#no bias thou never bias
fortifice · 4 months
not a lot of people write gepard so like yknow it’s cool seeing someone dedicate a lot of effort into crafting their take on the character- what’s even better is that you care about gepard and i think it shows a lot in both ooc and ic. you already know how i feel about people writing gepard i’ve talked to you about it multiple times before hssjdbjdh so i do think you do him great justice considering hoyo doesn’t fill in a lot of gaps. you’ve been receptive to learning about content and sprinkling that into your writing and that makes me so happy to see. the balance of having a stick in the mud soldier and yet someone who can care a lot comes out in the way you describe his thoughts and struggles. it’s great, i love it. i’m totally not biased and it’s not as if he’s one of my favorite characters of all time ahaha - but no ray, it’s cool to be able to see the care put into your writing. oh and then on top of that your writing is always nice to read, v vivid. okay maybe i go sleep now bye
to get positive feedback from someone who values canon content so much is like ?? so nice ?? because I know that I take creative liberties sometimes with my writing but know that it all sort of unifies somewhere into a cohesive gepard landau story is so good ?? i'm fortunate to have you as a good teacher about all things belobog shaped and I dont think I would be going forward writing him with this much backing if I didn't have you in my corner so I owe u 1000 threads and asks and replies precisely. not being bias is important thou !!!! glad to know ur not :') and im glad u enjoy my sometimes vivid telling of gepard landau's gay panic, general struggles of being gay and uh gayness thank u <3
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mins-fins · 10 months
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SUMMARY . . . history just simply always manages to repeat itself, the artist and their tired university student roommate who just can't help but admire them in ways friends don't look at each other..
PAIRING . . . dong sicheng x male!reader
GENRE . . . insanely fluffy
WARNINGS . . . none!
WORD COUNT . . . 1.8k
NOTES . . . why is winwin so majestic tf 🙁 my wayv bias is yangyang i have NO IDEA what you're talking about, im so mortifyingly in love with winwin but not in a "i want to kiss him" way in a "i wanna bake him cookies and run my fingers through his hair" way and that's basically the same thing
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sicheng has become long used to coming home and seeing y/n in the middle of another artistic project. it's usually a painting, because that's the easiest thing to do in their small apartment, one the two of them fought tooth and nail to be able to afford. on some days he'll be creating costumes out of construction paper, or he'll be sewing, or he'll just be sketching on the couch. 
it's become somewhat of a staple of comfort to him, maybe it's because of how recognizable it is to come home and see y/n, eyebrows furrowed, head tilted, the slightest smudge of paint on his face as his eyes are completely focused on the canvas before him. there's always a small smile that comes to his face whenever he hears the door open, sicheng only catches it on the most certain of days, though.
and maybe it's weird that sicheng remembers every single detail of what happens after he comes home from exhausting classes where all his professor does is talk about is nonsense, this is kind of like the only silver lining to his day after hours of just nothing but life draining lectures.
and no it's definitely not because y/n is just the best serotonin every single feeling sicheng has for him is completely platonic and platonic only!
it's as he's untying his shoes, that he realizes today something is different. y/n is humming, to a song the two of them hear their neighbors blast through the walls every now and then, he assumes the tune got stuck in his head, and he just can't help but now him it to himself.
sicheng puts his shoes away, he glances up for a moment, and pauses, waiting. he then smiles to himself as he watches y/n smile himself, finally acknowledging his presence. "i didn't even hear you, the door closed so quietly".
y/n's comment makes him snicker, but his eyes still don't leave the canvas, so focused on what he's painting in fact that he doesn't register the paint on his cheek. sicheng, like he does on most days, walks up towards y/n and quickly wipes off the paint with his thumb.
y/n makes a small noise, but he ultimately doesn't shy away from sicheng's hand, almost leaning into the touch if sicheng thinks about it. "how do you never notice when you have paint on your face?" sicheng asks, going over to the sink to wash the paint off his thumb.
"an artist never strays away from their artistic craft" y/n comments mindlessly, and sicheng's eyebrows furrow just for a mere moment before he looks back to his roommate, still focused on the random color he's spreading across the canvas.
"did you just make that up, or..?" at the question, y/n finally turns around after what seemed like hours of standing in the same spot, and he snickers at the way sicheng asks it.
"yep, made it up just now".
the response makes sicheng snort, because he knows that's absolutely true considering the kind of person y/n is. "you.. your something alright" sicheng doesn't know why those words are the ones that come out of his mouth, but they make y/n laugh.
"ah thanks, you make me feel so smart, chengie" y/n looks back to the painting, stepping back just a little bit to admire it. he removes his gloves and tosses them away, yawning lightly. "does it look nice?"
sicheng blinks, glancing over at y/n, who is patiently waiting for his answer. he mindlessly stares at the painting of a snowy mountaintop as he tries to think of a compliment he hasn't said thousands of times already. "it's marvelous" y/n gives him a look of confusion, and sicheng just snickers as he does those jazz hands.
"you couldn't at least be a little bit more creative with your compliment?" y/n's face scrunches a little bet, and sicheng just shrugs, rubbing his eyes.
"i'm tired i don't have time for creativity" sicheng yawns, and y/n gives him another judgmental look. "ask me when i'm more awake" he shouts as he walks towards his room, leaving y/n to admire his painting all alone.
y/n snickers, shaking his head.
what a character you are, dong sicheng..
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"do you assume van gogh was a weird guy?"
sicheng barely registers the question, because the only sound he's heard for the past twenty minutes is the horribly loud clicking of y/n's pen as he brainstorms ideas for upcoming projects, assignments, and all that other stuff. he narrows his eyes at his laptop screen before looking up at y/n, who was finally done clicking his pen and began sketching.
"what?" is his immediate response, probably because he didn't have enough time to properly assess or process that question. the other thing that being y/n's roommate comes with is having to hear the most random and weird questions. "i'm sorry?"
"van gogh" y/n says again, smiling innocently. "you know, the painter gu—"
"i know who van gogh is y/n" sicheng clarifies, sighing. "i just— what do you think i know about the personality of a famous artist who died over a hundred years ago?" he raises an eyebrow, momentarily glancing back down at his computer screen as he hears y/n's loud sigh.
"i'm researching about him for this project i'm doing".
"you did a project about van gogh already.." sicheng mutters in confusion, and he hears y/n's pen click once again, then the slam of his sketchbook. "didn't you?"
"oh this isn't for school!" y/n exclaims. "i'm just doing it for fun!"
"what kind of psycho does a project for fun?" at the words, y/n snorts, and sicheng can't help but gaze at him. yeah, it's stupid, but he's just so cute, and sicheng has no idea why he's staring this long at him.
fuck, i probably look crazy. i'm literally zoning out on his face, what kind of moron does that?
at least he's self aware.
"on van gogh?" y/n clarifies, and sicheng blinks like an idiot, because what else would y/n be talking about? he shakes his head, and y/n pouts in an unserious manner.
"at least your here to humor me" y/n says, picking his sketchbook back up as he begins flipping through it, he pauses at a certain page and smiles brightly at what's sketched on it.
sicheng doesn't really know what y/n draws in his sketchbook. y/n is pretty big on privacy, so sicheng never made it his thing to figure out what's in y/n's sketchbook because he doesn't want him to.
though, the way y/n's smiling at his sketchbook gets him curious.
