#no hate to people who romance lucanis obviously
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hawkeinthecitadel · 4 months ago
I’m so glad that I’m seeing people showing interest in all of the characters when it comes to romance in Veilguard. With all the stuff I saw before release, I was so scared it was just going to become a Lucanis dating simulator the same way people tried to treat BG3 like an Astarion dating simulator. 😭
Glad y’all are showing love to all the companions, they deserve it.
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butchvamp · 3 months ago
i finished the game last night, here are my unpolished thoughts about the final act and what i liked & didn't like. this is very long and probably incoherent lol
what i liked:
the whole final battle was awesome, i loved the combat, and i really enjoyed the huge cutscenes of everyone fighting together. i had been really disappointed earlier about the lack of a battle scene at weisshaupt a la ostagar in origins, and this definitely made up for it
i liked the suicide mission and actually getting to assign people their roles in the battle
i LOVED Solas's betrayal, that whole section in the fade prison with the statues was one of the strongest scenes in the game, i think the entire relationship between Rook and Solas is really well developed. as the player, we know Solas is manipulating them, but i think they did a good job making it so it's still believable for Rook to fall for his tricks, especially with the Blood of Arlathan quest before this. (also it's very obvious Solas is Weekes' favorite, wish they would have just stuck to him and not all that other dogshit...lol)
i liked the idea of Varric's role here, but not the execution. i'll come back to this lmao
the giant dread wolf and archdemon fight was cool as fuck. no notes. that's just classic rule of cool, baby
also i had Davrin in my party while fighting alongside Solas and i really enjoyed his banter with him and how hard he laid into Solas's ass. it was very satisfying. yippee go Davrin!
okay. now. what i didn't like (sorry not going to bother with bullet points, it's going to be longer down here lol):
while i liked the suicide mission structure, i hated how the game all but told you who to assign where. there were no stakes at all, there was no way to get it wrong unless you did so intentionally.
this also brings me to. The Choice. between Davrin and Harding. i understand the need for a "fallen hero" here, it ties into the entire theme of regret with Solas as we see in the fade prison, it was necessary for Rook to be the person "at fault" (aka directly make the choice that ends with someone getting killed) but this choice was dogshit. it also was really fucking stupid to see Harding climb up and stand atop a giant stone pillar, and then NOT use her stone magic!!! i don't hate the idea of someone dying here, but this was just a series of failed choices over and over again. we should not have pitted returning fan fave Harding against the single Black companion (who comes in late and barely even gets his own story outside of his damn pet)-- it should have been Harding (narratively satisfying, she's been here since the beginning and dies for the fight) or Lucanis (he is literally the guy taking the shot), we also shouldn't have tied all the dwarf lore revelations to a character that can just fucking die at the end, and we shouldn't have had her stand on a giant stone pillar when she has STONE MAGIC!! i knew this choice was coming but her death still caught me off guard cus i was fully expecting her to collapse that stone pillar on her, not use her stupid puny bow 😭
i think this choice is also weakened by the fact that it's THEE only choice. it's obviously an echo of the earlier Treviso and Minrathous choice, which also didn't really seem to affect much outside of potentially losing the corresponding factions (and i think Lucanis's romance gets locked out?) i saved Treviso, so i got the Treviso questline later, and i assume that you get a Minrathous specific questline with the Shadow Dragons if you save the other instead (haven't seen myself tho so i'm not sure, just guessing). but it's very easy to recover the Shadow Dragon's reputation, and the final battle takes place in Minrathous no matter what. the only way for companions to die or the battle to fail is to just straight up ignore quests. you can't lose a faction's support at all unless you intentionally try to do so. i don't even think you can lose companions at all unless you intentionally ignore their quests and place them in the wrong spot. though the game still holds your hand through the battle and basically Tells You who to put where so they survive.
and to be fair. this is true for the suicide mission in mass effect 2, but the thing is, there is so much more dialogue and variations with how you can play your character and interact with the companions and the world than there is in veilguard, it makes it feel like you do have more control over your character and the narrative, even if it's just the illusion of choice.
