#no cause. why did my parents threaten to beat me for having a low C almost D/ any missing assignments. but now whenever my mother finds out
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angered-box · 1 year ago
yknow realizing my family was super fucking mean to me for no reason before i turned 18
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inkandpen22 · 3 years ago
Dazed and Confused ( S1: 3/?)
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Female!Reader
Warnings: mild language and violence 
Word Count: 3.1k
Part Summary: At Tina’s party, Y/N wants to forget all of her problems. Things take a turn when Billy makes a move on her, angering Steve
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Arriving at Tina’s after dropping Dustin at Mike’s, I am in much need of some good old spiked punch. I yank down my gray oversized sweatshirt some more so that it hangs low off my shoulder. As I cross the threshold into the house, the heat of the crowded living room slaps me in the face. Directly to my left, the kitchen AKA the alcohol hub. I slip between bodies and end up at the counter covered with semi-empty bottles and old plastic cups. Most importantly, a bowl of maroon punch sits in the corner. I grab a cup and make my way over. A boy stands in front of it but I reach around him and scoop up some of the mystery substance.
“What’s in this?” I hear a voice holler behind me.
I turn around to answer but freeze when I realize it’s Nancy. She stares at me equally stunned. My face falls, this is awkward. Seriously universe? I couldn’t have at least one drink before bumping into her?
Steve appears behind her looking slick as ever in his black sunglasses and matching blazer.
“Everclear is my guess,” I answer, acting civil.
She nods timidly, “thanks…”
I step out of her way so she can get some of her own. Steve’s head travels up and down slowly with a blank expression. I can’t see his eyes but I assume he’s studying my costume. A gray oversized sweatshirt that hangs off the shoulder, red heels, matching earrings, and some shorts, though they’re unnoticeable. I can feel him starring me down through those stupid Ray-Bans. Silently, I beg for him to not bring up our encounter in the parking lot. All I wish for tonight is to drown out reality and try to forget. He’s a human ticking time bomb. The tension between us could be cut with a knife.
“Are you finally going to tell me what you are?” Nancy jumps in, forcing me to break my staring contest with her boyfriend.
I open my mouth to answer but Steve beats him to it.
“Flashdance,” he answers for me. “It’s one of her favorites.”
He acts distant, unattached, distracted by the party but I see right through it. There’s something he’s not saying. He says things like this as if it’s common knowledge. A random person wouldn’t describe my eyes as Y/E/C but gray depending on the lighting. One minute, he calls my eyes beautiful and the next he’s starring me down like a disapproving parent. The hell Harrington?!
Nancy gushes, apparently she and I are okay all of a sudden, despite early today with the whole Barb thing. Plus, I think she’s already been drinking for awhile so buzzed Nancy is fun Nancy.
“That’s so cute! You look hot!” She pulls me into a hug.
Over her shoulder, I glimpse up at Steve as he lifts his glasses to rest of his head. His brown eyes threaten to expose my upset from earlier. I get that he’s pissed about my neglect for my feelings. He wants to talk about what was wrong but right now we’re at a party and parties aren’t meant for depressing conversations.
“Let’s go dance!” Nancy suggests, already tugging me into the living room.
Steve calls after her but she ignores him. He follows behind us through the crowd with a groan. In the center of the living room, Nancy stops and turns to me with a bright grin. She cheers as she tosses her head back.
“Woohoo!” She laughs.
This is what I wanted, normalcy. We’re surrounded by our friends, drinking, dancing, being stupid! We did this before everything so why can’t we do it now? Perhaps after tonight, everything will fall back into place.
On my third game of flip-cup, I’m beyond buzzed. In fact, when I walk I float. I’m on cloud nine. Here, this carefree and lively state is exactly where I wanted to be. Naturally, I’m competitive and amazing at drinking games so I finish my third game with yet another win. I cheer as Tommy from algebra hands me a cup of who knows what as my reward.
“Hey there beautiful,” a husky voice greets from behind me.
I spin around and kind of become dizzy from the action but catch myself.
It’s Billy.
“Hey hottie,” I smirk.
He snickers and closes the space between us to whisper in my ear. “How about you and I go somewhere a little more private?”
That’s a nice thought. He is cute. His ass could have its own zip code. Plus, he has no shirt on under that leather jacket, hello washboard like abs. His California tanned skin glistens under a thin layer of sweat. Damn, he’s a human Ken doll.
He’s no Steve though. Wait… what? I don’t think of Steve like that. Why would I think that? Um, yeah, that’s a no! Then again, Steve is always there for me. Sometimes it can be annoying how he’s always there. It means he cares but I don’t want to dump all of my drama on him. Then, he gets upset when I don’t open up. I hate it when I hurt him. I love him so much that when he’s in pain so am I.
“Okay,” I blurt out without truly thinking.
“Cool,” I hear him whisper as he takes my hand and starts pulling me toward the stairs across the room.
Wait, what? What am I doing? This isn’t me. I don’t like Billy. He treats Steve like shit. If anything I should kick his pretty ass. Though if I tried he’d probably murder me.
I glance down at his hand engulfing mine. It’s all rough and twice the size of my own. If we make it upstairs, it’ll be just him and I. I’ll be defenseless. I may be drunk but I’m not oblivious. My intuition is still working and it’s screaming for me to pull my shit together.
“Hey Billy? I don’t think…” I press my heels into the floor, slowing him down just as we reach the bottom of the stairs.
Aggressively, he whips around and purposefully towers over me to act intimidating. “What? Now, you’re saying no? Are you messing me? Playing with me!” He accuses.
I shake my head dramatically, “no! No, that’s not what-”
“Oh, so you still want to do this,” he presses.
Too impatient for an answer, he continues up the stairs. The grip he has on me has shifted up to my wrist. I attempt to tug myself free but fear dislocating it, his strength is too great. I stumble up the stairs behind me and I startle to feel dizzy. I think it’s safe to say I’ve had too much.
“No,” I whine, “I don’t want to! Stop! Please! I don’t want to! No!”
“Hey!” A booming voice echoes from the bottom of the stairs.
Rapid footsteps approach from behind me and a rush of relief consumes me when Steve appears beside me. He places a protective hand on my back.
“What the hell is going here?” He directs at Billy, taking note of his fist wrapped around my wrist.
“Nothing that concerns you, Harrington. Y/N and I were just heading upstairs.” He jolts his hand forward, causing me to traveling with it.
Steve instantly pries Billy’s hand from my body. Then, shoves him in the back, flying him forward to land with his ass on the stairs. “Don’t you ever touch her again! You hear me?!” He sneers. His face turns this deep red as he pants angrily.
The two start bickering but I can’t keep up. I see three Steves and a couple Billys shouting in each other’s faces. I lean against the railing unsteadily and slide down to sit on the steps. My eyes suddenly feel very heavy.
“I’m going to go to bed now,” I announce to no one in particular.
I decide to get some rest and shut my eyes. It’s okay, Steve’s here. He’ll protect me.
I’m not sure how much time has past when I hear Tommy and some of the other basketball boys come to break up the fight.
“Come on Y/N,” I hear Steve whisper to me, “let’s get you home.”
Feeling as light as a feather, I’m picked up like a sleepy child off the ground. For a moment, I fall asleep again. I rest my head on his chest and ponder the rare opportunity to sleep without being afraid of being eaten by a monster.
“Y/N?” I hear someone repeatedly call my name. “Y/N, wake up!”
I ease open my eyes and at first my vision is blurry but then they eventually adjust. Steve glances down at me as he we cross the threshold hold to the front yard.
“You smell like sunshine and all things exquisite,” I mumble to myself, adjusting myself in his arms to curl closer to his warmth.
“Even when hammered you still manage to be a walking thesaurus,” he teases.
Opps, he heard me. Oh well, I wasn’t lying. He smells like vanilla, the ocean, sugar, spice, and everything nice.
Goosebumps course over my skin as a brisk October breeze hits me. I shiver slightly and Steve holds me closer.
“We’re almost to my car. I’ll turn on the heat high. You’re okay,” he promises calmly.
Playing the hero, Steve places me into the passenger seat gently and straps me in. I toss my head to the side and rest my eyes again. He shuts the door for me before jogging to the driver’s side. The car drowns out the sound of chaos coming from the party and creates a sense of security. Steve slides behind the wheel and for some reason I choose now to act reasonable.
“Have you been drinking? If so, you shouldn’t drive,” I state like a health textbook.
He chuckles, popping in the keys. “I’m sober. Promise.”
“That’s nice. Good to know,” I yawn.
The last thing I can remember of the ride home is Steve turning on the car.
I wake up silently as Steve pulls up in front of my house. He’s unaware of my stare as he finishes parking and turning off the car.
“Hazel,” I tell him, announcing my woken state.
He looks to me with scrunched eyebrows, all confused. It’s cute when he does that. He’s cute. Geez, what the heck am I saying? He’s dating my best friend! Steve is Steve and Katherine, we don’t mix, at least that way.
“What?” He questions, turning to face me.
“Your eyes… they’re hazel…” I repeat softly with a yawn. “But, it really depends on the lighting.”
He snickers, and astonished expression blesses his features. The subtle blush forming on his cheeks makes me smile to see him all bashful because of my comment. He has no idea how gorgeous we truly is, inside and out. He glances down at his lap, at his hands fidgeting with a button on his jacket, then back up at me with hooded eyes.
“See, right now!” I point out, “they’re a dark brown like a burnt caramel, basically black. When you’re really focused on a task or upset about something, they go dark. Then, when you’re really happy or excited, they turn to a light hazel… like seaglass. It’s how I can tell if something’s bothering you. You don’t even have to tell me half the time. All I have to do is look into your eyes and I know,” I state a matter-of-factly with a light snicker.
I shift you see him directly and tuck a few strands of my hair away from my face. He watches my every move patiently, eagerly, for me to say something more, anything. I can’t speak for him but my heart won’t stop racing. Is it possible to have stage fright in a conversation? I feel like a mannequin, on display. Nervously, I twirl my hair at the ends and find myself unable to meet his gaze anymore.
“Your pupils are rarely small,” I add quietly. “They’re usually really big and take up most of your eye giving off the illusion they’re black. One thing that never changes is…”  I make a circle with my finger in front of my eye to demonstrate, “is the gold rim around each of them.” I lower my hand into my lap and play with the end of my sweatshirt. “That’s my favorite part… ” I confess timidly.
I wouldn’t be saying these things if I were sober. I wish he would say something, anything. He must think I’m crazy. He finds me with Billy heading up stairs. I can only imagine what he must think of me now. Embarrassed beyond belief and sobering up, I excuse myself.
“Thanks for the ride,” I say as I unbuckle myself. “See you Monday!”
Swiftly, I climb out of the car. As I walk toward my front door, I curse myself for acting so stupid! Geez, what was I thinking? ‘The gold rim around each of them, that’s my favorite part!’ What kind of mushy, guhsy, marshmallow fluff is that? Ew! If he never spoke to me again I would judge that as completely reasonable! He has a girlfriend! He’s taken! Completely off limits! Why did I spew out this creepy nonsense to him like a total idiot? I’m not some lovesick teenage girl! I’m going to go to my room, put in some Guns N’ Roses, and just scream into my pillow all weekend! It sounds like an excellent plan to me because I just ruined my friendship with Steve forever! Add Nancy to that list because once he fills her in on what I said I’ll lose both of them!
“Y/N!” He calls after me.
I ignore it as I march faster toward the door. He’s only going to call me crazy because I was acting crazy!
“Y/N, wait!” He repeats as I hear him shut the car door and run toward me.
“Goodnight, Steve!” I urge him away without turning around.
His footsteps speed up until they come to a halt directly behind me. I reach for the door handle, my freedom. Desperately, he grips my forearm and steps in front of me, blocking the front door.
“Look, could you just slow down for a sec?” He yells at me as he pants to catch his breath.
“No! I can’t slow down! I just want to go inside, get in my pajamas, and forget tonight ever happened! Alright? Now, excuse me,” I gesture for him to get out of the way.
Reluctantly, paired with an overly dramatic eye roll, he steps aside. Despite wanting his to leave, I thank him quietly for cracking open the front door slowly, making sure not to wake anyone.
“Nance and I broke up…” Steve drops on me.
My heart leaps and I stop dead in my tracks. Unsure of what to do or say, I remain still in the doorway and wait for him to say more.
“She never loved me,” he explains with a heartbroken tone. “At least… I don’t think she did…”
Shit. Please don’t tell me that, Harrington. It only makes me want you more. He’s always so close but too far out of reach. I care about him more than anything but he’ll never mine. I’m just the friend.
I spin on my heels and offer him a sympathetic smile, “would you like to come in?”
He nods, clearly miserable. I step aside, allowing him in. After shutting the door behind us, I warn him to be quiet so we don’t wake my parents. He nods slowly and slips his hand into mine. Never breaking eye contact with me, he leads the way through the moonlit house toward my room. His platonic touch is so blissful, I can only imagine what it feels like otherwise.
Steve and I sit on my bed in our usual positions with my record player going quietly. He lounges like a patient in therapy and me, acting as his therapist, criss-cross beside him. He explains everything. He describes how drunk Nancy got and how he followed her to the bathroom. It was there they got into a fight. She admitted feeling guilty for the loss of Barb. Then, she called all of it bullshit. Us acting like carefree teenagers, never telling Barb’s parents the truth, her love for Steve, all of it is bullshit. He asked Jonathan to take her home and that’s when he stumbled upon me and Billy.
Watching Steve relive it all and hearing the pain in his voice breaks my heart. How could Nance do this to him? I get that she’s going through something, we all are. I’m by no means normal. I’m hiding everything for Pete’s sake! I haven’t been myself for over a year. Steve was just now becoming truly happy again! He was putting on a brave face for Nancy for so long! Now, she crushed it. She crushed him.
I reach and place my hand over his as they rest intertwined on his stomach. “I’m sorry. Truly, I am.”
“I really loved her. At least, I think I did. I don’t know anymore. I thought she loved me too.”
“I did too,” I tell him honestly.
He glances away from the ceiling down to me, “what can I do?”
I wish I knew the answer. I wish there was a way I could take away his pain. Yet, I have nothing. I shrug, “I’m not entirely sure. I think you should at least talk to her.
Tomorrow, of course, when she’s sobered up. Perhaps, she was just drunk and didn’t mean what she said. She wasn’t in the proper mindset.”
“So I shouldn’t take what she said to heart?”
“Well, there’s also the argument that drunk words are sober thoughts.”
“Does the same go for you?” He snickers.
I laugh, “sometimes.”
“So you don’t like the gold in my eyes? I thought it was your favorite part?” He smirks, turning to lay on his side and face me. My hand would’ve fallen off his hadn’t he flipped his over to catch it.
Ugh, he’s such a sneaky jerk! His cheeky smirk only grows with my silence. Warmth rushes to my cheeks as I bashfully hide my face.
“Yeah… about that…” I laugh nervously, “let’s just pretend I didn’t say anything.”
“Should I forget that you also said I smell like sunshine and everything exquisite?” He adds to the torment.
I groan, tossing my head back. This must count as torture. “Preferably, yes,” I request shortly.
We share a laugh at my annoyed reaction. He’s impossible! Even he should be mopping he still manages to tease me!
A comfortable silence fills the air and I stare down at the pillow in my lap as I play with the lettering on it.
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alicemitch09writes · 4 years ago
where do we go from here
“Dorms, huh?”
“Yes,” nodded the green-haired boy, staring at his drink – affogato that you prepared. “it’s to ensure the safety of the students tenfold, considering the recent events.”
Nodding, eyes watched the scars on Izuku’s gentle hands – from when he was trying to figure out his quirk, trailing up to the burn he keeps hidden on his left arm – one caused by someone.
“I can imagine Auntie Inko wasn’t overboard with the idea?”
Izuku shifted in his seat, fingers stirring the straw of his drink. “She wanted me to transfer, because of how much I’ve been through…”
“I can’t blame her,” you nod again – there was USJ, and then there was this. “then again, it was something you couldn’t control and not really the school’s fault.”
“It’s what I told her, but she was adamant on keeping me safe. She’s a mom, after all.” That made you smile, Auntie Inko was really protective of Izuku ever since Uncle Hisashi worked abroad.
“A-Also, A-All Might convinced her,”
(E/c) eyes widened. “W-Wow…”
The All Might was at Izuku’s? Informing Auntie Inko of the dorm system and convincing her to have his apprentice stay at UA?
Izuku must be that special for the Symbol of Peace, his biggest idol, to keep him in UA.
“That’s amazing, Izuku.” Scoffing, you broke into an easy grin. “Isn’t that great, you get to stay in UA, got convinced to stay by the All Might, and you still have a chance to live his legacy.”
“(N-Nickname)!” With your praises, red flushes his cheeks and his arms flounder in the air, much to your amusement, before they ended up wrapped around his head protectively.
Everything changing again, huh?
With the dorms, students of UA will be granted and ensured of their safety as they’ll be living within the school’s premise. Really, they were doing so much just to give their students, future heroes, the very best that they deserve.
Still, it would be kind of lonely to have Izuku away.
Carmine eyes suddenly crossed your mind. The soft look on his face. The smell of burnt sugar. His warm rough hands.
“Neh, Izuku,” arms stretched out, head dropping down, your voice was quiet. “how is he?”
Drink long gone, he swallowed the sweet concoction down his throat, relishing in its sweetness and bitterness. He studied you for a bit, noting the glint in your eyes, how it was much different from before whenever Kacchan brought up.
Tapping his fingers, he carefully shared. “For starters, he’s safe. But somehow, he’s the same as ever.” Fingers twitched slightly at that, curling in slowly. “That much I can tell.” Brows furrowing slightly, especially when you recalled the relief in those carmine eyes, with something else.
The League of Villains.
They kidnapped Bakugou because he was top of their class, an easy target to play with considering his rather volatile streak that might bode well with villains.
“League of Villains,” you try, testing the weight of the villain group in your mouth. Izuku fell silent.
You didn’t like it. It felt dangerous, bitter, terrifying-
“I-It’s about your parents…”
Releasing a shuddering breath, you slumped into the table, forcing the numbing thoughts away. That is until a hand wrapped over yours, giving a gentle squeeze. You squeezed back, as thanks.
“(Nickname),” at the call of your name, you look up, meeting gentle green – brighter than emeralds, opals, more soothing that viridian or moss. “when you get the chance, talk to Kacchan. Okay?”
Carmine eyes crossed your mind again, the shocked expression turning gentle. Burnt sugar filling your senses. The fluttering beating of his heart.
“Little did you know, I’ve already had one.”
He hummed. “Yes, but you know what I’m talking about.” He says kindly, almost teasingly. You rolled your eyes at that.
“By the way,” recovering, you sat up, hands still in his. “you’re currently working on your ultimate move, right?” he nods “Well, need some help with that?”
Puzzled, it took about a few seconds until the questions sank. “Y-You don’t mean…!?”
Giggling, toothily grinning at your best friend, your eyes flashed yellow. “I might not look like much, but at least I can give a few pointers and wisdom. Also, I hope you’re okay with extra hours- “
“Of course! I’ll be in your care, (Nickname)!” he replies almost immediately, face filled with so much excitement to finally see you use your quirk at its full potential.
Mentally thinking of the days you’re not working, but hey, this was all for a good cause. “Looking forward to it, Izuku~”
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Taking a break from work, you felt your phone vibrate, seeing a text from Izuku. 
To: (Nickname)
From: Izuku
You couldn’t help the smile breaking on your lips, threatening to split your face in half from sheer joy and pride for your best friend. He did it!
All those days mastering his Shoot Style while dealing with your rather whimsical and unpredictable fighting really paid off!
  From: (Nickname)
To: Izuku
Congrats, you!
I’m so fcking proud of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Let’s celebrate, okay? Just drop by the café!
You were tempted to ask if Bakugou had passed as well, debating even to give him a text. Fingers tapped lighting through your contacts, scrolling to find his name, staring. Just staring.
Shaking hands fisting against his shirt, nose buried between his shoulder blades, taking in his scent- You locked your phone, exhaling through your nose as you closed your eyes.
“You’re being unfair to him, (Nickname).”
Just then an unknown number called you.
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It had been All Might.
All Might.
The Symbol of Peace.
He had called you, urging you to come to the UA campus at the dead of night for something he wouldn’t enclose over the phone. The hero had managed to work things out for your entry into the premise, albeit, discreetly, since it’s past working hours after all.
“So, you’re Young Midoriya’s good friend, yes?” the said hero was tall, so freaking tall! Even in his skeletal form, he loomed over you like a skyscraper, and his voice was commanding, firm, yet kind.
Remembering he had asked you a question, you fumbled for a reply. “A-Ah, yes sir!” Still, to be in his presence was something. Now you understood why Izuku fanboys hard – there were so many emotions to contain!
“I’ve heard a great deal about you, Young Midoriya speaks very highly of you.” That made you duck your head, a fond smile on your lips. “It’s clear that it is a bond forged greatly through careful means.”
“That, it is.” It was a rather poetic way of putting it, but yeah.
“With that being said, I’m sure you’re also acquainted with Young Bakugou, right?”
You nearly tripped on your own footing, halting at that, glancing up in question. “Y-Yes…” Carmine eyes, the smell of burnt sugar, warm calloused hands, suddenly filled your senses.
“In the short time that I’ve known them, I’ve also come to an understanding that the boys have a rather complicated relationship,” you gulp, for some reason. “they’re both on equal footing, yet it’s not very evident to both of them. They balance each other out perfectly.” He’s not wrong, you thought, hands curling and uncurling into fists.
“W-What are you trying to say?”
Turning to you, you realized that you reached some sort of building – it was huge, almost spanning the size of USJ! maybe it was a training ground? – the hero’s gaze wasn’t one of All Might’s, his gaze was soft, weary, understanding, guilt, and, dare you say, hopeful?
“Those boys have the makings to be a great hero, are each other’s greatest rivals yet they can be each other’s greatest ally if only pushed right.”
That was an idea you would never have thought of, but one you refused to acknowledge.
Before you could ask, suddenly, your senses went on full blast – (e/c) eyes turning yellow.
Heavy blasts from afar. Devastation followed. Heavy breathing. The smell of fire- no, angered explosions. Fully mapping out the vicinity, you found two presence were at the heart of it all. These heartbeats. Izuku? Bakugou?
“As expected, your senses indeed sharpen at night.”
Confused, angered, you turned to him, yellow eyes glinting in the moonlight. “WHY DID YOU BRING ME HERE!?” Their breathing, it was erratic, labored, abnormal, what was happening!?
He could only stare, expression betraying nothing. “I think I need to give the young boys some time to talk before I do it myself.”
“And what am I, some spectator?”
“I’m sure there’re things you would want to say to them as well, Young Yuroichi.”
Was what he said, but walking into the battlefield, having watched two of your childhood friends going out on each other, talking with their fists, kicks, and quirks, leaving bruised and battered, you could only feel one thing – numb.
With the fight over, your two childhood friends sat back on the asphalt ground, weary and exhausted out – physically and emotionally.
“Who else knows?” asked the ash blond, head hanging low with both arms propped against his knees.
“Recovery Girl, the principal, and…”
Apparently, that was your cue to make your presence known.
At the sound of approaching footsteps, the two boys raised their heads, eyes widening at the sight of you, in their campus, dead at night, eyes still in its dangerous yellow.
They flinched at the volume of your voice, as though you bellowed it with all the air in your lungs, coming out from the shadows after All Might’s speech, knowing that it wasn’t your place to be there, but after hearing Bakugou’s voice – that was pathetic of him, even the hero hadn’t expected that.
“Y-Young Yoruichi-“
“Don’t,” the hero flinched at your voice, pinning him with your stare “get me started you skeletal excuse of a hero!” you say to him angrily, bitingly, forgetting that this man was the Symbol of Peace, the greatest hero of this generation, the hero who could easily do away with you, and the greatest hero to your two asshole of childhood friends.
Giving him a warning look, deadlier under the moonlight with your yellow eyes shining, Izuku knew better than to gulp and avoid your gaze. You then turned the same look to Bakugou, whose shoulders sagged underneath your gaze, a sense of defeat washing over him. He’s already bad in your book, he might’ve worsened it in this situation.
He was walking on thin ice, treading on it really should he wish to fix it.
“A-Ah, K-Kacchan just wanted to talk s’all, (Nickname)! B-but it ended up…um, uh…” words were failing him, especially when you are at the receiving end. Unamused. Unfazed. Unrelenting. Angered. Not even All Might could help out, too scared to deal with an angry teenager. “…uh…i-it ended with our fists….?”
Izuku had been quick to his defense, much to the surprise and annoyance of the blond. But you weren’t having it.
“Stop making excuses for him, Izuku. You’re better than that.” The green-haired boy flinched, hands dropping in defeat. “He should well know to defend himself instead of beating himself down for it, which is a far cry from that proud pompous asshole we’re both familiar with.” The ash blond’s fingers twitched at your words.
Taking a deep breath, you exhaled slowly out your nose. “You two haven’t had a proper talk since and you thought of doing it now with your fucking fists and kicks? What’re you, animals!?”
Having watched their fight and taking into account the months they’ve been in UA, seeing their performance during the Sports Festival, and hearing accounts of progress from Izuku, Aizawa-san, and the Bakugous, the two clearly have changed.
After all this time, you still felt so far from the two.
After all this time, it pained you still to see a drift between your best friends.
After all this time, just seeing finally talk to each other – in the shittiest way of their own version, it was all you ever wanted.
After all this time, the only thing you wanted was for them to finally see eye-to-eye.
After all this time, you just wanted the two to be friends again.
Weakly you fell to your knees, arms reaching for both and bringing them to a hug. The two boys were stunned, to say the least.
“I’m so glad.” Tears began to spill, your hold tightening. “I was worried about you two so much, you know. You two are selfish, stubborn, and terribly reckless in your own ways, but you two are the strongest persons I know.”
Izuku can be so out of reach sometimes, especially when he’s trying to embody himself as the current One for All user.
Bakugou had always been so far from your reach, but it pains you to know that he had been feeling shitty because he didn’t know just how to deal with his emotions.
It made you feel like the worst friend.
“You have to be more honest with how you’re feeling,”
You say you wanted to support Izuku? Part of the deal was respecting his wishes when it came to a certain ash blond he’s admired next to All Might, the person who was the embodiment of victory for him, someone he’d like to catch up with.
But you let confusing emotions – like a stupid crush and hate, cloud over your judgments.
“I’m sorry if I won’t be able to understand if I’ll have to beat it outta you guys, i-if…” hiccupping, your hold slackened momentarily, before tightening. “I’m sorry if I’m such a horrible friend. I’ll try to do more, be better for you guys. So please, don’t ever forget that…okay?”
A tentative hand reached out, hesitant as it patted your back. Seeing as you didn’t flinch away, the hand awkwardly rubbed comforting circles as you cried harder.
Seeing this, the green-haired teen smiled, relishing in your hug, the pain from Kacchan’s attacks, and the wisdom from his mentor.
All Might could only watch three youngsters settling amongst themselves, as all friends should.
“Okay, (Name).”
masterlist • nine
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fvrxdrm · 5 years ago
City of the Living Dead
{Leon Kennedy x Reader RE2make}
Leon Kennedy x Reader Carlos Oliveira x Reader (Platonic!) Jill Valentine x Reader (Platonic!) Claire Redfield x Reader (Platonic!)
“Please, no!”
You helplessly begged the men that were yanking you and your sister out of your already beat-up house but the brawny blokes chose to just ignore your cries and yelps and continued to drag you towards a black van, their grasp harsh and barbarous against your arms.
You didn’t know how the hell you and your sister both ended up in that situation. You were just minding your own business inside your room, packing all of your stuff for another day in college when you heard a series of gunshots coming from downstairs together with the screeches of pain coming from your parents.
Your eyes widened, panic and shock beginning to take over your once calm and worry-free brain.
You ran out of your room and rushed towards where the commotion you heard was. As soon as your living room came into view, your eyes expanded more to the point where your eyeballs were close to popping out of their sockets and your mouth fell agape. There you saw your parents, lying lifeless on the floor, blood spurting out of the prominent bullet holes that were littered all over their bodies. Their heads, their torsos, their shoulders, everywhere! You didn’t know what to do. You just stood below the staircase, fear and trepidation keeping you from getting your mind straight and your body to move. You didn’t even acknowledge the salty waters that were beginning to flow down your cheeks, the little droplets dropping to the ground that was covered by the splatters and puddles of your parents’ blood. You were too focused on your own grief that you didn’t even notice your sister running towards where you were standing, nor the presence of one of your parents’ killers behind you and only when a black cotton cloth was beginning to block your view did you snap out of your unconscious daze.
“Shut the fuck up, you cunt!” a very deep and gruff voice growled from beside you. Despite the threatening and petrifying comment, though, you still continued to yowl and squirm around in hopes of getting yourself away from the death grip of whoever was holding you while you were being forced inside the vehicle but to no avail.
“Where are you taking us?” You heard your sister ask from beside you, her voice sounding barely above a whisper and shaky as fear began to defeat the put-together attitude she was forcing herself to show off earlier.
However, instead of getting any verbal reply from at least one of your captors, you were whacked on the head by something hard, the almost Herculean force causing you to get knocked out cold.
“Targets secured, Sir”
Your eyes fluttered open but immediately shut tightly again as you were greeted by a very intense light glaring directly at you, the sudden change of brightness triggering an almost intolerable ache in your head.
What happened to you? You couldn’t remember. There was this blurry and fuzzy cloud taking over the inside of your brain, making it hard to remember everything that had happened before you woke up.
“You’re awake”, you heard a deep and throaty voice mutter from beside you. Suddenly, as if that sound alone cleared a tiny part of your head, you began remembering the events that occurred prior to your awakening. You were kidnapped together with your sister.
Your eyes shot open and your upper body attempted to lift itself up but the cold and smooth surface of the metal restraints firmly pressed against your wrists said otherwise.
“Hey, hey. Take it easy”, the owner of the voice you heard a few seconds earlier spoke again. Instinctively, like any other person that would suddenly hear a foreign voice after being kidnapped, your head snapped towards the direction of the sound. Fear began to reflect from your E/C orbs after seeing a man sitting on a chair right beside your bed.
He was buff. He wore a tight-looking black shirt that defined his upper arms’ muscles with a logo stitched on its left sleeve, topped with an olive green colored vest that had tons of pockets decorating its surface. His hair...oh, my God... His hair looked like a mop head... His dark locks were long and disheveled and they almost covered his eyes. His chin and the area below his nose were covered by short dark hairs. He didn’t even look intimidating, to be honest. But hey, don’t judge a book by its cover, am I right? And besides, he might’ve been one of those men that killed your parents and kidnapped you and your sister.
“Who are you?” You asked. Your voice was soft but tremulous, your agitation beginning to flood inside your body.
The man held both of his hands up in front of him, as if he was fearing that you would break free from your restraints and attack him even though he was sure that the shackles were strong enough to keep you still.
“My name’s Carlos. I’ve been assigned to take care of you while you’re in this facility”, he replied slowly while keeping his eyes on you, still being cautious about your next possible actions.
Anger began to overpower the blue funk that ran through your nerves and the look in your eyes suddenly became hard, your sudden change in demeanor causing Carlos to be taken aback a bit more.
“Facility? What facility? What the fuck did you do to me!?” You growled out as you tried to advance towards Carlos, forgetting that you had straps keeping you from moving around a bit more.
“Listen, you’re in Umbrella’s underground facility and I did not do anything to you. I’m not planning to either”, he replied, his voice still gentle and composed despite the slight fear he was feeling.
