#no but seriously I have like 10 alternate designs for her I cried a lot lol
pink-pone · 2 years
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Tiger Lily’s design is finally done, yayyy!! really excited about my pirate pony crew progress!!
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devizakura · 4 years
So I watched Cats Warsaw pt. 2 - how a ship may have saved me from another petty breakdown.
Hey, hi, this gets pretty personal. Not everyone will probably understand, I've had people telling me I'm taking it too seriously but I don't exactly control my emotional investment in stuff.
So you know I have this ship, selfship, with Skimble.
Maybe some of you know that after I took a closer look at the B-way revival (my first and favorite production) and noticed Jenny and Skimble pretty much act married... I went through a breakdown where I almost abandoned my ship - because I felt disgusting. Like a homewrecker, like my OC was just a sidehoe.
What is once seen cannot be unseen. It took me a long time to reprogram myself to think of them as just friends until proven otherwise, and even then I felt like I was lying to myself.
And then, a few days ago, the info drops that the Skimble from the Asia Tour - my favorite one - is Jenny's "husband". Her actress's words.
This paired with the gross truth I learned about the origins of the Skimbletable made me feel desperate again. Like there is literally no good choice for me. Either a married man or a creep. I cried for hours bc I'm just dramatic like that.
Those few days ago I told some people that no amount of friends saying "he loves you!" would help because I don't doubt it. In fact if Jenny is his type then my Lily is too. But that all I could hear would be "he loves you TOO."
I don't want Lily to be a "too".
Not like this.
Not to her.
In comes Cats Warsaw, where Skimble shares all his most tender moments with... Jellylorum.
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And at last I.... finally realized what TRULY bothers me about Sk*mbled*ts. I mean, I kinda KNEW it already, and I've said stuff before that should have led me to that conclusion, but now I finally see clearly and can put it into words.
It's the constancy. The inevitability of her always being there paired up with him, close to him, no matter the production.
And in that arrangement Lily would always be a "too".
But... here I got offered an alternative, and I was surprisingly really on board with Jelly and Skimbs. Because if it doesn't always have to be Jenny and Skimble, if it can be Jelly and Skimble... then it can be Lily and Skimble too.
What's funnier, I immediately latched onto it. Like, seeing it legit makes me happy and inspired instead of sad and helpless and heartbroken, PURELY BECAUSE IT'S SOMETHING ELSE. I'm even thinking about a poly (Jellilyshanks?) Warsaw AU bc I also love Jelly plenty and would not mind that at all.
Thank you, Cats Warsaw, for popping up exactly when I needed you.
The final score: 7.8/10
Designs: 2/10 kinda ugly by being lackluster and messy, the silhouettes are not very clear and a lot of cats have similar ones which diminishes recognizability. They don't look like cats but don't look entirely like humans either, at least they're somewhat trying.
Music: 10/10 this cast is FANTASTIC. I love the tiny ending change to "Macavity"
Dancing: 7/10 I definitely judged it too harshly the first time - there are some songs where it could've been better (Macavity, M&R) but overall, it's pretty awesome. While the choreography is a bit meh sometimes, the actors really do the most with it most of the time. Also, they have one of my favorite Macavity fights.
Interactions: 10/10 there were plenty to look at. No strong family headcanons popped out at me so to speak but what I appreciate is that a lot of the characters (pretty much all the main ones I've been observing) are pretty much always in-character (as in, interacting in a distinct way rather than just doing generic cat stuff), hence why I'm giving it a 10 even if in reality it's more like... 9,5.
Comfort watching: 10/10 BABEY!!! I think it's pretty much gonna be my comfort production. No ship with Skimble that makes me uncomfortable, no Alonzo (or anyone else) having uncomfortable contact with characters I see as minors/very young adults, no weird pas de deux stuff. It's perfect.
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kunoichi-ume · 6 years
30 Days of Domestic Fluff - Masterpost
30 Days of Domestic Fluff Prompt List
I decided to give this a go for April, and to make it a bit more interesting (and keep myself from falling into plot and ending up with a massive story to write on top of my other projects) I am restricting each to a 100 word drabble. All 30 days are going to be about my OC Noara Starspark and Torian Cadera because, well, I adore this ship even if the game won’t let me have it.
