#nineball x reader
allbark-no-bite · 3 months
don’t write checks you can’t cash.
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jake seresin x reader (wc: 3.6k)
summary: jake seresin is under your skin. or maybe you’re under his. either way you’re going to eat each other alive. jake isn’t about to take the fall
warnings: mentioned age gap, heavy sexual tension (the smut is coming i promise)
author’s note: back on my topgun bullshit bitches (respectfully). i’m not usually one for multi part fics but i actually wrote something with plot for once so please just bear with me. loosely inspired by Zach Bryan’s ‘nineball’. please note this fic title is subject to change bc i hate it
(you can read part 2 here!)
You don't believe in love at first sight. You think the whole concept is some foolish idea that people who have already fallen in love have the liberty of saying they believe in. Then people who have been through failed relationship after failed relationship are convinced that they're never going to fall in love because it just doesn't happen. The whole idea pretty much just sets the rest of the population up for failure from the start.
Even the concept of finding the right person one day and growing to love them is hard for you to grasp. Because how can you love someone that much? How do you know you love them enough?There are some days that you don't enjoy the presence of even your closest friends for very long, friends who you would do anything for. Even family, you only tolerated so much.
Your high school boyfriend hated that about you, the fact that you realistically needed so little of him—or anyone for that matter. You have always been violently independent, able to provide what you require, and therefore having to maintain a simplistic relationship became nothing but a monotonous task. Even most of your closest friendships faded with time.
Eventually, you prosed the question: what can someone else give me that I cannot give myself?
The answer was companionship. Because when you strip away everything from a person and all they have left to offer you is themself, you have to be willing to choose them. And sometimes that's not the most appealing quality.
Something did happen, the first time you made eye contact with Lt. Jake Seresin, but it was far from love. It was something terrible in your chest, like an aching. Like you knew in your gut that he was going to change your life. Good or bad, you didn't know, but it was certain to happen.
You don't even believe that you two were destined to meet — you just happened to, and in that moment, the damage was done, it was your fate to ruin each other.
You like the way he says your name. You like that he says your name on purpose, like he is intentionally seeking out reasons to say it. It's not as harsh sounding coming from his mouth.
"You from around here, [L/n]?"
You're wiping down the glass hatch of your F/A-18 when he approaches you from behind. You swivel your head to catch sight of him behind your back but he's already making a wide circle around you, his chin tipping up then down as he inspects your plane from behind his tinted aviators.
As you watch him scrutinize your aircraft, you regard him with a certain level of apprehension. Jake Seresin was nothing short of gorgeous. He was six feet of bronze skin and lean muscle, withbright green eyes, and a movie star smile. Not to mention the southern accent that had girls drooling over him.
"Austin," you correct him. "Austin, Texas."
You'd been transferred over to Miramar a little over a month ago, becoming the newest addition to the Dagger squad. California was a nice change of scenery, and everyone you had met so far had welcomed you with open arms. That is, everyone but Lt. Seresin— Hangman as they called him. You were still trying to find your footing with him.
You genuinely don't know what his problem is with you. The guy had hardly even given you a glance since the moment you'd arrived. Your first guess would have been that he was one of those dickheads who didn't like women working in the field, but his relationship with Phoenix disproved that theory.
Your answer seems to warrant his attention, and he looks up. His expression twitches at the correction but he doesn't say anything in response. For the first time since you arrived at Miramar, still, unsmiling green eyes catch yours from across the aircraft.
You hold his gaze. After a moment, your stomach twists in an unsettling way, like even it doesn't know what to do with itself. Your first instinct is to look away. Your brain is telling you that if you do, you can avoid any sort of confrontation that may happen as a result. But it's like you can't.
This is the first time he's looked at you, and now you don't dare to look away.
Even from behind the tint of his perfectly polished aviators, you can make out the distinct color of his green eyes. They're so distracting that you have to remind yourself to breathe.
After what feels like eons of uncomfortable staring, he breaks your gaze —surely it couldn't have been longer than a few seconds. Flustered, you glance around to see if anyone else has picked up on the affair. Fortunately, or unfortunately, you're not quite sure which, it's nearing 6pm and the base is on the better side of empty. It's a Friday evening and everyone is eager to head out for the weekend.
Someone clears their throat. Hangman is still standing there, hands shoved in his pockets like he doesn't have anywhere better to be. You want to say something but your gut is telling you that there's some sort of game going on here and you're not sure of the rules.
Finally, he faintly nods his head, as if to excuse himself, and turns to walk away. You watch his retreating back and relax a little, breathing a bit easier.
As you're turning back to your plane, relieved that the interaction is over, you hear him call back over his shoulder.
“The team is heading to the Hard Deck at nine. Don't be late."
And then he's gone, disappeared between one of the hangars.
For nine thirty on a Friday evening, the bar isn't nearly as busy as you'd expected it to be. You don't have to fight for a parking spot out front and there's not even a line at the bar. Other than a rowdy looking gaggle accumulating at the pool table, the atmosphere is pretty laid back. Looking around as you walk further in, there is a handful of people in civilians, but the majority of the crowd is composed of off duty aviators in their summer khakis.
You're about to head over to the bar top, where you were sure you had spotted Captain Mitchell, when someone shouts your name.
Your head swivels at the sound of your callsign, and you catch sight of Rooster beckoning to you over at the pool table. Immediately you recognize the familiar faces of the Dagger squad around him. You acknowledge him with a smile and head over to join them.
“And here we thought you were going to be a no-show," the brunette pilot chirps, his arm wrapping around your shoulder as soon as you're close enough. You lean into his embrace while touching his chest with a friendly pat of your hand. Bradley is by no means close to drunk but most definitely more than a little buzzed if you're going off of the smell of beer and lime on his breath and the occasional involuntary twitch of his mustache.
"I thought about it, but I can't keep letting you guys have all the fun," you laugh, holding out your other arm so that you can greet Natasha with a hug as Rooster releases you.
After hugging you, she presses a sweating bottle of beer into your hand. "Coyote bought everyone a round so I figured I'd save you one before the boys wiped them out. Sorry if it's a bit warm, you did show up fashionably late."
You playfully roll your eyes at her, taking the beer anyhow. "Thanks, Phe."
Payback places a large palm on the top of your head, diverting your attention towards him as he returns from the bar. "Don't let her fool you, we're just getting started over here. Rooster isn't even drunk enough to get on the piano yet."
Laughing, you glance over at the brunette aviator. "Now that I've been waiting to see. I hear you're quite the show, Bradshaw."
Since you transferred over to Miramar, you had been hounded nonstop to go out drinking with the team for weeks, and Rooster's infamous performance had been one of their key selling points. That and the fact that the owner, Penny, often gave them free drinks. Apparently she had a thing for Captain Mitchell.
Rooster grins, leaning against the pool stick in his hand as he waits for Fanboy to take his shot. "Let me get a couple more beers deep and I promise you won't be disappointed."
As you go about making your rounds to greet everyone else, you can't help but notice that there's someone missing. After you take a seat beside Bob to watch Rooster and Fanboy play, you glance around the bar a few times, convinced that you've somehow overlooked him despite the fact that the place isn't busy enough for that.
An almost disappointed feeling pulls at you despite how ridiculous the realization makes you feel.
After spending the better part of an half hour trying to push the feeling away, you finally spot a familiar head of blonde hair over at the dartboard. He's by himself, about three darts in and half a bottle of beer down. So much for the personal invitation, you think.
You watch as he throws a dart, practically without so much as aiming whilst contemplating whether or not you even have it in you to muster up the courage to face those green eyes again.
Without giving yourself the chance to back down, you swallow back the rest of your now warm beer and head over.
He tosses another dart just as you reach him, and it finds itself dead center with the previous three.
"With a hand like that, you should be kicking Rooster's ass over there in pool," you say as you come to a stop behind him.
Walking away from the dartboard, Jake turns to grab his bottle of beer from the table beside you.
"I'm not much of a betting man," he huffs, leaning back against the table. The muscles of his biceps bugle distractingly against the sleeves of his uniform.
You look back over your shoulder, watching from a distance as Fanboy's cue clips the eight ball and sends it ricocheting off the sidewall. He groans, and Rooster whoops triumphantly from behind him.
"It wouldn't be much of a bet. Even with his winning streak, I think you'd give him a run for his money."
Hangman takes a sip from his bottle, mouth lingering on the rim before he sets it back down and crosses his arms. "Rooster's all luck and no skill. The table's got a lean."
You raise your eyebrows at the confession, half laughing at his lax confidence. "Oh? And you would know this how?"
"C'mon, son. Fuckin' hit it in."
Body tense, his arm quivers ever so slightly and the pool stick bobs shakily in his hand. He closes his eyes and takes a breath in.
"I haven't got all day, kid."
He breathes out and breathes back in. The smell of cigar smoke and cheap beer swims in his head.
"What're you doin'?! Quit wastin' time."
He exhales, opens his eyes, and hits the pool stick forward. The white cue ball shoots out to the left, bounces against the eight ball, and sends it hurdling towards the side pocket. At the very last moment, it veers off to the left and falls into  the back corner pocket instead.
The man standing on the other side of the table curses, his pool stick dropping to the ground, but Jake pays little mind to him. He straightens, looking around eagerly for the only set of eyes that matter. The grin falls from his face when he realizes the old man isn't even watching, too busy counting out his prize money and yanking out a ten to hand to the bartender.
Jake looks up at the clock on the wall over his shoulder.
12:57 am
"Dad, I wanna go home."
"Not yet, son. I've already got fifty put down on another round."
"Want me to show you?"
His offer makes you pause, and you can't help but cock your head a bit as you try to weigh out just where this is heading. For weeks he has acted as though you barely even existed and now you're engaged in the longest conversion the two of you have had since your arrival.
Jake finishes his drink and sets the bottle down whilst walking over to you. "Final offer. Take it or leave it."
You laugh a little before stepping back so that he can make his way to the pool table. "Lead the way then." But before you can make it too far, his palm finds the flat of your back, pressing you forward so that you're in front of him. You're glad he can't see you because your face flashes hot at the unexpected contact.
"I'm not the one playing, kid. I'm just going to show you the ropes."
"Oh, I didn't-"
Any objections you have about the situation are ignored as he pushes you firmly in the direction of the pool table and asks Payback for his cue. "Look alive, Bradshaw. Hawk is about to show you how this thing is done."
Straightening his wide shoulders, Bradley grins, smug and easy as you and Hangman approach the opposite side of the table. "And here I thought you were here to reclaim your throne now that I'm intoxicated."
Jake grins back. "You don't need to be drunk for me to do that."
Bradley's mustache twitches, but he's still smiling. "Sure."
Jake turns back to you, placing the pool stick in your hand. You can't help but think that his expression is all too confident for someone who has never even seen you play pool.
"Nervous?" he asks as you take the stick from him.
"Should I be?" you ask back, turning your head to watch as Rooster takes the liberty of breaking the rack.
He shakes his head, his green eyes glowing with a warmth that you've yet to see from him. "Not as long as you don't totally suck."
Seeing that it's your turn, you brush past him to stand at the table. "I guess I'll let you be the judge of that."
Thankfully you've played your fair share of pool and so you're able to hold your own for most of the game. Jake remains criminally silent as you play, arms once again crossed as he leans against a nearby stool, but you can feel his gaze burning into your back the entire time. It isn't until the end of the game and you've missed the same ball multiple times that he steps in.
"Shift left," he directs you. When you glance over at him, he nods his head as if to insinuate where you should move but doesn't move from where he's planted himself since the beginning of the game.
Hesitantly, you shuffle over a half step and take the shot. The ball comes closer than you have been but still hits the sidewall just short of the pocket. You huff in frustration, and Rooster steps forward to take his turn, sinking his second to last ball in the same pocket.
"I hope you're ready to buy the next round, Seresin. Looks like Hawk is losing her nerve," Bradley goads, unable to keep himself from boasting a little at your expense. When it comes to Hangman, he can't resist the chance to taunt him.
You roll your eyes at his comment, not bothered so much by it as compared to the fact that you're losing. When it's your turn again, you line up the ball and lean down to assume your position when Jake stops you.
All the sudden he's right beside you, palm pressing into your hip to scoot you to the side. "Move over." When you look at him like he's crazy, he huffs. "C'mon, do you want my help or not?"
It isn't so much of a question as it is a statement and the press of his hand against your side doesn't leave you much of an option and so you shuffle over to the far right side of the pool table.
Before you can even comprehend what's going on, he's leant over you, his impossibly tall frame pressed to your back so that he can reach around you and guide your hands. One wraps around your hand on the stick and the other cups your opposite elbow.
It takes everything in you not to jerk away, overwhelmed by his sudden proximity. Instead you try to focus on controlling your hammering heart and pray he can't tell how clammy your palms suddenly are.
"Hey, that's not allowed," Rooster complains. "Is that allowed?"
Coyote shrugs. "It's not not allowed."
Distracted by their bickering, his voice in your ear nearly makes you jump. "Hit the cue ball. Hard."
The lean press of his body is almost enough to distract you from the fact that he's done a god awful job of lining up the shot. There's not one alternate reality where you make this shot.
"You can't be serious."
He's so close that you feel him smile beside your ear. "Dead."
"Any day now," Rooster prompts, as if you aren't aware that Jake Seresin has been pressed against you for an uncomfortably long amount of time. And if Hangman has noticed the fact that your heart is fluttering erratically inside your chest or that your skin is flushed hot to the touch, he doesn't let on. 
"I'm waiting," he reminds you, his voice placid in your ear.
Against your better judgement, you take the shot.
The white cue ball hurtles into the black eight ball with a hard clack and sends it flying across the table. It smashes against the sidewall, exactly as you had expected it to, and you release a breath of defeat. And then something unexpected happens. The ball slows, but instead of bouncing to a stop, it continues to roll left across the table. You all watch as it rolls directly into back corner pocket of the table.
"Well I'll be damned," Payback mutters aloud.
"Hell yeah, [L/n]!" Phoenix shouts, her loud and robust voice ringing out across the bar. "Shots are on Bradshaw!"
"Thanks buddy," Coyote laughs, teasingly grabbing the back of the brunette aviator's shoulders as he heads off for the bar.
Bradley waves them off, looking a bit miffed but still good naturedly accepting his defeat.
"How about it? You're a cold blooded killer."
Like a bucket of ice water being dumped over your head, the sound of Hangman's voice coming from behind you jerks you back to reality. You haven't even noticed that he'd stepped away. Something inside you twinges at the loss of his body pressed against yours.
You turn around to face him, your brain still trying to comprehend what just happened.
"How'd you do that?" you ask incredulously, your tone almost accusing. A deeper part of you wants to ask 'why did you do that' but the smile on his face stops you.
His top row of pearly white teeth that you glimpse is pristine, however brief, before his pink lips come back together in a more subdued smile. It's an expression that is so very genuine and carefree that it sends a spark straight through to your heart. You've never seen him actually smile before, and especially not at you.
"You're smiling," you accuse before you can stop the words from coming out of your mouth, half giddy at the discovery yourself.
Jake looks slightly away, turning his head briefly in order to suppress his smile before looking back to you. “Yeah? So?” His green eyes are twinkling as he says it, like he knows he’s been caught.
You jab the short end of the pool stick into the center of his chest, but he’s quick to grab it before it can find home.
“Up until yesterday, you could barely stand to even look at me,” you say.
He bites the inside of his cheek. “That’s not true.”
“So you’re saying that I’m seeing things.” You try to tug back on the pool stick but Hangman doesn’t release it.
