#nino haratischwili
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A volte si è molto più forti quando si è deboli, Niza.
Nino Haratischwili - L'ottava vita (per Brilka)
Ph Peter Lindbergh
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"Non avevo il tempo di provare rimpianti e rimorsi, di riflettere. Non avevo il tempo di soffrire per amore e nemmeno di vivere. Funzionavo, e funzionavo splendidamente. Nei rari momenti in cui non riuscivo a nascondermi a me stessa e venivo travolta dai ricordi, premevo il viso contro il cuscino, un libro, addirittura una scarpa, un piatto, così forte che i miei occhi rendevano solo motivi colorati, e poi mi affrettavo a tornare ai miei compiti. Avevo bisogno di giorni muti per sostituire le mie parole con parole estranee. Avevo bisogno di facce nuove per dimenticare quelle vecchie. Di scarpe e giacche nuove, di poeti e filosofi nuovi. Avevo bisogno del tempo di recuperare il tempo, ridiventare giovane, consolidare i muri intorno a me."
Nino Haratischwili - L'ottava vita
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Title: The Eighth Life: for Brilka | Author: Nino Haratischwili | Publisher: Scribe Publications (2019)
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Una vez acabado me da pena el hecho de no volver a vivir con estos personajes (Stasia, Kitty, Christine...mujeres guerreras), las voy a echar de menos. Esta novela es como una pequeña pieza de orfebreria muchas historias se entrecruzan, personajes secundarios que se te quedan grabados para siempre: Ida, Mariam, Rusa.. y luego están los personajes centrales que son la vida misma y que se van moviendo por el siglo XX en una Georgia, Unión Soviética y luego en una Rusia convulsas, caen y se levantan. Es una obra llena de verdad y de vida pero lo que de verdad perduran son sus personajes, que se te quedan ya grabados. E incluso en una obra de tantas páginas, he tenido la sensación de que se me ha pasado volando aunque no ha sido una lectura ligera pero realmente he vivido muchas de estas historias con emoción. Una novela luminosa y, sobrecogedora que comienza en 1917 con Stasia y termina casi 100 años después con Brilka, y durante todo este viaje, recuerdas cada una de las historias como si fueran la única. Soberbia e inolvidable.
Das Achte Leben aka The Eight Life, Nino Haratischwili
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I asked myself how we know that those whose names outlive are better; smarter or more interesting, just because they stood the test of time - what about the forgotten ones?
“The Eighth Life (for Brilka)” by Nino Haratischwili
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Book: The Eighth Life (for Brilka) by Nino Haratischwili
Is it gay: yes :)
One of the main characters/family members is a bisexual woman who is shown to be in a (sort of) relationship with another woman.
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Ich hätte so gern alle Versprechen vom Leben eingelöst bekommen, alles, was mir das Leben zuflüsterte, als ich auf die Welt kam. Ich weiß, ich erinnere mich, wie es sagte, ich solle lieben und geliebt werden, ich solle so viel Leben bekommen, dass ich daran ersticke . . . Es kann doch nicht sein, dass ich nur existiert habe, beschrieben und definiert immer nur über das Andere, den Anderen, die Anderen? Ich will mein Ich zurück - das, was ich war, bevor ich hierher kam, bevor ich gemessen und verglichen wurde, bevor ich die Andere wurde? Bevor ich gekoppelt wurde an die Liebe, an die Tragik, an die Emotionen, die vielleicht gar nicht meine waren und sind?
Nino Haratischwili, "Das Jahr von meinem schlimmsten Glück", 2010
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Nino Haratischwili - Das achte Leben
Nino Haratischwili – Das achte Leben
Wer meine letzen Instagram-Beiträge gesehen hat, weiß, dass mich in der letzten Woche “Das achte Leben” verschlungen, zerkaut und nach 1.300 Seiten wieder in die Wirklichkeit ausgespuckt hat. Stasia, Christine, Kitty, Niza und Daria werden mich noch lange begleiten – sie werden mich genau so wenig wieder verlassen wie Jack Sawyer, Liesel Meminger oder Lew und Kolja. Der Spiegel hat eine tolle…
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…. si chiese quando era successo che tutti loro avevano dimenticato come si faceva a essere felici.
Nino Haratischwili - L'ottava vita (per Brilka)
Ph Dennis Hopper
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Meine Welt fuhr Achterbahn. Und sie entgleiste.
Nino Haratischwili - Das achte Leben.
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Wenn man ein Gefühl empfinden kann, wenn man es noch kann, dann sollte man es tun und gehen. Wenn man aber vergletschert ist...
Liv Stein
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Review: “The Eighth Life (for Brilka)” by Nino Haratischwili
Despite its quite formidable length, this is a book well wort recommending. Nino Haratischwili captures the Georgia (the country in Eastern Europe, not the U.S. state) character very well. The style of the novel ranges from essay to poetical were needed and all of it is done very well. The characters were interesting and not typical, many not really true heroes. Often, they found themselves in a conflict between the larger political events of their time and their own interests, but at times and for some of them, those two things also went well together. That, in turn, led to tensions between the members of the family, many of which were not resolved throughout the entirety of the book. I liked that the older generations were around for a long time, seeing change and not always approving of it.
I must say, though: at times this felt like "just another" Eastern European 20th century family saga. In a way, all the Sowjet states suffered the same fate, and this novel does not really do a good job in showing what is unique about Georgia. After 1990, when the Sowjet Union had collapsed and Georgia went through a conflict different from all of the other former SU-nations, the book just skims over these things. That was regrettable. However, in the very end, I liked the message to embrace your (national) history, even if it was violent and bloody, in order to learn from it and grown out of it into something better. That was very well done.
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Manchmal waren die Lippen die Flügel, manchmal nur Worte und manchmal aufbewahrte Fotos
"Das achte Leben" Nino Haratischwili
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Neuer Regalbewohner | Nino Haratischwili: Das achte Leben (Für Brilka)
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Lo guardavo e dovetti reprimere un sorriso. Era sempre bello, di quella bellezza un po' triste, inquietante, di una persona sola. Di una persona che dispera di sé. Gli occhi leggermente a mandorla- grigio scuro velati con ciglia femminili- erano sempre pieni di segreti che per tanto tempo avevo cercato di decifrare, e anche quella leggera smorfia malandrina agli angoli della bocca era rimasta immutata. Il mio amore per lui era come una ferita che non si sarebbe mai davvero rimarginata.
-il mio dolce gemello
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