#no like just imagine the photocard possibilities
Now that both noel and karen have posted pics with the teddy bears I need everyone else to post ones asap as well
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songbirdseung · 8 months
synopsis: your boyfriend gets upset that you don't pull his photocard from their recent comeback's album.
might print out his picture and slap it on the other member's pc
silly little baby
"what do you mean you wanted jake's pc?"
You enter your shared apartment, excitedly clutching the latest album from your boyfriend group. Heeseung watches you with keen interest, his eyes shining with excitement as he imagines the possibility of you pulling his photocard. You carefully open the album, and as you flip through the pages, you notice Heeseung's expression growing increasingly hopeful.
You pull out the first card and, to Heeseung's dismay, it's not him. His face falls, and he looks at you with a mix of disappointment and disbelief.
"What do you mean you wanted Jake's PC?" Heeseung ask, genuinely confused. Heeseung pouts, crossing his arms like a sulking child. You can't help but chuckle at his adorable sulking. "Come on, baby, it's just luck. Let's check the other cards."
As you continue pulling out the photocards, Heeseung's hope slowly fades with each passing moment. Finally, you reach the last card, and it's still not him. Heeseung lets out a dramatic sigh, throwing himself back on the couch. "Maybe I should just print out my picture and slap it on the other member's PC," he says, half-jokingly.
You burst into laughter at his playful threat. "You wouldn't do that, would you?" Heeseung grins mischievously.
You roll your eyes playfully, realizing that his disappointment is all in good fun. "Okay, okay, I'll make it up to you. How about we take a cute selfie together and print it out to put in the album?" Heeseung's eyes light up at the suggestion, and he quickly grabs his phone.
JAY 박종성 ~
doesn't really mind
if it is Jungwon, he might even take it from you
"i'll just get you mine tomorrow at work"
He's sprawled out on the couch, engrossed in his phone, but he looks up with a bright smile as you approach. Excitedly, you sit down next to him and begin opening the album. Jay watches with interest but doesn't seem too invested in the outcome. As you pull out the first card, and it's not Jay.
He glances at it briefly before turning back to his phone, seemingly unfazed. "Oh, nice. Sunghoon's card. That's cool." You look at him in surprise. "Aren't you disappointed it's not yours?"
Jay chuckles, shaking his head. "Nah, I don't really mind. It's all random luck anyway." You continue pulling out the remaining photocards, and Jay remains nonchalant, showing no signs of disappointment. As you finish, you look at him curiously. "You're really okay with this? I thought you'd want me to have your own PC."
He smirks playfully. "If it was Jungwon, he might've snatched it from you, but I'm cool. Besides, I'll just get you mine tomorrow at work."
You raise an eyebrow, intrigued. "Oh, really? You have a plan, huh?" Jay nods, grinning. "Absolutely. I'll trade with someone or sneak into the storage room. No worries; I got this." You happily oblige, snapping a cute picture with Jay, grateful for his carefree approach to the whole situation.
JAKE 심재윤 ~
will go to the company and switch it for his photocard
"Jay's overrated anyway, here's mine"
You burst into the room, Jake looks up from his game console, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he grins at you. "Hey there, ready for the moment of truth?" you tease, holding up the album.
Jake smirks, leaning back on the couch. "Oh, I've been waiting for this. Make sure you get my PC, okay?" You roll your eyes playfully and begin unboxing the album. You pull out the first card, and it's not Jake. He raises an eyebrow, looking at you with mock disappointment. Jay's overrated anyway," he declares, crossing his arms. "Here's mine."
Before you can react, he reaches into his bag and dramatically gives you his own photocard, as if he had planned this all along. You stare at him in disbelief. "Wait, did you seriously bring your own photocard just in case I didn't pull yours?" you ask, incredulous.
Jake grins, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. "You never know with these things. Gotta be prepared, right?" You can't help but laugh at his level of pettiness. "Okay, Mr. Sim. I'll remember that for next time."
But Jake isn't done. He smirks even wider. "You know what? I think I'll go to the company tomorrow and switch Jay's PC for mine."
You burst into laughter, finding his over-the-top response hilarious. "Jake, seriously? You're going to go all the way to the company just for that?" He nods, completely serious. "Absolutely. It's a matter of principle."
pretends to not care
but deep inside he's a little cranky'
"it's whatever, just a piece of paper"
"Alright, let's see if I got your photocard," you say, flipping through the pages. Sunghoon glances at you briefly, a faint smile playing on his lips. As you reveal the first photocard, it's not Sunghoon's. You show it to him, expecting a reaction, but he simply shrugs, maintaining his facade of indifference.
"It's whatever, just a piece of paper," he says coolly, avoiding eye contact. You give him a skeptical look. "Come on, don't tell me you don't care at all. It's your own photocard!"
Sunghoon remains composed, feigning disinterest. "I mean, it's nice to have, but it's not a big deal. Just a picture, right?" You continue pulling out the remaining photocards, and each time, Sunghoon's poker face remains intact. However, deep down, you can sense a slight crankiness building up.
"Seriously, Hoon, I thought you'd be more excited," you comment, teasingly poking his side. He smirks, finally breaking character. "Okay, fine, maybe I wanted my girlfriend to have my own photocard. Just a little."
You chuckle at his admission. "I knew it" Sunghoon grins, rubbing the back of his neck. "But hey, let's take a selfie together. That way, I'll have a better picture than any photocard." As you capture a picture with Sunghoon, you can't help but appreciate his attempt at nonchalance, even though the tiny bit of crankiness underneath only makes him more endearing.
SUNOO 김선우 ~
packed your album himself
so he doesnt have to worry about it
"i didnt want you carrying another man's photo around"
"Guess what I did?" he says, holding up the album in his hands. You raise an eyebrow, curious. "What did you do, Sunoo?"
He beams proudly. "I packed your album for you. No need for you to worry about pulling another man's photo." You chuckle at his playfulness. "Oh, really? And how did you manage that?"
Sunoo stands up, presenting the neatly packed album to you. "I made sure your hand went straight to my photocard. No room for mistakes!" You burst into laughter. "You're quite the strategist, aren't you?"
He nods, looking pleased with himself. "Of course! I didn't want you carrying another man's photo around. It's all about loyalty." As you both sit down to unbox the album, Sunoo watches with anticipation. Sure enough, as you reach the photocard, there it is – Sunoo's smiling face. "See? I told you I got this!" he exclaims, grinning from ear to ear.
pouty wonie
but if your happy with your pull, he'll accept it
"you like it right, okay, im happy then."
There's a hopeful glimmer in his eyes as he watches you approach. You sit down beside him and begin to open the album, but as you see the card, you notice a pout forming on Jungwon's lips. It's clear he's hoping for a specific result. As you pull out the first photocard, Jungwon's eyes fixate on it. His disappointment is palpable, but he quickly tries to hide it behind a forced smile.
"Oh, Ni-Ki's photocard. That's cool," he says, attempting to sound casual. You can't help but sense his slight disappointment. "Are you sure you're okay with it, Wonie? I can always try to trade it for yours."
Jungwon's pout deepens, but he shakes his head, trying to be supportive. "No, no, it's fine. If you like it, then it's all good." You decide to tease him a bit. "Are you sure? You seem a bit pouty."
He lets out a dramatic sigh. "Okay, maybe I was hoping for my own photocard. Just a little." You chuckle at his honesty. "Well, I guess I'll have to pull yours next time. You can't have it every comeback, right?"
Jungwon nods, his pout softening into a small smile. "True. As long as you're happy with your pull, I'm happy too." You show him the rest of the photocards, and he manages to stay enthusiastic, even if a bit pouty. When you finish, he looks at you earnestly.
"You like it, right? Okay, I'm happy then," he says, and this time, his smile is genuine. You give him a grateful smile in return. "Of course, Wonie. Your photocard is always my favorite." Jungwon's pout disappears, replaced by a contented expression. Even if he didn't get his own photocard this time, your happiness is what matters most to him.
NI-KI 西村 力 ~
it's either he rolls his eyes in disappointment or he doesn't care
might just send you 100 selfies instead
"i'm just that rare to get"
His reaction is swift – either he rolls his eyes in disappointment or he simply looks at you, unfazed. If he rolls his eyes, he quips, "Seriously? Again?" in a playful yet slightly disappointed tone.
You try to soothe his disappointment, saying, "Hey, it's just luck. I'll get yours next time, I promise." Ni-ki might continue rolling his eyes, but there's a small smirk on his face, implying he's not too bothered.
If he doesn't care, he simply shrugs and says, "Eh, it's whatever. Not a big deal." You look at him, surprised. "Really? You're not disappointed?" Ni-ki smirks, reaching for his phone. "Nah, I'll just send you a hundred selfies to make up for it."
You laugh at his carefree attitude. "A hundred selfies? Isn't that a bit excessive?" He grins, holding up his phone. "I'm just that rare to get. Gotta make the most of it."
You shake your head, amused by his playful response. "Alright, Ni-ki, I'll gladly take those selfies. But next time, I'll make sure to pull your photocard." He chuckles, giving you a playful nudge. "Good luck. I'm counting on you."
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joongbin · 1 year
i need a male × jeongin smut where he and the fan boy have some interactions during the show, but they somehow met each other by the night and then...wow.
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꒰ you were a fanboy of jeongin, why wouldn't you be? you thought you had no chance with the idol, but one night changed those thoughts immediately.
+ pairings: btm!yang jeongin x top!fanboy!reader
× warnings: possible one night stand, dubcon?, both are slightly drunk, reader is amab, unprotected sex, they use spit as lube.
# genre: smut.
& smut req fuiyohh
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You finally got front tickets. You had been trying for MONTHS, but they were always sold out within seconds, but today you were lucky.
You screamed in joy, staring at your screen in relief. You can finally see your bias, Yang Jeongin. He was the cutest, talented member, that's why he was your bias.
You could easily be called his ultimate fanboy. You had an entire TikTok account about him and how you have every single one of his photocards and merch, you were basically known as his ultimate fan.
You wore a mask, baggy and light shirt and some pants you found. You of course, brought your lightstick with you that had Foxyi.ny on the screen along with the cute hoodie thing for it.
You grbbe your album, just in case. You grabbed your your favourite photocard of him that was in a Foxyi.ny case.
You stared at it before getting inside the car that was going to pick you up, since you were feeling a little lazy to drive.
You sat comfortably, making sure your lightstick was working and connected to the app, then you updated your friends on what you were doing since they just wanted to make sure you're safe.
Getting a little distracted, you didn't even notice you had already arrived to the venue. You made sure everything was in your bag, before thanking the driver and getting out of the car.
You waited a few minutes in the crowd, fumbling to put in your earplugs because you know how wild STAY gets when SKZ goes on stage.
And you were right. The moment they stepped on to the stage, numerous screams from STAY just filled the venue up. You had to cover your ears while screaming, even if you had the ear plugs in.
