#no beta fuck it we ball
redrobin-detective · 7 months
Am I really writing a Danny Phantom fic unless I have Danny go through an inconvenient panic attack and make bad decisions?
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kiaxet · 1 year
Went a little feral to the tune of 2.2K words of self-indulgence. What else is new?
Donnie can't sleep. More accurately, he won't sleep. Not until he's done. He'd never been one to leave a project unfinished; death and resurrection hadn't changed that.
He taps incessantly, repetitively, on a keyboard and screen, the motions long since past inputting data and now only serving to keep him awake. The repetition is soothing, easy, and - counterintuitively - he finds his head drooping forward into sleep-
And he snaps back upright. No. Not until he can confirm Leo is okay.
Leo is behind him, he knows. Breathing. In bed. Asleep. Very much alive. And-
He jumps and whips around as a thud sounds behind him. "What the-"
Leo is on the floor.
Well, that answers the question as to whether his twin is awake.
For a fraction of a second, part of him wavers uncertainly. He loves his idiot twin. The question he hasn't been able to answer is whether his reaction to Leo waking up will fall on love or idiot twin-
He can hear the exasperation in his voice, and yep, it's the latter. He takes a knee next to Leo and hauls him into his arms, lecturing him all the while, and if he can hear the annoyance in his voice then Leo sure as hell can. Sleep deprivation for the purposes of keeping his brother's soul alight had done nothing for his temper. "I swear to God, all you had to do was make a sound! Why are you such a difficult patient?"
He deposits Leo carefully on the bed - "Sit still!" - and checks him over, running every scan he can think of and making sure his brother's new body really is in good working order, spouting increasingly irritated commentary all the while. Of course the fall didn't hurt him - Leo is tougher than that, and Donnie does better work than that - but he still can't help the rising anxiety in his throat.
This almost didn't happen.
"-stupid, stupid selfless idiot!"
Donnie almost couldn't save him.
Leo nearly died for real. Permanently beyond Donnie's reach. Well and truly gone-
"Do you have any idea how close you were to having nothing left to save?"
And now here Leo is, in perfect health, sitting on Donnie's bed with a big dopey grin on his face as Donnie chokes on his anxiety and damn near shakes himself apart-
Oh for fuck's sake.
"Hey. Are you even listening?"
Leo speaks up for the first time since he's woken up, voice shaky from disuse. "D-Donnie?"
And that is not a goddamn answer to anything Donnie has been saying, because of course it isn't. It's Leo. He's always had his own priorities. "Yeah. No. You're not fucking listening." Donnie heaves a long-suffering sigh, sinking back into the routine comfort that irritation at his twin provides. "At least you're talking." Small favors. "Although I'm surprised you're not throwing your stupid jokes at me." Even smaller favors.
He stops short as Leo's hand closes around his wrist, drawing Donnie's arm to Leo's plastron. "You're real," his brother breathes, looking from Donnie's hand to Donnie himself with tears streaming down his face. "You're real!"
And then, in the space of a thought, Leo's joy breaks, his smile turning desperate. "Are you?"
For a moment, Donnie stares at his twin, wondering at the sudden change in expression. He takes a breath-
And the part of him that had lain dormant for so long after he'd woken up - the part of him that had been screaming for his twin's safety ever since they'd recovered the few scattered embers of Leo's soul - gasps to life, blooming like a time-lapse video of a flower and reaching to the edges of Donnie's soul. Leo had called it their twin sense, and Donnie hadn't had it in him to argue after a while. Whatever it is, it's back, connected to Leo's renewed presence, and-
Donnie's heart floods with emotions. Relief and joy sprout quickly and are nearly swept away in a tide of exhaustionanxietyfearfearfearfearFEAR-
But down beneath it all, steady against the rising wall of terror, is the little blue spark of hope that his brother always carried. His core. The thing that let him continue on in the face of insurmountable odds, and lent that same strength to everyone around him. A ninja's greatest weapon.
It's Leo. It's Leo-
And Donnie can't leave him alone in his fear. Not when there's no need for it. Not when they're safe.
He lets that breath out, and sits next to Leo on the bed. "Mhm. I'm alive. And you're alive. We're safe. The Krang are gone." That's all the news that's fit to print, or at least the most important parts. What else does he have to say?
"I'm sorry I..uh…"
He's sorry he what? Died? Left a mess for Leo to deal with? Didn't do enough while he was alive to keep everyone else alive in turn after he was gone? Kept his brother's soul in a fucking mug, because that was the only way he could ensure he wouldn't break it while Leo was still fragile? All of the above?
…yeah, it's all of the above.
He owes Leo one hell of an apology, and he's never been good at any of this, so instead he shrugs haplessly and leans forward, pulling Leo into his arms and hanging on tight.
It's a matter of moments before Leo has him flat on his shell on the bed and is sobbing into his arms. Normally he'd hate seeing his twin cry, but it's proof of life - proof that Leo made it, that his soul is intact enough for him to still be Leo, that he's alive and awake and here - and Donnie will take it.
And if he's squeezing Leo back pretty hard himself, well, that's fine too. Nobody else needs to know.
Donnie is yelling at him.
Donnie is strong enough to have picked Leo up off the ground, well enough to be on his feet without support, running tests and reading Leo the riot act over his latest boneheaded maneuver - in this case, forgetting he was missing an arm and falling out of bed.
Donnie is yelling at him, because Donnie is here to yell at him.
And Leo is smiling, because he couldn't be happier. He lets the words wash over him, draping over his shoulders like a favorite cozy blanket that he'd lost so many years ago, and he basks in the warmth that is his brother's voice and smiles.
It's enough to interrupt the yelling for a question, though he doesn't really hear it - just keeps smiling, and says Donnie's name, and it's so nice to be able to say it with a smile now, because Donnie is here-
-he is, right? This isn't just a dying hallucination on Leo's part, right?
(It couldn't be- he remembers his death, remembers breathing his last, remembers being trapped- but this-)
He reaches out, taking Donnie's wrist in hand, and pulls his brother closer to him. "You're…real…" It certainly feels real - skin and scales, softer than his own, and his fingers barely fit all the way around the wrist instead of encircling them with room to spare - and he stares down at it, tears rolling down his face as he finally looks back up at his twin. "You're real!"
The Krang show you what you want to see.
The thought strikes him unbidden, turning his joy and relief to ice. It's a well-known fact: a Krang infection can show its host what they want to see, visions of comfort and family and home, and extract intel from the host's reactions. He knows that- he knows that, and-
And he'd died surrounded by Krang- and even if he couldn't see or hear or feel, he knows he'd been held captive-
But it's Donnie- he wants this to be real- he needs this to be real- he wants his twin back so badly he can't think, and the idea that this could be a Krang hallucination is almost too much to bear-
"Are you?" He can hear how choked the words are as they leave his lips, but he needs to know-
And Donnie stops, and sits down next to him, and tells him everything he wants to hear - everything he could've ever wished for. They're alive. They're safe. The Krang are gone. It all sounds too good to be true.
And then Donnie offers him an apology and a sad half-smile, pulling him into a strong hug-
And the ice in Leo's mind shatters in a flood of warmth as his twin sense opens for the first time since Donnie's death. He feels his twin's irritation, and deep-seated exhaustion, and a choking wave of guiltguiltguiltguiltguilt-
And beneath it all, steady and strong as ever, the thrum of unending determination, powered by an unfathomably deep well of love. It's the backbeat to the melody of Leo's life, the point-counterpoint to his own heartbeat- it's something he'd never had to live without until he did, but it's back, rushing in to fill the silence he'd known with the strength to go on and the knowledge that he is loved loved loved, strong and overwhelming and all-encompassing in the way only Donnie can love-
It's something the Krang could never imitate.
This is real. This is all real-
He throws himself against his twin, toppling them both over on the bed as he clings to Donnie, unable to stand even a fraction of an inch of space between them, as though he could push their hearts together through their plastrons, and he cries, sobbing out worry and terror and grief and the slow, crushing exhaustion of a losing battle finally lost. He cries as though the world was ending - and it had, once when the Krang had invaded and again every time he'd lost a member of his family, over and over until he'd sent his last hope through a portal that had cost his littlest brother his life and succumbed to death himself.
And now he's alive. Here, wherever here is, with Donnie. Clinging to his twin, and being held in turn as Donnie gently sits them both up, never letting go as Leo cries himself out.
It takes a while - long enough for Leo's gaze to settle into a stare and his thoughts to settle into a comfortable static. He's alive, Donnie is alive, and he has no fucking idea what else is going on, but he's just going to be okay with that for now.
