#no bc why is peter so familiar with him how did they meet why is he so friendly with him TELL ME NOWW
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weebannihilator · 2 years ago
Remember when Peter told the biggest lie in the entire movie and said Miguel is all bark no bite.
Like sir.... would you like to explain to the class why you think MIGUEL O'HARA would never hurt anyone. Nono. Go on. Please tell us why you were confident to tell everyone in the room that their safety is certain in the presence of a man who has a venomous bite, talons, and throws things when he's angry. Is that true peter. Is that true or do you just know he wouldnt hurt you.... just... just think CRITICALLY about WHY you belive this Peter-- SHUT UPP HE CLEARLY HAS A FOND TOLERANCE FOR YOU SPECIFICALLY THEREFORE WOULD NEVER HARM YOU OBLIVIOUS CUNT AARRGHHGGHH
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safety-writes-noms · 1 year ago
holding out my idea of wolfwalkers type shit but with dragons. im jsutbtrghgrhgbrjrghrgjngrughibkjfggfhbjgrfihdkjh SMASHING MY HANDS ON MY DESK. PLEASE.
just imagining big angry dragon miguel with gold accents trying his damn hardest not to snap as hes got a bunch of smaller dragons clambering on him and excitedly talking while waiting to be told what to do. being dragons and all they go around and make sure theres peace between kingdoms and stuff ....
sobbing into my hands. i need to see more dragon content im GGGGHR AAHHHHHH
YES OMG PMG I LOVE DRAGON AU’S (so sorry this is kinda late 🙏 school seriously beat me up this week. Also YOUR ART IS SO SO SO COOL!)
(Also also I’m so sorry but I’m not familiar with the wolf walkers series and never got the chance to watch it :(( but I absolutely love the animation style and premise from the ads I’ve seen)
I can just imagine miguel grumpily walking around with all of the spider kids either nestled on his back or chattering somewhere in the cave, waiting to get assigned their missions. I am in LOVE with the idea of Miguel sending them out to keep the peace between humans since sometimes humans can be very… not wise. Idk actually, maybe the some of the spider kids are humans and that’s how they meet Miguel or peter and Jess (bc I’d love to see them as dragons theyre so cool)
imagine a human Hobie just confidently walking around a dragon’s cave/network society and just casually arguing with a giant dragon Miguel. I’m feel like he’d get in the dumbest arguments with him just for the giggles. I can see him also baby sitting a hatchling mayday, keeping her fully entertained while Peter goes off to finish missions too dangerous to bring her along. Their little interactions in atsv were adorable especially the little salute he gave her.
or the fight between miles and Miguel ☹️ even tho I love him (Miguel) and understand why he did that and his motives, I’ll always feel so bad for miles. I feel like it would even be worse because instead of having a 6’9 roughly judged 310 pounds of muscle man chasing after you and pinning you down, there’s a ten ton dragon hellbent on having your dad die for the sake of the canon, claws, wings, VENOM/FIREBREATHING. It’s pretty much game over at that point. Ofc miles is a resourceful amazing wonderful intelligent human so I think he’d be able to reason with him. Besides, even then I kinda doubt Miguel would want to kill a kid, even if they’re a human. Nurturing instincts don’t go away after ur daughter dies 😋! Actually Miguel might even nom miles in an effort to keep him from messing up the canon :( can you imagine being so so terrified of this huge creature and getting nommed and you don’t know you’re safe and you’re panicking and —
The hurt and comfort is strong here :o. And the guilt. So much guilt. Once they work out their issues (there are so so so many poor dudes) I’m sure they’ll be besties. But that’s for human miles au
dragon miles would definitely get the short end of the stick. Even if he’s a hatchling (kind of, he’s in that odd stage between adult and adolescent but on the younger side) he’s still a whole lot more durable than if he’s a human. Which means that Miguel won’t be nearly as cautious handling him physically. Ouch. Miguel genuinely wants to protect miles in the movie but does it in the worst way possible. That would probably transfer over to this universe too.
But still because I absolutely LIVE for found family, I want to imagine they work through their problems in a long and very very non linear path that has setbacks and leaps forward and minor changes and everything because I love all of these characters sm and without depth they don’t feel like people. Plus imagining sleepy spider kids/dragons stumbling into Miguel’s section of the cave system/lair and deciding to take a quick nap there because it feels safe and waking up with Miguel curled loosely around them, wing slightly shielding them from the chilly drafts and hsjskskdjskj they have my heart. (Miguel will deny it later.)
or peter b taking the human kids out flying to let them feel at least a little what it’s like to taste the sky while Miguel lurks in the background anxiously, crimson eyes tense just in case peter accidentally drops one of them. Not that he would, he may be goofy but he’s most definitely not stupid.
I can imagine Miguel trying his hardest to stop some of the kids from doing things that he thinks is wayyy too dangerous for them and just giving up and tucking them away in his brooding pouch. If they won’t listen to his very very valid concerns then he’ll just have to make sure they don’t go anywhere >:(. Plus it’s warm and safe and even though Miguel will never admit it, he feels calmer if they’re there, protected completely bc he’ll never let anything hurt them. At least not while they’re nestled in one of the literal safest places in the world. I can’t imagine anyone would have an easy time getting to them when there’s a very protective and vengeful dragon guarding his precious brood.
and I haven’t even really gotten into the other characters either :( especially exploring the relationship between Jess and Gwen or Hobie and miles/gwen and pav but I feel like I’m writing too much so I’ll end it here. If you or anyone else wants to continue this thread/au PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE GIVE ME AN ASK! I LOVE THIS AU SM 😭😭
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anendtopursuit · 2 years ago
hey can you info dump about hobie to me please :D
hello!!! sorry this took me a while to get around to, i got SO nervous that i'd get smthn wrong n an army of comic book dudebros would emerge from hell to smite me down - but then i remembered that i don't care and hobie is fun to talk about, so hello!!!
[quick note before we start: hobie will be referred to as either "hobie" or "spiderpunk", for the sake of not being confusing, since there are 47385783643 spidermen in existence. yes, he prefers "spiderman" and initially took spiderpunk as an insult, but as of his latest solo run, the battle of the banned, he really could not care less n actively refers to himself as spiderpunk. i'm noting this now so i don't get 50 people correcting me in the replies lmao. i also don't hyphenate spiderman because i'm lazy]
you didn't ask for anything in specific so i'm gonna just Keep Going until i lose steam, hope that's alright!
first things first: hobie isn't an original character created to be spiderpunk! he's actually a variant of hobart "hobie" brown, earth 616's prowler, which i think has a LOT of interesting potential for btsv, if you catch my drift:
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why did they choose to make him a hobie variant rather than make up a new spiderperson? who knows! could be that they saw how painfully fucking close hobie was to his "capitalism is the real enemy actually" breakthrough before deciding to become a supervillain about it; maybe it's easier to get comic book nerds into new stories if they're vaguely familiar with one of the characters involved. who knows. i can't actually find any source on this one.
(interesting sidebar: in the spiderverse movies, peter b parker is from earth 616, and intended to be a direct page-to-screen adaptation of classic comic book peter parker - which makes me wonder how he reacted to meeting hobie for the first time. i doubt we'll ever see that first interaction, but it's cool to think about!)
spiderpunk's design actually originated as concept art for spider-UK, as drawn by olivier coipel (the punk movement is often credited as having started in the UK - more accurately, by black british punks, using elements of jamaican reggae - so it makes sense that they explored a punk angle for spider-UK at some point). they felt it didn't fit the character, but still loved the design, and so they wrote an entire character to fit around it! (that's also why hobie is often portrayed as british despite being written as american in the comics - his whole concept is essentially a love letter to black british punks, and tbh even when i'm reading the comics i pretend he just ended up moving to new york from london bc i cannot imagine him as an american lmao sorry)
a lot of people who learnt of hobie from atsv seemed surprised that he's genuinely punk and not just using the aesthetics - but, like, he's genuinely punk, guys. he lives in a fascist dystopia (the spider that bit him was irradiated from all the toxic waste the government illegally dumps) where norman osborn is president of the united states (and referred to as "ozzy osborn" lmao) and also a massive fascist dickbag (and venom's current host!). he then proceeds to beat said fascist dictator asshole to death with his guitar! by which i mean quite literally hit him so hard his organs come out ✨
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(like - i saw someone theorising that hobie would be the twist villain of btsv and actually just using miles for his own benefit, and i had my own little "he would never fucking do that what the fuck 😡" moment before realising that they were probably just some 14 yr old kid who's never seen hobie before and is trying to come up with a dramatic twist. so i'm not taking it to heart! but please know that it was very bad and incorrect, hobie is a real one and would never 🫶 /lh)
if you get a chance to pick up any of his comics (or, uh, discover them in alternative ways, wink wink nudge nudge capitalism is a prison but seriously please consider buying them from small local comic book stores if you do - that way your money goes to an actual local business & the writers rather than a massive chain store corporation) then i highly recommend - not only are they super fun, but they're gorgeous,
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(i know that the covers are always rendered differently to the actual comic pages but i just needed you to all look at these images, please, especially all the intricate details on the second one. i literally paused midway through reading my comic to stare at that cover with hearts in my eyes. he's so cool i adore him)
and they're also full of lyrical references to punk music, such as these (the first two off the top of my head - there are TONS more):
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and they're pretty dang diverse, too! including, like, explicitly and undeniably queer characters (note: there's been a lot of misinformation spread around - hobie and karl (captain anarchy) aren't explicitly confirmed to be anything but platonic friends. karl DOES have a boyfriend whom he is explicitly romantic with, but it's not hobie! he's still totally queer though and nobody can convince me otherwise), which is pretty neat.
this isn't really relevant to hobie in specific, but it's part of his universe and i'm a massive daredevil fanboy, so i NEED you to witness his daredevil variant, mattea murdock:
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tumblr isn't gonna let me add any more images (sob) so i'm gonna try n wrap this up fairly quick !!!
lightning round of just. fun and unfun facts, i guess:
hobie's homeless and lives in a community centre with the rest of his band
iirc "spiderpunk" was essentially his equivalent of "spidermenace", which he eventually adopted for himself because, well. they aren't wrong. (he got the name for the obvious reasons of his style and politics etc, but also because he can be quite brutal when he needs to be - see norman's very bad no good day above.)
his band is referred to as both "the spider-band" and "the daredevils" (after meeting mattea), which made my little daredevil fanboy heart soar a little ngl
in spiderverse specifically, hobie took 3 years to animate due to all the specific ways they stylised him and his movement! i am not an animator and cannot put it into actual technical terms so here's a tweet of one of the animators discussing it for anyone who's curious :]
he has a van called the spider-van, and sings the spiderman theme song at it sometimes ("🎶spider-van, spider-van, driving cross-country as fast as we can!🎶") which is ADORABLE. i love how cool he is in atsv but i need you to understand he's a DORK he's a NERD
another one for the dork point: he doesn't swear unless he's yelling at fascists (he's instead prone to a good "frick" "heckin" "motherlovin" etc). which i realise is probably just comic book censorship and them only being able to get away with a certain amount of tastefully censored swears and gore before someone gets in trouble and/or has to bump up the age rating, but also it drives his bandmates INSANE so i like to think he just does it for a giggle tbh. again, massive dork
and finally, to end things on a fun note: his current solo comic writer, cody ziglar, made him an official spiderpunk playlist so maybe we can stop having pointless playlist discourse and let people have fun!
i hope this infodump was alright and didn't disappoint fjdnfjfn!!! i definitely forgot (and/or ran out of space for) a bunch of shit but that just means i get to do this again, so :]!!!
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smidgen-of-hotboy · 1 year ago
JET FELL IN LIKE ALICE AND WONDERLAND- idk why but that is so. Funny to me. Ik it's serious, he fell in lost his mind and came back not the same and not normal... but cmon. Anyway.
So you've mentioned Earth like a handful of times now and also at some point you've mentioned space so now I gotta ask: is this a multi planet, multi dimensional (fae, living, otherworld) universe?
"Where's Juno going to find organs? In this economy? No way in hell" WELL NOW I KNOW WHAT I KNOW ABOUT JET- would it be so far off to say that Juno could ask Jet about how he can go about getting those organs to feed his freaky fae beastie?
I've never seen nor read Percy Jackson, tho I am familiar with Daedelus' labyrinth (I took a creative writing class 2 years in a row, same content both years, and it was centered around mythology) With the way you've described the Otherworlds I'm getting massive The Backrooms vibes. (And I hardly understand that, just the surface level concept)
THE WARDEN SOUNDS SOOOO COOOOLLLLL AAAAA!!! I love all the different appearances you've described it taking, what about Buddy? I'm assuming Buddy has encountered the Warden too bc of her vigil? And Ben's perception rips my heart out!! Ooooooo poor Benten TT_TT
AND OH MY GOD- Sarah Steel is a very interesting character to me. She's mentally ill and paranoid and needed so much more help than what she had available. So for her in this au to have one happy normal child one day, and wake up the next to twins and one of them is a little too much like her- I can only imagine the horror she felt. How much worse her paranoia and mental illness became. To feel like your going fucking crazy but knowing in some capacity you're not.... my favorite aspect from canon is that she both adoringly and loathfully called Ben and Juno "little monsters". I take it in this universe because of her rejection of Juno that doesn't exist?
Other Questions:
Whats everyone thoughts about Juno lugging around Peter and devouring him bit by bit? Where did Juno get his glowy rifle from? Is there a story behind that? What's the full story behind Juno and Peter meeting and Juno shooting Peter in the leg? How did that happen? (details! I want details!) Does Peter ever give him a name to use? (Ie Duke Rose, Perseus Shah, Ransom, etc (i think it would be funny if Peter does give a name and each time Juno is like "is this really it?" And peter goes "no of course not why the FUCK would I give YOU my NAME?! You SHOT ME!" and juno just shrugs like "yeah well at least i didnt leave you to rot and die now did i?")) Do you have an equivalent for Mag? How about Slip? What about the Kanagawas?? Sasha and Mick?? DARK MATTERS??? (I'm so so sorry I love world building and nitty gritty little fine details. I am obsessed with understanding and knowing every aspect of a world, right down to the super specific location events take place in even tho it likely doesn't matter and no one will ask)
Hey! So, uh, I have some more stuff for the fae-hunter jupeter au, if you'd like to hear it? Regarding some more about the background and things and the other characters and also some intrusive thoughts Juno has regarding the cannibalism?
Oh fuck yeah babey lay it on me. This is the best Steel Twin Birthday Present and no other holiday or event going on irl I could've woken up to ever! And also does it mean anything if I say I have more thoughts on my monster hunter au bc I have a lot of new thoughts about it
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kaylawritesfics · 4 years ago
Marvel: Fic Rec 1
A collection of marvel fics that I’ve recently read that I thought were really good!
march 28, 2021
| Avengers |
@ijustwant2write : That’s Just Wrong (Avengers x lesbian!reader)
‘coming out to the avengers as a lesbian who likes pineapple on pizza and they’re super taken back - not cos ur a lesbian but cos of ur pizza taste’
this one is a super cute coming out story i loved it so much
| Bucky Barnes |
@moteldwelling : good girl (bucky x fem!reader)
bucky and reader turn eachother on with pet names, and smut ensues. dirty talk, couch sex, praise kink. this sort of turned into dom!bucky idk it just happened LOL
@crispychrissy : Healing (1940s!bucky x nurse!reader)
Tasked with examining the injured soldiers that were liberated from the Hydra factory, one sergeant in particular gives you a run for your money.
this one is one of my favorites
@tuiccim : Almost Had Me Believing It (Series Masterlist) (bucky x reader)
An undercover operation playing Bucky Barnes’ wife is a dream come true. Playing house in the suburbs while trying to take down a drug ring brings you and Bucky closer but a nosy neighbor causes trouble in paradise.
this is one of my all time favorite bucky series
@imaginexmeintheuniverse : Dog Tags (bucky x reader)
For your Christmas drabbles, could you write Bucky gifting the reader his old dog tags?
@pinkettepoet : In Which She Knows That They Don’t Know (bucky x reader) (avengers x reader) part 2
could you write a buckyxreader/avengersxreader where they like all forget her bday bc there’s just been a lot of stuff going on so even though she’s kinda upset about it she doesn’t blame them and something happens and they all realize what day it is and they go all out to throw her a party and it’s just really fluffy and happy avengers family? Sorry it’s kinda long!
| Loki Laufeyson |
@angelkurenai : One Moment (Loki x reader)
You have found a way to undo the damage Thanos did and bring everyone you lost back, all of your loved ones or at least most of them. As you travel back in 2012, however, you run into someone who is far too familiar. Unable to let go, even after all these years, of the death of the man - or basically god - you loved so much you forget all about the mision and decide to have one more moment with the one who sacrificed his life to save yours out of love.
@beskar-tano : Just A Taste (Loki x reader)
On a brisk walk through Central Park, Loki tries earth’s hot chocolate for the very first time.
@obscure-imagines : Loki x Valkyrie!Reader
imagine: being a Valkyrie that Loki was always in love with and when you show up in Sakaar he’s really excited to see you again
loki fangirling over the valkyrie reader is my aesthetic
@gingerwritess : Loki x reader
I’ve got a question I’d love for you to answer, because I simply adore your characterization of Loki. What sort of nicknames do you think he’d call his s/o? Both the lovey-dovey ones and the playful mean ones
this is so soft i love it
@too-attached-to-fiction : A Night In The Gardens (Loki x reader)
#2: “It’s nearly midnight, what are you doing?”
@justeclipseblogs : Complicated (2012!loki x goddess!reader)
Based on Avengers (2012), where instead of Thor going after Loki - it’s Thor and his friend, Reader, who happens to be Loki’s… well, it’s complicated.
this is one of my favorite loki fics and i would love to see a part 2 to it
@yourfavouriterival : i will always love you; how i do (loki x reader)
@beskar-tano : Undying Fidelity (Loki x reader)
“I was just kind of hoping you’d y’know … fall in love with me.” + Loki Laufeyson Odinson
@jobean12-blog : A Smile In Bloom (loki x reader)
You and Loki bond over your mutual love for plants :)
@rorybutnotgilmore : Exist For Love (loki x reader)
Just some domestic baking and dancing with Loki.
| Natasha Romanoff |
@lethological-clara : Bikes and Bruises (natasha x reader)
Natasha teaches you how to ride a bike.
@saltybaltic : Downpour (natasha x reader)
Walking through the streets of New York you get caught in a torrential downpour and have to find cover
@saltybaltic : Save The Date (natasha x wife!reader)
On the day of your third wedding anniversary with Natasha, you realise that you’ve both been celebrating the wrong date
@saltybaltic : Cat Walk (natasha x reader)
Being friends with Natasha isn’t always easy, especially when you’re supposed to be helping her pick an outfit and you’re struggling to keep your mind out of the gutter.
gay panic
| Peter Parker |
@starshipsofstarlord : Screen Light (peter x reader
watching a movie does not always entail paying attention to it. However, there is innocence to the picture perfect distraction.
@baroquebucky : Truly, Madly, Deeply (peter x reader)
Truly, Madly, Deeply by One Direction with Peter Parker
one direction and peter parker is the perfect combo
@buckysbeloved : of sleep and safety (peter x reader)
in which peter parker slumps into your room exhausted and you have to try and get him into bed despite the height difference between you
| Pietro Maximoff |
@dem-obscure-imagines : Little Stark (Pietro x stark!reader)
Could you do an imagine of being Tony’s snarky sarcastic clever badass part-time Shield agent sister and Bruce’s best friend and therefore spends a lot of time in their lab while they’re your favorite people you are also brilliant, and therefore they also see Pietro always hanging around because he has a crush on you and Tony is protective big bro and everyone else just teases Pietro??
@helaintoloki : Meet The Family (Pietro Peter Maximoff x reader)
An innocent family dinner with Pietro’s new girlfriend reveals that life in Westview is not what it seems. Uncle Pietro introduces y/n to the family!
This one is sweet with a touch of Westview darkness
| Pepper Potts |
@rae-is-typing : Mother’s Day (mom!pepper x stark!reader)
It’s Mother’s Day, and you surprise your step mom Pepper
| Steve Rogers |
@ohmygoditsanthonyedwardstark : Why Do You Hate Me So Much? (steve x reader) (slight bucky x reader)
You spend your whole life loving Steve Rogers, unfortunately he can’t even spare a minute to love you.
i really want a part 2 to this one
| Thor Odinson |
@rae-is-typing : She’s Not Dying (platonic!thor x reader)
You have a cold, and Thor thinks you’re dying.
| Wanda Maximoff |
@cap-n-stuff : wanda maximoff x reader
Wanda x reader angst (like reader gets hurt or dies maybe idrk lmao)
@beskar-tano : wanda x reader comfort headcanons
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fangirling-allday · 4 years ago
Hello lovely!!, if you still do JATP can you do one we’re friends with Julie and she’s the only one who know you sing and also knows that luke has a crush on you but luke doesn’t know you sing till you were practicing riffs with julie and he walks (Reggie and Alex walk in to) in on you two doing riffs and you with her and luke’s all like smiley bc he didn’t know you can sing but also surprised and when your were finished you hit a higher note at the end and Reggie was like “YOU CAN SING” and that luke chimed I’m and says “WHEN DID YOU LERN HOW TO SING?!”and “JULIE WHY DIDN’T YOU TELL ME?!” and julie is like “ because she didn’t want me too”And all you say is “yes I can sing Reggie and I know how and I was like 4 all my family members can sing” and later when luke was in your room he was like “do you want to be apart of the band?” and you say yes.
