nihanovacaine · 6 years
The Elusive Magistrix
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“Lady Nimuehdra Emberfury.”
Are you single?
“Indeed I am.”
Are you angry?    
“I am withdrawn and lonely at best..anger would require copious amounts of energy. The energy I do not have.”
Are your parents still married? 
“They were married until the siege of my beloved city, Silvermoon cruelly separated them by death.”
Birth Place 
“The Emberfury Estate in Eversong Woods.”
Hair Color
"My locks were once pale blonde like my mother Lady Carina Emberfury. With time and exposure to magic, the color was changed to a pale white almost like snow. In darker light, it has a silvery hue with blue highlights.”
Eye color
“My irises were once pale blue but after the events that came to pass they have the hue of glowing emeralds.”
“I was born on the twenty-ninth day of October. Very close to Hallow’s Eve.” 
Summer or Winter
“Winter. Being someone with a fiery personality and a wielder of potent fire magic, I tend to like colder landscapes and summits of snow-capped mountains. Tranquillity is valued by a mind so troubled by a maelstrom of thoughts.”
Morning or Afternoon
“Neither. I am more relaxed during the evenings and night time. I like saying that the stars commune with me and guide me on my path.”
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Are you in love?
“I still hold love for another, yes. But as is the case with time, this too shall pass.”
Do you believe in love at first sight? 
“No. Love develops over time. I believe that what one feels first is admiration or physical attraction.”
Who ended your last relationship? 
“I was ignored greatly and decided to move on with my life.”
Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
“I have but not intentionally.”
Are you afraid of commitments?
“After the countless times my heart has been toyed with and broken, I have now chosen to show devotion to Quel’thalas and the Horde.” 
Have you hugged someone within the past week? “No, I have not.”
Have you ever had a secret admirer?
“I have had more than would personally have liked. Some come forth and profess their love but all of it is a humbug. I don’t believe in a lasting relationship any longer.”
Have you ever broken your own heart? 
“I have and it has only begun mending.”
Love or Lust?
 “We live in a time where love is far less attainable and so I value it more than lust.”
Lemonade or iced tea? 
Cats or Dogs? 
A few best friends or many regular friends?
“I only have a few I hold dear. I’ve grown estranged from others but remain friends with them.”
Wild night out or romantic night in? 
“Romance above everything else. But I’ve honestly lost interest.”
Day or Night? “Night.”
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Been caught sneaking out? 
“Oh, I have never been caught. I don’t think I ever will be.” Nimuehdra smirks with a glint of mischief in her emerald eyes.
Fallen down/upstairs? 
“I have admittedly fallen down the stairs while carrying stacks of paperwork down the Division office.” The Magistrix smiled sheepishly for a very brief moment as her features reddened a touch. “But there is nothing a quick spell cannot fix.” 
Wanting something/someone so badly it hurt? 
“Indeed, I have. I’ve wanted very little in my life since m,y parents went out of their way to provide me with much even in their absence. Sadly, I have only one thing that I wish for and have not yet acquired --  companionship.” 
Wanted to disappear?
“Yes, almost all the time as of late. But being a Mage like myself, I tend to do so effortlessly.”
Smile or eyes? 
 “I prefer someone’s charming smile over their eyes but both would earn extra points from me.” 
Shorter or taller?
“Tall. Very tall.”
Intelligence or attraction?
“Intelligence over attractiveness. Though, a combination of that would work wonders.” 
Hook-up or relationship? 
“I do not indulge myself in one-night stands.”
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Do you and your family get along?
 “I have only a sister. The rest of my family perished courtesy Arthas -- The Lich King. Nevertheless, my sister and I get along, yes.” 
Would you say you have a messed up life? 
“Messed up? No. Dysfunctional? Terribly so.”
Do you consider all of your friends good friends? 
“Of course.”
Who is your best friend? 
“That would be Lady Seilune Astrande.”
Who knows everything about you?
“Me, myself and I. I trust no one with my secrets.”
Tagged by: @seilune
Tagging: @dardillien-ward @season-of-maha  @snowfallen-nymph @shalandrassils-main  @vfirebrand@lendariinamberbow  @nightelftrash @eloquentspeeches @veari @thebuildingcacophony @mavenofthearcane @iamauroracole @fel-temptation and ayone else who’d like to participate. Feel free to tag me <3 
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seilune · 6 years
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I had a wonderful time at @howlingowl-wra‘s Club Night Owl event tonight in Mistfall Village with my fellow Agents and friends! There was lots of dancing, socializing, drinking, and...eggcellent illusions. I’m looking forward to the next one!
@nimuehdraemberfury @arcane-night @mestisra @boendark @alyssandeur
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valteia · 6 years
Re: A False Prophet
A False Prophet-A Prologue (Please give this a read! This is the prologue to an epic new Div storyline written by my best friend, Nimuehdra. Below is my response!)
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Silence. Impenetrable silence was all that accompanied the Shadowblade as she stealthed through Nazmir, leather soles treading lightly across the swampy soil. The desire for knowledge was what brought her here, just as it did with all of her ventures, but this time it was personal. The Agents had recently come to this place in search of a relic known as the Emerald Eye, and some had been affected by dark whisperings that echoed from beneath the earth. Lady Astrande, she had been one of those whose mind was infiltrated by the whisperings, and the effect it had on her was much greater than it had been on the others, even the Head Archivist himself. As the woman’s advisor, Valteia was sworn to aid her in diplomacy, but that also extended to protecting the woman from whose who wished to cause her harm. And she had failed in that. She was not there to protect Seilune during the recent attack at Aubade, instead partaking in the Brewfest festivities with Agent Vitale. How could she be so negligent? Why had she gone off duty in the first place? It wouldn’t happen again, and she was willing to prove it.
This expedition to Nazmir had not been assigned to Valteia, instead opting to use her free time in between missions to scout out the area, to get a feel for it, and to understand it and the creatures that inhabited. This enemy was one she knew intimately, one whose essence she had tasted. The Void--itwas the same darkness that blessed Valteia with power, allowing her to effectively perform her role as a spy and assassin. But at what cost? Oh, she knew the price--their dead faces were burned into her mind, serving as a reminder of the Shadowblade’s shortcomings and that she had to be better. And with it came a burden, a heavy weight upon her frail shoulders that she had no choice but to carry each and every day, or else the shadows would threaten to consume her completely. But if there was any evil she could go toe to toe with, this was it. For nearly two years she had fought against the shadows in her own mind, living a disciplined life to ensure they had no emotions to consume. If anyone could protect the Agents, it was her.
