;𝘩𝘢𝘭𝘧 𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘥 𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘦
292 posts
━━ 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘴 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘣𝘦𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
saevrus-a · 4 years ago
threads i'll be moving to the revamped blog !! these are essentially all I have in my drafts to reply to, so if you’d like to keep one of our threads going, just tag the new blog once you reply to it and it’ll be cool !!
@redemptioninterlude ━ HERE @infinitusmemorium ━ HERE @mayhemxmugglesxmagic ━ HERE ; HERE @iinmortales ━ HERE ; HERE @squibbed ━ HERE @lockhcrts ━ HERE
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saevrus-a · 4 years ago
So, i’m in the process of moving this blog !! things are just feeling very cluttered and it’s not making me want to be here. I’ll make a post listing all threads I’d like to keep going on the new blog soon !!
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saevrus-a · 4 years ago
do you ever just....stop to think about how Severus was a small young boy who despite the abuse he suffered from his father was still kind and gentle and just wanted to be friends with lily and enjoy Hogwarts???? do you ever just stop to think that what truly broke him and made him into the harsh, acerbic man he is was not the abuse he suffered at home but what he went through at the hands of James and co. in the only place he thought he’d be safe and happy??? because I sure do
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saevrus-a · 4 years ago
so...I wrote a song about gilderoy lockhart at 4 am and that’s the mood for today
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saevrus-a · 4 years ago
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rate yourself and rake yourself, take all the courage you have left ━ wasted on fixing all the problems that you made in your own head !! your grace is wasted in your face, your boldness stands alone among the wreck ━━ now learn from your mother or else spend your days biting your own neck !! independent  .  mutually exclusive  . original portrayal  . headcanon based  .  ronald weasley  .  loved by lua  .
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saevrus-a · 4 years ago
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saevrus-a · 4 years ago
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Lua, why in the world do you have a post-war verse if Snape dies? How does he survive Nagini and how in hell does he become 20 again?! Well, young grasshopper, let me explain...
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Firstly, let's talk about Nagini ━ Voldemort's danger noodle, and cause of Snape's death. Ignoring the fact that the movies made her a boa constrictor (  there is no evidence that she is a boa constrictor, but to my knowledge venomous snakes bite once and wait for the venom to take effect, and movie Nagini just kept going. which is not boa behaviour nor viper behaviour so, basically joanne really said snakes and did no research, huh? ), Nagini is a magical snake...which I assume ( and you should too ) means magical venom.
The venom here is the main factor of all of what will happen. So, there are three types of snake venom: Cytotoxins, Neurotoxins and Hemotoxins. Cytotoxins cause complete cell destruction within tissue or organs, which is called necrosis. This toxin helps digest a snake's prey before it is even eaten. Neurotoxins affect the nervous system, they mess up with chemical signals sent between neurons, this can cause muscle paralysis, which in turn impairs with breathing and leads to death. And finally, Hemotoxins affect a person's blood, more specifically the blood coagulation process. Hemotoxins can have two effects, either they cause massive internal bleeding or they can cause platelets and other blood cells to clump together, which makes huge clots and stops blood flow and can lead to heart failure.
From that, we can definitely infer that Nagini is a Hemotoxic snake of the first variety, given the amount of blood that was smeared all over the shrieking shack. The blood though, didn't come from Nagini continuously striking him. How so? Well, Haemostatic effects caused by snake venom manifest through local and systemic haemorrhage. Meaning, the moment the venom began to flow through his veins, Severus was bleeding from every organ and wound on his body, including but not reserved to, gums, recently healed wounds, the bite, internal bleeding. Everything bleeds. (  please note that these are the results of a normal, shall I say, "muggle" snake bite. Nagini is a Magical Creature with Magical venom so just...amp that up 150+%. )
So, covered in his own blood and with magic snake venom running through his veins destroying everything, how did he survive? Well, Magic, blood and snake venom, obviously.
It is unknown what the effects of Nagini's venom truly is, though if we look to the human snakes and venomous creatures, such as bees, their venom has been used for cosmetic purposes, specifically in the anti-aging sector. Research shows that snake venom temporarily inhibits muscle activity, and that can prevent and reduce fine lines and wrinkles, or signs of age. Bee venom forces the skin to regenerate by causing an inflammation, which makes the body produce collagen and makes skin look rejuvenated and radiant. Essentially, venom is used in these products to trick the body into producing that which it stops after a few years, such collagen, by introducing chemicals that trigger the "inflammation alarm", and through the blood it carries on with the process of regeneration.