(I hope this I isn’t a lot to ask sorry if it’s long bye!)
Thank you so much for requesting this, I loved the idea, I am so sorry for the wait!
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Pairing- Luke Patterson x reader
Warnings- none that I know of
Word Count- 1528
Summary- What happens when you keep a secret and end up meeting your best friends bandmates?
A/N- I’m so sorry for the wait, but I hope you all enjoy this! Also, the boys are alive in this. Enjoy!
- - -
Music is a part of everybody's lives, no matter how big or small. For you, it was rather a huge part of your life. Your parents could sing, your aunt could, even your sibling, so it came from no shock that you had a natural gift ever since you were young. However, it wasn't your only music trait. Instead of relying only on your voice, you found yourself through instruments. The only person who knew you could sing, was your friend since forever, Julie Molina.
You and Julie shared a special type of bond, you both weren't super close, but knew you could rely on each other no matter what. You knew that music was Julie's life, so you tried your best to bring little amounts of it back into it when her mom died. However, when she started a band, you knew that she found her way back to her origins and you couldn't be any happier. Especially since her bandmates brought her just as much joy, perhaps even more.
Julie didn't exactly introduce you to her bandmates, it was more so an accident. See, you were going to ask her what the math assignment was since you missed class. When Ray let you in and told you that she was up in her room, you weren't expecting three teenaged boys to be occupying it.
"Oh my god, Julie! Don't come into your room I think you're going to be kidnapped!" Julie came running out of the bathroom and you immediately grabbed her and ran down the steps to get Ray. The three boys seemed familiar but you only saw a quick glimpse before you ran out. Also, it seemed sketchy for them to be in her room doing God's know what.
"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god." You mumbled under your breath.
Once you hit the ground level, Julie stopped you from running.
"Y/n those boys aren't going to kidnap anyone!" Julie exclaimed, holding back her laughter.
"Who going to kidnap who?" Ray said walking towards you and his daughter.
Suddenly you heard footsteps coming down the stairs.
"It's them! They're going to kidnap us and then do who knows what to us!" You said pointing to the three boys and hiding behind Ray.
Suddenly, everyone burst into laughter. You were very confused, was everyone in on this?
When Ray composes himself, he finally informed you on who they were.
"They aren't kidnappers, y/n, they're Julie's bandmates. They go to your school as well."
You spared a glance at the three boys who were still on the steps. After looking you realized you did know them.
The blonde with the fanny pack was Alex Mercer, he was in your English class. You found him extremely funny and nice, he always lent you a pencil if you forgot yours.
The raven-haired boy who wore a red flannel was Reggie Peters, he was in your science and Spanish class. He was a bit of a flirt, but a complete goofball at heart.
Finally, your eyes landed on the brunette. His eyes were twinkling with mischief, but you knew it wasn't bad. He was Luke Patterson, the most music drives person you ever met. He was extremely driven and charismatic.
When you realized they meant no harm, you finally felt your shoulders relax.
"Oh well, uh, hi." You said with a little wave. "It's nice to, uh, well I guess I've already met you all, but it's nice to finally know who Julie's bandmates are."
That funny mishap lead to a wonderful friendship with the three boys and strengthened your bond with Julie. You and Julie became almost inseparable, along with Flynn, Alex quickly became one of your best friends, Reggie became somewhat of a brother to you, and Luke, well Luke was something more that you couldn't quite figure out.
On some days, you thought that he liked you just like you liked him, but on others, he looked like he was more in love with his guitar than anything in the world. Of course, it didn't help that Julie kept insisting that he liked you, but you couldn't quite believe it.
Even though you were so close with the three boys, they didn't know you could sing, but they knew that you could play almost any instrument you could lay your hands on.
Months flew by and you loved the boys dearly, as they did you, and they wanted to invite you to join the band. You however always said no as you didn’t feel like you truly belonged, but one night when you were all hanging out you realized that they were your family. The next day you decide that you would join the band, you knew it would be a great surprise for the boys, but you knew you would need help so you asked Julie to help you prepare.
One afternoon, you and Julie were in the garage and she was teaching you the notes to Bright.
“Let’s run through some riffs to warm up our voices, okay?” Julie asked standing up from the couch you both were sat at.
You got up and nodded your head.
Julie took you through some basic riffs, but then she demonstrated a super complicated combination of notes. Your eyes immediately widened at her range.
“My ears are being blessed by this goddess in front of me.” Your compliments made Julie’s face flush.
“Ok ok, now you try.”
You took a deep breath and closed your eyes as you started the riff. You were doing great and didn’t notice the pairs of footsteps entering the garage as you prepared yourself for the ending. Julie ended on a high note that you were never able to reach before, but today felt different and you were confident.
A smile broke across your face as you realized you did it. When you finished, your eyes opened and you saw Julie’s smile was as big as yours.
You jumped when a familiar voice exclaimed, “YOU CAN SING?!”
You turned around to face the three boys. Your eyes immediately met Luke’s.
“Surprise!” You said quietly.
“WHEN DID YOU LEARN HOW TO SING!? YOU’RE AMAZING!” Luke exclaimed, a bright smile across his face. He then looked towards Julie and lowered his voice, but not by much. “Why didn’t you tell me they could sing? I feel so betrayed right now!”
“Well, they didn’t want me to say anything,” Julie explained, her voice much quieter than both of the boys.
“You are truly amazing, y/n,” Alex said, giving you a small smile.
You smiled, “Yes I can sing Reggie, and I was basically taught when I was four since all my family members could sing, and thank you, Alex.”
The next hour was filled with constant questions and compliments. Once the sun had started to set, you announced that you should be heading home. Luke offered to walk you home, and as you both started to leave you didn’t fail to notice Julie’s suggestive looks.
Once you reached your house, you asked if he wanted to come in and chat, which he quickly agreed to.
“You know, your voice is beautiful,” Luke said as you both sat on your bed.
Your face blushed as you mumbled a thanks.
“So, do you wanna join the band?”
This was the moment you’ve been waiting for.
You nodded your head and said, “That’s why I was practicing with Julie.”
His eyes widened and he scooted closer to you on your bed. “Wait, really?”
You nodded your head again and a smile broke across your face. “Surprise!”
His face immediately brightened. “Oh my god, yes! It’s about time, you know I always knew you had a voice somewhere in you. It made a lot of sense since your family are all amazing singers, I just knew that you had just as amazing of a voice, and I wasn’t disappointed. You know, the-”
You cut him off by pressing your lips to his. However, before he could respond you immediately pulled back.
You gasped and brought your hands to your mouth. “Oh my, I’m so so sorry. I-I didn’t mean, well I did, but I should’ve asked to make sure you actually liked me and felt comfortable with it, I am truly so-”
You were cut off by Luke putting his hand to your cheek.
“Your sorry, I know. But you don’t have to be. You’re being all cute and sweet, how could I not want to kiss you?”
You moved in closer again, and just before your lips touched you looked into his eyes and he closed the small distance between you two.
His hand stayed on your cheek and his other wrapped around your waist, bring you closer. Everywhere he touched, your skin tingled. Your hands rested on his chest.
When air became a necessity, you pulled away, your eyes staying closed as you mumbled, “I must be in heaven.”
Luke chuckled and gave your lips a quick peck. Your eyes then opened and he whispered, “You are truly breathtaking.”
“Surprise!” You said with a huge grin.
- - -
Taglist(Let me know if you want to be added!! Strike through is because I couldn’t add you for some reason)
@shellbeerocks @meangirlsx @walkingonshunshine @discoverablefeelings @marinettepotterandplagg
@captaintightpants58 @lukeys-giggle @itz-jas @spooky-season-bitch @aunicornmademedoit @badwolf00593 @fandomfairyuniverse @i-should-be-writing-my-own-fic @dxestars
@sunsetcurve-h @lolychu @lovesanimals
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aquaticrunner · 4 years ago
Don’t I Know You?
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Slytherin!Edmund Pevensie x Slytherin!Reader | Request: hi, could u do an Edmund x reader in which they meet in Narnia but they recognize each other bc they're both Slytherins? ty < 3 | Word count: 1.7K
I smiled and tucked my wand away. Finally I found it. Narnia. I had been hearing stories about this magical land since I was a little kid and I finally found a spell that could take me there. As far as I knew, it had never been done before. I would be the first witch to ever find it. I walked along a sandy beach letting the water wash over my feet. I took a deep breath, feeling the most relaxed I’d ever been. The water was so blue and the trees felt as if they were almost alive. It was beautiful and I couldn’t wait to explore every part of it. 
I wandered further along the shore, loving the feeling of the sand between my toes. As I walked further down, I saw a group of kids. I squinted my eyes, trying to make them out clearly with the sun shining down. As I got even closer, I realized they were shouting. I cautiously got closer, trying to see what all the commotion was. 
They seemed to be arguing about something and I wasn’t sure that I wanted to interrupt. I slowly turned around to leave when I heard someone address me. “Hey! What are you doing?” I cringed, knowing that I’d been caught, and turned back around. I finally took in the appearance of each person in front of me. I saw two young girls and two young boys. They seemed familiar as I looked at them, but I didn’t realize until I looked at the last boy to my right. His hair had gotten longer and he looked more carefree than I had ever seen him, but it was undoubtedly Edmund Pevensie. They had gone to Hogwarts together and were both in Slytherin. 
“Don’t I know you?” He asked me. I narrowed my eyes at him. He doesn’t even remember me?
“What are you doing here?” I asked in return. He looked surprised and then recognition crossed his features. “I do know you! You’re Y/N. You were a Slytherin at Hogwarts. How did you get here?”
“Stop asking me questions! You never answered mine.” I crossed my arms in a show of defiance. The older looking boy stepped forward. “Enough. Seems to me we’re all wizards. We got here because Aslan called us. Now how did you get here?”
Y/N sighed. “I’ve been trying to figure out how to get here since I was little. I finally figured out the right spell to find this magical land. I didn’t know anyone else had ever found Narnia before. Who’s Aslan?”
“You have a lot to learn.” Said the younger girl. They led me to an old castle where they had been staying. There, they explained everything about Aslan and the White Witch. I found out the rest of their names were Peter, Lucy, and Susan. After they had explained everything, I sat in silence for a minute before speaking up.
“Wow, you guys went through all that as kids?” I asked. They nodded and I bit my lip. “So what are you doing back here now?”
“Well, we’re here to help defeat the Telmarines. They’ve taken over Narnia and we have to stop them.” I smiled at them, “How can I help?”
I walked alongside Edmund in silence as we followed Peter and Trumpkin to where we heard an army was being built. I cleared my throat and Edmund rolled his eyes at me. I looked at him in annoyance, “Do you have a problem with me?” 
“No.” His short response only annoyed me more. “Really?” I asked, “Because it seems to me that you’re not particularly happy that I’m here.”
“Why would I be?” He walked ahead of me and I stood behind for a moment. I couldn’t figure out why he was so upset with me. We barely had any interactions when we went to Hogwarts together aside from running into each other in the common room or having some friends in common. I sighed and kept walking. I didn’t want to get left behind. “So why are we walking all this way instead of just using magic?” I asked no one in particular. 
Susan glanced back at me while she walked. “Magic doesn’t work the same here in Narnia. And with the Telmarines suppressing that magic for years, it’s become weaker.”
It became silent once more and I nodded in understanding. The silence persisted until we heard shouts coming from the trees. Soldiers in army came out of the trees, swords pointed at us. I immediately pulled out my wand and tried to cast a protective spell but nothing happened. Susan was right, magic worked differently here. The Pevensies and Trumpkin immediately started fighting, using practiced skill. I looked down at my now useless wand. Well, what do I do now?
One of the soldiers noticed me and walked menacingly towards me. “Wait, I’m not from here so don’t-” He lunged at me and I jumped back, nearly dropping my wand. I looked around for anything to defend myself with- a large stick or a rock- but I found nothing. He got closer until suddenly Edmund jumped in front of me pushing the soldier back with a sword. He cut him in the side and the man dropped in pain. Edmund hit him over the head, effectively knocking him out. 
“Thanks,” I said and he turned back around to face me. “Here’s a knife, try not to get killed.” I took the knife hesitantly but Edmund didn’t wait to see what I would do next. He jumped right back into the fight and I watched as him and his siblings quickly beat the soldiers.
The soldiers that didn’t get knocked out ran off and the others, Peter tied to a nearby tree. We ransacked their supplies and left, hoping no one would follow us. I found myself walking Edmund once again. “Thanks again for helping me.”
Edmund sighed. “It wasn’t a big deal.” I shrugged. “Well, it was to me.” I glanced at him and spoke up once more. “So, I have to know why you don’t like me.”
Edmund groaned. “Do you ever stop talking?” I laughed. “Nope. So you might as well just answer me.” He narrowed his eyes at me. “Fine. It’s not that I don’t like you, I just don’t trust you.” “What? Why not, we were in the same house!” “Exactly.”
I stopped talking for a moment, taking in Edmund’s words. He spoke again and my head whipped in his direction. “I heard you in the common room talking about Narnia. You were obsessed. And now that you’re here, what are you going to tell people when we get back? Everyone will want to come here and it’ll be ruined. That’s what people do with good things.”
For once, I had nothing else to say. It was starting to get dark and Peter stopped walking. “We can sleep here for the night. Ed, go get some firewood.”
Edmund nodded and I made a quick decision to follow him. “Are you ever going to leave me alone?” “Not until I’m satisfied.” “And how can I possibly do that?” “Sit down and talk to me for a moment,” I said. Edmund considered it, and then seemed to realize that I wasn’t letting this go. “Fine.” Edmund sat on a tree stump and I sat down next to him. 
I took a deep breath. “You’re right. I have been looking for Narnia for a long time. But not because I want to exploit it.” Edmund looked at me curiously and I continued. “I’ve been dreaming of this place since I was a kid. The magic and the adventure. I always thought it sounded so much better than where I was, at least until I got to Hogwarts. Even then I just wanted to see it at least once.”
Edmund looked at me. “So you won’t tell anyone?”
I smiled at him. “I won’t tell anyone. I’m just happy with the satisfaction of being the first witch to ever find it. Well, except you but I came up with the spell on my own.”
He laughed for the first time and I was shocked at how nice it was. For the first time that day, I took the time to really look at him. He was undeniably attractive. His hair had a light curl to it from the humidity in the air and the early night stars seemed to be reflecting in his eyes. 
He looked down at his hands and then back at me. “I may have misjudged you.” I smiled at him. “You did, but that’s okay. You can make it up to me.”
His eyes twinkled mischievously. “And how can I do that?” I leaned forward to whisper in his ear. “I’m sure you’ll think of something.”
I leaned back, but before I could turn, Edmund placed his hand around the back of my neck and pulled my forward. Our lips met and I instinctively pulled him closer as we kissed, craving the heat that was coming from his embrace. We kissed until we were out of breath and I pulled away slowly, not wanting the moment to end. I leaned my forehead against his and whispered as if this were something fragile. “What was that for?” He smiled. “Just making it up to you.” I laughed as he repeated my words back to me. “Well, keep kissing me like that and I’ll forgive you in no time.”
Edmund smiled. “Well, it’ll have to be later. We need to get the firewood, remember?” I groaned. “This would be so much easier if my wand was working.” 
“Don’t worry, you get used to it. Narnian magic is something different, but it’s just as wonderful. I promise.” I looked at Edmund as he said that with such sincerity. “Alright. Let’s do this.”
We spent the next few minutes gathering up firewood and then went back to the others. The rest of the night, I talked and laughed with the Pevensies and their friend just having fun. I shared small smiles with Edmund throughout the night every time we made eye contact or our hands brushed. I never would’ve thought that when I finally found Narnia I would also find Edmund Pevensie, a Slytherin boy who I barely knew. I couldn’t wait to get to know him now and explore Narnia with him.
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writesowhatnext · 5 years ago
the feeling that we’re meeting // sirius black
Summary: Sirius Black has never liked the reader and this he made known. Maybe it’s because she’s a Slytherin. Maybe it was the bat-bogey hex. Strange, though, how things change with a war in full throttle.
Request: hello :) can i have an angst to fluff w sirius pls? (slowburn) post-hogwarts a few years where y/n was one of the main targets along w snape for james’ and sirius’ ridiculing and bullying, and they were just dreadful to her (she was in slytherin) :( but then a few years after hogwarts she joins the order and sirius acts just rlly immature and mean to her but then slowly starts falling for her as he starts noticing little aspects of her personality :) and at the end can there be like a fluffy cuddling scene where she asks him why he was so nasty to her and he talks ab how guilty and sorry he is :) ty babe!
A/N: I liked this request tbh bc it’s so important to remember that sirius is a brill character bc he’s so realistic with his equal good and bad traits – I was a bit liberal with canon context but I can’t say I don’t enjoy a world with James and Lily alive :) Also I listened to ‘For the First Time’ by The Script when I was writing and I agree
Reader: female, Slytherin
Warnings: female!reader, drinking, death eater parents, innuendo I suppose, also long af, injury, parental abuse, battle, deaths
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Every time you tiptoed down the stairs of number twelve Grimmauld Place, you had to remind yourself that the war was far more important than whatever colour you’d like to dye Sirius Black’s hair. You considered pink, but thought better of it when you realised, he’d probably enjoy it.
It had been months, but you remembered the first time you set foot into the Black family home like it was yesterday. Following Dumbledore through the strange threshold, your nerves climbing as you heard the strangely familiar voices of the boys that had tormented you till you cried from the other room, you found yourself pulling at your sleeves, desperate to be anywhere else. The silence that fell as you stepped out from behind the Head of the Order was suffocating, and you could feel all eyes were on you. Biting the bullet, you glanced up from the crusty carpet, facing people you’d never wanted to see again. You recognised them all despite the years passed, standing together equally unenthused to see you. Remus was taller, impossibly, than you remembered him and Lily’s face was all angles now. Sirius’s hair was longer and styled differently, more like a muggle’s, but James still had the same half-broken glasses, and Peter the same child-like roundness to his cheeks.
“This, as I’m sure you know,” Dumbledore began, crossing his arms over his front. “Is Y/N-“
“Dumbledore, Sir,” James interjected, his tone as incredulous as his expression.
“You can’t be serious!”
You exhaled sharply from your nose at Sirius’ words, dipping your head when it seemed no one else saw the irony.
“Y/N is an excellent witch and she’ll be an excellent addition to the Order.”
“Sir,” Sirius huffed, shooting you a glare before stepping forward towards Dumbledore. “Her parents are death eaters; you can’t possibly trust her.”
“Remind me, Sirius,” you said, your voice echoing in the room for the first time. “What was tattooed on your brother’s arm.”
Although you were entirely correct, you felt a pang of guilt at the hurt that flashed in his eyes before the ever-familiar Black scowl creased his brow. Dumbledore’s presence beside you suddenly felt less and less comforting.
“She was always excellent in Charms,” Remus said gently. You faced him sharply, surprised to see his eyes so apologetic.
“And Defence Against the Dark Arts,” Lily’s tone was light and you were oddly pleased to see a smile on her face. You hoped that meant you would have at least one friend here.
“I wonder bloody why,” Sirius muttered, storming past you into the kitchen, shoulder hitting yours. You clenched your jaw, biting your lip to avoid saying something you’d reject.
“I hope you will treat Miss Y/N with the respect all allies deserve in this time. She’s risking her life to spy for us. You are all aware of what she’s put on the line for this,” Dumbledore said, an air of finality to his tone before he left you there, in the lion’s den, alone.
“Well,” Lily said, standing up from the armchair she’d been nestled into. She offered you a calloused and freckled hand with a smile. “Welcome to the Order of the Phoenix.”
It didn’t take long for the older members of the Order to trust you; they didn’t care about petty squabbles and rivalries, only the information you could provide. The story, however, wasn’t the same with your old Gryffindor pals. Lily, you accepted with equal parts hesitance and glee, was a fast friend. She had got into the habit of asking you how you were daily and offering you tea in the mornings. Sometimes, after a long mission, you found yourself talking into the night with her.
“Wait, wait,” you said, hand sloppily gripping the stem of an old wine glass you’d found in the cupboards. “You and Potter are married?”
She giggled at your response, leaning her elbow on the armchair next to her as she careened forward, the carpet crunching at the shift.
