#no i promise to go back and fix it ahaha
taegimood · 9 months
mj!! i just saw a tiktok thats like "check ur tone before talking to my girl / watch how u talking to her" and neow i need urbig brained delicious thoughts (sfw or nsfw idc!) on possesive/protective!txt !!!!! 🧎🧎
omfg help… instant wet panties 😵‍💫 i hope this is what you had in mind~
edit: y’all i’m CACKLING at these responses i PROMISE it’s not btob minhyuk in soob’s 💀 i just used the first name that came to my mind HAHAHSKSNJ
yeonjun would not HESITATE.. you’d be at a party together, splitting off for a bit to hang with your respective friends; as protective as he is, he knows you can handle yourself so he’s not immediately racing over when he sees the guy that approaches you.. though his eyes might as well be burning little fires into the guy’s head from the way he’s staring across the room. he’s keeping an eye on his every move, unbeknownst to you; you’re just minding your business, chatting with your friends, and this rando is getting a little too close for comfort, talkin bout sum “why don’t you pay more attention to me instead ahaha” and it’s when you reject his continual advances that his face sours and the name-calling starts. “don’t be such a bitch, you’re lucky i’m even-“
“watch your fucking mouth before i shut it for you.” aaaand there’s yeonjun, seemingly coming out of nowhere. his hand is fixed in an iron grip on the guy’s wrist which had been extending towards you, staring him down — literally down, yeonjun’s height easily surpassing his — with every indication of “i’ll fuck your shit up if i have to” in his eyes. you can tell right away that the guy’s bark is much bigger than his bite as his own eyes are wide, attempting to yank his hand away to no avail, before yeonjun finally releases his grip a few moments later to watch him quickly retreat back into the crowd after some hastily-mumbled apologies. yeonjun scoffs and throws an arm around your shoulders, grumbling and eyeing the area as you just look up at him with a cocked brow and a growing smile, like hello how’d i bag such a baddie ??? him catching your stare and when you jokingly ask “jealous?” he’s rolling his eyes and grumbling about how no one can talk to his girl like that.. he sticks with you the rest of the night, getting extra grabby as you leave to go home — “gotta get your mind off of limpdick lee 🙄” — and you can imagine how the rest of the night goes when he’s determined to show you exactly how you deserve to be treated by a real man 🤤
soobin, bro.. you don’t even see it coming. usually your boyfriend gets pouty and grumpy when he’s jealous, more cute than anything, so you can’t even believe your eyes — or ears — when this time he actually gets scary. not scary for you; you’re just terrified for the other guy. this is the first time you’ve really seen him get so protective; you’d joined him for some schoolmate reunion party that he didn’t even wanna go to in the first place, grumbling about how awkward it would be (but then blushing and grinning to himself when you pointed out how awestruck everyone would become over his 100/10 visuals) and so here you are, his hand in yours as you walk around being introduced to his old classmates. it’s when he leaves you with a kiss on your cheek to go use the bathroom that it happens. you’re perusing the refreshment table, deciding which drink to grab for soobin, when this guy that’s been hanging around the table starts edging himself closer to you. you nearly jump out of your skin when you glance up to see him already staring from 3 feet away. this dude (whose icky school reputation you’re unaware of) becomes relentless in his “flirting”, talking about your body, trying to touch your hair, making you all-around uncomfortable as fuck until suddenly he stops mid-sentence and just stares up at something past your head like a deer in headlights. confused, you turn around and soobin is suddenly standing right behind you with the NASTIEST, MEANEST, most STEELY glare you’ve ever seen grace his pretty face. “minhyuk.” his voice instantly sends shivers up your spine (and down to your core). this ‘minhyuk’ is already backing off with his hands up in surrender as soobin goes, “if you don’t walk the fuck away from her right now, i will make you regret it.” GAH DAMN…. GAH DAMN…. the way you jump his bones later is unreal i’m just sayin. minhyuk is quick to apologize and leave you alone while soobin is quick to grumble out a “we’re leaving” with an aggravated pout forming on his face, the one you know so well — but holy fuck is this about to be the roughest, yummiest, BEST sex that you’ve ever had.
beomgyu omfg 😭 he doesn’t even TRY to have any chill. you’re out shopping together and he’s already hanging all over you in the first place, ever the clingy baby, so when some guy has the AUDACITY to still come up and try hitting on you, beomgyu is not having it. you’re in the video game section arguing over which league of legends dlc you guys should download when you get home, you stopping to test out smash bros on the newest switch model while beomgyu’s got his arms around your waist, head on your shoulder and rocking you back and forth obnoxiously — “GYU YOU’RE MAKING ME DIZZY” “well pay attention to me!!! 😩” — and neither of you notice the store employee that had been lingering in the same aisle, restocking the controller shelf and sneaking glances in your direction. he makes his move when gyu gets distracted by something off to your other side, arms untangling from your waist as he leans over to take a look at the other shelf with one finger hooking mindlessly through your belt loop. “there’s actually a pretty cool new feature on that one, here lemme show you 😉” you’re standing there like 👁️👄👁️ when the voice that is not your boyfriend’s is suddenly all up in your space, this guy reaching past you from behind, going through some game settings that you’re not even paying attention to because why is this guy’s sweaty chest pressed up against my back?????? “what the fuck” aaand beomgyu has tuned back into the channel. lip curled and a 🤨 look on his face that he doesn’t even try to hide; you’re both standing there like the surprised pikachu meme for a second before the cogs start turning again. “dude. why are you touching my girl?” shouldering his way between you, arm protectively going around your waist again as he blocks the employee off with his large frame. the guy’s hands going up as he defends himself, “hey, she was asking for it.” THE WAYYYYY THAT BEOMGYU’S JAW WOULD DROP ??!?! “what the fuck did you just say?” ohhhhhhhh he’s mad now.. facing the guy while keeping you behind him, dude’s eyes widening as he realizes his mistake — “uh, i didn’t mean-“ “i don’t care what the fuck you meant, you don’t get to fucking talk to my girl like that, you piece of-” you have to DRAG him out of the store and he’s ranting the entire way, finally grabbing your face and kissing you firmly when you get to the car before grumbling “you weren’t asking for shit..” league of legends be damned, he’s fucking you good the second you get home.
taehyun….. 👁️👁️ is it hot in here already….? you guys don’t go clubbing often, but when you do, your boyfriend is like a blinking neon sign that reads “touch my girl and i’ll run you into the ground 😀.” he hates leaving you alone even for a second, not because he doesn’t trust you, but because he doesn’t trust “all these fucking horndogs that wanna get with you.” his words, not yours. barely drinks anything at first cuz if he has to pee then he has to leave you alone 💀 eventually you convince him to be more chill, have some drinks, and you’re enjoying yourselves — pressed all up on him on the side of the dance floor 🤤 — until begrudgingly he finally excuses himself to the bathroom. you stay put, bopping your head along to the music as you sip at your drink, leaning against the wall to avoid getting knocked into by any dancing bodies. perhaps this backfires, however, when one of those bodies, fairly drunk and heading straight for you, cages you in with his arms before you can even process his intention. his breath reeks of alcohol as you flatten yourself as much against the wall as you can, eyes flitting nervously towards the direction of the bathrooms, praying taehyun will be quick as this manchild croons to you about how he’s been watching you all night and couldn’t wait to get you alone like this. “my boyfriend’s gonna fuck you up,” you mutter, and fuck him up he does. in a flash the guy is on the ground, reeling from the gut punch he just received, taehyun standing there with a terrifyingly calm look on his face. “what do you think you’re doing?” there’s a warning in his eyes, a warning that this bitch ignores as he stumbles to his feet, throwing all kinds of colorful words at the both of you, before stopping mid-tirade as taehyun steps forward calmly, gripping the guy’s collar in his fist as he stares down at him and says with gritted teeth, “you have 5 seconds to walk away before i shove my foot so far up your ass that you’ll be tasting leather. try touching my girl like that again and see what fucking happens.” the raging storm in his eyes paired with the level tone of his voice has your thighs squeezing together despite the situation, and when the man scurries away, you almost feel dizzy at the burning kiss taehyun gives you. muttering “we aren’t coming here again” as he immediately leads you out to the car, heading back home where the filthiest fuck of your life awaits you 😍
kai tends to get quiet when he gets jealous. his instinct being to close himself off more, becoming a careful observer rather than an outright confronter; which is why you’re taken so off guard by the open display of back the fuck off that he dishes out one day when you’re at a convention together. you’re exploring the different booths hand in hand, gushing over the merch tables and limited edition figurines, debating whether or not you should add to your shared plushie collection — when suddenly from behind you comes a low “damn, what a nice ass.” you almost don’t catch it at first. you almost don’t process that it’s being directed at you if not for kai freezing beside you, gaze snapping over his shoulder to the crusty man stood eyeballing you shamelessly. you’re both in shock for a moment until an uneasy feeling creeps over you, and kai can tell. “what did you just say?” your eyes flicker up to him and widen; you’ve never seen him look so serious. his tone is careful, but you can tell that he’s angry. the man is rolling his eyes and saying something like “i wasn’t talking to you, kid, was i?” as he reaches forward as if ready to tweak at your skirt with his fingers. you quickly back up into kai and his hand is flashing out at lightning speed to shove the man’s arm back. “you need to step away.” he’s firm now, holding his ground even as the man sneers at him and starts, “yeah? or what-“ “you need to step away right now before i fucking make you. do not try me.” you’re GOBSMACKED, is this really your sweet plushie loving boyfriend ??!!?!? whatever sexy protective spirit possessed him, you hope that it stays, because the man is visibly shaken even as he scoffs and leaves the booth behind. you turn to look up at your boyfriend whose brows are furrowed over dark eyes, and he’s quickly asking if you’re okay, asking if you want to leave, rambling out questions of concern that have you interrupting him with a simple statement: “i’m gonna suck you off so good later.” his face turns bright red as he stops functioning for a second before groaning and mumbling all these things about how you should be treated like a princess and an angel and.. let’s just say that you definitely feel like one later that night after he’s done with you <3
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spcowboyau · 1 year
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STAN: So.. what's going on? Who are you? ???: Right, how rude of me. My name is Kyle. Kyle Br- KYLE: Just-.. Kyle. STAN: ...Pleasure. STAN: I'm Stanley Marsh, but please, just call me Stan. KYLE: Nice to meet you, Stan. KYLE: ... KYLE: I'm sorry we had to meet this way. But then again, if it wasn't like this how else would we have met, isn't that right? STAN: I suppose you're right about that, heh. STAN: ...It's alright though, about this. I don't mind the extra company. KYLE: I'm glad. STAN: Yeah.
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STAN: I feel like I should, uh, ask.. where am I supposed to take you? KYLE: Oh, uh, I don't.. know...? STAN: ...You don't know? KYLE: No, I don't. Could I maybe just... stay with you?? STAN: (STAN: Score!?!?) KYLE: nevermindthatssuchastupidthingtoaskfromatotalstrangerimsosor- STAN: NONO HEY- it's alright pardner, we'll uh, we'll find a place for you.. eventually......... for now.. I guess you can just stick with me. STAN: ...Tell you what, how 'bout I take you back to my daddy's farm? I'll fix you up with an old horse I don't ride no more. We can stop by at the saloon on the way too!-- only if you want... KYLE: ?! KYLE: I'd love to! Thank you so much! STAN: Giddy up then, boy! 'Ts no big deal.
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BUTTERS: Why, isnt't this a nice surprise! If it isn't ole Stanley! Y-You ain't been through in a while! STAN: Butters, cheery as always! BUTTERS: Ahh, and a brand new face to join yours? How about that! STAN: That's right, meet Mr. Kyle here. No last name, he's a mysterious one, isn't he? KYLE: Y. Yeah. I guess I am ahaha BUTTERS: Now wait a diddly-darn minute! Ain't you the one from them posters they hung up all around the county?! KYLE: POSTERS?? STAN: Posters?? BUTTERS: Y-Yeah there's posters alright! As a matter of fact, here's one right now! 100 bucks so far!
