#no human anchor if Ben died
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did-i-mention-the-shirt · 1 year ago
okay okay yes i KNOW i should be writing my fanfic BUT
Community characters as AJJ songs bc it's my favorite show and favorite band :] (If you want anyone added, feel free to ask!) Jeff Winger - Brave As A Noun. Okay, hear me out. This song not only applies to him lyrically but also shares the energy he has in the later seasons. He's just forcing himself to be satisfied with a life he doesn't really want, but also doesn't hate, is very season six finale. That is very much BAAN.
Britta Perry - Dissonance. It really has her energy. From the pilot to the finale, it fits her consistently despite her major character change. She is not put together. She hates herself because everyone's told her to. Britta is the best, but no one sees that. Not even herself. The only people who treated her with respect were the people she spent the least amount of time with! Think about it, she's had - what? - One touching scene with Duncan and Pierce each? She deserves more.
Abed Nadir - Goodbye, Oh Goodbye. Just listen to the song and you'll agree. This is mostly because of Troy's departure or in Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas. Whenever he has to confront his emotions, he has this distance between himself and everyone else. The opening lines, "I was thrown onto the ground/I was locked inside a basement/The guards went on vacation while I plotted my revolt." really, really, REALLY reminds me of 'Virtual Systems Analysis' when Annie's talking to Abed in the mind locker. It's a sad song, but it really fits him. The line "It's nothing like the nothingness that normally numbs one pain" is very clearly related to Troy. He got so used to Troy, and he never took him for granted, but Troy became a constant. He was Abed's anchor, and now he's gone.
Annie Edison - No one. This is Annie, particularly as the Ace of Hearts in 'A Fistful Of Paintballs'.
Troy Barns - A Big Day for Grimley. It's giving post-sea voyage Troy. He's changed, he's traumatized, and he's a little bit alone. He's proud of himself but is full of regret. What happened to Abed? He doesn't know.
Pierce Hawthorne - People Ii: The Reckoning. THIS IS PIERCE!!! Now, many of you know I love Pierce, so if you don't then you might not agree with this choice lmao
Pierce is sad. He is so sad. In Britta's words, he has spent so long looking out for himself, but he would give it all up for a shot at a family. He never gets that family. The study group never fully accepts him, despite his efforts and his becoming a better person with their help. Even Annie, the nicest to him in the group, seems to see him as a project or something. Like, he's just some old racist, homophobic old man, and not someone with 60+ years of trauma that he gradually works through with the help of his friends. He gains a brother. He defends the LGBTQ+ community. He wants nothing more than to be close to Jeff. And he dies alone.
So, yeah. "Here's to you Mrs. Robinson, people love you more, oh nevermind."
Dean Craig Pelton - Human kittens. No, I don't know why. Someone needs to give him a hug (Jeff).
Ben Chang - Dipping Things In Stuff. I don't know, he's batshit. He wants love though, just like the rest of us. This is very seasons 5/6 of Chang, I believe.
Buzz Hickey - Hate, rain on me. Tired, nihilistic, and praying for hope. I really like this song for him.
Elroy Patashnick - Normalization Blues. Don't ask me why. It works.
Ian Duncan - Fucc The Devil. Sad, distant, desperate, and hallow. But enough about Duncan. This song is the perfect example of, "I have what I want. Why am I still not okay?" which is what Duncan faces a lot. "I wanna go away for a while/Away for awhile/Because the things that I have seen/Are turning me into a shitty human being." Look me in the eyes and tell me that's not Ian. This man deserves so much more then people will let him have. Don't get me wrong, he's awful. But aren't we all, just a little bit?
Frankie and Shirley are too sane for this band im sorry to them
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bullet-prooflove · 1 year ago
Hell of a Night: Che 'Taza' Romero
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Tagging: @ficnation @crazy4chickennuggets @kmc1989 @withakindheartx
Companion piece to The Wall
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It’s late when Taza turns up at Ben’s door, almost two in the morning but he knows the other man’s still awake. The light’s on in his lounge. Taza sits in the driveway on his bike and stares at the front door.
It’s been a hell of a night. One of the worst he’s had in a long time. He can still see the look in that kid’s eyes, that terrified stare as the light died out and his grip on his hand slackened. Taza can’t get the image out of his head. The taste of copper and cordite, still sits on his tongue, the sound of the gunshot echoing in his ears.
He feels numb right now, hollowed out.
He raps his knuckles against Ben’s door, listening to the sound of his footsteps as he approaches. He almost changes his mind, almost turns away but then Ben opens the door and something inside of Taza just breaks because he’s still got a dead kid’s blood on his shirt. He just hasn’t realised it until now.
That kid, all he wanted a better life, for him, for the brother he came over The Wall with. It had ended with a bullet to the chest the minute he had stepped foot on US soil because the Reed Coalition couldn’t have that. They’d killed a kid because their hate ran so fucking deep, they didn’t even see him as a human anymore, he was just an animal to them, something to be put down.
“I was at The Wall tonight.” Taza chokes out before gesturing at staining on his shirt. “There was a kid…”
Taza turns his head away, his eyes stinging.
“I don’t know why I came here.”
“Che.” Ben says his name softly, his hand capturing Taza’s before he can turn away, before he can flee. “Come inside. Let’s talk about it.”
“What if I don’t want to talk?” Taza asks, stepping into Ben’s proximity. He looks into his eyes and Ben can see the anguish in them, the suffering. He would do anything to take away that feeling, to stop the pain because he knows what that’s like to drown under the weight of tragedy. “What if I just want to forget for a while?”
Ben’s thumb ghosts along the line of his jaw and Taza exhales, savouring the touch. The sensation, it grounds him, anchors him back in the moment. There’s such a tenderness in this man, such empathy and understanding.
“We can do that too.” Ben whispers, his lips brushing over Taza’s. “I’m here, whatever you need.”
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thegeminisage · 10 months ago
for never have i ever: amnesia?
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HIII thank you both <333
never have i ever written amnesia, believe it or not, even though i'm a HUGE fan, as in, it's my number one bestie. actually, no, i sort of have to take that back...i've lowkey written amnesia INTO larger stuff, but never an amnesia fic on its own. so there's been: a couple of da kmeme fills with fenris who has amnesia (they're lost to the sands of time now), ben originally had amnesia during his djinn dream in @cambionverse (but it got cut and revised), and i wrote derek as having amnesia about his encounters with jennifer in anchor. but not an Actual Amnesia Fic. every time i try to think about how i'd want to do it i sort of...blank out? there's so many ways to do it i get too excited and want to do all of them at once and then something else comes along and grabs my attention. i can't tell you how many times i tried to toss around a leverage amnesia fic and just couldn't settle anywhere.
so, just off the top of my head, as a thought experiment...i'd want it to be trek because that's what i'm into rn. i actually started to formulate this as a generations fixit (kirk in the nexus can't remember his old life/that he died/something something + spock and bones pull him out) but there's a small, small, SMALL chance i might ACTUALLY write a generations fixit (sans amnesia, sadly) so i don't want to do it here and accidentally make myself less likely to do it fr in the future.
my second choice is kira/odo because i have been thinking about them nonstop for a WEEK, possibly longer. since you can't have amnesia without brainwashing, i would have odo get mindwiped and carted back to the founders or whatever. and since it's my fic and i can do what i want odo remembers like, ds9's weak points and security routines but he doesn't remember any of the people or being friends with them. so he's like helping the bad guys do evil bad guy stuff or whatever and then when the good guys are almost beat they board the defiant and he and kira are fighting until she says something important and just as she's about to go down for good he oh my fucking god i'm just rewriting the winter soldier. god damn it. maybe this is the real reason i've ever done an amnesia fic. embarrassing. winter soldier wasn't the thing that introduced me to a love of brainwashed amnesiac assassins but it is the thing that made me crazy about them. ANYWAY. let me try again.