You looked away from the seemingly kind man and kept your eyes’ focus on your feet instead. There you noticed another pair of metal restraints circling around your ankles. Your eyes lingered over your own body a bit more and you noticed that you weren’t wearing your hoodie and jeans anymore but instead, you were wearing a very revealing hospital gown.
“What am I doing here?” You whispered. The volume of your voice was so low that the man that was observing you intently still almost didn’t hear what you just said.
“I don’t know. We don’t really have the power to know why they were taking random people”, he replied with the same volume as yours.
“Were you the one that kidnapped us?”
“No. We’re kind of like bodyguards here, actually”
Silence took over the atmosphere, your light breathing mixed with a slightly heavier one the only sounds perceptible at that moment.
However, that quietude was suddenly broken when a group of scientists came barging in through the door, the pockets of their clean white coat being stuffed by their hands that were balled into loose fists.
“Carlos, you may leave now. We’ll take it from here”, one of the scientists that had blonde locks and was short in height spoke to the dark-headed soldier beside you, who averted his gaze towards the scientists.
“Yes, Dr. Birkin”, Carlos replied before he stood up from his seat. He took one last glance at you and exited the room, leaving you anxious and frightened at was about to come.
“Hi, Ms. Y/LN. I’m Dr. William Birkin, one of Umbrella’s top scientists”, the blonde man spoke as he took out a vial that had a green liquid inside from his pocket.
“I’m sorry about your parents. We just had to...force them to allow you to come with us”, he uttered again as he took out a syringe from his pocket and inserted the needle on top of the small container.
“You monster! You fucking killed my parents!” You spat out to the man who had a devilish grin on his face as your eyebrows furrowed together.
“Well, Ms.Y/L/N, we had a deal with your parents when you were still a baby and told them that if they don’t follow what was instructed for them to do, they’re dead. Not my orders”, Dr. Birkin replied, his hand swiping across the air near his neck as he said the words ‘they’re dead’.
“Now. Here is a mixture of different viruses. Oh, how this would turn you into a perfect, not to mention, the best bioweapon to ever exist!” He cried out in joy, sounding like one of those Disney villains that would happily talk about their evil plans to take over the world or something.
“Wait, what?” You asked, your heart beginning to palpitate even faster and harder the more this man talked.
“Sweet dreams”, William spoke closely to your face as the needle of the syringe he was holding was barely an inch away from the skin of your forearm.
What happened next became a blur. All you remembered was your body squirming around in hopes of getting away from being injected with whatever the hell this man was about to insert inside your body. Next came the agonizing pain that had you screaming and arching as the viruses flowed through your veins, your nails digging into your skin as your hands were balled tightly into fists. Black spots of different sizes and shapes covered your eyesight as your consciousness slowly faded into nothing, eyelids finally giving up as exhaustion got the better of you.
“Y/N, wake up!”
Ayo! Prologue published ayyyee! How was it?
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blondekasp · 5 years ago
Of Seafoam and Amber Eyes
this is my gift for @honkhonkrichard for the @itfandomprompts secret santa 2019 event! i hope i was able to deliver something that you enjoy reading! happy holidays! ♡
hanbrough, side stanpat / 2.6k words / fluff / no warnings apply
read on ao3
"Okay, Bill, we're gonna head back to the house. The others will be wondering where we are, and we need to make sure that Richie hasn't corrupted the baby. Are you coming?" Stan stands up from the dock, dusting off his slacks absentmindedly and helping Patty up off of the wooden boards. The sun's halfway set already and the temperature's dropping slightly as the stars begin to come out of hiding.
"No, I think I'm going to s-stay out a little longer. Don't worry, you guys cuh-can go back, I won't be��out too la-late." Bill reassures them, and Stan nods, taking Patty's hand and leading her away, off the dock to take the short walk back to the house.
Bill decides to take the alone time to think, because as much as he loves his friends, they get each other excited, not leaving much room for real thinking time. It's the first time in a really long time that he's been at Richie's beach house as a single man. In previous years, he's always brought Audra with him to Richie's beach house. She's a lovely lady, but Bill just wasn't sure he felt completely like they were right for one another, so it ended. It's not that he misses being in a relationship with her, it's just really strange to break the routine and not be with her for a tradition.
It's been nearly half a year since they broke up, and he's been dating again as of recent. It's nothing too serious, and he's enjoying meeting new people, but nothing's really stuck yet. That's okay, though, he's not expecting anything to happen soon. Maybe he doesn't feel great about being the only one single at the summer house, but he'll get used to it.
He's secretly a tiny bit envious of Stan and Patty, they love each other so much. They've just had a baby, and Bill thinks that the last time he saw them this happy was on their wedding day. He remembers it fondly, all seven of the losers and Patty had cried that day, gotten drunk and cried some more. It was a great day, much like the day their son, Elio, was born. He hopes someday he can be as happy as them.
Bill dips his feet in the water and winces quietly at the temperature, but he doesn't pull away. The water's refreshing, even if it's quite cold, and for a minute he considers slipping into the water, but he's already dried off from being in earlier. His pale skin is illuminated by the glow of the ivory marble in the sky. There's something about the sight that makes him feel a certain way, like reality's altered. It feels like he's the only person in the world —like it's just him and the moon.
He's brought out of his thoughts when something brushes against his ankle, ever so slightly, but enough for him to notice it. He plants his hands on either side of him on the pier to secure himself, and he looks over, down into the water, to find nothing. He squints, sure that he had felt something, but chalks it up to it being that he must've grazed his foot against the support beam under the dock or that it's a fish swimming where he can't see it.
Well, that's what Bill assumes for the next few minutes as he sits in a perfect silence, kicking his feet gently in and out of the frigid water. But then he feels something grabbing onto his ankle and he jumps, yanking his legs out of the water. He shuffles back on the dock and peers over to see the source of his fright. His eyes widen at the sight of two deep brown eyes staring back at him. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."
Bill doesn't say anything, and the person continues, "Are you okay?"
"I, uh, yeah, I'm fuh-fine." Bill stammers, "Sorry, who are you?" He asks wearily, and the man in the water moves a little closer, smiling in what Bill assumes is an attempt to make sure Bill knows that he isn't intending to cause harm.
"I'm Mike, what's your name?" Mike's voice is gentle, and he has kind features, big mahogany toned eyes and an endearingly lopsided smile. Bill relaxes, sits back down, cross-legged on the dock. Mike takes this as a sign that Bill doesn't feel threatened by him, and a look of relief passes over his face.
"I'm Bill. Are you here with anyone?" Bill looks around, there's no one in close proximity, and Mike laughs softly, shaking his head.
"Oh, no, I'm by myself." Mike tells him, and Bill nods silently, "Is this your first time here?"
He shakes his head, "My friend has a house up here and we always come for the Summer. Is this your first time?"
A look comes over Mike's face, and he smiles slightly, "No, I'm here all the time, I live here. I don't really have the opportunity to go anywhere else." Bill looks like he's about to ask, and Mike beats him to it, glancing around to make sure no one's within earshot or sight of them. He dives down deeper into the water, head first, and that's when Bill sees it —a tail.
Mike breaks through the water again, staring up at Bill, who's standing up on the dock, and backing off of it, coming around the side and down onto the sand. He wades into the water, disregarding the temperature and approaching Mike, who looks surprised. "I assumed you would run away."
Bill shakes his head, trying to find the right words, "No, I, uh, I-I'm just shuh-shocked, I th-think." Mike nods, doesn't say anything, just gives Bill a minute to think. "Ah-Are there others?"
"Yeah, there is, they stay down there, though." He gestures out to the large expanse of water stretching across the horizon. "They don't like it up here, they're scared of humans. It's only because they've never came up here, though. All they've heard is stories, but I don't think there's anything to be scared of." Mike momentarily gives Bill a weary look, "Is there?"
"N-No, of course not. I'm not guh-gonna hurt you. This is just really uh-unexpected. Do you usually show people that you're here, or...?"
Mike swims closer, simpering soft-heartedly, "I don't, I usually don't come this close to people at all, I just look from a distance. But you looked like you needed a distraction from whatever was making you upset." Bill averts his eyes, letting out a low murmur of 'oh', and Mike reaches out, his fingers ghosting over Bill's arm, giving rise to goosebumps on his skin. "Speaking of, what was making you so sad? I know you said you're fine, but it doesn't look like you are."
The sea's shallow enough where they are that Bill can sit down on the sand beneath it, and he buries his hands into the sand, they sink in easily due to the water, and he closes his fists around small heaps of the sand. "I can't buh-believe I'm telling this to a st-stranger, but I don't really f-fuh-feel like talking to anyone else about this so here goes, I guess. My girlfriend —well ex-girlfriend —and I broke up earlier this year ah-and we've come here t-t-tuh-together every year since we got together. I guess it just feels different n-now that she isn't here, I don't kn-know." Mike frowns, and Bill feels compelled to ask, "Do yuh-you guys date? Or ha-have partners or whatever?"
The merman laughs, all breathy and light, and Bill grimaces, shaking his head at himself. "Guh-God, sorry, that was such a stupid question. Of course you guys date." He face begins to bloom red, the shade much like that of the eventide that Bill witnessed earlier that evening with Patty and Stan.
"It's okay, I understand that this is really weird. I'd probably ask that too if it were the other way around." Mike reassures him, lying back in the water, lustrous azure tail flicking up and breaking through the liquid surface gracefully as he did so. He turns his head to Bill, who's still sitting near him, watching and waiting for him to talk again. "I'm sorry about your break up, though. If you don't mind that I'm asking, why did you break up?"
Bill shrugs half-heartedly, removing one hand from the sand and trailing his fingers along the surface of the water, "We were good together, buh-but it wasn't really in the w-way that we thought. We started dating a few years ago while we were still in c-c-college and it was rea-really fun but as time went on I k-kind of realised that we worked better as friends? It just d-didn't really feel romantic, something was m-mih-missing. We ended it because Audra said she felt the same way."
"What do you think was missing?"
Bill furrows his eyebrows, smiles a little, "I'm not sure, I guess I'll know whenever I find it." There's a moment of silence, and then Bill speaks again, "So, what's d-d-dating like for you?"
"Well, I suppose I don't really date. It's not like I haven't had opportunities or anything, I guess I just don't want to live like the rest of them down there. It's so boring. And I don't feel like I really have a mutual understanding with the others in my area, I think differently and they don't really approve." Mike sighs, "That's why I spend so much of my time up here. My parents are great, I love them so much, but I don't think they really get why I want change."
"I don't think m-my parents really uh-understood me either."
Bill hums, "My little brother went m-missing for a year when I was thirteen. I must've spent the entire t-time trying to figure out where he could've gone, how we could find hi-him and bring him home. My parents weren't having any of it. They kept insisting that I le-leave it alone, accept that Georgie was guh-gone. I couldn't uh-understand why they wanted to stop looking, it made me angry, and really confused. They were quite cold ah-after Georgie disappeared."
"What happened? To Georgie?"
"He was found a year later," Bill's lips curve upwards at the thought of his brother, "I don't think he remembers whatever happened in the time that he was away, he's absolutely fine now. He's nineteen, and going to school in New York. 
Mike adjusts in the water, lying on his front, his forearms on the sand supporting him. "That's great, I'm glad. It seems like you love him a lot."
The writer nods, "I know a lot of siblings don't get along, but Georgie and I always huh-have. It was really rough when he went m-missing, sometimes I think I took it harder than my parents did. I'm so grateful that he's alive right now, all of the time I spent wondering wh-where he was and what had happened t-to him was pretty torturous and now that I kn-know that he's safe at college, I feel like I can relax."
Mike glides into close proximity, taking Bill's hand into his and patting it gently with the other. He doesn't say anything, just flashes Bill a lopsided beam, pearly white teeth on show and Bill thinks that he can actually feel his heart rate gradually slowing, he can pinpoint the exact moment when the tension floods out of him and he relaxes. The author doesn't say anything either, just simpers back in return, feeling a sudden relief at knowing that he's finally told someone what’s been on his mind.
He lets Mike come closer.
"He sounds absolutely crazy."
"Oh, yeah, one-hundred p-percent, Richie's definitely a dumbass." Bill chuckles, "He pushed our friend, Eddie, out of a tree in m-middle school, Eddie was totally fine afterwards and Rih-Richie started crying because he felt so bad." Mike throws his head back, laughs from his chest, and the way it sounds makes Bill's stomach swoop momentarily, causing him to squint and then quickly recompose himself before Mike notices. "We all love h-him though, he's a good guy regardless of all the stupid sh-shit he does."
Mike's lying beside him, resting his head on his forearms, he turns his head to look at Bill, resting his cheek on his arm. "Your friends are amazing, and it sounds like you're all so close with each other. I wish I had friends like that."
"W-Well," Bill slowly extends his arm out to curl his hand around Mike's, "We're friends now, right?"
The merman shifts his eyes, seemingly bashful, and nods, looking back up at him and flashing that winning smile once more. "Yeah, I guess we are. Thank you, I don't really have a lot of friends or others around me who take the time to get to know me. You're the first in a long time."
Bill opens his mouth to respond, but he's silenced by a voice calling in the near distance. "Bill? Bill! Are you here?”
"Eddie?" He murmurs, perplexed, and turns back around to Mike. Eddie's voice is drawing closer and Mike looks panicked. He swiftly moves from his lying position and shuffles closer to Bill, resting a rough hand on his flushed cheek.
"This was really fun, Bill, thank you." His eyes flick down momentarily, and he surges in quickly but gently, pressing a kiss to his mouth and pulling away just as fast, leaving Bill to wonder if he had simply imagined it. He can't find the right words, just stares wide-eyed at Mike, who has the ghost of a smile on his mouth.
Eddie's voice beckons to Bill and he swivels around to see him jogging over. He turns back, to say goodbye to Mike, only to find that he's gone. "Bill! What are you doing out here?"
"Uh, I guess I juh-just lost track of time. Speaking of, wh-what time actually is it?" Bill asks, looking back out to the sea, in hopes of catching a glimpse of Mike. There's nothing but the sea foam and the water crashing against the rocks.
"It's four o'clock! I woke up to get some water and I walked by your room and saw that you hadn't came back. Jeez, Bill, warn us if you plan on staying out this late." Eddie shakes his inhaler, holds it between his lips and presses the trigger.
"I'm sorry, Eddie, I didn't h-have my phone with me and I didn't mean to stay out this late. Are yuh-you okay?"
"I'm fine, Bill, are you? I've noticed that you've been kind of down since we got here, if it's because of everything with Audra, we're all here for you, you know?" Eddie sits down on the sand next to Bill, and does his best to avoid the tide coming in.
Bill smiles to himself, nodding, "I know, Eddie, thank you." The water crests against a group of rocks, and he wonders if Mike is still watching from a distance, “I think I’m going to be okay.” He whispers, sounds so sure of himself that even he’s taken aback.
“I’m glad, Bill. What’s changed?” Eddie’s voice comes from behind him, and the blue-eyed man sinks his hand into the sand again, thinks about tomorrow, thinks about the look in Mike’s eyes just a moment before he kissed him. He hopes he’ll see Mike tomorrow, he wants to come back and talk to him again, maybe kiss him again.
“I guess I’ve just had a lot of t-time to think things over while I’ve b-buh-been out here. The view really put th-things into perspective for muh-me. I think I’ll cuh-come back tomorrow, it’s nice h-here.”
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starxiddraws · 6 years ago
Your Guardian Angel
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug  Rated: T "Marinette's identity has been exposed to the entirety of Paris and she has to make some decisions."
Chapter 1: Exposed
    “Oh no! I’m late! I can’t believe I overslept again! I hope Miss Bustier doesn’t send me to the principal’s today,” Marinette stumbled out of her parents’ bakery as she placed a newly baked croissant into her mouth. The nice, buttery pastry nearly melted in her mouth as she stood at the crosswalk, waiting for her cue to cross. The road wasn’t busy, so she probably could have crossed, but as the hero of Paris, she needed to set an example, albeit no one knows her secret identity. “Still though,” she thought, finally crossing as she finished her croissant, running up the school stairs as a school monitor approached the doors to close them. She managed to slip through before the doors closed, almost catching the skirt to her light pink dress in the process. Skipping two steps at a time, Marinette hurried up the stairs and almost slammed herself into the door as she entered her classroom, right before the tardy bell rang. “Yes!” She exclaimed inwardly, giving a little triumphant dance, “I managed to arrive on time!”
   Unaware of an uneasy silence, and confused looks, Marinette sat down at her assigned seat and rummaged through her bag for the textbook needed for her morning class. Finally settling to her seat, she noticed the stares her classmates were giving her, some astonished, others were covering their mouths, as if a secret threatened to escape their lips. Marinette's shoulders tensed up and her eyes darted from one classmate to another until her eyes landed on Alya’s seat, only to find she wasn’t seated there. Instead, Alya was standing at the front of the class, staring at Marinette with her mouth wide open, apparently speechless. “I-is it what I’m wearing?” She internally pondered, looking down at the little jacket and dress she hastily put on in her panic to get ready for school. There was nothing wrong with it that would cause a disturbance in the classroom, she often wore cute outfits to school. As a matter of fact, she had worn this dress before on a special occasion at school. So why...?
   “Marinette.” The teen jumped at the mention of her name, she glanced upwards towards the front of the class, where her best friend was now looking at her with concern, pointing at the projector screen which had an image, or a video paused at a  certain point. It seemed to be Ladybug in an alleyway. The blood drained from Marinette’s face as Alya played the rest of the clip, showing Ladybug transforming back into her civilian form: Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Marinette slowly stood up as Alya replayed the video, her eyes glued to the projection. The video starts off with the camera person hiding behind a car, filming into the alleyway where Ladybug was standing, looking around to make sure that the coast was clear. Then she started to detransform, revealing Marinette as the person underneath the mask. The class was silent as they watched Marinette with bated breaths, observing her facial expressions, but Marinette’s face remained stone cold still.    “Alya, how did you get this video?” Marinette bored her big blue eyes into Alya’s green ones, hoping, begging, pleading for this to be fake although she already knew when this footage was filmed. It was the day before when a child was akumatized because her mother would not let her keep a stray puppy. She was a hard one to catch, but they caught her. She remembered vividly how the girl, clad in a stylized dog outfit, commanded all the dogs with a silent whistle. It was a nightmare, a cute, fluffy, slobbery nightmare. Marinette had plans, so she had to leave right after the fight. There was no way she could come up with an explanation that it was a hoax. Maybe CGI, but the footage was too shaky and low quality to pull that off.
   Alya turned her back to her best friend and stared at her phone. “It was sent to me a few minutes ago... by an anonymous email. They sent it to the LadyBlog named under ‘cool Ladybug footage’. I just thought it was a video about yesterday’s fight, so I put it up on the projector so that everyone can see, but...” Alya took in a shaky breath and quickly turned to face Marinette, who now looked scared, face pale and eyes wide. “I promise, I didn’t upload it to the LadyBlog! I always check my footage before uploading!” Marinette began to tremble. Who sent that video? She needs to find this person so that they can delete it, FAST. No one else needs to see, needs to know... “Is there a way to find out who sent that? That person needs to get rid of that video now!” Panic began to bubble in her chest as she approached Alya, shaky hands reaching out towards the phone. “Please, no one else can find out. If other people find out, I-my parents- you guys... will be in danger if Hawkmoth finds out.”    “There’s no point Marinette,” Nino said solemnly. He was looking down at his phone, shaking his head. “The local news is currently showing it... So everyone who’s watching this... knows.” A few kids gasped while others pulled out their phones to see what the news has to say. Marinette was planted firmly where she stood, white as a sheet, heart beating desperately with the hope that people believe that it is fake. However, it only takes one person to see and believe that this is true, and that one person could be Hawkmoth. If he finds out, he can take her parents hostage, he can harm her friends in many ways possible, he can kidnap her, he can take the miraculous, he can destroy everything, he can, he can...    “--nette, Marinette, please...” tears stung her eyes as a pair of green eyes stared into hers and strong hands held her shoulders, gently shaking her to bring her back from the grim future. Adrien gently swiped a stray hair from her face as he tried to calm her down, but as soon as she realized who was in front of her, attempting to comfort her, tears began to cascade down her cheeks as panic finally took over her being and all she wanted to do was hide. She jolted for the classroom door and escaped into the hallway, letting out a pained sob for her class to hear before the door closed. Adrien was about to go after her when Alya stopped him. “Let’s all go together, I don’t think it’s safe for her to be alone, especially in the state she’s in. Also, you need me to go into the girl’s bathroom in case she’s in there. Miss Bustier, may we...?” Alya gave their teacher a hopeful look and she nodded solemnly. Alya, Nino, and Adrien all left the classroom in the search for Marinette. A few moments of silence passed in the classroom before chaos ensued.    “Marinette is Ladybug? Clumsy Marinette??”    “She probably was purposefully clumsy to hide her identity?”    “That would make sense. But something tells me she’s just clumsy.”
   “Dupain-Cheng is Ladybug... I admire Ladybug... Does that mean I admire DUPAIN-CHENG??”    “Chloe, c-calm down...”
*   *   *
   Marinette sat in the stall directly in front of the door in the bathroom on the ground floor, quietly crying, trying to figure out what to do. Her phone rang silently beside her as Alya was attempting to call her. Her parents have also tried to call her, but she just ignored her phone. “This is a disaster...” she muttered as she hugged her knees, sniffling. A little red creature flew out of her purse and hugged her cheek to try to cheer her up, but that little action caused Marinette to cry even more, covering her face to hide her shame. “I’m sorry T-Tikki,” she managed to say between sobs, “I should have been more careful, and now a-a-all of P-Paris knows... I-I’m the worst LadyBug ever...”    “Marinette, don’t say that! You are one of the best that I’ve had the pleasure of knowing! You couldn’t have known that someone was recording. No one would have known...”    “I agree,” A voice echoed through the bathroom. “With Marinette. She is the worst Ladybug ever! Who could EVER think of giving her such an important role to play, when wee little Marinette is the clumsiest person in the entirety of Paris-- no the entirety of the universe!” The voice was dripping with delighted malice and a giggle erupted from the other side of the stall door. Marinette recognized the voice.    “Lila!” Marinette stood up and opened the door, to face Lila who was giving her the biggest, smuggest smirk with the most malicious look on her eyes that it even gave Marinette shivers down her spine.    “Who would have known,” Lila stepped into the stall, trapping Marinette into the small space, “That Marinette Dupain-Cheng was Ladybug. You really did fool them, no one would have suspected a thing. Though, now that I think about it... You two do look a lot alike. I’m surprised no one caught that-- Well... one person did though.” Lila waved her phone. Marinette gasped and glared daggers into the smug face Lila wore. “And now it’s all over the news. I’m surprised Alya didn’t upload it to the LadyBlog, that’s some juicy, juicy stuff.”
   Suddenly the door to the bathroom opened, and Lila’s demeanor did a complete 180, suddenly pretending to comfort the now infuriated Marinette. “Oh Marinette! You must be so scared! You need to calm down before an akuma gets you! And then what would we do if Ladybug got akumatized?”    “Lila! What are you doing here?” Alya walked into the bathroom as the boys stood outside. Marinette noticed Adrien looking at her as the door closed and she gave him a pained look before it shut completely.    “Oh Alya, I was running late for class because I was so caught up with the news, and then I saw Mari running into the bathroom crying, and I just knew that I needed to comfort her. Afterall, Ladybug and I are best friends, so it makes sense that I take care of my best friend!” Lila sniffed and wiped away a tear that wasn’t there. Alya, although a bit annoyed that Lila emphasised “best friend”, believed her and nodded her head.    “Well I’m her closest best friend and I’m here now, so you can leave her to me.” Alya suddenly got a weird look on her face as Lila left, as if some cogs suddenly started to turn in her mind. “Best friends? But you despise her (for no reason), how can you be best friends?”    “Exactly,” Marinette muttered but Alya missed it completely, for she began to focus on what’s more important: Marinette.    “Are you okay? You left so suddenly. The whole class is worried,” Alya cupped Marinette’s cheek and wiped away a stray tear that shed suddenly.    “No. I’m not okay. I don’t think I’ll ever be okay now that my identity has been exposed. Anyone that I know and love won’t ever be okay because they’ll be in danger. I don’t know what to do to fix this...” Marinette began to cry again, but this time she’s more frustrated because the person who recorded her was a very effective liar and if she tried to tell the truth, everyone would believe Lila over her.    “Hey hey, sh shh,” Alya held Marinette tightly as she sobbed into her shoulder. “You’re not alone in this though. Nino and Adrien are waiting for us outside. We should go meet up with them and figure this out.” Marinette nodded and followed her best friend outside where Nino and Adrien were waiting. *  *  *    Adrien had a hard time wrapping his mind around the events that happened in the past ten minutes. Marinette is Ladybug, she had a panic attack, Marinette is ladybug, they came to get her, Marinette is Ladybug, Lila came out of the bathroom looking worried, at first, but a look of malice slightly slipped out and only he noticed, Marinette is Ladybug...He couldn’t believe it, but at the same time, it made complete sense to him that Marinette is Ladybug. Was it the hair? The big blue eyes? The cleverness? Regardless, Marinette is just a friend, and Ladybug is his lady, how can she be the same person? He didn’t have those kinds of feelings for Marinette, those were reserved for Ladybug, but Marinette is also Ladybug, so maybe... he was just wrong? The look she gave him before the bathroom door closed made his chest so tight with emotion that he wanted to cry alongside her, but it was Alya’s job to take care of her for now. The boys sat down on the floor by the bathroom door and waited.
   “Can you believe it? Marinette is Ladybug,” Nino looked at Adrien who just stared at the floor, thinking. “But at the same time, it explains a lot.” Adrien looked at Nino questioningly. “Why she’s always tardy to school and why she always got flustered whenever Alya would tease her about being Ladybug. And why she chose me and Aly--” Nino suddenly shut his mouth, realizing what he was saying .    “What?”    “Nothing.” Adrien gave Nino a suspicious look then continued to look at the floor.
   Both girls walked out of the bathroom, Alya guiding a still shaken Marinette to the boys, who were keeping a close eye out for Akumas. Adrien immediately stood up, perhaps a bit too quickly, for Alya gave him a puzzled look. Gulping, Adrien ignored Alya’s inquisitive look, and with a slightly flushed face, looked at Marinette, who was staring at the ground. Feeling his eyes on her, Marinette glanced up at him and they locked eyes for a moment before Adrien looked away rather too quickly, blushing more. “Get a hold of yourself,” Adrien thought as he decided that a small piece of chewed gum was more interesting. “As if that is more interesting than those vividly blue eyes of hers.” His mind retorted as heart began to race. “What is going on with me? I find out Marinette is Ladybug and I’m head over heels over her? B-but Marinette is just a f-f-f-f--”    “Are you okay, Adrien?” Marinette’s voice snapped him from his very confused thoughts and they just stared at each other, both confused, but for very different reasons.
   “I-I’m okay.” She cares about others so readily, just like Ladybug. It just keeps making more and more sense... “Ahem. So what should we do about this situation?”    “I don’t know, I’ve been thinking but I can’t think of anything. My mind is too... worried to focus...”    “It’s okay Marinette, let’s think. What can we do to fix this?” Alya rubbed Marinette’s shoulders to help her relax. Everyone began to think.    Adrien piped up, “I know, what about we just say it’s a hoax? Marinette can go on the Ladyblog to give an interview and just say it was all a hoax.”    “An actress with special effects added in after, that’s perfect Adrien!” Alya nodded, admiring Adrien’s plan.    “Would it work though?” Marinette asked. “The main person who we would need to convince that it was a hoax would be Hawkmoth. If he doesn’t believe it...”    “Mari, relax.” Adrien placed his hand on her shoulder. When she didn’t relax, he cupped her cheeks so he can guide her to face him so she can see, so she can know that what he’ll say next is the truth. “If anything, Chat Noir will be there too.” I’ll be there for you. “He’ll protect you, with his life is he has to.” Her eyes widening, she stepped back, slowly shaking her head in disagreement.    “No, I don’t want anyone getting hurt because of me. Not even Chat Noir. He may be a silly tom cat, but he’s still my partner and I don’t want him to--to...”    “You’re right. He’s your partner. So as Ladybug, you shouldn’t go through this alone. As Marinette, you have us to support you. You’re not alone in this!” Adrien pleaded. Alya and Nino looked in disbelief at how Adrien was acting towards Marinette. Very caring, and protective, as if he’s the one asking to protect her. It’s an astonishing display.
   Marinette took a moment to absorb what Adrien has said and nodded. He’s right, she’s not alone...    “I’ll have to talk to Chat Noir about all of this, see what he has to say. So I’ll have to text you all later to see what the game plan is. Let’s get back to class... I think everyone is worried about us... about... me.” Nodding in agreement, the four of them headed upstairs into their classroom, where everyone waited anxiously.
*  *  *
   “Marinette Dupain-Cheng is Ladybug. There’s no doubt about it.” Hawkmoth stared out of his butterfly shaped window as he sensed the despair emanating from the young student. It was so easy, just akumatize her in her current state and get her Miraculous, then use that miraculous to get Chat Noir’s. It was the perfect situation.
   “What are you going to do, sir?” Nathalie asked, watching her boss ponder all of his possibilities.
   “I’ll akumatize her right now, so I can get her Miraculous as soon as I can. Then it is all uphill from here.”
   “Well, do it before all of the other miraculous users assemble, if they haven’t already.”
   “Good point,” Gabriel reached out a hand and a butterfly landed perfectly on his palm, ready for it’s master’s plan. But as soon as the purple bubbles enshrouded the little bug, the feeling of despair vanished. “What happened? Where did all the feelings of worry and frustration go?” He tried to send off his butterfly, but it just flew back, not knowing where to go. Frustrated, Hawkmoth purified the butterfly and stood there, plotting, planning his next move to get his hands on that damn ladybug Miraculous. 
A/N: This is my first MLB fic. It’s been in my mind for a while now, so I hope you guys like it!!
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jinkisbelly · 6 years ago
Simple Request 6/?
Pairing: Jongyu
Rating: pg
w/c: 2.7k
Other Parts can be found a little ways down this [x]   Ao3  AFF
Summary: The Fae King is under a lot of pressure to conceive an heir, while given a deadline by the Council he turns to his personal guard and best friend to help him with it  
Warnings: Future mpreg and in this part mention of blood in a memory of the war.
         Jinki softly ran his thumbs across Jonghyun’s forehead starting from the middle, down his temples and cheeks, running along his jaw to his chin. Then starting from the bridge of his nose, he moved outward toward his ears, applying slight pressure. After doing so a few more times, he ceased, allowing his hands to fall on his thighs, on each side of Jonghyun’s face as his head was cradled in Jinki’s lap. The sun had begun to set, soft oranges and pinks covering the sky as Saferus flew as soundly as he could.
         Jinki hoped this was just altitude sickness, something fairies were known to contract when at too low of altitudes for a very long time. It was either that, or Jonghyun hadn’t had his wings out more than they were along his body as tattoos. The longer they were hidden the weaker a fairy would be. His magic signature had grown in strength a significant amount since Saferus had taken off to a higher altitude away from the city, but it was nowhere near where it was supposed to be.
         He pressed a long kiss to Jonghyun’s forehead after leaning down, hands gentle as they cup his face. “I should have been more conscious of your health, Love. I wasn’t paying attention to all of it and I’m sorry. I can’t lose you.”
         Jonghyun’s nose scrunched as he shifted, curling onto his side and squishing his cheek into Jinki’s thigh. Smiling fondly, Jinki moved his hair out of his face before gazing off the edge of the saddle. The sea stretched on for miles under them. He had put on the saddle used for rescue missions and large transport of injured, covering most of Saferus’s back. He knew very well he could put Jonghyun’s head on one of the pillows stored in the bags around the edge of the saddle, but he felt a sort of calmness over him having the man so close.