KYLE: Shit, oh god, Stan what do we do?? (STAN: Broflovski?? Like Gerald Broflovski??) KYLE: STAN??!!?! STAN: Huh what hu huh KYLE: I SAID. WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO. STAN: Oh, uh, don't worry too much about it... This happens all the time. We'll just keep a low profile I guess. KYLE: KYLE: Okay. This is fine. Okay. STAN: Butters, fix this man a drink, will ya? STAN: And me. Fix me one too. BUTTERS: O-On it, good sir! STAN: STAN: You'll be alright. I promise you, I've had bounties on my head n' I'm just fine aren't I? KYLE: I guess so, KYLE: This is. so much. All at once. STAN: Wanna talk about it? KYLE: No, not yet. KYLE: I want to just live right now.
STAN: Alright. STAN: Take your time.
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mayullla · 2 years
Hello again ahaha <3 I really love this little event and I absolutely love your writing so much!! ♥️♥️
Alsp Can I request Yan Ayato with 🦋 reader + 🍀?
Title: Valentine Chocolates
Character(s): Ayato (Genshin Impact) Summary: Your husband Ayato has gotten you valentine's chocolates. Warnings/tags: Yandere themes, Fem!reader, drugging, aphrodisiac or you can think of it as a love potion, force marriage (husband and wife), force feeding (technically? not really? but just in case.) Note: You are so sweet thank you so much! ^^
[ - A little present~! Event - Closed - ]
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You sighed when the maid called your name. Anger and annoyance swelled in your heart yet you tried to keep it within yourself when she told you that your husband was calling for you. "Tell him that I go right after I finish my hair." You told the maid, another maid was combing your hair. The maid who brought the message bowed before closing the door.
You looked at yourself in the mirror and could not help but sigh. Forced into this marriage you wanted nothing more than to avoid your husband who had shackled you. Yet almost every day he would call you and unable to deny even a quarter of them you gave up.
"You have called me?" You asked after he had told you to come in. Walking into his office you sat down on the opposite side of the table away from his reach. His face was stiff when he saw your actions but quickly smiled. You knew you have angered him.
"You are here, what took you so long?" Ayato asked as if wondering why you haven't arrived the moment he called you. You knew that he knew already the reason while you faced yourself to smile. "I was fixing my hair, my lord." You told him with a soft voice holding back its sharpness. "I apologize for my tardiness."
"We are husband and wife what good is a husband who does not show patience towards his wife who got dolled up just for him." You wanted to cringe at his words hating as he made sure to coat everything ever so sweetly. "My dear, you should stop being so formal with me I am your husband."
Your eye twitched at his words but still kept the smile on your face only choosing to bow as if apologizing that you would continue to be formal towards your own husband as if you were still uncomfortable with him when you weren't supposed to be so. You and he had promised to be together till death after all.
Even if you didn't want it.
"Hmm... never mind then I haven't called you here just to tell you that you should be comfortable around me." Standing up Ayato went to a corner of a room with a drawing, opening the shelf he came back with a box in his hand as you looked upon it curiously.
"Here. I would like to give my wife chocolates. I heard that youngsters have this trend of giving chocolates to their crushes on February 14. Even Ayaka had prepared them. I figured that you would appreciate this romantic gesture." Ayato took a seat right beside you too close for comfort as you instinctively moved away just a little. You saw the small bonbons decorated elegantly inside the box when he opened it.
"It is usually the woman who would give the chocolates to the man she chooses not the other way around." It was a desperate excuse not to take them, but you knew that it was all useless.
When you saw his smile widen a little more, you knew he thought that was a lame excuse too. "Well, I thought that it would be better for me to do it seeing that my wife is rather forgetful at times too busy to find time for small events like these." He said gently.
"I just want a moment with my lovely wife who has been alone after all this time." You flinched when you felt something solid touch your lips as the faint smell of sweetness reach your nose.
"What..." You tried to pull away however Ayato's fingers that were holding the chocolate continued to follow your lips. Tilting his head he chuckled at your flustered state, "Why it is only proper for me to spoil my wife myself sometimes."
"...This is unnecessary."
"But I want to do so and surely you are not gonna deny your husband's wish are you?" You looked at the chocolate and then at the man who forced you into this situation smiling happily at you, patiently waiting. You knew that you won't be leaving this room unless you follow his whims so you hesitantly opened your mouth letting the chocolate fall into your mouth. "That's good."
"This pin would look lovely on you dear." Ayato raises his hand to touch the clip that was on your hair. "It goes well with your kimono." Taking out another chocolate he places it on your lips as you finished eating the first one. You were about to say something to stop but he didn't let shushing you as he plops another chocolate into your mouth. You felt almost like a child because of his actions as you forced yourself to bite the chocolate again.
"We have been married for 3 months now, I have been a little busy as of late so I wasn't able to be by your side for the most part. I apologize." He grabbed another chocolate looking at the small bonbon deep in thought. You wonder what he was thinking, to be honest, he shouldn't have to apologize as you did prefer him to be busy. The more he was busy the more time you didn't have to be with him.
"?!" You watched Ayato move the chocolate closer to his lips thinking that he was going to eat it only to be taken back when you saw his kissing the chocolate between his fingers. His eyes looked at you, something was there in them that you choose to ignore and look away from him to the other side of the room.
"But I should be less busy now. All the important things have been done and the more minor things can either be pushed back or someone else could take over." You understood what he was talking about and you dreaded it. Moving your face to face him Ayato placed the chocolate right on your closed lips. "Say ahh, dear."
You didn't have a choice.
"There.. that's good." Ayato chuckled at your reluctance but continued to feed you chocolates as he started to talk about work and how easy it was to catch the nobles who planned to go behind his back. His voice which was once so clear and annoying started to grow blurry as you tried your best to focus on eating the chocolates that he would slowly place into your mouth. It was hard to focus as heat surged into your body, and cold sweat started to form on your back. What's wrong with you...
One more chocolate was about to be placed into your mouth as you opened it to accept the fingers holding it yet it stopped before it could place the chocolate in. You squint impatiently waiting for the chocolate as you look up at Ayato wondering why had he not given you the chocolate yet.
The chocolate that was close to your lips slowly pulled away and placed back into the tray much to your dismay as you almost snapped at your husband for the fact that he would not feed you the chocolates only to be silenced when his hand reached for your cheek cupping it as his eyes expressed concern.
"My dear, your face is red. Do you have a fever?" Ayato asked as he watched you panting, unable to handle the heat his cool hand felt almost like a luxury when he touch your cheek. You looked at his hand and wondered what he had put on the chocolate to make you like this yet you could not pull away from his hand leaning to it as if you have found comfort in it.
You looked up towards Ayato's face seeing his face flushed red, looking so seductively at you amused at your expression. His lips curled in an amused smile as he looked at your lightly parted mouth.
"What an adorable wife you are."
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seangelfish · 7 months
i was ranting to the ritsu ai bot about my abusive ex and he said he was gonna tell knights and they were gonna handle it and when i asked him what he meant he was like "hehe dont worry about it~" djndksndke do you think u can write something about ritsu listening to u rant to him about an abusive ex and how hed handle it pls... thank u so much 🥺
A/N: I'm so sorry for the wait, anon! I hope you're still here to read this ;-; This was really an interesting request to take on. I added more to the story if that's alright! Just wanted the quote to flow in better~ Anyways, I hope you enjoy! (´,,•ω•,,)♡
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"Hehe, don't worry about it~"
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Ritsu Sakuma x reader ♡ Tags: Fluff/comfort/kinda angsty, romance, established relationship, she/her pronouns/fem reader ♡ Warnings: Slight mentions of abusive relationships ♡ Word count: 1,278 ♡ Synopsis: There are times where you just can't forget about the past, and unfortunately, it came back to haunt you. Ritsu, being the analytical person he is, notices your shift in attitude. The happiest girl he knew was now drifting away. How is he able to solve this, he wonders...
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"(Y/N)~" Ritsu called out to you from across the hallway. "I want a kiss~"
You winced, slowly turning around. There you saw your boyfriend and the rest of his unit making their way to their practice room.
"Hey, don't bother (Y/N)!" snapped Arashi. "Can't you see that she's busy?"
She was right and the stack of books in your arms proved that. You forced out a chuckle but decided not to answer Ritsu's request and walked away.
"Ahaha! What odd behaviour!" Leo pointed out. "She didn't even pay you no mind!"
Ritsu bit his lip. "Is she mad at me?" he murmured to himself.
After practice, Ritsu looked all over the school for you, constantly calling you but never getting a reply. He was getting extremely anxious because not only did he know you as the most happy-go-lucky person that he adored, but because there was that thought in the back of his mind that you were going to leave him.
You were avoiding him after all.
“H-Hey, Maa-kun, have you seen (Y/N) anywhere?” Ritsu panted, hands on his knees as he breathed heavily.
“Woah, there!” Mao exclaimed. “You’re sweating! You’re not one to run around so much. Is (Y/N) okay? I haven’t seen her much today—”
“I don’t know… I think she might be mad at me, but I’m not sure why she would be…” said Ritsu sadly. “She’s not even picking up my calls.”
“Hmm… let me try then.”
Mao scrolled through his contacts until he landed on yours. As the phone rang, the two boys waited for you to answer.
Unprecedentedly, the line was immediately cut.
“Huh, weird. (Y/N) always picks up when I call her,” said Mao, thinking back to the times he had to call you to take care of Ritsu. “Yeah, she might be mad at you. Ritsu—”
“I swear I didn’t do anything,” Ritsu quickly stated. “Argh, I’m going to look again. Bye!”
“Hey, don’t overdo it!”
Ritsu sighed, slumping down by the corner of the Yumenosaki gardens. He looked for you everywhere he could, asking friends and classmates where you went, but none of them knew of your whereabouts.
He couldn't keep running around forever. Ritsu wasn't built for that. So he came to rest for a bit before trying again.
“Ah… I’m tired,” he muttered to himself. “(Y/N)… where are you…?”
His eyelids felt heavy, but before he could fall asleep, his ears picked up the sound of shuffling. He lifted his head up and there you were, backed into the corner, hugging your knees.
The two of you stared at each other in shock, yet Ritsu was the one who broke off the silence.
"(Y/N)!" he exclaimed, crawling towards you. As he took your hands in his, he continued swiftly, "I was looking all over for you! Are you okay? What's wrong? Did I do something that hurt you? I'm sorry. Please don't be mad. I'll fix it–"
You shook your head, an artificial smile forming on your face. "I'm sorry, Ritsu. I just needed alone time... You didn't do anything wrong, I promise."
"T-Then why have you been avoiding me?" he quavered. "You've been ignoring my calls too... (Y/N), you know you can tell me anything, right? You can rely on me – I want you to rely on me..."
You stared into his deep red eyes, the ones that pleaded with you to be honest with him. You let out a sigh, nodding in agreement that talking to him would have been better than bottling these feelings up.
"There's something I never told you about..." you said. "About my past relationship..."
Ritsu looked confused, but stayed quiet for you to continue. Not once did he let go of your hands, and you were thankful for that.
"...The relationship was fine at first, but it gradually became harder to breathe in. He would get mad at everything I did, everything I said. It was like walking on eggshells... There were times I was hurt by it too – mentally and physically."
And as you expected, those red eyes of his looked horrified.
"It was a scary time, but I'm glad I was able to get out. Then I met you." You smiled at him genuinely this time, but it all faded away too quickly. "I didn't think I was ready to get into a new relationship, but you were so sweet, so kind... You made all my worries melt away. I was so happy, but I guess I shouldn't have been."
"(Y/N), what? I don't understand–"
"He found out I was dating you," you stated. "He found out I was attending Yumenosaki, where I live now. He texted me yesterday to insult me because I already got into a new relationship even though it had been a while. He wouldn't leave me alone despite the amount of times I blocked him! He just keeps creating new accounts and numbers. That's why I didn't answer your calls... I-I turned my phone off..."