You looked at your one and only Jeongin. He looked so good on stage. You were basically admiring him, smiling ear to ear as you kept interacting with him whenever he's not performing.
Little small waves, connecting hearts, him recording a video on your phone, probably everything a fan would imagine for. You immediately set your phone wallpaper to you connecting hearts with him.
That would be your closest interaction.
He's an idol and you're just a fan. That was the relationship, no more no less.
Or, that's what you thought.
You were at a bar with your friend because it was her birthday, and you wanted to celebrate it with her. She just got heavily drunk and hanging out with someone while you sat at the seat you were always at.
You weren't exactly a fan of the smell of the alcohol in front of you. Then, you felt someone beside you. You said your friends name, before you turned to look at them.
It was him. The Yang Jeongin. You called out his name, before he wrapped his arms around your waist.
“ You're that .. guy from earlier .. ” He said, his voice raspy. It just .. made you feel something, your idol in front of you, being all touchy.
But you didn't know what to do. Yeah, he looked absolutely euphoric looking at you with those eyes, but was this even right? You were soon dragged to a room at the bar, as if the bar knew that people would have sex at the place.
He pressed you against the bed with absolute lust in his eyes, grinding on you as he let out a whine. You didn't expect for him to even do that, but it definitely lit something inside you.
Your dick grew hard in your pants, just like the other's was. He was starting to moan from the pleasure he was getting just by grinding on you.
Jeongin clashed lips with you, making out with you as he tried to reach his high, but couldn't. It just didn't feel good enough.
“ Please... ” He muttered.
Your hands snaked to the back of his head before gripping on his hair softly, earning a soft moan from him.
You flipped him around, making you go on top of him. He looked so beautiful under you, a wet patch on his pants that was probably his precum. You stroked his cock from his pants at an agonizingly slow pace, making him raise his hips up to get more friction.
You held him by the waist, slowly picking up your pace to please him.
“ Better? ” You say, he nods vigorously, eyes shut as he enjoyed the pleasure you were giving him.
You didn't really expect to see your idol in such a state, much less that you were making him feel this way. Such sensation made you feel .. powerful. You loved the way you had control over his pleasure.
Your hand stopped and he opened his eyes, panting lightly as he looked at you. You stripped him of his pants, taking off his underwear as well.
He looked at you with anticipation, you looked at him with a smirk before turning him around, his ass facing you.
“ So cute. ” You squeezed at his left cheek, his whines were just like music to your ears.
“ Please .. please .. fuck me. ” Jeongin whined even louder as you spat in to his hole and fingered him. The room didn't have lube, and you weren't expecting to fuck anyone, so spit was probably your second option.
Once you thought it was done, you lined yourself up with his hole before inserting it in slowly, making sure he wasn't uncomfortable or hurt.
He moaned, back arching as you make him take your full length. You and him panted before you started moving, slowly.
“ You're so tight, angel. ” You say, fucking into his hole as he moaned louder when you hit his prostate. You were absolutely in love with his moans.
You wanted to hear more of it.
Jeongin's dick started to twitch, his words slurring more and more as he slowly reached his climax. His thighs shaking.
“ Baby- please, ngh! I'm close.. ” You couldn't even tell what he was saying, but it made you fuck him faster, making him reach his high faster.
You panted behind him, reaching your high also. You shover your cock deep inside him as you came inside of him, him cumming along with you with a long, loud moan.
You both panted and were tired. His legs were shaking as he fell, his cock still leaking a little bit of cum. You kissed him on his cheek with a smile.
That cock drunk smile was so beautiful.
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emo-batboy · 2 years
Fan pages on Twitter with Bruce are making me think of one thing. Kpop Twitter. Do u think they would be making fancams of him too? Photocards? Posters? Buying 10 copies of vogue just for different cover with him?
*takes off glasses* now I cannot reveal the secrets of my Twitter au BUT you came to the right person :DD
BRUCE WAYNE AS A FORMER MODEL (idk if this has been done before with Battinson? Let me know so I can read it)
So maybe Bruce did some covers for a business magazine in his late teens or early 20’s and it went really well!!
a few luxury brands asked if this fresh-faced Bruce Wayne would consider being an ambassador. Maybe a brand of watches, suits, sunglasses, something business-like or old money
He agrees to work with some suit company cuz his dad loves the brand and he likes them too now
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This earns him his first ever taste of A-List Celeb Status. He is on the cover of magazines, not just business and fashion: Gossip magazines. Tabloids. People recognize him and want his autograph. Paparazzi follow him to lunch dates with friends.
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They want to know his favorite color, cereal brand, ice cream flavor, and not because they want to be billionaires like him (poor little nepo baby) but because they love him so much they want to know every little detail of his life.
He is given the title of heartthrob over and over again (and I mean look at him, ofc he is)
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He despises it with every cell in his body.
BUT he keeps working for this one luxury tailor brand until his contract ends. Maybe two or three years?
He has a good relationship with them, still. Wears their suits mostly, recommends it to friends if they need a new one. But he’s decided it’s not for him anymore.
Now. Every year, during New York Fashion Week, Bruce is invited to walk in their show. (This brand gives all of their ambassadors the opportunity.) Sometimes, he says yes. Sometimes, he doesn’t.
He refuses for a few years (during his vengeance era) until Bruce Wayne changes and decides to make more appearances. NY Fashion Week comes around, and Bruce returns for one (1) show.
Oh lordie the stans
They arrive in droves
He tears up that fucking runway! He’s a seasoned veteran of course he does
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And ya know what?
He says yes
Cuz he wants to be personable, likable, approachable, a role model (no pun intended)
His bitterness is slowly dissipating, and he’s grown stronger after the stress of his early 20’s and the hatred of his late 20’s. He’s an Adult TM who can handle it.
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This is when he learns about the new emergence of stan culture :)
The edits are EVERYWHERE
Some are from his new collections and looks
Others are made up of early 2010’s Bruce Wayne
Imagine like those sparkly ones with cute music in the background and it’s just Bruce smiling
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(And then there’s the thirst trap ones, you know those one)
Pretty boy billionaire Bruce Wayne and his army of fans could declare a nation. They’re your cousin, your friend, your teacher, your goddamn accountant.
Old posters from Tiger Beat 2009 go up on eBay for thousands of dollars
And those old “vintage” fashion magazines where he’s on the cover, those could cost you rent
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Bruce walks some new shows and agrees to pose for some magazines (fashion AND business, among others)
Vogue offers him the cover, which he accepts
They run out of stock.
(How is that even possible?)
Fancams of him walking down the street and attending press conferences crop up? That’s what surprises him the most.
He is still very camera shy but the more he gets to know the regular fansites, he feels more comfortable waving and talking to them. (And hopefully they don’t suspect a thing. PLEASE don’t suspect a thing.)
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There are a lot of events where they’re not allowed in but if it’s a public event, they will be there
(There are some creepy ones tho, and Alfred handles them accordingly) (with a call to the police) (and occasionally a hose)
It’s fun tho, allows Brucie Wayne, Billionaire Nepo Baby Extraordinaire, to become separate from his nightly persona
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This is how Bruce becomes very familiar with Stan Twitter
But he still refuses to make an account for his own sanity
It’s for the best
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weeeeeekly · 3 months
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quarter life crisis – ot5 tomorrow x together x afab!reader
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blurb !!! Reincarnation can bring soulmates together despite their time apart. Being a huge fan of TOMORROW X TOGETHER helped you get through the struggles of entering early adulthood. You would thank them personally if you ever could but when you possibly get the chance it’s more than what you could ever hope for.
info !!! txt are still idols, reincarnation au, soulmates au, polyamory, throuple²… they’ll all eventually date each other, mc has mental health struggles, universe assigned lactose intolerance, team no kids, glasses wearer, lives in the middle of fuck nowhere but still a city (just go with it), pet names used are “our love” and princess, & not edited.
wc: 1.6k
WARNINGS !!! NSFW, MDNI, 18+, extremely self-indulgent, soft yandere!txt, mentions of mental health & self-harm (nothing graphic) for entire series
author’s note !!! This is fiction!!! this is made up!!! I do not condone breaking in, stalking, and other ulterior motives to get close to someone you are romantically interested in.
why are there not more ot5!txt x fem/afab or gender-neutral reader… mandatory note that i do not think txt act like this in real life. I also cannot come up with a blurb for the life of me, so please peep the info tags.
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After your impromptu sleepover at their apartment, you snuck out as the sun was rising. You had to shut your eyes to walk out the door instead of staying put to cuddle with Yeonjun. And hopefully the rest of your newfound besties.
The rest of the day consisted of you making yourself carryout chores to not check your phone that was being blown up by the group chat. There was no opportunity to laze around, and pretend time doesn’t exist, but you feared that your mind would spiral.
Before you know it, the sun has set, and your eyes can barely stay open.
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The blaring sound of your annoying ass alarm startles you awake for another day of being a corporate worker who needs money to survive in this capitalist world. All you wanted to do was collect pretty photocards and listen to music.
You go through the motions of getting ready – putting on your glasses, fixing your bed sheets. picking an outfit, fixing your hair, drinking an iced matcha latte with coconut milk and hazelnut creamer, taking some vitamins to not get sick, and running down to the parking garage to drive to work while blasting one of your favorite playlists.
You were definitely in a TXT mood, so a playlist that focused on the group would suffice. Putting the playlist on shuffle, the familiar intro to a song begins as you start the car.
“I know you’re my one and only”… “My life before you was a mess”
You hate still living in your hometown, but you can’t imagine yourself living anywhere else. Your daily route of driving to work had you passing by your entire school life; elementary, middle, and high school all in the same K-12 building and your college just a bit further. Your friends from kindergarten stayed with you until high school graduation when they decided that they couldn’t be stuck in this place any longer and went out of town or farther. Luckily, your roommate who was one of your best friends since childhood stayed but they’ve been busy with their job since landing it 2 years ago.
Speaking of your roommate –
roomie leaving for the cruise with my family today!
roomie see you in a week, make sure to eat proper meals
Your apartment would be empty yet again. You didn’t mind being alone most of the time due to your roommate’s odd schedule, but it never bothered you until now.
When you reach your desk, you sneakily put in your earbuds to continue playing TXT while working. If you can drown out your thoughts and just focus on TXT, then maybe today won’t be so bad. As the rest of your TXT playlist plays, you can’t help but relate the romantic lyrics to them. The same TXT who happen to be your neighbors.
The same neighbors that were sneaking into your apartment to get into your room. They were repeating their method of climbing over their porch to yours and open your sliding door that was still unlocked. Walking it to your room, that was also still unlocked, and huffing in your scent.
Kai jumps onto your bed, hugging your penguin plush that was sitting on one of your pillows. Beomgyu slips a hand into your underwear drawer that he mapped out last time, sneaking a pair into his pant pocket. Soobin opens your diary to see if you made any new entries – you did but nothing he didn’t already know. Taehyun takes it upon himself to finish your leftover iced matcha latte (which he grew a taste for liking). And Yeonjun finds himself sneaking away to go to the bathroom. He can immediately tell which shower cady, side, and items are yours. Even smirking at the poster decoration done by you.