"are the sketches causing you that much joy?"
y/n snaps up, his face going embarrassingly red as he closes his sketchbook once again. he smiles, then awkwardly laughs as he looks away, lightly scratching his arm. "yeah, um.. i just really like the sketches i made".
sicheng laughs, glancing back at his computer screen. it's so hard not to constantly stare at you when your.. well— you.
but they're just friends, nothing more.
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"when i was younger i always wanted a garden of strawberries" y/n states as he paints said garden of strawberries on the canvas in front of him.
y/n is always the most busy on weekends with his artistic projects. he'll legitimately spend half of his day painting, another half making a halloween costume even though halloween won't come for the next seven months, and the other half sewing a sweater he's going to wear once every few months. sicheng has seen it all, and he's gotten used to the normalization of y/n just doing another artistic craft everyday, still being able to rest a whole eight hours.
he admires his way of just being such.. what is the phrase, a hard worker, he could say. y/n was just always up, doing something, he was never bored or not doing something, he was very much just an always working person.
"strawberries? out of everything?" sicheng asks, stirring the spoon in his cup of coffee mindlessly, he's too busy staring at y/n to pay attention to his now cooling cup of coffee. y/n gives him one of the most judgmental looks ever.
"what do you mean? out of everything? strawberries are amazing!" y/n counters, and sicheng laughs at his tone of voice. "they're one of the best things mankind has ever actually made".
"okay but why a garden of them?"
"so i can make strawberry flavored things everyday, duh" y/n dismisses the amount of red coloring on his apron, and his gloves, too busy trying to figure out how to finish his painting of his dream garden of strawberries.
y/n narrows his eyes at the painting, studying it for a moment, like he was trying to figure out if the painting was talking to him or not. "is this ugly?"
"the painting? is it ugly?"
sicheng furrows his eyebrows, staring at y/n like he just asked the stupidest question in the world. y/n usually doesn't care about his opinion when it comes to paintings, because sicheng isn't an artist like he is, so sicheng has no idea why he would suddenly ask him about what he thought about his painting so suddenly.
"no? your paintings are never ugly.. why would you ask that?"
sicheng's question-answer makes y/n narrow his eyes at him. sicheng assumes he wasn't expecting that answer that then turned into a question, with the way he goes silent, and with the way his face flushes so much more obviously than it usually does.
sicheng doesn't get why he notices that the most, y/n is pretty unpredictable, he gets flustered at some of the most random times, and it's only at certain moments that sicheng notices how red his face is.
it's hot in the room, that's it, that's why, there is absolutely no other reason his face is so red right now.
he's just thinking of excuses.
"thank you" he whispers, turning back to his painting as he removes his paint splattered gloves. "it's a new day, i just wanted your opinion".
"that's strange".
"well if i'm not strange then i'm not interesting" y/n hums as he puts the finishing touches on his painting, and with his back turned, sicheng can admire him fully, without worrying about him getting caught and then having to explain why he was staring for so long.
sicheng is so busy admiring him, he doesn't even notice that he hasn't taken a sip of his coffee yet.
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sillyteecup · 2 months
The Wrong Way
Roman Reigns x black!o.c
Jey Uso x black!o.c
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Chapter 2
Strong language
References to sexual assault
Taglist: @wrestlingprincess80 @lensilver @nbanenefrmdao @theninthwonder @vebner37 @tshepisho
A.N: Lmao so I took a little too long with this especially for how short it is, but like I said, I had a super busy week and just tried to get it together piece by piece. Rest assured thou that I will try and be quicker with chapter 3. Anyway, hope you like it. Enjoy❤️
Loreal was incensed. Throughout the meeting about the arrangements to be made, she fought the urge to look around for hidden cameras. This had to be a joke of some kind. A very unfunny joke at that. She had zoned out from the moment Byron introduced Tribal Prince Jey as her fiancé. As if her system had shut down from the disbelief. She sat at the large table in the dining hall with a curt, yet equally polite curl on her lips.
Not a smile. There was nothing to smile about.
While unable to listen, Lori did her best to observe her fiancé, new in-laws, and their Wiseman. Tribal Prince Solo was nothing short of stoic. His expression never cracked or wavered and he never spoke unless spoken to. Lori would never blame one for thinking he was essentially a walking corpse. It was creepy, but also weirdly impressive.
"The Tribal Tribal Prince and Princess to be will be wed on island of Samoa," Lori briefly heard the Wiseman tell Lord Byron. She fought an eye roll at the trivial information. She knew her father didn't care where it happened, as long as it did.
The white one, Sami, she heard the Wiseman call him, was somewhat fidgety. Maybe jumpy or paranoid would be a better description. His eyes flew to every corner of the room as if scanning for threats, albeit quite subtly as Lori doubted she would've noticed had it not been for her downright watching them. She also picked up on how when one of the staff members had dropped a tray after serving them tea, Sami's leg bounced rapidly as his hand flew to scratch his beard. Lori summized that he was trying to avoid an outwardly jumpy reaction. Granted he did a horrible job.
"There will be a few, uhm...routines that she will need to partake in," Lori heard the Wiseman state, not bothering to listen to the rest of his explanation. Her mother would fill her in later anyway.
The twins, Tribal Princes Jimmy and Jey were different from their brother, Solo. Glaringly different. They were expressive, laid back, talkative. Very talkative. They never said anything out loud, just the occasional exchange of whispers and snickers among the two of them. Jimmy however seemed to be the more decent one. Perhaps it was bias since he wasn't the one her father sold her soul to. While Jey held a hungry gaze whenever he encountered an attractive member of the female staff, Jimmy mainly focused on the meeting and the appetizers they had been served. Jimmy would also occasionally call for Jey's concentration, but it seemed that it was in fear of the Tribal Chief noticing.
Speaking of the Tribal Chief-
"The Tribal Princess-to-be will also be expected to live in the main palace until she and the Tribal Prince are to be married-" Lori's head snapped in the Wiseman's direction at this fact. Her sharp gaze missed the worried ones of her parents who weren't sure what to anticipate.
"Excuse me?" Lori asked, struggling to keep her voice level. Not only was she being offered as a sacrificial lamb to this fiend, but she was also being uprooted from her home without so much as a 2 week notice.
At this, Tribal Chief Roman's sharp gaze that had been mostly focused on Lord Byron and the Wiseman, shifted to Lori for the first time since he had entered their home. Lori couldn't put a finger on what was behind it, but despite it's intimidating nature, she shook it off. Now was not the time to be deterred by this man whose family was shaking her life up by the second.
"Uhm, yes Miss Loreal. As a future Tribal Princess, you are expected to reside in the palace until your wedding day-" the Wiseman had begun to explain, only to be cut off by an increasingly irritated Lori.
"With a man whom I've never spoken a word outside of a greeting to? Out of the question," Lori stated dismissively. She wasn't having any of it. Marrying him was bad enough, but to live with him before she had exchanged even the most insignificant bit of small talk with him was just a whole new extreme.
