#ninjago dr s2 leaks
localaceken · 2 months
Ninjago DR S2 Part 2 thoughts, spoilers ahead.
First few episodes were...rough.
- Rody was kinda annoying at first, but I grew to like him as the episodes went on. I'm glad Wildfire found someone to match her Freak. I like that he is geniunely into her too.
- I can't believe Bolobo fucking died lmao rip in piss.
Nero, Chamille and Shade cameos were nice. I like that Tox and Mr.Pale actually had dialouge AND WE FINALLY SAW WHAT MR.P LOOKS LIKE YES.
Ily Geo <3 The Goblinnnnnnnn
Zeatrix was annoying lmao I get why Beatrix hated her ass
Otherwise liked all the new elemental powers and masters introduced. [I can hear Legacyverse screaming already. Rip.]
[Elemental Master of Balance is a thing...welp. There goes the 'Riyu will become the Source Dragon of Balance' theory I suppose]
- I really hoped they would do more with Jay, not only because he's my fave but he could have been more. I think revealing his identity and making him lose his first round immediately was a mistake. Also the teams reactions to him??? Being there??? HELLO?!?! HES BEEN LOST FOR YEARS!?!?! AND YALL ARE LIKE "oh hey Jay is here."!?!? YALL ARE SUPPOSED TO BE FAMILY?!?!?!?@?@?@ BROTHERS?!?!?!?!
Istfg only Nya actually gives a shit about Jay at this point.
Sigh...at least his voice is deeper now...it was kinda getting annoying how high pitched it became over the years...
Being a Jay fan is suffering.
[Anyways, go read Lightning Pin by @taddymason for peak DR Jay content.]
- I like that Ras had no idea what was going on with Nokt and I like that The Forbidden Five, mostly Nokt, and Ras ancestors had something going on [the something was hating eachother, probably]
Kinda not buying Ras' whole 'unmerging the realms' thing though.
Also what the fuck is up with Cinder and immediately betraying Ras lmao bootlicker behavior.
I'm glad Jordana made it out and Sora realized. Well. Everything. I hope we get to see her again so she can get a proper redemption arc.
- I'm loving Arin's arc so far. He's not evil. He's morally grey at this point. I would be too if I was in his shoes. He just wants to find his parents, but he always had to put ninja business up first, but decided that enough is enough and he will find his parents, without the ninja.
I wouldn't be surprised if he and Ras try to manipulate eachother next season. It would be fun to watch. [Bonus points if Ras backstory and redemption. Pls. I want tiger dad]
Welp. This is it for now I guess, feel free to ask about my opinions on specific stuff.
7/10 Good season. Could have done much more on certain places but still a good and entertaining watch.
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cable-salamder · 2 months
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The Goblin at the tournament is a win for gays and queers EVERYWHERE
(Edit: please don’t spoiler whether this happens or not in the tags or comments (or anything else Geode related for that matter), thank you!)
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kunshokunsho · 6 months
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bros just here for the fun and got dragged into the toxic yuri drama
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poopinmybabyfood · 1 month
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I think I'm hilarious sometimes
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demm-210 · 1 month
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A short animation from ninjago
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taddymason · 2 months
dr S2 spoilers
I have other things to say about the season like the pacing and Arin's arc (I have a lot to say about this) but
I told myself I had extremely low expectations for Amnesiac Jay's arc.
Just- I don't know, it's not that they did something wrong with his character, it's just the anticlimactic thing that everything happened so quickly in his first fight in the tournament. I already knew that Nya was going to win, there was no way she would be eliminated so quickly. So when they start fighting it is disappointing because you know that Jay will lose and it is even more anticlimactic that it is directly in his first introductory fight in the tournament.
But this may be a complaint about the pacing of the season because I feel like everything happened too fast and a lot of things were directly happening off-screen. There's no scene of Jay escaping from the Administration, Ras recruiting or training him, Ras kicking him out, nothing, just exposition.
At least they didn't play his character as a joke, but idk
Everything happened too fast and it felt like the writers didn't know how to handle so many characters at once.