Here is all 30 days in one post, now that they are finished. 
On Ao3.
Day 1: Waking Up Together
Every morning Torian wakes before Noara, but he never gets up unless he absolutely had to. He prefers staying there, holding her closely, watching her sleep and memorizing her face. It is a rare sight, her face free of the deep purple makeup she always wore around her eyes and across her lips. It took a year, long enough for him to fight a war and fall in love before seeing her like this. No one else ever saw her like that, not since she was a teenager, and he loved that it was a privilege reserved solely for himself.
Day 2: Morning Routine
Noara has a very specific morning routine when she is at home, wherever ‘home’ is at the time. She wakes, kisses Torian good morning before slipping out of his arms and informing him he can join her in the shower or wait. He rarely chooses waiting. While he dresses she paints her face, ignoring his good-hearted teasing about alternative designs she could try, before getting breakfast, and more importantly for Noara, caf. When they were at the base everyone knows better than to bring any issue smaller than an invasion or world ending catastrophe to her before her second cup.
3. Doing Laundry
Laundry is a joint effort between them, Noara takes care of the cloth items, under armor and causal wear, and Torian their armor. Noara had offered to handle her own armor, she was responsible for it being dirty, but he refused. “You didn’t even wear armor before me,” he had said, “how would you know how to care for it?” It was easier to let him do it than confess to reading everything she could about armor care on the holonet when he gifted her the first piece of her set. She hadn’t wanted to mistreat his gift after all.
4. Night In
Dates were rare, the demands for their time and talents many, so instead they had nights in – her advisors knew she was not to be disturbed for anything less than a 9 on her 1-11 scale of seriousness and any breach of that would be met, not with anger but disappointment and sadness – something she finds workes better against her friends. There is a lot of speculation about what they do those nights and they let the rumors fly. Better that then let everyone know they spent their nights in cuddling on the couch, drinking tihaar and watching sappy holodramas.
5. Nighttime Routine
Nighttime routines are less structured for them than mornings, Torian often has to pull Noara away from what she is doing to remind her to sleep. Sometimes they had sex, pulling each other’s clothing off the moment the door is closed and losing themselves in each other. Sometimes they undressed themselves, wore proper pajamas and were asleep as soon as they fell into bed. But most often they would just lay in each other’s arms, speaking quietly about their day and exchanging fervent expressions of affection, pressing soft, chaste kisses wherever they could reach until they drift off to sleep.
6. Shopping (For Needs)
Noara loves to go shopping with Torian. It need not be for anything special, just picking up groceries and various supplies. She likes to watch the other shoppers, the young couples lost in young love, the children laughing and driving their parents crazy, the elderly couples who have perfected the happy marriage. She likes to imagine they are no different, just another happy couple with few worries larger than what to make for dinner. It’s a life she’d like to have, a simple, peaceful one but can’t. So instead she pretends whenever possible and fights to ensure everyone else can.
7. Exercising
They don’t exercise like other couples. No jogging or synchronized cardio. They spar and learn each other’s specialties. Torian teaches Mandalorian brawling. Noara teaches Jedi swordsmanship and he learns quickly after years wielding an electrostaff. They have rules, no armor, blasters, or Force, putting them on even ground. He’s stronger, but she’s faster. Most days they just get a good workout, but sometimes they get carried away. He’s broken her nose at least once and she has cracked two of his ribs and given him a concussion. The medical staff wishes they would stop but they enjoy it too much.
8. Wearing Each Other’s Clothes
The first time Noara “borrowed” Torian’s undershirt to sleep in, he had a sneaking suspicion he would never get it back. That was in the early days, when they had just met and he learned she only had the clothes on her back. “When constantly fighting, clothes shopping takes a backseat,” she had said when he expressed how impractical that was. Now, over a year later and with a much more filled closet of various items – including her very own pajamas, he still found his undershirts constantly missing. He’d be annoyed, but she looked so cute drowning in his clothing.