Lord Byron smiled nervously at the Tribal Chief. Lori's temper was a dangerous thing on it's own, now for it to flare in front of the most powerful man in the world was a sure recipe for destruction as he was certain that the Tribal Chief would not take kindly to her words once angered. Lord Byron could only tread lightly to keep both parties calm.
"Loreal, my dear, there is no question regarding the matter. If it is the will of the Tribal Chief, then it will be done," he said softly, trying his best to satisfy the Bloodline and avoid undermining his daughter directly. He stared at her pleadingly, noticing her jaw clench and eye start to twitch ever so slightly.
The twins watched the interaction, secretly anticipating a firey reaction from Lori to lighten the boring meeting. Solo remained stoic while Sami and the Wiseman's eyes were trained on the Tribal Chief, worried that her outburst might anger him, an emotion they usually experienced the brunt of. Tribal Chief Roman however was intrigued by her initial reaction. Her defiance, although minor was a sign that she would survive this turbulent marriage and life with his cousin. One less woman coming to him with complaints about an unhappy marriage.
Loreal exhaled deeply, keeping her temper at bay. Her stony gaze remained on her father as she spoke: "When am I expected to move?" she asked with a strained voice.
The Wiseman cleared his voice nervously, clearly worried that his answer would cause a series of unfortunate events. "Miss Loreal, unfortunately customs require you to move to the palace today," he replied, eyes flying between Lori and Tribal Chief Roman.
Lori stared blankly as the gears turned in her mind. Today? As in now? Again, surely this must be some sick fucking joke. Feeling her temper rapidly rise back up, she abruptly stood up from her seat and stormed up to her room. The absence of footsteps behind her told her her parents knew better than to try and reason with her right now. She needed time.
She stormed into her room, startling her maidens. "Ma'am, is it over already?"
"Ma'am you seem distressed?"
"Ma'am, what is the verdict?"
"Ma'am is everything well?" they all asked at the same time, further overwhelming Lori.
However they held no blame over her situation, so she calmed down before answering them. "Tribal Prince Jey, tell me about him. Tell me everything you've heard, everything you know," she demanded in a calm haste.
She sat on the edge of her bed as the maidens grabbed their stools to sit around her in their "gossip formation" as she liked to call it jokingly.
Willow was the first one to speak, sensing that there wasn't much time before one of her parents came knocking. 
"He's well known for well, being quite the rover ma'am," she said hesitantly. The last thing she needed was to be heard calling a member of the most powerful family across the seas a whore.
"That's putting it quite lightly Willow. The man is a womanizer. Has many a mistress across the seas I've heard," Minerva stated carelessly.
"And many a lovechild, I've heard," Claudia added with a scandalized look.
"I've heard he's a deviant. No regard for a lady's feelings and only wants one thing: sex. That's all he sees women for," Indi scoffed, looking slightly annoyed to Lori's intrigue.
"You've encountered him personally?" Lori asked her with a frown.
Indiana's eyes widened as she was taken aback. "No ma'am, not me!" she denied quickly in defense of her reputation.
"Then someone you know." Lori wasn't asking; it was an observation. One she wanted confirmed.
However Indiana seemed apprehensive, taking her time to answer which only further upset Lori. "Perhaps I should've mentioned that our time is borrowed. Someone will come to check on me soon and I would rather they not hear this little conversation for your own safety," Lori said, beckoning Indiana to speak and quickly.
"It was my sister. She encountered the Tribal Prince Jey a month ago," Indiana revealed softly. She was still afraid that the wrong person might have heard her and that her sister's life would be in jeopardy.
Lori exhaled sharply. Before she could speak however, there was a knock, likely one of her parents. The maidens immediately stood up and moved the chairs to their rightful positions and stood to the side of the room. Lori nodded, signaling for Claudia to open the door, revealing and annoyed yet nervous looking Lord Byron.
Lori's father took cautious steps into the room and towards his daughter. "I've come in peace," he said, hoping to avoid his daughter's wrath.
"Peace that you compromised the moment you decided to sacrifice me like a goat, to a hoodlum no less," Lori hissed, glaring daggers at her father.
"Lori he is a man who has desires. Unfortunately he tends to succumb to them, but that does not make him unworthy of respect nonetheless," Lord Byron explained in defense of the Tribal Prince.
Lori chuckled sarcastically. "If he were a woman he would be considered a damaged whore," she scoffed.
"Well his family is aware of your damaged state and still desires to have you as a princess. You should be grateful. Count yourself lucky that there is a man who still desires you!" he whisper-shouted, starting to feel his own temper rise at his daughter's defiance.
"A man who desires anything he can insert-" she was once again interrupted by Lord Byron.
"Loreal you are in no position of judgement! Perhaps if you hadn't shamed me, and were still pure, then you could run your mouth and voice your obscene opinions, but you are not pure. You do not have that luxury! Because you are used, damaged, tattered!" he hissed, making Lori's heart drop with each word.
How he loves to forget my cries and screams for help that day.
"So you sold me to a man who you see as my moral equal?" Lori asked incredulously as tears threatened to spill from her eyes. "Your love for me knows no bounds," she sarcastically gritted through her teeth.
Lord Byron ran his hand down his face and sighed before turning to leave her room. "Pack. All of you," he commanded, addressing the maidens for the first time since he had entered the room.
"You are to leave with the Bloodline in 2 hours."
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saltywinteradult · 1 month
What I hate most about the last Rhaenicent scene is how holier than thou Rhaenyra is shown to be, the writers aren't even trying to hide their bias.
In the first season they told us Alicent's evil for putting a child abusing rapist on the throne rather than their Mary Sue who's so perfect she won't even order Vaemond Velaryon's execution.
Then in the second season they have Alicent become a pathetic cockroach who will hand her son over on a silver platter to save her own skin. It doesn't matter if you see it differently, this was their intention: to show how much better a mother/woman/Queen/ruler/politician Rhaenyra is because she would scream bloody murder if anyone even suggested disowning Jace whilst Alicent doesn't even protest when she demands Aegon's head.
This show is not for Alicent Hightower fans, Rhaenicent as a ship is not for Alicent Hightower fans. I think the sooner we accept this the easier it will be to abandon HotD once and for all.
(I'm going to assume you're the same anon​ who sent me this.)
*Sigh* Okay. I've already said that I think Rhaenicent can't be canon without butchering the characters, like they have now done with Alicent, and therefore it shouldn't happen. Alicent has been made into Rhaenyra's bootlicker and I hate it. I have already said, very clearly, that I agree with all of that.
However, I have also said, very clearly, that I still enjoy Rhaenicent in some ways despite this. So why are you sending me this, anon​? Are you trying to convince me to stop liking the things I still like about Rhaenicent? Are you trying to convince me, an Alicent fan and a Rhaenicent enjoyer, that it's not possible to be both? Because I'm not the only person in this fandom who is both. We're in the minority, but we exist. You are entitled to your opinion that Rhaenicent and HotD are not for Alicent fans, but this Alicent fan has to disagree. It's not for you to decide what is or isn't "for" anyone other than yourself.