so odo gets his memories wiped so he'll return to that great collective or whatever. and he learns what it means to Be A Changeling. he can perfect the human face like that other evil changeling that i hate. so he doesn't look like odo anymore when he changes into a humanoid form, but also he doesn't do that because THEY only did that to communicate with him and kira, so he doesn't even NEED a humanoid form. and he's like yay im so happy here i love being a changeling :) except when somebody stumbles onto their asteroid or he needs to open a door or whatever requires a humanoid form...he just winds up becoming kira. and maybe he catches sight of his/kira's face in the reflection on the water or something and is like Whoa...who is That and that other changeling lady is like dw about it come back to the goop so he does but he also keeps insisting he can't have made that form w/o seeing her and he wants to know where. and since he's got such a good sixth sense about solving unsolved mysteries he solves his own mystery of who he is and how he got there. meanwhile the ds9 gang are searching EVERYWHEREEE for him and when they finally go check the asteroid odo goes out to meet them in kiraform and is very surprised to see. kira. and everybody else is like who tf is this why is this changeling pretending to be kira but kira knows Right Away it HAS to be odo and so they recognize each other even when they aren't able to recognize each other, which is basically the same thing that happened when they met. and odo either intimidates that other changeling into giving his memories back or he remembers on his own and they leave together and live happily ever after.
WHEW. you guys thought you were throwing me softballs but i was sweating bullets over that thing. kiraodo winter soldier au would be fun as hell though don't lie
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scarlet-spider-bf · 1 year ago
This is a stating the obvious post but I haven't seen anyone explicitly point it out so why not?
Ben Reilly - a cloned man who was almost broken by the notion of him being less than human, defective, maybe soulless, a cheap copy of a better original - crooked. As Scaret Spider he's been on a journey to define himself and set himself apart from Peter Parker/Spider-Man. So it's only logical for him to have a costume that reflects this. And he wears the Spider, wears it different and proudly but crooked. Fate tried to bend his back and submit to settle for less than what he deserves - the Jackal created him as a slave but he fought for his freedom and eventually suceeded (temporarily...)
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Then later on he embraced the revelation that he was actually the original (which turned out not to be true sigh poor boy). What matter is that he got to experience a time in which he didn't feel the need (as much) to prove he deserves the bare minimum like you know - to exist. He was allowed to be proud and unapologetic. An enthusiatic and unrivaled Spider-Man. And more than that he absolutely loved it, it wasn't a burden to him like to Peter, no, it was a privilege. His tragic conception at least gave him the solace to frame his responsibility as a grace - a purpose. Being Spider-Man validated him. And he found balance, an anchor, an inner symmetry. Spider front and center, one of the most balanced and goated suits ever if I dare say so.
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Let's not forget he also got the blonde dyed hair makeover and artists began to draw him with a boyish prettyness that was a pretty stark contrast to his former stubbled beard and 90s mullet look that more looks like Kaine does nowadays.
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like damn son look at this figure especially, no way to get more pretty boiTM he's literally blonde Ken
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He dies as Spider-Man to save Peter, which is of course very noble, the ultimate sacrifice (not even talking about the insane number of personal sacrifices he enthusiastically shoulders to protect Peter and Mary Jane and everyone else).
But he is brought back. And the new Ben is tortured by his creator Jackal to clinical insanity over and over a bunch of stuff happens and we arrive in the Beyond Era in which Ben (new clone body, same consciousness as the old one - presumably but arguably not really and very very broken inside, much more so than he ever was originally) gets to be Spider-Man once more. And sure enough Beyond fucked with his memories and made him forget lots of the awful stuff he went through. But nearly not all and they also begin deleting some things he'd rather have kept... he is uprooted, decentered, crooked yet again.
The Spider clings to his heart side (how poetic), the last shield of comfort between Beyond and his fragile soul since at least it tells him what he should be, what he should live up to. But he is not the same. He doesn't even know how much he isn't. And maybe he won't ever be again. (sob)
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And then we are in the current era. Let's hope the Chasm that was left behind when he lost his formative memories of decency and responsibility will be able to be mended abd turn out to be a chrysalis of sorts. (I actually love the development overall for dramatic reasons but that's another post)
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(also my god his mask looks like corpse paint of smudged kajal if you will and I love that for him... love his Maleficient palette twisted wonderland looking ass. Is it me or does this design look Disney in a way? Don't even mean it in a negative way. Making him a sorcerer is so rad actually but alas I'm starting to write that other post let's keep it for later-)
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mediamonarchy · 9 months ago
https://mediamonarchy.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/06/20240613_MorningMonarchy.mp3 Download MP3 Bull in a rodeo shop, Jerry West by god and Heterosexual Awesomeness Month + this day in history w/the day after Pulse and our song of the day by LaBelle on your #MorningMonarchy for June 13, 2024. Notes/Links: Ten dogs found dead in bag pulled from canal https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cn00kpppydyo Zoo animal, male sitatunga, dies in Tennessee after choking on discarded applesauce pouch https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/zoo-animal-male-sitatunga-dies-after-choking-on-squeezable-applesauce-pouch-in-tennessee/ar-BB1o2gGE U.S. Buying ‘Safe and Delicious’ Fukushima Fish Banned by Other Countries https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/fukushima-radioactive-wastewater-us-buying-fish-threaten-human-health Three swimmers hurt in shark attacks in Florida https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/ce441vy593jo ‘Unicorn’ kitten, born intersex, adopted from central Oregon shelter https://www.oregonlive.com/trending/2024/06/unicorn-kitten-born-intersex-adopted-from-central-oregon-shelter.html Watch bull escape Oregon rodeo arena in ‘alarming’ but ‘very rare’ event https://www.oregonlive.com/pacific-northwest-news/2024/06/bull-escapes-oregon-rodeo-arena-in-alarming-but-very-rare-event.html Video: Bull Escapes Arena During Rodeo Event, Injures 3 People (Audio) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5earp7xh2U Morrissey – “The Bullfighter Dies” (Vinyl // Audio) https://www.discogs.com/release/5883968-Morrissey-World-Peace-Is-None-Of-Your-Business // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bullfighter_Dies // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tFfCKypjVPo Chiefs’ BJ Thompson Alert, Talking to Doctors After Suffering Cardiac Arrest https://bleacherreport.com/articles/10124122-chiefs-bj-thompson-alert-talking-to-doctors-after-suffering-cardiac-arrest Katie Piper forced to pull out of ITV show https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cz55k8ng0eyo Video: VAX POISONED BILLIONAIRE HOSPITALIZED WITH DIARRHEA AND VOMITING – Oprah Edition (Audio) https://www.bitchute.com/video/LPQRxmWItzg1/ Video: ROCK STAR 100% DESTROYED BY VAX POISON INJECTIONS https://www.bitchute.com/video/55sM9zKZmImG/ @iamhalsey “long story short, i’m Lucky to be alive. short story long, i wrote an album. it begins with The End. out now.” https://www.instagram.com/p/C7zLmbzpDRp/ Halsey (singer) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halsey_(singer) Halsey – “The End” (Audio) https://genius.com/Halsey-the-end-lyrics // https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSfk1VFkl9g Large Cohort Study Finds Possible Association Between Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome and COVID-19 Vaccination but Far Stronger Link With SARS-CoV-2 Infection https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2800964 Video: Dr. Rashid Ali Buttar Accurately Predicted Death of CNN Anchor Drew Griffin During Interview; Drew Griffin: “I’m vaccinated. You think there is a ticking time bomb in me and I’m going to die?” (Audio) https://www.freedomsphoenix.com/News/363730-2024-06-10-dr-rashid-ali-buttar-accurately-predicted-death-of-cnn-anchor.htm Cause of death revealed for YouTube star Ben Potter 40, known as Comicstorian https://nypost.com/2024/06/12/us-news/youtuber-ben-potter-known-as-comicstorian-cause-of-death-in-unfortunate-accident-in-colorado-revealed/ Ben White 52, veteran journalist and CNBC contributor dead after brief illness, his partner announces https://nypost.com/2024/06/04/media/ben-white-cnbc-contributor-dead-after-brief-illness-partner-says/ Video: MSNBC [and NYT] REPORTER KILLED BY PFIZER VAX POISON INJECTIONS https://www.bitchute.com/video/U2C2g0qkhlhz/ Still super stoked to have gotten first vax shot and all should get ASAP of course but man did it knock me on my butt fatigue wise. But a price will happily pay. #GetVaxxed https://x.com/EconomyBen/status/1377695465995649027 love that this tat was my vax target. 🙏🙏😃 (Mar. 31, 2021) https://x.com/EconomyBen/status/1377389894318780421 “This is Ben’s partner, Sara. I’m heartbroken to tell you th...