His thoughts rouse enough to inform him of something wrong - the line of tension Donnie is carrying down his neck and over his shoulders. That won't do. Leo could try to massage it out with one hand, maybe try to get Donnie to talk about it, but Donnie never likes to talk about it, and Leo isn't one for slowly soothing away tension when he can just take an axe to the release valve instead. Plus, it gives him something definite to focus on, instead of…this whole situation. Whatever 'this whole situation' actually is.
Donnie had mentioned his stupid jokes, right?
"H-hey Dee?" His voice wavers from disuse, thick with tears, but he pushes through. "Why did- why did the tree buy a camera?"
"What?" Oh, Donnie is not going to see this coming. Excellent.
"To do a photosynthesis." It's nowhere near the level of pizazz he normally uses for a punchline delivery - he's still too tired and frazzled and clinging to Donnie entirely too hard for that - but that beautiful pause of a terrible joke sinking in tells him it had hit home nonetheless. Donnie moves - he can hear the telltale slap of face meeting palm - and then breaks down into helpless laughter, smacking the back of Leo's shell as the tension Leo had felt in his twin's shoulders abruptly relaxes. Good. It worked.
"This is so fucking stupid," is all Donnie manages as his laughter fades, and he slumps fully against Leo with a murmur. That's...abrupt. Sure, Leo had felt Donnie's exhaustion, but he hadn't realized it'd been that bad. He takes hold of Donnie, gently laying him down on the bed to rest-
Remember what happened last time Donnie fell asleep next to you.
He gasps sharply at the thought - not again NEVER again - and keeps his hand steady as he moves, laying both fingers gently against Donnie's neck and feeling for his pulse. It's easy to find, strong and steady and even, like it had been before the infection had taken Donnie's vitality and then his life.
But he's alive, and healthy, and sleeping. He's okay. And Leo-
Leo moves his hand to the side of his own neck. His pulse is also easy to find, quickened with the adrenaline of an unknown situation and multiple consecutive shocks to his system.
Okay. Take stock. Assess. Figure out a plan from there.
He's alive. Donnie's alive. The Krang are gone. And everything else…is a big fat question mark, with no easy answers and no indication as to where to begin looking for them.
"What the fuck," Leo whispers to the room at large, as though the walls could answer.
(A world away and still very close, a younger pair of twins cling to one another the way a drowning man clings to driftwood: desperately, clutching tight, as though letting go will spell their doom. Neither of them know where the emotions came from, or why; all they know is that each of them are damn glad the other is alive, and they'll do everything they can to make sure that continues to be the case.)
(What the fuck, indeed.)
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winkleclit · 26 days
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time crushes all
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cirtusmistress · 4 months
He Follows - Fixation
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Mahito is met with someone who is his true opposite, and a mutual curiosity blooms.
Mahito x Reader
Tags: Angst and Feels, Tragedy, Slow Burn, Tragic Romance, Mahito Being an Asshole, Gender-Neutral Pronouns, Eventual Romance, Not Beta Read, Mahito POV, Verbal Abuse
AO3 Crosspost
Word Count: 1.7k
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You were endlessly fascinating to him. Though he had little interest in humans outside of his experiments, he couldn’t help but be enamored by your every move. You had cursed energy, so no doubt you were aware of his presence everywhere you went. And yet you never looked at him. Never spoke to him. You merely kept pressing on. Why? Was he not interesting enough for you? Surely someone such as himself was far more intriguing than any other human you came across day after day. He stood out, he could tell you that for free. Blue hair and covered in patchwork skin? What human looked like that! 
Mahito had only existed for a short few months. Though he held incredible intellect he was still much like a child. Still growing, learning. Everyday was something new, something fascinating. Learning how to use his cursed technique, interact, manipulate. All things that would aid him in his end goal of creating a world without humans. 
So one day when he was simply people watching - looking for a new playmate to experiment on no doubt, he couldn’t remember - he saw you. Helpless, innocent you. Walking along with your bag of convenience store goods in hand, and with a small gaggle of low level curses parading behind you. Though they weren’t stalking you. No.. They were following you willingly. Mahito watched from his perch up high on a residential building. How when you walked, they followed. How when you stopped at a crosswalk a flyhead landed on your shoulder. And you smiled at it! You weren’t a sorcerer, he could tell from where he sat. Your energy level was far too low. And yet, you somehow commanded those curses. How could it be so?
He had followed you home that day. Thanks to the quick mastery of his own technique, he was able to contort and morph himself into a Fly Head. Well, as close as he could manage. He joined your little parade and followed all the way to your small single bedroom apartment. You paid no mind to the extra curse in your home, simply going about your chores. Mahito watched with the other curses. Had you perhaps used some kind of technique to bribe them? Maybe some kind of cursed spirit manipulation? Finally you sat at your little coffee table and pulled out something from your convenience store bag. Ice cream. Those ones that came in cones, prepackaged and ready to go. You had four, and laid three of them out in front of you and the curses. 
“Go ahead,” You said with a gentle smile, “These ones are for you guys.” Once they had your go ahead, the spirits began eating your offering. Mahito was.. Shocked. Low levels like these couldn’t think for themselves like this. Let alone eat! And yet he buzzed there as the curses who looked like bugs and mutants and grotesque little things nibbled away. Making happy little sounds all the while. You ate your own treat with this.. Stupidly sweet genuine smile on your face. Then you saw him. The odd Fly Head who hadn’t moved. Your head tilted, so did Mahito’s. Then the other way, and he followed. And then you smiled at him, as sweet and genuine as it had been to the others. And something rippled inside him.
“Haven’t seen you before! I didn’t know you all came in different colours!” You laughed, holding out your own ice cream in his direction, “Well welcome. You’re safe here with me. Do you want some? C’mon!” You jiggled your hand in his direction as if you tempt him like a cat you found on the street. Mahito didn’t quite know what he was feeling. Why were you.. Being so kind? To this trash? These low level curses that hardly had brains! Were you stupid? Not knowing these creatures around you could suck you dry, weigh you down, make you miserable? It was overwhelming for Mahito. So he simply gave in and played along. He sampled the treat you offered. It was sweet. And he liked it.
Ever since that encounter Mahito had followed you everywhere you went. To work, the shops, out on excursions. Sometimes in the form of another creature, sometimes lagging behind as just himself. Having studied you up close he’d confirmed none of the lower grades were under your control in some way. Everything they did they were doing willingly. Why? Why did they do it? What did you offer these things that they could not obtain from just being curses? What did you have that he just couldn’t understand? What had you made him feel that day, and every day since?
He was pondering these thoughts at a park on his lonesome one day. He had tired of waiting for you to come out for your lunch break so he’d wandered off. He lazily swung back and forth on a swing, mind putting along as your methods all but tortured him. And then he heard your voice. 
“Hello.” He leaned back in his swing, looking at you upside down. You took a few steps back to make room for him, though you did not run away. “You’re the one who keeps following me right?” You asked, folding your hands in front of you. So you had noticed him! And here he thought himself invisible! Mahito rose his feet as he began to swing again. 
“Perhaps,” He mused, “Who’s asking?” Despite being curious, Mahito was still in many ways a childish being. Straight-forward answers were not in his wheelhouse. 
He heard you step around him and take a seat in the swing to his left, “The person you’ve been following for four weeks.” Your tone was still soft and your voice was like honey on his ears. Why had he waited for you to make contact? “I wasn’t sure if you were human or one of my little friends. You’re not like them.”
“You mean those curses?” Mahito asked, pointing past you. You glanced to see your ‘friends,’ all huddled together underneath a jungle gym. Smart enough to hide from Mahito. His energy was enough to scare them. He had grown that much in a mere four weeks.. 
“Curses?” Your brows quirked up, “I wouldn’t call them curses. They’re harmless once you get to know them.” You looked back at him. Mahito felt his own innocence being reflected in your eyes. You truly had no clue what kind of company you kept. Those sweet little things you so cherished were the bane of many peoples' existences. And yet you looked at them like puppies and kittens. What did you see him as then? What was he in the eyes of someone uninformed on the world of curses?  What was he?
“If you knew I was there why didn’t you talk to me?” Mahito asked. You for once let your smile drop. You looked contemplative. Did you yourself not understand your odd mutual fixation? Perhaps two strangers forever caught in one anothers orbit?
“Because,” You spoke but stopped. Your tongue dragged over your lips and Mahito watched so closely. Every movement, every blink, every twitch. The breaths you took, the pulse of your heart, the vibration of your very atoms. “Because I didn’t want to scare you. You looked so.. Lonely.” That word. Lonely. Mahito knew of loneliness. It often came with the very emotion that birthed him. And he had never once thought he was lonely. He was content wasn’t he? Doing his experiments on his own, finding other intelligent spirits to aid in his end goal. He was not lonely, he was never alone. So why did your eyes hurt him? Why did he once again feel compelled to run? Why was your kindness so terrifying?
