#nitram x reader
myhedcanonicfables · 6 months
Tavros, Gamzee, Karkat x injured! reader
Tavros :
«hHEY YOU'RE NOT OKAY, AREN'T YOU?» Tavros just looks down at you, examining your condition if, for example, you fell or something.
This guy is really worried about the situation. He tries his best to help, with his inept support or first aid.
Even if it is something very insignificant, he wants to show politeness, show his kindness. If he could make a good impression on you, he would be able to raise his self-esteem and your's friendship.
Tavros will probably chatter about how it's nothing and such injuries (in comparison) can dont sooo hurting or take soo long, in the way like comforting....
He will talk you about his experience with wounds and bruises
Gamzee :
«WhOa! MaMmA, iT's HuRt?» He takes you by the hand, lifts you up and helps you shake off or serves as a support if necessary.
He's more likely just to make sure everything is fine cuz there are still cases when a friend needs to help. So i mean he's just not exaggerating the tragedy.
But if it's really something scary, then he will certainly sympathetically help, although with his carelessness and ineptitude he may not do things perfectly.
In fact, he doesn't really care about it as a result, as long as you're okay.
Karkat :
« HEY! BE CAREFUL!» Like the Gamzee, he lifts you up and serves as a support.
Swears if it's something serious. «YOU'RE GOING TO DIE AT THIS RATE». But if it's nothing and you complain to him too often, he also swears that you're a crybaby
After that, Karkat can laugh at you or vice versa in risk place he hold your hand for safety, occasionally reminding you of your lack of care.
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abandonedafterimage · 6 months
I can feel my Homestuck interest coming back soooo
You guys should send me Strider requests, or just homestuck requests in general. the striders are my fave tho (yes, also Bro)
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Its been a while so some of my homestuck knowledge has left my brain, so what some things are called have probably left my brain. but thats not gonna stop me.
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sludgewolf · 1 year
Their Love Language pt1
Characters: Aradia Megido, Tavros Nitram, Sollux Captor, Karkat Vantas, Nepeta Leijon
Disclaimer: do not copy, repost, take or feed to AI or NFTs anything I post
Aradia Megido
Quality time/ gift giving
Basically a crow, she's always bringing little somethings that reminded her of you
enjoys just existing by your side, you can each be doing whatever while in the same room that she's happy
Tavros Nitram
Words of affirmation
He's a nervous baby that needs reassurance so his lusus is always comforting him
Now being with you he ends up mimicking that and is always telling you how much he loves you or how good you're at certain things or whatever he feels like telling you
Sollux Captor
Acts of service/ Gift giving/ Cursing at each other
Now, Sol is shit at communication, so shit that instead of telling you he loves you he just calls you a motherfucker or a little bitch
never using your name, instead calling you nicknames or affectionately using a curse that, at this point, you just accepted as being another nickname
But mostly he shows his love through giving you random games he made or fixing your computer
He may not be physically be your side but Sollux is always up to playing games together
Karkat Vantas
Tough love/ Quality time/ Yelling
He's one of the most carrying trolls you've ever met, but he can't express his love in a non aggressive and shouty way
But Karkat does care, a lot actually, he just expresses it by yelling at you to be more careful or for you to sleep a normal time or even for you to not forget eating
The time you spend together at his hive he's always making you something to eat, covering you with the fluffiest blankets he owns and showing you the cheesiest and shittiest romcoms he has
Nepeta Leijon
Physical touch / Quality time
Cuddle bug and she's not sorry
Nep craves deep conversations in the dead of night, it's when she feels like she can truly connect with you
Also outfit sharing, she loves to see you in her clothes and wearing her sign
it's just a way for her to make sure you're warm and protected from the elements and other trolls
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br4inr0tx · 2 months
Hey! Sorry for taking so long. I recently did a show of Brigadoon (I was an ensemble villager, so I had a shit tone of dance routines to remember) so I had little to no time to write this out. 😓
Nonetheless! Here’s your matchup, @xxchthonicreaturexx !
tw - discussion of mental disorders, discussion of unhealthy coping mechanisms, and toxic relationships (kinda, it’s vampires idk man)
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Your Diabolik Lovers matchup is… SHU SAKAMAKI !!
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• I love Shu, and I’m glad you fit with a character I think is a silly guy.
• I think with his cool demeanor, and your slightly more upbeat and hyper one, you’d make a perfect contrast that sticks out like a sore thumb.
• Shu isn’t a picky guy, especially when it comes to the human body. As long as you’re healthy and provide good blood, that’s all that matters. Thus, it will most likely lead him to do favors for you that you may feel unmotivated to do.
• Or not. Other times he’s tired and just bullies you until you do it yourself.
• Though he’s especially not picky with clothes. He could give less of a shit. In fact, I think he actually enjoys your cutesy style.
• The alternative twist makes it even better. I believe he’s very much into that style.
• Shu would frequently call your interests weird, but please, don’t mind him. He’s a little mean, even if he doesn’t mean it all the time. Even if he doesn’t have a care for it, he’ll end up feeding into your obsession by either buying you dolls or manga.. just because he has such a soft spot for you.
• As we all know, Shu loves listening to music. Most likely some rock and indie. You should definitely recommend him some songs!
• Do be careful when you get sassy and snappy with Shu. He’ll get you right back, usually with even harsher words. Be careful.
• He takes advantage over your shyness and conditions frequently, either trying to fluster you (like the bathtub scene) or by moving stuff around your room without you knowing, just to mess with you.
• Shu wants what he wants, and he’s going to get it. When he really needs something, he doesn’t have time for any sort of compassion. Though if you really beg him to stop, he’ll stop.
• If you try to mother him, I don’t think it’ll work too well. That goes for all of the boys. He will shut you down immediately, and do whatever it is for himself. There’s a possible slim chance you could get him to break when you’re officially together, but as I said it’s very rare.
• He disappears a lot, so you’ll get a lot of alone time. If he does want your attention, whether you reciprocate or not, he’s gunna get it.
• He’s been a lot of crazy and abandoned places just to be alone, so if you ever want to get back into urbexing he’s got plenty of places to show you. Don’t plan on running away though, it’s inevitable that either him or the other boys will find you.
• Obviously, he thinks your fears are weak. However I don’t think he’ll go any further than just telling you that though. He doesn’t make it his life goal to torment you with that.
• All the boys have issues, so you can connect there. I don’t think he’ll really care about that aspect though? Not that he doesn’t care about you, he just tunes it out a lot of the time. He’s a strange guy.
• Your runner up is Reiji!
• Admittedly this one’s a bit short. I’ve only watched the Anime, so if there’s more on him in the game then feel free to make your own little headcanons.
Your Friday Night Funkin’ matchup is… GARCELLO !!
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• I think Garcello would be perfect for you! This is the one match I’m not super hesitant about!
• He fits your vibe perfectly. As cheesy as it sounds, you’re each others anchor. You’re everything he’s ever wanted, and hopefully he’s what you want too.
• You’re much shorter then him. Some nicknames he’d give you are “tiny woman” or “little baby”. Garcello loves giving nicknames, and I’m sure he’d come up with more.
• He LOVES alternative styles, like, really digs it. For him personally, he prefers comfort over style, but I still think he’s fashionable in his own way. He openly compliments you all the time, and is always taken aback by your beauty.
• He finds the doll thing pretty cool too! Although he might joke around and say they’re possessed, lil goofball.
