#no emeto though
emetosecretplace · 8 months
my roommate is out and I am stoned once again so I filled up on chips and water and then vomited into the sink
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sunset-boy-thing · 3 months
I wanna snuggle with a cute nauseous girl so badly... I wanna rub her tummy and hold her hair back as she pukes... I wanna make out with her while she's trying to hold it in for as long as possible... I want to take care of her... Just thinking about that rn
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askbloatedbellyblog · 11 months
Ron Kamonohashi's Forbidden Deductions Belly Sighting
So a great new series called Ron Kamonohashi's Forbidden Deductions (Though the other version of the title is Ron Kamonohashi: Deranged Detective which I think just sounds cooler) is a new anime based on the manga by Akira Amano. She's created some other great series like Reborn and élDLIVE and has done the designs for characters in Psycho Pass. But this marks at least the third time that series she's associated with have had great belly content like here and here.
Ron Kamonohashi is a disgraced detective, forbidden from actually solving crimes due to an incident in his past. He uses his friend and police officer Totomaru Isshiki to help him solve crimes for...reasons.
Anyway, Ron loves brown sugar syrup and here he is after he ate extremely well at a buffet. It's even canon to the manga too!
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I love this clip and it came out of nowhere. Plus I love him hola hooping and making himself sick here because he's a doof and had this on his wish list of things to do. He definitely should and probably could eat more. Since there's only one video per post I'll post this with the clip showing his spread right before too.
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kalashnikovlobotomy · 20 days
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an ame with which it's debatable whether he knows (probably, distantly.) or acknowledges (no) that he's a little *squeak* in the brain but it really throws him off balance when others notice . but he's not subtle... i think you go grocery shopping with him and he's very obviously turning things around to read the back but if he feels like you're staring he starts overheating. 20 minutes later he's still thinking about it and goes "haha yeah did i tell you im allergic to somethingxylathamine-B and gotta check everything for it? that's why i was doing that. by the way. if you were wondering." but you already forgot what he's referring to...
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writing-whump · 3 months
Inspired by your answer to my last question could you write a fic where Isaiah is like feeling really bad (maybe a really high fever that makes him delirious) with hector as the caretaker taker and he accidentally calls him mom?
If you feel like this doesn’t fit currently in the timeline I’ll wait.
And if you don’t want to write it no hard feelings.
Way too sick
Isaiah sick with a raging fever part 2. Hector as main caretaker. This was such a great prompt, I loved it on the first sight! Just needed to get to a good point, lol.
Isaiah was dizzy.
Everything was twirling, the bathroom tiles creating a nauseating colourful collage.
His stomach wasn't just cramping. No, there were pauses between cramps. This was more like switching between more painful teeth grinding cramps, those that forced up more stomach acid up his throat and those that just made him curl up and take them quietly.
He was tired. His arms didn't hold, his neck didn't hold and everything was so cold and uncomfortable. The wall against his back, the porcelain bowl in front of him digging into his arms. His knees were getting numb from being folded over them for so long.
Isaiah had this thing where he could zone out when the real world became too painful. He learned it during training with father, kept him sane.
He couldn't tell where he was of what day it was. So he retreated into the back of his mind. No point in panicking. This surely had an explanation.
He just had to hold out until it got better. It always did. That's what a wolf's sturdy healing body was for. Taking pain.
What did they plan for holidays? They should go somewhere, it was too warm in Vienna in summer. He should read more poems. They were very meditative and he could always stop and mule over words in times like these...
Something cold on his cheek made him blink. His senses returned to him, swarming him back with nauseating precision. It made him gag immediately, stomach muscles slamming against his ribs.
Hector was there, leaning next to him. "Hey, easy, easy. Deep breaths."
"What-" he gulped, trying to make his scratchy throat to work. "What are you doing here?"
"I live here, duh," Hector huffed at him, amber brown eyes unusually close to Isaiah's face. He could see all the honey and brown hues swiling inside.
Isaiah was even more confused, but his head felt too floaty to decipher the meaning. He slumped to the side, Hector quickly catching him, hand around his shoulders. "Yeah, this is way too high. Arnie get the bath going- Yeah, mild temp not too cold- He would get into a shock-"
Isaiah felt Hector's massive frame underneath him and let go even further. Everything hurt. Hector was too cold and too edgy to lie against.