and then with Solas, it doesn't matter, he always ends up trapped/linked to the Fade, it just changes how he feels. (they also do this with the First Warden. i was excited for a potential variation between punching/not punching, but all it changes is his attitude when you find him later in Davrin's quest) okay.... well. is he going to return again after that post credit scene? and are they really going to write 3 (or 4, with lavellan i guess) different branching personality variations?
i think the powers that be just wanted to get rid of him in a way that would still leave the dragon age setting ultimately unaltered and open for more games in the future. especially given the secret post credits scene. which i also have an issue with. we're going to go from "it was all the Evanuris fault" to Actually, it was this secret third thing and everything we did was for nothing! AGAIN! if they want to make more dragon age games, they can just... start a new story. do they know that. (the fact they're implying Loghain was influenced by some outside force to do what he did at ostagar actually has me livid lol. leave origins alone!!!!)
anyways. now the fade prison. i have two issues, my main one being Varric. i actually started to suspect early on something was up with him, because he just sits in that damn infirmary the entire game, no interactions, barely any dialogue. i think Varric was horribly underutilized in this game, and it results in all of the emotional beats around him falling flat for me. of course, it's emotional for ME, the player, because Varric is a fan fave returning character and one of my own personal favorites. as far as i've seen in game, though... Rook has no relationship with him at all. i think this game would have been vastly improved with short playable origins that showed the two meeting and developing a relationship, and also he really really needed to have more scenes and dialogue in general. he's barely in the second half of the game, literally just sitting all by himself in that damn room, and even when he is in the cutscenes he has one single line that everyone obviously just ignores. it sucked. very disappointing finale for a really beloved character... it could have been so good if it was good....
because i DO love the idea of Solas using him to manipulate Rook (and i really like Varric and Solas's relationship & the way they contrast against each other), and also the idea of how being tricked in that way would actually affect Rook-- what's real, what's not, can they even trust what they're seeing at all anymore? especially when Solas "glitches" between Varric and Lucanis (idk if it's always him or your LI? would be cool if it's your LI, that's what i assumed) after slaying Ghilan'nain-- this could have tied in with the final romance scene. but of course the game doesn't get into any of that at all.
and now issue 2. how the fuck did Solas do that LOL. how did he switch places, how did he get out, how did it take Rook in his place when it was designed for elven gods? where are the other elven gods (did i just miss this explanation? did the other two just kill them in there)? 🤷 when did this place suddenly turn into a prison of regrets? was that Solas's presence influencing it, or did he do that intentionally for Rook? dont know! who cares. moving on...
i romanced Lucanis, and i was really disappointed with his romance. the final scene was sweet, but.... i think particularly with Lucanis you can tell so much of his story and arc ended up on the cutting room floor, it feels disjointed and as if we're missing pieces, and you can feel it in his romance, too. i also really didnt understand the "keep flirting (not a lock in) or end it now" choices that didnt feel like they did anything at all. why was i given like 3 different times to break up with him when we weren't even dating yet lmao. the romance was a bummer, of course i love the setting and the story but i go into these games expecting strong romance along with it and i was really banking on that being the highlight in this mess of a game but. alas
this also segues me back into the whole "trapped in the Fade prison" section. why was there no reunion with both your LI and everyone else? apparently Rook was in there for WEEKS!!! they hardly communicate this and Rook just reappears and jumps straight back into leading the team, no tears or questions asked about how they found them, how they got out, what everyone was thinking while they were gone... we also get a deus ex machina knife, how convenient that they did all that while i was gone and no explanation is given as to how it could possibly fool Solas, just trust us bro! 💆 i feel like trying to craft our own copy of the knife should have been something actively happening in the background throughout the entire game, and it gets finished while Rook is in the Fade. but this truly came out of nowhere lol
again i think it's obvious things were cut and rewritten and maybe this was the result of a frantic scramble to come up with something that would work, and i'll be generous and blame it on that, i guess...