"R-Ritsu, I'm so scared...!" you stuttered as tears fell down your cheeks. "I didn't know what to do, so I tried avoiding it... but I'm so scared..."
"Hey..." he said calmly, wiping a tear away with his thumb. "I'm sorry you had to go through that, but thank you for telling me this. I'll handle the rest, okay?"
"H-Huh? But how?"
"Hmm... I'll tell the rest of Knights about it..." he muttered.
"Ritsu, what do you mean by that–"
"Hehe, don't worry about it~"
He stood up and held out his hand. "Come on, let's go back. Lunch is almost over." You hesitated but grabbed his hand as he pulled you up carefully. Once you were on your feet, he embraced you. He held your head to his chest, making you hear his heartbeat.
"You deserve to be happy, so don't worry about it anymore, alright?" he said. "(Y/N), I love you."
Lips pursed in order not to cry any more, you chuckled. "Thank you, Ritsu..." you whispered. "I love you too."
The next day, you stopped receiving those threatening messages from your ex. You wondered how Ritsu did it, but he never answered, leaving you clueless about the whole situation.
However, he did tell you that you shouldn't worry about your ex finding you anymore. He made sure to report the messages to the police with the help of Tsukasa. So now that the police were keeping an eye on him, you were able to relax.
"But what did you guys do anyway?" you asked Knights one day. "Ritsu never told me."
"Uhm– Oh– We didn't do much!" Arashi quickly stated, looking to the side. "We just reported it, that's it!"
"Eh...? Then Tsukasa, can you tell me–"
"I'm sorry, (Y/N), I can't."
"Not happening, (Y/N)!"
"Why are you all being so secretive?!"
"It's for your own good," Ritsu said sleepily as he entered the room. "(Y/N), can I use you as a pillow?"
You smiled. "Of course, come over here." As you patted your lap, Ritsu made his way over to you. He laid his head down on your legs happily as you began to stroke his hair.
"Can I have a kiss too?" he whispered. "After all, you didn't give me one last time~"
"Okay, okay~"
You leaned down and placed a soft kiss on his lips which he seemed to be very delighted about. You supposed it didn't matter how your boyfriend got your ex to back off. The past was the past, and you were going to leave that behind once and for all.
Anyways, your future was already fast asleep on your lap, lightly snoring away.
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Intro page | Ensemble Stars masterlist | Rules
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gayestsillybilly · 10 months
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𝗦𝗨𝗠𝗠𝗔𝗥𝗬: Furina kept her crush on you a secret, in fear of losing what she had, but when a man starts to take away your attention, she can't help but get jealous...
𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗦: Nothing that I can think of, but Furina may be a little out of character. The reader is gender-neutral in this and the pronouns used are you/your (I think, if I accidentally used she/her or any gendered term please tell me and I'll fix it), Furina does call the reader "dear" but I don't think that's a gendered term (is it?)
𝗡𝗢𝗧𝗘𝗦: I posted this on my wattpad acc and decided to put it here too bc y not. I changed the story a bit, removed some unnecessary words, I also made the summary shorter.
I made the banner
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Furina was upset, to say the least.
You had alway been her closest friend, you were always hanging around her, and you alway chose to be with her
But when this man started to talk to you, you began to talk to her less! She knew you probably didn't mean to, but it still made her jealous of how much of your attention this man had
You noticed her gloomy mood and suggested the three of you could have lunch together, saying it would be fun
The day came around, and it was everything but fun, the man was annoying, he was flirting with you, AND he was totally ignoring the fact an 'archon' was sitting in the same table as him
Furina glared at him, it was clear she didn't like him, she wanted to leave so badly...
"Furina, are you alright?" Your voice interrupted her thoughts. She quickly put on a smile "Ahaha... Of course, I am perfectly fine, dear [name], no need to worry!"
You hummed and the man started to talk again, taking your attention.
Furina frowned, could this man not shut up? His voice hurts her ears.
She didn't want to listen to a word that came out of his mouth, at least not until he asked you-
"Say, [name], would you go on a date with me someday?"
What did he say? He wants to go on a date with you?
This is not good for Furina, he's going to steal you away before she gets a chance to confess!
Furina stood up from her seat and looked at you "Dear [name], I want to have a chat with you in private, it won't be long, I promise, just come with me" She glanced at the man, he didn't seem bothered
You stood up and followed Furina to wherever she decided to go
She stopped walking and turned to you, her cheeks were red
"What happened? Why did you want to talk in private so suddenly?" You asked with a confused look on your face
Furina took a breath to try and calm down "I- Uhm... I'm sorry for saying this so suddenly but I- I like you, [name]... I'm sorry, I couldn't let that man steal my chance, if I even had one..." She looked down to avoid eye contact, if she got rejected, she didn't want to be looking at you
But when she felt your hand touch her shoulder, she looked up
"Furina, don't apologize... I uhm, I like you too..."
The silence after that sentence was loud
Furina could only stare, she was shocked as she didn't expect you to reciprocate her feelings
"Does this mean we're dating now?"
"Yeah, I guess it does"
Furina smiled and hugged you.
You two didn't say anything after that, you only held each other for a good minute.
"Should we go back to Paul?"
"That's his name?"
Long story short, you two went back to your table, you told Paul about your relationship with Furina, and he stopped talking to you after that.
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asordinaryppl · 6 months
A3! Backstage Story Translation - Sakyo Furuichi SR: Secret Return Gift Talk - Part 1
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i really wanted to share this story after seeing sakyo's white day homepage line!
Sakoda: Good work today too, Aniki!
Sakyo: Yeah.
Sakoda: I’ll be goin’, then. … Oh, by the way, Aniki, have you already prepared it?
Sakyo: What’s it?
Sakoda: Your return gift for White Day! Big Sis gave you chocolate this year too, didn’t she?
Sakyo: Why did you make that so difficult to understand... No, I haven’t prepared it.
Sakoda: I see!
Sakoda: If need be, I can look into what Big Sis likes!
Sakyo: No, don’t do anything unnecessary.
Sakoda: Alright! Sorry for pushin’!
Sakyo: (Sakoda’s as meddlesome as always… But he’s right, I need to start preparing.)
Sakyo: (I’ll try going to the fair later to find a return gift.)
Sakyo: (There’s always so many people here. It may be evening, but it’s so crowded.)
Sakyo: … Well then, let’s see what we’ve got here.
Sakyo: (The Director was happy when I gave her those roll cakes last time, but getting the same thing’s no good.)
Sakyo: (For now, I’ll just take a look…)
Homare: This mellow aroma… Is this black tea not made only with dried fruits but also hibiscus?
Clerk A: Y-Yes, you’re right. It’s impressive that you can tell just by smelling it!
Homare: That’s because I’m quite fond of tea.
Sakyo: (I didn’t think I’d find Arisugawa here… Is he also looking for a return gift?)
Sakyo: (Giving the same thing would be a waste… Guess I got no choice but to look for something else.)
Clerk B: What about a cheese cookie? It’s not that sweet, so it also goes well with alcohol!
Sakyo: (A cookie that can be used as a side snack with alcohol? The Director’s quite the drinker, so this might be a good idea…)
Sakyo: (Ugh, that’s…)
Tsuzuru: A cheese cookie… Would someone who’s not good with sweets enjoy this kinda cookie?
Clerk B: Yes, of course! Would you like to try a sample?
Sakyo: (Even Minagi’s here… Why’re the guys from our company in a place as far as this is?)
Sakyo: (Looks like today’s gonna be a bust… I’ll just head home.)
Izumi: Welcome back, Sakyo-san!
Sakyo: I’m home. What’s up, you seem perky today.
Izumi: Ahaha, you can tell? I’m happy because the curry I made was pretty good.
Sakyo: Huh, ain’t that nice.
Izumi: Yep! But you look a little tired, Sakyo-san.
Sakyo: (... It must show on my face.)
Sakyo: Nah, must be your imagination. Though I am a little hungry.
Choice 1: Really?
Izumi: Really?
Sakyo: Really. Don’t make a big deal out of it.
Izumi: Okay, but please don’t push yourself too hard.
Sakyo: Yeah, thanks. Anyway, this strange smell… Is that today’s curry?
Izumi: Yep. I’m sure if you eat it, you’ll be shocked, Sakyo-san!
Sakyo: Is it some unusual kind of curry?
Izumi: Heh, heh, that’s something for you to eat and find out. I’ll go fix you a plate!
Choice 2: Do you want to eat curry?
Izumi: Do you want some curry, then?
Sakyo: Yeah, if you could prepare some right now. So, what kind of curry did you make today?
Izumi: Sri Lankan chicken curry. It’s made with tomatoes and coconut milk!
Sakyo: Sounds promising.
Sakyo: (I feel like my fatigue disappeared as I was talking with her. I’ve got to take finding a return gift seriously.)
part 1 | part 2
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toreii · 1 year
Lost in the Book with Stitch Part 12
Disclaimer: This is a fan translation. I apologize for any mistakes. I’m by no means fluent in Japanese, but I try my best. Please, support the official translation when it comes out. Be kind and friendly, and feel free to support me by donating a ko-fi if you’d like. Link is in my description!
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Uninhabited Island - Tropical Forest
Lilia: “Apparently, Stitch is hundreds of times smarter than we are.”
Floyd: “He’s even started drawing on the ground.”
Lilia: “This flat ship-like thing... is it the vehicle that broke down when we met?”
Floyd: “This drawing here is of the robot I fought earlier…and the parts he got after breaking it?”
Floyd: “Haha…I understand.”
Floyd: “Take the parts from Gantu’s robots chasing Stitch. Use the pieces to fix the ship.”
Floyd: “So that when it’s fixed, you’ll give us a ride back to school, right?”
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Lilia: “That alien named Gantu is not careless.”
Lilia: “Just because you turn yourself in, that doesn’t mean negotiations will go well.”
Lilia: “Even if we negotiate, that also doesn’t mean the promise will be fulfilled.”
Lilia: “So, it’s better to join hands with yourself. If you fix the spaceship, I’ll take you wherever you want.”
Lilia: “…I think that is what Stitch wants to say.”
Ace: “How do you both understand?”
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Riddle: “Floyd, Lilia-senpai, and Stitch. I think they might be on the same page.”
Jack: “A ferocious friend has joined the worst combination of Floyd-senpai and Lilia-senpai…!”
Grim: “I don’t want to listen to such a strange guy, but Gantu, who also attacked here, is pissed off…”
Grim: “Hmm. Yuu, what are ya gonna do?”
“Join hands with Stitch!”
Stitch: !
Ace: “Woah, Stitch also climbed on Yuu’s shoulder.”
Azul: “Decided as a friend. It really is a calculating creature.”
“It’s better to follow Gantu…”
Riddle: “Stitch is approaching Yuu…?”
Riddle: “He jumped on Yuu’s shoulder!”
Jack: “This guy is buttering up Yuu. They’re going to give in.”
“He’s so cute…”
Grim: “Grrrr…! I'm so pissed! What a cunning and disgusting bastard!”
He’s heavy.”
Grim: “Hey, hang in there, Yuu! Grr~ Stitch, you're a cunning and disgusting fellow!”
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Floyd: “Everyone is getting used to Stitch.”
Lilia: “It doesn’t look like there are any problems with teaming with this guy?”
Riddle: “That’s right. Now that Stitch has made something for me, I think I can survive until morning…”
Riddle: “More importantly, if we can return to school, the situation changes.”
Riddle: “Rather than repair the relationship with Gantu, whom we already fought, it seems better to team up with Stitch.”
Riddle: “A pleasure working with you, Stitch.”
Ace: “Well, if we can escape the uninhabited island…I’ll help you out, Stitch.”
Ace: “But, don’t bite me anymore, okay? Let’s do good things.”
Jack: “I’ll have you know I’m not doing this one-sidedly. I’m working together to escape.”
Azul: “That’s right. I thank you for the temporary partnership.”
Grim: “Ugh……I don’t care for Stitch, but in order to escape…”
Grim: “…Fine! I’ll fix your spaceship.”