"I'll give you 'edgy'," Hector grumbled, both hands around Isaiah as he dragged him upward. "Let's not wait, we can start with a shower and wait until the bathtub is full."
Isaiah must have been floating, cause the walls and the ground disappeared as Hector lifted him up. That was nice. Less things to dig into him.
Getting into the bathtub under the freezing water was less nice. He struggled against the strong arms, trying to get out, but Hector pinned him down into a sitting position. "Oi, oi, oi, stop it. Stay still."
Isaiah didn't want to stay still. He was missing a shirt and trembling with the cold. Water was rapidly filling the bathtub and he still had his pants on and Hector was pushing him down - was he trying to drown him?
Isaiah trashed around, trying to get away. What was this? Did Hector finally lose patience, wanting to get rid of him for his betrayal? Did father order this and Hector listened? Did the pack decide this and Hector was executing their will?
Suddenly there was Arnie, both his hands on Isaiah's cheeks. Saying something. Isaiah tried to focus on his little brother's pale face, green eyes wide withe emotion. Lie still, lie still, lie still.
Arnie wouldn't be angry at Isaiah. He wouldn't listen to father or the pack, cause he never listened to anyone. No, Arnie was here so it meant he was safe.
Isaiah relaxed, falling back against the water. Another pair of hands were holding him up, so he wouldn't sink.
Hector worked mechanically. 10 minutes in the cold bath. They needed new clothes. He send Arnie to get some of his old ones. T-shirt and boxers, so Isaiah wouldn't be too warm.
He didn't have time to freak out. Isaiah would drown himself if he did.
Hector helped him out of the bathtub, then the pants and socks, drying him up with the towel. Isaiah was too out of it to be scared this time, eyes completely unfocused.
When they got him into the bed, clean and relatively dry, Arnie went to get more of wet towels to wrap around him. That's when Hector let himself slump against the side wall.
Hector knew Isaiah had a lot of forgiving him to do. That Hector needed to win his trust back.
Arnie never gave up on Isaiah the way Hector did. Arnie never doubted him the way Hector did. Never hated him the same way.
Of course that would leave scars. Hector expected- maybe ignored it willfully? Was it not good they didn't talk it over?
The thing was, Hector was sure if they started to talk, they would argue. On the surface they were very different and would disagree on bunch of stuff - from pack size, training regiments to what school was useful and how a wolf should act. But he felt like their hearts were connected. That they both felt how much the other cared.
Hector felt rejected for so long, but it was all an illusion. Isaiah always cared. He looked like he didn't because he cared so much. And Arnie always believed in him with that blind devotion of his.
The only one in the wrong was Hector.
But he never felt so useless and so distrusted as at that moment in the bathtub. Where Isaiah, feverish, out of control, logic and reason fried away, looked at him - recognised him - and trashed in terror.
There was a hollow pit forming in his stomach. Hector buried his hands in his hair, pulling at the strands.
He felt do disgusted with himself he just wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out.
Isaiah's breathing was all wrong. Too fast and erratic.
Hector went closer, despite himself. He put a hand over Isaiah's forehead gently.
The fever was a lot better after the bathtub, but now it was climbing again. He opened the window and readjusted the wet towels around Isaiah's ankles and wrists.
His heartbeat was too fast too. Like a small terrified bird, beating in his chest, trying to come out.
Isaiah's stomach gave a loud gurgle, a bubble of air coming up in a soundless burp. His face scrunched up in pain. "Ugh."
"Hey." Hector was torn. He felt incredibly protective, seeing Isaiah this helpless and out of it. He wanted to be close. To guard him, to hold him.
But he also felt like he was too close, too much. That he should get the fuck away if Isaiah could get scared of him.
Arnie told him about what their eldest brother said about stress stomachache that prevented him from realizing he was getting sick. Sobbed himself to sleep right after in the living room, when cleaning it up.
Tonight was really brutal.
