#nilou x wanderer
minimujina · 2 years
so. hear me out. scaramouche and nilou
maaaajor spoilers below, dont read if you dont know about scaramouche’s full lore and character arc and everything!!
i had this idea because you know how when he becomes wanderer (after losing his memories) and starts to work for that guy in the grand bazaar for free?? he HAD to have seen nilou perform before, i mean he must have right. and since he’s a completely different person from the big emo bastard scaramouche, i imagine that he would be so enchanted by her dancing that he might approach her after a show to tell her. he’s really sweet and just sort of floaty, ykyk how he was before he got his memories back. just a little guy :)
they would hit it off and stuff and maybe they’d go for a walk or something around the city or in a garden :) it would mostly be wanderer listening to nilou talk, since he cant remember anything about himself, and hes much more interested in her anyways. he finds himself really smitten anshjddhhd
i think that would probably be like their only interaction before he gets his memories back, but it was enough to spark a connection on both ends (especially since he told nilou jack shit about himself—she’s left wondering who the hell the guy with the big hat was lmao)
however, since he has now returned to being a bastard full-time, he tries to distance himself from nilou to protect her. he knows that if he saw her again and she realized he was a completely different person, he wouldn’t know what to do. there was too much to explain. he would feel so guilty not having an explanation if he accidentally said something rude or acted out of line. and in the end, he might just end up driving her away from him—which would be yet another loss of a person who is in some way special to him. and he’s not sure he’ll be able to endure that kind of pain all over again. what if she only liked the other version of him, and not this version, who was jaded and cynical and hurt?
auntie buer is not having any of that though lol—she quickly finds out he sort of might maybe like nilou (it wasnt that hard, he was literally thinking about her constantly. the thoughts of how to avoid her kept getting interrupted with fluttering admirations about her, how lovely she is, how sweet, how yadda yadda, and then he would get mad at himself and shake his head). and so nahida does some meddling (idk details theyre tbd) and BOOM confrontation ez clap
i could say more but. it runs off into a specific scene with details that arent necessary for this drabble post.
i thought of this last night and slapped some words onto a google doc before the inspiration slipped (it is quite literally an entire page of a block of nonstop words, there are no breaks whatsoever and its a mess😭) and i wanted to post a modified and much less aggressive key-smashing version of it to see if i can convert anyone to my rarepair agenda :-)
i might. might may maybe might write this story but i already have so many ideas i Cannot commit to and so many other things i should be focusing on. at the very least it will probably be a long time before i post it if i do end up writing it fyi—but this will definitely be in the back of my head
(so like. does. does anyone see what i see. does anyone else think this is cute. because im losing my mind thinking about these two in This specific scenario) (please let me know if this is cute or if i am delusional)
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staryuee · 1 month
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꒰warnings꒱ not proofread, dainsleif/pantalone may be ooc (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
⠀꒲ ` synopsis . . . just cute habits, actions etc that they do, whether intentionally or not, after being struck with cupid’s arrow.
⠀꒲ ` characters . . . jean, diluc, zhongli, xiao, nilou, xianyun, dehya, wanderer, arlecchino, pantalone, dainsleif
⠀꒲ ` notes . . . scrolling through the genshin tag makes me wanna die sometimes…i’m trying to do investigative work and i have to quickly scroll past the same smutty language like it’s booktok torture + also i’ve been playing baldurs gate 3 for the past several days and i think i’ve developed a problem…
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G. JEAN — 琴
ʚ jean is very subtle in the way she loves someone, she doesn’t want to keep it secret per se, but her love is always almost adjacent to a puppy crush; something that seems fleeting but in the long run returns harder and hits oh so much worse.
ʚ she can’t necessarily abuse her powers, and she wouldn’t dare dream of messing up the order she so carefully has managed to maintain, so the way she tries to convey her feelings across isn’t too brash or loud.
ʚ simple things like letting her hands brush against yours when she passes you documents, allowing you to visit her office whenever you please even if it’s to just sprawl down at a nearby couch and read a book you found in the library while meandering, and even letting you join her on her daily walks across the courtyard.
ʚ during windblume festivals she won’t hesitate to strike up a seemingly harmless and friendly conversation, all the while sneaking a flower into your hair that resembles the feelings you stir up inside her fuzzy heart.
ʚ jean is overall quite an awkward person when it comes to anything related to romantic or plantoic ties, she’s a bit of a people pleaser in that way where she prefers to assume everyone’s a friend before an enemy… or in this case, “interested”.
ʚ with backup and sought guidance from her good friends lisa and kaeya, she’ll try a myriad of tactics to get you to notice her; a little shoulder massage there, a heartfelt sticky note placed on your workstation there, inviting you to classic candlelit dinners etc.
ʚ yes, believe me, she even tried the cartoonish “rose bit between teeth and uncomfortably arched side lean on a wall” approach before deciding it’s much better to listen to herself than the flamboyant duo.