when we finally get to the final confrontation with Solas, i was very excited, because again i feel like Rook and Solas's relationship is the best in the game, Solas's writing is consistent and strong, i knew this scene had to be good.... and i guess it was? but it felt so unsatisfying. i chose to fight him (my Rook would do anything to get him to shut up) and i was hoping for. an actual fight. you can do it with Mythal earlier in the game, and we already saw his giant wolf form, i was so excited. and then. no<3
okay! sure. we beat him with the power of friendship (not surprised and not even making fun of it here, it makes sense narratively, i knew some version of this was coming after the whole comparing Rook versus Solas bit in the Fade) but come onnnnn i wanted to fight the giant wolf.... sigh. i did check out the other endings as well, and it's clear the redemption ending is the "true" ending and also the best written one imo.
overall. this was a bad dragon age game. i had a lot of fun playing it though, so it's not a bad game game. the gameplay loop never got boring, i never got tired exploring or doubling back, i loved the maps, i loved the combat, and i did love the companions. but the writing is atrocious and racist. this is a horrible dragon age game. i don't know where i fall on recommending this. again, i've had a lot of fun playing and dissecting it, but i dont know that i could recommend this to dragon age fans. this would have been way more successful as a completely different fantasy game. the changes to the lore, disregarding the majority of the games that came before it, the horrible depictions of returning characters (the inquisitor and isabela were the worst offenders for me) the setting and characters feeling watered down and incomplete, the complete lack of the classic "grey morality" shtick (even if it's not always been implemented well)... idk man. bummer! it's obvious there was a cohesive vision at one point, i do think this game is a casualty of the current state of the gaming industry (i was honestly surprised it was functional on launch. not shade at bioware just in general that is rare to see now) we know EA thrashed bioware throughout development, and bioware made a lot of really bad choices, too (the racism is absolutely their doing, they made that choice back in inquisition). but we can see, particularly in the artbook, that there were good ideas & an intention to actually tie everything together and give this story the finale it deserved... but it all got lost along the way in a very ugly, chaotic development. and the game really suffers for it.
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sampirism · 4 months ago
talkn bout my opinions on rook and varric and roleplay and feeling disconnected (roleplay in a game sense not the freaky sense. sorry) - SPOILERS FOR ENTIRE GAME, BEWARE. this post is WAY too long. sorry about that too.
it's very evident that bioware/EA wanted an action/adventure game first and an RPG second, but let me type at you.
i hate to say that i didn't feel particularly sad about varric's fate, due to the structure of the game. it is, in hindsight, completely obvious that he was not alive! i just hadn't been thinking about varric much at all the entire game because you have limited opportunity to talk to him in the infirmary or when he plops around barefoot when everyone decides to sit at a table and talk about how fucked we are. i genuinely forgot he was there otherwise.
he barely feels like a guy himself. because there's no personalized worldstate, any specific mentions to events or characters might be jarring to the player who may have made a different choice along the way.
no one talks about how sorry they are about varric because they CAN'T or the twist is completely revealed. even with another DA2 character in the game (who my hawke romanced. who is now dead in the fade. glad to see you're LIVING IT UP ISABELA!!! (I'm jk. a little.))
there's no response rook can say to condolences outside of "oh, thanks" without the game fully revealing its Twist, because "I'll tell him you said hi" and "he'll be up and walking in no time!" are only reasonable responses from a Mourn Watcher, and even then, should still cause your companions to be a little alarmed. the closest we get to this is the inquisitor making reference to lost friends, and rook visually registers it, but its swept under the rug and moved on from immediately.
(i know we're all mentally unwell in this lighthouse repressing our feelings but jesus christ)
despite spending two games with him and enjoying him as a character, I struggle with feeling much for his loss AS my rook, because i found there to be no meaningful connection between him and rook. i was only told i was supposed to have one.
the game wanted so badly get the ball rolling with an immediate threat, its at the expense of roleplay. you could argue that da2 and inq also started with Immediate Threats but you are also very limited in the choosing of your backstory in those games.
rook was deliberately designed to be more open-ended, with more similarity to origins, but still gave you a prequel where you felt what your life was before The World Began To End.