• You simply have such an amazing style he can get behind. He’s very interested in your hobbies, since he doesn’t have many himself.
• Like I mentioned, he doesn’t have many hobbies. If anything he might hop around to different hobbies sometimes just to do something. He does really enjoy singing he finds! Hopefully you two can bond over that?
• He also gives indie and rock vibes, so you’ll definitely be listening to the same music a lot!
• I’m pretty sure Garcello is extroverted, but also a lone wolf? Perhaps it depends on the day. I think he only talks to people he gets a good vibe from, or is interested in. For instance he most likely complimented your style and jokes, and a friendship blossomed, which turned to romance.
• He loves all the banter and soft bullying. It’s something he has for you to keep him on his toes, and so the both of you don’t get lost in your own heads.
• He’s quite the pessimist, so please knock some sense into him sometimes. In return he’ll act as somewhat of a guard dog, protecting you from anyone who wants to hurt you both mentally and physically.
• He’s a very intuitive guy, and can tell when you’re not at your best. You both have the same issue of not expressing yourselves until it’s too late, and even being a little hypocritical when talking about feelings. Perhaps the two of you together can start noticing each other’s actions more quickly.
• Everyone has some bad habit. His is being addicted to the colorful smoke. He may or may not overthink when you go on your hiatuses though, so please try to shoot him a text at the very least.
• He loves urbexing, and would definitely like to go on one of your late night adventures. He strikes me as a nocturnal guy anyway. (Not actually, just meaning someone who’s more active at night.)
• That being said, he’ll stay up however long you want him to, and do whatever you want as well.
• He’s another one that’s not scared hog much at all. He soothes and helps with a lot of your fears unlike the other boys, with no judgement at all. Everyone has different sorts of fears, it’s only natural he wouldn’t get all of them.
• Garcello has a handful of disorders himself, or at least in my headcanon, so I’m sure you guys can share experiences and just be in each others presence. After all, misery loves company.
• Garcello needs alarms for everything tbh, because he can be forgetful and basic human needs sometimes. He can totally relate!
• He’s very finicky with touching. He hates the idea of ever making someone uncomfortable and will never touch you unless you touch or ask him to first.
• He’s usually the driver for things, so having someone else drive is a good change in his book! He’ll talk the wheel whenever you need a break too.
• A very close runner up would be Annie! Either way, I can see the three of you having fun in your own little group.
• Garcello is a great boyfriend, and in the end, he’d do anything to see that happy look on your cute face.
Your Outsiders matchup is… KEITH “TWO-BIT” MATHEWS !!
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• I never really engaged with The Outsiders fandom, so if there’s any popular headcanons that I didn’t include, please don’t be too mad. I’m going off of what I remember as best as I can.
• I chose Two-Bit since he’s funny and adventurous, but not too mean..like Dally. Also not too skittish like Pony, Johnny, or Darry. Though saying Darry is more in a mama bear sense. He’s a perfect balance for you, same as your runner up.
• In my opinion, Two-Bit seems to be the type of guy to like curvy girls. He likes to hype you up if you ever start to question yourself.
• You both have a little bit of child like wonder. I don’t think he fits in kids clothes, but he does wear clothes more fit for kids sometimes. He’s the type of guy to come out with to most wack and embarrassing outfit, and you just have to roll with it lmao.
• Two-Bit is a little cheesy. One of his favorite things to do is kiss each one of your freckles all over your body, if you’d let him.
• So alt fashion wasn’t at its prime until the 80s, and even then it was still consider out of the norm. You’d easily become an outsider (wink). Two-Bit takes you in almost immediately!
• After learning about your doll obsession he’ll learn or give all of your dolls names depending if they have them already or not. He thinks they’re such unique collectables!
• Hearing you gush is super cute too, and often times he’ll just rile you up even more to see your reaction.
• He loves to dance with you! Whether it’s a style he’s good at or not, he likes to just jam with you!
• You’re like a cute puppy to him, though might be one in your eyes too. He gives a little bit of Golden Retriever energy.
• He’s a bit of a talker, and will happily talk for you if you needed someone else to do it for you. He very protective, and if he had it his way he’d just want to do almost everything for you.
• His whole friend group consists of friendly bullying and banter, so It’s another point where I think you’d fit right in.
• I don’t think he gets sad easily? He does appreciate your kindness though when those times do come, and will do the same for you tenfold when it’s your turn.
• He strikes me as mostly a realist, with some bigger dreams here and there. Perhaps you could ground him in some moments, and at other times he’ll convince you to be more optimistic about certain things.
• He doesn’t notice your emotions at first and how you mask, but he’ll start to pay more attention after you first broke. He felt so bad..and from that day forward sworn to pay more attention.
• He can be a little pushy sometimes, and even forget how you feel about touch if he gets excited. If you guys ever get into a fight about it, he’s surely the first one to apologize. He’s that kind of guy.
• Most times he’s mindful of your space though, and will often speak for you if people do things you’re uncomfortable with.
• He loves urbexing! He definitely wants to kickstart that old hobby of yours! (Just don’t kill anyone so you don’t need to chill in an abandoned church lol.)
• I don’t remember if he has any canon fears, but for me I don’t think there’s a lot that scares him. At first he pokes fun at your fears, but he definitely has protective boyfriend vibes.
• He’s very supportive of you, just don’t take all of his advice. Most of it consists of punching and fighting people.
• Your disorders aren’t a hinderance at all, and doesn’t usually bring them up throughout the day. After learning about them, he treats it as a normal occurrence to be treated, as it should be. He’s never mean about it.
• Two-Bit also seems like the guy to not have a strict sleep schedule, I’m sure he just goes to bed whenever he feels like it. So, You’d have someone to stay up with!
• Your runner up is Sodapop!
• Overall he’s a free flying guy that’s not too mean, and not too strict. The perfect happy middle for you.
Your Homestuck matchup is… TAVROS NITRAM !!
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Your Shark Bait matchup is… RHIN !!
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⊹˚₊⊹˚ʚ☕️੭ Equiuz, Tavros, Karkat, and Gamzee comforting their matesprit
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havent been doing the best lately, so I decided to write a little bit to make myself feel better. hope y'all dont mind lol
🎯It might take Equius a while to realize that you're upset.
🎯he's honestly pretty dense when it comes to knowing what people are feeling. He doesn't really know what he's feeling most of the time, if he's honest.
🎯So when he finally notices, or you flat-out tell him, he'll be at a loss for what to do.
🎯His first instinct is to fight whatever's upset you, but that's not always a good solution, especially when you've upset yourself.
🎯His second instinct is to wrap you in his arms and protect you from the world, hold you until you feel okay again.
🎯2/10, would not reccomend.
🧸Tavros is much better at comforting than Equius. Miles better. Tavros is an entirely different leauge.
🧸He picks up on when you're upset very easily, as he's very in tune with his emotions and that helps him tune in to everyone else's.
🧸At first, he's nervous that he's the one that upset you. He'll tiptoe around you for most of the day, trying to be as nice as possible while also giving you space.
🧸When he finally gets the courage to ask you what he's done, though, he's relieved to find out that he's not the problem.
🧸He'll let you sit on his lap and rant about whatever's bothering you, or the two of you can just sit there and enjoy the silence.
🧸He's very comforting to be around. 10/10, would reccomend.
