#no but seriously he is so underrated
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elleandtheiranxiety · 10 months ago
When I'm fully irrelevant and totally broken, damn it
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Call me up and tell me a joke
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itsallaboutbl · 6 months ago
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Bas Asavapatr as Korn 4 Minutes, ep. 8
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gingermintpepper · 8 months ago
Obsessed with the way Evadne's relationship with Apollo is described. Obsessed with the way Apollo was especially gentle with her because she was sheltered, hidden away and hadn't had any sort of experience with love prior to Apollo (and due to it being described as her 'first learning Aphrodite's joy' through Apollo', it was probably her first time even being attracted to someone). Obsessed with the way when she runs away, she stops in a violet patch to give birth. Y'know, violets, very famously the flower so strongly associated with Aphrodite that they were used in love potions? Those violets. Obsessed with the way that when Apollo realised his lover was going to have to deliver their child alone, he sent BOTH the goddess of childbirth and ALL THREE OF THE FATES to help and support her. Obsessed with the way that Apollo sends snakes to feed his baby honey straight from their fangs because Evadne abandons their son out of straight primal fear when her stepfather finds her and how the description of that honey is 'sweet venom' [ἰός] of the bees and is DEFINITELY a poetic pair/pun with [ἴον] aka violets and that every single thing about this relationship, conception and birth is a complete and utter fairytale down to Evadne's insanely overprotective stepfather having an immediate change of heart when he learned Evadne's child was an actual, legitimate Son of Apollo and the babe, after being cared for by his dad's honey-fanged snake buddies, was found perfectly healthy five days later swaddled in a blanket of violets (y'know the flowers so strongly associated with Aphrodite that they were used for lo-) and they called him Iamus aka Boy of the Violets which is AAAAAARRRR I AM GNAWING AT MY ENCLOSURE
Iamus was made of love. Everything about him was surrounded by deep and profound love and like, let's not even talk about his whole Thing of when he came of age and was like "I need to find out what my purpose is" and he literally had a Disney Protagonist moment where he ran out into the wilds and was like "Father!! Grandfather!! Tell me what I'm supposed to doooo!!" and then APOLLO FUCKING ANSWERED AND LED HIM TO ONE HIS TEMPLES ENTIRELY BY TALKING WITH IAMUS AND LETTING HIM FOLLOW HIS VOICE FOR THE WHOLE JOURNEY LIKE -
What do y'all know about the kind of SSS tier romantic escapades Apollo had fr?
#ginger rambles#NO BECAUSE WHAT DO Y'ALL KNOW ABOUT APOLLO AND EVADNE FR#They're a MAD underrated couple and their story is what everyone wishes Hades/Persephone was#Evadne actually WAS sheltered and overprotected because she was a daughter of Poseidon explicitly given to Aepytus to watch over#And Aepytus to his credit wasn't actually a bad man or anything he just took his job very very seriously#Super pious guy - even though he was positively incandescent when he found out Evadne was pregnant he didn't hit her or anything#He just was like “Get me my HORSE I am going to consult the GODS about my DAUGHTER'S HARLOTRY”#Evadne was fucking terrified of him though she hid that pregnancy like her life depended on it#And the minute she heard horse hooves even though she had just finished giving birth she dropped Iamus like he was molten and fucking ran#I could only imagine Aepytus having set up a baby shower or something cause he was overjoyed by the oracle and Evadne gets home thinking#she's going to get Dungeon'd only for Aepytus to hug her and be like “You should've told me you were seeing Apollo sob emoji sob emoji”#God I'm sure Evadne had a bunch of trauma to work through with her stepfather changing his whole entire attitude on a complete#Apollo doesn't directly interfere with their lives after Iamus is born up until Iamus comes looking for him but he was definitely keeping#a very close eye on them all through their lives#Ugh I'm sick I'm so sick in the head thinking about them#apollo#evadne#iamus#greek mythology#ginger chats about greek myths
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snailsnaps · 4 months ago
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dancing-lex · 1 month ago
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Matsuda quit SERVING so hard this is a SERIOUS INVESTIGATION
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irenespring · 5 days ago
I'm reading character rankings and Downton Abbey and apparently we are supposed to be annoyed at Branson when he shows up for....being right about class issues? Being a socialist? Annoying the Crawleys by making them think about the ethics of their money? Like seriously what am I missing here?
