#oc Niveria
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poor-ciceros-voring-again · 9 months ago
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poor-ciceros-voring-again · 3 months ago
Niveria/Cicero: Whispers in the Dark by Skillet (yes I did originally associate it with them because of the quest of the same name)
Rosie/Karasu: No Light No Light by Florence + the Machine
Lucien Lachance/Nicnevin: Howl by Florence + the Machine
Bismuth/Martin Septim: HONEY (r u coming?) by Måneskin
Lucien/Quinn: Fire Flies by Gorillaz (note this is an OC who named himself after Lucien Lachance. That's his grandfather :3)
Alyx/Niveria: YKWIM? by Yot Club
I come back asking for more OC song pairings!
So I asked before about what singular song fits everyone's TES OCs the most. Now I'm asking what song fits their pairings the most. Could be OC/ OC or OC/Canon, oh OR OC & OC, OC & Canon, if you have non romantic/queerplatonic pairs. I'll start:
Lilliandra/Miraak (they get two!! their playlist is so long): Carve Your Name By Mother Mother | Your Wicked Company by Harley Poe
Lilliandra/Cinnara (this one is a little more difficult): Between My Teeth by Orla Garthland or Too Sweet Covered by Reinaeiry (original Hozier)
Lilliandra & Elikar: Family by Mother Mother (this also fits for the eventual found-family group of theirs)
Elikar & Serana: Side Quest Song by Madilyn Mei (QPR tho!)
And because I saw some people asking last time if it was okay, EVERYONE is welcome to join! I wanna see everybody's OCs and songs!!
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doodlequeen44-blog · 8 years ago
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This is niveria- my Dragon age warden, hero of ferelden! It's been so long since I drew her and I'm so happy how she came out!
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poor-ciceros-voring-again · 2 months ago
What if I write more little things between my ocs. I need to finish the thing I started of when Alyx and Niveria originally meet
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I wanted to make cute art of Niveria and her dad but I got distracted and scribbled cute art of her and Cicero instead
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Decided to make a version where her lipstick is smeared and rubbed thin too cause he deserves all the kisses actually
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poor-ciceros-voring-again · 9 months ago
My personal headcanon for it is that elven traits are more dominant than human traits no matter which race the elven parent is.
Like for my oc Niveria she looks a lot more like her Bosmer mom than her imperial father.
Another OC of mine is Orc/Nord, and he looks more like his orsimer father than his Nord mother
HOWEVER this isn't always the case, just because the elven traits are more dominant, doesn't mean they're always the ones that show! Or it could skip a generation and someone who doesn't look elven at all can have an elven looking child, if one of their parents had elven traits of some kind!
I kinda just mixed in irl genetic possibilities with it tbh
i know tes lore says that biracial children are the race of their mother, but i think that's dumb. i mean i get why a human or elf couldn't have a child with a khajiit or argonian, genetically speaking. that's not just interracial, but interspecies. however, those scientists that accidentally made a new fish could be onto something... i'm getting off topic.
Anyways. i know human/mer or mer/mer couples could have biological children that wouldn't just be "race of the mother". so does anyone have biracial characters (player character or not) and would you be willing to tell me about them and which features they received from which parent?
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poor-ciceros-voring-again · 11 months ago
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Here have these I guess !!
If nothing else I can at least get consistency with Niveria and that makes me REALLY happy actually
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poor-ciceros-voring-again · 11 months ago
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I will probs never finish this but I just love the image of Cicero next to Niveria, he's such a little guy and he has such a large wife (who likes to wear heels a lot)
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poor-ciceros-voring-again · 9 months ago
Hello I'm here again but this time to ask you about your OCs!!! Who is your Listener? What are they like?
My Listener is named Niveria !! She Bosmer/Imperial ! She's the daughter of Lucien Lachance and a Listener from the 3rd era name Nicnevin(she was in the place of Ungolim, who is only a Silencer in my version of the lore). She was born into the Dark Brotherhood and raised alongside Ocheeva and Teinaava <3 she was taught as if she was a Shadowscale.
Tldr the events of Oblivion's Dark Brotherhood questline happen with some minor adjustments and changes -> Niveria ends up killing her mom from a distance, shot right next to the heart :( Lucien was a second too late to stop it. He sends Niveria to Anvil to figure out who the traitor actually is, but by the time she finds out and meets him at Applewatch it's too late and when she peeks in the window and sees him dead she RUNS
She stays running for 200 years. The Dark Brotherhood isn't actually looking for her, but she was only 18/19 and was panicked and still traumatized from all the terrible stuff she's been though and eventually she just got used to always going place to place, never staying in a single province for too long.
