#nmb48 fanfic
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haremdeyukooshima · 4 years ago
Adventures in Art School: OS Box. 32. Holiday in Milkyland (#SayaMilky) 33. Dart (#YuuNaaMogiOn) 34. Burning Spirit Part 5: Line in the Sand (#WMatsui)
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the48letters · 6 years ago
Lazos Del Destino FINAL
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El regreso a casa
-Ahh, despues de cuatro largos años estoy de vuelta en casa, en esta hermosa ciudad que me vio nacer Osaka, y lo mejor  de todo es que no  vine sola, me pregunto si podremos reunir a las miembros que nos faltan para hacer nuestra banda, Además de eso quiero ver lo buenas que se han hecho miru en la guitarra y nagisa en el bajo, en la prepa eran increíbles.-kei chan, ¿nos vamos?-. -Si- Dijo  tomando su enorme maleta.
Sayaka y kei salieron de migración para entrar al aeropuerto, en donde por supuesto la estaban esperando, Nagisa y Miru.
-Tadaima-. -Wow te vez excelente la edad te pego muy bien amiga- Dijo nagisa con una sonrisa en el rostro-. -No, es para tanto chicas  vamos que muero de hambre, Oh, se me olvidaba ella es Jonishi kei. -Así que esta es la mítica baterista que has traido desde londres-. -Así es, la verdad es muy muy buena cuando la  vi practicando en la escuela  en verdad me dejo de boca abierta, ya verán  a ustedes les pasará lo mismo.  Solo les pido que hablen lento ya que aunque ella es nativa  lleva toda su vida viviendo en londres-. -soy nagisa-. -Y yo soy miru-. -yoroshiku ne- Dijeron juntas.
Llegaron a un restaurante de Yakiniku, y mientras comían.
-Oye, ¿encontraron la guitarrista que nos faltaba?- Dijo Sayaka  con la boca llena.
-Primero termina el bocado antes de hablar  Sayaka, valla que se te fueron los modales-. Dijo miru refunfuñona. -Lo siento, Lo siento- y si, la encontramos, de hecho  ha de estar por llegar.pareciera que  como en una especie de truco de brujería Miru invoco a esa persona.-¿Es ella o el? -dijo Sayaka un poco temerosa, al verla.
- Es ella, sayaka y se llama momoka, ella es una de las mejores guitarristas que pude encontrar, aparte es super kakkoi.- Dijo Nagisa casi babeando por momoka
-hola me llamo momoka, mucho gusto sayaka…  y tu eres?- Dijo momoka admirada
- Me llamo  kei-¿Porque no hablas bien el japonés?- Ella es de londres acaba de llegar, toda su vida ha vivido ahí.- Contestó Miru - Oh... ya veo, de igual manera mucho gusto-. -Bueno en ese caso ya estamos completas nosotras seremos la banda Kuroi  Tenshi.-
Varios meses después…
-Cada vez las chicas se vuelven mejores, las canciones que hemos escrito suenan geniales. El dia de hoy tenemos un evento en un bar local, en el cual un representante de una agencia reconocida irá a vernos, todas estamos muy  emocionadas.- Dijo sayaka en sus pensamientos.
Después del  mini live...
-No puedo creer que lo hicimos, fue genial-. Dijo Nagisa. -Ya lo se estaba super nerviosa-.  dijo miru-. - ¿vieron que la practica hace al maestro?-.-Dijo Sayaka.                -Yo estaba temblando que miedo tenia pero me alegro que todo  saliera genial.-Dijo momoka. -Felicidades a todas nosotras, unos brindis o ¿que?-. Dijo momoka  entusiasmada.
En eso el representante de la agencia se les acerca, -Son geniales, nos gustaría que  fueran parte de nuestra agencia-. Dijo maravillado y exaltado por la impresión.
-Claro que si-. dijeron todas al unísono.  -Muy bien mañana quiero ver a un representante de ustedes para plantearle el esquema de trabajo de la agencia-.
-Sayaka tu ve  después de todo tu eres la que  formó esta banda, tu eres nuestra líder, o a caso, ¿alguien se opone?- .Dijo miru mientras las demás movían su cabeza en señal de negación.-Lo ves-. - Bueno señorita Yamamoto Mañana la espero a las 10:00 am en esta dirección. Dijo el productor dándole su tarjeta de presentación.
A la mañana siguiente…
-Buenos días-, Dijo una desvelada sayaka-. -Buenos dias, eres tu en quien estaba pensando, pasa y toma asiento-.
Media hora después...
-Y bien que dice, como te lo comente lo primero es llenar lugares más grandes,aparte  les conseguiremos un programa en la televisión local así sus fans las llegaran a conocer más en el aspecto personal, y así empezariamos las cosas ¿Que Dices?-.
-Me parece increible la idea hagámoslo- dijo dando un apretón de manos al representante-. -Bueno mañana nos vemos trae a las demás miembros.
Mañana tendrán su primer tocada en un verdadero lugar ya lo verán estará genial.- Muchisimas gracias no sabe como se lo agradezco-.Dijo cerrando la pùerta detrás de ella. En cuanto dio vuelta, La vio ahí, doblando la esquina de una de las micro oficinas que tenía la agencia.
Ella no encontraba en donde esconderse al ver que se dirigía hacia ella.
-¿Sayanee?... Acaso... ¿eres tu?-. Dijo miyuki rápidamente acercándose a ella,
-Oh, hola cuanto tiempo Miruki-. -Sayaka, ¿Cuando llegaste?... habia estado esperando este momento por siglos, necesitamos hablar y ponernos al dia, pasame tu Line, vamos-. dijo Miyuki arrebatando el celular de sayaka de su mano.- Miruki… Basta por favor-. -¿Que pasa sayanee?, acaso... ¿no te alegras de  que volvamos a vernos?-. - Claro que lo hago-. -es solo que no puedo pretender que, no puedo pretender que nada paso entre ambas-. -Mira antes de que diga algo más. vamos a comer, en 15 minutos es mi turno para ir a comer,  por favor esperame en el comedor, ademas, quiero saber que estás haciendo aquí-. Dijo miyuki sonriéndole
En lo único que pensaba sayaka era en irse del lugar inmediatamente, pero algo la retuvo en  el lugar así que fue a la cafetería del lugar.
15 minutos después…
-Ya Vine Sayanee, vamos-. Dijo Miyuki  alando a sayaka del asiento.
-Espera, Miyuki a donde-. - No Digas nada y solo sigueme-.
Después de 5 minutos caminando llegaron a un parque en donde había un enorme lago en medio. -¿Por qué me trajiste aquí Miyuki?-. -Este es un lugar que cada que venia me decia a mi misma, seria genial que sayaka estuviera aqui junto ami ¿no te gusta?-.  -Mira miyuki, dejemos las cosas en claro desde un principio. desde hoy trabajaré en la misma  agencia que tu, como te lo dije, No puedo, hacer como que nada pasó entre nosotras Miyuki, sabes cuantas veces llore por ti, sabes cuantas veces me maldije a mi misma por  no poder hacer que te quedaras a mi lado. Eso no se olvida de un dia para otro, y si estoy de vuelta, pero quiero que quede claro que no he regresado por ti si no por, mis amigas y porque es mi ciudad.
-Así que nos vemos, Suerte en NMB… seguire apoyandote como te lo dije  soy tu fan número uno.-Dijo Sayaka fingiendo una sonrisa y dando media vuelta avanzando a paso acelerado mientras brotaban lágrimas en sus ojos. al fondo de la escena una miyuki caía de rodillas al suelo,llorando cual niña pequeña.
Esa misma noche, antes de dormir, en la mente de Sayaka:
-No puedo creer que le dije esas cosas a Miyuki, Ah, soy una tonta. Todos esos sentimientos  reprimido han salido a relucir, no se que diablos hare ahora, sera incomodo cada vez que nos topemos en la agencia. Dijo Sayaka soltando un enorme suspiro y acurrucandose de nuevo en su cama, para caer en los brazos de morfeo
Una semana después
-Chicas, los shows que han dado fueron increible y les tengo una noticia increíble, mañana será  grabado su primer capítulo del show de TV y como invitada especial quiero presentarles a la señorita Watanabe Miyuki-. Dijo el representante con una sonrisa en su rostro, Una tímida miyuki entra al estudio  diciendo en un tono casi imperceptible, -Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu-.
Miruki-San todo bien dijo el productor preocupado. Si solo que no dormí muy bien pero no se preocupe- respondió una tímida miruki.
Claramente se podía sentir un ambiente tenso dentro de la oficina
Al día siguiente inició la grabación del programa, el ambiente era tenso entre sayaka y miruki, pero aun así pudieron manejarlo y terminar la grabación del episodio.
minutos más tarde…
Bien terminó el programa  hora de comer chicos.- Gritó un miembro del staff.
Miru y Nagisa  se acercaron inmediatamente,
-Wow  cuanto tiempo ha pasado desde que estuvimos  juntas- Dijo Nagisa emocionada-. -oh, ¿Se conocen? dijo momoka-. -Claro que si somos mejores amigas desde la secundaria Verdad... ¿miyuki?-. Respondió miru mirando hacia donde se dirigía la mirada de miyuki. Se escucha como Sayaka sale del estudio sin decir ni una sola palabra  miyuki solamente se encoge de hombros. -¿Ha pasado algo Miyuki?-. Preguntó una preocupada miru. -oh, ¿acaso tu y saya-chan tienen algo? dijo kei refiriéndose a sí habían sido pareja, - ya no le pregunten más no ven que está mal, vamos miyuki-.  dijo Miru llevando a miyuki a un lugar más privado,ya en el cuarto miyuki se soltó a llorar, cual niña pequeña.-¿Que pasa?-. pregunta Miru. -No puedo creer que sayaka sea así conmigo, se que fui una estúpida al dejarla, pero era  mi sueño, no pensé si quiera que quedaría y ahora vuelve y me dice tantas cosas que no se algo dentro de mi se resquebrajó completamente. dijo miyuki incontenible. -Miyuki  trata de calmarte por favor, se que es difícil pero si no me dices que pasa no podré ayudarte-. -El dia de ayer cuando Sayaka vino a firmar el contrato del grupo, me la tope y la lleve a un lugar especial-. Miyuki le contó lo pasado  con sayaka a miru.
-Ya veo, debes de entender a sayaka también, tu jamas viste el como estaba a cada lugar que pasamos ella derramaba lágrimas, ya que recordaba los momentos que vivieron en esos lugares, mira, Sayaka te sigue amando ella siempre lo hará de eso estoy segura, no te preocupes solo dale tiempo-.  respondió miru.
Una semana después…
Chicas, la señorita Miyuki tendrá su primer gira por las 47 prefecturas.-.Todas aplaudieron al unísono. -Y adivinen quien sera la banda abridora en sus conciertos… exacto ustedes-. Dijo el representante emocionado. Todas brincaron de alegría con excepción de Sayaka y Miyuki. -Muy bien la gira empezará en un mes así que  hay  muchas canciones que practicar vamos.. vamos.. al estudio chicas-. Dijo arrastrando todas a un estudio. la práctica comenzó, en el primer descanso,  Miru arrastró a Nagisa al Baño. -Tenemos que hacer algo para que estas dos se contenten, odio este ambiente tan pesado, no quiero estar así durante nuestro primer tour-. Dijo Miru. -Tienes razón que deberíamos de hacer?, ¿Que se ocurre?-. Respondió Nagisa
Tiempo después salieron riendo para disimular, pero con plan en mente  y dispuestas a ejecutarlo lo más pronto posible.
La segunda sesión de  práctica comenzó el ambiente tenso se volvía sentir aun asi terminaron la sesión cuando…
-Nagisa es hora de poner manos a la obra- dijo miru con una sonrisa malévola,
-ok recuerda tu vas por sayaka y yo voy por miruki ¿de acuerdo?-Ok- respondió Nagisa
Ambas se acercaron con sayane y miruki y ambas dijeron en tono de preocupación. -oye necesito un mega favor, parece que mi cartera se ha perdido, me ayudarias a buscarla-.  a lo que miyuki y sayaka respondieron que sí.
Ambas parejas fueron por distintos caminos ya que uno era más largo que el otro pero el destino era el mismo.-¿Recuerdas  donde fue la última vez que la traías? Como siempre eres una descuidada-.Dijo Sayaka a Nagisa
-Creo que fue en ese cuarto de allá, podrías revisar ahí yo mientras checare el pasillo de nueva cuenta, y sayaka, gracias-Dijo con una sonrisa. Por el otro lado del pasillo, justamente después de que sayaka entró a la habitación antes mencionada, doblaban la esquina Miru y Miyuki, - lo lamento por esto, yo se que no estás de humor pero no sabía a quién más pedirle esto, eres una de las personas que más le tengo confianza- En eso una despreocupada nagisa paso en frente de las dos guiñando el ojo a miru como señal que el su parte conluyo exitosamente.
En la mente de miru…
-Muy bien significa que ha tenido  éxito al encerrar a la bestia,  no puedo fallar-.
Miyuki respondió. - no te preocupes  de todas maneras quería tomar un poco de aire fresco, ese estudio es sofocante-. Soltando un suspiro.- podrias revisar la habitación de allá creo que ahi  la deje.- miru abrió la puerta y Miyuki entró a la habitación,
Cuando la figura de Miyuki entro completamente en la habitación, inmediatamente  se escuchó la puerta cerrarse con llave desde la parte de afuera.-MIRU..MIRU.. qué significa esto-. Dijo un poco molesta-
¿Miruki que haces aqui?- al escuchar esa voz de sayaka , Miyuki sintió como un escalofrio recorria todo su cuerpo. -Parece que nos han encerrado sayaka-. Dijo miyuki encogiéndose de hombros.- ¿ Es encerio? dijo sayaka acercándose a la puerta e intentando abrir. -¿Qué demonios?… habrán de inmediato se que estan alla afuera se escuchan sus risas, dejen de ser infantiles  y ya habran la puerta-. Dijo sayaka furiosa. -No abriremos, mira quien es la infantil, ya arreglen sus diferencias ahora, no podemos seguir así,  no  nos gusta verlas asi, asi que porfavor haganlo por el bien de la banda y de este tour pero sobretodo por el bien de ustedes.- Gritó miru alejándose de la puerta junto a nagisa, un silencio espectral se apoderó en el cuarto, sayaka no dejaba de pensar en las maneras de abrir esa puerta sin dañarla, caminando  de un lado a otro de la habitación. -Sayane, ¿De verdad tanto me odias que ya no soportas estar a solas en la misma habitación?-. -En vez de hacer esas preguntas estupidas deberías pensar en cómo saldremos de aquí o llegaremos tarde al último ensayo del dia-. Miyuki con cara de disgusto y le soltó una bofetada a sayaka, inmediatamente la mano de sayaka se acercó a la zona afectada, cuando iba a pronunciar algo rápidamente fue interrumpido por una cálida sensación en sus labios, primer beso con miyuki, el corazón de sayaka latía a más de mil pulsaciones por minuto. Sayaka, quiso apartarla inmediatamente pero miyuki se aferró más fuerte a ella, en ese preciso momento todo el enojo e ira de sayaka, se despojó de su cuerpo para finalmente aceptar y corresponder el beso de su amada miyuki.
los labios de ambas se separaron lentamente como si no quisieran hacerlo,  
-¿Ya  te  calmaste?-. Pregunto miyuki, Sayaka estaba de nuevo en su clásico color escarlata, sonrojada por lo acontecido, así que solo pudo encogerse de hombros y asintiendo la cabeza en forma de aprobación. -Bueno, ¿ahora si podemos hablar como seres civilizados?-. -ok-. Respondió sayaka aún tímida.