I agree that the writers' intention with that awful last scene was to show Rhaenyra in a better light - because that seems to be their intention with just about everything. This is an issue with the entire show, not just Rhaenicent. The whole story has been twisted to fit into a cookie-cutter pseudo-feminist narrative with Rhaenyra as the hero she was never meant to be, and every character, not just Alicent, has suffered for it. (I would argue that Rhaenyra's character has been butchered too. Making her a feminist hero is so much less interesting than she was in the book.) So as it happens, I don't see that differently than you.
But so what if I did? I'm sorry, but what the hell are you trying to say with a statement like "it doesn't matter if you see it differently"? I am allowed to see it however I want. People can and do have different opinions on art than its​ creator, or different opinions than you for that matter. That's literally just how art works.
And not to be blunt, but if you hate the show this much, why are you even here, anon? Are you trying to convince me to stop watching? Because if so, that's really not for you to decide. Why not just stop watching the show yourself and let other people do what they want? Personally, I'm still watching the show because while the writing is shit, I still think the cinematography is gorgeous, the special effects are great, the music is beautiful, the acting is amazing, and the schadenfreude of watching the Targaryens self-destruct spectacularly is as satisfying as ever. I enjoy some aspects of HotD and not others, just as I enjoy some aspects of Rhaenicent and not others.
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Propaganda for Michel Ney:
This man. THIS MAN HAD SO MUCH CHARACTER. HE’S LITERALLY THE KIND OF MAN THAT INSPIRES GOOD FICTIONAL CHARACTERS NGL!! Since he’s up against a british person, here is a description of him by the Times of London:
“... his name rendered illustrious by 25 years of eminent services and brilliant exploits, was dear to the country, and even the enemies of France admired in him the character of the Great Captain. All allowed him to possess as much generosity of sentiment as bravery and skill at the head of armies. No trait of weakness, adulation or rapacity, had ever cast shade over his loyalty and military virtues. His sole defect seemed to be a certain vehemence of character and expression, which rendered him little suited to public affairs.”
And his death was so tragic. In Waterloo, he had made a fatal mistake with the cavalry, and he decides here that he will die. We don’t know exactly what happened here. Did he have so much PTSD from russia and years of war that he made such a stupid mistake (AA ALSO AFTER the disaster of russia campaign he isolated himself so much. Poor man🥺)? But one thing’s for sure, this man wasn’t a coward. The Bravest of the Brave was not a man who’d mess up in the war and just run away. On those grassy fields, Ney tried everything to get his men’s attention and when all hope seemed lost he shouted in the faces of the enemies “See how a marshal of France meets his death!” It seems in that moment his greatest want was to be killed by english bullets. But Victor Hugo recounts this and adds the ironic line of “Unhappy man, thou wert reserved for French bullets!”
This man sobs afterwords he gets tried for treason against france basically for siding with Napoleon. But with how unfairly they zero-in on ney’s wrong doings, this was a blood sacrifice. To help him, his lawyer reasoned that the place Ney was born from technically was no longer french, since it has been annexed by Prussia from the 1815 treaty of paris…
But this guy. OH nOnoNonononononoNO, this red-haired, lion-looking, emotional honor-filled patriot has the audacity to interrupt his defender and say loudly without the slightest doubt or hesitation "I am French and I will remain French!"
Come on. COME ON!!!! How stupid is he???!! How idiotic!! He just closed another door to survival because of what??
because of honor….. Wow, can you imagine that? He has given everything all his years of service, all his years of being a husband, a father, a son, all his years of rest and peace of mind to France. He has done so much, and even when…EVEN WHEN FRANCE SLAPS HIM ACROSS THE FACE AND SAYS “you traitor” He shouts back “I am French and I will remain French!” aaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA OMG….. what the hek…who is this man????
So he is executed as a traitor. There are different versions of his death but here are a few:
By Rochechouart:
“He [Ney], of course, refused to kneel down and be blind-folded; he merely asked the Commandant Saint-Bias to show him where he should stand. He stood facing the platoon, who held their guns ready to fire. Then, in an attitude I shall never forget, it was so noble, calm and dignified, without bravado, he took off his hat, and availing himself of the moment when the Adjutant stepped aside and gave the signal to fire, he said these words, which I distinctly heard: Frenchmen, I protest against my sentence; my honour..." As he said these words he placed his hand on his heart; the volley was fired, and he fell. A rolling of drums, and the shout of "Vive le Roi" from the surrounding troops closed the mournful ceremony.”
Such a death made a deep impression on me, and turning to Auguste de la Rochejaquelein, Colonel of the Grenadiers, who was beside me, and who, like me, deplored the death of the bravest of the brave, I said: ‘There, my dear friend, is a lesson how to die.’”
By M. Laisne:
“He [Ney] took some steps, removed his hat, and in a loud and clear voice: ‘I protest,’ he said ‘before heaven and mankind, that the judgment that condemns me is iniquitous; I appeal from it to Europe and to posterity’ …. Before these words there was presented to him a handkerchief to bandage his eyes. He answered with exaltation, ‘do you not know that a soldier does not fear death.’ He advanced again four paces, laying his hand on his heart and said to the soldiers: ‘Do your duty. It is there that you must hit, do not miss me.’ Instantly he fell dead.”
And finally a very close person to him, Ida Saint-Elme:
“Ney got out of the carriage. He was wearing civilian clothes: a long dark coat, a white necktie, black breeches and stockings, a tall beaver hat with curved brim. He uncovered. His slightly raised head showed that his face wore a tranquil expression. He looked first to the right and then to the left. He caught sight of me. Then, as though fearing to compromise his faithful friends by the least sign of recognition, he bent his brow downward a trifle.”
“He walked on with firm step. At that instant I discerned through the mist, in the centre of the square of troops, and standing out from the dark background of the wall, the firing squad. I tried to rush forward. Belloc pulled me back, and forced me into the cab.”
“Then I dropped weakly upon the seat. A few minutes elapsed, each a whole century long. Then I heard a sharp report. I went into a dead faint."
His death is so tragic and amazing. It really shows out his character and was the initial thing that got me interested in him as a person. Anyways, basically, this dude is such a tragic glory-lover but also very heroic and inspiring.
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askanaroace · 5 months
The Locked Tomb: Gideon and Harrow - Aro Perspective
Any Locked Tomb fans here?
Just wanted to chat about Griddlehark. It's kind of amazing to be in a fandom where the same ship is end game for like 100% of the community, myself included.
But - and maybe this is just perspective bias - that ship has never been romantic to me. I've never really read anything romantic into Harrow and Gideon's relationship. To me, it's a very strong non-romantic bond that we, in this non-TLT universe, have no appropriate word for. Absolutely a Jaeger pilot (Pacific Rim) sort of bond. The new sff bond: cavalier and necromancer; sword and adept.
(I could go either way on it being sexual or not.)
"You are my only friend. I am undone without you."
--Harrow to Gideon, pg 356 GtN
"[...] the entire point of me is you. You get that, right? That's what cavaliers sign up for. There is no me without you. One flesh, one end."