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swldx · 2 years ago
RNZ Pacific 1208 12 May 2023
7425Khz 1158 12 MAY 2023 - RNZ PACIFIC (NEW ZEALAND) in ENGLISH from RANGITAIKI. SINPO = 45444. English, music until pips and news @1200z anchored by Vicki McKay. Poor forestry practices mean the industry has lost its social licence to operate, and wide-scale forestry felling in Tai R��whiti and Wairoa should be stopped immediately, a report has found. Possible human remains have been identified from images inside the Pike River Mine, taken as part of the criminal investigation into the explosion over a decade ago, which killed 29 men. The funeral of a Whangārei Boys' High School student who died during a caving trip earlier this week will take place on Sunday. New Zealand's youngest ever mayor is being called on to resign by the majority of his council. Ben Bell won Gore's mayoral chains with a razor-thin margin at October's local elections. Since then, Gore District Council has been beset by controversies and discord. China says, it's committed to improving relations with Australia ahead of a meeting in Beijing between the country's trade and commerce ministers. The Department of Conservation has dozens of high risk structures overdue for maintenance and overall has a backlog of maintenance on its huts and tracks network worth over $300 million. Sports. @1204z trailer for RNZ "Saturday Night Requests". @1205z Weather Forecast: cloudy, isolated showers, morning frosts. @1206z "All Night Programme" anchored by Vicki McKay. Backyard fence antenna, Etón e1XM. 100kW, beamAz 325°, bearing 240°. Received at Plymouth, United States, 12912KM from transmitter at Rangitaiki. Local time: 0658.
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red-hood-vigilante · 8 months ago
if i was in command of s6-8:
s6 is like. sam is back but it's not really sam. so dean forces the soul back into his body despite the warnings because he knows sam is strong and can handle it. and sam does but its not painless, and he is secretly horrified at the violation it took for sam to become a digestible version of himself at the expense of himself. it's the panic room, again. what does it mean to have a soul? dean can't put lisa and ben at risk so he leaves even though he wants to stay so bad but sammy is back and dean has to take care of him. castiel is desperate to mend heaven and restore peace to the souls resting there, hesitantly finding common ground with raphael who is hunting down sam and dean to get the apocalypse back on its feet which will return the balance of the world order. castiel doesn't agree with this despite the old loyalty tearing him up. eventually raphael finds the brothers, trying to goad them into saying yes - neither do. in a moment of wanting to believe in god again, castiel tears down sam's wall. disbelief at the audacity of the stubbornness of defying god's will, raphael unleashes the leviathans to exterminate humans in make a fully clean slate. castiel gets himself, sam and dean somewhere far away and safe. the leviathans eat raphael first.
s7 and sam is hit with the full force of a century of torture in the cage so he's not even a sam connected to anything or anything pre-cage. dean tries but there's frustratingly slow progress. sam gets better at distinguishing reality from hallucinations and nightmares but it doesn't ever fully go away. some days are good, some days are terrible. dean is eaten up with guilt and quiet resentment at himself and at castiel for believing raphael and at sam for not being thankful for putting him back together. bobby dies and dean grieves by himself. sam is distant - he had said goodbye to bobby long ago, and is it even real? castiel is trying his best to navigate the responsibility of heaven and lost angels coming to him for guidance. after lucifer's possession, sam is ample with old spells and knowledge. dean can't stand it, this strange hybrid brother. his anger spills over on hunts, killing and slaughtering in horrific ways. the leviathans are out and they have to die. they do, but dean and castiel is sucked into the vacuum with the last of them.
s8. sam is alone again, without anyone, but it's not a shock anymore. it's his childhood, it's leaving for stanford, it's cold oak, it's the panic room, it's the cage, it's familiar and comforting. another landscape of solitude. he considers resurrecting dean using information he absorbed from lucifer - but dean is with everybody he loves in heaven and he wouldn't want to be brought back with that kind of perverse methods, so sam leaves it. tries to stabilize himself, begins feeling present again in the simple things. goes to therapy, takes medications, meets amelia, and manages to anchor himself little by little, thanking god dean and castiel are in heaven and at peace. dean breaks out of purgatory and rages when he learns sam didn't even try to find out what actually happened to him or castiel. forget purgatory, what if he had been sent to hell again? sam feels shame creeping up and he tries to explain but dean doesn't listen. what was the point of getting sam back if he doesn't care anymore? dean and lucifer declare this is worst thing sam has ever done. sam leaves amelia and the stability he has built even though he wants to stay so bad but dean is back and sam owes him that. they break castiel out of purgatory but he is no longer an angel - he is painfully, awkwardly human. dean misses the simplicity of purgatory. the trials appear. sam participates, declaring he'll be purified and healed and he'll live better afterwards. he wants to die more than anything and understands that's where he's headed (again). sam tells castiel about what's gonna happen, and castiel understands. his body is human but the mind's is still of an angel and despite the importance of free will, order remains a necessity. dean is still angry and connects the dots too late, hindered by castiel and powerless to stop sam's doom yet again. he apologizes to sam, begs sam to live and tries to pull him back. it doesn't work. sam has made up his mind. his life always met the same ending time and time again, cursed by god since before birth. he's so tired but now he can die and stay dead. he apologizes to dean, tells him it's ok. the trials are completed, heaven and hell are closed forever. castiel is gone too. dean is alone on a cemetery again. this time there is nothing to hunt. there is nothing to return to. they were always gonna end up here.
changing my answer about how spn should’ve ended with swan song to it should’ve ended with sacrifice. the parallels of dean’s desperation about keeping sam alive regardless of consequences and safe paired with sam’s love and self sacrificial nature? everything changes but nothing really does. unmatched actually
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chronicallylatetotheparty · 4 years ago
The problem with inhuman characters is that they are always expendable.
This is even more true for artificial constructs. As beings made to serve humans their lives will always matter less than those born with free will.
