing something and not knowing what. The screaming when his father found out. The trashing he took when he got out of his first heat ever.
His breathing started to exulcerate when he thought of the Alpha’s eyes. They were dead inside. The alpha was just like Uther.
Arthur jumped slightly when the door opened up suddenly. Two young beta women walked in, they were part of the royal tailors. At least they tried to cheer him up and give him a choice in the clothing material.
Arthur knows that traditionally the omega would wear something almost see-through but he refuses to be treated as just another piece of meat.
His hand went to the white and silver silk, the colour reminded him of the chainmail he used to wear. He could feel that it is a sturdy material, would more than likely not rip easily. White, silver and black. That is the colour he would wear on his wedding day. The thought alone made him feel nauseous. The girls were chatting around him, they have noticed his distress but there is nothing they could do about it.
The hours went by slowly as they work on his clothing. He stood silently the whole time. Before he realised what time it was, was there a knock on his door. A glance outside showed that it was almost dinner time. Uther walked into the room without waiting for anyone to say he could enter.
“You look beautiful Arthur.” The words were said with a grim as if he truly did not believe it. But Uther still had a headache from where he got a tongue lashing from Gaius. Arthur did not bother to answer his father. He felt hollow inside.
“When you are finished get dressed into something formal. We are having dinner with Prince Robert. I expect of you to treat him with almost respect.” Uther voice was hard. Arthur took a deep breath as he remembered the eyes.
“Father, why are you doing this?” The king glanced up when he realised that Arthur sounded almost broken. “I will do what is best for the kingdom, we need their help and this was the only way.” Arthur wanted to believe that there was some care in Uther’s voice. “You know the bond will not take? What then father?” Arthur realised he was sounding desperate but at the moment he did not care anymore.
“Then you would just need to keep trying until it does, he knows about your mark and said it does not bother him. He is sure the bond will take at a point, no matter how long it takes.” Uther said the last words with a hint of amusement. Arthur only stood there for a second before turning away from his father.
He should have realised sooner that his father would not give a damn about this. He froze slightly when he heard his father coming to him. “You will make me proud Arthur, you will do what is needed for the best of Camelot.” With those parting words, Uther turned around and left the room.
The two girls stood patiently while they wait for Arthur to come back down. They did not say anything on the tears in his blue eyes.
They would be the only ones outside of the castle that would see the true disappear that the Prince has over this. The feast and celebrations of this union would be blank for them. They know nothing they say or do would or could make this better. So they silently helped him to get the clothing off. Arthur dressed in a dark blue tunic and black pants. The jacket over his tunic complemented his eyes.
When he heard the last toll of the bell signally that dinner is going to start soon he slowly made his way down to the dining hall. The urge to turn around and run away was strong. But there is nowhere that he could go to.
Robert and Uther were in a deep conversation when Arthur finally made his way inside. His gut was doing summersaults and he felt anxious. Maybe this would not be so bad. But then again he is begin forced into a marriage he does not want.
Robert stood up when he noticed Arthur. The look in his eyes made Arthur paused. It looked like he was trying to undress him with his eyes. The sharp fangs in his mouth were seen. Arthur was sure that he could smell the fear and distress on him. His father is going to marry him off to a wolve shifter. They were notorious for begin territorial and roughness.
Arthur did not react fully when Rober was suddenly in front of him. He was close enough that he could smell the musky scent of Alpha, with the underlying spiced smell of shredder wood. Arthur knows that he should find comfort in the smell but it only triggers a higher dosed of panic. Robert was slightly taller than Arthur, but a lot more muscular dwarfing him.
Arthur cast a scared look to his father, wishing with everything that he would call this off. Robert had started to increase his pheromones in response to Arthur’s distress.
When he suddenly took Arthur’s face into his hands pulling him into a deep kiss. Arthur struggled to get away from it. When Robert finally realised him was Arthur a deep red. His lips were slightly swollen. “I can’t wait to break you in properly. You should just stop fighting this.” Robert’s voice was soft dangerous. Arthur did not respond to the words but to what his instinct told his body to do and that was turn around and run.
Not really noticing where he was going he crazed into the physicians' chambers. Gaius turned around when he heard the crash. “Arthur?” His voice was filled with shock. Arthur pulled back slightly when Gaius was in front of him. The panic swept through him. “Can’t do it. I can’t do it, Gaius.” Gaius gently pulled Arthur to sat down.
“What had happened?” He made sure to keep his words soft and calm. “He forced me to kiss him, even when I tried to pull away.” Arthur was slowly losing the last bit of colour from his face. Gaius had to force the prince to take a calming draught to get him not losing his last piece of sanity.
The next two days were spent in a daze for Arthur as everything began preparation for the feast. Arthur had tried to talk to Morgana the last time but she just told him she was busy and could not spare the time to talk to him. It made her feel like cow dung when she saw the look of despair in his eyes, but she knows the only way to get him out of this is if she involves Mercia kingdom. It was the only kingdom open about how they treat their omegas and also their views of magic.
Morgana knows that they will help, purely for the fact that Arthur has a soul bond. The current king is known to be a strict but fair King. The fact that she would need to travel there at see for three weeks made her sign but it would be for the best. She wanted to take Arthur and hide them both there but someone would need to be here to clean up the mess Uther would make eventually. The kingdom is going rapidly on a run to disaster.
With the last few arrangements in place, she would leave for the Isaels just after Arthur’s wedding. They had talked about it before in brief passing about how his true mate could be like, and they both went to Gaius together to learn more.
Morgana knew from a young age that Arthur would have a desire for someone to treat him as an equal, he always tried to fit in with the other nobles. But that had already started to fall apart when he started to get into knight training seriously. For so many years he had tried to be the perfect son for Uther. And no matter how hard he works or followed orders to the letter, it was never enough. The days when fights would break out between father and son because something had happened and the people of Camelot were suffering.
How Arthur would always try and help them. He spends at one point more time in the lower towns than he did in the castle, and the town folks loved him for it. He had treated everyone with respect and he had tried to help the people that were begin mistreated. An injustice in the end that he would suffer the same fate as a lot of the omegas in the kingdoms.
At one point were they cherished and loved. It was seen as an honour if an omega had chosen you as a mate, but these days they are nothing more than brood mares and slaves. How the times had changed.
Morgana pulled herself from her thoughts, she needs to check on Arthur properly before the wedding.
The quiet knock on the door pulled Arthur out of his thoughts as the two tailors finished the last of the work. The white tunic had a piece of silver in the middle of his chest, going with the black pants and boots and he was about as ready as he ever would be. The only thing he still needed to put on was his crown. The silver crown would finish off the look.
Arthur watched quietly as Morgana entered the room.
There was nothing left to feel, the panic had died out, the fear as well. The only thing he felt at the moment was numb. “I am sorry brother.” Morgana’s voice was soft. Her usually coldness were nowhere to find.
“It is best for the kingdom. I will carry out my duty to my kingdom as asked.” Morgana could feel a slight recoil. Arthur’s voice sounded almost dead. As if he is not here. “Arthur…” She tried to catch her brothers eyes, but he kept them averted. Morgana cleared her throat slightly before saying: “I am going to the Mercia Kingdom. Arthur, you need to stay strong. I will get the help to get you out of here. You deserve to be with your true mate. To have a chance at living life in peace.” Arthur for the first time in his life, felt like he could trust Morgana with everything he has.
“I will.” His words were quiet but he knows it is true. Whatever would come, he would be able to deal with it.
Morgana gave him a tight smile before turning to leave again. She knows deep in her heart that things would work out, but she has this awful feeling that it is going to get worse before it gets better.
She slowly made her way down to the citadel where the wedding would take place. The servants went out of there way to make the place beautiful, there was an air of excitement and she wished that she could dampen it. But at the same time, she could understand why everyone was in such a happy mood. The war is going to tip in there favour more than likely. Fewer lives are going to be lost in an endless battle. All for the price of there prince. She is sure they all think he is doing this willingly.
A part of her could not help but wonder what would happen if she just whispers the words into one of the town gossipers ears, what would the townspeople do for the prince they all claimed to love.
An hour still to go. Arthur turned around in his room. Even with Morgana’s encouragement is he preparing himself to a life he never wanted or dreamed off. The only thought that runs through his head the whole time is that he is doing this for his kingdom. He promised to protect Camelot to the best of his abilities and if it meant giving himself up to an arranged marriage then so be it.
A sad look crossed his eyes when he lifted his wrist slightly. The mark of a dragon was clear to see. The bright purple colour made his eyes sometimes hurt, but at the same time, he could not help but wonder how the other person would be like.
Would they have gotten along, or would the bond have forced them close? Would they have loved each other? Arthur pushed the thoughts out of his head. This is not helping him. He straitens his shoulders and back. A little bit of confidence shot through him.
When the knock came and a guard escorting his father pushed the door open, Arthur wished that the moment of pride he saw in Uther’s eyes would have made the hollow ache fade for a moment. Uther strode over to Arthur.
“Remember now, do us part. Give him exactly what he wants. Be the good omega I know you can be.” Arthur bristled slightly at the words. He pulled himself away in horror. “Before I was born, the times were not like this, what had changed?” Uther froze at the words. He had loved his wife so much, but the death of her had killed something inside him.
“It was for the better Arthur. We needed more alphas and omegas to form bonds with. And the fact that magic was used to attack the nation, we just lost too many people.” Uther’s words were quiet.
Arthur just gave his father a stare, they both know that it is not the truth, the people got hurt, because they forced these laws onto them. From the static from the kingdoms that have different laws, it is well known that they have more born alphas and omegas.
“I don’t want this.” Was whispered so soft that it almost tugged at Uther’s heartstrings. “I am sorry Arthur, but this is for the best.” Arthur turned around with blinding speed. “It is for the best that I get raped for the rest of my life. Forced into mating, when we both know that it will not take! Is that truly what you believe is best for me?” He was panting with anger. Uther looked at his son. “You will do as you are told to do.” The pheromones Uther was realising made Arthur back down.
“I will be back in a few minutes to take you down,” Uther said the words with barely a hint of emotion. Arthur just stared at his father in frustration and sadness.
Arthur could admit to himself that the citadel looked beautiful. And any other day this would have been a wonderful feast for two people who are truly in love. The flowers looked like they were glittering in the sun. It almost looked like a little bit of magic was used. But Arthur knows that no one in Camelot would be stupid enough to do it.
Arthur looked at the groom. Robert was dressed in the colours of his house. Arthur did not react when his hand was taken into Robert’s. The only thing he truly noticed was the fact that his hands felt cold and clammy.
The wedding rituals passed but Arthur noticed he did not notice what they were supposed to do. The first thing he noticed again was when he was lead to Robert’s room. He could feel his heart rate spiking and his breath started to get faster. When an old man entered and handed a vial to Robert he wanted to run.
“Let’s get a few things straight.” Robert’s voice was cold. His hands were like clamps on Arthur’s wrists. “You will do exactly what I tell you to do. When we get home you are going to make sure my life is as comfortable as possible. If you do something wrong, well then you would be punished. You are mine now.” The last words were said possessively. As if he got a rare price. “You will not talk back to me. If I tell you to do something you just ask how high.” Arthur looks at the man in fear. His hand was rubbing at his mark.
Robert picked up the vial. “Drink.” The order was clear. Arthur slowly took the vial. “What is it going to do?” He knows he should not be asking questions but he does not want to drink just about anything.
The backhand against his face making his cheek pulse with pain. “You do not get to ask questions. Drink.” Arthur gave the vial an unsure look. “No.” He made sure to keep his voice firm. He does not need to put anything into his body he does not want to.
Robert just rolled his eyes, before grabbing the vial and forced it into Arthur’s mouth. He made sure to pinch his nose shut so that he would be forced to shallow to breath. He ignored Arthur even though he was scratching his arms trying to get him away from his face.
Arthur watched wearily as Robert went to a bag, and pulled out a gag and rope. “Strip.” The order was short, but Arthur refused to just bent over for anyone. “No!” The panic was fluttering around his chest and he was eyeing the door even though he knows it would not help to run. There would be guards outside and he would be just forced back into the room.
“I will not tell you this again strip.” Robert made sure to keep his voice soft as he let out pheromones to get the omega to submit. “I do not want this. Please don’t” Arthur’s instinct was telling him he needs to back down but another part of his brain told him he needs to fight back.
Robert’s grey eyes were like steel when he walked up to the omega he could smell the fear on him. It was clouding his natural honey-like scent, all that was there at the moment was the sour smell of pungent overripe fruit. He could not help but savour it. The wild look in his royal blue eyes. He can feel a thrill run down his spine. He knows he is going to enjoy breaking this one.
Without waiting for a second future he ripped off Arthur’s tunic. The smile on his face showed how pleased he was. Arthur still had some muscle on him, from training in private. “Don’t do this.” The soft note of begging that was starting to come through. His one hand went to Arthur’s neck, squeezing slightly. Arthur’s hands came up as he tried to pry them away.
His other hand trailed down to Arthur’s rosy nipple, before giving it a hard tug. The pained whimper made him smile even more prominent. He laughed softly as Arthur tried harder to break free from the grip around his neck. “Stop it!” The panic in Arthur’s voice aroused him even more. His hips snapped forward rubbing his hard cock against Arthur. Robert barley felt the sting of his skin breaking under the pressure of Arthur’s nails as he scratches at his arm and hand around his neck.
His hand stroke over Arthur’s soft skin. “You are going to look so beautiful on my knot. I can’t wait to pump you full of my seed. You are going to swell.” His voice was full of arousal. Arthur could see his pupils dilating. The words were barley said when he started to struggle harder. This is not something that he wants.
The hand around his throat tighten, cutting off his air. A pained whimper rose from his throat. Robert just kept on tightening his hand around the omegas throat. When a full minute passed he finally eased off. Watching as Arthur coughed trying to get air into his lungs.
He did not wait until Arthur started to breathe properly again before he stripped Arthur out of his shoes and pants. “Please don’t do this.” The breathy pleading just made this situation more arousing for him. He easily forced Arthur down onto the bed. The potion should start to take properly in a few more minutes.
His fingers danced across Arthur’s hole, he almost laughed when he realised that the slick had not even started to form. Without caring that he would hurt Arthur, he pushed his finger dry into him. The tight heat around him and the soft begging for him to stop made for a dizzying feeling in his head. Suddenly this was not enough. He wanted the omega full, to show him he belonged now to him and there is nothing he would be able to do about it.
Arthur's eyes were wide when he felt the finger around his hole. The pure fear that he was feeling made him almost bring up his breakfast. The next moment everything in his mind went fussy as the finger was forced into him. It burned and he already wished this would just stop. The need to get away from this was the only thing on his mind.