--Gideon to Harrow, pg 432 GtN
"You think anything I did has been to make her love me? [...]" "Like I said before. She's just not into you. She's into bones. She gave her heart to a corpse when she was ten years old," I said. "She's in love with the refrigerated museum piece in the Locked Tomb. You should've seen the look she had on when she told me about this ice-lolly bimbo. I knew the moment I saw it. I never made her look like that... She can't love me, even if I'd wanted her to. She can't love you. She can't even try." [...] "If you think anything I did, I did to make her love me, then you don't know anything about her and me. I'm her cavalier, dipshit! I'd kill for her! I'd die for her. I did die for her. I'd do anything she needed, anything at all, before she even knew she needed it. I'm her sword, you pasty-faced Coronabeth-looking knock-off." Always your sword, my umbral sovereign; in life, in death, in anything beyond life or death that they want to throw at thee and me. I died knowing you'd hate me for dying; but Nonagesimus, you hating me always meant more than anyone else in this hot and stupid universe loving me. At least I'd had your full attention.
--Gideon to Ianthe, pgs. 435-436 HtN
So Alecto, wearied of talking, kneeled up on the rock and offered up the sword to [Harrow], and placed the child's hand upon the blade, so that it received also the red blood of the child. This made the child exceedingly faint, but it did not swoon of weariness. Which strength pleased Alecto, who said: Notwithstanding, I offer you my service. To which a voice on the opposite side of the shore was raised, exceeding wroth, and Alecto heard it shout in a very great shout: Get in line, thou big slut.
--Alecto's perspective, pg 477 NtN
Like Gideon knows very clearly that Harrow does not romantically love her. But they are the only two children of the Ninth left. They are committed to each other in "one flesh, one end" by now. They are meaningful to each other, and that is enough.
I don't know. I'm just having a lot of feelings about it.
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mrs-monaghan · 10 months
I was looking through tkk blogs to see what they were saying about Jimin’s death threats and their role in it—unsurprisingly nothing, and I saw you in the replies and just wanted to say, they don’t have receipts because they don’t exist. Their entire ship is built on slow-mo edits and conspiracy theories.
I do wish some jkkrs would realize they’re starting to think and move like the cult. That blog seemed more rational and reasonable than I’ve seen a tkkr be before, and harassing them isn’t doing anyone any favors. No jkkr is ever going to convince a tkkr of anything in the same way that a tkkr can’t convert a jkkr. That blog at least thinks jk and jm are friends… and wow the bar is on the floor isn’t it? I am surprised that blog is so popular though because they don’t seem to say much of anything. They agree when tkkrs send them asks and then give vague non answers with no receipts for any other ask, but I guess they’re used to that sort of thing. The one time I saw them trying to show receipts it was from an account named KookV FANTASY FICTION 😂
I did not harrass them. I do not harass people. I just made a statement. Like u said, this person seemed pretty level headed so yeah, I replied. You don't come across a sane tkkr everyday so that's why I was confused by their post. Because all I have to do is swap Taekook for Jikook and I can find all the moments they described.... with receipts! 😅
There is something you said thou that stands out to me.
No jkkr is ever going to convince a tkkr of anything in the same way that a tkkr can't convert a jkkr.
Anon, I disagree. If a tkkr showed me legit questionable moments I would listen. If we didn't have HD photos of the Taennie Paris drama I would listen. But as it stands everything they say makes tkk real can be found with V and the wooga squad, can be found with V and other members, with JK and other members. There is not one single "sus" tkk thing that applies to only them.
So yeah, a tkkr would never make me stop believing in Jikook... but Jikook would make me stop believing in Jikook. What happened with V is NEVER going to happen with Jikook. There is not leaked photos or videos (legit ones) that exist of Jimin and JK with other men or women. I personally don't think they have ever broken up so I believe this to be fact. From 2013 when we met them till now November 2023, there is nothing of substance out there that suggests Jimin or JK are or have ever been with other people.
Idk about the future but now, in this moment, I can confidently say this.
If in future they broke up and stopped... well Jikooking, I guarantee you Jikookers would stop "shipping" them. Me included. We don't support Jikook to be stubborn. We believe in them because they remind us of our own rlships or rlships of people we know about.
I discovered BTS and then gravitated towards the two members who screamed "we suck each other's dicks!" to me. This is the story of 90% of Jokers. If it was RM and Jin who acted the way Jikook do, this would be a Namjin blog. If it was Jhope and V doing and saying the things Jikook do, this would be a Vhope blog. Because I am an Army and I watched alot of content with all 7 and Jikook just happened to be the sus ones.
Heck, if Tkk were any bit suspicious to me, i would be a tkkr too!
But alas! That's not the case.
Anon I disagree because majority of Jikookers have reason. We are smart, we did the math. When we get debunked we accept. When we get corrected by the Koreans, we accept. We admit when we are wrong and the survival of our ship doesn't depend on getting rid of V. Most importantly we don't make up anything just so our ship can keep sailing.
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GCF Saipan who???
We are here because among all 7 members it was Jikook who looked like they had something going on. You will find Suga biased Jkkrs, Jhope biased Jkkrs, Jin biased Jkkrs, etc. If I thought tkk were real, I would support them despite Jimin being my bias. THAT, anon is the difference between us and them. Not what you think.
Oh. This is the post anon and I are talking about. Please no hate to the blog. He/she seems like good people.
Like @magicshop-pjm1 likes to say; thanks for attending my TED talk
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mrspark7777777 · 2 months
when people say things like they find moments where added up it leads them to believe Jikook are not in a romantic relationship I wonder what they mean. So I’m talking actions and whereabouts etc. because to me, they are closeted and busy men but they have always been consistent in their behaviour to each other, even last year despite the longing, am I missing something?
Nah anon. People are just morons
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1) Trashkookers:
Their bias is V and so if they're gonna ship anyone in BTS it has to be V. Must be V. No matter what. But nooooo they won't ship him with someone like Jhope where they don't have to make anything up or Jin where they actually do some pretty sus things where edited end up giving us some awesome Taejin sexual tension videos 🤭🤭😂 V does the exact kind of fanservice with everyone which is why what Tkk do can never be special, but with Jin he kinda goes the extra mile and I for one love to see it 😂 It totally makes sense to me why Taejin was the first ship in BTS way back when. So yeah, these idiots could ship Vhope or Taejin and never be frustrated by their ship. But nope. Its gotta be with the youngest because he's hot and popular and looks like a badboy thus fulfilling their fantasies or whatever. Idek man. It dont gotta be JK people. It really doesn't. As long as Jimin exists this dude is always going to frustrate you and thems the truth!
2) Antis
Antis have categories. JJKs, PJMs, Homophobes and Anti shippers.
JJKs hate Jimin because PJMs hate on JK. But PJMs only hate on JK because his rlship with Jimin brings him hate from the vermin. Who hate Jimin because JK doesn't do to V the things he does to/with Jimin.
Damn, that's a mindfuck.
Homophobes, well. These include JJKs, PJMs and anyone in the fandom who believes all members are straight. We've seen extremely homophobic stuff get tweeted especially by KJJKs. They are hella nasty. (For the most part thou, majority of PJMs know their fave is not straight)
As for the Anti shippers, they are not homophobic, but don't believe any members are dating each other. Heck, they too ship members but not seriously, just for fun. They think other shippers take it too far because skinship is normal in SK and so what Jikook do is normal skinship. (Even though we've seen Koreans react to Jikook and say they would never do that with their own friends but I digress)
Idk why its so hard to think the biggest boy band in the world could have some gay members, but okay.