Valteia stopped just outside the village of Koramar, crouching behind a thicket of blackened flora. She was unphased by the blood-curdling screams and the sounds of daggers piercing flesh from the sacrifice taking place, her fiery eyes glued elsewhere. Gloved fingers raked through the leaves, parting them to reveal the Heart of Darkness that stood in the distance. Titanic in design and make from what Valteia could gather, and possibly filled with artifacts of interest to the archivists. But something buried deep within is what prompted her to quirk a brow and to get a closer look. There was a dark presence she could sense, and it was calling to her. That. That was the source of all of this, and she had to get even closer, to come face to face with it if she had to.
But before she could slide down the hillside and resume her trek, a distorted voice emitted from her earpiece, belonging to another whom she was sworn to serve. Lady Emberfury. And based on her words and the inflection of her voice, it was clear that she was in some sort of distress. Shard...power...exiles. Valteia pressed a finger to her ear and spoke quietly, her voice muffled slightly from beneath her mask. “Lady Emberfury, this is Ombre Valteia Sindal. I’m relieved to hear that Madam and Ser Cole’s assumptions were correct—at least in some fashion. However, you still sounded as if you were in some distress. Are you well, my Lady?” @nimuehdraemberfury (Posting this on my Val blog!)
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nihanovacaine · 6 years
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Finally a commissioned portrait of Nimuehdra! 
This is my baby, I love her, I adore her and I live through her. She is a Magistrix of Silvermoon and The Commandant of The Emberfury Division. 
In this piece, I imagined her at a party. Her right hand is adorned with a ring depicting the rune “Kenaz” as is written in her story. 
  HalChroma (Sreya)  really brought her to life and I am so, sooo grateful that she decided to take on my commission. 
@seilune @mercutiomalache @iamauroracole @verosmoonshine @thebuildingcacophony 
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nihanovacaine · 6 years
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Nimuehdra at The Emberfury Division Headquarters. She is accompanied by Keiran, a raven she conjures to assist her in various missions. 
Art by the lovely HalChroma!
(Yes Nimuehdra is inspired by Yennefer from the Witcher franchise but is an entirely different person! ))
@verosmoonshine @seilune @valteia @agentsofsuramar @flaxinmalache @intoxication-wra 
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nihanovacaine · 6 years
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Nimuehdra’s Birthday was on October 29th. She had just returned from Vol’dun and met with her close friend, @boendark  for a small celebration in her Mansion gardens. The location is La Maison d’Emberfury in Suramar.
This commission was a birthday present to me from Boen!  by HalChroma (Sreya) 
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nihanovacaine · 6 years
Sunday Munday 15 Questions
1. Are you named after anyone? No, I haven’t been named after anyone but rather-- the Milky Way!
2. When was the last time you cried?
A day ago. 
3. Do you want/have kids?
If I was asked this question ten years ago, the answer would have been a hard no. But I am beginning to think that children aren’t so bad and I would not mind having them. 
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? No, though I’ll admit that I refrain from using it intentionally. A little wit is nice an overdose of sarcasm would have you seem like an unpleasant person to be around.  
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Eyes, smile, and their voice. 
6. What’s your eye color?
Deep brown.
7. Scary movie or happy ending?\
I like a bit of both but I detest romcoms. The only time I would even watch something so brain-numbing is when I am forced to. I enjoy horror movies and anything spooky, count me in!
8. Any special talents?
I can sing and play many instruments, paint and make my own costumes. (I’m a cosplayer) I can also speak a ton of languages if that is a talent lol. 
9. Where were you born? India
10. What are your hobbies?
Writing, singing, painting, sewing, pyrography, costume construction, makeup. 
11. Do you have any pets?
Yes, I have a Bombay cat named Nirvana and a Turkish angora named Midnight. 
12. What sports do you play/have you played?
I have been trained in several Martial Arts, played football (Soccer) in school and loved Krav Maga. I’ve stopped only in 2018 because of health reasons. 
13. How tall are you?
5′3″ >_>
14. Favorite subject in school?
English, Chemistry, Physics, Algebra. I hated Geometry but 
15. Dream job? When I was a child, I wanted very much to be an Archaeologist and discover some magical relic of the past someday. It brought a sense of excitement when I learned about radiocarbon dating, forensic tests on mummies and the like for the first time. I still secretly want to be a professor. Haha. But as life would have it, I went down a different path and only live this dream through my writing.  Thank you for the tag @seilune  Tagging -  @dardillien-ward @snowfallen-nymph @susan-gampre @sanasunbringer @illdraes @mavenofthearcane @thebuildingcacophony and anyone else who’d like to participate :3 
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nihanovacaine · 6 years
Bonds to tide over Turbulent Times
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At the Safe House in Boralus,  Lady Emberfury was discussing the particulars of a certain matter and a particular new agent that asked for Sanctuary at the Cove. The Magistrix had expressed that not much good had come from whatever interaction she has had with her family. The Magi-Pirate somehow convinces the Commandant of the Emberfury Division to entertain his request and so Nimuehdra would assign this agent to Captain Darcelle Beauchamp who now actively works with the Agents of Suramar about the current murders that were causing unrest among the Nobility in the Shal’dorei Capital.
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The Warden of the Viper’s Cove nodded to the Blood Mage,  "There are no easy days left to me, I've no need for someone who can only pass an easy test." He looked for his smokes as he mentioned, "I was told the contract of the deed was sent out last night. All should be well and ready with the Black Rose when they arrive to see to that as well. Should I have her meet them there or in Suramar? She's staying at our safe house in Booty Bay is why I ask, to save the trip."
The Commandant thought for a moment before she spoke, "Hm. That is a good point. I will have her sail at Booty Bay and have her inspect the Black Rose. Probably have that wheel fitted before we take her all the way to Suramar."
"Very well. Ask this Sockette to be ready to teleport to Suramar once we have concluded the business with the Ship."
"Aye, that'll work out well. I hope she serves you better than her last Captain served me." Oh man, he said that with the chill of one who would murder the one in question if they got the chance. The long story was long, as with most of them. "I'll have Ryley let her know. If you need anything to do with the harbor, ship, or even more backup let me know. While we investigate Stonewater's plight we've plenty who could do some heavy lifting for you." They like to 'take out the trash' and such.
"Makers! I could almost feel the icy chill of Death.” She chuckled, "Don't worry. She will be treated well. The Div would be happy to board the Brig." 
Nimuehdra listened intently until he finished speaking. "I will let you know if that need arises."