In the book Dragon Rider the Homunculus character Twigleg discovers that his kind can live indefinitely so long as they do not love a human "master". Homunculus, being alchemically created life forms, will die almost immediately if the human they've given their heart to perishes. This isn't like the half Elves of Middle-earth choosing to live mortal lives with their spouses. Homunculus have no choice in the matter. Being friends with the human protagonist will literally kill Twigleg eventually.
The droids of Star Wars are basically sentient slaves in a galaxy where it's common practice to have their personalities erased when switching owners. C-3PO himself undergoes a mind wipe between Episode III and Episode IV despite being one of the two most prominent robot characters in the franchise. L3-37, the only droid character, indeed the only character period, to actively promote the emancipation of droids is treated as a joke and unceremoniously killed.
Clone troopers from the same franchise were specifically bred as cannon fodder. Genetically programmed to obey orders and artificially aged to maturity. Essentially cutting their lifespans in half. While some of the Jedi generals viewed the soldiers under their command as individual people, worthy of respect. That didn't stop them from using sentient beings who weren't given a choice about fighting in a galaxy wide war.
Stargate has the conciousness of the main teams in SG1 and Atlantis copied into android doubles and clones respectively. Despite some limited exploration of the implications, including the theory that their divergent experiences will eventually result in differing personalities - and the obvious sentience of the copies- they were ultimately treated as just spares. Four sentient beings dying barely into their lives. The Atlantis team specifically being used as bait so their originals could escape.
Even the anime Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song, which explores difficult moral quandaries about the nature of AI, treats the lives of what is essentially a human terrorist group as more important than the brainwashed robots whose choice has been taken away. Specifically because that is how robots are programmed to function. Even as the rights of androids expand to the point where they can marry humans, their programming still makes hurting their own kind more preferable than hurting humans. The main character eventually sacrificing her memories in order to save humanity. Something that has been established as equivalent to death for an android.
Ben Reilly, Spider-Man's clone, took on a different name from Peter Parker despite believing himself to be the original. Despite taking steps to distance himself from Spider-Man and establishing his own identity as the superhero Scarlet Spider. Ultimately sacrificing himself for his "clone" even after a test supposedly confirms Ben is the original.
Xion from Kingdom Hearts is an artificially created embodiment of Sora's memories. In order to prevent herself from being used against him Xion gives up her own existence to return Sora's memories. Essentially erasing herself from the memories of everyone else.
Now, sentimonsters, beings made from the emotions of whoever the Peacock Miraculous' amok anchors itself to, have no free will. Not so long as their amok is in someone else's hands. And even then the Peacock can end their existence with a snap of their fingers.
Every sentimonster seen so far has been expendable to the plot even if the characters would argue otherwise. Even Sentibug was killed in the same episode she was created in.
Adrien Agreste has sacrificed himself for Ladybug many times. Chat Noir's self sacrifice and suicidal tendencies a core aspect of his character. Both as a heroic virtue and a dangerous mental illness.
However, if Adrien is a sentimonster then he is expendable. Replaceable. If not to the characters then to the story itself. The fandom is already exploring storylines where Adrien is replaced once he dies.
This plotline diminishes the importance of Adrien Agreste as a character. Diminishes the narrative itself. From one of retaking agency and dealing with ones mental health to a simple trope. Where the artificial construct sacrifices himself for the human because the plot will never hold his life in equal value to hers.
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a-mag-a-day · 2 years ago
MAG 60 - apple cutting
I think in the sense of paranoia the Eye and the Stranger can be very similar.
"But I didn’t open the box because I was curious, I opened it because I had to in order to fully inventory my dead brother’s possessions." - This sounds very typical of people of the Eye. Maybe they are curious, but often they fall into things because their job or situation requires it of them.
"I’d been going through all his old document boxes, and there were a lot. Christopher had worked for the history department at the University of Southampton." / ""fetish objects and totems from all around the world, small animal figures carved from bones, strings of glass beads tied together in intricate knotted patterns, grotesque quasi-human statuettes made of wood and old leather." - Based on the fact that this Christopher seems to have researched artefacts of the Dread Powers it probably wasn't a coincident that he died at the age of 38…
Is this, besides MAG 156 Reflection, the only episode featuring a mirror? I personally find mirrors quite unsettling, I'd totally do more with them.
"I can’t sleep because they’re watching me. Those unseen eyes that hover everywhere and won’t let me rest." - Lack of sleep seems also be heavily tied to the Eye (yeees, I know there's a Spiral fatigue episode coming up, but still). We know Jon had problems sleeping, his "victims" have problems with it. Also it makes sense, when you're sleeping you can't be collecting new knowledge.
"of what he called “outer cults”, small organized groups of worshippers whose beliefs weren’t simply deviations from paganism or other major religions, but seemed to focus on holy beings or concepts completely apart from what would be considered normal religious practice. Some seemed to have more in common with ancient shamanism than with organized hierarchical worship, and all were highly secretive." - So Christopher was indeed researching the Entities.
"Those eyes still haunt my dreams and follow me through the waking world, even here. Especially here." - Typical Eye stuff, haunting dreams as well as the waking world. Must have been hard for the statement-giver to be at the Institute.
"She unloaded the van’s normal cargo of filing paper and envelopes before filling it with several barrels of petrol." / "The one detail that still nags at me is that the company the Danilo Costich worked for, Paper Run Limited, is the same company that at the time supplied most of the stationery to the Magnus Institute. I have a nasty feeling about exactly where she was taking that petrol." - I wonder how much she knew about the Institute and the Archives.
MARTIN "This is an intervention." - Oh I laughed so much when I was first listening. That speculation about them planning something possibly sinister and then it's this.
JON "there are monsters out there, and I don’t know who or where they are or if any of you –" - He's losing it so much and it's super sad actually and he is also is also right with what he's about to say…
So there's some significance to cameras in the statement (statement-giver being a news anchor and getting mad about all the cameras pointed at her) and then again we get significance to cameras post-statement in the form of Elias giving the CCTV footage to Jon.
I love Ben's voice acting as Elias.
Hmmm, is the high-pitched noise and static of Not!Sasha's presence quieter during the intervention?
I also noticed that the entire episode (statement and supplemental dialogue) is spoken a lot quicker than usual. Normally Jonny takes time to narrate. I wondered, if maybe they had to pick up speed because the episode would have gotten too long otherwise, but no… Episode is only 18 minutes.
Maybe because it has multiple actors who had to finish quickly? Hmmm
Also I think a recall that there are some lonely episodes that depict mirrors
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asoulofstars · 2 years ago
📂 I want the RARE LORE
So, this is something that I've been thinking about as I've been exploring various things in the RPC Tea Room Development Server. And I thought I was playing Riona wrong because of it for a long time. I've noticed that Riona does a lot of things in college: her marriage with Luke, stripping, having at least two relationships (outside of Luke), etc.
And these things should, by and large, make her more confident and not wanting to hide from the world.
But then I realized literally as I was trying to figure out what to answer this ask with: this is the first time Riona has been truly free from her parents. She has been abused and neglected for six years straight, with little to no sanctuary, and she is finally on her own. Now, she's not truly on her own, as she meets Luke and rushes into this scheme of a marriage with him, but there's this sense of being able to breathe that she's almost unable to remember having before. She was twelve when Soll died, and she honestly has very few actual memories of what life was like before that.
So, even though she doesn't go "crazy wild party girl" in college, she still gets to explore herself. She gets to be a stripper and get tattoos and figure out what she's doing in life and what she believes in.
And then when she and Luke graduate, and she moves onto grad school, and Luke goes to start really practicing his music and making his career happen, Riona loses her anchor, and things are actually serious. And because of her trauma, she becomes that scared little girl again. She's alone. Having people a phone call away isn't the same as having them there in the same house with you.