While going north to Dawnstar in 4e 201, she comes across Cicero. Normally she avoids strangers on the road after a few bad accidents where she got mugged when she was younger, but she felt almost physically compelled to help him for an unknown reason. When she finally went to leave after helping, she hears a quiet harsh voice mutter something to her, but she can't quite make out what she heard(it was the Night Mother trying to tell her Hey Bitch!!! It's Time!!! er, not with those words per se tho)
She did end up getting into the dark Brotherhood again by Astrid and became the Listener
Despite being a professional assassin, she's very kind to others. She doesn't really have a temper of any kind. She sees killing others as just a naturally occuring thing, and isn't bothered by death or blood or gore. She's good at manipulating those she seems necessary. She has her hands minorly dipped in politics and the like in order to expand the dark Brotherhood's reaches subtly throughout Cyrodiil. She's also very friendly with one of the Thieves Guild Nightingales, and they tend to work hand in hand regarding expansion of their guilds
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poor-ciceros-voring-again · 5 years ago
She misses them a lot. They've been dead for a long time but... the trauma stuck with her. And the ghost of her father barely remembers her, but talks about his past a lot. It's a lot for her to deal with.
Skyrim oc poll- what's your characters opinion of their parents?
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poor-ciceros-voring-again · 2 months ago
Me getting emotional listening to Lucien Lachance's voice lines thinking about him talking to Niveria !!!!!!!!
Like. God aaaa it's so cute. Imagining him sitting with a really young Niveria on his lap as he explains the dark brotherhood and who Sithis and the Night Mother are to her !!!!!!!
"Think of it as four fingers, and a thumb," he says as he wiggles his fingers in front of her. Niveria laughs a little and copies him. "Four fingers and a thumb !" She holds up just her thumb, "Mama," she states very matter-of-factly.
"Right you are, my child. Your mother is indeed the Listener."
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poor-ciceros-voring-again · 2 months ago
I don't know how to format sorry. But !! I think I did okay considering I don't typically write things :3
"Are you lost, friend?"
Niveria flinches, breaking her lockpick, "OH! UH-," she quickly stands up and presses her back up against the door she was trying to open, "Just uh- I forgot my- th-the uh, key! I forgot my key!"
The figure in a black robe walks a little closer as she speaks, "Yeah? Well you know. We can always call the guards to help you. I mean, if it's your place and all that then I'm sure they'd love to help you out-"
"-NO," Niveria interrupts, "It's uh, it's super fine don't even worry about it.. I totally have this. We don't need the guards at all!" She has a nervous, almost terrified, look in her eyes.
The figure pulls her hood down, showing her pale freckled face. She has a wide grin, as if this entire situation is just a joke to her. "Yeah? Alright, then tell me the truth. You know.. if you're trying to thieve then-"
"NO! No, I-I'm not! I'm no thief...!"
The girl laughs, "Good, because my people wouldn't take too kindly to a freelancer. My name is Alyx. Who are you?"
Niveria hesitates before mumbling her name nervously, refusing to look up to meet the taller woman's gaze.
"FINALLY! A name to the face I saw sneak onto that docked ship! Was it you that killed that captain?? You do NOT look like a killer. They must hire ANYONE these days, rough economy with the emperor dead and all."
Niveria's face scrunches slightly. Hire? Do people think we're nothing but a bunch of sellswords? Her thoughts are broken by Alyx's laughter.
"I'm kidding! I think it's genius to have a kid going around killing, y'know? Nobody would suspect you!"
"I'm not a kid," Niveria raises her voice a little, "I'm 16! I've trained my entire life for things like this! I won't hesitate to eliminate you and send your soul to the Void if you continue to interrupt me!"
Alyx smirks. "I mean, the Dark Brotherhood's business isn't my business." She sighs, "My business doesn't like it when I kill people. Do you know how hard it is to come across fresh corpses in this city? Hmm. Hey, how long has it been since you've fed?"
Niveria hesitates and begins to eye around for an escape route.
"Oh relax, I know you're a vampire. I can tell. I don't really care, doesn't bother me any. If it makes you feel any better, I'm a necromancer," Alyx reaches her hand out to Niveria, "Now we both know how shunned by society we are. Nice to meet you."
Niveria reaches out and shakes her hand. They're both cold to the touch. "How did you know?" she whispers. "I thought I blended in well."
"You smell of blood and death. I guess that could just be the killing, but combined with your sunken in cheeks and hollow looking eyes, which have a bit of a red tint to them by the way, it was just a good guess. So I ask again, how long has it been since you fed?"
Niveria looks down at the ground, frowning. "A lot longer than I should've."
Alyx grins and grabs both of Niveria's hands excitedly, "Okay! I have an idea that will benefit both of us! I can pick the lock for you, and we can both wait inside for your target. You kill them, and then we can share the blood, and I can have the body. Unless..do you need it?"
Niveria shakes her head, "No, uhm. I don't have to do anything special for this contract, so I guess you can... Have it?" She stares down at their interlocked hands, "Why do you uh.. need it? Like, what do you do with it..?"
Alyx moves to kneel in front of the door, quickly dancing Niveria to the side and letting her hands go. "I'll show you! Give me a few, keep watch for me. I'll be quick."