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Captain Malache gave her a wry smile, "The man outed the Kingsnake's -son- to the nobility of Silvermoon." She could probably imagine what happened next. "I doubt you could stomach stooping as low as Sicarius has. She'll do -much- more good in your employee." He warmed up a bit, more fond of thinking of her future than her grisly and bloody past.
"I should likely get my ass headed back to The Cove soon anyways though, we have a new girl I want to be sure she settled in alright." He said with brooding concern under his friendly smile. "If she doesn't end up dead she might really be something, the new ones have promise." He continued.
The Magistrix would silently dip her chin in a very slight nod. Her brows twitched upward momentarily, "I don't think I could...no." Came a plain response. "Well, let us hope none suffer in this ordeal and it goes as smoothly as it possibly  can." She straightened her back as he continued, "Oh...yes, it is getting rather early in the morning, isn't it? Time to step over the fence and head back to the city. I need you to know that I won't be available for the next three days as Captain and I have a few things to attend to somewhere along the coast of Northrend. But as stated, we will arrive soon enough. Nothing dangerous... just taking care of business in the Vrykul lands."
The Harbormaster of Stonewater Bay nodded as he tipped back his glass to clear it before setting it aside by the bottle. "If you go to the Vrykul would you ask them about something for me? I'm curious about their returned. Not the undead but the ways they can return from the Halls of  Valor. Any little information you can come past is of -great- value to me." Of course, it is, you're -sitting on one- right now. One you'd rather keep than let go back.
The Commandant of the Division rose from her seat to leave and exchange pleasantries but then rose and met Flaxin's gaze as he asked her of a particular favor. The Magistrix straightened her form and did not press but nod, studying his expression carefully. "Of course," she began, "The Vrykul at Myjosindil and I have a bit of history. They do owe me a favor or two."
Captain Malache hadn't hoped for that much but he put a hand on the table coming around, "I'll explain it in more detail when next we meet. It's a long story, the....the Halls have sent one of their own and I wish to know more about it. Before I put my money on it I must know what is possible. How one of the fallen could return, why, and what one could do to retain them..." He didn't know how far he would go just yet but he looked willing to go as far as it took right then.
The Magistrix nodded very slowly. The Magistrix would approach and gently pat her gloved hand over his. Her glacial blues still studying his form but would have a softness to them, eyes that behold the compassion and understanding of a friend.
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"We'll worry about the details later. If you need the information, I will bring what I can to you."
The Blood Mage was obviously curious about the fallen that wished to rise again to Valhalla. She smiled and retracted her hand, "If Odyn's chosen could do it…then I am certain there is a way..."
The void-touched Quel’dorei warmed up to the gesture and gave her a curious look before nodding, "Thank you. I've come to know of many cultures and people but...I suppose we all need help sometimes, yes? When you go, go well and return to us in one piece, aye?"
The Void-disguised Magistrix maintained a gentle smile on her lips. The Magistrix did not mind the curious look but it was probably obvious to him that she knew there was something was nagging him. Something of a very personal nature.  "Well, then you've certainly found the right person to ask."
Nimuehdra paused….
"That's what friends are for, Flaxin Malache.”
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The woman nodded before she continued, “I will….and I hope the winds carry you safely until next, we meet." She turned to leave but not before giving the Captain a nod.
The Magi-Pirate hoped they would both find their ports as they should as he let her go ahead of him. He had a few things to put away before he went back home, after all, he didn't want to leave the place scattered for Sam. He was terrible at letting someone go with the last word but couldn't think of anything pertinent to say. He'd have the Witches make sacrifice for their endeavors, perhaps.
With that, the Magistrix would be encompassed in black mists and taken back to whence she came. As she returned to the once Noble Captain Beachamp, her mind lingered upon what Flaxin had said...
@mercutiomalache @agentsofsuramar @seilune @verosmoonshine @intoxication-wra  @odyns-herald-wra
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nihanovacaine · 6 years
About Nimuehdra
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Birthday: October 29th 
Zodiac sign: Scorpio
Shoe size: 7.5/8 US
Favorite Color(s): Black, Purples, Blues, Bordeaux
Favorite smell(s): Mountain air, starlight roses, leyblossom, winter’s kiss.
Birth Gem: Blue Opal
Race: Sin’dorei
Talent(s): Dark disciplines of magic, felcasting, chronomancy, pyromancy, frost magic, runic magic, musically gifted, can expertly eat a whole roast chicken clean with a fork and knife.
A wish they have always wanted: To avenge her people and bring glory to the Emberfury name.
An item they hold dear to their heart: A crescent moon pendant given to her by a Darnassian refugee as thanks for saving them from a burning home. It is now with her daughter, Vamine Emberfury.
Favorite sound(s): Wind howling, thunderstorms, rainfall, echoing voices in the mountains, flora rustling in the breeze, meditative chanting.
Fear(s): Abandonment, the Void, heights.
Accomplishment(s): Last of the Emberfury House to be a Blood Mage, Magistrix of Silvermoon, Commander of the Emberfury Division, which is a special-operations task force. Retinue to the Grand Magister Rommath.
Your muse’s catchphrase(s): “Do what must be done, and be done with it.” “We are bound to uphold what our people do best....persevere.”
Likes: Sorcery; playing cards; singing; shopping; playing music; reading books; studying; exploring; stargazing; lifting curses; mastering difficult schools of magic.
Dislikes: Manipulative people; closed-mindedness; a fragile ego; aggressive behavior.
Any scars?: A small scar on the left nostril from a burn accident; a gash on the right side of her neck from being stabbed by a void tentacle.
Birthmarks?: Inner side of her right elbow. A small mole on the lower left side under her bottom lip.
Something about your muse that is different from everyone else: The only way you can tell she is different is when you meet her.
What makes your muse cry?: The fall of Silvermoon which caused her to lose her family; when she was abandoned by her past love; when any harm befalls her friends or family.
What makes your muse happy?: Her family; her best friends; her Division.
What makes your muse laugh?: Wit; sarcasm; silly humor.
Does your muse love his/her parents? Why or why not?: Nimuehdra loved her family, she did her very best to earn the title of Magistrix as her parents had desired. Though it was not witnessed by her deceased parents, she believes that they would have been proud of her accomplishments. She continues the efforts of House Emberfury with the Magistry and also runs a special-operations task force under the same name. 
Does you muse have any friends? Which friend is closest to him/her?: She has many close friest...her best friend is Lady Seilune Astrande, a Shal’dorei Heiress whom she loves dearly. Boen Dark has also been one of her close companions for many months. Her Chevalier is her confidant. She is also very close with someone she has met recently Lord Vaelois Noctries-- their relationship is unclear but they are often seen in each other’s company. 