-Sayanee… Yo se que te he hecho demasiado daño, se por lo que pasaste  se todas esas ideas que te hiciste la cabeza, miru me comentó que prácticamente has pasado los últimos  meses pensando en todo lo que el amor hace, se que pensaste que lo único que hace es  romperse, quemarse, y terminar. estamos en la fase dos, y te soy sincera no quiero que llegue a la tercera. Sayanee.. recuerdas aquel dia en el gimnasio cuando te dije que quería ser idol-.-Si-.- lo segundo que quería hacer pero no me dejaste, era decirte lo mucho que te amo y eres la única persona por la que dejaría todo, y sabes ¿por qué?, desde ese dia en nara, supe que eras el amor de mi vida y que por ti haria todo.
Sabes algo más,  nadie  en tu vida será como yo . Nadie te amara como yo, nadie te abrazara como yo, nadie se preocupara si vuelves a casa, nadie limpiara tus lagrimas y te dira que todo estará bien, a nadie le importará si estas sola, pero ami si  y sabes por qué porque ayer ni hoy ni mañana podré vivir sin ti.
Dijo Miyuki abrazando fuertemente a Sayaka-. En verdad lo siento demasiado sayanee. por favor no me apartes de ti, siempre estuve pensando en este momento, imaginandome, esto. Sayaka la apartó un poco únicamente para besarla de nueva cuenta-. en verdad te amo tanto miruki, lo siento tanto por mis actitudes infantiles. dijo sayaka derramando un par de lagrimas,- no sabia que te sentias asi, lo que te dije la otra vez en el parque fueron mis sentimientos reprimido, después de todo me sentía herida  y traicionada, la verdad siempre te he amado más que a mi misma, por eso estudie y trabaje lo mejor que pude para regresar a japón y que te sintieras orgullosa de mi. Pero en vez de eso te apàrte con todos estos estupidos sentimientos- en verdad lo lamento. además eres una idol no tendrás problemas por estar conmigo, qué dirán tus fans-. -Sayanee ¿Cuando entenderás que lo más importante en este mundo eres tu?, por ti no me importaría anunciar mi graduación mañana, Todo estará bien ahora que estamos juntas en esta ocasión nadie jamas nos separara, es una promesa de vida, y te la hago aquí mismo-. -Gracias Miyuki, aunque por el momento no podremos estar juntas como queremos al menos estaremos juntas en el tour quiero que veas como realmente toco para ti, veremos que dicta el destino, en cuanto nosotros por el momento soy feliz de estar junto a ti  de nuevo.Dijo Sayaka Sonriendo-.
Cuando se escuchó la cerradura de la puerta abrir.
-UII, mira nada mas esta parejita tan hermosa-. Dijo momoka riendo.
-Nos alegra tenerlas de vuelta amigas mías, Dijo Miru sonriendo.
el tiempo de descanso se acabó-. Dijo kei revisando su teléfono.
-Vamos,- Dijo Miyuki a Sayaka, tomándola de la mano y saliendo corriendo del lugar. dirigiéndose al estudio.
El cambio de ambiente en el grupo fue casi inmediato los productores y representantes se quedaron asombrados, comenzó el Tour por las 47 prefecturas, lo increíble es que al final el grupo se unió tanto que  dejó de ser solo, el tour de miruki, ya que ella se volvió una miembro más del kuroi tenshi, miruki no cantaba sola sino que sayaka la acompañaba en varias canciones entre ellas  boku wa inai, warukii, e ima nara ba, y como era de esperarse la canción de yasashiku suru yori kisuwoshite, se transformo en un himno de lo que ahora los fans llamaban sayamiruki, debido a la química que presentaban ellas dos en el escenario era difícil no ver que habia algo mas entre ellas.
Los meses transcurrieron y en la última fecha del tour…
-Chicos  Chicas gracias por acompañarnos en esta última presentación de este mi solo tour, pero como saben en realidad no solo fue mi tour si no de esta banda que esta atras de mi llamada kuroi tenshi de la que ahora, formare parte ya que …
desde ahora yo Watanabe Miyuki  me he decido graduar de NMB.
este tour me ha abierto los ojos  amo a NMB48 y a todas mis compañeras de ahí pero
para poderme superar a mi misma, tengo que dar un paso adelante.
Desde ahora soy parte de este grupo llamado Kuroi Tenshi, en el cual están varias de mis amigas de la infancia, y está sayanee, alguien que  en verdad me ha  apoyado siempre y que sin ella jamás hubiese llegado aquí. De verdad a todos mis fans, espero me sigan apoyando los amo a todos de verdad.- Dijo Miyuki entre sollozos
transcurrió el concierto  y antes de la última canción las luces se apagaron pensaron que era una broma, ya que todas las miembros seguían en el escenario. pero en eso la pantalla del escenario se encienden, Varias imágenes y videos de Miyuki con Sayaka, recopilados de el tour comienzan a salir en la pantalla, miyuki las ve con sorpresa, al terminar el  video. miyuki  voltea para ver a Sayaka y su sorpresa es que ella se encuentra hincada,,,- Miyuki hemos pasado por mil y una aventuras, aunque los tiempos fueron difíciles , jamás perdiste la fe en mí y te lo agradezco, es la primera vez que lo diré ante tanta gente, Te Amo en verdad lo hago, por eso-. la gente grita de la emoción, miyuki  está paralizada con lágrimas de felicidad en los ojos, sayaka de la bolsa de su pequeño saco saca una cajita.- Te Casarías conmigo- los fans al unísono gritaban “SayaMiruki” miyuki solo asintió la cabeza para aceptar la propuesta de sayaka, después de ello sonó la última canción del tour .yasashiku suru yori kisuwoshite.
En los pensamientos de Sayaka
- No cabe duda que he vivido una vida a toda velocidad, pero ahora soy plenamente feliz. seguimos en tours, tengo a  mi esposa, y a mi musica que mas le puedo pedir a la vida. oh si nuestra pequeña hija Yuri, que hemos adoptado ella es nuestra felicidad materializada en este mundo.  después de todas las batallas que hemos librado salimos triunfadoras y como dirian por ahi- Larga vida a esas batallas que  libramos gracias a ellas somos lo que somos hoy en dia.
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misakishishido · 7 years ago
Project #1 - Phantom Thief vs Police AU (Teaser)
Hey y��all~ 
Soooooo I made a post that had a brief summary of a project I had drafted for a while but just didn’t have time to actually write out. But today, I’d like to show a little teaser for it. I say it’s a ‘teaser’ but please don’t take this as an actual prologue or any part of the story yet as I’m fairly unsure whether I’m going to go with certain formats or characters for the story.
Especially when *not really a spoiler but* I was thinking of breaking the fourth wall from time to time for this story, so it wouldn’t be such a serious read and well, hopefully you all will have fun with it :) 
I won’t lie I got influenced by the Neptunia game franchise which I’ve been watching and playing recently which caused me to give this story a complete tonal shift from how serious I had planned it initially.
So if it seems alright with you all for me to go with such a format, I’ll definitely do so! I’d love to hear your thoughts if you can be so kind to just drop a comment or message me directly so I’ll know.
Also one more thing, if you noticed I wrote ‘Project #1′ in the title. So yes, there are... I’d say 2 more projects, in which I’d love for you all to tell me which of the 3 you’d like to see first when I post the other two teasers up. Although, one of the teasers is actually readily available as of now and it’s the *drum roll*~
The untitled OS for JuriSaku I had posted before which I’ll link riiiight here! 
Yes! I’ll make this and the other two (with the other one coming up as soon as I figure out how to create a teaser for it since I’ve done 80% of the first chapter for it in the past) into multi-chaptered fics when time permits as my studies are coming to an end soon :)
So again, if you lovely readers out there can tell me which one you’d love to read first before the other two, I’ll be really thankful!
In the meantime, please enjoy this little teaser~ and I apologise if anything sounds weird as I haven’t been writing fanfics in a while haha!
- 01:48 hours -
A caped figure with a top hat was seen dashing skilfully from rooftop to rooftop. The person grinned excitedly as the thrill of being chased pumped their adrenaline. A helicopter had its spotlights right on its subject and on the ground, a swarm of policemen gave chase to catch the moment the figure decided to jump down.
“This is hella fun~!” The caped figure shouted in glee, eventhough she was huffing and puffing with all the obstacle jumps she had to perform without stopping for a second.
“Will you take it seriously, Sayaka-chan?! Tonight may very well be the night you get caught judging from the numbers they’ve deployed at you!”, exclaimed a voice through Sayaka’s earpiece.
“Geez you’re such a killjoy, weren’t you someone who knew how to have more fun than me in the past?” Sayaka chuckled a bit before finally slowing her tracks, paying close attention to the current state of her surroundings as if she was looking for her end-goal. She then faintly saw a few flashes of light through the window of a building two blocks away from the one she was on and smirked proudly. She found it.
“T-That’s not the time for—” The voice stammered before Sayaka cut her off.
“Also Otabe-san, I thought we agreed using codenames since Day 1? I’m not Sayaka. I’m Antonio, and you know that.”
The voice on the other side of the earpiece sighed, “… Just get the artefact over to Sakura pronto,” a click sound followed, indicating the other side had turned off her transmissions for now.
“Man… Yui has gotta lighten up,” Sayaka said to herself as she was nearing her location, revealing another person in a cape, with a Victorian mask that had a cherry blossom pattern over her eyes.
It seemed she was mouthing “over here!” from where Sayaka was approaching from and she couldn’t help but smile. She was after all, still rather fresh to the gig and was only able to be Sayaka’s partner-in-crime on the field because of Yui’s insistence.
“Everything’s up to you now, kiddo!”
Sayaka jumped across to the rooftop of the building where Sakura was, all while dropping the artefact which landed straight into Sakura’s hands. Fortunately, it had gone unnoticed as everything happened too quickly that even the personnel on the helicopter chasing her around failed to notice any changes in Sayaka’s behaviour.
“It’s done Otabe. Get the decoy ready so I can stop this crazy marathon.”
“Alright, sending you the escape route coordinates now,” an updated waypoint appeared on the map that was on Sayaka’s special monocle before Yui continued, “Success rate 80%. You should be fine but try to annoy the helicopter behind you a bit before closing in on the escape route in case it can differentiate the decoys and you.”
“Decoys huh,” Sayaka smirked, “Fine… by… me!!!”
Sayaka made one huge leap towards an unreachable building two or three blocks away from her before pulling onto a paracord that was attached to her cape, transforming it into a gliding device. At the same time, a few similar looking figures rose from below, on cue, gliding off into multiple directions which caused the helicopter to stop and hover mid-air. It was clear as day that the pilot had become confused, and he proceeded to quickly inform his fellow officers on the ground, panicking about the situation.
“I’m counting on ya, Cherry Blossom-chan!” Sayaka said as she continued to glide off into the distance in accordance to Yui’s escape route.
An officer rushed over to his superior and quickly gave a salute to said person, who had a very upset look on her face as she continued to monitor the situation transferred to her via reports on her iPad. She clenched her teeth, thinking hard on what the police force’s next move should be but to no avail.
“Ma’am, we’ve received intel from above that the target has launched decoys to confuse us… at this stage, I don’t think—”
“Shut up!” The woman rammed her fist at the side window of the police car she was standing right next to, cringing in pain momentarily before her serious-look returned, “We’re not giving up. Not yet! I’m sure we can get that wretched Phantom Thief this attempt…”
“Shouldn’t we be relying on ‘her’ for help…? I mean she got posted here for a reason, Miru—”
The voice from the insides of the car was cut off when her superior began in a loud voice, “NO! I don’t care if she’s a genius… she’s… that freak… she won’t get any credit for this… I want to prove the higher-ups wrong! That we, ‘lowly’ local police force, can do something!”
“… Although we’ve been failing 100% of the time…” The other woman who was in the car sighed deeply as she spoke to herself softly, shaking her head at how stubborn her superior was.
The police woman, known as Miru, looked frustratedly at the officer who was still saluting to her and returned orders, “Continue the pursuit. I don’t care if she has to be chased till the ends of the earth but don’t make any changes to the current plan. Understood?”
“Yes ma’am!” He left immediately after that.
Footsteps echoed through a seemingly empty building as the person walked up a flight of stairs with an air of calmness and confidence. The cool figure had both hands in her beige-coloured trench coat, and upon reaching the top of the flight of stairs, her eyes immediately darted the empty space she was in. It was fairly dark, and the only light source seeping into the room was that of the moonlight.
That was when her lips formed into a smirk and she slowly walked towards a pillar in the middle of the room, raising one of the hands that was in her pocket to form a ‘gun’ gesture.
“Caught ya. Phantom Thief… or should I say, sub-Phantom Thief.”
There was no acknowledgement or any movement from where the woman continued to point. She let out a sigh before picking up a nearby empty can that was coincidentally near where she had walked to and threw it at the pillar, startling the person behind it, revealing Sakura—the other Phantom Thief that Sayaka had entrusted to the artefact to.
“C-Crap…!” Sakura cursed under her breath and looked at the figure approaching her. All she could make out with the limited light available in the room was that the person had a fedora on her head, shadowing her eyes, she was pointing at her with a ‘gun’ gesture and she could tell that the person literally gave off an ‘I won’ feel to her.
But this person seemed familiar to her. A bit too familiar for her liking.