Isaiah rolled to his side, face still a mask of pain. He opened his eyes blearily. Then he was heaving, before he could even lift himself up on shaky arms.
Hector sprung up to help him lean over the wet towel at his side, so he wouldn't choke. Isaiah heaved and heaved, but only a clear string of bile came up.
He fell back in exhaustion, breathing all ragged. "Ow, that hurt."
"You are running on empty, man." Hector quickly retracted his hands away, leaning back against the wall.
Isaiah didn't move, but his eyes slowly turned towards Hector. He lifted his hand clumsily to rub against his chest. "Hurtssss."
"Your chest?"
"My hand."
"Hand?" Hector leaned closer in surprise.
Isaiah reached his right hand over to him as if he expected him to see an injury. "Ow."
"Did you hit it in the bathroom or something?"
"No. Broken. More places. Last week."
Hector braced himself against the bed to inspect the hand. It looked completely alright to him. Maybe echoes of the pain? "You are fine now, Zaya, I promise."
"Okay, you know what?" Hector grabbed one of the wet towels from Isaiah's left ankle and wrapped the hand carefully inside. "Like this. It will get cooled down, is that better?"
Isaiah made a satisfied noise at the back of his throat and gingerly put his hand back against his side. "Thanks."
"Anything else?" Hector said, a little amused at the whining. He had never seen Isaiah like this.
"Head's killing me," Isaiah said with a pitiful frown.
"Go figure. You were puking your guts out for over an hour nonstop." Hector reached for the glass with the rehydration solution Arnie made in preparation. "Think you could manage a few sips of this? Would help a ton with the headache."
Isaiah eyed it wearily. "Can't get up."
"True," Hector said with a sigh. "I'll get you a straw, just wait a minute."
He rumbled through some drawers until he found the colour straws Arnie collected. They never drank alcohol at home or outside, since Hector hated it, but Arnie liked drinking juices and sweet drinks with cool cocktail glasses and straws.
Isaiah didn't change positions until Hector returned, sitting down at the edge of the bed. He helped Isaiah to lean forward a bit to catch the straw between chapped lips and take a two slow careful sips. "There. Careful. If you keep it down, I will give you more." He eased him back to bed, sliding away from it immediately as well.
"Uhm..." Isaiah blinked, eyelids falling heavily.
"Get some more sleep."
"Why are you...so far away?"
Hector scowled then chuckled. He was a hand away, not wanting to crowd Isaiah after the bathroom thing...but the words made something fluttery and heartwarming flood his chest. The blond wolf shifted closer.
Isaiah wiggled out his left hand towards him, fingers outstretched. His eyes looked so much like Arnie’s when he looked up.
Hector clasped his hand with a sigh. "Here. All close, not going anywhere. Sleep."
Hector expected the worst to be over after the little whiny, but somewhat coherent episode.
No such luck.
The fever went up again, making Isaiah gasp and shake in his sleep like a leaf.
Hector threw the covers over him at one point, when his teeth started to chatter audibly but Isaiah was kicking them away soon after.
He had to change the shirt he sweat through two times. There was a constant sheen of perspiration on his forehead and neck. A battle Hector wasn't about to lose, wiping it away.
In-between, Hector held Isaiah’s hand, trying to anchor him. The sick wolf trashed around, but the hold calmed him.
When Isaiah turned his head with a whimper, a crease between his eyes, Hector dared to lean closer. He massages the frown gently with his forefinger and thumb, the way he would do for Arnie with a particularly bad migraine.
Isaiah's face relaxed after and he slept a little less fitfully.
It was around 4 in the morning, when Isaiah's eyes opened again. Hector slept in bounds of 20 minutes tops, checking on him, shifting and waking with every little sound or roll.
Isaiah's eyes were open, two big endless pools of dark green. There was something different about them this time. Too smooth and dark, like his pupil wasn't there.
Hector gasped for breath. The word felt like a punch against his ribs.
"I feel really sick," Isaiah rasped, his look all dull and vacant. "Don't think I can get up."
Hector wanted to let go of Isaiah's hand, flinching away like it burned, but the other man held on to it with surprising force. "Mom. You gotta tell Hex...tell Hex and Arnie not to play in my room, okay? I don't want them to catch this."
