l0lol0lol0loi 1 year
My thoughts on Vere
I want to say that .....
Actually, Vere is not even my type...
I just give you a hint for understanding
Asra (Arcana) - Jumin Han (Mystic messenger) - Sage (LL) - Kentin (MCL)- Valkyon (Eldaria) - Kadzu (Romance Club) - Victor (RC)
As for game romance:
DA fandom
Zevran - Isabella - Iron Bull (yeah yeah joke about them being whores, but I like how they overcome difficulties, how they hide true feelings and Warden - Champion - Inquisitor try to read them,to talk things out, to form mental connection,
you have an option not to have sex with Zevran throughout the whole game and be lovers and get married;
you will patiently wait 3 years for Isabella to talk about feelings towards each other;
as for Bull... don't kill his screw...ahaha...awkward... learn to read him, just like he reads you and shower him with affection.
Vere may seem close to game romance but still there are lots of difference
All of them are not good educated (in arts, I mean, because Vere certainly does), mostly act friendly (Vere seems distant while three of other characters show true feelings), careless and charming, sex jokes, physical way of fight (Vere has some magic abilities, he steales MC's key with magic and has some shadows behind him in GG. But i am sure he uses weapon, like stilettos or his hands, hehe) , sarcastic, sudective (I mean clothes and lack of it, wink).
As for visual novels, Vere is just.... stands out, so to speak.
I guess his romance will go as Isabella's from DA2 or similar to it.
There will be a lot of refusal and denying of his feelings
Being torn apart between personal desires and MC's well being
Needs time and space to accept the thought of stable and healthy relationship, to change lifestyle
Sex and romantic relationship are different stuff ( when you feel love to someone, you can't have sex with that person. Yeah sounds funny, but when you romance Isabella or Zevran, there was a period of time when they caught feeling to mc and rejected all mc's offer to stay alone in a while. So Isabella and Zevran needed time to proceed that sex can be with a person who loves you and you love back)
That's what I remembered from da
As for Vere,
I just see 2 ways of romance
1. You both flirt with each other, but you always stop it when things go too far and spicy ("surrender" scene hello)
2. MC acts naive (naturally or on purpose) and does't react to his provocation
No matter what type of MC is there MC and Vere have to work together
Obviously, Mc has to reveal their curse. So I see their first interaction as something mutual.
Vere needs a person who has no connections to the city and Senobium, who can be useful to him (after all, mc's curseis damn dangerous and can be used against someone when no one expects that), who can be easily manipulated (Do you remember when he talks about MC's background like ..."Poor thing, I give your life a new meaning" and stuff like that).
As for Mc's side, he has an access to Senobium where he can look for info, he is experienced sharlatan having some shadow magic which MC has already seen, he is in desperate just like MC, he knows the city perfectly.
And their partnership will be business-like. Of course, Vere will tease and flirt with mc but he will keep his distance. He seems to me as someone whose trust is hard to gain but when you do... Omg.... hehe.... He won't change at all, except he will mess around more with you. He is that kind of a person who is normal outside (sassy and bitchy) but he melts inside every time when you do something cute, funny, ordinary things like cleaning or fixing your clothes.
In private he demands affection of yours in his way. Glaring at you expectingly, telling some nonsense/ words of double meaning to get attention. Then you look at him to see what's going on, you see him sitting seductively as usual , an innocent smile on his lips, but his eyes glow with promises of more...
He seems to me as very, very, very jealous person (he literally is jealous of Ais' pets imao even though they are just fwb). But he doesn't show it or he thinks so lol, you have to understand that by his spout face, his irritation and you should go w him somewhere privately (you have to trick him first because he won't go just like that, eg "oh i saw some slutty costume for you a fight between clerics of senobium and bloodhound, let's go) and give him small kisses all over his face. He definitely will tease you afterwards but during the process he is such a lovey dovey mess
He loves when you know what he wants... that's not what you may think ~~~~
I mean that guy can go to whorehouse, I am sure some important people of Senobium like to use him as a sex toy. Sex is casual stuff for him.
So when you give him a gift or cook his favorite dish, or just ask his opinion, he dies internally as he is overwhelmed w that affection you give him. Your treatment is so unnatural, unexplainable to him and yet so endearing and he craves for more...
But he won't ask it openly at early stages of relationship
Buuuut when you two are together for a long time he will be the one taking initiative, he won't ask your opinion he simply grabs your hand ans places it on his head and says "Between ears and try not to disturb my hair" or similar to it ehehe.
My list isn't over but I wanted to say something
I understand why Vere isn't so popular as babygirl of TS fandom:
1. his type is known in mass media ( slim, slippery, sarcastic, nasty dark magic wizard with some BIG ambitions). I can name some: Tomoe from anime Kami-sama Hajimemashita, sorcerers from WITCHER, mini boss from dlc PATHFINDER kingmaker. The list isn't ended but I am lazy to think about it.
2. he can kill mc ( it's so fun looking how ppl hate him for that. Vere, keep going!!!)
3. Has deep connection w Ais, some ppl don't want to ruin their relationship, others are jealous but afraid to admit
4. he is considered to be all about sex thing/flat and his boobs aren't big.
Just joking 馃檭
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l0lol0lol0loi 2 years
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I had so much fun setting up this topic. If there is incorrectness in my content, feel free to correct me. Thank you!
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l0lol0lol0loi 3 years
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l0lol0lol0loi 3 years
Actually, i don't understand why people think that julian and sage are alike. I can agree with that sage and lucio have lots of common (they are mercenary,flirty,act confidently,fighters,reckless in fights). But julian and sage... Mmm no? Maybe it's because i hate don't like Ilyusha and love sage but they are opposite to me. Julian is chaotic, he can change his actions so unexpected. And (the most annoying part for me) he keeps saying he has no one in his life who loves him (hello mazelinka and portia! Goodbye mazelinka and portia). And he is eager to shower other people with affection,to get their attention except pasha and mazelinka(you should carry them on your hands you idiot!). While sage makes it clear that he has people he is ready to fight till the end. He separates his family and other people( his way of speaking is different with tulsi,for example,and with mc in the first chapters, in other words he is open with friends,family and behaves as an ordinary mercenary with others) He doesn't look for the love of his life like julian does (OMG THIS WHITE HAIRED MAGICIAN MUST BE THE ONE!!! Hmm no?! THEN IT MUST BE MC!!!) This difference is really important in my opinion. That's why i dislike julian and respect sage
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l0lol0lol0loi 3 years
it heats me so much. These words give me so many feeling. Like he never thought he would love someone unconditionally so tender so fully with whole heart (or half of it now). Does that mean he got scared at first? And the last photo just makes me go goosebumps! He loves mc so such that it hurts ?! He can't love/doesn't want anyone expect mc in romantical way from that time?! I finished arcana and still return to my half. To him. Thank for reading my rumbling i go rereading one route
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l0lol0lol0loi 3 years
I really hope that HoF will be in DA4!
I just miss my babies so much 馃槶馃槶馃槶... Hmmm I mean he is important to the world. So why can't bioware put him in DA4 just like he was in Origins . Yes, he was mute there but still!!! He had so many dialogue variations that's what we love in him, don't we?? And it's not necessary to voice him. I believe everyone has own interpretation about their HoF's voice, the way of talking and etc
Why don't leave our lovely and badass hero like that? No harm to people with their headcanons, saved money, profit!!!
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