#nino lahife
lackadaisy-world · 1 year
Their outfits looks adorable
Especially Alya
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gameguy20100 · 2 years
For the ask game, nino. And is it only for miraculous characters?
No. Any character is fine.
Nino Lahife.
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Least Favourite thing: He's an idiot. Like dude, secrets are mean to be secret.
Favourite thing: He's a loyal and kind-hearted friend. Props for that dude.
Fandom Pet Peeve: When people use him to bash Alya.
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dadplagg-mamatikki · 1 year
Drabble thing for Miraculous Discordance prompt for Sept. 15th.
Hi ya! I didn't want to put this on my ao3 yet, so I am putting it here! HOpe you enjoy this little thing. It was for the place L'église Sainte-Marie-Madeleine or Madeleine Church in Paris, France. Hope yall enjoy!
Wanna join in the prompt fun? Here's where it's at!
Miraculous Discordance
Chat Noir lounged on the tiny ledge. He watched the night sky as he relaxed amongst the engravings on the building. He sometimes came here when he was feeling lonely in the mansion. The statues of people along the top were like other people around him. He just didn’t feel their warmth. Since they were statues. 
The night air was crisp, letting a light breeze tousle his hair. He supposed he shouldn’t be up here, but he didn’t care. The statues didn’t seem to mind him. Granted, he wasn’t sure if anyones seen him up here, he does blend in with the shadows. He watched the night sky, eyes searching for a reclusive star or two. He loved his city, but he wished he’d get to see the stars more often. He needed to find a area with stars ablaze and take his lady there.  
He knew his lady was stressed, when was she not? He hoped to help her relax, wishing she’d share some of her burdens with him. That was a long road to go down but he was willing for the sake of her mental health. He hated seeing how stressed she was. 
A ping on his baton caused his ears to twitch. Pulling it off it’s hoilster, he slid it open with a flick of his thumb. He had a new text message. Not sure who it was from, he clicked on it. 
‘Should I be worried about you up there?’ From Alya. Raising an eyebrow, he leaned a bit more out of the alcove to look down, seeing the reporter at the base of the fence seperating her from L'église Sainte-Marie-Madeleine. He waved at her once he spotted her, going and jumping down and landing on the steps between the flower beds. 
“What are you doing out so late?” He asked, raising an eyebrow. 
“I could ask you the same thing.” 
“I’m a super hero. I need to keep a watchful eye on my city.” He explained with a shrug, trying to be nonchalant about it. It didn’t get pass her. 
“I was one at one point too.” She gave him a look, crossing her arms and jutting out a hip. “What’s the real reason?” 
“I didn’t want to be home.” He shrugged, watching her from the steps. She looked to the side and smiled. 
“Guess who’s out prowling the night.” She asked, extending her hand. He watched as his best friends hand reached out, clasping with hers as he stepped up, out of the shadow of the blockade.  
“Chat Noir, you better not be hitting on my girl again.” Nino smirked, adjusting his hat. 
“I never was, Lahife.” Chat rolled his eyes, getting up and heading down to the couple, jumping up and landing on one of the spires of the fence, not landing or getting closer to them. Sure, outside of the mask they were his best friends. He didn’t think they’d be out this late and he didn’t want to raise suspicions. “Why are you two out so late?”  
The two lovers looked at each other and shrugged. 
“We miss being heros. And walking around in the middle of the night let’s us feel a little closer to what it was.” Alya said with a shrug looking up at him.  
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edendaphne · 6 years
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Commission for @insanitysbloomings/ @insanitysscribblings‘ fanfic “Back To Us”, from one of my favorite scenes from the fic in chapter 19.
“Don’t you underestimate me! Hey!” She called, grabbing his arm when he made to leave. “I can take care of myself, all right? I don’t need anyone telling me what to do, especially some dude in green paja—”
Shell turned to her, and Alya’s rant was cut short when he pressed a thumb to her lips. The gesture was simple, gentle, and yet, it still had the power to strike Alya dumb; she could only stare as Shell brushed hair from her face, his expression taut, gaze anxious. He was worried.
“Babe, please,” he begged, his voice hushed as he leaned over her, the force of his eyes overwhelming as he entreated her, “It’s dangerous. Please, go home.”
Alya stared at him.
He called her ‘babe’.
(Turtle!Nino’s design is @thelastpilot​‘s  and @tides-miraculous​ Jade Turtle outfit)
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ilovepizzapiek · 6 years
🐞 🐱 🦊 🐝🐢 🦋
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Adrien//Chat Noir
Alya//Rena Rouge
Gabriel//Hawk Moth
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sheepheadfred · 6 years
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inktober day 13 gaurded
i was in a ladybug mood so have a new hero, carapace!