These products and effects in the human world are small, they aren't miracles, but Nagini is not a normal "muggle" snake, she is a magical creature so I assume, the effects of her venom would be a lot more impacting.
Blood itself has been known to be around lore of rejuvenation. The speculation about Elizabeth Báthory and her killings, whether they were simply done by a sadistic woman, or perhaps a ritual to try and stay young forever as she allegedly bathed in the blood of young girls. The whole concept of vampirism, alludes to blood being the elixir of youth, or eternal life. And recent studies show that perhaps, age reversal is possible with diluted blood plasma which you can read about ( HERE ) but basically, the concept is blood over time starts getting saturated with bad stuff, and so what if we wash that way, with something neutral? The tests in Mice were very promising.
Severus has always been different, his accidental magic as a child manifested much earlier than normal, and not in the usual way his mother was used to seeing. He didn't just do magic when he was scared, or hurt; his magic was just so present in him that it manifested while he was happy, or just walking around the house. Like it was a living entity within him. The reason he is so fidgety when he is under pressure is because he can feel the magic kind of flowing within him, not only that but his sensitivity to magic itself is one of the reasons he hates when people use magic while brewing potions, because he can feel it interfering with the final result.
During that situation, his magic was all over the place ; self preservation screaming "run" but part of him didn't want to run, part of him just wanted it all to end, though you can hardly control these impulses when you are scared and nervous, so his magic just reacted. And it reacted not only to Nagini's first attack, but to her venom in his blood and to the very fluid surrounding him. This combination between Nagini's magical venom and Severus' own magic cause the effects of the venom to change. So instead of destruction, of completely damaging his organs and tissues, the venom started to slowly regenerate all of his cells in a deep and intense level.
So intense in fact, that it completely de-aged him to his 20-year-old body and mentality. When his body was found, he was already 20 years younger, but he was not awake and he was barely, barely breathing. It took him months to wake up ; his magic and Nagini's venom still clashing within his body. And that is essentially how he ended up the way he did after the war.
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saevrus-a · 4 years ago
I'm real salty today so....I'll go focus on that headcanon I said I was going to right yesterday !!
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saevrus-a · 4 years ago
If I manage to put a dent on this project, I’ll come back to finally write the damn headcanon about post-war Severus 
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saevrus-a · 4 years ago
right now is a wonderful moment to remind everyone that Bella, Snape and Antonin were Voldemort’s baddest bitches and the top dogs within his ranks 🥺💕
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saevrus-a · 4 years ago
[ me rattling a little mug ] death eater Snape??? Please ma’am, death eater Snape? Spare death eater Snape???
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saevrus-a · 4 years ago
Hestia licked her lips as he leaned closer. He was playing hard to get and she like it. She had enough people fall to her will so easily. She liked a game of chase.
“Because you’re a male, a teenage one at that.” She said as her hand moved up his thigh and rested near his crotch and she leaned even closer her lips brushing against his. “And unless you bat for the other team, I’m offering you a free ride.”
HE  WATCHED  AS  SHE  LICKED  HER  LIPS  and  realised  she  was  enjoying  this  little  game.  Now,  he  was  curious  to  see  just  how  long  could  he  play  this  until  she  grew  either  tired,  nervous  or  impatient.  Perhaps  he  would  mange  to  press  her  buttons  just  right  to  leave  her  wanting  more  —  to  give  her  a  taste  of  the  sweet  apple,  but  not  a  full  bite  of  what  it  would  be  like  to  have  him.
❛  Indeed,  I  am...  ❜  he  whispered  over  her  lips,  voice  still  lower,  rumbling  in  his  chest  in  the  way  he  knew  most  people  were  captivated  by.  The  half-blood  placed  his  bony  hand  on  her  thigh,  feeling  the  softness  of  her  skin  against  his  fingertips  and  very  slowly  he  began  to  trace  little  patters  up  her  inner  thigh.  Absentmindedly,  almost  as  if  he  was  not  aware  of  what  she  was  doing  to  his  own  thigh.
With  his  free  hand  he  held  her  face;  gently,  almost  as  if  he  was  afraid  she’d  break  at  the  slightest  pressure.  ❛  Sweetheart,  I  bat  for  all  teams.  ❜  He  smirked,  sharp  canines  glinting  menacingly.  ❛  Hmm,  you’re  offering  a  free  ride,  of  course...  ❜  Severus  pondered,  expert  fingers  stopping  their  little  trail  on  her  inner  thigh  just  inches  away  from  where  he  knew  she’d  want  his  touch.  Hand  concealed  under  her  skirt.
