#nix college transcripts
wyrmfedgrave · 1 month
Trump Slammed By His Alma Mater Over His Insanely Bad Economic Plan
The prestigious Wharton Business School did a mathematical analysis of both presidential nominees' economic plans - & tRump's failed spectacularly!
His tax breaks for the rich & high tariff ideas are "absolute... disasters waiting to happen."
Rump's economic plans would add $6 Billion dollars to the American deficit!!
The Democratic plans add $2 Billion to the deficit.
But, also cuts that amount in half - by raising only corporate taxes.
No programs will have to be cut...
And, a record 16 Nobel Prize winners all agree with the Democratic plans!
Don't Bet On It!!
Necessity changes all things.
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llama-head · 3 years
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Transcript Below
[Max] Hey Luke, miss me? 
[Luke] Obviously. How was your trip? 
[Max] It was good, it’s always good to see Lucas. 
[Luke] Did they break up? 
[Max] Not yet, no. I actually think they figured their shit out.
[Luke] That’s nice. 
[Max] I guess, it’s nice for Lucas. How was your week? 
[Luke] Awful as usual, don’t go to college. 
[Max] Aight.
[Luke] I was worried I wouldn’t get to kiss your cute face this weekend. 
[Max] Well, worry not.
[Luke] Ahhhh, I’m so glad you’re here. I really thought I was gonna get a text today saying not to come. 
[Max] I would’ve given you more time than that. 
[Luke] Did you talk about me? 
[Max] Yeah, of course. Lucas wants to meet you. 
[Luke] Really? I figured he’d hate me. 
[Max] Well he hasn’t met you yet. 
[Luke] Hey! 
[Max] I’m kidding, I’m kidding.
[Max] You’re great, you know I think you’re great.
[Luke] Yeah, I am pretty great. 
[Max] Humble too, the whole package. 
[Luke] I am! It’s good you’ve noticed this. 
[Max] Anything of note happen this week?
[Luke] I’m so ready to be done this semester.
[Max] How many more weeks do you have? 
[Luke] About three, so finals are right around the corner. 
[Max] That’s rough.
[Luke] Seriously it is, and my one prof is a fucking joke. Like our mid-term had nothing he’d taught us on it and I had to get it repelled off my grade. 
[Max] Damn, really?
[Luke] Yeah, most of the class did so they just nixed it off our grade completely. But, now I gotta worry if the final is gonna be the same. 
[Max] That’s really weird. 
[Luke] That’s college, shit’s weird all the time and you gotta send so many emails, to so many people. 
[Max] Gross. 
[Luke] Yeah.
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saintmachina · 5 years
I’m currently freaking out over being told that my math grades will make it difficult for me to get into college, but also that taking easier math classes will make it difficult for me to get into college. I don’t know what to do, and I feel like I might not get into college or have a future. Since you are a certified Adult™️ with an Actual Corporate Job™️, I was hoping for some of your words of wisdom? Maybe, possibly, pretty please?
Hello friend! I am but a humble bog goblin toting around two expensive degrees in a bucket and smearing colors onto my face every morning in the hopes that my Corporate Overlords will not realize I am a Child in a blazer, but I can do my best!
Listen, I don’t know what degree program you have in mind, but grades, especially individual grades, do not impact your overall college application undully, especially if those lackluster individual grades are not in the subject you want to major in. So take a breath. Apps are weighed holistically. Admissions boards will look at your grades, resume, admission essays, test scores, letters of rec, and any other materials you provide as a whole. Unless you’re applying to law school, one test score is not going to knock you out of the running, and some scattered bad grades in an otherwise seaworthy GPA is not going to make everyone reject you.
That said, its great if you can keep Fs and Ds off transcripts. But everyone has subjects they’re poor in. I under-performed in math and foreign languages my entire school career and it didn’t stop me from getting into a public BA program and private psuedo-ivy Masters program. Reader, teachers have threatened to hold me back because of my math grades since I was in kindergarten, but I just kept outperforming everyone in literature and composition and crying my way through my second try of Algebra 1 and I emerged unscathed. 
In regards to choosing coursework, I am, once again, unaware of your specific circumstances, but I advocate choosing courses you’re reasonably certain you can perform adequately in. You don’t have to be enrolled in AP and Honors for every class, and if doing so is gonna fuck up your GPA and give you anxiety, nix those classes. Focus on doing the best in what you’re good at and would like to be better in, work yourself up to a sturdy mediocre in your poor classes, and put your nervous application energy into your essays.