Your muse’s favorite food?: Strawberries, Shal’dorice cream, roast chicken.
Does your muse follow a religion? If so, what is it and what are their beliefs?: She’s cognizant that the world is created by the Makers but is not religious. 
What would get your muse to fall in love with someone?: It would require intellect, a charismatic personality, a smile to die for and most importantly, showering her with affection and care. Nimuehdra has come in contact with many with these qualities, yet capturing her heart has proven to be a very challenging feat. 
Has your muse ever killed/murdered somebody? Why did they do it and what was their motive? As a Magistrix who has fought in many wars, it has been unavoidable to have not killed people. She would not waste a life if it is not required of her. 
Does your muse have a type when it comes to physical attraction?: The Magistrix has been flirtatious men who are tall and have very dark, or very light hair. It is unclear what else she finds attractive physically...though,  the Magistrix quick to redden at the sight of a handsome Blood Knight. 
What does your muse find endearing personality wise?: As mentioned earlier, she is for those who are intelligent; who would partake in the efforts of the Sin’dorei and the Horde. She admires those who are kind, caring and gentle in their demeanor. 
What is the most stupidest/illogical thing your muse has done and why did they do it?: She has thrown herself in harm’s way time and again without a second thought in an attempt to not burden someone when she could handle the situation herself. It usually drives her Guardian, Kirilovos to rip his hair out of his scalp. 
Tagged by: @seilune
Tagging: @boendark  @iamauroracole @thebuildingcacophony @grimlakin @verosmoonshine @mercutiomalache  and anyone else who’d like to do it! Just tag me! xo
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nihanovacaine · 6 years
Preferences : Nimuehdra Emberfury
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coffee or tea
early bird or night owl
chocolate or vanilla
spring or fall
silver or gold
pop or alternative
freckles or dimples
snakes or sharks
mountains or fields
thunder or lightning
egyptian or greek mythology
ivory or scarlet
flute or lyre
eyes or lips
witch or fairy
opal or diamond
butterflies or honeybees
macarons or eclairs
typewritten or handwritten letters
secret garden or secret library
rooftop or balcony
spicy or mild
opera or ballet
london or paris
vincent van gogh or claude monet
denim or leather
potions or spells
ocean or desert
mermaid or siren   
Tagging - @halindon @seilune @roewyn @lledwynlomeriel @oneplainjane @iamauroracole @thebuildingcacophony @verosmoonshine
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nihanovacaine · 6 years
Meet the Muse
RULES: Don’t reblog, repost. TAGGED BY: @seilune TAGGING: @halindon  @mercutiomalache @roewyn @lledwynlomeriel  @iamauroracole @oneplainjane @thebuildingcacophony  
► NAME ➭  Lady Magistrix Nimuehdra Emberfury ► ARE YOU SINGLE? ➭  "Yes, I am.” ► ARE YOU HAPPY? ➭  "The onset of inevitable war has left a bitter taste in my mouth but I am otherwise content.” ► ARE YOU ANGRY?  ➭ “I am not quick to anger. However, I am easily annoyed.” ► ARE YOUR PARENTS STILL MARRIED?  “They are deceased. However, they never separated.”
► ‘BIRTH’ PLACE ➭ “Quel’Danas.” ► HAIR COLOR ➭  Snow-white. Can look Silver with bluish accents depending on the light. ► EYE COLOR ➭ Emerald  ► BIRTHDAY ➭   October 29th ► MOOD ➭ Varied, but I am generally calm and welcoming.  ► GENDER ➭  Female. ► SUMMER OR WINTER ➭ Winter ► MORNING OR AFTERNOON ➭ Afternoon
► ARE YOU IN LOVE? ➭ “No.” ► DO YOU BELIEVE IN LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT? ➭ “No, I believe that feelings of love develop over time.” ► WHO ENDED YOUR LAST RELATIONSHIP? ➭  “My relationship ended the moment they went astray.” ► HAVE YOU EVER BROKEN SOMEONE’S HEART? ➭ “Not intentionally. But it couldn't be helped.” ► ARE YOU AFRAID OF COMMITMENTS? ➭ “Once I give my word, I am inclined to follow through. As such, I avoid promising anything that would lead to that unless I can deliver.”  ► HAVE YOU HUGGED SOMEONE WITHIN THE LAST WEEK? ➭ “I express affection freely to those close to me.”
► HAVE YOU EVER HAD A SECRET ADMIRER? ➭ “I am not aware of any my secret admirers. That would mean they aren’t very secret, hm?”  ► HAVE YOU EVER BROKEN YOUR OWN HEART? ➭ “No?” 
► LOVE OR LUST ➭ “Oh my! Given the current effort, these matters are not occupying my mind. However, if I had to choose...I would opt for longevity and hence, I would pick love.”
► LEMONADE OR ICED TEA ➭ “Charcoal lemonade. But I don’t mind a refreshing glass of Iced tea either.” ► CATS OR DOGS ➭ “All felines. But I am quite the animal lover so again, I don’t mind either.” ► A FEW BEST FRIENDS OR MANY REGULAR FRIENDS ➭  “I hold my friends dear to me.” ► WILD NIGHT OUT OR ROMANTIC NIGHT IN ➭ “Both.”  ► DAY OR NIGHT  ➭ “There is tranquility in the darkness that I cannot get enough of. However, I do also like to hunt things that go bump in the night.”
► BEEN CAUGHT SNEAKING OUT ➭ “Never. I am an elusive Magistrix.” ► FALLEN DOWN/UP THE STAIRS ➭ “Ahem.....I may have slipped once or twice. But there’s nothing a quick cast of slow fall cannot fix.” ► WANTED SOMETHING/SOMEONE SO BADLY IT HURT? ➭  “I always seem to want something that I cannot have. So, yes.” ► WANTED TO DISAPPEAR ➭ “I do so effortlessly when I desire to escape the confines of the city. I am a Mage, after all.”
► SMILE OR EYES ➭ "Smile.” ► FAT OR SKINNY ➭ "Lean, athletic, muscular.” ► SHORTER OR TALLER ➭ “Tall...very tall.” ► INTELLIGENCE OR ATTRACTION ➭ “There is nothing more attractive than a beautiful mind. I would choose intellect over attraction at times. Though, I admittedly go for both.”  ► HOOK-UP OR RELATIONSHIP ➭ “I prefer longevity.” 