“Yes,” she nodded, smiling brightly. “I was just as surprised as you, at first, but he-“ a hiccup escaped her lips, earning a round of laughter from you both. “He’s a sweet guy. A tosser, by all means, but loyal and brave and kind.”
You’d never considered James Potter any of those things at Hogwarts, but now, in the real world, you found yourself slowly warming up to him.
“He’s changed, you know,” she said earnestly, suddenly a lot soberer than you felt. “They all have.”
You pursed your lips, taking another sip of the dark wine in your glass.
“Sirius hasn’t.”
She sighed, rubbing her eye with the knuckle of her thumb.
“He’s always hated me.”
Speaking of the devil, a familiar shadow appeared in the doorway before you could carry on your conversation. Sirius stared at you for a moment, his dark eyes locked on your face. He swallowed, mouth curling downwards slightly as he looked at your messy hair and casual position, sat in a place he’d hated for years. Something stirred in his chest and his expression shifted ever so slightly, but before you could question it, he disappeared up the stairs. You huffed, shaking your head as you turned back to Lily.
It wasn’t another twenty minutes before James walked in, an amused grin playing on his lips at his wife’s tipsy state.
“C’mon, love. Let’s get you to bed,” he said, gently taking Lily’s arm to lift her up.
“Wow,” she said, whispering very loudly to you. “James Potter with a good idea; there’s a first.”
“Oi!” he laughed, poking her in the ribs and catching the wine glass before she could throw it onto the floor. It would’ve been a shame, you thought sarcastically, if someone ruined such a lovely carpet. He turned to you then, still smiling.
“Cheers, Y/N.”
He shot you a wink before escorting Lily upstairs, her drunk rambling fading the further away they got. You chuckled under your breath, pleased that maybe you weren’t such an outcast as you took another sip. Your mood soured dramatically, though, as you remembered the time, not exactly excited to be returning to your parents.
The next week, you had a few days between missions. Although you probably should’ve been resting at home like everyone else was, Remus included, you ended up on all fours in the Black family living room, pulling up carpet. Remus sat in the armchair at the other end of the room, a newspaper in one hand and a mug of tea in the other. Occasionally, he’d throw a teasing remark at you or ask for help with a tricky crossword clue, but mostly the silence that settled between you was comfortable. You were halfway across the room, surprised you hadn’t thrown up yet at the awful stains on the underside of the carpet, specifically avoiding the one that looked like blood.
“What are you doing?” a voice asked you from the doorway. You looked up, blowing a loose strand of hair from your face as you met Sirius’ eyes. You frowned, sitting back on your feet, carpet still in your hands.
“The laundry,” you replied dryly, a smile tugging at your lips to hear Remus snort into his mug.
“My mother loved this carpet,” he said, a strange look on his face. If you hadn’t known him better, you would’ve mistaken it for approval.
“And a charming family keepsake it is.”
He stared at you for a moment, his gaze steady and unreadable. You doubted whether destroying the carpet without asking him was such a good idea.
“Thank you.”
Without giving you a second to process, he turned left, the front door slamming not a second later. With wide eyes and your jaw on the floor, you looked to Remus, who seemed just as surprised as you.
“Did that just happen?”
He nodded slowly, his brows drawing together. You hummed, matching his frown before you started pulling roughly at the carpet and he returned to his paper.
“Six letter word for a muggle screenplay?”
You didn’t think that much more about Sirius’ gratitude in the next few days, too busy with keeping your lies straight and the war to waste time on why you hated each other. You did notice, despite yourself, that he seemed gradually less and less opposed to your presence. His conversations seemed to dry up less when you entered a room, his glare settled on you less often in Order meetings. As things got more and more difficult at home, the pressure from your parents to get the dark mark growing, it was the small things that helped.
“Y/N,” Peter said one morning, crossing his arms on the breakfast table. You’d warmed to Peter; he was always a little lost, a little wayward. It made you smile most of the time and you couldn’t help the motherly instinct you felt toward him, despite your similarity in age.
“Do you have a spare towel?”
“Why? What did you do with yours?”
A blush covered his cheeks and immediately you found that you really did not want to hear his answer.
“Yeah, I’ll fetch it,” you said, moving to exit the kitchen with a great deal of haste. You’d stayed at the headquarters a few times after hard or early morning missions and Sirius, despite your history, had been kind enough to give you towels to use. You’d been sure, though, that Kreacher, the house-elf, was behind that.
You hadn’t anticipated seeing Sirius in the corridor, muttering to himself as he stood next to the velvet curtain on the wall. His arms were full of what could only be described as junk, the nail of an old bed-frame catching on the fabric. He didn’t notice you behind him as he struggled and with a decidedly irritated yank, he pulled the wooden post free. However, much to his chagrin, and everyone in the house’s eardrums, the curtains fell loose and an extortionately loud screeching filled the air.
“This house is full of blood traitors! Mudbloods!” it hissed, echoing through all the rooms. Seeing Sirius’ arms full, you bent down next to him and gripped the metal rod of the curtain, eager to put it back into place. He jumped a little when he saw you, stumbling out the way slightly, his eyebrows threading together as the high-pitched shouting continued. You took one look at the ugly, yellowing woman in the portrait and shoved the curtain in front of her face, hoping you’d never see it again. It took some jiggling, but soon the portrait was covered and you could only hear rustling behind the fabric, muzzled yells rattling the frame.
“A charming woman, your Mother was. I’m surprised you don’t leave the curtains open all the time,” you said, a distasteful expression tainting your features. Sirius looked at you for a moment, his jaw clenching slightly.
“It’s okay,” you said, smiling a little. “You can laugh.”
He didn’t, but the slight upward curve of his lip didn’t escape you.
“Did you ever have the pleasure to meet her in the flesh?” he asked. Your brows raised at the first real question he’d asked you since you joined the Order.
“No, sadly not,” you crossed your arms and leant on the door. “My parents spoke highly of her, though, which is never the best sign.”
He only nodded, standing awkwardly for a moment before turning to leave. You blinked, before remembering where you’d been going.
“Sirius,” you began, the light tone not suiting his name in your mouth. “Do you have spare towels? Peter-“
Sirius smirked, a strangely handsome expression on him.
“Peter dropped chocolate frogs all over his again,” he huffed, shaking his head. “Just ask Kreacher.”
You barely paid attention to him leaving as you wandered upstairs, in search of the grumpy house-elf. You were pleased to know that Peter’s towel hadn’t been ruined by something more suspect than chocolate, but you couldn’t deny that you were even more pleased that you’d finally had an interaction with Sirius that didn’t involve a row.
Your next interaction, though, was less than ideal. You stumbled toward twelve Grimmauld place with a throbbing headache and shaky legs. Your parents had not been kind when they discovered your treachery, your place in the Order; you were lucky to escape with your life. That’s all you could tell yourself as you dragged yourself up the steps, knocking loudly on the door. It was just your luck for Sirius, of all people, to open it. His expression was at first worried before he realised it was you and a frown settled on his features. As you looked down, trying to concentrate on the swaying floor, you didn’t notice the concern that returned upon seeing your injuries.
“What the blood-“ he began, grunting slightly as you collapsed into him, no longer able to keep your body upright.
You woke the next day in a clean bed with a dull headache. The house-elf shuffling around your room had garnered your attention, and you blinked at him as he placed towels, sheets and clothes in a pile next to the bed.
“Kreacher?” you asked, your voice sore in your throat. “Why am I here?”
“You’re a blood trait-“
You shot him a dry look.
“I mean, how did I get here? Why are you putting clothes out?”
The house-elf sighed, a grizzly sound.
“Master Sirius ordered me to,” he said gruffly. “Said you shall be living here.”
You frowned, barely registering Kreacher as he made to leave.
“Thank you,” you called after him, earning a grumble in response.
You and Sirius never spoke about the fact that you were now living in the Order Headquarters, in his house, but you never forgot the kindness he showed you. It was a strange feeling, to be grateful to Sirius Black, especially after everything he’d done to you as a student. The topic of your parents didn’t even come up until the night before a particularly difficult mission planning to infiltrate a meeting of death eaters.
“Lily,” you said, sitting on the counter in the kitchen with the others dotted around, even Sirius. “I don’t know if I should come on this mission.”
“What?” Remus asked, placing the chocolate he’d been aiming from his mouth down on the tablecloth.
“I was useful to the Order when I knew things and now,” your voice broke slightly at the memory of the last time you’d seen your parents. “Now I have no information and I might have to… I might have to fight the people that raised me tonight and they don’t have any qualms about killing me or any of you where we stand.”
“Exactly!” James said, moving his arm from the back of Lily’s chair to rest his elbows on the table. “They don’t care about killing us. They killed Gideon and Fabien. You saw what they did to Frank and Alice.”
Your chest tightened. Frank and Alice had always been kind to you; now they were at St. Mungo’s.
“Information or not,” Sirius said, surprising everyone. “You’re a good fighter; we need that.”
The silence that followed his words made you feel like you were missing something as you stared at him, seeing his eyes soft for the first time.
“Sirius is right,” Lily said, nodding. “We have to do all we can; you know that more than most of us.”
The mission had been horrendous.
It had been a bloodbath of proportions you’d never seen before. You’d lost Benjy and Caradoc and Dorcas; people you looked up to. You’d expected losses in a war, you weren’t stupid, but you’d never anticipated the weight behind a spell thrown by your own parents. Despite your own casualties, you’d taken out six death eaters and despite yourself, you were glad your parents weren’t among them. The journey back to the house was a quiet one: Lily busied herself with James’ broken arm and Remus wiped the blood from Sirius’ forehead, dabbing delicately at the cut above his eyebrow. You all disbanded when you got inside, tired and aching, disappearing into your rooms with heavy hearts.
You couldn’t sleep, though, too haunted by the flashes that appeared behind your eyes. It must’ve been past midnight when you tiptoed downstairs, more desperate than ever to not agitate the portrait. You didn’t notice Sirius in the kitchen until you’d shut the door behind you, jumping out of your skin to see him sat there with a glass and a bottle of firewhiskey.
“Didn’t mean to scare you,” he said, lifting his glass and taking a swig. You’d come down for tea, but the idea of numbing your senses appealed. He must’ve noticed the way your eyes lingered on his glass and without a word, he reached behind him to grab another, pouring you a liberal shot. You sat down almost tentatively, fingers gliding around the edges of the glass.
He watched with an amused smile as you downed the whole thing, wincing at the burn before you rested it back on the table. He filled it again immediately.
“Rough night.”
“Indeed,” you said, rubbing your eyes and sighing. “I never thought we’d be here.”
He raised an eyebrow, stretching the bandage on his forehead as his lips pressed against the rim of the glass.
“Me and you,” you laughed a little. “Drinking together.”
“Not something I’d have bet on,” he muttered, laughing too. Your smiles both faded as you looked at each other, though, across the plastic gingham table cloth.
“Why do you hate me so much?”
The question tumbled from your lips before you could stop it.
“I don’t hate you.”
You shot him a very dry glance. He shook his head and sighed, putting his glass down a little too loudly before running a hand through his hair, looking anywhere but you.
“You’re a pureblood Slytherin,” he said, running his hands over his face. “And I hated it. I hated anyone that reminded me of this place. And you- you were everything my parents wanted me to be: smart, loyal… dark, I thought.”
You nodded, sipping your drink quietly.
“You were an easy target, too, for a pillock like me. Didn’t have that many friends-“
“That was because they were all stuck-up death eaters.”
“I know that now. It didn’t matter then, though. I was a kid, though, and I thought it was just kids’ stuff-“
“You know, that time you exploded my cauldron in the final Potions exam, I cried for a whole week.”
He had the good sense to look guilty for a second before amusement lifted his cheeks.
“You did bat-bogey hex me for that.”
Your cheeks heated up at the memory, your fingers fiddling with the glass more.
“Which is entirely illegal.”
You smiled, pressed your lips together as you shook your head. It all seemed so long ago; so childish, now. You leant your elbows on the table, resting your chin on your interlocked fingers.
“It was a good shot, though,” you mused, enjoying the way his lips spread into a dazzling grin.
“A bloody good shot,” he laughed. He leant back slowly, tilting his head to the side and biting his top lip. The mood dropped again as he stared at you.
“I’m really sorry.”
You wanted to take the piss, but something about his tone or the look in his eyes trapped your words in your throat. You just watched as he stood up, moving towards the sink.
“I made your life hell because I hated my own,” he said, pressing his hands to the counter, leaning forward. “It wasn’t fair. I’m not surprised you hated me, I deserved it.”
You stood up slowly, softly stepping toward him.
“I did hate you,” you said, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. “I hated you for so long it was all I could think about. Even here, I hated seeing your face.”
He turned to you, expression hard and tears sparkling in his eyes.
“I’m not sure if I do anymore.”
He turned around slowly to lean back on the counter as your hand slid down his arm. He caught it gently in his, surprising you.
“I want you to forgive me,” he whispered, staring at you so intensely a lump formed in your throat. You felt like you’d never even met this Sirius before.
“I want to earn your forgiveness.”
You were at a loss for words as you looked at him, frozen in place. His hand was warm in your own and you couldn’t, for a moment, think about anything else. You bit your lip and nodded, stepping towards him gently.
“I’d like that.”
You leant into him, your side pressing against his, enjoying his warmth and the new feeling in your chest. You’d been in the war so long you forgot what real life felt like. You felt his hand hover around you nervously before it settled against your back, his hand resting on the counter next to you. And there, with the moonlight pouring in behind you, is where you stood till the sunrise peeked over the horizon; your hands clasped together with Sirius’ arm at your back, silent as you both felt a hope you’d not felt in a good few years.
harry potter tag list:
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titansandcurses · 4 years ago
play the role of anyone but me, i
ok so i caved and im finally writing a series on this cursed website. consider it my bday gift for yall. chapters will probably be kinda short and spread out bc motivation is a bitch. also this chapter is kinda just set up of the characters and their relationships. 
idea from a post by @lydias--stiles
summary: when julie and luke are partnered together for a songwriting contest in their music class, they are determined to win. only one problem; they hate each other. julie is convinced luke is just an ambitious bastard who only cares about his career and fame, and luke is convinced julie is just a spoiled goody two shoes who gets everything handed to her. yes i am aware this is cheesy, it is meant to be.
warnings: cursing
word count: 1,083
chapter i - a force to be reckoned with
It was the first day back at school for Julie Molina, and unfortunately, the rest of the school as well. Her father’s driver dropped her off at school less than five minutes ago and Julie was already considering calling him to pick her up. It’s not that she thought herself above all the kids in her school, she just thought most of them were below her. Especially the four boys currently blocking her locker.
“Ugh - move, you’re in my way.” Julie groaned, rolling her eyes at the boys.
“Oh, damn! The princess speaks to us, guys.” Luke Patterson.  The single most obnoxious boy Julie had ever met in her life. He was loud and annoying and practically married to his dumb guitar. Julie hated his stupid face.
“Just move. You’re in front of my locker.” She groaned, putting one manicured hand on her hip and leaning her weight against it. Julie eyed the other three. Two of them were talking to each other, Peters and Wilson. Those two could be decent, sometimes, but Julie hated Wilson for publicly dumping his ex the year before. She hadn't been close with the poor girl, but you didn't just do that to someone. The third boy, Mercer, was smiling at his phone. He was the most tolerable of the group. They had biology together last year and he was good at it.
“What’re you gonna do about it? Call your daddy?” Patterson asked, mocking her fathers status. It's not like it was her fault her dad just happened to be a famous photographer who insisted on only the best for his oldest child. Julie just scoffed at the boy standing in front of her.
“I can smash that pretty guitar of yours.” She said with a sweet smile, tossing her dark curls over her shoulder.
“Pshh. You wouldn’t. Don’t wanna get those hands dirty, hm?” Patterson's eyes flickered to her hand, obviously referring to her fresh French manicure. Julie just rolled her eyes a second time and shifted her weight to the other side.
“Fucking move, Patterson!” She said, finally losing any patience she previously had with the boy. The other boys looked up from what they were doing at the rising tension between the two. Peters and Wilson didn't seem too concerned. Mercer did.
“Make me.” Patterson growled, leaning in towards Julie’s shorter frame.
“Bite me!” Julie spat at him.
Patterson reeled back at that, barking out a laugh. “So the princess has some fire after all. I guess you aren't an unfeeling robot.”
“And I guess you aren't a total idiot,” Julie said, glaring at the obnoxious child of a teenager. “oh wait. Never mind!” She finished with a sweet smile.
Mercer reached out and quickly grabbed Patterson’s shoulder before the teenager could move towards Julie at the insult. To her luck, a familiar blonde came up to the group at just the perfect moment.
“Ugh, why does it smell like testosterone and axe over here? Did you try out a new perfume, Jules?” Carrie asked, approaching the hostile girl.
Julie's entire demeanor changed, her scowl turning into a bright smile that lit up her whole face.
“No, but maybe these dumbasses did. What's the new scent called, boys? Disappointing your mother?” Julie quipped, reaching out to link arms with the taller blonde.
“Nah, it's actually railing your mother.” Wilson said, looking Julie up and down with a slight smirk. “Because that's what I spent all last night doing.”
“Ew, what's my idiot brother doing here? Doesn't he know this hallway is for juniors?” Carrie asked, pretending to whisper.
“I don't know, but he and his sophomore ass need to leave.” Julie stage whispered back.
“Ha ha, very funny.” Wilson said to the two girls. He turned to his friends. “See y'all later?”
“Yeah, see you at lunch. Alex’s boyfriend is saving us a seat, so find him. We have music before lunch so we’ll probably be late.” Peters said.
They all did some sort of elaborate handshake before Wilson left and Julie and Carrie exchanged a look. Julie sighed loudly.
“Just move, assholes.” She said, already exhausted by the conversation. Julie could see Carrie raise an eyebrow at the boys in her peripheral vision.
Patterson raised his hands in surrender, a grin finally taking over his face in place of the scowl he usually aimed at Julie.
“Alright, alright, but don't say I never did anything for you, Molina. See you in music class, ladies!” He called as he finally dragged Peters and Mercer away from Julie’s locker.
“God, I hate my brother’s dumbass friends.” Carrie grumbled, moving to lean against the locker next to Julie’s.
“They always look like they just crawled out of a bar. It's gross.” Julie shuddered slightly as she opened her locker to get her books.
“I know right! But whatever, enough about them. How have you been? I haven't seen you in, like, a week. How's Carlos? He’s so much more interesting than Bobby.” Carrie asked, a much more pleasant look settling over her features.
“I’m good and so is Carlos. He was excited to get back to school. I think he has a lot of friends in his class this year, and dad agreed to let him go to a public school instead of that awful private school he was in.” Julie said.
“Oh that's great! He's been dying to go to a public school for, like, ever.”
“Yeah. I don't see the big deal though. It's not that great here.”
“That's for sure.” Carrie’s phone buzzed, and she opened it at lightning speed to see who texted her. She chuckled.
“Flynn's late. She said to meet her in class and that she's bringing you your coffee and me my tea.”
“Of course she is. Make sure mine has a-”
“A shot of hazelnut, I know. I already asked.”
“You, Carrie Wilson, are an angel.”
“I know. Now c’mon, we have to get going or we’ll be late too. And you know Levy has a reputation for dealing with late students.”
“Oh yeah, Flynn's dead when she gets here.”
“For sure.”
As Carrie walked away and Julie finished locking up her stuff again, Patterson’s smile lingered in her mind. It was so rarely aimed at her, and infuriating as it was, she did like seeing it. Julie closed her eyes momentarily and huffed out a breath, clearing any image of Patterson from her mind. She wasn't about to think about that boy any longer than necessary.
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theimpossiblehologramtree · 5 years ago
It’s a date
Pairing: Zendaya Coleman x reader
Word count: 960
Warnings: none, honestly i think i didn’t even swear in this one... wow me,,, i didn’t proof read tho
anonymous asked: hi! could you do a zendaya x female reader where she gets hired as an actor, in either an avengers or spider-man movie, and it’s her first big acting job, and she meets Z and it’s all very cute and after some time together she’s friends with z and tom and everyone, then z gets a crush on her and toms like ‘you’ve got a crush on her’ to z and z is like what no i don’t, and toms like if u don’t ask her out i will so z asks the reader out and its all stuttery and awkward and it’s very cute, thanks!
A/N: OKAY BUT ZENDAYA IS A FUCKING GODDESS HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO COPE WHEN I KNOW SHE EXISTS! Also sorry this took so long but i had a lot of work at the end of semester. The title lowkey sucks, but that’s bc I had no idea what to name it.
Please keep in mind that English is not my first language.
☕buy me a Ko-fi!☕
Gif is not mine. Credits to the owner.
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You walked into the building vigorously, a smile never leaving your lips. You went into the room a receptionist showed you and looked around. There was a large table in the middle of it. Small cards with actors' names on them were laying on it in front of freshly-printed script copies. A couple of people were bustling around the room, preparing water and coffee for the celebrities.