9. Nursing the Sick One
They say those suited for nursing the sick make the worst patients. Noara was no exception. She was usually a cooperative and kind woman; illness made her grumpy and insolent. Before Torian she would refuse to admit it, working until she dropped. Now he’d coax her into bed, accompany her to see the medic, sit with her and rub her back while she dozed. She’d protest, that she had work, she wasn’t that sick, but she always relented. Anyone else would have been ignored, but she couldn’t bring herself to deny him what he asked when he looked so concerned.
10. Hair
When Torian joined the Alliance, he told Noara her people really liked his hair, a sentiment she shares. She loves the color, and how it compliments his skin tone, how it sweeps across his forehead, how he huffs when it gets in his eyes when he needs a trim, and the way it smells faintly of starflowers when he borrows her shampoo. She loves tracing her fingers along his sideburns and poking the strip on his chin when teasing him. She especially loves how it feels between her fingers when she uses it to pull him down into a kiss.
11. Coffee and/or Tea
It was no secret that Noara basically ran on caf, she had almost cried tears of joy when Torian was able to get Shae to send their special spiced caf along with the Mandos assigned to The Alliance. She had very strong opinions about caf, and the sludge served in the war room did not cut it. He only drank it when he really needed it, he preferred tea, but after seeing her light up after her first cup of spiced caf in months he made it a personal mission to always keep it stocked – and hide it from Theron.
12. Cooking Together
Noara had never really cooked before, but Torian could and decided to teach her. The first thing they made together was tiingilar, with all the spice. She’d been skeptical when she saw the ingredients, “will I be even able to taste it with all this heat?” He assured her that she would, and that being able to handle it would mean she was a “keeper” by Mandalorian standards. She took that as a challenge, spicy food didn’t scare her. She finished her meal, sweating and red faced but smiling when she asked, “this means you’re going to keep me right?”
13. Washing Dishes
Despite being Commander, Noara felt that no job on Odessen beneath her. When part of the kitchen staff came down with flu and there were no available replacements to cover for them, she volunteered herself and Torian. They got put on dish duty, no one trusted her to cook and few were brave enough to eat Torian’s recipes. Peaceful, cooperative dish washing soon turned into them flicking bubbles at one another when their backs were turned, by the time they were done there was more water on them then in the sinks. They were never allowed in the kitchen again.
14. Homework and/or Job Work
Torian preferred field work to strategizing and pouring over datapads. His favorite assignments were when he accompanied Noara on her missions. He rarely felt more alive than when they fought side by side, they were so in tune with one another they could almost work in silent tandem. He didn’t worry about her as much when he could personally watch her back. When they met he said he would protect her, and that was a promise. She was talented at getting into trouble and sometimes someone had to bail her out and he was more than up to the job.
15. Family Visits (I am cheating a bit on this one)
Once family was something Noara never considered. She didn’t have one; never would. So much has changed. Now she looks at Torian and she can almost see their future together - and their children. Children she never let herself dream she could have, never let herself want. Now she wants it, with him, more than she has ever wanted anything. Sometimes when she tries to meditate she instead imagines how they might look, how it might feel to hold them and know the life in her arms was created by their love and she’s never felt closer to the Light.
16. Trying Something New
When Torian learned that Noara had never shot a blaster he declared that was unacceptable. What if she lost her sabers in a fight and the only weapon available to her was a blaster? He took it upon himself to teach her. He couldn’t stop himself from smiling the first time he saw her holding his sniper rifle, both because her form was terrible and that he could almost imagine her, rifle in hand, clad in Cadera Clan colored armor, charging into battle with that reckless way of her’s. He wasn’t prepared then for that to become a personal fantasy.
17. Kisses
Noara was not very experienced at expressing her feelings and some days it was too hard to find the words to tell Torian how much she cared for him. It was so much easier to show him. She held him close in bed, massaged his shoulders after a rough day and she kissed him. Often. She kissed his scars to show that she was proud of him, his pulse to show she was grateful he was alive, his mouth to tell him she wanted him. She loved him and needed him to know, even if she couldn’t find the words.