“That’s the pot calling the kettle black huh?” Mahito jabbed back, dragging his feet until his swing stopped. “All these weeks I haven’t seen you interact with a single person outside of work! All you do is hang around with weak inferior spirits!” He stood as the words erupted from him. Once again, unequipped to handle these sudden emotions. So he did what children did in these situations. He threw a misdirected tantrum. 
“I am not lonely. Why would I ever be lonely? I have friends! People to talk to, play with, show my work to! You’re the lonely one! Too scared to talk to me for weeks on end! God you’re- You’re so pathetic!” Hate was something Mahito knew. He knew how to hurt people. And the look on your face said it all. Never had your unending kindness been met with such aggression. And part of Mahito loved that look on you. But another part of him wept for you. Love was his opposite. Something Mahito knew he could never comprehend. Not truly. He could pretend. Replicate it. Make copy after copy. But never could he match your wavering, unending love. 
He left before you could reply. He could have killed you. Make you into something cruel and grotesque. But the last shred of curiosity he had for you prevented him. Old sentiment. The first bout of it in his short existence. You were left in that park. And though you had just been verbally abused, your heart cried for the blue haired man. How could he not see how badly he was hurting? You could. You saw it in everyone. Everything. Every past failure, every hurt feeling, you could see it. Feel it. Even in those spirits you loved so much. Even in him. He radiated it. And right now all you could do was hope maybe one day, you could speak to him again. And maybe he wouldn’t be so cruel. 
Mahito couldn’t forget you though. Despite how he tried to bury his feelings. He knew you two were polar opposites. One born from hate, and one born to love. You were his foil. And he couldn’t move on. Not until he learned what it felt like. He was in his nature. He needed to know, to feel, to experiment. So after a few days of respite, he began following you again. Farther away this time, but he was there. Watching. And you kept walking. Waiting.
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syn4k · 4 months
okay so since we've basically finished the draft of the first chapter of this fic we're working on and since we're going to be posting it exactly a week from now on may 30th as planned (unless something goes horribly and i mean HORRIBLY wrong), i figured that i may as well finally start posting a little bit about it here because this thing's been cooking for a few weeks now and man are we excited about it.
without further ado, everybody get ready for... salt and the sea!!! (named after the Lumineers song :3)
so about a month back our dear friend quincy @starry-storm-main watched a mianite s1 clip we sent xem in which tom did one of his signature Tom Things and tucker (whom he was living with irl at the time) muted himself in the call but could still clearly be heard screaming in agony from upstairs from tom's stream. and xey were like "hey what if you interpreted the fact that we could still hear tucker as an in-universe psychic link between him and tom" and we were like YOUR BRAIN IS HUGE AND I NEED TO WRITE SOMETHING ABOUT THIS NOW.
things very quickly got out of hand past that point and since then the idea has expanded into a full study of tom's loyalties being split between his friends and his god, with the mental link between him and tucker kinda accenting everything that's going on on that side of things.
so yeah this is gonna be a longfic (or at least a multichapter) and it's also almost certainly gonna get into some pretty heavy territory eventually so uh. have fun everybody and be prepared to get ur titties blown off 👍
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perpetualproductions · 5 months
If We Were Vampires (Pt. 9)
- There's a party tonight?
- Jordan decides to stay in
- Nevermind. Jordan needs to go to the party.
CW: Blood. Violence. More blood. Mentions of drugs/drug use. Same w/Alcohol.
[a/n: ngl, kinda let the depression win with this one. Words just weren't wording when I wrote it. But hey, still wrote. Anyways, sorry, ig. Hope it's readable.]
3k words
<-Previous| Next->
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Jordan and Marie were both sitting at one of the picnic tables in the quad, sharing a sandwich from the cafeteria. They had spent most of the afternoon outside now, just walking around, spending time together and simply enjoying each other's company. They had fallen into casual conversation when they were suddenly approached by Cate and Andre. 
“Well look who decided to show their face?” Cate said, sliding into the open spot on Marie's left.
“Yo, I'm gonna need to know what you took that left you MIA for four fucking days, dude. Seriously, where'd you go that night?” Andre said, slinging an arm around Jordan's shoulders, taking the spot on their right. 
Jordan just forces a laugh. “Trust me, you don't want to know. Definitely never doing that again.”
Andre jokingly narrows his eyes. “Fine. Keep your secrets.” Andre drops his arm, giving Jordan some space. 
“Doesn't matter. There'll be plenty of opportunities to get fucked up later tonight.” Cate winks, nudging Marie a bit, who just gives a tight smile and nods in response. 
Jordan's a little confused from the interaction. “What's tonight?” 
“Party in the woods. There's a clearing about a mile out from Dusty's, right next to a lake. There's gonna be a bonfire and everything.” Cate responded. 
“And rumor has it Dusty's supplier is bringing out some of the good shit this time.” Andre added. 
“I thought Marie told you?” Cate questioned, looking at Marie. 
Marie just looked at Jordan a bit wide eyed. She did mean to tell them, but then the whole vampire thing came to light and Marie was sure partying was gonna be the last thing on Jordan's mind. “I uh, well Jordan's been really busy, haven't really had time to bring up-” 
“It's fine. Don't think I'm gonna go anyways.” Jordan interrupts. “I am still pretty busy.” They tried to reason. 
“Oh come on, you're always busy, Jordan. It's Saturday! Come get fucked up with your friends!” Andre tries to convince them. 
“Yeah, since when does Jordan Li say no to a party?” Cate adds.
“Since I completely blacked out from one a couple days ago. And I seriously can't afford to do that again when I have so much work to do. Sorry guys. Maybe next time.” Jordan said, definitely. They switched to female form as they got up and began to walk away from the table, knowing they wouldn't stop trying to convince Jordan to go to the party if they stayed. They were right. Usually Jordan would jump at the chance to escape their response for a night, but they really weren't sure how they'd behave in a crowd of people, blood pumping through their veins from the dancing and drugs. Just sounded like a recipe for disaster. Also, there may be a touch of ptsd, given they actually died at the last party they went to. Or adjacent. Whatever, it was the middle of the woods, they're a vampire, they've seen this movie before. They weren't gonna risk it. 
They could hear Marie call their name from behind them, but they didn't feel like talking at the moment, so they rounded a tree and sped away once they were out of sight.
Jordan spent the rest of the day working out in the student gym, then going to study in their dorm, alone. Just trying to keep them busy, taking their mind off of anything vampire for the rest of the day. As much as they could anyway, cause they still had to drink blood every now and again.
Except this time, as they sat at their desk studying for what felt like hours, they felt their stomach growl, the hunger seeping in. They were on a bit of a roll, so they ignored it as much as they could until they finally caved, dropping their pencil and rolling over to their mini fridge. As they swung the door open, they froze… There was only one bag left. Shit. 
“Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit-” Jordan stumbled out of their chair, kneeling in front of the fridge, digging through to make sure there weren't any bags hiding in the back (not that it even went back that far). “Shit!” Jordan yelled, slamming their hand down on the fridge door. A loud crack followed by a thump rang out as the fridge door broke off its hinges, falling on the floor. Jordan moved back a bit as it happened, a hand clutching their head, fingers tangling into their bob. “Fuck…” Jordan sighed, sliding down till they were sat on the floor. They angrily kick the broken door away from them and reach into the fridge, grabbing the last blood bag, ripping it open and drinking it all down. 
They tried to savor it, take it slow, but they were too hungry. They finished the bag in seconds, throwing it to the side. Jordan groaned as they clutched their head in their hands. They were a bit fucked here. They were doing a decent job at rationing their “meals” and making sure they were pacing themselves and not drinking too many bags at once. But that morning sort of fucked them. When they got spooked, accidentally biting Marie's lip, they just lost control a bit and drank down like five fucking bags at once. Shit. They were gonna have to get more, and unfortunately, they only had one supplier…
Jordan made their way over to Justine Garcia’s dorm, banging on the door. “Hey! Open the fuck up!” Jordan yelled. They didn't want to bring any attention to themselves, but they were pretty on edge at the moment. They kept knocking on the door, but didn't get a response. 
Jordan sighed, thinking Justine was already at the party by now. Fuck. They were gonna have to go, confront her, and either convince her to come back to give them more blood bags, or drag her back. No- they really shouldn't make a scene. They can't make a scene. 
Jordan's about to walk away, but stops. They turn back around to the door in front of them, getting close to it to see if they can sense what they're looking for on the other side. They couldn't sense anyone on the other side. No fresh blood flowing through veins or breathing can be heard, but they think they can smell a faint scent of blood. Bagged blood, but still blood.
Fuck it. Jordan thought. They grabbed the door handle and yanked it down, effectively breaking it off. They push the door open, taking a scan of the room before walking in. But, as they go to step in, they can't.