► DO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY GET ALONG ➭ “My sister and I get along well. My daughter, however, is quite the treasured flash of light.”  ► WOULD YOU SAY YOU HAVE A “MESSED UP LIFE” ➭ “Long past in the time of the Prince, I lived a fulfilled life. After the Sunwell was destroyed, I’ve had to painfully rebuild my House.” ► HAVE YOU EVER RAN AWAY FROM HOME ➭ “Never.” ► HAVE YOU EVER GOTTEN KICKED OUT ➭ “I am quite the model Magistrix. I would never be kicked out.”
► DO YOU SECRETLY HATE ONE OF YOUR FRIENDS ➭ “If I harbored such feelings toward anyone, they wouldn’t be my friends.” ► DO YOU CONSIDER ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS GOOD FRIENDS ➭ “No one is truly all good.” ► WHO IS YOUR BEST FRIEND ➭ “Lady Seilune Astrande. Another world, she hails from but our similarities drew us together. We’re inseparable!”  ► WHO KNOWS EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU ➭ “The only person who’d know everything about me is my own self.” 
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nihanovacaine · 6 years
Libram of Erudition - The Raven and the Swallow
The Blood Mage approached, her hands would tremble for a time. A gloved hand extended to reach out to the floating Libram but paused for a moment hesitating. The Snowy-haired Magistrix would part her lips to let a sigh escape. Digits uncurled to relax her nervous hand before placing it on the tome. Visions of the memory would begin to project slowly. It was a normal afternoon in Suramar. The sky was overcast, the weather was pleasant and a light breeze was blowing by, cooling to one’s skin if it made contact with it. It was an uneventful day, as far as the business with the Nobles was concerned for the Magistrix. 
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However, moving to the Shal’dorei capital was not so. Meeting the locals, getting used to the dialects they spoke, acquainting herself with their art and magic was not so much a task as getting used to her new diet. The Magistrix was offered many delicacies and concoctions made by the neighbors as a welcoming present. Kind to a fault, the Magistrix had sampled every single one of the treats offered to her. Obviously, this had not had a desirable effect on her foreign stomach and so, the woman was suffering a mild bout of food poisoning. Nauseous and trying very hard not to egurgitate on any of the Noble’s shoes while they spoke with her, the Blood Mage would keep sipping on Arcwine to keep it down. Not one of the wisest decisions she made then but it was to keep up appearances and not seem rude in a group of new people. Excusing herself, she sat there, cursing herself for eating far too much food she was unfamiliar with all at once. 
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The conversations would begin to blur and the intricate weaving of the silken tablecloth before her became more interesting as time passed. Suddenly, drops of water began to stain the purple fabric, indicating rainfall. The Mage would cast as upwards glance to confirm, a lone drop blinding her for a moment as she did so. A gloved hand would rise to her face to shield her vision from the light drizzle.  She thought it would be best to make her way to her new home now and so she would say her goodbyes and prepare herself to leave. Walking down the small slope of grass, the Magistrix would lose balance and slip on the dewy foliage, causing her to fall to the ground. On contact, the woman felt a sharp pain in her stomach. Emerald orbs looking skyward, vision blurred by the second...a groan escaped her lips. The Magistrix had lost consciousness. 
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Moments passed and A bright, flickering light would flicker above the Magistrix’s features. Upon closer inspection, the little yellow object was found to be in the shape of a swallow. The bird-shaped creature would sparkle with a Holy glow akin to that of a Priest’s Light, singing a melody to the unconscious woman. Eyes lined with paled lashes would dance erratically behind darkened eyelids as the Mage stirred awake. “Ca-Carina…” whispered the Enchantress as the bird coaxed her awake with a chaste peck of its beak to her cheek.  The woman let out a soft laugh, pushing herself off the ground. “I am coming home, child.” She said to herself, rising to her feet. The swallow would flap its wings happily, flying toward the direction of her new home. Clutching her side, the Mage would bear the now, somewhat dulled pain and walk slowly behind the Swallow who guided her down the winding path to the Grand Promenade. To Home. The image would dissipate and the Magistrix would pull away from the Libram.
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nihanovacaine · 6 years
A Stitch in Time?
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The flaxen-haired Paladin stood beside Tandrine, directing her through the point of a finger on the fabric laying against the table. She simply nodded along with perked ears, listening. She was quick to giggle at something Halindon muttered under breath, soon being covered with the palm of her hand. Smirking all awhile, Halindon glanced over his shoulder, catching glimpse of the familiar sight before turning back. He whispered something to the woman as she then took her leave, the Knight-Lord turning on his heels to face the entrance.
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The time of the Revelry was nigh and so the Magistrix would be assigned to several duties by the Order she served. The Div business was halted for the festivities and many preparations were being made. Among many other responsibilities prior to the Revelry, the Blood Mage was told to design, and order new Tabards for the Order. Being always a step ahead she had already sketched out variants of aforementioned designs for the guild colors contest. The snowy-haired Mage was on her way to collect the bulk of her order at the vendor, mounted atop her beautiful white hawkstrider, Dath'Anar. As she arrived at the shop, the Magistrix would dismount and straighten any stray strands of her silvery-white tresses as she made her way in. Upon entering, she emerald eyes locked onto a familiar face.
"Ser Dawnheart, what a pleasant surprise!" exclaimed the woman as she approached the young Paladin.
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The tall Paladin's smirk grew in size at the ring of her voice, causing his head to bow in a formal fashion.
"Pleasure is mine, Lady Emberfury. It seems fate keeps intertwining our paths." He voiced, hands coming to fold behind his person, standing loosely in attention. "I was just making changes to a tabard." He added.
As Nimuehdra approached the fragrance she wore would fill the room. It would not be strong, but a pleasant aroma that was alluring and vibrant. The Magistrix's lips mirrored his expression for a time but then transformed into a lively smile. "Quel'thalas is a a lovely and glorious nation but it is rather small. Among Nobility, paths tend to cross often." She stated with a grin playing upon her lips. She would raise her heels to look over his shoulder, as the woman was small-statured, she would have to do so if she were to look at the edits being made to designs. "Editing a design? For your Order or for the Organization you serve?" She asked in a friendly manner.
The young Noble quirked a brow at the question, glancing over before returning to Lady Emberfury. "How close are you willing to come to reveal such?" He teased, chuckling at his own rhetorical question, head shaking. 
"I jest. I only serve the Order and my own House-- though, I suppose that just means all of Quel'Thalas. The edits are to the Order, I'm adding something related to my House." He explained.
