#no but seriously i thought it was like the mia mannequin in re8
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autumnoakes Ā· 2 months ago
why did it take me like. at least 3 playthroughs of claire's scenario to realize that the woman on the table in the orphanage wasn't a mannequin like i originally thought but an actual dead body
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anerol152 Ā· 2 years ago
Hello again! Never did a submitted post before!
I really wish there was a Discord server, but I get the feeling itā€™d just get lumped in with all the other RE things and my brain is just like NO, ETHAN AND ROSE. xD
Yooooo me too! There probably is one... or three but never joined one of those. Still getting into the habit of joining servers for things I like. Would love to see one just focused on RE8 or SoR.
Though, if I have any gripe with SoR itā€™s that I wish they spent a little more time with ā€˜Michaelā€™ and Rose before the big reveal.
Very much same, but tbh I'm also surprised by how much we actually got in the DLC at all. Thought it would be quite shorter so I'm just glad we even got that much. Think it's also the point of it a bit. That they never were supposed to be able to spend a lot of time together but that every moment they had was precious and something that will stay with them their whole life (well as much of a life as two 'mushroom' people have).
I am very glad to see how much they care about each other too tho. It's just so cute. There's something in the Winters' blood that makes them feral I guess XD Will say I absolutely loved the:
"Dad??" / Ethan, loading up the mold shotgun, "the one and only, now come on we have some enemies to shoot."
Quite a funny moment really for how serious the situation was. Made me go "awe they're bonding"
On top of that, the Mia mannequin was in an area where Eveline was preying on Roseā€™s fears so wtf happened to cause Rose to have anxiety about her mother catching her? W H A T.
Oh! I completely forgot about that! Man; really does make you wonder. Though I'm not sure if that's a Rose fear, an Eveline fear, or a mix of both? At first I thought it was just from Eveline when I found out it was her controlling it all (man did I feel like a fool then for not realising earlier) but you do bring up a really good point. Could just be Rose's fears of her powers and the need to hide them manifesting combined with the place taking up Ethan's memories? Maybe? I'm grasping at straw here Capcom please tell me Rose had at least one decent parent figure.
Will say that part was terrifying tho. Mia doll combined with 'don't look away?' DW trained me for this. Yikes.
I also side eye Chris here because it wasnā€™t him either so jfc, everyone Rose was left with failed her.
I really need to know more about Chris' involvement there too. Bestie if you wanna be a dad you got big shoes to fill and you seem to be failing to do that.
Oh my fucking god, yes. I was exposed to things a bit backwards because I saw SoR before I watched the ending of RE8. Even knowing what would happen, it completely broke me. Ethanā€™s voice throughout the entire thing as he struggled to keep going just a little longer and the "Goodbye, Rosemaryā€ just akgjhajf. ;__;
rip. Man, you've had it rough then, didn't you? But yeah it was an extremely well done scene which I may or may not go rewatch after I finish writing this because feels ;_;
I seriously wish RE7 could have given him the same depth and didnā€™t just have him as a placeholder for the player.
Knowing what I know about his personality now, I can fill in the gaps on how he would have reacted to things like, idk, killing his wife repeatedly
Right! Right! He and Mia both could have had so much more development. Especially him tho. He's quite well fleshed out in RE8 but I do think most of people's characterisation of him came after RE8 was released instead of from RE7. Man those two must have had so much trauma from that. That, combined with the knowledge that Ethan died, Mia's secrets, and the stress of a mould baby? Those two were not having a very good year. They did get Rose out of it tho. So I guess she was their one good thing. Glad they at least had that (for all of 3 seconds it lasted).
And I reblogged the fanart in an earlier post if you wanna see what I was referencing!
Though, I absolutely adore how self-confident Rose is by the end of the DLC knowing that her dad is proud of her no matter what.
Love me some character self-growth. And I'm glad they at least had that small moment to talk and bond. ;_; There's not enough kids who even got that much in this franchise.
And I do know about it! Doubt it will happen the way we all want with the whole "the father's story is finished" bit but is a nice what if. (fanfic writers I am begging you)
This was a lovely chat! Feel free to @ me if you ever do find a good discord server!
Hello! This is anon #2, back with another essay, LOL. I figured Iā€™d try to submit a post instead because tumblr asks have a character limit and itā€™s such a pain trying to avoid blowing up your notifications. xD
only got a few friends to talk about it that I wonā€™t spoil or bore after half an hour and is nice to have a way to discuss it.
