#no brain just whorehausen
emeritusterzo · 2 years
your reminder that this match exists
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himbos-hotline · 2 years
✨️ and 💥 for the ask game!
ask game // Requesting rules // List of WIPS // askbox
✨️ Out of the comments you’ve received on your fics, what are two or three of your favorites?
So Id on't really get ALOT of comments on my fics [which is kinda upsetting but thats for another ask another day] but I cna pick out the that really stick in my head and make me feel all warm inside! Thats not to say that all my comments make me feel happy. I love scrolling through the tags on my fics and seeing people threatning me/falling in love with Jay or whatever I worked on. These are just like, any little things that make my brain kinda soar whenever I think about needing that little bout of extra joy/inspiration
These will all be from AO3 and if you see your ao3 name! Hello! Drop me a dm or an ask [my anons are on] I love you so much for taking time out for reading and leaving little words at the bottom of my fics, you bring me extreme joy and I want you all to never have writings block or art block and I hope you always get to hear your favourite songs!
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I have never had people pick out little lines and comments that made them njoy the fic more, I had never had that before so now It keeps bringing me joy to think that I was like worthy enough to have someone go "I really like that line! Well done! Your brain came up with that?!" WOAH!"
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Someone saw that I had re-edited a fic and gave it another try and actually mentioned that i had improved and brought more emotions into my writing. I love that so much!! I pour little sections of my heart into requests and fics and stuff and having people spot the real like human emotions makes me so happy! And the little meme refrence, I could see it in my head!! I love that kinda comedy!!
💥 What is one canon thing that you wish you could change?
Off the top of my head, I can't really think of a lot of things that I want to change. I kinda wish that Hookhausen was around for loner or had more of a build up. and that they did something with Jealous Danhausen after Hook and Jungle boy teamed together. I also wish that we got to see more horror/whorehausen. There was such glorious build up that I am craving more. When horrorhausen appeared on the preshow, I was like SICK with glandular fever and my big sibling and I stimmed so hard that my big sibling fucked up their finger and I had a coughing fit and had to open a window to breate [I also cried over seeing the elite back- Matty did a little dance and my heart fucking exploded and I spent like a minute just going, in tears, "LOOK AT HIM!! THEY'RE BOTH SO LIDDOL! OH THEY DO A SINGING! I LOVE THEM!!" ]
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emeritusterzo · 2 years
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oh we’re definitely getting evilhausen, i feel like danhausen cursing himself was the way for his evil arc AND IM SO DOWN FOR IT
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