🦀Karkat is like a happy medium between Equius and Gamzee.
🦀It takes him a little bit to realize you're upset, but when he does he's very quick to ask you about it.
🦀He tries his best to comfort you, putting on your favourite movie and buying you your favourite snacks and drinks.
🦀He'll let you cuddle up next to him and cry if you need to, and he'll let you rant for as long as you need.
🦀Beware, if you cuddle with him you will be trapped in his arms for the foreseeable future.
🦀11/10, would reccomend.
🥧Gamzee picks up on you being upset weirdly fast for a stoner.
🥧As soon as he realizes you're upset, he's got you wrapped up in a blanket chilling on the couch while he lays on top of you, waiting for you to tell him why you're upset.
🥧He'll listen to you talk for as long as he can stay awake, but don't be surprised if he falls asleep.
🥧It's the thought that counts y'all.
🥧6/10, sleepy cuddles.
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Romantic Yandere Tavros Nitram with GN human reader please?
Yesss! I love Tavros even if he isn't a very intense yandere >:) If you have ideas to make him a worse yandere I'll hear it but it needs to be in character.
Yandere! Tavros Nitram with Human! Darling
Pairing: Matesprit ❤️
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Troll/Human pairing, Clingy yandere behavior, Manipulation, Guilt tripping, Delusional behavior, Brief jealousy mention, Dubious relationship.
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Compared to other trolls I feel Tavros wouldn't mind a human darling from the start.
Sure, the concept of a human Matesprit is foreign at first...
But he doesn't find it repulsive.
Similar to how he was with Jade he probably invested himself in your journey relatively early on.
He just didn't kill off your guardian....
Tavros isn't very capable of malicious actions towards others like most of his friends.
This is actually what makes him a tame yandere.
There's a very low chance he'll hurt anyone.
Tavros and you will most likely get along as he doesn't try to degrade you in any way.
He's actually nervous to speak with you at first, worried you'll do weird advances like Dave or be scared of him.
Although chats between you are actually rather tame, often speaking to each other about your sessions and Dream Selves.
Tavros feels bery comfortable around you, he likes that you respect him and don't try to harm him or his self-esteem in anyway.
Even when he tells you he's a paraplegic you don't make fun of him or anything.
His bar for relationships is pretty low so it isn't hard to get him obsessed with you if you use kindness.
Tavros really feels like there could be a connection between you.
Admittedly it could just be some delusional thinking but he quickly wonders if you two could share red love between each other.
Even though you never met in person.
When he does meet you in person, via the Meteor or Dream Bubbles, he's ecstatic.
Vriska gave him issues for loving a human at first... then John came along so she doesn't bother him that much anymore-
Tavros would be so excited to tell you about everything he's went through since you last talked.
Regardless on if it's good or bad.
You'll probably be surprised to see he can walk, as he'll either have robotic legs or normal legs because ghost.
To Tavros it doesn't matter if he meets you alive or not, he just yearns to meet you!
Normally he'd be nervous and too shy to physically touch you or ask you about quadrants.
Although, with his new confidence boost due to his experiences, he's bolder with you.
He asks to hug you when you meet and starts to anxiously talk about various things with you.
He gives you time to get used to him before he tries to ask about quadrants.
By now you know what those are so the conversation won't be too hard.
Tavros already knows a ton more about you than you do him due to... time shenanigans?
Meanwhile you don't know much about him.
As a result, Tavros will confess to you rather quickly after he meets you.
He can't help it... he feels like he's known you forever!
When he asks you to date him as his red love he's nervous yet uses his confidence to tell you.
If you reject him, which is the most likely option, he understands and decides to wait longer before asking again.
If you accept he's happy!
He'll cling to you and mutter about how he's finally found someone!
He just hopes you don't find it too weird to date a troll... or even weirder to be dating a troll ghost-
I'd say Tavros is a patient yandere and is understanding that his darling may not like him right away as a human.
As a result he'll allow you to ask questions about him and get to know him before bringing up dating again.
Dating or not, Tavros is affectionate when he has the confidence.
He prefers his darling to give him affection yet loves to show you just how much he loves you with affectionate touches and words.
He likes to tell you how much you mean to him.
He likes to lay against you and list all the things he likes about you, hoping all the while you'll do the same-
He isn't the best at being Matesprits but he gets the hang of it.
If you're thinking Tavros would be a yandere who murders and harms others... no, he's not.
Tavros, even with the confidence boost, is the more manipulative and pathetic kind of yandere.
He's not malicious manipulative... he's guilt trip manipulative because you feel bad for him.
If he's jealous he doesn't lash out.
He silently suffers... up until you ask about it.
Then he'll tell you how he feels and asks you to limit contact with others...
He isn't forcing you... but he's hoping you'll listen to him as his Matesprit/Matesprit to be.
Although he isn't that bad to be with so you may not find him that much of a danger or issue.
Tavros has shown he doesn't care if his Matesprit is troll or human with Jade (although she found it weird and too sudden).
When it comes to a human darling he's treat you the same, nervous and anxious about his love yet showing he cares and will stand up for you.
If someone tried to take his human red love away he'll try his best to stand up for himself.
It's much easier to do with robot legs or as a ghost.
I will say he won't let Vriska hurt you.
A good Matesprit/Potential Matesprit must defend the one they love, right?
He'll try to be brave and defend you!
It would suck if you saw him weak like he was before....
All Tavros wants to do is live comfortably beside you, watching movies and being honest with each other.
Even if you reject him he is still pretty hopeful you'll love him at some point.
Maybe you just need more time?
He can't wrap his head around you not liking him the same way based on how you two interact so he's persistent.
Tavros knows about you and humans due to watching your journey.
He tries his best to tell you about himself, a bit oblivious to the fact some parts leave you astonished.
Like his entire situation with Vriska.
But there's no need to worry about the past!
The past is depressing!
Now he has you and you have him!
Things can be happy if you just choose to stay with him!
Why would you refuse?
He's adorable and great to be around...
He's... even scared you'll leave him because you won't think he's up to your standards...
Surely you'll agree to be his Matesprit at some point, forever...
You won't leave him, will you?
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How would they beta boy trolls feel if the Reader segested where they Couples costumes?for Halloween
I won't be specific here since I have no ideas for matching costumes
Male beta trolls with S/O who wants matching costumes
Reader here is gender neutral
Tavros Nitram
You didn't even have to finish your sentence and he was down to do it.
He wanted your costumes to be very detailed.
He was super excited for it so you prepared your costumes MUCH in advance.
He definitely often pestered you and asked how are your preparations going.
And when it was time to wear it he was just over the moon about it!
Sollux Captor
He thought it was a bit silly, but fuck it why not. It could be fun but don't expect him to wear anything too wild.
He wants your costumes to be more casual than anything. You on the other hand can go all in for all he cares.
But he would joke about your matching. He'd often ask you ridiculous questions that could make you think he forgot what he was supposed to dress up as.
When it came down to it though, he put in needed amount of effort. So your matching was definitely a success.
Karkat Vantas
It's stupid- let's do it, that's the kind of approach he had.
If you wanted to look like fools, then you better just make it work!
He doesn't have any preferences on how should your costumes look. Whatever will be comfortable will be fine by him.
He doesn't ask you much questions since you already agreed on everything you needed.
Equius Zahhak
He was excited about it, but he was calm and collected as he agreed to it. At the same time though- he was very nervous.