"What the fuck?" Jordan mutters to themselves. They try to step through again, but can't. It's as if an invisible force is keeping them from crossing the threshold into the dorm. Getting frustrated with whatever the fuck this was, Jordan stepped back and tried to run as hard as they could through this invisible force, but they just ended up being pushed back. "Fuck!" They exclaimed, finally giving up. There was blood right inside that room and for whatever fucking reason, they couldn't walk in to get it. Fucking hell.
Jordan took a deep breath, trying to ground themselves. Their hunger was very present, but they couldn't let it take over. They just needed to push it down, go to the party, get in and get out, and everything would be fine. 
Jordan shuffled their way through the crowd in their male form, the cold night air barely noticeable while in the sea of bodies, so crowded you'd think you were actually indoors. Jordan focused on their breathing as they waded through, letting the hundreds of heartbeats fade in with the pounding music. Their eyes scanned around, trying not to linger on any necks, looking for one particular person, and honestly having no luck so far.
Jordan decided to move closer to the lake where there seemed to be less people. They turned to face the water and took a deep breath, trying to focus their hearing on the gentle lapping water of the lake, doing their best to shove down the incessant hunger clawing at them from the inside. They literally shook themselves off as they turned back around, determined to find the other vamp and get more blood bags on their hands and into their stomach. 
They scanned through the crowd from the outside, able to focus in more now that they were out of the chaos in the middle. They spot a few familiar faces, the usual Godolkin party goers. They see dusty near the pit snorting powders with a couple others, they see Cate and Andre drinking and laughing it up, and then their eyes land on the one Marie Moreau. There she was, as beautiful as ever, dancing in the crowd, hands reaching to the sky as her body moved to the rhythm of the music. They couldn't take their eyes off her, they barely even noticed Emma dancing next to her, seemingly preoccupied with some random curly haired freshman. Jordan couldn't help themselves as they began to walk towards Marie, almost forgetting why they came to this party in the first place. 
But, before Jordan could make it to her, they noticed someone else walk up to her. A douchey looking (in Jordan's opinion), 6-foot-something, blonde guy made his way up behind Marie and just blatantly placed his hands on her waist. The proximity alone made Jordan's blood boil, but the touching was too far. Even as Marie began to turn around, her hands coming up, ready to push the guy away from her, Jordan was there in the blink of an eye, throwing Marie off for a second. She watched as Jordan (who came out of nowhere to her), pushed the guy so hard he fell to the ground with a thump. 
“What the FUCK do you think you're doing!” Jordan barked at the guy, looking down at him. 
The guy got back up, brushing the dirt off of himself. “Hey man, what the fuck’s your problem?!” The dude shouted back. It was clear this guy was a bit drunk, Jordan smelling the alcohol off his breath as the guy got up in their face. “I was just asking the lady if she wanted to-”
Jordan, letting their heightened emotions get the better of them, just swung at the guy, hitting him square in the face. A loud crack could be heard, along with a cry coming from the guy they just hit. They watched him stumble back, clutching his face. Jordan didn't need him to move his hands to know that they had broken the guys nose, smelling the blood oozing out and running down his face. 
“Jordan, what the fuck?!” Marie's voice pulled them back.  They looked back at her, clocking her worried, yet pissed off face. But Jordan already felt themselves hurdling off the edge with all the heightened feeling and the presence of blood, they just yelled back at her. 
“What do you mean, “what the fuck?!” That asshole was fucking all over you!” They shouted, not paying attention to said asshole being ushered away from the situation by some other party goers. Jordan could tell by the fading scent of fresh blood moving further away, which just reminded them of their hunger even more. 
“Yeah, and I was gonna take care of it til you came running in, arms swinging like an idiot!” Marie shouted back. Jordan's head was too busy ringing from all the overwhelming sensations, they didn't even notice their chest was still heaving. Marie took the time to notice they were still in the middle of a large crowd, sighing and grabbing Jordan's arm to drag them away. 
They stopped a good ten feet away from the crowd, just at the forest treeline. Jordan switched to their female form and pulled themselves out of Marie's hold. “Hey, how about you calm down for a second.” Marie said, clearly still peeved from the whole situation.
“I'm trying to be calm! Okay, Moreau? I'm fucking trying, it's just-” Jordan clutches their head, trying to get their thoughts together, but all they could focus on was Marie's pounding pulse. “Fuck, I-I’m sorry. I shouldn't even fucking be here-” 
“-Then why are you here, Jordan? I thought you weren't coming?” Marie asked, crossing her arms. 
“I wasn't gonna come, but then I- I don't know. I thought I'd be fine- that I'd have it under control, but I obviously fucking don't!” Jordan shouted, more at themselves. 
“Are you hungry? Have you-” Marie tried to ask, but Jordan cut her off. 
“I'm fine, Marie! I'm fucking fine! You don't have to worry about that shit.” Jordan said, defensively. 
“Well you don't seem fucking fine, Jordan. What did we say about communicat-” 
“I am fine, Marie, okay? I'm just fucking tired from everything. I thought this would help, but obviously not.” Jordan tried, hoping Marie would buy the explanation. Before Marie could respond, Jordan decided to just completely backpedal from the situation, they needed to get some distance between them right now, especially with just how fucking hungry they were right now. “I'm just gonna go. We can talk tomorrow.” 
Marie was already shaking her head as she spoke, “No, Jordan, wait-” but before she could finish, Jordan had sped off, leaving her standing alone by the trees. 
Jordan had sped back into the woods, just far enough to be out of Marie's line of sight. They couldn't help but look back at her, confused and upset at Jordan's sudden disappearance. But they didn't have a choice, they needed to get the fuck out of their and just lock themselves in their dorm till they could go safely find Justine again. Jordan took a deep breath, turning around, and walking their way back to Godolkin. They had only taken a couple steps before a sound to their right caught their attention. They turned, only to catch the sight of someone leaning against a tree, seemingly groaning in pain. 
“Hello? Are you alright?” Jordan asked as they slowly approached, only to stop dead in their tracks once they realized who this was. There Jordan stood, face to face with the blonde asshole who tried to grab Marie earlier. They were surprised to see their nose was still actively bleeding, the words coming out of the guys mouth not even registering. Jordan could help but step closer to him, making him back up more into the tree. 
“Aw fuck man, look- I-I’m sorry, okay? I didn't mean to-” 
“Shut the fuck up.” Jordan said, looking into the guy's eyes. But to Jordan's slight surprise, he immediately stopped talking. In fact, the guy looked as shocked as they did. But Jordan didn't have time to linger on that, the blood on guys face still drawing them in. The sound of their elevated pulse, pounding in their neck made Jordan's mouth water. The tiny voice in the back of their head tried to speak up, yell at them, beg them to stop, but they were too far gone now. It had been too long, they waited to fucking long. Their stomach ached with hunger, their skin crawling and begging for satiation. And here it was, right in front of them. Without thinking, they switched back to male form, grabbing the blonde by the shit, pinning him in place. The guy looked truly terrified, unable to yell out for help. The terror only grew as he watched the veins protrude beneath Jordan's now darkened eyes. Jordan felt the familiar ache in their teeth as their fangs grew out. At this point, Jordan could care less how terrified the man looked. All that mattered was the delicious substance that ran in the veins, just beneath the skin. Jordan, now mere centimeters from the man's neck, took a deep inhale through the nose, relishing in the intoxicating aroma of blood, and without a second thought, sunk their teeth right in, ripping through the skin and unleashing that which they crave. 
An animalistic growl escaped Jordan as they continued to feed on this man, sucking every last drop of blood he had to offer. The taste of fresh warm blood was almost incomparable to that of cold, bagged blood. It was invigorating, only urging them to drink more. They didn't stop, couldn't stop for a good few minutes, feeling the man's body go limp in their arms. A feeling they remember from the first time they did this. It was then that Jordan's conscience clawed its way back to yell at them. The images of that poor lady flashing through their mind, the possibility of them almost doing that to Marie. They screamed at themselves to stop, let go, maybe it wasn't too late, but it was. Because they couldn't stop. They kept drinking till there wasn't a drop left to drink. Only then did they manage to unclench their jaw and pull away, dropping the body on the forest floor. 
Jordan fell to their knees, staring at the dead body before them. They felt so relieved and rejuvenated, but at the same time terrified. Drinking the blood straight from the vein was a feeling unlike any other that left them with a clear head, but looking down at the dead eyes and limp body in front of them, with a clear, bloody bite mark on their neck, it fucking terrified them. It terrified them that they were the animal that did this, and even more so that they wanted nothing more than to do it again. Before Jordan could think anything else, a voice echoed out from beside them. 
“Well, took you long enough.” Justine tisked looking down at Jordan with a feigned apologetic look. “Aw, what's wrong? That conscience of yours making you feel bad?” 