Multiple articles talk about him like he only became a good guy once he shut up and became one with the Crawley Aristocrat Horde but honestly I found him kind of boring when he didn't have a love interest. And speaking of, when he did have a love interest---the way poor Sarah was talked about jfc. When she showed up I was like "okay great I love her and her finally calling him on losing his socialist principles once the palace doors were opened to him, she's going to bring him back to his morals" but instead she was thrown out and treated like the absolute devil incarnate and all the protagonists joked about how obviously evil she was because as Mrs. Hughes said "heaven forbid we contradict the holy Family."
#i thought the whole point was that he was pretty much right#like his first cause is literally “women deserve the vote”#and he gets Sybil into politics which is a good thing and treated as such in the narrative#and he's against the filthy amount of wealth these people have but doesn't want to see their homes burnt in front of their kids#like he's a reasonable guy who just understands the scale of the inequality#one of my favorite moments of him is when he goes downstairs after announcing he and Sybil are engaged#and Mr. Carson asks “HAVE YOU NO SHAME???” because this is literally the worst thing a servant could do in his mind#seduce a daughter of The Family#and Branson looks at him and is like “No I have no shame” because seriously why not they are two consenting adults#and everyone is like O.O “....are we allowed to do that...no one told us we were allowed to do that....”#I guess that might be why people get annoyed at him#because the articles talk about how he acts “superior”#but he doesn't act any more superior than The Family#So in a show that does frame The Family as inherently worthy of their money through divine right I guess#having This Guy act just as entitled to Thoughts might be jarring#anyway I am an early season Branson fan#and a Sarah stan#she is probably the most underrated character#the sheer amount of confidence it takes as a working class woman to argue with an earl in his own house while he has higher ranked guests#anyway I don't get the early dislike for him#like it's one thing from english tv writers who i get being weirdly nostalgic for ye olden times#but like the articles surprise me#tom branson#downton abbey#sarah bunting
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my-brain-soup · 2 months ago
Manifesting someone killing me during exam week by listening to nothing but Adamandi at all times
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whos-hotter-jjba · 6 months ago
Hottest JJBA Outfit Bracket - Round 1 Match 35
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no-brain-just-akutagawa · 7 months ago
Was anyone going to tell me that fyolai made it to top100 ships of the year on ao3 or was I just supposed to find out through a youtube video
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matoitech · 1 year ago
one of the funniest things galo says about a half hour into promare when he’s already got in fights with cops 2 separate times and tried to convince aina to raid a police station with him is that he has to be on rly good behavior so kray doesn’t get blamed for it and i just love that that was what galo considered his best behavior. id love to see galo on his WORST behavior
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unrealcities · 2 days ago
I think it matters that Szczesny smokes. Not because smoking is cool, which any eye-rolling Gen Z will tell you is no longer actually true, but because there is the idea here of competing motivations: of instant versus delayed gratification, of compromise in a sport that brooks none. The bible of modern football reads: your body is your work. Hone it. Optimise every detail. Squeeze out every last drop of capital it has to offer. Szczesny responds by blowing a cloud of Marlboro Light right in your passive face. And of course at the start of this season Szczesny was nobody’s idea of a comeback story. There is a photo doing the rounds online of Szczesny, recently retired, pushing a trolley around a Marbella supermarket. This was the start of the rest of his life: a life of golf and beaches, family time and browsing the juice aisle. The body was still willing; the heart, as he put it, “not there anymore”. It was around this point that Szczesny’s phone rang with a call from Robert Lewandowski. It wasn’t as if Szczesny was regretting his early retirement. He had barely been retired long enough to get bored. “I was happy,” he would later say, “but being happy is not enough in life.” And it is this, perhaps, that gives a sense of wider meaning to his return this season: a fleeting but profound insight into why these deeply strange, deeply talented people do the things they do.
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gingermintpepper · 5 months ago
hey I hope you’re doing ok!! For the ask game, 🌈? Also perhaps ☔️?💧, even?