“I’m saying you shouldn’t be seeing things.”
With that, a larger portion of the previous smile is gone from his face, a more sober look replacing it.
Just like that the spark fades. Even though you want to shut down, turn your back to his face and just walk away. You force yourself to keep talking, holding your voice steady. “I don’t think I’m following you.”
Inside you know exactly what he means.
His eyes flicker up over your shoulder but the Dagger squad has already moved on to crowd around Rooster at the piano.
You clamp your jaw together as he releases the pool cue and crosses his arms in front of his chest. It makes him look more relaxed than he is.
"Look, whatever this is—whatever you think I am, I'm not." He says this with the realistic conviction of someone who knows that even if it is, you can't. He says it like he’s trying to convince himself.
You’re not quite sure how old he is—barely thirty if you had to guess— but he’s older. Too old. Not to mention fraternization is deeply frowned upon.
"I know," you answer firmly. Because you do. Because even if it isn't, you want it, whatever it is.
He stares down at you with those green eyes, his pupils pinpoint sharp. After a moment he heaves a sigh and releases it, nodding his head. “So we’re in agreement?”
“Yeah,” you answer. “We’re in agreement.”
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lotties-ashwagandha · 2 years
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❈ = fluff, ★ = angst
debbie ocean
lou miller
heaven was found in her embrace ★ ❈
watered-down vodka ★ ❈
debbie x lou
debbie x tammy
daphne kluger
fool for love and full of fire ❈
rose weil
poly ships:
debbie x lou x reader
security cameras ❈
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kj-1130 · 3 years
Chapter 16
But First, it’ll Piss You Off
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Main Masterlist
     Calypso never did get the chance to check the time when they got back to the loft like she said she would. All she knew was that it was cold. Very cold. She was wishing she had a thicker jacket. 
     If she hadn’t grabbed Debbie’s spare key, it would’ve looked like she was leaving for good. She was definitely contemplating it but she figured it wasn’t a very good idea considering there was a crazy woman following her. 
     She didn’t have a set destination. She just needed to leave because the little bit of structure she did have in her life just came crashing down. And she needed to be around people who could understand. As much as she loved being around the crew, they didn’t understand what she was going through. They could feel sympathy but not empathy. 
     Calypso continued to walk to wherever her legs took her. When they stopped, she looked up and saw that she was at the corner store. It was her favorite one around here because they didn’t care who you were or what you bought. They only cared that you paid, and didn't cause a ruckus. 
     The bell above the door rang as she pushed it open and made her way into the establishment. Glancing over, she saw that the guy at the cash register was still staring down at his phone, not paying her any mind. The teen quickly walked over to the alcoholic beverages and grabbed two of the first thing she set her eyes on. 
     Placing the two bottles on the checkout counter, she dug through her satchel and began pulling out some money. 
     “Don’t worry about it, honey,” the guy started, putting the bottles in bags. “It’s on me,” he winked. 
     With a curled top lip, Calypso snatched the bags out of his hands and bolted out of there. 
Before she knew it, she was walking down the steps she had once been extremely familiar with. The loud honks from outside faded and turned into quiet jazz. 
     Knocking on the door, she waited for someone to answer. 
     “What’s the password?” 
     “Jeremy, don’t start with this shit,” she huffed and rolled her eyes. 
     “Never let me have any fun,” Jeremy muttered, while unlocking the steel door. 
     The teen slips in as soon as she is able to, wanting to separate herself from the outside world as quickly as possible. As she walked down the hall, her friend caught up with her and threw a muscular arm around her shoulder. 
     “So,” he starts, “what have you been up to, junior?” 
     Calypso rolls her eyes at the nickname (she didn’t even know how she got it) and decided to ignore it for the time being. 
     “Oh, you know, stole from a criminal then became friends with said criminal and their criminal friend group. Oh! And I live with them now. Nothing too big.” 
     While she continues moving, Jeremy stops behind her with his mouth hung open. 
     “Excuse me, what?” 
     With a sigh, the teen stands on her tiptoes and pats the top of his head. 
     “You’ll understand when you’re older,” she mocks before taking off towards the main room. 
     “Hey! Don’t fuck with my fro!” 
     “I only got called a half-breed twice this week. That’s a win in my book.” 
     “What the hell did I just walk into?” 
     The three other heads whip around towards the newcomer. Cheers began to echo around the room and Calypso jokingly bows. 
     “Now, now, peasants. No need to fret, I know my presence has been missed.”
     The others only roll their eyes and invite her into the huddle to get comfy. 
     “C’mon, C. We were sharing our interesting weekly tales, you’re just in time,” Kensly says, scooting over to allow the newest addition to sit next to her. “It’s Eliza’s turn now.” 
     The mentioned grumbled and ran their hand through their freshly cut, shoulder-length hair. 
     “Do I have to?” 
     “Yes, grumpy pants,” Kens insists. “It’s tradition.” 
     With a sigh, Liz thinks up of something.
     “Ummm….someone at work compared me to the item box in Mario Kart cause ‘you never know what you’re gonna get.’”
     As hard as she tried not to, Calypso let out a snicker and covered it up with a cough. 
     “Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up.” 
     After the chuckles died down, Jayden spoke up. 
     “I saw some activity from Nineball which is super fucking rare! Like I felt honored to even see that.” 
     “Oh, that’s cool,” Calypso absentmindedly said. “I’ll have to talk to her about it.” 
     “You’ll have to do what?” Jay asked, shocked. 
     The teen muttered out a couple of curses for letting that slip and reluctantly began to explain in detail what’s been going on. From stealing Debbie’s watch, to living with her crew, and trying to hide from Ilora. It’s been a bumpy ride to say the least. 
     In the middle of her explanation, she opened up her bottle and took slow swigs. The happy, energetic vibe had since dissipated and was replaced by a somber and tense energy. The drink was a means of relaxation for her. 
     “She’s not even fucking dead,” she mutters after a moment of silence. “And I should’ve fucking known.” 
     “No, C” Jeremy gently interrupted. “You couldn’t have known-“ 
     “Yes, I would’ve,” the teen insists. “If she died then I would’ve felt it.”
     Quiet washed over them while they were all left to process what Calypso told them while she just sat there and tried to drink her miseries away. 
     “Okay,” Eliza says, reaching over and snatching the drink from the girl’s hand. “You’re gonna get alcohol poisoning.” 
     “Lizzie,” the teen whined drunkenly. 
     “No,” he said sternly. “You’re going to sober up and you’re gonna go…back to wherever you came from. Cause from what you told us, they’re probably worried sick.” 
     “Pfft. They don’t care-”
     “Yes, they do. You need to get that through your fucking head. If they didn’t care they would’ve kicked you out by now. If they didn’t care, they wouldn’t have told you about Harlow.” 
     Calypso was silent. 
     “So go in the kitchen, drink some water, and J will walk you back.” The teen only stared at them. “I said go.” 
     With a sigh, the coily-haired girl hauled herself off the couch and trudged to the kitchen to grab some water. 
     “Why do I have to walk her back?” Jeremy muttered. 
     “Because you’re all muscles,” Eliza replied. “Plus I’m hungry. And you’re the only one with money. So bring us something back.” 
@stillmanicc @annestine​ @ymzki-haruki @moonslattes @yomama010101 @emiliaisdead​ @augustvandyne​ @uselessgay101​ @evilcr0ne​
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ravenforce · 5 years
Manhattan 2
Word Count: 3583
Warning/s: None. (Would you believe that? Lol.)
A/N: Thank you so much for everyone who likes, and follows this story. You guys are amazing. Please leave your reactions, bloody or otherwise, on the comment section. My inbox is open too if you’d like to pop by. Oh, and please note the ff:
1. If there are any grammatical mistakes I’ve still overlooked, I apologize.
2. Since you’re already reading this part. Please, be careful out there. Protect yourself from NCOV. Wear a mask if you’re going outside. Wash your hand regularly, and bring alcohol everywhere you go. Take your vitamin C seriously, and stay hydrated. If you feel flu-like symptoms, get yourself checked by experts. Don’t self-medicate. The world is a better place because you’re here. Stay with me. Xx
Manhattan Parts: 1 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8  | 9
The Morning After - Lou’s POV
Lou can faintly see that the sun is already up and peaking through her curtains. Rather than get up, she shut her eyes tighter, the events of the night prior rushing to the forefront of her brain. She sighed happily as she remembers how soft you were against her hands, how obedient you were, and how beautiful you sound begging her to go faster, harder, and most especially when you screamed her name. She groaned when she remembered how you moaned as you come undone in her mouth and hands. She rolled on her back like she’s been struck by lightning when she remembers how you look in her bed, sated and peaceful.
She was disappointed when she found your spot on the bed empty. She sighed, no one leaves her in bed. It is her that always leave, and the other party begging her to stay but she never does. She sat up, she decided she’s not gonna wallow and think that you leaving is some sort of karma for every girl she left satisfied, yet heartbroken. She decided she’s going to shower because you both did plenty of dirty stuff last night, and then she’s gonna come downstairs to find her brothers and their merry gang of beautiful misfits and have breakfast with them.
Dressed in a crisp white button-up shirt, dark jeans, and black boots, Lou barged into the service kitchen where she knew everyone was holing after a night of partying.
“Good morning, children,” she greeted happily. Amidst being disappointed about your departure, she’s still positively lighter. 
The soft morning conversation came to a stop. It took a minute for everyone to process her presence, that Lou, their big sister is home for once. She’s rarely home ever since she opened the art gallery, The Heist, in Manhattan with Debbie, Daphne, and the crew.
“Sestra,” Loki greeted when Lou rounded the corner towards the coffee machine. “Your after-sex-glow can be seen from outer space.”
The Avengers choked on their breakfast items, Loki and Lou started laughing. 
“Loki!” Thor admonished after successfully gulping down his french toasts. 
“What? She looks great!”
“You could have gone with that,” Tony complained, blushing profusely and pointedly not looking at Lou. They’ve all been close to her, growing up with the boys but they still don’t like being privy to Lou’s sexual affairs.
“Where’s the fun in that?” Loki, ever the sassiest, said. 
Thor watched his big sister for a minute, and the three of them have been closed enough to know that Loki’s right. Lou’s definitely glowing. 
“Please tell me you didn’t pick up a random college girl from the party last night,” Thor said warned jokingly. 
Lou smirked and intentionally didn’t answer the question as she makes her coffee.
“Lou?” Thor asked, squinting his eyes at his sister’s back. 
Lou turned around to look at her blonde sibling with an infuriating smile on her face. 
“Well,” she started, intentionally pausing a beat or three to annoy her brother. “I didn’t actively look for her. She stumbled on my lair, what am I supposed to do?”
Loki and the rest of the gang laughed, while Thor continued mumbling and complaining about having to look at the poor girl sulking at school because the legendary Lou Odinson won’t pick up their calls.
”Besides, how am I supposed to walk away from her? She’s breathtaking,” Lou said with genuine fondness. 
Heavy Breakfast - Your POV
Before everyone can grill Lou on who she slept with, you barged in the service kitchen looking slightly dishevelled and with a deep frown on your face. The conversation dropped, while the tension rises. Everyone looked surprised that you’re on-site, their collective gaze fell on Nat and Carol in an instant. The two looked terrified and wholly unprepared for your arrival. They still haven’t quite polished exactly what they wanted to stay, even though they’ve been trying to reach you since the sun started to rise.
“God, Odinsons’ your house is insane,” you said dramatically.
“I went outside to make a phone call, and I got lost on the way back,” you ranted before looking up from your phone and quickly looked at your friends. 
Your perfectly constructed poker face nearly slipped when you saw Lou standing behind Tony and Maria by the coffee maker. She looked mildly surprised but more entertained at the idea of being in the same room as you and the two women she helped you forget - temporarily - last night. You held back the urge to roll her eyes at her. 
“You’re not the first to complain about that,” Lou quipped. “I told the boys to put up signs but I guess they’re both lazy idiots.”
You cracked a smile remembering how she called her brothers that last night before threatening to beat them up, assuming they made you cry. Tony and Maria caught the smile, no matter how small it was and quirked an eyebrow.
“Putting up signs around the house is ridiculous,” Thor complained as you walk towards the coffee machine. 
“Not to mention tasteless,” Loki backed his big brother up. 
Lou handed you her mug of coffee before starting a fresh brew. Thor and Loki stopped talking in an instant, as everyone watches you drink from Lou’s cup. You let out an ungodly moan as you let Lou’s perfectly brewed black coffee with two sugars wash over you, and warm you inside out. Your friends are watching the two of you like hawks. You can hear the cogs in their heads turning, piecing every action and reaction together.
Any minute now, you thought.
“You look good in my shirt,” Lou commented, full-on grinning now. 
“Holy shit,” Tony exclaimed. 
“What?!” Thor yelled as he stumbles out of his stool. 
You just shrugged before turning to your friends. You don’t care much that they know. You’ll tell them eventually, anyway. You just worry that you sleeping with Lou will change your dynamics with Thor and Loki. Wanda looked surprised while Maria looks worried for a second, she knows you best. So, she knows you slept with Lou as a coping mechanism.
Loki and Tony look impressed while Thor looks like he’s still processing but he doesn’t look angry. Nat and Carol looked pissed as hell.
“You slept with Lou?” Nat asked, voice clearly on edge. You frowned, not liking the tone she’s using. “Why?”
“Because I can,” you answered simply, voice neutral. “And I wanted to. Last time I checked I’m free to do whatever and whoever I want.”
“We know we fucked up last night,” Carol started to say. “But this retribution is brutal.”
You can feel your blood starting boil at that. You wanted to yell that you didn’t sleep with Lou as revenge for them kissing Steve and Val, you did it for you. You did it to forget, sure but you did it also because you’re attracted to the woman for fuck sake. You wanted to scream so many things, some of them probably spiteful but you weren’t able to as Lou’s warm, soft hand landed purposely on the small of your back. Everyone caught the action, Nat and Carol’s frown dipped deeper as they watch all your anger dissipate. 
“I can’t do this right now,” you sighed before putting Lou’s mug on the sink next to you. 
Lou just nodded at you before stepping away from her. You walked towards Maria and Wanda before planting a soft kiss on both their cheeks with a soft promise that you’ll explain everything soon enough. You walked towards the Odinson boys next, pulling them both out of the kitchen and into the hallway. Once out of everyone’s prying eyes, you tugged the boys into a hug which they immediately reciprocated, sandwiching you between them.
“I’m sorry about all of this,” you whispered. Thor’s hand landed on the small of your back, while Loki placed his around your shoulder. “I hope we’re cool?”
The boys can hear the worry and hesitation on your voice. Loki smiled at you, before tucking a loose hair behind your ear. “I’m cool with whatever you and Lou are up to. I ship it.”
You smiled at the raven-haired boy before turning towards Thor.
“I don’t understand it but it’s not my business. I just hope you understand what you’re getting into,” Thor said, worry lacing his voice.
The truth is, he secretly ships it as well but he knows her sister’s reputation in New York. She’s been living in Manhattan for a couple of years now, and never had Lou ever dated anyone seriously. He knows her sister’s not the relationship type. She beds girls that caught her interest for a small amount of time until she gets bored or until the girls started developing real feelings for her; then Lou bolts.
She doesn’t care how long the arrangement has gone, if romantic feelings are involved, she’s out. She doesn’t care much if it hurts. For their sister, it’ll hurt worse if she pretends she can give them something she couldn’t. For their sister, it’ll only hurt worst in the long run because what she gives won’t be enough. Lou has been leaving a trail of broken hearts everywhere she goes that’s why Thor worries about you.