He was sure that no matter what you go for he'd sweat a lot through it. So he didn't have too much preference... Just make sure he won't get overheated or anything.
But even though he didn't have the smallest clue on how you should dress... He still kinda wanted to take the lead. So to make up for being indecisive he really took the preparations seriously.
He'd ask you if you bought everything you needed or if you even started working on it.
Gamzee Makara
He thinks it's cute so there's no problem going with it!
Just know that with him almost everything will be last minute.
Preparation the costumes themselves, ideas, even putting them on before you head out.
He's fine with any types of costume as long as you like it. He doesn't really think much about it so he just wants to see you happy.
Eridan Ampora
He already assumed you were going to match so he was surprised by you asking if he wants to match rather than making propositions as to what should you do.
He was very indecisive and often threw in some ideas while also giving yours some thought.
He wanted it all to be fancy and proper. Definitely wouldn't go for something that would not stand out.
As to preparations while he can handle most on his own, he thought it might be nice bonding experience if you were to help him...
~Mod Auvana
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somberauthor · 11 months
Write where i pull tavros up a hill so he can ride down like “wheeeeee”
this reminds me of the pesterquest route lol
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You were pulling your best friend up a hill, so he could ride down. Feel like he's flying, y'know? You two chatted a bit before you got to the top. You turned him around slowly, before letting him gaze down the (incredibly) large hill.
''You ready, dawg?'' You asked, trying not to have second thoughts
''rEADY AS I'LL EVER BE,,,'' He said, before you pushed him. ''wEEEEEEE!!!'' He then hit a pebble and got tossed out of his wheelchair. He was actually flying until he hit the ground and began tumbling down the hill. You quickly began chasing after him, yelling apologies as he screamed. Soon, you both were at the end of the hill. He was laying in the family guy pose, as he groaned.
''Dude I am SO sorry.'' You said, standing beside him.
''Oh shit''
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vikkirosko · 1 year
I wanted to request headcanons for the alpha trolls with a female jiangshi reader.
When reader died, she wasn't brought back with the help of the god tier, but was resurrected as a jiangshi (a chinese zombie/vampire).
Her body is stiff and it's hard for her to move her joints, so she stretches herself to be less stiff and able to move more freely.
Sometimes, her mind get lost while she's speaking or when people speak to her so she often change the subject of conversation or say something completely missing the point.
She paper talisman on her forehead can sometimes make people scarred of her (because her face is partially hidden).
Hi Qiqi...
Headcanons Jiangshi
♋ Kankri Vantas x fem!Reader 💬
Kankri wasn't too bothered by the fact that you became jiangshi instead of godtier. He didn't really understand what exactly it was, but you didn't look much like a zombie in those performances that were usually in the movies that he saw once. You were practically alive, but every time he saw a paper amulet on your forehead, he remembered that you weren't alive after all
You were one of those who never interrupted him. He could talk about a variety of topics and you seemed to be listening to him, periodically answering something, but at some point you could just start talking about a completely different topic, forgetting what you were talking about all this time. There was no such thing before, which quickly made it clear to him that your condition was the reason for it. He understood that you couldn't control it or fix it somehow, so he wasn't angry with you. He saw that you sincerely tried not to lose concentration in your conversation, but you didn't always succeed
He saw how some people looked at you anxiously because of the amulet on your forehead, but every time they regretted it, because Kankri began his monologue about how they should be ashamed of what they behaved like towards you. Usually you didn't pay attention to it, but Kankri couldn't stay away, outraged by such behavior of others
Kankri knew that you often forgot about everything, and secretly he was afraid that you would forget about him. He treasured you and the last thing he wanted to lose was you, one of the few who truly treasured him. That's why every time you gently called his name and took his hand, he felt relieved knowing that you still remember him
♈ Damara Megido x fem!Reader 🚬
Damara was well aware of Eastern culture, so when she saw the amulet on your forehead, she immediately realized that you had become a jiangshi. She wasn't sure exactly why it happened, but the fact that you were still alive in a sense gave her confidence. She wasn't sure if it was a good thing that you stayed between life and death, but she couldn't change that. Damara wasn't even sure that it could be changed
She didn't feel annoyed because you forgot something or started talking about a completely different topic. She understood that over time your memory would only get worse, so she gave you a notebook where you wrote everything down. You didn't want to lose the memories of the people you cherished, including Damara, so you tried to reread your notebook as often as possible so as not to forget anything
She wouldn't let anyone who tried to hurt you do that. She was rude to them even though you usually didn't pay attention to it. In a sense, you understood why others began to treat you like that. You were basically a living dead man. Your body often seemed to stiffen and your mind often clouded, but Damara continued to stay by your side and help you despite what others said
Damara helped you not to forget about everything in the world. She talked to you a lot, so even without your notebook, you forgot less. She understood that someday you might not remember her, so she tried to create as many memories as possible that would take the place of the old ones
♉ Rufioh Nitram x fem!Reader 🧡
Rufioh was very surprised when he saw what you became instead of rebirth. He saw that your condition had changed, but it wasn't godtier, so he didn't understand what had happened. It was only thanks to Damara that he found out that you had become a jiangshi. He wasn't sure if it was good, but it was definitely better than if you just died. It was this thought that calmed him
Quite often he noticed that you were trying to warm up. The reason for this was that your body often stiffened and according to you, if you stopped doing this, your body would become like a wooden doll. Sometimes Rufioh would keep you company so that you wouldn't warm up alone. He tried to spend as much time with you as possible so that you would remain the same as before
He began to notice that you periodically began to forget things. You could talk about something, but at some point you would fall silent and then start talking about something completely different. Your memory gradually got worse and Damara's according, the longer you stay in this state, the more you will forget. That's why Rufioh decided to start helping you train your memory. Every day you talked together about who you were, who he was, and a few other things that you didn't want to forget
Rufioh didn't know if it was possible to change your condition somehow, returning you to a full life or not, but he tried to spend as much time with you as possible. He hoped that you would be able to return to your normal state again, but if it was still impossible, then at least you could spend as much time together as possible while your memories were still with you
♊ Mituna Captor x fem!Reader 🛹
Mituna did not immediately understand what exactly happened to you. He saw that you didn't reach godtier and at first he thought you were dead. But pretty quickly he realized that you were practically alive. He didn't understand why the amulet on your forehead was needed, but since you said it was necessary, it means it was. Pretty quickly, he noticed that your behavior had changed slightly, but, unlike others, it did not frighten him and did not bother him
He often noticed that you began to warm up and he began to do it with you. He saw that after these small physical exercises you moved more freely, as if your muscles were stiff before. He was happy to study with you, laughing and making you laugh so that you wouldn't be so sad and thoughtful
He occasionally noticed that you might have forgotten what you were talking about, but he didn't get upset about it. He continued the conversation on a new topic, without worrying that you did not finish the conversation on the previous topic. He understood that it wasn't your fault, so he didn't take offense at you and continued your conversation with a smile
Mituna didn't know how much you could change after you became jiangshi, but for him you were still the same person for whom he had such strong feelings. No matter how much you changed for him, you remained the same as before
♌ Meulin Leijon x fem!Reader 🦁
Meulin was very worried when she saw that you didn't switch to godtier. She was worried that something might go wrong, but she breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that you got up and only after that she saw a paper amulet on your forehead. You both didn't fully understand the reason for this, but you didn't know exactly why it happened and whether it was possible to fix it somehow, but you decided to deal with problems as they appeared