18. Hugs
Noara was, in Torian’s opinion, the perfect size for hugging. She was just short enough to fit perfectly under his arms and slim enough that he could hold her against his chest and easily wrap himself around her. He loved holding her in his arms, burying his nose in her hair to smell her shampoo, feeling her arms around his waist. He liked to surprise her from behind, slipping his arms around her and pulling her close to press kisses against her neck. There was something comforting about it, having her close – where he can keep her safe and happy.
19. Forgetting Something
Sometimes Noara is forgetful about everyday things, like eating properly when she is focused on a task, wearing the armor he gave her and packing first aid supplies when she goes on a mission. When he points it out, reminds her about things she needs to do, she says it’s a side effect of carbon freezing, that she wasn’t forgetful before – though he knows better. She is just used to someone being there to remind her, Kira about food, Doc the medications. He doesn’t know how to find her friends, but he can be there for her in their place.
20. A Heated Argument
Their first argument blindsided Torian, fresh home from a mission, nursing a his caf to stave off a migraine when she burst into the room saw the empty caf pot and rounded him. He was stunned as she stomped across the room toward him grumbling angrily, biting out mild insults at him for finishing her last pot of caf. When she called him a scruffy nerf-herder his temper was slipping, then he noticed how tired she looked. “How long have you been awake?” He derailed her tirade when she couldn’t remember – staying up for 4 days would make anyone irritable.
21. Road Trips
Being alone together was rare outside of their bedroom, sometimes even that was interrupted. Getting to travel alone was even rarer, and a cherished opportunity. Inside the Defender they treasured every moment they got to talk, spar, relax and just be together without anyone else demanding their time or attention. It’s where he taught her to make uj'alayi and she taught him to waltz. Where they tried every sex position, on almost every surface, they could think of to sate her curiosity. No matter where they are headed, or why, every trip that’s just the two of them is special.
22. Picnics
The first time Noara mentioned to Torian that she’d like to go on a picnic, he wasn’t aware of how much it meant to her until he found her list-a list of normal things to try. Number 73, between food fight and learn an instrument, was “traditional picnic”. He had to talk to Aric and Theron to find out what that meant: a checkered blanket, woven basket with food and wine, and somewhere they could be undisturbed. She actually cried when he surprised her with a blanket and basket in hand on their last day of a mission on Alderaan.
23. Double Date
When Jurr arrived on Odessen after the disaster that was her second visit to Iokath and she learned that the trooper was married to Aric the first thing she said to Torian was “we could double date!” It was a common troupe in the romances she loved reading and she had been bummed that they didn’t have another couple to go out with. Between Torian and two troopers their double dates usually ended up being spent at the shooting range, or hitting munition markets for supplies, but that didn’t tamper her enthusiasm – even if she didn’t need blaster parts herself.
24. Shopping (For Fun)
When shopping for pleasure Torian was drawn to the weapon merchants, always looking for upgrades. For Noara it was one of her rare frivolous moments and she could always be found in a holonovel shop, pouring over the different datadisks. It had surprised Torian at first, he had always thought non-Mando women were more interested in clothing and jewelry – not books. He loved watching her read a new book, her face changing expressions in reaction to the story and sometimes he would ask her to read aloud, even if he wasn’t interested in the story just to hear her voice.
25. Keeping Plants
As a congratulatory gift for defeating Vaylin, Acina sent Noara a manaan fern. Torian wasn’t sure what the point of a houseplant on a planet that was 99% jungle was – they didn’t need the fresh air – but Noara loved it. She researched how to care for it and followed the instructions to the letter with the single mindedness she applied to most tasks. Despite her efforts the plant died. She told Torian she wasn’t grieving over it but saw through her. He didn’t call her on it, but the depth of her compassion was part of why he loved her.
26. Doctor Visits
Torian never put up a fuss about visiting the medics when he needed to but Noara had to be be talked into it, sometimes even deceived. At first, he thought she was just too stubborn and headstrong to admit she had been hurt but one night, after copious drinking and through tears, she told him what the issue was. It wasn’t her medic and it hurt more to see a stranger than any physical injury - the reminder that the first people she considered family were gone, that she might never see then again, and that wound refused to heal.