Also I am beholden to tell you that college is a little bit of Scam and also a little bit of Amazing and you should always, always choose the academic path that suits the most of your needs as possible. A degree is a near-necessary tool to have in your arsenal when it comes to getting a job, but most of the other tools (self-taught job skills, internships, personal connections, and interviewing and negotiating skills) have nothing to do with your major. My coursework might have helped me get my publishing job, but my job experience probably did more, and I’ve never taken a course in publishing specifically. I got my ghostwriting job and publishing contracts through applying and submitting until someone paid me, and while my creative writing courses helped make me a better writing, most of my contemporaries don’t have any under their belt. Leverage everything about your college degree to serve you at all times, including where you apply. 
Tl:dr: You’re gonna be fine, babe. Make the choice that suits your needs best in the moment, do your best to rehab any super low marks, and shore up the rest of your application to help gloss over the weak spots. You’re gonna do great.
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Only For A Moment Ch. 5
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
Pairing: Bucky X Reader
Summary: For most of your life you’d been able to keep your abilities a secret, that is until Hydra got wind of you. After years of being in their clutches, you break out when The Avengers expose SHIELD/Hydra. Since then, you’ve been on the run. Things are going as well as you could hope when you see a familiar face… Could the Winter Soldier really be in Bucharest too?
Warnings: PTSD, imprisonment, references to past physical violence.
A/N: Like I said last time. Getting into (aka only scratching the surface) of the Bucky feels that are coming. Tbh it’s Bucky/Reader feels because, this character... woo. I hope y’all love her/love reading yourself as her as much as I love her/love writing her.  Also 5 chapters in a week... who does that? I’m going to try to space them out more (1 or 2 a week prob) but... I’m just eager af because I’m having a blast writing this. 
Word Count: 1461
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@l0kisbitch @disagreetoagree
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You take a deep breath and pluck the Glock out of the air, the knives clatter to the floor released from your hold. Part of you suspects he’ll rush for them but he just sits there, hands up eyes shining and glued to the books on the bed. You de-cock the gun and tuck it in your waistband. Not wanting to take your eyes off him you lift the bag and its contents from behind you and dump them in his lap.
Immediately he begins to look through them, checking each, mouthing the title. “There was another boo-“ the spine of Silent Heroes slams into his temple, admittedly a little harder than you intended, he flinches but as soon as he sees it’s ok he visibly relaxes.
“Who the fuck are you,” your voice is low without an ounce of softness. Your gut may be telling you he’s not an immediate threat but that does not mean you trust this man.
His mouth opens to answer and snaps shut. His eyes look to the books, to the bed, the wall. Anywhere but at you. “I… I don’t really know.” He appears small to you suddenly. Like a kid that’s lost at night with no clue where to go.
The fight drains from you and you plop heavily onto the bed. He’s just staring at the book, at his photo from so long ago. Suddenly you feel guilty for going through his bag, a ridiculous emotion given the situation but it rankles all the same. “Do you really think Lombardi’s is shit?”
He lights up. A raspy chuckle escapes. “Yeah.” Your eyes meet and again he’s a different man. “Everyone thought because it was first it was best but man, Totonno’s, that was pizza.” His tongue flicks over his bottom lip and he looks ravenous, you can relate.
“The sauce,” you both longingly groan at the same time and laugh despite everything.
“Wait…” he sounds excited, like a kid on Christmas, “Is it still there?! I mean you’re not… I was… it was…” He takes a moment, “a long time ago…” with that a cloud befalls him again.
“As of 2007 it was still there slinging the best pies in Brooklyn.” You pull your phone from your pocket to check.
“So you’re not…”
You look up, “Not what?”
“Like me…” you stare confused and he says with a small dark laugh, “A relic.”
“I don’t know how alike we are but no, I’m not a relic. I’m…” honestly you hadn’t thought about it in a while, how old you were. “Fuck I guess I’m about 30.”
Your age was always an awkward subject. You’d ran away at 15 and landed in New Orleans, where you met Nix. He was a few years older but was just like you, a kid alone. He helped you get fake documents, a new birth certificate, social, everything. A new date of birth made you 18, a new last name made you someone else, and a high school diploma complete with transcripts made college an option. You can’t help but sigh, you had already killed one version of yourself before Hydra had even found you.
Google has graciously saved you from this line of thought and informed you that Totonno’s is in fact still in business. “Yup, Totonno’s is still there to this day. Thankfully all the aliens seem to be destroying is Manhattan. They’re smart enough to leave the best borough alone.”