Hello hello, thank you for participating ☆ Once again, I can't comment on whether or not this extract is particularly fluffy but I do think it's rather sweet and it's definitely romantic so I think it's good for filling out both 🌈 and 💧!! It's an extract from what I've tentatively dubbed my 'Women and Apollo' doc which is essentially just a big running document I have dedicated to exploring themes and dynamics between Apollo and the women he's been entangled with! This extract in particular is from my Melia section 🥰
The night is a cold sheet spread across her shoulders. She wakes in pieces; first, her flesh, bracketed between the raw heat of Phoebus' bare chest and the sharp sting of the night air's fangs, then her mind, pleasure's fleeting haze quickly swept aside by panic then worry then guilt. What would Kaanthos say if he could see her now, bare breasted and stained in a male-god's desire? What would Father? No doubt she would have to cede the seat of the temple to Kaanthos. How could a carnal woman serve the people after all? And her river - oh, her sweet river! Would his waters even deign to soothe her scales when she was so completely drenched in the scent of a sky-god?
How foolish she's been, throwing everything away just because of some sweet words and a pretty face. Maybe Kaanthos truly did deserve the temple after all. Maybe Melia didn't deserve such a treasure if she was so easily seduced.
She sniffles softly, slipping gently from Phoebus' loose grip. His heat wafts off his skin like the warmth of a well-tended hearth, it lingers in her bones as she kneels in the grass of this unfamiliar field. It makes the sear of shame dig that much deeper into her heart. Phoebus had listened well to her warnings. He'd carried her someplace far away from flowing water, somewhere distant where her brother's scrying eyes could not reach. The tears welling in her eyes finally fall as she turns this way and that, utterly and completely lost without a source of water to follow. How could she return now? Even she was not bold enough to have the man she planned to reject take her back to her father's house.
Stupid girl. Foolish. How could she have been so short sighted?
His voice is laden with sleep's husk, his arm makes little grabs at the grass searching for her shape. She swallows her tears and bids her voice to not betray her, "Here I am, my lord. You may go back to sleep."
The mildest furrow of his brow. When he turns his head, his hair flows like rich golden oil over the dark grass, "Come here," his hand keeps searching for hers, patting the ground, dragging long fingers over the dirt and frowning when he does not find her. "It is not yet morning, why have you fled so far from my side?"
Melia cannot help but laugh at his visage, clumsy and squinty-eyed, less the graceful gentleman who promised her a taste of change and more a bumbling kitten desperate for its mother's teat. She wipes her tears as quickly as she can muster, "If you but open your eyes, I'm certain you would find me."
He makes a grumbling noise, some cross between a boar's grunt and the crow's deep bellow, "Is this another of your games? I'm much too tired for games Melia." Finally, his finger grazes the edge of her ankle and like a child, he lights up, eyes still stubbornly closed but smile positively radiant, "Ah, there you are!" Diligently, he traces the shape of her leg with his open palm, measuring the smoothness of her calf, the swell of her knee, the broadness of her thigh, then he lays his head upon her, cheek pressed close to her stomach, heated back like warm coals against her skin. "So cool," he murmurs and kisses her stomach, throws his arm around her waist and nuzzles further into her skin, "Tell me when you've need of the water -" a dreadfully wide yawn interrupts him. "- I'll fetch it for you."
Melia finds herself laughing again, just a tiny thing as she runs her fingers through the thick waves of his hair. What is she to do now?
As for a fic idea I'd like to talk about since I don't know if I'll ever write it: Among the many, many, many things I'd like to write but probably never will, I really wish I could just sit down and write a story about Tenes and Hemithea. There's a lot of reasons why I have no plans to ever properly tackle anything regarding the Iliad - chief of which being that there's just too much information and the amount of research would be insane - but a lot of what I would potentially focus on have to deal with people and places Apollo loves and his inability to protect those things throughout the conflict starting with Tenes. I absolutely adore exploring Apollo's paternity in my writing and considering how fiersome Tenes was and how both he and Troilus would die protecting their sisters, I've just always wanted to dig into an exploration of their lives and connection with their father and how Tenes' death specifically would've affected Apollo. Like yeah, I know Troilus is usually the point of focus for such works especially because of the manner in which he was killed, but Tenes was also beloved! Also considering he was originally punished for being falsely accused of sexually assaulting his stepmother, I can't help but want to write his wrath when he realises what it is Achilles intends to do to Hemithea. Alas though, I don't think I'l ever get to do more than think longingly about it, at least right now lmao.
