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poor-ciceros-voring-again · 9 months ago
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poor-ciceros-voring-again · 3 months ago
Niveria/Cicero: Whispers in the Dark by Skillet (yes I did originally associate it with them because of the quest of the same name)
Rosie/Karasu: No Light No Light by Florence + the Machine
Lucien Lachance/Nicnevin: Howl by Florence + the Machine
Bismuth/Martin Septim: HONEY (r u coming?) by Måneskin
Lucien/Quinn: Fire Flies by Gorillaz (note this is an OC who named himself after Lucien Lachance. That's his grandfather :3)
Alyx/Niveria: YKWIM? by Yot Club
I come back asking for more OC song pairings!
So I asked before about what singular song fits everyone's TES OCs the most. Now I'm asking what song fits their pairings the most. Could be OC/ OC or OC/Canon, oh OR OC & OC, OC & Canon, if you have non romantic/queerplatonic pairs. I'll start:
Lilliandra/Miraak (they get two!! their playlist is so long): Carve Your Name By Mother Mother | Your Wicked Company by Harley Poe
Lilliandra/Cinnara (this one is a little more difficult): Between My Teeth by Orla Garthland or Too Sweet Covered by Reinaeiry (original Hozier)
Lilliandra & Elikar: Family by Mother Mother (this also fits for the eventual found-family group of theirs)
Elikar & Serana: Side Quest Song by Madilyn Mei (QPR tho!)
And because I saw some people asking last time if it was okay, EVERYONE is welcome to join! I wanna see everybody's OCs and songs!!
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alfea · 5 months ago
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duskingskies · 1 year ago
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Niveria · Tiefling · Sorceress
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doodlequeen44-blog · 8 years ago
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This is niveria- my Dragon age warden, hero of ferelden! It's been so long since I drew her and I'm so happy how she came out!
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poor-ciceros-voring-again · 9 months ago
My personal headcanon for it is that elven traits are more dominant than human traits no matter which race the elven parent is.
Like for my oc Niveria she looks a lot more like her Bosmer mom than her imperial father.
Another OC of mine is Orc/Nord, and he looks more like his orsimer father than his Nord mother
HOWEVER this isn't always the case, just because the elven traits are more dominant, doesn't mean they're always the ones that show! Or it could skip a generation and someone who doesn't look elven at all can have an elven looking child, if one of their parents had elven traits of some kind!
I kinda just mixed in irl genetic possibilities with it tbh
i know tes lore says that biracial children are the race of their mother, but i think that's dumb. i mean i get why a human or elf couldn't have a child with a khajiit or argonian, genetically speaking. that's not just interracial, but interspecies. however, those scientists that accidentally made a new fish could be onto something... i'm getting off topic.
Anyways. i know human/mer or mer/mer couples could have biological children that wouldn't just be "race of the mother". so does anyone have biracial characters (player character or not) and would you be willing to tell me about them and which features they received from which parent?
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poor-ciceros-voring-again · 2 months ago
What if I write more little things between my ocs. I need to finish the thing I started of when Alyx and Niveria originally meet
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alfea · 9 months ago
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poor-ciceros-voring-again · 5 years ago
She misses them a lot. They've been dead for a long time but... the trauma stuck with her. And the ghost of her father barely remembers her, but talks about his past a lot. It's a lot for her to deal with.
Skyrim oc poll- what's your characters opinion of their parents?
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thisdaynews · 5 years ago
PROTEST:CAN Embark On Nationwide Protest Against Miyetti Allah, Over the Murder's of Christians,Says Enough is Enough
New Post has been published on https://thebiafrastar.com/protestcan-embark-on-nationwide-protest-against-miyetti-allah-over-the-murders-of-christianssays-enough-is-enough/
PROTEST:CAN Embark On Nationwide Protest Against Miyetti Allah, Over the Murder's of Christians,Says Enough is Enough
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The Chtistian Association of Niveria has called on all Christians across the country to embark on a prayer walk to protest the gruesome killing of the CAN Chairman in Michika Local Government Area of Adamawa State, Rev. Lawan Andimi, by Boko Haram terrorists.