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australet789 · 7 years
Alya or nino
why no both?
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: she is tenaciousworst quality: that she doesnt seem to care about her own life sometimes? ship them with: Nino, a little bit with Chloe (for the banter)brotp them with: Marinette, Adrien, Nino, the other character that we know will happen but i wont mention cause spoilersneeds to stay away from: risky life situations?misc. thoughts: season2 is going to be interesting for her. i want to see more of her family. 
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life (too many stuff out there is fanon, which is great, but canon needs to develop him more)hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuff (but he could be a good gryff too)best quality: he is tenacious too, not in an insane way like alya tho, he is more cautious in that aspectworst quality: sorry but i dont like the whole “i changed my mind and now i like alya in the spawn of an akuma attack” thing. that made him look bad tbh.ship them with: Alyabrotp them with: Adrien, Alya, Marinette, you-know-who-but-again-spoilersneeds to stay away from: Gabriel (well technically everyone should stay away from him lol)misc. thoughts: im waiting for more development on season 2. or well that the development is done good and not just fanservice. also does the kid has parents at all??!!
send me a character & I’ll answer the following about them!
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princesspandi · 5 years
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Huge Congrats to @lahiffed for winning my art giveaway!! She wanted Nino from Miraculous Ladybug. I love him and I love all you support my art! Thank you guys so much for over 200 followers, I can’t wait to see where else my art will take me!
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So I’ve heard today is International Love Nino Day and I wouldn’t miss is in the whole world! Happy birthday @lahiffed !!! :D I hope you have a turtletastic day!
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lily-cmdier99 · 7 years
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We had a Secret Santa in our server and the one I got was a DJWifi shipper. I can’t tag her for some reason but she knows who she is.
Probably my biggest project at the moment. Hope you guys like it!
(I wonder if you guys can see small tidbits of what their theme is.)
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lackadaisy-world · 4 years
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-cat noir
-rena rouge
-queen bee
-monkey king
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curiosityktcat · 7 years
Nino the Nurse
@lahiffed mentioned they were in the mood for fluff and I realized I was in the mood for writing! So I asked for a prompt and they wanted some DJWifi bedside care. So here’s a fluffy... drabble... thing... in my defense I just had two glasses of wine LMAO
“No, I’m serious – you have to stay in bed. I’ll take care of you.”
For all of the scenarios Nino had played out in his head as to how his date with Alya would have ended, this wasn’t in any of them. And he thought about this date a lot. Two months of careful planning for their first extended period of alone-time since her return from her extended overseas project had that sort of effect. To be fair, the fantasy he deemed to be the best-case scenario was the night together extending into a couple of days together, but not like this.
It started as soon as the night began. He had thought briefly, as they took a scenic stroll through the local shops, that she was walking slower than usual, but he dismissed it as her taking the sights and sounds of home in after being away for so long. At the restaurant, which Adrien and Marinette had given their seal of approval, she wasn’t enthusiastic about the food. In fact, with each course the tension in her posture grew, until she seemed too exhausted to chew. She hadn’t lost any of her spunk in conversation, at least, her tongue sharp and her laughter bright. Still, there was something off about her, and Nino was worried up until the last second of their date where, after they went back to his apartment for a movie marathon under warm blankets, she interrupted the final climactic fight to rip the blankets off, stand abruptly, and… run to the bathroom. To throw up. 
           Half an hour later Nino had set her up in his bedroom, nestled under the covers with a small trashcan nearby, the remote to the tv and a box of tissues next to a small glass of cool water, and a clear shot to the bathroom just in case.
“Baby, you didn’t need to do all this,” her voice was hoarse, and worry gnawed at him, “I promise I’m okay. I must have gotten it from my sisters.” He remembered Alya’s mother telling him at the airport that they were upset they couldn’t make her homecoming.
“Don’t worry about it, I don’t mind at all. Ah-ah,” he saw her open her mouth and held up a finger to keep her from talking, “save your voice. I’m serious, I like taking care of you,” as he spoke he pulled the blanket up just an inch more and pushed some hair out of her face, “the point of this night was for me to take care of you and that’s what I’m doing.”
           Her gaze softened as she leaned into his touch, and his hand lingered on her temple. He thought she was going to concede to him – she must have been pretty sick – but then she let out a sigh and shifted under the covers.
“Tomorrow is Saturday. You already gave your Friday night up for me, I can’t ask you to cancel all of your gigs…” He started to massage her temple, and she hummed despite her protest a second ago.
“Like I said,” his voice was warm, soft and tender, “I don’t mind.”