His face breaks into a breathtaking smile that genuinely surprises you. “I guess that’s a bit of silver lining in this mess of a world.” His voice is rich and melodious. At this point you’re honestly wondering how there are so many different sides to one person.
The silence hangs for a moment. His hand runs over the cover of one of the composition books that has ‘Home’ scrawled in a shaky hand. “So…” he trails off. “Are, uh, you from there, Brooklyn I mean.”
You scoff, “No. I’m from nowhere.” That’s always been your answer. Ghost girl.
“Everyone’s from somewhere.”
You stare at him a moment, his face is open and, frustratingly kind… dammit. You slump a little, “Yeah well most people have a hometown, someplace they grew up, but I never really stayed anywhere long enough for that.” He remains quiet, giving you space to form your thoughts. “But,” your voice cracks and you clear your throat to reel in your emotions, “Brooklyn, was the first place I made a home.” The only place.
“It’s a good place.”
“It was.” And you could never go back. You stared at your phone. The little red dot marking a place that may as well have been on Mars. When the screen turned black you kept staring into it, your reflection warped in the shattered screen. When you looked up he was flipping through pages in that composition book looking so serene it almost made you want to throw something at him.
“Ferdinando’s?” he whispers. Then again, “Ferdinando’s,” as though he’s answered a question and scrambles for one of the pens on the floor. You watch him quickly jot something down.
“Oh!” It was like he had forgotten you were there. “I… just something I remembered. Sorry.”
You smile despite yourself. “You’re talking about that old Italian place in Cobble Hill?” His head shoots up. “Yes, that’s still there too last I knew. And they made a damn good cannoli.”
A small chuckle skips past his lips and he stares into the middle distance for a moment. “I,” another little laugh, “used to take dates there.” He runs a hand absently through his hair and writes something down.
His pen freezes, his eyes don’t leave the paper, “To make Him they had to kill me…” He’s so quiet you have to strain to hear, “this,” he gestures lazily to the books, “is my attempt at raising the dead.”
Mournful eyes, more grey than blue meet yours. “But I can’t pretend the bad didn’t happen too… that He, I, didn’t do horrible things.” He pulls a three subject spiral from the pile, thicker than all the others. There’s no title here. “I’m not sure what book you belong in… but if it’s this one,” he lays his palm flat on the cover, “and I think it is. I…” his voice breaks and you think he’s going to sob, “I’m truly sorry.” No tears fall but you swear you could drown in his eyes, in his grief.
A very strong part of you doesn’t want to give him anything, push him away, make him leave. Wants to shut him out. But if you’re being honest with yourself your loneliness is far stronger. And his loneliness… I mean for fuck's sake he just opened up to a woman who he only thinks he knows, who knocked him unconscious and chained him, however ineffectively, to a wall a few hours ago.
Fuck it. 
“No…” You stare at your hands, unable, unwilling to hold his gaze any longer. “I don’t really think that’s where I belong in your story.” You hear him let out a breath. “How do you know me, or think you know me, Mr… Sargent-“
“Bucky,” that crooked smile again.
“Mr. Sargent Bucky, then.” It’s a shitty joke, hardly even a joke, but he gives you a little laugh all the same.
The slight humor isn't enough to lighten his next words, “When I saw you nine days ago-“
“Nine?!” You can’t help but be alarmed. Nine days, nine fucking days he had been following you and you didn’t notice a goddamn thing.
“… Yeah.”
It hits you, “You wanted me to see you today… You wanted to see how I’d react.” He just nods. Small again despite his size, shoulders slumping. “Jesus fucking Christ.”
“If it’s any consolation you’re doing a great job laying low.” You snort. “No really,” he says insistent, “I mean you did pick the same city as The Winter Soldier, that says you know how to disappear.” There’s an awkward beat, “I don’t know that anyone else would notice you.” You don’t say someone already had, in Berlin.
“But… yeah…” He picks up again. “I saw you, your face, and I saw.” He stops suddenly his eyes  staring at his hands, balled into fists sitting on his knees, “I thought I remembered…” He just can’t get it out and his eyes find yours begging you silently to tell him he’s wrong.
You feel for him, you do, but you won’t sugar coat this. “You remembered,” your hand wanders to your right cheekbone where a thin scar runs up from there up around your eye socket, “beating me.”