It was your first proper acting job, aside from a couple of small gigs and a few high school plays you did as a teenager. But it wasn't just some random movie no one would ever hear of. You have been granted a part of Gwen Stacy - Peter Parker's new love interest - in the new Spiderman production. It was one of the most awaited movies, which put you under a lot of pressure. Not wanting to be remembered as 'the one that is always late', you arrived twenty minutes earlier than you were supposed to be. Much to your surprise, you saw another woman already sitting in her place. She was sipping her coffee and reading her script. There was something familiar about her, but you couldn't quite put your finger on it. You walked over to her, debating in your head whether you should start a conversation or leave her alone. Finally, you decided to introduce yourself.
'Hi' you said, sticking your right hand out and smiling. 'I'm (Y/N).'
She looked up at you over her glasses and shook your hand, returning your smile.
'Hey, (Y/N)' she said, blushing slightly. 'I'm Zendaya, but you can call me Z.'
'Oh, that's where I know you from!' you exclaimed loudly. She gave you a puzzled look. Oh, great. You just made yourself look like a total idiot, you thought. 'It's just that I knew you looked familiar, but I didn't know why. Now I do. Shake It Up!' you tried to explain yourself. You fully expected Zendaya to make fun of you, but she only sent you a warm smile.
'I would have dressed up if I knew I would be meeting a fan' her eyes lit up, as she joked.
You sat down in your seat, which happened to be situated right next to hers. She offered you a cookie from a bag that was laying right in front of her. You ended up talking with her the whole time and quickly found out you had a lot in common. During the table read you exchanged funny remarks and jokes, which made you look like a pair of giggly high school students. The director and writers had to shush you all the time because you were making each other laugh so hard it was almost impossible to calm you down. Even though you two had just met, her close presence made you feel less stressed about working for Marvel.
'You're staring again' said Tom to Zendaya, approaching her. They had become very close friends during the production thanks to their similar age. Z snapped out of her thoughts, realizing that she had been, in fact, staring at you for a very long time. She blushed and turned her head to Tom, tearing her eyes away from you. 
'No, I'm not' she shook her head, playfully pushing her friend away, even though her red face seemed to be telling a different story. 
Tom sighed in disbelief. How could you be so oblivious to Zendaya's constant looks and shy flirting? Everybody on set knew that she had a huge crush on you from day one. And it would take an idiot not to realize that you are bisexual. Anyone could sense that from the distance, due to your always cuffed pants and longing looks you sent towards Z. 
'Geez, Zendaya, her eyes are practically never leaving you! Yesterday she walked into a pole because she couldn't stop staring at you in that summer dress' Tom said, waving his hands around and almost hitting an extra, that was just passing by, in the face.
'For the last time, Tom, she does not like me like that! And I don't like her like that either. We're just friends!' she exclaimed, blushing even harder at his comment. 
'All right then' he said. 'She's a really pretty girl and if you don't ask her out in the next thirty seconds, I will!
Zendaya opened her eyes in shock. She tried to argue, but Tom just pointed at his watch and whispered 'Thirty seconds, Z'. She moved towards you, still glaring at Tom and flicking him off. Her heart was beating rapidly when she approached you, smiling.
'Oh, hey Z!' you returned her smile, which made her melt instantly. 'What are you up to?'
Zendaya couldn't help but stare at you for a few seconds, before replying. What could she do, though? To her, you were the epitome of perfection.
'Ermm..., nothing really' she giggled nervously, feeling Tom observe her from the distance. 'What about you, (Y/N)?'
'Honestly, nothing either' you laughed.
Zendaya nodded. This is it, she thought.
'Would you, maybe, want to go get ice cream with me later?' she took a deep breath, waiting for your reply.
'Yeah, sure!' you said enthusiastically. 'Who else is coming?' you asked.
Zendaya blushed and looked down at her shoes. 
'Well, I was kinda hoping it would be just the two of us. Like a date' she whispered, too embarrassed to look you in the eyes. With her heart beating in her chest, she waited for your reply.
After a solid minute of processing what she just said, you slowly smiled and took Zendaya's hands in yours. Getting on your tiptoes, you pressed a chaste kiss to her cheek.
'It's a date, then' you whispered, leaving her speechless.
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kyber-crystal · 5 years ago
Whatever it Takes
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Words: ~4.1k
Summary: In which Steve is always there for you through thick and thin. And in return, even when everything seems like it’s going wrong, you give him hope for a better future.
Warnings: angst (I mean this is Endgame, what do you expect), soft steve, mentions of death, violence
A/N: CRINGEY AF BC THIS IS AN OLD ONESHOT. I’m currently working on something else so I’m just putting this up as a filler oops
Tags: @pies-writes-and-more​ as always :)
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Steve sat outside the compound staring at the floor, deep in thought. With the only possibility of victory no longer an opportunity, he didn't know what else to do. 
Then, a deafening noise broke the silence in the distance and he glanced up, seeing a familiar Audi R8 speeding towards the entrance. The car pulled over to him but went a bit too far, then reversed. Tony rolled down the window as he stopped.
"Why the long face? Let me guess, he turned into a baby."
"Among other things, yeah. What are you doing here?"
Tony got out of the car and walked around to the back, ignoring his question. "That's the EPR Paradox. Instead of pushing Lang through time, you might've wound up pushing time through Lang. It's tricky. Dangerous. Somebody should've cautioned you against it."
"You did."
"Oh, did I? Thank God I'm here. Regardless, I fixed it," He held up his right hand with a device on it, "A fully-functioning Time-Space GPS. I just want peace. Turns out, resentment is corrosive, and I hate it."
"Me too."
"We got a shot at getting these stones, but I gotta tell you my priorities: Bring back what we lost? I hope, yes. Keep what I got? I have to, at all costs. And...maybe not die trying will be nice."
"Sounds like a deal," Steve nodded, reaching out to shake his hand.
Tony reached back into his trunk to pull something else out, Steve's shield. He handed it over to him but he hesitated for a moment.
"Why? He made it for you," he referred to his father, "Plus, honestly I have to get it out of the garage before Y/N sneaks over and takes it sledding. I wouldn't give up just yet."
He finally took the shield from him and fit his arm into it.
"Thank you, Tony."
"Will you keep that a little quiet? Didn't bring one for the whole team....We are getting the whole team, yeah?"
"We're working on that right now."
The super-soldier looked up, confused at the sudden seriousness in his tone. "Yeah?"
"Thank you."
"For what?"
"For being there for Y/N...when I failed to do that, you were there to take my place," he explained. "Being a single parent was the toughest job I was ever faced with. Her mother disappeared without another word as soon as she gave birth, and I was left to handle Y/N all on my own. I was only 18. I'd made a shit ton of reckless decisions before and now, I was stuck and didn't know what to do. So for her entire life, before Pepper came along, she had to grow up with only one parent. She became defensive and cold-hearted and I couldn't do anything about it. I try to push her, she pushes back, or she shuts herself out altogether. I try to understand why, she sinks deeper. Sometimes I don't know just what's going on with her and as much as I try to be understanding, I can't. But you saved her, Rogers. I don't know what you've been doing to make her change but it's working, and I want to thank you for that."
"Tony, you did a good job raising her. But you have the rest of the team to thank as well."
"I think she's softened up because of you."
"What do you mean?"
"I've never seen her look at a man the way she looks at you," the billionaire pointed out.
"With hatred and a burning passion to kill me if I ever stepped onto her bad side?"
"No, her eyes get all sparkly and shit. She's in love with you. But I swear, if you do anything to hurt her and break her heart, I'll kill you with my bare hands."
Steve's eyes widened slightly, and he put his hands in the air in surrender. "Okay, I won't."
"One more thing?"
"If all of this, what we're doing somehow goes south, something goes wrong, I need you to promise me one thing. Take care of Y/N. I need someone to watch over her when I'm gone, and I don't think there's anyone more qualified for that job than you."
"I promise."
"And I...am...Iron Man."
You looked over in horror to see Tony snap his fingers with a loud 'CLANG' and a blinding flash of white. Rocket fired at a Leviathan and before it devoured him, it crumbled into ash. The Black Order started crumbling to ash as well. T'Challa and Quill looked around in surprise; Steve looked on in exhaustion, knowing that they had won. Thanos, in horror, looked around and saw his entire army disintegrate. He looked at Steve, who just stared blankly at him. Thanos sat down, mourning before slowly being erased from existence himself.
The raw power of the gauntlet's energy left Tony's entire right side fatally injured. He stumbled for a bit before his body collapsed besides a pile of debris. Rhodey soon swooped in and went up to see his long time colleague and friend slowly fading away before his eyes and not long after, Peter did the same as well.
"Mr. Stark?" Peter ran up to his fallen mentor, tears forming at the edges of his eyes. "Can you hear me? It's Peter. Hey. We won, Mr. Stark. We won. You did it, sir. You did it. I'm sorry—Tony—"
He barely had any energy left to respond as Peter choked on a sob, wrapping his arms around him before gently being led aside by Wanda as she put a comforting arm around his shoulders.
Pepper sat down in front of him, "Hey."
Tony was barely able to move his head, but managed to look her in the eyes. "Hey, Pep..."
She placed her hand on his arc reactor, and he rested his hand on hers as she took a good look at his injuries.
"Life functions critical."
Tony smiled with tears in his eyes.
"Dad? Hey, you're okay," you said softly as you approached him, "You did it. We're gonna be okay."
"Hey, angel," he said weakly as he took your hand in his. You tried to ignore how deathly cold it felt. "You did so well. I'm so proud of you."
"Tony. Look at me," Pepper moved closer to you as she made sure Tony got a long look at her smiling face. You involuntarily leaned into her, as you felt the familiar sting of tears to your eyes. "We're gonna be okay. You can rest now."
With that acknowledgement, the light in his arc reactor flickered off for good. Unable to contain your grief, you let out a tortured cry, sobbing into Pepper's chest as she started to cry on his shoulder.
Earth's best defender was dead.
Your father, your everything, the light of your life. Dead.
You flinched when you felt someone's hand on your shoulder all of a sudden as you stood up, jolting you from your thoughts. Steve stood there with glassy, red-rimmed eyes, which was a rare sight because he never displayed any emotions other than confidence and complete control—and it was beginning to take a toll on your already broken heart. He was always strategizing and planning things out, charging headfirst into battle without a second thought and now he was on the verge of breaking down, tucking you close into his side.
So you let yourself collapse into his touch, a sob escaping your lips as you clung on to him like you did to Tony when you were a little girl.
You're not quite sure how long you stand there like that, tightly clutching America's war hero like you'll slip away if you let go. He was a life raft, and you were stranded at sea, hopelessly lost with the stormy waves violently crashing over you and choking you as you struggled to escape.
Eleven years. Eleven years had passed since you first met Steve Rogers, and his unwavering promise to you that he'd stay by your side no matter the circumstance still stood. Since the day you first joined the Avengers Initiative he'd been a major figure in your life, always sticking by and supporting you when no one else was around to do so. He picked you up when you fell; he didn't judge you on your rough past nor your worst mistakes.
Now you found that you were needing him more than ever.
And in that moment, Steve knew, he had to keep his promise. Not just for your sake, but for Tony's as well. 
So he swore to himself on his life that he’d never leave your side.
With a heavy heart, you dragged yourself out of bed to get ready for Tony's funeral. Alongside Pepper, you carried a wreath out of the house with his first arc reactor framed with the words 'Proof that Tony Stark Has a Heart' and laid it on the lake, watching as it slowly drifted away.
Everyone was finally gathered together as one, although it wasn't in the way you'd imagined it to be. Happy, Rhodey, Pepper, you, Peter and May. Thor. Bruce, Strange, Steve, Wong, Scott, Hope, Janet, Hank, Quill, and the rest of the Guardians. T'Challa, Okoye, and Shuri. Clint and his family. Wanda. Bucky. Sam, Harley Keener, Secretary Ross, Maria Hill, Carol, and even Fury, who was silently watching in the back.
After it ended you stood at the edge of the lake, hands stuffed in your leather jacket's pockets as you stared blankly out at the water. It was hard for you to think about how you were supposed to move on after losing one of the most important people in life, hard to imagine who you'd turn to now that the one man who gave you better advice than anyone you knew was gone.
"You know, I wish there was a way—that I could let him know," you said without looking behind to see Steve, who'd been watching you for a bit, "how much I loved him. Because I didn't get to tell him before he—you know."
"He knows," he said as you turned around to meet his gaze, "and he loved you more than anything." Almost as much as I do.
"I never got to tell him," your voice broke, lashes brimming heavy with unshed tears, "I just—I just wish I could turn back time and tell him that. But I didn't, and—"
Before you had the chance to finish your sentence, he circled his arms around your waist and pulled you close. At that moment you broke down into heaving sobs that ripped through your chest and your throat and your heart, unable to contain your grief for any longer, sobbing uncontrollably into his chest. And he just held you there in silence, rocking you back and forth slowly as your tears soaked his suit.
Steve wonders exactly how much more heartbreak he can take because to see you in a condition such as this one wasn't doing him any good, making his heart feel as if it was being shattered into a thousand pieces, then put back together only to be broken again into a million more smaller parts. He hated seeing the woman he cared about so much in pain and found himself wishing there was just some way he could just take it all away from you.
"I just really miss him," you choked out, "I...I don't know what Pepper and I are gonna do without him."
"I know. I miss him too," he murmured, pressing his lips to your forehead and pulling you closer, rubbing soothing circles onto your back. "We all do."
"You're not going to leave, are you?" you mumbled into his chest, "Please don't leave me."
"I won't, I promise," he reassured you, smoothing your hair back, "Whenever you need me, I'll be here."
"Okay," you let out a shuddering sigh, "okay."
You headed back inside, as Steve led you to the living room with a hand on the small of your back as you sat down on the couch, taking the letter that Happy gave to you.
"He hated writing letters. Always insisted on typing everything up, but he hand wrote this for your sake," Happy explained quietly. "I've never seen someone love their kid as much as he loved you."
"I loved him, too," you smiled sadly. "Thank you, Happy. For everything."
"No worries, sweetheart," he nodded solemnly. "Anything for his little girl."
The super-soldier gripped your hand encouragingly, lacing your fingers together and squeezing tightly as you unfolded the paper.
To my sweet Y/N.
If you're reading this, it means I've been faced with my untimely death. I mean, not that death at any time isn't untimely. This time travel thing that we're gonna try and pull off tomorrow...it's got me scratching my head about the survivability of it all. That's the thing. Then again, that's the hero gig. Part of the journey is the end. But what am I tripping for? Everything's gonna work out exactly the way it's supposed to.
When I first found out I was getting a daughter, I was sure I'd never be able to handle the responsibility of having a child. I didn't plan on becoming a parent so early and I was afraid, terrified I'd fail you as a father. And I feared that I did, many times. I was afraid you'd grow to resent me for what I'd done. But I persisted, because I wanted to give you the best possible life I could despite that raising you alone was probably the most difficult thing I've ever done. But it was all worth it in the end, because I got to see you grow up and become this beautiful, accomplished and talented young woman who would do anything for those she loves.
Look, I don't want you to make the same mistakes as I did. When the time comes, I want you to find a man that's willing to settle down with you and give you his whole heart- that's how you know he's the one. Hell, if you're going to go and get with Rogers, I wouldn't mind that either. Over this past decade, I've never seen someone as dedicated to protecting you and staying loyal to you as him and if you decide to get together, I'd be more than happy to give you my blessing. Honestly, I think the entire team's been shipping you two since the day you first met (Don't tell Sam I exposed him as a softie, though, he's going to kill me if I do. Or Clint). Seriously, though. Capsicle loves you, more than you'll ever know. And much more than he's willing to admit himself.
Don't be afraid. Don't be afraid to let your guard down, to be vulnerable and let the ones you love in. I know you're afraid of getting hurt, I know you believe that by building up those mile-high walls around your heart you think you're saving yourself, but it's really only going to hurt you in the long run. Love is messy. Sometimes you gotta suck it up and deal with the pain; that's just how it is. You get hurt, you get heartbroken, and there's a lot of blood, sweat, and tears. It's a messy process.
If you ever feel like giving up, like you just can't go on any further, just know that there's always someone out there who's rooting for you. You got me, the team. SHIELD's got your back, so does Happy, and even Peter. Know that there's always hope.
Remember that your past does not define who you are. Sometimes you can do everything right and things will still go wrong. The key is to never stop doing right.
You are not what has happened to you. You are what you choose to become.
Thank you for being born and coming into my life, becoming the best thing that's ever happened to a guy like me. Remember I'll always be with you no matter what, angel. I love you 3,000.
From, the arm-wrestling champion, genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, your dad, and #1 fan. I love you so much. -T.S
A tear slipped down your cheek and dripped onto the paper, staining the corner with a dark spot as you folded it back up and set it on the table. You rested your head against Steve's broad shoulder as he wrapped an around your waist in a protective manner, pressing a lingering kiss to the side of your forehead.
Several days passed and Steve knew it was growing closer to the time he would be forced to make the most difficult decision of his life. As much as he wanted to stay, he knew what he was about to do was absolutely necessary to restore the universe to normal once again.
Night after night for the next three weeks, you woke up screaming with sweat streaming down your face, a shiver running down your spine and images of Tony dying in front of your eyes with you not being able to do anything about it flashing in your brain. He'd come into your room without question, climb into bed next to you, and hold you close, rocking you back and forth and humming old lullabies his mother used to sing to him as a child until you fell asleep, your breathing and rapid heartbeat finally steadying.
Everyone could tell something was going on between the two of you, but because you were so heavily weighed down by your grief that you didn't think before you did anything, they didn't question why you were suddenly so close to the super-soldier. He was your anchor, your safe haven you so desperately needed and were convinced would sink below your endless stream of thoughts without.
The dreaded day finally came and with a heavy heart, Steve got up and watched your peacefully sleeping figure in bed for a moment before leaving and heading outside.
Bucky, Bruce, and Sam were already waiting by the time he met them by the time machine.
He then walked over to Bucky. "Don't do anything stupid 'till I get back."
"How could I? You're taking all the stupid with you."
The two men both exchanged a quick hug with each other.
"Stay safe, buddy."
"It's gonna be okay, Buck. If this somehow—takes longer than it's supposed to—or I don't come back at all—promise me you'll watch out for her, alright?"
"I will," Bucky nodded.
Steve went over to the Quantum portal, donning the red and white suit.
"How long is this going to take?" you asked.
"For him? As long as he needs. For us? Five seconds," Bruce replied.
The super-soldier picked up Mjolnir 2013.
"Ready, Cap? Alright. We'll meet you back here, okay?"
"You bet."
"Going quantum. Three, two, one—"
With that, he disappeared into the quantum tunnel.
"And returning in five, four, three, two, one—"
Steve didn't appear on the pad right away, and Bruce looked around the equipment in confusion.
"Where is he?" Sam questioned.
"I don't know. He blew right by his time stamp. He should be here."
"Well, get him back."
"I'm trying."
"Get him the hell back!"
"I'm trying, I'm trying!"
"Sam," Bucky cut in.
Sam walked towards him, and him, Bucky, and Bruce saw his familiar broad-shouldered figure in the distance, so they went near him.
"Go ahead," Bucky gestured over to him with a small smile.
Sam went over to Steve, who was silently staring out at the water ahead with his hands stuffed in his pockets. He still looked the same, with his signature leather jacket and khakis. If it weren't for the subtle lines etched in his face from years of enduring hard battles against both himself and other enemies, from his newfound grief, one would think he was barely over thirty years old.
"Hey, Sam."
"So did something go wrong, or did something go right?"
"Well, after I put the stones back, I thought, maybe I'll try some of that life Tony was telling me to get."
"How'd that work out for you?"
"It was beautiful."
"I'm happy for you. Truly."
"But when I saw how happy she looked living her life...I didn't want to take that away from her," the super-soldier explained. "Seeing that she was able to move on made me realize I could do the same. I can't stay in a relationship when I know my heart belongs to someone else. I made Stark a promise to look after her....I can't do that if I'm not here."
"Is that why you didn’t stay?"
"Yeah," Steve smiled faintly, "I couldn't leave her behind."
"Well, uh...she's inside, if you're looking for her—"
"Uhhhhh....never mind, there she is," Sam gestured to you as you were stepping down the porch and making your way across the lawn to him. "You want me to give you two a moment?"
"Yeah. That'd be nice."
You picked up your pace, sprinting towards him as fast as you possibly could into his embrace. 
"Why'd you come back? I thought you were going to, you know—stay with Peggy—"
"I couldn't, Y/N, and you know that."
"Why not?"
He pulled away, letting his gaze linger on your face for a bit before brushing a stray hair behind your ear. "I made a promise I couldn't break. I'd never be able to forgive myself for it if I did."
"What promise?"
"Tony made me swear on my life that I'd stay no matter what happened."