You sighed happily. All things considered, you know you’re gonna be okay now that you’ve secured your friendship with the Odinson boys. You were about to leave when the door opened revealing Nat and Carol.
“Wait, Y/N. Please stay,” Nat pleaded. 
“Let us explain,” Carol added. “Let us try and fix this, please.”
You wanted to ignore both of them but the sadness in their voice stopped you on your track. You turned towards them and saw the two woman you truly adore nearly in tears. 
“I can’t,” you started. Nat and Carol visibly deflated. “Not right now. I need to go home and get ready. I have an interview for the internship program. We’ll talk after, I promise.”
“Okay,” they answered smiling softly at each other.
At that moment, you decided that there’s no point holding on the hurt and anger. No matter what, you still love Nat and Carol but you decided you’re not gonna be a player in their game anymore. When you met the two, you knew they still have feelings for each other but they’re too stubborn to admit it, yet you still willingly played. You decided though that if you can’t be with them, you’ll help them get who they deserve.
No more running away. No more mind games, no more using other people to make each other jealous. No one else is gonna get hurt, just because Nat and Carol can’t be honest with each other but that’ll have to wait after your interview. 
The Heist - Lou’s POV
“You’re late,” Daphne stated the obvious as Lou walked in leisurely in the conference room two hours after she’s supposed to be in.
Debbie noted the soft smile on her best friends face but said nothing. Lou just shrugged as she plopped down on her designated chair beside Debbie.
“I’m sorry,” Lou said but didn’t offer any other explanation.
She didn’t really have to explain how she stayed up all night just to make you come undone. She didn’t really have to explain how she offered to drive you home as an excuse to spend more time with you. She didn’t feel like sharing how she drove leisurely back to Manhattan because a part of her wants to stay in Ithaca, and risked being teased by her friends for immediately having a soft spot for a girl she barely knew.
9Ball looked up from her laptop to regard Lou for a moment, then every one to check if they’re seeing exactly what she’s seeing.
“At least one of us had a good weekend,” 9ball said with a smirk.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you with an after-sex-glow, like ever,” Tammy said making everyone laugh and Lou to roll her eyes playfully.
“Agreed,” Debbie seconded.
“See, even Debbie agrees,” Constance said, “So who’s the lucky girl?”
“There’s no girl,” Lou lied. She knows that Debbie can tell she’s lying but she doesn’t care. She’s not ready to share you with her vulture friends yet.
Before anyone can call her out on her bullshit, the gallery secretary, Charlie poked her head in the conference room.
“She’s here,” she said looking at Debbie.
“Saved by the bell,” Amita teased, prompting everyone to start giggling again. Debbie shushed them after a minute. Charlie who has been working in the gallery since it opened didn’t bat an eye on her bosses weird antics. She just waits patiently for instructions.
“Send her in,” Debbie instructed before Charlie nodded and scurried away to get the last interviewee for the gallery intern position. Whoever gets the job will join her, and the second gallery assistant, Kurt at the bottom of the corporate ladder.
Lou looked at her best friend with a silent question but before she can answer, the door opened and the applicant walked in.
The Interview - Your POV
You stopped dead on your tracks when you saw Lou, while the other paled a little.
Holy shit, you thought to yourself.
When Lou said she’s a businesswoman, it didn’t occur to you that she might be the owner of the art gallery you’re applying for an internship. You internally cursed the alcohol you consumed the night before for missing dead giveaways that Lou owns the Heist, like the number of artworks and art pieces in her home office, or the magazines on her coffee table featuring her and her crew. 
You were pulled away from your internal musing when 9Ball jumped out of her chair to tackle you softly in a hug. 
“Y/N!!” 9Ball exclaimed as she rubs her pretty face on the side of yours. Lou frowned at the action.
“You know each other?” Lou asked carefully keeping her voice neutral. 
9Ball extricated herself from your person before dragging you to the table. “This is Y/N Y/L/N, she’s my friend from MIT. She’s eighteen when we graduated uni,” 9Ball bragged. 
“We know, nine. We read her file” Rose said smiling.
Lou frowned because she doesn’t know, she forgot to read your file. She meant to do it yesterday but well, she met you instead. Though she knows things about you, it would be inappropriate for her to divulge them in this interview. She had to bite her lips to stop herself from smiling, thinking about all the tiny details she knows about that isn’t in your resume. Daphne caught her though but decided it’s not the time to discuss what’s going on. 
“Y/N you’ve been vouched by Nine, and your credentials are spot on,” Debbie started to say, using her CEO voice. “So I’m wondering why you still want to do this interview rather than just get the job?”
You smiled up at your potentially new boss. You can easily see that Debbie is the level-headed one in their group. 
“I work great with Nine. You all work great with Nine but that doesn’t mean you will work great with me,” you said softly, confusing everyone some more. 
“I need you to assess me as a person, not just my credentials.” You paused to let that information sink in. 9Ball looks at you with pride in her eyes. 
“I’m great in the paper, sure. I possess the technical qualities to perform an excellent job, but I believe all of it is to go to waste if you find my personality doesn’t match yours.”
Smart. Debbie noted on your resume without breaking eye contact. She smiled at you, clearly impressed. She looked around the table to assess her team’s reaction, and by the happy look on their faces, she knew they liked you as well. Everyone was enamoured by you if their attempts to engage you in a conversation all at the same time is to go by. 
“What do you think?” she whispered towards Lou. 
Lou didn’t take her eyes off you as she answers. “I think she’s perfect…for the job,” Lou caught her slipped up early on but by the look on Debbie’s face, she knew she caught it.
Debbie cleared her throat to draw everyone’s attention back to her. She looked at you intensely, the pregnant pause is giving you anxiety. “Y/N, when do you think you can start the job?”
You heaved a great sigh of relief. “Can you give me until next week to find an apartment, move, and get settled?”
Debbie nodded before standing up, walking to you and shaking your hand.“Welcome to the Heist,” she said smiling. Then everyone came over to congratulate you and give you hugs, except Lou.
You were standing at the side of the gallery entrance, texting Maria the good news when someone stood toe-to-toe with you. You’ve seen that boots this morning but you opted to finish your text with Maria before looking up at Lou.
“Would you prefer if I turn down the job?” you asked tentatively. You’re a little worried that she didn’t come over to congratulate you awhile ago.
“What?! No! Unless you don’t think you can’t work with me,” she teased. You laughed softly.
“Don’t flatter yourself, Ms Odinson.”
“Miller,” she said. You tilted your head confused. “I don’t use Odinson here. It attracts too much-unwanted attention.”
You wanted to make a joke about how such a face would attract a lot of attention but the seriousness in her voice prompted you to let it go.
“Well don’t flatter yourself, Ms Miller,” you corrected yourself, trying to imitate the way she talks. Lou laughs at your antics. You’re such a child but instead of running for the hills, she’s craving you more and more.
“Anyway, do you have plans tonight? Thought maybe since you’re here, we can celebrate.” Lou wanted to smack herself for being unable to resist vomiting her words. She doesn’t do nervous but something about asking you out, platonic or otherwise, feels daunting to her.
“I can’t tonight. I promised Maria and Wanda I’ll be home for dinner,” you said with a frown. “And you know I promised Natasha and Carol we’ll talk too.”
Lou mirrored your frown. Something about you, and Nat, and Carol in one sentence ruin her good mood. “Okay. Some other time, maybe?”
“Now, who can’t get enough of who?” you teased, effectively eradicating the frown on the blonde woman’s face.
“Shut up.”
You laughed. She started laughing too while hailing a cab for you. When the famous yellow car pulled up on the curb next to you, you bid her farewell. You stopped before entering the vehicle to look at her.
“Maybe you can help me warm my new apartment soon.”
It wasn’t a question. It’s an offer, and Lou knows it.
She smiled broadly at you.
“It’s a date,” she said before the yellow taxi rolled you away.
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Taglist:  @kaytoopio​​​ @marvelfansince08love​​​ @marvelb00kwolf​​​ @shycucumbersandwich​​​ @subject7creed​​ @inkstainedhandsofgold​
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getlostsquidward · 3 years
The gaps in your hearts (Part 2)
Lou Miller x fem!reader
A/N: You asked for part 2, and I shall deliver. I hope it's worth your wait!!
Summary: After your departure, an unexpected circumstance had you arriving back at the loft, back at Lou. Will the gaps in your hearts only become wider or will they be finally filled?
Part one
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“Oh, bugger. Baby? I’m home.”
“Nice place.”
“Try heating it.”
“There’s a room for you upstairs. Your stuff’s upstairs too.”
Lou called your name a couple of times but she got no answer. Maybe you went out and got something from the store. She furrowed her eyebrows at the notion that you didn’t let her know you’ll go out like you usually does.
She can’t wait for you to meet Debbie.
The sun has set down and you weren’t at home yet. Lou was growing worried each minute that passes. She’d left you text messages, she tried to call you several times, but all of it went to voicemail. Where did you go?
Debbie had returned from her closure meeting with Claude. She had bought takeout for dinner but Lou wasn’t in any mood to eat. She was antsy but keeping it down so her friend won’t notice. Maybe you were called in at work? Maybe you went out with a friend and forgot to send her a text. The blonde knows you can perfectly take care of yourself but she can’t help but be worried.
“Where’s your girl?” Debbie asked, reminded of Lou calling someone ‘baby’ when they arrived earlier.
Lou just shrugged her shoulders, not really knowing what to answer.
“Maybe she hit her head and woke up from the truth,” the brunette joked.
Lou glared at her friend. “Not funny.”
“Tell me about her.”
The blonde started to tell her friend everything. From how you met, the ups and downs of your relationship, and how loving and wonderful you are. You were patient and understanding; you were perfect in every way and she hated how she’d managed to hurt the one person that did nothing but love her.
The day you moved out of the loft was the most devastating day of her life. It was way much worse than when Debbie left before.
She knew that you were checking in on her through Matt, and she was wracked with guilt. Even after what she’d done, you still care for her. Lou unconsciously checks her phone to see if you left a message but to no avail. You really honoured your word that you’d give her time, and she was thankful for that.
In your two-month break, she really had thought about it all. She used the time to sort out her feelings. Hell, she even opened up to some of her other friends for help, something she rarely does even with those who know her. Unearthing her feelings.
Lou had feelings for Debbie. She didn’t know if it was romantic or if it was just a deep affection. She didn’t really think much of it. Debbie was one of the few of the persons she knows she could trust with her life and in the conworld, such a person was like a rare gem. It was hard to find, and if you do, you’ve got to treasure it. And so she did.
“Maybe you’d mistaken the concept of love and affection. You told me you really didn’t think anything about it and that explains it. The moment you felt that that person was dear to you, you immediately equated it to romantic love.”
The words mentioned had hit Lou, hard. Once she realized that, she promptly had to find you. She called you, but you didn’t answer. She didn’t know where you were staying so she asked your friends, and that’s how Lou found you drowning in liquor in some alley.
“You’re an idiot, you know that?” Debbie berated, feeling rather guilty about how she was probably the reason you left for the second time around.
“I do. No need to remind me.”
“I’m gonna tell you to go find her, but I also need you to focus on the job. Can you do both?”
“Of course,” Lou sighed. She won’t know what she would do if she were to lose you for real this time.
You were feeling rueful for leaving Lou without a word. You knew she’d be worried sick, but it was the best for the two of you. Once again, you fell into your routine. It was incredibly helpful that an event was coming and you can spend all of your time at work. Though this time, the constant drinking was out of your to-do list.
Your mind often wandered to Lou. She said something about a job, maybe that’s what they’re doing right now. Has she been thinking of you too?
The messages and missed calls Lou had sent you were not in your knowledge as you’d let your best friend hide your phone, and bought a new one for you. At first, you thought that it would be ridiculous and childlike of you but maybe she had a point. The worst-case scenario would be Lou filing for a missing person’s case, but you knew she wouldn’t dare cross paths with the police.
“Oh my god, you guys. This party is nuts. I’m not kidding! If your dress is ugly, you can’t wear it, no shit! They will bower your wardrobe!” Tammy rambled and rushed to get into the loft where she got everyone’s attention.
“I love that!” Lou quipped.
“Oh I gotta pee,” Tammy continued to ramble. “Every table cost a quarter-million dollars that if they allow you to buy one! I mean not just any $250,000 check will be approved, I mean they literally have to tell you whether or not they’ll take your money, it’s crazy!”
Everyone was standing outside the bathroom, still listening to Tammy rant about the Met.
“And then you can’t bring anyone, that you clearly go by yourself. They spend a hundred grand on food and apparently no one eats, it’s really crazy,” the blonde finished as she went out, kind of out of breath from the continuous rambling.
“Did you get the seating chart?” asked Debbie.
“The what?”
“The seating chart.” Tammy handed the special glasses she was wearing to Debbie.
“If I haven’t said it, it’s really crazy. This one person that I’m working with maybe is the only saving grace of that place. Thank goodness for Y/N,” the blonde sighed, capturing the attention of Lou.
She shared looks with Debbie, hoping that it was you their friend was talking about.
After discussing the seating chart, they approached Tammy and straightforwardly asked about you, if you were the same person she’d mentioned. Apparently, you quit your last job and had started few weeks prior to Tammy. Lou asked if you’re doing well, and almost cried when she nodded. When Tammy asked why they are curious, Debbie answered. “Lou’s girl. Left because of this dumbass right here.”
The blonde had a surprised expression on her face, a bit amazed at how small the world is. The person they’ve been looking for was only at their reach this whole time.
“She’s sweet. If you’re planning to get her back, which I know you would, you better not mess up.”
Since that day, Lou was itching to contact you but inhibited herself. She’d finish the job first, then she would have you back. If she was lucky enough to be given a second chance, which she wouldn’t fucking waste, she can finally go to California riding with you on her new bike like you always wanted to do.
Finally, it was the first Monday in May. Lou was still in the van with Nineball, preparing food for her. She remembered you telling her she would look good in a chef’s uniform. She wasn’t actually a chef right now, but she still owes you a hundred bucks.
What if you weren’t gone? Maybe you would be in on the heist too, and you would be the most beautiful woman in her eyes, everyone else in the Met is damned. She knew you would have loved and drooled over the green jumpsuit she was wearing.
The heist was successful, and the ladies were lounging at the loft. Their dillydally was halted when an unexpected guest has stormed the loft. Daphne Kluger.
“You guys are fucked,” the actress huffed. “Wow, nice place.”
“Excuse me, you are trespassing-”
“No, we asked her to come,” Lou cut Tammy’s accusation.
Debbie started to explain how Daphne might have gotten a sense of what they were doing, so they roped the brunette in. Daphne then asserted how she was the one who was saving everyone from insurance fraud. Another revelation had caused panic to those who didn’t know, scared that they might be busted and imprisoned.
“We will not be the prime suspect.”
“Then who will be the prime suspect?”
Lou listed several people like the security guys and the busboy. Their attention was focused on Daphne that they didn’t notice another person coming in. You quietly opened the door in purpose, glancing at each of the women inside. You’d heard the last bit of their conversation and captured their attention by announcing your presence.
“The shady guy who put Debbie away,” you casually commented, walking towards everyone.
“Wow,” Daphne chuckled. “The boyfriend.”
Everyone but Debbie and Daphne was shocked, for the third time around. They didn’t really expect guests today. Lou looked like she had seen a ghost but didn’t take her eyes off you.
“Yup. If they were gonna be looking for somebody, just had to make sure it wasn’t one of us.”