Sakura did not move from where she stood as she continued to look on at the person who decided to stop where the light would not reach her as much. “Bang!” She said, unenthusiastically while gesturing that she had ‘shot’ her and retracted her hand back into her pocket.
“Those idiots really don’t know what they’re doing. It’s unfortunate they’d rather tackle you and your friend wherever she is now without my assistance,” she tried to sound upset, at the same time clicking on something in her other pocket which caused Sakura to have a reaction. Sakura’s eyes widened when she stopped hearing Yui’s voice in her ear that was previously freaking out due to Sakura being caught and the girl knew she was doomed for.
She had failed her ‘older sisters’.
“… Honestly catching you now means the story comes to an end and the fun stops. I wouldn’t like that at all…” The person said in a sarcastic tone of voice before approaching in the area where the moonlight was rather prominent, and it revealed her face. Her eyes were cold and devoid of any feelings, but the widening smirk on her lips showed otherwise—it looked like she was having fun in a psychotic manner.
Sakura, on the other end, continued to remain in shock as the figure revealed herself to her. She knows this person. She just didn’t realise it was ‘the’ time for them to face-off, so she stumbled and tripped over her rather long cape, falling on her bum as the person approached her, standing right in front of her like a menacing tower, with no intention of helping her to get up.
“Y-You’re… J-Ju… rina… san…” Sakura shakily said. Her heart was palpitating, and she did not know what to do at that point.
“Hello there… Miyawaki Sakura-chan. It’s nice to meet you like this. Don’t you think?”
The person in question did not respond but jolted a bit while crawling backwards slowly when ‘Jurina’ suddenly knelt down, chuckling at the latter’s movements.
“Are you ‘that’ scared of me Sakura? I thought we were ‘friends’,” Jurina’s emphasis on the two words just kept constant shivers down Sakura’s spine. The person before her that she knew was not like this.
“… You found me… so now wh--” Sakura gulped when she had unknowingly crawled to the corner of the room, literally trapping herself  especially when Jurina had got up and walked menacingly towards her and knelt in front of her once again.
“Well…” Jurina put a hand in front of Sakura, “I could take the artefact and leave you be… or I could take both you and the artefact to the police now… or…” Jurina leaned in uncomfortably close to Sakura that the latter couldn’t help but be extremely flustered despite the circumstances, “… I…” her voice went low and husky, which made Sakura’s ears feel extremely hot and ticklish, “… could let you go, with the artefact.”
Sakura’s mind went to a blank state. What did she just hear her say amongst all of her flustered reactions?
Jurina gave her a smile before she pulled away and stood up, turning her back on the poor Phantom Thief. She shrugged, looking over her shoulder at her ‘friend’.
“Your little troupe is the only one that has got me entertained in a long while. Plus, I’m ‘off-duty’. I don’t see why I should capture you now when it’s still so soon in the story.”
Sakura was confused. Despite that, she slowly got up, remaining alert as she did so.
Jurina closed her eyes proudly, “Also… it’s a recurring theme for police-thieves stories such as this to result in the thieves winning almost all the time, no?”
“W-Well… that’s…” Sakura was rather speechless until she realised what was going on as she knew certain individuals did the same thing, “… Ah… correct me if I’m wrong but are you… breaking the fourth wall, Jurina-san?”
“Perhaps so,” Jurina chuckled before clicking on the device in her pocket again which stopped the jamming and Yui’s voice suddenly blasted into Sakura’s ear, to her dismay.
“Regardless, I will let you be for now,” she waved to Sakura behind her before gradually walking away, “This is just a teaser for the story that is to come and some of the readers out there may be interested in our ‘ship’ as they call it, so I would not like to stop the story here,” Jurina said calmly, causing Sakura to be in a blushing wreck in a moment’s notice.
“W-What the heck do you mean ‘our ship’?! That’s a bunch of nonsense…!!!” Sakura exclaimed.
“S-Saku-chan…???” Yui worryingly called out to Sakura at the latter’s outburst.
“You better leave now, sub-Phantom Thief. The police will give you a headache if you don’t.”
Jurina’s figure disappeared when she had retreated downstairs, resulting in a fuming Sakura who began her escape.
“Saku-chan are you okay? I know you’ve been compromised but—”
“I’m fine, Yokoyama-san!” Sakura quickly fiddled with a pocket electronic device that had a similar map to Sayaka’s and studied it a bit before putting it away and readied her grappling hook, “… As if anyone wants to be a pair with a jerk who thinks she’s all~ that~ like her.”
“Uh… Saku-chan…?”
“I’ll show her. I’m going to be the best Phantom Thief out there, surpassing even Sayanee that I wouldn’t have time to ‘be’ with her!” Sakura launched the grappling hook and she proceeded to zip line herself to the next building, all while being fuelled by frustration.
Yui facepalmed over the earpiece, “Saku-chan…”
“Anyways…” Yui cleared her throat, smiling apologetically, “Tune in for the full story when it gets released to see what happens to us from start to finish and whether we achieve our goal by the end of it. Till then readers out there, see you!”
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rukakikuchi · 8 years ago
AKB48 Group Fanfiction Multiverse - Bloody Rose series
Bloody Rose is a series I someday hope to flesh out as a full-fledged TV series in the future. It’s a world I hope has the potential of branching out with an expansive and rich lore.
I’ve blended in my vision of this world in these fanfics, somewhat as alternate universe or alternate tellings of the story I wish to someday bring to the public. And of course, with AKB members as the cast.
So here’s a quick list of my AKB/48G fanfics that take place in a shared multiverse. One we shall for now call, the Roseverse.
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Bloody Rose *Ongoing/Semi-hiatus*
Let’s call this our main universe. Also, this is mostly AKB focused, but we plan to have SKE and NMB main arcs respectively.
Synopsis: Takahashi Minami’s life changed after learning she was able to talk to the ghost of her best friend. She soon meets a mischievous demon, learns that she is half-angel, and becomes a member of the Bloody Rose, an organization created to hunt down and subdue demons and rogue supernatural creatures.
(I actually drew this. ^_^)
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The Black Rose *Completed* (Also available to read on AsianFanfics)
This series I somewhat consider an alternate universe. I wrote this series before the original Bloody Rose, but I say you can count it as existing as a different universe, since it still has vampires and hunters and witches.
Synopsis: Matsui Rena was supposed to kill the vampire, Black. However, the vampire had different plans. She infiltrates the hunter’s base disguised as a human named Kashiwagi Yuki, hoping to redeem herself. And the reason why is not only linked to Rena, and the on-going feud between humans and vampires, but also goes far deeper into the past...
NOTE: the next few chapters I’ll be posting will be the final ones!
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Fruits of a Rose/Bara no Kajitsu *Completed*
Like Black Rose, I didn’t intend for this to be related to the Bloody Rose multiverse. However, while this series was on hiatus, I wrote Bara no Toge, and so, once I finished that, I made the decision to tie these two together, existing in the same universe, as potentially the same timeline.
Synopsis: Thousands of years in the future, a war broke out against human hunters and vampires. A group of young vampire girls secluded in a forgotten, abandoned school building, unlock a slumbering secret of the past, which could lead to a new hope in ending this long feud.
{{Note: The original version of “Thorns of a Rose”/“Bara no Toge” is part of this multiverse, but the new, updated version is part of its own separate timeline.}}
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haruko48 · 7 years ago
KJ-.Music Fan Fic Special Entren a escuchar una lectura de un fanfic sayamily en español!
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yuri-or-death · 8 years ago
Spellbound (Magic School AU): Character Poster
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Main Characters: Matsui Jurina, Miyawaki Sakura
Pairings: JuriSaku, WMatsui, JuriMomo, NanaSaku (and more).
Summary: Matsui Jurina is the immovable ace of St. Hildegard’s School of Magic. Considered a protégé by many Wizard Saints, her technique and mastery is second to none. Enter Miyawaki Sakura, talentless, unrefined and socially awkward. Her golden ticket for admission into the elite school is her late father’s legacy.  
What happens when Sakura suddenly gets transferred to the Special Class because of a lottery? Will the mysterious ace take interest? (Magic School AU)
Chapter 02: Release Date - May 13, 2017.
“As per tradition, there are 12 students in the Special Class; each bearing a number.”
“Miyawaki Sakura, you are the 13th.”
“I will not tolerate the sight of this dunce anywhere near me.”
“Will you take her side, Jurina?”
CHAPTER: 01, 02, 03
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jyurineko · 8 years ago
I realize it’s been almost a year since the version of Bloody Rose I posted on Fictionpress, so I decided to share the first version I posted before it. The AKB fanfiction version.
(To be fair, it’s been a while since I updated this as well, but I’m hoping to pick it up later, since me and @furukawaakane4223 plan to add SKE and NMB story arcs.)
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retard4846 · 2 years ago
Under the same sky (SayaMilky AU)
 “Happy 3rd anniversary.”
 Sayanee whispered to Milky’s ear while both sitting side by side with their body touched on the rooftop, looking at the vast dark sky and its countless stars. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
A memory that will be forever in Milky’s mind.
A memory.
“Hey, so we got some work to do this afternoon.” Said Yuihan her best friend, her class mate and her partner for the drama show their university theater team will held in 3 months.
“We got to send this proposal to potential sponsor…are you listening to me” she asked, knowing that Milky hadn’t move a bit since she sat down in the chair next to the girl.
“Ah, sorry what did you say?”
“What is it?” Yuihan glanced at Milky’s phone.
Milky didn’t want to answer it at first.
“Sayanee?” Yuihan guessed.
“Someone tagged me in a post with her.”
“Who’s that motherfucking insensitive bastard?”  Yuihan took the phone from Milky’s hand and check it herself. It was her girlfriend, Haruka.
“Oh…umm…I’ll tell her later if I meet her.”
Milky just shook her head lightly.
“She looks happy now.” Milky said.
A silent crept between the two girls for a while.
“Well, you are happy too, aren’t you?”
“Yes. It’s just…it’s nice to see her achieving her dreams.”
That was what Milky said, but Yuihan could see clearly the emptiness in her best friend’s eyes.
Milky suddenly changed the topic to the drama show. Yuihan explained about it once again without questioning or mentioning anything about it again and they went to finish their duty after eating.
Paruru visited Yuihan in her apartment late in the night. She also had quite a lot of things that day but she wanted to eat some late-night snack with Yuihan so, she came.
“Why did you tag Milky and Sayanee together? You know how Milky feels about the breakup still, right?” Yuihan confronted Paruru when they were sitting face to face in front of the gyudon, Yuihan’s favorite food, and melon bread, Paruru’s favorite.
“I know. But Sayanee is my friend just as Milky is your friend.”
Yuihan looked at Paruru confused.
“I know how she feels.” Paruru added.
“You got me lost here.”
 “Sayanee did it all for Milky.”
It had been 2 years or so since Milky and Sayanee broke up. It was not a nice one if one had to say. Sayanee had betrayed Milky. At least that was how Milky knew it. Then, Sayaka went away, far away to the place that she always wanted. Milky didn’t really know about this because there were no more ‘they’ for them. It had been Sayanee or Milky  since.
Milky’s heart was broken, that is for sure.
She never heard anything about Sayanee after. For the longest time, her life felt empty. But as people always say, time is the cure. Slowly but sure, Milky felt okay. Terribly okay, in fact.
But she never thought that it would feel like a lightning struck when she saw or heard her name again. She didn’t know why. It was just like that.
And what about Sayanee?
Sayanee betrayed Milky, it was true. She made it that way. Because she realized that if she kept being with Milky that time, they could never achieve their dream. With a bit of a selfish thought, she decided to make as if she didn’t love Milky anymore. So, she could get away. Just a few months after their third anniversary.
She made it.  
There was this sort of relieve at first. Then she felt sad. Milky was everything to her. The sadness, she couldn’t explain. But she had decided and she determined. She thought that she’ll comeback after she settled herself. Although she was not sure if Milky will be alone by that time, but she thought that she needed to take the risk. For both of them.
Paruru knew about this, even though not from the start. Sayanee only told a fragment of her side of story to Paruru after they ended up having a conversation where Sayanee had no other choice but to tell her best friend about it.
 Sayanee was playing a mobile game while lying on her couch when Milky came and bring some foods for her. Something that she did sometimes when Sayanee’s parents were not home. Milky put the big plastic bag with two meals for their dinner on the table.
She approached the older girl and sat at the space beside Sayanee’s leg. She looked at her girlfriend who was still focused on her phone.
“Am I just gonna be here watching you for hours?” she asked.
“What? Of course, no.” Answered Sayanee quick. She let her right hand off of her phone so that she could see Milky’s face.  “Come here.” she grinned and tapped the small space left beside her body telling Milky to lie down with her.  
Milky moved her body heavily as if she didn’t want to do it. Meanwhile Sayanee getting her right arm ready as Milky’s arm pillow. She then pulled the eyesmile girl closed to her body. Wrapped her tight.
“My baby.” Sayanee said.
Milky also wrapped her arms around her girlfriend’s body and felt her warmth as she hugged her.
“I told you to just come here first then we can order from here.”
“It will cost us a delivery fee while I can just get the food on my way here.”
Sayanee gave her small girlfriend a peck on her forehead.
“Let’s play together. You tap this button when I tell you, okay?”
Milky didn’t say yes, but she played along.
“Tap! Tap! No, no, no.”
Sayanee screamed and they were laughing together.
They lost the game.
“Did you tap it wrongly on purpose? Huh? Answer me honestly miss.”
Milky smirked and sticked her tongue out a little.
“You…you have to give me a kiss as punishment.” Sayanee pushed her lips to Milky’s direction.
“Aaaa….” Milky looked away and tried to hold her girlfriend’s body with all of her strength from getting closer. But Sayanee was strong and managed to kiss Milky slightly on the cheek.
“Next time, I’m gonna aim for your lips.” Sayanee teased. She fixed her position.
Milky did the same.
“Anyway, what are going to do after this? After school, I mean.” Sayanee asked when they were already in a comfortable position.
That question got Milky think a little. She didn’t really know what she wanted to be but there was one thing she always sure about. She wanted to go far away from home to continue her study. She wanted to know how it feels to miss home.
“Let’s go together.” Sayanee said.
“Hey, Milky...Are you listening to me?”
That brought Milky back to her sense.
“Oh, sorry. What is it, Kei?”
Years passed and they were all graduated from university. Milky got her job, so did Sayanee. She got a pretty good position in the place she lived.
“Are you spacing out again? I see that you do that a lot lately.” Kei, Milky’s co-worker, was seriously concerned about her.  