A flattering smirk appeared on her lips as he teased her, the left corner of her mouth curving upward as she returned emerald hues toward the man. The Magistrix settled onto the balls of her feet and crossed her arms loosely across her chest. "I might need to approach closer to view said work being done on your tabard, Ser Dawnheart." She paused to chuckle. "But one would have to ask how close is too close for comfort?" She finished coyly. As he continued, she maintained her posture but the expression would soften into a gentle smile. "Ah, adding the Dawnheart crest to the tabard, I presume."
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The flaxen-haired Paladin's eyes squinted at the underhand challenge, leisurely moving forward, hands still folded atop the other behind his person. Pausing, just moments away, looming. He lingered in silence from above, peering down with a toothy smiling gracing his features. "You would be correct." He cooed, lips remaining parted till he inhaled sharply, stepping back and turning towards the table. 
"And why are you here, Lady Emberfury?" He asked, glancing over playfully before reverting back to the table.
The Enchantress would not back away, emerald eyes would affix to peridot hues as he moved closer, her head moving as he did so. The Snowy-haired Enchantress would tilt her chin toward the tall man, gaze maintained as he spoke. Bordeaux lips parted as he cooed.
"I am almost never wrong, Ser."
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Her tresses moved behind her in accordance to her glance, "The Revelry is nigh, I am here to collect an order I placed with the merchant thirty moons prior. I am hoping everything is as it should be..." Arms pried apart and fell to her side as she walked to him, keeping some distance as he let him finish his transaction with the vendor. Her movements were graceful and Noble to a fault.
The young Knight-Lord watched as Tandrine arranged the dotted white placeholders on the gray fabric, brows knitted in focus. "Yes, I've heard of this event. I'll most likely be attending." He revealed, looking Tandrine with a softer expression, nodding in approval. Once more did he turn to Lady Emberfury, rest his rump against the table casually.
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"Where can I find you at the Revelry?" Questioned the young Knight-Lord
The Magistrix would be patiently observing at the woman worked upon the Paladin's tabard. "Oh?” She asked, pleased but somewhat surprised that a man as busy as he would attend.
“I am glad to hear that! Will you be bringing someone with you?" Asked the Magistrix.
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The woman would politely take a step back as he turned so as to provide him adequate space to move about in his bulky armor. Eyes lined with paled lashes rise from the work atop the table to his own slowly, wandering as they ascended to his features. She would smile pleasantly at him as she responded, "I will be the Master of Ceremonies for the event so I will be present everywhere. It won't be too difficult to find me. However...should you you need to contact me urgently," She snapped her fingers to conjure a purple card adorned with black filigree upon it. In the center, there would be a crest that depicted a conjoined phoenix and raven with its beak facing north toward a celestial body that seemed to be half sun and half moon.
"Speak my name to it and I will know where to find you." The Magistrix presented the card to the Blood Knight, eyes maintaining contact with his own.
The tall man's arms came to fold over his chest as she spoke, watching with the capture of his bottom lip. The briefest of magic shown caused brows to perk, lips spitting into another smile. With the offered card came to extension of his hand, gently taking it from grasp.
"Urgency is such a debatable topic- is it not?" He teased, pushing himself off the table while nodding, claw-plated thumb running over the engravement.
The Magistrix 's dainty hands would let go of the presented card. Eyes still locked on to his features wandered to his lips and shifted back to peridot hues. The Enchantress' arm would fall gently to her side as she smiled in turn, a soft laugh escaping plump lips as they parted to speak, "Aye. Anything could be deemed urgent. A meeting, a letter....a forgotten errand?" The woman approached now next to the tall flaxen-haired man. She looked upon the card as he observed the engraving upon it.
"The card will dissipate into mist as soon as it is used. I have more like it, be informed that I only extend such to those who intrigue me." The woman looked over her shoulder to wink at the man.
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The young Knight-Lord's vision was fixated on the card, flipping it over and back again. "Honored." He mused, hues rising till they searched her own, smirking. "I should use it sparingly. I wouldn't want to quench your curiosity too soon." He teased, huffing in amusement at his own words. "That being said, I won't hold you any longer. Seems you have much work to do, Lady Emberfury." Turning till their previous positions were reversed, now standing away from the table.
The Blood Mage's silvery-white hair flickered blue in the incandescent light of the shop. A dainty hand to extend a lone digit as she corrected, "You may use the card only once," She smirked as she turned toward Tandrine, the woman would attend to her immediately and bring forth her order. “And then, it shall turn to purple mist. If and when you decide to avail of the card, I suggest that you use it wisely.” Cautioned the emerald-eyed Enchantress.  
As soon as it was brought to her, the Magistrix would inspect the fabric and the quality of the stitching. The black and gold of the tabards would would look greatly contrasting as the
Mage had requested. Satisfied with what she had assessed, the Magistrix ordered for the bulk package to be delivered to Erudition immediately.
Tandrine bowed her head and started preparing for the delivery as soon as the Blood Mage finished. The woman then turned toward the the Knight-Lord, flashing a pearly-white smile to the Paladin. "All business here is concluded. I will be free for a time but come the evening, the work will start pouring in again." She stated sincerely. "I am going to return to the Court. WIll you be departing for the Hall of Blood again, Ser Dawnheart?"
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The flaxen-haired man huffed once more as she repeated the amount of uses, eyes drifting to the card as she spoke to Tandrine. He was always fond of magic, but never one to wield it besides the Light. As her attention returned, he lifted his vision back up, smirking. "Indeed. There is much work to be done with everyone returning." He explained, holding the card up. "I'll see you again, Lady Emberfury. Fear not."
The Magistrix's snowy brows raised slightly upon his reassurance. "Of course. Forming war strategies and such for the inevitable conflict, no doubt." She nodded twice to him. Her eyes followed the motion of the card before returning to his features. "Oh yes, I happen to believe that very strongly," she said with an enrapturing smirk.
"Be well until then," she smiled warmly as she finished. Her entire form would shimmer into purple mist as she blinked forward, successfully mounting upon Dath'Anar.
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The Mage would wave at the man, speaking louder in her sing-song tone so that words reached him. "Al diel shala, Ser Dawnheart!" The snowy-haired woman then coaxed her mount to take her in the direction of the Royal Exchange.
The young Knight-Lord’s smirk would grow as she began to shimmer, watching her disappear in a blink. He snickered lowly as he moved towards the entrance, eyes squinting from the daylight.
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"Stay out of trouble!" He commanded, head shaking at the cocky show of magic.