You whispered a “Hi, Tam” to your coworker, and took a sit in the middle of her and Daphne. “The precision, right?” the actress turned to you. “The attention to detail, a little grace note that really makes something sing.”
While she was blubbering about how well-thought the job was, she scooted closer to you and put a hand on your thigh. Lou raised an eyebrow at the action, jealousy bubbling in her chest.
“Why are you doing this?” Tammy asked, referring to Daphne. “And Y/N? You were in too? How?”
You let the brunette answer first and when she finished, Debbie had answered for you.
“She was our other mole in the Met, aside from you and Nine.”
“Oh, you were an angel, Y/N. She made sure I was okay after hurling my guts out. Much much better company than my date,” Daphne preached, leaning her head on your shoulder. You rest your head on hers in return.
Lou’s jaw was gritted, it was too much for her and she couldn’t look any longer. She looked at Debbie and gave her a perplexed look, asking for further explanation.
The brunette just shrugged her shoulder, knowing it was up to you to talk to Lou. After all, it was the reason she approached you. At first, she had only talked to you about Lou, but later called to ask if you were willing to join in the job. You’d said yes right away.
That night, you saw Lou sitting near the shore. She was staring straight ahead as you sat next to her.
“You know, I planned to talk to you after we got the money. But you got to me first,” she whispered.
“You have to thank Debs for that.”
Lou chuckled, “Debs? What, you’re on a nickname basis now? She doesn’t even let me call her that.”
“She told me everything. And, I- I’m sorry, Lou. I shouldn’t have left like that, left you worried though you had a job to focus on-”
Lou cut you off as she pulled you in for a hug. “No, Y/N. I should be the one apologizing.”
Her hand was running up and down your back, the touch soothing all of your troubles. You can finally feel at peace. There was no snarling voice at the back of your head, no heavy feeling. You feel like a sailor in the middle of a calm sea.
“I’ll make it up to you, for real, this time,” Lou pulled back, giving you a smile. You nodded in return.
“Although you may have to explain first what was that earlier,” her smile faded, and glared at you playfully.
You were about to ask what she was referring to when you suddenly remembered. You told her how you may or may not have told Daphne that you were on a rough patch and she volunteered to help make Lou jealous. Both of you shared a laugh as she commented on how effective it was that she had to restrain herself from tearing you apart from the actress.
There was no time to waste, you thought as you pressed your lips against Lou’s. The kiss was slow and passionate, the both of you pouring all your feelings out. Her hand entangled itself on the base of your skull as she deepened the kiss, tongue swiping on your bottom lip asking for entrance. You let her dominate you, a soft moan coaxed out of your mouth.
The only thing you could focus on was the feeling of Lou’s lips; your hammering heart and the waves lapping gently at the shore.
“I love you, baby,” Lou murmured, both of you breathless.
“I know, Lou. I love you too.”
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amerrierworld · 4 years
Not a total frickin’ idiot
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For the request: R x Daphne Kluger. R being a part of the original Heist Crew and also being the one Daphne approaches. They’re super flirty w/ each other and everyone knows that they like each other except themselves.
Summary: You thought you had gone unnoticed at the Met, but Miss Kluger never forgets a face.
Characters: Daphne Kluger x fem!reader, the Ocean’s team
Word Count: 1,657
Warnings: swearing!? Do i still have to put a warning for that? idk
If you had learned anything about diva actress Daphne Kluger from Rose, it was that you don’t speak unless spoken to first. 
And considering she didn’t talk to you at all during the heist, you were able to get around the entire night never uttering a single word to her, fulfilling your role on the team without any kind of hiccup.
So you were quite surprised when she had slid into your booth at your favourite coffee shop, giant sunglasses and a fashionable sunhat masking her face. You looked up from your phone and were about to comment about your booth being taken until you recognized her.
Your mouth hung open a little bit as she took off the hat and glasses. Her lips were painted a deep red and her outfit was impeccable, as always.
“Say..” she immediately said, pearly whites nearly blinding you as she smiled, “you were at the Met, weren't you?”
“I- I’m sorry?” you began. “I don’t know-”
“Oh my god! You totally were! You were wearing that adorable dress. Gosh, you looked so good.”
You were blushing hard, because in a matter of barely a minute, Daphne Kluger, gorgeous movie star, had called you adorable and good-looking all in the same sentence.
“I was there too- well, obviously you know that,” she chuckled, “and I was wearing that beautiful diamond necklace, don’t you remember? It was all over the news. Especially when I supposedly lost it.”
“O-oh? Right, y-yes I remember reading about it in the news..”
“And you know.. I couldn’t help but wonder how weird my designer was acting all night. And that lady in the black from the staff, who found my necklace? You’d almost think they were acting.”
You were almost as pale as a sheet at this point, gripping your cup in shaking fingers.
“And you know what’s funny? I saw you talking to both of them during the night. I mean, how couldn’t I notice? You looked so gorgeous, almost like you were asking me to see you.”
You gulped, “I do not know what you’re talking about, Miss Kluger-”
“Just call me Daphne,” she leaned forward, lips spread in a feline smile, elbows resting on the table and propping her head up on her hands.
“Y/N, right? I asked for your name from the guest list, I hope you don’t mind. They let me in on those sorts of things anyways.”
“That’s me,” you replied. 
“Do you know Debbie Ocean? Of course you do, you two also seemed pretty close all night, hm? You’re lucky I was the only one who noticed.”
“I’ve been approached by an investigator who seems really interested in her because the uh, necklace turned out to be a fake.”
You tried to pretend to be surprised at the news, but you couldn’t muster it, and Daphne looked at you knowingly.
“Luckily, I didn’t tell  him any  of your names, because I wasn’t sure if I was right. But you just confirmed all my suspicions anyways, so..”
“Are you threatening me?” you narrowed your eyes at her, and she gasped in mock offence.
“Of course not!” she leaned forward, giving you ample view of her cleavage, hand trailing over yours,
“I’m seducing you, Y/N.”
You didn’t know what to say as she looked at you with those deep, telling eyes. Her own eyes flickered appreciatively over your features, and you wondered if she was checking you out or if she was simply acting.
A small group of fans approached the table, chittering and blushing at the sight of Daphne Kluger in a meagre coffee shop such as this one. She smiled amicably, accepting their compliments and giving them autographs, before saying,
“You’re all so sweet, but do you think you’d be able to let my girlfriend and I have some privacy for the rest of our date? Thaanks,” she waved as the fans rushed off, gasping and gossiping amongst themselves at the prospect of the Daphne Kluger having a girlfriend. 
“Girlfriend?” you asked once you found your voice again. She only grinned and winked at you.
“Oh, don’t be like that baby. Now, are you gonna tell me about the necklace, or what?” she sipped your drink and your mouth went dry.
“Chilly,” Daphne remarked at the glances given by the rest of the group, “what about, ‘Hi Daph, welcome to the team. Let’s not all high five at once.’”
You chewed your lip, bounced your leg, avoided her gaze altogether, and tried very hard not to look at how good she looked in her black dress. You were sitting across from the couch where she had plopped down, hunched in the metal framed chair.
“Why’d y’let her get to you, Y/N. I told you not to draw attention to yourself!” Rose said to you, after you and Debbie had explained how Daphne had found you, recognized you and called out the plan. You, being the newbie in the ways of criminality, could barely think of a cover up and ended up bringing her to Debbie with a spluttering confession.
“She didn’t,” Daphne’s eyes were locked on yours, “I just noticed her myself.”
You blushed a little and looked away. Debbie looked at you apologetically, knowing you felt put on the spot.
“Plus,” Daphne continued, “I am the one who is saving your asses from insurance fraud, okay?”
The team burst into shock, responses flying left and right.
“I-I was gonna get to that,” you said hastily, eyeing Debbie, who stepped in,
“It seems that they’ve assigned an insurance investigator-”
“Who’s about to look up your asses with a flashlight,” Daphne pointed out.
"Oh, this little Columbo dude, everything but the trench coat, totally on to you.”
“His name is John Frasier,” Debbie said.
"Wha- you know him?” Amita spluttered in disbelief.
“Yes, he busted my father twice, my brother once.”
“He’s family,” Lou added.
“Lest we forget, this entire enterprise was to keep me out of jail,” Rose interrupted, worry etched on her face.
“No one is going to jail,” Lou assured her.
“We expected this, we prepared for this,” said Debbie. Not many of the team seemed to believe her, with Nineball adding,
“Yup... that’s clear.”
“We will not be the prime suspect,” Debbie said sternly.
"Then who will be?”
“Well,” you added, “we’ve got the security guys, the busboys-”
“...The shady guy who put you away,” Tammy sighed, arching an eyebrow at Debbie, who could barely contain the smirk on her face. Daphne stared at her incredulously,
“..the boyfriend.”
"Mhm,” Debbie replied, “they were gonna be looking for somebody, just had to make sure it wasn’t one of us.”
Lou nodded in approval, adding a faint, “that’s nice.”
“Wow... that is amazing,” Daphne grinned, chewing her gum in delight, “the precision, right? It’s always the attention to detail and the little grace notes that really make something sing.”
A short silence followed. Glances were cast between the rest of you, wondering what on earth had gotten into Daphne’s head.
“...Why are you doing this?” Tammy asked, clearly dumbfounded by this multi-millionaire actress dropping into their party. Daphne stilled for a moment, her eyes flickering to you for a second before saying,
“I.. don’t have that many close female friendships. Plus bookclubs are the worst, so I just thought y’know... could be something fun to share?”
“You’re becoming a criminal because you’re lonely?”
“...Who isn’t sometimes, right?”
"Are you an only child?” you asked her. Her silence told you enough.
The team seemed to accept at that point that Daph was there to stay, so they went about their usual business. 
“Beer?” Lou offered you, which you immediately said yes to, feeling a little woozy after that whole experience.
Tammy went to the kitchen and opened another pizza box, and you went to grab a slice for yourself before calculating your next move carefully, hoping your brain wouldn’t short circuit as you grabbed another slice and headed to where Daphne was sitting by herself.
You sat next to her, very very awkwardly, and offered her the paper plate.
“Aw, thanks,” she smiled, cheering up a little, “you know you don’t have to do that.”
“Do what?”
“Be nice to me because you feel bad for me. Look, I’m sorry I cornered you the other day. I didn’t mean to seem desperate or whatever.”
“You- you didn’t seem desperate,” you frowned, “and I don’t feel bad for you. Whatever gave you that idea?”
She looked at you with a mouthful of pizza, and made an exasperated gesture to your whole surroundings, indicating the events that had just occurred. She also didn’t want you to know how she had been dying for your attention the minute she had seen you at the Met. 
“Oh, well, I mean, I think your reasoning was perfectly justified,” you cocked your head at her and smiled. Then you lifted your pizza and said,
“to crime!”
The rest of the group cheered and replied with the same phrase, lifting their beers or pizza with glee. Daphne blushed at the exclamation.
“Now you,” you said, nodding encouragingly. 
“Do it! If you’re gonna be a part of the Ocean’s team, you gotta get with the rituals.”
“Rituals?” Daphne scoffed. But then she saw your dopey smile and sparkling eyes, and her insides melted. She delicately lifted the pizza and said,
“to crime!”
You laughed and sipped your beer.
“Ten bucks says they’re dating by next week,” Nineball said in the kitchen, peering into the fridge.
“I say by the weekend,” Constance offered. 
“Idiots,” Rose shook her head. “If tonight is gonna keep up like this, I say by the morning.”
They eyed you and Daphne chatting away on the couch, completely forgetting about everyone else.
“Not so lonely anymore I guess,” Tammy smiled.
“Told you, crime’s good for many things,” Debbie nudged her and smiled at Lou, who rolled her eyes playfully.
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Dream Girl
Word Count: 2546
Pairing: Oceans 8 Tammy x Fem!Reader 
Prompts: 8 “You think I’m beautiful?” and 39 “ “Go fuck yourself.” “How about you fuck me yourself, you coward?!” 
Warning: Happy ending, soft pining. 
A/N: For anon, I hope you enjoy love! We do love some Tammy content x
Tags: @waitingfortheendtocome @natasha-danvers @saucy-sapphic @witchxaf​ @j-does-life​ @coconutlipss​ 
Not my gif! This is Tammy’s face to R throughout this mess lmao x
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Prompts 8, 39
“Guys I want to introduce you to an old friend of ours. This is Y/N.” Debbie gestures towards you as you lean confidently against the door frame of the front entrance to Lou’s warehouse apartment. You lift a hand in greeting chewing slowly on a piece of gum, you wink at the brunette stranger who you’ve seen on the big screens before who giggles in return. You can practically feel Debbie’s eye roll as Lou chuckles quietly amused by your confident nature. 
“Nice to meet you all.” You address the women who are new to the group, before turning your attention to the woman who’s brown eyes stare hard at your form. “Tammy, always a pleasure.” You smirk cheekily at the blonde woman who scoffs irritably as she crosses her arms across her chest. Her brown eyes leave your own and turn accusingly to your childhood friend. 
“Really? Lizzie wasn’t available to help.” She complains, while the other women look on in confusion at Tammy’s unusual cold demeanour. 
“Hey! I am far better than Lizzie fucking Carpenter, thank you very much.” You retaliate, moving away from the door frame and into the living space. You hear Lou mutter under her breath ‘here we go’ before slipping away from the tense atmosphere, you notice the others follow suit apart from one who seems barely over the age of 23. The young girl seems to settle more into the sofa, slowly eating her M&M’s her eyes moving back and forth as if witnessing a tennis match. 
‘Probably an accurate description’ You think amusingly, as you remember the previous arguments you’ve had with the blonde mother. 
“Guys please, can we just get along for one job. I swear I feel like I’m 21 again whenever you two are in a room together.” Debbie expressed, tiredly. The con artist has always been the mediator of many spats between you and Tammy since you could remember. 
If you were being honest with yourself, you don’t really know how this quarrel between you started. In fact, you and Tammy used to be best friends growing up. ‘Partners in crime’ your mothers had said, never going a day without talking or seeing one another. After the Ocean family had moved into the area, you became the warrior three rather quickly with Danny being a surrogate older brother to you both. That all seemed to change after college, you became more cocky with your grafting skills and wanted to make more money elsewhere and Debbie being the true Ocean she is couldn’t pass up the opportunity of the thrill. Tammy on the other hand grew tired of being constantly on the move and never settling down, once her boyfriend now husband came into the picture you drifted further apart. Small jabs at one another turned into full blown arguments where you wouldn’t talk for days until all communication stopped all together.
 You have only seen Tammy once since that last argument that ended any piece of friendship left, her wedding day. To this day you never understood that painful feeling in your chest as you watched your childhood best friend walk down the aisle into those man's arms or how she looked at you from the head of the table as you danced with your date for the evening. You still don’t know why you invited her along instead of taking up Debbie and Lou’s offer of going as a ‘threesome’ which Tammy scolded you all for. Now you stand again in front of her, back to where you left off, arguing. 
“I’m not the one who’s ego is so big, it fills up the entire building,” Tammy mutters in defence, making you laugh out loud. 
“Please if your ignorance was anything to go by, I’m sure it would surpass my ego, Dream girl.” You respond back, watching as something unrecognisable passes across her face at the old nickname. You internally scold yourself at the use of the endearment. She takes a deep breath before bringing her hand forward towards you, making you raise an eyebrow in question. 
“Truce? For the sake of the job.” She begrudgingly offers, keeping her hand out. You look at the well manicured hand and back up to her face before taking her hand into your own and squeezing it gently, you try to ignore the electricity that jolts through you at the feeling of having her warm hand against your skin again. You notice her squirm slightly and clear her throat before abruptly removing her hand from yours, adjusting her knee length skirt. 