“I just, I got some stuffs in my mind now.” She replied.
“What is it? There’s a company dinner this evening.”
“Can I skip it? I feel a little bit dizzy.”
Milky naturally hated crowd, but that day her head felt heavier than usual indeed. She just wanted to go home early and sleep. Kei understood and she told their boss that Milky might have to skip it this time.
Meanwhile, on the other side, Sayanee was back in town.  She called Paruru for a meet up. Paruru was with Yuihan by the time Sayanee called her. That evening, the three ended up having coffee together in a café near Paruru’s workplace.
They were talking and talking. Mostly the two best friends, catching up things.
“So, how’s Milky?” Sayanee looked at Yuihan all of sudden.
“She’s…” in her mind, Yuihan wanted to be angry at Sayanee. She wanted to ask her a bunch of questions about why she did what she did.
“She’s great!” she said at last.
“Is she with someone right now?”
“Are you?”
“I’m coming back for her.”
Yuihan just couldn’t believe what she heard. Although she knew quite a bit of it from Paruru, but hearing that sentence coming out from Sayanee herself, she couldn’t help but wondering how it seemed so easy for her. Like, there was nothing wrong and there’s never a heart that’s broken.
“I personally prefer that you never comeback.” Yuihan voiced out her opinion without thinking about what Sowon would think of her. By that time, her phone rang.
A call from Milky.
“Yuihan, can you pick me up? I’m not feeling good.” Milky said over the phone.
“What happened? Where are you?”
“I just feel a little dizzy. I’m outside my office now.”
“Okay, just stay where you are. Don’t go anywhere.”
Sayanee and Paruru knew that it was from Milky. The short girl asked about what happened but Yuihan refused to say it. Yuihan packed her belonging. Just when she was about to leave her seat, Sayanee grabbed her hand.
“Where is she?” She gave Yuihan a serious look. “Let me pick her up.”
“Are you kidding me?” Yuihan took turn to look at Sayanee and Paruru. She was kind of hoping that her girlfriend would be on her side and say something to Sayanee to get rid of that idea, but Paruru didn’t say anything.
“Woah” She looked away in disbelief.
Sayanee didn’t let go of her grip.
“I’m gonna punch you if you don’t let go of my hand.”
“Do it. Punch me. As long as you let me pick her up.”
“You crazy bi…”
Sayanee strengthened her grip to Yuihan’s hand.
Yuihan shook her hand off hard and swung the other hand to punch Sayanee. She didn’t hold back. Sayanee got pushed back and probably would already fall if she didn’t grab her chair. The sound was so loud that everyone inside the café was looking at them. Sayanee got the end of her lips bleeding. She wiped it as she stood straight back up to face Yuihan.   
“Thank you.”
The short girl packed her bag and walked out soon as Yuihan told her the address.
“Now Milky is gonna hate me forever.” Yuihan muttered.
Paruru grabbed her girlfriend’s hand but she shook it off.
“I don’t want to talk to you anymore today.” Yuihan avoid her girlfriend’s gaze annoyingly.
Milky waited patiently for Yuihan to come and get her. She was checking her phone when a white fancy car stopped in front of her. The door opened and she was so shocked to see Sayanee coming out of the car. Her heart beat so fast. Memories started to flash in her head. She almost couldn’t breathe at that moment but she tried not to show it.
Sayanee with bleeding lips and the skin around it that started to getting darker was only inches away from Milky. The girl was quite sure that Sayanee said something to greet her, but she couldn’t hear it.
The she saw Sayanee smiled at her.
“What are you doing here?” suddenly Milky’s heart filled with rage.
“I came to pick you up.”
“No, I’m waiting for Yuihan.”
“I get this from Yuihan so that I can pick you up instead.” Sayanee pointing at her lips.
“What do you want from me?”
“I want you to let me to take you home and maybe say a few words on the way.”
Milky wanted to say something but her headache was getting worse.
“Are you okay?” Sayanee grabbed Milky’s body that was getting weaker. She guided Milky to her car and took her bag. Milky didn’t have any other choice but to let Sayanee did it.
“Should I take you to the hospital instead?” The stoic girl asked when she sat on the seat opposite of her.
Milky told her that she just wanted to go home. Sayanee complied.
Then she remembered she had some medicine for headache in her bag and insisted Milky to take it. It made Milky feel a little better.
There was a silent between them for a moment after that. Before Sayanee broke it by saying sorry. She knew that Milky wouldn’t going to forgive her as easily but she wanted Milky to know her true intention. Hoping that at least she would understand.
“You fucking said that we’ll go together!! But you left me!!!” Milky wanted to scream those words in front of her ex-lover, but she didn’t. Instead, she looked outside the window. It felt like she stayed still while the people, the building and the trees were moving past by her.
“I want to be a successful person for you. And I realized back then if I kept being with you, I would only get distracted and I wouldn’t achieve this.” She paused. “I know that a lot of things could happened. That includes you probably found someone better than me. But I’ll risk it all cause I think you deserve someone great.”
Milky only reciprocated after a while.
“Have you ever thought that you’re using ‘I’ so much?”
Sayanee was surprised. She never really paid attention on her speech.
“If you have to be away from me to be successful, then you don’t need me in the first place.” Milky continued.  “You don’t have to comeback.”
Those words cut deep into Sayanee’s heart. Milky was the only thing she could think of when she was away. Or maybe she was wrong? Maybe she only thinks about herself all the time.
“I don’t want to be in your way…”
“No, that’s not what I…”
“I don’t want to reap something that you worked on so hard all by yourself while I was not even there to cheer you up.”
Sayanee wanted to say a lot of things, but she couldn’t get herself to say anything.
“You can drop me here.” Milky said.
The car stopped. Milky took her bag at the back seat and opened the door. Sayanee wanted to reach her ex-lover’s hand. She wanted to tell her to not go. She felt like she did, but she didn’t. Her hands tied tight where they were. She stared blankly at the empty seat while Milky closed the door and faded away.
Where did all go wrong? Sayanee asked herself. When did all go wrong? Maybe from the start? Maybe somewhere in between? It’s not important. She knew the consequences. Milky’s gone. Sayanee couldn’t fix it.
Milky walked back to her house carrying her bag that felt heavier all of sudden. She loved Sayanee. She did. She never cared about what Sayanee would become. She thought that whatever it would be, they could get through it together.  So, the moment the stoic girl explained everything in the car, she knew that they were not meant to be together. Sayanee was better without her.
She was happy for Sayanee though, it was also true. She just thought that they had a future together.
Maybe in another life.
If I miss you which I am sure I will, I’ll look up and remember that at least, at the very least, we’re living under the same sky.
Thank you for reading this silly fanfic again. If you wondered why I kept making SayaMilky’s fanfic was bc I don’t know what ship should I write for 48G fanfics. Lets say I use sayamilky as my default characters for my OS. Let me know if you want any ships to be written!
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haremdeyukooshima · 4 years ago
Adventures in Art School: OS Box. 35. Favor (#Atsumina) 36. Seasonal Menu (#RinoRie) 37. Not Often Spoken (#FuuMiru)
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sei-tan48 · 8 years ago
The Outcast and The Exiled: Chapter 34
Brought to you by Gay Idols & Co. and co-written by sei-tan48 and @tyrant-king-toru​
I’m tired.
Chapter 34:
Sayaka’s ears twitched as she slowly woke up, listening for any other sound other than her and Miyuki’s breathing, and the wildlife outside her home. Instead of getting up or opening her eyes, the shewolf took her time taking stock of her current state. Her whole body ached but the kind of ache that would be brought upon by a day of training but by making sure that her mate wouldn’t be able to walk for a week. She didn’t have to check to know that Miyuki was on top of her, mostly having fallen asleep after their last bout of lovemaking.
‘Last night...’ The shewolf’s eyes shot open as memories of what happened the night before came rushing back. The memories hit her like a charging grizzly bear, the things she did to her mate caused her face to darken as she blushed. It was then she felt the wet patch beneath her, it spread out from her hips and all the way to her knees. A stark evidence of how… eager she and Miyuki were last night.
She couldn’t believe she’d done all of things to her mate last night or even know what compelled her to do such… base things. Was it the mead or the damn elixir she’d stupidly taken? Did Miyuki plan to give that elixir to her or she just had one so she could study it? So many questions came into mind, making her confused and giving her a hangover that she wasn’t supposed to get. Still, despite these thoughts, there wasn’t an ounce of regret about last night. She had enjoyed it a lot, judging from the wet patch she was laying on and wouldn’t mind doing a repeat.
As long as Miyuki told her before hand and when she was sober, of course.
The shewolf was disturbed from her musings when she felt her mate shift on top of her, making certain parts of the human’s body brush against her in delightful ways. No, she wouldn’t mind doing it again. She raised her head to watch her mate slowly rouse from slumber, brushing away any stray lock of hair that would disrupt her view.
“Good morning.” Sayaka greeted when Miyuki finally opened her eyes.
Miyuki returned the greeting, rubbing away the sleep from her eyes before shifting around so she  could snuggle against the shewolf’s side instead of laying on top of Sayaka. Her movements were slow and cautious, most likely because her whole body ached from being fucked so good.
A grimace formed on her face once she got comfortable. “It’s wet.”
“I’m surprised it still is…” The shewolf waited for Miyuki to say anything else for a moment. When no further complaints came from her mate she continued. “Are you alright? I think I may have gotten too rough on you last night.”
Miyuki remained quiet, causing the shewolf to think she's was right about being too rough, until she felt a nip right under her collarbone. "You worry too much. I enjoyed every moment, and apparently so did you."
Sayaka blinked before laughing. She couldn't argue with the fact, wrapping her arms around Miyuki, she turned on her side, no longer wanting to rest on the stain they made last night. Burying her nose in the human's hair, she took comfort in her scent. "I just wanna lay here forever."
Miyuki returned the embrace, a hand resting on the tail wrapped around her, gently running her fingers through the fur. While not as soft as Kumi's, it had it's own charm point. Like the fact that it was attached to her favorite shewolf. Her stomach rumbled angrily, breaking the comfortable silence between them.
Sayaka tried to hold back another laugh before she felt her mate weakly slapping her shoulder. The human didn’t look embarrassed about the noise but instead she looked indignant. “It’s your fault. You wore me out last night.”
“Who’s fault was it to leave that pouch with me last night then?” The shewolf retorted, grabbing Miyuki’s hand to stop the assault. “Did you plan to leave it there or did you forget about it?”
Sayaka’s tone was merely curious not accusing and Miyuki felt somewhat relieved about it. She had expected that the shewolf might be angry with her for taking advantage of Sayaka in an inebriated state but from the looks of it, the shewolf was fine.
“I didn’t, I left the pouch there so that the vials won’t break just in case I walk into a table or something. I was going to try and talk you into it but when I came back outside well… you were just… you just made huge mess down there last night.”
Sayaka couldn’t stop a smirk form on her lips. “Do you want me to clean you up then? It won’t take long then we can get breakfast.”
“No!” Miyuki wriggled her hands away from Sayaka’s grasp to give the shewolf a weak girly punch. “I’m sore already. I don’t think I could take anymore than just a soft touch, I’m still having trouble trying to move my legs.”
“I should get some food then. I doubt our house has anything edible here since I haven’t been here for months.”
“Our house?” Miyuki repeated the phrase, surprised that Sayaka is giving her claim of the place.
The shewolf gave her mate a quick kiss on the lips. “You’re my mate and we’ll be bondmates soon. What’s mine is yours and what’s yours will be mine as well.” Sayaka beamed happily at the blush that spread across Miyuki’s face, glad that she can still coax a shy reaction from her mate. “Do you have a taste for anything specific or should I just go hunt something?” The shewolf asked a moment later, her fingers lightly gliding down Miyuki’s arm. She’s been dying for the chance to re-explore her hunting grounds, the home was always surrounded with rich game, that she’d occasionally drag back to her pack when she felt like sharing.
Sensing what her wolf wanted her to say, she rested a hand on Sayaka’s teasing touch. “Go hunt something, I’ll prepare whatever you catch...and bring me some clothes. Because someone tore my robes in half again.” Miyuki huffed, remembering to punch the shewolf for ruining, yet another good pair of clothes.
Chuckling lightly, the shewolf rolled out of bed, locating her abandoned leathers on the ground. Sniffing them, she deemed them still wearable, before heading to her closet. “They’re a bit old, but they should fit you.” She trailed off, pulling out a pair of leathers, similar to what she wears everyday, except it covers up a bit more of the body. She stopped wearing this pair after she became Alpha. Testing to see that they were still good, she turned around and presented them to Miyuki. “After everything gets settled, I’ll have a better pair made for you.”
“You better. Though I think still have my things back at Sakae camp.” Miyuki sat up slowly to lean against the headboard to watch the shewolf place leathers at the foot of the bed. It will take a while for her to completely recover and be able to walk.
“I’ll find your things for you and bring it here.” Sayaka stated as she put on her leathers, not waiting for Miyuki to tell her to look for it. When she finished dressing up, she sat on the bed next to her mate and leaned in for a kiss. Miyuki was a bit surprised at the shewolf’s sudden forwardness but accepted the kiss nonetheless. “I’ll come back as fast I can.”
Miyuki nodded. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” Sayaka gave her mate one more kiss before leaving.
Miyuki let out a contented sigh when she heard the front door slam. She was now able to see what the shewolf’s room looked like. The door to the room was right across the bed, to the left of it was the closet and on the left wall was a window that provided her a glimpse of the river that flowed nearby and Namba’s settlement. The other things that occupied the room were two bedside tables, flanking the bed, a desk that she hadn’t noticed the night before and a few lamps scattered about on any furniture they can stand on.
There wasn't anything special about, nothing extravagant or flashy but it was quaint and homely. She stretched her legs, wincing a bit when the spot between her legs gave off a small ache of pain. With how rough the shewolf was on her last night, she’ll be tender for several days and would have trouble walking for the rest of the day. She’ll take care of the soreness later, once she got a hold of her herbal kit but right now she’ll just have to figure on what to do while the shewolf was gone.
The shewolf started to make her way back to the settlement, moving on a slow jog to make her reach it faster and give her time to take in the sites of her home. Casting aside the memories of the siege, Sayaka felt truly happy to be back home and excited to show her mate more of Namba. When she reached the settlement and looked at the carnage left by the festivities. A good number of shewolves were simply passed out on the tables or on the ground. The kegs that had been filled with mead were empty and a few broken ones that flooded the ground with mead.
All in all, it was the usual mess that would come after a party that they’d have.