He knew back then, and he knows now.
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When you arrive home, something feels… off.
Nervously walking to your room, you notice that your fuzzy blanket that sits on top of your bed is crumpled and definitely not made properly like how you left it. As you look closer, you can even make out a few handprints that should not be there.
You always make sure to fix the blanket to have no marks.
As you survey your room, there are noticeable differences – your penguin plush is laying next to your pillow instead of sitting on top of the pillow, the home shirt you hung on the top drawer’s knob is on a lower knob, and after opening the top drawer, your underwear drawer, one of your favorite pairs is missing.
Some freak broke into your apartment and your room.
The pure fury that flows through your veins is ungodly as you run around your apartment looking for any other sign. Nothing in the living room, kitchen, bathroom, or your roommate’s room. You lock the sliding door, lock your door, and relock your roommate’s room.
gc with 6 cuties
you i need you guys to come over now
taehyun one second
A knock at your door signals that they’re here. When you open the door, Soobin throws himself at you and checks your face for any signs of distress and frowns.
“What happened?”
You grit out, “Some fucking freak broke into my apartment to do god-knows-what in my room.”
The other 4’s expressions drop as they walk past you.
“We’ll buy a security camera to point at the front door and sliding door. A metal door stopper for the porch. We could ask the front office for security camera footage.” Taehyun goes on as he steps back to you and pulls you into a hug, “We’ll keep you safe.”
“Can you guys stay the night?”
“If you want that.” Yeonjun turns to Kai, “Can you bring over some pillows and blankets?”
Kai and Soobin leave and come back with a pile of blankets and pillows. They follow you to your room after you unlock your door with the key you hid on top of the doorframe.
“Make yourselves at home.”
You feel like a weight has been removed from your shoulders as you lay down on your bed in between Yeonjun and Soobin. Beomgyu, Taehyun, and Kai lie on top of each other with Taehyun resting his head on your stomach. It’s the best kind of weighted blanket.
“I’m happy you guys are here.”
You wrap your arms around Taehyun as Soobin scoots closer. “Seriously, I’m really happy.”
“We’re happy too.” Yeonjun whispers.
“I still can’t believe you guys are real and here, with me. Like, obviously you are real people, but my mind couldn’t conceptualize it until you were right in front of me. I’ve only seen you guys from far away at concerts and mainly through a screen. You’re all just as pretty, wonderful, ethereal, kind, and nice as your idol personas and I just… I’m just happy. I don’t know what good thing I did in a previous life to have this moment.”
Soobin reaches out his free hand to softly pinch your cheek, “We’re lucky to have this moment with you.”
You start playing with Taehyun’s hair as you continue spilling your inner thoughts. “I have crushes on all of you. I’m surprisingly not embarrassed to say that maybe because I still don’t think this is real. I think I’m just being delusional and crossing over the parasocial boundary.”
Taehyun sits up and leans over you causing you to suck in a breath. “We’re soulmates.”
You look up at him, very confused. “Is this fanservice or…?”
“This is going to be a lot to take in, however, we are soulmates. We loved each other before too. What do you know about reincarnation?”
Now you’re just totally confused.
Turning your head to Yeonjun, “Is Taehyun okay?”
“He’s right.”
Oh my god.
“So you’re saying, if I’m understanding correctly, we were soulmates in a past life?”
Kai grins brightly, “Yes.”
“But soulmates don’t exist. We don’t have any of the signs like in books; no red string, no timer, no marks.”
“Are you sure? How did you find us?”
“Well, you guys had just debuted during the last few months of my senior year. I was having a hard year, especially winter break, but then TXT came into my life. My cousin had tried to get me into Kpop the year before but didn’t. I saw the Crown music video a little after it came out and I don’t know, got interested in you guys. Kind of like a pull.”
“You felt the pull.”
The look of hope in all the eyes just makes you want to believe them, “Basically.”
“You love us!”
“I do love TXT. I have posters everywhere. Just don’t look in my bathroom.” You joke, but Beomgyu smirks at you as he backs out of your room.
“NO!” You clamber off the bed and run to your bathroom only to dramatically drop to your knees as TXT look at your collection of their minisode 2 posters on the back of the door, on the wall, and facing the toilet.
“Why is Mark Lee on the ceiling?”
masterlist | previous | next
author’s note happy stayc comeback day!! i have been listening to the album on repeat & it's so fucking good! those are my girls. pride month ended for this year, but being gay is forever.
sorry for not updating yesterday but i could not form a coherent sentence.
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1eos · 6 months
girl help group order manager asked abt photocard preferences and i shit u not i forgot vixx is not just leo bc when they asked what i prefer i was like 'oh anything' just thinking abt leo and then they said we might not get the member we prefer i was like '??????? how is that possible this is........oh' the tunnel vision is going places i could have never imagined
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jiminussy · 4 days
lowk I think this girl in my chemistry class is a bts hater..
we recently moved seats and we now sit next to eachother. she knows I'm an army and I knew that she was a kpop stan, so she brought it up first talking about a photocard she bought. I was rly happy and talked with her (turns out she's a moa). she then later says after I'd mentioned bts a couple of times "Yeah I'm not rly into 3rd gen" and I don't think anything of it, obviously, it's a fair thing to say 🤷‍♀️ so I'm like "ohh so not rly bts?" and she's like "yeahh". then we end up talking about the current newjeans situation and get on the topic of them possibly disbanding. she goes: "it would be like so sad! they're the face of korea! you go into korea and they're just everywhere!" and this obviously ticks me off because one, it's not true, and two, I can't help but think it was targeted. because who ACTUALLY is the face of korea? Who does this ACTUALLY apply to? bts. she's giving all this false credit to some nugu group that was built and given immense popularity handed to them on a silver platter. all because of who? BTS.
multis tend to hate bts' success (can't even begin to imagine how a MOA could. no bts = no txt 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️) and she knew I was an army, a btspopper even. I smiled and went along with her but the more I thought about it the more I think it's true. sigh, newgens are the worst 😭😂
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himbodemon · 4 years
HC: The brothers as KPop Stans
I have an itch to scratch.
Purely self-indulgent headcanons that sprung from the thought of Asmo dancing to HyunA like yes king serve it up
DISCLAIMER: All are fully fluffy/SFW except for Satan’s which is mildly suggestive.
Not a fan AT ALL. Finds it too loud and flashy & cannot understand why so many humans are infatuated by it
Gets wee woo by pristin stuck in his head and is FURIOUS about it
You’ll be hanging around in his room while he works, scrolling through your D.D.D when you hear him breathe out a deep little “we are pristin...” followed by a painfully disgruntled groan of annoyance. You try so hard not to laugh and fail.
Might end up occasionally listening to acoustic / orchestral covers and arrangements of some of your favourite songs so he can try and connect with you / understand your interests. 
If you forced him to pick, Fave singers / groups would be AKMU, IU and Hwasa (The instrumentals aren’t really his style but he finds her singing style / voice soothing and also she’s... gorgeous wow...)
Yeah the music’s fine and all but people are paying $50 for Photocards!?!?!?
One of those people that buys like, 200 albums to get into a fansign, only to sell off the fansign ticket for an extortionate price
I fully believe that Mammon would like to visit MC’s room whenever he’s stressed out or overwhelmed, and they’d just sit and listen to music together - maybe subtly dancing along with their shoulders or tapping their feet but mostly just silently enjoying each other’s presence
You’re doing that one day when he tells you to play “That one song he likes”. You immediately know it’s ‘HYLT’ by Blackpink
Probably in love with the flashy MV’s, every time he sees a new model of car in the background he wants to buy one for himself
Fave groups would be BLACKPINK, BTS and EXO
100% in love with cutesy girlgroups
Will listen to Twice’s ‘candy pop’ on a loop for 12 hours straight because it’s so precious and bubbly and the girls are so cute??? plus he can pretend they’re still 2D waifus that way
Walks into your room to show you the new lightstick he just ordered, only to see you practicing the choreography to ‘cheer up’. Immediately flares up in a blush and BOLTS out at record speed
Please don’t dance around him his little weeb heart can’t take it
Every time he gets into a new group, it only takes him about a week before he’s fully memorised their online profiles and knows every single fanchant
Might get a little upset if you compliment an idols looks/visuals/talents because he’ll start comparing himself to them, says things like “W-Why would you be interested in me?? I’m not exactly Jungkook now am I???”. He knows it’s hypocritical with how overly invested he gets in idols but he is the avatar of envy after all, it can’t really be helped
Fave groups would be TWICE, K/DA (not his music style but pretty 2D catgirl makes his brain go brrrr) and Weeekly
You’re sat in the living room watching KPop MV’s, he walks past you and just so happens to see the AOA ‘Like a Cat’ MV on your D.D.D
You’ve successfully piqued his interest
Would ask you lots of questions about the industry, different groups, what you like about it etc..
Would do a lot of research into significant figures of the genre and probably knows every single detail about KPop Slave Contracts, if he’s feeling argumentative might ask how you can enjoy a form of media that treats its artists so badly
Any group with a jazz / sultry aspect is immediately going in his playlist. I know a lot of people put Satan down as a metal-lover and while I fully agree, I could also see him appreciating some nice brass music now and then.
Will never stop pestering you to dance to ‘Like A Cat’. From the first glance all he could imagine was you dancing to it in their stage outfits and... wow. 
Fave groups would be AOA, Mamamoo and EXID
Absolutely 100% a KPop stan. He finds the experimental fashion, showy choreography and grandeur aesthetics so enticing and it’s 100% his style.
I HC Asmo as a big big dance fan, I think he’d adore how it can be dainty, strong or elusive fully depending on the way you perform it. He probably already knows tango, salsa, pole dancing and ballet and spends a bunch of his free time learning his favourite choreographies (the main ones being Chungha’s ‘gotta go’, EXO’s ‘Love shot’, Red Velvet’s ‘bad boy’ and HyunA’s ‘how’s this’ or ‘Lip & Hip’)
Diavolo decides to hold a Devildom talent show at the end of the semester to celebrate the exchange program going well. Asmo IMMEDIATELY calls you asking you to perform ‘Naughty’ by Irene & Seulgi with him. You both rehearse it in secret and fully tear up the stage when the talent show rolls around. You win, which he fully expected, and leave the brothers in a mix of confusion, adoration and embarrassment. 
Thirsts over the idols as if his life depends on it. The prettiest idols for him to look at and fantasize about are BTS’ V, Weki Meki’s Doyeon (Only in the stuff she performed as an adult post-IOI), EXO’s Suho, (G)I-DLE’S Soojin and SNSD’s Tiffany
Fave groups would be: Every Single SM Group he’s such a whipped SM Stan
Red Velvet are all beautiful, SHINee’s vocals are delicious, EXO’s discography is... the perfect level of lewd for him, F(x)’s unique style is beautiful and WOW Luna’s solo work is just his style, but his most most loved SM group is Girl’s Generation and he will NOT hesitate to bust into a fully rehearsed performance as soon as he hears ‘the boys’ on your playlist.