So she goes back to what she knows; she goes back to being invisible and trying to make herself as small as possible. She does what she has to do to get through school. She does ask questions; she wants to know everything she can. But she doesn't draw attention to herself if she doesn't have to.
Even when she gets into Quantico and goes through the Academy, she has to put on a persona when she goes to work. She's not good at compartmentalization. Every case takes a physical and emotional toll on her. She is told to get into therapy quickly after starting at the FBI, and she does. But she has so much guilt and trauma to work through that there's so many behaviors she can't just undo.
And I think there's a similar trajectory for her in my novels, where when she moves out, she finally gets that freedom, but it's harder in the faerie world. There is no therapy. There is no escaping her parents; they're in the same community, and they're Elders; they're highly respected members of the community. So, she latches herself to her three best friends: Aislinn, Aidan, and Logan.
(I am trying to figure out how to work more of Riona's human AU stuff into the faerie world, because while Human Riona and Faerie Riona are two distinct characters, since I usually translate Faerie Things to Human Riona, I want to try translating Human Things to Faerie Riona.)
All in all, healing isn't a linear path, and Riona is someone who gets caught in a spiral very easily. She feels everything and can't turn off her heart. That's what happens.
Thank you for getting me to actually sit down and put these thoughts into words, Ben. I was like "omg, not the rare lore" when I first saw the notification, but this was necessary for me to write out and figure out my own mindset here.
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fadedflame · 3 years ago
The Deep Dark Blue Day 26
Detroit: Become Human Prompt Challenge from @connor-sent-by-cyberlife
Summery:  Lieutenant Hank Anderson had been a naval officer for years. It was his life, his passion, everything he cared about now. And yet, all it took was one look from the tiny Mer child to make him willing to risk it all.  
Day Twenty Six - Lost at Sea
Chapter Summery: I’m sorry.
< Previous Chapter / Next Chapter >
Ao3 or read below
“Where is he?” Hank shouted, voice cracking with barely concealed panic. “Where’s Connor?”
That really was the question on everyone's mind at the moment. The smoke had cleared, they had claimed another victory, but there was one notable absence from their crew.
“Connor?” Hank called loudly to the sea below.
He had been in the water. It had been a strategy that was working well for them. Connor would swim out and disable their anchor, immobilizing and limiting their maneuverability. Then they would engage with an advantage. It usually worked beautifully.
The water seemed to mock him with its silence. Gentle waves lapped at the boat, uncaring of the distraught father onboard searching for his son.
“I think I saw someone shooting into the water,” Chris said gravely. It was to Ben, but Hank still overheard them. The weight of the words still crushed him.
They had been ready for them. The crew of the Stratford had a lookout on the island, they had been spotted and were prepared to engage. The fight had been hard. Gavin and Tina were injured, a few others as well. But nobody had died.
At least, that’s what he hoped.
“Connor!” he called again into the unforgiving ocean.
He couldn’t be gone. It wasn’t possible. They just weren’t looking hard enough.
“Miller,” he heard the Captain order. “I need you in the water. Get your gear and meet with Pearson.”
“Aye, Captain,” he responded immediately. Hank heard him leave, but kept his focus on the soft swells of the sea.
“Hank,” Jeffery said behind him, gently.
He ignored him. He had to find his boy. If he just looked hard enough…
“Hank,” the summons was repeated, this time accompanied by a hand on his arm.
“Fuck off, Jeffery,” Hank snapped, still not looking at him. “I… He’s ok. He’s gonna be ok.”
“We’ll do everything we can to find him,” he promised quietly. “We will, I swear.”
“He shouldn’t have been out there in the first place,” he all but growled, finally turning to face his Captain. “It’s too fuckin’ dangerous. We knew that. You’re the one who sent him out there!”
“It was a bad situation,” he agreed.
“A bad situation?” Hank shook the hand off angrily. “You call this a bad situation? My kid is missing!”
“I know-”
“Do you?” he spat. “Fucking hell, Jeffery! I knew this was too dangerous for him, you’re the one who insisted he’d be fine!”
“He was fine. Hank-”
“No!” He was breathing hard now, eyes blurry and unfocused. “Just shut the hell up, I don’t want to hear it.” He felt like he was choking on his own tongue, grief threatening to suffocate him. “Whatever you’re gonna say… it doesn’t matter. We’re finding him, Jeff.”
The Captain was silent for a long, painful moment. “Ok,” he relented. “We’ll find him. Whatever it takes.”
Hank nodded stiffly, refusing to give up hope. He glanced back out over the sea and told himself the streaks of blue in the waves were a trick of the light.
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shirtlesssammy · 4 years ago
6x06: You Can't Handle the Truth
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Soulless Sam was a psychotic work of art
Calumet City, Illinois
Jane, a cute waitress at Biggerson’s, talks on the phone with a friend about whether a boy likes her (Bechdel who?). “I just need the truth,” she implores, as the camera zooms in on her mouth. 
She gets the truth. After ending the call, her coworkers start telling her VERY mean things, and a customer admits to running over a homeless man once. People just poor their worst thoughts out at her. Feeling like she’s going crazy, she calls someone to pick her up. Her friend just throws out more mean things at Jane. It’s then that Jane pulls out a gun and kills herself. DARK. 
Meanwhile Dean’s on the phone with Bobby about Sam. Bobby says he’ll look into it more and tells Dean, “Don’t shoot him yet.” Once off the phone, Sam brings food and a case. 
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They head to interview Jane’s sister. She tells Sam that Jane was having a bad day, and she tried cheering her up. Sam --ruthless and blunt-- calls her out on her lie and asks what she did. Dean watches, perplexed. The sister starts crying, and admits that she wanted to console her sister, but it’s not what came out when she talked to her. They leave wondering what could have caused the fatal exchange. 
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At a dentist’s office, a man sits in the dreaded chair, chit chatting with the dentist. He suddenly admits to not liking his wife anymore, and he’s actually a raging pedophile. 
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Dean’s back on the phone with Bobby, hoping for answers on whether it’s Sam or Satan that’s Dean’s copilot. Dean’s struggling with the idea that this could just be Sam. 
Sam comes back to the motel to report another death --this time a guy got drilled to death. (But by the “non-sexy kind of drilling”, as Dean points out. DUDE.) Dean tells Sam to go interview the dentist alone. He’ll stay behind and do research. Uh, not suspicious at ALL , Dean. 
Turns out, the dentist hung himself before Sam could talk with him. They’re thinking that all the truth telling around the deaths point to a curse. While Sam heads to the morgue to check out the body, Dean heads to the dentist’s office. Once there, he finds a receipt for “Harry’s House of Horns” and remembers that Jane also had frequented the store. 
He goes to interview the store owner.
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The owner asks about progress on his stolen horn. It was a museum piece, a thousand years old, one in a million. It was stolen the same day Jane died. 
Later, at the motel, he looks up Gabriel’s Horn, and sarcastically prays to Cas to check out the “loose nuke”, not really expecting the angel to show. 
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GUYS. I haven’t rewatched this episode in --forever!--and didn’t think Cas was in it. But HE IS. AND we get a “Hello, Dean.” 
Dean’s a little (!) pissed that Cas will come for this stupid horn, but not otherwise. Cas reassures Dean that Sam is not Lucifer while pouring him a consolation drink.
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Dean asks Cas what’s wrong with Sam, but Cas doesn’t know (Like, doesn’t Cas honestly not know he forgot Sam’s soul or is he lying on purpose?). Dean then stares (and stares) at Cas. He wants to know what Cas’s deal is --when did he stop being human (*whimpering noises*). “I’m at war.” 