His eyes closed again and he let out a quiet whimper. "Dad's gonna be disappointed I can't train with him today. Will you say I'm sorry?"
For better or for worse, Hector couldn't find his voice. He just sat there rigidly, while Isaiah dug his fingers into his hand.
"I was really looking forward to it..."
"Shhhh," Hector managed, brushing the sweaty hair out of Isaiah's forehead.
Isaiah let out a shaky breath, before it evened out.
Hector held his hand all tight for another half an hour, hot little tears dripping onto the sheets.
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ancientbygone · 10 months
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i'll never let you forget the chaos that birthed you
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whump-and-utis · 1 month
Greeted this morning by my coworker retching into the trash can. "Sorry if I puke in front of you," she said. That's quite alright... believe me 😵‍💫
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tummysick · 1 year
Me, sitting on the bathroom floor, hugging my stomach and trying not to puke: wow this is so sexy of me
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datastate · 3 months
my friend is talking to me abt hk because it's his first time playing and i'm fucking champing at the bit trying not to spoil things because the hk lore is just so. it's so. throws up.
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i want duolingo owl to lock me in a hot car and watch as i pant and overheat and puke all over myself and get all panicky and blurry and confused and dizzy until i pass out and die
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pillowsickfics · 1 year
alright, I'm still not sure of how these characters are, but I'm really excited about them! Please feel free to ignore this ask if its ooc: about Maverick feeling pretty wretched a day, but not sure if he should speak up on this, since its not very manly of him, only to end up getting sick at the most inconvenient time?
introductory (sorta) fic! woo! B, thank you so much for the request. it was completely it character too! this was so fun and i pumped it out so fast bc i was so excited to write it so forgive any spelling errors and such.. hope u enjoy!
Maverick should have never opened his eyes. He should have never sat up and he definitely should never have gotten out of bed. Alas, the pull of responsibility dragged him out of his paradise of duvet covers and pillows and forced him take the most miserable shower of his life as well as scarf down a nauseating breakfast of Cap’n Crunch and milk that tasted a few days past the expiration date. The day had already been off to a horrible start, and he didn’t anticipate it getting any better.
He should have known something was up when the previous night, he couldn’t stomach his leftover curry and went to bed earlier than normal. Then, he had passed it off as exhaustion from the long day of classes. He was starting to think it was something a bit more sinister.
For starters, his head pounded like it had never before in his life. Goosebumps appeared all along his broad shoulders and arms as he chafed away the odd chill that clung to him. Despite this, he was sweating buckets, evident by the dark gray stains under his arms and around his neck.
The worst of it, though, had to be his stomach.
It churned and roiled like some kind of lava pit from hell. Every slight movement threatened to send him over the edge, and with it the meager breakfast he choked down. It cramped and twisted and he felt more nauseous than he ever remembered feeling.
But he was fine.
He could handle this. He could “be a man.”
He couldn’t uproot every plan he had just because of a stomach ache.
So that is how he ended up in his current predicament. Biking to his schools hockey rink in the pouring rain while feeling like he was going to lose his lunch at the slightest pebble under his tire.
Usually he caught a ride with his teammate Cameron, who swing by to pick up both him and his roommate Laurie up for practice. For some reason or another, Cameron must not have been able to pick them up that day and so Maverick had to resort to his trusty bike he’d had since junior year of high school.
Laurie was long gone when Maverick had woken up, ever the early riser. He vaguely remembered Laurie mentioning something about 6am office hours, but Maverick didn’t have the energy to try and decipher the memory. He was preoccupied with more pressing matters. Like the fact that he felt like he was spinning in a teacup ride despite simply biking along the smooth sidewalk on the university campus.
After a few more minutes, he pulled up to the building and fastened his bike to the bike rack, but the movement of bending down to scramble the keypad on the bike lock irritated his stomach, causing him to press a fist to his mouth and muffle a burp.
Just for a minute, he allowed himself to express his misery. He let out a soft groan of pain as he braced himself in the seat of his bike and doubled over. He wanted nothing more than to just be back home, in his bed, sleeping off whatever this stomach bug from hell was.