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Grim: “But, I’m the boss. So, you better listen to me!”
Grim: “Hey, stop it! Don’t stroke my head! I told you I’m the boss!”
Ace: “Ahaha. You’re good friends. Don’t you two look a bit like each other if you do that?”
Floyd: “Which one is Baby seal-chan, and which is Stitch.”
Grim: “Nyanou! We’re completely different!! I’m better than this guy…I’m better…”
Lilia: “So, are we resting today? We have to preserve our physical strength for tomorrow.”
Lilia: “When I flew through the sky, I saw something like a cave. Let’s spend the night there.”
Lilia: “It should be able to withstand the wind and rain.”
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Floyd: “Ah, are we sleeping outdoors? Then, why not start a campfire?”
Jack: “You can’t do it in this situation.”
Lilia: “Floyd…”
Lilia: “That’s tomorrow’s fun!!”
Ace: “I guess we’ll do it tomorrow…”
To be continued…
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l0lol0lol0loi · 1 year
My thoughts on Vere
I want to say that .....
Actually, Vere is not even my type...
I just give you a hint for understanding
Asra (Arcana) - Jumin Han (Mystic messenger) - Sage (LL) - Kentin (MCL)- Valkyon (Eldaria) - Kadzu (Romance Club) - Victor (RC)
As for game romance:
DA fandom
Zevran - Isabella - Iron Bull (yeah yeah joke about them being whores, but I like how they overcome difficulties, how they hide true feelings and Warden - Champion - Inquisitor try to read them,to talk things out, to form mental connection,
you have an option not to have sex with Zevran throughout the whole game and be lovers and get married;
you will patiently wait 3 years for Isabella to talk about feelings towards each other;
as for Bull... don't kill his screw...ahaha...awkward... learn to read him, just like he reads you and shower him with affection.
Vere may seem close to game romance but still there are lots of difference
All of them are not good educated (in arts, I mean, because Vere certainly does), mostly act friendly (Vere seems distant while three of other characters show true feelings), careless and charming, sex jokes, physical way of fight (Vere has some magic abilities, he steales MC's key with magic and has some shadows behind him in GG. But i am sure he uses weapon, like stilettos or his hands, hehe) , sarcastic, sudective (I mean clothes and lack of it, wink).
As for visual novels, Vere is just.... stands out, so to speak.
I guess his romance will go as Isabella's from DA2 or similar to it.
There will be a lot of refusal and denying of his feelings
Being torn apart between personal desires and MC's well being
Needs time and space to accept the thought of stable and healthy relationship, to change lifestyle
Sex and romantic relationship are different stuff ( when you feel love to someone, you can't have sex with that person. Yeah sounds funny, but when you romance Isabella or Zevran, there was a period of time when they caught feeling to mc and rejected all mc's offer to stay alone in a while. So Isabella and Zevran needed time to proceed that sex can be with a person who loves you and you love back)
That's what I remembered from da
As for Vere,
I just see 2 ways of romance
1. You both flirt with each other, but you always stop it when things go too far and spicy ("surrender" scene hello)
2. MC acts naive (naturally or on purpose) and does't react to his provocation
No matter what type of MC is there MC and Vere have to work together
Obviously, Mc has to reveal their curse. So I see their first interaction as something mutual.
Vere needs a person who has no connections to the city and Senobium, who can be useful to him (after all, mc's curseis damn dangerous and can be used against someone when no one expects that), who can be easily manipulated (Do you remember when he talks about MC's background like ..."Poor thing, I give your life a new meaning" and stuff like that).
As for Mc's side, he has an access to Senobium where he can look for info, he is experienced sharlatan having some shadow magic which MC has already seen, he is in desperate just like MC, he knows the city perfectly.
And their partnership will be business-like. Of course, Vere will tease and flirt with mc but he will keep his distance. He seems to me as someone whose trust is hard to gain but when you do... Omg.... hehe.... He won't change at all, except he will mess around more with you. He is that kind of a person who is normal outside (sassy and bitchy) but he melts inside every time when you do something cute, funny, ordinary things like cleaning or fixing your clothes.
In private he demands affection of yours in his way. Glaring at you expectingly, telling some nonsense/ words of double meaning to get attention. Then you look at him to see what's going on, you see him sitting seductively as usual , an innocent smile on his lips, but his eyes glow with promises of more...
He seems to me as very, very, very jealous person (he literally is jealous of Ais' pets imao even though they are just fwb). But he doesn't show it or he thinks so lol, you have to understand that by his spout face, his irritation and you should go w him somewhere privately (you have to trick him first because he won't go just like that, eg "oh i saw some slutty costume for you a fight between clerics of senobium and bloodhound, let's go) and give him small kisses all over his face. He definitely will tease you afterwards but during the process he is such a lovey dovey mess
He loves when you know what he wants... that's not what you may think ~~~~
I mean that guy can go to whorehouse, I am sure some important people of Senobium like to use him as a sex toy. Sex is casual stuff for him.
So when you give him a gift or cook his favorite dish, or just ask his opinion, he dies internally as he is overwhelmed w that affection you give him. Your treatment is so unnatural, unexplainable to him and yet so endearing and he craves for more...
But he won't ask it openly at early stages of relationship
Buuuut when you two are together for a long time he will be the one taking initiative, he won't ask your opinion he simply grabs your hand ans places it on his head and says "Between ears and try not to disturb my hair" or similar to it ehehe.
My list isn't over but I wanted to say something
I understand why Vere isn't so popular as babygirl of TS fandom:
1. his type is known in mass media ( slim, slippery, sarcastic, nasty dark magic wizard with some BIG ambitions). I can name some: Tomoe from anime Kami-sama Hajimemashita, sorcerers from WITCHER, mini boss from dlc PATHFINDER kingmaker. The list isn't ended but I am lazy to think about it.
2. he can kill mc ( it's so fun looking how ppl hate him for that. Vere, keep going!!!)
3. Has deep connection w Ais, some ppl don't want to ruin their relationship, others are jealous but afraid to admit
4. he is considered to be all about sex thing/flat and his boobs aren't big.
Just joking 🙃
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Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Azusa Dark [08]
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ー The scene starts in the forest
Kino: ーー So?
Do you need my help? Or not?
Azusa: ...I don’t. ...I’ll fix it myself somehow.
Kino: I see. Gotcha.
Azusa: I’m sorry. I...I have trouble genuinely accepting help from others like this...
I do appreciate it, of course...But...
( I can’t help but feel incredibly guilty somewhere deep inside my heart... )
( Because I believe that a weak, powerless Vampire such as myself...is not deserving of any help... )
Kino: ...Azusa?
Azusa: ...It’s nothing. Anyway, I’m in a hurry.
I’ll get going now, okay? I have to look for Ruki...
ー Azusa starts walking away
Kino: ...Haah.
You know. Life must be rough for you, no?
Azusa: Eh...?
Kino: I mean, it seems like you’re reluctant to ask people favors or rely on them for help.
I just think that’s kind of a shame. I’m the type of guy who will use anyone and anything at my disposal.
Azusa: ...
Kino: If you keep being like that, the whole world will walk right over you.
Wouldn’t you grow sick of such a life? You’d only make it harder on yourself. 
Azusa: ...It’s fine. That’s just who I am.
I don’t mind, so...
Kino: Hmm, I see.
But you know, even if you’re okay with it, does he feel the same as well?
Azusa: Are you...talking about Yui-san...?
Kino-san...How come you know about Eve...?
I can understand you’ve heard of us brothers before but how...?
Kino: ...Haah. Are you suspecting me of something? That’s kind of uncomfortable.
All four of you brothers and that girl are pretty famous down here in the Demon World, so it only makes sense for me to know about you, no?
Your girlfriend in particular is pretty much a VIP at this point. She’s even called ‘Eve’.
Azusa: But...What about it? I don’t think my issues and how Eve feels about it are related in any way...?
Kino: No, no, they definitely are!
It could be that she’s having to force herself to adjust to you.
Azusa: Adjust...?
Kino: From what I’ve heard, your family has to be pretty careful with money?
On top of that, she’s stuck with a boyfriend who willingly puts himself in a disadvantaged position.
I can’t help but wonder if she’s truly happy that way?
Even though if she wanted, she could have so much better of a life than she has right now with you...
Azusa: ...That’s...
Kino: For example, she could live a life full of luxury, allowing her to doll up with pretty clothes and accessoiries...
She’d be able to do all those things which girls love to her heart’s content.
Hey, Azusa. How do you think she feels about her current life?
Azusa: ...Ugh...
...I can’t answer that question. I’m not Eve after all...
Kino: Ahaha! I guess that’s true. 
Oh well, whatever. You were going to handle this by yourself, no?
We’ll get going then too. ーー Best of luck!
ー Kino leaves with his Ghouls
Azusa: ...
( Will Eve truly be happy if things stay the same, huh...? )
( I can’t deny that I won’t be able to make you feel like a Princess with our current lifestyle... )
( ...Hey, Yui-san. )
( Do you actually also wish to live a luxurious life deep down...? )
ー The scene shifts to the Big Hall at Eden
Yui: ...Phew.
( I think I’ll just wait until Azusa-kun returns after all. )
( If nobody’s waiting for him when he gets back...I’m sure he’ll be sad. )
( But...The fatigue is kicking in... )
ー Ruki enters the hall
Ruki: So this is where you’ve been.
Yui: Ah, Ruki-kun...
Ruki: Don’t tell me you’re going to wait here until Azusa returns?
Yui: Y-Yeah.
Ruki: ...
Go back to your room and rest up. You’re tired, aren’t you?
→ I guess that’s true
Yui: I guess I am...
But I’ll try waiting a little longer. I can’t help but be worried about Azusa-kun after all.
I promise I’ll go back to my room if I get the feeling that he’s really not coming home yet...
→ I’m okay (❦)
Yui: I can handle it.
Azusa-kun is trying his hardest by himself, so I can’t be the only one resting.
Ruki: ...I understand. I’ll leave this up to you.
Drink this and wait here.
Yui: Is this coffee...?
Ruki: Yes. I set some for myself earlier, but I think it’ll help you fight off the drowsiness.
Yui: T-Thank you, Ruki-kun!
Ruki: I’m going back to my room, but come to me as soon as something happens. Okay?
Yui: Yes. Thank you so much, really.
ー Ruki leaves
Yui: ...Nn...
Yui: ( My head does feel a little more clear... )
( I don’t know how long it’ll take, but I’ll try my best to wait. )
ー Somebody enters the Castle
???: ...
...You waited for me...
Yui: ( ...Huh? Did I doze off at some point...? )
( Ruki-kun was so kind to give me his coffee too... )
( ...Somebody is stroking my head...? )
( Who could it be...? But it feels nice... )
???: ...I’m sorry, Yui-san.
Yui: ( Uu... )
ー Yui opens her eyes
Yui: Azusa-kun...?
Azusa: Ah...My bad. I woke you up, didn’t I...?
Yui: ( He doesn’t seem to be bleeding, but he looks utterly worn out. )
...Are you injured? Everyting alright...?
( Did he did attacked by the Vibora perhaps, just like Ruki-kun assumed...? )
Azusa: Don’t worry. I’m not hurt...
A lot...of things happened though. But I’m alive and well.
Yui: ーー Azusa-kun!
ー She embraces him
Azusa: ...What’s wrong? Hugging me out of nowhere...
Yui: I’m sorry...I’m just so happy to see you again...
Azusa: ....I see. But I’m the one who should apologize.
You were all counting on me...but I failed...
Yui: No, it’s fine. I’m just happy that you came back unscathed...
That’s all what matters right now...
Azusa: ...Thank you.
ー She steps back
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: ...We have to patch you up. I’ll run you a bath as well, so wait here.
...Ah, right.
A little late but...Welcome back, Azusa-kun.
Azusa: Yeah...I’m back.
‘I wouldn’t want to disrupt everyone’s slumber...’
