#no cars in l.a.
Join Black Folks on Bikes for Environmental Justice
Join Black Folks on Bikes for Environmental Justice At Strategy and Soul The Strategy Center is excited to be one of eight organizations in the South-Central LA Power Up coalition working with the California Air Resources Board, LA Dept of Transportation, and LA Clean Tech Incubator to host a library of 250 E-Bikes that will be free for South LA residents for the first 6 months of the…
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aring-king-king · 9 months
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soupy-sez · 1 year
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The Treacherous Three in Harlem, NYC, 1981, © Laura Levine
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4myson · 4 months
I don't know this movie, but why I haven't seen this scene in any "Top 10 car chases" list so far? It is amazing.
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5centsofchange · 7 months
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Arctic Monkeys at Primevera in Los Angeles fall 2022. Shot on an Olympus MJU.
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olimabelss · 1 year
That (now deleted) post I made last night about applying for a job that I have zero chance of getting an interview for, much less get? Well they want to do a zoom interview with me tomorrow morning lol
I'm gonna do it, even though the job would require a super long commute down to Venice. At least I tried, right?
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beckyy055 · 11 months
Meet me where it never closes... - Alex Turner one shot
1:52 AM
- Girls girls girls! - The guitar finishes with great style another gig at the Whiskey. The crowd is clapping as me and the band say goodbye and start packing our equipment. A weird looking guy is in the corner looking at me with a creepy face, but I don't care because if he messes with me, I have my switchblade on my high heels boot. My equipment is very easy to pack, so I don't take more then five minutes to get everything ready to go. As I finish everything, I take my bottle of Jack from the ground and take a swag, walking off the stage and towards the bar. My bestie and also rhythm guitarrist takes care of the payment, so for now I can just enjoy all the groupies. There are always a couple boys and girls looking after the frontwoman of the band, and I'm always willing to give them some fun if they're interesting enough.
When i sit on a random chair and open my Insta, a random account has sent a message for me. When I open it, it says: Alex's in town and wants to see you. Immidiately, I know what's the matter. Alex never plays a clean game. His game is dirty and it's almost as if he's playing hide and seek with me. I text back, saying: if he wants me, meet me on the back of the Whiskey. And bring that cigarette that I like.
I lay back comfortably, sipping my drink as I talk to some people who are complimenting my performance on the show. My bandmates come to me with all the packed stuff and sit to drink and cheer a little. We share the bottle until it's over and we're all drunkly laughing at everything. Around 2:46 AM, I receive another message from the same account saying he's here. I get up from my chair, holding on my bestie's shoulder to not fall back, and walk towards the back door of the place.
When I walk out of the Whiskey, I find myself on a dark alley. On a corner, just the silhouette of the man who called me here. I walk with a sly smile as I get closer, little by little being able to see him better, and saying:
- Well, well, well... Look who's here. Nice to see you again, Al.
- Couldn't pass through L.A. without seeing ya, honey. - He takes a drag of his cigarette and blows the smoke away, keeping a smile similar to mine.
- Did you bring my cigarettes? - I ask, a slight devilsh look in my eyes as i look into his eyes. My look is almost like a bullet to his heart, the look only a femme fatale could give so naturally.
- Hell yeah, darlin'. Here, take one... - He takes another drag as he gives me box of cigarettes. I take it, opening it and lighting one with my pink lighter. Quickly, I'm already exhaling some smoke.
- Now that's what I'm talking about! This is good stuff! - I take another drag, letting the nicotine inibriate me as i lay against a wall.
- So Jess, how's your band goin'? Still playin' on this place? You know that with a single phonecall I could make you a star by the night. - His eyes stare at me, taking my looks under the moonlight
I roll my eyes and look at him bored as I answer with some boredness in my tone:
- Yeah, yeah, you already said it a million times. You know I wanna make into the industry by my own merit, not because of what I can do with my mouth, Al. - I take a puff of my cigarette, blowing the smoke away.
- I know, sweetie, I know... I just can't stop thinking you're wasting your talent here while you could be already playing at stadiums around the world. Maybe even Wembley! Imagine! You said it was your dream! - He gets closer to me, holding me by my waist as he look into my eyes.