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savetopnow · 7 years
2018-03-21 06 TECH now
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thewebofslime · 6 years
ARCHIVE ED MORRISSEY SHOW NEWSLETTERS × New scapegoat for Hillary Clinton loss: Huma Abedin?SHARE ON FACEBOOKSHARE ON TWITTER New Scapegoat For Hillary Clinton Loss: Huma Abedin? ED MORRISSEYPosted at 9:31 pm on December 14, 2016 SHARE ON FACEBOOK SHARE ON TWITTER 0 “The knives are out in Clintonworld,” Vanity Fair’s William Cohan writes, and they may take aim at a surprising target. Allahpundit touched on this earlier today, but it’s worth highlighting as part of the Democrats’ attempts to avoid blaming the one woman who really did lose the election. SEE ALSO: Captain Marvel isn’t awful but it’s not top-tier Marvel either (some spoilers) Few have been as close to Hillary Clinton as Huma Abedin over the last 25 years, or as quietly dedicated to protecting her boss. Now that Hillary has blown a winnable election, Cohan writes, critics have focused the blame on her inner circle for keeping her too protected — and no one’s more an insider than Abedin: TRENDING: Justice Alito shatters glass before Congressional testimony “Maybe I’m just pissed off, but I really don’t give a shit about what happens to Huma to be honest with you,” one close adviser to Hillary Clinton told me recently. He was irked, in particular, at Abedin’s seemingly superfluous breach of decorum during a post-election event. On the day after Hillary Clinton’s stunning loss to Donald Trump, this person said, Abedin appeared within the rope line while Clinton greeted her morose and woebegone supporters. “You’re staff, O.K.?” this adviser continued. “Staff is staff. You’re not a principal.” … But amid Clinton’s stunning post-election hangover, some inside the inner circle wonder if Abedin became overwhelmed by the attention, and shut too many people out. “She was enjoying the red carpet and enjoying the photo spreads much too much in my opinion,” one Clinton insider told me. “She enjoyed being a celebrity too much.” The close Clinton adviser elaborated that Abedin and the other tight-knit circle of people may have suffocated Clinton, preventing the campaign from taking in outside counsel. “The real anger is toward Hillary’s inner circle,” the Clinton insider told me. “They reinforced all the bad habits.” For instance, the suggestion had been made that Clinton should show her gregarious side, by, for instance, appearing more often on The View. (She appeared once, but Bernie Sanders, her rival for the nomination, appeared a handful of times.) According to this person, however, the inner circle nixed that idea. It seemed, this person elaborated, that even minor suggestions about changing the narrative fell on deaf ears. “Right away,” this person continued, “it was either regarded as an intrusion or a naïve suggestion or maybe someone has an agenda. And so people just stopped bothering. Where in most presidential campaigns the circle grows broader and broader, hers grew smaller and smaller.” There may be an argument to be made that Abedin cost Hillary the election in one practical way. Had it not been for Abedin’s careless handling of her e-mail connections, she would not have left thousands of messages on Anthony Weiner’s laptop for the FBI to discover while they investigated his alleged sexting with an underage girl. That prompted James Comey to inform Congress that the FBI found new evidence in the e-mail scandal investigation, which Democrats are blaming for turning last-minute deciders away from Hillary. However, that argument has to rely on a particularly uncomfortable fact: Hillary Clinton created the e-mail scandal in the first place. In fact, her refusal to use the official State Department e-mail system required her inner circle at State to use the home-brew system that intended to keep Congress and the courts from finding Hillary’s communications as Secretary of State. Democrats could argue that Abedin should have been more circumspect in choosing which device to use while accessing it, but that’s like complaining about how the staff arranged the deck chairs on the Titanic while it steamed into an iceberg. Hillary’s the author of all that followed in regard to the e-mails. Otherwise, Abedin makes a poor target for the knives. The slap at Abedin’s love of celebrity is laughable; she barely exists in the media except for her pictures standing by Hillary’s side. She did more when Weiner ran for mayor, but not a whole lot more, and mostly stopped after his second sexting scandal emerged. Apart from that, Abedin has never been a Svengali to Hillary — the authority dynamic runs in the other direction. In fact, that suggestion and the broader accusation that Hillary failed because of a palace guard that insulated her from reality seems almost … sexist. Wasn’t Hillary the “chief executive” of her own campaign? Wasn’t she supposed to be the “most qualified candidate ever,” as Barack Obama and other Democrats claimed? Hillary was “a workhorse, not a show horse,” determinedly superior in judgment and executive ability, her supporters claimed — and accused her critics of misogyny for questioning those claims. (In fact, Hillary’s supporters are still making those accusations.) Now the explanation for the loss is that Hillary couldn’t see past her own