         ‘I wouldn’t worry so much.’
         Jinki’s gaze shifted in front of him to where Saferus had gently curled his head back to him. ‘All I ever seem to do lately is worry about him.’
         ‘His light is bright. Trust him.’
         Then the deep rumble of the voice withdrew and Saferus once again looked forward. Jinki sighed, knowing full well he should believe his dragon.
         When Jonghyun did finally manage to awaken, they were camping on a ledge of a large cliff. Jinki was up on the saddle, going through the bags for rations he kept when Saferus gently rumbled, ‘He’s coming to Little One.’
         Quickly, Jinki jogged to the edge of the saddle, flipping off the side and landing gently on his feet. Sure enough, Jonghyun was slowly trying to sit up, one hand behind him and the other rubbing at his eyes. His voice was groggy when he spoke. “Where am I?”
         “Whispering Cliffs, Jonghyun.” He whipped his head toward Jinki, pressing both hands against his forehead at the motion as he groaned. Jinki carefully kneeled beside him, removing Jonghyun’s hands to replace them with his own. Once the warmth of his magic withdrew, the pain did as well. “Take it easy.”
         “Why am I on the Whispering Cliffs?”
         “Saferus was getting fatigued flying us for hours.”
         “Flying… why-”
         “You fainted, Jonghyun.” Jinki then remembered to let his hands fall from him into his lap. “I thought it was probably altitude sickness, so I brought you here.”
         “Faera is one of the highest cities in all the Kingdoms.”
         “But you are always grounded more than not.” Jinki reached for the water skin, popping open the cork to hold it up to Jonghyun’s lips. “You need to re hydrate.”
         Once the water was swallowed, Jonghyun softly looked over at him. “I can feel your anxiety, Jinki. Your fear.”
         “Mm,” Jinki shifted until he was flat on his butt, legs bent before him, hands on his knees, as he sat opposite but parallel to Jonghyun. “I never wish to have to catch you as you fall from the sky and yet, I’ve had to twice.”
         “I’m sorry. I can’t imagine how… unnerving that must be for you.”
         Saferus rumbled, his soft laughter felt through the ground as he opened one eye to look at them. ‘Try devastating Your Majesty.’
         Jinki glared over the flames, not missing the amusement he felt through their bond. When he turned back to Jonghyun, the man had his brows lifted. “Something the matter between you?”
         “Nothing important.” ‘Other than my dragon is an ass.’
         ‘The feeling is mutual.’
         After eating the food Jinki had prepared, Jonghyun quietly asked, “Does anyone else know where we are?”
         Jinki laughed quietly. “If I know your representatives, they have the entire city on high alert.”
         “I may have threatened to kill them where they stood if they didn’t get out of my way.”
         “Excuse me?”
         Jonghyun could swear Jinki’s cheeks were tinted pink as he spoke, “You were unconscious in my arms and they wanted to take you to a fairy healer because they didn’t trust me to do my job. So, I threatened them. They got the picture.”
         He dipped his head, hair looking slightly pink even in the orange light of the fire.  Then he caught Jonghyun’s gaze and evenly said. “I’d do it a million times over if it meant you were alright. I don’t trust anyone else to treat you correctly, Jonghyun.”
         “You have created a very big mess for me to clean up when we return.” He half scolded causing Jinki’s shoulders to slouch and his gaze to fall, but then he softened his demeanor and voice. “But thank you. I’d have loved to see Ryeowook’s face.”
         “It was a good mix between your father’s expression and Master Wixu’s when we returned from that trip to the Southern wine valleys of the Centaurs.”
         Jonghyun grinned at the memory, before humming. “It’s hard to believe that happened. Memories from before the war just seem like another time entirely.”
         “I understand.” Jinki poked the fire with a stick, blowing out the end once he pulled it back out. “I still get night terrors from…”
         “The war.” Jonghyun quietly finished for him. “It’s difficult to not remember all that was taken away during the war.”
         The look in Jinki’s eyes when they meet his own causes a deep coolness to reach his bones, chilling him quickly. “Or what could have been.”
         Everything around him seemed to be moving in slow motion. He heard the steady beat of Saferus’s wings, the crackling of fire as it burned the city below him, and the sounds of thousands of fae folk fighting to the death. He was far enough behind the lines to not have to worry about the ballistas lining what remained of the Elven Keep. He knew those were put there for him. He never thought he’d have to worry about being shot out of the sky by his own people, his parents. But he had made his choice and he intended to stick by it.
         He quickly found Jonghyun, engaged in a duel with the leader of the Elven forces, close to the huge walls of the Keep. And then time seemed to slow even more as he watched Jonghyun fly up, holding the Elf under their arms, lifting them both up hundreds of feet in the air. Jinki felt like his voice was stuck in his throat as he tried to scream, to warn him, even if there was no way Jonghyun could have heard him over the sounds of battle around them, as the spear was thrown. It landed straight through his middle, causing him to drop the Elf, fluttering as he pressed against his middle, trying so hard to stay up in the air.
         And then he was falling, like an acorn in the Gardens in the Temple, whipping through the air toward the ground.
         ‘GO!’ Maybe yelling at his dragon through their minds wasn’t the smartest thing, but Saferus did as he was told until the ballistas fired and he had to twirl and swoop down to dodge them.
         ‘I can’t get closer.’
         Jinki closed his eyes for a moment as he unhooked his boots from the binds on the side of the saddle. Then he opened his eyes with a deep breath before tugging on the spikes in front of him, causing Saferus to twist onto his back. Without the binds on his legs he fell from the saddle. He curled over himself, pushing against the saddle and shooting head first toward Jonghyun’s falling, limp form.
         The air was knocked out of his lungs as he collided, wrapping his arms around Jonghyun and holding him close to his chest. He twisted until he was the one underneath him, looking behind him for just a moment, before he closed his eyes and gathered as much air as he could around him. Crashing into the lake still felt much like shattering through thick glass. Pain exploded through his back and legs, but he managed to move through the cloudiness of anguish and lifted them both above the surface.
         As he made it to the shore, he collapsed onto the grass along the banks, eyes squeezed shut as finally the pain fully hit him. He was vaguely aware of Saferus taking out the ballistas and landing just behind them, protecting them from anyone who wished to approach where they had crashed landed. When the surge of strength rushed through him, he softly thought, ‘Thank you,’ before gritting his teeth and pushing off the ground.
         Jonghyun’s eyes were still open, barely, breathing shallow as he tried to stay awake. It took him far too long to focus on Jinki, his voice almost a whisper. His blood covered hand curled around Jinki’s forearm, words full of conviction even with how quiet they were. “You have to… heal me right. I’m a carrier, Jinki… Please you have to- Fix this. Promise me you’ll… fix it.”
         “I promise.” That seemed to be enough for him, because his grip lessened and his head fell back onto the grass underneath him, tension in his body relaxing. Jinki swallowed thickly as he held his hands over Jonghyun’s abdomen, eyes closing to focus on the wound, to connect the damage. He wouldn’t allow the war to take him or this very important part of him away. They lost too much as it was.
         Jinki slipped from his saddle up on Saferus’s neck, and gracefully walked through the spikes to the larger one Jonghyun was currently sitting on. The man eyed him curiously, eyes brighter than they had in some time. “It still amazes me how confident you move about him.”
         “Saferus to me is much like you navigating the sky. Familiar, almost home.” Jinki gracefully sat across from him, grabbing one of the apples that had rolled from the pack between them. “How are you feeling?”
         “Like I’m on the mend.” Jonghyun’s wings fluttered slightly, the sun shining through them so beautifully. “Does my healer have a treatment plan for me to follow?”
         “He does, actually.” Jinki grinned before biting a piece of his apple, chewing quietly before he spoke again. “Your wings are to remain out unless you are sleeping and bathing, and for some time I wish you to fly exclusively. You’ve used your feet far too long. The only time you fly shouldn’t be because of a Council meeting.”
         “Should I be concerned with how well you know me?” Jonghyun playfully squinted.
         Jinki snorted. “I’d be more concerned if I didn’t.”
         “Are we going back to the Castle?”
         With raised brows, Jinki quietly asked, “Do you wish to?”
         “Where else could we go? I’ve been gone far too long.”
         “The Temple,” Jinki shrugged, “Sending a message to your advisers stating you aren’t well and are there in order for me to convene closer to where I’m the strongest, wouldn’t be a lie. While I’m confident that I found the cause of your illness, I still wish to properly check my first assumptions.”
         Jonghyun then was the one to quirk a brow up. “You seem to want me at the Temple a lot more often lately.”
         “Maybe I want to show you my home more intimately.” Before Jonghyun could say anything he was standing once again, walking back toward where he had come from. He looked over his shoulder then, “We’ll be landing in about an hour.”
         The Gardens were the largest part of the temple. Covering the entire middle of the bottom floor, rising up through the different levels toward the sunlight bright in the opening above. Jonghyun had seen the place many times before, but each time he still felt the same amount of wonder and peace as he did the first time he had seen it as a boy. There were plants from every part of their kingdom here. From the tall Willows of the Elven Kingdom, twisting and swaying in the breeze that always rolled through no matter the weather outside the Temple Walls, to the delicate water lilies from the Sprites. He was sure there were also plants here made for healing tonics, but he didn’t know the first place to start in search for them.
         He followed Jinki through the soft, long grass, both their feet barefoot. Even in the bits where he could feel the soil, it was warm and moist. They made their way to the circular lake in the middle of the Gardens, where the streams that traveled over the expanse of the grounds went off from. There was a large magnolia tree, far bigger and older than those he had seen in other parts of the Kingdom. “I often forget how beautiful the Temple is.”
         “You should feel awfully special I leave it almost every day to serve you.” Jonghyun turned back around toward him to see Jinki hanging his robe from one of the low hanging branches. “Saferus is here, somewhere. He usually likes to sleep near the waterfall.”
         “Does he fly from up there or?”
         “He doesn’t use the front door if that’s what you’re asking.” Jinki snorted, not taking the time to look where Jonghyun was gesturing toward. He gracefully sat down, eyes closed and hands resting palms up on his knees.
         “Do you mind if I..” His voice trailed off, nerves bubbling up for some reason.
         “You’re free to do what you wish, Jonghyun. No one who shouldn’t see you is in the Gardens.” Jinki opened one eye and smiled as Jonghyun’s breathtaking wings began to flutter, big and golden as they spread. Then he pushed off the ground, a carefree smile on his face as he flew away. Jinki sighed, opening both eyes then to look as the bright light of his wings disappeared in the green thick foliage. “Go fly, Beautiful.”
         Jonghyun fluttered a few inches from the ground, gazing at Jinki meditating under the tree where he had left him some time ago, debating on whether or not to try and speak. Before he could make such a choice, Jinki's eyes slowly opened, a soft smile on his face. "Did you enjoy your flight, Jonghyun?"
         "I did." He then gently sat on his knees, holding out the light blue flower he had found near the top of the large waterfall on the far end of the Gardens. "I brought you something."
         "A Blue Clematis?" Jinki gingerly took the flower's stem between two fingers as he held it up to his nose, looking almost shyly over the petals as he sniffed it.
         "I thought that it would go with your hair," He cleared his throat, eyes falling from Jinki's for just a moment before finishing, "When you're happy."
         The smile on Jinki's face made Jonghyun's heart to a weird flip in his chest. He was holding out the flower again as he asked, "Why don't you put it in for me?"
         As he gently pushed it behind Jinki's ear, the dark black of his hair slowly shifted to light orange. Just like always, Jonghyun watched with bated breath until the long strands had completely changed color. Then he grinned brightly. "I was right. Beautiful."
         It still looked beautiful as the hair gained a slight pink tint to it.
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goparkseonghwa · 6 years ago
—— Chapter One
——— Jimin x Reader x Taehyung
Word count: 5.7K
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- Year 2047 -
"Fuck you and your pointless laws," You curse up at the building, middle finger in the air as you trudge towards the bus system that would take you back to your district. Several passersby stared strangely at your form that had an ice pack in one hand and the bird on display on the other. Most eyes wandered to the offensive gesture and scowled at you, throwing insults in your direction.
You almost stopped your haste pace to confront them, but decided against it when you realized your bus was departing in a couple of minutes, and you couldn't break curfew for your district. Not again, Namjoon would kill me before the authorities could even have a single thought to arrest me.
Shifting the ice pack across your forehead, you step in the direction of your bus, sighing out in defeat. You wince at the coldness that's beginning to become a bit too intense as it slowly spreads across your forehead and down your temple. The ache is almost too much to bear, and you think that ramming your head against the nearest wall or window would be better than enduring the chill that is seeping into your frontal cortex. But the numbing effect that it was seeming to have felt much better than the pain that your heart held from every beat that thrummed against your rib cage. A mere ten months time would determine the outcome for the rest of your life, and although ten months seemed to hold a lot of time, in actuality, it wasn't much time at all.
The bus driver watches you closely as you pull yourself onto the bus, questioning you about your forehead, then choosing to make a couple snide remarks afterwards. Not wanting to cause a scene, you ignore him and make your way towards the back of the bus to an empty seat, hastily sitting down and pulling your bag onto your lap. Clutching onto the mesh fabric, you release some of your pent up frustrations by tightening your hold on the material, then releasing it slowly once your knuckles turned as white as snow.
Today was horrible. You thought to yourself, sinking into the seat as the bus slowly pulls away from the curbside, beginning its trek towards the outer districts, towards your home. Absolutely, without a doubt distressing to a perfect T.
Watching the passing scenery was sickening to you, eyeing all of the strangers that held onto their soulmates hands or arms, was a mockery. You curse the day the system went into place, stripping you and everyone else in this damned country the free will to marry whomever they chose to. Wasn't it a given human right to be able to fall in love with whoever their heart longed for? To wander their homeland freely without fear of being punished for journeying into a district that was forbidden to their social class?
Only because the government feared that they were losing every ounce of control they had over their citizens, did they decide to put into effect the Law of Attraction — so unoriginal on their end, but when you've entrusted the entire country with a council of buffoons what else can you expect.
Closing your eyes, you recalled some faint memories of when you were younger. Running through a field with your older brother, playing, being free without a care in the world. With your heart full of love, and happiness, nothing could've ever stopped you or what dreams you wanted to achieve in life.
But every hope and dream your little heart ever yearned for was stripped from your grasp once you were informed of the meaning behind your tattooed code.
Ever since you were a toddler, you questioned what the markings were on your body and why they were there. Your parents always held pained expressions when that particular question was emitted from your lips, gazing into your wide, curious stricken eyes. They never knew how to properly answer your innocent question, not wanting to be the ones who would strip you of your future.
Your mother simply dubbed it your 'secret spy code' to ease the pressure on her and your father, as well as give you a chance to continue dreaming. This sent your imagination into overdrive, constantly running around acting like you were on top secret missions, and telling anyone and everyone how you were recruited at such a young age to be a part of the top agency in the country.
Once you entered the sixth grade, you knew the code you held was not one of a secret spy, but rather something more extreme. You just could never place your finger on the true meaning, so you simply brushed any thought of the ink off of your shoulders, continuing on with your everyday life.  
Unbeknownst to you, the real meaning was to emerge during your seventh grade year of schooling.
Your instructors had gathered your entire class into assembly one morning, saying how they were honored to have a few guest speakers come in from the government to discuss the importance and significance behind your futures.
To you, at the beginning, it was just another pointless assembly. Probably to remind you of the importance of studying hard in order to have a brighter future. You had thought. But the moment one of them uttered something about the code that was tattooed onto your skin, your interest became piqued.
The government officials had no restraint when it came to discussing your code, immediately delving into the reasoning behind it. Lying through their teeth to everyone in that very room, but the students had no clue it was just a cover story to hide the real intentions of the Law of Attraction, plus you all were too young, too naive and gullible to truly understand the underlying tones the speakers held. The vile, sickening tones used to convince each and every soul to bend to their will and further obey them.
"Our great nation, several years ago, noticed a rapidly increasing rate of divorce," The man, Mr. Lowe, had started, eyes scanning over the mass sea of students in the auditorium, "Many people were unhappy, and it pained us as a whole to witness our precious citizens slip into the darkness of depression."
"We couldn't just sit around, watching so many being affected by the heartache of losing the one they loved, or never being able to feel the warm love of another, and do nothing about it." The woman, Mrs. Lee continued on for him, eyes shining as bright as her pearly white teeth under the fluorescent lighting, "Thus the Law of Attraction was born."
"A system in which would assign a person a 'soul mate' in order to spare the heartache of either never being able to find a future spouse, or losing one." Mr. Lowe picked up right where Mrs. Lee had stopped, "Hence, from birth each and every child would be given a tattoo with an alphanumeric code - a unique set of numbers, with one letter, which would be identical to only one other code in the world, your soul mate's."
So all along, this code that has been burning into my flesh, begging to have the veil of the unknown torn away so it's purpose could be revealed, is actually a means of being assigned a future spouse? Your seventh grade self had thought, mind absolutely blown and spinning just from that tiny bit of information revealed to you. Your eyes wandering down to your wrist, examining the numbers closely as the thought of it matching someone else's swirled in your subconscious
Chatter erupted throughout your class, shock and bewilderment evident in each of their tones. Everyone was just as taken back as you were in that moment, instinctively gazing at their own codes and comparing it to those around them. Teachers surrounding the outer edge of the seats began hushing all of them, threatening each with after school detention if they didn't settle down.
"Now that you all are aware of what those numbers inked onto each of your forearms truly means, the fun begins." Mr. Lowe announced excitedly, a fake smile overbearing his features, trying to enthuse the young crowd about the idea that was to follow, "Mr. Si, will you please do us the honors of telling our wonderful audience what happens next, now that they know the purpose of their codes?" He stepped aside, gesturing towards the third government official, who has been deathly silent, to step forward.
"With pleasure, sir." Mr. Si said, tipping his head slightly as his poised form strode to center stage. Pushing his glasses farther up the bridge of his nose, and clearing his throat slightly, he began to speak, "Before you all start running off to try and find who shares your code, I need to discuss a few things with you first."
Every single pair of student eyes were immediately drawn to his form, silence spreading over the crowd as fast a plague. The young mans face was stern, acquiring age lines already, making his youthful glow diminish into a dull shine. His grey colored eyes were piercing, and when he looked over the crowd you sucked in a deep breath, feeling intimidated under his glare.
"As Mr. Lowe said, this is where the fun begins, but you need to understand that there are some guidelines that are crucial for everyone to know beforehand," He pauses, allowing his gaze travel over most of the students. His eyes meet with yours briefly, and the intensity his gaze held made you intake a sharp breath. Something isn't right. Your brain nagged at you, but that thought flew out of your brain as fast as it came once he began to talk again, "To start, you all are aware that coming from District D that you are only permitted in certain areas of the city, from District G to D, you are allowed to travel anywhere within those parts - with some sections of  C to A available to you all, including some buildings within the Union Circle. Your soul mate will be in one of your 'all travel' zones."
So he'll potentially be in a district from D to G... You inwardly spoke to yourself.
"We, as a government, do not inform any of you who or where exactly your assigned soul mate resides, thus making this into a 'scavenger hunt' of sorts," He walks around the stage, his hand raising in the air, with his pointer finger directed towards the ceiling, "Each generation, or class, has up until the end of the year which holds their twenty-fifth birthday to locate and marry their partner."
At this statement, the room began chattering again, each student holding wide eyes as they looked between each other. You could hear some of the worried statements made by a few people, each one uttering something similar to 'what if we don't have a matching code?'. That questions triggers your own worries and you can't help but become as anxious, or even more, as your peers. The air in the room seemed to grow thick with fear, suffocating you entirely.
"Calm down everybody, I can hear some of your concerns but there is no need to worry. Everyone is indeed equipped with a matching code, and you each have plenty of time to find them," He smiled at all of us, motioning for all of us to settle down so he could continue forth with his spiel, "This system has been in place for more than fifty years, and we have never had a case where a code did not match another's. Ease your minds, and rest assured that you all have someone picked out for you. The only thing that should be on your minds at this time should be how proactive you will be in getting out there to find them. So, from that, I wish you all the absolute best of luck with this journey and I hope that you all are satisfied with who you end up with."
Mr. Si bows to all of us before turning around and nodding towards Mr. Lowe to continue, "Now go forth, and let your hunt begin."
All of the adults in the room applauded the government officials, as they each bowed to the audience. A few students clapped as well, but your hands remained in your lap, eyeing the three adults closely, your intuition sending up so many red flags about the situation at hand. Your administrator went up onto the stage to personally thank them for coming, and asking for the auditorium to join her in a round of thanks and appreciation for taking their time to speak to us today.
The auditorium was then dismissed, each student chattering amongst themselves as they filed out of their rows. The air held excitement as well as some traces of fear, and you couldn't tell where you stood personally, you were of mixed emotions.
As your row stood to leave, with your mind heavy of newly acquired information, your heart felt like it was forewarning you of what was to come, and that alone made you dizzy.
Mr. Si was wrong, the only thought that was occupying your thinking space was this gut feeling that there was some underlying catch that was not said that would be crucial and potentially horrific if the said soul mate was not located. . . and somehow you felt that your code would send you spiraling down that unknown, dangerous path.
"District D, stop seven." The bus driver announced causing you to peel your eyes open, squinting slightly so your eyes could readjust to the lighting.
Sighing, you hoisted yourself up and out of your seat, into the aisle way, your bag landing over your shoulder once more. You carried the ice pack in your hands as you exited the bus, once again not responding to any comment the ill-mannered man dared to throw in your direction. However, when you were fully off the bus, you turned around, gave the most innocent smile you could muster, and threw up the middle finger at him.
The audible gasp that left his mouth, followed by a string of profanities to insult you, sent you running off down the sidewalk, fully knowing that that man wouldn't hesitate to get off the bus and show you what happens to impolite females who dared to disrespect an elder male. But being a pudgy elder, after all, he would barely make it down the stairs before you would disappear around the street corner.
Forgetting about the throbbing in your head, you run and maneuver through people and street carts, gaining a few yells your way for almost running into them.
You quickly called your apologizes back to the several pedestrians, not stopping your pace for a beat. Looking down at your wrist watch for a split second to acknowledge the time, you notice that you have just a few minutes before curfew goes into effect and the patrol units are sent out.
Pushing yourself harder, you speed up, running as fast as your legs could carry you. Within a minute you have rounded your street corner, and after another passes you are sprinting up the front steps of your porch, and hastily shoving your front door open. You quickly close the door and lock it, turning around to be met with Namjoon standing a few feet in front of you. You jump backwards a bit, your back hitting the door, from the shock of seeing him so suddenly.
Placing your own hand over your chest, you exhale a long breath of air, "Holy shit Nam, you fucking scared the living shit out of me." You stated, voice a little on edge and pointed. He knew to never sneak up on you like that, but yet here he was, being a little shit and all.
His arms are crossed over his chest, eyes piercing right through you. He didn't bother to say a single word to you, but to show you his annoyance, you watched as his tongue poked at the inside of his cheek. Namjoon was already clad in a pair of sweats and a simple t-shirt, probably getting ready to head to his room to wind down for the day, but since you were pushing it to the very limit in regards to curfew, he was awake to make sure you got home safe and sound . . . and then to also chew you out.
"You're late." He stated, hard glare meeting your own. His tone was firm and clear, indicating to you that he was beyond pissed off at the moment, "Where were you?" He continues, questioning your whereabouts even though you told him this morning you would be heading into Union Circle for an appointment.
"I was in Union Circle, just like I said I would be," You state back, shrugging off your cardigan and hanging it on the makeshift piece of wood you called a coat hanger. Slipping off your shoes and instead replacing them with your slippers, you stood straight up and began to move in the direction of your kitchen. Hunger was calling you, practically beckoning you to fill your stomach with something to ease the pain of it constricting. But Namjoon, on the other hand, was
Namjoon sighed and grabbed your arm to pull you back to stand in front of him, "I remember you informing me, but do you have any idea what time it is?" He cocks an eyebrow up at you, his harsh tone easing up a little bit, but still remaining strong to show you he meant business.
You huff, and roll your eyes, "Yes, I'm aware of the current time, now will you let me go eat? I haven't had a piece of food since breakfast so I'm starving." You gripe to him, but he doesn't allow you to leave just yet.
"How can you be so reckless, Y/N? Do you have any idea how worried I was about you? I thought the patrol units got a hold of you again, and this time around, I wouldn't have had anything to bust your ass out." He scolds, shaking his head at you in disapproval at your actions.
Rolling your eyes, you shake the grip he has on your upper arm and duck around him, scurrying towards the kitchen, "Not my fault tonight. Bus line was running behind." You call to him, tone clipped as you reach your much anticipated destination - your fridge. Opening the door, your eyes immediately scan over the objects held in it, silently contemplating which option you thought would satisfy your growling stomach, "And besides," You start, grabbing a container of noodles and vegetables, "I wouldn't have needed you to 'bust me out' if the patrol units have caught me."
"You say that every time you have a close call," He points out to you, wandering into the small space, standing adjacent to your current body position.
Tucking a few strands of your long hair to the side, you stand straight up, meeting his soft gaze, "It's true," You whine, "I don't need my older brother hovering over me so much, I'm a grown woman after all, I can handle myself perfectly fine."
"Yeah, say that to me the next time a patrol unit decides it's time to take you to their station again," He scoffs at you, perching himself against the cabinet, eyes watching your every movement.
"God, would it kill you to have a little faith in me? I'm here, I'm not in the back of a patrol unit's car, and I didn't break curfew. Everything is perfectly fine, Nam, so just drop it." Your tone becomes pointed, annoyance seeping into your voice. You were tired of him treating you like a child most of the time, like you understood as to why he cared so much, but you were almost twenty-five for crying out loud. Even though your parents were no longer around, it doesn't mean that he has to pick up their role and fulfill it himself. If anything, it makes you want to resist him so much more.
"I'll put faith into you when you show me some responsibility. You know it's the Cut Off year, patrol units are heavier at this time because of that." He swings an arm at to gesture towards the front door for emphasis. He retracts the extended arm after a few moments of keeping it there, but instead moving his hand up to his face, fingers pinching at the bridge of his nose. Eyes fluttering shut as he shakes his head, trying to figure up a calm and collected way to get his point across to you.
"You don't think that I am aware that this is the final year for me to find my assigned spouse?" I say in a softer tone, "That's why I was at the Union Circle so late tonight, I was trying to find a way, any way for an extension on the cut off. I was trying to be responsible and take it upon my own shoulders, but you are choosing to believe that I just went out on a reckless whim of sorts." You place the container down on the counter, back now facing him as you bend down to pull out a pan to heat up your food. Placing the pan on the stove, you felt a tear slowly slip down your cheek. Quickly wiping it away, you turn the burner on, and harbor your focus on the food that was needing to be reheated.
Namjoon's shoulders slumped, feeling bad about bringing the sensitive topic up. He's watched you struggle for the past couple of years, spending any amount of free time out and scouring the permitted districts and areas to try and locate your future spouse. He's heard you crying at night through the paper thin walls, then walking out like everything is fine, and it absolutely rendered him numb. Namjoon has examined you as you would peer down at your code, tracing over the ink as silent tears would roll down your puffy cheeks. He's seen and heard everything when it came to you trying your hardest to find your partner who held your matching code, even though you didn't know he paid that close attention to you during those times, he knew everything when it came to your pain stricken heart regarding the damn code.
He knows how hard it has been for you, so for him to bring up the Cut Off was just petty and down right mean. Personally, he found his partner at age nineteen and married her at twenty-one. After marriage, Mei lived with him and Y/N for a few years, but once she caught news of her parents falling ill, she moved back home to take care of them and their household. She comes and visits every once in a while, but for the majority of the time it was only him and his little sister. So, yes, he had all of the time in the world to pick up on your struggles surrounding the issue, but he's harbored his knowledge, not wanting you to get riled up.
He watched you closely, not missing the way your frame seemed to slump down, your head hanging a bit lower than it was a few minutes ago. He picked up on the faint sniffle that left you and his heart clenched at the sound, feeling guiltier and guiltier by the passing second.
"I'm sorry, Y/N, I. . . I know it's a sensitive subject for you, I shouldn't have brought it up as carelessly as I chose to." He apologizes gently to you, walking over and placing a hand on your shoulder, squeezing it ever so slightly as a means of comfort, but you shrug his hand off of you, not wanting his comfort at the moment. "You'll find them, everyone has a matching code so don't be discouraged." He offered as a last attempt to comfort you from his error.
I don't think I have a matching code, I think mine is in fact an error in their system. . . You wanted to say, but chose to suppress your thought track, not wanting to make this conversation even more depressing than it already was.
Turning your head slightly, you falsely smiled up at him, "You're right, you are always right." You say, turning your attention back to your meal that was sizzling in the pan, "I'll find them eventually." You say softly to him, hoping he just drops it for now and allows you to go back to focusing on getting something to eat.
Namjoon sighs out, smiling a tad as he sees a gentle, soft smile grace your face, but he feels that something is off about that look you're giving him. He doesn't want to press you for answers, so he leaves it be, trying to figure up something that would lift your spirits. He also chooses to drop the curfew fight, and just allow you to relax for the rest of the evening. It's been a long day for both of you, you more so than him, and it's draining to continue fighting over something he knew held no more importance since you were here, safe and sound.
"There's my girl, being positive," He states, hands placed on both of your shoulders, giving them a soft squeeze to show his gratitude for your attitude change.
If only you knew the truth. You say to yourself, but continue to smile to show that you had heard his message, so he didn't need to pester you further.
You finish stirring your food, and turn to place it back into its previous container, flicking the stove off in the process. Namjoon had moved away from you, and instead wandered over to a cabinet to retrieve a glass so he could get a drink of water. You in turn, walk over to the drawer holding the utensils to pull out the necessary ones in order to eat your meal.
Mid-gulp, Namjoon pulls the glass away from his mouth, "Shit." He mutters, and the profanity slipping past his lips causes your ears to perk up. You look over to him, watching as he places the glass down on the counter beside him, water sloshing over the rim of the cup. His arms immediately folded over his chest as his face contorted into one of deep thought. "Fuck."
"What's your problem?" You huff out, wondering where his sudden burst of frustration came from. You watched as his muscles stiffened slightly, and you knew whatever was running through his head was causing him a deal of stress.
"Do you work tomorrow?" He hastily questions you, eyes meeting your own. The gaze he was giving you was anxious, and you really started to ponder what could possibly make your older brother go from being as calm as the sea - on a peaceful day - to as panicked as an unstable tornado. Whatever it was clearly held significant importance.
"Uh. . . no? What's going on?" You apprehensively question him, placing your utensils down on the counter, the faint 'clink' echoing throughout the small space.
"Is there anyway you could potentially visit Seokjin tomorrow at some point? I was supposed to stop in and deliver a report on behalf of my superior, but he has taken ill and has requested me to cover his shift." Namjoon says, watching you carefully.
Seokjin? I haven't seen him in ages. Not since he visited our household after our parents passing. You ponder, eyes flickering down to gaze at the wooden floorboards beneath your feet, contemplating on fulfilling your brothers request.
"Why can't you take it in to him the day after tomorrow?" You ask. It's not like you didn't want to pay a visit to Seokjin, but in all honesty, he was mostly your brothers friend, so it would be a tad odd for you to turn up at his door rather than your brother. Seokjin and you got along rather well when he was around, but you hardly knew him, at least not in the way your brother did.
"Because the file that I'm needing to submit is due tomorrow, Seokjin needs it in order to process the newly wedded codes before it is presented to the council." He groans out, wondering how stupid he can be to forget about delivering such an important document, "Please, Y/N, I beg of you."