- And listening from everyone I only did it because I gave you a bl0wj0b? No fucking way. I prefer the harder path, the one I keep some of my dignity. - I take another puff as I let him come closer, my eyes on his.
- Speaking of that, darlin'... You know what I want, don't ya? It's not the first time we've been on this place... - His smile is sly as his hands trace along my waist and hips.
- Don't go so eager for the meal, indie boy. Pay me a dinner first and I can think if you deserve it. - I chuckle, taking his hands off me and holding just one of them in mine.
- Ah... You and your little games... Fine. We can go have dinner and I'll convince you I'm a good boy. - He says as he chuckles and holds my hand, taking me to his car, a beautiful Cadillac. He opens the door for me and I get into it, waiting for him to go to the driver's seat.
As he starts the engine, I lay back on the seat, taking a last drag of my cigarette before throwing it out of the window. He starts driving, one hand on the wheel as the other holds on my left thigh. The radio is playing some jazz, to which I respect but find a bit boring. The silence is broken when he turns to me and start talking with that english accent of his that he knows that messes with me.
- You look stunning tonight, darlin'. Is this a new skirt? - He pretends to not know just to make me talk to him.
- Nah, you know I don't have money to keep buying stage clothes. This is the same as last time and the other. - I pretend I don't care, although I feel awesome to be in this spot.
- Then you look stunning every gig. Ya know, you have a lot of stage presence. I was watching you the other time and damn, you're unique. - His hand keeps holding on my thigh, going up and down just as a sweet carress. The wind blows in my hair, making it fly and get more volume than it already has.
- Really? I just do what I feel like doing. I feel the beat and let it take my body. - I chuckle, just acting innocently and letting a nice and sweet mood be created between us.
- Well, then something is working. I particularly like the part where you move your hips to the ground while on the pole. It's not a coincidence the guys on the front row drool over you. - He smiles at me again with a sly look, trying to warm things up.
I chuckle and look at him, giving back his look, as i answer:
- I guess it's just something normal, I don't see a reason for them to get crazy like that. Just a normal girl doing pole dance, nothing extraordinary.
- Baby, everything about you is extraordinary. - He looks deepy into my eyes, making me blush a bit, as he gives a squeeze on my thigh.
I lose all my words for a moment and try to say something, unsucessfully. I slutter a bit before he interrupts me, stopping the car on a parking lot, getting off the car and opening the door to me as he offers me his hand.
- Now, would you give me the honour of your company during a dinner, milady?
I chuckle and take his hand, getting off the car and closing the door behind me. We walk towards the restaurant, which looks quite expensive, and he opens the door for me. I smile and enter the place, looking around to guess what kind of restaurand he took me. Quickly, he talks to a lady and she guides us to a table, where I sit and adjust my napkin on my lap. I might be looking like a mix between a rockstar and a h00k3r, but I have a good ettiquete. He sits on the opposite side of the table, looking at me every now and then through the menu.
When the waitress comes, I order a caesar salad without sauce as the entrance and a steak with some whole rice as the main course. He orders a tomato salad and some grilled salmon with white rice for him, as well as a good wine for us both. I thank the waitress and look at him, keeping my good girl composture. He smiles and teases:
- You look so behaved, doesn't even look like you're a wild cat.
- And you don't even look like you're a naughty boy. - I chuckle as I tease back.
- Tell me, Jess. Why so sarcastic and fatale? - He asks as he looks intrigued to me, his arms crossed as he stays laid back on his chair.
- Because it's who I am, Al. You know that. Ever since you met me, you know that's how I am. - I look at him with a smile, keeping my mask. I never let my real me show.
- You know, I bet there's other face of you inside. A face that you hide and only shows to the right people at the right time. I don't judge you though, you know I keep an appereance to the others as well. But you should let it show sometimes, darlin'. - He says as he keeps a toothpick on his mouth, playing with his fingers as he analyze each move I make.
- And who are you to tell me how I should act? You don't even talk to me directly, you send your friends to talk to me on your behalf. Alex, if you want to know me, I have to know you as well. - I lay back on the chair, my eyes locked on his as I sip some water.