Arthur did not think about the fact that this would hurt even more when he started to struggle again. Arthur forced his legs between them before kicking as hard as he could. With a little bit of a struggle, he managed to get Robert off of him. A mad dash to the door but before he could reach it was there a hand clamped around his upper arm. He pulled with all of his might trying to get loos.
Robert growled when Arthur managed to kick him off, this is not going to do. He easily reached Arthur, pulling him back against him. Before Arthur could kick him again, he gave a hard slap to Arthur’s bottom. He forced Arthur around, pinning his arm in a lock, making sure the omega can’t do anything.
He forced Arthur backwards toward the bed where the rope was laying. Forced to lay on his stomach, his legs pinned under Robert Arthur tried to plead to be let go. The rope was coarse on his skin, and he could feel if he struggles it would only make his arms bleed. Next came the rope.
Robert looks at his price. The omega’s hair already had a sheen of sweat on them from the struggle. Robbert forced Arthur’s legs open, where he could settle between them. His eyes tracked back to the small pink pucker where he is going to shove his member in soon. But for now, he needs to wait for the potion to settle in properly.
Arthur finally stilled. He could feel the tears gather at the corners of his eyes. He blinks rapidly. He is not going to give him the satisfaction to see him cry. He tried to cling to Morgana’s promise to get help, but he could not help but wonder if by that time it would be too late.
Robert licked and bite across Arthur’s back. He loved the way the skin bloomed a beautiful red and at some places, it is clear that the bite marks would turn blue. Arthur tried to stop himself from making any noise. When Robert suddenly bite hard his neck a pained whine broke trough. His skin felt like it was on fire, and he was sure some places were bleeding. When Robert’s nose was suddenly against his scent gland he tried to pull his shoulder closer to his neck, making it more difficult to get there.
The only response he got for it was a hard bite on his shoulder. The hands against his waist tightened. The lick over his scent glad made him whimper, there shot a bolt of pleasure up his spine. Arthur could not help but feel disgusted with himself.
“You smell so rip, I can’t wait to breed you. Will make sure you are kept full the whole time.” The scent in the air was slowly changing. It still had the smell of pungent sour overripe fruit but the potion was starting to kick in. Arthur’s natural scent started to poor form his pheromones. Robert felt like he could get drunk off the honey and wood smell.
His finger started to trace over Arthur’s cunt again. He could feel Arthur freezing under him, his body taut as a bowstring. There was the slightest hint of slick against his finger. He made a circle motion with his finger. “You know how you asked what the potion did. Well, it starts heats before there times, they are a lot more intense and help encourage my seed to take. In a few moments, you are going to fall into your heat. Is that not nice?” Robert laughed at the sounds Arthur made. He felt the slight rush of power.
His finger moved slowly in Arthur, the boy would be one of the tightest omegas he would have taken in his life and he could not wait much longer.
Before Arthur had a chance to be fully prepared he gave a muffled screamed as he felt like he was begin split in half. The tears he tried to held back, started to stream down his cheeks. Every movement felt like his insides were tearing. He could hear Robert grunt above him and the sound of flesh hitting flesh.
The rest of him could only feel the cold shivers running down his spine. The black dots dancing across his eyes. This is not fair. Robert was still busy to touch him. He wished this was over. He tensed up suddenly when a hand connected with his bottom hard. A groan was heard and suddenly the knot was forced into him. His hands clenched around nothing behind his back as his neck was forced to the side. He could feel the skin breaking around his scent gland, to indicated that he was marked.
Robert collapses onto him. Forcing his face even more into the bedding. The only sounds in the room were of deep breathing and sobs. Arthur felt uncomfortably stuffed so full. When he was suddenly forced to lay on his side, Robert holding him tightly with one arm, while his other hand running over the swelling of his stomach. It was simply too much, Arthur broke down into tears. The pain in his anus was not getting better and he felt uncomfortable.
The fact that he had an orgasm as well, made him feel dirty. How could he have enjoyed this when he did not want this. The only little bit of compassion he felt he had was the fact that Robert had fallen asleep behind him. He could only hope that the knot would go down soon.
The minutes passed slowly into hours, Arthur heard the toll of the first bell showing that dawn would break soon. He could feel Robert starting to shift behind him. Some time through the night, he had softened enough to slip out.
Arthur was stiff and sore when he felt a finger against his hole again. The only thought going through his head was not again. He wished he could scream and struggle but he still tided up. When the finger moved away he thought that he could sigh relieving instead a hard cock pushed inside him.
His body was tense and dry. Nothing that he was able to do would have kept the pained whimpers inside him. The pacing was quick. Arthur whimpered in fear when Robert started to pull his knot out, he was sure he would be ripped if he does it. When he pushed forward again there was a slight sigh of relief.
Robert’s hips movement slowed down when the last bit of cum was inside Arthur. He wanted to laugh at the swell of Arthur’s stomach. Arthur squeezed his eyes shut when he felt Robert’s hand tracing the swelling of his stomach. His cheeks were red with embarrassment.
“Told you, you would look pretty on my knot.” His voice was mocking. Arthur felt the last bit of fight left him completely. This would be his life forward. The only thing he can try and do is make it not as painful as possible.
When Robert pulled out when his knot finally went down, Arthur almost drowned into the relieve he was feeling. Everything ache and he is sure that he is black and blue over most of his back, but at least it was done for now.
Arthur did not track what Robert did, but when he felt something large and cold against his hole he started to squirm. The fact that he was begging behind a gag did not help. A large hand pressed him down as the object was forced into his body.
“You are not allowed to take it off without my permission.” Robert cast a look at the miserable omega. There was nothing he enjoyed more than having all of the control he can have. The fact that the potion did not force Arthur into a heat had pissed him off, but he could still take his pleasures from him.
He skilfully loosened the ropes and then pulled the gag out of his mouth. “Get dressed, we are leaving just after breakfast.” Arthur tried to get the worst of the kinks out of his arms. He had no idea how he would be able to ride a horse like this and he knows that he would not be able to get a pain potion from Gaius.
When he pushed himself up from the bed he fell. It took him a few tries to get his body to work with him. A pained groan made it out when he finally managed to pull himself up. He looked around the room, he was unsure of what he should wear, since he was told he is not allowed to take any of his clothing.
Arthur looked at the floor. The feeling of humiliation was high. “What should I wear Alpha?” his voice was a mere whisper. Arthur did not see the pleased smile Robert send him. “This.” Arthur silently took the tunic and pants.
Arthur did not dare to turn away from Robert while he was getting dressed. The last thing he needed was beginning suddenly filled again. He dressed as fast as he possibly could, but it was a little bit difficult with how tense his muscles were.
When they were finished they silently walked towards the dining hall. Arthur sighed of relieve when a servant handed him a goblet filled with water. When he bought it up to his nose he could smell the potion inside it was a pain and muscle relaxation potion. The smell he knew dearly. He sent a silent thanks for Gaius.
He drained the goblet before anyone could take it away from him. He knows he would need it to get through the day. Arthur ate his breakfast in silence, he wished he had something to cover up his throat but he knows his father would not care. He did not bother to listen to the conversation between Uther and Robert. His only focus was on eating enough since he was sure he would not be getting food regularly.
When they finally left to go to Robert’s place, Arthur's heart ached for a moment. His eyes strayed to his wrist. His mark was still visible even trough the rope burn and just for a moment, there was such an intense longing for something he was sure he would now never be able to experience.
It took Arthur three tries before he managed to get himself up on the hoarse. Two days of this was not something he wanted. The plug shifted inside him as he sat down on the hoarse. He could feel the smug smile on his back.
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lilyharvord · 4 years
do u ever think that mare and cal had trouble conceiving? I love the head cannon where they try for awhile but then are convinced that being red and silver it won't work (both obviously very upset but hiding their disappointment to each other) and then finally mare gets pregnant when they've given up. Would u ever write a fic about it?
Okay, so yes, 100% yes. They have trouble. Scientifically, it is entirely possible that they would STRUGGLE with a capitol S to conceive. Here’s my headcanon that will 100% be a fic someday: 
How it starts: Mare is the one to make the decision. It’s the dead of night, closer to 1 in the morningish. She and Cal are not married yet, they are waiting for thing to sort of calm down a bit more before that. But Bree’s wife just had a baby. Julian and Sara had a baby like a year ago. Ruth Barrow is low key side eyeing Mare and keeps dropping little hints that babies come in batches. 
She rolls over and watches Cal for a little bit thinking it over, stressing over whether the decision is really hers of if she is letting outside things influence her. But then she thinks about Clara and how much she loves that munchkin (lets be real, Mare should have spent WAY more time around that baby during Broken Throne? I’m actually incredibly bitter that she didn’t. That is her favorite brother’s daughter.) And she thinks about how much she keeps putting off things in her life because she’s afraid of the future, afraid of what people might do and things that are out of her control. Then she grabs Cal’s arm, scaring the shit out of him, and just says: “I want a baby.” Plain and simple, no real pretext or anything. He’s obviously half asleep so he’s like: uh, okay that’s nice. Then she gives him The Mare Look™️ and he’s like: Oh. Oh you want one like now... like right now? And that’s the first night they try. 
The middle: It does not go well. 6 months later, nothing. 8 months later, nothing. Mare is slowly starting to stress and they haven’t told ANYONE that they’re trying. 1 year later, still nothing. Mare actually starts doing the calendars at this point (for all the younguns in this fandom, ovulation calendars). Like they are on a schedule trying to get pregnant. It’s exhausting, they actually start fighting about it. It’s not going that well. 
The middle still: 1.5 years after that first night, Bree and his wife announce baby number 2. Mare is actually a bitter, jealous gremlin the whole pregnancy. She literally goes into panic mode too, trying desperately to get pregnant. (like she’s on a mission. She’s drinking teas and do all the weird shit she can get her hands on in books) 
Then it happens. 
She comes back from the front lines and actually cries holding the test because she really truly thought it would never happen. 
The middle continued: Spoiler alert...it doesn’t go well. 1 week later, she loses it. It’s no ones fault, but Mare blames herself. Blames the fact that she traveled to the Lakeland front line and came back not knowing she was 2 months pregnant and is convinced she miscarried because she was fighting. She tries to start up the whole process again, and is like “double time efforts, this is going to work. I will make it work because I’m low key a failure if I can’t do this.” (She obviously does not mention the last part, because well... she’s mare) and Cal is just not about the process anymore. He was all for it when he though they were doing it because she wanted a baby, and wanted to start a family with him, but now it’s looking like an obsession and it kinda scares him. They have a massive fight about it, so bad that he goes back to the States for a few weeks and everyone thinks they’re done for the last time (cause remember, they’re not married at this point). When people ask what happened, Mare won’t tell them. When people ask, Cal he won’t tell them. They actually dont talk to each other for a full month. It’s looking really bad. People are very concerned about both of them. 
Spoiler alert again: Cal comes back (cause he always does). They have another long talk, and Cal finally gets her to tell him what she’s feeling. Obviously he feels horrible that he left without getting this out of her, but then again, Mare would not have told him at that point because she was just not ready to tell him. But after their month apart she is ready to sort her feelings and ideas with him. *Insert low key tearful hug where they’re holding each other super tight*. 
The end of the middle: Mare goes to Sara and finally talks to her about it. Sara talks to Julian who talks to his buddies studying the whole Silver, Ardent, Red phenomena. They finally find someone who has been studying this stuff. He feels horrible telling them that because of genetics, how their different mutations operate, etc. they may never be able to conceive, but there is of course always a small chance they might. But it would have to be the perfect combination of their genetics and that may never happen. 
Mare is obviously pretty upset. She’s quiet for a couple days, just sort of sorting through things. She finally tells her family, tells them that it will most likely never happen, and that they don’t want to talk about it. Everyone is probably more supportive than necessary, but it’s Mare’s family, they’re low key too supportive for their own good. 
The End: Things go “back to normal”. Mare and Cal get married finally. And the whole time the two of them are looking into adopting. It’s obviously not an easy process either, and people aren’t too keen to let them adopt because they’re both running around the front lines at different times and thats just... not the best thing ever. Anyway, they start fucking around again (literally and figuratively). No expectations, nothing, just doing it for the fun of it. 
Spoiler alert: it ends up being okay. (: Mare doesn't find out until 4 months in, but as soon as she does, low key gets a little PTSD and walks on egg shells for a few weeks, waiting for it to all fall apart. She doesn’t tell Cal, she doesn’t tell anyone. It’s Farley that figures it out. (; And when Mare tells Cal you can bet he just wraps his arms around her, picks her up and spins her around (i cannot resist this concept, he’s so much taller than her and the image of him wrapping his arms around her legs and lifting her up while she laughs is just too wonderful). Then they walk on eggs shells for another month, but at that point Mare pops and there is just no hiding the fact, and they’re so nervous and then before they know it, she's in labor and baby Barrow Calore #1 is born. Mare refuses to let go of her for almost two hours when she gets to hold her, but when she does it’s to let Cal hold her, and he actually gets really emotional holding her. And they’re just so happy, and it’s so heart warming, and anyway I’m done. 
So that was long as shit and I practically told everyone the whole fic, but that’s my headcanon in a very large nutshell. XD 
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elliemarchetti · 5 years
Holiday Inconveniences (part 6)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Other Red Queen fics:
Red Queen Soulmate AU (Mare) | Part 2 (Diana and Shade) | Part 3 (Diana) | Part 4 (Shade) | Part 5 (Mare and Cal) | Part 6 (Mare and Maven)
A Wonderful Mistake (part 2) (part 3) (part 4) (part 5) (part 6) (part 7)
The Scam (part 2)
A Red Lover (part 2)
A Rebel’s Song (part 2)
The Epilogue
A Different POV
Words: 1025
Arriving last minute at Christmas Eve dinner wasn’t as nice as attending all the preparations, but Mare was grateful for having had the opportunity to participate as the snow had continued to fall throughout December 24 and Cal had done his best not to go off the road. As soon as she had set foot in the house, her mother had thrown her arms around her neck and her brothers hadn’t even given her time to take off her coat that they pushed her towards the table laid rustically but with much love, as they used to do every year, with the only difference that on this occasion an extra place had been added for Diana, Shade's pregnant girlfriend. Although shy-looking, the girl was really beautiful without trying to be, with sharp blue eyes that seemed to analyze every detail without judging them, and long light blond hair which fell back in a thick braid along her straight back. The belly was barely beginning to glimpse from the wide dress, but once she sat down at the table her situation became evident as she avoided both the wine and some foods that Mare was certain to have heard from her mother weren’t right for those who expected.  Mare took a bit of everything, enjoying her mother's cooking, one of the things she missed most, and listening to her brothers’ stories. Gisa was still glancing at Kilorn, seated between Shade and Tramy, as far as possible from Mare, who didn’t have the courage to tell her sister her best friend would never return her attention because he was in love with her. It was a shitty situation, but Mare's distance and Gisa’s admission to the Stephens College of Columbia, that she would start attending the following year, would’ve solved everything.
