#nine hours nine persons nine doors 🧭
bibiana112 · 1 year
Haven't really posted about this but long-time headcanon of mine that what happened to the Kurashikis for them to end up at the hospital was that Akane got sick but pushed through it still going to school and not telling anyone about it because she would see Aoi pushing himself during flu season to keep going to work and learned to do the same through observation, not wanting to bother him or anyone else with something so minor until one too many days without getting treated later she collapses at school and gives everyone a big scare that the teacher needs to send her to the hospital for and realistically in my mind at least there's no way Aoi would be able to get her in or out of there without someone flagging cps unless someone saw this kid come pick up his little sister at odd hours with a story that wasn't matching up and realized that's a prime target for unethical science shit
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bibiana112 · 2 years
Junpei: what do you have?
Clover: an axe!
Junpei: no!
Vine brain activated sorry
Do we have that line? Like does Clover actually ever say the word "Axe"? Probably right? I hope she does I wanna edit this now
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bibiana112 · 3 years
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Based on this
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bibiana112 · 2 years
It is soooo interesting to me to imagine what the Kurashikis think of the criminal justice system, so so interesting, their dad was given the death sentence for a brutal murder they may or may not know he didn't actually commit and whose actual culprit in fact continues free well into their adulthoods, Aoi constantly had to find jobs who would let him work despite being underage which was probably not very many non shady places, they get kidnapped and psychologically tortured and Akane gets killed and they're not even reported missing much less given support or justice afterwards that isn't of their own making despite having been rescued off the fucking ocean in the middle of nowhere alongside seven other clearly traumatized children, they spend nine years working on getting that justice while watching the people who did that to them get praised by the public and their business boom and their products be on every shelf and they weaponize each and every single one of those things to bring about their downfall purposefully, they constantly wish it was a good enough system to not give in to turning a blind eye to the horrible things done to so many innocent kids that were already in vulnerable situations like them while accepting that in reality it isn't a system even competent enough to catch them while also employing the same tactical money under the table method for their ends to remain on the down low many times, but it's okay in their books because one of them runs entirely on a 'ends justify the means' mentality while the other has had to lie to authorities so that they would be able to not starve or be separated since he was a preteen
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bibiana112 · 2 years
fun fact! there actually IS a junpei "what the hell" comp!
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bibiana112 · 3 years
I was thinking about the Kurashikis again BIG SHOCKER I KNOW and how I imagine they just completely go on autopilot after finishing up the second nonary game? Like instead of having any emotions™ on it right away, y'know? Like I imagine Aoi hugs Akane tight once they're out for a split second before she shoos him away and is like "let's focus on not getting caught first" so they do, they follow through everything they planned out for their getaway to go smoothly, spend who knows how long on the road, and only when they're finally winding down to sleep and rest for the first time does any of it actually like Hit Them. Aoi cries out of relief and it reminds Akane that oh yeah sometimes your brother just starts half crying half laughing on the floor until you sit down with him and hug and moments like that you don't plan for in Life i guess and holy crap she is ALIVE now and everything she just went through finally sets in without the oh well here we go again of it all to keep her from processing it anymore
Similarly though, and this is gonna be sad as fuck because Safe ending thoughts, I imagine that they both have a little moment on the infirmary sure but then after that Aoi goes on autopilot to carry out the few last steps that he's got any direction on what to do with, mostly getting everyone that's left out of there and all. Then after he's already got that set up and pretty much dealt with he remembers Clover's body is still in the first class cabin and goes there and he can't just leave her there like all the unrecognizable bodies can he? If he doesn't do something about that the Field's family may never find out what happened to their kids and be able to grieve properly and oh god he's the only one that had to go through this hell twice that is still alive. It all Hits Him. He pukes in the bathroom nearby and has... Just... an awful time and no clue what to do
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bibiana112 · 3 years
Randomly thinking about that one very bad bad ending again lmao, I call it the Safe end because of naming conventions with the rest of them and how much I think about the absolute fucking irony since well you don't exactly feel very safe the whole way there lol but also how every other way to refer to it absolutely fucking wrecks me too, calling it the Zero lost ending?? Big fucking ouch! Makes me think both about what we hear over the intercom and that our girl's still fucking dead after all the effort, in losing the game she lost her life And I don't even care if this is just what's written on the steam achievement but it always gives me brainworms, Chance of loss is not zero??? Bro! I'm not okay! How do I even begin to go off about this one?? Loss specifically takes the focus to the people who survive but still feel the brunt of the grief instead of only losing as like a player or something and yeah I'm mostly thinking about Aoi but bro the Fields are both dead as well that's got to be a terrible loss to their family and loved ones too and honestly to Junpei too and and the chance thing gets me so much cause they always knew this outcome was a possibility, it was small, but it was never zero and Zero was perfectly aware of that and brooo someone hold me...