“Right well that settles it, I think we can move forward and get this plan going. Debs I have a few documents for you to look at.” She informs, her eyes glued to Debbie’s form as she steps away from your space. Clearly unaffected by the wave of electricity you’ve just experienced. 
“Why would you care if you felt it anyway.” You scold yourself, dismissing the thought before going over to the couch and settling in ready for Debbie and Lou to give you the rundown on their latest Job as you take the offered M&M from the younger woman. Unaware of the torn brown eyes that is also questioning the same electricity feeling from across the way. 
“You know I used to think Fencing was boring but you know what… I was right.” You tease, as you sit next to Tammy in the white van waiting for one of her contacts to meet her with the equipment. You laugh at the glare that she throws you, knowing there’s no real bite behind it. 
“I’m kidding Tam, I think it’s a very important job and brings in a great income for the family. What does your husband think of you working again and bringing in more money than him?” You continue, not being able to help yourself. Her eyes stay glued to the front keeping an eye out for her guy, attempting to be unfazed by your jabbing. 
“He thinks I’m working an office job at Vogue if you must know which is perfectly well considering he doesn’t live with us anymore.” She murmurs, double checking her phone for the green light to move out of our hidden spot and to the moving truck full of stolen equipment. 
“Oh wow, Vogue huh? Moving up in the world of fashion there, Dream girl.” You mock, a teasing smile on your face to show her you mean nothing behind it and avoiding the sensitive topic of the husband talk. Her lips twitch slightly in gratitude before her brows furrow, her brown eyes locking on your own suddenly far more interested in you then her phone. 
“Why do you still call me that?” She questions, her voice suddenly vulnerable. Now it’s your turn to frown, confused by her question. 
“Call you what? Dream girl?” You shrug, unaware of the effect it still has on her. “I guess you’ve always been ‘dream girl’ to me, even if we aren’t friends like that anymore.” You confess, suddenly feeling very open to her in this small space. You watch the confliction flicker in her beautiful brown eyes waiting for her to respond. 
“We aren’t friends anymore?” She whispers sadly, her eyes full of sorrow. 
“Well I mean we haven’t exactly spoken to each other since your wedding day and even if we’ve had to interact like at my parents wedding anniversary party we just ended up bickering until we spent the rest of the day avoiding each other.” You mumble, feeling awkward and exposed with this new, honest topic of conversation. A soft hand lands on top of your closed fist that had formed unknowingly throughout this conversation making you relax from the tense position. 
“I never meant for us to grow apart the way we did Y/N. Things just seemed to happen so fast I never took a minute to consider your feelings or how we just stopped being each other's person.” She opens up, she smiles apologetically at you as unushered tears build in her eyes that are full of regret. You sigh in defeat and turn over your hand to hold onto hers and squeeze in reassurance and comfort. 
“Aww shucks, you going soft on me Tam Tam.” You joke halfheartedly, feeling uncomfortable with her choice of words knowing just how true they were. You see that perfectly arched brow rise knowing she’s caught your attempt at deflecting the subject. 
“Even when I was with him I still never stopped thinking about you, ya know. What were you doing? If you were happy? I guess I was just too stubborn to pick up the phone and apologise.” She says, regret laced within her voice. Making you shake your head in dismissal. 
“No Tam, if anyone was the stubborn idiot here, it was me. I missed out on so much of your life. Look at your two kids, they are already past your waist and soon will be off to college.” 
“You are so dramatic.” She laughs, shoving you lightly. She bites her bottom lip contemplating her next words. 
“You haven’t changed a bit, ya know. You're still that beautiful confident girl I remember.” A soft warm smile appears on your lips. 
“You think I’m beautiful.” 
“Oh  the confident part goes unheard but the beautiful she hears loud and clear.” She teases, laughing as you wiggle your eyebrows at her suggestively. Before you can continue her phone chimes indicating our packages have arrived breaking the weird spell we had created putting an end to our conversation.
You pull away from each and adjust in your seat,  an unsettling feeling settles  in your chest as Tammy pulls away from the alleyway and towards your drop off location. Comfortable silence fills the van leaving you both with your thoughts. 
“How could you be so reckless?! You were so closed to being caught, I swear one of these days you're going to end up in jail and I will only have one thing to say to you ‘I told you so’.” Tammy shouts, speeding towards you as you enter the living room with the rest of the crew. 
Tammy, Rose and NineBall had stayed behind for this job, their talents needed back at base while you and the rest of the gang carried out the job elsewhere. The heist was a success but your risky slip up towards the end of the job didn’t go unnoticed by the blonde who had stayed glued to NineBall’s side watching from the screens as you effortlessly pulled off your side of the job with the exception of your slight slip up. The others scatter away towards the back room, staying clear of Tammy’s rage which has only surfaced in the last two weeks of you arriving. You throw your hands up in defence. 
“Hey! I had it Tam okay. Yes it was risky but I did it. You think you can do a better job please, be my guest.” You murmur, too tired to argue loudly with her. 
“Go fuck yourself, Y/N!” She spats, arms crossed in defiance.
“How about you fuck me yourself, you coward?!” You retaliate, smugly watching as her angry demeanour falters at your words. Silence fills the room, except from the light scratching on the wooden door leading to the back room indicating to the earwigs next door. You watch as her brown eyes turn dark with determination, the rest of her face stoic as she marches towards you with purpose. Before you could question her intentions, her usually delicate hands fist your shirt pulling you close as soft full lips clash hard with your own overwhelming senses. Once the initial shock is over you relax into the kiss and place the palms of your hands against her cheeks cupping her face. Before you could take it further she inches away keeping her forehead against your own as she catches her breath. “You were saying?” She whispers teasingly against your lips. 
“I um, yeah. Mind if we do that again, I don’t think I quite pinpointed the flavour of your lip balm. Was that min-” Her lips cover over your own once more stopping your rambling. 
Scuffling from behind Tammy causes you to stop your moment of bliss, as you both watch your friends stumble through the back door bickering quietly to one another. You clear your throat to make your presence known and watch as they freeze. Keeping an arm around Tammy’s waist you address the peeping toms and earwigs. 
“You guys got somewhere to be?” You mock, as Tam giggles quietly against your shoulder trying to hide her now red cheeks. 
“This is my apartment, you can’t kick me out.” Lou justifies as Debbie laughs grabbing her clothed arm and dragging her out of the room making sure the others follow. 
“It’s about time they figured it out and I don’t want to be here for the aftermath. It could still go either way.” She murmurs to Lou loud enough for you both to hear making you roll your eyes are your friends ‘told you so’ attitude. 
Once the group has left, you hear Tam sigh softly against your shoulder. “I think we have a lot to talk about.” She informs softly, a small content smile appearing on her face making you pull her even closer, placing a kiss to the top of her hairline. 
“Later. I just want to hold and kiss you a little longer.” You confess, holding onto her just a little tighter basking in the blissful moment. 
Later that evening as you both lay cuddled up in the guest double bed of Lou’s apartment, you whispered sweet hidden confessions to on another that haven’t been said out loud before. 
“I’ve been in love with you since I was sixteen Y/N. That night you picked me up from that awful date with Jefferson when he tried his luck with me. You were so angry with him and I asked if I could stay at yours so my parents wouldn’t see the state of me.. you just held me all night no bombarded questions. I watched you sleep with your arm wrapped around me, even in your sleep you were still trying to protect me.” She stops talking for a moment and looks into your eyes, holding your gaze . “I just remember thinking ‘no one is ever going to match up to my expectations because you outdone them all without realising’ but I knew that our friendship meant more and I didn’t want to ruin it.” She pauses, as she twirls your necklace that lays on your bare chest smiling softly realising it’s the one she bought you at college graduation. “You still kept this?” she whispers, her breath softly touching your neck making you shiver. You place your hand over hers stopping her movements.
“Tam, even though we lost sight of our friendship I still always thought of you. Everything I did or saw reminded me of you and how stunningly beautiful you are. I can’t seem to quit you, Dream girl. And now that I have you properly I don’t ever wanna stop.” You vow, knowing that every word spoken speaks the truth. Because you have always known that you and Tammy were more than just friends, you were just too stubborn to allow those thoughts to come to light. But now that you have her close you don't ever want to let her go. 
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Debbie Ocean x fem!reader
Request: @rxgnarloki said:” I was thinking like, Debbie has a jealousy crisis because the reader was spending too much time with Tammy, and then Debbie gets insecure, and the reader just comforts her
Summary: you spend a lot of time with Tammy after not talking to her for awhile, your girlfriend Debbie doesn’t like it however.
Word count: 453
Warnings: swearing
Characters: Debbie Ocean, Tammy, reader, Nineball, Daphne, Rose, Amita, Constance, Lou
A/N: first time writing for Debbie, I hope you don't mind that I added the rest of the team! Also sorry that it took so long, It’s been a busy and painful week for me. Hope you enjoy though!
'No way? You did that?' you ask Tammy, she chuckles.
'Yep, and Debbie helped me do it.' you glance over to the corner where Debbie is sitting, she notices you and smiles a little, you smile back. You turn back to Tammy and continue your conversation.
Debbie POV
'Look at her, she is so much happier with Tammy, I should just leave her.' Debbie says.
'Debbie, Y/N and Tammy haven't seen each other in a long time, let them catch up.' Lou says while placing a hand on her friends shoulder. Debbie sighs and looks at her.
'I suppose, I just don't like it when she hangs out with Tammy more than me.' Debbie stands up and say 'I'm going outside for a bit.' And with that she leaves
You look away from Tammy and the rest and turn to look at Debbie, you notice that she isn't sitting there anymore. You turn back to your group and ask 'Did anybody see Debbie leave?'
Tammy looks behind you and shakes her head 'No I didn't, sorry Y/N'
Constance, Nineball, Amita and Daphne all shake their heads.
'I did Y/N, she went outside a couple minutes ago.' Rose says. You nod, 'Thank you Rose, I'm gonna go check on her.'
You walk out and look for Debbie, you see her sitting at the shore, you walk towards her and sit down next to her. You look at her. She seems sad.
'Deb? What's wrong babe?'
She turns to look at you and says 'Nothing's wrong, I just wanted to get some fresh air.' 
you sigh, ‘That’s bullshit and we both know it, now what’s wrong?’ 
‘You’ve been spending so much time with Tammy, am I not good enough for you Y/N?’ Debbie says. 
You furrow your eyebrows, ‘What? Of course not Deb! I just haven’t seen her in awhile, I love you Debbie! Tammy is only a friend.’ You pull her into a hug. ‘You’re the only one I love.’ You kiss her head. ‘If you want me to spend more time with you than that is what I will do.’ 
Debbie smiles and nods her head. ‘I would like that Y/N.’
‘How about we go up to our room and just hang out there? Just the two of us?’ you ask her.
‘That would be great Y/N, I love you.’
‘I love you too Debbie Ocean, now get your butt upstairs.’ you both laugh at that and you follow her back inside and upstairs. You notice the team looking at you, you look over to Tammy who is now sitting next to Lou, they both wink at you. You laugh and walk into your room where Debbie is waiting.
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kj-1130 · 4 years
Chapter 2
Stranger Danger
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Main Masterlist
     Looking the woman up and down, Calypso turned her gaze back to the window. 
     “Mrs. Westviel tells us not to talk to strangers.” 
     The brunette held a hand out and lightly shook it. 
     “Debbie Ocean.”
     “I don’t shake hands,” the teen says before taking a bite out of her food. “It’s safer to kiss.” 
     Frowning at the girl briefly, Debbie lowers her arm before displaying a fake smile. 
     “I bet Mrs. Westviel tells you to avoid a lot of things,” spoke the blonde. “Lou,” she quietly muttered after.
     Now that Calypso had names to the faces, she began to scan the room more. There were at least nine other people in and around the shop and six of them looked quite suspicious if she did say so herself. 
     Turning back to the newcomers she shrugged and took a sip of her drink with a shrug. 
     “She just talks a lot.”
     A waiter came over and gave the women their orders. Debbie takes a sip of her coffee and gives her attention to the one sitting next to her.
     “I wonder if stealing was ever a topic.”
     “I don’t know.”
     “I mean it’s possible.”
     “But do kids ever listen these days-”
     “I think it just depends.” 
     “Yeah, some definitely are more difficult than others.”
     “I think Mrs. Westviel has some lecturing to do though.”
     “Yeah, yeah,” Lou nods in agreement.
     Turning back to the teen, Debbie holds her hand out. 
     “I think you have something that belongs to me.”
     Calypso feigns confusion and tilts her head.
     “Whatever do you mean?”
     The brunette sighs and rolls her eyes; she was getting impatient.
     “Look kid, I don’t have time for your games today--or any other day for that matter. Just give me my damn watch back.”
     The blonde rests a hand on Debbie’s shoulder and mutters a ‘calm down,’ before turning back to the teen across from them. 
     Her eyes wandered down to the girl’s plate back up to her eyes. 
     “You like coffee cake?” 
     Calypso raised an eyebrow and took another bite of the sweet treat. 
     “No coffee?”     The three ladies glanced at the cup to see tea inside. The teen shrugged and then took a sip.
     “Mrs. Westviel says it stunts your growth.”
     The brunette woman lets out a sigh of annoyance before slapping on a fake melancholy look. 
     “That’s my dead brother’s watch you stole. It’s all I have left of him. Please.”
     The young girl lowered her eyes to the table and briefly glanced up at the women that sat before her. Letting out a deep breath, her hand went into her pocket.
     “He ain’t dead.”
     Sliding to the edge of the booth, Calypso made her way to the door before stopping abruptly and walked back towards her seating area. 
     “Also, call your little guard dogs off while you’re at it.”
     Walking towards the door, she exited the establishment. The teen ‘accidentally’ shoulder-checked someone and turned around, beginning to tread backward. Looking at the two women through the window of the cafe, she raised her hand, which was now mysteriously holding a twenty-dollar bill, and waved her fingers before being washed away in the New York crowd.
Permanent Taglist
@stillmanicc @annestine​​
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kj-1130 · 4 years
Ocean’s 8 Masterlist
Daphne Kluger
Debbie Ocean
Lou Miller
Rose Weil
Baby Thief (ocean's 8 x oc)
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kj-1130 · 3 years
Chapter 14
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Main Masterlist
Calypso leans against the wall, her heart drumming in her ears. Her breath was shuttering as she tried to calm herself down.
Debbie looked at her with concerned and curious eyes. She was used to seeing the teen all calm and collected if not a bit of a rascal. The teen was nothing like the confident, little shit she first met. Right now, she was staring at a terrified little girl with a boat load of trauma that no one bothered to help her unpack.
The woman asked softly, “What’s going on?”
Calypso quickly wiped her eyes and took in a deep breath to compose herself.
“Ilora,” she muttered quietly. “She’s still here.”
The teen got up and began to pace around the small enclosed area.
“She has to know that I’m here. This is it. This is the end. She’s gonna kidnap me a-and take me away and I-I’ll never see the light of day again and-”
“Calypso,” the Ocean woman sternly said. “Calm down,” she finished after standing up, lightly taking the girl’s wrists in her grip.
Without a second thought, the younger of the two collapsed into the older woman’s chest and cried her heart out. Debbie tensed at first at the abrupt contact. She wasn’t used to all of the touching and if she was being honest, it usually made her uncomfortable. But as she looked at the top of Calypso’s puff that shook along with her shoulders, she didn’t hesitate to wrap her arms around the girl.