- Fine, then it's a deal. If you let your real self show, I'll do the same. - He gives me his hand for a handshake and I do the same. We shake hands and he smile to me, this time, more warmly.
The waitress comes with our order and we both start eating the food, giving each other shy looks every once in a while. He sees that I can use the cutlerly properly like a like a lady does and we talk about foolish things during the dinner, like music and world news. When we finish our dessert, a sweet petit gateau, he asks the waitress for the bill, to which he pays quickly with his platinum Mastercard. We get up and he guides me to the exit, acting like a real gentleman towards me, not the bad boy he usually is. When we get to his car, I get in as he does the same. He starts the engine as he places again a hand on my left thigh, giving me a look almost like as if he's eating me with his eyes. He turns to me and asks:
- Your place or mine? Tell me I've earned my prize, baby. - He keeps that hunter look, his eyes almost shooting right through my heart.
- Last time was mine, so now it's your turn. - I wink and lay back on the seat, relaxing a bit. His eyes are red from being high, probably from before he picked me at the Whiskey. I chuckle and turn to him. - Are you high, baby? Huh?
He chuckles and look at me, his thumb rubbing my thigh.
- Just a bit darlin'. Why? Does it bother you?
I chuckle and nod in no, letting him touch me slightly.
- Nah. It's just that I wonder... Why'd you only call me when you're high, honey?
- Because I'm always high after 1 AM, baby! And also, you're always drunk as well! - He laughs and plays with my hair, keeping one hand on the wheel and one on me, as if he's showing who I belong to. I chuckle and just the enjoy the wind in my face and hair. The music is still boring me, so I look at him and smile.
- Darlin', could you please put something cool on the radio? I'll sleep with this slow music! - I chuckle as I wait for him.
- Sure! Put something you like on Spotify! - He smiles warmly and keeps driving. I take my phone and connect the bluetooth, putting on "Honey (Are u Coming?)" on the radio.
(I highly recommend to read the following parts while listening to the song!)
- Måneskin again?! You're always listening to them! - He laughs and looks at me.
- Why? Did you prefer the Crüe? - I laugh and smile to him. My smile is funny and slightly drunk.
- Nah, not in this moment. You should look for new bands, not listen to the same couple bands everyday! You don't even change the songs! - He laughs more as his hand keeps tracing my thighs. I sing for a bit of the song, to which he finds funny.
- I know, but it's just so comforting to listen the same songs on replay! It's predictable and I can sing along! - I laugh and keep looking at him as he drives. His profile is so hot, this man is all I want and more. The hair, the nose, the jawline, the neck, everything is perfect.
- Okay, okay, you have a point. But still, you should try new things. - He chuckles, noticing the way I look at him and giving me another squeeze on my thigh.
Minutes later, we arrive at his mansion in Bervely Hills. I've been here before, but I always get a bit shocked when I actually see it. He parks his car quickly and opens the door for me, helping me get out of it. As soon as we enter the house and he closes the door behind me, he pushes me against a wall and starts to kiss me passionately, holding my waist tightly. I look at him surprised, but don't try to avoid. Instead, I kiss him back as passionately as him, my hands holding on his shirt as he keeps me close to him. He pulls back a bit and breathe heavily, whispering to me.
- Remember the rules?
- No visible marks. - I answer, breathing heavily as well as my eyes look inside his.
- Good girl. Now, may we start our little one night stand? - His smile is naughty, as well has his look. His voice is hoarse and gives me shivers with each whisper. I smile and chuckle.
- It's not a one night stand if it turns into two, baby... - I chuckle again and pull him towards me, kissing his lips with lust. My teeth nibble on his lower lip and he presses me more against the wall. I can already feel his b0n3r against my thighs, which makes me feel hotter. His hands trace along my hips and sides, holding me close. His mouth starts to go down my jaw and neck, kissing and licking it. Then, he moves to my earlobe, biting on it and making me shiver more as I breathe heavily. His eyes are full of lust and his mouth kisses me as if I were a prey for him to hunt. I moan softly and he smiles widely.