The sound of Justine's voice alone ticked Jordan off, but her words were confusing them. “What the fuck-” but before Jordan could finish their sentence, they felt a sharp prick on their neck, a hand instinctively shooting up to feel where they've been pricked. They tried to turn around to see what the fuck that was, but it was too late. Their vision quickly became blurry, the darkness taking over, as they felt themselves fall, everything fading to black…
Thanks for reading this far! Hope you enjoyed. And honest big thanks to those that have interacted with every update, I appreciate it so much and it lets me know that people actually read these, lol. So yeah, until people don't, I plan to keep writing this. Actually have an idea for where I want this story to go, but if you have any suggestions or things you want to see, please let me know! I'm happy to do so. It might be a minute before the next chapter tbh. Life's getting hectic again and I'm in between jobs rn, so I won't have much time to write. But feel free to check out my other fic in the meantime (Never Be The Same), which drops every Saturday. Anyways, hope you have a nice day!
Much Love, 😎👍❤️
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butraura · 6 months
more than just
Summary: Tommy and Eddie’s blooming friendship takes Buck by surprise and he doesn’t handle it well. 7x04/7x05 spec fic.
Word Count: 4,257
Pairing: Buck/Eddie
Chapters: 1/2
Buck snorts. “Maybe we’ll tell you about it when we win,” he winks.
“Oh, it’s like that,” Aaron taunts, everyone piling on at once animatedly. “Any more of you?”
“No, just us,” Buck answers.
“Actually,” Chimney interjects, “I invited Eddie.”
“You did?” Buck is taken aback.
He nods. “Yeah, they should be here any time.”
As if summoned, Eddie’s voice can be heard laughing about something behind Buck as he approaches the group.
I thought he was busy, he thinks to himself.
Nothing in the world could have prepared him both for what he sees when he turns around, and the feeling that flourishes in the pit of his stomach as he takes them in.
It’s a hundred different feelings wrapped in a fleeting moment as he sees them walking together. Closely, and the space between their shoulders as they walk rivaling his own closeness with Eddie.
Tommy says something to his friend that Buck can’t hear, and the way Eddie throws his head back as he laughs makes his heart beat too quickly and painfully. He said he was BUSY.
No one pays attention to his spiraling and when they get to the group, Buck and Chimney are greeted familiarly. Tommy brings Chimney in for a pound hug, then to Buck for a fist bump. He grins sheepishly, masking his features. He is caught off guard when Eddie lighty nudges his arm with elbow. “What’s up?” he asks.
Buck stammers, panic sprouting in his features. “Uh, n-nothing. I thought you were busy today.” It comes out a little more accusatory than he means it to, but far less angry than he actually is.
Eddie is unphased. “Yeah, Tommy and I went for a ride in the chopper. We were talking about what it took to join Air Support.”
Read it on AO3!
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residentialrabbit · 8 months
So we can have more information about the species of angel, (Type function, appearance of the wings, etc.) I wanted to make an OC angel, but we don't have much information about them.
I keep some vague for people to just add their own ideas to characters so they aren't bound to hard rules.
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But some basic info-
All angel types have one set of white, light blue tipped wings and have conventional human eyes friendly forms.
Angels: Angels are sort of the average joes of the angel classes. Their kingdom is where most common humans end up living and their towns/cities are meant to reflect architecturally. Very much small-town energy. Their jobs are the most varied since their job is to tend to the needs of humans( and even angels) so things like bakers, cooks, delivery, maids, town mayors/city officials, carpenters, etc. if the town needs a role filled then an angel will be assigned to it! Angels true form are just humans but with wings
Archangels: Archangels typically have one of these two jobs. Being an arch guardian or a transporter/shepherd. Arch guardians watch over individuals or families down on earth, essentially acting as guardian angels (I just wanted to give em a different name), and protect. The second one is a transporter/shepherd and they pick up and drop off souls at the proper afterlife based on their death reports and the life they lived. They are essentially grim reapers or ferrymen. Archangels true form is a dragon and depending on how well they are with magic and age they have additional eyes on their body. Their kindgrom is the weirdest of them all as, to summarize it, looks very vaporwave/weirdcore. Usually, a human gets promoted to this class or the Angel class.
Principalities: Scholars, magicians, wizards, archivists etc basically anything that required high amounts of intelligence. Principalities angels value knowledge and truth above all else. Principalities true form is very nimbus-y in appearance and even in the more conventional form they have very textured and/or fluffy hair. Their kingdom is composed of many libraries and schools specializing in various fields of academia.
Virtues: Artists, writers, philosophers, architects, actors, singers, etc these angels embody everything that is beaufiul in humanity both physically,spiritually, and morality. Though, less importance has been placed on morality. Their true form is similar to angel's forms but they exclude a bright radiant light from their entire body and are extremely beautiful. Virues angels also have 4 wings similar to the Seraphim but are still tipped blue. Their kingdom is one of, if not, the most beautiful kingdoms with artistic beauty in even the smallest blade of grass to the grandest buildings.
Powers: Military branch of the angels. They protect Utopia and Earth from the forces of evil threatening them. Powers angels begin basic training from a young age and are divided into teams once they have mastered their fighting style. Melee, ranged, magic, healer, etc you basic RPG/DnD classes you get it. Other angel types can enlist themselves into the Powers branch even if they aren't natural born powers angels. They can master multiple types of combat but generally have one signature that they stick to. For powers angels that use weapons their weapon can be summoned at any time (unless fallen like Noel) and take form/adapt to the user. Powers angels true form are giant moving masked statues with wings that harden into steel.
Cherubim: Cherubim angels are the angels of nature in that everything that is living was made by them. Animals, plants, mountains, oceans, were all designed by them. Their kingdom is at one with nature with many of the buildings being built into or decorated with it. Their true form is a multi-headed beast hybrid.
Thrones: Lawmakers and work beside dominion angels, having a hand in everything to ensure it is running in perfect harmony. Their true form is (play the game and use process of elimination to find out!) Mostly "extinct" since Lucifer's fall. Remaining thrones angels that didn't rebel with Lucifer were absorbed into the dominion class.
Dominions: Dominion angels work(ed) alongside thrones angels to establish the law and order of the mortal and afterlife. The enforce the law and tasks to the other kingdoms that they and The Choir have decided upon. Their true form is (play the game and use process of elimination to find out!)
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wibble-wobbegong · 2 years
S4 Wheelclair
Let’s talk S4 Lucas and Mike.
I really, truly do believe that people undermine their importance to each other because it isn’t given the same emphasis as Mike/Will or Lucas/Max. They aren’t in love so that’s a hard comparison to make, but they are best friends. Actual best friends. Dustin literally says that Mike and Lucas are closer than he is with either of them, and he’s right!
I’m gonna be covering their history, Lucas’ POV, Mike’s POV, and then their potential S5 arc. This is a very broad analysis, so I won’t be going into the grainy details in this post, or else it would be MASSIVE lmao
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Most people are probably familiar with this, but I feel like I need to point out some things that often get glossed over. Keep in mind this is a brief summary.
In S1, there are two major things established about Mike and Lucas:
- They’re very close friends
- They’re both incredibly determined to find Will
We see them established as close friends through small things like Lucas’ teasing, having Lucas be the one to pull Mike away after the pissing incident, Dustin suggesting that Lucas is jealous, and their argument being resolved.
There is a ton of emphasis places on Mike and Lucas’ friendship in S1. One of the bigger of the side plots is this fight that Lucas and Mike get in because they’re disagreeing on the best way to find Will.
For Mike, when Lucas started going off on his own, I think there was a huge fear of losing Lucas too. We talk about how Mike only apologizes to Will, but he reaches out and apologizes to Lucas with that handshake. He does so teary-eyed, hoping Lucas will forgive him.
I think Lucas was frustrated with Mike because he doesn’t understand why Mike would do things that seem stupid when they have to be looking for Will. Lucas’ perspective isn’t stressed as much, but he was happy to shake Mike’s hand and move past their issues.
There are also moments like the end of S1 where we see Mike throw himself on top of Will and then Lucas throwing himself on top of both of them. That’s something else that connects Mike and Lucas, which nobody else really seems to have except the Byers family.
Mike’s relationship with Will is something we see heavily because y’know. He’s in love with Will. However, there’s also a fair amount of emphasis placed on Lucas’ relationship with Will. We see Lucas’ determination to find Will, we see them being close in S2 and S3 through their hugs and teasing Mike together. Lucas, Mike, and Will were put together for a reason.
In S3, there’s a lot going on for them. Firstly, Lucas was trying his hardest to be supportive of Mike. Yes, Mike was putting on a show and trying to win over Lucas’ approval by acting like a Straight Man, but Lucas didn’t know that. He was there for Mike and he tried to help him through his relationship problems with El.