She was searching for a couple of shewolves that would hunt with her, it’ll make hunting down food faster. She sighted a shewolf standing by the kegs, trying to fill a mug with whatever mead was left in there. It was too early to drink anything other than water but that didn’t stop a few shewolves to try and get drunk, again. Their mead just somehow makes everything feel nice and perfect so it wasn’t a surprise that many shewolves would drink at a daily basis.
Approaching the shewolf, she noted it was a familiar face. "Didn't you have enough last night, Airi?" Sayaka spoke, causing the shewolf to jump, her mug slipping from her grasp.
"Fuck- Don't do that! You made me drop my mug."
"Good, now you can come hunt with me." The Namba Alpha laughed wrapping an arm around her companion. She looked around, trying to find any other able bodied shewolves, but spotted no one.
“Just the two of us?” Airi exclaimed, a panicked look crossing her face. Fortunately, Sayaka didn’t seem to notice it.
“Well nobody seems to be around.” The Alpha shrugged. “I think the two of us should be enough to bring down a buck or a couple of elks.”
Airi swallowed nervously. Being chosen to hunt with the Alpha should be considered an honor but the way Sayaka coordinated a hunt showed how much of a sadist the Alpha can be. Their hunts with the Alpha can be a bit long with Sayaka preferring to stalk her prey for hours and hours just to scare the wits out of the poor soul while some shewolves just wants to get it over and done with, because their stomachs demanded it.
But then she can’t say no to her Alpha. “How about I look for some more people to join us? I think that would make the hunt more faster.”
“A sound idea.” Sayaka agreed. “I’ll wait for you near the entrance for the eastern hunting grounds. I’ll be scouting ahead for some prey.”
Airi ducked away from the Alpha’s grasp and walked away in a brisk pace, hoping that she’ll be able to find someone to go with her.
Sayaka looked up when she heard footsteps approaching where she was sniffing the ground, following the scent of a buck and possibly a stag. As soon as she reached the hunting grounds she had shifted into her wolf form and started searching for prey. She’d found the tracks of the deer she was currently following.
Three wolves broke through the treeline. She recognized Akari’s pure white fur, Airi’s dark brown and Mayu’s patchy white and grays. She snapped her jaws at them, a bit annoyed that they took a while to get here. The other wolves bowed their heads meekly and straightened up when Sayaka led the way. They were able to find the tracks with ease, Akari’s trained eye was able to find more obvious trails left by their prey.
Mayu shot Airi a dirty look as they readied themselves for a long arduous session of needlessly stalking their food. Akari didn’t mind this task though, she enjoys toying with their prey as much as Sayaka does that’s why she came along willingly while Mayu took a bit of persuading from Airi.
Akari took over in leading their small group in tracking their prey. As a scout she was much better at this role while Sayaka was better at leading them on how to take down their prey. Compared to the other three Sayaka was the biggest wolf, she towered over them by an inch or two which is one of the reasons she was the Alpha of Namba. Her lumbering size was a testament of the underlying strength under her soft fur. It did help that she looked quite intimidating in this form.
The tracks led them to a bubbling stream and not too far away from them was the deer that they’ve been tracking. It was a young buck, drinking off the cool waters. The poor thing would be no match against them but they still need to be cautious in approaching it, a kick to the head would mean death to any wolf. With their prey found, Akari let Sayaka take the lead this time, allowing the Alpha to lead them closer to the buck without it noticing them. Her part was done and she’ll be doing her best to assist in taking down the buck without getting blood on her fur.
They readied themselves for several hours of stalking and scaring their prey but was surprised when Sayaka surged forward, rushing towards the buck with the intent to clamp her jaws around it’s neck. The buck noticed a moment too late, as it let out a pained cry, just before its neck was broken from the sheer force of Sayaka's jaw strength.
Mouth covered in blood, the Namba Alpha dropped the dead animal to the ground, she flicked her tail motioning for someone else to carry on their back, adrenaline was still coursing through her body, along with the taste of blood in her mouth. She was sure the rest of her clan wouldn't mind fresh meat today. Once sure the buck was secured on Airi's back the small hunting group continued on.
Akari was having fun sniffing out and following hidden tracks that no one else could really see, finding the small pack strong and healthy animals with lots of meat on their bones. Much to her dismay, Sayaka insisted that the white shewolf kill something, to bring back to Kei, else she'd had to put up with whining over stealing her mate for a few hours.
Sayaka nudged Akari who was busy trying to wash blood from her fur in a nearby stream. Another flick of her tail signaled they were heading back. This morning's hunt was definitely a blessing of luck for the shewolves. They acquired two adult bucks, a deer along with her newborn fawn, and small family of rabbits. All four of them were carrying something back, some lighter than others.
The other three had expected a hunt that would last half day with the Alpha and were surprised by change in the shewolf’s habit but they were still happy that they finished it quickly and still have time for breakfast.
Sayaka lagged a bit behind as they walked back to the settlement, picking off berries that she’ll take back to her mate. Mayu took this chance to talk to her friend, since they hadn’t had the chance. They’ve been understandably busy for the past week but now things were starting to calm down, Mayu slowed her pace so she could walk beside the Alpha.
“I’m surprised.” She started, making Sayaka pause from her berry gathering.
The Alpha carefully dropped the berries on the pouch she had, making sure that she didn’t pick anything poisonous by accident. “Surprised about what?”
“We didn’t spend the whole day stalking our food in the forest.”
“Miyuki’s hungry so I didn’t want to waste time.” Sayaka explained, gesturing to the pouch and the buck leg she’d torn off. “I’ll bring this to her as soon as we get back to the settlement.”
Mayu didn’t comment about the change in the Alpha’s habit or about how whipped the formidable Alpha was now instead her thoughts went back to last nights events, particularly the shewolf’s announcement. “Before I forget, congratulations! It’s about time something else occupied your time besides ruling Namba and loosen that stick up your ass.”
“I do not have a stick up my ass.” Sayaka grumped, half tempted to slap her friend with the buck leg. “Why do you all say that?”
“You’re a prude. That’s why.” Mayu felt the Alpha’s tail slap her but didn’t say anything else in reply. They let the sound of their footsteps fill the silence between them, their thoughts wandering to more somber things. “The funeral pyre for Aina and the others will be ready tonight. We’ll hold it under one of the Sylvan trees, so the gods will welcome them in the afterlife.”
“How did you find…” Sayaka swallowed hard, unable to finish her question but the other shewolf understood where it led to.
“Not in the prettiest way and not something I would share with anyone.” Mayu shook her head when the Alpha was about to say something. The shewolf recalled the gruesome image of Aina’s dead body, she felt rage bubble within her but she squashed it down. There was nothing they could do now, they’ve avenged Aina and the rogues defeated. “I’d rather that the rest of us remember her before all this mess.”
Ogasawara Mayu was a Diener for Namba, a job that counters the shewolf’s jovial and humorous personality. It wasn’t the worst job to have in Namba but it was still difficult to be the one to prepare the bodies of their fallen friends, to be the last one to see them before being burned at the pyre. Sayaka couldn’t fathom how Mayu still managed to smile and make jokes, if it were she would have fallen into depression with thoughts of death and lost friends. There were other shewolves with that role too but her friend seemed to be the only one who smiles while the rest seem to always have this darkness about them.
“I forgot to ask…” Mayu’s voice interrupted Sayaka from her musings. “I haven’t seen Nana for the past few days. Even from the refugees that just arrived, she wasn’t with them.”
“Ah…” Sayaka uttered, unsure how to answer Mayu’s unspoken question. She had all but forgotten about Nana and her vow with Kei not to mention what had transpired after killing the Rogue Alpha. Still she should have known that this was coming. Nana had been an integral part in making Namba as strong as they are now, being a priestess for the gods and caretaker of the Sylvan’s made her quite influential. So, her absence will be noticed by everyone.
She glanced at Mayu and saw that her friend was patiently waiting for an answer. Sayaka wanted to tell the truth but didn’t want to break her vow. The Alpha was spared from making up a lie when Airi announced that they were near the gates.
“I should go.” Sayaka spoke as the gates opened for them. The mess that she’d seen earlier had been cleaned up somewhat. “I need to take all of these to Miyuki.”
The other three spoke their farewells as Sayaka walked away, avoiding eye contact with Mayu. She felt guilty not being able to tell the truth but she didn’t know exactly what to say. Hopefully, her friend would have forgotten all about it.
Miyuki had managed to stand up, a few minutes after Sayaka left. As much as she wanted to lounge around all day and recover, she was curious about her new home. She also needed to clean up the kitchen when Sayaka comes back. The bedroom was in a poor state when she found it and guessed that the rest of the house might be too.
Miyuki had managed to make the kitchen more or less usable when Sayaka returned. Just like the rest of the house, the kitchen was homely. It had the furnishings needed to make it functional but had a little bit of extra touches to make it more useful than just a cooking area. With a little bit of sorting, Miyuki can store many of her herbs here and maybe make a humble stock of medical supplies.
She heard the front door open and close, and Miyuki wiped the counter one last time before moving to greet Sayaka. The smile she had on seeing the shewolf come back left her face when she noted the somber mood Sayaka was in.
“How was the hunt?” Miyuki inquired, watching the shewolf carefully.
“Fruitfull.” The shewolf answered, she showed the human the bag of berries that she’d collected. “Thought you might be hungry, these berries should sate you until I’m done skinning the buck leg I’ve brought.”
“Thank you.” She took the bag and checked to make sure Sayaka didn’t pick any poisonous berries before picking one. Sayaka wasn’t that dumb or careless but there are still certain berries that can be harmful if consumed in large amounts. They were delicious and will sate her until the buck leg was ready to be cooked. “Did anything happen while you were hunting?”
“Not much.” Sayaka started the process of skinning the buckleg while Miyuki leaned against the counter placed in the middle of the kitchen, idly munching on the berries that her shewolf brought. “Mayu, a friend of mine, told me that we’ll have a funeral pyre for Aina tonight and for the others that died during the siege… will you be willing to come with me?”
“Of course.” Miyuki smiled, the gesture made Sayaka’s mood lift a little bit. “I’ll be there if you need me.”
“Thank you.”
Silence took over the kitchen, as the shewolf worked idly, using the her knife to skin the buck's leg. The skin could be used later for something, she didn't quite know yet. Once the meat was to eating standards, she glanced towards the hearth in the kitchen. "Let me start the fire, you can season this. Spices are in the cabinet beside you."
Miyuki nodded, walking slowly towards the table to spice the meat up, she already knew where the spices were from her exploration prior the wolf's return. Pulling out  basic salt and pepper from a cupboard, she noticed few a few unlabeled things as well. She'll ask Sayaka about them later. "Sayaka, did you forget something?"
The shewolf looked back at her mate, a lost look on her face until she remembered. "Your stuff! I can get it right-"
"After breakfast. I'm just glad you managed to remember, but I'll be needing my herbal set as soon as possible." The human spoke, as she finished rubbing the spices into the meat. Just in time to, as Sayaka got the fire started. She’ll need her herbal set to make a salve to ease the soreness between her legs. Miyuki let Sayaka take over once again, as she put the meat carefully on a grill placed over the fire. Making sure it was secured, she backed away with a satisfied smile on her face.
Miyuki approached her with a wet cloth to wipe her hands off with, before tossing it back on the counter. Snaking an arm around her mate, the shewolf pressed a kiss to her forehead. Ever since waking up this morning, Sayaka has felt extra affectionate today. Maybe it was being home, or maybe it was knowing her clan was safe, she didn't really know. But she figured as long as Miyuki was in her arms, everything was good with the world. "You know I love you right? Everything about you "
Miyuki couldn't help herself but to blush, any word of compliment from Sayaka would never fail to make her blush. "I don't know where my usually grumpy wolf has gone, but I certainly don't mind." The smile on her face only widened as Sayaka gazed fondly at her. For once, the human could see positive emotions dancing in the shewolf's eyes, and she couldn't help but wonder if this was how she was before everything happened.
"A dinar for your thoughts?" Sayaka asked, bringing a hand up to move a lock of hair out of her mate's face. She could see the question on Miyuki's face, and to her, she looked adorable.
"It's nothing, I was just wondering," Miyuki trailed off, only to be encouraged to keep going. "Was everything this peaceful before, were you happy before me?"
Before answering, Sayaka simply stole a kiss, it was long and effectively made Miyuki lost for breath. "In a way yes, everything was peaceful before, but I feel like as a clan, Namba has gotten stronger. But as for me, I've never been more happier than before I met you."
Miyuki smiled and returned to watching the meat slowly cooking over the fire, turning it occasionally to make sure that the juices don’t completely fall off. At the peripheral of her vision, she saw Sayaka fidget a bit before moving to sit on the counter. She returned her attention to the meat, turning it again before any of it’s juices could drop off.
“So where did you get this house?” Miyuki asked, breaking the silence between them.
“My parents left it for me. Despite being orphaned, I think they somehow knew that I’ll eventually come back here and wanted to make sure I have a home.” Sayaka explained. “When I arrived with Kei and the others, the former Alpha welcomed us. She showed me this place, told me that it was for me if I ever come back. It used to just be a small cottage but I added more to it, making it more livable and useful. To be honest, I don’t really know why I made this much bigger than it used to, it’s not like I have any other use for it.”
"Maybe you knew one day you'd want to start a family. So without really thinking about it, you made it bigger." Miyuki suggested, noting the smile on shewolf's face at her answer. “How much did you add to this place?”
Sayaka hummed, while glancing around. “It used to be only two rooms. Not counting the room where you come in. Anything past our room was added on later. It took weeks of long work, I remember one day it was snowing really badly, but Kei and I kept at it while everyone else opted out. I didn’t blame them, it was in the middle of winter.”
“Hmm… a clan Alpha, a hunter and now a carpenter. What else can you do?” Miyuki teased, moving to stand between the shewolf’s legs and wrap her arms around Sayaka’s neck.
“Let’s just say…” Sayaka embraced her mate, boldly moving her hands down the human’s butt. “...I have many skills.” The shewolf finished by leaning down for a kiss, her hands happily yet carefully groping her mate.
Before Sayaka could go any further, the sound of the fire hissing made Miyuki pull away. She held back a growl of frustration and grasped the edge of the counter. She had to remind herself that Miyuki hadn’t fully recovered from last night, judging from the way the human was limping. Sayaka will have to hold herself back from doing anything else until her mate gave her permission.