One of the problems that you had was that your body became very numb and stiff. You couldn't move properly, which is why you started doing warm-ups so you could feel better. Meulin supported you and encouraged you while you were warming up
When you forgot something, Meulin reminded you of this or that thing. Sometimes, because of your forgetfulness, you forgot what exactly she was trying to tell you, but pretty quickly you began to understand each other again and she helped you remember something. When during conversations you started talking about completely different topics, Meulin continued your conversation on a new topic, knowing that then you will be able to return to what you did not finish talking about earlier
Meulin continued to love you despite the fact that you became jiangshi. She didn't think it changed you much and should have ended your relationship. You stayed by her side when she lost her hearing, and she wasn't going to leave you now when you literally existed on the verge of life and death
♍ Porrim Maryam x fem!Reader 💚
Porrim has always treated you with care and attention. That's why when she found out that when you were supposed to reach godtier something went wrong, she got very worried and headed to you. She was afraid that you had not been resurrected, but your condition turned out to be completely different from what she expected. It was like you were between life and death. In another situation, she would have called such a state a zombie, but you didn't look like a risen dead man. Outwardly, the only thing that betrayed your condition was a paper amulet on your face
Porrim has been watching you closely to find out what has changed in you. One of the first changes in you was forgetfulness. At first it wasn't noticeable, but then she started noticing that you might have forgotten some word, and then you began to forget what you were talking about with someone just a couple of moments ago. Every time this happened, she reminded you that you had forgotten, to which you smiled absentmindedly and thanked her every time. The only thing that bothered Porrim was that your memory would get even worse
She found out pretty quickly that there was another problem. This problem was that your body often began to go numb, as if to stiffen. To avoid this, you began to do warm-ups often. After that, you could move more freely. Porrim didn't rush you when you started your warm-up and sometimes worked out with you
Porrim didn't know if there was a way to return you to your initial state or help you reach godtier, but so far she didn't know if there were ways to do it. That is why she was in no hurry to change anything. While there were no drastic changes, she decided to take her time and perhaps a way to fix everything would appear later
♎ Latula Pyrope x fem!Reader 🛹
Latula was sure that you would be able to reach godtier without any problems. That's why when she found out that something had gone wrong, she was very worried. She hurried to you, but when she saw you, she didn't immediately understand what exactly was wrong. You were alive, but there was a strange paper amulet on your forehead that she had never seen before. Your speech was a little slow, but she finally realized that something was wrong when you tried to remember her name for a couple of minutes
Her friends said that you have apparently become a jiangshi. Neither you nor Latula fully knew what it meant, but she didn't think it was something terrible. You were alive and that was the main thing, and the fact that there were small changes in you did not look like something critical. Your forgetfulness didn't look like such a terrible problem, sometimes when you forgot what was being discussed and started talking about a completely different topic, Latula kept the conversation on a new topic, even if she started a conversation on the previous topic
Quite often, your muscles were stiff, so you were doing warm-ups. When Latula found out about it, she decided to help you. She understood that you wouldn't be able to skateboard in this condition, but you could do warm-ups together, after which she could skate and you sat nearby and just watched or dozed
Latula didn't know if you would change even more or not, but she still liked you. She knew that some people began to fear you because of the amulet on your forehead, but not her. She knew better than anyone else that such trifles were not a reason to stop communicating with someone, and even more so to break off such a long relationship as those that were between you
♏ Aranea Serket x fem!Reader 💙
Aranea realized that something went wrong when she saw a strange paper amulet on your forehead. You didn't know what the amulet meant either, but you knew for sure that you couldn't take it off. It was like an unbreakable truth that someone put in your head. Aranea started looking for information about what kind of amulet it was in the books and found out that you became jiangshi. She spent several hours trying to find out as much information as possible in the hope of finding out how to help you, but it wasn't as easy as she would have liked
One of the clearly noticeable problems that appeared after you became jiangshi was absent-mindedness. At first you forgot something for a few moments, but gradually you began to forget more. You could forget what you were talking about just a minute or two ago, after which you would start talking about something completely different. Every time Aranea reminded you of what you were talking about earlier, wanting to continue the conversation that you forgot about
Another problem was that your body was numb and stiff. Because of this, you had difficulty moving. To ease your condition, you started doing a warm-up every time you felt that your muscles were starting to stiffen. Aranea gave you advice that she read, but she rarely kept you company in your physical activity, preferring to spend this time reading books
Aranea continued to look for a way to return you to a full life, realizing that over time your condition could get worse, so she did not stop searching, and until she found a way that could help you, she tried to help you not forget what is still left in your memory
♐ Horuss Zahhak x fem!Reader 🐴
Horrus was sure that you would be able to reach godtier without any problems, but his expectation turned out to be wrong. You didn't reach godtier like the others, but something else happened to you, something strange. You've become a jiangshi. You both didn't know exactly how it happened and what could be done about it, so you decided to leave it as it is for now. He wasn't sure that this condition could be corrected, so he made sure that you didn't get worse
When he found out that your muscles started to get very stiff and stiff, he offered to help you. He understood a lot of things and was able to help you make a plan of warm-ups that would allow you to stretch your muscles well. Sometimes he would join you and you would warm up together. He liked spending time with you and then seeing your soft smile when you thanked him
You've become quite absent-minded. Horrus often noticed that you could forget what the conversation was about or what you were going to do just a couple of minutes ago. He helped you by reminding you of this or that thing that you forgot and even made a memo for you of the most basic things that you could forget. You began to carry this memo with you in order to read it in case of something and remember what you especially needed
You and Horrus continued to stay together even though you were jiangshi. You still didn't fully understand whether it was possible to change it, but you were still the same person he fell in love with and nothing could change it. Even if you completely forget everything, he will stay by your side and remind you of everything in the world
♑ Kurloz Makara x fem!Reader 💀
Kurloz wasn't completely sure what happened to you when he saw you. You were going to meet after you both reach godtier, but something went wrong with you. You looked almost the same as in your last meeting, but there was a strange paper amulet on your face because of which some looked at you with concern and fear, but Kurloz was more worried that you were not completely alive
One of the main problems that you had was your forgetfulness. You began to forget what you could have been talking about with someone just a moment ago and started talking about something else. But it was much worse that you began to forget the sign language thanks to which you understood what Kurloz was saying. He helped you learn sign language again and you began to write down some signs so as not to forget at least the basics and understand exactly what he wanted to say
Another problem was that your muscles often began to stiffen. Because of this, it was difficult for you to even walk. You and Kurloz came up with a warm-up plan together and practiced together. He worked out with you so that you wouldn't be so lonely, because doing sports together was more fun than being alone
Kurloz knew perfectly well that some were whispering behind your backs. You both looked a little strange, and for some frightening, but it didn't bother him. You continued to be together and nothing could spoil your relationship, neither his inability to speak, nor the fact that you became jiangshi
♒ Cronus Ampora x fem!Reader 💜