Anabel Lerolan absolutely insisted for her extended family to come over every Christmas holiday. She wouldn’t accept any excuse and anyone who didn’t show would face her wrath, even if their last name was officially Iral and they were her death husband’s lover relatives. Robert had also been dead for a long time but his sister Ara, Anabel's closest friend, was alive and well therefore in charge of reuniting her part of the family, a task she diligently performed every year. So Cal was now caught up in a conversation between Sonya Iral, the youngest member of the family, and her best friend, Evangeline Samos, daughter of a powerful family who owned the largest steel mill in the USA and his former girlfriend, who dumped him for a girl. He didn’t bring her any grudge, also because Elane was adorable, although her name reminded him a little too much that of his stepmother, with whom the girl with long red hair didn’t share anything, with her kind and shy character, although in the context of those pseudo-formal dinners she was only a friend of hers, mainly because Eve hadn’t yet come out to her parents. Although he should have gotten used to it, Cal wasn’t comfortable in that whirlwind of gossip and secrets and he missed Mare, with whom he had talked more in three days than he had done with anyone else. If only he hadn't been so embarrassed to ask for her number after all they had gone through now he could have written her a message to ease the tension that grew in his chest like a cloud of black smoke that darkens the sun, caused for the most part by the increasingly frequent looks from his father and stepmother, who expected nothing more than to find him alone to reproach him for his delay and probably also for the kind gesture he had made for Mare. Or maybe it was just his clothes, not formal and expensive enough for their taste, which, fortunately, his cousin Belicos seemed to notice as he went to save him at the exact moment the girls left to go to the bathroom. Although he was about ten years older than him they got along well and shared a couple of interests that would allow him to escape from his father's eyes for at least a couple of hours, unless the children weren’t too tired and wanted to go to sleep early. If so, he would’ve to find another way to get rid of him and his hateful wife and he really can’t think of anything that didn’t included his half-brother.
 "You should do it," Gisa said to her in a low voice as they were all crushed on the sofa, their bellies full and the voices getting gradually more sleepy. Her father had already taken his leave and it was evident that once his wife had finished clearing the table and washing the dishes she would follow him, leaving the next generation alone and free to talk about all the things they didn’t said during the dinner, and they weren’t few, first of all the elephant in the room that was Diana’s pregnancy. When he returned the previous summer, Shade didn't have a girlfriend, or at least hadn't told anyone about any girl, and Mare would’ve been very unhappy if her favorite brother had kept something so important from her, so either he suddenly become an asshole or those two hadn't known each other for long when Shade had the bright idea of ​​getting her pregnant. The other things that made the air so heavy that it could be cut with a knife was the obvious tension between Mare and Kilorn, about which everyone had cast puzzled glances at both. Had Kilorn really managed not to tell anyone what had happened when they lived in the same city and probably went out every day? Or in her absence had things changed? Yet the boy spoke to the other Barrow siblings as if nothing had happened, therefore nothing could’ve happened between them, o Bree and Tramy wouldn’t have been so calm.
“Do what?" Mare asked, trying to look casual.
“You know what.” Gisa replied dryly, and although Mare knew that it couldn’t be what she was referring to, she took her phone and looked for Cal on Instagram.
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cherrybracelets · 6 years
Miracle - Part 3 (A Joe Mazzello x Reader Fic)
link to part 1
( warnings: swearing, pregnancy, mention of blood, hospitals, labor / word count : 3.1k )
(tag list : @joemazzelo @denimmay @mazzelloplots @mrsmazzello @borhapqueen92 @jiswoogannon @deakyspuff )
(note from me; this was originally supposed to be almost 10k words by the time i was done but i decided to split it in half so sorry for the cliff hanger but the next part is done so i’ll post sooner than usual!!!)
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“Okay, what about chicken wings? Are babies feeling chicken wings?” Joe spoke into your large belly, holding various take out menus in his hands. You shook your head and let out a large sigh.
“No, no no.” You buried your face into your hands and felt your face getting hot. “I am so done being pregnant Joe. I want some tequila. And a god damn macchiato. I’m over it. I want them out.” Tears were flooding down your face, and Joe moved closer to you on the couch, wrapping an arm around your neck.
“Hey, babe, it’ll be okay. The C-Section is just two weeks away, now. It’ll be here before you know it. And I promise the minute they’re out of your uterus we will buy a giant bottle of Jose Cuervo and have ourselves a night!” Joe kissed the side of your cheek and you let out a slight laugh. You looked at your belly, and set a hand down slightly on it.
“Oh, babies. Mommy can’t wait to see you. I’m not mad at you, I’m just tired. Don’t take it the wrong way.” A few more tears fell from your cheeks, and Joe handed you a tissue to dry your face.
“They know you love them, don’t worry about that.” Joe smiled up at you, and began flipping through more take out menus. “We have to order food here soon, I’m starving momma, you have to tell me what you want. Anything you want.”
“The only thing that doesn’t make me want to completely die is that taco place. Do you think if I order fish tacos just this once it will be okay?” You pouted at Joe, who just shook his head slightly.
“Do you wanna risk it? I could call Dr. Maxwell if it’s really important to you, but everything I’ve read says-“
“FINE! Just get me whatever will be safe for the babies. And extra guac.” You rolled over on the couch and laid your head down, closing your eyes. How was it possible to be this tired all the time? And have to pee this much all the time? Joe squeezed your hand and went into the other room to call and order your food.
You rolled on your back and laid your feet up on the couch. Your ankles were swollen and you hadn’t shaved your legs in a weeks. And Joe, god bless him, was still so heart eyes in love with you. No matter how much you complained or cried or vomited. You even peed the bed once, a few weeks ago. He was just so in love with you. You didn’t get it, at all. You were a large blubbering disgusting mess. But you had his two babies inside of you. And you were the love of his life, according to him. He couldn’t want anything more than this.
You really didn’t deserve Joe. He did everything and more for you. And you were a lot to handle right now. He ran out in the middle of the night to get Dill Pickle chips for you. He painted your toenails, booked massages for you, cooked you dinner, divided up your medicine you had to take each day. He was nothing short of a perfect husband, and he would be nothing short of a perfect dad.
In all honest, you were terrified to have these babies. You wanted to be a mom, of course, but compared to Joe you weren’t even close to being a good parent. He knew everything, was so overly prepared. Every time he brought up a fact you didn’t know, or reminded you you had to buy something you had no idea about, you felt a little less and less like a parent.
You weren’t mad at him for being such a good dad. You knew he had wanted this since he was like 16. You just felt scared. And you didn’t want to tell Joe because you didn’t want him to think any less of you. So you talked to Ben. You and Ben had a standing phone date every Thursday at 3pm. Joe was always out for at least two hours then, it was when he had his “Dad Class” as he liked to call it. Ben was able to reassure you for a couple days that you would be the best mom in the world and the babies would love to have you. But the feelings would creep back in again, and you’d call Ben. And the cycle kept going.
Because the babies were scheduled to be here in two weeks, you began flying all your friends and family out to you who you wanted to be there. Ben was the first to join you. Since he was both yours and Joe’s best friend, you needed him here before anyone else. As much as you couldn’t wait to have your parents and siblings, and Joe’s family as well, you knew they’d drive you up the wall eventually, and needed a little R&R before you had to deal with that shit show.
Joe came back into the room, picking up your feet and sitting under them. He began to rub your ankles slightly, and you let out a sigh of relief. Fuck, he was good. You didn’t even have to ask.
“Food is ordered babe. Should be like 45 minutes, they said. Also, Ben will be here tomorrow. Do you wanna drive to the airport with me?”
“Absolutely not. I love Ben, but sitting in a car for an hour with no bathroom sounds dangerous. I’m not letting you see me pee myself a second time. I already have night mares about it happening before.” You laughed and Joe rolled his eyes at you.
“Babe, you’re carrying humans? Literally two people are inside of you. I don’t think you should be judging your body that hard right now. It’s doing something miraculous. That’s all I’m focused on. Pee away, sweet girl.” Joe laughed, and you kicked him slightly with your foot. You felt a baby shift inside of you, and sit directly on your bladder.
“Ugh! I had just gotten comfortable. Why do you enjoy torturing me so much?” You sat yourself up and waddled to the bathroom to pee. Getting up after sitting was probably one of the hardest things you had to do, so you always took an extra few minutes to just sit and relax on the toilet. When you finally decided it was time to get yourself back up, you wiped and your heart stopped. Blood. It wasn’t a lot, but it was blood. Blood that shouldn’t be there.
You quickly walked into the living room, your face white and your heart pounding. “Joe,” you whispered, looking at him gleefully sitting there on his phone.
“What’s yo babe?” He looked up at you and immediately noticed your face. He stood up and ran to you.
“I think I need to go to the hospital. There’s blood.” You looked down at your belly, and placed a hand on it slightly. It didn’t hurt, but you flinched a bit when you touched yourself.
“Okay... it’s okay. It’s probably nothing, (Y/N). Let’s get in the car and I’ll call Dr. Maxwell on the way over. Just breathe. We have two beautiful healthy babies. They’re gonna be okay. You’re gonna be okay.” Joe kissed you on the forehead and you nodded. He grabbed your ‘Emergency Hospital’ bag out of the closet, and took your hand. He had called his driver to come pick you up. He wanted to be with you the entire way and didn’t feel comfortable driving.
Once you got sat in the back seat of the car, Joe called your doctor and held your hand tight. Your driver was aware of your situation, and did not hesitate to drive a little faster than he legally should have. You stared at the back of the seat, almost in a bit of shock. You had come so far with your babies, you absolutely could not lose them.
“We’re headed there now, yeah,” you heard Joe mutter into the phone. You had been zoning in and out of the whole conversation, but listened in to that part. Joe was nervously biting his thumb nail and tapping his foot
“Okay, we’ll see you there. Should be about ten minutes.” Joe ended the call and looked up at you, smiling. “He’s already at the hospital with another patient, so he’ll be there when we get there. He said it shouldn’t be anything to worry about, since we were just there a week ago and everything looks fine. But we’re doing the right thing by going, just checking up.”
“Okay... okay,” you shivered a bit, and Joe instinctively put his arms around you. He laid his cheek against your head and rubbed your arms with his hands. He kept muttering ‘Everything will be ok’ and ‘We might just meet our kids a bit earlier than expected, and that’s totally okay’. His calming voice and demeanor helped you breath a bit steadier.
“We’re here.” The driver said to you, looking between the open space behind him. Joe smiled and thanked him.
“I’ll go get a wheelchair, stay here okay, don’t walk.” Joe hopped out of the car and slammed his door. You sat there, waiting, a sick feeling growing in your stomach. The sound of the door opening made you jump out of your dazed thoughts.
Joe grabbed your hand and helped you sit down on the chair. He wheeled you around and through the doors of the hospital.
“We’re here for Dr. Maxwell. The Mazzellos. He said he would tell you we were coming.” Joe spoke with a swift and intense tone of voice. He was scared, too. He didn’t act like it, but you could tell. And somehow that made you feel a bit better.
A nurse came out to greet you, and bring you back to a private room. Joe pushed your chair, following her down a few hallways. Eventually you got to a tiny, beige colored room. Ugh, you hated hospitals. So dull and boring. Made everything a thousand times worse.
“I’ll let Dr. Maxwell know you’re here. Get changed and get comfortable, there’s a call button on the side if you need anything. I’ll be back in a few,” the nurse smiled at you, and touched your arm lightly. Joe helped you stand up and change into a paper gown. You flopped onto the bed and under the covers.
“Do you feel okay? Does anything hurt?” Joe was playing with his fingers, a nervous habit he had had for as long as you were together.
“Not really. Maybe a bit of cramping, but I figured it was just pregnancy gas. My heart is a bit fluttery, too, I guess,” you sighed, and placed a finger to your wrist to feel your pulse. It felt fine, but what did you know about an irregular pulse.
Joe and you sat in silence for a bit, you laid your head back on the bed and closed your eyes. It could be a UTI, or a kidney stone. Maybe a bladder infection? All of those weren’t good signs, but they weren’t the babies, which was all you cared about.
“My favorite couple, how are you?” Dr. Maxwell burst through the door, his glasses down to the tip of his nose, carrying files in both hands.
“Well, considering where we are, we’re not doing too good,” Joe laughed a bit when he spoke, a quiet, nervous laugh.
“I’m sure everything is just fine. The very first thing I wanna do is get your blood pressure, and do an ultra sound to check up on our little friends. Once we do that, we can rule a lot of things out and figure out what’s going on here.” Dr. Maxwell smiled at both of you, and jotted a few things down in his files. The nurse from earlier came through the door with a blood pressure machine. Another nurse you hadn’t seen yet followed behind with an ultra sound.
“Can I have your arm, please?” The nurse asked. You stuck out your arm and rolled up your sleeve. The doctor and other nurse were on the opposite side of the bed, starting up the machine. The plastic cuff around your arm began to tighten, making you a bit uncomfortable. The nurse stared intently at the screen, waiting for the results.
“Doctor, the blood pressure is pretty high. Much higher than regular according to her charts,” the nurse reported to Dr. Maxwell. He looked over at the machine and squinted his eyes. He took a deep breath and looked down at his files again.
“Okay,” he muttered. “Go call Dr. Pieri, please.” The nurse nodded, and walked swiftly out of the room after detaching you from the machine.
“Is everything okay? That didn’t sound good.” Joe ran his hands through his hair, and leaned back in his chair.
“That’s not great, but it could mean a number of things. Let’s just look at the babies before we get nervous.” Dr. Maxwell lifted up your gown to reveal your swollen belly. The nurse squirted a bit of warm gel onto you, and Dr. Maxwell began to use the scope. He pushed down hard in certain areas, and it made you wince a bit. You saw the little blobs of baby on the screen. Although you really didn’t know how to read once of those things, they looked okay.
“You see that, right there,” Dr. Maxwell pointed to something on the screen, and the nurse looked intensely at it. She nodded at him and wrote something down in the file.
“See what?” Joe stood up and yelled a bit. He was letting his anxiety get the better of him now.
“It’s okay. Everything’s okay. Just seems like one of your babies is ready to come out now and doesn’t wanna wait any longer.”