❛  But,  are  you  certain  I  want  one?  ❜
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saevrus-a · 4 years ago
Regulus flicked opened the history book to the uprising of the fairies. He explained what he knew about it and then tried to decipher what the he thought some of the writing mean. Fairies just like to make things confusing.
He wrote something down which he believed would help him put for the paper. He was about to speak up again when Severus voice stopped him and he looked over to him as he continued.
He stayed quiet for a moment as he felt the heat flare on to his cheeks and he looked down at the parchment he was just writing on.
He bit down on his bottom lip. “I like spending time with you.” He spoke out quietly, not bringing up his crush on the older wizard.
WITH  REGULUS'  HELP  AND  EXPLANATION,  Severus  had  a  pretty  solid  skeleton  of  what  would  soon  become  an  essay  worthy  of  a  pretty  big  “outstanding”  something  that  was  very  hard  to  get  on  Binns’  classes.  Still  he  watched  attentively  as  the  other  boy  lowered  his  head  before  answering,  and  that  answer  made  Severus’  heart  flutter  though  it  did  nothing  to  quell  his  paranoid  mind.
❛  Yes,  but  why  me?  ❜  He  asked,  a  hand  going  up  to  his  mouth  in  the  terrible  nervous  habit  of  biting  his  nails  —  only  most  of  his  nails  were  gone  and  he  was  left  gnawing  at  his  skin  until  it  was  raw  and  bleeding.  ❛  Don’t  get  me  wrong,  I  enjoy  spending  time  with  you  as  well.  Quite  a  lot,  actually  but  I  just—don’t  understand  why  you  would  want  to  spend  time  with  a  poor  half-blood  boy,  when  you  could  befriend  anyone  in  this  castle...  ❜  Severus  rambled,  a  little  bit  breathless,  cheeks  a  little  bit  flustered.
The  older  boy  ran  a  shaky  hand  through  his  hair,  getting  annoyed  with  it  and  in  a  fluid  motion  tying  part  of  it  into  a  messy  bun.  A  few  strands  of  silly  black  hair  framing  his  face  delicately.  ❛  You  have  people  lining  up  to  spend  time  with  you,  Reg,  ❜  The  rarely  used  nickname  slipped  from  his  tongue  gently,  almost  like  a  soft  prayer.  ❛  Why  would  you  choose  to  spend  it  with  me,  when  most  of  those  people  can  offer  you  so  much  more?  ❜
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saevrus-a · 4 years ago
“Of course you’re not late.” Lucius said as he watched the younger boy move in from the door way and pressed his hand on his chest. The Malfoy smirk still on his face as he realised he still had Severus affection.
His hand clasped the one on his chest as he stepped closer, his free hand pushing the black hair out of the males face. “Yes, a intern mess up and it took hours to fix, I’m sorry I was not there but I am sure I can make it up to you tonight.”
He let out a small growl as he felt possessive over the young boy. “Rosier should know his place. I will deal with him at a later date, for now let focus on welcoming you home. ”
THE  SMIRK  ON  THE  OTHER’S  FACE  never  failed  to  make  Severus  feel  faint.  The  way  it  completely  changed  Lucius’  delicate  features  into  a  handsome  and  dangerous  one  managed  to  send  shivers  down  Severus’  spine.  It  was  the  trademarked  Malfoy  smirk,  the  one  he  had  been  seeing  since  he  was  eleven  years  old,  but  only  now  at  18  did  it  manage  to  make  him  breathless  with  something  other  than  childish  admiration.  Now,  that  smirk  made  him  shake  with  anticipation  for  it  seemed  to  be  a  promise  of  pleasures  to  come.
❛  You  probably  can...  ❜  he  whispered,  impossibly  dark  eyes  fluttering  shut  as  he  melted  against  Lucius’  touch.  Feeling  himself  relax  a  little  more  with  the  pressure  of  Lucius’  warm  hand  over  his  cold  one,  and  the  hand  brushing  his  hair  way  from  his  face.  ❛  Though  I  am  curious  to  know  just  how  you  plan  on  doing  that.  ❜  He  couldn’t  even  imagine  what  wicked  ideas  went  on  in  the  Malfoy’s  head;  wickedly  delicious  ideas  that  were  bond  to  leave  Severus  a  bumbling  mess.