Her chest ached as she heard the sobs wrack through the young teen’s body. She wanted to help so badly but there wasn’t much she could do besides comfort her and give her what she needed.
The brunette slowly lowered the two onto the floor and Calypso took place in the woman’s lap as her cries gradually turned into hiccups and sniffles.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” Debbie whispered.
The coily-haired girl shook her head and started to lean back, thinking she had crossed a line, but the Ocean woman only cradled the back of her head and let her snuggle closer.
Debbie had never felt anything like this before. She had experienced butterflies with Lou but the first time that happened was such a long time ago, that she had gotten used to the feeling.
But this? This felt much different. She all of a sudden had this urge that was impossible to ignore. She wanted to hold Calypso close and never have to let go. She wanted to comfort the teen during her lowest days and laugh and celebrate with her during the highest. She wanted to cuddle up on the couch with popcorn and soda and watch movies. She wanted to help her study and watch her grow up.
Debbie wanted it all.
Her eyes watered just thinking about it. This young girl had come into her life unexpectedly and she had thought nothing about it. She called her a demon, little fucker--the list goes on and on and on. But she never actually meant what she said. If anything those were her version of terms of endearment.
Tiny snores fell out of Calypso’s mouth and it was only then that the woman had noticed that she was sleeping.
‘Poor thing must be so tired,’ she thought.
To occupy time and take her mind off her wandering thoughts, Debbie glanced around the tiny place that the teen referred to as home.
As cramped as the area was, it felt quite homey with the dimmed fairy lights that were hung around the perimeter. To the left of where they entered, there was another door a little ways down. She assumed it was a closet. There were bean bags placed in three corners of the room and as much as she hated to admit it, the woman found the one she was resting on absolutely comfortable.
There were shoes and clothes scattered across the room which was a slight shock to Debbie considering the teen rarely made a mess back at the loft. Even if she did, she’d clean up after herself immediately. The floor carpet was soft albeit a bit dirty.
Overall, she could see why Calypso would stay here. She would too if she was on the run from some crazy foster mother.
Sooner than later, Debbie found herself drifting asleep and holding the teen tighter.
Tammy was conflicted.
This whole situation with this strange teenage girl popping up so suddenly threw her for a loop. And now she was getting involved in her problems.
“Repeat that?”
Nineball let out a sigh and rubbed her hand on her forehead.
“The girl that her foster mother said that died,” she began once again. “Is not dead. There is no death certificate. Hell, she was just liking and posting shit on Instagram yesterday.”
“So her foster mother just…” the blonde trailed off.
“Straight up lied to her,” the other woman finished. “And from the other stuff Calypso told us, that lady had a whole plan. It sounded like she was tryna...get her off grid or some shit.”
The two women sat there, processing the information they just went over.
This was becoming something bigger than they thought.
@stillmanicc @annestine @ymzki-haruki @moonslattes @yomama010101 @ycfwmalise14 @whutisthis @emiliasdead @augustvandyne @riverobstandbi @uselessgay101
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amerrierworld · 3 years
Don’t Hide Us
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for the request: idk if you write this, but would u do Lou x Debbie x reader smut? if not just Lou works. Maybe at the end the team finds out they're together and they all have big reactions xoxo
Summary: An evening of strip poker ends with a surprise.. or rather six surprises. 
Characters: Lou x Debbie x fem!reader
Word Count: 2,467
Warnings: smut with both our ladies but more dom!lou, and some fluff at the end :D
Being with two other people was not easy, especially when said people were heavily involved with frequent criminal activities. Despite being quite mature and  organized, they were also absolute crackheads.
You don’t know how it happened, but you had somehow been pulled into a game of strip poker- and halfway through you realized they most likely had rigged the whole thing, because you were nearly naked in your chair in just  your undergarments, and Lou and Debbie wore shit-eating grins. 
“It’s really not fair if you two always gang up on me, you know,” you huffed as your second sock came off. 
“What are you talking about, we’re playing absolutely fair,” Lou replied. Her tie had come off and was now wrapped around her head, messing up her bangs. She was only wearing her silky waistcoat and boxer briefs, but seemed the most relaxed. Debbie, like you, was in her bra, but was still wearing her high-waisted pants.
“Bullshit, Miller,” you scoffed, taking a sip from your drink. “Now hurry up, I'm getting chilly over here.”
Lou’s bar club was closed tonight, and you three were sitting close to the pool table, a languid playlist thumping through the large speakers. Dimmed lights, surrounded by the smell of vodka and cigarette smoke. You felt a deep heat stir inside you as Debbie wormed her way out of her pants after losing another round. 
Lou took her time looking her over as well until she flicked at the dangling tie from her head,
“We’re still playing, Lou. Get back to it.”
You giggled at the sight of them, which made them look over at you simultaneously, and you felt your stomach drop. Unsurprisingly, you lost the next game.
“I’ll turn the heat up for you baby,” Lou grinned as you moved to take off your bra. You blushed, shimmying in your seat as the cool air made goosebumps rise along your body. 
Debbie reached over to run a hand over your shivering thigh. The table you sat at was a small, round wooden table, and a single lamp hung above all three of you, swinging precariously.
“Oi, no touching yet, Debs,” Lou scolded, bumping the brunette in the arm. “We’re still playing, right?”
Debbie pouted dramatically, but you played on. Your nipples were practically aching from the cold air warring with your internal heat, making you squirm against your hard wooden chair.
Then suddenly and unexpectedly, Lou lost a round. Her fingers danced along the buttons of the waistcoat teasingly, eyeing both you and Debbie with a grin.
“Maybe we should call it after this,” you suggested, because Lou’s abdomen was slowly coming to light and your mouth was watering. 
“Agreed,” Debbie sighed. Lou had kept her chains and jewelry on, and you hated the way they accentuated her neck and wrists and fingers, hated how you were distracted by them.
A rush of cold air gave you a rush of adrenaline as your heart rate picked up, and you practically flew across the table to grab Lou and kiss her hard before she even got the article of clothing off. 
Her chair was tipping back and would have fallen had Debbie not reached over and steadied it. Lou’s hands were warm and large and ran over your back as you sat on the table in front of her, your legs spreading and revealing the obvious wetness gathering between your thighs through your underwear. 
“We’re not finished the game yet, baby,” she said. You immediately yanked your underwear down and tossed it with the rest of your abandoned clothes.
“There, I lose,” you pushed up and then you were straddling her in her chair, rubbing against her warm thighs. Her hands came up on your back, large and firm, as you kept kissing her. 
“I think she’s extra feisty tonight, Deb,” Lou said huskily. You had grabbed one of her longer chains in between your teeth and made direct eye contact with her as you clasped the gold jewelry in your mouth.
“I don’t blame her,” the brunette’s voice was low, quiet, and she moved to toss the rest of the cards and chips off the table before putting herself where you had been sitting moments ago. Her feet rested on the edge of the chair, by your thighs, so you were effectively trapped  by the two women. 
You were enjoying the lavish attention you were getting from them both, until Debbie yanked your hair back and sucked hard on your neck. You lost your grip on Lou’s neck and fell back against Debbie, instead wrapping your hands around her upper thighs, nails digging into her skin. 
Then Lou’s lips were wrapping around one of your nipples and you squealed as a warm tongue slid across the hard nub. 
Lou was restless, you could tell, because she didn’t hesitate to bring a hand to you cunt and rub a thumb over your clit as Debbie continued her assault on your neck. 
Lou’s hands were holding your own thighs down so you could  barely move between the two of them, and continued to rub you furiously. Your abdomen muscles kept spasming as she passed over your sensitive clit, tighter and tighter until you shook with a whining, shaking orgasm. 
You collapsed against Debbie, who momentarily lost her balance, and then suddenly was lying flat on the table, you on top of her.
“Oh, perfect,” you heard Lou whisper, before your legs were yanked apart to spread and hook over Debbie’s thighs underneath you. You felt a brush of hair against your inner thighs and then Debbie gasped loudly underneath you, her mouth right by your ear and her grip on you unforgiving. 
Lou was eating Debbie out on the table as you lay limply on top of her, feeling her tremble and shake under you. Her arm wrapped tightly around your middle to have something to hold onto. You could hardly move. You tried squirming and doing something because her gasps and whimpers and the sounds of Lou’s mouth on her cunt made you desperate again. 
You could only watch the lamp hanging above you, swaying hypnotically as you felt Debbie’s legs rise and buck. Her lips sucked on your neck again, teeth nibbling until you groaned out loud. 
You sat up, watching Lou fuck Debbie with her tongue inside her. Then you reached down with your own  hand and lightly touched Debbie’s swollen clit, and she nearly threw you off of her. Lou grinned at you with her eyes; her own hands were occupied in holding Debbie steady, so you  sat about rubbing her clit with deft fingers until you heard that familiar cry, and she came on Lou’s tongue.
Lou sat back, spreading her legs and grinning at the sight of both of her girls laying exhausted on the table. You caught her eye and she licked her lips, pupils blown. 
Your legs were shaky as you attempted to get off the table, helping Debbie up in a sitting position, her chest heaving, sweat shining in the poorly lit space. Lou rubbed her legs, almost apologetically for making her thrash and whine so much. They kissed languidly, and Debbie reached down to cup her between her legs, but she pulled her hand away and sucked two of her fingers in her mouth before saying,
“No. Later,” she said, conclusively. She looked over at you and pulled you closer, and your hands subconsciously came up to play with her necklaces again.
“This was my idea after all,” Lou said, “and you two look- well, thoroughly fucked. If I may say so myself.”
You walked back slowly- because your legs felt stiff. You were still adjusting your outfit, feeling like everyone around you could see the dark bruising forming on your neck. And that everyone could see Lou and Debbie’s messed up hair- or the fact that all your clothes were wrinkled and messy. 
The evening sun was hiding behind the skyline and the sky was a lot darker by the time the three of you had reached Lou’s place, only you were stopped in your tracks by someone waiting on the front steps.
“Constance?” Lou asked, baffled, her hand slipping out of yours. The young woman was standing at Lou’s door, undeterred and munching on a Subway sandwich.
“Oh, hey! Where you been? I’ve been calling like, non-stop,” she said, “I was gonna return the key, remember?”
She jangled a set of keys that you recognized- everyone from the team had received a copy of them during their heist, and Lou groaned,
“Shit- I completely forgot. I hope you haven’t been waiting too long.”
“Nah, Tammy drove me.”
“Tammy? What- where-”
A honk from the street made you look over and see Tammy in the driver’s seat of a car waiting by the curb. She was grinning and waved her hand at the group of you standing on the sidewalk. Next to her was Amita.
“Did you bring everyone or something?” Lou said, exasperated.
“Uh, of course not! Just them- and Nineball. She’s in the backseat.”
“Why?” Debbie nearly shouted, holding your hand even tighter. 
Constance jangled the keys again, and this time you noticed there were far more than just one person’s set of keys- they must’ve gotten together to carpool the keys to Lou’s after Constance had planned to drop them off. And now they all saw the three of you walking home- clothes disheveled and covered in lipstick prints.
You groaned, knowing your state, wondering how it looked, wondering if they’d found out yet. This wasn’t really how you had planned to tell the team. You weren’t sure if any of you three had been planning to tell anyone at all. 
“You’re a thief, Connie, couldn’t you have just broken in?” Debbie added, bringing you back to the conversation, “would’ve saved everyone some time.”
“Now where’s the fun in that?” Constance grinned as Lou brought everyone inside. 
You nearly sprinted up the stairs, wanting to get out of sight as soon as possible, but Lou had grabbed your hand before could even take one step.
“Not so fast,” she whispered hoarsely, “you’re gonna suffer just as much as us. No abandoning post.”
You pouted at her but relented, welcoming the other four women who started chatting.
“I’m terribly sorry if it's a bad time!” Tammy said, “but it’s been so long since all of us have been together, you know? And I was only in town for a little while, so I thought I’d reach out to Connie and-”
“It’s fine,” Debbie interrupted her, sincerely, but slightly frustrated, “it’s good to see you all. Although we don’t have everyone in, only-”
As if on cue, the door that had been left open a crack swung open all the way, revealing Rose and Daphne, arm in arm.
“You’ve got to be kidding,” Lou sighed, and you grinned, sliding up to her and pulling on her hand with yours,
“Picked the wrong night for poker, huh?”
“Oh my goodness, girls!” Daphne squealed, pushing her thick sunglasses on top of her head, glossy lips spreading wide. “We were just passing through- had no idea everyone was getting together!”
“Neither did we,” Debbie replied, receiving their hugs and hello’s.
“So what were you three up to before you got back?” Amita asked, oh so innocently. You nearly choked on a can of Coke.
“We were... out,” Debbie said bluntly. You could see in her eyes; she was blanking entirely on how to recover from this. 
“I was teaching them how to play poker at the club,” Lou added, absentmindedly picking at her nails. 
“But... you only ever take people out for poker on a date, Lou,” Tammy piped up, confused. Of course Tammy would fucking know that.
There was a dreaded silence, and you realized you were absolutely fucked when the first voice cried out,
“No! No way!” Okay, so Constance had definitely figured it out. You blushed furiously, only confirming her suspicions as she scanned you and your  girlfriends.
“What?” Debbie snapped.
“You guys are fucking, aren't you?” Nineball asked, nonchalantly, as if that wasn’t one of the biggest revelations of the century. 
You expected screams- a major uproar, glasses to be thrown in surprise, but instead, there was a moment of stunned silence before there was a collective “Oooohhhh...” of realization. Then they all began talking over each other
“You know what, that makes a lot of sense-”
“Yeah I was beginning to wonder if you really just didn’t care about fashion with how your outfit looked- or if you just hadn’t seen a mirror...”
“Oh my god, it’s bad enough Debbie mothers all of us already. Now there’s three of you together?”
“I kept asking Y/N if she was seeing anyone and wanted a blind date or something, but she was so vague-”
“So how is the wedding going to work?”
“Isn’t that, like, a lot of limbs to deal with?”
“For some reason I’m surprised but also not at all.”
“Okay, okay, okay!” Lou shouted, finally shutting your friends up. “Yes, fine, the three of us are seeing each other. But we’re not just fucking, alright?”
“It’s an actual relationship, and if any of you have a problem with that, you can get the hell out.”
“Holiday shopping must be so expensive,” Rose murmured over to you as your girlfriends kept defending your situation, and you couldn’t help but giggle. And then you began laughing, loudly. So absurd was the situation that you couldn’t stop laughing. 
“Is something funny?” Debbie asked, crossing her arms, annoyed. You giggled and nodded,
“Yes, all of this is funny.” 
You got up and crossed over to Lou and Debbie, holding their hands and looking over your group of friends; none of them showing any sort of malice, only content amusement and smiles.
“I find it funny that you’re both getting so worked up about it when no one here is having an issue with our relationship. Nothing’s gonna change from how it was before, right guys?”
A few nodded in response and you smiled, absent-mindedly straightening Lou’s askew tie.
“So there’s really no problems then, hm? Why don’t we just... crack open some beers and keep the party going?”
Constance hollered in agreement, and just like that, the atmosphere was back to normal, drinks were being opened, and although your throuple situation was still a topic of conversation, it wasn’t nearly as malicious as you thought it would be. 
“You know, I always had an inkling that something was going on, but I couldn’t put my finger on it,” Daphne said, gleefully. You rolled your eyes and gave her a glass of wine.
“Got room for one more?” Nineball asked. Lou chucked an empty soda can at her head.