R. DILUC — 迪卢克
ʚ diluc is the actual epitome of a gentleman. his love is so pure and genuine you can’t help but flower press every petal from the various bouquet he personally delivers to you on special occasions (anything from you completing a particularly hard or draining mission to doing something you thought you’d suck at).
ʚ his coat is also yours now. it’s like a six sense at this point to notice when you’re shivering out in the cold winds, and it’s become even more of a routine for him to simply shed that fluffy coat of his and drape it appropriately over your shoulders, trying to maintain a comfortable distance between you two as he adjusts it both to ease your tension and assure the pounding of his heart goes unheard.
ʚ diluc doesn’t enjoy using his riches to woo someone, it’s uncouth and just shows a desperation unbecoming of someone who dates to marry. if he wants to know you’re in it for the long haul, he’ll be much more sensitive and thoughtful when picking out gifts for you, each them have to hold some level of significance in your life.
ʚ the whole fiasco with his poor maids and some sneaky, perverse stalkers and diluc’s flaming great sword certainly applies to you as well; he’ll quietly ensure your safety in the night, helping you walk home with his arm hooked under yours, and in broad daylight he won’t hesitate to swing that polished wolf’s gravestone of his against any onlookers.
ʚ diluc is extremely closed off but deeply sentimental, he can so easily find himself rambling about his childhood stories to you; anything from how he used to collect seashells with kaeya to bring back to their dad, or how him and jean used to let baby barbara braid their hair together while babysitting…to things that are slightly more troublesome and heart wrenching to even mutter.
ʚ he may be less vocal than most in terms of feelings, but that doesn’t mean he won’t commit to it if he’s in love with someone. diluc isn’t the slightest bit dumb, he understand in order to get his feelings across he needs to do more than take random days off to spend time with you, he needs to at least hint it in a way that clearly gets his intentions across.
ʚ believe me, whenever you come by to dawn winery per notice, everyone raises a brow at you with curious smirks and gazes as diluc nearly stumbles on his words to get the phrase: “you look lovely tonight” out.
ʚ he has up to thousands years of romantic customs under his belt, he understands the vague signs and ways to further communicate how much he adores you.
ʚ … that would be the case in its full if not for the fact for the first thousand couple years of his life he wasn’t busy maiming other gods and shedding blood. safe to say, his memories of mortal “courting” is slightly, if not absolutely, a massive, weaving and overlapping trail of various centuries and cultures he’s been accustomed to; anything ranging from the days when khaenri’ah was still in its prime to nowadays with newfound slang.
ʚ he’ll recite the most beautifully heartfelt and awfully sincere poem all the while you’re fighting your life in a haunted house (he’s heard this activity is helpful to get couples closer to one another, and given the fact you’re clinging on for dear life at the edge of his coat, he assumes he’s on the right track!)
ʚ he wants to impress you while also maintaining an air of genuineness to his actions, and while that does sometimes end in awkward situations where he ends up wearing regal attire to what’s supposed to be a casual dinner at wangmin, his heart remains completely pure in its endeavours.
ʚ oh, let’s not forget this man is quite literally a dragon too!
ʚ sometimes he can forget you don’t have the same complexion as him and will proudly present you some sort of glimmering relic from his hoard, forgetting that certain materials that existed back in the day were deadly and or toxic for mortals to touch let alone possess.
ʚ with a little nudge in the right direction, he’ll quickly learn everything there is to know for how to properly handle your precious heart. whatever you’d like, you may have — if it’s within his reach, that is. but it doesn’t mean he’ll stop at what’s available, no, just how much he’s willing to risk for you.
XIAO — 魈
ʚ he’s already embarrassed and awkward enough with accepting the fact he likes you, so accepting the fact that he loves you had left him with a lengthy exorcism spree down in some forgotten areas in liyue (it didn’t help).
ʚ in all honestly, not much changes; both because he’s rather emotionally constipated but also because he’s more than sure he’s loved you for longer than he seems to currently acknowledge.
ʚ letters that came only on special occasions like your birthday or his became much more frequent and a lot less poetic, it felt more like he was writing about his thoughts at the time, a little akin to how you’ve made him feel less constricted and much more free; he can finally have the courage to step out of his comfort zone.
ʚ all those small acts of love he used to subtly express (i.e gifting you two crystaflies, personally inviting you to come hang out, etc) he manages to double, he can’t have you thinking his intentions are the same as before. no, they’re much stronger now.
ʚ his guard softens around you regardless, but when you randomly fall asleep on his shoulder on your weekly visits at wangshu inn, instead of taking you to one of the rooms, he’ll sit there and allow you to rest, and if he’s assured you’re not awake to ridicule him, maybe, just maybe…he’ll sneakily loop his arm around your waist.
ʚ even just the thought of you makes him spiral into daydreaming, sitting atop a tree and swinging his leg back and forth carelessly as he stares up at the night to await for a new light, knowing full well the only sun he wants to see is you…just imagining his hands holding your waist like they did so long ago makes him shiver (hopefully this time he’ll get to do it when you’re not falling, and instead are falling for him)
NILOU — 妮露
ʚ nilou is basically a disney princess, if you see her singing to random birds that come watch her performances, everyone in the grand bazaar already knows it’s because you’ll be in the crowd that night.