there's this conversation you can walk in on with lucanis and davrin, where they're talking about their worst jobs. there are three dialogue for rook I think and i can only remember two but they were "I don't want to talk about it" or "man I have the dreadwolf in my head". (I... honestly think the third option was very similar to the second one but I have a very bad memory. sorry)
i played a mourn watcher mage. i had to have done some messed up spirit stuff. some bone shenanigans. not able to mention my Down With Nobles rebellion at all. i halfway expected it to be revealed that my rook was just like a shitty pawn (haha) and actually all her memories are fake and not real. but obviously you meet people from your shared backstory and they do know OF you but they don't really know you
in mass effect 1, there were some unique missions related to both the backstory and psychological profile you picked for shepard. they were short, and nothing happens like that in 2+3 that i remember, but they are unique to your character and are something at least.
no one really asks you much more about yourself! mourn watcher rook is literally Found In The Crypts as an Infant, an incredible mystery that you have to fill in the blanks yourself, which could be something someone wants-- but i personally like my characters a little more predefined in a game such as dragon age. vague history worked for me in games like skyrim and fallout new vegas, even baldurs gate! but makes me feel wholly disconnected from the story and group here.
there was a fair amount of dialogue choices for mourn watcher, especially with Emmrich-- talking with emmrich was one of the few times my rook felt like A Person-- but there were other times that my companions seemed to think emmrich was the only necromancer/watcher on the team. (i even specialized in death caller!)
by containing all the dialogue with companions to ! markers and outings, it's weird to be unable to have any conversations without being able to provide personal insight, whereas some NPCs in inquisition actively asked you about your past.
its particularly noticeable because of lucanis, whom my rook romanced. the dude has a lot to say about nevarran culture and the necropolis and such, and we can have zero conversations on the matter lol.
maybe this is like, really a mourn watcher thing? maybe it feels better as a crow or a warden. but if you offer me the choice to be a freak crawling around in a tomb. i am going to be.
TLDR: i really feel that a prequel mission, a recruitment by varric then a timeskip, a personal quest tied to the consequences of your backstory, something, anything, to make rook feel like an actual part of the world, was a necessity and sincerely a missed opportunity. if you actually read this far, thanks!
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curioussubjects · 4 months ago
I just finished Veilguard, and...I'm really not sure how I feel about it?
All in all: good game, had fun, but still didn't quite hit some of the highs it wanted to hit and it's still not as good as DA2
(Spoilers galore below for everything)
The Good:
Pretty game is pretty;
Love the codexes, especially the ones written by companions or with their commentary;
Speaking of, the Mementos had so excellent tid bits of lore flavor to them, as well;
Regrets of the Dread Wolf was a damn good quest;
Some truly funny party banter;
I actually thought it was really easy to figure out who my Rook is as I played the game, which was much harder for me to do for my Lavellan in DAI;
And speaking of Lavellan, she was in character she WOULD say that she WOULD do that. Bless;
Everything about Nevarra and the Mourn Watch, I wish there was more content there because I was so into it;
Orb and dagger mage is really fun to play, which was VERY surprising considering I don't play close range ever;
I also really enjoyed destroying blight boils for some reason lmao;
Petting cats (they PURR WHEN YOU DO);
Assan <3;
Taash being so autistic;
Teia and Viago my beloveds;
The Solavellan of it all;
And Solas, too. Love that sadsack disaster man;
Maybe this is super basic of me but I liked Varric's narration...idk it's comforting;
Honestly, just Varric in general was a bit safety blanket in a nice way for me because the game feels overwhelming at first;
There's no party like an all Dalish party!
Exploring -- loved finding all the fun details in each location, and I know I didn't even do enough in my playthrough;
I'm weak for stories about guilt, fear and regret. And I'm even weaker when those stories are so obviously about forgiveness and moving forward. Also love. Always love.