For Science:
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Dean mentions Gabriel’s Horn of Truth and says they think it’s in town. Before he can continue, Cas is gone. (*whimpering noises*)
Dean takes a drink, and Cas is back before he can finish swallowing. He searched the town and didn’t find Gabriel’s horn. Dean turns his back and tells Cas, “Nice seeing you anyway.” Cas tries mending fences a bit by telling Dean that he does want to help with Sam. He tells Dean that he’ll “make inquiries”, and is gone. Dean looks around the room forlornly, and takes another drink. 
Sam takes a look at the dead dentist and asks to see the rest of the bodies. The coroner says, “They’re gone.” Gone gone. They’re gone. 
Dean sits at a bar, nursing his Cas wounds, and watches the news on the television. Sam calls with the news. He’s at a missing person’s apartment now --and since she died a whole week before the others, he’s thinking the curse started with her. 
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Dean orders another drink for the road, and utters the words, “I’d just like the freaking truth.” The bartender unloads some serious truths on Dean --and he realizes that he’s cursed. 
He calls Bobby to test out his new cursed skills, and learns that Bobby’s drinking milk in the middle of the day and watching Tori and Dean. Lol, nothing to confess at all, Bobby! “I guess it does work over the phone,” Dean laments. Bobby also confesses to pedicures and that Dean’s his favorite (but Sam’s the better hunter). OOF. Said flippantly, but this is one truth siblings never want confirmation on. Dean tells Bobby that he’s cursed --and then he gets an idea.
Dean calls Sam strategically now that he’s carrying the truth curse, and asks him to call him when he has a chance SO HE CAN SPILL. Sam can’t come to the phone right now because he’s going over the case with Corey’s sister. She confesses that her sister was obsessed with finding out the truth about her potentially-cheating boyfriend.
Back with Dean, Lisa calls at the WORST TIME. She confronts him about his behavior - storming in and shoving Ben. “You've got so much buried in there, and you push it down, and you push it down. Do you honestly think that you can go through life like that and not freak out? Just, what, drink half a fifth a night and you're good?”
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Lisa then tears into the reappearance of Sam, tagging the Winchesters’ relationship as unhealthy. As soon as Sam reappeared, she knew their relationship was over. Once everything’s laid out, Lisa pauses. “That came out so much harsher than I meant,” she says, softer this time. Dean absorbs her criticism like a towel specially designed for soaking up loathing. She tells him they’re done.
Sam tears through the bedroom looking for evidence. He finds a cat skull under the bed. “Yahtzee,” as they say. Dean storms in and demands the truth about the vampire hunt. Sam goes dewy eyed. He froze when Dean was attacked! And he feels super duper extra duper bad about it! For REALS. 
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Later, they uncover the truth - quite literally - while doing research back at the motel. The cat skull was part of a ritual to invoke Veritas. Now everybody in town calls on Veritas whenever they demand the truth. Bombarded with the truth, victims kill themselves and become tributes. 
Cut to a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it montage of stealing a hard drive from the TV studio of Ashley Frank, local TV anchor. They (mostly Sam) watch cut footage until dawn.
For Pretty Motel Science:
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Nothing suspicious appears until a barking dog makes an appearance on film. While the dog barks uncontrollably at the news anchor, they FINALLY notice an eye flash. Monster target LOCKED.
At Ashley Frank’s palatial home, they ready their weapons: blades coated with dog blood. (Sam does NOT want you to ask where he got it from.) The Winchester’s creep through her house, and finally locate an altar-like setup. There are candles, a sculpture of Veritas, and many cute widdle kitties. Veritas arrives and immediately knocks out the Winchesters.
Later, they wake to find themselves tied to posts. Veritas strolls in wearing a fabulous gold gown and gets right in Dean’s face so she can absorb some delicious emotions. 
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Dean confesses that he feels better about Sam now, but before he thought he was a monster and wanted to kill him. Dean explains that the hunting gig is that you’re either covered in blood, or dying in it. He tells her that he’s good at slicing throats - he isn’t a father. He’s a killer. I SCREAM BECAUSE 15X18 AND 15X19 LEFT US A GIFT (and then 15x20, well……..doesn’t exist).
Sam tells Veritas that their lives are hard, but he and Dean watch out for each other. He’s EXTREMELY chill about the situation. Veritas listens to this calm analysis and then freaks out and accuses him of lying. She demands to know “what” he is, which is SO RUDE. 
They could stick around and talk some more, but Sam’s finally done sawing through the ropes holding him down. He escapes, then Dean frees himself as well. Veritas gets stabbed first by Dean, then Sam. She perishes dramatically, but after that foe is defeated, Dean raises a knife to Sam. Dean demands the truth.
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Sam reveals that he knows he is “Sam,” but he understands that there’s something wrong with him. He lied, and he let Dean get turned into a vampire because he knew there was a cure, and that Dean could fight it. He admits that old Sam wouldn’t take the risk of Dean turning forever, or killing an innocent person. Sam tells Dean he doesn’t feel anything - and this is what makes him a better hunter. Sam concludes that he needs help. 
Dean knocks Sam to the ground and starts throwing several punches at him until he passes out.
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The Quotes Hurt:
Dentist drilled a guy to death
I'm here hittin' the books while drinking a nice glass of milk, while watching Tori & Dean
I'm not saying don't be close to Sam. I'm close to my sister. But if she got killed, I wouldn't bring her back from the dead!
It’s the gig. You're covered in blood until you're covered in your own blood
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theromanticrationalist · 4 years ago
For All Mankind's season 2 finale was just incredible. In many ways, I have been really impressed by this show and how they have been able to incorporate space exploration into the intimate threads of human history. The Moon, space, leaving the confines of the Earth's atmosphere, exploring the great beyond - all become catalysts for each of the individual characters - representing each of their own struggles. Because, as I believe, reaching out towards the stars ultimately becomes about reaching within the human soul - looking outward, is looking inward, and vice versa. The two are inexplicably entwined, and this show does a pretty good job at showing this.
More fan girl thoughts below the cut. . .
- Gordo & Tracy Stevens
I feel like this is best exemplified in Gordo and Tracy's story. I don't have time to outline it all at the moment, but the Moon becomes the stage upon which their hearts are made bare. It is so rare to see a redemption story, and a redemption story of a marriage no less, showcased with such power. I will forever be blown away by this story. *lays down* - *cries* - *cries a lot*
- Margo & Sergei
A forbidden Soviet Era romance??? Yes yes yes yes yes. I need this! THANK YOU FOR ALL MANKIND. The both of them are my absolute favorite! Just. Everything about them. How they are the same and how they are able to communicate almost as if they are reading each other's minds, and the way Sergei looks at her, and the way Margo blushes and can't even look at him in the eyes, and just . . . *incoherent fangirl screeching*
I really feel like Margo knows the door that she opened. I hope the writers don't make her dumb in the next season - just some love struck nerd girl. Margo is naïve and lost in her own world sometimes, but she isn't stupid. I feel like after Sergei's call, she was realizing the full ramifications of what she had done and what this could mean for her and Sergei's complicated relationship. (Not to mention her standing with her own government and country!)
So, you know what I want to see?? I want to see Margo and Sergei play the most expertly played game of espionage ever orchestrated! I want to see them give false information to one another, and they'll personally always get offended by it even though they both know this isn't personal at all - they'll twist and turn words, double - triple! - meanings - are they enemies? Are they friends? Are they lovers? Do they even know? Maybe! Maybe not! How can they hope to be anything more when they are serving countries that are always on the brink of World War III? And yet!!!