#ginger answers asks#ginger writes#thank you so much for the ask!#fun fact about priestesses - most of them weren't actually expected to be celibate and were often married but#specifically oracles of Apollo in early times were expected to be virginal as they were supposed to be dedicated to Apollo#since Melia was definitely an oracle based on what I've read about the Ismenian temple I ended up working a lot of purity anxiety into#her interpersonal conflict#by the by oracles of Apollo stopped being required to be virginal at some point since that role ended up being taken up by older women#Melia's whole Thing is a lot of fun tbh both from the perspective of like#a goddess who clearly had a lot of power in her own right considering how magnified her temple and worship was but who was still very much#looked after by her brother and father. I don't personally think Kaanthos was overprotective of Melia but I do think he took his job#of being her bodyguard very seriously#and considering most accounts of their affair say that Apollo just kinda yoinked Melia without telling her brother and father I don't blame#Kaanthos for resorting to extreme measures to get his sister back#Anyway it's another suuuper underrated relationship of Apollo's that I'm kinda obsessed with negl it's up there with Psamathe#which like my god why does no one ever talk about Apollo and Psamathe#I DON'T HAVE THE TIME TO WRITE ALL OF THESE AMAZING STORIES Y'ALL PLEASE#PLEASE#Marsyas this and Achilles that#When are we gonna talk about the time Apollo sent a revenge demon to torment an entire town for the negligent death of his son#and murder of his girlfriend?#smh smh#apollo#melia#greek myth writing
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livfordoodles · 1 year ago
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Ark and his bbys <3
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thetimelordbatgirl · 1 year ago
Now that we got people finally looking back and appreciating X-Men Evolution: WHEN THE FUCK IS IT GOING TO BE PUT ONTO DISNEY PLUS-
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ghouldtime · 5 months ago
R.I.P my power fantasy 😔 who would have figured the huge military man wouldn't spare me just because I was nice to him once /j and by unexpected I mean totally expected lmao 😭
Rest in pepperoni indeed (with extra cheese) 🍕
I mean... He did spare you, technically. Brought you to a medic and didn't end you - unlike many others he came across. König isn't really used to people actually being nice to him or being genuine about it without wanting something out of him. So it's why he shows mercy, just that once, and doesn't kill you or leave you to rot - because you were kind to him without any expectations. You showed him kindness so he's doing the same. An eye for an eye. Otherwise, if it were just a normal enemy - he would. It's a one time thing and an exception though. If you go against him again, there's no saving you. He won't hold any punches because of how he feels
I always try to stick with the most realistic versions of how I see them (unfortunately or fortunately, take it as you will) because I can't really stand the level of OOC things I see all the time in the COD fandom
I mean write whatever you want, indulge in however you want, you only have one life - live it! Life is too short to worry about others. It just irks me personally to see their characters usually reduced to fawning over a person or acting wayyyy out of character for it
Your best bet of getting anything more than plopped into a medical tent when you're on the enemy side after a single nice interaction - that would be with Gaz. My man has the strongest moral compass and constantly is treading the line between what he has been told to do verses his feelings on it. He's got far more humanity than most of the others and wants to be the positive change in the system which they work it. Not to mention, dude is crazy strong, he can haul you there no problem and get you out of harms way
I mean even then he's probably making sure you'll be okay before he too has to rush off because wars don't pause when one soldier is hurt. He may check on you later but seeing as you're an enemy, it's unlikely
Price would literally just leave you for dead in the same position, Ghost too. Soap might move you out of the way of harm but that's it - if he isn't hellbent on the mission and too far gone there
They are really not these sweet puppies or lapdogs - they're just doing their job and trying to save the world, no matter who gets in the way. And if you happen to be against them, that's too bad but they're not going to change their heart or mindset for a few hours of friendship
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poisonblossoms12 · 7 months ago
I am BEGGING you guys go listen to Jhariah. His music is absolutely AMAZING HSTSJSGSJSGD
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