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amerrierworld · 4 years
Supposed To Be
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Ocean’s 8 fanfiction
request: the reader finds out what Tammy does at party with the girls and maybe gets angry at Tammy for not telling her and lying to her. Then hets angry at everyone else and they all fell guilty. And maybe tammy says something that’s losses the reader of more. Then the reader walking out. The next morning the reader is ignoring all the texts and calls from Tammy and the girls. Tammy going over to talk to her...
Summary: Tammy is planning something for you with the team, but can’t let you know about it.
Characters: Tammy x fem!reader, the Ocean’s girls, (divorced!Tammy)
Word Count: 2,550
Warnings: Angst angst angst angst angst angst!!!!!! Miscommunication!! Hurt & comfort! Eventual happy ending :)
You first started feeling uneasy when Tammy’s text responses went from excited paragraphs and emojis to one-word answers. It was such a simple thing, but you barely got to see her in person some weeks, and this was the only thing that kept you connected.
After an inevitable divorce, Tammy moved to the city to be closer with the entire group, sharing custody of her children every other week. It had been stressful, but you had been there for her every step of the way, and a fruitful, happy romance had blossomed.
But now, even after all those months, there was a sudden barrier you couldn’t seem to get through. Her phone calls were hasty, her texts short, and no one else in the group seemed concerned like you were. You got no updates on her kids, which usually she couldn’t stop taking about. Frankly, it felt like she had gotten tired of you.
So, you shut your phone off and went out for the rest of the day, window-shopping and wandering around the city to get your fuming mind off of things. 
On the other side of the city, in Lou’s spacious loft, Tammy had gathered the other ladies, vigorously typing lists on her phone as she paced back and forth.
“Really, Tam, you’re overthinking this! Why do you feel the need to go through all this?” Lou sighed, swirling her glass of rye. 
“Because it has to be just right,” Tammy snapped back. 
Everyone knew how detail-oriented and perfectionist Tammy was. It was a life-saver for criminal activity and ensured safety for the gang to get through undetected. But sometimes, in ordinary life, it was a bit overkill.
“I really don’t think Y/N needs all this, babe,” Nineball added, lounging in a large, velvety bean bag and a joint between her lips. “Lou’s right, you’re overthinking it.”
“Listen, she’s my girlfriend, and this is my plan. Can you please just be a little bit supportive of this?” Tammy threw her hands up, exasperated. 
“Her birthday isn’t for another month,” Debbie pointed out.
“Exactly, I’m already running behind!”
The remaining seven shared a few bemused glances before Daphne handed Tammy a glass of wine to calm down. Debbie sighed, pulled up a chair and reached for the snack bowl.
“Alright, what’s the plan, TamTam?”
You still had one of Lou’s door keys from the last heist, and figured it was the best time to return it. It was starting to get late, and it was a bit of a walk, but you didn’t mind. The fresh air did good for your nerves and bad mood. 
You hadn’t seen Lou in ages either, so you figured a quick catch-up was needed too. Not even thinking, you used the key to let yourself in, washed over by warm light coming from inside, and-
Laughter? Music?
You froze. The first person you saw, of course, was Tammy. Your eyes were drawn to her in any room, always. She was laughing, nursing a drink in her hand, chatting with Lou and Debbie, who looked equally as pleased.
There was popcorn popping in the microwave, and the TV was showing a movie. Your heart sank little by little, as you realized that yes, they really had gotten tired of you. You didn’t register the pile of paper and notes on the coffee table, at all.
Lou saw you first, and went a little pale. She registered the keys in your hands were hers, and it clicked in her brain why you were there. She nudged Debbie, who immediately turned off the music, as if they’d been caught doing something illegal.
Then Tammy turned her head and saw you, her beautiful smile fading away instantly. Her mouth hung open a little, as if she didn’t know what to make of you standing there, in the flesh.
Suddenly your confusion melted into anger, and your heart broke little by little as they stood there, staring at you, not even bothering to say anything.
You tossed the keys to the floor, turned around, and slammed the front door shut. 
No one was moving. Tammy’s brain was lagging, still trying to register why you  looked so distraught, so betrayed. The rest of the group eyed her shyly. Constance had a mouth full of popcorn that she was afraid to chew down on because of how loud it would be in the silence.
“You fucking idiot,” Rose was the first to speak up- Tammy was shocked to hear her swear. “What’re you doing jus’ standing there? Get out and go after her!”
“Yeah,” Amita said, “she didn’t look too happy when seeing all of us.”
“Did you tell her where you would be today, Tam?” Debbie questioned her, looking her squarely in the eye. Tammy bit her lip, and shook her head. Cue a collective frustrated groan. 
“Tammy, we love you, but you can be so stupid sometimes,” Lou said, grabbing her glass from her. “Go on!”
Tammy nearly stumbled over her heels as she hurried after you, fearing she wouldn’t be able to find you in the dark.
“Y/N?” she called out, frantically looking out as the door closed behind her. She  spun around, looking left and right. “Y/N!”
“Stop yelling,” you snapped. She turned and saw you leaning against a streetlamp, face washed in eerie light. 
“You’re still here,” she said, relieved.
“No, I’m just waiting for a cab,” you said, not meeting her gaze. “You should go back to your party.”
“Do you want to come inside?” she asked you, wringing her hands.
“No, thanks,” you said, shoving your hands deep in your pockets. “I wasn’t invited, so.”
“Oh, Y/N, I didn’t mean to-,”
“No, no, you clearly did,” you shook your head, interrupting her. “It’s fine, really. But next time you get sick of me, have the fucking courtesy to actually break up with me, please?”
“What are you talking about?”
“You’re barely answering any of my texts, and every time we talk you’re miles away. And now you’re throwing a party with the whole team, except for me. What gives?”
“It’s not what you think!”
“What the hell am I supposed to think, then? Do you even realize what the past few weeks have been like for me? Jesus, Tammy, I’ve been worried sick.”
Tammy didn’t know what to say. She didn’t want to lose you, she knew she couldn’t lose you, but to explain the plans and explain everything she’d prepared would ruin so, so much.
“Y/N, I love you with my entire heart. I can explain, I promise.”
“No, forget it,” a cab pulled up to the sidewalk and you yanked open the door. “Come back when you’ve made up your mind, I guess. Unless it’s something I don’t want to hear. Bye, Tammy.”
With that, the cab sped away, and you left a stunned Tammy standing on the sidewalk.
It was nearly two weeks later. You didn’t know how on earth you got this far without talking to Tammy at all, but you figured you made it clear where you stood. If she never talked to you again, you understood the message, and you were through.
A bit overdramatic, maybe, you wondered? If it was, you weren’t prepared to be the first one to cave. You wouldn’t go begging and crawling back to her. You were too stubborn and proud- even with the constant crying over the past few days.
You were sitting at a bar, drinking a sweet and fruity drink while watching some mindless sports game on the monitor when a familiar blonde slid into the seat next to you.
“Go away,” you said, not looking at Lou. She  waved her hand, and the bartender set to work on a drink for her.
“Good evening to you too, sweetheart,” she said. 
“What are you doing here?”
“I could ask you the same thing. This is my bar after all,” she received her drink and took a big gulp, leaning forward on the bar and looking over at you.
“No it isn’t,” you frowned, trying to piece your memory together. “Your club is dozens of blocks from here.”
“Yeah, and then I bought almost every bar and club on this side of the city. You’re looking at one rich-ass owner, Y/N.” Lou grinned, but you couldn’t be bothered to return the smile.
“Well, congrats Lou. No need to rub it in. Some of us are meant to just be broke.”
“Since when did you become such a downer?”
“Uh, since my girlfriend decided her life was better off without me?” you scoffed.
“Is that really what she said to you?” Lou asked, blue eyes piercing. You shifted in your seat.
“Not exactly, but I know when people are tired of me,” you muttered. “Walking in on the whole team who went through hell together having a party without me kinda sends a clear message.”
Lou chewed her lip, and sighed. She pushed the empty glass away from her and took her time to unwrap a stick of gum. 
It was quiet between the two of you as she got up and straightened her jacket, flicking her bleach blonde hair away from her eyes.
“It wasn’t a party, Y/N,” she said. “Talk to Tammy. She’s been absolute shit the past week.”
You bristled, not wanting to think about Tammy again. But Lou left you to it, paying for your drink, and headed out the door. You rubbed your face, tired, and lonely, and cursing yourself for letting it get this far. 
Hesitantly, you took out your phone, reading the ‘six new voicemails’ notification, and lingering your finger over the green listening button. All from Tammy. 
“Hey, Y/N. Giving me a taste of my own medicine, huh?” A weak laugh. “I’m sorry for not responding or talking more with you.. you have every right to be angry.”
You got up and headed home slowly, going through each voicemail carefully, listening at least twice.
“God I don’t even know where to start. It’s been so... empty without you. Please call me soon? There’s so much I want to tell you.”
Turning multiple corners, you put on your sunglasses, hoping it would hide the tears threatening to spill over. 
“I feel terrible. And the girls are mad at me for letting you get away. Not-not like you ran away, but- but not fighting for you, you know? For such a stupid, stupid reason too. I, uh, hm... I miss you.”
I miss you. You stared at your front door, listening as the voicemail ended, frozen. You were mere steps from getting inside, but there was something in the way.
Tammy looked over her shoulder, standing on your doorstep, and you nearly burst into tears all over again. She was startled just like you were, surprised to see you there.
Your arm dropped limply to your side, voicemail forgotten, and you took a shaky breath,
“I miss you too.”
You sat across each other awkwardly. You offered her a cup of tea, she politely declined. Tammy was carrying a large tote bag with things inside, and you were intrigued, but didn’t make any effort to start the conversation. You would remain stoic, and not cave. No matter how beautiful she looked, how rosy her cheeks were, how done up her hair was. But there were giant bags under her eyes that you could not ignore, and something pulled at your heartstrings. 
“You look well,” Tammy said, smiling weakly.
“No I don't,” you replied. Her face fell. “Neither do you.” Ouch. 
“Crazy what only two weeks can do to a person, right?” she chuckled hoarsely.
She continued, “I realize that... that I didn’t handle things very well, with how it ended.. on the sidewalk that night.”
Her fingers were shaking, and your resolve nearly crumbled. She reached into the bag and grabbed a massive binder, nearly bursting with the amount of pages. Your name was written in thick letters on the front. 
“This is why I wasn’t talking to you,” she muttered, bashfully. “And I realized that keeping this a secret from you isn’t worth the risk of losing you.. like, actually losing you and never getting to have you in my life again.”
Your mouth fell open as you turned to the first page. It was one of those massive wedding planner books that some young girls like to have when dreaming of their future wedding. 
Only it was for your birthday. Lists and lists of your favourite music, your favourite foods, restaurants, colours and clothes. Plans for venues, DJs, special outings and reservations. Plans for each member of the team to take care of little things; drinks, dances, meals, performers...
“Oh my god,” you whispered.
“It was going to be your first birthday with the two of us really together. It was supposed to be a surprise... perfect and special. I guess I went a little over the top..” she rubbed her neck with her hand and blushed.
“Tammy... oh my god,” you kept saying, with every new page, and new intricate lists and ideas. “Oh my god.”
“This is incredible,” you breathed, tears falling freely now. “I’m so, so sorry.”
“No no, I should be the one apologizing,” Tammy replied firmly. “I should have told you.”
“But then it wouldn’t have been a surprise! Oh my god, I should have been more trusting in you,” you cried softly. “Tammy, oh, god. Tammy, I love you so much.”
Every detail was spot-on. She knew you inside and out, like no one else ever  knew you. No one had ever cared so deeply for you, to think so deeply for you. 
Now Tammy was crying too, and you were two blubbering messes, clasping hands across the table and spilling tears on the pages. Thankfully, they were laminated.
“I’ve scrapped it all,” Tammy confessed. 
Your head snapped up, “What?”
“Well, when I say scrapped.. I rescheduled it for next year.. I didn’t think that you would want this anymore. Not after what I did.”
“Debbie thought it a good idea to just move it to next year, in case you still wanted it, and.. well, in case you and I are still...” she cleared her throat, face red, not wanting to finish her sentence for fear of jinxing it.
You pushed your chair back and walked over to her, cupping her face and kissing her sweetly. She melted in your touch.
“Of course I’ll still want it,” you said, brushing her mouth with your lips. “I want you.”
“So-, are- are we o-okay?”  Tammy’s breath hitched with increasing sobs and you kissed her, again and again.
“Yes, yes, yes,” you laughed, kissing her tears away. “I don’t want anything except you.”
“Good,” Tammy giggled, “because I don’t think I had anymore energy to finish these plans.”
“When did you start making this?”
“About a month ago.”
“Oh, Tammy, my God,” you threw your head back, understanding why she had gotten so distanced now. “You can’t possibly think all of that-” gesturing to the thick book, “would be possible to plan in just a few weeks right? Not with your perfectionist habits, at least.”
“Hey,” Tammy warned, but her eyes were twinkling. 
“Plus, I love every single detail you put in there, I swear, but I don’t need anything except you and the people we love on my birthday. Seriously.”
“Good, because that’s exactly what Lou offered after she slapped some sense into me,” Tammy confessed. “A party at her loft or one of her clubs? And then.. cake?”
“Yes!” you clapped your hands. “Our friends, and cake.”
You slid forward to sit in Tammy’s lap and pressed your warm face in her neck, kissing her there and hugging her closely.
“That’s all I need,” you murmured. “That’s how it’s supposed to be.”
Tammy let out another sob, wrapping her arms around you tightly and kissing the side of your head, nuzzling your hair without abandon. 
A/N: A bit longer than usual but I wanted to do the lovely request justice :D Miscommunication is such a bitch... especially when it doesn’t work out, but in this fiction land it does!! We love soft!Tammy~
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amerrierworld · 4 years
Birthday Buzz
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Ocean’s 8 - one shot
For anon :)
Summary: It’s your birthday and your fellow team of eight didn’t hesitate to go full out for the party. Especially not a certain blonde biker who’s had her eyes on you all night.
Characters: Lou x fem!reader, the Ocean’s gang
Word Count: 2,074
Warnings: swearing, fluff, drinking. also, uh, kinda nsfw ;) 
You could barely hear yourself think. The music was loud and your feet were killing you. You’d long discarded your heels, and you were sitting by the bar on one of the high stools to relieve the pain that was in your toes. 
Still, you were happy. You were sipping on a drink and watching as Tammy tried to showcase her classic ‘mom-moves’ on the dance floor as Daphne and Nineball cackled at the sight.
Your fellow heist ladies had all come together for your birthday, which made you over-joyed. Lou had made her club exclusive for one night, all for your birthday. The nine of you had partied, drank and danced long before anyone else was allowed to show up. 
There was a bag of presents safely behind the bar you hadn’t yet opened. As the night wore on, and the club opened to all extended friends and dates who had been invited, the space slowly filled up with dancers and drinkers. 
A live band was playing on stage instead of the usual DJ, and the decor had been changed for your birthday. Haphazard balloons were strewn about with your name written sloppily on a big banner. You wore a pin that said ‘BIRTHDAY GIRL’ in big swirly pink letters on your dark red dress and you had a tiara that the girls had given you as a joke. You danced around with it for a while before it flew from your messy hair and you hadn’t been able to find it since.
“Enjoying yourself?” You turned and saw Debbie Ocean standing next to you. You grinned widely at her and lifted up your glass in response. 
“Never better, Debs,” you shouted back over the music. “I can’t believe you all did this for me. Seriously.”
“Oh god, you’re not a sappy drunk, are you?”