At  the  low  growl,  the  younger  wizard  opened  his  eyes,  heart  beating  faster  at  how  much  the  sound  made  him  fearful  and  aroused.  ❛  How  could  he?  You  were  not  there  to  put  him  in  his  place.  ❜  The  younger  pointed  out  for  that  was  never  the  problem  with  his  classmates.  It  was  very  hard  for  Severus  to  simply  be  at  Hogwarts  without  Lucius  and  he  wasn’t  sure  the  older  was  aware  of  just  how  hard.  Rosier  and  the  likes  saw  that  Severus  catered  to  Lucius’  every  whim  and  assumed  he  would  do  the  same  for  them  —  seeing  him  as  some  sort  of  half  blood  little  toy  they  could  use  and  discard  whenever  they  saw  fit.  Only  when  Regulus  would  step  up  they’d  leave  him  alone,  after  all,  they  only  respected  other  pure  bloods.  ❛  Lucius...are  you  sure  this  is  a  good  idea?  ❜  He  asked,  sounding  every  bit  as  young  as  he  was  in  the  face  of  this  new  chapter  of  his  life.
❛  Won’t  people  suspect  something  else  is  going  on?  ❜
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saevrus-a · 4 years ago
@saevrus Lucius/Severus
Lucius had lived in his Manor all by himself. He was to marry in the next summer and was going to just be him until then but Severus was graduating and he had offered him a room in his home while he got settled in.
Lucius was glad that his lover agreed. He had barely got time with the young boy as he had started his job at the ministry and Severus was still at Hogwarts but now they had time to be together just the two of them.
The door bell rang through out the house and in a second the platinum hair man was by the door. He straighten up his clothes before opening the door. The Malfoy smirk spread across his face. “Severus.” He greeted with a nod, wanting to see just how much he was allowed to do while the young man stayed with him.
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SEVERUS  WASN'T  SURE  LIVING  WITH  Lucius  would  be  a  great  idea;  the  older  wizard  was  to  be  married  next  summer  and  then  what?  The  young  half-blood  wasn't  sure  his  heart  would  be  able  to  withstand  the  heartbreak.  He  obviously  didn't  expect  Lucius  to  drop  everything  for  him,  never  would  the  aristocratic  male  give  up  his  status  and  his  fortune  for  a  simple  and  poor  half-blood.  Still  he  had  no  where  else  to  go,  going  back  to  his  father  now  would  be  a  death  sentence.
He  would  never  get  over  the  effect  Lucius  had  on  him  simply  by  existing.  The  moment  the  blond  opened  the  door,  Severus  had  to  fight  very  hard  not  to  let  out  a  small  gasp  in  awe.  He  was  just  so  ethereal.  ❛  Lucius...  ❜  his  voice  was  soft,  shy  in  the  way  it  only  was  with  the  older  man.  He  was  anxious  to  know  how  much  their  relationship  would  evolve  in  these  months  they'd  be  alone  ━  just  the  two  of  them.  ❛  I  am  not  late,  am  I?  ❜
Snape  walked  in,  stepping  closer  to  the  older  man  and  with  a  shaky  hand  he  touched  Lucius'  chest.  ❛  You  weren't  at  the  ceremony,  did  the  Minister  keep  you  until  late?  ❜  He  asked,  trying  to  keep  the  whiny  tone  out  of  his  baritone  voice.  He  had  been  looking  forward  to  seeing  Lucius  at  the  Graduation  Ceremony.  ❛  Rosier  was  getting  awfully  handsy...❜
@saevrus Lucius/Severus
Lucius had lived in his Manor all by himself. He was to marry in the next summer and was going to just be him until then but Severus was graduating and he had offered him a room in his home while he got settled in.
Lucius was glad that his lover agreed. He had barely got time with the young boy as he had started his job at the ministry and Severus was still at Hogwarts but now they had time to be together just the two of them.
The door bell rang through out the house and in a second the platinum hair man was by the door. He straighten up his clothes before opening the door. The Malfoy smirk spread across his face. "Severus." He greeted with a nod, wanting to see just how much he was allowed to do while the young man stayed with him.
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saevrus-a · 4 years ago
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            ━━━━ nobody but me can keep me safe ; and I am on my way.
personals do not interact !!
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saevrus-a · 4 years ago
         i know better than to ask for help 
                   i learned that the hard way 
                         when i reached out 
                   and my hand was ground 
                       beneath the boot of 
                 one who was supposed to 
                             protect  me 
             i didn’t have to be  ‘ taught ‘  twice 
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