#no coffee for Mice
claypigeonpottery · 1 year
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Gerhard Heilmann’s dancing mice on a mug
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cinswitch · 3 months
Can the tea turn you into mythical creatures (dragon, unicorn, etc.) or is it limited to real life animals? To that extent can you become a fish or insect?
We made a rule for ourselves to stick to real animals in Mice Tea, but we encourage fans to do whatever the hell they want.
And fish and insects are fair game. The most recent Early Access version of Coffee Buns even has two fish ladies.
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fisheito · 27 days
No rush or anything but when you get to Yakumo's rooms, I'd love to hear your thoughts. I enjoy reading your rambles ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
oh what a darling kaomoji ahaha of course it would be brutish of me to refuse such a---- *chokes on my own spit* *clears throat*;;;; I MEAN, BRO, LET'S SEE IF HE SHOWS UP, FIRST OF ALL;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
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weepingfoxfury · 3 months
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[Picture: a dainty dish]
The man on the radio is missing. Perhaps he and the lost postman have gone in search of sunnier climes. Weatherwise the seaweed is wet and limp, the deckchairs are back in the shed and the duvet is firmly pulled up beneath the chin. The traffic lady says that Constitution Hill and Stillorgan are busy, busy, busy, but at least her rubber ducks are enjoying yet another 'soft day.'
Today's groaner: a goat, a drum and a snake fell off a cliff ... baa-dum-ssss ;-D badoom tish ... here all week!!
The mice continue trying out one of my succulents. A nibble here, a nibble there. They chewed some of the flowers off the Geraniums, but seemingly decided they weren't what they'd hoped for their mousey menu. The Peace Lily in the lounge has had its one and only spathe sabotaged. There's a whole pile of grass outside that would satisfy their salad cravings ... but they'd rather test out the houseplants again and again and again. Short term memory problems? Should I leave them a note saying 'Seriously! You already tried this. You didn't like it then, you won't like it now.' ;-D
Coffee, canines and cats and a small trip to the shiny metropolis ... if only all that could be done whilst staying beneath the duvet ...
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panda-paco · 2 years
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Iris and Mausie enjoying the view of the beautiful city of Malmö, Sweden, while they enjoy their favorite things in the world, including the best company. Picture for NordicFuzzCon, printed on mousepads. Funny: Mice in a mouse pad. Digital. Procreate / Photoshop.
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kedreeva · 2 years
Do you think you could give your opinions on the recessive / lethal yellow genes in mice? Do you think you'd ever consider breeding recessive yellow? (If you haven't already.) I'm just super curious about your thoughts on them as I don't really know a lot about genetics. Do you think it's possible to breed a consistently healthy line of yellow mice? I'm just super curious to hear your thoughts as a breeder
Well, this is a kind of long answer and I'll warn it discusses animal death, so I'll put it behind a cut.
Personally, I wouldn't, but not because of ethics concerns; I just don't like any of the colors made with RY/AY. They're just not visually appealing to me. I had a couple RY pop up from the Taylor black line when I first got it, and they were just enh. A good, rich red, esp a satin red, can be a really perfect looking mouse... but by god that's years of work and it never ends because Red is such a hard phenotype to maintain and I'm just not that determined. I'm convinced that people breed for red because seeing it opens all the ferret cages in their brain, not because they can be normal about it. If you want good reds, it's like you dedicate your life (and mousery) to it or you don't do it, and my life's already dedicated to the peafowl. My mousery is already dedicated to blacks and tricolors.
As for the AY gene itself, it's a "lethal" gene in that homozygosity is lethal but it's lethal at the blastocyst stage so it's not really an ethical problem imo. If it was lethal as in the pups deteriorate and die post partum, or if it caused well developed pups to die/be stillborn such that it caused the dam health risks, then it would be a problem. But, it doesn't. You just get smaller litters because some cells die way early on and get reabsorbed. I don't really have any problems with that. Show breeders cull litters down to 4-6 pups (for dam and pup health reasons), so it's not like all of them would be turning into adults anyway.
As for the genetic issues with the adult mice, there are three major health issues. The first is obesity (sort of), and the major problem there is keeping them in breeding shape (meaning, capable of doing the do at all). Curiously, in at least one study I remember seeing, there's a difference between an obese mouse of X color mutation and an AY that's considered obese because of its natural body type; for example, an obese black mouse will likely have a shortened lifespan, whereas an AY mouse doesn't (at least not less than any other mouse color mutation) unless it's obese for an AY. So this isn't really a problem as long as the breeder is watching their diet and ensuring they stay fit for their body type.
The other two genetic problems actually are health issues related directly to the AY gene, and that's being prone to diabetes and to tumors. However, these are both things that (any good) breeders would notice, cull, and therefore not breed forward, in order to keep the line as free from them as possible. Which really isn't any different than any other line that develops health problems of any sort. People don't keep health problems. A good breeder should be and usually is aware of the potential health problems in the lines they are breeding, particularly if it's a genetic one that can't be avoided (like you can't avoid AY if you're breeding AY), and will know what to look for and intervene as soon as possible. Diabetic mice urinate excessively so it's REALLY noticeable, and tumors... well. Hard to miss. And tumors of various sorts is a fairly common "select away from/cull" problem in any mutation, it's just slightly higher risk in AY.