And always Sergei will have stars in his eyes when he looks at her, whenever she does something impossibly clever, and Margo will always wear his favorite color and be speechless around him whenever he is trying to be charming.
And let me just say that once again Margot is basically just me. OF COURSE she would fall for the enemy! Totally on brand. I get you, girl! I get you so hard!
<holding up my fingers like the Ben Wyatt meme> It's about the "it's complicated..."
- Danielle Poole
QUEEN. MY QUEEN. I knew she would come through and pull off the Soyuz mission with flying colors! And Danielle & Stepan have my heart! I knew Stepan wouldn't be able to resist her in the end, and that he would have his little Soviet heart melted in no time! 🥰🥰🥰 That whole moment of them defying their governments and choosing peace and brotherhood was just so beautiful. (I was pretty much an emotional mess the entire finale...) Then the gut punching realization that many American's didn't even get to see the historical moment live on TV because they were in the Fall Out shelters. Uuuuuugh. This show is SO good at building the emotional drama of this unfolding history. It feels so real! But it also feels very much like it could part of the Star Trek universe. They are exploring similar utopian and humanistic themes, and so I think I am going to make it my headcanon that our alternate history is part of the Prime timeline. It's official. I have declared it.
Speaking of Star Trek, though, I was tearing up when Danielle was quoting Star Trek. OF COURSE she is a Trekkie - OF COURSE. She is perfect without flaw. The most precious angel! I just wish she had more screen time this season, but I loved her story this season regardless!
- Thomas Paine
I never got to properly mourn the passing of Paine! I was pretty upset that he died, and just when he was becoming such an awesome character! (HE LOVED SPACE THE ENTIRE TIME OMG MY HEART.) However, I realized he was like the Agent Coulson of this show. That awesome side character with an unusual and unexpected quirky personality whose death becomes a catalyst for the bigger picture! Ellen is doing an incredible job within his place, though, and I love what it is building for her character (even if her story is SO SAD). At any rate, Thomas Paine shall be missed!
- Molly Cobb
Molly Cobb is BOSS. Her heroic moment on the Moon was such an amazing highlight for this season for me. But I am loving how they have taken her character in an unexpected direction, down a harder and more humbling road. It is heartbreaking, but such a deeply human story. Her taking her plane and trying to escape from the Earth's atmosphere was like the most DRAMATIC AF moment (omg this show), but also, I felt that too. I also loved her and Wayne's struggle through what Molly is having to face. They're marriage is so strong - perfectly challenging one another and carrying one another through life. I love them! This is going to be painful watching what Molly will have to go through, though.
- Karen
I do want to say a few more words about this whole debacle. The fact that the writers completely obliterated the Baldwin family is something I will not forgive them for, and it was very poor choice on their part, most especially how it came about. To me, the Baldwins have always been the anchor point of the show, but now they are all just kind of pathetic, as the trust in their marriage is broken (for no reason) and all so that Karen can go "find herself".
Now, it has always been a part of Karen's character arc that she needs to find her own identity. She gave herself to her family, putting herself last, and that isn't a good thing. Although we should be reminded that a woman serving her family as a wife and mother is NOT shameful, and so there was literally no reason for the writers to deconstruct this when it was actually a beautiful thing. Things aren't black and white. Karen can be both proud as a dutiful wife and mother AND have existential dread over her own identity as person. BOTH realities can be true and exist together! You don't need to destroy the one to have the other! It's called N U A N C E. Something American tv writers utterly lack in their writing now a days.
Regardless of all this, though, and the disturbing, messed up nature of Karen's affair with Danny - I am sick and tired of how often shows and movies depict a woman's exploration of identity through her sexuality. I find it to be really offensive. As if liberating a woman's spirit means turning her into a horny sex fiend. Sexuality is but one dimension of a woman's identity, one dimension amongst a thousand. To reduce her down to this basic and crude physical dimension, as if somehow sleeping around, having affairs, masturbating, etc, unlocks her deeper self, is really insulting to women as human beings. Being an independent, confident woman comes from a deeper place of the mind, heart, and spirit that embodies her entire person as a holistic being. We are more than the sum of our parts! Please, writers, for the love of God, stop making us into rutting animals!
Suggestion: American writers, creators, directors, just go read Charlotte Bronte's Jane Eyre. She'll wipe the floor with your pitiful displays of female independence. I have never seen any modern writer even come close to what Bronte was able to to achieve with her masterpiece. She was able to truly showcase the power, dignity, and grace of a woman's spirit flawlessly - showing how freedom and independence does not mean free to do whatever you want with whomever you want defying all traditions, religion, expectations, and principles - but is a state and quality of mind, that even in the most dire and unbearable of circumstances, your spirit remains immutable. A woman's strength is compassion in the face of adversity, serenity in the face of devastation, and strength in the face of oppression. THAT is true womanhood.
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jjongleurs · 4 years ago
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Okay, but that is a FACT. I feel like, until THE END, they tried so hard to make Cas seem more "other" and beyond the scope of normal life for this specific reason. Like... as soon as they showed anything close to the possibility of domesticity or permanence in the life of Dean specifically??? They whisked Cas away.
It kinda starts in s6 subtly when Cas is just watching Dean's life (first with Lisa and Ben then with Bobby and Sam). Like, he's literally outside those situations because if he wasn't? It would mean too much.
Then in season 7 with killing him then having him be "human" and have memory loss then having him take on Sam's trauma. It was all just served to distance him from being a normal part of Dean's life.
Then they couldn't have Cas stick with Dean in purgatory in s8 because it would mean they had to spend a lot of time together and it would deepen and develop their relationship to the point where it was near impossible to say they wrent in love (both negatively and to each other).
AND THEN season 9 with human Cas and Dean kicking him out of the bunker???? Impossible for them to just be friends in that situation of living and working together in close quarters without it culminating into them getting even closer???
Season 10 just said all this without saying it with the Colette parallel??? Like, Cain could stop because he loved his wife and she loved him and that bond served as an anchor for the mark and he was able to control his bloodlust that way? Like???? Hello??? And then in season 11 Dean is STRAIGHT UP running away from Cas and pushing him away after Rowena's attack dog spell weakens him and he has to stay in the bunker for a while. Dean washes all the cars and goes on hunts and tells Cas to get moving because Metatron and the Darkness are still a problem so he leaves the bunker????
I barely remember season 12 and I haven't gotten to it in my rewatch but I remember that there's a wedge between them because Cas wants to protect the unborn nephilim and Dean and Sam want it dead (it's so weird to talk about Jack like this), so they stay away from each other for a huge part of this season. But they reunite to fight Lucifer and keep him away from Jack and THEN CAS DIES. And then we have the whole widower arc?????