Has never heard of KPop before you introduce it to him. You were both cuddling together in his room while he snacked on the gummies you’d bought him, listening to you excitedly ramble about this new KPop group that you thought he’d like!
A die-hard metalhead, can’t enjoy any music that doesn’t hurt his ears a little bit, so he’s already mentally preparing how he’ll pretend to like it and is just grateful that you were thinking of him, when suddenly his eyes are met with Dreamcatcher’s ‘Chase Me’ MV
And wow. Wow. This isn’t what he was expecting at all. Electric guitar? drums?... NOT bubblegum pop?
Doesn’t become a major fan but definitely adds a lot of the heavier songs from their discography to his gym playlist, still happily listens to your excited ramblings and talks about other groups, but will probably pay a bit more attention if you mention a Dreamcatcher comeback.
Fave groups: Exclusively Dreamcatcher, but also likes ‘Clap’ by seventeen as an exception since he finds the guitar riff mixed into the instrumental cool.
Not interested. Similarly to Lucifer finds it too loud, too bright and too in-your-face
Not a huge music lover in general, but can tolerate some easy-on-the-ears gentle songs. Has a soft spot for Melanie Martinez & Lo-Fi.
You can try all you want to convince him to enjoy it, show him whatever cutesy MV’s you want, as many live stages or variety shows as possible, even the sweetest most gentle kdrama OST, he’s not interested.
You send him ‘ZZZ’ by LimeSoda jokingly and tell him it’s his theme-song, he’s not amused.
Fave groups: None.
Songs he’ll tolerate if you’re listening to them: Pporappippam - Sunmi, Why So Lonely - Wonder Girls, Butterfly - LOONA, Night Rather Than Day - EXID, Kazino - BiBi
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 4 years
Let’s talk: BTS decorating their BE photocards (BangtanB)
by Admin 1
Today BH posted a Bangtan B*mb of the members decorating their BE photocards and honestly, it was just too funny of a video to not post some comments about it. If you haven’t seen it yet, please do since it’s an amazing happy boost, and also showcases the differences in the members personalities really well in the way they approached the decorating and the final results.
Before I get into it properly, can we please talk about Namjoon for a moment? His duality? The way he can be so cute and silly and cover his photocard almost completely in cute glittery stickers and then turn around and look like this? I wasn’t ready. For those who saw my post yesterday about the LGO videos, yes, I still haven’t recovered lol.
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Okay, now, lets talk about the video and the cutest/funniest moments.
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(Not to be me but gotta love how Jimin’s and Tae’s photocards are stuck togetehr/connected through the pink sparkly squiggly line sticker, cute. Also it looks like Hobi turned himself into a cute cat boy haha.)
The first duo were the 94 liners, Namjoon and Hobi, and right off the bat it made me smile and laugh so much. Hobi started out trying to make it at least somewhat neat, complained about how he’d stuck the J a little crookedly onto the photocard, but sooner rather than later escalated into just going all out with different hearts and squiggly lines to the point of giving himself heart shaped purple space buns and a pink tail.
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Meanwhile Namjoon’s plan seemed to be just covering the entire photocard in stickers, except for his face. He added flowers and squiggly lines, even at one point tried to scratch off one of the stickers to adjust its placement which, I mean, is very Namjoon. Also, the sheer size difference of their hands and those tiny stickers? And Hobi’s proud smile?
Next up was Jimin with Seokjin and they were my faves in this hands down. The way they work off of each other and make each other (and us) laugh is just so fun and entertaining to watch. Their dynamic is amazing! I love how Jimin wanted to stick an A in hangul onto Seokjin’s photocard (turning Jin into Jan) and at first Seokjin told him not to do it, not to touch other people’s art, but of course he has the worlds biggest heart and soft spot for the members so he allowed Jimin to do it in the end. 
Three times.
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And like that wasn't enough, Seokjin discovered one of the pink squiggly sparkly lines and called it ‘pink poop’ deciding he wanted to stick that onto Jimin’s photocard right above his head. Which, in the end, Jimin also let him do. Adorable.
Their themes were also just so...them. Jimin sticking to flowers (with Seokjin suggesting that he should add a stem below his face so he’d literally be a flower, which Jimin didn’t accept) to match the photocard itself while Seokjin went for “twinkle twinkle little human star” and literally added a yellow star onto his face and surrounded that with even more stars. If that doesn’t scream Seokjin, I don’t know what does, and I mean that in the most endeared way possible.
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Even more so when we think back to the BE Unboxing in units (11:55 onward) where they were supposed to add star stickers as rating along with a review right onto the cover of BE. There, too, Seokjin covered most of the cover in stars, the amount most certainly exceeding any rating system for albums. 
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Then we had Tae along with JK, the only duo that was relatively quiet as they worked, their section less filled with laughter. This isn’t a bad thing, of course, just means they were focused at their task which makes sense in the context of their personalities. Both are visual artists in their own right, JK usually sticking more to videos and photography (though he also draws), while Tae also dabbled into painting, so it was interesting to watch how they approached the task, both of them ending up with results that were far more minimal and neat than those of the previous pairs.
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Tae even made a joke about how their photocards decorated with their names alone simply have name value and would sell for five billion won at an auction. I mean, he’s probably not wrong about that...
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And lastly we had Yoongi on his own, his segment likely having been filmed a while before the other members judging by the background and when his surgery was. He also worked relatively quietly, though that was likely due to the fact that he was on his own. Looking at how many options there were, I thought to myself that I’d simply be overwhelmed by too much choice. 
The cutest thing about his decorating though was how in the end he concluded that he’d want to give his photocard to Hobi so he can keep it in his wallet. Which is even cuter when we think back to FESTA 2020 and how Yoongi had won a Hobi photocard which he’d put in his own wallet. Those two are so soft for each other.
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And like all of that wasn’t cute enough, we got this adorable Hobi selca.
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Overall it was a really, really fun Bangtan B*mb full of laughter and the members having amazing chemistry with each other. Such a simple idea, having them decorate their photocards, and yet the result is so good! 
But, speaking of decorating photocards, could you imagine actually doing that with any of your own? Because honestly I can’t. I’m not necessarily one of those ARMY who collect all the photocards etc and yet I still value mine too much to attempt anything like this out of fear that I’d just ruin them. Same with my ARMY B*mb. Even though I’d love to have the handle covered in rhinestones to match Namjoon’s sky blue mic, Seokjin’s pink one, Yoongi’s black one, or JKs purple iridescent one, but I’d never be brave enough to even give it a try. After all my ARMY B*mb permanently lives in its box so it won’t break or fall or something could happen to it in general.
Anyway, sorry for going on a tangent. The point though is that this was a great Bangtan B*mb with perfect timing for a Sunday. 
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blu-joons · 4 years
You Meet Him At A Fansign ~ Min Yoongi
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From the moment you walked into the theatre his eyes were on you, there was something about you that caught his eye, following you all the way through the queue, up the stairs, and in front of the first of the boys, Namjoon, who smiled widely at you.
“Nice to meet you,” he smiled, taking your photo, signing his signature on it. Your heart was pounding as he looked into your eyes, “what’s your name?” He asked, taking the lid off his pen.
“Y/N,” you told him, trying to hold it together as your eyes watched his hand write your name on the photo, followed by a short message and your signature. “I’ve been waiting for so long to meet you guys, I’m so happy to meet all of you guys today.” Oh, really? That’s really kind of you Y/N.”
You giggled loudly, “you’re such a talented rapper by the way.”
A blush appeared on his cheeks, covering his laughter with his hand over his mouth, passing your photo onto the boy next to him, Jin. You moved along the line, having heard you tell Namjoon your name, Jin signed your photo too.
Once he’d written his name, he looked across at you, tapping his pen on the table. “Have you got a favourite BTS song? One you love to shout in the shower when you’re having fun?”
“I love your new album.”
He chuckled, passing on the picture to Taehyung, who also signed your picture, asking how your day was going, and then to Hobi who also wrote his signature under his face, and then to Jimin who did the same, giggling as you told him how nice his outfit looked.
“I also try to look good for Army, so I’m glad that you paid attention to my outfit.”
“You look great,” you giggled, reaching out to high five him, “you’re always the most stylish member of BTS in my opinion, your clothes are really nice.”
“I’m glad you like it, I try hard to make sure I always look good, you’re the first one who has complimented me on my outfit today,” he told you, smiling widely.
Your eyes widened, feeling the person beside you begin to nudge you towards Jungkook who was next, “well even if no one else thinks it, I think you look really nice.”
“Thank you, that means a lot to me. Enjoy the rest of the event, we’ll do our best.”
In the corner of his eye, Yoongi spotted you in front of Jungkook, he turned to face you, smiling weakly, whilst still trying to focus on the fan who was before him. His heart was pounding seeing you so close, for such a long time today he’d been spotting you in the crowd, and now there was barely a metre between the two of you.
He frowned however, as he watched you reach into your bag, pulling out a plush toy, passing it across to Jungkook who smiled. He picked it up, studying it closely, placing it in front of him as he added his signature to your photo.
“I saw it yesterday when I arrived and thought of you instantly,” you told him.
“It’s a really sweet gift, I’ll add it to my collectables on my shelf in the dorm.”
The two of you chatted for a while, Jungkook asked you about where you came from, remembering the concert the boys had done there before. You knew there was no way he could remember, and he was just being nice, but that didn’t stop you from laughing.
“Here’s the big question, if I was to ask you your favourite member of BTS, who would you say?” He asked, brushing his hand through his long fringe in front of his eyes.
The question caught Yoongi’s attention, he leaned in slightly to be able to hear what was going on, moving the fan that was in front of him along having signed her photo card and answered all the questions she had for him.
“You can’t ask me that,” you scolded, “It’s impossible to pick a favourite, you’re all equals in my eyes, you all have things you’re good at and reasons to be my favourite.”
He chuckled, nodding his head lightly, leaning across the table, bringing his face millimetres from yours, whispering into your ear, “It’s alright, I know I’m your favourite really.”
You shook your head at his cheekiness, sliding your photocard down so it was in front of Yoongi, feeling Jungkook’s eyes stare you down until the fan who was behind you started talking.
Then you looked across at him, Yoongi’s smile instantly grew, seeing you so close, you looked nicer than he could have ever imagined, taking the photocard and signing it quickly.
“It’s nice to meet you Y/N,” he whispered, giggling nervously, revealing his gummy smile. It made you blush, turning away from his eyes to the table.
You laughed, before asking, “how did you know my name?” He pointed to the photocard where Namjoon had earlier written your name, causing your cheeks to darken once more.