CAN President, Dr Samson Ayokunle, disclosed this during a briefing with journalists in Abuja on Thursday. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push();
He noted that the walk was aimed at rendering prayers for the country to overcome the criminals troubling Nigeria. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push();
He said that it would be difficult to believe that the government under the present administration was not colluding with insurgents to exterminate Christians in Nigeria.
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He called on President Muhammadu Buhari to overhaul the security apparatus in the country with a view to improving the safety of Nigerians.
Ayokunle asked government to label Miyetti Allah a terrorist organisation. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push();
He said, “Government should order the arrest of the leadership of the Miyetti Allah for sponsoring and perpetuating crime of Nigeria and prosecute them for all the killings in Southern Kaduna, Benue, Plateau and Taraba states, among others. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push();
“Also, government should publish names of all kingpins of the terrorists in detention and those who are being prosecuted.”
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gmartinezmolina · 4 years ago
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Repost from @el_carabobeno • MUV: Cuatro médicos de Carabobo fallecidos en tres días con sintomatología COVID Carabobo se mantiene en tercer lugar en las alarmantes cifras extraoficiales que lleva a cabo desde el inicio de la pandemia la organización Médicos Unidos de Venezuela (MUV) en cuanto al personal sanitario fallecido por complicaciones asociadas a la COVID-19. En los últimos tres días suma por lo menos tres nuevos decesos. En la nueva actualización de MUV a través de Twitter, Carabobo apareció nuevamente en el reporte extraoficial del 13 al 15 de junio. Se trata de un médico cirujano de nombre Carlos Alberto Moreno Quintana. Una médico que ejerció en Carabobo pero habría fallecido en el Hospital Victorino Santaella del estado Miranda fue sumada a esa entidad. Se trata de la doctora Niveria Thais Alejos, trabajadora de Unidad de Atención Médica Integral de la Universidad de Carabobo (UAMI). Con un post en Instagram y en Twitter, la institución confirmó la información: Lea información completa en www.el-carabobeno.com #87AñosCercadeTi #quedateencasa #noticias #news #covid19 #carabobo #elcarabobeño https://www.instagram.com/p/CQQvtlxnrJQ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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doodlequeen44-blog · 8 years ago
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Here's are some stickers I made back in '16! Niveria/Nivvy is my dragon age warden. So I had to draw her a long with another friends oc!
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thecoolkatintown-blog · 9 years ago
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Here's a couple of designs I diid! The first one is my oc niveria, the second is my friends Dragon age character. Both are drawn in different clothing. I'm trying to study anatomy more.
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poor-ciceros-voring-again · 5 years ago
OC Question Alphabet for an Elder Scrolls blog! Ask away!
A.) What is their preferred class? (Battlemage, nightblade, spellsword, ect)
B.) What is their opinion of their "homeland"? 
C.) Do they serve the divines, tribunal, or the daedra, and please explain why? 
D.) How is their love life?
E.) Worst adventuring experience? 
F.) Best adventuring experience? 
G.) Their most hated animal/creature in Tamriel? 
H.) What animals can they not resist petting? 
I.) Their opinion on necromancy?
J.) Any guilds or factions they are strictly against? And why? 
K.) What are classes they are interested in but have no talent for? 
L.) Most painful memory?
M.) What specific individuals do they consider their enemies? 
N.) What specific individuals do they consider close friends? 
O.) Favorite artifacts? Can be of any origin. 
P.) Favorite fields of study? Does not have to pertain to their class. 
Q.) Any children? Want children? 
R.) Vampire, lycanthrope, or neither, and why? And if either, what type of lycan, or are they a vampire lord? 
S.) What's their preference in terms of romantic partners? 
T.) What was the most difficult decision they've ever made? 
U.) What is their "happily ever after" dream? 
V.) What is their mental health like? Or their physical health? 
W.) Do they drink? Ale, mead, wine, or something else? 
X.) Have they ever tried Skooma? 
Y.) Do they ever wish their lives could have been different? 
Z.) What vows or promises have they made that they never intend to break? 
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I wanted to make cute art of Niveria and her dad but I got distracted and scribbled cute art of her and Cicero instead
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Decided to make a version where her lipstick is smeared and rubbed thin too cause he deserves all the kisses actually
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poor-ciceros-voring-again · 11 months ago
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Here have these I guess !!
If nothing else I can at least get consistency with Niveria and that makes me REALLY happy actually
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