He couldn’t do that, though. He needed to tough it out. He’d been doing it since he was young. He needed to be able to get through practice.
He pulled himself together and walked into the ice rink, sighing lightly under his breath.
As he walked in, he was met with a pair of brown eyes and a messy head of red hair waiting for him at the entrance with crossed arms.
“We we’re all waiting for you, Mav. You’re a whole fifteen minutes late. Coach is NOT happy,” Laurie said, clad in his jersey.
“Yeah yeah, I know.. I’m sorry.. I got caught up in the rain,” Maverick mumbled, making his way towards the lockers to grab his helmet and jersey and sticks.
“That, or you just slept in again, and you’re trying to make excuses,” Kurt muttered, throwing a half-hearted glare toward Mav.
Maverick ignored him. In fact, he couldn’t focus on any of them at the moment. His stomach twisted sourly, and he discreetly bent over to try and soothe the ache. He really didn’t feel good. To top things off, he was almost positive he was running a fever now, because despite being soaked from the rain, he felt pulses of sweat and dizziness overtake him. He wanted to be home. He wanted to be home so he could lay down and rest and he couldn’t imagine having to practice for 4 hours straight and he—
“Mav? You okay?” Laurie stood in front of him, apparently trying to snap him out of whatever fevered daze consumed him.
“Yeah.. yeah I’m alright, just uh… I’m still kinda waking up..” He said with a soft laugh. He didn’t meet Laurie’s eyes.
He couldn’t let his teammates see him like this, even if they were his closest friends. What would they think of him if they knew he was this weak, and couldn’t even push past a little illness. He’d be humiliated. They’d all ridicule him. He didn’t want that.
Laurie frowned skeptically, but he decided to leave it alone for the time being.
He absentmindedly changed into his uniform with a new resolve to just get through practice without utterly embarrassing himself. He laced up his skates and grabbed his sticks and made his way to the ice.
The rest of practice was a blur of drills and agility exercises and cardio that made Maverick want to bury himself in a hole and die. He felt horrible. Every sharp and fast movement made him feel like his belly was pushing its way into his throat. He had to stop for more water breaks than usual, but he didn’t even drink any water because he knew putting anything inside of him would end horribly.
It go so bad that at one point, he was so dizzy he nearly fell over trying to rejoin the group after one of his many water breaks.
Cameron was the one who walked over to steady him.
“What’s up with you man? You’re off your game today,” Cameron said half-jokingly, dragging Maverick back to the center of the rink.
Maverick just shrugged and continued the drills with the rest of the team.
To his credit, he managed to get through almost all of practice without incident. Almost.
It was the second to last set of drills Coach was making them do when Maverick felt a wave of nausea more pressing and intense than any he felt earlier in the day.
He faltered in one of the steps, and he skated off to the side as he doubled over and braced himself on his knees. He took in deep breaths through his nose, trying to will away the nausea, but this time it wasn’t budging. He knew he didn’t have much time. Laurie must have figured it out too, but suddenly he was being lead away from the rink and sat on one of the benches on the sidelines.
He let out a pathetic whimper and slapped a hand over his mouth when he felt his body lurch. He really really didn’t want to be sick here. Not in front of all these people. Tears sprung to his eyes and made him feel exponentially worse. Not only was he about to lose his breakfast in front of his team, but now he was crying in front of them too.
“Shh.. it’s alright dude.. Just breathe, okay? If you’re gonna be sick, you’re gonna be sick. No point in fightin’ it..” Laurie murmured beside him.
Maverick shook his head stubbornly, but his body clearly had had enough.
He pitched forward with a heave and at first, nothing came out. After a few seconds, a sickly burp brought up a wave of watery vomit that splattered on the synthetic rubber between his feet.
Maverick whimpered and he coughed up another mouthful of vomit, dangerously falling forward.
He was caught by a hand on his shoulder and a palm to his forehead that dramatically snapped away.
“Maverick! You burning up! Why the hell didn’t you say anything, you could have passed out or something!” Laurie yelped, patting Maverick back.
“I didn’t—“ Maverick muffled a burp into his fist before continuing. “I felt fine.. I can handle it.. it’s all.. it’s fine..”