Cronus often spent time with you and shared what he learned about humans. It was thanks to this knowledge that he realized that you had become a jiangshi when he saw a paper amulet on your forehead. He had seen such characters in films, but did not expect that such a thing was possible in the real world. However, you became a jiangshi and now you had to figure out how to deal with it
Because you were jiangshi now, your memory has deteriorated. You began to forget a lot, to the point that you could forget what you were talking about just a couple of minutes ago and start talking about a completely new topic. It seemed strange, but Cronus quickly got used to it and began to remind you what you were talking about or continued to talk about another topic so that you wouldn't feel awkward
Another problem was that your muscles began to stiffen and stiffen. He helped you cope, helping you to warm up and not lose count, because sometimes you even forgot how many bends you did right during the warm-up. After such a warm-up, you felt better and could calmly go about your daily business again
Cronus didn't know much about jiangshi other than what he learned from the movies, but it wasn't like you. You were still the same person he fell in love with and with whom he had such a great time. He wasn't afraid even if you suddenly wanted to get his life energy or anything else that jiangshi needed. He loved you anyway
♓ Meenah Peixes x fem!Reader 🦈
Meenah found out that something went wrong with you only after a while. When she came to you, she didn't immediately understand what exactly happened to you. You looked pretty much the same as usual, except there was a paper amulet on your face that she had never seen before. When she tried to remove this amulet, you recoiled, not letting her do it. You didn't know exactly why, but you knew that if this amulet was removed, then your life would be over, literally
Despite the fact that outwardly you have changed little, changes have still occurred. One of them was that your muscles often began to stiffen, which is why you could not move normally. Meenah watched several times how it was difficult for you to even walk, so you started doing a warm-up, which helped you feel a little better again. Every time Meenah waited for you to finish so that you could get back to fulfilling her plans for the day
Another problem was that you became forgetful. You could forget what you were talking about just a moment ago and start talking about a completely different topic. Meenah was annoyed by this, but you tried to forget as little as possible. You wrote down important things in a notebook so as not to forget them and Meenah reminded you of what you were talking about so that you could continue your conversation
Meenah was angry at those around her who looked at you askance. She knew that some people were worried about the amulet on your face, but these little things stopped bothering her. She treated you pretty much the same as before. The fact that you became jiangshi did not change her feelings for you and she was ready to stand up for you as before if someone said something unpleasant about you
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ragingjuggalette · 1 year
🦀 karkat 🍒
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You walked into your roommate karkats room and asked him if he wanted to go and pick up a kitten, he was a small black cat with deep green eyes and was only 20 Minutes from your house. He was sort of confused on the random cat offer, but he agreed nonetheless. He wouldn't admit it to you, but he had a major soft spot for felines!
After you and karkat picked up the kitten and drove him back to your house, you let him explore around karkats room. You and karkat immediately fell inlove with a small kitten.
You left karkat to watch him for a second while you go get some cat safe formula milk, you opened the door and chuckled a little. The small cat was snuggling with karkat inside his sweater, karkat was baby talking him and it was too cute. (And funny.)
Karkat eventually noticed that you where watching him. His faced flushed a bright, candy red as he yelled at you. You didn't care.
You walked up to him and took the kitten from inside his sweater. Karkats flush grew at the sight of you being so handsy. You fed the cat and watched him suckle on the syringe. You cradled the small, baby kitten in your arms. Eventually karkat came over to look at you being so motherly with the kitten.
He leaned on your shoulder and asked what you where gonna name the cat. "Stinky. That's his name" you answered. Karkat gave you a look, but shrugged it off. Karkat started to fall asleep on your shoulder.
As he slepped, a loud purr emitted from his chest rocking his body in his sleep. You put the syringe away as stinky had finished feeding, and started to fall asleep beside your best friend, and your new kitten.
🐏 Aradia 🦴
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You and your friend Aradia have been planning on getting a kitten for months. You where both very prepared and excited.
You came back home with a small, white kitten. She was sleeping softly on your lap and purring very loudly. Aradia have you a jokey death stare and picked up the kitten to go cuddle her herself.
You weren't having it. You stomped over to the kitchen and got a little bit of salmon. and crept back to the living room. The kitten immediately hopped over to you, and quickly devoured the tiny piece of salmon. She crawled into your lap and started to knead your shoulders, slightly digging her claws under your skin. You didn't mind.
Aradia started to stroke the frail kitten and she kneaded your skin. "Can we name her Helena? PLEASEE?" Aradia have you some puppy dog eyes and you agreed to the name, it was quite cute and matches the kitten very well.
You and Aradia played with fake mice and watched Helena pounce. She was such a cute kitten, what a blessing.
🐂 tavros 🧡
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Tavros had seemed rather upset lately, and for good reason to. His old 'friend' vriska kept bugging him on his blood, looks, personality, stutter, anything she could bully about him, she did.
It was practically soul crushing for tavros. He barely had any self confidence already, and vriska had destroyed that small strip he had left. And now vriska had left him for good, he was just so upset and stressed he would burst, he didn't ask you for comfort however, he didn't want to annoy you.
He felt lost and didn't know what to do, he craved comfort so dearly but had nobody he felt he could truly trust. He started sobbing in his room and breaking down.
You heard sobbing from the room beside you, and immediately ran over to see what was up. You saw your best friend crying and burying his face into his pillow. You walked up to him and asked what was wrong.
He was so embarrassed to cry Infront of you, he thought you saw him as a nuisance due to his endless wailing, but you didn't mind.
He started talking about anything that has upset him. (Name) gave him a tight hug. He felt himself feel better as he was comforted by his best friend. He smiled happily.
(Name) told him about their plan to get a kitten, tavros was over the moon! When (name) came home with the little orange tabby, tavros practically melted. He snuggled the little baby and gave him little kisses on the forehead.
You chuckled and watched your best friend interact with the kitten. The two of you decided to think of a name for the little kitten.
He recommended the name 'arturo', he said it was because it just stuck! And it did suit him so you agreed.
You, tavros, and Arturo fell asleep together, without realising you started to cuddle up with tavros and Arturo slept on the pillow beside you.
🐝 sollux 🍯
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You drove home with a small brown kitten despite your roommates protests that 'we didn't need one' well, yo sure as hell needed a kitten, who cares what he says.
When you came home with the kitten in hand, he whined and gave you a disappointed look. You just shrugged it off and put the kitten on his lap.
He started dubiously petting the small feline Infront of him, a smile crept up on his face. You went and grabbed some cat formula milk in a syringe and handed it over to sollux, he gently cradled the kitten and fed it.
You left to go buy some groceries and when you came back you saw sollux sleeping with the small brown kitten on his stomach, you giggled and decided to lay next to him.
"Shhh, you might wake ernice" he whispers, you smile, he had just spent a few minutes with the small kitten and he had already named it, you knew he would love having a cat around, he just needed a bit of help realising it.
🐈‍⬛ nepeta 💚
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You and nepeta had been researching cats all month, nepeta and you where inlove! Those little furry felines where litter-ally purr-fect!
You and nepeta left the house together to go adopt a cat from the petstore, until you spotted a little kitten laying alone in the grass, next to their dead mother.
Nepeta pouted and cried a little. you where also on the brink of tears, seeing dead cats was very heart wrenching. Nepeta went and picked up the meowing kitten, and it would be wrong not to take it home.
As you and nepeta arrived home the little kitten immediately showed her true colours, pouncing and being active around the house, with nepeta of course.
You giggled and joined in the zoomies, it was like playing tag with the other children as a kid, if felt nice. Eventually you got tired and decided to calm down a little.