- Already moaning, darlin'? Looks like someone's already hot in here. - He chuckles and keep kissing me as his hands reach for my belts, first unbuckling the leather one with chains and letting it fall to the ground, making a metallic sound of the chains, and for second the leoppard print one. Then, his fingers unzip my leather skirt, also letting it fall. Piece by piece, he undresses me until I'm left only on my panties and bra. He steps back for a moment to see me like this, taking every detail of my body before rushing to kiss me again, making my blood boil because of every touch and kiss. My hands run to his jeans, undoing them on an almost desperate move to touch his member soon. After his pants fall to the ground, he takes me in his arms bridal style, taking me by surprise. I chuckle and look at him as he takes me upstairs to his room, feeling excited for what's coming next. When we get there, he lays me on his king size bed before crawling on top of me and kissing everything from my mouth to my chest and collarbone. One of his hands moves to under my panties, rubbing my button slightly and slowly and making me moan, as the other holds my wrists above my head. My legs pull him closer, trying to make him put quickly inside me, but instead, his hand goes even more slow, just to tease me. I look at him, a bit frustrated, and complain.
- C'mon Al! - I say in a loud tone.
He chuckles and whisper in my ear, his smile is naughty, almost devilsh, as his look shows that he's getting off with this.
- You know that's not how it works, baby. Beg me to do it. - His look is lustful and I have to swallow my pride to receive my pleasure. I look at him with the most submissive look I can do and smile.
- Please honey! Please! Please fu©k me! Please 34t my pu55¥ and make me cum! I'm begging you darling! Make me get there!
He chuckles again and bite his lip, clearly enjoying my pleading. He gets closer to me again, his hot breath on my neck, and says:
- Look at you, you dirty little $lut, begging me to fu¢k you... Only if you act like a good girl and give your baby that magic you do with your lips, sweetheart.
I shiver and I can't help but feel excited by this. I nod in yes and smile as I look at him.
- Sure sweetie. I'll do whatever you like.
He looks proudly at me as he gets out of the bed and stand up. I also get off the bed, but I get on my knees in front of him. He takes off his boxers and look at me, excited for me to start. I take his member on my hand and start licking it, slowly at first, before putting it on my mouth and starting to give him a bl0wj0b as well as a h4ñdj0b, doing my best to please him the most. He closes his eyes and guides my pace with his hand, each time pushing my head more and more. He knows how much I can handle and he pushes me to my limits. His expressions and groans show me I'm pleasing him, so I continue, even though my knees hurt a little and my jaw is tired. I keep doing for more and more minutes, until he groans loudly and I feel his juices filling my mouth. But I know our fun isn't over yet. I swallow the liquid and he smiles as he pats my head. He pulls me up by my choker and whispers in my ear:
- Good girl... Now, let me give ya your reward...
He pushes me to the bed and starts to kiss me again, his hands taking off my bra roughly and squeezing my breast, his thumb playing with my sensitive n1ppl3 and his mouth everywhere on me. Quickly, his member hardens again, ready for another round. His hands move to my panties and take them off, leaving me exposed to him. Then, with a trail of kisses, he starts to go down on me. When his mouth starts touching my intimate area, I start to moan louder and my hand grabs on his soft brown hair. He stops and looks at me with a naughty smile before saying to me:
- Let's notch the fun up a bit, shall we darlin'?
I nod in yes and he chuckles as he walks to a cabinet and grabs a belt. He walks back to me and start tieing my wrists together until they're very well tied. Then, with the rest of the belt, he ties them to the headboard of the bed, making sure I wouldn't be able to move my hands. He smiles and appreciates the view before commanding me:
- Now babygirl, test it. See if it's loose or unties easily.
- As you wish, darling. - With all the strengh I have, i try to move my hands away and pull the belt, unsuccessfully. He chuckles when he sees me trying and talk.
- Good girl. Well, let me get back to where I stopped... - He moves back to my sensitive area, licking and sucking my button unlike anyone could do. I immidiately start to squirm and moan loudly, my whole body reacting to his actions. His hands squeeze both my b00bs as I feel my blood rushing through my veins.
- Damn boy... Ah! Fu©k! Yeah... You're so good... - I couldn't stop saying this kind of stuff as he was taking me to paradise with his tongue. After some minutes, I was almost getting there, to the gates of heaven. My whole body shakes and I scream obcenities to him. But then, he stops, making me fall into disappointment.