administrative assistant or unbox herself from the team she put together. This is just another embarrassing example of denial from Democrats. They nominated an unlikable and incompetent candidate with too much scandal baggage of her own creation, and then alienated even more voters by calling them bigots for noticing. Abedin makes a handy scapegoat for those unwilling to face reality. TAGS:DENIALEMAIL SCANDALHILLARY CLINTONHUMA ABEDINSCAPEGOATVANITY FAIR SHARE ON FACEBOOK SHARE ON TWITTER RELATED STORIES Eric Holder: Maybe we should pack the Supreme Court with two new Democratic justices in 2021 ALLAHPUNDIT Mar 09, 2019 2:31 PM Here we go. Chicago prosecutors are overplaying their hand on Jussie Smollett JAZZ SHAW Mar 09, 2019 1:01 PM It’s a made for TV movie being shot before our eyes TRENDING ON TOWNHALL MEDIA Washington Attorney General Issues Warning To Gun Stores Bearingarms Holy Moly: Trump Triggered The MSM (Again). This Time It Involves Bibles. 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Eric Holder: Maybe we should pack the Supreme Court with two new Democratic justices in 2021 Chelsea Manning jailed for "not believing in the Grand Jury system" Where have all the men without college degrees gone? More than half of Californians say they plan to leave as state leads U.S. in outmigration Harris: The economy is 'great'? What about all those working multiple jobs to keep up? The people who eat the same meal every day Maryland Democratic leader calls for doxxing of gun rights activist “terrorists” JAZZ SHAW Mar 09, 2019 7:01 PM “Time to dox some homegrown terrorists.” Chelsea Manning jailed for “not believing in the Grand Jury system” JAZZ SHAW Mar 09, 2019 5:31 PM And it’s on with the show, folks Justice Alito shatters glass before Congressional testimony KAREN TOWNSEND Mar 09, 2019 4:01 PM Ice-breaker Home Archive Ed Morrissey Show Newsletters About Advertise Privacy Policy Terms of Use Copyright HotAir.com/Salem Media. All Rights Reserved.
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changchang90-blog · 6 years
Use Warning With Don't Resuscitate (DNR) In Living Wills
Use Warning With Do not Resuscitate (DNR) In Residing Wills
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Now suppose about the amount of tax documents that should be rotated and destroyed yearly. When you think that glass partition is intruding your privacy, then they are often coated with window blinds. Programs typically take two years to complete, although some can take so long as three years. He/she will be able to provide a examine to the lender and have the automobile transferred to his/her lender. That is why it is essential to evaluation the drafting verify that features the topic. So, to cover up the truth, to keep away from getting found out, that the worldwide agenda is a secret enslavement plan and to efficiently implement it, the world rulers have to manage nearly each topic under the solar. Regardless of how an unintended damage was sustained, ACC helps to cover medical and remedy fees, rehabilitation prices corresponding to physiotherapy, as well as financially supporting individuals to return to their daily lives, work and independence.
In keeping with Scotland Yard, cyber-crime prices the UK financial system £27bn per 12 months. To make your task simpler, you may learn the following instructed points which will assist you in making sound funding. ACC helps with a bunch of services to help you get again to work. There are many who get comfy in group of friends. A minimum of I get a 512MB microSD with it. It further implicates that high resolution cameras are hooked up with the software to serve this objective of improved safety. • Safety is enhanced vastly: Since safety is the elemental element users want to receive with regards to park autos at a industrial, public or non-public place, fixed watch over them has to be applied on. The primary motive for that is that plenty of the benefits are intangible. In addition to, research reveal that very almost 94% of the quick messages are opened by the one that will get them.
You'll be able to send messages straightforwardly from your machine; a large portion of them are electronic. To fill out all the fields Microsoft phrase can be utilized. Numerous Kinds of Transcription Companies The sizes vary from 4×6 or 5×7 which may be simply sent to any photo printer. It is known that every one the professionals have already received a fingers on enjoy, however still there may be no break out out of learning. United Launch Alliance, which uses RD-180s to power its Atlas V rocket, not too long ago withdrew from the US Air Pressure's GPS III Launch Services competitors, saying it did not have the stock to satisfy the requirements below the ban. Microsoft Certification Offers Finest Coaching For The People What this implies is that the numbers produced under the primary formula are slightly low, but we are going to keep on with them for simplicity. These are are quickly replacing audio-only child screens, and with their impressive make a listing of pores and skin texture, it is nix shock. As an alternative of hiring a typical agent, desire one who will negotiate for you and attempt to make the deal useful in your part. Microprocessors are the gadgets in a computer which make issues happen.
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