Wait. He works in Union Circle?  This information piqued your interest. Your stature straightened up at hearing what your brother just uttered, your subconscious already going a hundred miles an hour at what you could potentially benefit out of this.
Slowly, you begin to nod your head in agreement, "Sure, I can do that for you." You utter, and Namjoon exhales in relief muttering a 'thank goodness' along the way.
His body relaxes and slumps back against the counter at your response, and he can literally feel his blood pressure begin its decline into its normal range, "Thank you so, so much." He says to you, relief filling his gaze. You could visually see him calm down, which was a good thing, a very good thing at that.
You smile at him, genuinely this time, and tilt your head to acknowledge his means of thanks, "No problem, now, before I forget to ask this, what department does he work in so I know where to go straight away?" You question, but you kind of already had a feeling of where Seokjin worked within the Union Building. Based off of Namjoon's description of the file, he should be working somewhere alongside the computer systems that stored and managed the different codes that the city possessed, but you wanted Namjoon to further confirm your suspicions.
"He's in the Coding Department, twelfth floor on the east wing." He states, and he notices the shift in your body language, picking up the mischievous glint that was starting to glaze over your eyes. Narrowing his own eyes at you, he speaks up, "Now, Y/N, I understand that you're possessing some hurt from the whole code situation but don't think for a moment that Seokjin will even tell you who your soul mate is in, let alone something as simple as their district."
"I wasn't thinking that at all. . . I know that as an official government worker, you are sworn an oath to protect those code databases no matter what." You say, suppressing your mischievous thoughts in order to convince your older brother that you would never betray your country like that.
He pauses for a few moments, eyeing you over, still a little apprehensive to the answer you had just given him. He knew you better than that, and he knows for a fact that your brain is still processing the information he just presented to you, but in order to successfully deliver this document in time, he would have to move past this and trust that you won't fuck it up.
"Good," He finally says, moving away from the counter and towards the living room entrance, "I'll give you the document in the morning, but for now it's time for both of us to go to bed and rest from the tiring day." Namjoon motions for you to follow suit, so you quickly grab your container full of noodles, as well as your utensils, and scurry over to his side. He slings his arm over your shoulders, pulling you into his side as he begins the short walk down the hall to your guys' rooms.
Upon reaching his door, he pulls his arm from over your shoulders and instead uses one of his fingers to gently boop your nose, "Love you, baby sis." He admits, smiling down at you.
You crinkle your nose from his previous actions, and the nickname he gave you several years ago, "Love you too." You grumble as you stab at a vegetable that was sitting on top of the noodle mound, placing it into your mouth immediately following suit.
"I'll see you in the morning, don't stay up too late, alright?" He orders you, opening up his door that led to his dark room.
You roll your eyes at him, "Nam, I'm not a child. . . " You remind him, but he snorts causing your eyes to widen and your body to naturally stand up taller as a way to prove it to him, "What?! I'm not!" You whine.
"Never said you were, just looking out for your health. Goodnight, young one." He says as he steps in side and slowly begins to close his door to separate the two of you.
"Uh-Huh that snort said otherwise." You grumble as you open your own door and step inside, kicking it closed with your foot.
"Hey!" You hear him call from the other side of your door, "Where's my goodnight?" He presses, and you practically hear the pout in his voice.
"You'll get a 'goodnight' when you come to terms that I am no longer a child." You call out to him, stuffing your face with more food as you sat down onto your bed.
"But you'll always be my baby sister, therefore always a kid in my eyes." He whines, and you can't help but chuckle at his attitude towards this. Shaking your head, you yell back a 'goodnight' to him after you swallow your mouthful of food.
Once you uttered that statement, he called one final 'goodnight' and the door to his room clicked shut, indicating he was finally enclosed in his own personal space, leaving you alone with your subconscious and the several thoughts racing by.
Sinking back against your pillows, you allowed your mischievous thoughts to resurface. Obtaining the knowledge of Seokjin working in Union Circle was fate, destiny, you knew it had to be, and you planned to use it to your benefit, regardless of what Namjoon had said to you. This was your only chance before you completely gave up all traces of hope you still tightly held onto. Maybe he wouldn't tell you exactly what you needed to hear, but from what you remember of Seokjin, he would surely at the least give you some clues to point you in the right direction.
Dearest Seokjin, you have no idea of what value you just became to me.
A/N: hOlY sHiT tHiS iS mUcH, mUcH mOrE loNgEr ThAn I eXpEcTed.
But anyways, chapter one is finally here! Woo woo, hope you enjoyed!
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nsofties · 7 years ago
high school!jeno
just an honest and hardworking student who's just trying his best which is why whenever they sleep through class, jaemin, haechan, and renjun pester jeno for the notes from class his best class is calculus, but honestly he really enjoys his art classes much more.... wants to major in architecture in college because isn't that? the perfect mix of math and design? all of his teachers think that he would do wonderfully as an architect major with his work ethic and classes he decided to take in high school applied all over the country to some of the best architecture programs in the country, but honestly he knows he'll probably end up going to the college nearby like everyone else doesn't have a complaint seeing as the architecture program isn't bad and he'd probably get to keep his job and that's a plus to him since he wouldn't have to job search again... his worst class is literature but it's not like it's really his fault it's just boring and so when they meet up with their older friends from college for tutoring it's up to taeyong to make english interesting for jeno and to convince him to study harder and it usually works and bless taeyong for helping jeno pass literature in high school takes dance classes at the local gymnasium with jisung and sometimes haechan will show up if he's feeling like it he and jisung are the top dancers in the class so it's usually between the two of them as to who's going to be the lead/center for the shows and they tend to rotate between the two was asked to try out for the basketball team after the captain saw jeno playing a game at the park with his friends, but jeno respectfully declined because the combination of school, work, and dance proved to be a lot and takes up most of his time works at the local grocery store after school (sometimes) and on weekends with renjun, haechan, jaemin, chenle, and jisung main job is to restock things that get low throughout the day but also works the register "bright smile" jeno; hardworking and honestly the only one out of his ragtag group of friends who actually doesn't mind working at the grocery store tells jisung to stop complaining since he only works on weekends and jeno wishes his weekend schedule was that nice but on weekends jeno works late nights and restocks overnight but overnight restocking is the perfect time for jeno to practice his dances while working so he dances up and down the aisles as he works - restocking down the aisle, then dancing back down it, and then off to the next aisle it may seem like that makes jeno's night go off longer, but honestly it's not like he has anywhere else to be at midnight on a friday night and he's worked at the grocery store for several years now and the manager trusts jeno to finish everything on time sometimes jaemin and renjun also help with overnight restocking, but it's usually jaemin pushing renjun around on the cart through the store and jeno just doing what he always does so, yeah, jeno wishes he could have a regular shift on the weekends, or none at all so he wouldn't be so tired at dance class but he isn't one to really complain and honestly is the one keeping everyone in his group of friends in line since mark went off to college and even though mark is still closeby, the gap between high school and college still seems huge to them so he tries not to bother mark a lot (which honestly has mark feeling a little sad and abandoned) but will go with everyone else to visit mark and lucas (xuxi? yukhei? what has he decided that everyone should call him in college? is he telling everyone something different to confuse them? probably?) and everyone else when he has free time but honestly doesn't have a lot of free time since he works hard to make sure that his grades stay up and that he memorizes the dances (which honestly is easy for him but he's a perfectionist) and that he gets to work on time and finishes on time and it's halfway through his senior year of high school and all his college applications are in and he and the guys are hanging out at the pizzaria down the road before they have to head to work in a few hours and in you walk and jaemin roughly elbows jeno in the side causing him to make this loud, strangled noise and you look over in confusion because? was that a human? a cat? oh no it's just jeno and friends so you wave and grin and ask if they got the special pizza that's offered today and it starts a huge debate between everyone about pineapple on pizza so you just laugh, apologize for even asking, and order just a slice of cheese pizza to go which instigates renjun asking where you're headed on a cold winter afternoon and you explain that a bunch of people from your class are going out to the hill half an hour away to go sledding and jeno slumps because he wants to go, too so jaemin pipes up, "hey, let's all go next weekend! we have off, right?" and everyone agrees and you smile and nod and tell them to let you know when they're going and you'll meet up with them jaemin: "it'll be easier if we all go together, right? jeno will drive! and you can co-pilot since you'll know the way, right?" you agree and tell jeno to text you next weekend when he's on his way to your house and oh you'll send him your address because maybe he doesn't remember from that time in sophomore year you two had to memorize a part of macbeth and act it out in class together jisung: nope he remembers you: what jeno: HAHAH yeah that would be great thanks! jisungshutupisweartogodiwillgetyoufiredfromworktoday you: awesome see you then! also i think we killed our little scene in class so mr. jung can take that C he gave us and - oh, gotta go! jaemin: jeno. you got a c? on an assignment? chenle: he was probably too busy staring at them during the scene he forgot his lines haechan: that's exactly what happened i was there i got it on video wanna see so next weekend everyone has off from work and jeno texts you "hey, on my way!! get ready!!!" and when he pulls into your driveway you're already standing outside with a sled and a backpack with a giant thermos on the side that you explain has hot chocolate in it as he packs your sled into the trunk of his mom's caravan and did he want some before you leave because your mom has travel mugs ready inside you know what come inside and have a bagel or something everyone else can wait a little longer so that's how jeno ends up inside your house, shoes and your bags abandoned at the front door as your mom makes you and jeno breakfast sandwiches to go and gives you travel mugs of hot chocolate and reminds you both to stay warm and have fun and drive safe and call if you need anything and, embarrassed, you say yes a million times and grab jeno and leave the house and he's pretty flustered at you holding his hand but you're also flustered from your mom and you apologize but he just gives you his prettiest smile and says, "it's okay. i understand" and oh did your heart beat? of course it did this is jeno's high school!au and whose heart wouldn't skip a beat at his smile? you two pick up the others one by one, though you're about half an hour behind and jaemin, the last to be picked up, wiggles his eyebrows at jeno and the latter threatens to spill his hot chocolate on jaemin's lap if he says one word and you're just chilling in the front seat as a war is raging outside of the car haechan, inside of the car: hey can you drive let's just leave them here you: uh renjun: don't worry i'll do it chenle: MUTINY!!! you: maybe we shouldn't - chenle: I'LL DO IT THEN haechan: DO NOT LET CHENLE DRIVE jeno, opening the drivers seat door stares at the sudden mess in the car that is you and haechan trying to keep chenle from getting into the driver's seat as renjun is taking off his gloves to fight and jisung sighs tiredly from the back groaning about how they're the real children in the friendship jaemin just laughs as he easily shoves chenle into the back of the caravan and plops himself between jisung and chenle and tells jeno to hit the road it's time to sled! when you all reach the hill all is good and fun until chenle's inner-tube sled pops as he's sliding down the hill and he looks at you with a big pout until you give him yours that you brought and then you're standing there without a sled and jeno brought his large sled that can technically fit two people but honestly long-leg mcgee needs a longer sled but jaemin shouts that you can ride in front of jeno and you're like "we're two fully grown teenagers" and jaemin goes "that sounded stupid out loud just ride down the hill together we didn't come here for you to stand around and do NOTHING" "give me your sled then, jaemin" "sorry i suddenly can't hear bye!" and that is how you and jeno end up cramped on his sled and he's apologizing loudly about how cramped it is and his arms are wrapped around you and to be honest can you hear him? not really because you're panicking too and renjun is like "this is stupid good bye" as he pushes you two down the hill and you're both laughing and shouting and tumble out of the sled into softer snow at the bottom of the hill and when he sits back up he laughs more and then says "let's ditch them" and you would agree if jisung wasn't with all of you "he's just a kid we gotta get him back home we promised his parents" "not chenle?" "chenle tried to take your car at jaemin's house and leave you both behind" "ok so we take jisung and leave the rest" of course you two don't ditch everyone else but you're the last to get dropped off and it's around dinner time and so your mom runs out and invites jeno in for dinner and says she'd be heartbroken if he didn't accept and that's how he ends up at dinner at your house that night and is it awkward? yes. are your parents questioning jeno? yes. does your dad pretend not to remember him from the last time he was over? yes. are you mortified? yes. you're even more mortified when your parents go upstairs for the night and you and jeno are sitting at the kitchen table staring at one another so you blurt out "wanna play a video game or something? i have zelda? and? idk you can take a look if you want?" and in the end jeno just offers for you two to watch a movie and that's how you end up watching a movie that just recently came out on dvd and talking about school and eventually the conversation shifts over to college and that's a whole other breed of conversation and you both admit that the thought of college sounds so overwhelming and it's also the thought of moving away from what you've grown up with that's frightening and it's a nice conversation and jeno gets up to leave when the movie is over but before he goes he stops to tell you how he had fun and dinner was great and it was nice to just get to spend some time with you and you should do it again sometime and you just grin and say "it's a date" and walk him out to his car and then both of you are panicking because did you really just say it's a date oh god you did and yes it's a date because the next time you two hang out jeno brings flowers and you smile because yeah, a date sounds nice and the future is pretty uncertain but, hey, it's not as scary when you're surrounded by great people
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possiblyimbiassed · 8 years ago
John’s wedding is a crime scene and Sherlock is the victim
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What is BBC Sherlock actually about, and why were HLV and Series 4 so weird? I know there are lots and lots of different theories and alternative explanations at this point, but as far as I can see, there are two principal, recurring themes that are referred to in every part of this show: drugs and suicide. In fact, there’s not a single episode without references to self-inflicted deaths and drug problems:
• ASiP: A serial killer drives people to commit suicide. The victims are threatened and manipulated to take a dangerous pill. Scotland Yard makes a drug-bust in Sherlock’s flat (but finds nothing). • TBB: Killings occur in rooms locked from the inside, suspected to be suicides. A criminal network is dealing in drugs and stolen antiquities. Perpetrator literally falls on his own sword. • TGG: Three victims are wrapped up in explosives like suicide bombers. One victim is slowly killed by repeated injections with Botox which she has agreed to on a limited scale (John refers to this as ‘overdosing’ on his blog). A drug dealer (accidentally) kills his sister’s boyfriend and gets rid of the body. • ASiB: A man is killed by his own returning boomerang. Sherlock is drugged with an injection in the neck. Mycroft and John suspects a “danger night” for Sherlock as a drug user, after Irene Adler is found ‘dead’. • THoB: Henry Knight becomes suicidal when he’s harassed by visions of a monster dog. A hallucinatory drug, which instils fear, causes the visions. Sherlock and John are both affected by it. • TRF: Moriarty drugs a guardian with a spray, in order to steel the crown jewels. Kidnapped children are poisoned with candy. Sherlock is forced to jump from a rooftop in a fake suicide. The villain blows his brains out with a gun. • TEH: Sherlock’s ‘suicide’ has gravely affected John, who seems depressed and almost suicidal himself. John is drugged with an injection in the neck. • ASoT: Mrs Hudson tells John about her husband who was running a drug cartel. Major Sholto, who is stabbed in the back in an injection-like manner, threatens to kill himself at John’s wedding. • HLV: John finds Sherlock in a drug den, high on drugs. Sherlock is shot, and under his recovery attached to IV morphine. Sherlock drugs his family and John’s wife. After killing Magnussen, Sherlock is sent to Eastern Europe on a suicide mission. • TAB: Sherlock overdoses a mortal cocktail of drugs on the aeroplane. In Sherlock’s Victorian Mind Palace he takes a 7% solution of cocaine and Moriarty blows his brains out (again). A bride commits fake suicide, disguises as a ghost, murders her husband and then kills herself. • T6T: Sherlock is drugged by sniffing on a poisonous note from ‘Mary’. A young man dies trapped inside his own car (=classical method of suicide). ‘Mary’ throws herself in front of a bullet. • TLD: The whole episode is about suicide and drug use. TD12 is a drug used to make people forget things. 221B is converted to a drug lab. Sherlock, who is constantly high, deduces that Euros/Faith has been cutting her own wrists lately, and is suicidal (wears a gun in her handbag). Sherlock hangs on the railings of a bridge, but doesn’t jump. He tells Culverton Smith that he wants Smith to kill him. • TFP: Euros cut her own wrists when she was a kid “to see how my muscles work”. The parents thought it was a suicide attempt. John and Sherlock are drugged with tranquilizers.
These are far too many references to the same two themes, in order to be just a coincidence! Why so much talk of suicide, if these are detective stories about murder cases? And what’s with the constant nagging about drugs? In my opinion, whatever the answers are to the greatest enigmas of BBC Sherlock, they have to do with drugs and they have to do with suicide. And I also think TSoT is a turning point, parting from which the show displays an increasing weirdness from HLV and onwards throughout Series 4, because John’s wedding is a crime scene and Sherlock is the victim. And from HLV most of the plot takes place inside Sherlock’s Extended Mind Palace (EMP theory).
My working hypothesis for the moment is this: Sherlock didn’t actually get shot with a bullet; he overdosed drugs shortly after John’s wedding in a suicide attempt caused by heartbreak. John marrying someone else broke Sherlock’s heart. That’s why he imagines ‘Mary’ shooting him in her wedding dress. That’s also why we see him hospitalized so often from HLV and onwards, and why nurse Cornish says in TLD that he has ‘made a mess of himself’. Sherlock is dying from the drugs, but he has to wake up and survive in order to save John from committing suicide.
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The villains are basically metaphors. Moriarty is Homophobia and ’Mary’ is Heteronormativity. They work together to keep Sherlock and John from having a relationship and to drive them to suicide. This could be achieved, in Sherlock’s case, by making him realize he has fallen in love, then break his heart and let drugs and self-harm do the rest. In John’s case killing Sherlock (by suicide) could achieve it. Sherlock fears that John would kill himself with his gun; that’s why we see firing guns so often from HLV and onwards. And I do believe this entire part of the show happens inside Sherlock’s mind (EMP theory).
Homophobia (Jim) is there to instil fear, to frighten Sherlock away from John, to have Sherlock believe he’s a monstrous sociopath who isn’t ‘good’ for John and not worthy of him. In most scenes we see Jim, he is extremely sexualized, but in a creepy and frightening way, often flirting with thoughts of suicide: 
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Sherlock says in ASiB that sex doesn’t alarm him, but he still seems terrified to talk about it even with John in his own mind palace in TAB. John’s love for Sherlock is ridiculed (Jim calls him a ‘pet’) and made to appear as an unhealthy obsession.
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Heteronormativity (’Mary’) makes it clear that an ordinary life - according to the norm - is the best for John; marrying a woman and go live in the suburbs with kids, car and a steady, ‘normal’ job. Unfortunately, John seems to have bought into this norm in spite of his own feelings, and Sherlock is made to believe this is the only life that can make John happy. And if he takes any step towards making this same-sex relationship reality, which would imply telling John how he feels about him, ‘Mary’ threatens to kill him.
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In HLV, TAB and S4 Sherlock (in his Mind Palace) seems to go out of his way to find excuses for ‘Mary’; to glorify her and try to redeem her. What she has done to him is completely glossed over and never more addressed until Mary’s dying moment (which still happens inside his mind). But I think ‘Mary’s treacherous behaviour and her theatrical, unrealistic death in T6T are signs that Sherlock’s subconscious is aware that the lie of heteronormativity is not what either he or John needs; ‘Mary’ must actually go. But the fact that Sherlock subconsciously wants to get rid of ‘Mary’ makes him feel terrible guilt, fuelled by his low self-esteem: 
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(I’ve tried to express my ideas about these metaphors in these posts: X, X, X and X)
So – what evidence is there for these wild theories?
In this ‘script’ from ASiP published on BBC’s website, we get this scene, which seems to have been left out in the final version:
(Lestrade and Sherlock are standing on the roof top of Scotland Yard talking about the case of repeated suicides; my bolding):
LESTRADE Okay. What am I getting wrong this time? SHERLOCK No notes. No prior sign. Each of them in a strange location that means nothing to them where they’ve never gone before... That’s not how I’d kill myself. On Lestrade. Glances uneasily at the edge of the roof, where Sherlock is standing. LESTRADE ... So. How are you doing these days?
In other words: Sherlock would kill himself, but in a different way, presumably after a) leaving a note, b) some ‘prior sign’s, and c) he’d do it in a familiar place that means something to him.
In TAB we learn that Sherlock has made a list of all the drugs that he’s taken; a promise to his brother since years ago. That’s a kind of note – isn’t it? A note that could help saving his life after an overdose. In TLD Sherlock makes this deduction about Faith/Euros (Thanks to Ariane De Vere for her amazing work with transcripts); my bolding:
FAITH: Sex. How did you know I wasn’t ... getting any? SHERLOCK: It’s all about the blood. (Close-up of the bloodstain on the paper, which Sherlock now gestures to.) SHERLOCK: This one comes from the very first night. You can see the pen marks over it. I think you discovered that pain stimulated your memory, so you tried it again later. I’m no expert, but I assume that since your lover failed to notice an increasing number of scars over a period of months, that the relationship was no longer intimate.
The blood-stained paper Sherlock is talking about is Faith/Euros’ annotations – a note -, which she scribbled in a drug-induced state because she wanted to remember something important. If Faith/Euros is actually a part of Sherlock, what he says here is that he did leave an increasing number of ‘prior signs’ – ‘scars’ - for months before his suicide attempt. Problem is that no-one noticed his self-harm, because Sherlock never talks about his feelings. If Sherlock did suffer torture in Serbia (I’m not sure if the Serbian scene is real though; it seems over-dramatized to me and the guardian’s uniform is unrealistic), he would have had fresh scars on his back when John beat him three times after his return, but he didn’t even try to protect himself. And John didn’t know, because they no longer lived together. Sherlock’s heart (heart-shaped bomb in the subway) was nearly exploding in TEH, but he switched it off.  
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I think Sherlock’s maniacal wedding planning when John was marrying another person is also a form of self-harm, which was difficult for John to realize. 
And the drugs are, of course, also self-harm, which Molly points out in HLV when she berates him about throwing away his gifts. In TLD we see Sherlock in a miserable state caused by the drugs he takes. 221B, which is probably the place that means most to him, is converted into a drug lab. Molly examines him and gets to the conclusion that he is dying from the drugs. 
Holmes’ drug use in ACD’s Canon I think it’s interesting to compare BBC Sherlock with what happens to Holmes’ private life in Arthur Conan Doyle’s original stories.
When Watson marries Mary Morstan and moves out from 221B, Holmes resorts to drug use (my bolding):
The Sign of the Four:  “The division seems rather unfair,” I remarked. “You have done all the work in this business. I get a wife out of it, Jones gets the credit, pray what remains for you”?  “For me,” said Sherlock Holmes, “there still remains the cocaine-bottle.” And he stretched his long white hand up for it.
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A Scandal in Bohemia: “I had seen little of Holmes lately. My marriage had drifted us away from each other”. “Holmes, who loathed every form of society with his whole Bohemian soul, remained in our lodgings in Baker Street, buried among his old books, and alternating from week to week between cocaine and ambition, the drowsiness of the drug, and the fierce energy of his own keen nature”.  
The Final Problem: “It may be remembered that after my marriage, and my subsequent start in private practice, the very intimate relations which had existed between Holmes and myself became to some extent modified”.
Before Holmes ’falls’ with Moriarty in The Reichenbach Fall (The Final Problem) he leaves a note to Watson (= a classic reference to suicide). It’s known that the storyteller’s (Doyle’s, which could also be seen as Watson’s) intention was to let him die and end the story with Watson living an ordinary life with his wife and only nostalgic memories left from his time with Holmes. But the audience insisted until ACD/Watson resurrected Holmes and published new stories. By the time Holmes comes back, however, Mary has died. Eventually, Watson moves back to Baker Street.
As ACD’s stories continue and the two men keep on solving crimes together, Watson seems to still be worried about Holmes drug use. 
The Devil’s Foot: “It was, then, in the spring of the year 1897 that Holmes’s iron constitution showed some symptoms of giving way in the face of constant hard work of a most exacting kind, aggravated, perhaps, by occasional indiscretions of his own”.
In this adventure Watson has taken Holmes on vacation to Cornwall, after another doctor’s recommendation that he must rest. But they soon get involved in a case where a mystic drug makes people insane. Holmes experiments with the drug during their investigation, and nearly has them both killed. But when Watson has saved them and Holmes realizes what he’s done, he gets a bit emotional: 
“Slowly it rose from our souls like the mists from a landscape until peace and reason had returned, and we were sitting upon the grass, wiping our clammy foreheads, and looking with apprehension at each other to mark the last traces of that terrific experience which we had undergone”.
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“Upon my word, Watson!” said Holmes at last with an unsteady voice, “I owe you both my thanks and an apology. It was an unjustifiable experiment even for one’s self, and doubly so for a friend. I am really very sorry.” “You know,” I answered with some emotion, for I had never seen so much of Holmes’s heart before, “that it is my greatest joy and privilege to help you.”
The Missing Three Quarter: “For years I had gradually weaned him from that drug mania which had threatened once to check his remarkable career”.
This makes me believe that Watson is the actual reason why Holmes eventually abstains from drug use. After Watson married, Holmes nearly killed himself. But when he got his Watson back he eventually managed to leave the drugs for Watson’s sake. In BBC Sherlock’s Victorian episode TAB we can also see how upset Watson is by Holmes’ drug use:
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In canon, considering the time it was written, a romantic relationship between Holmes and Watson could not be even hinted at. I believe Holmes’ heartbreak is implied in the subtext, however, by the mention of his drug use in relation to Watson’s marriage. 
Another observation that I think is important in comparison with BBC Sherlock is that in canon Holmes never gets shot – certainly not by Watson’s wife - and he never murders anyone. These events in HLV stray so far away from canon, that it seems like we’re entering a totally different story. Which is one of the reasons I think it’s actually not happening; instead, we enter into Sherlock’s Extended Mind Palace (EMP theory).
Why does the story get so weird after TSoT? I firmly believe that John’s wedding is a crime scene and Sherlock is the victim; it’s a description of delayed stabbing where the wound inflicted on the victim eventually makes him commit suicide. 
Two cases of intended murder are referred to during the’ wedding reception, and even John’s stag night before the wedding has ‘murder scenes’ as a theme. The idea of the wedding as Sherlock’s crime scene is, in my opinion, supported by a series of factors:
1. The intensive attention Sherlock pays to minute planning details like who is sitting with whom, the colour of the bride’s maid’s dresses and how the serviettes are folded seems like a desperate burst of OCD. Sherlock normally hates social gatherings and he particularly despises weddings, which he doesn’t fail to point out several times in his Best Man’s speech. And yet he shows this complete dedication to wedding details  – just like he’d pay close attention to the minute details on a real crime scene.
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2. It’s also supported by Sherlock’s deductions about what kind of person could only be killed at a wedding and why:
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This description fits with Sherlock himself. It’s even spelled out by Mrs Hudson: 
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3. Major Sholto – who seems to be a mirror for Sherlock – is stabbed in the back (delayed murder), but even after he’s made aware of this, he threatens to kill himself inside a locked room by opening the wounds already inflicted on him by the Mayfly Man (a mirror for John). Sherlock agrees with Sholto that one should embrace the proper time to die when it comes – just not at John’s wedding!
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4. Sherlock seems heartbroken (probably almost suicidal) already at the wedding, and his utter self-loathing shows in the speech, where he calls himself the most horrible things. He’s on the verge of tears when he says he can now congratulate John on his choice of new companion. When he talks about the new story about to begin as replacement to his and John’s ‘frankly ridiculous adventures’, he seems to write himself out of their story completely. But I think he loves John too much to ruin his big day, so he ‘soldiers on’ (both Sherlock and Major Sholto were preparing for ‘battle’ in the morning of the wedding day). Sherlock even leaves a note - the sheet music with the notes of the song he has composed for John - and disappears early from the wedding. 
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5. After John’s wedding in TSoT, John stops updating his blog. Sherlock takes over and posts some pics from the wedding makes one last post (a note?) when John is on honeymoon with Mary. After this there are no more posts on John’s blog.
To me the moment when John’s blog ceases to update is an important point in the story arc; it’s testimony that the show passes from ‘truth’ to ‘poetry’. I think we should read the blog thoroughly and watch out for sequences in the show that are not referenced in John’s blog; any ‘adventure’ that is not described by John looks suspicious to me. After TSoT we no longer have any reference or ‘second opinion’ to check what’s going on, and from now on the narrative gets more and more incoherent, fantastical and bizarre. As if someone on crack has dreamt it up… ;)
The derailing story arc by S. Holmes In HLV we see Sherlock resorting to drugs after the wedding, just like in canon. Later, when ‘Mary’ shoots him in the chest, Sherlock’s MP!Moriarty talks about heartbreak and loss. His MP!Molly talks about the pain that’s going to kill him if he can’t supress it.  But wait – how can Sherlock feel the pain of the gunshot if he’s unconscious after three seconds? That doesn’t make sense to me. And what has heartbreak and loss to do with a gunshot? Furthermore: the whole story of Sherlock Holmes getting shot isn’t even mentioned on John’s blog, in spite of the repercussion such an event must have had in the media. But by then the blog is no longer being updated (and yet we see John typing and typing on it in T6T)...
In his mind palace Sherlock sees ‘Mary’ shooting him when she is dressed as a bride. In the Victorian setting of TAB, Sherlock tries to solve a case where a bride murders her husband after he leaves a drug den. She has faked her own suicide, and then she re-appears as a vindictive ghost (hmm, that sounds familiar...)  Sherlock wakes up on a plane, after having overdosed on a mortal mix of drugs. What if the shooting in HLV is merely Sherlock’s drugged brain’s interpretation of the heartbreak of loosing John? What if Sherlock OD:d already early in HLV, and the rest happens in his imagination?
I believe that HLV, TAB and the whole of S4 happen inside Sherlock’s mind. Sherlock, who now tries to imagine himself through John’s eyes, orchestrates all of this ‘play’. But the detective isn’t good at writing detective stories; he needs his Blogger for that.
While John is a somewhat unreliable narrator who romanticizes some things and twists the truth a bit when he feels the need to make the story more attractive, Sherlock just can’t put together a coherent story. Sherlock has the brain of a scientist, and he tries to be a logical person on the outside, detached from Sentiment. But his inner self is highly emotional, and in his heart he has always wanted to be a pirate; he hates boredom. He’s a ‘drama queen’ who constantly exaggerates mundane events and personalities that John would have described more dutifully, albeit in a romanticized context. But Sherlock takes them, converts them into Drama and lets them play out against each other in different scenarios (=experiments), to see what happens. ‘Euros’ in TLD and TFP, and all her incarnations, are all parts of his experimental self.
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HLV, TAB and Series 4 are Sherlock’s Big Drama, and at the same time his inner journey towards understanding his own feelings and ‘what to do about John’. He re-cycles John’s earlier words and descriptions of their ‘adventures’ and puts them together in new, bizarre ways, using his vast source of imagination; his brain. Sherlock adds some dramatic ideas from movies and theater and tries to fit it all into John’s narrative framework, but fails miserably. Which, taken at face value, makes S4 a disaster of doom and gloom, ending in a nightmarish horror story where heteronormativity (’Mary’) is still looming over them. Sherlock is the drug user, not John, and his drug-induced story soon derails into absurdity; he needs John to tell him (and us) a better story.