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nihanovacaine · 6 years
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See you at the Gala <3 
@seilune @thebuildingcacophony @wra-revelry @scions-of-antiquity @lledwynlomeriel @roewyn @iamauroracole  @mercutiomalache
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nihanovacaine · 6 years
An Unexpected Ally
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The Magistrix would be relaxing in Silvermoon, nodding a greeting or two to those who recognized her. Her hands would hold a magical tome tightly, glancing into it as she walked past the crowds of people at the Royal Exchange. She stopped however, as the Magistrix saw a tall figure in her peripheral vision walk by. Curious to find out if her senses had betrayed her, the snowy-haired woman turned heel to walk toward the ebon-haired man who wore heavy axes on his back, his armor was unlike the woman often saw in the Eastern Kingdoms or Kalimdor. Runic tattoos adorned the sides of his head. His hair seemed styled in the manner of the Valajar or the the Vrykul, yet his features were strangely elven. The Blood Mage then placed the tome within her pocket dimensional satchel, putting it away.
As she approached the individual, he took notice of her. He looked down to her small statured form and began, “Hello, Little one."
The Magistrix would look up to the tall warrior and offered a smile. "Bal'adash." A hint of piqued interest was apparent in the woman’s emerald eyes.
The tall Warrior gave a soft smile, his golden, galaxy-esque eyes would scan her before he spoke softly, "Can I help ye?"
As he began, the snowy-haired woman’s features formed a smile, "No, I just thought that I'd come by and greet you. I don't suppose I've seen you around in the city."
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"Ah, well greetings! I've been here only recently. Doing a wee bit of recruitment for my clan. Have had a bit more success than within the cesspool that is Orgrimmar, that's for sure." He greeted the Magistrix. The latter half of his statement had a tinge of bitterness to it.
The Magistrix’s lips thinned in response, "You've come from a faraway land. I'm glad that you've seen more success in your endeavor. But what obstacles did you run into in the Horde capital?"
"Ah, they dunnae care for my accent. Called me a...what was it? Spawn of a Dwarf who fucked an orc?" said the man, obviously still bitter as he explained.
The Magistrix would look to the ground to adjust the helm of her gilded robes. As he explained, her head rose to him, shock was written across her features. "Oh, that is...rather distasteful. I am sorry that you had to be faced with such misconduct.” She thought for a moment, the Warrior probably did not realize that she was well-travelled and spoke many languages and dialects. She rested her arms to her sides once more, “I understand you perfectly fine. But then again, I work with factions all over Azeroth."
The Warrior seemed intrigued as he asked, "Och? Do ye noo? An' tell me, tad one, what do ye think of what the Horde an' the Alliance an' their destruction of Azeroth?"
"War is meaningless at this point. We needn't go back to throttling each other like children right after unifying under one banner to quell the Legion threat." The Magistrix had firm belief in what she stated, resulting in her response being immediate.  "I am not against my Horde allies, but I do not want to go to war." Said she, as a gloved hand extended gesturing to the denizens of her city. Her gaze met his again,  "I am, however, curious as to what are -you- thoughts on the matter."
"Aye. That's what my order seeks to prevent. Senseless war. We are all children of the Pantheon, some just believe in protecting the world rather than fighting over her resoorces." said the Warrior. To which the Blood Mage replied, "Is that right? Then I see that we share the same sentiment."
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"My order seeks to protect Azeroth in whatever way we can. Conventional or Otherwise. We kill when necessary, but not withoot purpose. No death we deliver is withoot warrant."  He explained to her. Nimuehdra smiled up at the man, her features softened as he spoke, "As is the motto of my base of operations and the Order I serve. I wholeheartedly concur." said she, sincerely.
The tall, Northman smiled down at the Magistrix, he was short in his speech and introduced himself. "Bassidon Havisson."
The Magistrix's emerald orbs lit up as he introduced himself. "Nimuehdra Emberfury, Magistrix and Envoy to the Scions, and leader to the Emberfury Div. It is good to make your acquaintance,
Mister Havisson."
The ebon-haired Warrior smiled, his galaxy-esque hues curved into a crescent as he chuckled. "Everyone keeps calling me Mister or Lord. These titles mean nothing to me. I am a Konungr."
The Magistrix's eyes widened for a fleeting moment. She would bow humbly and as her head rose up to glance at him again, she smiled. "It is an honor to be in the presence of such a high ranked member of the Northmen. Forgive my people, they will address you in such a manner because it is what they understand. They are being respectful, nevertheless."
To which, he shook his head, "It is nae a problem. I am nae from these lands, I shooldn't expect people to treat me as such." he would smile, "If most knew hoo I was... it'd be a completely different."
"Well, I certainly know what your rank means and entails. It is akin to royalty among our people."  She smiled in turn, "I imagine it would be, Konungr." stated she, truthfully.
A smile remained on his features, seeming somewhat content. Someone who wasn't apart of his clan that actually knew what his title meant. What it entailed. The Burden that was on his shoulders and the weight that came with it. He smiled. "Fitting for someone such as me. Thoogh, despite who I am, I was nae expecting my people to follow me."
A smile remained on her features, "The best leaders walk among their followers, Konungr Havisson. They follow you because you are willing to take on the burden of leading them to the path of honor and guide them to be just. At least, that is what I've learned from our interaction so far. Us...álfr...as your people would refer to us, think and act differently but our core values are not too different. It makes sense for you to look for those who would join your clan here."
The smile on the ebon-haired Warrior’s lips widened, "Yoo've the understanding and wisdom that would rival the All-father." he said humbly. "What a shame that fate brooght us together only now, and not when ye needed a order to follow. Nonetheless, I consider ye an ally and friend."
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The Magistrix’s features would mirror his in turn, "You lavish me with high praise that is I am undeserving of, Konungr. The All-father is the all-knowing one. Perhaps it was his will to have let us meet on this eve. It was probably all according to his grand plan. Fate and Destiny are sometimes written in softened clay instead of being carved in stone. Ones who claimed to foresee the future were also sometimes wrong about it." She would raise a gloved hand to her lips and chuckled. Emerald eyes rose to his as she offered him a nod, "You honor me by referring to me as such. I will gladly work with you as an ally and extend my hand, though a tad small in comparison to yours, in friendship."
The Northman chuckled, "Then it is so. We are friends and allies then. And as such you are a friend to the Valajar and Valhalla." His ears twitched as he heard a voice within his mind, a soft smile gracing his lips as he nodded. "Forgive me, my father simply wished
to tell me something." The snowy-haired woman’s expression was gentle as he spoke to her, "I am glad to have met you to have this conversation." Eyes lined with paled eyelashes would blink twice as the Magistrix observed his movements. "I see. If I may pry, what pray tell did
he say to you? I will understand if you do not wish to share, of course. Forgive me if I am intruding."