So the short answer, in my opinion, AY isn't really an unethical gene to work with. It's not one I'd choose to work with, but I don't think the people who do are doing anything wrong just for working with the gene at all. It comes down to the same ethics as any other mutation; working to maintain body condition and selecting for health.
Honestly, out of all the animals I've seen bred and bred myself, I think mouse breeders in general have proven themselves to be the most concerned with what's best for the animal, not the breeder. The show clubs like FMBA and AFRMA etc won't recognize standards for things like snub noses or manx tails or anything else that would potentially seriously impact QoL by nature of existing at all, and at least in the groups I'm in, the members are not shy about recognizing when health problems mean no breeding for a mouse regardless of how pretty or sweet. When someone newer asks what to do, I've never seen anyone support trying to breed a mouse with issues, or usually even keep one whose QoL would be poor. They are very familiar with the kindest thing you can do is let them go. It's a breath of fresh air from the goddamn chicken groups, who will limp along any bird that's still breathing regardless of what's best for the bird.
I think the only morph I've seen that I have an ethical problem with is the X-brindle gene, which is a "brindle" gene on the X chromosome that causes the mouse to be unable to absorb copper. This means that the males DO founder and die after birth (which means most people just humanely euthanize the male pups, they aren't out here letting them suffer that I've seen), and females get a strange coat color and curled whiskers from low copper absorption. Does have a second X gene that's clean so they still can, but it's really an unnecessary mutation to continue imo. It hasn't been recognized by the show clubs that I know of, but idk if they can be shown under normal brindle or if you can tell at a glance, as I don't really know as much about them or any of the AY gene specifics. I have basic knowledge but since i don't breed them myself it's very in passing knowledge. I know it's rarely bred or worked with in the first place, and I hope it stays that way or disappears entirely.
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spacevixenmusic · 2 months
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Source: Biker Mice From Mars [1995]
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poisonandpages · 9 months
As a horror fan and a fanfiction reader I love a Scream AU as much as the next bitch but sometimes people will be like "Scream AU where this character makes the calls and that character does the killing 😈" and it'll be about two characters who in canon would likely need a third character's help to kill a spider.
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thejazzywaffles · 11 months
God the Mice Tea sequel Coffee Buns looks so fucking good aaaaaaaa <3
Enby rep <3 <3 <3
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fastasyoucan1999 · 1 year
blessed with Beautiful day out and other small wonders you wouldn’t get
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bellewood222 · 20 days
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(via "Halloween Mice White" Coffee Mug for Sale by Bellewood222)
Teepublic link: http://tee.pub/lic/ociCGpLg-dk
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claypigeonpottery · 1 year
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more mice! damn I love these mice
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cinswitch · 3 months
From the looks of it, Coffee Buns takes place some point after one of the Tea Shop Felicia endings. That means for Coffee Buns, the Felicia Route is canon to it. Also, are you all planning to create games that are canon to the Gavin, Sylvia, and Julie endings?
Psst, hey, come here. I'll tell you a little secret:
Coffee Buns actually doesn't take place after the Felicia ending.
There will be a moment where we definitively answer what timeline Coffee Buns takes place in, but we're gonna leave you all in suspense until then.
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grunge-mermaid · 2 months
you know what's really fun? spending hours cleaning your room during a heatwave and finally having a tidy desk, using your newly tidy desk yesterday, and then finding mouse shit all over your newly tidy desk today
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weepingfoxfury · 3 months
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The man on the radio tells us it's Thursday (all day) and that some kind soul has sent him a couple of bottles of wine. Pavarotti sings to Lady Diana before the Dream Academy hand out lemonade and sing of Life in a Northern Town. The traffic lady gives out about the usual congested spots and bad behaviour before disappearing with her cuppa to Studio B to prepare for tomorrow morning's mayhem.
Today's groaner: did you hear about the old lady who was carried through the cake section of the supermarket by a strange Scandinavian? ... she went through the desserts on a Norse with no name ;-D badoom tish ... here all week!!
The ivy is exploding all over everything and the birds are loving it. Usually it's the moss, but there's little rain and it's taking a back seat for now. The oldest dog is beside herself watching winged beasties soaring overhead before they swoop down and scootle past her at a rate of knots ... and then have the temerity to disappear into the ivy mass on the big shed roof. Where did they go? Are they coming back? Head up, twizzling round, she's deliriously happy.
The shiny metropolis calls. The mice have finally scuppered my cooker. Sorry little critters but your entry holes will be blocked. Killing the toaster was one thing ... now your habits are getting expensive. At least the cafetiere is in one piece and my supply of coffee is assured ...
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thekenobee · 6 months
I've been trying to fall asleep for 3 hours (it's 4am now) but in vain, so I am getting acquainted with pretty much every single Sean Bean photo that exists
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