How can a better story be told? I think John is the man to do this; he’s the best storyteller, but that’s for Series 5. However, I do believe Sherlock has learned a lot about both himself and John in his gloomy and heartbreaking inner scenarios, which gives him a good emotional starting point for the next series. The most important acquired knowledge is probably that he needs to stay alive (= not commit suicide) in order to save John Watson. I believe the one thing that may have left a window open for him surviving his suicide attempt was his ‘last vow’ in TSoT:
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Already in HLV he realizes that “John Watson is definitely in danger”. He feels he must stay alive for John’s safety, and later (in TLD) he also realizes that “your life is not your own - take your hands off it!” He promised to be there for John, and he needs to keep his promise so John can trust him, which I believe John reminds him of in his EMP scenario in T6T:
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Sherlock has been thinking he can protect John by sacrificing his own life (that’s what the principal villains have told him), but he’s been wrong; he can only save John by staying alive. Staying alive is the solution to The Final Problem.
But to really be there for each other, they both need to work together to defeat the worst villains of the story: homophobia and heteronormativity. It’s also essential that Sherlock learn to embrace his own feelings – especially towards John – and express them clearly. 
Sherlock can now defeat Moriarty/Homophobia by acknowledging the value of the very thing Jim tries to frighten him with: his own sexual and romantic attraction to John. Instead of seeing his own love as something dangerous; a weakness, ‘a vicious motivator’ and a culprit that will lead to harm for John, he must recognize and embrace it:
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As for ‘Mary’, I think the most important things to remember about her is that she’s a façade used to uphold heteronormativity (and I firmly believe that was her purpose in ACD canon as well), and a liar who’s up to no good. 
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Thus, she needs to be defeated for the story arc to be complete. To defeat her, Sherlock and John must stop trusting her, stop believing in her lies and ultimately reveal them for what they are. Which means that both John and Sherlock need to come out of their respective closets; John has to stop worrying about that “people might talk” and Sherlock has to drop his ‘sociopath’ façade and give in to some Sentiment. And I think – and hope – that at some point in Series 5 we will finally see them start working together to achieve this.
ETA: This turned out to be a meta series in five parts; you can find the rest here: [Part II] [Part III] [Part IV] [Part V]
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allenmendezsr · 5 years ago
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Let’s just say it’s not in their best interests if everyone learned the truth.
And today, you’re about to take your first step into a world that most people only dream about.
I’m talking about a world where you can enjoy your life AND not be overweight or exhausted all the time.
You’ll finally be free of the grip of processed food that’s slowly poisoning everyone…
…and escape the prison of unhealthy habits and poor lifestyle choices.
What I’m offering you right now is a different kind of freedom that will allow your body to function the way nature intended.
Just imagine what you could accomplish if you were always running at 100%. Think about the impact that would make on your career, as well as your personal and professional relationships.
That’s why I’m inviting you to be part of a growing revolution that rejects the lies that the pharmaceutical industry has been drilling into our heads for DECADES.
In my opinion, we’ve been told that their drugs are the ONLY way to cure illness, but you’re about to learn that this is the farthest thing from the truth.
And I believe we should not forget the food companies and their disingenuous marketing teams who trick us into thinking their cheap, processed foods are ‘healthy’ or ‘low-fat.
I’m excited to show you how to get out from under that and join thousands of other people who are now enjoying a truly healthy lifestyle that’s completely sustainable.
Now, before we go on, I’d like to share a little about myself. I firmly believe that my experiences put me on a path that’s ultimately lead me to YOU…
…along with many others who’ve benefited from the discoveries I’ve made over the years.
So who am I, and why should you listen to me?
My name is Dr. Carl Bamlet – I’m a chiropractor, certified nutrition specialist and a modern caveman.
I almost lost my life when I was just 19 years old. After enduring long months of excruciating headaches and blurred vision, it turned out I had something called pineal germinoma…
…otherwise known as brain cancer.
This illness turned my world upside down. I dropped out of college to undergo chemotherapy and radiation.
On top of that, I went through two brain surgeries and the drugs I had to take made me weak and sick all the time.
I was terrified of what my life had become.
The surgeries removed my tumor, but I was told there was still a significant chance of my cancer coming back in the years to come.
At less than 20 years old, it felt like a death sentence hanging over my head.
But it’s not the end of the world…
I thought to myself that I had to find a positive lining no matter how devastating my condition was.
And that’s what I did…
I was determined to take back my health.
My mission was clear: I had to figure out what I could do to rid myself of cancer, and maintain my cancer-free prognosis and live a long, full life.
I didn’t just want to fight cancer… I also wanted to help others like me find the answers to the same questions I had.
As I course through life, I became more and more aware of all of the people around me who were falling victim to crippling conditions such as obesity, heart illness, and Type 2 diabetes.
I saw my friends tragically lose their parents at a young age. Many of my family members also suffered.
I felt powerless as I watched their health decline – it seemed like there was nothing I could do.
So, I wanted to empower myself and find a way to do something about this situation.
Thus, I began my journey into the world of natural illness prevention.
I made it my life’s mission to uncover the scientific truth of how you can take back your health, lose weight, and enjoy a long, happy, illness-free life.
I studied nutrition and chiropractic medicine in college. After that, I finished my doctorate as a chiropractor and went on to complete a postgraduate certificate in acupuncture.
However, I expanded my learning beyond the Western model of medicine because I didn’t get ALL the answers I was looking for.
So, I studied holistic medicine which included Eastern medical practices. I discovered incredible results when it came to natural illness prevention and reversal.
I sought experts all over the world and interviewed them. This helped me uncover a new approach to treating illnesses that I didn’t know about until now.
I investigated the claims of drug companies and pored over the results of their studies. I had to find out for myself if their claims were true…
…or if they were just pulling the wool over people’s eyes and exploiting an overfed and undernourished public.
Since then, I’ve worked with hundreds of patients and personally witnessed a lot of success stories.
Most of them weren’t getting results with the traditional approach…
…so they tried a different method which radically transformed their lives.
Slowly but surely, I put the pieces of the puzzle together. Throughout my journey, I applied the precious bits of hard-earned knowledge I picked up along the way.
Not only did my health improve, but I also managed to turn around my situation completely.
I am fitter and healthier than I have ever been.
It’s all because I discovered the nutritional truth behind the simple lifestyle changes that you can make, starting today…
…and these changes will create a MASSIVE impact on every aspect of your well-being.
But I’m not just talking about preventing illnesses such as cancer, obesity, heart illness, and type 2 diabetes. Using this simple but powerful lifestyle shift, you’ll also:
Lose weight and burn fat naturally AND effortlessly
Put the glow back in your hair and skin
Sharpen your mental focus like never before
Develop a strong and healthy body that can naturally resist some illnesses.
This cutting-edge program is a Complete Implementation System for optimizing nutritional health, and it’s the culmination of my life’s work up to this point.
I couldn’t find anything out there like this, so I decided to create it to make a big difference in this world.
It contains the full recordings of the 8-part program (the original Food, Health, & You docuseries), PLUS several critical additions…
You’ll also receive 4 of the previously unseen episodes which haven’t been released to the general public – until now. These additional episodes are really important for you and your family’s health.
Also, you’ll receive companion guides that go with each episode to make it easier to go back to any of the episodes and quickly recap the information you want.
And you’ll get a few other FREE gifts which you’ll learn about in just a bit, so watch out for that…
In my opinion, this was the result of natural illness preventions and lifestyle changes that Big Pharma corporations and food companies don’t want you to know about!
You’ll also hear about my own journey with cancer, and what I did to change my life and make sure it would never haunt me again. Follow me as I go around the world to get direct access to life-saving information that most people will never have.
Thanks to the valuable insights you’ll get from this revolutionary series, you’ll able to achieve the following:
Prevent illness – Follow my plan to boost your immune system, improve your gut health, balance your hormones, optimize your metabolism, and so much more…
Manage your health – If you or your loved ones have been diagnosed with conditions like type 2 diabetes or autoimmune disease… or suffering from chronic systemic inflammation (which can lead to serious complications)… then you need to follow the recommendations from the experts you’ll meet in this series. You’ll acquire the tools to guide yourself or your loved ones back into good health.
Chance To Live Longer– I want you to live a full, healthy life filled with energy and vitality for decades to come!
The Food, Health, & You Complete Implementation System features a series of modules that contain shocking revelations and valuable information to put you on the path to excellent, long-term health. We’ll show you exactly how to heal you from the inside with the right foods to supercharge your immune system.
So, each module features an episode from the original Food, Health, & You Complete Implementation System. Here’s a quick overview:
In Episode 1 (The Scary Truth About Sugar), you’ll discover the real reason why the so-called “expert” advice of eating less and exercising more is counterproductive from a nutritional standpoint. In fact, you’ll stand to gain even more weight and destroy your metabolism in the process!
You’ll discover the reasons why Type 2 diabetes, cancer, heart illness, dementia, and obesity are increasing at a terrifying rate… and find out what really works when it comes to preventing these illnesses.
In Episode 2 (How To Burn Fat and Lose Weight), you’ll learn why you should stop counting calories if you want to lose weight quickly AND safely. (Hint: the secret to effortless and sustainable weight loss is WAY simpler than you think!).
For the longest time, we’ve been led to think that we need to cut down on calories and spend a good chunk of our time working out. But this outdated approach isn’t just counterproductive, but also dangerous!
Episode 3 (The Truth About Diabetes) reveals the solution to what experts are calling “a lifestyle-driven epidemic.” Learn how to put yourself in charge of your dietary choices so you can prevent type 2 diabetes or turn it around.
Most people don’t realize how their eating habits are sabotaging their metabolism. A lot of foods cause a huge spike in our blood sugar, which could lead to hormonal imbalance, insulin resistance and ultimately, type 2 diabetes. And things only get worse from there – it could also open the door to chronic inflammation and even cancer!
In Episode 4 (Gut Health), you’ll discover how the unique ecosystem of your gut bacteria affects your overall health (and how to keep it in perfect balance).
Uncover the real reasons why your digestive system is at the root of all of your health concerns, whether it’s your immune system, mental health, or even the general quality of your life!
You can use this knowledge to heal your body inside out, boost your energy levels, lift your brain fog, lose weight, and more.
In Episode 5 (Problems with Gluten and Gluten Free, What Next?), we expose the truth about gluten and a ‘gluten-free’ diet. Don’t fall for the trap of weeding gluten from your diet and replacing it with something just as unhealthy!
Become an expert on identifying gluten-free “junk foods” so you can steer clear of them and avoid feeling sick.
In Episode 6 (Fighting Cancer With Nutrition), we’ll tackle the big “C.” Discover why cancer is like a plant and how our environment causes it to thrive.
Understand the importance of epigenetics and the role it plays in your personal cancer risk. Which people get cancer and what can you do to avoid it?
Episode 7 (Sleep, Toxins, and Autoimmune Wellness), shows you what to do if you have a type of autoimmune disease.
We’ll help you negotiate your way through treatment options and learn how to manage this condition – and even keep it at bay for good. Finally, you’ll get the answers you need and stop your immune system from attacking you!
In Episode 8 (Are Fake Sweeteners Worse Than Sugar?) we find out the shocking truth about the shortening life expectancy of our children’s and grandchildren’s generations.
We’re living in a time where brightly-colored artificial food is cleverly designed to appeal to the senses – but offer ZERO nutrition. Learn how to see through the clever marketing of so-called “health foods” before it’s too late.
Discover how the science behind ‘sugar dysregulation’ is slowly killing us – and how to STOP it!
Join me and the FHY team as we travel around the world interviewing specialists, scientists, and survivors about their secrets to living longer, preventing and reversing illnesses.
Dr. Carl Bamlet Doctor of Chiropractic, Certified Nutrition Specialist
Dr Alan Christianson Naturopathic Medical Doctor
Dr Victoria Flight General Medicine Practitioner, Nutrition Specialist
Samantha McSorley Herbalist, Naturopath
Diane V Capaldi Founder of Paleo Boss Lady
Dr Eric Wood Naturopathic Physician
Dr Rodney Ford Pediatrician, Assoc. Professor
Elora Harre Founder of The Shrinking Violet
Mark Webster Naturopathic Pharmacist
Kippy Miller Founder of Kippy’s! Non-Dairy Ice Cream Shop
Dr. Jennifer Lamoureux Pharmacist, Founder of Egyptian Smoothie Detox
Rachel McClelland Founder of South Beach PrimalFounder of Dinner For Mary
Durgadas Lingham Ayurvedic Practitioner
Lisa Willert Founder of Everybody’s Butchery
Michelle Joy Kramer Holistic Health Practitioner
Dr. Susan Peirce Thompson, Ph.D Founder of Bright Line Eating
Dr Cade Copeland Doctor of Chiropractic
Drew Canole Author, Fitness Specialist
Summer Bock Holistic Health Coach
Ari Whitten Author, Fat Loss & Nutrition Expert
Paul Greive Farmer at Primal Pastures
Dr. Izabella Wentz Author, Thyroid Pharmacist
Ben Ceccarelli Founder of Dinner For Mary
Dr. John O’Malley Doctor of Chiropractic
Vandana Sheth, RDN Nutritionist, Certified Diabetes Educator
Dr. Catherine Heinlein Nutritionist, Certified Diabetes Educator
Lauren Kanzler, CCN Nutritionist, Diabetes Specialist
Kirsty Higgins Fitness Specialist
Walid Abdul-Wahad Founder of Desert Farms, Inc.
Lisa Lewtan Holistic Health Practitioner
Dr. Pedram Shojai, OMD Author & Filmmaker
Dr Judith Thompson Naturopathic Consultant
Laura Grammatico Certified Holistic Health Educator
Dr Charles Livingston Author, Doctor of Chiropractic
Dr Robin Bernhoft Occupational Medicine Specialist
Julianne Taylor Nutritionist
Leanne Ely Author, Nutritionist
Gary Watson Author, Founder of Wake the Fork Up
Sean Ghazzara Fitness Specialist
Perla Bucknell Yoga Instructor
Gina Broom Wellness & Lifestyle Blogger
Leigh O’Brien Registered Dietitian
This is more than just a documentary series. The Food, Health, & You features a Complete Implementation System which takes a revolutionary approach and provides much more than just simple facts.
We’ll also provide you with a comprehensive set of tools to help you radically transform the current state of your well-being and keep you healthy into old age.
With our system, you’ll cultivate the essential habits that will build the foundations for the next several decades.
So on top of our eye-opening documentary series, you’ll get a wealth of course content that contains life-saving information.
What Makes Food, Health, & You different?
It Gets To The Root Cause of Poor Health – Instead of merely masking the symptoms with prescription drugs, you’ll learn how to identify and treat the underlying issues. That way, they don’t have to get in the way of living your life again.
You’ll Get Our Life-Changing Insights – We’ve gathered the leading health and illness-prevention experts in one place. That means you’ll get the most objective, unbiased advice possible so you can create a lifestyle that supports your goals. None of these experts are funded by food corporations or the “Big Pharma,” so their only mission is to arm you with the truth to destroy the biggest threats to your health!
You’ll Get a Practical Approach to Get Amazing Results – Food, Health, & You was created with the purpose of making your transition to healthy living as smoothly as possible. These changes will integrate into your life seamlessly and you’ll never feel deprived even after you’ve made the switch.
We’ll Help You Take Concrete Action – How many times have you read a book or watched a documentary and wanted to change something in your life… but never actually did anything about it? One of the core strengths of Food, Health, & You is that it’s more than a documentary series. It’s a holistic system that’s going to propel you into taking action so you can get tangible results.
Order the Food, Health, & You Complete Implementation System today and you’ll also receive our exclusive FREE gifts that will accelerate your health even more.
Here’s a preview of what you’re going to get:
Exclusive access to FOUR ADDITIONAL MODULES from The Food, Health, & You Documentary Series
These cost over $125,000 to produce and you’ll understand why when you see the quality of production that has gone into this. But I want you to have this at NO ADDITIONAL COST because I care so much about your health and want to make sure you don’t miss out on this VITAL information.
Each of these modules contain never-before-seen episodes from the docuseries PLUS the written guides. Here’s what to expect:
Episode 9: Is Soy Causing Sickness? Learn about the REAL effects of soy on people, how it can throw off their natural hormonal balance – especially in children.
Learn how to get off the soy train and unlearn the narrative we’ve been fed for years.
Episode 10: Beating Inflammation & Joint Pain – Find out how to deal with osteoarthritis as well as rheumatoid arthritis. Most people don’t realize that both conditions have a lot of similarities, which makes it easier to treat both!
You’ll also learn how to eliminate the critical factors that contribute to inflammation, so you can live a pain-free life and restore your mobility.
You’ll also learn how to eliminate the critical factors that contribute to inflammation, so you can live a pain-free life and restore your mobility.
Episode 11: Exploring the Links Between Food & Depression – we’ll reveal the enormous impact obesity has on mental health. Find out the role food plays in combating symptoms of depression and improving your emotional state.
Food and depression is a chicken-and-egg type of situation. Does obesity cause depression? Or does depression fuel the habits that lead to obesity? Our experts will show you how to get out of this nutritional mess!
Episode 12: Pharmaceuticals – The Health Heist of the Century – Learn how the drug industry controls the flow of medical information that directly affects us all. We’ll explore our unhealthy relationship with prescription drugs so you can ultimately escape this culture of health shortcuts.
The Food, Health, & You Companion Guide
To make sure you get the most out of this system, each module comes with a companion guide that highlights the most important points for each episode. This guide also comes with quizzes and exercises to help you internalize the core concepts of each episode even more.
That way, you’ll accelerate the learning process and get results in half the time!
You can look forward to losing weight faster, raising your energy levels to new heights and boosting your immune system even more!
The Food, Health, & You Transformational Cookbook
The Food, Health, & You Transformational Cookbook is one of the most comprehensive recipe books in the world of healthy eating.
You’ll get the tastiest, most nutritionally-dense recipes that won’t just satisfy your taste buds, but ALSO give your body what it needs!
Ronnie, our in-house chef, will guide you through the entire process so you’ll quickly learn how to cook up a storm of super healthy, easy-to-prepare dishes. With over 200 delicious recipes to choose from, you’ll never run out of tasty ideas, or worry about what to eat ever again.
The Top 77 Superfoods for Healing
Not all food is made equal, and this information-packed book features ONLY the best foods that your body needs!
With our list of superfoods, you’ll provide yourself with the cleanest source of nutritional energy to keep you fueled throughout the day.
You’ll also learn about the healthiest but often overlooked foods that offer a TON of cancer-fighting antioxidants, anti-inflammatory micronutrients, and much more!
That means you’ll naturally heal your body, keep your hormones balanced, stabilize your blood sugar levels and make your immune system the strongest it’s ever been in decades!
You’ll definitely get a lot of value out of this free gift. With over 50 pages of nutritional information, you’ll kickstart your new lifestyle sooner than you think!
21 Day Meal Plan
The FHY team has put together the ultimate guide to staying healthy for life. With this 21-day planner, we’ll show you exactly how to go about each week.
Studies show that willpower is a finite resource, and it quickly gets depleted by all the decisions you make throughout the day. So with this bonus book, you’ll take the difficulty out of deciding what to eat.
We want to make it easier for you to commit a lifetime of healthy eating, and preparing your meals in advance is the BEST way to do that.
You’ll stay on track even if you’ve had a long, stressful day and your willpower is next to ZERO. You’ll never have to default to ordering pizza or fast food ever again!
We want you to feel completely confident with getting the Food, Health, & You Complete Implementation System today…
… so that’s why we’re also giving you our 60-day 100% money back guarantee.
That means you’ll get the entire docuseries, transformational cookbook, AND the free gifts for a FULL 60 days with absolutely NO RISK to yourself.
After you place your order, you’ll get instant access to the Complete Implementation System. The first thing you can do is open up one of the modules and watch an episode right away.
Next, download your Transformational Recipe Book so you can start making your first nutrition-packed, irresistibly delicious meal right out of the FHY recipe vault.
With our straightforward, done-for-you system, it’s super easy to get started and you’ll feel incredibly empowered right out the gate.
Not only will you start learning the truth about staying healthy in the 21st century…
…but you’ll also take action, reclaim your health, and look forward to getting concrete results!
In no time at all, you’ll dramatically improve how you look and feel!
That’s why we’re absolutely positive that you’re going to LOVE everything Food, Health, & You has to offer!
With the massive changes that you’re about to experience, you’ll never look back! And once you start transforming the state of your health, you won’t think about returning this fantastic package!
But if you’re not totally ecstatic the Food, Health, & You Complete Implementation System for any reason, you have a full 60 days to email our support team for a refund with NO questions asked.
We’re offering this guarantee as our way of reassuring you that you’ve literally got nothing to lose by trying this life-changing, one-of-a-kind course TODAY!
We’ve made sure to make this comprehensive system as affordable and value-packed as possible – while sacrificing NONE of the quality.
You’re about to get a wealth of information and content, unlike anything you’ve watched or read before.
Remember, you’re getting all 12 episodes of our groundbreaking documentary series, plus the video transcripts and companion guides to go with them.
Not only that, but you’ll also get the additional gifts at absolutely no cost – these alone are worth $784!
We’ve included all of this quality content as part of our mission is to educate people about the often ignored (or suppressed!) truths about food and nutrition.
We want you to know which foods which will help you a chance to live longer and heal you from the inside.
Not only that, we want to equip you with the knowledge to deal with the biggest health threats plaguing our modern lifestyle.
Above all, we want to help you cultivate the habits that will treat these hidden threats from your life.
Once you’ve gotten those dangers out of the way, you’ll prevent illness, turn your body into a fat-burning furnace, enjoy tremendous amounts of energy and gain incredible mental clarity.
So believe us when we say that we’re here for you.
The FHY team and I are committed to helping people break away from the kind of lifestyle that food companies and “Big Pharma” corporations impose on us all.
Everyone needs to know that they don’t have to be under their spell anymore, nor do they have to be crushed under their bottom line.
We’re here to revolutionize people’s health and put a stop to the health epidemic that’s gripping the world today.
By learning about REAL nutrition, we can all get off the beaten path paved with artificial, processed food that’s slowly killing us.
Instead of spending thousands of dollars on treatments that only address the symptoms and not the ROOT CAUSE of modern-day illnesses…
…you can make a small investment today that will positively impact the quality of your life for DECADES to come!
Your success means the world to us. Like the other people who’ve joined this movement, we want to empower YOU to make better choices in your life.
As of today, 5,793 people have already improved their health using this unique system – and I want YOU to be one of them!
Place your order today, and you’ll immediately receive the Complete Implementation System which includes the following:
Food, Health, & You – this is the main documentary series that features the first eight episodes�� PLUS the four, never-before-seen episodes. You can download the digital version instantly, order the physical DVD copy, or get both.
The Food, Health, & You Transformational Cookbook – This is one of the most comprehensive recipe books in the world of healthy eating. With over 200 delicious recipes to choose from, you’ll never run out of tasty ideas, or worry about what to eat ever again.
GIFT #1: Exclusive access to FOUR additional modules contain the docuseries episodes and written guides
GIFT #2: The Top 77 Superfoods for Healing
GIFT #3: 21-Day Meal Plan (valued at $197)
This is your once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to try this amazing system that’s backed by our 60-day, 100% money back guarantee!
Get the Food, Health, & You Complete Implementation System and join the movement to treat the root cause of disease.
$199.95 $99.95
8 Original Episodes (Digital)
4 Additional, Never-Before-Seen Episodes (Digital)
Companion Guide and Transcript For Each Episode (PDF)
Transformational Cookbook (PDF)
The Top 77 Superfoods for Healing (PDF)
21-Day Meal Plan (PDF)
If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, simply contact our Customer Happiness Team within 60 days for a full refund.
Remember, this discounted price won’t be available for long. Unfortunately, we can’t offer our system at this rate indefinitely, and we only have a limited number of slots.
For such a small investment, you’ll get peace of mind knowing that you can have a chance to live the rest of your lifepain-free and worry-free!
So, we highly recommend that you take advantage of this opportunity while you still can!
I’d hate for you to miss out on what could be the most remarkable discovery in your life!
Today, you have the chance to be part of a revolutionary movement and change your health (and your family’s health) for the better.
Too many people are needlessly falling victim to crippling illnesses such as Type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart illness, and lifestyle-related cancers. These illnesses are robbing people of health and happiness, not to mention some of the best years of their lives.
Whether you, your family, or your friends are suffering from illness, this system will give you the answers you’ve been looking for.
Everything you’ll learn is 100% scientifically-backed and has been tested by men and women like you who’ve experienced health issues of their own. Using the natural illness preventions and lifestyle changes outlined in this system, they’ve enjoyed solid, lasting results.
Today, you can take your first step to freedom. You no longer have to fall for the slick, marketing machinery of food manufacturers and pharmaceutical companies and keep giving them your business.
You deserve a better life than the one they’re forcing on you and everyone else.
Once you have my Complete Implement System, you’ll get direct access to the wealth of knowledge and resources.
You’ll get expert guidance from myself, my team, and many other medical experts…
…not to mention all the books and resources to help you along your journey towards health, happiness and longevity!
Get rid of brain fog, blast stubborn body fat, elevate your mood, enjoy radiant skin and hair, and fortify your gut health. You’ll also escape the looming shadow of man-made illnesses by building a robust immune system.
In this state, you’re free to do anything you want without having to hold yourself back because of health issues.
So you’ll be receiving access to the original docuseries – plus the additional episodes, the companion guides, the Transformational Cookbook, the Top 77 Superfoods for Healing book AND 21-Day Meal Plan…
…and I’m offering this at an outrageously low, one-time-only discount when you get it today.
And on top of that, don’t forget that you’re also protected by my 60-day money back guarantee.
It really doesn’t get any better than this!
I look forward to getting an email from you soon, telling me about all the incredible results you’re experiencing using the Food, Health, & You Complete Implementation System.
Support our mission and begin your journey to incredible health today!
Your friend,
Dr. Carl Bamlet Founder of Food, Health, & You
P.S. This revolutionary system is available via electronic download so you can start watching right away! And remember, this special discounted price is not going to be around for long, so if you want to get full access to Food, Health, & You AND all the value-added FREE gifts, you need to act NOW! Don’t wait for another second to start taking back your health!
P.P.S Remember you have nothing to lose because I’ve backed this system with my 100% Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee. If you’re not completely satisfied for any reason, send me an email within 60 days of your purchase and my friendly customer support team will issue you a full refund immediately!
P.P.P.S. I don’t want to pressure you, but if you’re the least bit tempted to take the plunge, that means you should take advantage of this incredible, life-changing opportunity while you still can!
$199.95 $99.95
8 Original Episodes (Digital)
4 Additional, Never-Before-Seen Episodes (Digital)
Companion Guide and Transcript For Each Episode (PDF)
Transformational Cookbook (PDF)
The Top 77 Superfoods for Healing (PDF)
21-Day Meal Plan (PDF)
If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, simply contact our Customer Happiness Team within 60 days for a full refund.
Order and Payment Inquiries
How long will it take for my package to arrive?
You can immediately download the digital package upon purchase. You simply have to log in to the members download area to access the complete Food, Health, & You program.
The physical package takes 1 business day to be dispatched. This will be sent via USPS and it can take up to 21 days to arrive. As soon as your parcel has been dispatched, you’ll receive a shipping notification which will contain your tracking information.
How much is the shipping and handling fee?
Shipping & Handling costs are: $15 for all US orders, $25 for Canada, and $25 (minimum) for international orders.
What is your returns policy?
We accept returns of the Physical Package within 60 days of placing your order. All returns need to be sent to Food Health & You c/o Vervante Returns, 400 North Geneva Road, STE C, Lindon, UT 84042, USA.
If you have ordered the Digital Package then you are backed by our 60-day refund policy. Refund requests go via our Customer Happiness Team page.
Do you offer a money back guarantee?
Yes, Food, Health & You is supported by a full 8-week money back guarantee.
If you aren’t satisfied for any reason, or it doesn’t live up to your expectations, you won’t be out one red cent. Just send us an email through our contact form and we’ll refund your payment right up to the final day of the guarantee.
ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.
Testimonials, case studies, and examples found on this page are results that have beenforwarded to us by users of Food, Health & You products and related products, and may notreflect the typical purchaser’s experience, may not apply to the average personand are notintended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar.
The website’s content and the product for sale is based upon the author’s opinionand is provided solely on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis. You should do your ownresearch and confirm the information with other sources when searching for informationregarding health issues and always review the information carefully with your professionalhealth care provider before using any of the protocols presented on this website and/or inthe product sold here. Neither ClickBank nor the author are engaged in rendering medical orsimilar professional services or advice via this website or in the product, and theinformation provided is not intended to replace medical advice offered by a physician orother licensed healthcare provider. You should not construe ClickBank’s sale of thisproduct as an endorsement by ClickBank of the views expressed herein, or any warranty orguarantee of any strategy, recommendation, treatment, action, or application of advice madeby the author of the product.
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thecreativeangel · 8 years ago
Dancing (Peter Parker x Reader) Hogwarts AU
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Peter Parker x Fem!Reader
Part four of the Improper series
*Please don’t plagiarize my work, thank you :3*
Summary: Between the upcoming Yule Ball and the completely biased new Daily Prophet column, you still find time to fight with Peter on most everything. 
Warnings: Swearing, attempted assault, Peter being a little bitch... 
Words: 2,570
Previous Chapter                                                            Next Chapter
“What is this rubbish?”
You peered over the paper Abigail was reading, eyeing the bold Daily Prophet title wearily. She rolled the newspaper shut and thrust in in your hands, tapping her foot under the table rapidly. You flipped through pages until she gave another growl, signalling this page was the one. Scanning the article became harder and harder with each word that you read, every paragraph more unbearable than the last.
“Followers of the Dark Arts and believers in blood purification may have found their way into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry,” You read aloud, that sentence alone grabbing Erin and Keira’s attention. “‘The Ministry suspects that they are the children of Voldemort’s old followers, influenced by their wicked parents’ says Teah Craffmann, senior undersecretary to the Minister of Magic. ‘They were most likely chosen to be in the same house as their parents, further influencing them to become the next generation of renegade witches and wizards.’”
Erin blinked twice, processing the information. “Did they imply what I think they did?” She asks menacingly, ripping the Daily Prophet from your hands and spreading it out on the table between her and Keira.
“Concerning Hogwarts,” Keira quotes. “The Department of Magical Law Enforcement is yet to be apprehensive about the subject, but sources admit they have gotten reports that the rush of interest in blood purity and Dark Art practices may have spread to more than one house.”
“They’re barmy!” You exclaim hotly.
“Of course they’re barmy, it’s the Daily Prophet!” Erin cries. “So are they really-”
“Yup,” Abigail confirms, snatching the paper back. “The entire article is just one big conspiracy by the D.M.L.E. to lowkey say ‘Hey, those kids that like the Dark Arts are all in Slytherin.’”
“Don’t forget them saying this might span more than one house.” You remind sourly. “‘By the way-Ravenclaw seems to be friends with Slytherin so fuck it, they’re guilty too.”
“Get Michelle and Stella over here, they need to see this.” Erin says, pulling out her phone to text them.
“You don’t need to,” Abigail warns, scanning the Great Hall, her eyes flicking from one table to another. “Look.”
You followed her gaze, dread seizing you. All across the hall students were also reading the paper, flipping through its pages. Some were already looking over at the Slytherin table with skeptical eyes. Over at the Gryffindor table Peter was squinting over Inigo’s shoulder to look at the Daily Prophet. You watched Inigo slap the newspaper down on his empty plate and grin with glee, pointing out something to Peter. Your heart sank down to your feet but somehow managed to beat a thousand times per half minute.
“It’s too late,” Erin says, laying her phone down. “Mick says everyone at the Ravenclaw table saw, and Merlin knows they figured out what all the fancy wording means.”
Her phone dinged and another text popped up on the screen. “...And Stella says the Hufflepuffs figured it out too.” Erin informs with a tight tone. “...And the Gryffindors overheard.”
Keira gives a dry laugh. “Awesome.” She says, layering the sarcasm on thick.