27. Pets
 When Torian and Noara had to land on Haruun Kal for supplies she had insisted that they find an akk dog. She had almost squealed with delight when they discovered a young one. She dropped into a meditation pose and he watched curiously as she and the beast stared each other down. After several minutes it approached her and laid it scaley head in her lap. Later, when the akk dog was on the shuttle with them she explained that she’d always wanted a pet, and a Force sensitive one was the best kind to have.She named him fluffy. 
28. Vacation
Vacation was not in Noara’s vocabulary, there was always too much to do. Sometimes she would overestimate her travel time to buy day or two to spend wherever they wanted, but proper vacation? She’d never had one of those until Torian made it happen. Two weeks on Veron, warm weather and beautiful forests, clear lakes to swim in, lots of wildlife to hunt and just the two of them together – it was perfect. She had never felt so relaxed and at peace before. For then on she made time for vacations, as long as he had time to join her
29. House Cleaning
After a traitor had tried to kill Noara, Torian’s first reaction was anger and relief that she was alive – exhausted, sore but alive. Then a promise to do anything to find them, make them pay for betraying her after all she had done for The Alliance, for the galaxy. It wouldn’t be the first time he needed to clean house; this time was as personal as before. After being barred from Umbara, and learning who the traitor was, he had never felt more helpless. He missed a viper at her side, almost lost her. He won’t make that mistake again.
30. I Love You’s
“I love you” were the three most important words Noara had ever said to anyone and she had only ever said then to one person. Torian was the first, and only man, to make her feel that way, willing to break The Code. Falling in love with him was so natural, she couldn’t have fought it if she had wanted to.
Torian said it in Mando’a, teaching her so she’d understand. Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum. It carried more meaning in his tongue than in Basic. “I love you” paled when compared to “I will hold you in my heart eternally.”
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sunflower-live · 7 years
92 Truths
I was “tagged” ;) by @liamsgoldenjacket 
Rules: Once you have been tagged you are supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. at the end, choose 25 people to tag!
THE LAST… 1. Drink: iced latte from a super super cool french bakery (la panier) in pike place - anyone that lives in seattle or visits seattle needs to go here!!!! 2. Phone call: my friend asking me for directions somewhere  3. Text message: group chat with my sister and mom (mom asking if we drove into the city or took the bus)  4. Song you listened to: shazamed a song that was playing in forever 21 which was a zayn song i didn’t know about (cruel - snakehips feat. zayn)  5. Time you cried: my horse trainer and her horse fell 20 ft into a ravine and she was stuck for over 4 hours and had to be airlifted to the hospital and she broke her neck and pelvis and i watched the news story and it was horrifying 
6. Dated someone twice: no 7. Been cheated on: no 8. Kissed someone and regretted it: i off and on have regretted kisses 9. Lost someone special: no 10. Been depressed: hecka from 7-10 grade  11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: lol nothing makes me throw up
- emerald green - maroon - navy blue 
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… 15. Made new friends: probably 16. Fallen out of love: no 17. Laughed until you cried: all the time 18. Found out someone was talking about you: no 19. Met someone who changed you: i don’t think so?  20. Found out who your true friends are: lol what friends 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: no
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: almost all of them 23. Do you have any pets: boy do i - 3 horses, 2 dogs, 2 cats, and some chickens but who cares about those (only the horses and dogs are actually mine - the rest are the families)  24. Do you want to change your name: no. i don’t even know if i’ll want to change my last name if i get married
25. What did you do for your last birthday: i went into the city with my parents and sister and went to some expensive ass restaurant and the waiter was fucking hilarious and v flamboyant and he brought me a tiny plastic tiara and ring pop with the bill. i didn’t even like the food but i would legit go back just to see him 26. What time did you wake up: 8:00am 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: reading fanfic (rip me)