Your heart dropped as you looked over to Joe. He shook his head a few times and closed his eyes. You looked back at Dr. Maxwell, who was still looking at the ultrasound with intensity.
“Baby Boy here is pushing on the placenta a little bit harder than he should. It’s starting to rip a bit, which is why you saw a little blood. It’s not too bad yet, at all. But you need to get them out of you now before it causes more problems.” He set the scope of the machine down and faced you directly.
“I don’t understand... we were supposed to have two more weeks,” you felt your body shaking, and you looked at the screen trying to find a reason this was happening.
“Well, sometimes babies decide they didn’t like the date you chose. Especially multiples. But everything will be okay. They’re going to be a little more premature than I would like, but Dr. Pieri, the head of the NICU here, is amazing. He will make sure they’re getting the treatment they need.”
“Will they survive?” You had to ask. You couldn’t handle burying another baby. Everything seemed to be spiraling out of control right in front you. Two hours ago you were ordering tacos on your couch and now you were going to have two tiny babies who were supposed to stay inside of you. They needed more time to grow, your body had so much left to give them. You started crying, an ugly loud cry. You felt your heart beating faster.
“The chance of survival is extremely high. They’ll need to be here for a while but I don’t foresee any problems like that. I’ve been in this situation more times than you can count. Things will be okay.”
“I don’t know I’m ready to be a mom.” You looked up to Joe, who had a similar nervous look on his face.
“Well, I hate to tell you this, but it doesn’t seem like you have much of a choice,” Dr. Maxwell laughed, and patted your hand. “I’m gonna go book an OR. Stay put.” Dr. Maxwell and the nurse walked out of the room, discussing your files.
“Joey... I cant do this today. I was supposed to have two more weeks. I’m not ready to be a mom.”
“Of course you are, my love. You’re going to be the greatest mom in the entire world. You already are.” Joe kissed you on the forehead, and started to tear up a bit.
“What’s wrong? Are you okay?” You placed your hand on Joe’s cheek and wiped away a tear from his cheek.
“I just can’t believe I’m going to be a dad today,” Joe smiled down at you and let out a small laugh. “I’m gonna be a dad. We’re gonna be parents.”
“What if something goes wrong?”
“Nothing will go wrong, I feel it. They’re strong little babies. They’re Mazzello babies. They’re gonna be totally okay.” Joe kissed your belly, and smiled up at you. Joe was so confident all the time, you didn’t know how he did it. He could say anything and instantly make you feel better.
Joe decided to call both of your families and Ben, letting them know the news. You could hear him excitedly telling everyone it was time for the babies. You took a deep breath and looked down on your belly.
“Alright guys, I guess it’s time for you to leave mommy. I’m gonna miss having you in me .... kind of,” you laughed a bit and took a deep breath. “I’m a little nervous to meet you. I hope you like me. I know you’ll like your dad. He’s amazing.”
“Alright, you guys, the OR is prepped. Is everyone ready?” Dr. Maxwell has changed into a pair of scrubs, nurses standing behind him.
“Okay, baby. It’s happening. We’re gonna have our babies.” Joe held your hand and kissed your lips.
Dr. Maxwell had you and Joe change into the appropriate OR attire. When you were ready, he wheeled you into the room with Joe following excitedly behind.
You laid on the bed, Joe sitting beside you squeezing your hand. You looked at all the doctors and nurses scrubbing in around you. Metal tools and IVs everywhere. Your heart began beating quickly and beats of sweat formed on your forehead.
“Ok, I’m gonna start to put you under anesthesia now, okay (Y/N)? You may begin to feel a bit loopy, but I promise you everything’s gonna be okay.” Dr. Maxwell had a nurse begin the place a mask over your face. You began to breathe in a gas, and everything went a bit fuzzy.
You focused on Joe’s face, zoning in and out. The room around you went out of focus, but Joe’s face didn’t change.
“We’re gonna be parents, Joey,” you murmured, and Joe smiled brightly at you.
“Yes we are!”
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faveficarchive · 5 years
The Search For Amphipolis: Part 4
By Bat Morda
Pairing: Mel/Janice, Xena/Gabrielle
Rating: Explicit
Synopsis: Mel and Janice head to Amphipolis on a secret mission to save Xena, Gabrielle, the Amazon Nation, and the world.
Personal Note: If you haven’t seen Hackers(1995), the epilogue might be a little out of left field for you. I  H I G H L Y  recommend watching it; 10/10. There’s also some clear author inserts among the early fandom writers, which is both hilarious and expected. Hilarious because I can see in my mind’s eye the IRC channel/forum chat as Bat Morda brainstorms with her circle on this story. Expected because honestly there are so many uber!fics out there that are literally exclusively author inserts and group fics. The homage to Bat’s friends here is great, though, as well as the homage to Hackers. 
In a way, the understanding I reached with Cyrene was prophetic. While I made one or two more attempts to maintain some sort of bond with my birth-family, each time it seemed more tenuous and fragile. The summer I broke my leg was the final blow, both mentally and physically.
It took many years to realize it, but ultimately the rape wasn't the worst part of that fateful visit to Potidea. No, the wound that cut much deeper and took the longest to heal was the betrayal of my family. Erasmus violated my body, but the others, they violated my soul. For a time, I wondered if I'd ever be able to see any of them again. Nothing positive came from the rejection of my own flesh and blood. At least something positive came from the rape; Lyceus.
Xena and I felt such devotion to our children. I didn't see how any one could divorce themselves emotionally from their own offspring. One day I said as much to Cyrene. The silence that met my ears brought tears to my eyes instantly.
"I'm so sorry, mother," I said, turning around.
"It's alright, Gabrielle," she finally reassured me. "But I'm here to tell you it can happen. While I don't think the actions of your family was warranted, I had my own reasons for letting Xena go."
I nodded, rushing over for a hug. "I wonder what I'll say should I ever see them again," I wondered aloud from the warmth of her embrace.
"That is for your heart to decide, little one," she whispered back.
That day came sooner than I might have expected. It was our first family trip to Thebes. It had been ages since Hercules or Iolas had seen the children, and we decided they were old enough for the trip. While we'd visited the Amazons from time to time since Lyceus' birth, this was different. For one, it was our last trip with Argo, and I'm glad the children had a chance to see what life on the road had been like for me and Xena.
Xe was seven, and like her grandmother in almost every way. She was fearless, precocious and stubborn. Handling responsibilities seemed second nature to her. As soon as she came to live with us, she'd adopted Argo as her own personal charge. I'd watch for hours as Xena taught her how to handle and care for the mare. Now, the only input Xena seemed to have was lifting things that were, for now, too heavy for the child.
Lyceus was a different story. Argo, or Ego, as he called her, made him nervous, and he'd only ride the mare in the company of someone else. I didn't blame him. He was only five, so what if Xe was riding alone by then? Lyceus was a talker, I don't think that surprised anyone, but he was also a listener, and to my occasional embarrassment, he remembered everything.
The children enjoyed our time on the road. Sleeping with us under the stars was a novelty, and they made a game of finding pictures in the bright patterns. Both pitched in with camp chores. Xena taught both to hunt, although I never really developed the stomach for that task. I taught both children to cook, and over time even my lover picked up a few things.
There is nothing quite like the sight of a big city through the eyes of a child. I don't think I ever forgot the squeals of delight that came from Xe and Ly as they sat together astride Argo as Xena and I approached Thebes. It was all so new to them. While Amphipolis is not a small town by any stretch of the imagination, it was one they were used to. They knew almost everyone and considered all of the Inn's regular patrons assorted uncles and aunts.
With Cyrene's Inn in mind, our first stop was to a purveyor of exotic beverages. There would be Hades to pay if we came home with out a cask or two of Cyrene's favorite port. Daxen's Obsession was the only tavern that carried it.
"Xena, if you can take care of this, I'll take the children over there," I suggested nodding in the direction of stalls selling a variety of fabrics. "They need some new clothes."
"I suppose they spend enough time in taverns at home," she agreed, helping Lyceus climb down from Argo.
"We could get some sweet meats," Xe offered helpfully.
"And candy," Ly supplied.
Xena grinned at the two faces gazing at her hopefully. "You'll have to work on mama for that one," she said giving each child a warm hug and a kiss. "I'll meet you over there as soon as I finish here."
"Hurry, Na," Xe suggested.
"Love you Nana," Ly added.
"Where did they learn this stuff?" Xena asked me with feigned embarrassment.
"Only from the best," I replied, puffing up with pride. "Don't take all day, Xena, I love you too."
She smiled wryly before giving me a quick kiss and disappearing into Daxen's tavern. My mission clear, I took Lyceus' hand in my left and grabbed my staff with my right. Xe held Ly's other hand and three of us were on our way.
"I'd like blue," Lyceus chatted as we crossed the square.
"I want black," Xe added.
"Anything but green," they both chimed in unison. I don't know what it was, but both children hated the color green. Xena found it terribly amusing, but it only served to puzzle me. It was a shame though. Lyceus had hair that was more blond than mine, but still had copper highlights. He would have looked quite handsome in green. Xe's choice was no surprise. She tried to emulate Xena whenever she could. More than once I'd seen her cutting off the flow of blood to a doll's brain when it needed the surgery of restuffing.
As I'd hoped, the dry goods dealer had a wonderful selection of cloth. I was able to find several colors for the children, as well as pick out something for Xena. I didn't often get the chance to surprise my love, and I indulged myself whenever the opportunity presented itself.
At Ly and Xe's constant prodding we headed over to the area where racks of meat strips were smoking over a low fire. "We'll have a clear view of the tavern from our new location," Xe pointed out helpfully. I was counting out my dinars to get a treat for the children when Ly tugged at Xe's hand. They'd developed the habit of only turning to Xena or myself when they couldn't handle a problem on their own. I well knew I'd eventually have to deal with obsolescence, but with children ages seven and five, it was a little earlier than I expected.
"Why is that lady staring at mama?" Lyceus asked his sister.
"I don't know," she replied.
Picking up Lyceus, I asked him directly. "Who is staring at mama?"
With all the discretion of a five year old, he stuck his arm straight out and pointed to a pregnant woman nearby. "She is."
I had to do a double take. Then I realized that the pregnant woman was Lila. She looked ready to flee when I called to her. Realizing she'd been spotted she froze. Sweet meats purchased, the three of us walked over.
"Gabrielle," she said quietly.
"Lila," I replied, noting the advanced stage of her pregnancy. "When are you due?"
"Three weeks," she said taking a seat on an available bench.
"Who are you?" Lyceus asked curious.
Lila smiled at him, so I decided I might as well do introductions. "This is my sister Lila."
"Who's children are you watching?" Lila asked, plainly enough.
I bristled at that, but quickly reminded myself it had been my choice not to inform my parents or sister of my pregnancy.
"They're mine," I explained, watching her eyes widen in surprise. "This is Lyceus, and this is Xena." The children nodded and smiled, looking at her extended belly curiously.
"I'm sorry, Gabrielle," she said in a rush. "I didn't know you married." I was trying to think up a suitable retort when Lila's mouth dropped open in wonder.
"Everything okay?" Xena asked softly from behind me.
The children turned around in surprise, not having heard her walk up either. "Na!" Lyceus shouted and leapt into her waiting arms.
"But how?" Lila wondered aloud, staring at little Xena and Lyceus in amazement.
"I have many skills," my lover replied flatly, turning to go.
Seven years later we received word that Perdicus' father had died. As the widow of his oldest son I was, naturally, expected to attend the services. Since Argo was no longer with us, we packed our belongings onto Idgie, Argo's successor, and as a family made the trip.
We attended the ritual fire apart from the other mourners. I'd always liked Hector, he was a very kind man. Xena quietly sang a hymn for the ears of her family alone. I saw mother and father standing with Lila and Erasmus and their child. Lila, I noted, was pregnant again. I made a point to keep Xena as far away from Erasmus as possible. Understandably, the anger was still there. I felt it too. We'd already explained to Lyceus who his father was and what the circumstances of his conception had been. I had hoped to wait until he was older, but he came in with all sorts of questions one day about why Xena and he didn't look more alike. We decided that if he was old enough to ask the questions, he was old enough to hear the answers. Little Xena knew about her parentage, it had never been a mystery. Still, it was hard for her to hear that she and Lyceus didn't share blood since they were so close.
After the funeral fires burned low, we decided to get a bit to eat before heading out of town. To my surprise, father sought us out. We were eating our meal in silence, well aware of the curious and hostile stares that were cast in our direction. This was not new to the children. On occasion they'd been taunted or teased and knew that after some persuading from Xena, they'd be apologized to and left alone. This time one farmer in particular was a little drunker and louder than the others.
"How do you think she did that?" he muttered to his friend.
Both Xenas leveled their steely blue gaze in his direction.
"I mean the girl is a spitting image, and the boy looks just like the bard," he continued with a laugh.
Xena was about to stand, only to find fourteen year old Xe already on her feet and walking toward the group of inebriated farmers. We all tensed, watching our child calmly walk into trouble.
They abruptly quieted when they realized the subject of their comments was in their midst. "Is there something you'd like to know about my family?" she asked sensibly.
The drunk man didn't back down. "Yeah, how did the Warrior Princess sire you?"
Xe flashed a grin. "Because she's more of a man than you'll ever be and twice the woman you'll ever have. She has many skills." The farmer slammed his drink down on the counter and was about to stand when Xe grabbed his ear, keeping him in his seat. "I'd think very carefully if I were you," she said conversationally, looking at the whole group. "Is Xena of Amphipolis someone you really want to anger?" They all looked nervously over to my lover who sat with her arms crossed, beaming with pride at our daughter. They slowly shook their heads. "Good," she continued with a nod to her grandmother. "But I wasn't talking about her."
"She's a smart lady." A new voice I recognized as my father's came from the tavern doorway. "Any affront to Gabrielle, or her family can be taken up with me." He sternly looked at the men as he walked over to Xe. "May I join you at your table?" he asked softly.
Xe looked at us for an accepting nod, then led father to our table. He'd aged a lot in the past dozen years, it hurt me see him so old.
He didn't take a seat, only stood there looking at me. It took a while, but I noticed tears in his eyes. "Gabrielle, can you forgive a foolish old man? I was wrong. I thought you weren't the daughter I'd tried to raise, but seeing you at the funeral and now, with your children..." he stammered, looking for the right words. Taking a breath he began again. "I know you didn't learn it from me, but somewhere you learned the important things, and you've raised fine children. I wasn't there for you... when it happened. I'll carry that regret with me to my own fire. I just want you to know I'm proud of what you've become. Of who you are."
