#nnt movie spoilers
alwaysamor · 2 years
spoiler for Grudge of Edinburgh part one
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okay update after watching
1:Tristan falling out of bed had me dying
2:That purple haired fairy kept flirting with Tris and he looks so embarrassed I can’t
3:Lance’s voice.i’m absolutely weak for it
4:Sub is better tbh
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cupidthewriter · 1 year
watching Grudge of Edinburgh part 2
Here are all the thoughts i had during it! :D
oh theyre calling elaine a fairy queen? thats cool
ok i'm not generally a fan of the animation they chose for this but it does look very clean. Unfortunately becase its in 3d, the english VAs dont match up with the mouths as well (as opposed to in 2d where all they really have to do is talk when the mouths open and close, most of the time) so im watching it in japanese
this has nothing to do with the movie but for writing purposes i'm keeping in mind Violet would be 10 in this movie
i want to drink that pretty purple liquid
his horse's name is ESCANOR??? excuse me while i cry
Deathpierce L
either lancelot is really smart or tristan is.... less smart
goodness gracious i LOVE how the 3d animation allows for such cool and detailed monsters and armor. i always expect the priest to have a tentacle face but the bony limbs are so cool
lancelot beating up DP is giving... flash beating up guards in the incredibles. I'm here for it
im just realizing that that ice bridge is giving.. Jericho.
this is really helping me with Belfire honestly-- im glad Lance has a tangible personality
deathpierce is *~speciest~*
Hendrickson couldnt have been 15 years ago-- theyre not saying that the entirety of the 4 seasons is only one year??? bs im not listening to that-- i can believe that it was 2 years worth of the sin's adventures but one year is not a lot of time for that much stuff to happen and it really diminishes the severity of everything the world went through in that time because of how quickly it was resolved. plus, at the end of the series, it said that there was like.. a year between the adventures and tristan being born. so it should be at least 16-18 years ago.
im figuring out that nnt is actually really good with tone management (in my opinion)
somehow Lance's voice sounds a little too old for someone who has a third grade haircut their mom gave them because they dont know how to brush their hair. The japanese voice sounds pretty much good but the english voice just sounds like a less growly ban.
.... wym its only half over
i guess pt 2 of my reactions here bc i dont want to make this too long
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zorria · 3 years
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First poster for the movie Seven deadly sins Edinburgh’s grudge 
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ambersky0319 · 3 years
Just finished Cursed by Light! My favorite part was honestly just the concept of the Holy War being a game to the Demon King and Supreme Deity, that's always been an interpretation/headcanon of mine so it was cool to see it was actually canon 😅
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thegoddesselizabeth · 6 years
Meliodas, looking out across the sky island: Man, this view is amazing
Me: i bet he’s thinking about how Elizabeth would love to see this too
Meliodas: I wish i could show Elizabeth
DNNDNSNSJXJWJ I know them both too well
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cerneala · 6 years
Spoilers for the NNT movie! Please skip this if you haven’t seen the movie; I don’t go into too much detail, since these are just my thoughts, but there are some spoilers so it’s best to avoid this if you’re still waiting to watch Prisoners of the Sky.
So I really liked it overall. The Celestials were interesting, though I’m curious about how exactly they’re descended from the Goddess Clan; are they supposed to be the NNT version of nephilim? If so, that also makes me wonder if there’s an NNT equivalent of cambion, who I guess would be descended from the Demon Clan?
I would say, based on everyone’s appearances, that this takes place after Season 2 but before the Sins head to fight Melascula. Everyone is wearing their Revival of the Ten Commandments clothing and they’re all aware that Meliodas is a demon, and the Ten Commandments are mentioned frequently by Bellion.
Speaking of Bellion and the Six Black Knights, they didn’t really feel fleshed out, which is something I’ve noticed tends to happen with anime movie villains. They didn’t have a lot of screen time and were pretty one-dimensional, but they were fun to watch and I liked how they were said to be so lawless even the Demon King wanted nothing to do with them. We also got some payoff regarding Baruja, Galand’s friend who turned into an Indura.
The only real complaint I have is — and it’s typical if you know me — the Winged Sword. In the manga, it’s Mael’s weapon. He’s the only person we see wield it, and he uses it from a fairly young age up until presumably his “death,” as shown by it still being in his possession when he kills Glariza. In the movie, and I guess this was done to avoid spoiling anime-only fans, he’s never mentioned by anyone, even when Meliodas recognizes the sword. Instead, it’s a gift from the Great Oshiro, a.k.a. the Mother of Chaos.
The end of the movie confirms that Hawk Mama is the Mother of Chaos, so that question is answered.
There are a lot of funny scenes throughout the movie; one that had me almost in tears was Meliodas talking to Solaad about wanting a sky fish, and Solaad says, “Here’s one now,” as one floats by, stunned from the battle.
All-in-all, it was a good film that fits neatly into the timeline, though the Mael thing, predictably, bothers me a bit.
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spoilerkingjuliane · 2 years
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New characters for two part original movie "The Seven Deadly Sins: Grudge of Edinburgh". Part one will be released on December 2022.