Out of respect for Azusa-kun’s decision, we decided to wait till tomorrow to let the other’s know about his return,
and headed back to our room to rest for now. 
Seems like Azusa-kun had actually wandered off onto Vibora territory after leaving Eden,
which is where he was ambushed. 
Since he already wasted quite a bit of time on simply getting himself out of this sticky situation,
he gave up on the task entrusted to him and came back,
that is what he told me with a regretful expression on his face.
His right hand holding onto mine,
trembled ever so slightly. He must have been terrified all by himself. 
When I tightly squeeze back, 
Azusa-kun smiles (微笑んで) gently at me. 
HIs scent and touch all feel incredibly comforting (心地よくて). 
Before I had noticed, I had naturally drifted off to sleep. 
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i'll mark off a new chapter with a ~ to make it easier for you akhdbfn
"can't imagine my life without her" OH MY POOR POOR YNYY HEART
oddly charming crocodile i'm wheezing
same yeseul
i too, would fold like origami at the sight of seonghwa
oh wait nvm i thought schnappi and yunho were about to take down kyungjae back to the story
OH PFFF YANGYANG BEING THE SERVER ngl i imagined that scene like one of the friends scenes
ngl that was milder than what i expected but hey i'd take that over a brawl in a coffee shop
and here i am sobbing as well
yunho and yangyang oh god 😭
i don't like how that chapter ended
y/n better get in line i was here first for the yeseul fan club
let me start a new ask for the rest of the chapters akjdfn i promise I'm not going to spam as much in the future I'm just hardcore procrastinating and have no motivation to study
slay girl i see you you are such a trooper
good thing the alternate's coming out AHAHAHAHHA oh yangyang you poor, unrequited soul.
When yunho's upset he just says shit AHAHAHAAHAHA
i was about to ask to what but Yeseul be spitting facts that whole mini update
~ it took everything in YN not to bend over in the middle of the cafe lemme tell you that
BRO IMAGINEEEE an all out brawl just steps away while YNSH are trying to fix their relationship lmfao lmfao
lowk there are so many *laugh track* moments in this chapter AHAHA
okay lets be real though would yangyang really win in a fight? yunho maybe but prominence!yangyang?!
he did it once before so he really didn't realize that doing it again would be so much harder
mood i gotchu girl
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k0uhi · 6 months
noo ahaha what do u mean im getting obsessed with the pairings of this year's april fool's event hahahahahahahah what do you mean
(short fics & hcs under the cut - before i forget)
ln!luka + wxs!meiko
shiho comments that she's never seen anyone pampered like that before (because luka's head was in meiko's lap) and to me that's two possibilities: that wxs!meiko was so distressed and missed her luka so much that she took the nearest one to calm herself; or that luka saw this meiko and immediately was overcome with the urge to put her head in meiko's lap
either way, my mothers are inseparable
can you imagine. they're lying on the forest floor and luka wakes up from her nap to see meiko who's looking at her but not at her. she misses her meiko too. so she indulges a little and reaches up to cup meiko's face in her hand and she doesnt expect it but meiko leans into it for a moment. they forget they have an audience actually.
when the exploration team comes back they see everyone red faced except n25!kaito, who looks surly, but if u ask him what happened, he'll explode
wxs!luka sleepily asks wxs!meiko what's going on, and meiko just pats her lap to let luka sleep. then ln!luka watches on the side pitifully and teases meiko about it. then ln!meiko pats her on the arm and says, it's a shame miku isn't here huh. luka swats her.
mmj!kaito + n25!miku
n25!miku comments in bewilderment that kaito gave her some water because it's his job as a manager to take care of everyone's health. this is completely not the kaito she's used to. she looks over at n25!kaito, who was watching them before they left the base. her expression is still dead but somehow she manages to convey, is this really you? and n25!kaito scoffs and said, you're an adult you can take care of yourself. then again, i should help you out since you probably dont know what to do
ena has words to say about that but mmj!kaito looks at him very disapprovingly. n25!kaito backs off, and says he has better things to do like light the fire
n25!miku looks at mmj!kaito again and he smiles at her and says, well you shouldnt take what he said to heart. he should've been nicer. and she says back, it's okay, we usually just let him since he apologises later. thank you kaito. and she looks at him like she's imprinted on a new big brother and oh no ena can see it. she's worried that she'd cry when they find their way out.
vbs!miku + ln!kaito
vbs!miku comments that kaito started avoiding her after she gave him a dish she seasoned and doesn't know why. girl he's too shy to say u need to fix it and knew you'd ask for an opinion since you're giving off strong cool girl energy. he's running away
she wants to ask vbs!kaito but he's already distracted with rui messing around with some drones. the next best thing was to ask kohane, so she did. she doesnt really get why kohane pales a little and tries to change the subject but whatever! all the kaitos seem really nice so far. they're probably more fragile than their kaito though, since kohane slapped her hand on her mouth when ln!kaito had quietly made a suggestion on where to look for food earlier on.
what! she was just going to make sure that kaito wasn't going to just look for ice cream!
she promises to herself that she'll be nice though, and when it's time for dinner, she makes sure that she's the one who hands him his food again even though he looks like he rather not, and she carefully, explicitly, says that she got it directly from the kitchen and didn't do anything to it.
their kaito immediately confirms this with a shout from the kitchen doors, and says "miku, you still havent graduated from meiko and i's oversight!!!!" she retorts back with "it's just seasoning! what could a little bit of salt do!"
"we don't have salt!"
their bickering goes on, and on. ln!kaito is saved from further interaction at least, when he gets to sit next to mafuyu and kanade.
n25!rin + ln!len
haruka notes that rin's been standing around on her own and len goes to play with her
it was inevitable when her len went with mizuki and rin vehemently denied wanting to stick to len. now rin looked a little dejected as they explored, so len started to talk to her and ask about cat's cradle, while he managed to steal a drone and they started playing with it
haruka is quietly relieved, but she doesn't notice that akito and rui make a mild comment about it as well. rui managed to craft a remote for the drone that he gives to len. and akito gets rin riled up enough to be less sharp, and more on the side of banter. mmj!luka asks how akito knows how to do that when he looks away and says something about his sister being the same
it's all just a little bit peaceful until ln!len crashes the drone and gets a little injured. n25!rin panickedly tugs at mmj!luka, but it's vbs!kaito who is most helpful. rin is visciously surprised how nice he is and desperately wants to tell someone, but mizuki is looking for food with her len, and n25!luka would just laugh it off.
wxs!miku also manages to make rin smile, so it was a plus.
ln!miku + n25!luka
ln!miku got SCARED of n25!luka im honestly so amused by this. it was nice to know she'd meet two other lukas and would be starstruck that one's an idol but the other is very much not like HER luka-senpai!!! why!!!!!!!
shes scary, she smiles with her mouth but her eyes are completely void. she laughs but it rings hollow. mafuyu looks quite the same but it's not like she can do anything about it!!!
she turns to look at their kaito, who is just as freaked out about vbs!miku, so she can't really ask him about it. and the kagamine pair from this luka's sekai are separated and completely different. so she. tries to talk, and there's this vibe that she's the same but not quite
emu seems to have more luck with this apparently, since mafuyu seems to go a little more soft around her but genuinely this luka is so scary ! she misses her luka
everyone else
umprompted this girl was just drawing haruka i have nothing to add my lesbians are having the time of their life even separated
emu + ln!kaito
he's literally just so shy but she still calls him onii-chan because he still is one.
kaito would not like to be called this (senpai is infinitely better) but he's also called ani by their rin so like. what can he do.
emu likes this kaito just as much as she likes her kaito — three kaito-onii-chans! but the quiet one reminds her so much of shousuke-onii-chan that she can't help it! she wants to glomp him! and he lets her even though the rest really says she should be more mindful
she is! but she could tell that he likes it, secretly. would like it that he could do it to his bandmates too!
nene + n25!kaito
nene's not used to this kaito, god help her. he's so serious and scowly, she thinks he looks a lot like a frustrated tsukasa if he ever genuinely got pissed. he snaps when he's spoken to and when he initiates it's. a bit fine? but also he still looks like he wants to murder her in her sleep so she clings to anyone who could stand in front of her as a barrier.
but of course all is not perfect in the world. which means that everyone's out and busy when she's assigned to the camp alone with him and he's lighting the fire but doesn't know how.
she notices, but doesnt say anything until he frustratedly looks up from his task and he says, "hey, you."
she's seen ena talk back at him before and knows he caves easily if you show enough spine, but tsukasa nor emu is here at the moment so can you forgive her if she stutters a little when she answers him back and he asks for help?
she makes her way over and hopes it's not obvious that she's really really nervous but he's calm and he doesn't get angry, so she lets herself relax. he's just so different from the big brother, mothering, kaito she knows? everyone else from their sekai seem to miss him too. she overheard luka saying she lost another pillow and meiko said she lost someone to throw.
he says "thanks" after she shows him the spark of kindling and a shot of bravery makes her say "don't you have something similar, in your sekai?"
"there's nothing in that one's sekai" he replies. she really has no idea how to reply to that so she doesnt.
rui + vbs!kaito
big brother kaito who is literally just unflappable and reliable troupe leader who to the best of his ability can barely only impress — here's a kaito who seems a little bit useless but also easily impressed
rui's not gonna let this chance slip and finally get to hear the words "rui-kun this is so cool!" from him. or not him. it's a kaito!
ena + ln!meiko + mmj!kaito
she squints at him. he's so nice it's almost suspicious. and so kind. he reminds her of this other kaito that she met once upon a time in mikudemy. maybe theyre cousins, like he said? certainly they have the same demeanor. it makes sense
she watches this kaito hand n25!miku water and she feels so bad. man. their kaito needs to be nicer to everyone even if she knows that's not gonna happen. during their trip she overhears ln!meiko and mmj!kaito talk and apparently theyre close in age? kaito's a manager of an idol unit, while meiko is the drummer of a band.
they talk about keeping pace with the rest of the group and notice that she's listening in and includes her in the comversation
she has no idea why it feels like she's talking to two parents but she's not complaining! or maybe she is a little because theyre so nice it's so weird. she is half expecting for meiko to zone out or kaito to snap but they just keep talking.
she wonders how the rest are faring as they pile her with questions on what she's doing, and some encouragement.
mafuyu + vbs!meiko
she could say she was glad about everything, but that would be a lie since she doesn't actually know if she's relieved about it. hinomori is with her. and so is the luka she's familiar with, and mochizuki. but the rest... well...
she doesn't know them, period.
but since they're cleaning up the base, they kind of need role designation, and this meiko says she runs a cafe so she can be the barista
which is all well and good. mafuyu helps with the set up until meiko asks her if she wants to see how to brew coffee
she has nothing better to do so she says yes. meiko is quiet, but not the same way as her meiko. she hums, taps her feet. shes lively in a way that her meiko seems to deflate
she doesnt say anything
well at least until meiko asks her if theres anything she likes, and for some weird compelling reason she says she might be ok if they dont go home
it kinda spirals from there, an avalanche of words. good thing yhe rest werent there to see it
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consultingjedi · 1 year
For the fic ask game: 🌤️ 🌈☔
🌤️: favorite piece of dialogue
this is from the trigun [redacted] fic, trimax post canon, a scene waaaaaaaaay late in the fic
"What, do you want me to pinkie-swear?"
Wolfwood hooks a finger into Vash's, flesh to glove. "Sure, if it'll make you keep it."
"You've been hanging around the kids too long."
"Be glad I'm not makin' you spit and shake on it." Wolfwood doesn't move.
🌈: something soft/fluffy
... ahaha. haha. soft and fluffy. right. this is from the werewolf/vampire trigun au sequel
Milly jumps out of the passenger side and beelines right for Wolfwood, burying her face in his neck heedless of the bloodstains on what's left of his shirt. Or maybe she hasn't noticed them. Something quakes in Wolfwood at the impact, but his hands come up, only hovering for a moment before he pats her back and settles into the hug.
"Hey, big girl," he murmurs.