From Lucas’ perspective, he saw one of his best friends struggling with his new relationship and was just trying to help. He and Mike were the only ones going through these sorts of problems, as Mike was trying to follow in Lucas’ footsteps in some ways.
From Mike’s, he was trying to put on a show in front of Lucas and Will — his closest friends at the time. He was trying to act as much of a typical Heterosexual as possible, and he was very much so seeking Lucas out to do this. He spent a lot of time looking to Lucas whenever he would act like an asshole because he was trying to be like him (not that Lucas is an asshole, but they were both trying to grow up and is resulted in them acting like dicks sometimes).
Essentially, Lucas and Mike are very, very close friends and we saw them heading down the same path in S3. They were as close as ever and their dynamic hadn’t changed much, but rather than butting heads they were much more agreeable with each other as Lucas tried to empathize with Mike’s struggles.
Lucas and Mike are best friends and their relationship is given a lot of emphasis considering their platonic nature (in comparison to their other weighted relationships being romantic).
Lucas’ POV
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Lucas’ POV is something I find interesting, because we talk a lot about Mike feeling alone, but Lucas was also alone in his situation. When Lucas continued down the path of being normal, Mike started backtracking and returned to being a nerd and a freak. It left Lucas somewhat stranded, and when we have that confrontation between them in 4x01, Lucas was appealing to things he knows Mike understands. He says he’s tired of being bullied and that he’s tired of being made fun of by girls, which is something that is established that happens for Mike was back in S1 (he faces a lot of bullying and girls are grossed out by him).
For Lucas, he’s trying to be normal to escape the severe racism he faces as a black kid in the middle of Indiana, which was only made worse by being a nerd. Lucas goes on a journey in Lucas On the Line (LOTL) that heavily describes his experience with racism and his love for Max. He also wants Max to come back, hence the, “tired of being made fun of by girls.”
Something important from LOTL is Lucas getting to be friends with other black boys and seeing these qualities that are beautiful and unique in people like him, which was something Lucas definitely needed in his life. That’s not something Mike would see, as Mike only saw them as jocks.
These aren’t the same things Mike is going through, Lucas doesn’t know what’s going on with Mike, but he knows that Mike can at least understand why he’s doing this. He and Mike were on the same page in S3, and suddenly Mike is backtracking and is no longer trying to grow up and be accepted by the world. Lucas and Mike aren’t on the same page anymore, and Lucas feels alone and abandoned. We see it when he realizes he’s been replaced by his little sister.
Another thing in LOTL, Lucas gets annoyed by Mike thanks to his sudden rise in assholery after the Byers moved. Specifically, it’s around the start of school that the conflict between them starts to kick in a little. Mike’s dealing with stuff he won’t tell anyone, but Lucas doesn’t understand that and he doesn’t have to. As far as he knows, both he and Mike lost Will and they’re both affected similarly. He thinks this is about El. Lucas has never really been a fan of Mike’s relationship with El, and this is definitely adding onto that.
At the end of the season, we see Lucas complete his arc of realizing that he’d rather be a freak than a raging psychopath normal. He’s accepted that the life he thought would be good for him, that would make him happy, is one that ultimately rejects him and he learns to reject it in return. He no longer holds this need to be normal, which is important because Mike was trying to not be normal at the beginning of the season too. It’s what their conflict was about.
Mike’s POV
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Mike’s perspective on his relationship with Lucas at this point seems a lot like he’s having an internal war. He’s finally learning to embrace himself and making steps to accept his sexuality, and in accordance he’s playing DND and hanging out with outcasts, which is the exact opposite of what he was trying to do in S3. However, there are some things that suggest that there’s still a part of him that wants to be like Lucas.
Like, I’m their confrontation, the way Mike reacts shows a lot more reluctance and that what Lucas is saying hits closer to home. He’s not being argumentative, showing that same complacency he had in S3 that differs from his stubbornness with Lucas in S1 & 2.
On the table at the cafeteria, we also see this book which talks about learning how to play sports. That doesn’t make any sense for any of the Hellfire Club members. Except for Mike. That part of Mike that still wants to be like Lucas has him reaching out to learn about sports and how to play. He’s torn right now.
As established in S1 & S3, Lucas’ approval in regards to Mike’s acceptance with his sexuality means a lot. Lucas was the one who initially pushed him to consider El as a romantic interest, the one to point out that girls don’t like him, and the one to walk him through a lot of relationship problems in S3. Assuming LOTL is canon, we also know that Lucas thought Mike was the “worst person to be around” right as school started after Mike’s isolation. Mike’s reaction to the move was deeply rooted in his feelings for Will, and I personally think this when he really came to terms that he was in love with Will (not necessarily the first time he realized he had feelings, though. I think that was the S2 monologue). Lucas reacting like that to Mike’s post-isolation probably felt like a rejection in some way.
Mike also doesn’t really understand the depth of Lucas’ need to be normal. Mike can never have the experience Lucas has. Mike won’t be able to realize that Lucas wants to be around other black people and people who will help him become normal/popular because of his experience with racism. That creates a divide, because Mike doesn’t see the motivation to become normal beyond what he and Lucas have in common, which is being bullied and being made fun of by girls. Mike is realizing that he doesn’t care about girls, though, and the bullying itself never seemed to bother Mike much. He only ever got upset when it came to his friends being targeted.
Games and being an outcast and DND are all important to Mike’s journey of self acceptance, but more importantly Eddie was important to Mike’s journey. Lucas didn’t seem to get along with Eddie, which was something that made it even harder for Mike to be on the same page as Lucas. Eddie’s heavy queer-coding (no not steddie) sets him up as a role model for Mike in a lot of ways. Mike is seeing someone like him be completely, honestly himself. Zero shame. That was something Mike needed in order to move towards accepting his sexuality.
At the end of the season, Mike has gotten over El. He’s ready to truly give up on being normal, just like Lucas has.
S5 Predictions
As for S5, I think Lucas and Mike are both starting off on the stance that they’ve finally given up on being normal.
Lucas thought Mike had accepted being an outcast already, but he doesn’t know about Mike giving up on trying to be straight.
Mike doesn’t even know that Lucas is against conformity now.
I think we’re gonna be getting a reconciliation arc between them in S5. Especially considering that we’re returning to S1 dynamics, I’m hoping we’ll get S1 callbacks as well. I think we’re gonna get a scene of them really talking it out; Lucas admitting that he was wrong, and that he’s sorry for leaving DND behind while Mike apologizes for not being a good friend. I hope that leads into a coming out scene between Mike and Lucas.
Mike coming out to Lucas is the ideal, in my opinion. Lucas is so heavily tied to Mike trying to be straight and he’s sought Lucas’ approval of that straightness, so for Mike to come out to him and be accepted would be the best way to satisfy Mike’s acceptance of his sexuality in words.
For Lucas, I want that conversation to lead to him getting his best friend back. He spent a lot of S4 feeling alone, and almost all of pre-S4 as well. Lucas deserves to have his friend back, for Mike to bring him back into the party (I know he never technically left but emotionally…). I need for Lucas to feel like he hasn’t been abandoned, that he hasn’t been replaced.
Lucas and Mike need to really accept each other, and I think their arc will play heavily into that idea in S5.
bywheelclair hug to end the post :) these three make me wanna bawl like a BITCH bro
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aria0fgold · 17 days
Will yall still love me if I lose my entire sanity and then some while speedrunning a fanfic's 5k+ words within a single day via the sacrifice that my hand and brain is making??? orz... coughs up blood/silly but mentally in pain.
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tvckerwash · 9 months
hmmm I'm thinking about wash's stance on the training accident and I think it would be so funny if he gave maine a lecture about it afterwards
#they have a whole moment together that essentially boils down to wash telling maine that he's should know better and that bad orders exist#and maine is genuinely sorry because he knows it was a bad call and he tells wash that#and wash replies with “I know you are but I'm not the one who you should be apologizing too.”#wash treating maine like he's a human being with thoughts and feelings instead of a mindless weapon my beloved#maine is not happy about having to apologize to york btw. idk why we all decided that maine hates york but it's so funny#maine is a man of few words and he cannot stand the fact that york is incapable of shutting the fuck up lol#rvb#red vs blue#agent maine#agent washington#mine#lina lectures wyoming later after she knows that york is going to be okay#I really like the idea of wash being beta squads field leader and when he and ct get bumped up he shares leader duties w lina#lina is probs a commissioned officer so she technically outranks wash in under regard but she's probably fresh out of the academy when shes#recruited for pfl and commissioned officers are expected to learn the ropes from enlisted nco's so I like to think that she#really values wash's opinion on stuff and she feels confident knowing that she can look to him#the other freelancers could've done the same thing but they're all kinda. you know. so wash got the position by virtue of being the only gu#who had the balls to go up to lina and make the proposition of *gasp* cooperation#i actually have a hc that when wash and ct were first moved up and were on their first mission w alpha squad#stuff was bad and wash sort of undercuts lina by giving south and maine different orders (bc they were also both previously beta squad)#and said orders ended up being the right call and carolina is kind of mad about wash ignoring her authority#so after they get debriefed wash apologizes to lina in the locker room for it bc it was not his intention to steal her thunder#and he asks if they can start over and maybe work something out#and lina accepts his apology and york is kinda balking bc the way wash words it sounds vaguely like he's asking her on a date#york gets no bitches and cannot complete with wash's earnest rizz bdhshj
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kleyamarki · 1 year
Author’s note: I had a thought™ that Leia's definitely met Kleya before but didn't realize it, and it turned into this. Enjoy!