He pulls away and observe me, seeing my face of frustration. I breathe heavily as I try to ask him:
- W-why? Why did you stop?
He chuckles and whispers in my ear seductively:
- Did you really think I'd let you ©um without me inside you baby?! You're so innocent, babygirl... - He goes away before crawling on top of me and, on a quick surprise moment, burying himself deep inside me, making me moan loudly. He starts to thrust on me as he kisses my whole body, staying close to me all the the time. I moan loudly as we fu¢k like two animals, his hands and mouth all over me as I just feel an overload of pleasure. His member, hard, big and thick, goes deeper and faster with each thrust, pleasuring me as it touches my most sensitive spots. He bites me all along my body, marking me as his property. When he bites my n1ppl3, I let a little scream of pain and pleasure escape my mouth, which makes him groan. Soon, my peak starts to come, making me scream.
- SHIT BABY, I'M GONNA ©UM!! - My whole body shakes as my walls start to tighten around him.
- YES! YES DIRTY GIRL! ©UM FOR YOUR BABY! AH, I'M CLOSE TOO... - He says loudly between moans and groans, his hips going faster as one of his hands reach for my neck, chocking me as I feel my whole body reaching paradise. He controls my breathing, making my sensation stronger and lasting. Soon, I feel his juices filling me inside as our moans become a symphony of pleasure, almost in unison. He slowly starts to slow down, until he stops completely and lays by my side. I take a deep breath, finally being able to breathe freely, as he unties my wrists from the headboard.
With my wrists free, I can finally touch him, letting my fingers carress his pale chest. He smiles at me, the sweat falling from his face as he also breathes heavily, and says:
- Damn Jess... You always know how to make me feel alive. You're the perfect girl and a perfect rocket queen. - He takes my hand on his, carressing it gently.
- My pleasure, Al. You know, you also makes my nights better. A hurricane on the case of a shy boy. - I chuckle and get closer to him, letting myself enjoy being in his presence and even a little cuddle.
- Yeah, I guess so. But looks like you're quite the opposite. A shy girl on the case of a hurricane. - His hands pull me closer for a hug as we cuddle after a savage session of love.
- Maybe you're right. I think we would work together, you know? - I chuckle, blushing a bit. My eyes shine for him as I feel somehow loved and warm on his arms.
- Yeah, I guess so, but you know we couldn't. You know I still date you know who... - His expression is sad, but he smiles as he sees I'm opening up a bit, letting my real self show up. My smile fades a little, as I look at him with sad eyes.
- Please Al. Pick me. Choose me. Love me. - I say in a sad tone, letting a tear fall from my eye. He wipes this tear, trying to make me feel better.
- I promisse I'll think about it, okay? Now, let's get some sleep, it's almost 5 AM. Good night, my darling. - He pulls me closer, hugging me as we cuddle.
- Good night, baby. - I hold his arms as I close my eyes to sleep. In my dreams, all I can think is being his number one, not being the other girl anymore. I don't think it's fair for his girlfriend, for him or for me. But I guess this is the kind of thing we submit ourselves for love. I love him, even if he doesn't love me back the same way.
The End
Hope u guys liked!! ♥️♥️♥️
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daughterofhecata · 2 years
The worst part about writing historical AUs is having to fact-check almost everything to make sure it actually existed already.
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rickladd · 2 years
I'm Not a Chef, But ...
I’m Not a Chef, But …
My very first job, that is the first one I got paid for, was at a McDonald’s in Arleta, CA. I was sixteen years old and had just gotten my driver’s license. My first day I did nothing but make milkshakes. My second day I bagged french fries. Then they discovered I knew how to work the cash register and to make change. From then on I worked the window, taking and fulfilling orders. I had…
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granolarolla · 1 month
Don't Go Too Fast, but I Go Pretty Far
Our transportation decisions determine much more than where roads or bridges or tunnels or rail lines will be built. They determine the connections and barriers that people will encounter in their daily lives, and thus how hard or easy it will be for people to get where they need and want to go. Elijah Cummings In the fall of 2023, I sold my car and used the money to move back to my hometown,…
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thewwshow · 2 months
Vigil Held for 22 yr Old Shot in Her Car in L.A., 19 Killed 84 Wounded, Mom on The Run (Live)
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vagueconfusion · 5 months
*on hands and knees* what do you MEAN Creeper is on tour in the U.S. right now and I didn't know and they're nowhere near the midwest
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altamont498 · 8 months
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Now THAT’S a mental image.