"Steve..." your voice wavered as you forced yourself to look straight up at him, those icy-blue eyes that never seemed to fail to give you chills and make butterflies flutter around in your stomach, "Why did you throw away your one chance of having a happy ending? Now I'm the reason why your last chance of living the life you always wanted was taken away from you. I can't—I don't want to stop you from being with whom you love. You came back, even when you had the chance to live out the future that you'd been looking forward to for so long. And you didn't take it. Why?"
"I don't need to stay, when my entire future is standing right in front of me. Y/N, you are my future."
"Oh my god—"
"Shut up," Bucky hissed, elbowing Sam in the side, "let them be!"
"So he's been in love with her this entire time and I had no clue?! He's been in love with her for five whole years? Took them long enough."
"Ten. Catch up, birdbrain."
"Look, I'm sorry—"
"There's nothing to be sorry about," Steve reassured you in a soft voice, "I made my decision, and I'm staying here, whether you're in favor of that or not."
You let out something that was a mix of a choked sob and a laugh. "I can't get rid of you?"
"Unfortunately not," he chuckled, "as far as I know, you're sticking with me, because I love you too much to let you go."
"I hate to break the sentimental mood you've created here, you mumbled into his chest, "but...do you mean like...you're actually in love? Because that's what Dad would always say. If a man doesn't leave your side he either just wants to annoy the hell out of you, or is hopelessly in love with you."
"He's not wrong."
"Okay, then I—"
Steve quickly silenced you by leaning down and placing his lips lightly on yours, which took you completely by surprise. It was as if the entire world stopped when your lips met, your body warming up under his touch - a feeling that you'd never really get used to although you'd been working with him for as long as you could remember. You felt as if you were going to explode from the sheer amount of passion and adrenaline coursing through your body.
"I was going to say I love you too," you let out a sound that was a mix between a choked sob and a laugh. "before you—uh—cut me off like that."
"Oh," he chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly as his cheeks flushed a bright pink, "sorry."
"I'm gonna say it! You two. Have taken. Too damn long! To admit! You're in love! With each other!" Bucky clapped with every few words he said. "That’s all you say in response to her telling you she lo—"
"Man, shut the hell up," Sam grumbled. "as if you're dating anyone right now."
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kurt-nightcrawler · 5 years ago
I’ve got a boyfriend
Request: could you possibly do a warden x reader where she’s like super sweet and innocent (has like nature/healing powers and in this au avengers are there) anyways the Avengers visit the mansion and peter meets reader and is like all heart eyes and she’s super sweet and he mistakes it as she likes him too and then warren returns from a mission or somethin and she’s happy and is like pitching him up and peter realizes and the avengers are like it’s okay kid and warren is all smug and like yeah mine. also with that warren x reader ft. peter request. bc she’s so in tune with nature and herself can her eyes kinda be like a mood ring and shift with her feelings. so it’s like a warm green or yellow for happiness and so peters like yeah she likes me but then when she’s with warren he watches them shift to like a soft pink. like literal heart eyes and warren teasers her a bit (in a good way)
Word Count: 2.3k
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Peter swung over to the Avenger’s headquarters on a Saturday. He always did this. 
“What’s on the agenda for today?” He asked Karen.
“Mr. Stark wants you to join the Avengers to Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters.”
“Xavier’s? Where—  What is that?”
“It’s a boarding school in New Salem.” Karen didn’t say anything else, leaving Peter with lots of questions. 
“Why are we going to a boarding school? What’s at Xavier’s?”
 Steve and Bucky chuckled at his curiosity.
“This isn’t like any other boarding school… It’s like Area 51.” Tony said.
“Didn’t you buy Area 51?” Bruce asked.
“That’s beside the point. We’re going here to talk to The man himself, Xavier.” 
Peter still had a lot of questions, but he had no idea where to start. Area 51 the boarding school? Is that where Carol’s Kree friend’s kids went to school? Peter took his phone out of his pocket and texted Ned. 
PETER: What is Xavier's school for gifted youngsters?
NED: It’s some boarding school for really smart kids. Trey from Bio tried to get in but didn’t pass the exam. Why?
PETER: Mr. Stark is taking me there. He and a couple of other Avengers are like, visiting or something. Idk.
NED: DUDE! You gotta tell me everything when u get back! I bet there are tons of really hot nerd girls there!!
Peter snorted to himself. Of course, Ned would think of girls. 
But there was some truth in his statement. There probably would be tons of smart girls there. But Tony described it as Area 51… 
NED: If you can get a girl’s number from Xaiver’s we’d be super cool. 
PETER: Yeah. But Mr. Stark called it Area 51 the school. What if it’s full of aliens?
NED: Okay? And? Technically Princess Leia is an alien. 
PETER: She’s also fictional.
NED: And? You’re seventeen and never been kissed before. You don’t have room to be picky.
PETER: You’ve never been kissed either!! 
NED: Shhhhhhh This is about u, not me
PETER: *eye roll emoji*
Peter turned his phone off and gazed out the window. He saw trees. The trees eventually started to die down and the car slowed down. They came to a set of gates and a sign that said Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters.
Once entering through the gates, Tony drove around and parked the car. Peter could see glimpses of the school grounds. He saw a few students and at first glance, they didn’t look like aliens. But Kree could shapeshift. Maybe they just shifted to blend in. 
Then he saw a kid with a tail.
Maybe not. “I thought this was a school for aliens.”
Everyone stared at him blankly. 
“Aliens?! Kid, we didn’t mean that literally. When I said Area 51, I meant it’s kinda secret. Not that it’s full of aliens.” 
“Oh.” Peter felt rather foolish. “So it’s just a normal boarding school?” 
“No.” Bucky slammed the car door shut. “It’s a school for mutants.” 
“Mutants? But like, I thought they were kind of a myth. I mean besides Magento and Mystique, but they were around in like, the 70s.”
“And they’re still around. Let’s hope Erik isn’t here. I don’t want any trouble like last time.” Steve said the last part while staring Tony down. 
“It’s not my fault he can control metal and I’m Iron Man!” 
Peter was super confused. Didn’t Magento try to kill the president? Was he evil?
Bucky killed a president, but he’s not inherently evil. I need to give Magento a chance. I need to give everyone at the school a chance. Maybe make some new friends— flex on Flash that my girlfriend has superpowers or something. Wouldn’t that be hilarious?
They walked up a few stairs out front and opened the doors leading inside. 
“Oh wow. Wow.” The building was old looking but had a few modern touches here and there. Every room was bustling with people— mutants, going about their lives. 
Peter saw all kinds of mutants and he had only been inside for a few minutes! 
“Oh wow, Mr. Stark… Where’s uh… Professor… Professor... uh—“
“Professor Xavier’s in his office.” 
The Avengers turned to look at the speaker. She had vines wrapped around her legs and arms, along with some flowers and leaves scattered in her hair, and her eyes were a bright yellow color. 
“Thanks, kid. We know where his office is.” 
She nodded, “No problem.” 
Tony glanced at Peter’s slightly pink cheeks and back at the plant girl. “Do you wanna come with us or are you sticking with Mother Nature?” 
“I can show you around if you want.” Everyone looked at Peter, anticipating an answer. 
“Yeah, sure. I’ll catch up with you guys later.” 
“Alright, have fun. And don’t forget to be safe!” 
Peter blushed again, trying to ignore Tony’s teasing remarks, already figuring out he liked the plant girl. 
“My name is (Y/N) by the way.” 
“(Y/N), Hi. I’m Peter. Peter Parker.” 
She smiled, “What’s your mutation, Peter Parker?” 
“Oh um, I don’t— well it’s not a mutation, but, when I was fourteen I got bit by a radioactive spider and I got spider abilities.” 
“Spider abilities?”
He nodded, “I’m uh, really strong and I stick to things. Plus I have this like weird sixth sense sort of, like a spider-sense.” 
“You’re strong and sticky?” Peter nodded, a little flustered. (Y/N) laughed. Peter laughed with her. “I’m sorry, but that’s a hilarious description.” 
“I mean— yeah, yeah… What can you do?”
“Oh! I’m really in tune with nature. I can manipulate plants, and my eyes change color based on my mood. Red is angry, blue is calm, green is happy, yellow is excited— there’s more, but those are the most common.” 
Her eyes are green and yellow right now. That means she’s happy and excited— they haven’t changed since we met. Maybe she’s into me. Oh my god! What if she’s into me? She might be into me. Play it cool Pete, play it cool. “That’s really neat!”
(Y/N) nodded, “Yeah. It’s fun, I guess. Kinda annoying sometimes but nothing awful.” 
“I know what you mean. One time my algebra textbook got stuck to my arm and it wouldn’t come off. I had to like, sleep and shower with it on all day.” (Y/N) laughed at Peter’s retelling of his sticky situation. 
“That must have sucked!”
“It did. Eventually, I got it to come off, but it was annoying to sleep with.” 
“Oh god, I can imagine. Sometimes I fall asleep and a fully grown watermelon or pumpkin is next to me in bed.” 
Peter almost snorted, but he held it back. “Free food, I guess.” 
“Yeah— a nice perk.” 
The two wandered aimlessly around the mansion, talking about everything— freshman, classes at their schools, hobbies, friends— everything. 
Peter was going to ask for her number. Maybe ask to see her outside of the mansion. Possibly on a date… If he wasn’t too nervous.
“Could I… get your number?” Peter held his phone in his hands tightly.
“Yeah! Yeah, totally!” (Y/N) recited her number while Peter typed it in his contacts. He shot her a message. 
“I texted you. So you have my number now.” 
“Cool thanks.” Peter felt his phone vibrate in his hands and he glanced down at it.
Mr. Stark: How’s it going with Mother Nature?
Peter: Great! I got her number. I might try to ask her out on a date. Will I be free on Friday?
Mr. Stark: You don’t usually come over on Fridays.
Peter mentally shrugged. Tony was right, Peter usually didn’t go to the Avengers HQ on Fridays. 
Mr. Stark: We’re gonna be leaving soon. I’ll let you know when.
Peter: Ok
(Y/N) was also on her phone. “Sorry! Mr. Stark texted me. I don’t want you to feel like I’m ignoring you or anything.”
“You’re fine. Jubilee was just messaging me.”
“About what?” 
Her focus went back to the screen. She gasped. “Oh my god! We have to go downstairs, come on!” (Y/N) grabbed Peter’s hand and sprinted down the halls. 
“Where are we going?” He asked.
“The Jet hanger downstairs. They’re back!” 
Peter frowned and furrowed his brows as they went down the stairs. “Who’s back?”
“The X-Men.” 
Peter was about 99% sure he shouldn’t have been downstairs. If the school had a level of secrecy to it, why would he be allowed to know all this stuff? To see the X-Men and their jet and training room and everything.
Then again, he was an Avenger.
(Y/N) and Peter weren’t the only ones in the hanger watching the black jet land. Professor Xavier and the other Avengers were there, along with a few other students Peter didn’t recognize. 
The jet doors opened and people started walking out. The first one was a young guy, no older than Peter, with brown hair, a blue suit, and a red visor on. Next was a blonde woman in a white bodysuit that was styled almost like a dress. She looked familiar, but Peter couldn’t remember why. Wit the blonde woman was a big, furry, blue man. He had on a suit similar to the boy from before, minus the visor. Finally, two more boys came out. One had silver hair, goggles, and his suit was a metallic ice blue with a white lightning bolt on it. 
The last guy had lines all over his face and giant, metal, wings. 
Peter turned to (Y/N) to ask who everyone was, but she was gone. 
“WARREN!” She engulfed the winged boy in a bone-crushing hug. 
Peter squinted his eyes a little in confusion. (Y/N) didn’t mention a Warren. Who was Warren? A friend? Her brother maybe even?
“Hey, baby. I missed you.” Warren placed a kiss on (Y/N)’s forehead. 
“Aww no love for me?” The silver-haired guy whined.
“Piss off Pete.” (Y/N) laughed. 
“By the way! There’s someone I want you guys to meet… This is Peter, and he’s an Avenger.”
“You’re an Avenger? My sister is an Avenger! Wanda, you know her—“
“Yeah, Wanda is really nice.” Peter was trying to take both the guys in and figure out (Y/N)’s relationship with the blonde.
Then Peter noticed it. Her eye color. It hadn’t changed all day, she was happy and excited to meet Peter. He thought maybe she was into him— but now…
Her eyes were pink. What does pink mean? 
“And this is my boyfriend, Warren.” 
Peter felt his heart drop, or maybe break. He wasn’t sure, but he felt his world get flipped upside down. (Y/N) has a boyfriend?! 
“Nice to meet you.” Warren and Peter shook hands. He tried not to seem too dazed. 
“You too… (Y/N) didn’t say she had a boyfriend…” Peter noticed the silver Peter was gone but didn’t press on the matter.
“Oh?” Warren rose his eyebrows and looked at (Y/N). “Trying to keep me all to yourself?” He teased.
“Maybe… You don’t know…” Warren chuckled and kissed the top of her head again. 
“Hey, Angel! We’re gonna do a write up with Beast and shower.” 
Warren rolled his eyes, “I’ll join you later Cyclops.”
“Mystique said now.” 
Warren huffed, “I’ll be back in like an hour, baby.” He pecked her lips before leaving. “Nice to meet you, Peter.”
 “You too…?”
Tony and the others walked over to Peter and (Y/N). “How’d you like the school, kid?”
“It was really cool. I like it here. It’s almost like a college campus or something.” Peter was still too focused on the fact (Y/N) had a boyfriend. A really cool, attractive, powerful, mutant, boyfriend. Peter couldn’t compete even if he wanted to!
Everyone walked back to the main entrance room. Peter walked slightly behind the group. (Y/N) asked Bucky questions about his arm. “Does it weigh a lot? Warren’s wings do. His posture isn’t great because of them.” 
Mr. Stark walked slowly to meet up with Peter’s pace. 
“Why’re you down? Sad we’re leaving?”
“No,” Peter mumbled. “It’s not important.” 
“Did someone say something to you? (Y/N)’s boyfriend? I can kill him if you want. I know his dad.” 
“I just… I didn’t know, (Y/N) had a boyfriend. I thought maybe she was into me, I guess. Most girls don’t like me and she said her eye color changes based on her mood and she was excited the whole time we hung out, but I guess it’s like that for everyone.”
Tony put his hand on Peter’s shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. “I’m sorry, Peter… There’ll be other girls though.”
He nodded, “Yeah, yeah. I’ll be fine. Just kinda sucks.” 
“I get it.”
“I’m gonna bake some brownies. I know Warren and Peter really like them and they’re probably hungry. Do you want to stay and have some?”
“Thank you for the offer, (Y/N),” Steve said. “But we really have to get going.”
She shrugged a little. “Alright, maybe next time. It was so great to meet all of you! You’re all really cool. Tell Wanda, Peter said hi.” 
“Will do.” 
They were all about to get in the car and go. 
“Bye Peter! I had a lot of fun today. If you’re ever in the area text me. We should really hang out sometime.” (Y/N) hugged him, and Peter hugged back, trying not to seem sweaty due to nerves.
“Yeah, definitely… Bye.”
The Avengers got in the car and drove away.
“I love you, but sometimes you’re a little oblivious.”
“Am not!” (Y/N) scolded her boyfriend. 
“Peter was definitely into you. He almost passed out when you said I was your boyfriend.”
(Y/N) poured flour into a bowl starting her brownies, “He was probably just intimidated by your wings.” Peter doesn’t like me… Right?
Warren kissed the top of her head before walking over to the fridge to get a drink. “You’re cute when in denial.” 
“Shut up!” She joked.
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capcarolsdanver · 6 years ago
Request: Bello! New here! Could you do some Carol x Reader where they have a relathionship like Tony and Peter? Bônus If Peter is Reader boyfriend?
Pairing: Peter Parker x reader (with Carol Danvers x reader friendship I guess?)
A/N: Oh my god this is way longer than I aimed for it to be. My bad. I had a whole bunch of trouble writing this fic. I really like the idea of it but it was a lot harder to write than I thought it would be and I’m definitely not super happy with it (probably bc it wasn’t Carol x reader relationship if I’m being real). Hopefully it’s okay, please send me any feedback!!
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You don’t remember much about your life before you met the Avengers. The first clear memory you had was from when you woke up in the Avengers facility, jolting awake with a scream. You looked around at the unfamiliar room, panic setting in before a woman quickly entered the room, her eyes full of concern as they took you in.
“Hi. You’re awake,” she said gently, trying to ease your obvious distress as she slowly stepped further into the room. “Do you know who I am?”
You squinted at her, and while she did look familiar, you couldn’t place her face. You shook your head and she offered you a soft smile.
“My name is Carol Danvers. What’s yours?” It took you more than a few seconds, but it finally came to you and you told her your name. “Well, it’s nice to officially meet you, Y/N.”
Carol moved to take a seat next to the bed and your eyes followed her. Though you still felt a sense of uneasiness, Carol’s presence seemed to ease your discomfort slightly.
“Do you remember how you got here?” She asked. You felt panic begin to set in again as you realised that you didn’t. “Hey. It’s okay,” Carol said, gently placing her hand on your arm. “I’ll remind you, okay?”
You nod and let Carol recount how some of the Avengers were helping to deal with an explosion in New York, the result of some wannabe villain failing miserably at his grand plan of taking on the Avengers. Though he got their attention, he was immediately caught and luckily his damage was kept to a minimum.
“Danvers, why don’t you check out that warehouse for anyone inside?” Steve gestured towards a small warehouse that had taken a hit and even though it looked likely abandoned, Carol nodded and made her way inside.
That’s where she found you, curled into a ball behind some boxes near the corner of the warehouse. She approached you carefully, moving to place a hand on your wrist but quickly becoming startled when her hand moved straight through your arm.
“Rogers, I’m gonna need some assistance here.” Carol spoke into the comms and watched you closely to make sure you were breathing, sighing in relief at the slight intake of breath she saw you take.
You looked at Carol with surprise as she spoke.
“Wait. Your hand went through my arm?”
“Yeah. As soon as I realised you had powers I knew we had to bring you back here. Steve helped me figure out a way to-”
“Hang on a second,” you interrupted, bringing your hand up to rest on your forehead. “Powers? I think you’re mistaking me for someone else.” Carol lightly chuckled.
“Trust me, I saw it myself. I’m not mistaking you for anyone else.” At your reaction, she squinted her eyes at you. “You really don’t remember anything, do you?”
“I think I’m lucky to even remember my name, to be honest.” Carol smiled sadly at you.
“You know, I actually know a bit about the whole forgetting your past thing, too.” She said. “It’s rough. But I had people help me to find myself again. And you have people, too.” You looked at her skeptically. “Well, you at least have me,” she shrugged with a smile. You returned her smile before your eyes dropped to you hands and you studied them for a moment.
“I just don’t know what I’m supposed to do. I mean, I have powers. Like, where did they come from? What powers do I even have?”
“We’ll figure that out, don’t worry.” Carol stood from the chair. “For now, you need rest. Everything else can wait.” She made her way to the door before turning back to you. “Tomorrow we’ll have you moved into your new room and you can hopefully feel a bit at home.”
You thanked Carol as she left, still unsure about your new surroundings but significantly more relaxed.
You settled in at the Avengers facility quicker than you had expected. Carol had been there for you practically any time you needed someone, just like she said you would, and you couldn’t even express how grateful you were for it.
You had found yourself waking up almost nightly in a cold sweat, most often than not screaming yourself awake, and Carol had immediately rushed to your room and to your side every single time without fail.
“Hey, Y/N. Shh, it’s okay. You’re safe,” she would whisper as you clung to her tightly. She would hold you reassuringly until you’d cried all the tears you had and if you wanted to talk she would stay and listen, but usually you’d just apologise to her and try to go back to sleep.
You had become equally excited and nervous to learn more about your powers and how to use them, and you and Carol spent hours on end in the training room trying to figure out what you could do. You had no memory of ever even having powers, and Carol only had her first encounter with you to go off of, so she’d assumed you could probably manipulate density in some way.
At first you were worried you would accidentally hurt Carol, but then she showed you exactly what she could do with her powers and your worries almost immediately faded. Carol was incredibly strong and you felt honoured that she’d decided to act as a mentor of sorts to you.
It was a few weeks after you had first arrived that you met Peter Parker. He had finally taken Tony up on his offer to stay at the facility so he could properly train and learn the abilities of his upgraded suit inside and out. Carol seemed to be quite fond of Peter and he liked to hang out in the training room while you were in there, frequently shooting you encouraging words as you grew frustrated at your lack of control over your powers.
You had your first breakthrough one day when you and Carol were sparring while Peter took a break from his own training to watch you. You could tell Carol was trying to frustrate you, never letting you land any solid hits and even using her powers a little to throw you off. At one point you lashed out at her, and she easily dodged your attempts and swiped your legs. You were thrown onto the ground and she pinned you down.