"Can we name her mewo? PLEASEEE?" Nepeta gives you some shiny begging eyes, while holding the kitten close to her chest. You loved the name, it reminded you of one of your favourite games, omori.
"Of course!" You answered, nepeta did a little happy dance and span around, stimming as she did so. You smiled and once again joined in, nepeta was such a great roommate.
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Yo, just found your blog I rlly like it!
Can I request Tavros x reader who has to use crutches to walk around? I recently recovered from a broken foot and I can't walk on my own without them so lol. Take your time!!
HIIIII I love Tavros. Best guy ever ❤️
Keep in mind that I don't have any mobility aids! Some things may be innacurate, but I'm doing my best
♉ Tavros x Reader ♉
It wasn't that Tavros minded the crutches, really. He actually liked them -- it gave him a way to relate to you, and seeing someone as cool as you use a mobility aid really helped him feel better about his wheelchair.
He would decorate them in some way!! Probably smack on a few stickers on them for you, and possibly ask for you to do the same to some non-moving parts of his wheelchair.
Ok so now on some general headcanon shit I think he would LOVE hugs and shit. Give that boy a squeeze!! A smooch!! He will always flush and giggle every single time.
He always is up for some quality time with you! If you agree to watch one of his movies with him, he'll be giddy the whole time you sit and chill with him (and if you actually ASK and WANT to watch it?? Omg he is SO smooching you)
I feel like he'd fuck with your hair a lot of you'd had let him. Touch it, braid it, style it, whatever else. He's gentle as fuck too, he never tugs or pulls on anything.
THATS ALL I GOT RIGHT NEOW!! I love Tavros and I love WRITING abt Tavros so I hope u enjoy :)
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hi there!! :DD
can i get a fluffy tavros ❤️ reader where it’s their first date? :0 preferably with the reader being referred to as it/its but its fine if u don’t lol u can add whatever :3 tav best boy,,
Hello hello sweetie!! Ofc I can! :33 Tavros is adorable 🧡🧡🧡
Tavros x Reader: Fluff First Date!!
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It was surprisingly tricky to pick a first date for you two! There was so much you wanted to do but it would be too much to do on the first date!
Finally though Tavros messaged you with an idea, He suggested you both go to one of those “human water tube places with lusii” (for human translation: an aquarium!!)
You grinned messaging him back a “yes!”
When you both met up in front of the door (to get tickets) Tavros was wearing a pretty punk like outfit but with a few cute flare points to it, like the new lil nose ring he got. It was ridiculously adorable!! You were struggling to not say something…
“Hey! My gosh you’re, you look so nice!” You blurted out, your face turning pale as a ghost after.
Tavros’ ears flicked in surprise, a shade of orange enveloping his face!
He smiled at you sweetly making you return his contagious smile
You both bought your tickets walking inside the front door. The aquarium was covered in dimmed neon lights…there were pinks, blues, purples, and yellows everywhere! But there was a general dark blue hue surrounding the place. Making it really feel you were in the ocean with all these creatures
Tavros practically had stars in his eyes looking around at everything. You giggled, gently grabbing his hand to guide him sense he kept almost stopping when he looked around. You both stopped in front of the penguin exhibit (which was usually the first animal you see)
“oh! oh oh oh LOOK AT THOSE GUYS!” Tavros beamed leaning over the railing some. You looked too, seeing cute lil rock hopper penguins hop into the icy water under them. Jumping on top of hunks of ice and eating fish that the trainer threw to them.
“Those are penguins!” You chirped, Tavros tilted his head to you
“That’s a long name!” You snorted back leaning on his shoulder absent mindingly. Tavros looked at you as you did so, he was just so happy this wasn’t failing!
The bronze had the biggest anxiety about failing this whole date with you. But he was really glad you were having fun and he was too, Tavros let you lean on him and he wrapped an arm around you in return❤️❤️
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hs-canons · 2 years
I'm really excited since your doing love letters! ❤Do you think you could do one of Tavros confessing to the reader, who's his best friend and longtime crush?
Sure no problem heads up though I don't really do typing quirks
You open up the letter tavros handed to you before the end of the day
Hey so this is really hard to write um- Okay so just get to the point forward and center. I um- well I sort of like you romantically you're one of the nicest, sweetest people I've ever met. your words fill me with happiness everyday we've known each other for years and I've always felt this way you're my best friend and I've always considered you to be very close. you filled my life with so much happiness and treated me so nicely I'm happy that you just exist. so maybe we can hang out like we normally do. but you know as more I guess I don't know all I know is that I want to be with you.
Sincerely yours tavros nitrim
PS learned that sincerely apart from kanaya }:)
(AUTHOR'S NOTE: sorry this took a while but it was fun writing I might extend the date for Love letters for more but yeah
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sludgewolf · 5 months
Chapters: 12/12 Fandom: Homestuck Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Aradia Megido/Reader, Tavros Nitram/Reader, Sollux Captor/Reader, Karkat Vantas/Reader, Nepeta Leijon/Reader, Kanaya Maryam/Reader, Terezi Pyrope/Reader, Vriska Serket/Reader, Equius Zahhak/Reader, Gamzee Makara/Reader, Eridan Ampora/Reader, Feferi Peixes/Reader Characters: Aradia Megido, Tavros Nitram, Sollux Captor, Karkat Vantas, Nepeta Leijon, Kanaya Maryam, Terezi Pyrope, Vriska Serket, Equius Zahhak, Gamzee Makara, Eridan Ampora, Feferi Peixes, Beta Trolls (Homestuck) Additional Tags: /Reader, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Purring Trolls (Homestuck) Series: Part 1 of Homestuck Trolls Hcs Summary:
You've been stressed for the past few weeks and your matesprit tries to help with some good ol' cuddles and purring Headcanon collection
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audaciousacolyte · 1 year
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Welcome to The Garden!
About Me:
• My name is Joan
• I really enjoy writing and drawing!!
• I am a Libra
• I love talking to people, so don't be afraid to reach out to me!!
Interacting Rules:
This is my basic criteria for those who wish to follow me =>
《☆ do NOT interact with this blog if you are:
• LGBTQphobic
• Pedophillic or MAP
• Exclusionist
• Ableist
Or otherwise unnecessarily hateful. ☆》
With that out of the way, my requesting basis and current status are avaliable under the cut.