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its-grim · 3 years
here are some Arthur Screenshots from the movie.
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kingofpiety · 3 years
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The genuine care and love they have for eachother tugs at my heart strings like HE FUCKING LOVES THAT WOMAN AND SHE LOVES HIM BACK.
I love them.
also Zeldris’s fat tits 👁👄👁✨
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redworld96 · 3 years
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In this post I wrote what the light novel tells about the whole part of King and Diane's wedding on the movie "Cursed by Light" from the beginning. Keep reading if you wanna know what happens.
It all starts with Howzer, Gilthunder, Griamore, Dreyfus and Hendrickson arriving to the Fairy King Forest. Gil and Griamore teases Howzer because he liked Diane in the past, but this one says it's not like that anymore. Matrona receives the five of them and leads them to see Diane.
"On the other hand, we see the Fairy King, the groom who is one half of the main character of the day" 
"Lady Diane will be finished with her preparations shortly" - says Gerheade, King's assistant 
"We're all set." - Says Gowther
"What about Harlequin?" - Gerheade asks. 
"Oh, Gerheade. Just wait a little longer" - says Ban while he points with a hand to King. 
 King is trying desesperately to choose a hairstyle: "Which hairstyle is the best?"
 Ban is looking at him pitifully and sighs: "Your tie is bent" 
King hurriedly fixed his tie. 
Ban says: "Don't let the Fairy King freak out over a wedding! Just go as usual"
"Marriage is one of the most special things in life! Especially for women! If I do anything wrong, Diane will hate me!" - King says
Elaine: "She won't hate you. Diane loves everything of you she can get, brother" 
And due to Elaine's words, King's cheeks flushed and his memories with Diane came to his mind: Their first meet, Their reunion as 7DS and their fights together, Their love confession. 
King regained his composure and thanks his sister. 
Ban says: "Geez, my big brother is such a pain in the ass " 
Narrator: "Ban and Elaine laughs and shares a light kiss celebrating their brother's happiness."
At the same time, the bride Diane, was about to get ready. 
Matrona and the Holy Knights arrive, and these ones congratulate her. 
 Dreyfus:"It's a great honour to be invited to your wedding today. King Baltra congratulates you and presented this gift for both of you"
Diane: "I wish Captain and Elizabeth could come too. It's not good timing, they're just on their honeymoon"
Dreyfus officiates the ceremony: "The FK Harlequin and the Queen of the Giants Diane are to be united in marriage. May the love between these 2, so different in race but so strongly united, endure forever, and may their union strengthen the friendship between fairies and giants"
Dreyfus: "Then, you may kiss". 
 The bride and groom gets surprised for that request. 
Diane: "K-K-Kiss?! In front of so many people?! It's too embarrasing!" 
Dreyfus: "W-Well, that's how it generally works..."
Narrator: "Giants and Fairies began to chant in unison: "KISS! KISS! KISS!". Matrona laughs. Diane and King stared at each other for a while, their cheeks flushed, but then King gently put his hand over Diane's mouth and pressed his own lips to her big ones."
There was a round of applause. 
 "Congratulations, my Queen!" 
"Congratulations, Fairy King!" 
Elaine: "Brother... Diane... I wish you both the best..." 
Ban: "Are you not interested in this sort of thing?" 
Elaine: "No, I am not" 
Ban: "Me neither "
Narrator: "There's a big banquet. A large number of platters were brought in, prepared by Ban, who took pride in his cooking. A mountrain of meat on the Giants' plates. On the fairies' plates, dainty hors d'oeuvres made from nuts and fruits. Delicacies, wines and ales for humans"
Narrator: "Different races were eating, drinking and laughing happily together today. The newlyweds observe the event, separated from the rest." 
Diane: "I never thought I'd see this day..." 
King: "You did not?" 
Diane: "No... But I am really glad it happened"
King: "But I would have wanted everyone to come too. Captain, Elizabeth, Merlin... and also Escanor" 
Then Diane's eyes welled up with tears.   Diane: "Yeah, and also Hawk."
King: "We all went back to where we belong, didn't we? As the 3rd Fairy King, I try to follow in the footsteps of the first FK"  
Diane: "What kind of king was the 2nd FK?" 
King: "Dhalia? I don't know much about him neither. I was born after Dahlia dissapeared from the forest".
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simplyoutof-mymind · 3 years
Y'all seeing this
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meliodas-world · 3 years
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Here is an update on the Meliodas that I'm working on. Stay tuned for the finished product!
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cookiecandy22 · 3 years
Wait, how could Ban recognise Dub’s weapons? I’m confused.
I don’t think that he is supposed to know who Dubs is (in fact I think that only Meliodas, Merlin and Gowther know him due to the war)
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zorria · 3 years
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thegoddesselizabeth · 6 years
One of my favorite moments was when Meliodas properly activated his demon powers and Bellion was like: oh crap YOU’RE Meliodas
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spoilerkingjuliane · 3 years
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Diane and King wedding scene in “The Seven Deadly Sins: Cursed by Light”
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