Alyx quickly picks the lock and pulls Niveria inside before a guard passes by. "Alright, let's go to the basement for a bit. When will your target be here?"
Niveria shrugs. "Tomorrow, I think? Do Skooma addicts have specific schedules? Normally I follow and watch my targets, but I guess not this time."
Alyx grabs her hand and pulls her downstairs, stopping halfway down. "Shh, wait. Do you smell that? There's a body down here."
Niveria sighs. "Well, maybe my target is already dead." She quietly heads down the stairs, drawing her dagger as she steps into the basement.
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poor-ciceros-voring-again · 4 months ago
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I think I have an elf bias because the only full human here is Frost 😭
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poor-ciceros-voring-again · 8 months ago
For the TES OC Ask Game!! 📜✨ 2 & 10 for Niveria, then 35 for Lucien!
2. What is your ocs birth sign? Does it effect the way they live their life?
Niveria was born under the Serpent. It does have an effect on her, in a way. Supposedly those born under the Serpent are the most cursed and the most blessed and honestly I do really think that describes her very well. Most blessed in the way she always finds family and people to love that love her in return. She always narrowly escapes death. Most cursed in the way that the love is usually temporary and ends in the death of her loved ones, who she will always outlive no matter what. She is destined to be alone.
10. How does your OC decorate their primary living space?
Niveria doesn't really care much for decorating. She's been very nomadic for about 200 years of her life so she's used to keeping bare essentials and isn't attached to anything aside from the white cloak her mother always wore. Her room is decorated how it was when she got there honestly.
35. After miraculously surviving a near-death experience, your OC regains consciousness. What are the first words out of their mouth, and to whom do they speak them to?
I've had to think about this one a lot. I don't think Lucien would say anything at all, honestly. Just because of how often it happens. He would just look over at Quinn, who is always there next to him when he wakes from an unconscious state. The only reason he's still even alive is because Quinn doesn't want him to die, and, well. Who can argue with the Daedric Prince of Madness himself? I actually wrote a little about this before !
Lucien lifts his head just enough for his unnatural glowing eyes to squint up at his visitor. He lets out a soft sigh and mumbles a halfhearted apology as his eyes glance over at a third individual in the room that is sprawled face down across the floor, unmoving.
There's a gentle tap on the floor next to Lucien that sounds like wood against wood, followed by a bright burst of light that fills the room. It only lasts a moment, but the light makes Lucien let out a hiss as he recoils away, covering his eyes. The body next to him disappears as if it was never there.
"Quinn.. great," his voice sounds shaky and mildly slurred, "shit timing like usual.."
Quinn sits on floor next to him, setting her staff by her side as she gently coaxes him to lay his head on her lap.
"Just in time to clean up your mess," she says, pausing for a moment to run her fingers through his greasy hair, "Like usual."
He grunts in response and wraps an arm around her, pressing his head into her stomach slightly.
"You know," Quinn trails her voice off momentarily as he adjusts, "They'd have banned you already if I didn't show up to clean the mess you leave behind. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to kill you for killing their customers."
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poor-ciceros-voring-again · 2 months ago
Another Niveria wip, this time she's older and talking to the newest dark brotherhood member, Antoinetta Marie LMFAOO
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poor-ciceros-voring-again · 2 months ago
I don't think I've ever like ?? Elaborated on what Niveria's relationship is with everyone from Cheydinhal??? No specific order:
Antoinetta Marie joins about a year before the Purification. Niveria is extremely welcoming to her and treats her like family from the start. They're almost immediate best friends.
Gogron and Telaendril helped take care of Niveria when both her parents and Vicente were unavailable. Telaendril also helped to make sure Niveria up kept her archery training that her mom gave her.
M'raaj-Dar is like a wine aunt to her and spoils her, but would never admit to it in front of other people. He's the one who gets her super into alchemy (because he wanted her to know magic but she sucked absolute ass at it and that was Close second)
Ocheeva and Teinaava were raised alongside Niveria in Cheydinhal Sanctuary. They're about 5 years older than her and treat her like their younger sibling.
Vicente Valtieri is the main person who raised Niveria (also raised Ocheeva and Teinaava) and taught her basic skills, languages, assassination techniques etc. she considers him like a father
Lucien Lachance is Niveria's actual father. He's around as often as his Speaker duties allow. He considers Niveria a blessed gift directly from the Night Mother herself and would do anything within his power to keep her safe from harm.
Ungolim is NOT the current Listener in my lore, he's a Silencer. The Listener is a Bosmer named Nicnevin, and she is Niveria's mother. She teaches Niveria to follow her own version of the Green Pact. She also teaches her archery. Nicnevin isn't as involved raising Niveria as she'd like to be, but she considers her own safety more important. Niveria understands since she was raised on the tenets and considers everything from a religious standpoint, and the Listener is high up on importance in this. And she's SO proud of her mother and likes mentioning it even she's younger. She stops when she's a bit older and higher in rank, but she's still proud. Nicnevin knows Niveria will be a Listener after she's gone.
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