In a few words; being a Jay Fan is hard
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magic-glasses · 2 months
In light of the DR s2 pt2 eps getting leaked on peacock early, I found a google drive on twt saving the eps:
(The drive is NOT mine, it belongs to @/T0astedSandwich on twt so please check them out!!! Just posting it here since not everyone is in ninjago twt)
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grilledcheese-savage · 2 months
Spoilers for Ninjago part 2 of season 2 leak
Not enough people actively using the angst potential that Nya had both lightning and water powers at one point. Like… the one thing she had left of old Jay… his powers. Imagine her running the static shock between her fingers wondering if the energy she felt underneath her skin ever kept him up too much…
It’s raining and thundering outside and that’s the only way they could be together.
Just wondering if she ever thought about that…
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s0ull3ss-p3rs0n · 2 months
How does one fumble SO BAD dawg 😭
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peachybruiseslego · 5 months
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i puked and it made this weird shape kinda looks like jay is this normal
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an-actual-roach · 1 month
How’d the leak happen 2 months early tho????
Like if the seasons all finished why wait 2 months, why not just release it
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sneegsnitties · 2 months
they did notttt make a movie reference with the element of a surprise thing thats so fucking funny
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kunshokunsho · 6 months
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they mean so much to me i literally cannot.
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squib-2006 · 26 days
Kinda spoilers for dr s2 part 2
Also set leak for next ninjago wave
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Ironically before the description it was only ras’ jet guess we’re getting an evil Arin minifig now lol
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taddymason · 2 months
You are THE ceo of Dragons Rising Jay. I'm interested in how you would have handled Jay in the Tournament of Sources. Like, how would you have liked it to go? Especially the (unfortunately) short fight with Nya.
(long rant with drs2 spoilers)
Ok, so, my biggest problem is that there is no buildup to go from "Agent Walker" to "Wolf Jay". If I weren't aware of the leaks and was watching the show solely with the information presented there I would be very confused about whatever is going on with Jay.
It's almost funny, all the exposition they do and then they jump right into the angst when there's barely any substance. There is no interaction from Jay with Ras, Jordana, or Cinder. We are not shown how he decides to escape the Administration, how Ras recruits or trains him, or how he kicks him off the team. And yes, there are people who will say that maybe they will make an episode focused on that in S3, but if the way to introduce him as an antagonist is to take him out after 3 minutes of screen time with pure exposition dialogues, it is quite messy and disappointing. There is nothing of this character that has been shown after his interaction with Bonzle, only the immediate jump to Jaya angst, they don't even show him regaining his powers or how the hell Ras found him.
So my two options to fix this are:
Introduce Jay defeating other elemental masters, even using shatterspin. Let that be the real shock for the ninjas. Show me at least how he interacts with his own team, how he fights dirty, his relationship and training with Ras, I don't need them to tell me his entire backstory, just let me see how these two talk so I can infer that Jay truly believes Ras was his teacher instead of throwing out that line carelessly. Make the ninjas worry because they know they will eventually have to fight Jay, maybe Nya tries to talk to him. AND THEN do the Jaya fight where Jay loses instead of having the fight be so early in the season. This way, I can at least take Jay seriously, and if I were a casual viewer, I can infer that he's a future threat, rather than a useless kicked puppy.
I recognize that this season has pacing problems due to handling so many plots and characters at the same time. Maybe there is no time to show all this and it is true.
But if there's no time to give Jay a proper introduction, then I'd rather he not participate in the tournament. It's that simple. I would have preferred that those 3 minutes of screen time be spent on him getting fed up with the Administration and deciding to escape. Maybe leave it there with him getting to meet Arin and Ras at the end of the season.
That would make me curious to know what his future is, it is a slower buildup, yes, but it makes more sense with everything they showed us with him as an agent.
In part 2, I didn't feel curiosity about him, just… pity. You have him talking shit, you have Ras showing him off as if it were his secret weapon, and then you have him like a kicked puppy who runs OFF SCREEN after only exposing how he went from the Administration to the tournament. Nothing else. They did him dirty.
Anyway, I don't want to flood my blog just complaining about the Evil Jay plotline in s2, so this will probably be the last post I make about this because I want to focus on others that I did LIKE about the season, like Arin's arc, which seems perfect to me.
So yeah, don't expect art or any content about DR Jay, the season took away all my interest in what they would do with his character, except- pity, I guess. At this point I've lost hope that they'll give Jay a good arc, so I'd rather accept it than continue complaining.
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