“Come on, Y/N. You’re almost there, I can tell.” You tried to push Carol off of you but she pinned your arms to the ground on either side of you, not backing down. You continued to try and push at her and Carol watched your frustration build as she held your attempts at bay. “Don’t just use your physical strength. It’s more than just that.”
You had no idea what she meant, but she clearly wasn’t going to let up any time soon, so you tried to focus on her words rather than putting all you efforts into pushing at her. You saw Carol’s eyes widen slightly as suddenly, you felt her weight on you change dramatically and you were able to easily remove your arms from her grip, pushing her away from you as you stood up.
She fell to the ground before getting to her feet, shaking herself off and stepping towards you again with a smirk on her face. You were still shocked you’d even managed to get Carol off of you, so when she stepped forward to swing at you, you flinched and waited for the punch to land. When Carol fell forward, you looked down to see that her arm had gone straight through you. You moved forward, through Carol, before turning around to look at her in shock.
She wore a proud smirk on her face and you found yourself completely speechless.
“Oh. My. God. That was amazing!” You heard Peter cheer as he came running up to you, engulfing you in a tight hug as he laughed. You returned the hug just as tightly, letting your relieved joy out as you laughed too. You looked at Carol over Peter’s shoulder and she eyed the two of you before shooting you a knowing smile.
You and Peter began hanging out around the facility outside of training, Carol teasing you mercilessly over it. Every time she caught sight of the two of you, she would snicker to herself before usually sending some kind of remark your way. Her favourite was the classic ‘get a room!’, and you would roll your eyes every time you heard her say it, which just made her laugh harder.
Occasionally, Peter would ask you to train with him and he’d always talk about how you’d get to fight alongside each other with the rest of the Avengers soon. Carol walked in one day, overhearing him talking to you.
“Let’s not get too ahead of ourselves, Peter. Yes, Y/N has learnt how to use some of her powers. But she isn’t anywhere near ready to use them in combat yet.” Peter brought himself back onto the ground from the spot on the wall he’d been climbing in his suit.
“Well, yeah, but with my powers I just jumped straight into using them and it helped me a lot, ya know? Like, I always went out and looked for bad guys to try and take down. So maybe that’s what Y/N needs to do, too.” Carol crossed her arms and you saw Peter physically take a step back from her, his eyes instantly widening.
“Okay, first of all, that was incredibly dangerous of you to do that.” Peter looked to you, then back to Carol, bringing a hand up to scratch the back of his head.
“And second, you’re not considering the kind of powers that Y/N has. We haven’t even seen the extent of what she can do. But what we do know is that her powers could really hurt people, especially if she hasn’t learnt to control them yet. And that’s just the powers that we know of.” Peter nodded at Carol.
“Right, of course Miss Danvers, ma’am. I think I get it now.” Peter stumbled over his own feet and Carol watched him, trying to suppress a smile. “I think I’ll be going now,” he continued as he walked over to you, leaning in towards you slightly before he glanced back at Carol, deciding against his actions and instead heading towards the door. “Um, yeah. Bye.” He quickly waved before disappearing out of the room.
Carol looked to you in amusement, shaking her head.
“Your boyfriend is something else,” she teased and you immediately felt your eyes roll.
“He’s not my boyfriend.. I don’t think.”
“Sure, sure,” Carol chuckled before giving you a more serious look. “Well. Whatever he is to you. I get that he’s excited about your powers, but it’s important that you take the time to master them before we use them anywhere else. You know that, right?”
“Don’t worry, Carol. I know how big a responsibility it is to have powers. I’m not gonna let Peter talk me into going on a rouge mission to find some bad guys.” Carol looked at you for a moment, nodding and letting a smirk appear on her face.
“Good. You ready to train?” You nodded and followed Carol’s lead, eager to learn how to better control your abilities.
Carol would still help you deal with some of your most difficult nights, but Peter had also become someone you knew you could rely on. Your night terrors had slowly lessened and you wouldn’t wake up screaming in the middle of the night as much, but it definitely helped knowing you had two people who were there for you no matter what time.
If you were having a particularly bad night, you would tend to call on Carol a little more, as she was a little more patient than Peter and would give you the time you needed to deal with whatever was going through your head before asking if you wanted to talk.
Peter was great at helping you too, especially on the nights where you just needed someone to hold you, and he usually immediately calmed you down when he’d wrap his arms around you, kissing the top of your head and whispering supportive words in your ear.
It was late one night when Peter had come to your room for other reasons, and you walked Peter out to the hallway before he headed back to his own room. He smiled at you and leaned in, kissing you softly before you both heard the sound of someone clearing their throat a little further down the hallway.
Carol stood near her door looking at you and Peter with raised eyebrows. Before you could even say a word, Peter quickly panicked and made some excuse to go, leaving you and Carol standing in the hallway alone. She looked down the direction of the hallway Peter had rushed off to and looked back at you.
“Is everything okay? Did you have a night terror?” She asked, her concerned eyes on you.
“Oh. Um. No?” You sheepishly replied, watching the concern immediately leave Carol’s face. She let out a sigh.
“You know, you really shouldn’t have anyone in your room at this time of night.” You furrowed your brow slightly in confusion.
“You can’t say that when I saw Valkyrie heading to your room, like, two hours ago.” Carol was silent, momentarily lost for words.
“That’s different,” she finally settled on.
“What? How is that any different?” You scoffed at her.
“It just is,” she said. “You and Peter are both still so young.”
“Come on, Carol that’s not a valid excuse. We’re both old enough to consent.” Carol stepped closer to you, ready to say something else, but you spoke before she could. “No, I’m done with this conversation right now. Good night.” You walked back into your room, shutting and locking your door before shaking your head in anger.
The next day, you and Peter had decided to escape from the Avengers facility for a while. Peter had apologised profusely for Carol catching you last night but you had insisted that neither of you were at fault. You walked together down the streets of New York City, Peter pointing out some of his favourite places.
“This building right here,” he said, pointing to a tall building on the street corner. “I used to sit on this balcony all the time and look out for any danger. You know, so I could practise using my suit and my powers and stuff.” You nodded along before your ringing phone caught your attention.
“It’s Carol,” you said to Peter, rolling your eyes slightly before answering. “Hello?”
“Hey, Y/N. I went to your room to speak to you, but you’re not there. I, uh.” You heard Carol scoff at herself before she took a deep breath. “Listen, I’m not so good at the whole apologising thing, but I just wanted to say that I’m sorry for last night. It turns out it’s all fun and games telling you and Peter to get a room until you actually do.” You chuckled and let her continue, you and Peter coming to a stop.
“I guess I just feel a kind of responsibility for you, you know? And I know it’s weird but I think I just went straight into asshole parent mode before remembering that I’m not at all your parent.” Peter was watching you while you listened to Carol, offering a hopeful smile and a questioning thumbs up. You nodded at him and he let out a sigh of relief.
“Yeah, I get it.” You said to Carol. “It’s okay, your apology is accepted.” Peter smiled at you before his face changed to one of alert, looking at the raised hairs on his arms. He quickly pulled you down the nearest alleyway he could find and looked out onto the street as you heard a loud crashing sound.
“Thank you,” Carol said, the relief in her voice evident. “Hey, where are you by the way?” The sound of a car screeching and speeding down the street became louder as it got closer to you.
“Uhh, Carol. I’m sorry but I really have to go,” you said as a car sped passed you and Peter and you heard a gun fire from further down the street. You noticed a man from inside the car lean out the window holding a machine gun.
“Wait, what’s happeni-“ you heard Carol start before you hung up your phone.
“Woah!” Peter exclaimed as he quickly opened his backpack and attached his web shooter to his wrist, grabbing his Spider-Man suit and practically jumping into it in a matter of seconds. “Stay here,” he told you before flinging himself up into the air with his web towards a streetlight.
You watched as Peter shot a web towards the car, pulling the gun away from the man before any shots could be fired. The man yelled something to the driver of the car as it screeched to a stop. Peter began moving towards the other man on the street who had opened fire earlier.
You watched the man in the car as he flung the door open, marching to the trunk of the car and pulling out an even bigger weapon than the one he had before, this one looking like some kind of grenade launcher. You gulped as he turned it towards Peter.
“Peter!” You yelled, desperate to get his attention. He had his back turned and was preoccupied, and you knew he wouldn’t be able to hear you. You nervously faced the man holding the weapon, holding your hands up in his direction and squinting your eyes in focus.
Just as he pressed the trigger, you quickly tried to use your powers to increase the pressure of the air against the man, something you’d only just started practising with Carol, to throw him from his position. It worked and he was thrown backwards, but you looked on in horror as the weapon still fired. Your powers had thrown the blast off course, now heading up instead of straight towards Peter, but it was still headed straight for the building behind Peter.
Not knowing what to do, you braced yourself for the impact, before a sudden burst of light appeared and flew up towards the explosive, redirecting it and aiming it straight upwards, away from harm as it detonated. An explosion echoed through the air as the blast went off.
The burst of light that had appeared earlier came towards you, before it took on the shape of Carol in her Captain Marvel suit. She landed right in front of you, and Peter flew over with one of his webs.
“Woah! Captain Marvel, that was so awesome!” He yelled in disbelief.
“Are you kidding?” Carol practically spat out, glaring at Peter. He backed off from her, looking taken aback as she stomped towards you both. “This is awesome to you? You think this is how you be a hero? By going out and looking for trouble?” Peter remained quiet.
“Carol-“ You tried.
“No, don’t,” she interrupted. She quickly turned and shot a photon blast at the man from the car as he tried to get up and run. “Just let me finish this. I’ll see you back at the facility.” She blasted herself away from you and you and Peter looked at each other before leaving.
You told Peter you’d deal with Carol alone. You knew he blamed himself for Carol’s anger, even though he’d actually tried to keep you out of danger.
You sat in your room waiting, and sure enough it didn’t take too long before Carol came storming in.
“What the hell were you thinking?” She started. “Did you see all the people there? Someone could have died, Y/N. Didn’t we just talk about this?”
“Hey, don’t try to blame this on us. They already had those guns before we even got there.”
“That’s not the point.” Carol ran a frustrated hand through her hair. “You’re not ready and Peter is just pushing for you to use your powers before you even know how.”
“What is the point then, Carol?” You retorted back, standing up. “Seriously, what is the point in having these powers and seeing something  bad happen but choosing to do nothing? And Peter has done nothing wrong. He has been nothing but supportive.” Carol sighed and took a second to recollect herself.
“I get it, okay? I know the sense of justice. But today you used your powers when you hadn’t properly learnt how to yet, and it almost went so wrong. If Peter hadn’t been pushing you-“
“Carol, he didn’t push me to use my powers. He tried to protect me, okay? I chose to use my powers. It was my fault, not his.” Carol blinked at you.
“He didn’t tell you to use your powers?”
“No. Do you know how much he respects you? So much. He would never purposefully go against anything you tell him or me to do.” Carol remained quiet. “I made a mistake, okay. I knew I wasn’t ready but I panicked and I’m just lucky you got there when you did.” You felt tears sting at your eyes but managed to blink them back before they could roll down your cheeks. “I’m sorry. I promise I won’t do anything like that again until I’m ready."
Carol nodded and pulled you into a hug. “We’ll work on it, okay? You’ll get there soon.” You nodded against her shoulder and she pulled back to look at you. “So, Peter really respects me that much, huh?” You chuckled.
“He accidentally called you ‘Aunty Carol’ the other day.” Carol burst into laughter, throwing her head back.
“Oh my god.” She attempted to wipe tears from her eyes as she continued laughing. “I cannot wait to make fun of him for that.”
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nimblermortal · 6 years ago
The Saint who Sold His Soul to the Devil
Feel like I ought to ask @hello-delicious-tea‘s permission before posting, since this was a joint effort, but it also feels like an Eastery sort of story.
Excerpt: “Initially he proceeded as expected, granting himself large sums in foreign banks and a magnificent estate. But then he turned the magnificent estate into an orphanage, invested heavily in philanthropic concerns to end world hunger, and started purifying water like a blessed unicorn.”
One day the devil came to a holy man, and he was pleased, for the holy man said, “I have spent many years on this earth trying to accomplish great works, and never succeeding; I have learned all there is to learn, of science and metaphysics, and nothing has enabled me to achieve the ends I set myself. In all this time I have never had one thing for myself or one measure of satisfaction, and I am tired, so I will sell my soul to you for the power to do what I wish, how I wish, when I wish for a year and a day.”
This was the sort of thing the devil liked to hear from holy men, and he said a contract would be drawn up and a meeting arranged, and he went back to Hell well satisfied. The holy man expected this to take some time, at least a week, but Hell is bureaucracy, and Hell had templates. They were back within the hour.
“Initial here, here, and here, and then sign this,” said the devil’s advocate. “Unlimited power for a year and a day, standard issue.”
The holy man said, “Whatever I wish, however I wish it, whenever I wish?”
The advocate wrote it into the margin.
“Are marginalia legal and binding?” asked the holy man.
“As binding as the gates of Hell,” said the devil’s advocate; and vanished back to Hell, where the contract was stamped, sealed, and forgotten about until the quarterly review.
“And item number three on the agenda, unlimited power to one holy man,” said the devil’s secretary.
“Previously holy,” the devil corrected. The stenographer took note. “How is he doing?”
One of the devil’s minions cleared his throat and shuffled his papers. The devil glared at him until the shuffling subsided. “Initially he proceeded as expected, granting himself large sums in foreign banks and a magnificent estate. But then he turned the magnificent estate into an orphanage, invested heavily in philanthropic concerns to end world hunger, and started purifying water like a blessed unicorn.”
“Ah,” said one of the other officials. “That’s item number seven, climate change. We had to dispatch three devils to dump nuclear waste into the Hoover Dam Reservoir to make up for it.”
“It didn’t work,” sighed another. “That ‘previously’ holy man wished all the nuclear waste into a secure holding facility and breathed life back into the Great Barrier Reef.”
“That’s item seven,” the secretary said severely.
“The ozone hole is looking sufficiently whole,” said another demon, “but we haven’t had the resources to send someone that high ye -“
“Item fifteen,” the secretary interjected. “We are on item three.”
The devil sighed. “Oh, just send two of our tempters up. He’ll be wallowing in sin and decadence again in no time.”
“Dispatch the best tempters,” the official in charge of water pollution whispered. The secretary glared, but made a note.
“Motion to table this issue until the midyear review,” the devil proposed.
“Seconded,” said the secretary sharply. There were nods down the table.
“Let’s move on to item four,” said the devil. “Counterintelligence.”
“At least that’s got nothing to do with him,” muttered the water pollution official, who was about to be kicked out of the meeting.
“Sir,” said the secretary, “Sire, my Lord of Hell, the temptation tiger team is here to see you.”
“Ah yes, the progress report,” the devil said. It was 3:15 PM on a Wednesday. The devil had benevolently allotted them an entire fifteen minutes of his work day, which ought to be suprasufficient for a report on their temptation of a thoroughly previously holy man.
“They aren’t… quite up to the standards you are accustomed to,” the secretary murmured.
The devil frowned. “Why the devil not?” he demanded.
“They do field work,” the secretary said. The devil brightened.
“Ah! Smeared with the effluvia of their toil,” the devil said, understanding dawning.
“Quite,” the secretary said, and withdrew.
It was clear what the secretary meant the moment the two agents entered the room. The secretary’s wings were a very appropriate black, reminiscent of ravens, crows, and other beasts of carrion. The tiger teams’ had taken on a distinct ashy hue, which, while not inappropriate to their work, was not in keeping with Hell’s regulations either.
They probably had not yet been to see the wingblackers. It was tacitly understood that, while not every agent of Hell’s wings were a naturally lustrous ebony, ranging from iridescent midnight to the rather tattered matte black of lower officials, all agents of Hell were expected to maintain the appearance of deepest night.
“My Lord of Flames,” said one of the agents nervously, which was the way the devil expected his subordinates to feel in his presence. “We are here to tender our resignation.”
The other agent quietly set his horns on the devil’s desk.
“Nonsense,” said the devil. “Just because you haven’t damned the bugger yet doesn’t mean you won’t. Chin up! We can certainly allow you another three months to get the job done.”
“It isn’t that,” said the designated speaker. “It’s just… we’ve had an alternate offer, and we’re looking for opportunities outside the traditional career hierarchy, with more scope for expanding our creative direction.”
“Your creative direction is what I tell you it is,” the devil said.
“Well, you see sir, that’s the problem,” began the speaker.
“We’ve been offered redemption and I’m going for it,” said the other. The devil stared.
“That’s not possible,” he said. “It says so in the Holy Books. Fallen angels, once fallen -“
“- may never return,” finished the first tempter. “But you did offer him unlimited power, to use “however he chose, whenever he chose, for whatever he chose,” to quote the contract.”
“He showed it to us,” added the second.
“It’s signed,” said the first.
“In triplicate,” said the second.
“They initialed the marginalia. In blood. And it has your personal seal.”
The devil snapped his fingers to summon a replica of the contract, and stared. It did indeed bear his seal.
“If that’s all, we’ll be going now,” said the second. “Our bodyguard positions begin in… oh, about five minutes.”
They left, closing the door behind them. And at 3:26 on a Wednesday, the devil watched the former temptation tiger team depart, wondering what on Earth he was going to tell his subordinates at tomorrow’s midyear review.
At the third quarterly review, the table of officiation was down three members. That was due to item one on the agenda.
“This blasted holy man,” the devil announced as soon as everyone was present. “We have to do something. He’s hiring my people right out from under me. We’ve lost the Ministers of Water, Hunger, and Health in the last three weeks alone!”
“We are the deepest circle of Hell,” the secretary muttered. “There is no more ‘under.’”
“We have to rally the faithful,” said the Minister of War. The devil looked at him with disfavor. He always had to couch things in the most ridiculously religious terms. “Contract or no contract, the man must be stopped. This is my department now.”
“Soul intake for the year is down seventy percent,” the secretary chimed in. “Turns out people do a lot less sinning when they’re not desperate.”
“We’ve known that since five thousand BC,” the devil said. “What of it?”
“I am merely seconding the Minister’s motion,” the secretary said. “This man must be stopped.”
“Stopped like a heart,” said the Minister of War with satisfaction.
“Make it so,” said the devil.
A year and a day after the signing of an almost standard Ultimate Power contract, S— T— died in his sickbed. Doctors agreed that they had never seen a man contract so many sicknesses all at once.
The heavenly auditor who showed up on the devil’s doorstep looked apologetic and very familiar.
“Beelzebub?” the devil asked incredulously.
“Ah, yes, sir. As it were, sir. It’s Beelziel now, sir.”
“And?” asked the devil, casting himself back upon his unholy throne.
“I’m afraid we’ve run it through all of the tests, sir,” said the auditor. “We’ve checked the Book of Names. Twice. The judgment of St. Peter, the Three Kings… We even ran it by the Feather of Truth, and no matter how we run it, sir, the soul is still holy. Clean as the newfallen snow. And I do mean new snow. Snow after we got rid of all that pollution and ash in the atmosphere.”
The devil stared. “He signed the contract!”
“In good faith!” agreed Beelziel. “If he hadn’t, it wouldn’t have worked. But he truly believed his soul was damned. And as such, every act using Hell’s granted unlimited power became a holy miracle.”
“And?” the devil demanded.
“And so he sacrificed himself for the greater good,” said Beelziel. “Willingly. Holding nothing back. Sound familiar?”
“You can’t be serious,” said the devil. “But even so, the contract states -“
“But contracts are not valid when they violate the law of the land,” said Beelziel. “In this case, the laws set down for souls when Adam and Eve first ate of the Tree of Eden. Besides, you tried to have him assassinated. That tends to weaken the foundation of a contract. You didn’t succeed, which would have voided the contract, but it certainly doesn’t look good in the Appeals Courts. That worked in his favor.”
And so the devil relinquished his claim upon the soul of the holy man, for the bargain was poorly made. And since that time he has made no bargains with holy men, for fear the world would be made right and all his works destroyed.
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spiderman-homecomeme · 6 years ago
Omg I just thought of something really cute for the anon that wanted parents!petermj : their son is starting kindergarten and peter dressed up as spiderman and spy on him to make sure he’s okay and mj gets Mad at him for not letting their son breathe
HI! once again!! an old prompt that has taken me a LONG ASS TIME to get out there, but I was on a roll and was I N S P I R E D !! I hope you enjoy this!!
Here’s about 1.7k of cute parent stuff bc I can’t NOT go overboard on writing
It was a day Peter had been dreading for some time now. A day he’d hoped would take just a little bit longer to come, that he’d have more time to prepare.
The first day of school.
Not his, of course.
It was Benjamin’s.
His very first day of kindergarten, to be exact. The beginning of his educational career; a long, twelve year journey; one that would hopefully guide him smoothly into the troubled world of adulthood. Monday through Friday, little Ben would be at school from about 8:40 AM to 3:00 PM, learning to read and write—though, he’d gotten a head start thanks to daycare and living with two walking brains—and hopefully take away some basic social skills from interacting with children his age. Sure, he’d had some of that experience, but those other kids were related to him. This was different.