So no anon, you aint missing anything. Other people are 🤷🏽‍♀️
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I think I also want to explain my big bias about romance in epics: a heavily opinionated thread
Keep in mind, I’m not trying to throw shade at any indie creators who do this, just trying to explain my style and why
I really don’t like “Star-Crossed” Lovers and “Love interest to be built up and killed off” tropes. Not sure I ever did honesty.
I get why they work, they just don’t work for me. Unless like Peter Parker they get another chance again.
And three franchises were the final straw for me, and what drove me to go indie along with being inspired by indie works of others
First it was RWBY the tragic end of Arkos and what I feared to be sane of Black Sun among others along with the doomed fate of Oscar Pine
I tried to express my distaste of it on tumblr on my past accounts and RWBY wiki discussion forum(big mistake, I know) and I regretted it so much
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Never had I met a fanbase so arrogant, self righteous, and sanctimonious about this kind of stuff, going on how amazing these tropes and dark stories like RWBY initially seemed circa V3-Finale along with Madoka Magica and Akame Ga Kill were and sneering at anything even one shade lighter than that
They were either passive-aggressively judging and gaslighting me, or outright lecturing me
How a epic story that has Dork knight and a lonely warrior woman isolated by society crushing on him,  or a unlucky moody girl and sunshine himbo, a doomed hero having a well earned happy ending, especially if it involved resurrection as a good thing was nothing but “pandering”, petty, and worthless and the preference of the weak and cowardly
Even one fan said “people don’t find that interesting, sorry.” And that another fan seemed to stated characters like Pyrrha and Jaune are only fit for tragic endings because “that’s the kind of character she is” both of which these fans spoke as these things were gospel, or they themselves had some kind of storytelling authority
Then I heard about Superman and Lois Lane getting married and having a kid and even Bruce and Selena getting hitched, until hearing both marriages get trashed along with a few others
Along with the defense Dan Didio gave
It was absolutely MADDENING to me
"Heroes shouldn’t have happy personal lives. They are committed to being that person and committed to defending others at the sacrifice of their own personal interests.
That’s very important and something we reinforced. People in the Bat family their personal lives basically suck. Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake, Barbara Gordon and Kathy Kane. It’s wonderful that they try to establish personal lives, but it’s equally important that they set them aside. That is our mandate, that is our edict and that is our stand."
Like, these guys want to hopeful, but only in certain ways the pop-culture/literary ‘intellectuals’ deem acceptable as well as what they deem to be ‘interesting’ and what I had in mind did not only not qualify, it was seen as outright heresy
When I brought this up in my grievances with stories like RWBY, one holier-that-thou jerk supported it because 
“Single Batman and Superman sells well”
After writing my preferences off as “pandering” and only for the likes such as Disney and Marvel,
The Self-Centered hypocrisy was staggering because what he said and his many followers were basically saying this;
“We don’t like it when your niche interest stuff is forced into our stuff, but when the case is in the reverse? We’re totally cool with that, and we hope it keeps happening.”
other fans said what I wanted was only for sitcoms, imposing themselves as gatekeepers of *epic storytelling itself*
From where I was standing, there is a growing hatred of couples in epics go through and making it and even getting married and having children, especially those of certain dynamics all under the guise of “hopepunk” and “The Greater Good.” Or whatever the term is now
Prattled on by conceited fandoms who in my opinion, have become a bunch of literary snobs who think way too highly of themselves
Who go around deciding what ways are legitimate “raised stakes” and “consequences”, 
both which might I add are defined by their *own* standards,
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along with their own preferences, especially fates for of certain kinds of ships and characters, which they flaunt as “objective” and above those of “the unwashed masses” in order to justify glorifying them as well as themselves for liking them
Which then afterwards these fandoms pressure these standards onto aspiring writers such as myself or be exiled to sitcoms, romcoms, Disney, or Marvel.
Because it’s not “entitlement” if it’s directed at the peasants I guess.
That along with the fact their so insecure and discontent with just being different, they need to feel superior than others for their own preferences
Nor they can’t handle the idea somewhere out there there is story that have characters like the those of the stories they enjoy, but with a different outcome
All epic fiction, its characters, its settings, its themes, its use of its inspirations, the creator’s style needs to begin and end on terms of these self-appointed arbiters who, once again, try to justify by presenting their preferences, tastes, and “personal emotional beats” as objective and superior
And once again: I’m *NOT* saying creators who goes with the tragic romance route are bad or malicious, most of them are just doing their thing
This problem lies with sycophantic individuals among fandoms who appoint their chosen champion’s ways as law and act offended on their behalf, even though they never spoken to these creators personally nor did these creators asked them to pick up a sword in their name and are not held accountable for their behavior
And what’s worse, is that these groups imply epic stories where heroic couples get married and have families are allegedly incompatible outside of Disney or Marvel or else it ends up as terrible story
Which they will imply is the case for stories like DragonBall Z, Sword Art Online, and Naruto/Boruto
But when *their* way of doing things ruins a franchise like DC comics and people complain about it?
It’s the whining of unwashed masses or vocal toxic minority opposed to the enlightened few or informed majority
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Because *their* way makes everything better and always will
It’s incredibly self absorbed and narcissistic
So that’s why I’ve been so keen on having my heroes find love, get married and having families. Especially ones who’ve been through so much sorrow.
I’m just weary of this and tired of fandoms telling me when I’m disappointed;
“It’s not for you” and implying “nothing should be for you and everything should be for us”
And I’m certain I’m not the only one who feels this way
You don’t have to share my personal tastes and distaste’s in story beats in epics, once again, I just want you guys to understand.
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askingbecca · 6 days
Unpopular opinions about religion (from an atheist)
- If you need god and hell to stop you from “sinning”, maybe you’re just actually not a good person???