I couldn't keep my own tears back as I cried in my father's arms. He was the last person in the world I would have expected to try to reconcile with me, and he surprised me beyond words. We spent three or four hours with him in that tavern. He got to know Xe and Ly, and I know that meant a lot to him. Xena was happy for me, and I was beyond happiness. I had something back I thought I'd lost forever. My father had returned.
Chapter 8: Hereditary Heroes
Mel carefully climbed down the rock face, forcing herself not to look at the crashing surf below. At one point she slipped, and would have fallen into the pounding waters were it not for the vise like grip she had on the rope, her lifeline. After what seemed like an eternity, she saw the outer rim of the cave opening. Moving like a spider along the slick stone, she finally positioned herself to drop down to into the cave mouth. She landed lightly on her feet, not making a sound. She clung to the shadows and was surprised to see another man besides Byron in the cave. Before she could move, he spoke. The familiarity of his voice kept her riveted in place.
"Byron, old boy," Tildus offered cheerfully. "You're cheating."
"What are you doing here?" the Egyptologist screamed, his voice taking on a hysterical feminine edge.
"I'm watching, as required by the ancient texts," Tildus replied. His eyes traveled upward as he scanned the ceiling of the cave. "You know the insect thing isn't allowed," he said with mild reproach.
"And just what to you plan to do about it?" Byron asked, cocky.
Tildus grinned, and lightly blew a puff of air toward the ceiling. Byron watched, amused, until he noticed the bats that covered the cave ceiling waking up. One by one, then in groups, they descended from their sleeping perches as they began to swoop down and consume the insect feast that carpeted the floor of their cave. The flapping of leathery wings could be heard in the far tunnels of the cave as more bats continued to wake.
"If you're going to beat Janice," Tildus scolded the seething man. "You're going to have to do it on your own."
"You'll pay for this, Hephaestus!" Byron growled menacingly.
"We shall see," the elderly man allowed with a smile.
Without another word, Byron turned and picked the six shooter up off the cave floor. Gun in hand he headed back toward the tunnel, towards Janice Covington.
"No!" Mel shouted as she ran from the concealing shadows.
Calmly, Byron turned, aimed the gun at her head and fired.
Mel blinked, expecting to feel the sting of lead as life fled from her body. After a moment, realizing that she was still very much alive, she opened her eyes. There, floating mere inches from her forehead, was a stationary bullet.
"Come, come, Velasca," Tildus chided as he walked over to Mel and plucked the bullet from where it levitated. "You made an agreement with Callisto, remember? You leave Xena and her descendants alone, and in turn she leaves Gabrielle and her progeny to you. Don't renege, it's bad form."
With a fuming scowl, Byron turned and continued back to the tunnel once again. Mel was about to race after him when a gentle hand on her shoulder stopped her where she stood. "No, child," Tildus said softly. "The battle with Ares was yours, this one is hers. Let her fulfill her destiny."
"But she'll die," Mel sobbed. Imploringly, she gazed into the face of the kindly old man. "Don't let her die."
Sadly, Tildus shook his head. "I'm sorry, Melinda, but that isn't for me to decide. Janice will live or die based on her own actions. Still, she doesn't strike me as the sort finished with life, now does she?" Mel nodded in reluctant agreement.
Mel Pappas was not the only one in the cave who had difficulty with Tildus' instructions. Argo crept from the cover of the bolder where she'd been hiding to slink toward the back of the cave. "Not so fast," Tildus continued with mild reproach. "You've done your part too, Argo, this last isn't for you." With a guilty expression, the dog returned to the cave mouth and sat at Mel's side.
"She'll be okay," Mel assured the dog, hoping with every fiber of her being she was right.
Janice heard the unusual sounds just as she felt a light weight settle on her thigh. She opened her unswollen eye and, after a moment focused on a tiny bat picking a centipede off of her leg. An instant later, it took flight with its meal. Staring in amazement, she looked around as bats everywhere went after the tide of insects. More landed on her, gently touching down, grabbing a bug, then taking flight. With a renewed sense of hope she shook the sleep from her mind and with determination borne out of that hope leaned forward for the torch. Before pain claimed her anew, she had to get this done.
"Got any last words?" Byron's voice taunted from down the tunnel. He was getting close Janice realized. It was now or never. She cried out as the pain of movement surged up through her body. Bending her broken leg, she reached the torch, lighting the dynamite fuse just as the sputtering flame went out and Byron's form appeared down the tunnel.
His eyes went wide at the sight of the sputtering fuse, then wider still as the stone sarcophagus started to tip. Put off balance by Janice's lunge for the flame, it rocked slightly, then tipped off its ledge, sliding down the track like a bobsled. "Oh shit!" Janice gasped as she realized what she'd done. She originally moved the coffin onto the track so she could haul it to the cave mouth before blowing up the contents. Riding it down was hardly her plan.
Byron looked equally surprised as Janice sped towards him. There wasn't anywhere to go in the narrow tunnel. Before being able to fire a single shot, he was knocked into the coffin on top of Janice.
Neither passenger had time to get their bearings. The tunnel twisted and turned, the ride bumpy in places where the tracks had disappeared completely. Still, it was steep enough, and the sarcophagus smooth enough, that nothing short of hitting a wall would stop its progress. Hitting the last descending slope, they picked up speed and sped into the mouth of the main cave.
In an instant the sarcophagus appeared at one end of the cave, each passenger struggling for balance, the next moment they were shooting out the cave mouth, flying through sky over the brilliant blue ocean below.
"Oh my God!" Mel screamed and took off out of the cave mouth, climbing down as fast as she could.
Argo tried to follow, but was stopped by Tildus' hand around her bandanna. "This is not for you to see," he said gently, picking up the ninety-five pound dog in one arm and climbing up the cliff to the top.
Janice regained her wits as the cold air hit her in the face like a slap. She grabbed the gun from Byron's hand and threw it away from the airborne coffin. He struggled, clearly disoriented. Grabbing for another stick of dynamite, she lit another fuse from the now almost expired one. "Hold this," she screamed at Byron. Then, with a shove she rolled her body out of the falling tomb.
"Wha..." he stammered, confused. He looked at his hands to see what Janice had given him.
As soon as his eyes registered the lit stick of dynamite, it exploded. He didn't have time to scream. Janice felt the impact of the explosion as she plummeted to the ocean floor one hundred feet below. She doubted she'd live, but at least she took Xena, Gabrielle and Velasca with her. As the blue of the Aegean Sea rushed up to greet her, she instinctively stretched her body out into a dive position. Seconds later she hit the water with tremendous force.
Mel watched as the sarcophagus soared over the ocean. Pausing for an instant in its arc, it angled downward and fell. Janice's form could be clearly seen launching away from the stone coffin seconds before the whole thing blew up. The rapid sound of explosions, one after the other rang in her ears as dust and rock rained down into the sea.
Mel had made her way part way down the cliff face. Standing on an outcrop perhaps fifty feet above the water, it took a moment for her to spot Janice's body. There wasn't much in the way of debris, but the lingering smoke made vision difficult. Without stopping to consider the safety of her actions, Mel leapt from the cliff. The water was a cold shock as it rushed up around her, making her clothes heavy and cumbersome.
"Janice!" Mel shouted looking around frantically for her lover. From her vantage point it was impossible to see the archeologist. Mel listened intently for any response, but was rewarded with only the sounds of water lapping against her body. Not deterred, quickly discarded her heavy boots then swam with powerful strokes in the direction she'd last seen her love.
Janice hit the water hard, its stinging chill alerting her mind even as the impact made her leg scream in agony. She felt the pressure on her ears increase painfully as her body continued downward, propelled by its hundred-foot fall. Angling her body slightly, she used what momentum she could to carry her back to the surface.
With lungs burning from exertion, she finally broke the water's surface, expelling spent air and taking in fresh oxygen greedily. The clear air made her head swim. She felt dizzy, exhausted, spent and giddy all at once. "So what if I die right now?" she thought. "I kept my word to my ancestors." She readied herself to slip below the surface one last time, absently regretting the need to leave Mel and Argo.
"Oh, no you don't," a stern voice said as a strong arm reached around her chest.
"Mel?" Janice asked groggily as she tried to open her eyes. Was she dreaming?
"Damn right it's me. With all the trouble I went to get y'all housebroken, I'm not about to let you drown," Mel replied as she carefully kept Janice's head above water. Inwardly she cringed. Janice was a mess. Her eye was still swollen and she had several bug bites. Her hand hung limp at her side, severely burned. Peering into the clear water, Mel could also see the bloodied disfigurement of her left shin. She was bleeding profusely and the Southerner wondered how long before the blood attracted any variety of ocean predators.
"I'm tired, Mel," Janice whispered. "Really tired."
"Well, you can't give up yet," Mel urged. "I love you, Janice. Me and Argo need you, you're not leaving us without a fight."
"Kiss me," Janice breathed, barely audible.
"Now is a funny time to get friendly," Mel said gently before tenderly claiming soft lips with her own. At the contact she could feel Janice's body relax in her grip as she slowly slipped away.
"Love you, Melinda," she whispered softly before closing her eyes once more.
Mel fought against the urge to panic when she noted the shallow movement of her lover's continued breathing. She was alive for now, but wouldn't be much longer if she didn't get out of the cold salt water. Treading water for both of them, she held Janice tightly, determined to keep her lover alive, by sheer force of will if necessary.
She didn't know how long she'd been treading water, continuing to kick her strong legs in spite of the exhaustion and cramping of her muscles. She heard an odd noise that didn't match the sounds of the sea. Distracted, she looked around, breaking out a huge grin as she saw the familiar hull of The Charmer approaching.
The final trip I made to Potidea was for the funeral of my father. Once again the four of us made the trip. Lyceus was sixteen, the only thing that surpassed his good looks was the gentleness of his heart. Xe was eighteen and resembled Xena more every day. In a way Cyrene got her wish and was able to envision a Xena and Lyceus without Cortese's raid on Amphipolis. Lila had a total of four children, two boys and two girls. Erasmus was no longer in the picture. I didn't know all the details, but understood that he'd been a troubled soul since they married. Like Meleager, he took to drink to wash away what ever pain he suffered, only serving to create more. Lila told me she was pregnant for the third time when he took off for good.
We were at mother's house. I was surprised she'd invited us over after the lighting of the funeral pyre, but accepted nonetheless. Lyceus and Xe were immediately adopted by Lila's two eldest, Daphne and Ulysses, and taken outside to play. I swear she named her son that just to annoy me. As for the other two, they were twins; a boy and a girl. Lila tried to balance them on her lap as I helped mother prepare dinner. I felt so bad for my sister. It was bad enough what she'd had to endure with Erasmus, what we'd all had to endure. But to be left, two months before giving birth to twins, then facing the monumental task of raising four children alone...life was not going to be easy for my sister.
Xena came in from tending to Idgie, and noting Lila's distress, offered to take one of the babies. Shyly, Lila handed the girl over, since the boy was finishing up his latest meal.
"What's her name?" Xena asked as she shifted the child in her arms. I smiled to myself. Xena was an expert with children and it showed.
"Gabrielle," Lila answered softly. My eyes shot over to my sister in wonder.
Xena only smiled. Without taking her eyes from the infant's face she smiled. "Well, hello then Gabrielle," she said.
"This is Xenos," Lila announced as she handed me the other infant. Now it was my turn to grin as Xena looked over, amazed.
"Lila, you didn't have to do that," I said, my voice thick with emotion.
"It was your father's idea," mother said as she brought a steaming roast to the table. "Lila has a chance raising her children to undo a lot of mistakes we've both made," mother explained.
"I don't want to lose sight of that," Lila finished.
"It was your father's final wish," mother finished.
The only thing that prevented me from crying my eyes out was Xe and Ly bursting through the door, each with a small child clinging to their back. I don't know how, but both children inherited my appetite.
"Dinner ready?" Lyceus asked.
"We're starved," Xe added with a chorus of laughter from Daphne and Ulysses.
Shortly after returning to Amphipolis we were paid a visit by Xenan Gabris Phantes, my Centaur nephew. Ares was on the move to the north. He spoke hurriedly about the battle for the first age.
"Slow down," I finally asked. "What battle?"
"The Oracle," he replied, rushed. "Mother said to mention the Oracle's predictions. The old myths." He looked at Xena imploringly. "I came because I can run faster than any of the Amazons. Mother said that you would understand."
"I do," Xena assured them.
"Well, I don't," I interjected.
"Gabrielle," Xena said gently turning to look at me. "I told you before about the oracle that made the predictions about mother." I nodded. I'd heard those stories several times, and had even written them down. "The oracle also told her of a battle that would be fought in three different ages. I have to go fight Ares..."
"Then what?" I interrupted. "Our children will have to fight him? Xena, we need you here."
"Shhhh," she said placing gentle fingers on my mouth. "It'll be okay. I know I'm needed here, which is why I have every intention of coming back. I have to do this. Trust me, my heart."
There wasn't much I could do. Xena's mind was made up and that was final. Did I mention she can be stubborn? I managed to persuade her to take a satchel of my scrolls for luck. It was going to be a long trip and it would give her some distraction all those nights until the inevitable. The month that we waited for her return was the longest I'd ever endured. She did come back though. Exhausted, bruised and bleeding, but came back she did. The children were asleep, as was Cyrene. I was up writing, waiting as I had been each night. The door opened silently, but I felt the breeze and the presence that made my pulse race. "Xena," I whispered as I ran to her.
"I'm home, Gabrielle," she said, wrapping me in those wonderful strong arms. "For good." It took a moment to realize what she'd just said. Then I noticed that her sword and chakram were missing. "They're gone, Gabrielle," she explained. "As are your scrolls. I'm sorry."
"It's alright, Xena," I assured her. "I can always write more. You're back and that's all that matters. Is there anything you can't do?" I wondered aloud.
"Making you happy, Gabrielle, is the only goal I've got left," she replied with a kiss.
Xena did make me happy. And I her, for many, many years. Eventually we lost Cyrene, which was hard, but our family continued to thrive in spite of our loss. Lyceus was the first of our children to marry. He met a poet who'd studied under the great Sappho and was smitten from the moment she'd entered the Inn. He was seventeen at the time and it took him three years to convince her to have him. Xe was another matter. For a time it seemed unlikely that she would marry or commit to anyone for longer than a season or two. For several years it seemed as if her interest didn't extend beyond women. There wasn't an attractive woman who came through Amphipolis that our entire family didn't appreciate. After breaking the hearts of both sexes for so long, I think even Xe began to wonder if she'd ever meet her match. Naturally, as Fate would have it, she did. She was won over by a young philosopher. They'd argue for hours about philosophy and ethics. Finally, she agreed to marry him. As she said, put up with him on a permanent basis. Xena and I breathed a sigh of relief.