A knock from the front door gave her a reason to do something else other than stare. She muttered about answering it before hopping off the counter. Sayaka didn’t know who would want to visit her home at this time, other than Kei who would probably try to annoy her just because Akari went hunting with her. She won’t be needed by her clan unless something came up with the repairs or some other urgent problem needed her attention.
When she opened the door she was quite surprised to see Kumi and Yuka, the latter one carrying Miyuki’s pack and basket which she guessed was full of food.
“Sayaka!” Kumi cried out happily, falling into the Namba Alpha’s open arms. The excited kitsune buried her face into the shewolf, taking a moment just to absorb her warmth. While she did see her surrogate father last night, they didn’t have a chance to really exchange words, as the wolf was already halfway to being drunk.
“We didn’t see you at the food tent this morning.” Yuka spoke up, after Sayaka let them inside. The kitsune went in ahead and started to explore the house but eventually made her way towards the kitchen. Shouts of joy and excited chatter emanated from the kitchen towards the Alphas. “I figured that we should bring some food along to have lunch with you and Miyuki.”
“And Kumi really misses you both.” Yuka added after a moment.
Sayaka chuckled, Yuka wouldn’t willingly come visit her and Miyuki, not because the Sakae shewolf disliked them but Sayaka is technically Yuka’s in-law and the Namba shewolf felt like it was her duty to make Yuka’s life a nightmare. She was also aware that Yuka had only come here just because Kumi requested it.
“Any plans after we finish up the rebuilding?” Sayaka inquired, opting not to comment how whipped Yuka was. Her gaze shifted down to the bag of Miyuki’s things, and motioned to take it from her. “Not that you’re not welcomed to stay around, but I’m sure the Sato’s are eagerly awaiting your return.”
"Sounds like you wanna kick us out." Yuka joked, before clearing her throat. "We'll be staying for another two weeks, just to make sure there's no regrouping of the rogues around here. Then we'll be out of your hair."
"I see no problem with that. If you need supplies for the journey back, just ask. Least I can do for your help after all." The Namba shewolf shrugged, before heading to her bedroom to drop off Miyuki's things. She was grateful she didn't have any other reason to leave her mate's side for the rest of the day. Making her way back to the kitchen, the shewolf couldn't help but wonder what she walked in on as both Miyuki and Kumi had blushing faces, while Yuka was helping herself to the basket of food.
"Is everything alright?" She finally asked, as the two kept looking at her.
“Nothing’s wrong!” Kumi blurted out. “Congratulations on your bonding! When will you have the ceremony?”
Sayaka notice the swift change of subject and though she was curious on why the two were blushing so hard but decided not ask what shenanigans those two were up to. She wanted to have a stress free day, at least until tonight, so she thought that not pressing for any unwanted answers was the best way to start it. “We haven’t gotten around to talking about it yet but I take it you and Yuka will come when it’s held?”
“Of course we will!” Kumi nodded excitedly, her tails swaying back and forth as if emphasize her excitement. “Maybe we could bring the Sato sisters too and the Matsuis! Miyuki, when would you like to have your bonding ceremony?”
“Hmm…” Miyuki hummed thoughtfully, resting her elbows on the counter while keeping an eye on the roast. Wouldn’t want it to burn while she was daydreaming about her wedding… or rather bonding ceremony. “I think I would like to have it on summer, I want to see what the Sylvan trees look like at that season.”
Sayaka couldn’t help but nod in agreement. The Sylvan’s always looked great around that time of the year, that and early spring when most wake up from their temporary resting stasis from when they hibernate. She leaned forward and listen to the ideas that Miyuki wanted for the bonding ceremony, doing her best to take note of the ones that Miyuki seemed to be really eager about.
The morning and afternoon passed by so quickly after Yuka and Kumi left, Miyuki went back to resting, as her legs still felt a bit weak from last night. Sayaka on the other hand was busy checking over their home, and making a mental list of things to repair later on in the week. There were a few rotted pieces of wood from neglect over the past few months. She would occasionally pop her head into the bedroom to check on her mate, only to see that she was still resting.
Glancing outside, she could see it was almost time for the pyre. The thought of it happening caused the shewolf’s mood to drop, but she knew it had to happen. She could only hope every shewolf made it to the eternal hunting grounds with how delayed they were with the process. Carefully sneaking back into the bedroom, she approached her mate, and gently shook her awake. Watching her mate always brought a bit a of peace to Sayaka, she watched as Miyuki’s eyes fluttered open, followed by a yawn as she stretched.
Sayaka wasn’t aware that she spaced off, as she felt her cheek being stroked. Coming back to reality, she tilted to head, and pressed a kiss into her mate’s palm. “It’s time to head for the funeral pyre.” She whispered, reaching out to help Miyuki sit up. “Can you walk?”
Miyuki nodded, before attempting to stand up. Her legs felt a little better, but she still needed a bit more support from her shewolf. “I’ve got you.” Sayaka spoke a moment later, her arm wrapped around her waist. “We’ll take it slow.”
“Thank you.” Miyuki muttered gratefully. She leaned heavily on Sayaka, giving the shewolf whatever comfort she could offer through contact.
They walked quietly towards where the funeral pyre was to happen, the shewolf leading down the river where a Sylvan tree was perched precariously on the bank as it drooped over the bank, it’s leaves almost touching the water. Miyuki would have considered this another beautiful sight but the mournful atmosphere around her only made her see how sad and weary the tree looked.
Along the treeline stood shewolves, waiting for the ceremony to start and allowing those in charge of preparing the pyre work. The shewolves that blocked the path towards the bank parted for Sayaka and Miyuki. They met up with Kei and Akari, the two standing closest to the bank and in front of them, floating in the water were several rafts. Each one had a pyre, ready to be lit and taken away by the current.
The Alpha and the Beta met each other’s gaze before Sayaka broke it, turning around to face that have gathered. She sighted Yuka and Kumi amongst the Sakae crowd, nodding towards them in acknowledgement. “Miyuki, why don’t you and Akari stay with Kumi for a bit.”
“Alright.” Miyuki acquiesced, stepping out of Sayaka’s embrace but kept hold of the shewolf’s hand. Akari kissed the Beta’s cheek, her tail lazily caressing Kei as she walked to stand beside Miyuki. “What are you and Kei going to do?”
“We’ll make just a few prayers and send our sisters home.” Miyuki nodded, finally making her way to Kumi and Yuka. She stumbled a bit but Akari was quick to keep her steady. Sayaka and Kei made their way to the water’s edge.
The priestesses began their prayers using their ancestors tongue. Their voices were low, almost a murmur but the shewolves clearly understood what they were saying. The forest and river seem to come alive, responding to the ancient language that they only hear on such rare occasions or long ago in the past.
Sayaka looked at Keira, leading the chorus. The pup had been Nana’s protege, someone her friend had treated more like a daughter than a student. Now with her friend gone, she’d been forced to take on the role as a High Priestess too soon. She was young, far too young to take on such a heavy burden and should be enjoying her youth instead.
She felt a stab of guilt from inadvertently ruining someone’s life.
“Let’s send them home.” Kei spoke, placing a hand on the Alpha’s shoulder to guide them towards a bonfire by the bank. Two archers were waiting for them, prepping the arrows they need to use to light up the pyres.
Sayaka and Kei each took a bow from the archers just as the priestesses began pushing the rafts off the bank. A eulogy wasn’t needed for this, the scent of tears from those who grieved and the prayers from the priestesses were enough. They nocked the arrows, aiming high before releasing them.
Everyone watched with baited breath as the arrows sailed through the air, before landing on the rafts. The fire began to spread, slowly as the rafts moved further away. They fired arrows two at a time and not once did they ever miss. By the time they had lit the last pyre, Sayaka’s eyes were blurry, barely able to see past the tears welling up in her eyes but still managing to stop them from falling. The last pyre that had been set ablaze was Aina’s and as she watched the raft be taken away by the river she felt the pang of loss in her heart.
She and Kei leaned against each other, arms wrapped around each other’s waist in an attempt to comfort the other. They felt like pups again that Aina would coddle and make sure that they’d eaten when they were on their walkabout together.
The chanting died down, as everyone remained silent. It was the final act before the service was over, where everyone would watch the last raft fade away, the silence was for their respect of their fallen sisters.
Wiping her eyes, Sayaka glanced up at the sky, the sun was nearly gone for the day. By the time the sun was fully down, her sisters would be in the eternal hunting grounds, about to enjoy one of many blissful nights, watching over those still remaining on the ground. Feeling Kei shift, the two turned to face the crowd, they were waiting to be dismissed, and with a nod they slowly began to do so. Kumi and Yuka hesitated in taking their leave but the Sakae Alpha thought better of it, Sayaka might want to be alone with Miyuki right now.
The two continued to stand at the bank, just holding each other, unaware of their mates coming towards them. Only when they were pulled away from each other, and being embraced by their mates did they realize what happened. Sayaka buried her face into Miyuki's neck, hot tears streaming down her face. The human was trying get best to comfort her.
Looking over at Akari, she noticed they were both crying, but Kei was in worse shape than Akari. Both of them were blaming themselves for failing but Miyuki thought that Kei was taking it much harder than Sayaka.
She kissed the top of the shewolf’s head, it wouldn’t do for the rest of Namba to see their Alpha like this. “Let’s go back home and get some rest. Tomorrow is another day for us.”
Sayaka took a deep breath, forcing herself to stop the tears. They waved their goodbye at Akari and Kei though Akari was the only who saw it before leaving.It was time to finally stop the tears, she’d shed enough and there’s no more use in crying. They had nothing to worry about now, except for the little things in their life.
“Thank you.” Sayaka muttered once she was sure she was in control of herself. “Let’s go home.”
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the48letters · 6 years ago
Lazos Del Destino #1
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Lazos Del Destino
Nuestra Historia Comienza en una Escuela primaria de la Región De Osaka.
-Buenos Días Niños. De ahora en adelante una nueva compañera nos acompañara, ella es una chica que ha ingresado a nuestra escuela. ¡Preséntate por favor!.
Todos los niños Con una mirada de encanto al ver a su nueva compañera.
-Me… llamo Miyuki… eto! Soy de nara  Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu!- Dijo en un tono muy bajo.
Todos los niños aplaudieron maravillados por la belleza de la nueva compañera de clase.
-Muy Bien Miyuki Siéntate en ese pupitre en la parte de atrás-
-¿En ese al lado del chico? Respondió Miyuki con un tono de voz muy bajo.
Todos los compañeros  soltaron una carcajada…
Miyuki  se encogió de hombros mientras la maestra trataba de calmar a los niños.  Después de tomar asiento miró  a esa persona. Solo para darse cuenta  que esa persona tenía una mirada perdida.
Miyuki la vio con extrañeza.
-Niños el día de hoy estudiaremos kanji saquen su libro por favor. –
La  clase prosiguió
-Bueno niños la clase ha terminado, Hora de jugar.
Dos segundos después Todos los niños Salieron al patio excepto por esa persona y Miyuki
Un silencio incomodo… se formó en la habitación
-Hola…Dijo Miyuki en un tono de voz casi Imperceptible
Eto…Lo siento
-¿por qué te disculpas?-
-Por Mi…
¡YA-MA-MO-TO! (una voz en tono burlón se  escuchó  desde la ventana del salón)
Miyuki y Sayaka voltearon apresuradamente para ver de qué se trataba.
En la ventana del salón. Se divisaban cinco figuras de compañeros del salón.
-Si- respondió  en un tono incómodo pero apresurado
Detrás de la escuela.
-¿Cómo ves? Ahora ya eres todo un hombre la  chica nueva te ha dicho chico-
Todos los compañeros se reían fuerte mente mientras comenzaba a rodearla.
-¿A Qué jugaremos hoy? Hummm. ¡Ya se!
El primer empujón vino de una de las niñas detrás de ella, Todos y los demás comenzaron a empujarla hasta que cayó al piso.
-¿Qué pasa Yamamoto a poco te dolió? – jajá-
Un Chico la tomó de su playera cuando un grito  se escuchó a lo lejos.
-Mire maestra se lo dije- Dijo Miyuki con un tono de preocupación en su voz
-Niños ¿qué están haciendo?
-Corran, ahí viene la maestra-
Todos los niños corrieron despavoridos a ocultarse.
Miyuki Corrió deprisa hacia donde ya hacía Sayaka en el piso.
-¿Estas Bien?-Dijo Miyuki con preocupación
-Gracias- Respondió  Sayaka
-Ya no te tendrás que preocupar por esos niños tontos, Desde ahora yo te protegeré-
-¿Por qué haces esto?, ni siquiera me conoces.
-Lo hago para disculparme del grave error que cometí, en verdad lamento haberte confundido  con un chico. Pero es que ese pelo tan corto confunde em.-
Sayaka Soltó  una pequeña carcajada.
-Gracias-Dijo Sayaka aun riendo
-De ahora en adelante no estarás sola, yo estaré contigo y si  intentan tocarte un pelo, se las verán conmigo.
-Sí, de los poco que tengo- dijo Sayaka en tono burlón.
Miruki mostró una sonrisa en su rostro, una sonrisa que maravillo a Sayaka. Y Después de ello una enorme carcajada.
Las dos Rieron hasta que les dolió el estómago.
El Tiempo ha pasado y ha llegado la primavera
Esa época en donde los cerezos florecen. pero también es una época muy triste para muchos y para muchas, ya que es época de graduaciones.
-Así que es tiempo de separarnos- dijo Miyuki con lágrimas en los ojos-
Lo se,pero no hay que estar tristes,- Dice Sayaka mirando directamente a los ojos de Miyuki
-Sayanee  de verdad como odio a mis padres por su culpa me separare de ti,No te volveré a ver-
-¿Recuerdas los que me dijiste aquella vez. en la azotea de la escuela?
-Si el destino realmente quiere que estemos juntas no importa lo que pase  en el futuro nos volveremos a encontrar-
-Lo se.- Dijo Miyuki  con cara de alivio
Ahora  déjame ver esa sonrisa.. Vamos!!! -Dice Sayaka Jalando los cachetes de Miyuki tratando de formar una sonrisa en ellos -
A lo que Miyuki respondió con una sonrisa.
-Vez, Todo estará bien.
-Mira tu papá ya vino por ti- Miyuki Inmediatamente después de escuchar esas palabras  abrazo fuertemente a Sayaka
-En verdad Deseo con todas mis fuerzas que nos podamos ver- Dijo susurrándole al oído
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rukakikuchi · 8 years ago
My Fanfiction/Writing compilation post
@jurina-holic suggested I do this, so here’s a majority of what I could find. (There were some others I dropped since I hadn’t touched on them in a while, and I also removed the links to some of them. I’ve also done collabs with other writers, so I may have missed some fics if I wasn’t the one who originally posted them.)