28. Name something you cannot wait for: the harry concerts i’m going to that are A YEAR AWAY. 
29. When was the last time you saw your mother: like 15min ago  30. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: sometimes  wish i never got into riding horses because then i would probably play lacrosse or something and i would’ve gotten good grades (because i wouldn’t have just skipped school to ride and show) and i’d have gone to college and i’d literally have a normal life - so i wish i could have a normal college student life 31. What are you listening to right now: nothing 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: i’m sure i have
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: my mother and my sister  34. Most visited website: tumblr 35. Elementary: ? i went to elementary school up the road from my house. not a great experience but tbh i remember very little of my childhood 36. High School: ? i went to regular high school but took classes at the alternative school as well. i graduated in 2015 37. College/university: tbd. i’ve taken the community college entrance exams but that’s about it. i would like to go but it’s just not on my radar atm with all of the horse stuff i’m doing. 38. Hair color: very blonde 39. Long or short hair: i guess it would be considered long - mid back 40. Do you have a crush on someone: yes and i can’t fucking help it and it’s been over 5 years 41. What do you like about yourself: i’m really good at riding and training horses? 42. Piercings: first holes on both ears and then i did my own second on one ear and two cartilages on one ear + my nose 43. Blood type: i don’t have a clue 44. Nickname: izzy, iz, bella 45. Relationship status: single for the rest of eternity  46. Zodiac sign: taurus 47. Pronouns: she/her 48. Favorite tv show: i have so many. top five would have to be: it’s always sunny, how i met your mother, doctor who, ink master, and the challenge 49. Tattoos: black and white sunflowers on my ribs (the artist did not do them how she sketched them but they’re not bad - just not my style), russian doll on my upper arm, and a swedish flower design on my upper arm (that my mom also got so she picked it out) - i LOVE the doll and flowers. i’ve been seriously considering getting a horse shoe in the same style but i’m broke af right now and my artist is moving back to sweden :( 50. Right or left hand: right
51. Surgery: tonsils and ear tubes when i was really little  52. Piercing: my ears when i was in first or second grade 54. Sport: horses when i was 5 (plus multi sport summer camps and tball but those don’t count) 55. Vacation: i used to go to the hamptons a lot when i was little because my aunt was dating a super nice rich guy that lived there.  56. Pair of trainers: fuck i don’t know
57. Eating: is this still firsts because i don’t have a clue (if not firsts, nothing) 58. Drinking: lol milk? (if not firsts, nothing)  59. I’m about to: eat dessert 
60. Listening to: nothing
61. Waiting for: nothing 62. Want: more money because i’m broke as shit 63. Get married: i really hope so 64. Career: hopefully a horse trainer but my dad might be getting me a job as his office assistant that could then lead to me working in one of their hotels 
65. Hugs or kisses: not a fan of either but i’ve only kissed two guys so maybe i’m just missing out 66. Lips or eyes: eyes 67. Shorter or taller: taller 68. Older or younger: doesn’t really matter but in a relationship i’d rather go for older. 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: arms? i don’t really care though 71. Sensitive or loud: both but not too much of either 72. Hook up or relationship: anything is better than the nothing i’m getting (but i’d say relationship) 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker as long as it’s nothing against the law 
HAVE YOU EVER… 74. Kissed a stranger?: yes ( tbt to my first kiss as an innocent 12 year old ) 75. Drank hard liquor?: yes  76. Lost glasses contact/lenses: all the time
77. Turned someone down: i was hanging out with a guy once and he said we should go get dinner sometime and i told him that i don’t eat. but also anytime i like a guy and they start showing interest i’m out because i have fucked up commitment issues thanks to my parents 78. Sex on first date: never had the chance but i’m sure i would if the guy was hot enough 79. Broken someone’s heart: doubt it 80. Had your heart broken: nay 81. Been arrested: nah but i got in trouble for shoplifting once 82. Cried when someone died: literally anytime someone dies  83. Fallen for a friend: yes
DO YOU BELIEVE IN… 84. Yourself: usually 85. Miracles: sure 86. Love at first sight: don’t think so 87. Santa Claus: no 88. Kiss on the first date: sure? 89. Angels: eh, maybe
OTHER… 90. Current best friend’s name: my sister tessa is my #1 my #2 is my friend samantha, but she’s away at school most of the year :( 91. Eye color: green 92. Favorite movie: pans labyrinth or according to greta (just the ones that come to my mind) 
Oh lord 25 is so many people to tag but - 
@hazzardstyles @theroyalharry @2-ghosts @harryalmitey @matilda-breeze @onabedofhomemademash @niallsfish @larry-feels-like-home @harrysass @harryslittlepumpkin @runawayhaz @louiskingg @hazzaverse @larry-nomatterwhat @smallstyles @niamhyfr @fromtomlinson @1989rosesxx @donckasters @favoriteirishmember @obey-the-tommo-sass @littlemonstrosities @tomlintercourse @harryqstyles @infinitelyinlovewithfiveboys
And also anyone else that wants to do this, you can say I tagged you!
