forevergazingatstars · 45 minutes
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I'd like to let younger me know that I did get over them and life did go on, the tears weren't for nothing
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i think it would be cool to learn to deepthroat stuff not for sexual reasons but so i can shoplift things by ramming them down my throat. i would be limited by the size and shape of what i'm stealing but that's an issue for future me
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Ruki: This is the story about hair and makeup overseas. During the world tour, I was trying to change my costume depending on the day and to get my hair and makeup changed up frequently, but now I feel like the bangs fit me the best. So I did have my bangs down since the South America part of the tour 👽
Recently I was thinking that I want to get a perm, but I’m certain about the fact that I won’t be changing my hair color for a while. It makes me feel like myself 🙆‍♂️
But sometimes the black hair that I had during DOGMA feels very nostalgic and I miss it as well!
Also, it’s been a while since I posted a picture of my nails. I can’t imagine myself wearing the costumes without having any color on my nails. Speaking of which, many people had shown me their nails during the M&G. It’s a universal thing! I like to see what people have on their nails 👽👀 I haven’t shown you my nails recently, but I want to do it as well from time to time 🏊‍♂️
I thought I would get bored of it, but it’s already a part of the costume and it doesn’t feel out of place just for everyday as well, so perhaps it’s going to be that one thing that I’m going to do all the time.
Recently we had a photoshoot, so maybe I’ll post some pictures of my makeup and the atmosphere from that day too! Well then, I will write again.
#thegazette #ruki #ninth #livetour19 #hairmake #newnails #work
(July 19, 2019)
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Just saw Moulin Rouge and all I gotta say is ✨ I Love Women ✨
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forevergazingatstars · 10 hours
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forevergazingatstars · 10 hours
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well? can you?
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forevergazingatstars · 11 hours
nothing quite like listening to the playlist your friend made for you 😌
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idk how to flirt i just meowed in this bitch face
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has anybody else been struggling with thoughts
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ur first and last recent emojis are ur gender now. mine is 🅱👨‍❤‍💋‍👨
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Throwback kun peruskoulussa mun kaveri oli kertonut menevänsä keliakia testeihin vatsavaivojen takia. No, pari päivää tämän jälkeen saavun koulun pihalle ja näen kyseisen henkilön syömässä mini oreoita kaksin käsin suoraan purkista. Kysyn tietenkin että mikäs meininki eikö sulla oo ehkä keliakia, kaveri vastaa "ne sen testin tulokset tulee tänään ja jos mulla on keliakia nii en voi syödä näitä enää :("
Kaverillani ei yllätys yllätys ollutkaan keliakiaa :D
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Mää en voi uskoo että Lidl kirjottais jotain tämmöstä smh
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