*Now updated to include some of my more recent projects, as well as original writing outside of just fanfiction!
Fire and Ice (JPHIP forum) *Completed* My first fic ever! - Saeyaka; Link
Black Chocolate (JPHIP forum) *Completed* Mayuki; Link
My eternal blue rose (JPHIP forum) *Completed* I was super emotional... - Saeyaka; Akimoto Sayaka grad fic; Link
Tengoku Sousenkyo: Crusade and Revolution (JPHIP forum) *Completed/Dropped* One of my first collabos, with Shinoki; the second half was dropped - 48G; general elections 2013 and 2014; Link
Shiroi x Kuroi Tenshi (JPHIP forum) *Hiatus/Dropped* Former collab with lezperv - Atsumina; Link
Kamen Rider: TWIN (Tumblr) *Dropped* Former collab with @wshinoda, Kamen Rider W AU - Saeyaka; Link
Dishonored (JPHIP forum) *Completed* Collabo with my now good friend, MayukiIsLife aka @furukawaakane4223 - Multiple pairings; Link
Samurai Princesses (JPHIP forum) *Ongoing/Hiatus* Collabo with Cometerz48 - DIVA; Link
Reunion/Together Forever (JPHIP forum) *Completed OS* DIVA/Saeyaka; Link
REBORN (JPHIP forum) *Hiatus/Dropped* {{Note: Dropped in 2014, rebooted in 2016-17}} One of my bigger projects, had a few collaborators, but now, it’s just me and MayukiIsLife - Multiple pairings (Kojiyuu, Atsumina, Mayuki/Saeyuki, TomoTomo, etc.) {{Original}}, JuriSaku {{Reboot}}; Link
Tentomu chu!! desu~ (Tumblr, AsianFanfics) *Dropped* Tentomu chu, 48G; Link
Alice and Cinderella (JPHIP forum) *Hiatus/Dropped* Collab with MayukiIsLife - Multiple pairings; Link
NMB Gakuen: Rock Star meets Pop Idol (JPHIP forum) *Hiatus/Dropped* Collab with MayukiIsLife - NMB48, SayaMilky; Link
Namida Surprise (JPHIP forum) *Completed OS* Birthday fic for Shinoki - You POV fic; Link
The Creed (JPHIP forum) *Hiatus/Dropped* Collab with MayukiIsLife - Multiple pairing; Link
Bukiyo Taiyou (JPHIP forum) *Completed OS* Based off Ep 4 of SKE48 Ebisho - You POV fic, SKE48; Link
Bara no Kajitsu [Fruits of a Rose] (JPHIP forum, AsianFanfics, wattpad) *Completed* Recently picked this one back up after a break - NaaMako; Link
Bite Me (JPHIP forum) *Hiatus/Dropped* Collab with akb48couples - YuiParu, SayaMilky; Link
Hell Girl (JPHIP forum) *Dropped* Collab with MayukiIsLife - SaeYuki; Link
The Legend (JPHIP forum) *Hiatus/Dropped* Collab with MayukiIsLife - Multiple pairing; Link
December’s Kangaroo *Hiatus/Dropped* Collab with MayukiIsLife - AiriMayu, ChuriYuki; Link
Collab Collection w/ Sky (aka @skylarkdragonstar) (JPHIP forum) Link
AKB Host Club (JPHIP forum) *On-going* The start of what would be MANY collabs with Sky - Multiple pairings; Link
PRISM (JPHIP forum, wattpad) *On-going/Hiatus* Yokoyama Team K; Link
48G New Gen pairing OS collection (JPHIP forum, AsianFanfics) Link
*Alice Syndrome trilogy is also on wattpad*
Blood Bonds (JPHIP forum) *On Hiatus* Saeyaka; Link
Night Wind’s Deed (JPHIP forum, AsianFanfic) *On Hiatus* Collab with MayukiIsLife - Furuyanagi, WMatsui; Link
Just One Night (AsianFanfics) *Completed OS* Halloween/Horror collab with MayukiIsLife and our friend Heaven - Self insert; Link
The Black Rose (JPHIP forum, AsianFanfics, wattpad) *Completed* YukiRena; Link
Rendezvous with Fire and Ice (JPHIP forum) *On hiatus* Collab with MayukiIsLife - Furuyanagi, WMatsui; Link
GekiBlack OS Collection w/ @almightyyuna​ (AsianFanfics) Link
Love is Serious, When War is Involved (JPHIP forum) *On Hiatus* Former collab - Furuyanagi, WMatsui, SaeYuki, Furumarion; Link
Trick or Treat (AsianFanfics, wattpad) *Completed OS* SKE Halloween OS; Link
All I Want for Christmas (JPHIP forum) *Completed OS* X-mas OS - WMatsui; Link
Collab Collection w/ Michael (MayukiIsLife) (JPHIP forum) Link
Remnants of You (JPHIP forum, wattpad) *On-going* WMatsui; Link
Hypno Puppy (Wordpress) *Completed OS* Collab with @akb48girldaisuki - Link
Infinity II (AsianFanfics, wattpad) *Complete* Sequel to “AKB Kagekidan Infinity” - SaeYuki, SayaMina (Ruka x Maria); Link
Time Travelers in Tokyo (JPHIP forum) *Hiatus* Collab with miyumi - WMatsui, Saeyaka; Link
One final bow, one last encore (Tumblr) *Completed OS* Mayuki; Link
Even in a dream, I’ll go beyond time to meet you (Tumblr) *Hiatus/Dropped* WMatsui; Link
Café 48 (JPHIP forum) *Dropped* Maid café AU; Link
Lethe and Mnemosyne (Tumblr) *Completed* Two-part fanfic as collaboration with @yuri-or-death; WMatsui, contains angst and mature content, 18+; Part 1 and Part 2
Black Star (Tumblr) *Completed OS* Collab with @yuri-or-death; Jurinee *Main*, WMatsui, SayaMilky, JuriSaku; mature content, 18+; Link
Sakura’s Doll (JPHIP forum, Tumblr) *Completed OS* JuriSaku one shot; Link
Spoil Me (Tumblr) *One-shot* JuriSaku one shot, mature, 18+; Link
Magical Sweetheart Sakura Kiss (wattpad) *Ongoing* Lesbian magical girl, just for fun; Link
La Vie En Rose ~A vampire love story~ (wattpad) *Ongoing* My first IZ*ONE fic, vampire/supernatural fantasy AU; Link
Hope you like them! ^w^
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kirameiteinai · 6 years ago
(There's never a better reason to translate lyrics than dedicating it to my gay ship and gay fanfic... so: )
NMB48 - The Desirer
How much longer Can you keep on holding your own breath? You can’t swallow what you want to say forever And never spit them out
Are you learning How to give up without getting hurt? What a gloomy way to live You should quit that from today
Woo Fall in love with someone Like you want to hold them in your arms Woo Live the way your heart wants to It’s fine to live more wildly Being hindered by reason is just stupid
Seizing something so tightly That your nails leave marks on it Have you ever? Ask yourself right now If you can’t find Anything you want Then this life is worthless Don’t doubt and just reach out! To desire
What lies have you told To try to cover what? Are you trying to be nice and kind So you can avoid conflict?
Woo I don’t care about being loved And I don’t have the time to wait for it Woo Only fools hold back their strength When they hug someone If your love is that fragile, just break it
Holding something so calmly Without marking it with your own nails Quit this now! That kind of passion is not enough Scramble for it Cause harm for it Shed tears for it Even so, reason cannot stop it This desire
We all hold out our hands And our pursuits know no limits It’s our nature This instinct is our life Be it sorrow Be it joy They’re all one moment’s satisfaction It will never be filled up This desire
Seizing something so tightly That your nails leave marks on it Have you ever? Ask yourself right now If you can’t find Anything you want Then this life is worthless Don’t doubt and just reach out! To desire
(Original lyrics under the cut: )
NMB48 - 欲望者
どれくらいの間 息を 止めていられるんだろう? 言いたいことを溜め込んだって 吐き出さずにいられないよ
傷つかない諦め方を 覚えようとしてるのか? 鬱陶(うっとう)しい生き方なんて もう今日でやめにしよう
Woo 誰かのことを愛して 抱きしめたいって思うみたいに Woo 心の望み通りに もっと野蛮に生きればいい 理性に邪魔をされるなんてくだらない
爪の跡 残るほど 握りしめ掴んだものがあるか? 今 自分に問いかけろよ 欲しいものが 見つからなきゃ 生きている価値がない 迷わずに手を伸ばせ!欲望
どういう嘘をついて 何を誤魔化してるんだ? 優しさとか思いやりで 摩擦を避(さ)けたいのか?
Woo 愛されるのは好きじゃない それまでの時間 待ってられない Woo 抱きしめるその力を 手加減しようかなんて愚かだ 壊れそうな愛など壊してしまえよ
爪の跡 残らない 冷静な掴み方なんかやめろ! まだ 足りないその情熱 奪い合い 傷つけて 涙とか流しても 理性では止められない欲望
人は皆 手を伸ばし 際限なく求めようとする性(さが)だ その本能が生きること 悲しみも 喜びも 一瞬の Satisfaction 永遠に充たされない欲望
爪の跡 残るほど 握りしめ掴んだものがあるか? 今 自分に問いかけろよ 欲しいものが 見つからなきゃ 生きている価値がない 迷わずに手を伸ばせ!欲望
0 notes
haremdeyukooshima · 5 years ago
Masterlist fanfic Sayohyou
Se ha actualizado la sección de fanfic en español de la autora Sayohyou asi que entren que de seguro existen fics que no sabian que existian.
Fanfics generales Link: https://hkt48wotalove.wordpress.com/sayohyou/
Fanfics Kojiyuu Link: https://hkt48wotalove.wordpress.com/sayohyou/#kojiyuu
Fanfics Atsumina Link: https://hkt48wotalove.wordpress.com/sayohyou/#atsumina
Fanfics Wmatsui Link: https://hkt48wotalove.wordpress.com/sayohyou/#wmatsui
Fanfics Yuiparu Link: https://hkt48wotalove.wordpress.com/sayohyou/#yuiparu
Fanfics Saeyaka Link: https://hkt48wotalove.wordpress.com/sayohyou/#saeyaka
Fanfics Sayamilky Link: https://hkt48wotalove.wordpress.com/sayohyou/#sayamilky
Fanfics Tanotomu Link: https://hkt48wotalove.wordpress.com/sayohyou/#tanotomu
Fanfics Mayuki Link: https://hkt48wotalove.wordpress.com/sayohyou/#mayuki
Fanfics Kawannin Link: https://hkt48wotalove.wordpress.com/sayohyou/#kawannin
Fanfics Suukaren Link: https://hkt48wotalove.wordpress.com/sayohyou/#suukaren
Fanfics Multiparing Link: https://hkt48wotalove.wordpress.com/sayohyou/#multiparing
Fanfics Raros Link: https://hkt48wotalove.wordpress.com/sayohyou/#raros
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the48letters · 6 years ago
Lazos Del Destino #4
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La desicion mas dificil
-Ha llegado la primavera de nuevo a Osaka, Los cerezos florecen, es la primera vez que me siento emocionada por graduarme y entrar a la preparatoria.
Por lo regular esta época era muy difícil para mi, pero ahora que tengo a Miyuki junto ami no importa nada. Pronto la prepa emm, espero sea un buen comienzo.
Lo único de lo que estoy ansiosa es el taller de música, desde aquella vez en el karaoke no pude dejar de cantar, se ha vuelto parte de mi vida, por ahora solo me  dormiré, mañana es la graduación, dejare de pensar ese tipo de cosas por el momento-. Dijo sayaka en su mente mientras se acurrucaba en su cama para dormir,
-BUENOS DÍAS- dijo Miyuki bajando las escaleras con un kimono espectacular.
De inmediato los ojos de Sayaka  empezaron a brillar.
Bu..Bu...buenos días- Dijo sayaka encogiéndose de hombros.
-Que tal?-Dijo Miyuki con una sonrisa en su rostro
-te...te…..te sienta muy bien- dijo sayaka, poniéndose  de un tono rojo carmesí
-Y tu mirate nada mas super kakkoi- abrazando a sayaka.
-Vámonos ya que llegaremos tarde- Gritaron los padres de ambas
Tiempo más tarde…
-Finalmente nos graduamos felicidades chicas, Dijo miru
- Y lo mejor de todo es que… Dijo nagisa seguida de todas
-Iremos a la misma prepa-.
-El Tiempo ha pasado como agua entre los dedos, el dia de ayer  estábamos graduandonos de secundaria y ahora ya a un semestre de terminar la prepa.
Me pregunto que cosas me destinará la vida, me pregunto si podré seguir junto a mi amada Miyuki. Siento que el destino nos tiene preparada una jugarreta más.
no se si esta vez lo pueda superar.
Al Día Siguiente en la escuela.
-Últimamente Sayaka Y Miyuki han estado distantes ¿les habrá pasado algo? Dijo Nagisa.
-No lo se Sayaka me informa siempre de todo pero creo que ella misma no sabe qué es lo que pasa, ultima mente ya no se van juntas a su casa, miyuki a veces falta a clases ¿me pregunto que pasara? - Dijo Miru pensativa.
Momentos más tarde…
-Sayanee, Necesitamos hablar dijo miyuki encogiéndose de hombros.-
-¿Todo bien?- Dijo sayaka dándose cuenta que esa cálida mirada que siempre la miraba a los ojos había desaparecido.
Te espero a la hora de salida en el gimnasio, mas te vale que no faltes. Dijo miyuki con una sonrisa fingida y yéndose rápidamente.
Varias horas después..
Sayaka Se aproxima a paso veloz al gimnasio de la escuela.
-¿Que tramas ahora Miruki? Tengo un mal presentimiento de esto-
Sayaka entro  al gimnasio la luz de la tarde, Cubría a la figura de Miyuki haciéndola ver mas resplandeciente de lo habitual,
-Bien ya estoy aquí, ¿De que se trata Miruki me tienes preocupada? últimamente no se que es lo que pasa llegas tarde a la casa, Ya no hablamos antes de dormir. Nunca dije nada para no incomodarte. Pero por favor  quiero saberlo todo ahora- Dijo sayaka un poco molesta-.-Sayanee, recuerdas aquella primera vez que fuimos al karaoke, te mencione el sueño más grande que tenía en mi vida.- Lo recuerdo perfectamente pero eso qué tiene que ver con esto Miruki.- En realidad todo… dijo encogiéndose de hombros,-He estado yendo a audiciones, a Tokyo, pensé que debía de intentarlo, yo sabía que no quedaría pero un milagro ha hecho que entrase a AKB48, Me mudare a tokyo Sayanee.por fin haré  realidad mi sueño.-Dijo miyuki con una sonrisa, que rápidamente fue borrada al ver las lágrimas de Sayaka.