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viralhottopics · 8 years
‘Rugrats’ Characters Ranked By Betchiness
For this weeks TBT, were going to take a look into the lives of the most influential baby friend group of the ’90s. Im talking, of course, about the Rugrats and, most importantly, how betchy or not betchy each Rugrat is. Is it polite to rank toddlers who have not yet learned to speak based on arbitrary social categories? Probs not. Is it fun? Fucking duh.
1. Cynthia
Heres what we know about Cynthia: 1) Shes a really cool dancer, 2) Shes got cool moves (as long as you move her arms and legs), 3) Shes movin out on the floor, 4) Shes ready to break some eggs (make an omelette Cynthia!) How do we know all this? We know it from her workout tape, which I am shocked has not been sampled by Avicii or Kanye or someone yet (dont listen unless you want this song stuck in your head all day).
Cynthias resting bitch face is on point, and she manages to look great in her belted orange dress despite the fact that she is missing of her hair. Cynthia didnt say or do shit for all 9 seasons of, yet she is still one of the shows most memorable characters, and it is her ability to do no work and remain popular that has earned her the number one slot.
2. Susie Carmichael
Susie Carmichael is cool AF. Did Susie need to appear in every episode? No. Susie had other shit to do. Shell check in every once in awhile to see what the babies are up to, teach them about Kwanzaa and generally let them know whats good, before going back next door to hang with her real friends. Whenever she does come over, the babies flip out because theyre like, obsessed with her (everyone is). Shes also the only person who has absolutely no time for Angelicas bullshit, probably because Susie has better hair, a better outfit, and wears a cool red bangle, which is more than Angelica could ever hope to have. Susie is three, which makes her older and wiser than most of the babies and probably accounts for the sheer lack of fucks she has to give. Did Susie get her ass lost in the woods when Dil was born? Fuck no, she was chilling in Paris getting turnt up with her older sister! Did Susie almost die with the Rugrats in EuroReptarland? No bitch, I just told you shes already been to Paris! Susie Carmichael always comes correct, and thats what earned her the number two spot.
3. Tommy Pickles
Tommy Pickles is the star of the show, which virtually guarantees him betchiness. Tommy also has the whole dressing like a slut thing down and spends all nine seasons of wearing nothing but a crop top and booty shorts. His outfit never stops him from leading his friend group on adventures, and you know once he can talk and operate a phone hed be the person managing the group chat, suggesting what clubs and parties to go to, making sure everyone is getting the free shots they deserve, and seeing you into your Uber at the end of the night. The thing holding Tommy back from the top spot is that hes too fucking nice. Hell let any baby with shit in their diaper come hang with him (cough CHUCKIE cough), and that means his friend group is riddled with duds (HI CHUCKIE). Be a little more discerning about your friend group, Thomas, and maybe well see you up at the top with Cynthia.
4. Angelica Pickles
We cant talk about Cynthia without getting to her BFF and designated Rugrat BSCB, Angelica Pickles. Angelica spent most of torturing the dumb babies (who were really only like a year younger than her) and making them miserable, yet still somehow being invited to all the group hangs, play dates, and brunches. Angelica spends a lot of time telling everyoneincluding the adultshow beautiful she is and is absolutely desperate for attention, probably because her rich AF parents never pay attention to her. Shes your friend who cries and starts shit at the club anytime she feels like shes not the hottest girl there (and she frequently is notthanks Cynthia!) Also girl, lay off the cookies.