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bibiana112 · 3 years
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Uncomfortable Kurashiki Elbow Grabble ™
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bibiana112 · 3 years
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I dedicate this highly specific meme to all my two friends who are also both twewy and zero escape fans
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bibiana112 · 3 years
Headcanon that in that one scene when you're looking around for Snake and can talk to certain characters and if you talk to Santa he has that whole "The person closest to you could stab you in the back" speech is the one time where him and Akane are both together and going fully on the base of improv because she didn't deem the convo consequential enough to pay attention to/instruct him more specifically on, so when her response to him saying that is to laugh it off it is in a Genuinely Painfully Awkward kinda way
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bibiana112 · 3 years
June: Flirts with Junpei every time they are in the same general vicinity, gets too bashful to confirm or deny any feelings between them when the group brings attention to their connection
Also June when Santa tells them to "Knock it off, loverbirds":
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bibiana112 · 3 years
Junpei vs June getting a bad ending for the first time:
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Now that you're done with the game @ajdrawshq here's something I thought was funny
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bibiana112 · 3 years
I think Junpei and Aoi should fistfight in a McDonald's parking lot and Akane should pour a soda cup on the two to break it up
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bibiana112 · 3 years
giv kurashiki angst. this is your chance (or junpei)
Oh my god anon thank you for this, I am giggling with evil intent cause this is a messy one. I spun a metaphorical roulette for which flavor I was going with, yesterday it was Safe end but today it's Axe ending so nothing gory but be warned for exactly what it says on the tin, heart-crushing and awful. Tl;dr is Akane in Door 2 realizes she has to be the one to convince Aoi to sit in the freaky movement-restricting chair so as to ensure things go as foreseen
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
Akane perceives three fundamental facts underlying their predicament at the same time. Palpably recognizes their incongruity, all while Seven carefully reads out the instructions on the panel for all to hear.
One, this timeline ends in death for them all. Clover kills both the grown men still speaking and breathing right next to Akane, and of course June will be killed too. Then, Junpei afterwards... The girl wearing an oversized jacket, perfect to hide the already bloodied axe in, had been lurking about scarcely landing a hand to the group. Right now she's sitting on the scaffold, behind Akane and Seven's backs, as they both crowd around the screen.
Santa fires back at hearing Seven's words, and they both enter a brief argument.
"You've got to be shitting me! What the hell is sitting in that thing supposed to help us with?"
Two, she's not the only one here aware of how the puzzle that'll unlock the door requires someone to sit in the torture chair to initiate. Seven wouldn't fit in the narrow metal block that is the device. Clover would not comply. June supposes she could go through the discomfort, after all, she's aware of the bluff that is the possibility of electrocution. However, there's just one more thing to consider.
Three, her brother still has a gun.
And for all the faith and trust and everything else she puts on him, expecting someone not to fight back when violently assaulted with an axe would just be too much.
"C'mon, man. Are you actually gonna make a lady sit down on that thing? Just look at her."
It snaps Akane out of her thoughts to realize that Seven's referring to her own distant, askance expression.
"Oh! Oh, what are you saying, I'm- fine. I just..." The only point her eyes could focus on to escape their stares, was the dummy of a dead shark to the left of their feet. June isn't supposed to know it's a fake, but that reality is hard to look away from, after hours upon hours of pretending, suddenly, upon entering here, things felt real again. There's real static through the cold confined air of this chamber. The tentative step she takes towards it on top of the glass sends a real chill through her body, which despite her resolve, is still instinctively afraid of losing balance and falling into the water beneath. Her hand moves to her messy hair bun as she retracts back to her initial position, purple eyes meeting her sibling's to make sure he notices the cue. She feels real guilt for the first time in years.
"... Actually, y-yeah. Could you... please do this for us, Santa?"
Perhaps that feeling would alleviate somewhat, if he'd shown any real hesitation right there. But no, he only grunts, rolling his eyes disingenuously, and follows her lead.
He mutters audibly under his breath. "If everyone else is too much of a pussy to do it... " Then raises his voice to say the part he actually means. "Fine! I guess i have no choice but to be a 'gentleman' about it."
"Ah! That's the spirit! Knew you weren't that bad."
Sitting down on it is awkward, despite knowing it doesn't send any shocks. It's not helped by the shackles clicking together over his wrists and ankles, to which he's very genuinely startled by despite knowing to expect it too.
"Aargh, whatever! Just get it over with!"
"It'll be fine, Santa! I can hold your hand if you want."
The tone is joking but she doesn't wait for an answer. Skipping forward and letting her right hand fall on top of his left without a second thought as his other hand's index finger starts anxiously tapping the metal bar it rests on top of. Though she's not the one used to holding onto the other and giving comfort, it's an attempt which both manage extremely uneasy grins at.
She still has a very genuine very guttural reaction when she gets between him and Clover later on, after Seven's been killed, not being able to just stand by and watch it happen
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bibiana112 · 3 years
The gang plays one of those games where the point is not to be the first to laugh and get into an altercation about it being straight up unfair for the kurashikis to participate which leads to the two of them saying in unison ''of course not cause I'd win'' so they start debating over which one had to suppress the most laughter during the game clearly thinking about the little stunt Ace pulled with the soporil and Aoi's like it was so hard not to break down watching that and Akane's like try having been the one to do it and he's like Light you heard it right it was ridiculous right and the response he gets is vague confusion while nearly everyone else reminds him the dude was kinda not there and he just covers his mouth and whispers omg he wasn't looking mortified with embarrassement and Akane snorts and leans on him and now the siblings are the only ones in the room laughing
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bibiana112 · 3 years
Friend picking between the second set of doors after their first end: "So, Snake always dies? There's nothing we can do about it?"
Me: "...That scene always happens. Yes."
Friend, not noticing my phrasing: "Hmm, that sucks."
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