Lyceus and his wife had two children, Lila and Cyrene. Xe and her husband had a son, Marcus. We enjoyed our grandchildren immensely, even though technically Marcus was Xena's great-grandson. We were sorry that Cyrene never had the opportunity to enjoy them, but sadly, that is how life works sometimes. To my surprise, Lyceus kept in contact with my birth family. While I'd essentially come to an understanding with mother and Lila, the closeness that had existed before was irretrievable. On his own, Ly forged a new bond with his aunt and grandmother, occasionally taking his family to Potidea for visits.
Sadly, as the Fates command, life can not endure forever. My world came crashing in around me on a bright summer morning. After more than six decades Xena could still leave me breathless and sated. To the very end we were fiercely in love with each other. Living with a passion that could not be curbed, we indulged ourselves and each other as often as our aging bodies would allow. Xena told me she wanted to go for a ride. "Gabrielle, you ignite me," she said. "I've got to do something with this pent up energy or I'll wear you out."
"I'd like to see you try," I replied with a grin.
Still the day was warm, and she was feeling her oats, so I kissed her good-bye and wished her a nice ride.
"You know I love you more each day, don't you?" she asked, as she mounted the roan stallion.
"As I do you, my heart," I replied. "Be careful."
Around noon, Lyceus and Xe went to look for their Na. She'd not come back yet and I was a little worried. Xe's expression when she returned was all I needed to see. With an anguished cry I ran outside as Lyceus was lowering Xena's body from his horse. Both children were sobbing, but I scarcely noticed as I cradled my love in my arms one last time.
Later, when the grieving had begun, something that would take until my own death to finish, Lyceus explained what had happened.
"The roan threw a shoe and stumbled," he said his voice raw from sobbing. "They were on a steep incline, and the horse fell. Na broke her neck when she was thrown. She didn't feel a thing." I nodded absently. At least I had that.
Xena was put to rest in a sarcophagus between Lyceus and Cyrene. I contacted the Amazons and explained why I would not be committing her body to the fire they'd wanted so many years ago.
"Gabrielle," Ephiny said gently. "We don't want you to. Now that the battle of the first age has happened, it changes things." Although I was hurting beyond belief at my loss, I listened attentively as Ephiny relayed the last of the Amazon legends I would need to know.
I lived eight years after Xena left. They weren't bad years, but too much of me was missing to fully enjoy them. I continued to live at the Inn. Lyceus had taken over running it. While I loved Xe dearly, it was harder to see her than my son. She was so like her grandmother. She looked then as Xena did in her prime. Her voice, the smile...I had to remind myself that it wasn't Xena.
I continued to write some. When I'd decided I'd penned my last tale, I had the scrolls carefully wrapped and sent to Solari. I knew she'd take good care of them. My own children already knew my stories, they wouldn't need them on parchment. When my last day arrived, I knew it was so. I didn't feel particularly bad, I just felt ready. In a way, I was looking forward to crossing over, to being reunited with my love. Since my health had been slipping, the children came by each day to visit. As the Amazons had asked, I sent for them as well when I knew my time was near. They kept a respectful distance, providing what support they could for my family. I kissed each grandchild goodbye before saying my final farewells to Xe and Lyceus. "I'm proud of you both," I told them, "and love you with all my heart. You've learned, and passed on the important things. A greater gift you could not have given Xena and me." The blue of Xe's eyes was the last thing I saw on this earth, until I saw the blue eyes beyond.
Chapter 9: New Beginnings
"Is she alright?" a gentle Southern voice asked, the worried edge unmistakable.
"Yes, Mel," another voice replied patiently. "Same as yesterday. She's been through a lot. She'll wake up when she's ready."
"Mel?" Janice gasped weakly, her throat dry and tight.
"Janice, you're awake," the Southerner replied, relieved.
"Maybe," Janice whispered as she thought about opening her eyes. Then, feeling a vaguely familiar, softness against the skin of her breast, she opened her eyes and looked down. She was back on board the Lovely Lunacy, nestled in a bed and wrapped in black satin sheets.
"I thought those might wake you up," Mel teased with a knowing gleam in her eye.
"How did I get here?" Janice asked, taking in the faces of the concerned Amazons gathered around the bed. "Where's Ar..." Before she could get the dog's name past her lips the Golden Retriever/Alsatian jumped up on the bed. Janice flinched, expecting the jolt of the bed to hurt her broken leg. Looking down, she could clearly see a cast outlined by the satin. She checked her hand, noting that it was bandaged as well. "What happened?"
"You pulled it off, that's what happened," Emily said, beaming from the foot of the bed. "Xena and Gabrielle are ashes as they should be, and Velasca, or rather Byron, is no more. We found chunks of him floating all over the place.
"Small chunks," Quest added for clarification.
Mel frowned at the grisly tone the conversation had taken. "The Charmer came and picked us up. Quest and the others managed to fend off Leesto's thugs."
"Picked us up?" Janice asked confused.
"You should have seen it," Tory continued, picking up the story. "After you hit the water, Mel jumps off this fifty foot cliff after you. I saw it with the binoculars. Once we got rid of Leesto's thugs we came right over."
"Yeah," Stacey added. "Debby fixed your leg and wrapped up your hand. You've been unconscious for two days."
"How did Argo get here?" the archeologist asked, finally beginning to wake up.
"That's the strange part," Emily replied. "Someone had delivered her to the crew of the Lunacy. She had our coordinates tucked into her bandanna. They arrived only a couple of hours after we picked you and Mel out of the water."
Mel looked over at Emily, her surprise evident. "You didn't tell me that. Did y'all get a description of whoever it was who dropped her off?"
The blond woman nodded. "The Captain said it was an old guy with glasses."
Mel smiled, sending a silent thank you to Tildus. "What about Leesto?" Janice asked.
"She was picked up at the top of the cliff. She's in custody, in connection with the Athens museum theft," Kit supplied, passing Janice a glass of water.
"I doubt it'll stick, but I'm glad she's out of the way for now," the archeologist replied thoughtfully. "What about the marbles?"
"From the temple frieze?" Mel asked to clarify. "Why, they're only the most recent amazing discovery of one, Dr. Janice Covington. The authorities have secured the sight and I'm sure teams will be assembled in no time to retrieve them."
"That might not be so good, Mel," Janice warned.
"Why ever not?"
"Because the sarcophagus lid is still in the cave. When word gets out I destroyed the remains..."
"I wouldn't worry about that," Emily assured her. "After all, none of us saw you blow up the coffin. Did we, Tory?" she asked, looking at the younger Amazon.
"See it? Why, no, of course not. It isn't your fault, Dr. Covington, if you discovered the cave but the remains were already gone."
For the first time in a long while, Janice smiled, a relaxed grin that threatened to stay on her face for days.
Later, when Janice had convinced everyone that she was indeed on the mend, she and Mel were left alone in their cabin. Propped up against Mel's side, her head resting against a soft breast with Argo curled up at her feet, Janice Covington was the picture of contentment.
"They'd like us to stay in the vicinity for a day or two, to make sure you're okay," Mel explained, stroking Janice's hair softly.
"Fine by me," Janice agreed with a sigh. "Now that the crisis is over, it'd be nice to spend some time with the family. Maybe I'll even find the time to get seasick."
"I can hardly wait," Mel replied snuggling closer and resting her chin on top of Janice's head. "But I'm glad you think seeing family is a good idea. I was thinking..."
"Yes?" Janice asked rolling over. Her left leg was clumsy but after a couple of tries she got it out of the way. With Mel stretched out beneath her, she rested her head on the Southerner's chest, sighing with contentment at the sound of the familiar heartbeat.
"I was thinking that for summer break," Mel continued, lightly touching her lover's back, "we might meet some more relatives, head to Scotland, perhaps?"
"The MacGabbers?" Janice asked, her left hand roaming over familiar skin.
"Exactly," Mel agreed.
"Good, because I've been thinking, too," Janice continued. "I don't think the scrolls we found are all of them. Who knows, maybe we'll find something new in Scotland." Janice continued her ministrations, nipping at soft flesh beneath Mel's satin slip.
"Ah, Janice, what do you think you're doing?" she asked concerned.
"You mean you can't tell?" Janice replied, stunned.
"What about your leg?' her lover inquired gently.
"I've got news for you, Mel, I don't use my leg for that. Having my right hand bandaged is going to be a problem, but I'm willing to improvise."
"You're incorrigible, Janice Covington," Mel breathed, her voice throaty and warm. "And I hope to God you stay that way for a long, long time."
"With you, Melinda Pappas, I don't doubt it," Janice replied claiming hungry lips. Passion ebbed and flowed as two hearts beat in tandem. Souls bound together beyond the confines of time and space pulsated with the devotion of their union. With a love to rival that of their ancestors before them, Janice Covington and Melinda Pappas were connected, as they would remain forever.
Epilogue: The Year 2042
Xero smiled as her fingers moved across the sensory input pad. Arctic blue eyes watched lines of data scrolling across the top and bottom of her screen. It was a new security protocol by Hybrid Systems Inc. Running an absent hand through her long black hair, she studied the data carefully. Xero was at work. Paid to compromise and steal intellectual property, Xero was one of the best in the business. At age twenty eight, she already had fifteen years experience as a professional hacker, a nettie, cyber thief, and virtual thug. Watching the two data streams simultaneously, she keyed the sequence to launch one of her own encryption programs. It would take a few moments to insinuate itself within the data stream, so Xero reached for her glass of water and took a long decadent sip.
There was nothing quite like the taste of natural water, and Xero sighed as the cool liquid spilled down her throat. Sadly, she knew that her bottle was almost empty. It had been a gift from her roommate and occasional business partner after a tricky job well done. Never taking her eyes from the screen she saw the green flash as her program launched into operation. Xero proceeded with the next phase of her theft. After defining her search parameters, she let the retrieval program go and checked its progress with her watch as well as the on screen chronometer.
As the seconds ticked down something at the top of the screen caught her eye. Almost imperceptible, there had been a slight lag in the data reading across the security field. Keeping her input strokes on the sensory pad consistent, Xero keyed the sequence to her personal trace/counterseek program. It was doubtful she'd been tapped by a syscop; it'd never happened before. But Xero knew all too well that there was a first time for everything.
There it was again, someone was definitely on her channel observing. Carefully, she continued her work. So far she could only be hit with snooping charges since she hadn't downloaded any data, yet. Keeping a steady hand she relaxed. If it was local security, they might just think she was with an MIS company or an overworked employee doing routine maintenance. Her cyber-retriever flashed orange, it had the data. She could set it aside to download later, or continue with her theft. She was spared the decision when the watching entity made it's presence known.
Nice work Xero, the greeting flashed on her screen, gold text on a black background. Automatically Xero keyed the sequence to launch a tracer program.
Who are you? she replied, stalling for time.
An admirer, possibly an employer, came the immediate response.
Xero's blue eyes flashed in surprise. The tracer error message was unmistakable. Whoever was at the other end of the data line had heavy duty encryption. She read a few lines into the error subroutine and froze. The encryption had syscop data nodes. She'd been spotted by a net cop.
As you've no doubt discovered by now, I've got syscop access, the message flashed. But I'm not interested in arresting you. Xero, I need your help. My keyword is Amphipolis. I'll meet you at--
Xero launched her scrambler and cut the connection cutting off the data stream mid flow. Letting out a controlled breath, she launched her sanitation program and shut down the system. It was possible if she'd been tapped, she'd also been given a worm. Virtual tapeworms were an effective tool cybercops used to identify the hardware used in the theft and compromise of intellectual property. A tiny data code, it was impossible to find unless you knew what to look for, but when activated could shut down entire systems as well as forward transcripts of all net activity to the authorities.
"Hey, Xero. I'm back," Bat called from the doorway. Xero could hear the distinctive sound of groceries being put away as various cupboards were opened and closed.
"Bat, get in here," she called, "I've got a job for you."
"What's the problem?" Bat asked, navigating the various cables and link lines that littered the floor of the tiny living room.
"I just got tapped by a syscop. I need your eye to check out the system," Xero said with a glance to the woman who had taken a seat next to her.
The most unusual thing about Bat was a black eye patch worn over her left eye. The result of a botched lens implant job, she'd decided on practicality over vanity. She'd gone to a gray market surgeon for a mechanical eye. Revolting to look at, it gave her an edge hacking. In a business where every edge counted, this was a decided advantage. "A syscop?" Bat echoed, impressed. "No shit. Must've been a good one."
"Not that good, I spotted them," Xero replied. "I hope you didn't have any plans tonight. I need you to go through my system, check for tapeworms. I still need to get this job done, cop or no cop."
Bat nodded, understanding. She had no illusions about her role under Xero's roof. She worked for the enigmatic woman, simple as that. Until her debt was paid off, Xero, for all intents and purposes, owned her. "No problem. Like I've ever got a date," she muttered. "Why don't you give me some space. If I'm going to disassemble the system, you'll only be in the way. Go down to the 'Horn. Get something to eat, relax - get laid."
Xero watched as Bat pulled her long brown hair into a ponytail. Already she could see the shorter woman planning which backup systems to use, what tools she'd need. "I thought that was what you were for?" she shot back good-naturedly.
Bat frowned. "What? I don't kick you out of my bed the two or three times you end up there drunk, and now I'm gay? Spare me."
"You didn't have any complaints at the time..." Xero stopped herself. She knew exactly why the other woman hadn't complained. Bat was afraid of her. As one of the few former corporate systems managers, Bat had a price on her head. People who worked corporate and then got out didn't have long life expectancies. That was, in fact, how they'd met. On a rainy night, with two corporate security thugs at her heels, Bat had wandered into the Saddlehorn Pub & Grill. Desperate for a cover, she'd foolishly made a play for Xero and ended up in an entirely new line of work. Since then, she'd enjoyed the protection of Xero's association, but also responded to the taller woman's demands unflinchingly. "Sorry," Xero mumbled, thinking she may have pushed the other woman too far.
"Shit, don't worry about it," Bat replied with a grin. "You know our deal. I worry about your hardware, you take care of your own software, so for chrissakes, go get some, will ya? You've been edgy as hell all week." Xero grinned at that. The other woman got up and began to set up some diagnostic equipment. "Xero," she continued as she worked, "I'd consider you a friend if I thought for a millisecond that you had any. This thing has obviously gotten you spooked. So take the night off and chill. Say hi to everyone at the 'Horn for me and by the time you get back, this rig will be running in top form." Xero nodded, grabbing her leather jacket from the couch.