“So, how long have you been a fan of us for? It takes a lot of dedication to wait in these queues to see us,” he complimented, brushing his hands through his hair, looking up at you with a huge smile.
He felt slightly insignificant having seen you give Jungkook the toy, even though he liked you, perhaps he wasn’t your favourite member after all. If you preferred Jungkook, then he had no choice in getting your attention, everyone loved Jungkook, it was impossible to ever be able to compete with him.
You tilted your head, admiring his smile, clearing your throat, “for a few years now, but I’ve always wanted to see you guys in person. I’ve watched loads of fan videos of meet and greets, and they always look lots of fun for the fans.”
“We try our hardest to be able to make them as fun as possible, so would you say we’ve done that for you?” Your head nodded, looking at the photocard, you’d got everything you wanted and more.
“It’s been really good, and all the queuing was definitely worth it. I’m glad you’re on the end of the line too, saving the best until last and all that,” you encouraged.
He tried hard to keep himself calm, but on the inside, he was excited, hearing you speak so kindly of him brought a smile to his face, struggling to hide it from you and try not to freak out, making a fool of himself.
The two of you talked a little more, you asked him what projects he was working on, but he scolded you, reminding you all of that would be top secret. You desperately tried to coerce him into spilling some secrets, but he remained tight lipped, no matter how hard it was for him not to share.
He took your photocard as you were nudged to begin moving along the line, he turned it over, taking the lid off of his pen, “do you mind if I write on this?” He asked, to which you nodded, trying to figure out what it was he wrote, before he turned it over and slid it over to you.
“Thank you for being so nice,” you smiled, placing the card in your pocket, “I hope you guys enjoy the rest of the fan meeting, and get some rest after.”
“I will do, I hope you enjoyed yourself too,” he smiled, waving as you walked down the steps from the stage.
Once you were a safe distance away from the stage, you turned the card over, studying the message that Yoongi had written. Your breath hitched, running your finger over it to make sure it was real, the pen had dried, and would remain forever, the perfect memory to finish your day, and help you look to the future too.
Y/N, here’s my number, I’ve had my eye on you all day, and would love to spend some time with you properly away from all the chaos. Let me know when you’re free, Yoongi x
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purplesurveys · 3 years
survey by joybucket
Facebook's "Did You Know" questions (3/5)
On my nightstand, there's always... My work desk doubles as my nightstand, so on there, one of the things constantly on top of it is my desk lamp which is on 24/7 no matter how bright it gets outside. I’m conditioned to focus better with it lol. If I could relive one day in my life, it would be... I’d go with any of the days I was taking a trip abroad, because I’m particularly missing traveling at the moment. The best way to release adrenaline is... Playing music loudly and, occassionally, dancing. I will also sometimes yell out in quick bursts to feel more powered ip. My biggest inspiration in life is... Eh idk I just rely on myself as much as I can, but there’s also the drive to avoid failure as much as possible. I know the latter can be considered a flaw, but idk. It seems to be working as an inspiration, so. Do you know how to change a tire? Nah. That’s something I’ll need to make calls to get help for, lol.
If I decide to get a tattoo, it would be... Seven tiny dots in blue, black, pink, red, gold, green, and purple. If I could be famous for anything, it would be... I’d love to have made a career in trying dishes from everywhere. Something I regret is... Not being disciplined enough to keep trying to learn how to ride a bike at the start of the pandemic – I did a few rounds one afternoon, failed, and never got back on it again; which is characteristic of how I act towards things I’m not good at. I really wish I wasn’t that way. The most impressive thing I know how to do is... Sharply retain information, memories. My family and friends usually look surprised when I share details from past experiences that I guess are easy to forget for others, like what meal or what shoes I wore from a certain day. The sport I'd choose to be a professional athlete in... I definitely would have kept up with table tennis if I had enough time and money to take up lessons. I've never been able to correctly say the word... I hate having to say the word ‘beautiful,’ the Filipino tongue just isn’t cut out for it lol so I get very self-conscious if I have to say it. I will usually replace it for ‘pretty.’ I also always forget the pronunciation for the word ‘arch’ so I avoid the word as much as possible. One of my favorite cookies is... Reena’s cookies are the fucking bomb. I’m still kicking myself because when she asked me for my Christmas wishlist, I told her I just wanted a BTS album or photocard...when I could’ve requested for a box of those amazing cookies. If I had a billion dollars to spend... I’m pretty sure I would spend the least of it for myself and allocate a whole chunk to loved ones and communities/causes I support. If I could invite anyone over for dinner, I would invite... Andrew Ilnyckyj. If I could choose any job imaginable, I would choose... Food and travel blogger. Being able to write about two things I really like? Sounds like a dream. What do you value in a friendship? Loyalty. When I was a child, my favorite bedtime story was... I wasn’t read bedtime stories, but the first book that was given to me – and subsequently, which I read probably over a hundred times – was this storybook called Mickey Mouse and the Peanuts. 
I will be honest and say that I’m actually not sure if that’s the exact book; all I remember is that it was a Disney book about peanuts LOL and that title was the only one that showed up when I tried to track it down on Google...but the book cover looked vaguely familiar so I’m guessing it’s the one. My dream vacation looks like... A whole lot of museum- and local restaurant-hopping. The last time I tried to meditate, I... ...am not able to relate as I do not meditate. My soap opera/actress name would be... I’d probably just go with my name. An interesting hobby I have is... Well I guess this would ultimately depend on people’s definitions of ‘interesting,’ but I personally like taking trips to museums every chance I get, and reading Wikipedia entries – for the latter, I always challenge myself to find a rabbit hole to jump into haha. Today I managed to read about the concept of last meals as well as mummies and their tombs lol.   A color that suits me is... Maroon or olive green. Dark shades, essentially. The best dance move of all time is... SUPER TUNA Something I love about going shopping is... Getting new things you know you’d feel confident wearing. A sign I was an adult was... When I got my first job offer and was told I would need all government IDs within like, three days – two of those days being the weekend. I rushed to the different offices immediately after to get those IDs processed – not the most fun experience and no redeeming factor whatsover lol. If I could, I'd go on a spiritual retreat to... I’m gonna go right ahead and say I have no need for a spiritual retreat; but since you offered a trip, I’d love to go travel back to Baguio or Sagada. I wonder how the weather is in those places now, now that’s it’s the holiday season. The best compliment I've received... That I look happier. A friend who always supports me is... Angela. Whenever I need to know specific information, I consult... Depends on the topic of the information; but generally speaking I’d run to Andi just because they know so much about a lot of things. I love eating junk food when... I didn’t pay for it, LOL What's a scent you like? Cookies or bread being baked. If I could visit another planet, I'd choose... Saturn. Since I was a child, I've dreamed of... The house I’d want to live in, and what features or rooms it would have. A place I like to go trekking is... I don’t really go trekking. The type of books I like to read are... Memoirs. An author whose work changed my life is... None. Between ice cream cone and a cup, I choose... Cup. Less messy for me personally, given how slowly I eat ice cream. Do you prefer online classes or going to school? Going to school. It’s gonna sound so selfish but I’m so glad I barely got to experience online classes; students these days must be going through and struggling so much. A good piece of advice is... Haha this is gonna sound soooo cheesy but a piece of ‘advice’ that has stuck with me for a while now is BTS’ speech in YouTube’s Dear Class of 2020 video, which just so happens to be my graduating batch. Part of their segment had Jimin saying, “Remember there is a person here in Korea, in the city of Seoul, who understands you” which just feels so...uplifting? comforting? I could be the feeling the shittiest I’ve ever been, feel like the universe just isn’t agreeing with my plans; yet that advice has always been able to pull me back down to earth and stabilize everything for me. Even though I was one year too late in watching that video, it’s crazy how much weight that simple statement still has on me. I’m grateful for it. Emojis that best describe me are... I don’t feel like going through my busted phone right now to look for emojis, and scouring the net for emojis on desktop is a hassle too hahaha. My greatest accomplishment is.... As of now, getting promoted. I can’t believe I’m getting to tick my goals one by one...I’m stupidly sappily happy about it. If I could pick an age to be for the rest of my life, I'd pick... 23 was a fucking banner year for sure. My favorite tropical fruit is... I don’t like fruits. My favorite superhero is... And I happen to not like superheroes, either. If I could learn any new skill, it would be.. Playing the piano or mastering another language. A good cause I like to support is... Anything dedicated to adopting animals/animal shelters.
The best book I read without skipping over anything was... I can’t remember if there’s ever been such a book. One word that describes me is... Dedicated. I can say hello in these languages... English, Korean, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese. I’m leaving out Filipino because we don’t actually have a word for hello. My best dance move... I don’t have one.
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kpoppwriter · 4 years
Soonyoung Headcanon - Traveling with S/O
Anon asked: hoshi just strikes me as the guy who will love his s/o so much and smother her with pda and love her until the world ends. can i request hoshi and his s/o travelling together ?
A/N: I am so in my Hoshi feelings today help me I even changed my phone photocard to him 
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☆ so traveling with Hoshi
☆ he let you pick the destination
☆ but he went all out on planning 
☆ he almost planned it down to the minute 
☆ precious boy 
☆ he just wanted you two to have as much as possible
☆ and experience as much as possible
☆ so the day comes for your trip
☆ he’s way too over prepared
☆ he’s got snacks, water, a blanket, extra socks, Advil
☆ and that was just in his backpack
☆ his suitcase had so much more
☆ he just wanted to make sure you two had everything you needed
☆ so the traveling would be smooth and easy
☆ when you finally arrive to your living quarters for the trip
☆ Hoshi’s out
☆ he’s on the bed still fully dressed and fast asleep
☆ babie 
☆ the next day is when the fun begins
☆ he get you up at like dawn and tells you the two of you have plans
☆ like ??? you didn’t agree to this
☆ but when you see him pout, you can’t say no 
☆ he’s got the whole day planned
☆ there’s activities and food and shopping
☆ imagine him finding something tiger related and needing to buy it
☆ and Hoshi’s attached to you at the hip the whole time
☆ he constantly stops to take pictures with you 
☆ but like super cheesy and romantic pictures 
☆ he wants to have memories of your trip
☆ he may be planning to give you a photo album with those pictures...
☆ but thats a secret shhhh
☆ at the end of every day, you get back to where you’re staying
☆ and both just pass out
☆ you’re just so tired from the day’s activities 
☆ and every day that you’re on your trip is exactly the same
☆ packed with things to do 
☆ on your way back home,
☆ Hoshi looks through all the pictures you took together
☆ and just reminisces on those fun times
☆ even though they just happened a few days earlier
☆ he’s so cute imma cry 
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bisexualhobi · 4 years
you're right 😳 i was so surprised when they said that there will be only one edition with ALL photocards. so my guess is because of that they didn't meet the sales of the previous albums (and no tour in 2020 and 2021), so they're releasing this repackage with random photcards to make up for that 💀💀💀 im really unsure about the way bh is marketing bts since mots:7, it feels so arbitrary. but i guess all we can do is wait and see?
omg I didn't see this earlier sorryyyy kfkskfjf but yes!! I definitely agree with you, the marketing and pr has been really odd imo ever since last year. coming down from a gargantuan project like LY and the stadium tour and then ending 2019 in the biggest way possible it was definitely a contrast to see the way the mots era rolled out even pre covid. but I also think you might be right about the album sales and tour thing, the pandemic obviously hit them harder than we could ever imagine, or at least it definitely shook up a lot of things in their organizational structure that we can't really see, because it's been lacking in some areas.