“That’s a lot of money babe, you can’t.” She began to sit up as his hand fell away from her, but he gently pushed her back down again. She stopped, but didn’t settle back down, giving him the best ‘look’ she could while her hair was in ten different directions and her only attire was an oversized t-shirt he lent her (Alya, in his bed, wearing nothing but his t-shirt and his too big pajama pants… he tried not to think about it too much). He didn’t back down, however, and returned the look until he was sure she wouldn’t hop out as soon as he removed his hand.
           When she relaxed just a little his hand moved to rub the back of his neck, and his cheeks warmed as he struggled to find the right words to say.
“Honestly… I had already planned… for us to be together until tomorrow… maybe Sunday…” he shrugged sheepishly as her eyes widened, “J-just in case, you know. I wanted to make sure that, you know, if you wanted to do something I hadn’t planned we had time or-“ his babbling ceased as she raised one finger up to his lips in a similar way to how he had not two minutes ago.
           At first he thought she was going to insist he take her home, but when she put her finger down she settled back under the covers comfortably. She smoothed back her hair as she shifted and finally, laying sideways facing him, she smiled at him.
“Thank you.”
           His face heated until his entire face was reddened, and his fluster kept his tongue tied for a good while, “N-n-n-no problem. J-ju-ust call m-me Nurse Nino!” The last line had him groaning internally, but she chuckled.
“Alright, Nurse,” her tone turned playful, “could you fetch me some Tylenol? My head is kill-ing me. And I wouldn’t mind another massage.”
           Five minutes later the pain medication was kicking in, or maybe it was the way Nino’s fingers seemed to unravel her sinuses and clear the haze of a post-nausea hangover.
“You didn’t have to braid my hair, you know.”
“It’s more comfortable than a pony-tail and it keeps your hair back, so why wouldn’t I have?”
She rolled her eyes and nestled into the pillow further. When he felt his massage was adequate, he let his touch drift into a light caress of her cheek. Her eyes were closed, and Nino took the opportunity to take in the sight of her. She hadn’t had the opportunity to take her make-up off yet, so her eyes were slightly racoonish with smudged eyeliner, stray glitter shimmered every now in then in strange places, and her lips were still tinted ever so slightly with whatever lipstick had managed to cling on. God, was she beautiful.
His revere was interrupted when her eyes popped open, and he felt his face heat again as he quickly averted his gaze. Coughing awkwardly, he stood up to give her some time alone, but a tugging at his shirt made him look down. Alya’s hand peeked out from under the covers just enough to catch the bottom of his shirt between her fingers. She didn’t look angry, or annoyed. Rather, she looked a little flustered.
“Hey,” she looked like she was going to say something more but stopped short, and Nino imagined some sort of quip about him being a bad boyfriend, but her features softened until she seemed completely relaxed, a small smile playing at the edges of her lips, “Stay with me a little longer. I need my nurse nearby.”
           She shuffled the blankets off enough to free her arm to pat the empty space next to her in bed, and Nino summoned every bit of self-control he could muster. Stiffly, he went around to the other side of the bed and slid under the covers like she’d asked. Unsure of what to do after, he simply watched as Alya shuffled her body around to face him. They both waited for the other to make a move before Alya huffed impatiently at him.
“What are you doing?”
“What am I doing?” he struggled to respond, “I’m… doing exactly what you said. I’m right here. Nearby.”
“Are you afraid of getting sick?” The thought seemed to just occur to her.
“No!” he answered quickly, then coughed uncomfortably, “I mean, of course I don’t care. I said I’d take care of you, didn’t I?”
“Then…” this time she was the flustered one, the redness in her face having nothing to do with her sickness, “then take care of me. Make me feel… better.”
           Dumbstruck, Nino was frozen in place. At first his mind raced, a million different deconstructions of her request happening at once as he tried to accurately pinpoint the response she was hoping for, but as she began to look more and more uncomfortable he forced himself to stop. This wasn’t helping, whatever he was doing. He tried to think differently then, of how to make her feel better. More comfortable. His thoughts drifted back to when he was little, scared of the rolling waves of nausea, crying for his mother. Chicken soup. Soft words. Her warm hands stroking his hair… and he got an idea.
           He shuffled closer to Alya, apparently startling her, but she relaxed and watched his movements curiously. When they were side to side he wordlessly pulled her body to his, not in such a way to incite desire in her, but simply to envelope her completely in a warm embrace. At first, she was confused, but melted into his touch as he began stroking her hair. They shuffled about until her head was resting on his arm and nestled into the crook of his neck, his other arm was draped around her midsection and rubbed her back in soothing circles, and their legs were entangled. She hummed low in her throat and his head shifted slightly as he attempted to look down at her.
“You feelin’ okay?” He felt her nod against him and his gaze wandered back to the wall ahead of him.
“Stomach hurts a little but I’ll be fine- just keep massaging that spot there… to the left… thaaat’s it…” She felt the chuckle in his throat and smiled, “Hey, thanks for the dinner.”