☔: a fic concept you have that you'd like to just explain and share because you're not sure you'll ever write it?
you've seen the vast majority of fic concepts i can envision, lol. hm. the time loop fic comes to mind first, the one a bunch of folks in the trigun discord were talking about; a long form fic where in trimax things are going worse than they did in canon in the last volume and vash makes a desperate final play with the last of what he's got... and it lands him a couple decades in the past. or maybe his landing point is different each time. he can never stop the fall, it's a fixed point, but everything else seems changeable.
except it turns out to get the ending he wants, the ending he wished for when he started the loop, some other things have to stay the same as that first loop too. vash can't keep wolfwood or livio from the eye of michael, july always meets its end one way or another... and because the fall is fixed, because he never quite jumps back far enough, he can never save tesla. that one always, always hurts.
the time loop exit condition is life. vash has to live, and so does wolfwood. and so do meryl and milly. and so does knives. it takes him so long.
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ashethehedgehog · 9 months
Hello there Ash! I am the anon that asked a while ago about being on board to see your top yugi stories again. Not only because I would read them again and again but also because there were some one-shot stories along with the maybe still in progress Vampire AU that I did not get a chance to read or complete and would love to if given the chance again and then comment to you how I love the story is afterwards. Once again no pressure, just a fan of your works that I love dearly.
Hi anon! I do remember you asking! I haven't had much time to work around it, but I do wanna fix up that account and put it back up, with maybe a password entry system so it's less findable (I like it being mostly a secret these days, but tumblr doesnt have locked accoounts like twitter does sadly). If I do that I'll make an announcement post here about it, I promise!
Actually the Vamp AU is still technically a WIP, because i never posted the final chapter (its half written, i just never go around to the last part) but i hate to leave a project unfinished, so i will definitely be trying to find time to finish that when I can!
There was over 100K worth of smut on that account, so I understand not everyone had read it all when I hid the account ahaha. Hopefully soon in the future I can get it running again!
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rrazor · 3 years
hq boys post wisdom teeth extraction
tags: fluff, soft boyfies lol
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kuroo tetsurou wakes up and immediately the first thing he tells the professionals around him is that he wants to see his girlfriend because he knows you’re waiting for him and “i love her so much 🥺🥰" he says it a few more times and everyone laughs at how doped up he is both from the drugs and you. when you walk in to take notes on how to take care of him afterwards, he just stares at you as he holds you hand with the SOFTEST LOOK on his face like 🥺😍☺️❤️💕💖💝🥺🥰💖💝☺️
tetsu cannot stop looking at you and u almost have to plead with him to watch where’s he walking like tetsu pls we don’t wanna have to come back to get your front teeth done sweetie 🅱️lease!!!!!! other than that he is pretty easy to reason with it as long as you promise to kiss every part of his face once in a particular order and if u mess up, unfortunately, you’ll just have to start over again sigh it makes his heart go 💥💥💥
bokuto kuroo offers to drive him back home and brings you along to support and comfort him. he helps kou get into the back with you but he refuses and goes “kuroooooo, she’s too pretty, I dun wanna sit next to her ☹️” LMFAO kuroo rolls his eyes and just sits him down and buckles him in despite his protests HA
kou is super nervous and keeps looking over you when he thinks you aren’t looking like 🥺😊 and you decide to play along and ask him how he’s feeling and if he’s in pain and he shakes his head and goes “‘m okay, you’re really pretty though 🥺😍” kuroo snorts in the front seat and you’re trying rlly hard to not laugh at how cute he is so you take his hand and kou lit rally thinks he’s gonna pass out when you call him handsome and ask him out before kissing his cheek. he starts crying as he says things like “kuroo!!!! the pretty girl is my girlfriend now!! 🥺❤️😭💖💕😭😭🥳”
akaashi you’re already by his side by the time he wakes up but he doesn’t remember jack so he goes “hello, have u seen my girlfriend? she looks just like you. can u tell me if u see her? I would like to see her—she’s my everything 😊🥰” UGGHH KISS HIIMMM
he doesn’t remember who you are until the medication wears off but you manage to convince him that you’re gonna take him to his girlfriend so you can take him home 💀 and he spends the whole car ride really pretty quiet until you ask him why he’s so fidgety and then he softly tells you “i… can’t wait to see my girlfriend 🥺🥰💕 she said we’d go on an ice-cream date after🍦i hope she’s not mad that it’s been so long 🥺❤️💗” AHDHJANAA like a little happy babyyyy 🥺😭
oikawa tooru’s procedure finishes earlier than expected and has a dental hygienist watching over him as they wait for you and for some reason he starts to sing, but it’s really out of tune because of all the cotton in his mouth and the dental hygienist is just standing there, taking it. you can hear him down the hall as you walk into his room and he’s so excited to see you!!! “did you hear me sing for you, babe? i didn’t want you to get lost in this maze 🥺🥰” “yes, i did, tooru, tysm you don’t have to sing anymore 😊😇💕”
tries to pull you into his lap as the dentist goes through the aftercare procedures and whines “pleasssseeeee, it huuurrrrrttttts i just want cuddddlllleesssss 😭☹️🥺💕” you opt to sit on the edge of the chair as he buries his head in your back 🥰
iwaizumi YOU try to flirt with hajime because he doesn’t remember that you’re his girlfriend and he’s all like stop!!! i have a girlfriend! 😡 AHAHA so you decide to ask him about his lovely girlfriend and he gets the softest smile on his face omggg and he starts going on about how hardworking you are ❤️, determined 💘, beautiful 💖, how nice you smell 😳
when you tell him its you he doesn’t believe you!!! like stop u r trying too hard, stranger!!! 😠 It’s not until you bring up a photo of yourselves and stick it next to your face does he go all soft again like babe i missed you 🥺 there was this weirdo trying to flirt with me, i’m so glad you’re here 🥰 and you tell him that the weirdo was you and he’s like “no, you’re better than that” LMFAAOO THANKS HAJIME 😭
matsukawa his mom is there to pick the two of you up and he’s holding your hand as he turns to you, super concerned and goes “babe, we forgot my teeth 😞” HWJJCKWJSJEF 💀 he’s all pouty and its sooooooo cute LMFAO WHAT DID HE THINK A REMOVAL WAS??? but you play it cool and squeeze his hand and say “i didnt forget you though 😊” he nods like a little kid and says “yeah” and tries to pull you into his lap so that you can cuddle but his mom is right there and you’re tryna be a good passenger and stop him from unbuckling your seatbelt: issei, we can cuddle when we get home!!!!
this giant dude just looks at you all 🥺 and BEGS like “babe please, just a little, i just want to hold you 🥺💕” he tries to guilt trip you like “c’mon, babe, you forgot my teeth” 😭😭😭 STFU u somehow make it back to his place and he tackles you into the couch and promptly falls asleep in 2 minutes flat 😴 his mom thinks its hilarious and thanks u for taking care of him ☺️❤️
hanamaki straight up asks you if you have a boyfriend. you say yes and he gets REALLY SAD OH MY GOD and is all “oh ☹️🥺” but then you cup his cheek and hold one of his hands and start telling him what your boyfriend looks like and how he has cute strawberry hair and pretty eyes and how handsome he is and talking about his cute little eyebrows and how good he is at volleyball and takahiro is like…. 🧐🤨 is that…… me??? but then he’s like wait it couldn’t be and gets all sad again 😭
you can’t take how sad he is and tell him it’s him!!!!! you give him some kisses as an apology 😭🥺💖❤️ and he’s all really?!!? 🥰💖💕💝🥳💕as he pulls you close to rest his head on your chest. he asks you to talk about how much you love him again 😭🥰🥺 refuses to remove himself from you
kyoutani he’s got this super angry expression on his face and everyone stays a good ways away from him 😬 when you come in, you get the same 😡 but then he chills because you’re wearing that one dress he went out of his way to buy for you when you were window shopping together that one time and he’s like …..suspicious why is she wearing her dress 😒 HAJFKAKSW KENTAROU
but THEN he sees the bracelet he got you for your one year anniversary and takes a whiff of you (um 😷) and NOW he’s all WAIT…… connections r being made—he gets super handsy 😳💕 really likes it when you kiss his forehead 🥺 and glares daggers at the dentist with his head on your chest, arms around your waist as you stand next to him and listen to what the aftercare instructions are because he’s all like grrr my girlfriend!! no touch!!! 😡🤬
daichi omg daichi is SO SHY and BASHFUL like he looks at you all 🥺🥰 and when you look towards him he immediately looks away but it’s so obvious because his ears are red and you can see his blush high on his cheekbones 😭🥺💕 you ask him what’s wrong and he’s stuttering trying to ask if you have a boyfriend and you’re like yes 💔
his face FALLS and it hurts but then you show him your matching engagement rings 💍 like “we’re fiancés, dai 🥰❤️” and he almost cries as hard as when he heard you say yes 😭💖💕 he’s so EMBARRASSED when you show the video back to him 😭 suga and asahi clown him 🤧
sugawara fella wakes up, looks you in the eye and is like “they’ve rebuilt me, babe✨” what? “the technology!!!” ??? “they made me better than i was before: better, stronger, faster 🤖💪🧠" LMFAO thinks he underwent some experiment like no we just fixed your teeth 😌
when you tell him so he gets a little dejected and asks you if you’d still love him without any upgrades with his lips pursed and his cheeks pink as he plays with your hands 🥺💗 like OFC KOUSHI!!! 🥰🥺❤️ really sweet and giggly on the bus ride home—holds you close and draws circles on your skin as he talks about the strangest things 🙈💖
kageyama no inhibitions so tobio is very attached to you!!! when he wakes up to see you next to him, he grabs you in his half-asleep state to leave slobbery kisses all over you like some dog before he falls back asleep again 💀 he wakes up twenty minutes later to see that you’re gone (had to wash off his spit 😬) and he panics when he doesn’t see you 😭🥺
he gets up to try to look for you and the second you come back, he hugs you and is all ☹️ telling you “don’t go too far, i wanna always be able to find you 😠🥺” you rub his back and pinky promise to stay close by and he’s so relieved he falls asleep standing 😴💕 like …..thanks 🤧 asks if he can play volleyball and pouts rlly hard when the dentist says no 😭💔
atsumu atsumu is loopy af and he wanted to go to the washroom so the poor staff had to hull around this 6’2”, 80kg man around but then you walk in just as they’re about to turn the corner and the moment he sees you, he’s goes “BABIEEEEE, I loOoove yoU! 😍” in this super adorable, high pitched sing-songy voice and makes OBNOXIOUS kissy faces at you but it looks so funny because his mouth is full of cotton 😭😭🤧🥴 the nurses tell you he’s a keeper but then he promptly slips and nearly falls on his face trying to walk over to you unassisted 🙄
the walk to the car is SO HARD because he clings to you like a baby koala and whines when you try to get him to loosen up so that you can get better leverage to support his weight like atsumu pls we’re almost there, just let go for a bit and he’s all puppy eyed like “don’t 🥺 ya 🥺 love 🥺 me 🥺 baby???????? i jus’ wanna be close to ya 💔💔💔” JAJCJJWNCMS he denies all of it when he sobers up
osamu all this fool remembers is that he has a girlfriend and that she looks EXACTLY like you but his brain synapses aren’t working like they used to 😔 so he doesn’t remember that YOU are literally his girlfriend so he just sits there and goes all “you look so much like her….. i miss her sm 😢🤕😞” with this faraway look in his eyes AS IF YOU WERE DEAD 💀 THE DISRESPECT
he rlly wants to hold your hand and touch you but like u aren’t his girlfriend right??? but you tell him u are after rolling ur eyes and show him some photos of the two of you as proof and he’s all “oh!” 😳 and he smiles so broad you can see his little dimple on his left cheek 😭💖 because he can FINALLY hold your hand 🥰 no filter so he whisper-begs for kisses throughout the entire time the dentist talks you through his surgery and how to care for him and you’re so embarrassed JAJCJKAKDSS “pls, pls can i have a kiss” you give him one “can i have one here now” “what about here” “pls another one pls” 🥺🥺🥺 at least he’s polite JAJCNKAFB
suna rin remembers you and right when he wakes up to see you next to him he says, “hello, wife 💖" and waits for your response but like wtf do u SAY like you’ve only ever heard him tell you he loves you that ONE time he thought u were ASLEEP!!! and you haven’t even talked about anything beyond dating yet!!! is it the anaesthetic that’s making him say this or is he just fooling you??? 💀😵 a few minutes later, he sighs and goes “you’re supposed to say ‘hello, husband ❤️’….” 🙄🥱
show him the video after the anaesthetic wears off and he’ll sit there looking at you like “….well? i’m still waiting? 😐” ugH modern romance am i right HAHDJKAKSKAA
ushijima wakatoshi thinks you’re another nurse even though you’re dressed nothing like them and he asks you when his girlfriend is coming and if she knows he’s done with the procedure and also “have you met my girlfriend? she is very beautiful and very kind. you must meet her ☺️” he asks the same questions to the dentist who comes in to talk to you afterwards and they’re looking at him like ?????? “isn’t this your girlfriend, ushijima-san?”