The Bad:
The pacing. I've said this before but DAtV could've used a more explicit arc structure or have quests note which level they're meant for or SOMETHING because some times it seemed I was doing quests too early or too late for when I was in the main story. I also thought events kept oscillating from happening too fast or too slowly, and it very much did get in the way of immersion;
The romance. Literally what are you doing Dragon Age that you fumble the romance. Granted, I only romanced Davrin so far, but I'm getting the sense from looking through the tag that maybe Lucanis' romance also feels a bit off? Honestly I have so many issues with the romance progression for Davrin that it's its own section;
I hope this is only a Veil Jumpers issue, but I thought Rook was so separate from the faction. I felt very little connection to them;
I've seen some people point out NPCs talk to Rook like they're a child, and while I don't really agree with that I do think Rook doesn't have enough opportunities to be knowledgeable in their own right. Especially annoying with a mage Veil Jumper Rook! I miss the Inquisition perk dialogue options that let my Lavellan be a smarty pants;
Holy overdesigned armors! Yikes!
Not all areas are as well developed as the others: Rivain is the most egregiously empty and underdeveloped, but I actually thought Arlathan Forest was super lifeless too. So was the Lighthouse! You get the early game discovery bit and then nothing ever again and it's like oh that was really it huh (and the stuff we did get was so good please more?);
I hate to say this but BioWare missed the mark with Rook's place in the group. The companions seemed connected to each other, yeah, but Rook was like some cross between group therapist and not-so-undercover boss. There was none of the warmth Hawke got from their companions (or the Inquisitor, for that matter!). The game really needed 1. a lighthearted party hangout cutscene and 2. companions coming together to take care of Rook (the fact this isn't even a thing in the romance is bonkers to me);
Taash's personal quest being about choosing between being Rivain and Qunari as if that's how culture works is Bad Actually;
The worst minimap I've ever seen in a game wow;
Also: give me back my beacon marker;
The gods were in a regret prison but what were their regrets exactly we just don't know.
The Bad (Romance Edition):
Again, the pacing! Incredibly slow to start (and not in a slow burn way, mind!) and then super fast in the last third of the game;
In fact, the romance seemed to be running on a completely different level than the rest of the story. The last romance scene was incredibly out of place tonally, especially.
The first two romance titles for Davrin are "Thrill of the Chase" and "Hot and Bothered"...and like WHERE????
Davrin never writes about Rook as a romantic partner or as if he has any concerns with the relationship...which we later find out he has, but was news to me;
Tbh, the romance felt like an afterthought. There were cutscenes that in any other DA game there would've been flirting options, for instance, but this time there was nothing (what do you mean Rook can't make a flirty comment when Davrin is shirtless working out with Taash? It's low hanging fruit!);
Not nearly enough flirty banter between Rook and Davrin, which is nuts considering their personalities;
I'm really super disappointed with Davrin's romance, which sucks because he's actually perfect for my Rook and I really like his character. There was so much potential for a really fun romance that was both tense and sexy, but also sweet. But no. Secret good Davrin romance that exists in my head save me.
The ???:
Southern Thedas got scorched when the North didn't how?
Please tell me who was catfishing Andraste;
Making enemies super aggro on Rook unless you specifically have companions taunting was very weird.
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wetcatspellcaster · 3 months ago
Can I ask if you ended up romancing Lucanis in Veilguard and what your overall thoughts on it were? Like obviously it was ridiculously underwritten (I actually laughed out loud when he said he loved my Rook like bro….u don’t even know me) and yet after finishing the game I cannot stop thinking abt Them and consuming fic to make up for the lack of content lol. Somehow it still captured my waking thoughts in a way (is this a safe space) DA2 romances did not. Love your analysis so just curious abt your thoughts!
"oh my god... they were coworkers."
hello anon.
I would like to preface my answer with: yes, my Rook romanced Lucanis. And like a fool, I'm writing a fic about it. Bc that's the only way I know how to cope with this much unfulfilled potential, tbh.
my thoughts on the romance are under the cut bc I still have mutuals who are still playing and trying to avoid spoilers!
yeah, so, my feelings are pretty much the same as yours. The two most overwhelming thoughts I have about it:
the writing is so fucking inconsistent. like yes, it's underwritten, but surely that should mean the throughline is easy to follow? you'd think, wouldnt you! you'd think it made sense!
the two of them truly have NO chemistry as written. the romantic parts of their story feel so odd and out of place because there's no build up to them. in the words of my best friend, 'that's not a romance, that's a secondment placement'.