It wasn’t like it was the first time Ben would be out of the apartment for long periods of time. MJ and Peter both had full-time jobs, so a high quality daycare was more than necessary.
But school… public school was another ball game altogether. And Peter couldn’t help the pit of dread that was swirling and sloshing in his stomach.
What if the other kids were mean to Ben? What if he had an allergic reaction to something?
(He didn’t have any allergies, doctor confirmed, but… you never know, anything was possible in kindergarten).
What if he tripped and fell on the playground during recess and broke his leg? What if all of Peter’s—Spider-Man’s enemies found out which school his kid went to and—
He didn’t want to finish that thought.
“You’re thinking way too much into this, Mother Hen,” MJ had said, grabbing her books and keys. “Don’t worry. Ben will be fine.”
“Don’t worry, Peter, okay?” She turned, finally making steady eye contact, her gaze unwavering.
He looked down, pursing his lips. “I—… I’ll try….”
If only there was a way that Peter could check up on—
Michelle’s eyes widened slightly. “No. No no no no no I know that look. That’s your ‘bad idea’ look. Don’t you dare follow him.”
God, she could read him so well.
He sputtered. “What are you talking about? I’m not gonna follow him?? Why would I— I cannot believe you would think that… that I would do anything like that?”
Quirking a brow at him, she sighs before rolling her eyes, shaking her head as a small half-smile pulled at her lips. “You better not.”
Okay, maybe he should have been more conscious about the non-use of contractions in that sentence.
Peter Parker was many things, but a good liar wasn’t one of them.
But he didn’t technically lie when he told her he wouldn’t follow him.
Because… it wasn’t technically following. Ben had to get to school somehow, and Peter just happened to be the parent that was dropping him off. He returned home promptly after!
Putting on the suit when he gets back is just part of his perfectly normal morning/mid-afternoon routine.
And Ben’s school just happens to be on one of the routes Peter likes to take.
It was all just pure coincidence.
Spider-Man was currently perched atop the school building, super suit and all, watching quietly as his five-year-old son played on the monkey bars with a few other kids.
Good; so he was making friends!
Nothing exciting was happening, not that Peter expected it. He was only there just in case something by chance, were to… well… happen.
It was all perfectly normal.
After all, what parent would pass up the chance to check on their kids if they could do what Peter could?
All was quiet on the playground front.
When the final recess bell sounded, Peter let out a breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. He was almost in the clear, just about to leave when he saw the tiny little hand waving up at him from the swingset, Ben’s little voice shouting, “Hi Spider-Man!”
Obviously, Peter waved back, he wasn’t a monster, but he couldn’t help but feel like it was not necessarily all that great that he was spotted.
See, Ben didn’t really understand that his dad was the Spider-Man. In his mind, they were two separate entities.
No, he hadn’t realized yet that his father was also numbers three and four on his list of favorite people in the entire world; Spider-Man and Santa Claus.
(Of course, Mom—MJ, is number one; Dad—Peter, is number two. No contest.)
Now, there is a plan to eventually tell their son. After all, his dad being a crime fighting vigilante isn’t something a parent can just… stop doing when the kid turns eight or so, letting the belief just fizzle out. It’s something that will need to be addressed soon; just, maybe not when Ben is at the age where he’s telling everyone he meets all of their family secrets.
(Okay, maybe telling the kids at daycare that his granddad has diabetes wasn’t a Spider-Man level secret, but they couldn’t take any chances.)
Peter knows that this—this little spying stunt he’s pulled—could come up later, judging by how excited Ben got when he saw the familiar red and blue suit just chilling on the roof of his school.
At this point, he’s just hoping and praying that the kids do something more exciting in class that can draw all of the attention.
Luckily for Peter, the rest of the day flies by; he stops a few shoplifters here and there, making sure to grab some pictures for the Daily Bugle while he’s at it. He makes sure to swing by home before he picks Ben up, changing into normal civilian clothes before driving over.
“Daddy!” Ben, of course, rushes to wrap his tiny arms around his father’s knees, squeezing with all of his might.
Peter laughs, bending down the best way he can to hug his son back. “Hey, little dude! How was the first day?”
“Good!” he grins. “I drew a picture!” He pulls back, fumbling with his backpack and pulling out a sheet of paper, nearly every color of crayon marked all over it.
But the blue and red is unmistakable.
“It’s Spider-Man!” The little boy says proudly, holding the picture out for his dad to take.
Peter, though he begins to panic only a little on the inside, smiles back. “Very cool.”
“Yeah! I saw him today!” The way Ben positively beams up at him, giving the literal sun a run for its money, pulls at Peter’s heartstrings. But the feeling dissolves, his eyes widening slightly, as soon as he realizes what will happen Ben shows his picture to MJ.
He helps Ben put the picture back in the little bag, lowering his voice to a comically whisper. “Hey, bud, let’s not show this to Mommy right when we get home, okay? Let’s surprise her!”
Peter figures he can just hide the picture for a few days before putting it on the fridge, all to avoid any suspicion. No big deal. Piece of cake.
What MJ doesn’t know won’t hurt him.
Ben, of course being five and not realizing at all what is going on, nods enthusiastically as he takes his dad’s hand.
And for a while, Peter almost thinks he’s in the clear.
He’s so close.
It’s at the dinner table though, that his own son betrays him.
“I saw Daddy at school today!” Ben says through a mouthful of spaghetti.
MJ’s fork freezes before it reaches her mouth, her eyes moving to her husband in an instant. “Oh, really?” She asks slowly.
Peter stops, eyes widening for a fraction of a second as he feels MJ’s glare burning into him.
“Yeah,” Ben nods thoroughly. “He picked me up!”
And again, the tension leaves Peter’s body as he lets the breath he’d been holding in anticipation.
A gentle smile breaks across MJ’s features as she turns her attention back to the pasta on her plate.
Whew. That was close.
“And I saw Spider-Man at recess, too!”
Well, Peter was certainly in for it tonight.
“I wanna say I’m surprised, but honestly,” MJ had thankfully waited until Ben’s bedtime to say anything, Though, while it was good for their son, Peter was filled with every anxiety known to man waiting for this conversation. “Yeah, honestly, I’m not.”
She doesn’t seem that mad, from what he can tell.
He thinks.
Then again, he’s kind of oblivious. Has been for a while, so he could be completely wrong.
“Are you on something?” she asks, finally facing him, a brow raised in question, stare calculating. “What could have possibly made you think that spying on him was a good idea?”
“I mean, it’s not technically spying—”
“Not technically spying?”
Peter falters, suddenly feeling very small. “Well, I mean—I was just… just watching him. From the roof. And—… well… he didn’t… know… I… was there…”
“Yeah, so… spying.”
He gulps. “When you put it that way… yeah…”
“Peter,” MJ groans, running a frustrated hand over her face. “We talked about this. Literally this morning.”
“I know, I know,” He sighs, plopping himself down on the edge of the bed. “I just… got so worried. I don’t know. I know that he’s safe and all… but… It’s just so fast and—”
Maybe it was the way he seemed to shrink after that, the genuine worry and concern in his tone, or the way his eyes seemed to do that whole puppy-dog thing they always did, but… okay, MJ wasn’t made of stone.
She lets out a breath, releasing tension as she sits herself next to him, bumping her shoulder to his. “Hey, I know it’s scary. Believe me, I’m scared, too. He’s growing up… But…”
Peter looks up at her. “But?”
“You have to let the kid breathe. Let him grow. He’s gotta have a couple of non-successes before he can… well, succeed. If that makes sense.”
His lips quirk up into a smile. “Non-successes? You mean failures?”
“Hey, I’m trying to be positive. Shut up.”
He playfully nudges her, sighing again. “No, I’m kidding. I get it. I need to back off. No more helicopter Spider-Dad.”
“Not saying you can’t help him at all… Just…” she starts again, looking him dead on. “Promise me you’ll be more chill about it. And less…” She pauses, eyeing him, carefully choosing her next word. “Creepy? Maybe try that?”
He laughs at that, nodding. “Yeah. Sure. Okay. I’ll give that a shot.”
The corner of her lip quirks upward into a half-smile. “Good,” she leans in, planting a sound kiss on his lips. “Because if I hear about Spider-Man spying on our son again, there will be hell to pay.”
“Oh, I don’t doubt it.”
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tonystarkstan · 6 years ago
you’re still young (that’s not your fault)
Summary: Being a superhero? Hard. Being a superhero in high school? Harder. Luckily, he’s got Iron Man on his side.
or, five times Tony goes to Peter’s school and one time Peter goes with him to work.
Note: This is posted on my AO3, but it’s one of my favorite things I’ve ever written, so I thought I’d share it here! I hope you guys like it.
“So like, the issue is that I like learning and I need to go to school to get a good education in order to be qualified for an actual career,” Peter tells Ned as they stand at their lockers.
“How is that an issue?” Ned asks in confusion.
Peter sighs dramatically. “I hate school,” he says, as if that explains everything.
Ned nods sympathetically. “Makes sense. Oh, the joys of social hierarchy. Also, I forgot the solubility rules, so I totally bombed that part of the quiz today. Which means I’m probably going to fail, which means I’ll be kicked out of school, which means I’ll have to work at McDonald’s for the rest of my life and live off of a minimum wage salary.”
Peter pats his back consolingly. “You and me both, man. School just proves what we already knew: the world is conspiring against us.”
Ned scoffs. “Okay, but at least you have Spider-Man,” he points out, saying the name quietly so no one overhears.
Peter gives him a weird look. “Oh yeah, loved getting bitten by a fucking radioactive spider. It was like getting a kiss from Mother Nature.”
Ned shrugs. “Who cares? You’re staying with Tony freaking Stark. How is that, by the way?”
“Oh, it’s great!” he says enthusiastically. “The man has, like, zero parenting skills, so I get to eat whatever I want, and we just stay in his lab all night.”
“Dude, your life is so not real,” Ned says incredulously. “Have you heard from May?”
“Yeah, she said she’ll probably be home this weekend. I think she feels bad, but her work really needed extra hands with the hurricane relief, so it’s fine.”
“Gotcha. Hey, what do you – whoa!” Ned exclaims. “What’s going on?”
As they turn the corner, as large mass of students clogs the hall, all trying to peer over each other to get a look at whatever’s caught their attention. Before Ned and Peter can get any closer, though, the crowd parts down the middle by a seemingly invisible force.
That is, until Tony Stark steps through.
As usual, he’s wearing a three-piece suit, his trademark sunglasses, and in his hands is – what the fuck? – a Spider-Man lunchbox.
Tony’s eyes lands on the pair of them, and he casually makes his way over to them, as if Iron Man walking through a high school is normal.
“Hey, Pete! I was just looking for you,” he informs Peter.
“Hi, uh, Mr. Stark. Um. Hi. What are you, uh, doing here?” he asks, trying to ignore all the blatant stares that are now focused on them.
“What? A billionaire can’t just come by to see his favorite mentee?” He’s smirking though, and Peter knows the superhero is taking great pleasure out of embarrassing him.
“No,” he retorts flatly.
Tony puts his hand on his chest dramatically. “Oh, how you wound me. Betrayed! By one of my very own! What ever did I do to deserve such treatment?”
“Jesus Christ,” Peter mutters. “What do you want? Ned and I were just about to head to lunch.”
“Ah ha! And that is where I come in. I am, as usual, here to save the day.”
Peter raises an eyebrow and gives him an unimpressed look. Tony huffs. “Sheesh, tough crowd to please, apparently.” He holds out the lunchbox. “Lunch. You left your’s.”
Peter thinks back, suddenly remembering that oh yeah, he definitely did leave his lunch on the counter. However, it’d been in his old Star Wars lunchbox that he’d had as long as he could remember.
Noticing his look, Tony gestures to the bag. “I took the liberty of getting you an upgrade. We all know how much you like Spider-Man.”
Yup, I’m definitely filling his Iron Man helmet with ramen noodles now.
“Wow. Thanks,” he says, sounding anything but. He takes the bag gingerly. “Now I won’t starve. A true hero you are. Really living up to your name.”
Tony pretends to blush. “You’re too kind. I’m just here as a completely selfless act of service.”
“Sure. So, can you, like, leave?” Peter says impatiently.
Tony shoots him an affronted look. “Well, I know when I’m not welcome. Which, let’s be honest, never actually happens because I’m a famous genius billionaire. But I really do have to get going.”
“Oh, thank god,” Peter breathes. Tony laughs and ruffles the kid’s hair, knowing it’s all in jest.
“See ya later, kid.” He turns to Ned. “And you – be sure he actually eats it.” Ned looks like he’s about to faint. And with that, Tony turns on his heel and struts out, leaving behind a bunch of astonished high schoolers. Peter’s pretty sure Flash’s jaw is about to hit the floor.
After a second of stunned silence, Ned looks over at Peter and smirks. “What was it you were saying earlier about ‘zero parenting skills’?”
Peter groans. “Shut up.”
Ned’s laughter is drowned out by the mass of students headed excitedly in their direction.
“Dude, you look like shit,” is how Ned greets him.
Peter doesn’t even have the energy to be offended. He certainly feels like shit, flashes of hot and cold racing through his body and forehead beading with sweat.
“It’s fine, we’re fine,” Peter says, not at all reassuringly.
“Yeah, okay,” Ned scoffs. “Why are you even here?”
Peter sags against his locker tiredly. “We’re supposed to be going over Shell integration and the Trapezoidal rule in calc today. I can’t afford to miss it. Also, we have decathlon practice after school today and MJ will kill me if I miss it. Again.”
He startles when a light slap meets the back of his head.
“Speak for yourself, loser. We don’t want your disease,” MJ says from behind him.
“Sorry, May raised me to always share,” Peter jokes. “Anywho, it’s too late for me to go home now. May’s already left for work. What a shame.”
MJ just rolls his eyes but Ned tosses him a doubtful look.
“Come on!” Peter protests. “Seriously, I don’t even feel that bad!”
Three class periods later, Peter’s more than ready to retract his earlier statement. He definitely feels that bad.
He’s in the middle of Anatomy class, and he can’t, for the life of him, keep his head up. His muscles are aching just with the small bit of effort it’s taking to use an arm to prop his head up, and he’s so, so hot but can’t seem to stop quivering.
At this point, he’s completely tuned out the teacher, entirely focused on trying to keep himself from throwing up in the middle of class because God knows Flash would never let him live that down.
His phone buzzes.
Chair Guy: dude
Chair Guy: you look like an actual zombie
Peter groans internally.
Friendly Neighborhood Peter: thanks.
Chair Guy: hey I have a great idea bc im a genius who goes to a smart kid school!!!!
Chair Guy: go :) home :)
Friendly Neighborhood Peter: no :)
Peter quickly puts his phone away, and he sees Ned shake his head in exasperation. The rest of the class passes by in a cloudy haze of sickness, and he blinks up blearily when a shadowy figure stands in front of him.
“Peter. Peter! Yo. Dude, come on, class is over. Even Dr. Arrington has left,” Ned informs him.
Peter groans, tossing an arm over his eyes with the thought that maybe if he doesn’t look at Ned, he’ll just go away.
No such luck. “Peter, if you don’t get up, I’m calling May.”
Immediately, Peter’s head shoots up, and he winces as the dull throb in his head intensifies.
“You can’t! She’s at work, her phone’s off anyway because she’s not allowed to be on it. Plus, I still have Calc! And Decathlon!” he protests, but even he can hear how weak it sounds.
Ned just rolls his eyes. “I’m pretty sure at this point, MJ would kick your ass if you showed up to practice. Go home and we’ll all send you a ‘Thank You’ card.”
Peter swats at him weakly.
“Peter, seriously. We gotta go,” Ned says, hoisting Peter’s bookbag onto his back. “Think you can get up?”
The vigilante stares at him blankly. Ned sighs.
“Yeah, okay,” he mumbles to himself. “We are not fucking doing this.” Louder, he says, “Peter, give me your phone.”
The exhausted teen tiredly reaches into his pocket, groaning at how heavy an achy his arms are. He hands his friend the phone. If he were more aware of what’s going on, he ‘d be much more suspicious. However, at the moment, Peter wants nothing more than for his friend to stop talking so the pounding in his head will cease.
“Thank you. Stay here for a second,” Ned tells him, and Peter doesn’t even question it. Not like he could move even if he wanted to.
Maybe I can Uber to my Spanish class, his feverish brain thinks.
He’s not actually sure how long he drifts in and out of clarity, but at some point, he opens his eyes to feel a gentle hand carding its way through his hair, and he instinctively leans in towards it.
“Hey, Pete,” a soft voice says. It’s a nice voice, Peter thinks. Not too rough, but just enough gravel in it to create a low comforting sound. And it’s… vaguely familiar.
Peter lowers his eyebrows in confusion and wills his eyes to open – when did he even close them? – so he can see the owner of the familiar voice.
“There we go. He’s alive! A true miracle.”
Peter nearly closes his eyes again, because obviously he’s still dreaming. There is no way that Tony freaking Stark is kneeling in front of him, stroking his hair, and gently coaxing him awake. Not possible.
“Yeah, it’s me, kiddo,” Tony says, obviously reading the surprise on his face. “To be fair, I’m probably just as surprised at this development as you are, but your friend Ted, here –“ he gestures to said teen who offers nothing more than a shrug “ –called Happy saying that you’re dying, and we just happened to be in the area, and I also happen to be a superhero. So.”
Unreal, Peter thinks, and closes his eyes, ready to let unconsciousness swallow him whole.
“Ah ah – no. Nap time for the spider baby later,” Tony jokes, but Peter cracks his eyes open to see the worry lining his mentor’s face. “I say we blow this popsicle stand.”
Peter nearly sags with relief at how good that sounds. He’d do just about anything to sleep. But then he remembers why he’d been so determined not to stay home in the first place.
“I can’t!” he protests, finally speaking up. “Calc. Integration.”
Tony stares at him in disbelief, and then turns to Ned, who’s still watching the exchange with a look of awe.
“Did he just say what I think he just said?” he asks incredulously.
Ned just gives him a long-suffering look and nods. “Yeah. He’s dumb.”
Tony scoffs. “That’s an overstatement,” he grumbles under his breath. Louder, he says, “Peter, you do realize that you’re literally talking to a genius, right? An actual engineer who literally built a flying suit? And the arc reactor? I think I can teach you some damn calculus. Goodness gracious.”
Peter just blinks at him. “Oh.”
“Yeah. Oh,” Tony repeats, but he can’t help surge of utter fondness that rushes through him at the sight of the tired kid, still pressing into the hand in his hair.
“Come on. Happy’s waiting for us. I’ve never actually dealt with a sick – anything – before, so this’ll be a great learning experience for the both of us,” Tony says conversationally. He gets up, groaning at the ache in his knees, and takes Peter’s bag from Ned.
Peter immediately lets out a whine at the loss of contact. The noise strikes a chord deep within Tony, and he tries not to think too hard about it.
“Sorry, kid. Come on, up you go,” he encourages, hoisting the kid to his feet. Peter sways tiredly on his feet, and Tony is quick to steady him.
“Whoa, I got you,” Tony soothes. He runs a quick hand over the kid’s forehead and lets out a low whistle at the heat that meets his hand. “Sleep. You need lots of it. So do I, actually. What do you say we get to Happy before the evil man makes us walk?”
Peter smiles weakly and nods, stumbling beside his mentor, thoughts going blurry again as they make their way to the front of the school.
As promised, Happy is waiting for them, and it takes a little while longer to wrestle the kid’s lanky limbs into the car and across the backseat. Again, Peter lets out a whimper at the loss of contact, and Tony coughs to cover the soft smile that’s threatening to appear as he slides in next to the teen.
And if his hands end up back in Peter’s hair?
Well, no one ever has to know.
It was a stupid argument, if you could even call it that. Really, it was just Flash being a dumbass, as usual. Which, usually is a thing that Peter can handle – is used to handling – but today is just not one of those days.
Patrol last night had been rough, more mentally taxing than usual. Peter’s not exactly sure what about it made it so, but it left him wired up with an anxiety that followed him into sleep, prompting unwelcome nightmares and flashbacks of a variety he hadn’t experienced in a while.
Truth be told, he knows it’s kind of his own fault. He’s been overworking himself, staying out longer and longer as Spider-Man, coming back by May’s curfew only to sneak out hours later when he hears her breathing even out.
Then he comes back and works on homework and studying, getting a mere two or three hours of fitful sleep, surviving mostly on coffee and pure, stubborn willpower throughout the day. This all does nothing to calm the ever-growing wave of anxiety.
So, to be fair, this was probably a long time coming.
Flash just happened to be the catalyst.
Peter and Ned sat in their usual spot in the cafeteria, Peter comparing his homework answers with Ned’s. When Flash walks up, Peter immediately tenses, already preparing himself for an onslaught of insults.