- The bible is fake and it has been proven that it has been rewritten many times over the centuries to match what people want it to say
- The only anti-abortion arguments are based on religious beliefs meaning that if we truly had separation of church and state it would not be a political topic, just a personal choice not to get one yourself
- The pledge of allegiance says “one nation, under god” so no one should be forced to say it if they don’t believe in it, in any setting
- They anti-LGBT+ arguments are also entirely based on religion so again shouldn’t be a political topic
- Putting god and trump in the same photo is literally against the commandments (2. Thou shalt not make false idols) so the conservative extremists who say they are christian but idolize trump are going against the their own bible
- Children shouldn’t be forced to be the same religion or religious at all until they can make choices for themselves
- Religious people should not be in healthcare if they cannot separate personal opinions/choices from what the job requires. Healthcare professionals need to base their practice on evidence based care, patient needs and science
- Churches should be taxed
- Being able to claim religious beliefs as a reason not to get vaccinated is why so many people have gotten sick or died
- Addiction and prison rehabilitation is often attributed to “finding god” so again if god is the only reason you are good, maybe you just aren’t a that good of a person (addiction is a disease and should be treated as such)
- It’s literally so delusional to believe that some higher power created all of existence
- Again saying you hear or see god is just visual or auditory hallucinations indicating mental illness
- Being an atheist I live so freely with no religious guilt or desire to please some made up person. I still treat all people with care and respect because I have the desire to be good for no one but myself and those around me
- If there was a god why doesn’t he answer prayers? I prayed for most of my childhood to stop being molested by my sister and he never once answered. Now I live with cPTSD and depression because of it and I am not the only one
- Religion stops people from acting without bias and it costs many lives
- World peace could have been a thing if there was no religion to start wars and separate people
- Saying “all lives matter” but then turning around and voting for trump is a contradiction because his policies don’t include all lives
Just my opinion tho🤷🏼‍♀️
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thealogie · 1 year
There's a group of Tumblr gomens fans/MS+DT irl shippers that's recently been coming under fire in the fandom, what's you opinion on that? Personally, I dislike pile ons and holier than thou attitudes, and imo RPF is a fact of life and people have the right to write and read it. On the other hand, the stench of proselytizing/conspiracy theorising/confirmation bias from that group makes me cringe, plus they unabashedly hate on pretty much every family/friend circle member of DT and MS (nothing unusual when compared to SPN fandom, and less libelous than Cumberbatch truthers). Idk why people can't just peacefully write their RPF and leave out the 'analysing' of real people they never met based on random pics and social media, but there you go. When I see a post like that sometimes it's hard to ignore it because of sheer amounts of bias/plain disinfo, but the people that lately started to confront them seem to operate from the POV that all RPF is evil and people who read it are monsters, which also seems stupid.
Man I can’t believe I’m responding to this ask because this is the last thing I want to wade into but I can’t stop laughing because I cannot imagine two people who would be less bothered by people shipping them.
I haven’t seen people being actually conspiracy theory/“they’re about to break up their marriages and get together” about this one but I’m sure it’s out there. I really really hope that contingent never gets big enough for David and Michael to see that type of stuff. I think they should be able to flirt and have a little crush on each other without experiencing any negative consequence from it. I think they should be able to make out in public and have us all go “what a beautiful friendship”
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cto10121 · 9 months
What are your thoughts on Tybalt? I knew before reading that he killed Mercutio and then was killed by Romeo so maybe i went in with some bias. But i wanted Tybalt dead as soon as he stepped on stage. No joke. The moment it said [enter TYBALT] and he started swinging his sword and talking smack i was like “Lord Jesus somebody stab him in the face rn.” This opinion never changes and is only furthered by his treatment of Benvalio in that scene as well as the Masquerade scene and the dual scene. But, i think if anyone could convince me of otherwise, it’d be you 🤭
Lol, I can try. Let me count the ways.
So I was, too, thinking about Tybalt, and I have come to the conclusion that his introduction may just be my favorite Shakespeare character introduction, no joke. I can hardly believe it myself, since Tybalt is such a minor character all things considered, but it’s true:
Tybalt: What, art thou drawn amongst these heartless hinds? Turn thee, Benvolio. Look upon thy death.
Tybalt also shows a modicum of wit when he criticizes Benvolio’s methods of keeping the peace. “What, drawn, and talk of peace? I hate the word / As I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee.”
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After that, though, Tybalt becomes more or less regulated to antagonistic catalyst. He does have some good rhyming couplets (“Patience perforce with willful choler meeting / Makes my flesh tremble in their different greeting”). I’d say he is perhaps the most eloquent of Shakespeare’s hothead characters, except that he can’t stand against even Capulet’s bluster (“Why, uncle, ‘tis a shame” 😡 poor bby).
One thing Shakespeare is careful to denote, though, is his commitment to honor and the rules of dueling. He sends Romeo a letter of challenge. When Mercutio tries to antagonize him into a fight, he keeps his cool and doesn’t rise to his bait, but instead is focused on Romeo. When Romeo refuses to duel him, only then does he duel Mercutio instead. In a way, he is undone by his own curious integrity—Romeo dispatches him quickly through sheer rage.
That said, I do agree that Tybalt does get a lot of unjustified love, not just in the fandom but in productions. I’ve noticed that a lot of productions cast Tybalt with a much sexier actor than Romeo, despite the lack of canon evidence. Romeo of course is the much larger and more dynamic role, but I feel if you’re going to include sexy good looking actors, you should do it for all the youths (once again, the French musical is so superior for this). And then there is the anime version.
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Like dude. Dude. Why did you go so hard on his design????
I think overall people are responding to the unrealized potential of his character—he does show charismatic flair at the beginning and quietly honorable instincts. And Shakespeare does show discipline and restraint in not rising to Mercutio’s bait. But yeah, most adaptations either go the Totally Evil Antagonist route (ew) or the tragically misunderstood/traumatized one (better, but just depends). You must be the first I’ve heard who disliked him immediately, but then I went into it not knowing he would kill Mercutio. So maybe that does make a difference.
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lachievpoststhings · 11 days
The Simpsons Season 2: My thoughts
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Still not quite the laugh riot we're used to yet but it's a step in the right direction. A lot of beloved characters and well known elements are introduced this season and it still has a lot of heart. This is when the show really begins. Characters and settings are more finalized and we even get the very first Treehouse of Horror, which has become a staple of the show from this point on (more on that later). Also, how can you not love Dancin' Homer?
Favourite Episodes:
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Dancin' Homer
Baby Elephant walk will never leave my head and I am okay with that.
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Bart the Daredevil
Don't know if this should be the main takeaway but the end to this episode is both funny and iconic.
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Itchy & Scratchy & Marge
I think this episode has a good message about the hypocrisy of censorship.
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Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?
I have a Hot-Wheels toy of The Homer.
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Brush with Greatness
Okay, I'll admit my reasons for liking this episode is bias (I like Ringo Starr).
Not so Favourite Episodes:
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Bart Gets an "F"
I mean, the episode itself isn't bad in any way but I think it's messed up that 59 is considered a failing grade. Is the American school grading system really that fucked?
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Bart vs. Thanksgiving
I just think this episode feels kind of mean.
And now, I shall talk about the very first Treehouse of Horror episode.
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The Simpsons have done a Halloween trilogy every season since season 2, and it all began here.
All the segment are entertaining and great but my favourite one is "The Raven". Now I usually prefer comedy over horror but this segment plays it straight for the most part. The narration from the late great James Earl Jones is very good.
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Now that season 2 is done, join me next time for season 3 when I talk about why I don't like when shows remove episodes from streaming.