 “Oh yeah,” his nose scrunched as he thought of how painful the multiple courses must have been to a nauseous person. Then he groaned as he thought about just how long they had walked on their date, “Sorry about that. You could have told me. Tonight must have sucked.”
“No, no!” she didn’t look up, but he could hear the sincerity in her voice, “It was wonderful, I loved all of it. Plus, like… you know how you throw up something and you can’t eat it again for a while?”
“Uh, yeah?”
“I admit it wasn’t very pleasant going in, but that was probably the most delicious barf I’ll ever have to upchuck. Hopefully.” The laugher reverberated in his throat, and she found herself chuckling despite the rolling waves in her stomach. She felt his lips touch the top of her head.
“I love you, you know that?” His voice was like liquid chocolate to her, smooth, warm, and inviting. She pulled him close, burying her face into his shirt.
“I love you too.” The warm breath on his skin sent pleasant tingles down his spine, and he realized that this was comforting to him, too, and he relaxed into her touch. They stayed like that for the rest of the night, in a warm tangled embrace, soothing her stomach, melting their hearts.
           Okay, so the night didn’t end the way Nino thought it would. Not really. But he had to admit that it probably couldn’t have ended any better.
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ni-yes · 2 years
Meta Post
Hi besties <33
I've noticed a number of new people following this account. And even though I am thrilled about it and flattered, I need to tell ya...
So. I, lukamun, am no longer playing the role of Nino Lahife.
I have noticed I wasn't really playing the role its best, and decided to renounce the position, plus, I don't really have the time to manage all the account and come up with all the creative plot for Nino.
But don't worry!! We do have a Nino, a brand new and amazing one!
The new account is @ni-yooo, and the mun is great at playing his role.
I'm so proud to say they are our new Nino Lahife <33
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irumi17 · 7 years
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#Nino #Alya #miraculousladybug #ladywifi #bubbleguy #cesaire #Lahife #Alynino #thomasastruc #jeremyzag #toei #zagheroes #copicmarkers #copicsketch #stabilo #giottos #tombows #instart #instartist #instaart #instaartist #instagram #colors #art #fanart #love (en Quilpué, Chile)
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eleannypotter · 2 years
villana, no sere tu pesadilla lila rossi villana marinette
marinette eleanny dupain-chen una villana asi fue como la pintaron como alguien cruel que siempre intimida a la dulce lila por culpa de lila marinette muere al ser apuñalada y arrojada de la torre iffel, sin poder dejar su acto de una niña inocente teniendo otra oportunidad al volver al pasado cuando tenia 5 años para volver aser entrenada en la liga de asesinos y la proxima gran guardia de los miraculous decide convertirce en la mejor asesina superando a todos los asesinos incluidos a lady-chiva,talia,damian y al unico Ras-al-gul
volviendo a comprometerce con la unica persona a la que ah amado y no pudo volver aver despues de la caida de la liga siendo ella una diosa al rencarnar y obtener los poderes de todos los kwami,matando a el traidor de la liga slade wilson volviendo a paris formando un grupo llamado las regalias
para luego dejar de ser su verdadero yo para empesar con su venganza disolviendo alas regalias para que los matones,mentirosos,buscadores de oro y a los maestros incopetentes finje estar enamorada de adrien agreste otra vez y comiensa su acto como novia de la clase teniendo a la mayoria de sus regalias con ella para cuando llegue lila rossi
nino lahife quien se llama nicolas pero lo llaman nick o nino el es el protector y uno de los caballeros de las regalias solo tubo que empesar a hablar menos con mari-bug,.
para que todos les crelleran chloe loreny burguois,la reina y mano derecha de marinette teniendo poder siendo la hija del alcalde de paris puede actuar mas mimada que de costumbre y a nadie le parecera estraño nathaniel kuzbelt,el hijo de la mafia ocupa el lugar de caballero y el principe de los secretos el morado es su color
mirelle y aurore son las demas miembros de las regalias mirelle como la reportera que busca informacion y aurore que ase conexiones con los reporteros de noticias mientras trabaja
para el clima
marinette se encontara con damian en esta vida por accidente o lo encontrara al el ser su alma gemela como verdadero posedor milagroso del gato negro se encontrara con sus hermanos honorarios quienes son los hermanos adoptados de damian y ella no lo sabia
cuando lila entre al college dupon no sabra que la golpeo
cuidado lila rossi sufriras la ira de la emperatriz roja elegiste mal al elegirla como tu vistima ya saben lo que dicen el que rie de ultimo rie mejor cuida tu espalda rossi y preparate para caer ante la lider de las regalias
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More embarrassing useless miraculous shit;;
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