(And how stupid is that? He’s Spider-Man and yet he’s reduced to nothing at the mercy of a stupid high school bully.)
“Hey, Penis! Ready to get your ass beat in the science fair this weekend?” Flash mocks. And to be honest, Peter finished his project weeks ago in the confines of Tony’s lab, analyzing how robotics can be used to enhance prosthetics and make them more effective and efficient.
And, at this point, he’s so tired, he doesn’t actually care who wins. He never did, really.
“Isn’t ‘Penis’ a little old by now? Surely you can be more inventive than that,” Peter taunts. And yeah, maybe not his smartest move ever, but whatever.
Flash flounders for a second, unsure of how to respond, before his face clears again. “I could, but this one suits you best. It’s kind of iconic, don’t you think?”
“Hey, Flash, you know what’s funny?” Ned steps in suddenly, and Peter groans. “How Peter’s smart enough to land an internship with Stark Industries, and you haven’t even heard back yet.”
Flash flushes with a mixture of embarrassment and anger. “Yeah, and how much do you suppose your little sidekick has to pay just to polish Tony Stark’s shoes? You know, there’s actually been speculation that there’s a something a little more – should we say? – kinky going on there,” Flash says with a suggestive smirk, and Peter immediately sees red at the very implication of his hero doing something like that.
“Shut the fuck up, Flash,” Peter snarls angrily, and Flash narrows his eyes at him coldly.
“What was that, Penis?”
Peter stands up, well and truly angry now. “I said ‘Shut up.’ You don’t know anything about him. And I’m sorry you couldn’t get an internship with him when I could, but I guess Stark Industries knows talent when it – “
A sudden flash of cold and wet leaves Peter sputtering. He barely registers the fact that Flash is standing in front of him, the cup in his hand totally empty, because the wave of anxiety that’s been building up the last few days decides then and there to pull Peter under.
No longer is he in his high school cafeteria. No, he’s back in the lake, alone and tangled and trying so hard to break free of his confines. The water is cold, seeps straight to his very bones, and against his will, his lungs take a desperate breath in, but all he gets is more water.
He can’t fucking breathe.
God, what if he dies like this? Just a useless body floating on a lake, and maybe it’ll be days before he’s found, and May – oh god, May! – will be left completely alone to deal with another bout of grieving.
And Peter – god, he doesn’t want to die, he’s not ready to do that yet, he’s supposed to graduate and watch the next Star Wars movie release with Ned and there are so many more people he needs to save, and also he’s just plain scared.
If only he could breathe.
The unexpected and familiar voice shocks him, and he flails towards it, hoping it’ll bring him closer to the surface.
“I’m right here, bud, it’s okay. You’re okay. I’ve got you,” the voice tells him, and it sounds so convincing and real and soothing that he tries with everything in him to believe it.
“Hey, it’s me – Tony. I’m right next to you, and we’re both in your crappy school cafeteria,” the voice – Tony – informs him, and Peter frowns in confusion because Tony shouldn’t be here, he’s going to drown, too.
“Tony,” he gasps, hands finding purchase in warm fabric. Dry. It’s dry! But – what?
“Yeah, kiddo, it’s me. Open your eyes and look at me. It’s okay, I promise,” Tony coaxes him. And because he’s never had a reason not to trust him mentor, Peter cracks his eyes open, immediately cringing at the water that drips into his eyes.
“That’s it, good job,” Tony encourages, and Peter tries to let the sight of his mentor drown out the feel of water burning his nose.
“Mr. Stark?” he asks in a small voice. “W-what? I-I don’t – “
“Shhh, it’s all fine. You’re at school. You had a pretty bad panic attack. Your aunt wasn’t picking up, so they called me,” Tony explains. Peter takes in everything around him, drinking in the sight of the now completely empty cafeteria, save for him and Tony.
“I didn’t – I didn’t mean – I’m so sorry, Mr. Stark,” Peter says, cheeks flushing red with shame. Tony gives him an incredulous look.
“Peter,” he says gently, reaching out to tilt the boy’s face up. “Look at me. You didn’t do anything wrong. You never have to apologize for something like this.” Tony’s gaze darkens suddenly. “The only person who should be apologizing for anything is the childish, cruel, immature bully who did this to you.”
Peter opens his mouth to protest. “No – it wasn’t his fault! He didn’t know that would happen.”
“And that makes it okay?” Tony scoffs. “No, kid. That’s all on him.”
Peter stays silent, not willing to admit the man is right, as usual. Tony studies him for a moment, then lets out a heavy sigh.
“How are you feeling now?” he asks the teen.
“Fine,” Peter lies instinctively. Tony just raises an eyebrow at him. “I don’t know. That – that wasn’t supposed to happen. Usually I have it under control,” he says, looking frustrated.
“It?” Tony prompts.
Peter tugs anxiously on his shoelace. “I guess sometimes I still think about the lake? Because I was tangled and stuck and it was – “ He cuts off, throat closing abruptly. Tony puts a hand on his shoulder, grounding him.
“Scary,” Tony finishes for him. Peter just looks down. Tony sighs again, looking more tired than ever. “Pete, you gotta keep me in the loop with these things. And if not me, then May or Ned or someone you trust. It’s okay to feel like this. Hell, I’m scared all the damn time.”
Peter looks surprised at the confession. “What?”
Tony laughs bitterly. “How do you think I became Iron Man in the first place? It was because I’m scared. My suit? It literally just started out as a physical manifestation of my anxiety.”
“Does it get better?” Peter asks, and he looks so small in this moment that Tony’s heart cracks right down the middle.
Tony hesitates before answering. “Yeah, kid. It does. But it takes a while, and it might not ever go completely away. You just have to communicate with us. Think you can do that?” Tony asks, looking Peter straight in the eye.
Peter swallows thickly and nods. “Yeah.”
Tony looks intently at him for another moment and then nods in satisfaction. He moves to get up and groans. “Fantastic. I think all that emotion just gave me heartburn,” he complains, rubbing his chest dramatically.
Peter smiles, the somber atmosphere broken. “Or maybe you’re just old,” he jokes.
Tony pretends to look offended. “Rude. Offensive. You owe me one whole compliment for that.”
“Nope,” Peter says. Tony nudges him gently.
“Oh, come on. No nice things to say about your favorite superhero?”
“Who said you’re my favorite superhero?” Peter smirks deviously.
Tony’s eyes widen in mock hurt as Peter gets up and starts to walk out without him. “Two compliments! Now you owe me two!” Tony calls as he walks after him.
And Peter’s answering laugh? Totally worth it.
First of all, the fact that aliens decided to attack New York City during school hours? Rude.
Which is Peter’s first thought when Tony calls him right before his fourth class of the day. It goes a little something like this:
“Kid. We’ve got aliens attacking New York – again, don’t they ever learn? – and it’s all hands on deck,” Tony informs him.
Immediately, Peter lights up with excitement, already feeling the first shots of adrenaline at even the thought of fighting with the Avengers again.
“Yes, of course!” he gasps excitedly, making a beeline for his locker to grab his suit.
“Great, meet us at – “
“Hey, loser,” MJ greets, not caring that Peter’s on the phone. “Where are your safety glasses? You need them for lab today.”
“Shit,” Peter mutters, feeling his heart drop to his feet, because normally, hell yeah, he’d skip class to go fight with the freaking Avengers! Except today’s lab counts as one of three big exam grades and he literally cannot miss it.
“What was that?” Tony asks, sounding preoccupied.
“Uh, Mr. Stark? Can the emergency wait, like, an hour?” Peter stammers. Immediately Tony’s full attention goes back to the teen.
“What?” he demands sharply. “Why?” There’s a pause in which Peter is more than reluctant to answer, but Tony catches on quickly and groans. “Oh, Jesus Christ. Let me guess: Spanish test?”
“Chem lab,” Peter mumbles. He can practically hear Tony rolling his eyes.
“Kid, you can make it up. New York needs you right now,” Tony says matter-of-factly.
“But, Mr. Stark! I won’t be able to make this up, she said the only way we can miss it is if we’re in the hospital dying or it’s an extreme emergency,” Peter protests.
“So aliens aren’t an emergency now?” Tony deadpans.
“I mean, yeah, but I can’t exactly go up to her and say that I need to leave for something like that!” Peter says delicately, conscious of MJ standing nearby with a bored expression. “Anywho, I’ll be there in like an hour tops, I promise,” he says quickly before hanging up, and oh boy, he’s going to get an earful for that later.
Immediately, his phone starts buzzing again but he stuffs it in his bookbag hastily. MJ gives him a weird look.
“Your boss is fucking weird,” she comments.
“Tell me about it,” Peter mutters as they walk into class.
They sit down at one of the lab benches and wait for their teacher to start giving them instructions. Today’s lab is the Synthesis of Aspirin, and yeah, nothing they’ve done so far is nearly as cool or advanced as his web fluid or the stuff he makes in Tony’s lab, but he’s still excited. And nervous. Because he really needs a good grade on this.
Once instructions are given, Peter and MJ start methodically setting up lab equipment. Peter’s getting the hot water bath ready while MJ measures out the salicylic acid when a sudden hush falls over the room.
Curious, Peter and MJ both look up to see what’s going on and Peter immediately wishes the ground would swallow him whole.
Tony is standing in the doorway.
He strolls in with calm strides and a casual confidence and walks right up to the teacher.
“Hello, Dr. Mead. I’m terribly sorry, but we need to take Peter out of class. There’s an emergency at Stark Industries, and it’s sort of all hands on deck. He’s our best intern, after all,” he says charmingly.
She looks flustered in a way that Peter never imagined he would ever see of his usually very collected teacher.
“Um, I understand, but this lab is an exam. Is there any way it can wait after?” she asks hopefully, and honestly, Peter admires her for not just immediately caving into him.
Then Tony takes off his trademark sunglasses and looks at her with such a stern look that Peter immediately resolves to buy her the best teacher appreciation gift ever.
“I’m afraid not. This is a matter of utmost importance. Surely you have make-up labs?” he asks in such a way that implies the only correct answer is yes.
Dr. Mead opens her mouth as if to protest before finally just settling on saying nothing at all, before turning to the back of the class, where Peter is resisting the urge to hide under the lab bench.
“Mr. Parker, you may be excused. We can discuss make-up times later,” she announces, and Tony smirks, triumphant.
Peter’s face burns with embarrassment as he grabs his bag and walks out the room, feeling everyone’s eyes on him.
Tony ruffles his hair, and Peter swats at it in mock irritation.
“Was that all really necessary?” Peter demands when they’re alone in the hall. Tony shrugs.
“Nah. But then you hung up on me, and I’m petty,” he says. “But actually, I was already on my way to come get you. Cap, Nat, and Rhodes have got the situation contained, but they could really use some help, and we’re the only ones around.”
Peter, now that he’s not so worried about his grade, perks up with excitement again. “Man, this is so exciting!”
Tony gives him a fond look. Only Peter would find an alien attack exciting.
“Sure, kid. Now let’s go kick some alien ass.”
At first, there’s nothing to indicate why Peter’s spidey sense is suddenly going off like a blaring alarm.
His whole body is seizing with panic, everything in him screaming danger! But he strains his ears to listen for anything out of the ordinary and turns up empty, so he just shrugs and chalks it up to his anxiety going into overdrive.
Later on, he’ll hate himself for it.
Not even five minutes later, deep he hears it, clear as day: the crack of a bullet, one after another.
He shoots up in his desk, on high alert, and everyone around him starts looking around in confusion, not really comprehending the noise. For a second, he’s right along with them, not quite willing to believe that he’s hearing what he’s hearing, because no fucking way is this happening right now.
Then he hears the scream.
It cuts through the haze of the confusion that had clouded the room, and immediately Mr. Johnson runs to the door, knocking off the lights and covering the door window, and everyone is pushing to the back of the room.
Peter takes the moment of chaos to grab his suit out of his bag, and quietly slips out the other window, hoping that everyone was too preoccupied to notice.
“Hello, Peter,” Karen greets pleasantly.
“Karen!” Peter says urgently. “Call 911 and tell them there’s a shooter at Midtown. Contact Mr. Stark. Activate Stealth Mode.”
“Got it,” she says, and then a silence follows wherein Peter assumes she’s following his directions.
Without further pause, Peter quickly follows the sounds of students screaming and gunshots, praying and praying that no one’s bit hit.
“Peter,” Karen says, “Mr. Stark says to stay put; he and some of the crew are on the way, and so are the police. You are not to engage with the shooter.”
All it takes is another piercing scream for Peter to decide that’s definitely not what he’s going to do. He can hear students near the exits evacuating, but as he goes deeper into the school, it becomes eerily quiet. He tries not to focus on the hundreds of heartbeats skyrocketing in fear.
He rounds a corner and finds a student curled up under a water fountain, shaking and crying. She jumps and whimpers in fear when he enters her line of sight, eyes flooding with relief when she realizes who he is.
“Sp-Spider-Man,” she gasps, tears streaming down her face. He quickly shushes her, not wanting to draw any attention to them in case the intruder is nearby.
She shakes her head insistently. “H-He already c-came by. He’s at-at the classrooms b-by the audi-auditorium.”
Peter nods in determination. “I’ll take care of it. You need to stay hidden. If other people start running, join them. Stay quiet. You’re doing so good.”
And fuck, Peter doesn’t even know if that’s the right advice, because this is so much different than anything he’s ever dealt with before. These are his classmates – his friends – who’s lives are being threatened.
As he nears the auditorium, everything seems more still and foreboding, and he can hear a single set of footsteps walking calmly across the floor. Peter leaps up to the ceiling and rounds another corner.
He nearly falls back down at the sight that meets him.
The first door to his right his open, a body lay strewn in the doorway, and something in Peter’s brain shuts down, absolutely refuses to acknowledge the reality of the sight before his, refuses to go into the room in fear of what else he might find.
He hears gasps and soft sobs, but he pushes it all away and lets his gaze zero in on the figure at the end of the hall, gun raised towards another classroom.
The sound of the bullet, this time, is deafening, and Peter wastes no time before crawling until he’s just above the figure.
In the blink of an eye, Peter’s on top of him, wrestling the gun out of his grip and punching the guy with a ferocity that’s unfamiliar. He hits. And hits and hits and hits, because this guy attacked the wrong fucking school and those are Peter’s friends.
Peter sees red, flashes of anger and blood and oh god his friends, are they okay? And it hits him, suddenly, the gravity of everything that’s happened in the last ten minutes, the way his school will never be the same because of one person’s decision.
“Spider-Man, stand down,” a voice cuts through the haze, but he ignores it in favor of tossing another punch, but before he can, a metal hand wraps itself around his wrist.
“No!” he snarls. “This one deserves it!” He fights against the arms that wrap around his waist, thrashing against the hold.
“Kid. It’s me, Tony. It’s okay. It’s going to be okay. We’ll take care of him, you’ve done great. Your job here is done.”
With those words, Peter sags against his mentor, allowing the hard armor to support him and the weight of everything to sink in.
“I’ve got you, I’ve got you,” Tony says, gently picking the young hero up and letting the police come in and take over. No one even bothers to question him. It’s common knowledge that Spider-Man and Iron Man are close, and no one is willing to get him in trouble for beating the shit out of someone who deserved it.
Tony cradles the kid’s head to his chest, no longer caring who sees, only focusing on getting Peter out of there. Steve, Sam, and Natasha can handle the rest, he figures. There are cops everywhere, and scared students are being rushed out in a line to meet desperate parents waiting for them outside.
Happy is waiting for them, and Tony has never been more grateful for his status as Iron Man than now; no one tries to stop him.
Tony quickly deactivates his suit and gets the kid in, settling them both into the back seat, and Happy wastes no time trying to push his car through the crowd, glancing back at the duo with deep worry etched into his features.
Peter hasn’t said a word, and they’re halfway back to the Tower, where May is meeting them, when the teen starts shaking violently, clinging to Tony.
“Oh god,” Peter sobs, pulling his mask off, and Tony absolutely breaks at the raw terror and grief on the kid’s face as the weight of what’s happened hits him. “Tony,” he gasps, pulling his mentor closer.
Tony wraps his arms around the kid, hugging him with an unprecedented fervor. “Shhh, it’s okay now. I’m right here.”
But Peter’s hyperventilating now, tears soaking the man’s shirt. “I-I couldn’t – I was too late. I think – I think – Tony, I saw – “ and he doesn’t get past that, because he can’t. He can’t make the words push past his lips.
If he doesn’t say them, maybe they won’t be true.
Instead, he squeezes his eyes shut and presses his face into Tony’s chest, crying violently.
And Tony? Tony doesn’t know what else to do other than murmur soft words of comfort that he knows are falling on deaf ears. So he settles back in his seat, Peter practically in his lap, and runs his fingers soothingly through the kid’s hair. It’s going to be a long road to recovery, he knows.
But he’s in this for the long haul.
Tony stands against his desk, arms crossed and sending a flat look to Pepper, who’s looking at him with an equally determined expression on his face.
“Tony, come on,” she says in exasperation. “He’d be thrilled, and if nothing else, it’d be great PR. I think people would really like seeing you be so invested in an intern, personally taking him for a deeper look at what you do.”
Tony rolls his eyes. “Pep, Peter’s already seen what I do. Hell, he practically lives in the lab after school. He literally has his own room here.”
“Sure, but he only ever sees Tony, his hero, mentor, and father figure.” Tony opens his mouth to protest that last label, but Pepper cuts him off. “Shut up, it’s true and you know it. Now, as I was saying, I think it’d be really beneficial for him to see you as Tony Stark, a business man, company owner, and employer.”
“The answer is still no!” Tony says.
And yet somehow, that conversation led up to now, with Peter standing awkwardly at his side at eight in the morning, staring at the main floor of Stark Industries with awe on Take Your Kid to Work Day.
“Mr. Stark, thisissocool!” Peter exclaims in one big breath. Around him, workers are bustling about. Tony, quite frankly, can’t believe he’s never taken his fake intern into the main part of his building. A careless oversight. It’s impressive, really, that the whole “internship” story has managed to hold up for this long.
“Whoa, calm down, kid,” he says, watching the kid fondly as he practically buzzes with excitement. Peter looks at him with wide eyes.
“What are we going to do today? Are you going to boss a bunch of people around? Build stuff? Paperwork? Now that I think about it, what do you even do?” Peter asks, sounding breathless. Tony just shakes his head in awe, wondering how after all this time, the kid can look at him like he hung the moon.
(And he would. He’d hang a thousand moons if that’s what Peter wanted.)
“Well, first of all, Pepper’s usually the one who bosses me around, so I’m sure you’ll get to see some of that today. We have a press conference at one. Oh, don’t worry, it’s no big deal. We’ll introduce you as one of SI’s interns and explain that I decided to take this day, when a lot of other kids would be around, to show you the ins and outs of what I do. They’ll love it,” he reassures.
And they do.
But Tony’s not surprised, really. The kid has a way of getting everyone wrapped around his finger.
Peter, awkward and nervous at first, quickly gains a bit of confidence, occasionally answering a reporter’s questions with typical teenage sass, but always with a soft smile so as not to offend.
“How did you two meet?” one curious reporter asks. Tony puts a hand on Peter’s shoulder.
“Well, this one here is a huge dumpster diver. I actually got an opportunity to see his skills at fixing and making tech with natural ease, so I encouraged him to fill out an application for the internship. His application was outstanding, to say the least, and the rest, as they say, is history,” Tony says with a smile.
“Peter, were you a fan of Iron Man even before the internship?” another reporter asks.
Peter laughs. “I mean, who wasn’t? But really, I was always a bigger fan of Mr. Stark himself. The work he’s done to create a clean source of renewable energy? That’s insane! I can only dream of making strides like that. I watched a documentary on his robots over the years when I was younger, and I remember thinking, ‘I want to be like him!’ It’s actually what led me to start dumpster diving and fixing old tech. I never even imagined it could lead me to work under the man who inspired me.”
Peter shrugs, missing Tony’s stunned gaze trained on him, while the reporters listen with rapt attention.
“So yeah. Iron Man is amazing and all, but the real hero is the man underneath the suit, which I think people like to forget. The suit isn’t heroic – it’s the man underneath it that is.”
Tony is speechless. Absolutely speechless and completely overcome with an emotion he can’t quite identify as Peter looks over at him and offers him a shy small, as if worried he’s maybe said something wrong.
Tony’s throat clogs with the amounting of affection he has for the awkward, precious, genius, and selfless fucking kid, and he’s nearly knocked off his chair by the force of it. He clears his throat roughly, before addressing the crowd that’s busy melting.
“As you can see,” he says, wrapping an arm around the teen. “I brainwash my interns well.”
The crowd laughs, and the spell of emotion is broken.
However, when Tony goes down to his lab that night, long after Peter’s been dropped back off at home by Happy, he finds a sticky note attached to one of his computers, the messy scrawl deeply familiar.
There’s only four words, but they make Tony’s heart swell in his chest.
I meant every word. -P
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