5. Charlotte Pickles
Charlotte Pickles is Angelicas mom who is literally always on her phone. Like, always. Even in a time before cellphones could fit in your pocket, Charlotte is always on the phone with her assistant Jonathan (Cheban? We dont know) and ignores basically every member of her family to do so. When phones dont work, Charlotte straight up makes her husbands brother carry a fax machine around so she doesnt miss any important texts. Charlotte alternates between a power suit and workout gear, always accompanied by an Ariana Grande level high ponytail. In , Charlotte displays clear signs of some seriously botched cosmetic surgery, which is what has dropped her down to slot #5. Never try to cut corners on botox, Charlotte! Itll always go wrong. Honestly, Jonathan should have told you that.
6. Grandpa Lou
Grandpa Lou is another character who gives absolutely zero fucks and is down to hang. Much like Corinne, Lou loves naps and often falls asleep halfway through finishing his stories. Despite his old age, Lou is still a fuckboy, and is often seen hitting on women and generally trying to find ways to get laid. If had taken place in 2017, Lou would have definitely had a Tinder and that Tinder definitely would have had a picture of him from 20+ years earlier. Lou is eventually successful in finding a new wife, Lulu, who he moves in with pretty fast after they start hooking up (risky choice, Lou!) Outside of his strangely active love life, Lou also has many frenemies, including his own cousin Miriam; his bowling rival, Billy Strike Maxwell; and some other wrestling guy named Conan McNulty. This proves that when push comes to shove, Lou is just not very popular and kind of an old perv. Sixth place for you, Lou.
7. Phil And Lil Deville
Okay Im sorry, but Phil and Lil are fucking gross. Their diet is a mess, always eating fucking worms and mud and shit. Do you know how many calories are in a ball of worms, kids? Do you? Seriously. There is a episode where Phil and Lil drink straight-up toilet water. What the fuck is that? Is that something babies do? Phil and Lil also have no creativity when it comes to fashion, and instead just dress alike every damn day in greena color that is flattering on exactly 0 people. Their mom is a hardcore feminist, which is cool, but maybe the twins have been empowered to do a little bit too much. Like sure, Lil can do whatever she wants with her life, but maybe eating a giant pile of shit should not be one of those things? Idk. Seventh place.
8. Stu Pickles
Good Lord is Stu Pickles a sad man. Seriously. You have a beautiful house, two healthy babies, a cool Jewish wife who has managed to maintain her pre-baby body, and youre still fucking complaining! Look around, asshole! You have all this shit despite the fact that your dumb ass hasnt invented one successful toy. In fact, you havent even invented one toy that didnt explode and almost kill your entire family. You are literally #blessed but youre too blind to see it! The only thing keeping you from the bottom slot is this meme which, in the current political climate, is legit all of our lives right now:
9. Chuckie Finster
No. Just no. Im sorry, but again, its gonna be a hard pass on Chuckie. Here are all the things Chuckie would have to improve if he ever even wanted to hope to be betchy. 1) His voice, which is terrible. Do you have a cold, Chuckie? Go to the damn doctor. Its the ’90s. Hillary Clinton has passed the State Childrens Health Insurance Plan. You can go to the doctor. Go. 2) Grow. A. Pair. Dude. You know when Chuckie gets older hes gonna be your friend who calls the cops on his own party for getting out of hand. Hes gonna be that guy who side eyes you for doing molly at Coachella, making weird comments under his breath about how you never know whats in that stuff and generally bringing bad vibes despite the fact that Beyonc is literally pregnant and dancing in front of you. 3) The hair is a problem. Comb it. Dye it. Do something. Its a problem. 4) Tie your fucking shoes, dude. 9th place.
10. Chas Finster
There was no character on television from 1991-2004 that was less betchy than Chas Finster. He has all of Chuckies problems, but he is a fucking adult which means he has literally no excuse for being such a narc. Chas seems to be suffering from whatever health problems are affecting his son, and despite being a bureaucrat, apparently has no ability to get his ass to a doctor either. Like many sad old nerds, Chas must travel to a foreign country to find a wife, eventually convincing a way-too-hot-for-him Japanese woman to fly to America and be his Melania. Chas also has a double-Hitler mustache, which is 100% unacceptable, no matter what decade you live in. Sorry, Chas. Last place.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2mavumx
from ‘Rugrats’ Characters Ranked By Betchiness
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