Erin checked her phone again. “Stella’s asking if it’s true.”
“It’s probably a fake created to fill up a page in the Daily Prophet,” Abigail says, glaring at the paper like it bit her. “Wouldn’t be the first time. Absolutely great timing, as usual. Can’t wait ‘till the other houses start teasing us about this.”
Students began to file out of the Great Hall so you and your friends stood up first, eager to go.
“So it’s true,” A pleased voice behind you announces. “The weirdos who like Dark Arts have spread from Slytherin to Gryffindor. I told Pete, but he wouldn’t believe me.”
You tense up instantly and slowly wheel around to face Inigo. “Didn’t you love the Daily Prophet today?” He taunts, blocking your way. “Peter seemed to enjoy it, didn’t you Pete?”
Peter passed you to stand Inigo’s side, his face completely unreadable. “Enjoy isn’t the right word,” He says stiffly, watching you closely. “She chose her friends, not me.”
“C-Chose?” You sputter, a couple actives higher than intended. Tempers were rising fast; you wouldn’t be able to keep your cool for long. “The bloody hell you mean I chose my friends? What d’you think, being around him is a good influence.” You jabbed your thumb at Inigo.
“You are in no position to judge my choice of companionship.” Peter deflects, still serene and poised. That angered you like nothing else; him being so impassive.
“Why is that, eh mate?” Erin asks venomously.
“Because she’s surrounded by freaks idolize the Dark Arts.” Inigo states. Peter looks ready to say something but closes his mouth. “Merlin, and I thought you couldn’t get any creepier. Cruciated anyone lately?”
“No, but I’m about to.” Abigail threatens, her hand darting to her pocket.
Erin pushes you away from Inigo and Peter, leaving them standing there. She had to grab Abigail by the collar to prevent her from pulling her wand out and hexing Inigo in the middle of the hall.
“Not now Abby…” Keira whispers through clenched teeth. Abigail tried to wrench herself from Erin’s grip but the latter held on tightly.
“Just one spell!” Abigail snarls, starting to swirl her wand to cast a spell. “I could stuff his body in the closet and no one would notice! Peter too for hanging out with him!”
Erin snatched Abigail’s wand away and held it above her head. “Or we could go to the secret room and chill there,” She suggest. “Find Mickey and Stella so we can go steal popcorn from the elves. My mum sent me another Muggle movie, should be great.”
Abigail grabbed for her wand. “But -”
“It’s fine, Abby,” You reassure. “I’m tired of thinking about Peter, anyway.”
The Yule Ball was today. Right now, to be exact. ‘Yule Ball’ were two words that made you want to roll your eyes and scream into a pillow. It was just an excuse for unreasonable amounts of drama, which definitely came. You had a dress and all that, but the outfit was the least of your worries. Michelle, you and Abigail practically begged Professor McGonagall to let the group skip, but she wouldn’t budge. Something about “good school spirit” and “getting out more”.
“Erin, Keira and Stella don’t have to come,” Abigail grumbles, staring down at her shoes. “Lucky little-they’re only a bit sick too! Probably just their excuse to ditch.”
“We could run for it,” Michelle suggests, looking very uncomfortable in her dress. “The library doesn’t close until nine. If we hide in the bathroom that’s cool too. I’m down with anything but this.”
You wished that were possible. There were so many things that could go wrong. To put it simply, you plus the Gryffindors who hate you and the tension between houses, minus strict supervision of a teacher equals... Me, probably dead, bleeding out on the floor. 
The three of you were already late and the doors to the Great Hall were closed. While reaching out to tug them open, Abigail stopped you. “I wasn’t kidding (Name). I don’t want to do this. Let’s find a good hiding place and stay there.”
You swat her hand away and begin to pull the door open. “We’ll make it. It’s just a couple hours,” You say. “Stay together, remember?”
Abigail heaves an overdramatic sigh. “Fine.”
The heavy door is swung open and light from the corridor streamed into the dark room. Everyone nearest to the exit froze in place, disrupted by the late arrival. You took a step forth, and then another, and another until your legs carried you into the Great Hall. There was a silence and then; Abigail shut the heavy oak doors, and everything went back to normal.
Michelle gave a low whistle of approval. “They went all out this year, huh?”
You could only gawk at the Great Hall. The enchanted ceiling was showing a dark starry sky, the bright moon illuminating the room a gentle silver. The brick arches were turned to towering trees, the marble floor was soft grass. If you squinted you could see the little balls of floating light were fairies, peacefully drifting from one person to the next. Water cascaded off a stone fountain in the center of the Great Hall, splashing into a pond surrounded by lush greenery. A band you didn’t know played on stage as everyone danced to the beat.
Abigail tapped your shoulder. “Corner?”
You nodded before spying Peter twirling Liz Allan around near the stage. I’m not jealous. They looked so happy. What even is jealousy? Peter laughed at something Liz said. Never heard of it, never felt it… Liz leaned in and kissed Peter on the cheek. Okay, that’s enough torture for a lifetime.
Most of the Yule Ball is passed in the following activities: Abigail would carry plates of food to the small uncrowded corner that you found, Michelle would complain that there were too many pop songs playing, you would agree with her and silently hope they played some alternative rock. After half an hour of peppy pop songs the music changed to Nirvana.
“Oh thank Merlin.” Michelle yells over the noise, pulling you to the dance floor. “I was about to throw up.”
You swayed to the song, albeit somewhat awkwardly, but were slowly becoming more relaxed. Michelle was mouthing the words to “Smells Like Teen Spirit”, a constant smile on her face. You excused yourself to go get a drink and strolled over to the drinks table, pouring butterbeer into your goblet. 
A pair of hands latched onto your arm, causing you to spill some butterbeer on the floor. You assumed it was Abigail or Michelle, you prayed it was them, but the hands held on too tightly. They began to drag you from the ball, out of the Great Hall. You screamed at the person but one hand clamped down on your mouth, muffling the cries. They shoved you into a broom closet, slamming the door. You could feel their breath on your face, smelling strongly of firewhiskey.
“Geroff!” You yell, grabbing his (you figured out it was a boy) shoulders and shoving him against the wall. The broom closet was so small he only stumbled back an arm's length, clumsily falling on an old Cleansweep, snapping it in two. You scanned the person, remembering him from your bathroom encounter with Inigo. He was the same burly brunette who slammed your head against the mirror. The boy didn’t speak but pinned your arms above your head before you could punch him. He grabs the skirt and pulls it up, revealing a good portion of your legs.
“I said get off! I’ll tell McGonagall! I’ll have you expelled!” Your voice is slightly hoarse and all of you is revolted when his hand moves farther up your leg.
The door bursts open and the boy’s hand drops down off your thigh. “Petrificus Totalus!”
Your attacker falls to the ground, arms and legs pinned to his sides, stiff as a board. Peter stands with his wand raised, his face contorted in rage. You realize you’re panting and lean on the wall, not wanting to face Peter yet.
“Are-are you okay?” Peter asks, stuffing his wand in the pocket of his dress robe.
“Do you really want me to answer that?” You challenge, stepping over your attackers stiff body.
“Didn’t you have yo-”
“No, I didn’t have my wand!” You snap hotly. There was little fear in you, just anger and frustration. “He jumped me! He jumped me and I couldn’t do anything!”
“Bran’s drunk. I told Inigo it wasn’t a good idea to bring firewhiskey.” Peter says bitterly and slowly, shoving his hands in his pockets. He’s picking out the right words to say. You know that. “It’s not his-”
You growl like an animal, lip curling up in a scowl. “Don’t tell me it’s not his fault!” You snarl fiercely.
Peter’s hands ball into fists inside his pockets. “That’s not what I meant.”
“No, no, no. I heard you. You were going to say it wasn’t his fault.” You step on the boy’s sleeve, twisting it under your shoe. “How can you say that? How can you defend him?”
“You defended your friend when she punched you.” Peter grumbles, thinking you wouldn’t hear him. He thought wrong.
“Are you still on about that?” You marvel at his pettiness, your chest growing tight. “That was last year. How can you compare Erin to this twat?”
You prod Bran’s cheek with the toe of your ankle boot, moving his head to the side. “He was going to-to abuse me!” You shout and stomp down on Bran’s face, hearing his nose give a satisfying crack. Raising your foot again, you kicked the side of his head as hard as you could.
“What are you doing?” Peter yells, grabbing your arm and throwing you out of the closet, away from Bran. A trickle of blood was flowing out of Bran’s nose and pooling near his mouth.
“I’m, I-dammit I don’t know!” You sputter feverishly, throwing his hand off our arm. “He deserved it! He deserved being hurt!”
“That’s out of order.” Peter says, dangerously calm. “You can’t kick him like that for anything.”
“I’ll do what I want!”
“My god-you’re supposed to be brave and selfless, not-”
“Not what?” You ask shrilly.
“Cruel, inconsiderate, temperamental, dense, tactless…” Peter says. “The list goes on! You. Are. A. Gryffindor. Start acting like one.”
You stand there, processing his words. Angry red blotches appear on your cheeks, your entire face heating up as the anger set in. “And you were supposed to be my friend!” You bellow, blinking rapidly.
It takes a moment for you to cool down. You look straight forward and set your jaw, glowering at him. “Peter Parker, you are a shit friend.”
And then you ran. Past him, past Bran in the closet, past the closed doors to the Great Hall until your feet were splitting and only stopped when you reached the fireplace of the Gryffindor common room. You kicked your boots off and plopped down on the carpet with your feet tucked under your legs. One of the robes you lost is laying neatly folded on the couch, probably found by a house elf. You reach over and snatch it, pulling it into your lap. Peter’s words swirl around your head, repeating over and over again like a chant. You are a Gryffindor. Act like one. The pad of your thumb glides over the sewn on Gryffindor crest on the robe. You are a Gryffindor. Act like one. You clutch the robe tighter, resisting the urge to throw it in the fire.
If being a Gryffindor means being like Inigo or Peter… You tear the crest from the robe and chuck it in the fireplace, watching it smoke and curl at the edges, turning ashy and black.
Then I will never be one.
The next morning you thump down the stairs before anyone else even woke up to retrieve the robe you forgot on the floor. In your fury and tiredness, it slipped from your memory to take it back last night. You slide on the carpet, still in your pajamas and fuzzy socks to see the robe yet again folded, sitting on the coffee table. Picking up the article of clothing and inspecting it, you conclude it wasn’t jinxed or tampered with as a prank and everything seems normal, except for one thing-
A new Gryffindor crest was sewn back on the front. You frown, having mixed feelings about the house elves fixing the garment. It wasn’t until breakfast later that day you realized that the crest was sewn on rather poorly, and that no house elf worked past dark yesterday.
Tag: @madithemagicalfangirl, @makaylahoran,  @girlygirlbishop, @kaitlynthehuman, @inelasco, @mcheung0314, @damnedangel98
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allenmendezsr · 5 years ago
Food, Health & You - Complete Implementation System
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Food, Health & You - Complete Implementation System
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Hi there,
If you want a chance to possibly add decades to your life, lose weight and avoid some life-threatening illnesses, I want you pay close attention as I explain exactly why the modern food industry is designed to keep you unhealthy AND addicted as long as possible.
I’ll also show you how to beat them at their own game and prevent all those preventable illnesses that come from eating their “Frankenstein foods.”
And you can do that while burning fat and having boundless amounts of energy in the process!
Plus, you don’t have to resort to crash dieting or fad diets that could wreck your metabolism and cause you to put on the pounds even more.
As the saying goes, “Health is wealth,” and I couldn’t agree more.
Being in great shape means being more productive at work and taking fewer sick days (if any).
But most of all, you won’t have to bleed your savings dry from medical bills!
So being healthy not only benefits you physically and mentally but financially, too!
You might be wondering, “How is this all possible?”
Well, I had my own share of health struggles not too long ago…
Yes, it was the big “C,” and this harrowing experience had an effect on me.
But it wasn’t all bad. If anything, my challenges sent me on a personal quest to learn all I can about the hidden link between what you eat and the quality of your life.
After doing my own research as a medical professional and connecting with the leading experts in health and nutrition…
…I ended up discovering a number of revolutionary, natural illness-prevention methods with the science to back it up.
Let’s just say it’s not in their best interests if everyone learned the truth.
And today, you’re about to take your first step into a world that most people only dream about.
I’m talking about a world where you can enjoy your life AND not be overweight or exhausted all the time.
You’ll finally be free of the grip of processed food that’s slowly poisoning everyone…
…and escape the prison of unhealthy habits and poor lifestyle choices.
What I’m offering you right now is a different kind of freedom that will allow your body to function the way nature intended.
Just imagine what you could accomplish if you were always running at 100%. Think about the impact that would make on your career, as well as your personal and professional relationships.
That’s why I’m inviting you to be part of a growing revolution that rejects the lies that the pharmaceutical industry has been drilling into our heads for DECADES.
In my opinion, we’ve been told that their drugs are the ONLY way to cure illness, but you’re about to learn that this is the farthest thing from the truth.
And I believe we should not forget the food companies and their disingenuous marketing teams who trick us into thinking their cheap, processed foods are ‘healthy’ or ‘low-fat.
I’m excited to show you how to get out from under that and join thousands of other people who are now enjoying a truly healthy lifestyle that’s completely sustainable.
Now, before we go on, I’d like to share a little about myself. I firmly believe that my experiences put me on a path that’s ultimately lead me to YOU…
…along with many others who’ve benefited from the discoveries I’ve made over the years.
So who am I, and why should you listen to me?
My name is Dr. Carl Bamlet – I’m a chiropractor, certified nutrition specialist and a modern caveman.
I almost lost my life when I was just 19 years old. After enduring long months of excruciating headaches and blurred vision, it turned out I had something called pineal germinoma…
…otherwise known as brain cancer.
This illness turned my world upside down. I dropped out of college to undergo chemotherapy and radiation.
On top of that, I went through two brain surgeries and the drugs I had to take made me weak and sick all the time.
I was terrified of what my life had become.
The surgeries removed my tumor, but I was told there was still a significant chance of my cancer coming back in the years to come.
At less than 20 years old, it felt like a death sentence hanging over my head.
But it’s not the end of the world…
I thought to myself that I had to find a positive lining no matter how devastating my condition was.
And that’s what I did…
I was determined to take back my health.
My mission was clear: I had to figure out what I could do to rid myself of cancer, and maintain my cancer-free prognosis and live a long, full life.
I didn’t just want to fight cancer… I also wanted to help others like me find the answers to the same questions I had.
As I course through life, I became more and more aware of all of the people around me who were falling victim to crippling conditions such as obesity, heart illness, and Type 2 diabetes.
I saw my friends tragically lose their parents at a young age. Many of my family members also suffered.
I felt powerless as I watched their health decline – it seemed like there was nothing I could do.
So, I wanted to empower myself and find a way to do something about this situation.
Thus, I began my journey into the world of natural illness prevention.
I made it my life’s mission to uncover the scientific truth of how you can take back your health, lose weight, and enjoy a long, happy, illness-free life.
I studied nutrition and chiropractic medicine in college. After that, I finished my doctorate as a chiropractor and went on to complete a postgraduate certificate in acupuncture.
However, I expanded my learning beyond the Western model of medicine because I didn’t get ALL the answers I was looking for.
So, I studied holistic medicine which included Eastern medical practices. I discovered incredible results when it came to natural illness prevention and reversal.
I sought experts all over the world and interviewed them. This helped me uncover a new approach to treating illnesses that I didn’t know about until now.
I investigated the claims of drug companies and pored over the results of their studies. I had to find out for myself if their claims were true…
…or if they were just pulling the wool over people’s eyes and exploiting an overfed and undernourished public.
Since then, I’ve worked with hundreds of patients and personally witnessed a lot of success stories.
Most of them weren’t getting results with the traditional approach…
…so they tried a different method which radically transformed their lives.
Slowly but surely, I put the pieces of the puzzle together. Throughout my journey, I applied the precious bits of hard-earned knowledge I picked up along the way.
Not only did my health improve, but I also managed to turn around my situation completely.
I am fitter and healthier than I have ever been.
It’s all because I discovered the nutritional truth behind the simple lifestyle changes that you can make, starting today…
…and these changes will create a MASSIVE impact on every aspect of your well-being.
But I’m not just talking about preventing illnesses such as cancer, obesity, heart illness, and type 2 diabetes. Using this simple but powerful lifestyle shift, you’ll also:
Lose weight and burn fat naturally AND effortlessly
Put the glow back in your hair and skin
Sharpen your mental focus like never before
Develop a strong and healthy body that can naturally resist some illnesses.
This cutting-edge program is a Complete Implementation System for optimizing nutritional health, and it’s the culmination of my life’s work up to this point.
I couldn’t find anything out there like this, so I decided to create it to make a big difference in this world.
It contains the full recordings of the 8-part program (the original Food, Health, & You docuseries), PLUS several critical additions…
You’ll also receive 4 of the previously unseen episodes which haven’t been released to the general public – until now. These additional episodes are really important for you and your family’s health.
Also, you’ll receive companion guides that go with each episode to make it easier to go back to any of the episodes and quickly recap the information you want.
And you’ll get a few other FREE gifts which you’ll learn about in just a bit, so watch out for that…
In my opinion, this was the result of natural illness preventions and lifestyle changes that Big Pharma corporations and food companies don’t want you to know about!
You’ll also hear about my own journey with cancer, and what I did to change my life and make sure it would never haunt me again. Follow me as I go around the world to get direct access to life-saving information that most people will never have.
Thanks to the valuable insights you’ll get from this revolutionary series, you’ll able to achieve the following:
Prevent illness – Follow my plan to boost your immune system, improve your gut health, balance your hormones, optimize your metabolism, and so much more…
Manage your health – If you or your loved ones have been diagnosed with conditions like type 2 diabetes or autoimmune disease… or suffering from chronic systemic inflammation (which can lead to serious complications)… then you need to follow the recommendations from the experts you’ll meet in this series. You’ll acquire the tools to guide yourself or your loved ones back into good health.
Chance To Live Longer– I want you to live a full, healthy life filled with energy and vitality for decades to come!
The Food, Health, & You Complete Implementation System features a series of modules that contain shocking revelations and valuable information to put you on the path to excellent, long-term health. We’ll show you exactly how to heal you from the inside with the right foods to supercharge your immune system.
So, each module features an episode from the original Food, Health, & You Complete Implementation System. Here’s a quick overview:
In Episode 1 (The Scary Truth About Sugar), you’ll discover the real reason why the so-called “expert” advice of eating less and exercising more is counterproductive from a nutritional standpoint. In fact, you’ll stand to gain even more weight and destroy your metabolism in the process!
You’ll discover the reasons why Type 2 diabetes, cancer, heart illness, dementia, and obesity are increasing at a terrifying rate… and find out what really works when it comes to preventing these illnesses.
In Episode 2 (How To Burn Fat and Lose Weight), you’ll learn why you should stop counting calories if you want to lose weight quickly AND safely. (Hint: the secret to effortless and sustainable weight loss is WAY simpler than you think!).
For the longest time, we’ve been led to think that we need to cut down on calories and spend a good chunk of our time working out. But this outdated approach isn’t just counterproductive, but also dangerous!
Episode 3 (The Truth About Diabetes) reveals the solution to what experts are calling “a lifestyle-driven epidemic.” Learn how to put yourself in charge of your dietary choices so you can prevent type 2 diabetes or turn it around.
Most people don’t realize how their eating habits are sabotaging their metabolism. A lot of foods cause a huge spike in our blood sugar, which could lead to hormonal imbalance, insulin resistance and ultimately, type 2 diabetes. And things only get worse from there – it could also open the door to chronic inflammation and even cancer!
In Episode 4 (Gut Health), you’ll discover how the unique ecosystem of your gut bacteria affects your overall health (and how to keep it in perfect balance).
Uncover the real reasons why your digestive system is at the root of all of your health concerns, whether it’s your immune system, mental health, or even the general quality of your life!
You can use this knowledge to heal your body inside out, boost your energy levels, lift your brain fog, lose weight, and more.
In Episode 5 (Problems with Gluten and Gluten Free, What Next?), we expose the truth about gluten and a ‘gluten-free’ diet. Don’t fall for the trap of weeding gluten from your diet and replacing it with something just as unhealthy!
Become an expert on identifying gluten-free “junk foods” so you can steer clear of them and avoid feeling sick.
In Episode 6 (Fighting Cancer With Nutrition), we’ll tackle the big “C.” Discover why cancer is like a plant and how our environment causes it to thrive.
Understand the importance of epigenetics and the role it plays in your personal cancer risk. Which people get cancer and what can you do to avoid it?
Episode 7 (Sleep, Toxins, and Autoimmune Wellness), shows you what to do if you have a type of autoimmune disease.
We’ll help you negotiate your way through treatment options and learn how to manage this condition – and even keep it at bay for good. Finally, you’ll get the answers you need and stop your immune system from attacking you!
In Episode 8 (Are Fake Sweeteners Worse Than Sugar?) we find out the shocking truth about the shortening life expectancy of our children’s and grandchildren’s generations.
We’re living in a time where brightly-colored artificial food is cleverly designed to appeal to the senses – but offer ZERO nutrition. Learn how to see through the clever marketing of so-called “health foods” before it’s too late.
Discover how the science behind ‘sugar dysregulation’ is slowly killing us – and how to STOP it!
Join me and the FHY team as we travel around the world interviewing specialists, scientists, and survivors about their secrets to living longer, preventing and reversing illnesses.
Dr. Carl Bamlet Doctor of Chiropractic, Certified Nutrition Specialist
Dr Alan Christianson Naturopathic Medical Doctor
Dr Victoria Flight General Medicine Practitioner, Nutrition Specialist
Samantha McSorley Herbalist, Naturopath
Diane V Capaldi Founder of Paleo Boss Lady
Dr Eric Wood Naturopathic Physician
Dr Rodney Ford Pediatrician, Assoc. Professor
Elora Harre Founder of The Shrinking Violet
Mark Webster Naturopathic Pharmacist
Kippy Miller Founder of Kippy’s! Non-Dairy Ice Cream Shop
Dr. Jennifer Lamoureux Pharmacist, Founder of Egyptian Smoothie Detox
Rachel McClelland Founder of South Beach PrimalFounder of Dinner For Mary
Durgadas Lingham Ayurvedic Practitioner
Lisa Willert Founder of Everybody’s Butchery
Michelle Joy Kramer Holistic Health Practitioner
Dr. Susan Peirce Thompson, Ph.D Founder of Bright Line Eating
Dr Cade Copeland Doctor of Chiropractic
Drew Canole Author, Fitness Specialist
Summer Bock Holistic Health Coach
Ari Whitten Author, Fat Loss & Nutrition Expert
Paul Greive Farmer at Primal Pastures
Dr. Izabella Wentz Author, Thyroid Pharmacist
Ben Ceccarelli Founder of Dinner For Mary
Dr. John O’Malley Doctor of Chiropractic
Vandana Sheth, RDN Nutritionist, Certified Diabetes Educator
Dr. Catherine Heinlein Nutritionist, Certified Diabetes Educator
Lauren Kanzler, CCN Nutritionist, Diabetes Specialist
Kirsty Higgins Fitness Specialist
Walid Abdul-Wahad Founder of Desert Farms, Inc.
Lisa Lewtan Holistic Health Practitioner
Dr. Pedram Shojai, OMD Author & Filmmaker
Dr Judith Thompson Naturopathic Consultant
Laura Grammatico Certified Holistic Health Educator
Dr Charles Livingston Author, Doctor of Chiropractic
Dr Robin Bernhoft Occupational Medicine Specialist
Julianne Taylor Nutritionist
Leanne Ely Author, Nutritionist
Gary Watson Author, Founder of Wake the Fork Up
Sean Ghazzara Fitness Specialist
Perla Bucknell Yoga Instructor
Gina Broom Wellness & Lifestyle Blogger
Leigh O’Brien Registered Dietitian
This is more than just a documentary series. The Food, Health, & You features a Complete Implementation System which takes a revolutionary approach and provides much more than just simple facts.
We’ll also provide you with a comprehensive set of tools to help you radically transform the current state of your well-being and keep you healthy into old age.
With our system, you’ll cultivate the essential habits that will build the foundations for the next several decades.
So on top of our eye-opening documentary series, you’ll get a wealth of course content that contains life-saving information.
What Makes Food, Health, & You different?
It Gets To The Root Cause of Poor Health – Instead of merely masking the symptoms with prescription drugs, you’ll learn how to identify and treat the underlying issues. That way, they don’t have to get in the way of living your life again.
You’ll Get Our Life-Changing Insights – We’ve gathered the leading health and illness-prevention experts in one place. That means you’ll get the most objective, unbiased advice possible so you can create a lifestyle that supports your goals. None of these experts are funded by food corporations or the “Big Pharma,” so their only mission is to arm you with the truth to destroy the biggest threats to your health!
You’ll Get a Practical Approach to Get Amazing Results – Food, Health, & You was created with the purpose of making your transition to healthy living as smoothly as possible. These changes will integrate into your life seamlessly and you’ll never feel deprived even after you’ve made the switch.
We’ll Help You Take Concrete Action – How many times have you read a book or watched a documentary and wanted to change something in your life… but never actually did anything about it? One of the core strengths of Food, Health, & You is that it’s more than a documentary series. It’s a holistic system that’s going to propel you into taking action so you can get tangible results.
Order the Food, Health, & You Complete Implementation System today and you’ll also receive our exclusive FREE gifts that will accelerate your health even more.
Here’s a preview of what you’re going to get:
Exclusive access to FOUR ADDITIONAL MODULES from The Food, Health, & You Documentary Series
These cost over $125,000 to produce and you’ll understand why when you see the quality of production that has gone into this. But I want you to have this at NO ADDITIONAL COST because I care so much about your health and want to make sure you don’t miss out on this VITAL information.
Each of these modules contain never-before-seen episodes from the docuseries PLUS the written guides. Here’s what to expect:
Episode 9: Is Soy Causing Sickness? Learn about the REAL effects of soy on people, how it can throw off their natural hormonal balance – especially in children.
Learn how to get off the soy train and unlearn the narrative we’ve been fed for years.
Episode 10: Beating Inflammation & Joint Pain – Find out how to deal with osteoarthritis as well as rheumatoid arthritis. Most people don’t realize that both conditions have a lot of similarities, which makes it easier to treat both!
You’ll also learn how to eliminate the critical factors that contribute to inflammation, so you can live a pain-free life and restore your mobility.
You’ll also learn how to eliminate the critical factors that contribute to inflammation, so you can live a pain-free life and restore your mobility.
Episode 11: Exploring the Links Between Food & Depression – we’ll reveal the enormous impact obesity has on mental health. Find out the role food plays in combating symptoms of depression and improving your emotional state.
Food and depression is a chicken-and-egg type of situation. Does obesity cause depression? Or does depression fuel the habits that lead to obesity? Our experts will show you how to get out of this nutritional mess!
Episode 12: Pharmaceuticals – The Health Heist of the Century – Learn how the drug industry controls the flow of medical information that directly affects us all. We’ll explore our unhealthy relationship with prescription drugs so you can ultimately escape this culture of health shortcuts.
The Food, Health, & You Companion Guide
To make sure you get the most out of this system, each module comes with a companion guide that highlights the most important points for each episode. This guide also comes with quizzes and exercises to help you internalize the core concepts of each episode even more.
That way, you’ll accelerate the learning process and get results in half the time!
You can look forward to losing weight faster, raising your energy levels to new heights and boosting your immune system even more!
The Food, Health, & You Transformational Cookbook
The Food, Health, & You Transformational Cookbook is one of the most comprehensive recipe books in the world of healthy eating.
You’ll get the tastiest, most nutritionally-dense recipes that won’t just satisfy your taste buds, but ALSO give your body what it needs!
Ronnie, our in-house chef, will guide you through the entire process so you’ll quickly learn how to cook up a storm of super healthy, easy-to-prepare dishes. With over 200 delicious recipes to choose from, you’ll never run out of tasty ideas, or worry about what to eat ever again.
The Top 77 Superfoods for Healing
Not all food is made equal, and this information-packed book features ONLY the best foods that your body needs!
With our list of superfoods, you’ll provide yourself with the cleanest source of nutritional energy to keep you fueled throughout the day.
You’ll also learn about the healthiest but often overlooked foods that offer a TON of cancer-fighting antioxidants, anti-inflammatory micronutrients, and much more!
That means you’ll naturally heal your body, keep your hormones balanced, stabilize your blood sugar levels and make your immune system the strongest it’s ever been in decades!
You’ll definitely get a lot of value out of this free gift. With over 50 pages of nutritional information, you’ll kickstart your new lifestyle sooner than you think!
21 Day Meal Plan
The FHY team has put together the ultimate guide to staying healthy for life. With this 21-day planner, we’ll show you exactly how to go about each week.
Studies show that willpower is a finite resource, and it quickly gets depleted by all the decisions you make throughout the day. So with this bonus book, you’ll take the difficulty out of deciding what to eat.
We want to make it easier for you to commit a lifetime of healthy eating, and preparing your meals in advance is the BEST way to do that.
You’ll stay on track even if you’ve had a long, stressful day and your willpower is next to ZERO. You’ll never have to default to ordering pizza or fast food ever again!
We want you to feel completely confident with getting the Food, Health, & You Complete Implementation System today…
… so that’s why we’re also giving you our 60-day 100% money back guarantee.
That means you’ll get the entire docuseries, transformational cookbook, AND the free gifts for a FULL 60 days with absolutely NO RISK to yourself.
After you place your order, you’ll get instant access to the Complete Implementation System. The first thing you can do is open up one of the modules and watch an episode right away.
Next, download your Transformational Recipe Book so you can start making your first nutrition-packed, irresistibly delicious meal right out of the FHY recipe vault.
With our straightforward, done-for-you system, it’s super easy to get started and you’ll feel incredibly empowered right out the gate.
Not only will you start learning the truth about staying healthy in the 21st century…
…but you’ll also take action, reclaim your health, and look forward to getting concrete results!
In no time at all, you’ll dramatically improve how you look and feel!
That’s why we’re absolutely positive that you’re going to LOVE everything Food, Health, & You has to offer!
With the massive changes that you’re about to experience, you’ll never look back! And once you start transforming the state of your health, you won’t think about returning this fantastic package!
But if you’re not totally ecstatic the Food, Health, & You Complete Implementation System for any reason, you have a full 60 days to email our support team for a refund with NO questions asked.
We’re offering this guarantee as our way of reassuring you that you’ve literally got nothing to lose by trying this life-changing, one-of-a-kind course TODAY!
We’ve made sure to make this comprehensive system as affordable and value-packed as possible – while sacrificing NONE of the quality.
You’re about to get a wealth of information and content, unlike anything you’ve watched or read before.
Remember, you’re getting all 12 episodes of our groundbreaking documentary series, plus the video transcripts and companion guides to go with them.
Not only that, but you’ll also get the additional gifts at absolutely no cost – these alone are worth $784!
We’ve included all of this quality content as part of our mission is to educate people about the often ignored (or suppressed!) truths about food and nutrition.
We want you to know which foods which will help you a chance to live longer and heal you from the inside.
Not only that, we want to equip you with the knowledge to deal with the biggest health threats plaguing our modern lifestyle.
Above all, we want to help you cultivate the habits that will treat these hidden threats from your life.
Once you’ve gotten those dangers out of the way, you’ll prevent illness, turn your body into a fat-burning furnace, enjoy tremendous amounts of energy and gain incredible mental clarity.
So believe us when we say that we’re here for you.
The FHY team and I are committed to helping people break away from the kind of lifestyle that food companies and “Big Pharma” corporations impose on us all.
