#no dut
m0liku-mori · 4 months
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Y’all happy pride month ig (im late by 3 days im not gay anymore🥀🥀)
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talesofmillenia · 1 year
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modelsof-color · 10 months
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Dut Bol by Ian Lim for Wonderland Magazine December 2023
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v1x3n · 24 days
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sarlo01 · 4 months
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Kaçıncı kez bağlanmışız bir olmaza Koo desinler bize şaşkın Sonu gelmese de hiç bir aşkın Açalım yine de çiçeklerimizi Senden yanayım arkadaşım Havanı bulunca aç çiçeklerini Nasıl açıyorsam yüreğimi Belki bu kez kış olmaz Bakarsın sevdan düş olmaz...
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yakazakalb · 18 days
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O kadar krem denedim göz kapağımdaki egzama için. Hiç birisi bir dut kürü kadar fayda etmedi. Onlarca karışım, yağ, kimyasal, şu bu... Hepsini döver Rabbimin bir dut kurusu...
Var edene hamd olsun. İlmine/kudretine hayran olduğum Rabbim.
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local-apollo-kid · 10 months
Civilians!Ghost and Soap both met in an internet cafe after Ghost overheard Soap listening to ICP on max volume Chop Chop Slide was the one Ghost heard him listening to first Soap uses it to hype himself up lmao
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panikk-attackkk · 5 months
Do you agree....you better do!!!
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ask-the-shichibukai · 8 months
Someone should write a fanfiction where all the first mate/vice captains (and Nami) go on a vacation together. They founded a CLUB (see the previous post on this), they need a raise, they need a vacation and they need it now. So, their captains are left to fend for themselves for, let's say, a month.
For people like Shanks or Luffy, a week is probably their breaking point (or the time range before boredom and lack of adult supervision pushs them to declare war on the world government, thus forcing their first mates to come back ASAP from vacation).
Absolute chaos becomes unstoppable for the crews who never noticed how much life changes when a more adult adult than you fixes your messes in exchange for the stability of their own blood pressure. When they finally understand they NEED some adult supervision in order not to explode and/or commit mutiny, they despair at the notion that they are supposed to be their own adult for a whole month.
The first mates, who are relaxing on a tropical beach without a care in the world for once in their lives, watch their crews' shenanigans unfold on a maxi TV and start betting on whose captain will break and/or give up first. Shanks. They've never had so much fun and they all know they deserved it.
Finally, they return to their babysitting duties, relaxed and regenerated, and all the captains have never been happier to see their first mates again in all their lives (if Luffy's and Shanks's bear-like hugs are almost unbearable then it's just a matter between first mates, captains and the latter’s deep-seated abandonment issues).
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roughridingrednecks · 8 months
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Dut is a logger from Kentucky
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zero-zip · 2 months
Had to make a page for og moon (Tw fake blood)
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plague-vulture · 25 days
wanting to do the "miku from your culture" thing but I live in suburban america. who wants pacific northwest miku. nobody probably.
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thischristianguy · 10 months
Doom, dut, da, da.
Doom, dut, da, da.
Are these the beat in New Genesis from Film Red?
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Where does this take us?
Is the revolution Uta sings about also part of the Nika story?
Seems to be…..
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v1x3n · 2 months
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wonderlands-ass · 2 months
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shanks' version
roger's version
story explanation
Once again sorry if ya can't read it well, I'm trying to get my handwriting a bit better but I keep just writing fast instead of clearly :(
I'm still debating on buggy's parents actually, I know I have it sat as ray is his bio dad but I also had the idea of buggy being rocks kid and being abandoned at an orphanage directly after birth and ray adopting him at age 5 or so.
I like both of those so I'm still kinda debating it mentally
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guillemelgat · 3 months
I'm trying to get back into the swing of studying Basque a bit more, so I'm going to try to listen to a song every day and look up all the words I don't know. I'm starting off with this song from Idoia's newest album, De amar y desandar, which is called "Autofikzioa" and which I'm a big fan of.
ilunpetan - in the dark (from ilunpe - 'darkness')
ito - to drown
kontraesan - contradiction
errai - gut
gatibu - captive, prisoner
hala ere - despite everything, nonetheless
(Ez nago ziur zer den "urperatzear" - uste dut "urpe" eta "atze" elkartzen dituela baina ez dakit zer esaten nahi duen)
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