"Here," Bat said, picking up a small mobile communications unit. "Take the mobie." From a compartment on the bottom she extracted two tiny ear pieces. "Wear the wire, and if I've got any questions, I'll let you know."
"Sure," Xero agreed, slipping the tiny receiver into her ear.
"Oh, and do me a favor, will ya?" Bat finished as Xero headed for the door. "If you see some good looking Bobs tonight, for god's sake get their number. It's been so long since I've had a guy, I'm forgetting what being straight is all about."
"I'll see what I can do," Xero replied with a grin, pocketing the mobie unit and clipping the tiny phone to her jacket.
The Saddlehorn was unique even though it was only one of several hangouts frequented by hackers. Versus was a well known hacker bar as was Fire Circle, but they didn't have the mystique of the 'Horn. The Saddlehorn Pub & Grill was exclusive. The word was out that only the invited and initiated could congregate there, those who ignored the warning usually found corrupted net accounts soon after an unwelcome visit. The clientele was also exclusively women, not that it was a lesbian hacker bar per se, although at first blush that was what most people assumed. The usual crowd of hackers also included those buyers who would procure their services. Only the most serious and determined buyers ended up at the 'Horn. Simply put, it was the place adopted by the best of the best. Even the managers of other bars spent time at the 'Horn. If you were a woman and good on the nets, you had to be there.
It wasn't an easy place to find, but Xero knew the route by heart. The 'Horn was more of a home for her than her apartment. Nodding to the bouncer, Bandit, she stepped through the door. The security light glowed green. She wasn't packing any weapons. Several unfortunate incidents with flamethrowers had made the precautions necessary, but Bandit did her job with unobtrusive efficiency. Quickly, her eyes adjusted to the dim light. The ancient battered saddle that hung over the bar was bathed in soft blue light today, reflecting the mood of the patrons gathered. It was a little on the early side, only nine thirty. The lights would be changed over to red when the prowlers were out. A place to relax, make business deals, have a decent meal and cruise, the 'Horn was something different to everyone.
Xero made her way to a table in the back. Lady Delirium and Addict, the bartenders nodded and sent the Pirate over to take her order. "A little early for you isn't it, Xero?" Pirate Ska Mayhem asked conversationally.
"I'll have a beer, make it a Buckner. Maybe dinner later, ask me then," Xero replied as she looked around. The small dance floor was vacant. Several women played darts at one end of the room. Credit codes exchanged hands after a decisive throw won the game. At a corner booth, Wordee sat with several other women. She recognized MaryD, but the other two she couldn't place.
"Where's your sidekick?" Ska asked, putting a dark bottle down in front of Xero.
"Working," Xero answered as she keyed in her payment and a tip. "Who's the newbies?"
"Just that, newbies. Both after Wordee, the one on the right is a potential employer, the one on the left is a suitor." After a moment's reflection she continued, "I guess it's your fault."
"How do you figure?" Xero asked, taking a sip of the smooth beer.
"You nailed Bat, one of the few straight women who hang out here. That makes it hard on the rest of 'em. Not that I'm going to cry them any rivers anytime soon."
"I heard that," Lani remarked from a table behind Xero's. "Pirate's picking on the straight chicks again," she continued, only louder this time.
"Oh, look who's talking," Ska shot back sarcastically.
All eyes turned to a table in the center of the room. Blue, the Arbitrator who had been trying to enjoy a peaceful dinner with Jenbob, was suddenly the center of attention. "So make her buy the straight chicks a drink," she finally decided. Sentence passed, everyone returned to their individual business.
"There go my tips for tonight," Ska muttered wandering off.
Xero enjoyed her beer. Left alone to observe the interactions around her, she felt herself finally unwind. The big winner at darts, Trillbaby, bought the next round for the house. Halfway through her second beer, the receiver in her ear clicked on.
"I've got something for you, can you talk?" Bat's disembodied voice asked softly in her ear.
"Yeah, what do you have," Xero asked after another sip.
"I'm off the nets, running a closed loop system to check out your files. You've got a tapeworm all right, but it isn't a tracker."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean she sent over a shitload of files, but nothing to track you. It's all stuff so you can get ahold of her. She may be a psycho."
"How do you know she’s a she?" Xero wondered.
"That's what I'm telling you. She sent over personnel files; all kinds of shit. Her name is Rielle MacGab, I've got a picture - she's cute...I mean if you're interested in women, that sort of thing."
"I get your point, Bat, go on," Xero pressed.
"According to this, she's a syscop for the Archives Corp. But she's on a leave of absence. She had a medical leave a couple of months ago, now she's just taking vacation." Xero could picture Bat as she went through the files. Shoes off, curled up on the couch fidgeting with a pen in one hand. She was talking fast. That meant she was scanning files as she spoke, struggling to keep up with her mechanical eye.
"So why do you think she's a psycho?" Xero asked.
"All this other stuff she sent you. Xero, buddy, she must have been waiting for you to log into that data stream. She was watching you the whole time. She's downloaded a book, The Adventure of a Lifetime, a Memoir by Melinda Pappas. Provided links to a television database for an old '90s show, her own records and the message that you tried to cut off. Be careful, Xero, she's planning to meet you at the 'Horn."
"You unlocked all this with the keyword Amphipolis?" Xero asked, scanning the inhabitants of the club once again.
"Yeah, just like her greeting said. I'm running a buffer system, so I'm not worried about getting zapped. But it was just a simple keyword. No traps or homing beacons. If this picture is an accurate one, you're looking for a twenty six year old red head with green eyes and," she paused to read further "according to her psych files, a sunny disposition." Xero didn't answer right away and Bat laughed. "Yeah, I know. Just your type. Still, why not have a go? The 'Horn regulars are too intimidated to actually sleep with you. Did I mention you being annoyingly tense all week?"
"If that's all the news you've got," Xero cut her off. "Why don't you reassemble the system and get it back on the nets. Put all this new stuff on an isolated drive and I'll look at it later."
"Okay, will do," Bat assured the hacker. "Logging off now."
The 'Horn was beginning to fill up as more women came in after their mid-day shifts. Few of the women who frequented the place had regular jobs, but a number of hackers kept regular hours too. Especially the women who worked for hacking companies. They had shifts and benefits like legitimate workers. Xero considered ordering dinner when a tense hush settled around the club. A couple of men, Bobs as they were known at the 'Horn, stepped through the security markers and were making their way to the bar. Both were tall, about Xero's height and good looking. Their sun bleached hair and bronzed skin screamed 'surfer'.
Xero noticed Lady Delirium step away from Addict, who was pouring drinks for the Bobs. Retrieving the mobie unit from her pocket, she keyed in the secured frequency and turned on her communications unit.
"Bobs at the 'Horn, Shadow. See what you can do." Lady Delirium said quietly.
"They been here before?" Xero asked quietly.
"Xero, that you?" Lady D asked as she looked over. Seeing the dark haired woman's affirming nod, she continued. "No, they're newbies, not trolls. They just told Addict that they're in construction and retrofit. They're here on vacation. Too tan to be hackers."
"I'm in their net accounts now," Shadow offered.
"Then take it easy on them, Shadow," Xero asked. "When you screw with their files, don't mess 'em up too bad."
"Bat send you out to find her dates?" Shadow asked with a wry laugh.
"Yeah, so give 'em her locator file. Then they'll know who to contact to clean up the mess."
"Okay, will do," Shadow agreed. "They should be out of there as soon as they try to pay."
As if on cue, one of the men looked up alarmed as he swiped his account card through the reader a second time. The other man tried his card but with the same lack of success. Both men left abruptly when they'd logged on to their accounts only to find garbled text instead of account information. Once they were out the door and down the block, their drinks were raffled off, the two women who won raising their glasses in silent toast to their now absent benefactors.
Bat carefully adjusted her baseball cap before connecting the final system wire to the net brainbox. If a trap or other aggressive program had slipped past her careful examination, this was often enough to trigger it. She held her breath for a couple seconds, and when nothing happened she readjusted her hat and relaxed. No matter how many years went by, every system connection took her back to the day five years ago when she'd earned the name Bat and lost an eye in the process. She should have seen the trap but didn't. As a result her client's brain box blew up in her face, damaging the lens of her left eye beyond repair. Convinced she'd be blind, her friends started calling her 'Bat'. Her eye recovered, with the aid of a mechanical replacement, but the name stuck anyway.
System initialized, she keyed in Xero's general use account. If someone was after her boss, logging into the system as herself would serve little purpose. She started with routine housekeeping. Xero's preferences were pretty straightforward, and Bat knew the subroutines as if they were her own. She logged in the day's messages and took note of the net account balances. Everything was in order there as well.
Satisfied that the system was operating as it should, she launched the program that would fling her onto the nets. Cruising Xero's regular haunts, she began to notice a few familiar faces, identified by their screen icons, as well as several new ones. She'd cloaked Xero's own icon, making her invisible to the other passersby unless they were using a high-end detection program. Even then, the detector would only be able to tell that another entity was logged on, not that it was Xero. Unfortunately, such programs caused more trouble than they were worth while hacking, so they were only used for sightseeing or other legitimate net business only.
Things were slow, but Bat noted that it was still early. She was about to make her way to the node for the 'Horn when she was stopped by a greeting.
We meet again, Xero, the message said.
"Holy shit," Bat gasped, her good eye wide in surprise staring at the screen.
Or should I say, Xena? the message continued.
"It's her psycho," Bat whispered as she touched the control of her mobie unit. "Xero, you there?" she asked, worried. There was no response. Either Xero was on another channel, or the mobile communications system had been jammed. Bat glanced back at the screen. The message was waiting for a response. "What would Xero say?" she wondered. She'd been spotted and tagged, it was no good to try to pretend otherwise. Finally she keyed in her response. Who the fuck is Xena?
Could it be that you don't know yet? This gets better all the time, the message flashed, red letters on black. I'm going to enjoy killing you, Xena, I only hope it's as good for you as it will be for me.
Who are you? Bat asked, trying to fight her growing fear, and losing.
I'm sorry, it's been such a long time. Xena, my dear, my name is Ares.
Xero decided it was time to leave. There wouldn't be anything happening here for her tonight. She pushed away from her table, and stood as a third Buckner was put down in front of her. The hacker looked up into lovely green eyes she'd never seen before. "Mind if I buy you a drink?" a soft voice asked.
Towering over the shorter woman, Xero smiled. It could only be the syscop Bat had warned her about. Strawberry blond, petite, beautiful. Her one-eyed associate did have a gift for understatement. Xero wrapped her long fingers around the neck of the beer bottle. "You don't mind if I take it with me?" she asked. Beautiful as this woman was, she was still a syscop.
A smaller hand wrapped around her own, holding the bottle onto the table. "As a matter of fact, I do," the young woman said evenly. "When I buy a beautiful woman a drink, I expect her to finish it in my company."
Xero flashed her a grin, displaying a mouthful of perfect white teeth. There might be something here worth the risk after all, she decided. "That's rather butch of you," she commented sitting down again. The other woman took the seat opposite her and let go of her hand but didn't say anything. "Use that line a lot do you?" Xero asked, after taking a sip of the beer.
"On occasion," the other woman replied with false bravado. Xero laughed and the other woman frowned. "I say something funny?"
"You don't lie very well," the hacker replied. "No, I'd bet a bottle of spring water that I'm the first woman you've hit on in a bar. Isn't that so, Rielle?"
Her companion looked at the table as her cheeks flushed crimson before making eye contact again. "I'm glad you took the time to look at my files at least," she finally said, changing the subject. "Xero, I need to talk to you."
"Too bad, I don't talk to syscops," the older woman replied flatly.
"Can I buy you dinner? Give me that much time at least?" Rielle asked.
"Fine," Xero replied with an artful shrug. She nodded to the Pirate who came over to take her order. "Kitchen have fresh produce?" she asked.
Ska blinked, naturally grown fruits and vegetables were very expensive delicacies. "Yeah, some," she replied.
"I'll have a salad with the works," Xero requested.
"For two," Rielle added, handing over her account card.
When the waitress was gone she turned to her companion once again. "Xero, I'm going to tell you a story, you're going to think its fantastic, but I want you to hear me out anyway."
"Until I'm done eating, I'm all yours," she replied.
Feeling warm, Xena? The message on the screen taunted.
Bat tried again in vain to break eye contact with the data code that scrolled past her eyes at blinding speed. If she'd had two natural eyes, all she'd see was a mesmerizing blur, unfortunately with her mechanical eye she could make out some of what she was reading. The repetitive, hypnotic code was sending signals to her body. Her brain, unable to filter out the harmful instructions, could only wait and experience the body's self destruction. Like subliminal advertising on steroids, Bat was helpless against the onslaught of information. Sweating and dizzy, she guessed her fever must be well over one hundred three degrees by now.
I'm not Xena, she finally managed to send.
Sure you are, the message came back. You just don't remember yet. I really didn't know the battle for the third age would be this easy. Even Melinda Pappas was more of a challenge than you. So, wanna race?
Bat's heart started beating faster, her heated blood pulsing through her system. Then her lungs collapsed, cutting off her air as the hacker tried desperately not to panic. If she was going to die, as now seemed likely, she wanted someone to know why and how. Eyes still riveted on the scrolling text, in the periphery of her vision she could see the isolated drive sitting on top of the brainbox. After yanking a wire from an unused diagnostic unit, she plugged the drive in and keyed in a record sequence. Just then her chest expanded, air finally filling her lungs. The racing of her pulse continued. Whatever was killing her intended to do it slowly.
You don't know how long I've waited for this, Xena. I've had thousands of years to plot your destruction. I never doubted that as long as I got to you before that irritating blond did, I'd have you. I hope you're able to fully appreciate what you could have had all those millennia ago, when a simple 'yes' from you would have given you immortality.
Feeling something wet on her leg, the hacker noted that her hands had broken out in blisters that were popping soon after forming. Clear plasma ran down her hands onto the input pad and finally and dripping on her thigh. Her eminent death looking messy, Bat took the battered baseball cap off her head and tossed it aside. A remembrance of her mother who had died in the Plague, she wasn't about to let her own demise ruin Mickey Mouse.
Her lungs collapsed again, this time she hoped for good. Her vision changed and she absently noticed it was from her natural eye giving out. The moisture and soft tissues burned. Were it not for her implant, she'd be blissfully blind.
Well, Xena, it's been fun. Give my regards to Callisto, Velasca and Hades when you see them.
She could smell charring flesh now and would have screamed had she been able to get the air, to do so. Instead she winced as she felt her heart finally explode in her chest cavity. After that, everything slowed down until life itself mercifully ended.
