aggressive-deer-blog ¡ 12 years
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aggressive-deer-blog ¡ 12 years
Shika rolled her eyes. The display of tears was truly a disappointment, as she herself had many reasons to cry, but rarely ever resorted to such activities. Instead, she averted her attention to other things, like playing with guns, shooting bow and arrows, and trying her hand with knives. She had experimented with many things in her youth, and now she was good at all kinds of weaponry, all expect bombs. She never understood the concept.
But the fact that this young girl was crying in front of her was a bit unnerving. There was no way she could sympathize- or even pretend to care for that matter- but she didn't want to seem like a bad person to bystanders, so she pulled out her phone.
"Here," Shika said, holding it out to Natsumi. "Call your parents and tell them to pick you up. And be quick about it, I don't have all day."
0thdiaryowner started following you.
Shika frowned. What was a kid doing around these parts, and at this time of night too? She never liked children, but if this one happened to be lost, perhaps it would be humane of her to help it.
Reluctantly, the woman approached the young girl. “What are you doing here?” She asked, rather harshly.
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aggressive-deer-blog ¡ 12 years
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I want to be one of those super popular RPers that everyone follows, everyone wants to play with, and everyone praises. I want people to love my writing, fall for my muse—I want to be the player that everyone looks up to. To have the muse that everyone uses as the standard to aspire to. It’s a petty and shallow desire and wish, I know, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t want it—desperately. ~anonymous
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aggressive-deer-blog ¡ 12 years
Shika smirked a little, thoroughly amused by the display the girl was putting on. The eye change was not impressive, and it was getting a bit old. It simply wasn't all that threatening, even if this weird psychotic female seemed to think so. 
However, the woman rocked a bit on her heels, a smirk curling on her lips, and said, "You're a bit cocky, hm? I need more of a reason to kill you than just your little cosplay act. Why don't you just go home and stay there? Besides, kids your age should be in bed."
"If you have no good reason to kill me, why not just use that reason?" The girl stared at the woman with a blank expression, her pupils beginning to disappear, leaving a completely blue eye.
Kaiko knew she, herself, could never die, but wondered what exactly this girl's priority was. Certainly she was out for something. But what was it? It seemed like she was human, but what could a human need? Why would a human want to kill others with no reason?
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aggressive-deer-blog ¡ 12 years
Now, this was a kid. He looked about five years old, and probably wasn't smarter than a duck. Shika really hated children, since they were so blissfully ignorant, while her own history was nothing but @#!*% . Why did she have to suffer when everyone else could be so happy? It made her jealous. 
However, seeing the sweet smile upon his face stopped her from withdrawing the weapons. She wouldn't kill him, but she wouldn't give any sympathy either. Instead, she only glared at him with cold red eyes and said, "Who're you?" Her voice was monotone, and she didn't give a warm expression. She just stood there, rocking back and forth on her 3-inch heels, and said nothing more.
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aggressive-deer-blog ¡ 12 years
Shika grew quite agitated by the other's ignorance. The color change of the girl's eyes added a nice affect to her cheesy display of attempting to be cool. Of course, the curly-haired woman was not amused, nor did she find the act entertaining. @#!*% , she wished she could just kill this chick and get it over with. 
But she couldn't do such a thing without good reason. "You're a bit cocky, aren't you?" She snapped, hoping the female would just leave so neither of them had to get hurt. Not that Shika was afraid to kill the other, but she was running out of energy, needed sleep, and didn't want to waste any more of her precious bullets than she had to.
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“Hmm, I suggest you put that gun away, I have one myself. And to tell you the truth, I never die, and you will. So let’s not get into some petty fight, ne~?” She giggled a bit, like a normal teen would. “Anyways, what are you doing out here?”
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aggressive-deer-blog ¡ 12 years
((Aha, I know that. Shika's just a little... strange. She's 21 too. :P Yes they are~ :D ))
Shika looked at the other and noticed it was an adult as well. It made her a bit more comfortable, but she didn't lower her guard. Anyone walking around late at night was suspicious, no matter how old or innocent they appeared. And that included herself. No one in their right mind should trust a woman like herself, especially since she carried an assortment of weapons on her person.
And when the purple-haired female began to talk, that really struck Shika as odd. What was this chick thinking- that speaking would somehow bring about an unlikely companionship? The curly-haired woman laughed simply at the thought of it. Some humans were nothing but fools.