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qcomicsy · 1 year
Random convo I bet happen between civilians and vigilantes
Civilian: What hair product do you use man?? My man's hair is shiiiiining
Nightwing, chuckling: I just let it dry (lying)
Civilian: Naaaah, man I see you jumping from rooftop to rooftop everyday, tell me your secrets–
Gothamite: And who's gonna pay for this scratch on my car?!!!
Robin (Tim), trying damn hard to stay stealth: Don't you have insurance?
Gothamite, don't giving a fuck: No!
Robin: You should have–
Gothamite: You know what? HEY TWO-FACE–
Robin: No, no, no– Hold on–
Gothamite: HE'S RIGHT HE–
Gothamite: Okay- Cannabis is very much legal in L.A.
Batman: We're not in L.A.
Gothamite: Yeah that's funny because– *runs*
Batman: *Runs after him.*
Gothamite: See I don't hate you
Signal: Always good to hear that–
Gothamite: You doing a pretty good job.
Signal: I–
Gothamite, also a bus driver: But you gotta stop being thrown at my window–
Signal: I don't control where villains throw me.
Gothamite: Yeah bro– But you better start, otherwise there's gonna be one more out there–
Gothamite, also a security guard on his phone at 3 am: Yeah, no honey it's literally desert here–
Gothamite: HOLY SHIT
Gothamite: Fucking warn a guy, mY GOD–
Gothamite: I thought you were taller.
Nightwing: I heard that a lot.
Gothamite: How do you see on that thing?
Batgirl (Cassandra):
Batgirl: I don't.
Gothamite, terrified: Oh okay–
Batman: Shouldn't you be at home?
Gothamite, who's also a teenager very much snicking out at four am: Shouldn't you mind you business?
After being forcefully driven to home on the batmobile
Gothamite That was really unecessary–
Gothamite: Are you alone??? Where'd your dad? Where's Batman?
Robin (Tim Drake, early days): Batman's not my dad.
Gothamite: See now I'm concerned.
Robin: Oh no–
Gothamite: What's is this a internship...? A job...?
Robin: You know what? Yeah, Pretty much.
Gothamite: Really? Oh okay, okay. I'm less concerned– Because–
Robin: Yeah I can see–
Gothamite: Like "is he kidnaping those children"?
Robin, chuckling: No, no–
Gothamite: You get paid?
Robin: Not really.
Gothamite: I'm back at being concerned–
Gothamite, from her window: Have you eaten yet?
Robin (Dick): No– (lying)
Gothamite: Oh, the poor child– Oh shame on you
Gothamite: The poor kid– You're dragging him alone with you to fight crime on a empty stomach?
Batman: I–
Gothamite: Unbelievable. I expected more on you– Hold on sweety I'll see If I have some cookies here to give you.
Dick: :)
Robin (Damian): Do I look like a fucking child?
Gothamite: Do you want me to answer that?
Old Gothamite being around the city since Batman year 1: You sound different.
Batman (Dick Grayson): No I don't.
Gothamite: Yes you do–
Gothamite: She looks different.
Gothamite: Mark is the same girl.
Gothamite: No honey, she looks different, she's was taller
Gothamite: Honey you're being paranoid.
Gothamite: She was a red-head!
Gothamite: Oh, Mark. Now the girl can't even dye her hair? Just because she's a Super-hero? Por girl can't even reinvent herself and people on this city start saying she's a different person?! Let her be! Her life must've be hard enough–
Gothamite: Jennet I swear to God that's not the same girl–
Batgirl (Stephanie), just trying to get some information:
Gothamite: You never notice when I change my hair–
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thelostconsultant · 12 days
Sounds like a plan
pairing: Lando Norris x reader
note: Lando loves you. Now that it seems like he has a fantastic year, there's only one thing that can make it even better.