The first one is the biggest issue for me. There are parts of the Lucanis romance that I genuinely enjoyed and found compelling! I somewhat controversially loved the scene in the lead up to the final battle! but the peaks and troughs (and outright plateaus) in the writing means that no single part matches up with anything that has come before or after. That's not even bringing in how he treats Neve if he's romancing her instead, which would be understandable (Neve is hot, and their romance gives the Treviso/Minrathous debacle a resolution if you're not romancing either of them) if it added up with anything that we see of his treatment of Rook!
i KNOW people are being weird about it and hating on Neve, but the problem isn't her. It's that Lucanis' dynamic with her seems to add a whole new alternative characterisation into the mix. To me, the most frustrating part is that nothing adds up. If he's holding back from Rook bc of his trauma and uncertainty, WHY is he romancing someone else? if he's got so much to fucking work through, why is he part of NPC romance plotline? it just doesn't make sense!
And people have started to reach the point where they're trying to make it make sense, glossing the almost kiss and how wildly different it is from anything else he does, or about the fact that the 'locking-in' dialogue is the most painfully platonic thing imaginable, and everyone's coming up with excuses and headcanons, and it's just... lads. it's just bad writing.
as for my second overarching... well. that's the one that's made me angry to write about it.
At the point of me writing this answer, Mary Kirby has now come out and said that the Lucanis romance is so underwhelming bc he's demisexual, and a virgin. which... you know... I could just personally find offensive from so many angles, the least of which being she seems to be trying to use diversity and queer language as an excuse or shield for what is... yep. bad writing.
But I'm sorry, *looks at my entire ao3 profile and whispers "bet"* that statement is just patently and stupidly untrue! you can write good demisexual romance, actually!
As someone who is on the asexual spectrum, and who writes romances and ships who probably all have a little bit of that asexual seasoning sprinkled across the top... Attraction and chemistry are different things. I have read and written many compelling romances with asexual characters - and you know what? regardless of the characters' orientation, their interest in another person and their appeal to another person is never in question.
If you wanted to write an ace-spec character as sincere representation, there's so many routes you could've gone down. But you chose the power fantasy of a romance - trust me, I know, because it's the same decision I make every time I open up a word document or an ao3 page. the least you could do is do it well.
I'm sorry, it's just bad writing.
As something of an introverted demisexual loser myself, I would love to see Lucanis as representation. But I can't. Because it's not true to any of my experience, and I just don't think it's actually written itno the game. It's being retconned to make up for the fact the romance has landed terribly, and the fact that so much of this game is underwritten and underwhelming and a disappointment.
It's why I think the fic will be good, because I know there's potential there separate from what we've been given. And it's why i'm now writing about it. I wasn't ever sure if this wip document was going to see the light of day, but I guess, if I want to see a demisexual romance actually done right, I've got to do all the fucking work myself.
But yeah, anon! I enjoyed it, and I unfortunately also see the fucking potential!!!! and now it's my problem!!!! and it's up on ao3!!!!