I think it's important to note that bts, as in the individual members, make a lot of money from touring. big hit also takes a lot, but their income comes way more from licensed products, merchandise and content oriented platforms. the members get 95% of their income from two main channels: touring and music sales. that's one of the reasons big hit has been branching out into more pay per view content, besides the obvious covid restrictions, they already have stuff like the bts universe drama, the weverse merger, etc etc.
idk, it's just food for thought. it'd be fair to assume that big hit puts way more effort into the merchandise and non-direct content than they do for music releases, I mean that might be one of the reasons why this comeback was oddly paced, besides yoongi's surgery ofc
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kpopshitposter · 5 years
Heyooo, can you do prompt 64+65 for woosung please 🥰
Writing Prompt Meme
“Never stop smiling.” & “I’ll keep you warm.”
PLOT: You and Woosung were so in love. Every day was like a dream. Every moment was beautiful. Until he wants to move to Korea to pursue music. Years go by, and it isn’t until a fansign that you finally get what you’ve been needing. 
My masterlist
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It’s been years. Not just since you last saw him in person, but since you last spoke to him. 
You and Sammy had studied together. That’s how it all started. You had been paired up for a joint presentation. You had never spoken before, but he had always been someone you’ve noticed across the room. His beauty was intimidating. You’ve never picked up the courage even for small talk.
Now look.
You had to sit with him, alone, and talk. For hours. Until the project was done.
If you had known the painful end that was to come, you wouldn’t have been so excited to get closer to the person from your fantasies.
It started out so simply. It was work-focused, purely business. Have my number so that we can arrange to meet up. Text me when you’re on your way. You forgot your notebook at my house - oh I recognise the people on the cover. You like that band, too? Have you seen the stage they did in onesies? No? Maybe when you come to pick it up we can watch it together.
Everything had flown into place.
The notebook had given you the tools you needed to get him talking about something other than work. You got to know him very well very quickly after that. You’d keep one another updated about the group, you’d go shopping for their albums together. 
He started to message you more randomly. He started to send you little heart emojis. He started to sit next to you during classes and try to have lunch with you. You didn’t want to get ahead of yourself and be set up for disappointment, but the evidence was there, and the evidence was real. Maybe he felt what you felt, too…?
Then their concert came.
You agreed to go to the concert together, of course! It would be your first time out with him at night and for some reason that made it taste like possibility. You were more excited to be with Sammy than you were to see the band… and by the end of the night, you knew you were right to be so.
The night had started with him having an arm around your shoulders on your way to the venue (using how packed the bus was as an excuse - so that he took up less space).
It progressed to him shyly holding your hand as you waiting for the act to start (he didn’t want to lose you!)
You keep smiling at one another, letting them know that the little physical progressions were okay. More than okay.
The beat drops. Confetti fills the air and streams down over you. 
He’s pulling you in. His hands are on you. He’s moving slow, making sure you want it. He steals your breath with his lips and your heart with his touch, all while smiling like he knows exactly what he’s doing to you.
You hurtled into space together.
Everything happened so intensely. It didn’t matter if you were or weren’t sharing firsts, it was different because it was the two of you. 
Furniture wasn’t just furniture, they were tools that helped you comfortably be in love. Dates or outings weren’t just dates or outings, they were chances to learn the other person better. Nothing was simple in the sweetest way.
Restaurants would turn into lessons, let’s try as many different things as we can to learn about what the other doesn’t like. Clubs turned into which songs do you like. It was a competition of who could know and love the other person the most.
When people saw the little ways you took care of each other they were jealous… but that jealousy would soon turn into pity.
You had gone through yearly anniversaries, moving in together, graduating together, spending every waking hour possible wrapped up in each other’s arms (as well as every possible sleeping hour), but that dream was soon to come to an end. 
He’d soon tell you that he’s leaving for Korea. He wants to pursue music and there’s a way for him to do that there.
Come with me, he pleads.
But your family is here. You’ve already started a career here. You don’t know the language. Your life isn’t there.
“I don’t wanna hold you back,” you tell him, “maybe I just have to let you go.”
So this is where it ends.
After he leaves you try to remain friends, he updates you and you update him. You frequently talk about missing each other. You video call and even though you’re not in a relationship you stare in awe at the screen. Your heart just can’t imagine belonging to anyone else.
Eventually, it all dies. He doesn’t reply to your messages anymore and you don’t get any updates from him. It’s okay, though, you knew he was busy, and the time zone difference was really no joke. It gives you a chance to move on. 
Move on?... You were kidding yourself. You compared every relationship to that one. You compared everyone you met to Sammy. You compared every emotion to the ones you felt when he was by your side. Life didn’t compare. You could survive with enough joy to be content, but your heart had long forgotten peace.
You hadn’t just lost your boyfriend. You had lost your best friend. You really hated how alone you felt.
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Years have gone by, and a simple YouTube ad was ready to destroy your contentedness. You’re ready to press skip when you see someone who looks familiar on a YouTube ad, you’re still skeptical when the video starts but then when you hear that beautiful, distinct, electrifying voice you know it’s him. It’s your Sammy.
You do your research - he goes more by Woosung now. You learn about his bandmates. You spend the next week discovering everything that’s happened to him since you stopped speaking. How long has it been? Four years? Why is your heart pounding like this after four years?
During your search you find a website promoting their most recent album with the chance of being entered for a fansign draw. You don’t really know what that means but it doesn’t bother you. You order the album without really thinking about it.
When it arrives you’re surprised by all the bits and pieces that come with it, the photocards, the pictures. It was like an endless experience. You stared at the most gorgeous picture of… Woosung with a heavy heart. But then a text comes through.
Congratulations. You’re going to meet The Rose.
It took a lot of convincing yourself. Forcing yourself. You were kind of hoping that you’d get some comfort from this. You hoped that this would help you close the chapter which had been abruptly cut short.
You were stood in the queue still debating whether or not you should go through with this. You were nervously toying with your clothing. What if he doesn’t recognise you? .... What if he does? 
This is stupid. It’s been years. All because you saw some clips of him you’re suddenly a fan? You suddenly miss him? And what if he doesn’t want to see you? He’s just trying to have a good time with his fans and you’re here ruining it. 
Okay. Forget it. Go home.
You’re about to turn around and leave when the queue starts to move forward. The crowd pushes you.
You can’t change your mind now.
Your nerves have tripled by the time you get to the front of the queue to meet them. Nothing that has happened up until that point has really mattered, it’s all just been about staring at him and remembering your life together. True love is so hard to find. It’s so painful to think it didn’t last.
You can see them all. You’ve learnt their names by now - first it’s Dojoon, then Woosung, Hajoon, Jaehyeong. That’s good. It gives you a second to - you’re being brought forward.
Dojoon greets you with a smile and you’re so dazzled by it for a moment that you forget why you’re here. Curiosity. Heartbreak. Longing. Woosung. Sammy. He asks you your name and you say it, hesitant that Sammy will hear you. He’s within arms reach. He’s holding hands with a fan. Dojoon signs your name and you thank him. You tell him you liked seeing his Haka dance, you thought it was nice that he was so aware of other cultures. You give him a little present you thought he might like based on the research you’ve done. 
It goes by too quickly.
Sammy is looking down at his pen and fixing the cap as you stand in front of him. When you finally make eye contact, his smile fades into confusion.
He says your name.
He recognised you.
Your heart is pounding.
“Hi.” you manage.
“I didn’t know you were a fan.”
“I am. I know all of your songs, and everything about all of you.”
“You do?”
“Yeah… I’m proud of you, Sam- Woosung.”
“You can call me Sammy.”
“It’s fine…” 
“... What should I write for you? We don’t get much time.”
You’re nervously biting your lip. “Whatever you want.”
Sammy taps the pen against the table. He started to write your name, and then he writes ‘Never stop smiling.’
You hand him his present. It’s the ring of his he once gave you which you had never gotten rid of. You had been watching fireworks. It had been a promise that you’d always be in love like you were.
He stares at it like he remembers. You wonder if he actually does.
How could he, with the way his life has gone?
“Wait by the backstage door two hours after this finishes.”
Whatever you were expecting, it wasn’t that. It wasn’t for Woosung to tell you he wants to talk to you. It wasn’t for him to touch your hands. It wasn’t for him to look so painfully beautiful.
“I don’t know…”
“Please? There are too many cameras here, too many people. We can’t talk like this, I can’t…”
“Okay. Yeah. I understand.” 
“If you leave… I just want to let you know that this ring is still yours.” Sammy gently fixes your hair before taking the ring and putting it onto your index finger.
You’re being encouraged to move on.
He gently releases your hands. His sad eyes follow you and you move on to Hajoon. You try to not look back at him.
As soon as you’re done you run off to find the bathroom. The tears came quickly and they came hard. You hadn’t imagined it would be so difficult to see him again. You had come here for some form of closure, but all it did was make the hole deeper. You missed him. You missed being a part of his life. You missed his touch.
You can still feel his hands on you after hours of hiding in the bathroom.
You can still feel the tug to run home as you walk around to find the backstage door. The night air is cruel to you. The warmth you generate as you hug yourself matches how certain you are about all of this.
There’s a security guard there and a bit of rope cornering it off. Sammy must’ve not thought this through. You sigh and go to turn around but the guard calls after you and asks your name.
When you tell him, he releases the latch and steps aside to let you past. Although you’re hesitant, you go forward. Security must have been escorting everyone away for quite some time, because there’s really nobody around.
Figuring it would be creepy to just stand there staring at the door, you bring your phone out and pretend there’s something really interesting being shown on your screen. You shift from foot to foot, huffing warm air onto your hand in an attempt to not freeze to death. It was in this state of obliviousness that you feel arms wrap around you.
You quickly turn and see Sammy. He has a hood up, a mask covering his mouth, and a cap on low, but you’d recognise his eyes anymore. 
You’ve turned into his chest.
“I’ll keep you warm.” he quietly says.
“Sammy…” you feel yourself on the brink of tears. Your phone is put away so that you can free your hands, palms long to feel if this is real.
“It’s been a long time.”
You nod, sniffling. “I… wasn’t sure if I should come.”
“I’m really fucking glad you came.”
You laugh a little, though it’s full of sadness. “You still swear like that?”
“Why? What did I say?”
He brings you closer. “Is this okay?”