Rating: Gen
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters & Tags: Leia Organa, Kleya Marki, First Meetings
Summary: Four times Leia saw or met Kleya Marki, and the one time she finally found out who she really was.
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sarah-sandwich-writes · 8 months
Okay so
have been cooking
by which I mean illusions of grandeur and
And I have not been forthcoming lol Everyone kind of disappeared all at the same time so I kind of stopped talking about what I'm doing but I have been biding my time, quietly putting mechanisms into motion and plotting and occasionally cackling over my cauldron.
I finished the first draft of Blue like don't forget about me and didn't like it so I cut out all the sci-fi fantasy stuff (bye bye aliens farewell superpowers) and in November wrote a new first draft that's all contemporary romance babeee and I'm so in love with it I'm turning it into a little 3-part (possibly 4 if I can't control myself) series.
The original childhood years have been split off into a prequel novella called Red like my bleeding heart in your hand. Then Blue like don't forget about me will take place 20 years later. Nash works at Cherished Hope Nursing Home
“And what is it you do? At the nursing home, I mean.” I wipe shit off of old people. And Teddy’s a hockey player. What’s Luke, an underwear model? He shouldn’t have come.
Teddy comes back to town for a funeral and
Teddy looks at him for the first time in twenty years and every ounce of warmth leaves his expression. Message received. He should not have come.
OKAY SO AND THEN the next book will be Jo's POV and is called Violet like these delights. and MAYBE there will be a 4th from Luke's POV bc he gets to live this time by the grace of god (me) but it'll depend on how Violet goes (its current state is mostly vibes and a single overarching theme so, stand by).
Red needs a clean-up round of edits to snip out the few little threads that connected it to OG blue. And rewritten blue is basically done. I've done the major revisions and am about to start line edits and after those are done I'm sending it out to beta readers (lmk if you're interested).
There are concise actual summaries in my pinned post btw lol
The series title is Wildflowers of Deliverance. Which I'm extremely proud of. Did you notice did you notice how each title incorporates a wildflower did you did you? and the town they grew up in where Nash and Teddy first met is called Deliverance!!! It's okay I know I'm a genius.
And this brings us to the meal okay? because like I said I've been Cooking™ quietly but steadily for a few months now. ANd what have I been cooking? PLOTS and PLANS
I've decided on a pen name: Sarah B. Elisa
I've created a(nother) side blog for it that will be exclusively centered on my og writing and geared more toward readers rather than writers like this blog is: @sarahbe-writing
I'm going to create a website (as soon as I convince myself to spend money)
and a newsletter (as soon as I convince myself to spend money and do work)
I'm still waffling between trad publishing and DIY. I really like all my hats and it would be a shame to have to share them but oh my god I don't want to do all the marketing but trad pub seems hit or miss on how well they market you so I might get half of my hats taken away and still have to do the marketing bullshit UGH
OH YEAH and the OG draft I wrote for Blue? I'm going to spin it back to its OG OG roots [parkner, naturally--Return of The childhood friends to estranged almost lovers to super-powered rivals to reluctant allies to friends to lovers finally wip!!! AKA: We Were Gods (we were kids)] and that will fix all the things that went wrong and I didn't like 😌 so it's basically like double Christmas I think
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prince-of-undreaming · 6 months
Beta Readers? I barely know 'er!
Hi, hello! My name is Vena and I am a queer and Enby writer who is looking for beta readers for my Monster Romance manuscript, Your Bleeding Heart. It is an Eros and Psyche retelling set in a regency Era Fantasy world with Fae, Humans, Elves, Tieflings, etc.
Rates: 21+ for graphic violence, explicit sexual scenes, and potentially triggering material Word Count: 86k Genre: Monster Romance/Romantasy Due Date: Late June
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If you have any interest to learn more, feel free to read on!
A brief summary;
Ninette Marin spent almost her life knowing she was cursed to be kidnapped by a monster one day. Even as her family attempted to avoid her fate by marrying her off as soon as they could, their efforts are in vain when she is stolen from her wedding. She finds her monster is actually one of the Fae High Lords, Emir. Emir’s own curse gives him only one chance at love. Their curses leave them twisted into a fate they could have never avoided… 
Content Warnings:   Blood/Gore, Violence, Injury, Death, Child Death, Graphic Language, Casual Nudity, Explicit and Sexual Scenes, Blood Drinking, Cannibalism, Consumption of Organs (hearts), Discussions of Childhood Sexual Assault (Applicable to a main character and a side character), Slut Shaming (Parent to Main Character), Inappropriate age gaps, Kidnapping, Power imbalances, Out of touch conversations about said power imbalances, references to human beings as pets, Bugs (Butterflies, moths), Child Abuse, Transphobia, Paternal abuse (Applicable to both main characters), Controlling Parent, Regency Era Misogyny/Gender Roles, Pregnancy 
A list of Kinks/Sexual contents: Explicit sexual scenes, Mating Bonds, sensory deprivation, Biting, Pinning, Masturbation, Pillow Humping, Unrealistic size difference, Size Kink, It shouldn’t fit but it does and we won’t question it, inappropriate use of Fae bargains, Edging, Teratophilia (Monster Kink), Breeding, Pregnancy, Rut/Heat Cycles, Thigh job, Clothes ripping, Neither of them know where the clit is but they make it work, fingering, exhibitionism, squirting, Oral Sex, Semi Public, Interchangeable Genitals (Trans Male Character)
Please review the trigger warnings and sexual content list very carefully because deciding if this story is for you. I know some of the tags are very triggering for some, myself included, so please take it slow when those things come up.
If you are interested in beta reading, my dms are open! As is my discord _vena if you'd like to reach out. If you have any questions, I'd love to answer and we talk about anything you need; I will also provide a doc that had this information + some extra, along with the beta copy of the manuscript!
Thank you very much for considering :)
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aetisishere · 4 months
hello ! I was wondering is someone's up for beta reading my work? It's currently on hold as I'm really busy nowadays :(
If you're interested you can send me a message and go through my work if you like ( my ao3 is linked in my bio )
I legit idk how to find beta readers so this is my only hope hahaha
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perpetualproductions · 5 months
If We Were Vampires (Pt. 8)
- it's a chill morning
- Marie confirms vampires as sexy
- Jordan Li is thirsty
CW: blood.
2k words
<-Previous | Next->
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That next morning…  
Jordan's laying down on their bed in male form, feet propped up on the headboard. They're lounging in some dark blue sweats, a gray tank top, and an unzipped dark blue hoodie. Their eyes are closed, one hand resting on their chest and the other on their stomach, the morning sun rays draped across their form. Marie is sat crisscrossed next to them, sporting one of Jordans gray sweatshirts and blue basketball shorts. She has a notebook in her lap, going over her notes from yesterday's lectures, as Jordan meditates beside her. 
They've been sitting like that for a while now, enjoying the calm winter morning in peace. Both of them didn't have anything particularly important this Saturday, which was a rare occurrence for the two overachieving students. All the more reason to spend the morning relaxing in each other's company.
Once Marie finished going over her notes, she glanced down at Jordan. She loved how adorable they looked like this. They didn't look peaceful exactly, but ever so slightly tensed, as if they were trying to relax their face, but their mind was too busy to let it. Their eyebrows were slightly scrunched, looking as though they were lost in thought. Marie reached over, grabbing their left hand that was resting on their stomach, moving it onto her lap and absentmindedly playing with the rings on their fingers. She watches as a small smile begins to tug at the edges of Jordans mouth. She smiles, reaching over to gently brush away their messy hair that managed to flop back over their eyes. Jordan hummed in response, keeping their eyes closed. 
“Can I help you?” they ask groggily. If they were being honest, they'd admit that they were really dozing back off to sleep and not so much meditating and ‘practicing mindfulness’ or however the therapist put it (though they haven't seen them in a while). 