"Nicolette, huh?" Shika asked, her red eyes glued to the other's nervous countenance. "My name's Shika. What brings you out so late at night, hm?"
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Shika frowned as she approached the figure standing in front of her. If it was another kid, she’d be @#!*% , and it would most likely result in the other dying. After all, children were her least favorite thing in existence. Not because she found them repulsive, but she loathed their youthful innocence she never got to have.
Nonetheless, she kept her cool for a while as the other female came to vision. She didn’t appear to be too little, but she did have a teenage air about her. Either way, it wasn’t as bad as Shika had anticipated. 
“‘Ello?” The woman called, her curly hair bouncing around her hair to the clunking of her high heels. “Who’re you?” 
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aggressive-deer-blog ¡ 12 years
(( I like Shika better than Daichi. Daichi is whiny, while Shika is hardcore. Love them both though~ :D ))
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aggressive-deer-blog ¡ 12 years
As if I'd believe such petty words, Shika thought, wondering how such a pesky girl managed to make friends in the world. 
"I'm an adult, I do what I want," The red-eyed woman responded, tone sarcastic and a bit accusatory. "But kids have no need to be outside to late. It's dangerous, and you never know who's out to get you." 
A smirk crossed her lips as she spoke, hoping fear would trickle up her opponent's spine like a snake.
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aggressive-deer-blog ¡ 12 years
"Shika," She said plainly but refused to lower her gun. There was simply no reason to let down her guard, even if it was only a young girl. After all, people could be dangerous, no matter how young they were. And this girl was, in her own way, very unique. Even her way of speaking was much different than other kids her age.
Shika frowned. Oh, shit another kid. What do I have to do to make this one go away? She pulled a gun from her pocket and watched as the small girl got closer, then wondered if it would be a bad idea to simply get rid of the problem instead of dealing with it like a truly mature adult.
“Who’re you, kid?” The woman demanded, deciding she would ask a few questions before resulting to anything.
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aggressive-deer-blog ¡ 12 years
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aggressive-deer-blog ¡ 12 years
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aggressive-deer-blog ¡ 12 years
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aggressive-deer-blog ¡ 12 years
Shika frowned. Oh, shit another kid. What do I have to do to make this one go away? She pulled a gun from her pocket and watched as the small girl got closer, then wondered if it would be a bad idea to simply get rid of the problem instead of dealing with it like a truly mature adult.
"Who're you, kid?" The woman demanded, deciding she would ask a few questions before resulting to anything.
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aggressive-deer-blog ¡ 12 years
Shika frowned as she approached the figure standing in front of her. If it was another kid, she'd be pissed, and it would most likely result in the other dying. After all, children were her least favorite thing in existence. Not because she found them repulsive, but she loathed their youthful innocence she never got to have.
Nonetheless, she kept her cool for a while as the other female came to vision. She didn't appear to be too little, but she did have a teenage air about her. Either way, it wasn't as bad as Shika had anticipated. 
"'Ello?" The woman called, her curly hair bouncing around her hair to the clunking of her high heels. "Who're you?" 
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aggressive-deer-blog ¡ 12 years
Shika laughed. "Hell no, why would you ever say that?" She looked around suspiciously, then whispered, "But, I do know about you guys. If I do say so myself, you all are a bunch of idiots."
She pulled a whip from her stocking and held it up, examining it with her deep blood-colored eyes.
"If I do recall, diary owners can be killed off by ordinary people, too. Right?"
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shikei-diary started following you.
Shika rolled back on her heels and smirked deviously. This kid was rather annoying, like a pest she’d have to get rid of in order to relieve herself of the burden. Hag? That was an overused word that meant nothing to her.
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“And I’m the one that’s pesky, hm? I don’t like your sass. Maybe I should just get rid of you before you start @#!*% me off more.”
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aggressive-deer-blog ¡ 12 years
Shika rolled back on her heels and smirked deviously. This kid was rather annoying, like a pest she'd have to get rid of in order to relieve herself of the burden. Hag? That was an overused word that meant nothing to her.
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"And I'm the one that's pesky, hm? I don't like your sass. Maybe I should just get rid of you before you start pissing me off more."
shikei-diary started following you.
The woman frowned. A child with a temper, huh? Well, that was a bit surprising, since she gave off an innocent air, but perhaps Shika’s instincts had failed her this time…
“Learn some respect,” She snapped back, raising her voice in disgust. “If I say you’re a kid, then you’re a kid. Got it?”
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