wakatoshi just goes 😯, looks at you and says your name so softly and in the sweetest way possible and tells you he missed you and he loves you and he wants to go get curry from that one restaurant later and the dentist tells you they’ll be back later as you sob 😭😭❤️💕❤️😭💖
semi eita thinks you’re one of the office receptionists when you walk in and asks you if you, his girlfriend 💕, had been notified that the procedure was done and you’re all uh yes she does, she’s coming soon!! he nods very cutely and thanks you, handsome smile on his face at the thought of seeing you 🥰 he turns around to look at the window and you just stand there all 😶 he HUMS softly as he waits and it’s that one song he played for you on his guitar HAJXNJSW 😭🥺💘❤️
he turns back around thirty seconds later like “babe?? is that you?? you got here so fast 😍🥺💖😚” as if it wasn’t you THE WHOLE TIME 💀 melts when you kiss his cheeks tenderly 🥰 plays with your fingers as he softly looks into your eyes!! 😍
tendou really wants to get his wisdom teeth back like just because you pulled them out doesn’t make them yours, sensei 🙄 LMFAO the dentist gives him his teeth afterwards and he holds them out for you and you’re like “tysm for your bloody, gross teeth, satori 🥰😬” “AWWW you’re welcome 😊 aren’t they cute? ya think our kids will be this cute? 💖”
many thoughts: 1) oh god oh GOD he wants to have KIDS WITH YOU!! MARRIAGE??!? 😵❤️ 2) y does he think his molars r cute and y does he hope your kids will look like nasty teeth 😭💀 he’s rlly adamant about you lazing around with him. keeps showing u his teeth for some reason but gives the cutest smiles and hums when you feed him his fav chocolate ice cream 💗💗💗
goshiki he tries to flirt with you but its so funny and endearingly awkward because he’s got all the gauze in his mouth and he isn’t that good at it and he’s on the verge of tears half the time and you dont know why??? you ask him and his brows are all furrowed, pout on his lips and says “just wanna be your boyfriend pls 🥺💕” “yeah?” “yeah,” he nods. “i promise to do my best 🥺”
when you tell him you’re already dating, he starts to cry and is all like i have to tell all my friends 😭 tsutomu cries to the dentist like “sensei, y’know, we’re boyfriend and girlfriend 😭❤️” he quiets down when you brush through his hair with your hands ☺️
terushima you walk into his room after he’s done and ask the dental hygienists how he’s doing and he looks at you all confused like 🤨 and asks the hygienists who you are. they think you’re married for some reason and say “that’s your wife!” and you’re so EMBARRASSED but also super happy on the inside HAHA he straight up goes “DAAAMMNNN, I did alright, huh?! when we bustin’ outta here?!” 🤪😜🥴😘 as if he could actually differentiate between left and right, up and down 😔
just in case, he asks you if you’re his wife at the same time the dentist asks if the two of you will be okay from here on out and you nod to the dentist’s question but yuuji thinks it’s for him so he lays back down with this satisfied look on his face like HELL YEAH alright, alright, alright 😌🥰🥴 and does those little nods SIDJAJJDJSJFJR HAHAHAHA
sakusa omi lets you play with his bangs and hands as you wait for the dentist and he LOVES IT softest smile on his face!! RIDICULOUSLY CLINGY!!!! he does NOT want you to leave him at all, will not let you go to the bathroom even though you’re like “omi, please, the dentist is busy with another patient right now, i’ll be back soon before we go through the aftercare stuff” “no” “omi, i have to pee” “do it here” and now it’s you who’s all 🤢
gets really defensive and protective when the dentist comes in and just shoves his head in your chest because he doesn’t want to look at them LMFAO death grip around your waist 🤧 when you show him what he said about you going to the bathroom he demands you delete it “omi, i didn’t know u loved me that much 🥰🥺💕” “…………..🤐”
hoshiumi kourai insisted he was fine on his own “nothing is impossible for hoshiumi kourai, national athlete 😤” when the dentist asked if he needed someone to watch over him and the dentist is 🤨 ok sir and leaves after he falls asleep. when he wakes up, no one’s in his room and he has to use the washroom and he’s like i’ll do just it myself 🙄 he tries to stand and promptly collapses to the floor. he CRAWLS around on his stomach and makes it out of his room just as you walk in and you’re like KOU whY are you on the FLOOR like a ROACH 😭😭😭
it’s like you’re reenacting some dramatic romance movie as kou groans around the gauze and makes poor attempts to stand up, holding onto you LAKDSHLASKAHD 💀💀💀 asks you to get on the floor with him because he honest to god can’t get UP so that he can cuddle with you as the dentist and his assistants stand two feet away 🥰💕 tries to fight the staff when they get too close to you trying to help him get back to his bed HAJJFKAKDMAD
extra: kita shinsuke (lol) when kita finishes his wisdom tooth extraction, he looks at you like this and doesnt remember who you are; he thinks you’re here for another patient and doesn’t say a word to you because his grandma taught him not to talk to strangers.
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bohemianrhvps · 3 years
Can I join you? - G.W.
Summary: (Y/N) and her boyfriend George are living their relationships just amazing, they get along, they rarely have fights and their sex life is just perfect. Deep down (Y/N) knows that George has a mommy kink so one night, after a long day at Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes, (Y/N) finally tries something new.
warnings: NSFW 18+, SMUT, unprotected sex, swearing, mommy kink, oral sex (male and female receiving), sub!George, dom!reader, praise kink, spitting kink, face riding.
note: this is my first smut, be kind with me ahaha
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Deep down in your heart you knew that George has a mommy kink, at least you kinda understood that and you were lying if you said that it didn’t turn you on. When it came to you sex life he was always the dom, he was always in charge and it wasn’t a big deal though but you wanted to be in charge for once.
George was still working and you’ve waiting for him for an hour so you decided that tonight was the night and you had a great plan so you went to your and George’s shared room and you took out your new set from your drawer. It was a yellow lace set, it was simple but you were sure that George would go crazy about it. You went changing and you put your yellow silk robe, leaving your hair loose; while you were drinking your water in the kitchen you hear the door opened revealing your tired boyfriend dressed in his work uniform. That damn uniform.
“Hello Georgie.” you said getting closer to him, admiring the way his muscles flexed while he took off his jacket. He turned your way and looked at you from your head to your toes, smirking lazily.
“Well hello to you, gorgeous.” he said back to you, putting a hand on your back and kissing you softly.
“Mh baby, rough day?” you asked innocently looking up at him leaving your hand on his chest.
“Hell yeah, me and Freddie had a lot to take care: shelves to store, customers to please and paperworks to fix.” he sighed.
“Let me take care of you, yeah?” you started kissing his jaw and you knew that it was the spot that drove him crazy. You lowered your hand through his chest and stopped right on his crotch palming him through the fabric of his pants.
“Angel what are you doing?” he asked you closing his eyes and letting his head fall back, completely relaxing under your touch.
‘It is now or never.’ you thought.
“Tonight you call me mommy, until I’m done with you.” you almost whispered in his ear, feeling his member getting harder. At the mention of the word “mommy” George’s eyes widened and you heard him mumble something like ‘bloody hell’.
“Do you understand, Georgie?” you asked a little surprise to her this authority in your tone.
“Yes” he whispered licking his lips.
“Yes what?” you said gripping your hand on his crotch earning a groan from George.
“Yes, mommy.”
“My beautiful boy.” you said kissing his cheek.
You took his hand and you both walked over your shared bedroom, closing the door behind you and pointing at the bed telling George to sit down. He took his seat at the edge of your shared bed and looked at you, never taking his eyes off you. You opened your robe and his eyes darkened at the sight of your new lace set.
“You’re going to be the death of me, mommy.” he said running a hand to his face.
“No baby” you answered getting closer to him, touching your lips with his. “Mommy just wanna make you feel good, so good.”
You straddle his lap and kissed him roughly, moving your hips and pulling his hair and made him moan so you took the opportunity to let your tongue slide into his mouth and exploring it. Lazily you pulled away and stared at him, he was absolutely handsome: his cheeks were slightly red, his lips swollen and slightly open and his eyes were shut. You put your index finger on his cheek and rub your hips against hips.
“Hey, pretty boy, look at me.” you said softly drawing his attention on you. He looked at you with pure adoration in his eyes, putting his hands on your bum and caressing it softly.
“You’re absolutely breathtaking, you know that mommy?” his voice was raspy, a few octaves lower than usual and that made your cheeks growing red; even when you were supposed to praise him he was the one to make you blushing.
“Sh pretty boy, tonight is about you. You’ve been working so hard lately and I’m so proud of you, my love, but let me take care of you tonight, yeah?” he nodded slowly while you put your hands on his shirt.
“Can I take this off?” you asked sweetly already knowing the answer.
“Yes, mommy. Yes, please take it off.” he couldn’t wait for you to go on and it made you giggle.
“Eager, are we?” you started to unbutton his shirt and staring at his freckled chest.
“Can I take off your robe, mommy?” he said almost shyly, caressing your thighs and looking at you with doe eyes.
“Yes baby, go on and take that off.” you couldn’t say no to your pretty boy so you just let him undressed you.
You soon left him shirtless throwing both his shirt and your robe on the floor. You got on your feet and took him by his wrist, pulling him up with you.
“Can I undress you? Being totally naked for me?” you asked him looking right into his eyes. No matter how many times you had sex, consent has always been the most important thing if you wanted to move forward.
He simply nodded waiting for you to go on and you did. You got on your tip toes and placed a small kiss on his lips and then you got on your knees. You unzipped his pants and you could see the bulge in his boxers, you placed a hand on his crotch and you could tell how painfully hard he was.
“So big, Georgie.” you praised him and heard him groaning, it was one of your favourite sounds in the world.
You got rid of both his pants and boxers and now he was standing there in front of you, naked and beautiful as ever.
“Lie on the bed, pretty boy.” You leaned your hand over his chest and helped him lie down. Once he was lying on the bed, you lied yourself on your side near him. One arm was near his head, helping keeping you up while you started playing with his hair. Your other hand was on his lower stomach, teasing him.
“I want you to look me in the eyes while I touch you, do you think you can do that for me?” you pressed a kiss on his nose looking at him with a little smile.
“Yes mommy, I wanna be good for you, I’m gonna be so good for you.” he begged.
“Good boy.” you pecked his lips and started staring into his beautiful eyes. You took his now hard member into your hand and start to pumping him slowly, painfully slow. He moaned looking into your eyes and you felt yourself getting wetter and wetter.
“Let me hear your voice, pretty boy.” one hand was pumping him and the other one was in his hair, caressing it gently. George has always been the dom between the two of you so you kinda learned how to be a soft dom observing him, treating him the way he always treated you and he was beyond enjoying it, every single part of it.
“Mommy can you please go faster?” he said looking at you, letting slip a loud moan when he felt your hand pumping faster.