“No~ just admiring your pretty face in the sunlight.” Marie responds, running her hand along the side of their face, stopping to cup their jaw. 
A sleepy smile stretches across Jordan's face. “Hmm. You think I'm pretty?” Jordan teases, raising an eyebrow as they crack their eyes open to look up at Marie. 
“Hmmm…” She pretends to think about it. “I mean, it'd help if you actually sparkled in the sun like those sexy vampires.” She taunts, knowing it'd peeve them off. 
Jordan's eyebrows drop, squinting at Marie. “Low blow, Moreau. Low blow.” They shake their head in feigned disappointment. They can't help but smile as Marie shrugs her shoulders, trying to hold back a laugh. “That's all fantasy anyway. In the real world, sexy vampires burst into flames in the sun, thank you very much.” Jordan jokes, letting out a low chuckle of their own. 
At that, Marie laughs as well. She moves on top of them, straddling their waist. “Well you…” She leans down till their noses are barely touching. “...are my sexy vampire.” 
“Hm, am I now?” Jordan mumbles, leaning forward and capturing Marie's lips with theirs. The movements of their lips against hers was as natural as breathing, the two moving in tandem like a dance that only the two of them have perfected. Jordan hands go straight to Marie's waist as hers make their way under their tank top. Her warm hands against their cool skin sent shivers up Jordan's spine, causing them to moan against her mouth. Marie took the opportunity to slip her tongue into their mouth, swiftly taking over. Jordan let their hands roam up and down Marie's body, getting lost in the intense feeling. Things quickly picked up, kissing becoming sloppy and teeth clashing. They were about ready to tear each other's clothes off when Jordan felt it, that all too familiar hunger rising up, the lust like fuel to the flame. They were in too deep, they couldn't help themselves. The animalistic groan, the ache in their teeth, hands grabbing onto any part of her body they could reach. And then it happened… they bit her lip, a small bite, but a bite nonetheless. Their teeth easily sank in, drawing blood immediately. The blood hitting their tongue would have drawn them in completely, just the sudden yelp coming from Marie, yanked them back to the surface. As soon as they were pulled out, they quickly pulled away, basically pushing Marie off them and scurrying to the edge of the bed.
Their eyes were wide in fear as they watched Marie bring her hand up to the wound, touching it, and seeing the blood in her fingertips. “Fuck, Marie, I'm so sorry!” Jordan pleaded, their voice shaking with fear and shame. They couldn't help it. This whole time, all morning, they were sure things were better, they were finally in control, but they weren't. They bit Marie, tasted her blood, and they couldn't help but enjoy it, crave it even. 
“It's okay, Jordan. I- it's just a little blood.” She had to admit she was a bit taken back by the bite. Usually when the other goes to bite the other's lip, it felt nice, sexy, and blood was almost never drawn. But she assumes things are different now, and something like that could easily trigger Jordan. She raised a hand, swiftly healing the superficial wound with her abilities. “See? Nothing I can't handle.” She tries to offer a comforting smile. 
Jordan tries to focus on their breathing, their senses overwhelming them for just a minute. Her heartbeat, along with every other on that floor, flooded into their head. They closed their eyes, covering their ears with their hands, desperately trying to ground themselves. “Fuck- fucking focus. Fuck.” Jordan mumbled to themselves, burying their head between their knees as they curled up into themselves. 
Marie slowly scooted closer to Jordan, kneeling in front of them and placing her hands on top of theirs. “It's okay Jordan, you're okay. Just breath, okay? Focus on your breathing.” 
The sudden contact made Jordan jump back, effectively falling off the bed, switching before they hit the floor. They were much too aware of Marie's beating pulse, their stomach clawing at them for more. In the blink of an eye, Jordan sped over to their mini fridge, still on the floor. They kneeled in front of it, pulling it open and swiftly grabbing a blood bag. They opened it up, and sat there, hunched against the mini fridge, actively turning away from Marie. They did their best to ignore her presence as they desperately squeezed the blood out of the bag, drinking it all down, hoping that the quicker they satiated their hunger, the less they'd be tempted to sink their teeth into Marie's neck. It only took seconds for them to finish that first bag, tossing it aside as they quickly grabbed a second, tearing it open and drinking it down. 
Marie just sat on the bed for a moment watching the scene unfold. She wasn't sure what to do, how she could help. If I'd be better to keep her distance or go over to comfort them. She felt helpless, and she hated feeling helpless, so she decided to be decisive. She moved off the bed, slowly making her way over to Jordan. Once she was close enough, she crouched down to their level, staying close but not making any contact yet. It was halfway through their fourth blood bag that Jordan finally began to slow down. They breathed heavily as they moved to fully sit down on the floor, their back against the side of their couch that was by the mini fridge. Their head was thrown back, eyes closed as they began to steady their breathing. Marie could see their blood stained teeth, a little bit running from the corner of their mouth. She stayed close, but at a fair distance, not really sure if they were okay yet or not. 
Jordan moved the bag back up to their mouth, finishing the rest of it and tossing it aside with the others, culminating in a small pile on their bedroom floor. Their head finally began to clear, no longer focused on the multiple heart beats in the immediate vicinity. They slowly opened their eyes, looking to the side to see Marie sitting on the floor a couple feet away from them. Shame immediately filled them, looking around and seeing the scene they sat in. It wasn't the prettiest of sights, that was for sure. They quickly sat up, wiping the blood from the corner of their mouth and closing the fridge door. “Um, sorry. I- I needed to feed before I…” they stood up, avoiding eye contact as they picked up the empty blood bags, opting to not finish their sentence and come to terms with what they almost did to Marie.
Marie watched as Jordan silently went around the room, disposing of the empty blood bags. She knew that Jordan shutting down like this meant they really didn't want to talk about it, and they weren't actively kicking her out either, so she decided to save it for now. She slowly got up, waiting for Jordan to finish picking up. Jordan eventually stopped, standing awkwardly in the middle of the room, a couple feet away from Marie.
Marie couldn't help a small smile as she approached them. Their head was down, but their eyes followed her like a shy puppy. “Hey, it's okay.” she said, wrapping her arms around their waist once she was close enough. She was glad to see they weren't pushing her away. “We don't have to talk about it either. Nothing bad happened. You just slipped up, it's fine.” She reassured them as best she could, pulling them close. She could hear Jordan breath hitch once she did, and realized they were startled by the proximity, so she pulled back, just a tiny bit. 
She looked down at them, thinking for a moment before continuing. “How about we go do something? Can't just stay in here all day.” 
She watched as Jordan genuinely contemplated the proposal. They really would have preferred staying in all day, but being trapped in a room probably wasn't the best idea, thinking of it now. So they slowly nodded their head, “Yeah, okay. Sure.” They looked up, meeting her eyes after a minute. “What do you wanna do?” 
Marie shrugs. “I don't know, we can get coffee? Something to eat? Maybe just walk around and enjoy the sun?” she stops herself, hearing what she just said. “or the shade, I guess.” 
Jordan couldn't help but laugh a bit at her correction. “Yeah, the sun does kinda hate me now…” The laugh that comes out of Marie brings a smile to their face. “but I should be fine as long as I have this.” They say wiggling their fingers, showing off the lapis ring on their left hand. 
Marie reached up, grabbing their hand and lacing their fingers together. “Perfect. I'm gonna go get ready. I'll meet you back here and we can walk to Jitterbean together.”
“Sounds like a plan.” They say radiating the same smile Marie's flashing at them. Marie plants a quick peck on their lips before turning around and leaving the room. 
The moment the door shut, Jordan's shoulders slumped in exhaustion as they stepped back to collapse onto their bed. “Fucking hell.” They muttered to themselves, hands dragging down their face. What the hell were they doing to do? They were finally getting a grip on their cravings and the second things started to get good, it all went to shit. They were certain that if they kept going, their make out session would have turned into a crime scene (instead of the obviously preferred outcome). Just thinking about it made them shiver. So they decided to do what they do best and shove it the fuck down for now. Maybe they could use some fresh air, especially after being cooped up in their dorm for the last few days. They only really ever went out to go to class and then back, not wanting to run into people. Or people walking up to them and catching them when they were particularly hungry. It was just easier to be in their dorm and control who they let in and when. But they should know that keeping an animal in a cage for too long wasn't a good idea. 
Jordan forces themselves out of their head, jumping out of bed and getting ready to go out with Marie today.
I actually finished the chapter, woohoo! Not my best work (i love perfectionism 🙃), but I did it. I have an idea of where I want this story to go, let's just see if I can get there semi-coherently, lol. Already started writing chapter 9, so hopefully won't be too long till that's posted. Anyways, thanks for reading this far! Hope you enjoyed!
Much love, 😎👍❤️
[First chapter of Never Be The Same drops this Saturday!! Keep an eye out!]
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