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hansmannette · 4 months ago
i finished veilguard and i kinda need to write smth down cuz idrk how this game should make me feel atm
spoilers for dragon age the veilguard below the cut
i dont think i liked veilguard this much tbh. it wasn't a total disappointment but i expected a different game altogether. theres not many aspects i enjoyed about it and when i think about replaying it in the future im like "... im not looking forward to experiencing any of this again" like there wasnt a single point in the game i really had fun playing?? idk
the characters fall completely flat for me. theres no one i think was cool or fun interacting with during my playthrough. i think i liked taash a little? like at least they were funny sometimes and their dialogue seemed genuine most of the time. spite was also funny sometimes. i think i liked spite more than i liked lucanis which is a shame. the least boring guy was probably davrin, i might check out his romance in the future cuz i liked assan and yea.. davrin was really ok tbh. the absolute worst character for me was harding??? harding was so fucking annoying all game and she was just... not at all like harding. all her lines were so obnoxious and just idk. i think the dialogues overall were just really bad cuz i actually enjoyed most character arcs, i even thought hardings was amongst the strongest. i also didnt like that you could never just chat with your companions and ask them about their lives or whatever, you had to wait for them to want to talk to you in order to be able to interact with them at all and overall the companion aspect of veilguard was just trash. they mightve wanted to go back to da2 or ME style but this doesnt fit modern games anymore imo and just made me not care at all for any of the companions. the romances were way too short too. i liked the romance element the most in any given dragon age and its always been important to me so veilguard fucked this up bad imo :/ theres like 10-20 hours of gameplay at a time where your romance does not progress at all and at times i thought it bugged out but apparently its intended to be this lacking in content
speaking of characters.... rook was really unlikeable to me? ANY dialogue option was horrible cuz rook is just a very annoying, terribly written protagonist
the map design was ok i think... i wouldve preferred the inquisition approach and for everything to be less linear and streamlined. seeing bigass fogwalls with an actual interface LOCKED symbol isnt very immersive??? just let me explore on my own wtf. while some locations were cool and beautifully designed, especially dock town and treviso, exploring them wasnt that engaging since there wasnt much to see. ive seen people on here say most of the locations seemed like theme parks and i agree, especially the necropolis and hossberg
obviously it feels bad for decisions in previous games to not matter at all, i feel like this used to be a core mechanic to all dragon age games and now they just dropped it
the cutscenes however were all very good imo, the overall story of the game was great and especially the cutscenes were super impactful and emotional, i cried a BUNCH during this game. i just think its funny how the small scale writing is so bad but the overarching story was good? id say the game is not worth it outside of the main story quests and some companion quests. theres probably a billion people out there who would disagree with me saying the main story writing was good but i think it was just fine to focus on solas and the aftermath of his actions. at least solas didnt suffer much from bad writing in this game and he continues to be one of the most interesting characters to ever exist probably. every scene featuring solas was great and whenever he wasnt present the quality took a nose dive. tbh morrigan also stayed true to her character id say and she also kinda carried the game
i fuckin hate this weirdass dalish art direction overhaul? stop with the fucking futuristic gadget triangle look??? this doesn't give elf fantasy at all, i think i disliked bellara and the veil jumpers MOSTLY because of this shitty design choice
i legit feel insane mentioning this but i DO NOT get how meredith was irrelevant?? they showed the red lyrium idol in the teaser, they confirmed her return at the end of absolution and i was 100% sure she would somehow be relevant in the veilguard story but she just....wasnt. i truly dont get it. but at this point theres a billion characters that shouldve been relevant given the themes and locations and they just werent. we had plenty reason to see characters like zevran, merril or fenris again. i AM grateful for the cameos we got tho, i was really happy to see familiar faces every now and then
the dragon fights are the best in the series imo. theyre not elden ring levels of cool but they are the best in all of dragon age. the combat system was really nice and dynamic, i was looking forward to this and it absolutely delivered. i WOULD replay veilguard to try a different class/build
the character creator was good, transmogging was good, i liked having a few specific weapons and gear pieces for different combat stats...... yea
i feel like.... everything in the game is just kinda washed out. theres barely any conflict in the world OR between the characters. everything is giving super weenie hut jr. vibes and i dont say this bc i want broodmother stories and abuse back but did we really forget about the crows trafficking children? did we forget about slavery in tevinter? why is none of this shown, it feels like this was erased to be as palatable as possible
there was sooooooo much missed potential with this game... or my expectations were too demanding idk. when i saw 12 eluvians in the crossroads i got SUPER excited for all the possible locations, even hoping one would open to kirkwall. but that never happened and besides the main locations the rest was just used for one-time companion quest visits.
overall i expected more... its not a terrible game but i really was hoping for something else. my opinion might change and i might be overly emotional and aggravated bc i literally just finished a couple hours ago but at the moment... im not that happy tbh. i hope my feelings about it calm down over time. mostly im disappointed cuz the game just came out and is, like all the other dragon age games, something completely different and its not another origins or another 2 or another inquisition. and i mean why would it be? we already got those games so ofc veilguard is something entirely new. maybe once enough time passes i can enjoy the game for what it is but at the moment i feel very "meh" about it and kinda miss the other games
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