"He was giving me a confidence boost. I have been feeling fairly doon in regards to rebuilding my Clan. I've foond some that wish to take up arms, but others that think they are safe behind their little Hooses, while the Horde an' Alliance continue to rip one another apart."
Nimuehdra extended a gloved hand,and twirled her hand as she began, "Well, in that case, here's another confidence boost. We are allies now, so should you need assistance, be not hesitant to call on the Division for aid. We will be happy to do what we can. I say so as the head of operations. We support all who see no point in meaningless warfare and would rather focus on protecting Azeroth instead of plundering it for its resources. As King Magni Bronzebeard informed us, Azeroth cried as she bled from the wound in Silithus. To fight over the seepage is...deplorable as her children."
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The Northman sighed softly, "Deplorable indeed... I can feel her dying... I can feel it. It shakes every bit of my core. My family... we're connected to Azeroth unlike what others know or could even comprehend....that is why we fight. That is why we try to protect
Azeroth and her people."
Snowy, sculpted brows would furrow in concern as he expressed himself to her, "I can't begin to imagine how your people and yourself feel being connected to her as such. As I said, you have our aid should the need arise, Konungr. As her children, we must fight to protect Azeroth...even if it means to protect it from ourselves."
"I agree wholeheartedly. This was nae my father's crusade, the protect Azeroth I mean, but after the Legion...an' I saw hoo it corrupted my people...an' then seeing hoo quickly the Horde an' Alliance turned on one another, it was enoogh for me to take a stand."
"That makes perfect sense to me. It is good to see one of your people working with our own. I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors." She said, adding so as to offer  support to the Northman.
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"The same to ye, Nimuehdra Emberfury. Odyn's blessing upon ye." He responded, offering the Elven Mage a salute.
The  Magistrix saluted him in turn, " Be well, Konungr. May the Eternal Sun guide you where you wish to lead your clan."
"Sometime, Emberfury, I'd love for ye an' yer division to come to Myjosyndil." Offered the tall man.
"I'd be honored to have my colleagues visit, Konungr. You and your people are most welcome to our   Headquarters as well."  The Magistrix accepted, inviting him and his Clan as well.
To which, another smile spread across his features. "Then I shall see ye soon, my friend."
The Blood Mage bowed her head humbly and smiled to the tall Warrior. "Anu belore del'ana.” She looked back to the Man once again and then glanced forward, returning to her colleagues, content that she had made a rather unexpected ally.
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nihanovacaine · 6 years
A Chance Meeting. (Part 1)
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It was a usual eerie night at the Row. The ambiance had not changed much as the Magistrix and her companion walked down the street, murmuring something about a certain pair of brothers giving them a tad bit more trouble, outweighing their usefulness. The Mage and the Rogue would be inaudible now as their murmurs would suddenly stop. The Mage would gesture with her left hand toward a direction and beckoned her partner to follow.
Caeryssa nodded, following silently behind her sister as she peered towards the direction that was gestured. Her eyes continued to shift, looking around in the darkened areas warily.
The haunting guise picked up on the indistinct conversation, but only tilts himself to watch where the sound was coming from. He seemed perfectly at ease in a darkened corner of the Row, perhaps more at home than he would be anywhere else in his old home.
The Magistrix would disappear from the Ebon's sight with Ryssa and appear beside him, leaning her back against the wall. She would whisper, "Bal'adash." the woman smiled behind her mask. She would eye the man with a slight hint of curiosity, awaiting a response from the haunting guise before her.
Ryssa's gaze would flicker over the armored Ebon Knight standing before them, watching silently as she merely follows her sister's lead. In the city, Ryssa wasn't exactly very vocal. She was content letting Nimuehdra take the lead on this, standing by as she kept a lookout for any signs of danger, seeing as it was the Row.
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The Undead Sin’dorei quirked into a small smirk at the display before him. "Greetings to you as well." He eyed both of them warily but keeps a casual posture against the wall. He made note of her expression, raising a brow under his helm. "Is there something I can do for you both?"
The disguised Mage tiled her head to the side, emerald eyes glowing dimly, still fixated on the Death Knight. "I'm aware you Ebon favor dark spaces but it is a rather unusual happenstance to find one near the students of Shadow..." she looked at Ryssa momentarily and then shifted her gaze back toward him.
She nodded. "An Ebon Blade in the city, do pray tell what winds carried you here." She whispered, her gaze flickering to the knight.
The Death Knight shrugged, looking around the Row as a whole. "During the day I can walk the city without much trouble, but at night I am better off finding somewhere more meditative. Those who reside here are not bothered by me, and in return do not bother me." He eyed Nimueh up and down. "With some obvious exceptions." He turns his attention to Caeryssa. "This was my home, it is not unusual for me to visit it."
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Nimuehdra scoffed in jest. “I wasn’t questioning your right to visit Quel’thalas.It will always be your home.” She shifted from the wall to approach the Undead Sin’dorei. “Do you still serve the Ebon or are you...a rogue Deathlord, Mister...?”
Caeryssa’s lips curled into a smile under her mask, nodding to the man in question. "Of course. I do not mean to sound unwelcome or to hint at hostilities. Pray forgive if my tone gave you that impression." She would then bow her head, looking back to her sister.
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The Magistrix quirked her brow at the Deathbringer. Her emerald gaze would study his movements and took note of his frown before it dissipated. “A mercenary.” She stated. As his pale blue orbs narrowed at her, the Magistrix hid a hint of playfulness behind her mask. “Good to meet you, Deathbringer Dreadflame.” she nodded, gesturing a wave dismissively in turn. “You are not unwelcome, Death Knight. Your guise only piqued our interest because we haven’t seen any of the Ebon wandering the Row at this hour. We do stroll about at time frequently and thus, we approached you.”
Kirilovos did not seem thrilled at the description but nodded all the same. "Yes, I suppose that is somewhat accurate. I do not, however, work for the highest bidder. I work based on my interests with little regard to the coin." He would shrug half-heartedly. "It is not as if there is much use for it anyway." He looked Nimuehdra up and down yet again. "What is it that brings one such as yourself to the Row so frequently? You seem like the more respectable sort."
The spellblade would nod along in agreement to the Magistrix's words. "Indeed, we do wander about at these timings, and your presence here caught our eye." She would nod again, leaning back to stretch herself. "Respectable we maybe, we are here to search...for one such as yourself. As you've mentioned, you work based on your interest, pray tell us of such." She would ask, her gaze falling upon the armor-clad knight.
(To be continued...)
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