“Like hell you are. We’re getting you home. Did you drive here?”
Maverick shook his head. “Biked.”
“In this rain?! Jesus christ Mav, no wonder you feel so shitty!”
As if to emphasize the point, Maverick leaned forward with a hiccup and brought up a small amount of puke, but his body had mostly run out of things to expel. The nausea was still relentless though, and. the fever sweats were worsening by the minute.
“Cam! Can I borrow your car? I’m gonna get this idiot back to his dorm. He biked here and I don’t think he has it in him to bike back,” Laurie yelled out towards the rest of the team, who were watching the situation with respectful distance.
Cameron said something, but Maverick wasn’t listening. An ugly feeling was festering deep within him. He didn’t need to be infantilized like this. Why couldn’t he just man up and deal with his problems on his own? He didn’t need to be taken care of like this. He was fine.
Cameron tossed his keys to Laurie, and Laurie slid an arm under Maverick’s shoulder to help him up, but Maverick lightly shoved him off.
“I can walk on my own.. I’m fine Laurie, you don’t need to stick around..” The words seemed mean, but Maverick said them with no venom. He just sounded like a wounded puppy, if anything.
“Mav.. it’s fine.. don’t worry about it so much, alright? You’re sick. You’re miserable. Let someone lighten the load. You’d do the same thing for me.” Laurie said softly, out of earshot of anyone else.
Maverick felt a lump in his throat grow at the sentiment. This was what it felt like to be cared for unconditionally. He could see now that Laurie wasn’t looking for ways to take advantage of his weakness or make fun of him. He genuinely wanted to help. He actually cared about him, and wanted to make things just a little bit easier on him.
He tilted his head down so Laurie wouldn’t catch the tears that slid down his fevered cheeks. The fever had to be getting to him. It had to be.
Laurie pulled Maverick’s arm around his shoulder and lead him to the parking lot outside the rink.
“Alright big guy.. let’s get you home.”
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i-think-im-gunna · 1 month
I want someone to rub my belly
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volkswagenital · 2 months
ive had like no pain at all aside from a minor complication & getting Violently sick twice. i havent been ill since arriving to the hotel & getting out of the car though. i think its bc for [reasons] i had to get a BUNCH of iv fluids (like 4.5 ivs) AND drink a lot of water. so i think it was just. too much for my body bc bodies Do Not handle having too much fluids. im good tho
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whump-and-utis · 2 months
It's a real bonding experience for me and everyone else in the public restroom when I'm retching loudly 🥰 Share in the experience ✌️☮️
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romaritimeharbor · 3 months
I know you’re a platonic fic writer but what ships do you like? Or if there aren’t that many, what kind of platonic pairings do you like the best? For any fandom
oh my oh my hmm!! well. there are a few ships i really like <3
genshin impact
baizhu/zhongli — i think they would make a good pairing...... idk why, they're just cute to me.
kaveh/alhaitham — and they were ROOMMATES!!!!!! they're married actually trust me fr they told me themselves. they act like an old married couple and it makes me smile every time
dehya/dunyarzad — let's go lesbians 💪💪 they're very in love i think. Yeah. buff bodyguard and her chronically ill wife I MEAN and her client's daughter (iirc)... yeah. hahahah. haha. client's daughter... NOT wife. definitely notttt.......
demon slayer
obanai/mitsuri — they make me want to cry. Doomed by the narrative and terribly cute together.... the world is so cruel to them 🥺💔 *dies*
cookierun: kingdom
white lily/pure vanilla — i will create a 20 slide powerpoint presentation on them and how sickeningly in love they are. they make me want to throw up /pos 🙏🙏🙏
voltron: legendary defender
keith/lance — they have so much chemistry that it's digusting /lh. how the FUCK did they never kiss dude......
allura/lotor — Um. vld enjoyers please ignore canon and hear me out on this one. they would be so so so cute together. the way he looks at her is so cute it's fr like 🥺 when he sees her
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datastate · 6 months
it is time to take medicine and hope my throat is healed by the time I wake thank you world please be kind to me so I can talk to my friends tomorrow
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