Everyone needs to know that they don’t have to be under their spell anymore, nor do they have to be crushed under their bottom line.
We’re here to revolutionize people’s health and put a stop to the health epidemic that’s gripping the world today.
By learning about REAL nutrition, we can all get off the beaten path paved with artificial, processed food that’s slowly killing us.
Instead of spending thousands of dollars on treatments that only address the symptoms and not the ROOT CAUSE of modern-day illnesses…
…you can make a small investment today that will positively impact the quality of your life for DECADES to come!
Your success means the world to us. Like the other people who’ve joined this movement, we want to empower YOU to make better choices in your life.
As of today, 5,793 people have already improved their health using this unique system – and I want YOU to be one of them!
Place your order today, and you’ll immediately receive the Complete Implementation System which includes the following:
Food, Health, & You – this is the main documentary series that features the first eight episodes… PLUS the four, never-before-seen episodes. You can download the digital version instantly, order the physical DVD copy, or get both.
The Food, Health, & You Transformational Cookbook – This is one of the most comprehensive recipe books in the world of healthy eating. With over 200 delicious recipes to choose from, you’ll never run out of tasty ideas, or worry about what to eat ever again.
GIFT #1: Exclusive access to FOUR additional modules contain the docuseries episodes and written guides
GIFT #2: The Top 77 Superfoods for Healing
GIFT #3: 21-Day Meal Plan (valued at $197)
This is your once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to try this amazing system that’s backed by our 60-day, 100% money back guarantee!
Get the Food, Health, & You Complete Implementation System and join the movement to treat the root cause of disease.
$199.95 $99.95
8 Original Episodes (Digital)
4 Additional, Never-Before-Seen Episodes (Digital)
Companion Guide and Transcript For Each Episode (PDF)
Transformational Cookbook (PDF)
The Top 77 Superfoods for Healing (PDF)
21-Day Meal Plan (PDF)
If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, simply contact our Customer Happiness Team within 60 days for a full refund.
Remember, this discounted price won’t be available for long. Unfortunately, we can’t offer our system at this rate indefinitely, and we only have a limited number of slots.
For such a small investment, you’ll get peace of mind knowing that you can have a chance to live the rest of your lifepain-free and worry-free!
So, we highly recommend that you take advantage of this opportunity while you still can!
I’d hate for you to miss out on what could be the most remarkable discovery in your life!
Today, you have the chance to be part of a revolutionary movement and change your health (and your family’s health) for the better.
Too many people are needlessly falling victim to crippling illnesses such as Type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart illness, and lifestyle-related cancers. These illnesses are robbing people of health and happiness, not to mention some of the best years of their lives.
Whether you, your family, or your friends are suffering from illness, this system will give you the answers you’ve been looking for.
Everything you’ll learn is 100% scientifically-backed and has been tested by men and women like you who’ve experienced health issues of their own. Using the natural illness preventions and lifestyle changes outlined in this system, they’ve enjoyed solid, lasting results.
Today, you can take your first step to freedom. You no longer have to fall for the slick, marketing machinery of food manufacturers and pharmaceutical companies and keep giving them your business.
You deserve a better life than the one they’re forcing on you and everyone else.
Once you have my Complete Implement System, you’ll get direct access to the wealth of knowledge and resources.
You’ll get expert guidance from myself, my team, and many other medical experts…
…not to mention all the books and resources to help you along your journey towards health, happiness and longevity!
Get rid of brain fog, blast stubborn body fat, elevate your mood, enjoy radiant skin and hair, and fortify your gut health. You’ll also escape the looming shadow of man-made illnesses by building a robust immune system.
In this state, you’re free to do anything you want without having to hold yourself back because of health issues.
So you’ll be receiving access to the original docuseries – plus the additional episodes, the companion guides, the Transformational Cookbook, the Top 77 Superfoods for Healing book AND 21-Day Meal Plan…
…and I’m offering this at an outrageously low, one-time-only discount when you get it today.
And on top of that, don’t forget that you’re also protected by my 60-day money back guarantee.
It really doesn’t get any better than this!
I look forward to getting an email from you soon, telling me about all the incredible results you’re experiencing using the Food, Health, & You Complete Implementation System.
Support our mission and begin your journey to incredible health today!
Your friend,
Dr. Carl Bamlet Founder of Food, Health, & You
P.S. This revolutionary system is available via electronic download so you can start watching right away! And remember, this special discounted price is not going to be around for long, so if you want to get full access to Food, Health, & You AND all the value-added FREE gifts, you need to act NOW! Don’t wait for another second to start taking back your health!
P.P.S Remember you have nothing to lose because I’ve backed this system with my 100% Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee. If you’re not completely satisfied for any reason, send me an email within 60 days of your purchase and my friendly customer support team will issue you a full refund immediately!
P.P.P.S. I don’t want to pressure you, but if you’re the least bit tempted to take the plunge, that means you should take advantage of this incredible, life-changing opportunity while you still can!
$199.95 $99.95
8 Original Episodes (Digital)
4 Additional, Never-Before-Seen Episodes (Digital)
Companion Guide and Transcript For Each Episode (PDF)
Transformational Cookbook (PDF)
The Top 77 Superfoods for Healing (PDF)
21-Day Meal Plan (PDF)
If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, simply contact our Customer Happiness Team within 60 days for a full refund.
Order and Payment Inquiries
How long will it take for my package to arrive?
You can immediately download the digital package upon purchase. You simply have to log in to the members download area to access the complete Food, Health, & You program.
The physical package takes 1 business day to be dispatched. This will be sent via USPS and it can take up to 21 days to arrive. As soon as your parcel has been dispatched, you’ll receive a shipping notification which will contain your tracking information.
How much is the shipping and handling fee?
Shipping & Handling costs are: $15 for all US orders, $25 for Canada, and $25 (minimum) for international orders.
What is your returns policy?
We accept returns of the Physical Package within 60 days of placing your order. All returns need to be sent to Food Health & You c/o Vervante Returns, 400 North Geneva Road, STE C, Lindon, UT 84042, USA.
If you have ordered the Digital Package then you are backed by our 60-day refund policy. Refund requests go via our Customer Happiness Team page.
Do you offer a money back guarantee?
Yes, Food, Health & You is supported by a full 8-week money back guarantee.
If you aren’t satisfied for any reason, or it doesn’t live up to your expectations, you won’t be out one red cent. Just send us an email through our contact form and we’ll refund your payment right up to the final day of the guarantee.
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Testimonials, case studies, and examples found on this page are results that have beenforwarded to us by users of Food, Health & You products and related products, and may notreflect the typical purchaser’s experience, may not apply to the average personand are notintended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar.
The website’s content and the product for sale is based upon the author’s opinionand is provided solely on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis. You should do your ownresearch and confirm the information with other sources when searching for informationregarding health issues and always review the information carefully with your professionalhealth care provider before using any of the protocols presented on this website and/or inthe product sold here. Neither ClickBank nor the author are engaged in rendering medical orsimilar professional services or advice via this website or in the product, and theinformation provided is not intended to replace medical advice offered by a physician orother licensed healthcare provider. You should not construe ClickBank’s sale of thisproduct as an endorsement by ClickBank of the views expressed herein, or any warranty orguarantee of any strategy, recommendation, treatment, action, or application of advice madeby the author of the product.
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allenmendezsr · 5 years ago
Food, Health & You - Complete Implementation System
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Food, Health & You - Complete Implementation System
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Hi there,
If you want a chance to possibly add decades to your life, lose weight and avoid some life-threatening illnesses, I want you pay close attention as I explain exactly why the modern food industry is designed to keep you unhealthy AND addicted as long as possible.
I’ll also show you how to beat them at their own game and prevent all those preventable illnesses that come from eating their “Frankenstein foods.”
And you can do that while burning fat and having boundless amounts of energy in the process!
Plus, you don’t have to resort to crash dieting or fad diets that could wreck your metabolism and cause you to put on the pounds even more.
As the saying goes, “Health is wealth,” and I couldn’t agree more.
Being in great shape means being more productive at work and taking fewer sick days (if any).
But most of all, you won’t have to bleed your savings dry from medical bills!
So being healthy not only benefits you physically and mentally but financially, too!
You might be wondering, “How is this all possible?”
Well, I had my own share of health struggles not too long ago…
Yes, it was the big “C,” and this harrowing experience had an effect on me.
But it wasn’t all bad. If anything, my challenges sent me on a personal quest to learn all I can about the hidden link between what you eat and the quality of your life.
After doing my own research as a medical professional and connecting with the leading experts in health and nutrition…
…I ended up discovering a number of revolutionary, natural illness-prevention methods with the science to back it up.
Let’s just say it’s not in their best interests if everyone learned the truth.
And today, you’re about to take your first step into a world that most people only dream about.
I’m talking about a world where you can enjoy your life AND not be overweight or exhausted all the time.
You’ll finally be free of the grip of processed food that’s slowly poisoning everyone…
…and escape the prison of unhealthy habits and poor lifestyle choices.
What I’m offering you right now is a different kind of freedom that will allow your body to function the way nature intended.
Just imagine what you could accomplish if you were always running at 100%. Think about the impact that would make on your career, as well as your personal and professional relationships.
That’s why I’m inviting you to be part of a growing revolution that rejects the lies that the pharmaceutical industry has been drilling into our heads for DECADES.
In my opinion, we’ve been told that their drugs are the ONLY way to cure illness, but you’re about to learn that this is the farthest thing from the truth.
And I believe we should not forget the food companies and their disingenuous marketing teams who trick us into thinking their cheap, processed foods are ‘healthy’ or ‘low-fat.
I’m excited to show you how to get out from under that and join thousands of other people who are now enjoying a truly healthy lifestyle that’s completely sustainable.
Now, before we go on, I’d like to share a little about myself. I firmly believe that my experiences put me on a path that’s ultimately lead me to YOU…
…along with many others who’ve benefited from the discoveries I’ve made over the years.
So who am I, and why should you listen to me?
My name is Dr. Carl Bamlet – I’m a chiropractor, certified nutrition specialist and a modern caveman.
I almost lost my life when I was just 19 years old. After enduring long months of excruciating headaches and blurred vision, it turned out I had something called pineal germinoma…
…otherwise known as brain cancer.
This illness turned my world upside down. I dropped out of college to undergo chemotherapy and radiation.
On top of that, I went through two brain surgeries and the drugs I had to take made me weak and sick all the time.
I was terrified of what my life had become.
The surgeries removed my tumor, but I was told there was still a significant chance of my cancer coming back in the years to come.
At less than 20 years old, it felt like a death sentence hanging over my head.
But it’s not the end of the world…
I thought to myself that I had to find a positive lining no matter how devastating my condition was.
And that’s what I did…
I was determined to take back my health.
My mission was clear: I had to figure out what I could do to rid myself of cancer, and maintain my cancer-free prognosis and live a long, full life.
I didn’t just want to fight cancer… I also wanted to help others like me find the answers to the same questions I had.
As I course through life, I became more and more aware of all of the people around me who were falling victim to crippling conditions such as obesity, heart illness, and Type 2 diabetes.
I saw my friends tragically lose their parents at a young age. Many of my family members also suffered.
I felt powerless as I watched their health decline – it seemed like there was nothing I could do.
So, I wanted to empower myself and find a way to do something about this situation.
Thus, I began my journey into the world of natural illness prevention.
I made it my life’s mission to uncover the scientific truth of how you can take back your health, lose weight, and enjoy a long, happy, illness-free life.
I studied nutrition and chiropractic medicine in college. After that, I finished my doctorate as a chiropractor and went on to complete a postgraduate certificate in acupuncture.
However, I expanded my learning beyond the Western model of medicine because I didn’t get ALL the answers I was looking for.
So, I studied holistic medicine which included Eastern medical practices. I discovered incredible results when it came to natural illness prevention and reversal.
I sought experts all over the world and interviewed them. This helped me uncover a new approach to treating illnesses that I didn’t know about until now.
I investigated the claims of drug companies and pored over the results of their studies. I had to find out for myself if their claims were true…
…or if they were just pulling the wool over people’s eyes and exploiting an overfed and undernourished public.
Since then, I’ve worked with hundreds of patients and personally witnessed a lot of success stories.
Most of them weren’t getting results with the traditional approach…
…so they tried a different method which radically transformed their lives.
Slowly but surely, I put the pieces of the puzzle together. Throughout my journey, I applied the precious bits of hard-earned knowledge I picked up along the way.
Not only did my health improve, but I also managed to turn around my situation completely.
I am fitter and healthier than I have ever been.
It’s all because I discovered the nutritional truth behind the simple lifestyle changes that you can make, starting today…
…and these changes will create a MASSIVE impact on every aspect of your well-being.
But I’m not just talking about preventing illnesses such as cancer, obesity, heart illness, and type 2 diabetes. Using this simple but powerful lifestyle shift, you’ll also:
Lose weight and burn fat naturally AND effortlessly
Put the glow back in your hair and skin
Sharpen your mental focus like never before
Develop a strong and healthy body that can naturally resist some illnesses.
This cutting-edge program is a Complete Implementation System for optimizing nutritional health, and it’s the culmination of my life’s work up to this point.
I couldn’t find anything out there like this, so I decided to create it to make a big difference in this world.
It contains the full recordings of the 8-part program (the original Food, Health, & You docuseries), PLUS several critical additions…
You’ll also receive 4 of the previously unseen episodes which haven’t been released to the general public – until now. These additional episodes are really important for you and your family’s health.
Also, you’ll receive companion guides that go with each episode to make it easier to go back to any of the episodes and quickly recap the information you want.
And you’ll get a few other FREE gifts which you’ll learn about in just a bit, so watch out for that…
In my opinion, this was the result of natural illness preventions and lifestyle changes that Big Pharma corporations and food companies don’t want you to know about!
You’ll also hear about my own journey with cancer, and what I did to change my life and make sure it would never haunt me again. Follow me as I go around the world to get direct access to life-saving information that most people will never have.
Thanks to the valuable insights you’ll get from this revolutionary series, you’ll able to achieve the following:
Prevent illness – Follow my plan to boost your immune system, improve your gut health, balance your hormones, optimize your metabolism, and so much more…
Manage your health – If you or your loved ones have been diagnosed with conditions like type 2 diabetes or autoimmune disease… or suffering from chronic systemic inflammation (which can lead to serious complications)… then you need to follow the recommendations from the experts you’ll meet in this series. You’ll acquire the tools to guide yourself or your loved ones back into good health.
Chance To Live Longer– I want you to live a full, healthy life filled with energy and vitality for decades to come!
The Food, Health, & You Complete Implementation System features a series of modules that contain shocking revelations and valuable information to put you on the path to excellent, long-term health. We’ll show you exactly how to heal you from the inside with the right foods to supercharge your immune system.
So, each module features an episode from the original Food, Health, & You Complete Implementation System. Here’s a quick overview:
In Episode 1 (The Scary Truth About Sugar), you’ll discover the real reason why the so-called “expert” advice of eating less and exercising more is counterproductive from a nutritional standpoint. In fact, you’ll stand to gain even more weight and destroy your metabolism in the process!
You’ll discover the reasons why Type 2 diabetes, cancer, heart illness, dementia, and obesity are increasing at a terrifying rate… and find out what really works when it comes to preventing these illnesses.
In Episode 2 (How To Burn Fat and Lose Weight), you’ll learn why you should stop counting calories if you want to lose weight quickly AND safely. (Hint: the secret to effortless and sustainable weight loss is WAY simpler than you think!).
For the longest time, we’ve been led to think that we need to cut down on calories and spend a good chunk of our time working out. But this outdated approach isn’t just counterproductive, but also dangerous!
Episode 3 (The Truth About Diabetes) reveals the solution to what experts are calling “a lifestyle-driven epidemic.” Learn how to put yourself in charge of your dietary choices so you can prevent type 2 diabetes or turn it around.
Most people don’t realize how their eating habits are sabotaging their metabolism. A lot of foods cause a huge spike in our blood sugar, which could lead to hormonal imbalance, insulin resistance and ultimately, type 2 diabetes. And things only get worse from there – it could also open the door to chronic inflammation and even cancer!
In Episode 4 (Gut Health), you’ll discover how the unique ecosystem of your gut bacteria affects your overall health (and how to keep it in perfect balance).
Uncover the real reasons why your digestive system is at the root of all of your health concerns, whether it’s your immune system, mental health, or even the general quality of your life!
You can use this knowledge to heal your body inside out, boost your energy levels, lift your brain fog, lose weight, and more.
In Episode 5 (Problems with Gluten and Gluten Free, What Next?), we expose the truth about gluten and a ‘gluten-free’ diet. Don’t fall for the trap of weeding gluten from your diet and replacing it with something just as unhealthy!
Become an expert on identifying gluten-free “junk foods” so you can steer clear of them and avoid feeling sick.
In Episode 6 (Fighting Cancer With Nutrition), we’ll tackle the big “C.” Discover why cancer is like a plant and how our environment causes it to thrive.
Understand the importance of epigenetics and the role it plays in your personal cancer risk. Which people get cancer and what can you do to avoid it?
Episode 7 (Sleep, Toxins, and Autoimmune Wellness), shows you what to do if you have a type of autoimmune disease.
We’ll help you negotiate your way through treatment options and learn how to manage this condition – and even keep it at bay for good. Finally, you’ll get the answers you need and stop your immune system from attacking you!
In Episode 8 (Are Fake Sweeteners Worse Than Sugar?) we find out the shocking truth about the shortening life expectancy of our children’s and grandchildren’s generations.
We’re living in a time where brightly-colored artificial food is cleverly designed to appeal to the senses – but offer ZERO nutrition. Learn how to see through the clever marketing of so-called “health foods” before it’s too late.
Discover how the science behind ‘sugar dysregulation’ is slowly killing us – and how to STOP it!
Join me and the FHY team as we travel around the world interviewing specialists, scientists, and survivors about their secrets to living longer, preventing and reversing illnesses.
Dr. Carl Bamlet Doctor of Chiropractic, Certified Nutrition Specialist
Dr Alan Christianson Naturopathic Medical Doctor
Dr Victoria Flight General Medicine Practitioner, Nutrition Specialist
Samantha McSorley Herbalist, Naturopath
Diane V Capaldi Founder of Paleo Boss Lady
Dr Eric Wood Naturopathic Physician
Dr Rodney Ford Pediatrician, Assoc. Professor
Elora Harre Founder of The Shrinking Violet
Mark Webster Naturopathic Pharmacist
Kippy Miller Founder of Kippy’s! Non-Dairy Ice Cream Shop
Dr. Jennifer Lamoureux Pharmacist, Founder of Egyptian Smoothie Detox
Rachel McClelland Founder of South Beach PrimalFounder of Dinner For Mary
Durgadas Lingham Ayurvedic Practitioner
Lisa Willert Founder of Everybody’s Butchery
Michelle Joy Kramer Holistic Health Practitioner
Dr. Susan Peirce Thompson, Ph.D Founder of Bright Line Eating
Dr Cade Copeland Doctor of Chiropractic
Drew Canole Author, Fitness Specialist
Summer Bock Holistic Health Coach
Ari Whitten Author, Fat Loss & Nutrition Expert
Paul Greive Farmer at Primal Pastures
Dr. Izabella Wentz Author, Thyroid Pharmacist
Ben Ceccarelli Founder of Dinner For Mary
Dr. John O’Malley Doctor of Chiropractic
Vandana Sheth, RDN Nutritionist, Certified Diabetes Educator
Dr. Catherine Heinlein Nutritionist, Certified Diabetes Educator
Lauren Kanzler, CCN Nutritionist, Diabetes Specialist
Kirsty Higgins Fitness Specialist
Walid Abdul-Wahad Founder of Desert Farms, Inc.
Lisa Lewtan Holistic Health Practitioner
Dr. Pedram Shojai, OMD Author & Filmmaker
Dr Judith Thompson Naturopathic Consultant
Laura Grammatico Certified Holistic Health Educator
Dr Charles Livingston Author, Doctor of Chiropractic
Dr Robin Bernhoft Occupational Medicine Specialist
Julianne Taylor Nutritionist
Leanne Ely Author, Nutritionist
Gary Watson Author, Founder of Wake the Fork Up
Sean Ghazzara Fitness Specialist
Perla Bucknell Yoga Instructor
Gina Broom Wellness & Lifestyle Blogger
Leigh O’Brien Registered Dietitian
This is more than just a documentary series. The Food, Health, & You features a Complete Implementation System which takes a revolutionary approach and provides much more than just simple facts.
We’ll also provide you with a comprehensive set of tools to help you radically transform the current state of your well-being and keep you healthy into old age.
With our system, you’ll cultivate the essential habits that will build the foundations for the next several decades.
So on top of our eye-opening documentary series, you’ll get a wealth of course content that contains life-saving information.
What Makes Food, Health, & You different?
It Gets To The Root Cause of Poor Health – Instead of merely masking the symptoms with prescription drugs, you’ll learn how to identify and treat the underlying issues. That way, they don’t have to get in the way of living your life again.
You’ll Get Our Life-Changing Insights – We’ve gathered the leading health and illness-prevention experts in one place. That means you’ll get the most objective, unbiased advice possible so you can create a lifestyle that supports your goals. None of these experts are funded by food corporations or the “Big Pharma,” so their only mission is to arm you with the truth to destroy the biggest threats to your health!
You’ll Get a Practical Approach to Get Amazing Results – Food, Health, & You was created with the purpose of making your transition to healthy living as smoothly as possible. These changes will integrate into your life seamlessly and you’ll never feel deprived even after you’ve made the switch.
We’ll Help You Take Concrete Action – How many times have you read a book or watched a documentary and wanted to change something in your life… but never actually did anything about it? One of the core strengths of Food, Health, & You is that it’s more than a documentary series. It’s a holistic system that’s going to propel you into taking action so you can get tangible results.
Order the Food, Health, & You Complete Implementation System today and you’ll also receive our exclusive FREE gifts that will accelerate your health even more.
Here’s a preview of what you’re going to get:
Exclusive access to FOUR ADDITIONAL MODULES from The Food, Health, & You Documentary Series
These cost over $125,000 to produce and you’ll understand why when you see the quality of production that has gone into this. But I want you to have this at NO ADDITIONAL COST because I care so much about your health and want to make sure you don’t miss out on this VITAL information.
Each of these modules contain never-before-seen episodes from the docuseries PLUS the written guides. Here’s what to expect:
Episode 9: Is Soy Causing Sickness? Learn about the REAL effects of soy on people, how it can throw off their natural hormonal balance – especially in children.
Learn how to get off the soy train and unlearn the narrative we’ve been fed for years.
Episode 10: Beating Inflammation & Joint Pain – Find out how to deal with osteoarthritis as well as rheumatoid arthritis. Most people don’t realize that both conditions have a lot of similarities, which makes it easier to treat both!
You’ll also learn how to eliminate the critical factors that contribute to inflammation, so you can live a pain-free life and restore your mobility.
You’ll also learn how to eliminate the critical factors that contribute to inflammation, so you can live a pain-free life and restore your mobility.
Episode 11: Exploring the Links Between Food & Depression – we’ll reveal the enormous impact obesity has on mental health. Find out the role food plays in combating symptoms of depression and improving your emotional state.
Food and depression is a chicken-and-egg type of situation. Does obesity cause depression? Or does depression fuel the habits that lead to obesity? Our experts will show you how to get out of this nutritional mess!
Episode 12: Pharmaceuticals – The Health Heist of the Century – Learn how the drug industry controls the flow of medical information that directly affects us all. We’ll explore our unhealthy relationship with prescription drugs so you can ultimately escape this culture of health shortcuts.
The Food, Health, & You Companion Guide
To make sure you get the most out of this system, each module comes with a companion guide that highlights the most important points for each episode. This guide also comes with quizzes and exercises to help you internalize the core concepts of each episode even more.
That way, you’ll accelerate the learning process and get results in half the time!
You can look forward to losing weight faster, raising your energy levels to new heights and boosting your immune system even more!
The Food, Health, & You Transformational Cookbook
The Food, Health, & You Transformational Cookbook is one of the most comprehensive recipe books in the world of healthy eating.
You’ll get the tastiest, most nutritionally-dense recipes that won’t just satisfy your taste buds, but ALSO give your body what it needs!
Ronnie, our in-house chef, will guide you through the entire process so you’ll quickly learn how to cook up a storm of super healthy, easy-to-prepare dishes. With over 200 delicious recipes to choose from, you’ll never run out of tasty ideas, or worry about what to eat ever again.
The Top 77 Superfoods for Healing
Not all food is made equal, and this information-packed book features ONLY the best foods that your body needs!
With our list of superfoods, you’ll provide yourself with the cleanest source of nutritional energy to keep you fueled throughout the day.
You’ll also learn about the healthiest but often overlooked foods that offer a TON of cancer-fighting antioxidants, anti-inflammatory micronutrients, and much more!
That means you’ll naturally heal your body, keep your hormones balanced, stabilize your blood sugar levels and make your immune system the strongest it’s ever been in decades!
You’ll definitely get a lot of value out of this free gift. With over 50 pages of nutritional information, you’ll kickstart your new lifestyle sooner than you think!
21 Day Meal Plan
The FHY team has put together the ultimate guide to staying healthy for life. With this 21-day planner, we’ll show you exactly how to go about each week.
Studies show that willpower is a finite resource, and it quickly gets depleted by all the decisions you make throughout the day. So with this bonus book, you’ll take the difficulty out of deciding what to eat.
We want to make it easier for you to commit a lifetime of healthy eating, and preparing your meals in advance is the BEST way to do that.
You’ll stay on track even if you’ve had a long, stressful day and your willpower is next to ZERO. You’ll never have to default to ordering pizza or fast food ever again!
We want you to feel completely confident with getting the Food, Health, & You Complete Implementation System today…
… so that’s why we’re also giving you our 60-day 100% money back guarantee.
That means you’ll get the entire docuseries, transformational cookbook, AND the free gifts for a FULL 60 days with absolutely NO RISK to yourself.
After you place your order, you’ll get instant access to the Complete Implementation System. The first thing you can do is open up one of the modules and watch an episode right away.
Next, download your Transformational Recipe Book so you can start making your first nutrition-packed, irresistibly delicious meal right out of the FHY recipe vault.
With our straightforward, done-for-you system, it’s super easy to get started and you’ll feel incredibly empowered right out the gate.
Not only will you start learning the truth about staying healthy in the 21st century…
…but you’ll also take action, reclaim your health, and look forward to getting concrete results!
In no time at all, you’ll dramatically improve how you look and feel!
That’s why we’re absolutely positive that you’re going to LOVE everything Food, Health, & You has to offer!
With the massive changes that you’re about to experience, you’ll never look back! And once you start transforming the state of your health, you won’t think about returning this fantastic package!
But if you’re not totally ecstatic the Food, Health, & You Complete Implementation System for any reason, you have a full 60 days to email our support team for a refund with NO questions asked.
We’re offering this guarantee as our way of reassuring you that you’ve literally got nothing to lose by trying this life-changing, one-of-a-kind course TODAY!
We’ve made sure to make this comprehensive system as affordable and value-packed as possible – while sacrificing NONE of the quality.
You’re about to get a wealth of information and content, unlike anything you’ve watched or read before.
Remember, you’re getting all 12 episodes of our groundbreaking documentary series, plus the video transcripts and companion guides to go with them.
Not only that, but you’ll also get the additional gifts at absolutely no cost – these alone are worth $784!
We’ve included all of this quality content as part of our mission is to educate people about the often ignored (or suppressed!) truths about food and nutrition.
We want you to know which foods which will help you a chance to live longer and heal you from the inside.
Not only that, we want to equip you with the knowledge to deal with the biggest health threats plaguing our modern lifestyle.
Above all, we want to help you cultivate the habits that will treat these hidden threats from your life.
Once you’ve gotten those dangers out of the way, you’ll prevent illness, turn your body into a fat-burning furnace, enjoy tremendous amounts of energy and gain incredible mental clarity.
So believe us when we say that we’re here for you.
The FHY team and I are committed to helping people break away from the kind of lifestyle that food companies and “Big Pharma” corporations impose on us all.
Everyone needs to know that they don’t have to be under their spell anymore, nor do they have to be crushed under their bottom line.
We’re here to revolutionize people’s health and put a stop to the health epidemic that’s gripping the world today.
By learning about REAL nutrition, we can all get off the beaten path paved with artificial, processed food that’s slowly killing us.
Instead of spending thousands of dollars on treatments that only address the symptoms and not the ROOT CAUSE of modern-day illnesses…
…you can make a small investment today that will positively impact the quality of your life for DECADES to come!
Your success means the world to us. Like the other people who’ve joined this movement, we want to empower YOU to make better choices in your life.
As of today, 5,793 people have already improved their health using this unique system – and I want YOU to be one of them!
Place your order today, and you’ll immediately receive the Complete Implementation System which includes the following:
Food, Health, & You – this is the main documentary series that features the first eight episodes… PLUS the four, never-before-seen episodes. You can download the digital version instantly, order the physical DVD copy, or get both.
The Food, Health, & You Transformational Cookbook – This is one of the most comprehensive recipe books in the world of healthy eating. With over 200 delicious recipes to choose from, you’ll never run out of tasty ideas, or worry about what to eat ever again.
GIFT #1: Exclusive access to FOUR additional modules contain the docuseries episodes and written guides
GIFT #2: The Top 77 Superfoods for Healing
GIFT #3: 21-Day Meal Plan (valued at $197)
This is your once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to try this amazing system that’s backed by our 60-day, 100% money back guarantee!
Get the Food, Health, & You Complete Implementation System and join the movement to treat the root cause of disease.
$199.95 $99.95
8 Original Episodes (Digital)
4 Additional, Never-Before-Seen Episodes (Digital)
Companion Guide and Transcript For Each Episode (PDF)
Transformational Cookbook (PDF)
The Top 77 Superfoods for Healing (PDF)
21-Day Meal Plan (PDF)
If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, simply contact our Customer Happiness Team within 60 days for a full refund.
Remember, this discounted price won’t be available for long. Unfortunately, we can’t offer our system at this rate indefinitely, and we only have a limited number of slots.
For such a small investment, you’ll get peace of mind knowing that you can have a chance to live the rest of your lifepain-free and worry-free!
So, we highly recommend that you take advantage of this opportunity while you still can!
I’d hate for you to miss out on what could be the most remarkable discovery in your life!
Today, you have the chance to be part of a revolutionary movement and change your health (and your family’s health) for the better.
Too many people are needlessly falling victim to crippling illnesses such as Type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart illness, and lifestyle-related cancers. These illnesses are robbing people of health and happiness, not to mention some of the best years of their lives.
Whether you, your family, or your friends are suffering from illness, this system will give you the answers you’ve been looking for.
Everything you’ll learn is 100% scientifically-backed and has been tested by men and women like you who’ve experienced health issues of their own. Using the natural illness preventions and lifestyle changes outlined in this system, they’ve enjoyed solid, lasting results.
Today, you can take your first step to freedom. You no longer have to fall for the slick, marketing machinery of food manufacturers and pharmaceutical companies and keep giving them your business.
You deserve a better life than the one they’re forcing on you and everyone else.
Once you have my Complete Implement System, you’ll get direct access to the wealth of knowledge and resources.
You’ll get expert guidance from myself, my team, and many other medical experts…
…not to mention all the books and resources to help you along your journey towards health, happiness and longevity!
Get rid of brain fog, blast stubborn body fat, elevate your mood, enjoy radiant skin and hair, and fortify your gut health. You’ll also escape the looming shadow of man-made illnesses by building a robust immune system.
In this state, you’re free to do anything you want without having to hold yourself back because of health issues.