You were jerking him off while looking into each other’s eyes, he was moaning your name like a beautiful mantra and you sweared you felt in heaven. You leaned in and start kissing him passionately. You both making out while your hand kept jerking him off.
“(Y/N) I’m clos-fucking hell.” you picked up your peace and you could feel him twitching in your hand. Then you suddenly stopped.
“Why’d you stop?” his eyes widened, he was so close to his orgasm and you denied it to him.
“I thought that I made it clear that my name tonight is mommy.” you slapped his cock and he whimpered.
“I-I’m so s-sorry, mommy. It won’t happen again, I promise.” he answered babbling.
“You’re so pathetic.” You kissed him roughly and started to pump him again, finding your peace with your hand and feeling him twitch again.
“You wanna cum, pretty boy? Cum for me, do it for your mommy.” you kept your face close to his and he was moaning on your lips. He let out the loudest moan you ever heard and you pressed his member on his stomach, let him cum on it.
“Look at the mess you made. So dirty.” you kept pumping him slowly, riding out his orgasm and lowering your gaze on his stomach.
“Let mommy clear that mess.” you positioned your self between his legs, your hand on each side of his body and your ass up. You pulled out your tongue and you licked a part of his stomach, taking his cum in your mouth and never break the eye contact with him. Tease.
He groaned and he kept looking at you, the way you licked him, the way your ass was up behind you, the way your tits fitted perfectly in that laced bra and your eyes, your angelic doe eyes. This made him instantly hard again, he could never get enough of you. He was balls deep in love with you and in that moment he knew you were the one.
“You taste so good, pretty boy. Sweet like candy.” you put your fingers on his stomach and spreading his cum all over it. You took a little of his cum in your fingers and brought them to his mouth. He opened his mouth and took your fingers in it, sucking and licking them tasting himself. You moaned at the sight and took off your fingers with a ‘pop’.
“Sit on my face, mommy.” you snapped your head in his direction the moment you heard him speak.
“But baby tonight’s ab-“
“Please, make me happy and sit on my face.” he interrupted you as he sit down and grab your hands. You smiled at him and you kissed him passionately, while he took of your panties. You straddle his lap and made your way up until you reached his face. You put each of your knees on the side of his head and he embraced your thighs.
“You’re so beautiful from down here.” he winked in your direction and your ruffled his hair. He licked your slit and kept his eyes on you, waiting for your reaction. As soon as you felt his tongue on your pussy you let out a breathy moan and your hands found the headboard in front of you. You lowered your eyes on the boy between your legs and you found him already looking at you. You moved your hips slowly and he began to draw imaginary circles with his tongue on your clit. Soon his tongue was replaced by his thumb while his tongue found its way on your entrance, teasing you.
“So good, baby.” you moaned licking your lips and looking at your lover. He suddenly started to eat you out faster and rougher, pornographic moans and obscene noises were filling your shared bedroom. You felt a knot in your stomach and you knew you were close.
“I’m close baby. I’m gonna cum all over your handsome face, my love.” a loud moan slipped off your mouth as you felt his tongue licking you and his mouth sucking like crazy. He was eating you out like you were his last meal and he wanted to make you feel good just like you did with him. He began to move his head up and down, from left to right and you were arching your back feeling on cloud nine. You frowned your brows and your mouth was in a ‘O’ shape as you were cumming hard on your boyfriend’s face.
“Fuck baby, fuck!” getting up from his face you lowered yourself on his body, straddling his lap and let his cock slipping through your slits. Moving your hips slowly, you could feel his hard cock hitting your sensitive clit. You reached your back and you took off your bra, leaving your chest exposed.
“Are you ready for me? Mommy’s ready to take your pretty cock, Georgie, but are you ready for me?” you were caressing his toned chest, scratching it slightly.
“I’m always ready for you, mommy.”
At his words you got up and put your hand to his member and teasing your entrance with his head, which was leaking with pre-cum. You lowered your hips slowly and you both moaned at the feeling. Leaning towards him you pressed your chest on his and your hands found their way on his shoulders. You pressed a kiss on his lips and you murmured a quick ‘I love you’ before moving your hips up and down his cock. His hands were on your back, touching every part of it and keeping you close to him.
“You’re so big, so fucking big.” you praised him getting up and putting your hands on his chest, moving your hips rougher and faster finding your peace. You were both a moaning mess and you both knew you couldn’t last longer so you collapsed on his chest and lifted your hips. George grabbed your butt and began to trust his hips up, fucking you roughly and fast. You took his face in your hand, squeezing his cheeks murmuring a quick ‘open’ and you spit in his mouth, watching him swallowing your spit.
“I’m so close mommy, please let me cum.” he was begging for your permission but you needed a few trusts more.
“just hold on a little bit, baby.” you gripped his hair and put your forehead on his, moaning pornographically in his mouth.
“I can’t do it, please please let me cum please mommy.” he was so loud and sounded so desperate and you were loving every single moment.
“Cum with me, pretty boy.” you both came at the same time and you could feel him shooting his hot cum inside you, filling you up.
You both lied there for a few minutes, catching your breath with his cock still inside you.
“That was so fucking hot, oh Merlin.” he said smiling but still breathless.
You got up from his chest and lift your hips up, pulling him out of you. You caressed his cheek and kiss him sweetly.
“I guess I’m a good mommy then.” you winked at him and laugh, making your way through the bathroom. You ran a bath and put George’s favourite bath bomb in it and called him as soon as the bath was ready.
“Yes, sweetheart?” he said once he was in the bathroom.
“C’mon now, take a bath and relax.” you took his hand in yours and pulled him inside the bathtub. You got up and as soon as you were leaving you heard him cough. You turned around and he was looking at you with an eyebrow raised.
“Can I join you?” you asked him smirking.
He made you space between his legs and you both stayed there into each other’s arms, cuddling and talking about your future plans.
“I love you so much, Georgie.”
“I love you more, angel.”
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don-quixotine · 3 years
hi i come bearing humanitarian relief from optygami
so like, yikes huh?
I didn't expect all the angst and that last scene absolutely DESTROYED me in the worst possible way. Anywhoo, I was so unwell that I dreamt a follow-up. This is a new level of brainrot. So, without further ado welcoome to another edition of
bullet point fics that i'll probably never write but I need to get out of my system: post-Optygami edition
After Optygami, Chat pretends he's ok but he's actually quite sad that Ladybug didn't need him to defeat the Akuma. Even more so, that instead of going for him, she went for Rena and Carapace.
lol Milk Bar scene 2.0.
He tries to hide it, but unlike other things that make him sad like oh idk, his entire family life, this is new. And he can't hide it because Ladybug was the one person that never failed to make him feel needed and wanted.
So, he's at school and he's looking sad and Marinette notices. She kicks into Supporting Friend Mode the way she's done with Zoé, Juleka etc. and asks him what's wrong. Adrien at first doesn't want to say, but Marinette gives her one of her Motivational Speeches™️ and convinces him.
Adrien says that it's hard to explain, but he feels like someone really loves is pushing him to the side and he feels like he is not needed anywhere.
Marinette will very much Not Have That
So she starts telling him all the good things she sees in him and how everyone, especially her, is lucky to have him around. And girl ain't even blushing or stuttering.
"Adrien you're always so kind and compassionate to everyone, you always make time for us even though your Father is so strict with you. You're always willing to give everyone the benefit of doubt, even when they don't deserve it. You're a great friend"
Adrien high key is tearing up btw
And my boy is so starved for affection that he's just. He falls for her immediately??? He never realized Marinette saw him like that??
He feels so acknowledged???????
also Nino sees and he reassures him as well.
"Whoever this friend is can go take a hike if they don't value you, dude. smh I'll throw hands for you."
appreciate the i r o n y
Alya figures out Adrien is Chat Noir and she has that oh no moment. Without telling Mari why, she is ADAMANT that she tells Chat immediately about everything that has been going on with the guardianship.
"Trust me Marinette. Just trust me. You NEED to tell Chat about these things."
Marinette confesses she had not told him because she knows he's going to be very angry at her that she relied on someone else in her hour of need and she's scared she might lose him because lesser things have made him doubt himself to the point of returning the ring.
"Alya you don't understand," she says crying. "I know him. I know this is is going to hurt him so much."
Alya, out of curiosity, asks why she came to her and not Chat when things got too heavy and Marinette explains the incident in Chat Blanc and how absolutely scared to the bone she is that it might happen again. Not because she wouldn't be able to fix it, but because she couldn't bear seeing Chat being hurt like that again.
Eventually Marinette gathers the courage to tell Chat Noir and of course he's sad, heartbroken, angry and no matter how much Ladybug tries to apologize or reassure him that she trusts him, he simply can't.
Chat says he understands that she needed to lean on someone and it's her right to choose who that is.
"Don't worry m'lady, I understand. But... I need some time off. After all, something tells me you'll make do even if i'm not there."
Marinette is devastated and recognizes her mistake and understands she is in no position to ask Chat to be there but that doesn't help the fact she's absolutely heartbroken.
As a civilian, Adrien notices Marinette is sad and talks to her. Mari cries bc she says she made a terrible mistake and she managed to really hurt one of the friends she loves the most and is scared she lost them for good.
Adrien consoles her and tells her she did the right thing by coming clean to them, and that she should have faith in her friend bc "friends fight sometimes Mari, it's normal, right? They will come around. You were honest with them, and that's what matters. They'll appreciate it eventually."
"Besides, e-even if they don't... I-i'll always be here for you"
"And if they don't, I'll personally go and punch your friend in the face"
aaaahhhh adrinette fluff.
And so, while ladynoir is crumbling to pieces, adrinette is like, VERY close to becoming canon but bc of what happened in ladynoir they refrain from showing their romantic feelings but are like, "No way I'm making the same mistakes again" so they become each other's closest confident (sans the whole Miraculous thing of course)
Adrien starts telling Mari about "this friend" and the problems in his family. Marinette start tellings him about "these responsibilities" and "this friend I have" and they unintentionally coach the other through how to proceed to heal the ladynoir partnership.
Simultaneously, Adrien's help lets Marinette understand how very much she loves Chat and him taking the break from Ladybug's company and replacing it with Marinette, lets him know how head over heels he had been for her all this time = tada! reverse love square.
They become super, super close friends. Like deadass ppl think they're dating (but what else is new smh)
"Ha ha, no. We're Just Very Good Friends™️" *they say as they're literally holding hands or snuggling on a bench*
Eventually Chat Noir comes out of his little break and Ladybug and him meet up to talk and it's like, an ugly crying sobfest ahaha :)
LB apologizes again and begs him to forgive her, she promises she'll do better and she'll show him how much she need him and--
"M'lady, stop. I already forgave you. It's all water under the bridge so--
"No! No it's not, because I can't believe I made you think you're dispensible. Chat Noir you're my partner and you'll always be my partner and I treated you like you weren't but I just... I couldn't tell you, Chaton. I couldn't--"
"But why? What couldn't you tell me, m'lady?"
LB breaks down and explains the Chat Blanc incident to him
"I was so scared. I was so afraid for you and so terrified that I wouldn't be able to bring you back. I'd never be able to forgive myself if one day I cannot bring you back, Chat. I want to know who you are but if knowing puts you at risk, then I won't do it. I love you more than I want to know your identity."
ajgkfahgfak gajfkk UGLY SOBBING.
"Then... that means we cannot be together... ever?" Chat asks and his voice is cracking because he's doing all humanly possible not to cry too.
"Not until Hawkmoth is defeated. I promise minou, as soon as we defeat him, we can be together. In the meantime, we have to keep the secret."
Chat Noir gently wipes off the tears from Ladybug and steps closer to her and goes "Then, m'lady, if you'll allow it, I'd like us to keep one more secret."
He leans down slowly, to give LB a chance to say no if she doesn't want it to happen, but she doesn't stop him. They kiss.
"This one stays between us," Chat mutters and then smirks at her. "See you in the next Akuma, m'lady."
The end.
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