Same here! I donā€™t know anyone else whoā€™s just as invested so Iā€™ve been doing my best to pretend like Iā€™m having a normal amount of thoughts about this which, HA. HAHAHA. I really wish there was a Discord server, but I get the feeling itā€™d just get lumped in with all the other RE things and my brain is just like NO, ETHAN AND ROSE. xD
Also you two are really good at making Roseā€™s childhood even more tragic and I both thank you for that and am in a ;_; mood of my own
Misery loves company. I need someone to suffer with me because Iā€™ve just been completely plagued with thoughts of what kind of life Rose has had and how heartbroken Ethan would be to learn about it.
Though, if I have any gripe with SoR itā€™s that I wish they spent a little more time with ā€˜Michaelā€™ and Rose before the big reveal. Just have some scenes where theyā€™re just trading stories about who they are! Give Rose a chance to piece together who Michael really is and Ethan to learn who his daughter is now. (On the other hand, I do love how Rose has known Ethan for all of a few hours and sheā€™s still ready to to completely put down a smackdown when something happens to him. Ethan being like that for Rose is a given, but it was amazing to see Rose turn around and do the same. She threw away a normal life to protect him and didnā€™t even regret it! MY HEART.)
[ā€¦] Which is why Iā€™m afraid she kept her mindset of ā€˜scientist first, mother/wife secondā€™ after Rose was born. Plus the trauma. Even if she was stone cold cruel like some fans believe (think they might be mixing her up with Miranda tho -_-ā€œ) she would have had some trauma from it still.
Yeah, sadly, Iā€™m feeling this as well. RE8 never made her seem like a bad parent, but they definitely planted the seed for being a secretive, distant one. Especially considering Mia is still keeping secrets and who knows if she ever told Ethan about her involvement with The Connection.
SoR just kept hitting me over the head with that too. Itā€™s possible itā€™s just because SoR was about Ethan-Rose, but I kept noticing that Mia was completely absent from all of the memories he shows Rose. It makes me think that Ethan was the one usually the one doing the childcare and the memories were of Ethan maybe telling Mia about their day.
On top of that, the Mia mannequin was in an area where Eveline was preying on Roseā€™s fears so wtf happened to cause Rose to have anxiety about her mother catching her? W H A T.
Also Rose wasā€¦ way too trusting of what 'Kā€™ wanted her to do. Going about it in secret like that? Was just odd from the start.
Oh yeah, I think it was a combo of Miranda preying on Roseā€™s desperation and also using someone Rose would trust completely to lure her in. I also side eye Chris here because it wasnā€™t him either so jfc, everyone Rose was left with failed her.
Yes Ethan justice!
He really is just a guy. A random dude. A dad. But he is a good dad. Man him cradling baby Rose at the end of RE8 plus saving her in the DLC made me cry so much (first part more but man would it have been very emotionally effective if both came out at the same time)
Oh my fucking god, yes. I was exposed to things a bit backwards because I saw SoR before I watched the ending of RE8. Even knowing what would happen, it completely broke me. Ethanā€™s voice throughout the entire thing as he struggled to keep going just a little longer and the ā€œGoodbye, Rosemaryā€ just akgjhajf. ;__;
They did such a fantastic job with him - Ethan is my absolute favorite now Rose in second and it absolutely cracks me up that all it tookĀ to wreck everyoneā€™s shit was one very upset father-daughter duo (and how it kept going even beyond the grave.) Miranda really messed with the wrong people. I seriously wish RE7 could have given him the same depth and didnā€™t just have him as a placeholder for the player.
Knowing what I know about his personality now, I can fill in the gaps on how he would have reacted to things like, idk, killing his wife repeatedly, but his character really could have used some love back then. :( I donā€™t think people would have thought he was boring if he had been given the same treatment.
But yeah, the DLC really does hit you in the feels with the what ifs of Ethan taking care of Rose. Saw aā€¦ comic? Animatic? Not sure which; of Ethan taking care of Rose through her life, being there for her. Man. Really gets you feeling ;_;
;_; It does. Both of them deserve to have a family with unconditional love and support. Though, I absolutely adore how self-confident Rose is by the end of the DLC knowing that her dad is proud of her no matter what.
Thereā€™s a little easter egg at the very end of RE8/SoR with Ethanā€™s character model and Iā€™m really hoping itā€™s a hint heā€™ll be back (maybe as just a side character to cheer on his daughter or give her ammunition). Like, ffs, Capcom. Theyā€™ve both been through enough, let Ethan stay with his daughter! Thoughā€¦ if this happens, it will still make me sad knowing he missed 16 years of her life. You know thatā€™s going to hurt for him.
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