Requesting Rules:
《♡ I will only write character x reader requests, but I may include other ships if asked to. ♡》
《♡ Before requesting, please make sure that you are using clear language that is easily understandable and be as specific as you can on what exactly you would like for me to write. ♡》
《♡ Please limit your requests to three or four characters at a time, and be sure to specify whether or not the characters are in a romantic relationship. ♡》
What I will write:
◇ Fluff
◇ Angst
◇ Hurt/comfort
◇ Headcanons
◇ Platonic relationships
◇ Queerplatonic relationships
◇ self-inserts x characters
◇ OC x characters
What I will NOT write:
♤ Explicit gore
♤ Explicit NSFW (BORDERLINE NSFW is alright)
♤ Anything kink related
♤ Hardcore Angst (ex. Character A dies in a dramatic/tragic way, while Character B is left to mourn)
♤ Anything trauma related, such as SA or abuse
♤ Anything related to SH or su!c!de
Fandoms and characters I write for:
《|| Animaniacs ||》
• Yakko Warner
• Wakko Warner
• Dot Warner
《|| BABQFTIM ||》
• Bendy
• Boris the Wolf (platonic only)
• Cuphead
• Mugman
• Felix the Cat
《|| Epic Mickey ||》
• Mickey Mouse
• Oswald the lucky Rabbit
《|| Homestuck ||》
• John Egbert
• Dave Strider
• Jade Harley
• Jane Crocker
• Roxy Lalonde
• Jake English
• Dirk Strider
• Karkat Vantas
• Aradia Medigo
• Tavros Nitram
• Sollux Captor
• Nepeta Leijon
• Terezi Pyrope
• Vriska Serket
• Equius Zahhak
• Gamzee Makara
• Eridan Ampora
• Feferi Peixes
《|| Lego Monkie Kid ||》
• MK
• Mei
• Red son
• Sun Wukong
• Macaque
• Nezha
《|| Sonic the Hedgehog ||》
• Sonic
• Shadow
• Amy Rose
• Knuckles
• Tails
• Rouge
《|| South Park ||》
• Stan Marsh
• Kyle Brofloski
• Kenny Mccormick
• Eric Cartman
• Leopold Stotch
• Wendy Testaburger
• Craig Tucker
• Tweek Tweek
• Tolkien Black
• Clyde Donovan
• Jimmy Valmer
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Check out the Red/Blue Ships List here X
Continuation of my attempt to create a tierlist for every color scheme, here is the Orange/Black tierlist, which also includes Orange/Purple and Orange/Blue pairings due to the amount of overlap I was seeing in the color schemes. I was a lot more lenient here than the Red/Blue one on what counts as I figured there would be less, though I ended up with a lot more than I thought.
I don't know all the pairings here personally and just tried to include all I could find - If I left any of your favorites out let me know and I can retroactively add them (This goes for the other lists too).
Ships featured (In order of appearance):
-Sunati\Austen from Always Human
-Aki Hayakawa\Angel Devil from Chainsaw Man
-Allison Argent \Lydia Martin from Teen Wolf
-Aang\Katara from Avatar the Last Airbender
-Wanderer (Scaramouche)\Tartaglia (Childe) from Genshin Impact
-Hermes\Charon from Hades (Supergiant)
-Zhongli\Tartaglia (Childe) from Genshin Impact
-Giyu Tomioka\Sabito from Demon Slayer
-Subaru Akehoshi\Hokuto Hidaka from Ensemble Stars
-Rue Kuroha\Ahiru Arima (Duck) from Princess Tutu
-Fakir\Ahiru Arima (Duck) from Princess Tutu
-Hubert von Vestra\Ferdinand von Aieger from Fire Emblem: Three Houses
-Felix Hugo Fraldarius\Annette Fantine Dominic from Fire Emblem: Three Houses
-Lorenz Hellman Gloucester\Leonie Pinelli from Fire Emblem: Three Houses
-Papika\Cocona Cocomine from Flip Flappers
-Philip J. Fry\Turanga Leela from Futurama
-Son Goku\Chi-Chi from Dragon Ball
-Kamisato Ayaka\Naganohara Yoimiya from Genshin Impact
-Sansa Stark\Margaery Tyrell from Game of Thrones
-Harrowhark Nonagesimus\Gideon Nav from The Locked Tomb Series
-Kyouko Hori\Izumi Miyamura from Horimiya
-Hercules\Megara from Disney's Hercules
-Benery\Gordon Freeman from Half Life VR but the AI is Self-Aware*
-Retsuko\Haida from Aggretsuko
-Vriska Serket\Tavros Nitram from Homestuck
-Rukia Kuchiki\Ichigo Kurosaki from Bleach
-Jade Harley\Davesprite from Homestuck
-Jotaro Kujo\Noriaki Kakyoin from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
-James "Logan" Howlett (Wolverine)\Jean Elaine Grey (Phoenix) from X-Men
-Shoyo Hinata\Tobio Kageyama from Haikyu!!
-Katarina Claes\Mary Hunt from My Next Life as a Villainess
-Calvin "Freckle" Mcmurry\Ivy Pepper from Lackadaisy
-Honoka Kosaka\Umi Sonoda from Love Live!
-Thorin Oakenshield\Bilbo Baggins from The Hobbit
-Heath Burns\Abbey Bominable from Monster High
-Zelda\Midna from The Legend of Zelda Franchise
-Twilight Sparkle\Sunset Shimmer from My Little Pony: Equestria Girls
-Rainbow Dash\Applejack from My Little Pony Friendship is Magic
-Rarity\Applejack from My Little Pony Friendship is Magic
-Mondo Owada\Kiyotaka Ishimaru from Danganronpa
-Sho Suzuki\Ritsu Kageyama from Mob Psycho 100
-Jack Skellington\Sally from The Nightmare Before Christmas
-Umetarou Nozaki\Chiyo Sakura from Monthly Girls Nozaki-kun
-Nobara Kugisaki\Maki Zenin from Jujutsu Kaisen
-Nozomi Tojo\Rin Hoshizora from Love Live!
-Nami\Nico Robin from One Piece
-Yoo Sangah\Han Sooyoung from Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint
-Phineas Flynn\Isabella Garcia-Shapiro from Phineas and Ferb
-Puss in Boots\Kitty Softpaws from Puss in Boots
-Ray\Emma from The Promised Neverland
-Leon\Raihan from Pokemon
-Sonia\Nessa from Pokemon
-Professor Sada\Professor Turo from Pokemon
-Chloe Beale\Beca Mitchell from Pitch Perfect
-Popuko\Pipimi from Pop Team Epic
-Raeliana McMillan\Noah Volstaire Wynknight from Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke's Mansion
-Alfredo Linguini\Colette Tatou from Ratatouille
-Kanaya Maryam\Rose Lalonde from Homestuck
-Kazuto Kirigaya (Kirito)\Asuna Yuuki from Sword Art Online
-Naruto Uzumaki\Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto
-Kyoko Mogami\Ren Tsuruga from Skip Beat!
-Akira Okudaira\Fumi Manjōme from Sweet Blue Flowers
-Daphne Blake\Velma Dinkley from Scooby Doo
-Clary Fray\Isabelle Lightwood from Shadowhunters
-Sun Wukong (The Monkey King)\Liu Er Mihou (Six-eared Macaque)
-Juri Arisugawa\Shiori Takatsuki from Revolutionary Girl Utena
-Osamu Dazai\Chūya Nakahara from Bungo Stray Dogs
-Jasper\Lapis Lazuli from Steven Universe
-He Tian\Mo Guanshan from 19 Days
-Sonic the Hedgehog\Miles Prower (Tails) from the Sonic Franchise
-Hijirikawa Masato\Jinguji Ren from Uta no Prince-sama
-Nanami Haruka\Ichinose Tokiya from Uta no Prince-sama
-Nanami Haruka\Hijirikawa Masato from Uta no Prince-sama
-Ash Ketchum\Misty from Pokemon
-Akira Takizawa\Saki Morimi from Eden of the East
-Fox Mulder\Dana Scully from X-Files
-Futaba Sakura\Yusuke Kitagawa from Persona 5
-Angel\Gaige from Borderlands
-Judy Hopps\Nick Wilde from Zootopia
-Riko Kurahashi\Natsuo Maki from Love Lab
*As a rule I use official art or personal edits for these but since that was not possible for Benrey/Gordon Freeman I used a fanart found here: X by Giaru-Orihidero - They are very talented so please check them out!
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