You huffed and stared at her in disbelief. “Oh no, god no, I would absolutely never in a million years!”
Debbie laughed and came up to order a drink from the bartender.
“But like, actually though,” you continued. “This is too much!”
Debbie shrugged. “It was all Lou’s idea, really. She went to the moon and back to get you this whole evening. Had to bribe Tams to get a babysitter just to come out here, and promised Constance and Nine free dinner.”
You blushed and shook your head. “Really? God, I can’t believe she’d do that for me.”
“Yes you can,” Debbie retorted playfully. “We’ve all seen the way you guys look at each other, not to mention what you two get up to in the bedr-,”
“Fuck off, Ocean,” you growled, though your eyes were twinkling.
She smirked at you. “All I’m saying is, the ladies and I are just waiting for a proper wedding invitation, alright?”
With that, Debbie sauntered off in her blue party dress, giving you one last salute of her glass before disappearing into the crowd. 
You shook your head and scoffed at her figure walking away from you, finishing your drink before moving onto the dance floor again. 
Lou had been keeping an eye on you all night, making sure nothing was happening to you in case you drank too much, or exerted yourself on your special day. She was surprised how well you were holding up, considering she’d made sure you could barely walk by the time you had to get ready for the proper birthday party. 
You had insisted Lou didn’t get you anything for your birthday, and she seemingly obliged. The only birthday present she gave you was her hands and mouth before the party. Which she gave to you over and over again. But then again, she was a con, which made you believe that she probably wasn’t done with you yet.
Despite wanting to be by your side dancing and laughing, Lou had to keep her club in check as well. It was an unbreakable habit. Part of her felt guilty that she had to work to keep the party going, but also relieved because she knew the place like the back of her hand, meaning that your group could party in peace with people that they all knew instead of going around slummy bars in other parts of the city. 
It also meant that you had access to all the booze that Lou had to offer, since you were the birthday girl and she was the owner. 
Making sure that all invited guests had been checked off the list, Lou let herself breathe for a moment and follow you with her eyes. She was mesmerized by you, even as you were talking animatedly to Amita, hands flailing and cheeks flushed like you’d run a marathon. 
Her gaze raked over your figure, not a curve left unseen under the tight material of the dress you were wearing. It was a very good look on you, and Lou grinned at the memory of her convincing you to wear it tonight. 
She then set her shoulders and made her way into the crowd, determined to enjoy the rest of your special night by your side.
A warm hand came to wrap around your waist and you didn’t have to turn around to know who it was. You could recognize from the smell of leather and that distinct perfume who was pressing up against your back instantly, swaying to the music. 
“Having fun?” Lou purred in your ear. The music from the band seemed to slow into a comfortable swinging rhythm, and Lou took full advantage of it. 
“Mhm,” you grinned. “Best birthday ever.”
The lights were flashing neon where the dance floor was filled up, but it was still dark enough for Lou to unhurriedly press her lips underneath your ear. You sighed at the feeling and leaned further back. 
“I’m glad you like it,” Lou said. 
“I more than like it, Lou. I’m so happy right now I could die.”
“I hope you don’t mean that. I still had plans for when we got back to the loft.”
You snorted and turned in her arms to wrap your arms around her neck. “If you didn’t want me to die, you shouldn’t have said I had free range of your bar tonight.”
“Hm, I guess you’re right. No more booze for you tonight then, missy.”
You pouted dramatically and Lou laughed, her face lighting up in that way you loved so much. She was wearing a red velvet suit to match your dress, with rose gold jewelry adorning her neck as well as a silk black tie that tucked neatly into her cleavage, constantly drawing your eyes down. 
You lifted a hand to wrap around the tie and Lou’s eyes visibly darkened.
“I’ve always liked you in suits and ties,” you murmured.
“Oh yeah?” her voice was almost a growl. Her hands trailed daringly lower to rest on the curve of your hips, playing with the fabric of your dress.
“Yeah,” you said. “I might even wanna wear some of it sometime.”
Lou’s eyebrow quirked up. “And what’ll I wear then? While you’re prancing around in my wardrobe?”
You shrugged and flashed your teeth at her. “We can always go dress-shopping for you.”
Lou grinned back at you with a mischievous glint in her eyes. “Never in a million years.”
You pouted again. “Not even for my birthday?”
“The only clothes involved with your birthday, young lady, are the ones that are going to end up on the floor,” Lou said, pulling you flush against her body with her lips trailing along your neck. Your knees trembled at the feeling.
“Let’s go back to my place, baby, before the others get there,” Lou murmured softly in your ear. “There’s still time to have a little more fun.”
“Hm, but we gotta get a cab and stuff,” you responded stupidly.
“I'm still sober, darling. I can drive us back,” Lou said. You looked in her eyes and saw the want in them, so you nodded, and hurried off to find your shoes before meeting Lou out front to get on her bike. 
Now that you were home, you moved to the kitchen to pour Lou and yourself a proper drink as you were sobering up by the minute, only to be stopped by two firm hands pressing you against the countertop, lips attacking your neck feverishly. 
You moaned at the feeling of Lou’s warm lips leaving a trail from your collarbone up to your mouth. She pulled away to press a firm leg in between yours and you gasped at the feeling. You grabbed her tie and pulled her closer, mashing you lips together until neither of you knew how to breathe anymore. 
“I want you,” you said softly. Lou’s hands trailed across your cheeks lovingly and she smiled at you, eyes crinkling behind her makeup. 
“But I already gave you so many birthday presents today, baby,” she argued, her Australian lilt coming in stronger now that she was aroused. You groaned in frustration and grabbed her ass, pulling Lou’s body fully against yours, grinding up against her. Lou’s jaw dropped in shock at the feeling and one hand came to tangle in your hair and pull, hard. 
It felt dirty, humping with your clothes on like this. But you were still a bit too buzzed and lovestruck to care. 
And horny. Don’t forget horny. 
Lou pulled away, breathless, her hair a mess. She took a gulp from the drinks you had poured before looking at you.
“Go upstairs, before the others get here. I want my way with you in peace and quiet,” she ordered. Your head swam with arousal whenever she took control over anything and you nodded meekly. 
“But who says that we were gonna be quiet, Miss Miller?” you said cheekily as you sprinted up the stairs. Lou wasn’t far behind, shedding her blazer and leaving it on the kitchen countertop as you opened the door to the bedroom. 
You stopped in your tracks.
Lou wasn’t usually one for romantic gestures, but you supposed it being your birthday, she decided to go full out. There were rosy lights lit up around the room and a bouquet of roses on the bedside table filling the room with sweet scents. On the bed were a selection of toys that you no doubt had a choice from. You blushed as you recognized some of the ones you had used only that morning. 
“Happy birthday, baby girl,” Lou murmured in your ear before appearing in front of you and capturing your mouth with hers. Her hand pressed something in yours and you looked down to see two tickets to a live show you’d been dying to see for weeks, wrapped in a neat little bow. Your mouth opened in shock and you looked up at Lou, who took the opportunity to kiss you again, pushing her tongue into your mouth. 
You’d have to thank her with words later, because no matter how special the gift was, your mind was somewhere completely different. Lou led you to the bed and pulled away to take a deep breath. 
“Take your pick,” she said, nodding to the collection on the bed. You’d already made up your mind, but to feign innocence, you glanced at the assortment. You were impressed; there were a couple of new ones you hadn’t seen before. 
But instead you met Lou’s eyes again and grinned before grabbing the black silk tie around her neck. Her eyes widened in surprise as you lifted and twisted it around so it was blocking her vision. 
She chuckled as you pulled at the knot, tightening the blindfold. You pushed her onto the bed, straddling her and kicking your heels off in the process.
As your hands began working on the buttons of her vest, hers blindly began working on the ties of your dress and you smirked as she cursed under her breath, failing miserably. Her ministrations were stopped when you attacked her neck by surprise, nipping and sucking. Hands trailed low before slipping under the waistband of her pants and Lou’s grip slackened in defeat. 
As soon as she gave in, and suddenly let you have control, you knew you’d won this round. You couldn’t help but smile a little at the sight of her as you worked to make her come undone.
A happy birthday indeed.
A/N: I said I’d give it a ‘few days’ but I couldn’t resist just posting it now, so here you go :3 the gays ask and so I deliver. Let me know what you think <3 
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amerrierworld · 4 years
Just Pretend
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Ocean’s 8 - oneshot
Summary: You’ve been spending a lot of time with the Ocean’s crew and your friends are worried. Lou finds a way to get them off your tail.
Characters: Lou x fem!reader, the Ocean’s gang, your friends (F/N). 
Word Count: 1,376
Warnings: Swearing
“Y’know, my friends have been wondering where I’ve been hanging out recently,” you said as you took another sip of coffee and played your next card.
“Hm? And what’d you tell them?” Rose asked.
“Just that I’ve been hanging with a friend that they don’t know,” you shrugged. “Don’t worry, they don’t know about the lot of you. They just seem to think I’ve got a new girlfriend or something.”
The team of nine was sitting in Lou’s loft, lazing about with your newly acquired riches and enjoying each other’s company. You’d met Debbie through Constance being a mutual friend in the city, and she’d hired you on the team instantly. 
You were playing cards with Rose, Constance (who was certainly cheating) and Tammy around the small table. Amita was making excited chitchat with Daphne over some fanciful jewelry while Nineball was tapping away on her computer. Constance had a small portable radio blasting some tunes to fill the spacey loft.
Debbie was in the kitchen, making a phone call to get pizza delivered because Lou had had enough of having her fridge raided, primarily by you and Constance who were nefarious snackers when bored. 
Lou wasn’t anywhere to be seen, much to your disappointment. Over the past couple weeks prepping for the heist, you’d taken a liking to the blonde. Who wouldn’t take a liking to her? Confident, funny, sexy (especially when wearing anything leather).
“A new girlfriend, eh?” Tammy smirked. 
Your liking to Lou hadn’t gone unnoticed, much to your chagrin. You didn’t handle feelings very well, and though you could be cool and collected when flirting casually, you were at a complete loss when it came to approaching Lou. 
“Shut up,” you smacked Tammy’s arm. “They all know I don’t have time for that kind of stuff anyways. They’re just really annoying about it.”
“Annoying about what?” Debbie had joined the group, with a glass of red wine in hand.
“Y/N’s friends seem to think she’s being dragged away by a new lady-lover with the amount of time she’s spending with us,” Tammy smirked. 
“Which is ridiculous- stop looking at me like that!” you huffed as Debbie looked at you knowingly. It was true, with the prep for the heist and planning the aftermath, you’d barely had the chance to see your regular friends outside of the eight co-criminals. You felt a little bad, but you certainly didn’t mind. They were a fun bunch, and the dynamic the group had was comfortable. 
Except when it came to Lou.
Fucking Lou.
Every time she looked at you with her smoldering eyes you felt like the whole world faded away. You were only mildly convinced that she felt something too when she never looked away from your gaze. It made the heist planning only somewhat difficult. 
You wondered where she was now. Probably driving around on her bike somewhere, in fucking leather again. You reached over and took a large sip of Tammy’s water without looking at her, knowing she’d have that annoying grin on her face. 
The door opened just as you played another card. You all turned to see Lou walk in. 
And what a way to walk in. 
First she dumped her bike helmet on the closest table and wiped her hands on a dirty rag she had. Head to toe in stark black leather and black heeled boots. Her fringe was slightly messy and there was a bit of oil and grease from her bike on her forehead. 
Her eyes were lined with sultry black and she unzipped her leather jacket to reveal a deep red button down (with half the buttons undone as usual) underneath. Your mouth went dry and you realized that she was looking straight at you. Rose had turned the music down.
“Y/N, there’s some buggers just outside looking for you. Told them I had no idea who you were in case you didn’t want them coming in.”
You groaned. “What did they look like?”
Lou described them and you sighed heavily. Two of your best mates had come following you to check on you, you figured. You got up from the couch just as there was knocking on the door and your phone lit up.
You picked up. 
“Yo! Y/N, what the hell’s going on? Where are you, really?”
You came to stand next to Lou, halfway between your spot on the couch and the front doors. She looked at you with a bemused smile as you pinched the bridge of your nose.
“Doesn’t matter, F/N. Look, I know you’re here. But just, don’t follow me alright? I’m perfectly fine.”
“Y/N, we’re convinced you’re either involved with some real illegal shit or you’ve found yourself a new lady. Either way, we just wanna make sure you’re okay. You’re not staying at this big ol’ loft are you?”
“What would make you say that?”
You heard your other friend whistle from the background. “Well, if you are, you’ve got one heckin’ catch on your hands, girl.”
As you were talking Lou turned on her heels and walked to the front doors. You followed her quickly, worried that she was going to throw them into the street for annoying you like this. 
“Can we not talk about this right now? I’ll meet you guys for drinks on the weekend. I know, I’m sorry I’ve been so absent lately, it’s just that-,”
“It’s just that her new lady likes to spend some time alone with Y/N at her own place. Is that too much to ask?”
You gawked. Lou had opened the door and leaned, all sexy but nonchalantly, against the frame to stare your two friends down on the front steps. They made eye contact with you and you hung up the phone, your face beet-red.
“I’ll tell you personally that Y/N is perfectly fine and safe here,” Lou continued casually. “How about we all go out for drinks this weekend and get to know each other properly?”
All of you were staring at Lou, and your mind was racing with what she meant, but you refused to let your imagination run rampant. You smiled wryly at your friends who stared at the intimidating figure that was your smokin’ Australian biker lady. 
They swallowed and nodded once. 
“Great! See you then,” And she shut the door in their faces. You jumped at the sound.
“W-huh?” You were completely confused at what just happened.
Lou turned to look at you and smirked. You blinked and unsuccessfully tried to regain your composure.
“Uhm, yeah, thanks for that Lou. I mean, you didn’t have to send them off like that, but I appreciate you pretending to get them off my ass, really.”
Lou stepped closer to you and caught your wrist before you could move away in surprise. She looked at you with sultry, piercing blue eyes and her next words were a low, hushed whisper.
“Who said I was pretending?”
You gawked. Again. Honestly, it was hard not to when it came to Lou. She moved impossibly closer and suddenly her mouth was on yours. She tasted of coffee, cigarettes and vodka. You were dumbfounded and could barely move as she pulled away. She chuckled at your expression before bringing your knuckles up to her lips and kissing them lightly.
It was then that you came back to reality. Your hand pulled away from hers and cupped the back of her neck to kiss her, hard. A low groan escaped Lou’s mouth as her hands grabbed your waist and yours wound up in her bleach blonde hair. You could feel heat searing through every bone in your body, until-
“Hey, love birds. Either get a room or come finish this card game okay?”
You hastily pulled away and looked to see Tammy smirking again. Lou pulled you against her as you turned around and her lips brushed your ear, making you shiver.
“Better go make sure Constance doesn’t cheat you guys again, eh?”
You nodded weakly and made your way back to the group, reaching behind to intertwine your fingers with Lou’s. She gripped yours back in a way that made your heart warm and a wide grin suddenly broke across your face as Rose turned the music back on.
A/N: hello. hi. its me. i have NO idea how long it’s been since I’ve written or posted ANYTHING for tumblr. But hey, it’s been a long time, I just rewatched Ocean’s 8 and I’m a stan for anything Cate Blanchett does, so here we are! A small little ficlet to quench all your quarantine-related thirsts. Be safe you guys. If you want to see any fics written by me please leave a request :) It’s been years since I’ve been on here but I’ve been filled with new inspiration and an urge to write. Who knows what’ll come next?
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