"Let me get this straight," Xero said dubiously. "You're saying this bar was originally funded by the Pappas Foundation. That saddle hanging over there bought at the big auction the Smithsonian had when their funding was cut?" Rielle nodded and let the other woman continue. "And this Melinda Pappas fought the battle of the second age." Rielle nodded again. "And I'm related to her, how?" Xero asked.
"That's just it. You aren't," Rielle explained. "Melinda Pappas was related to Xena and Janice Covington was related to Gabrielle. You and I are the reincarnated souls of Xena and Gabrielle."
"That's right," Xero amended, not believing a word of it. "Which one am I again?"
"You're Xena," Rielle said loosing her patience.
"Of course, the 'X's, I should have known. Okay, I'm Xena and I'm going to fight the battle of the third age. Against who?"
"Against Ares," the syscop continued clearly annoyed. "And believe me, if you don't start taking this a bit more seriously, you're going to loose."
"Well I wouldn't want that," Xero shot back with a smirk.
"Didn't you read any of the material I sent over?" Rielle asked. "I was hoping it'd jog your memory."
"You've said that Xena and Gabrielle were lovers," Xero offered. "Don't you think that would jog my memory?"
An unreadable look crossed the younger woman's face. "I'm willing to try anything," she said quietly.
"Well, don't make it sound like such a chore," Xero shot back miffed.
"It's not that, Xero, it's just that obviously I can remember things at this point that you can't." She shook her head sadly. "It'd be a lot different for me than for you, I suspect."
Xero was tempted to tell the young woman to forget the whole thing and just leave. Still, there was something about her company she found intriguing and wasn't ready to part ways just yet. If nothing else, she could take the woman home and let the terrified newbie off the hook then. "Fine then," Xero said as she stood. "Let's go."
All eyes in the Saddlehorn Pub & Grill watched the newbie leave with Xero. The only puzzling thing was why she didn't appear pleased about it.
"So when did you first realize that you were the reincarnated essence of an Ancient Amphipolean Bard?" Xero asked as they stepped off the lift at her floor.
"Potidea, Gabrielle was from Potidea," Rielle corrected her.
"I started having vivid dreams a couple of months ago. Unusual at first, but they wouldn't go away. Then I started to do some research. The more I learned, the more things fit into place," the syscop explained as they walked down the hall to the older woman's apartment.
"I still don't see how it's possible to be reincarnated from a television show," Xero insisted.
"Not from a show, you big dumb hacker," she snapped. "The show was based on a collection of scrolls Janice Covington discovered in 1942, then later in 1961. The '42 Scrolls were hidden away until the '90s when they were used for the show."
Xero nodded as she ran her thumb over the door's ID patch. It unlocked and upon opening it her senses were immediately assaulted by the acrid smell of burnt hair and flesh. "What the fuck!" she gasped and ran inside.
Bat, or rather her charred remains, rigidly sat on the couch. Small tendrils of smoke still drifted off of her body. A flaming sword could clearly be seen rotating on the screen in front of her with the words Goodbye Xena below them. A green light was blinking on the portable drive indicating that it had just been backed up.
"That's Ares' symbol," Rielle said, pointing to the screen.
"What happened to her?" Xero whispered realizing her roommate was beyond dead. "She's grounded," the hacker noted the grounding wire trailing from band wrapped around the dead woman's wrist. "How could she have been zapped?"
"That is what I'm trying to explain," Rielle said softly. "Ares must have thought she was you, or he's just practicing. Xero, this is a god we're talking about. He's powerful."
Xero turned to her companion, her blue eyes flashing in sorrow and anger. "So now you're a Fundie?" she demanded. "Did you orchestrate this?" she growled as she advanced on the smaller woman. Wisely, Rielle backed up. "Rig the equipment? A syscop who works for Archive Corporation, maybe, is that it?" Backed against the wall, Rielle looked up into the face of her aggressor. She was much shorter than the hacker, her head only reaching just past the taller woman's shoulder. Craning her neck back she tried to remain calm as cold blue eyes bore into her. "I'll ask one more time, 'cop. Are you or are you not a bounty hunter?"
"Xero, you know I'm not," she said carefully. "You can see for yourself she's still smoking. She's only been dead a matter of minutes. I was with you. Do you honestly think I could construct a remote program that your friend wouldn't be able to disable?"
"She wasn't my friend," Xero muttered turning away.
Rielle looked again from the charred body to the woman who once was Xena. "What was she then?" she asked quietly.
"A good acquaintance," Xero answered with a shrug.
Walking over to where the taller woman stood, she put a comforting hand on her arm. "Even so, it isn't safe for you to stay here. Even if you don't believe what I've told you about Ares, surely a corpse in your apartment isn't something a hacker would care to explain, now is it?" Rielle asked seriously. "Why don't you come to my place. You can crash there tonight. Maybe in the morning you'll listen to some of what I have to say."
Xero nodded absently. The syscop was right. Bat's body would have to be tended to and there were too many unanswered questions for her to remain. She'd probably be implicated in the murder, although the authorities didn't worry too much about the death of a hacker. She would find whoever it was who did this, syscop or no syscop. Shaking her head, Xero grabbed a small bag and began to collect a few things.
First she picked up her portable system. After that she picked up the isolated drive that had been blinking. She grabbed a second pair of jeans and a shirt and some loose credit slips. When she'd added her wallet and mini discs, she was ready to go. "I should take Argo," she said as an afterthought.
"Argo?" Rielle asked, eyes wide.
"Yeah, Bat's iguana."
The syscop looked at the dead woman in wonder. Could she have been mistaken and contacted the wrong one? "This woman has a pet named Argo?" she asked to be sure. "Where did she get the name?"
"I don't know," Xero replied with a shrug as she headed for the bedroom that led off from the main living room. "I think she said she heard me mumble it in my sleep." She returned several minutes later with a large bright green reptile perched on her shoulder. The animal's body was about forty centimeters long, Rielle guessed, with a tail almost as long. "I don't know why, but Bat had a soft spot for lost causes," Xero explained as she put a container of food into her pocket.
"Is that why she lived with you?" Rielle asked.
Xero glared at her. "She lived with me because she worked for me. She put in long hours keeping my rig in shape. Besides, here she had some measure of protection against corporate thugs." Xero looked once again at the dead woman's body. "Apparently it wasn't enough." She made her way towards the door when she paused at the couch. Picking up Bat's antique baseball hat, she put it on and smiled sadly. "I'm going to find the thugs that did this," she whispered. "And when I do, they won't end up looking half as good as you." Cold blue eyes taking a final sweep around the small apartment, Xero realized that there was nothing else she needed, nothing else she could take with her. "Let's go," she muttered tightly to her companion.
"Here we are," Rielle said as she pushed open the heavy front door to her apartment. Xero already impressed by the prime location of the building. She was speechless at the spaciousness of the dwelling.
"How many people live here?" she asked, putting her heavy bag down on the overstuffed couch.
"I live alone," Rielle answered.
"I didn't know syscops did so well," Xero quipped, trying to mask her amazement. No one lived alone save the extremely wealthy. The fact that she only lived with one person spoke volumes about how well she did as a hacker.
"Yeah, well it belonged to my parents," Rielle explained, answering Xero's unasked question. "They both died a few years ago. The flat was already paid for."
Xero nodded and looked around. The place even had windows. Unable to resist, she strolled over and looked outside. At night the city lights sparkled brightly, making the South California skyline pulsate with glowing beauty. "Would you like something to drink?" Rielle called from the kitchen.
"Sure," Xero called back. "Whatever you've got." After moments spent in rapt fascination at the window, she was joined by the syscop.
"You mentioned spring water earlier, so I thought this would be okay," Rielle explained, handing her a glass of iced water.
"You seem to have everything here," Xero commented after long sip.
"I guess," Rielle replied, uncomfortable. "But I stand to lose it all. Everyone stands to lose everything if you don't get your memory back and battle Ares."
"Are we on that again?" Xero asked, exasperated. "Look, kid. If this is a clever line you're using to get me in the sack, trust me you're trying way too hard."
"Is that what you think this is about? Fucking you?" Rielle stormed away from the window. "Xena must have looked long and hard to fine the densest, dumbest... most clueless body she could. Your friend is sitting burned to a crisp on your couch and you think I'm making a pass at you?"
"I'd be careful if I were you," Xero growled. "I'm in no mood to be taunted by some spoiled syscop who thinks she's bringing in the catch of the day. You don't play this game very well do you, Rielle? You pick me up in a dyke bar, give me this bullshit about past lives, throw in New Age Fundie crap with the god Ares and tell me I'm going to suddenly remember being a reformed warlord from Amphipolis!" As she turned she winced. Argo, losing his balance from her shoulder grabbed with a foreclaw, sharp nails digging into her exposed skin above the collar of the leather jacket.
"Here," Rielle offered moving to take the lizard from the taller woman's shoulder. "Why don't we put Argo down." Gently as she could, she put the big reptile down on the floor. The lizard was heavier than he looked.
"Thanks," Xero muttered.
"I'm sorry," Rielle replied. "Why don't you take some time. I'm sure there's someone you should notify about your fri... associate's death. I wish you'd trust me, but I realize that you think you can't. Still, I have to tell you that I've no intention of arresting you or turning you in. You're welcome to stay; the couch is yours. Make yourself at home. We can talk more about Xena and the other stuff in the morning." She turned away and walked toward the bedroom. "If you were serious about what you said earlier," she added turning back around. "About needing to jog your memory, I'll be in here."
Xero watched her go. The other woman made it clear that she was up for sex but didn't want it. No matter, Xero decided, she wasn't in the mood anyway. She wandered into the kitchen, opening up cupboards until she found a small bowl. She poured some of the spring water from her glass into the bowl and put it on the floor near the lizard. Pulling out her mobie unit, she keyed in the satellite codes for maximum encryption and called the 'Horn.
Wandering back to the window, she waited for the connection to link up. "IQ? This is Xero, put me through to Shadow." After a moment's pause she was connected. "Yeah, Shadow, it's Xero. Look, I've got bad news. Bat is dead. She was fried about an hour ago. I found her when I went home... No, I'm not there now. I'm... elsewhere. If she's got any family or anything, you need to let them know. I'm uploading the codes to my place. Security would just dump the body. She deserves better than that...Thanks, Shadow, I appreciate it. Keep my place secure if you can. I'm going to track down whoever did this. I might need to go back and get some things...Okay, I will. Thanks again." Feeling numb, she broke the connection and put the mobie away. She looked around the stylishly decorated apartment, then headed for the couch. If the syscop was set on taking her in, Xero decided it was one way to see how good the young woman really was. She took off her boots, casually tossing them under the low table near the couch. Next she removed her jacket. While she was at it, she pulled out the small container of food pellets and put a few down on the floor for the lizard. She also extracted her small hand held flame thrower from a concealed pocket and put it on the table as well. Finally she took off her hat. She gazed at the faded picture of a cartoon mouse for long minutes, reverently tracing its outline with her finger. Shaking off the pensive reflection, she put the hat on the table as well. She laid down, stretching her long legs, flame thrower concealed in her right hand. With that, and easy access to two knives, Xero realized that she was as safe as she could be under the circumstances. When she closed her eyes, sleep was almost instant.
Xero looked around disoriented. She was standing in a board room dressed in her jeans and t-shirt with nothing on her feet.
"So glad you could make it," a firm voice said in greeting.
Looking up, Xero was startled to see two women sitting behind a polished black table. Both were dressed in old fashioned tuxedos, one of them looked a lot like her, the other looked like Rielle, the syscop.
"I must be dreaming," Xero said trying to make sense of her surroundings.
"The hacker catches on fast," the strawberry-blond continued. "We decided on formal wear for our first meeting, I hope that's okay with you. I am Janice Covington, and the ravishing creature next to me is Melinda Pappas."
"It's nice to meet you, Xero," Melinda said with a Southern accent.
"I never dream," Xero stated bluntly, wondering why she wasn't simply waking up.
"Believe me, that's been a major problem for us," Janice replied. "Fact is, this isn't going to be fun. The stuff Rielle is telling you is true. If you can stop thinking with your libido and refrain from bullying her you might learn something. Why don't you try listening for a change?"
"I don't have to take this crap from you," Xero growled deciding she liked the syscop's look alike even less than the syscop.
"Actually , Xero you do," Janice replied with a grin.
"What she means," Mel interjected, "is that you have to sleep. Now that we've reached you, we're going to keep at it."
"Look kid," Janice continued. "Ares is on the move, he offed that friend of yours. With our help we're going to see to it that you blow his sorry ass to kingdom-come."
"Janice!" Mel implored at her companion's harsh language.
"Relax, Mel!" Janice soothed. "I'm just trying to get through to the Warrior Princess over here. Xena, we need you to remember. We're going to do whatever it takes to see that you do remember. We didn't risk life and limb to have you forfeit the battle of the third age."
"Battle of the third age?" Xero mumbled.
"Gods she's slow," Janice groaned in frustration.
"Janice, please!" Mel implored. "She's been through a lot. It was hard getting through to Gabrielle too if you remember. Give her some time to get her bearings, get to know Rielle. At least let her say goodbye to her friend."
"I don't have any friends," Xero replied automatically.
"I never thought I'd meet someone who made Xena look well adjusted," Janice quipped. After getting an icy glare from Mel she continued in a rush, "Alright, you've been through a lot. We won't get started right now. Rest up some, but start thinking. Search your feelings. You are more than you imagine. Get in touch with what's beyond you. We can't help you if you don't help us."
"Whaaa..." Xero looked around the dimly lit room. The lights had dimmed automatically with her inactivity. Something felt odd but she couldn't quite describe it. She checked her watch, she'd been asleep for three hours. Mildly surprised that the syscop had not in fact tried to arrest her, she sat up and stretched. Absently she considered that the young woman may have been telling the truth after all, far fetched as it sounded. Putting her weapons on the coffee table with the baseball hat, she silently walked over to the bedroom door.
Rielle was sleeping on her side, facing the door on the far side of the bed. Staying as far away as possible from me, no doubt. Xero considered. When she crossed the room and picked up the bed cover the other woman's eyes flew open with a start.
"What is it?" Rielle asked worried, frightened.
"Relax, Rielle. I'm not after your virtue. I think the couch is uncomfortable, it made me have a weird dream. I'm sleeping here," the hacker mumbled as she slid under the covers.
"Weird dream you say?" Rielle asked, the hint of a small smile tugging at her lips.
"Yeah," Xero muttered. "These two women in tuxedos. It's nothing. Lemme sleep."
Rielle's smile broadened as she watched her companion slip into slumber. Realizing that things might just work out after all, the smile remained as she too drifted off to sleep.
The end.
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