“Y-yeah. I think so.” you cling onto his clothing. “I’ve missed you so much. I wasn’t sure if you’d remember me. I didn’t know if I should come. I’ve just-”
Suddenly you’re being hugged so tightly. You feel his cold nose brush against your neck. You so easily mould together that it feels like an enormous weight and a gorgeous epiphany at the same time.
“I had my phone stolen while I was travelling and I couldn’t get in touch with you any other way. You didn’t think I stopped messaging you, did you?” Well now you felt guilty for thinking it, but how were you meant to know his phone got stolen?....
“Well… yeah…”
“I didn’t stop thinking about you. You’re in so many of our songs.”
“I am?”
He pulls back enough to look and you and nods, lowering the mask so you can see his face properly. “You said you knew them all. Listen to Baby again.”
“Oh… okay.” with him right here, you can’t really think about lyrics at the moment. He places both of his hands on your face.
“Were you thinking about me, too?” he asks as if it isn’t obvious.
“Yeah. You’re so different. You look really different. Your hair and everything. I almost didn’t recognise you.”
“Is the way I am now bad?”
“No, you’re… you’re beautiful. Just like all your Black Roses tell you.”
“Are you a Black Rose?”
“I guess I am, yeah. A really lucky one.”
“I want to do something with you I can’t do with a Black Rose. Can you stop being a fan for a minute?”
You’re breathless. “What do you want to do?”
As if you don’t know.
As if you can’t anticipate him coming in closer.
You’re ready for more than the kind kiss on the cheek he gives you, but it still feels so wonderful and perfect.
“Don’t disappear again.” you plead with him. Sammy or Woosung, your ex-boyfriend or lead singer of The Rose, American citizen or Korean citizen, whatever he wanted to be you were fine with it. You knew life with him and you knew life without him. Now that you’ve been reminded of the perfection of his presence you never wanted to lose him again.
“I won’t. I’m yours forever.”
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cosmic-hearts · 6 years
can i be your bias? | hwang hyunjin
hwang hyunjin x reader - highschool!au 
genres; fluff, friendship, slice of life
warnings; none
summary; in which you attend SOPA and happen to cross paths with predebut hwang hyunjin.
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4.41 a.m.
Hyunjin sighs, his tired breaths seeming to echo and bounce off the walls of the dark, silent hallway. His members are sound asleep, and for a moment he considers stealing a few extra hours and just going to school later with Seungmin, but then he pushes that thought to the back of his mind, straightens his school uniform, slips on his mask and topcoat and heads out the door. 
He practises at JYP until 3am every day, returns home for a shower and a couple hours’ sleep, then takes the first subway to school. He’s always the first to arrive at class, and while waiting for the rest of the world to wake up he sits down and does his unfinished homework before class starts. It’s not easy to solve equations and write essays with a brain that’s barely functioning and running on less than three hours’ sleep every night, but Hyunjin tells himself to suck it up and get on with it. It’s a small price he has to pay for his dream of finally being able to debut. That is, if he doesn’t get eliminated first. The prospect fills him with dread. He’s already been at risk for elimination once. It can’t happen again.
Collapsing into his seat, he pulls out a half-completed essay that’s due today. Fumbling under his desk for his notes, his fingers bump into something solid. He frowns, gripping the object and pulling it out.
To his surprise, it’s a breakfast bar. Hyunjin turns it over and finds a note attached to it.
Hey, I bet you haven’t eaten breakfast yet. Don’t skip your meals! Take care of your health, it’s really important. Stay healthy and hydrated! Fighting! ^^
Dumbfounded, he looks around, wondering who could have come so early as to leave stuff under his desk without him noticing. He’s always the earliest to arrive without fail, so the prospect of someone coming even earlier than him is pretty strange to him.
Even stranger, though, is the fact that the mystery gifter is right. He hasn’t had breakfast, and he doesn’t usually have breakfast in order to save time.
He wonders who it could be. Sure, he has his fair share of fans in school, considering that he’s on a television program and news of his soon-to-be debut is spreading through the school like wildfire. He’s had his fair share of confessions too, from girls who seem to be in love with the idea of dating an up-and-rising Korean pop idol, all of which he politely rejects due to his strict no-dating contract with the company. Anyway, he has zero interest; with his life revolving around nothing but studies, practice and trainee duties, he’s got no time at all to date. Could this mystery person be a fan?
He silently thanks the mystery gifter in his heart, opens the packet and lets the sweet, wholesome taste of honey, granola and almonds fuse and settle on his tongue, charging him with energy for the new day.
1 week before
You can’t help but marvel at the sheer dedication and strength of your classmate, Hwang Hyunjin.
You would have long collapsed under the pressure of being on a survival program aired on national TV, having to deal with criticism from JYP that would have made you shit your pants, and still having to handle school along with all those trainee responsibilities. That was precisely why you weren’t a trainee; you had been scouted several times by entertainment companies, during school showcases where industry professionals came to hunt for fresh talents. But you rejected them all, knowing full well that you wouldn’t be able to cope with being a trainee.
But Hwang Hyunjin seemed to take it all in stride, even though he was criticized for his rapping skills and even put at risk for elimination. You can’t even begin to imagine how tiring it must be, getting less than a few hours’ sleep every day, having to balance the survival program and his studies, constantly worrying about the possibility of debut.
“Isn’t he amazing?” Your friend Juhee gushes.
Your purse your lips in reply. To be fair, though you were classmates with Hwang Hyunjin, you had never really properly interacted with him before, so you had no idea what his personality was like. If he managed to remain personable and friendly towards the people around him amidst all the stress and pressure he was under, then he could truly be declared as amazing.
Sure, a ton of trainees and idols attended your school, but having never really been interested in the commercial entertainment industry, you hardly paid attention to them. Heck, you weren’t even aware that Hwang Hyunjin was a trainee until Juhee practically forced you to watch the survival show with you. And then came the discovery that your classmate was a rather popular member of an up-and-rising boy group, Stray Kids.
“I heard he’s really nice too. Haven’t you ever talked to him before?” Juhee asks.
Though Juhee attends the School Of Performing Arts with you, she was in the Department of Theatre & Film, while you belonged to the Department of Practical Dance, so she hardly gets to see Hyunjin. A bitter fact that she wouldn’t stop bugging you about.
“No, I haven’t. And neither do I plan to. It would seem so hypocritical, suddenly trying to talk to him now after finding out he’s a soon-to-be idol, when I’ve been ignoring him all this time. Well, not ignoring, but not exactly bothering to make friends with him.”
“You don’t bother to make friends with anyone,” Juhee points out.
You conclude that this is true. You weren’t exactly the type who thrived in social settings or fed off others’ attention and company. Being able to get into the dance department at SOPA to study dance had been a dream, and you guess you did throw yourself into your studies and especially into dance without caring much for socializing.
“But can you do me a favour? Just for me?” Juhee asks, eyes pleading, and you can’t really say no. Not to her large doe eyes that absolutely melt your heart of ice.
“What is it?” You grumble, doing your best to sound burdened and annoyed.
“Talk to Hwang Hyunjin for me. Pass him a message.”
And that’s how you find yourself loitering by Hyunjin’s empty desk after class, a breakfast bar in hand.
You had outrightly refused to talk directly to Hyunjin, so Juhee had armed you with a note for you to pass to him. Even then, you don’t want to pass it to him directly. Why this terrible cowardice, you had no idea.
You had waited for everyone else to leave, because you weren’t about to be caught dead going to Hwang Hyunjin’s desk. You’d be the talk of the school by tomorrow for sure.
Taking a deep breath, you quickly stick the post-it with Juhee’s note on it onto the breakfast bar, then quick as lightning, you thrust it under his desk, on top of his notes.
Hyunjin is terribly puzzled.
He’s been receiving regular breakfasts with encouraging notes for three days straight now. Though he appreciates the sweet gesture, he’s absolutely dying to know who’s behind it.
It’s the end of the school day, the third day of receiving a free breakfast with a burst of handwritten motivation. As Hyunjin makes his way out of school to the JYP building, he recalls the message he received this morning: Hey Hyunjin, I know your next mission is coming soon. Don’t worry about it, I’m sure you’ll do amazing! I’ll be cheering you on, fighting! <3
A warm feeling spreads through his heart at the thought. It’s nice to know that someone cares, even if he doesn’t know who the person is.
Suddenly his phone buzzes with a text, interrupting him from his thoughts.
Hyunjin chuckles, then sends a text back.
Hyunjin: watchu gon do about it
Seungmin: just wait till i get my hands on your precious jinyoung collection
At this, Hyunjin stops short. Seungmin could be the literal spawn of satan when he wanted to, and he knows Seungmin’s threat is real.
Hyunjin turns around and practically sprints back to school.
He reaches his classroom and is about to head straight for his locker, where Seungmin’s Day6 stash remains hidden, but then he sees that the classroom isn’t empty.
There’s someone standing right by his desk, bending down to slip something under his desk.
“Um, excuse me?” Hyunjin asks uncertainly, unsure of who it is.
At the sound of his voice breaking the silence you swerve around and almost fall onto his chair.
Shit. You’ve been discovered.
Your eyes dart nervously from side to side. This is ridiculous, you think to yourself, I’m doing something nice, for Juhee’s sake and for Hyunjin, but why does it feel like I’m doing something wrong?
Hyunjin’s eyes dart to your hand, where you’re gripping a breakfast bar. His eyes widen. Bingo.
“It’s… you? You’re the one who’s been leaving food under my desk every day?”
You involuntarily wince at his slightly accusatory tone, your cheeks turning a bright shade of crimson.
“S-Sorry, I didn’t mean to sound accusing. It’s just that… I had never expected it to be you. Thank you, really.”
Indeed, Hyunjin has never, for a single moment, suspected that you would be his mystery angel. It wasn’t that he had anything against you; it’s was more like he never really knew you. You had always kept to yourself in class, and when you weren’t studying you were dancing. Or rather, when you weren’t dancing you were studying. If he were being completely honest with himself you did pique his interest, since you were he only person whom he’s never interacted with before. He often wondered what you were like, wondered why you came across as rather cold and unfriendly, wondered if he should try to make friends with you.
So naturally, you would be the least likely person to leave food, along with sweet notes, under his desk.
“These aren’t from me,” you say matter-of-factly, “they’re from my friend from another department. She’s a fan of yours so she asked me to help her give you stuff. Sorry if I freaked you out.”
At this, Hyunjin feels a slight twinge of disappointment, a feeling he can’t explain. Why would it matter that the gifts weren’t from you but from a fan? It was equally heartwarming all the same.
“Oh… so they’re not from you?”
“Nope. You should thank my friend instead.”
“Yes… please help me thank her. I really appreciate it,” Hyunjin says, flashing you a smile, which you awkwardly try to return but it comes out looking more like a grimace.
“Okay,” you say to him, before slinging your backpack over your shoulder and leaving the classroom.
You feel a little bad.
You don’t know why, but Hyunjin looked a little crestfallen when you told him the gifts weren’t from you.