And I don't remember season 14 but the divorce arc in season 15????????????? They think the world is saved so they think there is no big bad left so they're free to do whatever with their lives but Dean has a lot of unpack and he focuses all his anger and grief and frustration and directs it at Cas because he's SCARED. Of how he feels and what things could be like if they could actually just talk and work through their issues and live normally??? Like??? It horrified him!!! And then we come full circle back to purgatory and Dean TRIED. He tried to tell Cas he loved him and he told him, HE TOLD HIM!!!! DEAN TOLD CAS HE WANTED HIM TO STAY!!! That's honestly the Dean equivalent of saying "I love you" and it seems like he's ready to tell Cas!! To stop pushing him away!!! The narrative (this push and pull of emotions with the narrative driving a wedge between them so they don't actually get the resolution of their emotions) seems like it's coming to a close!! BUT THEN CAS STOPS HIM. Now I don't think that Cas thought Dean was in love with him and stoped him because of that because he learned from Dean that to have hope is dangerous and it's better to hope for nothing and to take what you can get and to avoid the heartbreak, but he KNEW. He knew that any conversation with Dean friggin Winchester that starts with "I need to say something" could lead to his happiness because he avoids Saying Something like the damn PLAGUE. Dean opening up and being vulnerable???? Making progress and talking about his feelings and emotions to his damn face??? To him??? To Cas???? NOT running away from what he's feeling??? SAYING IT OUT LOUD!!! So Cas stops him!!!!
This is also why he's not in the Mrs. Butters episode!! Too much domesticity and wholesomeness, too much that could lead to MORE. BUT THEN IT COMES FULL CIRCLE WITH THE CONFESSION SCENE BECAUSE CAS CAN FINALLY ALLOW IT BUT THE NARRATIVE STILL DOESN'T ALLOW IT. Cas and Dean are on the same page, but before they've even got a CHANCE Cas is dead??? Dean is still processing what happened???? He's not used to having these moments of clarity because the last decade with Cas has been full of unsaid things and repression???? He can't process all of that on a few seconds and before he can even start to process it, much less RESPOND Cas is gone???
IT WAS ALWAYS SOMETHING DRIVING THEM APART. They wanted to be with each other but they had so much to resolve and no time for it, AND WHEN THEY FINALLY DO IT THE DAMN STORY ENDS. THERE IS NO RESOLUTION. we did the exposition, the conflict, the rising action, the friggin climax!!!! BUT THERE WAS NO RESOLUTION.
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paradisushq · 3 years ago
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We have some new Wanted Connections!
[ NOAH PIERCE (Milo Ventimiglia) ] is looking for their [ OLDER BROTHER ]. They are a [ 90-95 YEAR OLD CORVUS SHIFTER ] and look like [ BEN BARNES, JAMIE DORNAN, MICHIEL HUISMAN, DANIEL BRUHL, STEPHEN AMELL, UTP ]. You [ DO ] have to contact the mun beforehand. Noah and [character] were put into the foster system at young ages after their parents were killed by hunters. They were adopted out to separate families and Noah was too young to remember much of anything of his biological family or their shifter genes. However, [character] was told stories and taught expectations about their shifter gene before and when they became of age, were able to shift as much (or as little) as they desired. Much of their story otherwise is UTP, what their adoptive family ended up being like, how/why they decided to shift, how they ended up at Paradisus, if they were looking for Noah over the years, etc.
[ RANA BOLAT (BENSU SORAL) ] is looking for their [ ANCHOR ]. They are [ 200+/VAMPIRE ] and look like [ BEN BARNES, KEREM BÜRSIN, CASEY DEIDRICK, JUAN DIEGO BOTTO, MICHIEL HUISMAN, LANCE GROSS, MATTHEW NOSZKA, CAN YAMAN, SCOTT EASTWOOD, MAXI IGLESIAS, MARCO PIGOSSI, or UTP ]. You [ DO NOT ] have to contact the mun beforehand. Rana was sold into the underground fighting pits almost 300 years ago. This vampire has spent at least 100 years trying to help people escape from the pits. He has to be at least 200 years old, and he can be an ex-human vampire or a noble vampire. He lost someone he was close to in his life to the pits at least 100 years ago and he couldn't save them, they died in there and he never forgave himself for that. After he lost that person, he got involved in rescuing people from the pits and started to work with the Flores family. He can be related to them or he can just be a friend to the family. If he is related to them, he needs to be a Latino face claim. Since he got involved in rescuing people, he has funded 'fake' owners who would buy fighters and then fake their deaths in the pits so that they could escape. He would also fund the training and resources of the rescuers who were sent into the pits to rescue the fighters. He would be familiar with Rana even if they never met, he would have seen her a lot. But, she was always too guarded for them to ever have a chance of rescuing her since she was a special prized fighter. He would effect Rana, becoming like an anchor to help to help her heal. The nature of their relationship can be up to the player and how we plot with each other. It can be platonic, develop into romantic, or even be a love/hate relationship where they challenge each other a lot but he still helps her start to heal from the trauma she's experienced for almost 300 years.
[ THEODORE MILLER (Evan Roderick) ] is looking for their [ SHORT-TERM MENTOR ]. They are a [ UTP ( SHIFTER ) ] and look like [ UTP ]. You [ DO NOT ] have to contact the mun beforehand. Theo was on the run from a rather young age, and as a teen / young adult he was sure to have gotten into trouble here and there. [Character] would’ve come upon him one way or another, gotten him out of a rough spot and taken Theo into their care for the short term - until Theo had other ideas and took off without warning, possibly looting a few things on his way out.
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swldx · 2 years ago
BBC 0425 9 Apr 2023
12095Khz 0357 9 APR 2023 - BBC (UNITED KINGDOM) in ENGLISH from TALATA VOLONONDRY. SINPO = 54444. English, dead carrier s/on @0358z w/QRM from Al'Seela relay. Then ID@0359z pips and Newsroom preview. @0401z World News anchored by David Harper. Israeli jets hit Syrian military targets on Sunday in response to rockets launched towards Israeli controlled territory overnight, Israel's military said, as violence flared again following cross-border exchanges of fire during the week. State media in Syria reported explosions in the vicinity of the capital Damascus as Israel said its forces continued to hit Syrian territory after six rockets were fired overnight towards the Golan Heights. Hundreds of worshipers barricaded themselves inside Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa mosque late on Saturday, as Israeli police officers attempt to remove them from the holy site. Representatives from the Waqf, the Muslim religious trust that acts as the custodian of the Temple Mount, are attempting to persuade the worshipers to leave the mosque. Police in Iran plan to use smart technology in public places to identify and then penalise women who violate the country’s strict Islamic dress code, the force said on Saturday. A statement said police would “take action to identify norm-breaking people by using tools and smart cameras in public places and thoroughfares”. Police will then send “the proof and warning messages to the violators of the hijab law” to “inform them about the legal consequences of repeating this crime”. China has carried out a second day of naval drills around Taiwan, as tensions continue to mount after President Tsai Ing-wen's visit to the US last week. US state department officials have urged China not to overreact to a meeting, which took place in California, and have called for "restraint and no change to the status quo". Hydro-Québec crews have been working throughout the long weekend to restore power to more than 130,000 customers — the majority in Montreal — still without power following Wednesday's ice storm. The lights went off for more than a million people and the storm has been linked to two deaths. Ukraine's First Deputy Foreign Minister Emine Dzhaparova will ask India on an upcoming visit for humanitarian aid and equipment to repair energy infrastructure damaged during Russia's invasion, a newspaper reported on Saturday. India's foreign ministry said the Ukrainian minister was arriving in India on Sunday on a four-day trip during which the two sides would discuss their relations, the situation in Ukraine and global issues. Twenty-seven people are dead or missing after two migrant boats sank off the east coast of Tunisia. The last surviving prosecutor from the post-World War Two Nuremberg trials has died aged 103. Ben Ferencz was just 27 when he secured the convictions of 22 Nazi officers for war crimes and crimes against humanity. @0406z "The Newsroom" begins. Backyard fence antenna, Etón e1XM. 250kW, beamAz 315°, bearing 63°. Received at Plymouth, United States, 15359KM from transmitter at Talata Volonondry. Local time: 2257.
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