-¿Que pasa?-Dijo Miyuki pensé que te alegrarias por mi, ¿no lo haces?
No me  mal interpretes Miruki. soy feliz de que vayas a vivir tu sueño es solo que…
Dijo sayaka inmediatamente abrazándola.-Sayanee... ¿qué es lo que pasa? Dijo Miyuki extrañada.
Sayane la apartó del abrazo.- Buena suerte en tu viaje a tokio- Dijo limpiandose las lagrimas.
-Desde ahora Voy a ser tu fan numero uno me entiendes.- Sayaka se acercó para besar por primera vez la mejilla de miyuki.- Buena suerte Watanabe-san, Dándose la vuelta y apartándose de ella dirigiéndose hacia la salida del gimnasio.
-Sayanee- Dijo miyuki sayaka siguió caminando hacia la salida-Sayaka Porque haces esto, vuelve para acá- Dijo jalandola del brazo y sorprendiendose, la  cara se sayaka en ese momento estaba cubierta en lágrimas.
-...¿Sayane?- Dijo miyuki sorprendida. -Por favor déjame ir-.- No sayaka dime que es lo que pasa-.- Miyuki..dejame ir-. dijo Sayaka  saliéndose de las manos de miyuki.- Sayaka porque haces eso eres una egoísta-. Grito miyuki.- ¿Egoísta yo?, No puedo creer que me digas eso, ami que fue por ti  a nara porque te  extrañaba, a mi que siempre te demostré lo mucho que te he amado, a mí que esa vez que casi mueres sentí que mi mundo se caería en pedazos. Tienes razón soy una persona muy egoísta, pero sabes que tu lo eres mas, y sabes  ¿por qué?  después de todo lo que hemos pasado  ya vi que tu nunca  te has dado cuenta de mis verdaderos sentimientos, esos sentimientos que trate siempre de transmitirte con mis acciones y que ahora se sienten traicionados, Esos malditos sentimientos que ahora rompen mi corazón en trizas, Maldita sea como odio sentir esto por ti ahora. Pero tienes razón  soy la persona más egoísta de todas. De nueva cuenta, suerte en tu viaje a tokio te deseo lo mejor.- Dijo sayaka Volviéndose hacia la puerta y saliendo del gimnasio.
Varios Días después.
-Mi Mundo se está cayendo  a pedazos ahora que ella no está, han pasado dos semanas desde esa pelea. creo que ha sido la pelea más grande que he tenido en mi vida, no puedo seguir refugiándome en mi cuarto , abrazando esta frazada que usaba Miruki, tengo que volver a la escuela. No puedo dejar que esto me destruya, Vamos sayaka Tienes que ser fuerte. Demos lo mejor y alcancemos nuestro sueño de igual manera.
Sayaka Salió de su habitación para darse una ducha y volver a dormir.
Al Día Siguiente  en la escuela.
-Sayaka que te paso, estas bien te he estado llamando no contestas mis llamadas, ¿Donde esta?-.-Nagisa déjala en paz ella nos contará  cuando esté lista, lo bueno es que estas de vuelta  bienvenida sayaka-. Dijo Miru mostrándole una sonrisa y abrazándola fuertemente.
Los días continuaron su curso.  lo único que hacía sentir  Feliz y motivada a Sayaka eran las clases de música, le apasionaba tanto que  aprendió a tocar la guitarra.
Un Dia de repente antes de terminar el curso.
-Sayaka  tenemos una grata sorpresa la Universidad Royal College of music en londres Quiere ofrecerte una beca completa para que estudies en sus  filas- Dijo el maestro de música a sayaka.
-Wow, no sé qué decir en verdad  Muchisimas gracias, Y Gracias a todos esos compañeros que me estuvieron  apoyando. sobre todo a esas dos de alla atras.
Nagisa Miru  en verdad gracias  por todo. Dijo sayaka sonriendo como aquellas veces antes de que miyuki partiera de su vida.
Al terminar la clase…
Miru nagisa necesito hablar con ustedes, ¿Me esperan? Dijo sayaka guardando su guitarra en el estuche, y colgandola en su hombro.
-Estoy lista, dijo sayaka - ¿para que?- contestaron miru y nagisa
-Para hablar y decirles realmente que paso con Miyuki-
-Vamos a las gradas del gimnasio ahi les contare todo-
Sakaya les contó cada detalle,
-Esa mujer. como se atrevió- Dijo enojada Nagisa
-Sabes ahora que yo estoy por cumplir mi sueño, la entiendo un poco,hasta siento que me comporte muy infantil, la verdad, ustedes son mis mejores amigas, me conocen como soy, y  saben que estoy enamorada de ella, pero no cabe duda que jamás  desaparecerán estos sentimientos hacia miyuki.
Una vez cuando éramos niñas nos prometimos que siempre nos volveríamos a encontrar no importa que, ahora simplemente estoy a la espera de ese momento.
Pero mientras tanto  continuaré persiguiendo mi sueño.
Varios días después...
El Teléfono Suena y Miyuki Contesta…
-¿Bueno?- Si. ¿Miyuki?, me recuerdas soy miru-.-Oh, Cuánto tiempo- Dijo emocionada
hace siglos que quería contactarte pero  la verdad nunca tuve la oportunidad hasta ahora, Primero que nada Felicidades por ganar el Janken Taikai  la suerte te favorecio  pero no es para eso que te marque miyuki, la verdad necesitaba hablar contigo.- Dijo miru  en tono muy serio,-Dime Miru todo está bien ¿que es lo que pasa?-.- Es Sayaka todo parece que mañana se ira-- ¿se ira?...¿A donde?-. - A Londres miyuki y quien sabe si decida volver-, -¿Pero como?, Miru debiste de informarme de inmediato  cuando lo supiste, y ahora  ella se irá, no podre verla por última vez.-
-Lo siento pero Sayaka me dijo que no lo hiciera, de hecho ahora estoy faltando  a mi palabra diciendote esto, solo lo hago por el bien de sayaka y el tuyo ambas son mis amigas y odio que las cosas esten asi.-
-Dios mío, qué haré ahora no puedo volar  de tokyo a osaka por que mañana presentaré el single del Janken en Music Station, ¿A que horas sale su avión?-. Dijo miyuki nerviosa. - A las 10:00Pm-.-Genial asegúrate por favor de que vea el Music Station a las 8:00 Pm por favor, Me encargare de lo demás- Ok... vere que puedo hacer-... Y... en verdad muchas gracias miru no sabes lo que acabas de hacer.-
Al Dia Siguiente…
-Bien chicas el dia de hoy comienza mi viaje, en verdad no se como agradecerles todo lo que han hecho por mi las amo.- Dijo sayaka abrazandolas por última vez
Antes de partir a su viaje.
-Nos vemos,recuerden que esto no es un adiós, es un hasta pronto.
Dijo sayaka subiendo al taxi para ir al aeropuerto
- Que tonta- dijo Miru -¿Qué pasa?-. Respondió nagisa
-Olvide decirle de miyuki-. -¿Pero de qué hablas?-. -Después te explico ayudame contactarla-
Ellas llamaron en constantes ocasiones pero sayaka no respondió
-Carajo Ahora ¿qué hacemos?-. - Tranquilizate un poco miru-. Dijo nagisa dándole un par de palmadas en la espalda.
En el  aeropuerto...
-Tengo aún tiempo para ir a comprar algo de comer, mi última japonesa, ¿que comeré?, ya se , comeré takoyaki-
Ella ordenó, y comenzó a comer  Oh, mira el Music Station dijo mirándolo desde su tablet.
Me pregunto si  SCANDAL volverá a aparecer su último performance fue increíble.
Ya veremos. Sayaka comió lentamente, hasta que terminó su plato, Pidiendose  un plato de ramen para llenarse. al terminar  pagó su cuenta y se fue a migración para hacer todo el papeleo.
al terminar…
¿Que horas son? dijo fijándose en su teléfono -Que tonta lo tengo apagado-
Dijo encendiendolo,Inmediatamente aparecieron más de 15 notificaciones de llamadas perdidas de Miru y Nagisa-
DIos mío ¿Qué habrá pasado?.- Dijo marcando de inmediatamente a Miru
Una Miru preocupada responde.
-Sayaka, Sayaka escuchame porfa…...En ese momento el teléfono de sayaka cayó de  sus manos ya que en preciso momento   miyuki aparece en la pantalla de su tablet, centrando toda su atención pantalla.
En el estudio del Music Station...
-Tenemos  una invitada especial, la ganadora del Janken Taikai de este año que está aquí para presentarnos su canción de solista, Miyuki-san Bienvenida-. -Gracias por haberme invitado-. -Cuéntanos sobre tu cancion-. -Bueno esta canción se titula yasashiku suru yori kisuwoshite, En esta ocasion tuve la suerte de que me dejaran escribir la letra de la canción.- -La he escuchado se trata de una canción que habla sobre amor, ¿A caso te inspiraste en alguien?.-Si, en una muy buena amiga que ha estado prácticamente toda mi vida junto ami. De hecho, espero que este viendo esta transmisión, Quiero dedicarle este, mi primer performance a ella y decirle que, suerte en el viaje que estás a punto de comenzar, cumple tu sueño, y en verdad espero que en el futuro nos volvamos a encontrar, dare lo mejor de mi para no quedarme en el camino  y lo más importante que tengo que decirte, lamento por todo. espero escuches esta cancion.-
La Música comienza así como las lágrimas de sayaka comienzan a caer de sus ojos,
Al terminar la canción.
-Dios miyuki, porque me haces esto ahora, sabes que no puedo ir por ti, aunque muero de ganas de tenerte junto a mi. Gracias de igual manera dare lo mejor de mi.
Dijo sayaka  en su mente mientras se secaba las lágrimas  sonreía y tomaba sus cosas para abordar su vuelo.
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jr-puppy · 8 years ago
Kesshou no Namida - prologue
Kesshou no namida - prologue
It was night time in Osaka.
Soft lights from the lampost and nearby building illuminating the streets in beautiful colors. Low murmur of passerby’s conversation and laugh echoing in the air.
One lonesome girl sat on the bench, staring aimlessly at her surrounding. None of the people walked there spared her a glance. The girl stared at the sky above, it was pitch black starless sky.
She pouted.
The air was a bit chilly tonight, cold air prickling her pale skin.
She tightened her scarf to keep herself warm.
‘I’m thirsty…’
She didn’t really like the tangy taste lingering in her mouth, nor the foul aftertaste after her feeding. But when she remembered the memory of warm liquid coursing down from her throat to the rest of her body, usually it’s enough for her to keep looking for potentian feeders. Not to mention, her dependance to it.
It’s not like she’s an addict or anything near it, but unfortunately since that fateful night her needs change a bit. She tried to keep her thirst in a tight leash. As tight as possible. She didn’t want to rouse any suspicion and definitely she didn’t want to trigger any hunt in this city.
She looked around once more and sighed. ‘Another uneventful night, huh?’
“Hello there beautiful.”
The girl saw a young good looking man sat beside her. “How come such a lovely young lady like you sit here on her own?”
“Would you like a company through the night? We can have dinner and then go karaoke or something.” The guy offered her a charming smile.
The girl flashed him a bright smile. “Ara, just about time.”
“Mmmh…” the girl moaned as she relished the warm liquid coursing in her throat.
The dark alley surrounding them giving her the best camouflage. If people come across them, they’ll pass as a young couple who’s making out in the middle of an alley. Not too uncommon in this day.
Her little fang embedded in her prey’s neck, sucking the life slowly but surely. The flesh itself was quite tender, but the liquid’s taste a bit disappointing. It was a bit sour for her taste. Probably due to too much alcohol consumption, or smoking tendency.
But beggars can’t choose, can’t they? At least this will last her for few days. It was enough for her, and worth enough for her to endure his advances and groping earlier.
After filling her needs, she let the body sank in the dirt. She lower herself to check and ensuring that the man’s still breathing. The slow rise and down from his chests confirming that the man indeed still alive.
Smiling with her work, the girl started to rummage the man’s clothes and finding the wallet secured in his back pocket. She opened it and take any cash she could savage before throwing the rest of the wallet to nearby trashcan.
It was then she heard another sound besides the sound of a wallet hitting the trashcan bottom.
It was a sound of backpack hitting the ground.
The girl panicked and looked over to the alley’s entrance. Her posture relaxed considerably after she find out that it’s just a boy stand still near the entrance. His backpack stilled near his legs, and his face looked like he was about to be eaten by a predator.
Actually, the latter may be not far from the truth.
Smiling sweetly, the girl made her way to the stiffenes boy near the entrance. Such lucky day.
Said boy’s skin was pearly white, with a hint of red adorning his cheeks either of cold or embarrasment. And hopefully his blood will taste better than the prvious guy.
The girl grabbed they boy’s hand and tugged him so he stumbled into her.
‘Soft.’ The girl took a whiff of his scent and small smile graced her lips. 'And fresh.’
Without any hesitation the girl ducked in to steal a kiss and luring the boy into her lair. It’s a good thing that the boy is just a bit shorter than herself. She can play her beautiful sexy onee-san role to bait him.
What shocked her was a high-pitched girlish shriek from the boy…his voice is a bit higher than normal boy around his age.
The unexpected respond made her recoiled back a bit.
Despite the awkward situation, the girl chuckled as the rosy cheeks in front of her has set aflame this time.
“Ara~ are you not interested?”
“You shouldn’t wander into shady area at night alone~ Big bad people will eat you up.” The girl finished her sentence and sensually licked her lips. Which made the boy blushed even more and avoiding eye contact.
His awkward innocent respond made her pitying the boy, maybe he was a virgin? Virgin blood tastes even better. Tonight’s hunt went even better by seconds.
“Nee, which high school did you go?” She tried a more casual route.
After hesitating few seconds, the boy finally look up to face the girl.
“…Namba Jyogakuin…”
“Araa~~ you’re a girl?” Surprise didn’t even start to explain her expression. The expression that made the boyish girl went red again, either from embarrasment or anger, or both.
“How rude!”
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