You head to Juhee’s class to tell her that you’ve been discovered and to get Hyunjin’s note and breakfast for tomorrow, when you catch her practically bouncing out of class.
“Hey, so I’ve been found out. Hyunjin caught me today. He says thanks for everything.”
Juhee’s grin simply grows wider. “That’s completely fine! I was gonna tell you that you don’t have to do it anymore. I guess this just seals the deal.”
“Oh, why though?”
Juhee leans towards your ear and whispers conspiratorially, “I’ve moved on to stanning Seungmin now.”
It takes you all your willpower not to throttle your best friend.
You don’t miss out on the changes that take place over the next few days.
Hyunjin seems more quiet than usual. Usually during breaks he would be the first to dash out of class to the cafeteria with his group of friends, but lately he’s been skipping meals, choosing instead to stay in and practise his rap or dance. And when you watch the latest episode of his survival show, you know why.
It’s the busking mission. The group has to prepare a public performance in Sinchon for next mission. He’s probably nervous about it, since it’s the first time the group will perform for the public, amidst screaming fangirls and several mystery listeners who’ll be in charge of evaluating them.
Though his friends offer to get him food, he refuses them all, saying that he’s got no time to eat. You wonder how he’s still functioning. He gets to school the earliest, and after school practises into the wee hours of the night, getting only a few hours of sleep or possibly none at all. And if he’s not even eating enough, there’s no way he’ll make it through to the next mission without collapsing of exhaustion and malnutrition first.
This won’t do.
With a takeaway bento box in your hands, you march right up to Hyunjin’s desk where he’s practicing rapping with a pen in his mouth. You place the box onto his table, a little too harshly, for he jerks back in his seat in shock, yanking the pen away from his mouth.
“H-Hey,” he says nervously, startled by your sudden appearance.
“You need to eat,” you say, making an extra effort to be gentle, trying to tone it down and not speak in your usual curt manner. The boy already looks troubled enough.
“I can’t,” Hyunjin retorts, “I have to practise-,”
“You won’t be able to practise well if you’re not eating enough. Just shut up and eat. It won’t take you long,” you say before turning to go back to your seat.
You turn back around to face him again.
“Is this from your friend?”
You shake your head no.
“So it’s from you?”
You roll your eyes. “No, it’s from JYP himself. He’s about to kick you off Stray Kids if you don’t start taking care of yourself.”
Hyunjin looks confused for a moment, then the realization you’re being sarcastic hits him. A slow grin spreads over his lips.
“Thank you. I really appreciate this. Even more so since it’s from you.”
Hyunjin doesn’t know what’s come over him.
Maybe it bothers him that you don’t seem to want to make friends with him. Maybe he wants you to notice him. Maybe he wants to impress you. Maybe he wants another fan.
Whichever way it is, he questions his sanity when he follows you after school to the bus stop without you noticing.
You turn around, unsure what to make of Hwang Hyunjin running towards you. Did I drop something? you wonder, patting your pockets.
You look at him expectantly when he’s reached you. He’s just standing there, hands in his pockets, avoiding eye contact with you. You decide to speak first.
“Did you eat?”
Hyunjin looks relieved at you speaking up first. “Y-Yes. It was good. Thank you again.”
“Okay, good. Bye!” You really need help reading social situations.
“No, wait! I wanted to ask you something.”
Hyunjin fidgets awkwardly with his hands. “I don’t know how to say this… so I’m just gonna… um… C-Can you come watch me busk at Sinchon?”
Your jaw drops and you gawk at him in a highly unattractive manner.
“I-If you don’t want to it’s okay! It would just really mean a lot to me if you came-- shit, I mean it would be really, um, cool if you could drop by. Free entertainment, you know?” Hyunjin stammers, and almost kicks himself at how awkwardly incoherent he is in front of you. There goes his image of the powerful, charismatic dancer of the group.
You blink once, still trying to process his request.
“Okay. I’ll go.”
Hyunjin’s face lights up in an instant. “Really?”
“Yeah.” You decide not to tell him that Juhee has already forced you into going the day prior.
“T-Thank you so much! See you!” Hyunjin says happily before scooting away in the opposite direction. He almost trips on a pebble on the sidewalk.
Cute, you think to yourself.
You don’t think you’ve been anywhere more crowded or chaotic in your life.
Juhee has dragged you right to the front row amid hordes of screaming fangirls holding up their phones with names illuminated on the screens. Felix. Seungmin. Hyunjin. Jeongin. Bang Chan. Jisung. Changbin.
“Seungmin-ah!” Juhee screeches when the group reveals themselves and does their standard introductory greeting.
Your eyes move to Hyunjin, who’s licking his lips nervously, his eyes scanning the crowd. You wonder if he’s looking for you, whether you should call out to him. But then a ton of other girls are screaming his name, so you won’t be heard anyway.
And then by some stroke of luck he glances in your direction and locks gazes with you. He smiles, relieved that you did come. He has to keep himself from waving at you.
You hold up two fists, mentally trying to communicate, Fighting! His grin grows even wider.
“All right, we’ll be kicking things off with our first song, Hellevator. Please enjoy!” Bang Chan announces, and the group quickly gets into position.
Over the course of the night, you are amazed with the sheer talent and presence these boys possess. You can’t imagine performing in front of such a crowd. Through the night you keep your eyes peeled on Hyunjin, not on purpose, but it just happens naturally; his charisma tears through the stage, permeating through the audience. He is, indeed, a powerful, highly skilled dancer, and you can’t help but fall completely in love with his performance.
Back at school on Monday, you approach Hyunjin directly.
“You did really well the other night,” you say.
“Thank you! I was really happy to see you. Thanks for coming.”
You smile back at him, finding his goofy grin endearing. “It’s no problem. Keep it up, but remember to take care of yourself. Good luck for whatever’s next,” you say, before turning to leave.
“Y/N, wait,” Hyunjin says, grabbing your wrist to stop you. You look back at him questioningly.
“C-Can we be friends?” He asks, eyes downcast.
You cock your head to the side, eyebrows furrowed.
“Aren’t we already?”
At this, Hyunjin breaks out into a huge grin, the biggest you’ve ever seen him smile. His eyes disappear into a line, cute crinkles forming around his eyes. You find his goofy smile terribly endearing.
“Yeah, we are.”
December 19, 2017
Hyunjin looks out towards the sea of faces, dreading the feeling of his heart hammering violently against his chest. He can’t seem to relax or shake off his nerves, not since today is the day that seals his fate. The day that decides whether or not he will debut with his group members as nine.
He can’t seem to calm down. When the emcee asks him to smile for the audience he can only give a forced smile, jaw clenched in nervousness.
He scans the crowd, eyes skimming over the throngs of fans screaming his name. So many people, so many expectations. He knows he is adored, and yet, that only gives him more pressure to perform well so that he won’t disappoint.
He grits his teeth as he gets into position for the first song. The end is in sight, he tells himself, just give it your best shot, Hwang Hyunjin.
A couple districts away, you set your laptop on your bed, tuning into the live broadcast of Stray Kids’ last mission. Though you wouldn’t admit it, you had been praying for Hyunjin, hoping that he and his group would make it to debut. You had missed majority of the performances because you were studying late at your after-school academy, and you hoped you hadn’t missed the final verdict.
“... It is true that a seven-member stage had no mistakes, and is more stable and perfect. A nine-member stage is imperfect and lacking. But when all nine of you perform, your expressions and energy come alive. Congratulations, you will debut as nine.”
You break out into a smile as you watch the boys begin to sob in relief. Satisfied, you power down your laptop.
Good work, Hwang Hyunjin.
“Hwang Hyunjin!”
The boy turns around and his face lights up in recognition at the sight of you. “Hey, Y/N.”
“Congratulations,” you say, sticking out your hand for a handshake, “you’re going to debut.”
Hyunjin glances down at your outstretched hand. Then, without warning, he grabs it and pulls you towards him, opening up his arms to embrace you.
Hyunjin hugs you tightly to him, unwilling to let go. Startled by the gesture, you don’t react at first, staying frozen in your spot, hoping that he can’t feel your heart pounding against your ribcage at this unexpected contact.
Finally, when you feel comfortable enough, you respond by wrapping your arms around his broad back.
“Thank you,” Hyunjin murmurs into your shoulder.
You smile into his chest, unconsciously patting his back in response.
“You did really well, Hyunjin. I’ll support you every step of the way,” you say sincerely.
He pulls away, eyes brimming with hopefulness.
“Can I be your bias?”
a/n; i was inspired to write this after watching their predebut survival show, and after watching the segment where hyunjin goes to school the earliest and is the first to arrive in class, we love a hardworking boy <3 huhu should i turn this into a series/ make a continuation part about how y/n and hyunjin’s relationship progresses after his debut?? idkidkidkidk;;; also thank you guys so much for all the support on my previous jeongin fic thunderstruck, i rlly wasn't expecting it!! (yes i changed the name hehe) 
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csb00 · 2 years
Okay, okay, okay. Let me go through this as detailed as possible because I'm still figuring out whether this happened or not. Time ago, I wanted a Soob photocard so much, which is this one
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Everytime I was trying to get him something bad happened and it keep happening over and over again till this very day, May 20 of 2022. A person sent a message stating she bought an extra version of the jewels to check lucky with this photocard since she always pulled him out and it happened. She contacted me because she knew I've been looking for this photocards since forever and decided to share it with me. I just couldn't believe it. I was shocked. I started crying. Lots of tears running down my face and smiling thinking this couldn't be happening right now all of a sudden.
I still don't know what exactly happened but I like to give my perspective into this. Overall I am a very patient person. Getting desperate over something is just not my thing but when it came to this situation, I couldn't handle it and I gave up about a month ago when I bought three sets and didn't pulled him. Some friends told me he eventually will find home with me because if it was destined, it'll run smoothly and I'm stating that actually is true. I don't think this was my will. I don't think this was my luck, my theory is that life, destiny and God even gave me a period of try to test my patience, test myself if I was willing to wait and be strong to wait for a new opportunity and to remind myself, when things won't work fast or as I want doesn't mean they won't work at all. I'm very but very grateful. Happy as you can't imagine. I told my mom, family, friends, people on Instagram and even my pet! I'm starting to be more reasonable in this situation and I hope I keep getting this opportunities. Guess it was all about waiting after all.
I wonder if being unlucky has to do with wanting to get stuff made right at the moment when actually we have to wait and learn from it because if we get everything we want right now, life will be pointless and the excitement of working over things or objectives will be useless and we all be lost thinking there's nothing more to look up for. This is the exact feeling I hope everyone gets someday. The feeling of waiting for so long, working hard, wishing as much as it can be possible for that special thing to happen. It will be there if it's meant to be and if it doesn't happen, we must have to learn not everything is meant to be in a certain way or even that object/situation might not be for us.
I'm excited to hold him in my very hands and tell him what I've been through to get him (hopefully he won't runt away hehe).
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