So you’ll be receiving access to the original docuseries – plus the additional episodes, the companion guides, the Transformational Cookbook, the Top 77 Superfoods for Healing book AND 21-Day Meal Plan…
…and I’m offering this at an outrageously low, one-time-only discount when you get it today.
And on top of that, don’t forget that you’re also protected by my 60-day money back guarantee.
It really doesn’t get any better than this!
I look forward to getting an email from you soon, telling me about all the incredible results you’re experiencing using the Food, Health, & You Complete Implementation System.
Support our mission and begin your journey to incredible health today!
Your friend,
Dr. Carl Bamlet Founder of Food, Health, & You
P.S. This revolutionary system is available via electronic download so you can start watching right away! And remember, this special discounted price is not going to be around for long, so if you want to get full access to Food, Health, & You AND all the value-added FREE gifts, you need to act NOW! Don’t wait for another second to start taking back your health!
P.P.S Remember you have nothing to lose because I’ve backed this system with my 100% Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee. If you’re not completely satisfied for any reason, send me an email within 60 days of your purchase and my friendly customer support team will issue you a full refund immediately!
P.P.P.S. I don’t want to pressure you, but if you’re the least bit tempted to take the plunge, that means you should take advantage of this incredible, life-changing opportunity while you still can!
$199.95 $99.95
8 Original Episodes (Digital)
4 Additional, Never-Before-Seen Episodes (Digital)
Companion Guide and Transcript For Each Episode (PDF)
Transformational Cookbook (PDF)
The Top 77 Superfoods for Healing (PDF)
21-Day Meal Plan (PDF)
If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, simply contact our Customer Happiness Team within 60 days for a full refund.
Order and Payment Inquiries
How long will it take for my package to arrive?
You can immediately download the digital package upon purchase. You simply have to log in to the members download area to access the complete Food, Health, & You program.
The physical package takes 1 business day to be dispatched. This will be sent via USPS and it can take up to 21 days to arrive. As soon as your parcel has been dispatched, you’ll receive a shipping notification which will contain your tracking information.
How much is the shipping and handling fee?
Shipping & Handling costs are: $15 for all US orders, $25 for Canada, and $25 (minimum) for international orders.
What is your returns policy?
We accept returns of the Physical Package within 60 days of placing your order. All returns need to be sent to Food Health & You c/o Vervante Returns, 400 North Geneva Road, STE C, Lindon, UT 84042, USA.
If you have ordered the Digital Package then you are backed by our 60-day refund policy. Refund requests go via our Customer Happiness Team page.
Do you offer a money back guarantee?
Yes, Food, Health & You is supported by a full 8-week money back guarantee.
If you aren’t satisfied for any reason, or it doesn’t live up to your expectations, you won’t be out one red cent. Just send us an email through our contact form and we’ll refund your payment right up to the final day of the guarantee.
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Testimonials, case studies, and examples found on this page are results that have beenforwarded to us by users of Food, Health & You products and related products, and may notreflect the typical purchaser’s experience, may not apply to the average personand are notintended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar.
The website’s content and the product for sale is based upon the author’s opinionand is provided solely on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis. You should do your ownresearch and confirm the information with other sources when searching for informationregarding health issues and always review the information carefully with your professionalhealth care provider before using any of the protocols presented on this website and/or inthe product sold here. Neither ClickBank nor the author are engaged in rendering medical orsimilar professional services or advice via this website or in the product, and theinformation provided is not intended to replace medical advice offered by a physician orother licensed healthcare provider. You should not construe ClickBank’s sale of thisproduct as an endorsement by ClickBank of the views expressed herein, or any warranty orguarantee of any strategy, recommendation, treatment, action, or application of advice madeby the author of the product.
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allenmendezsr · 5 years ago
Food, Health & You - Complete Implementation System
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Food, Health & You - Complete Implementation System
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Hi there,
If you want a chance to possibly add decades to your life, lose weight and avoid some life-threatening illnesses, I want you pay close attention as I explain exactly why the modern food industry is designed to keep you unhealthy AND addicted as long as possible.
I’ll also show you how to beat them at their own game and prevent all those preventable illnesses that come from eating their “Frankenstein foods.”
And you can do that while burning fat and having boundless amounts of energy in the process!
Plus, you don’t have to resort to crash dieting or fad diets that could wreck your metabolism and cause you to put on the pounds even more.
As the saying goes, “Health is wealth,” and I couldn’t agree more.
Being in great shape means being more productive at work and taking fewer sick days (if any).
But most of all, you won’t have to bleed your savings dry from medical bills!
So being healthy not only benefits you physically and mentally but financially, too!
You might be wondering, “How is this all possible?”
Well, I had my own share of health struggles not too long ago…
Yes, it was the big “C,” and this harrowing experience had an effect on me.
But it wasn’t all bad. If anything, my challenges sent me on a personal quest to learn all I can about the hidden link between what you eat and the quality of your life.
After doing my own research as a medical professional and connecting with the leading experts in health and nutrition…
…I ended up discovering a number of revolutionary, natural illness-prevention methods with the science to back it up.
Let’s just say it’s not in their best interests if everyone learned the truth.
And today, you’re about to take your first step into a world that most people only dream about.
I’m talking about a world where you can enjoy your life AND not be overweight or exhausted all the time.
You’ll finally be free of the grip of processed food that’s slowly poisoning everyone…
…and escape the prison of unhealthy habits and poor lifestyle choices.
What I’m offering you right now is a different kind of freedom that will allow your body to function the way nature intended.
Just imagine what you could accomplish if you were always running at 100%. Think about the impact that would make on your career, as well as your personal and professional relationships.
That’s why I’m inviting you to be part of a growing revolution that rejects the lies that the pharmaceutical industry has been drilling into our heads for DECADES.
In my opinion, we’ve been told that their drugs are the ONLY way to cure illness, but you’re about to learn that this is the farthest thing from the truth.
And I believe we should not forget the food companies and their disingenuous marketing teams who trick us into thinking their cheap, processed foods are ‘healthy’ or ‘low-fat.
I’m excited to show you how to get out from under that and join thousands of other people who are now enjoying a truly healthy lifestyle that’s completely sustainable.
Now, before we go on, I’d like to share a little about myself. I firmly believe that my experiences put me on a path that’s ultimately lead me to YOU…
…along with many others who’ve benefited from the discoveries I’ve made over the years.
So who am I, and why should you listen to me?
My name is Dr. Carl Bamlet – I’m a chiropractor, certified nutrition specialist and a modern caveman.
I almost lost my life when I was just 19 years old. After enduring long months of excruciating headaches and blurred vision, it turned out I had something called pineal germinoma…
…otherwise known as brain cancer.
This illness turned my world upside down. I dropped out of college to undergo chemotherapy and radiation.
On top of that, I went through two brain surgeries and the drugs I had to take made me weak and sick all the time.
I was terrified of what my life had become.
The surgeries removed my tumor, but I was told there was still a significant chance of my cancer coming back in the years to come.
At less than 20 years old, it felt like a death sentence hanging over my head.
But it’s not the end of the world…
I thought to myself that I had to find a positive lining no matter how devastating my condition was.
And that’s what I did…
I was determined to take back my health.
My mission was clear: I had to figure out what I could do to rid myself of cancer, and maintain my cancer-free prognosis and live a long, full life.
I didn’t just want to fight cancer… I also wanted to help others like me find the answers to the same questions I had.
As I course through life, I became more and more aware of all of the people around me who were falling victim to crippling conditions such as obesity, heart illness, and Type 2 diabetes.
I saw my friends tragically lose their parents at a young age. Many of my family members also suffered.
I felt powerless as I watched their health decline – it seemed like there was nothing I could do.
So, I wanted to empower myself and find a way to do something about this situation.
Thus, I began my journey into the world of natural illness prevention.
I made it my life’s mission to uncover the scientific truth of how you can take back your health, lose weight, and enjoy a long, happy, illness-free life.
I studied nutrition and chiropractic medicine in college. After that, I finished my doctorate as a chiropractor and went on to complete a postgraduate certificate in acupuncture.
However, I expanded my learning beyond the Western model of medicine because I didn’t get ALL the answers I was looking for.
So, I studied holistic medicine which included Eastern medical practices. I discovered incredible results when it came to natural illness prevention and reversal.
I sought experts all over the world and interviewed them. This helped me uncover a new approach to treating illnesses that I didn’t know about until now.
I investigated the claims of drug companies and pored over the results of their studies. I had to find out for myself if their claims were true…
…or if they were just pulling the wool over people’s eyes and exploiting an overfed and undernourished public.
Since then, I’ve worked with hundreds of patients and personally witnessed a lot of success stories.
Most of them weren’t getting results with the traditional approach…
…so they tried a different method which radically transformed their lives.
Slowly but surely, I put the pieces of the puzzle together. Throughout my journey, I applied the precious bits of hard-earned knowledge I picked up along the way.
Not only did my health improve, but I also managed to turn around my situation completely.
I am fitter and healthier than I have ever been.
It’s all because I discovered the nutritional truth behind the simple lifestyle changes that you can make, starting today…
…and these changes will create a MASSIVE impact on every aspect of your well-being.
But I’m not just talking about preventing illnesses such as cancer, obesity, heart illness, and type 2 diabetes. Using this simple but powerful lifestyle shift, you’ll also:
Lose weight and burn fat naturally AND effortlessly
Put the glow back in your hair and skin
Sharpen your mental focus like never before
Develop a strong and healthy body that can naturally resist some illnesses.
This cutting-edge program is a Complete Implementation System for optimizing nutritional health, and it’s the culmination of my life’s work up to this point.
I couldn’t find anything out there like this, so I decided to create it to make a big difference in this world.
It contains the full recordings of the 8-part program (the original Food, Health, & You docuseries), PLUS several critical additions…
You’ll also receive 4 of the previously unseen episodes which haven’t been released to the general public – until now. These additional episodes are really important for you and your family’s health.
Also, you’ll receive companion guides that go with each episode to make it easier to go back to any of the episodes and quickly recap the information you want.
And you’ll get a few other FREE gifts which you’ll learn about in just a bit, so watch out for that…
In my opinion, this was the result of natural illness preventions and lifestyle changes that Big Pharma corporations and food companies don’t want you to know about!
You’ll also hear about my own journey with cancer, and what I did to change my life and make sure it would never haunt me again. Follow me as I go around the world to get direct access to life-saving information that most people will never have.
Thanks to the valuable insights you’ll get from this revolutionary series, you’ll able to achieve the following:
Prevent illness – Follow my plan to boost your immune system, improve your gut health, balance your hormones, optimize your metabolism, and so much more…
Manage your health – If you or your loved ones have been diagnosed with conditions like type 2 diabetes or autoimmune disease… or suffering from chronic systemic inflammation (which can lead to serious complications)… then you need to follow the recommendations from the experts you’ll meet in this series. You’ll acquire the tools to guide yourself or your loved ones back into good health.
Chance To Live Longer– I want you to live a full, healthy life filled with energy and vitality for decades to come!
The Food, Health, & You Complete Implementation System features a series of modules that contain shocking revelations and valuable information to put you on the path to excellent, long-term health. We’ll show you exactly how to heal you from the inside with the right foods to supercharge your immune system.
So, each module features an episode from the original Food, Health, & You Complete Implementation System. Here’s a quick overview:
In Episode 1 (The Scary Truth About Sugar), you’ll discover the real reason why the so-called “expert” advice of eating less and exercising more is counterproductive from a nutritional standpoint. In fact, you’ll stand to gain even more weight and destroy your metabolism in the process!
You’ll discover the reasons why Type 2 diabetes, cancer, heart illness, dementia, and obesity are increasing at a terrifying rate… and find out what really works when it comes to preventing these illnesses.
In Episode 2 (How To Burn Fat and Lose Weight), you’ll learn why you should stop counting calories if you want to lose weight quickly AND safely. (Hint: the secret to effortless and sustainable weight loss is WAY simpler than you think!).
For the longest time, we’ve been led to think that we need to cut down on calories and spend a good chunk of our time working out. But this outdated approach isn’t just counterproductive, but also dangerous!
Episode 3 (The Truth About Diabetes) reveals the solution to what experts are calling “a lifestyle-driven epidemic.” Learn how to put yourself in charge of your dietary choices so you can prevent type 2 diabetes or turn it around.
Most people don’t realize how their eating habits are sabotaging their metabolism. A lot of foods cause a huge spike in our blood sugar, which could lead to hormonal imbalance, insulin resistance and ultimately, type 2 diabetes. And things only get worse from there – it could also open the door to chronic inflammation and even cancer!
In Episode 4 (Gut Health), you’ll discover how the unique ecosystem of your gut bacteria affects your overall health (and how to keep it in perfect balance).
Uncover the real reasons why your digestive system is at the root of all of your health concerns, whether it’s your immune system, mental health, or even the general quality of your life!
You can use this knowledge to heal your body inside out, boost your energy levels, lift your brain fog, lose weight, and more.
In Episode 5 (Problems with Gluten and Gluten Free, What Next?), we expose the truth about gluten and a ‘gluten-free’ diet. Don’t fall for the trap of weeding gluten from your diet and replacing it with something just as unhealthy!
Become an expert on identifying gluten-free “junk foods” so you can steer clear of them and avoid feeling sick.
In Episode 6 (Fighting Cancer With Nutrition), we’ll tackle the big “C.” Discover why cancer is like a plant and how our environment causes it to thrive.
Understand the importance of epigenetics and the role it plays in your personal cancer risk. Which people get cancer and what can you do to avoid it?
Episode 7 (Sleep, Toxins, and Autoimmune Wellness), shows you what to do if you have a type of autoimmune disease.
We’ll help you negotiate your way through treatment options and learn how to manage this condition – and even keep it at bay for good. Finally, you’ll get the answers you need and stop your immune system from attacking you!
In Episode 8 (Are Fake Sweeteners Worse Than Sugar?) we find out the shocking truth about the shortening life expectancy of our children’s and grandchildren’s generations.
We’re living in a time where brightly-colored artificial food is cleverly designed to appeal to the senses – but offer ZERO nutrition. Learn how to see through the clever marketing of so-called “health foods” before it’s too late.
Discover how the science behind ‘sugar dysregulation’ is slowly killing us – and how to STOP it!
Join me and the FHY team as we travel around the world interviewing specialists, scientists, and survivors about their secrets to living longer, preventing and reversing illnesses.
Dr. Carl Bamlet Doctor of Chiropractic, Certified Nutrition Specialist
Dr Alan Christianson Naturopathic Medical Doctor
Dr Victoria Flight General Medicine Practitioner, Nutrition Specialist
Samantha McSorley Herbalist, Naturopath
Diane V Capaldi Founder of Paleo Boss Lady
Dr Eric Wood Naturopathic Physician
Dr Rodney Ford Pediatrician, Assoc. Professor
Elora Harre Founder of The Shrinking Violet
Mark Webster Naturopathic Pharmacist
Kippy Miller Founder of Kippy’s! Non-Dairy Ice Cream Shop
Dr. Jennifer Lamoureux Pharmacist, Founder of Egyptian Smoothie Detox
Rachel McClelland Founder of South Beach PrimalFounder of Dinner For Mary
Durgadas Lingham Ayurvedic Practitioner
Lisa Willert Founder of Everybody’s Butchery
Michelle Joy Kramer Holistic Health Practitioner
Dr. Susan Peirce Thompson, Ph.D Founder of Bright Line Eating
Dr Cade Copeland Doctor of Chiropractic
Drew Canole Author, Fitness Specialist
Summer Bock Holistic Health Coach
Ari Whitten Author, Fat Loss & Nutrition Expert
Paul Greive Farmer at Primal Pastures
Dr. Izabella Wentz Author, Thyroid Pharmacist
Ben Ceccarelli Founder of Dinner For Mary
Dr. John O’Malley Doctor of Chiropractic
Vandana Sheth, RDN Nutritionist, Certified Diabetes Educator
Dr. Catherine Heinlein Nutritionist, Certified Diabetes Educator
Lauren Kanzler, CCN Nutritionist, Diabetes Specialist
Kirsty Higgins Fitness Specialist
Walid Abdul-Wahad Founder of Desert Farms, Inc.
Lisa Lewtan Holistic Health Practitioner
Dr. Pedram Shojai, OMD Author & Filmmaker
Dr Judith Thompson Naturopathic Consultant
Laura Grammatico Certified Holistic Health Educator
Dr Charles Livingston Author, Doctor of Chiropractic
Dr Robin Bernhoft Occupational Medicine Specialist
Julianne Taylor Nutritionist
Leanne Ely Author, Nutritionist
Gary Watson Author, Founder of Wake the Fork Up
Sean Ghazzara Fitness Specialist
Perla Bucknell Yoga Instructor
Gina Broom Wellness & Lifestyle Blogger
Leigh O’Brien Registered Dietitian
This is more than just a documentary series. The Food, Health, & You features a Complete Implementation System which takes a revolutionary approach and provides much more than just simple facts.
We’ll also provide you with a comprehensive set of tools to help you radically transform the current state of your well-being and keep you healthy into old age.
With our system, you’ll cultivate the essential habits that will build the foundations for the next several decades.
So on top of our eye-opening documentary series, you’ll get a wealth of course content that contains life-saving information.
What Makes Food, Health, & You different?
It Gets To The Root Cause of Poor Health – Instead of merely masking the symptoms with prescription drugs, you’ll learn how to identify and treat the underlying issues. That way, they don’t have to get in the way of living your life again.
You’ll Get Our Life-Changing Insights – We’ve gathered the leading health and illness-prevention experts in one place. That means you’ll get the most objective, unbiased advice possible so you can create a lifestyle that supports your goals. None of these experts are funded by food corporations or the “Big Pharma,” so their only mission is to arm you with the truth to destroy the biggest threats to your health!
You’ll Get a Practical Approach to Get Amazing Results – Food, Health, & You was created with the purpose of making your transition to healthy living as smoothly as possible. These changes will integrate into your life seamlessly and you’ll never feel deprived even after you’ve made the switch.
We’ll Help You Take Concrete Action – How many times have you read a book or watched a documentary and wanted to change something in your life… but never actually did anything about it? One of the core strengths of Food, Health, & You is that it’s more than a documentary series. It’s a holistic system that’s going to propel you into taking action so you can get tangible results.
Order the Food, Health, & You Complete Implementation System today and you’ll also receive our exclusive FREE gifts that will accelerate your health even more.
Here’s a preview of what you’re going to get:
Exclusive access to FOUR ADDITIONAL MODULES from The Food, Health, & You Documentary Series
These cost over $125,000 to produce and you’ll understand why when you see the quality of production that has gone into this. But I want you to have this at NO ADDITIONAL COST because I care so much about your health and want to make sure you don’t miss out on this VITAL information.
Each of these modules contain never-before-seen episodes from the docuseries PLUS the written guides. Here’s what to expect:
Episode 9: Is Soy Causing Sickness? Learn about the REAL effects of soy on people, how it can throw off their natural hormonal balance – especially in children.
Learn how to get off the soy train and unlearn the narrative we’ve been fed for years.
Episode 10: Beating Inflammation & Joint Pain – Find out how to deal with osteoarthritis as well as rheumatoid arthritis. Most people don’t realize that both conditions have a lot of similarities, which makes it easier to treat both!
You’ll also learn how to eliminate the critical factors that contribute to inflammation, so you can live a pain-free life and restore your mobility.
You’ll also learn how to eliminate the critical factors that contribute to inflammation, so you can live a pain-free life and restore your mobility.
Episode 11: Exploring the Links Between Food & Depression – we’ll reveal the enormous impact obesity has on mental health. Find out the role food plays in combating symptoms of depression and improving your emotional state.
Food and depression is a chicken-and-egg type of situation. Does obesity cause depression? Or does depression fuel the habits that lead to obesity? Our experts will show you how to get out of this nutritional mess!
Episode 12: Pharmaceuticals – The Health Heist of the Century – Learn how the drug industry controls the flow of medical information that directly affects us all. We’ll explore our unhealthy relationship with prescription drugs so you can ultimately escape this culture of health shortcuts.
The Food, Health, & You Companion Guide
To make sure you get the most out of this system, each module comes with a companion guide that highlights the most important points for each episode. This guide also comes with quizzes and exercises to help you internalize the core concepts of each episode even more.
That way, you’ll accelerate the learning process and get results in half the time!
You can look forward to losing weight faster, raising your energy levels to new heights and boosting your immune system even more!
The Food, Health, & You Transformational Cookbook
The Food, Health, & You Transformational Cookbook is one of the most comprehensive recipe books in the world of healthy eating.
You’ll get the tastiest, most nutritionally-dense recipes that won’t just satisfy your taste buds, but ALSO give your body what it needs!
Ronnie, our in-house chef, will guide you through the entire process so you’ll quickly learn how to cook up a storm of super healthy, easy-to-prepare dishes. With over 200 delicious recipes to choose from, you’ll never run out of tasty ideas, or worry about what to eat ever again.
The Top 77 Superfoods for Healing
Not all food is made equal, and this information-packed book features ONLY the best foods that your body needs!
With our list of superfoods, you’ll provide yourself with the cleanest source of nutritional energy to keep you fueled throughout the day.
You’ll also learn about the healthiest but often overlooked foods that offer a TON of cancer-fighting antioxidants, anti-inflammatory micronutrients, and much more!
That means you’ll naturally heal your body, keep your hormones balanced, stabilize your blood sugar levels and make your immune system the strongest it’s ever been in decades!
You’ll definitely get a lot of value out of this free gift. With over 50 pages of nutritional information, you’ll kickstart your new lifestyle sooner than you think!
21 Day Meal Plan
The FHY team has put together the ultimate guide to staying healthy for life. With this 21-day planner, we’ll show you exactly how to go about each week.
Studies show that willpower is a finite resource, and it quickly gets depleted by all the decisions you make throughout the day. So with this bonus book, you’ll take the difficulty out of deciding what to eat.
We want to make it easier for you to commit a lifetime of healthy eating, and preparing your meals in advance is the BEST way to do that.
You’ll stay on track even if you’ve had a long, stressful day and your willpower is next to ZERO. You’ll never have to default to ordering pizza or fast food ever again!
We want you to feel completely confident with getting the Food, Health, & You Complete Implementation System today…
… so that’s why we’re also giving you our 60-day 100% money back guarantee.
That means you’ll get the entire docuseries, transformational cookbook, AND the free gifts for a FULL 60 days with absolutely NO RISK to yourself.
After you place your order, you’ll get instant access to the Complete Implementation System. The first thing you can do is open up one of the modules and watch an episode right away.
Next, download your Transformational Recipe Book so you can start making your first nutrition-packed, irresistibly delicious meal right out of the FHY recipe vault.
With our straightforward, done-for-you system, it’s super easy to get started and you’ll feel incredibly empowered right out the gate.
Not only will you start learning the truth about staying healthy in the 21st century…
…but you’ll also take action, reclaim your health, and look forward to getting concrete results!
In no time at all, you’ll dramatically improve how you look and feel!
That’s why we’re absolutely positive that you’re going to LOVE everything Food, Health, & You has to offer!
With the massive changes that you’re about to experience, you’ll never look back! And once you start transforming the state of your health, you won’t think about returning this fantastic package!
But if you’re not totally ecstatic the Food, Health, & You Complete Implementation System for any reason, you have a full 60 days to email our support team for a refund with NO questions asked.
We’re offering this guarantee as our way of reassuring you that you’ve literally got nothing to lose by trying this life-changing, one-of-a-kind course TODAY!
We’ve made sure to make this comprehensive system as affordable and value-packed as possible – while sacrificing NONE of the quality.
You’re about to get a wealth of information and content, unlike anything you’ve watched or read before.
Remember, you’re getting all 12 episodes of our groundbreaking documentary series, plus the video transcripts and companion guides to go with them.
Not only that, but you’ll also get the additional gifts at absolutely no cost – these alone are worth $784!
We’ve included all of this quality content as part of our mission is to educate people about the often ignored (or suppressed!) truths about food and nutrition.
We want you to know which foods which will help you a chance to live longer and heal you from the inside.
Not only that, we want to equip you with the knowledge to deal with the biggest health threats plaguing our modern lifestyle.
Above all, we want to help you cultivate the habits that will treat these hidden threats from your life.
Once you’ve gotten those dangers out of the way, you’ll prevent illness, turn your body into a fat-burning furnace, enjoy tremendous amounts of energy and gain incredible mental clarity.
So believe us when we say that we’re here for you.
The FHY team and I are committed to helping people break away from the kind of lifestyle that food companies and “Big Pharma” corporations impose on us all.
Everyone needs to know that they don’t have to be under their spell anymore, nor do they have to be crushed under their bottom line.
We’re here to revolutionize people’s health and put a stop to the health epidemic that’s gripping the world today.
By learning about REAL nutrition, we can all get off the beaten path paved with artificial, processed food that’s slowly killing us.
Instead of spending thousands of dollars on treatments that only address the symptoms and not the ROOT CAUSE of modern-day illnesses…
…you can make a small investment today that will positively impact the quality of your life for DECADES to come!
Your success means the world to us. Like the other people who’ve joined this movement, we want to empower YOU to make better choices in your life.
As of today, 5,793 people have already improved their health using this unique system – and I want YOU to be one of them!
Place your order today, and you’ll immediately receive the Complete Implementation System which includes the following:
Food, Health, & You – this is the main documentary series that features the first eight episodes… PLUS the four, never-before-seen episodes. You can download the digital version instantly, order the physical DVD copy, or get both.
The Food, Health, & You Transformational Cookbook – This is one of the most comprehensive recipe books in the world of healthy eating. With over 200 delicious recipes to choose from, you’ll never run out of tasty ideas, or worry about what to eat ever again.
GIFT #1: Exclusive access to FOUR additional modules contain the docuseries episodes and written guides
GIFT #2: The Top 77 Superfoods for Healing
GIFT #3: 21-Day Meal Plan (valued at $197)
This is your once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to try this amazing system that’s backed by our 60-day, 100% money back guarantee!
Get the Food, Health, & You Complete Implementation System and join the movement to treat the root cause of disease.
$199.95 $99.95
8 Original Episodes (Digital)
4 Additional, Never-Before-Seen Episodes (Digital)
Companion Guide and Transcript For Each Episode (PDF)
Transformational Cookbook (PDF)
The Top 77 Superfoods for Healing (PDF)
21-Day Meal Plan (PDF)
If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, simply contact our Customer Happiness Team within 60 days for a full refund.
Remember, this discounted price won’t be available for long. Unfortunately, we can’t offer our system at this rate indefinitely, and we only have a limited number of slots.
For such a small investment, you’ll get peace of mind knowing that you can have a chance to live the rest of your lifepain-free and worry-free!
So, we highly recommend that you take advantage of this opportunity while you still can!
I’d hate for you to miss out on what could be the most remarkable discovery in your life!
Today, you have the chance to be part of a revolutionary movement and change your health (and your family’s health) for the better.
Too many people are needlessly falling victim to crippling illnesses such as Type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart illness, and lifestyle-related cancers. These illnesses are robbing people of health and happiness, not to mention some of the best years of their lives.
Whether you, your family, or your friends are suffering from illness, this system will give you the answers you’ve been looking for.
Everything you’ll learn is 100% scientifically-backed and has been tested by men and women like you who’ve experienced health issues of their own. Using the natural illness preventions and lifestyle changes outlined in this system, they’ve enjoyed solid, lasting results.
Today, you can take your first step to freedom. You no longer have to fall for the slick, marketing machinery of food manufacturers and pharmaceutical companies and keep giving them your business.
You deserve a better life than the one they’re forcing on you and everyone else.
Once you have my Complete Implement System, you’ll get direct access to the wealth of knowledge and resources.
You’ll get expert guidance from myself, my team, and many other medical experts…
…not to mention all the books and resources to help you along your journey towards health, happiness and longevity!
Get rid of brain fog, blast stubborn body fat, elevate your mood, enjoy radiant skin and hair, and fortify your gut health. You’ll also escape the looming shadow of man-made illnesses by building a robust immune system.
In this state, you’re free to do anything you want without having to hold yourself back because of health issues.
So you’ll be receiving access to the original docuseries – plus the additional episodes, the companion guides, the Transformational Cookbook, the Top 77 Superfoods for Healing book AND 21-Day Meal Plan…
…and I’m offering this at an outrageously low, one-time-only discount when you get it today.
And on top of that, don’t forget that you’re also protected by my 60-day money back guarantee.
It really doesn’t get any better than this!
I look forward to getting an email from you soon, telling me about all the incredible results you’re experiencing using the Food, Health, & You Complete Implementation System.
Support our mission and begin your journey to incredible health today!
Your friend,
Dr. Carl Bamlet Founder of Food, Health, & You
P.S. This revolutionary system is available via electronic download so you can start watching right away! And remember, this special discounted price is not going to be around for long, so if you want to get full access to Food, Health, & You AND all the value-added FREE gifts, you need to act NOW! Don’t wait for another second to start taking back your health!
P.P.S Remember you have nothing to lose because I’ve backed this system with my 100% Satisfaction Money-Back Guarantee. If you’re not completely satisfied for any reason, send me an email within 60 days of your purchase and my friendly customer support team will issue you a full refund immediately!
P.P.P.S. I don’t want to pressure you, but if you’re the least bit tempted to take the plunge, that means you should take advantage of this incredible, life-changing opportunity while you still can!
$199.95 $99.95
8 Original Episodes (Digital)
4 Additional, Never-Before-Seen Episodes (Digital)
Companion Guide and Transcript For Each Episode (PDF)
Transformational Cookbook (PDF)
The Top 77 Superfoods for Healing (PDF)
21-Day Meal Plan (PDF)
If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase, simply contact our Customer Happiness Team within 60 days for a full refund.
Order and Payment Inquiries
How long will it take for my package to arrive?
You can immediately download the digital package upon purchase. You simply have to log in to the members download area to access the complete Food, Health, & You program.
The physical package takes 1 business day to be dispatched. This will be sent via USPS and it can take up to 21 days to arrive. As soon as your parcel has been dispatched, you’ll receive a shipping notification which will contain your tracking information.
How much is the shipping and handling fee?
Shipping & Handling costs are: $15 for all US orders, $25 for Canada, and $25 (minimum) for international orders.
What is your returns policy?
We accept returns of the Physical Package within 60 days of placing your order. All returns need to be sent to Food Health & You c/o Vervante Returns, 400 North Geneva Road, STE C, Lindon, UT 84042, USA.
If you have ordered the Digital Package then you are backed by our 60-day refund policy. Refund requests go via our Customer Happiness Team page.
Do you offer a money back guarantee?
Yes, Food, Health & You is supported by a full 8-week money back guarantee.
If you aren’t satisfied for any reason, or it doesn’t live up to your expectations, you won’t be out one red cent. Just send us an email through our contact form and we’ll refund your payment right up to the final day of the guarantee.
ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.
Testimonials, case studies, and examples found on this page are results that have beenforwarded to us by users of Food, Health & You products and related products, and may notreflect the typical purchaser’s experience, may not apply to the average personand are notintended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar.
The website’s content and the product for sale is based upon the author’s opinionand is provided solely on an “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” basis. You should do your ownresearch and confirm the information with other sources when searching for informationregarding health issues and always review the information carefully with your professionalhealth care provider before using any of the protocols presented on this website and/or inthe product sold here. Neither ClickBank nor the author are engaged in rendering medical orsimilar professional services or advice via this website or in the product, and theinformation provided is not intended to replace medical advice offered by a physician orother licensed healthcare provider. You should not construe ClickBank’s sale of thisproduct as an endorsement by ClickBank of the views expressed herein, or any warranty orguarantee of any strategy, recommendation, treatment, action, or application of advice madeby the author of the product.
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