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You were minding your own business as you sat on the couch with your laptop resting on your thighs, going through the script of the first episode of the second season. It was based on the book series you had written, your baby, so you only gave them permission to make the series if you had a say in how they adapted the story. So far there had been no arguments; you all sat down to make the outline of the season, discussing certain details, then the script writers got to work. Then the revision was up to you, the chance to give them your feedback and make changes if you felt like something just wasn’t right.
But this time you could barely focus because in the last ten minutes you could feel your boyfriend’s eyes on you. It’s not that he was busy scrolling his phone or watching the TV while looking up at you every now and then. No. He was staring at you without a break. “Lando, what is it? Why are you staring at me like that?” you asked when you had enough.
He looked taken aback. “I can’t look at my girlfriend?” You shot him a serious look which made him yield. “Okay, okay, I was just admiring the view… and thinking about something,” he added mysteriously.
“What would that be?” you wondered as you closed the lid of your laptop.
For long seconds he was watching you without an explanation, the only sound leaving his lips being a thoughtful hum. But then he took the laptop from you to place it safely on the coffee table, then patted his lap to make you sit there, straddling him the way he always loved to have you. With a small laugh, you crawled over to him and took your place, sneaking your arms around his neck before placing a soft kiss on his forehead. Lando’s hands were resting on your hips, fingertips digging into your flesh as he held onto you.
Instead of spitting out what he’d been thinking about, he captured your lips in a kiss, smiling to himself when you returned it with the kind of passion he’d been missing so much while he was away. Spending so much time apart, either because he had a race weekend, or because you had to be in L.A. to work on the scripts, surely made him feel lonely sometimes. Yes, you did have video calls, you did send messages together all the time, but having you like this was always entirely different.
Now, he didn’t want you to drop the script supervision project, he knew that was important to you. But it would be nice if you could come to more races, maybe working remotely like you did now. And who knew, maybe he could go with you when you had to show up in the States. He just wanted to spend more time with you, and this need was growing with every single day that passed. So, as he thought about what to do or say, he came to the logical conclusion that maybe it was time to make you see just how serious he was about this relationship.
“I need to ask you something,” he began as he pulled away, one of his hands moving to cup your face. Even though you let out a questioning hum as if you were interested in what he wanted to say, you were still trying your damn best to lean closer and kiss him again. He could see the lust in your eyes, but as flattering as it was, he had something important to tell you. “Babe, pay attention to me, okay? Just a few minutes, I swear, then I’m all yours.”
With a defeated sigh, you nodded and rested your forehead against his. “I’m all ears,” you said quietly.
Lando took a deep breath, trying to put his thoughts in order. “I love you. I could give you an hour-long speech about how much, but I hope you already know that. This year has been so amazing, you moved in, our car began to work, and I won races and had several podium finishes, and… I don’t know, even if I don’t win the championship, there’s one thing that could surely make this year almost perfect,” he said. He couldn’t help but smile when your eyes widened, giving away that you could sense where he was going with this. “Ending the year with the thought that you will marry me would be the cherry on top. What do you say?”
At first, you were just watching him in silence, your beautiful eyes still wide open, lips slightly parted from the surprise. He was beginning to worry, but then your lips curled into a smile, and you pressed your lips to his, kissing him so fiercely like your life depended on it. Though Lando truly enjoyed it, he knew this gesture wasn’t enough to make him loosen up, so he pulled away and gently grabbed your chin to make you focus on what he had to say.
“Use words, baby, I need to hear you say it,” he told you, his voice desperate from the need for the confirmation.
“This sounds like a plan. Let’s just elope and get married in peace, somewhere away from the crowds,” you told him.
Lando took a second to think about it. “I want a big wedding. I want to show you off, I want our friends to celebrate with us. But,” he added the second he noticed you were about to object, “I hear you, I know you’re right, so let’s elope first, and then we can start to organize a big wedding where we celebrate with our families and friends. How does that sound?”
“Perfect. I love you.”
“I love you, future Mrs. Norris,” he replied with a short laugh before kissing you again.
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