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caliburn-the-sword · 1 year
omg. the pound of flesh. don't get me started. for my most recent exams i literally submitted an essay where the crux of my argument is that shylock never actually wanted the pound of flesh!! he did it as a joke ("in a merry sport... let the forfeit be nominated"). and yes, there are dangers in taking ANY character's words at face value, but basically textual evidence for him willing to forgive everything antonio has done to him and start afresh with this joke and deal are that he has previously been a doormat (there IS textual evidence to support this in his aside at the end of act one but i can't for the life of me remember word for word) and lets antonio do whatever. so shylock is primed to forgive (or at least overlook with minimal complaint) yet ANOTHER insult from antonio. and the joke itself is saying yeah i'm gonna trust you because we're putting aside our differences and accommodate YOUR religion and not collect anything other than the money owed because i trust you to pay me back. it all comes to a turning point where, if not antonio, it's the wider christian community have such a pack mentality and bias against him that his ENTIRE life is ruined within the span of a night. his ENTIRE fortune is stolen, he is cut off from his daughter, and antonio has also essentially robbed the guy (once again i don't have textual evidence as of now but antonio ADMITTED to planning on not paying shylock back. which demonstrates his own trust in shylock not to come collecting on the bond because he KNOWS shylock to be a forgiving man). shylock has NO ONE he can safely direct his outrage at, no one except antonio given shylock is so sure that venetian court will follow this all to the letter of the law. which they would have?? but also they were literally SO biased in antonio's favour. anyway that brings us to the trial, he states as justification for his vendetta "wouldst thou have a serpent sting thee twice" um mr shylock you've been stung WAY more than twice. and it also just greatly summarises what i was saying before, claiming the bond has become a self preservation instinct to protect him from having his life ruined even further by Antonio and Co™. in essence, even a worm will turn
i COMPLETELY forgot where i was going with this so hopefully i managed to hit whatever it was i started this tangent on. you gotta forgive me for being very general because it's been over a month, everything has flown out of my brain, i have no notes because they're in my locker and i'm going off pure vibes, and also i'm 17 and not very smart LMAO i only just scrape good grades usually. i'm more of a science guy. i'm just very passionate about shylock
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eriklehnsherrific · 2 years
just saw quite the heated discussion on communist twitter about the “damage” dealt by atla and its pacifist teachings and its inspired some thoughts from me. 
i think it is a valid critic that because atla was written by american white dudes during the bush administration, you probably aren’t going to derive the most revolutionary mores from the show. that’s understandable, and i can understand some viewers’ frustration with aang not killing ozai at the end because of the “violence is always bad!!!” message that the show really hammers home. but i think the original idea that atla is counter-revolutionary because of this lacks some nuance.
for starters, even given the incredible amounts of bias that comes with the show’s writers and writing, atla is still a pretty revolutionary show. especially because it is, at the end of the day, a kids’ show. i’ve written extensively about how atla teaches its audience about anti-imperialism through the lens of critical pedagogy, but i’ll spare you from listening to my whole spiel about it. in essence, it is still widely impressive that a show like that was able to deliver such a message through a kids show on a kids network in a country that was actively engaged in a pointless, imperialist war. as for it not being “revolutionary enough” by failing to more thoroughly teach redistributive justice and presenting nonviolence as something that is “holier than thou”, i have a few qualms.
1. aang is a pacifist monk. obviously its worth knowing that the tibetan monks that inspired some of the air nomads did hold slaves until the communist revolution, but the air nomads are indeed fictional and thus wholly pacifistic. all he has ever known is pacifism and nonviolence. moreover, aang is the only remaining part of a genocided community. the philosophy of the air nomads is literally one of the only things aang has left from his culture and community, so naturally it is extremely important to him.
2. this one i cannot emphasize enough: aang is a literal child. he is 12. asking a child to kill someone, even if that someone is a genocidal warmongering imperialist, is a difficult thing to ask. aang never wanted to be a part of the whole war to begin with, understandably so, because he was just a kid; kids shouldn’t have to make these kinds of decisions. as older members of atla’s audience, it can be easy to put ourselves in aang’s position and be at peace with that kind of decision because 1) this world isn’t real, so our perception of a character’s decision does not materially affect us at all and 2) we, the older audience, are not children. maybe this is a hot take, but it isn’t that unrealistic for a child to be freaked out by the thought of killing someone, especially if killing is against what that child considers to be important. hell, i’m an adult and i am freaked out by the prospect of having to take life. i don’t think i could do it either. 
3. violence as retribution is dangerous. a very smart observation from a different user in the discussion was that violence is a necessary tool of the proletariat because the bourgeoisie will not give us liberation willingly, but this is because violence is serving a means to an end. without this, violence as retribution is a difficult cycle to end. it very much reminds me of the last of us part 2, and how revenge is not always fulfilling and more often than not leads to more death and destruction. the desire for retribution is valid and justified, but acting on it just makes things worse. 
4. we have to remember that this is a kids show. the show is already pretty subversive in including topics on imperialism, colonialism, forgiveness, etc., with most of the deeper revolutionary stuff being noticed by older viewers. these topics are already difficult to understand, so it has to be dumbed down and simplified a bit for the audience of 6 to 12 year olds. there’s a reason why atla is a kids show and not an adult animation or even specifically a y/a animation, and that’s because the intended audience is children. i think its a bit ridiculous to expect a kids show to have a scholarly level discussion of anti-imperialism. while i think teaching these kinds of things to children is super important, as enjoyers of art/intellectuals/anti-capitalists, i think it is also important that kids shows are fun to watch. atla is fun to watch for a whole host of reasons. 
sorry for the length of the rant, but my passion for atla even after my hyperfixation on it has dulled is something that makes me think a lot. while i do consider myself an intellectual and anti-capitalist, sometimes i think we take things way too seriously. shows like atla, even with all of its flaws and deeper meanings, are allowed to be fun. storytelling doesn’t have to be perfect nor does it have to have perfect intentions for it to be important. people deserve to have a respite from intense intellectual thinking sometimes. anyways happy monday!
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youturningintodust · 3 months
Far too many people:
“AFAB people are inherently built for having submissive, receptive sex with a vagina and AMAB people are inherently built for having dominant, active sex with a penis. And it’s okay that I think this and even dare to bring my entitlement into LGBT communities, because I identify as some form of LGBT so I can do no wrong!
“Also anyone who doesn’t live this way is weird and icky and it’s okay for me to make up political reasons to hate them or associate them with the Regressive Bad Dinosaurs of the world who are so Mean and Uncool and Unqueer and Not With It. Queer is a compliment after all, a subculture and not an inherent inborn thing you can be — so I only use it for people who let me sexually get off to their original bodies, in the exact ways I want!
“No it’s not weird at all that my desires line up fully with religion and/or chaser porn and I’m going to manipulate and shame, and even literally gaslight you to shut up about it. I’m definitely not abusive or creepy at all for that. Because it never happened! Or if it did, it wasn’t that bad, and you deserve it!
“You just need to UNLEARN all that silliness you call your “inherently wired state” for us, honey. So you can be sexually liberated and enlightened! There you go…mmph, that’s hot right… That’s what’s good for Me / My libido / My cultural bias/expectations uh, I mean, you, yeah, good for you!
“Me?? Bioessentialist??? For coercing you to fill ancient roles for people of your AGAB?? Uhhhh no I think it’s YOU sweetie! because the sex you have or body that you want, line up wayyyy too well with the gender or the sexual role or social role you also feel naturally a part of. And that’s Bad Somehow! Why? Oh, Cause, Uh, [reads cue card] Stereotypes. Definitely Not because it ruins my kinks, oh nooooo it’s just uh. Problematic and Not Queer Enough and Morally Wrong Too.
“Now shut up and give me what I want you worthless homo/genderfreak, teehee uwu 🥰😇 The More-Normal-Than-Thou are talking. Obey 💋👌”
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