ʚ each step within her routines are done with the little more passion, if that even is possible given her character, all because she imagines that pride and hopeful heart eyes in your eyes as all the attention is on her.
ʚ sometimes this fixation can lead to dumb mistakes on stage which bring her to sulking away with a hand on her forehead dabbing away at the sweat, but even the mention of your name as you pass by several sumeru streets is enough for her to brighten, do a quick wardrobe switch and run off to tackle you within her embrace.
ʚ nilou is not loud, but definitely not subtle. the exact representation of how she feels when you come to encourage her at her lowest (though those days are few). you’re there for her in ways you don’t imagine, and that alone is enough for her to daze away into the night as she cuddles her pillow, legs wrapped around it and all, and begins thinking about the what ifs of your relationship.
ʚ sometimes it’s a little comedic the way she speaks about you, it almost sounds like she’s reminiscing about a fictional book character with how much she takes pride in whatever little thing you do. no one tires of seeing her footsteps lightly tap against the ground in circles as she gushes about how when you complimented her the other day, you touched her cheek seemingly subconsciously ∩^ω^∩
ʚ she’s a little embarrassed at just how obvious she can be sometimes, it doesn’t help the fact her own children keep using this love of hers to their advantage.
ʚ she keeps nagging them about not taking care of themselves (she’s all too keen about their health and whereabouts now that she dwells alongside liyuean people) and yet just the mention of your name has her slightly stuttering in a ditzy trance as she hooks her glasses back up her nose bridge.
ʚ without hesitance, she’ll show you a photo album she has of all those close to her; would you like to see the drawing little ganyu made when she just barely had her horns? or perhaps the polearm young shenhe broke when she miscalculated her own strength in training?
ʚ her family is her pride and joy, it’s only natural for her to want you to be part of it even if it’s something as silly as raking through photos of a chubby ganyu eating the stem of a flower or teeny shenhe napping on a tree.
ʚ a peaceful life mingling with mortals has left her with ample time to enjoy the trivialities of life, and yet she finds her mind all too quickly wandering to you; had you been taking care of yourself? were you feeling lonely? did you need her to make something for you?
ʚ a secretive worry wart that quickly becomes that ancient adetpus she used to pride herself as soon as your delicate hands accidentally brush against hers; suddenly she’s perked up, chest heaven up high with a confident hand on her shoulder: you wouldn’t even think that flurry of pink hues gushing across her cheeks was real if not for the light providing evidence.
DEHYA — 迪希雅
ʚ oh she’s absolutely ecstatic!!
ʚ there’s genuinely nothing better than love in her eyes, especially just having the ability to love and trust someone fully when you haven’t been able to do so for a plethora of years.
ʚ doesn’t try to hide it, like at all, if anything she makes it rather obvious with the way she constantly pulls you closer as if you were already an item, arms constantly clinging onto you and your sides or her hands messing up your hair as you greet her.
ʚ she’ll take you anywhere you ask, free of charge of course (just promise to smile…and maybe if you’re up for it give her a kiss on the cheek, that’s sure to be enough reimbursement).
ʚ she’s already quite a confident and outwardly friendly person (if the price is right that is) but when in your presence? what’s wrong with just a little bit of showing off…
ʚ dehya needs you to see the best side of her!! maybe then you’ll finally give in and realise that her constantly asking for you to come join her on her travels and commissions isn’t brought out of mere timed coincidence
ʚ i saw that a few people were upset and confused by wanderer’s sudden switch up into being more kind/friendly, but i think we all forget what kind of person he was before his betrayals.
ʚ he loves wholeheartedly, if he adores something it consumes him in a warm pit of mushy domesticity — he doesn’t hate love or being kind, he hates the way it makes him vulnerable and the way it reminds him of the way he used to be.
ʚ that also means he’ll completely ignore you, or, try his best to rather.
ʚ wanderer knows within his heart that he completely years for you, just the accidental slip of his gaze meeting yours makes his brain go haywire, sending volts of electricity down his spine — you make him feel so alive.
ʚ it’s terrifying to return to a person you once were especially now with the knowledge of how being the way you were lead to some sort of tragedy, he’s managed to build up these walls so high and here you were, sneaking in through cracks he didn’t even know he had.
ʚ and he both loves it and hates it; loves the fact he can still feel, but hates how he’s so easily susceptible.
ʚ loving you turns into self-loathing and brooding, his feet pacing up and down every street at night to clear his muddled head. small distractions like taking strolls in meadows or sleeping up in the vines of trees lead to just thoughts of you and you alone.
ʚ wanderer refuses to be overly friendly and buddy-buddy with you even if he’s aware that if you decided to just one day hold him sincerely he’d burst into tears, but he can compromise with being less cutthroat.
ʚ “shut the fuck up” turns into him just rolling his eyes at you as you ramble (he soaks up any piece of information he can and locks it away), items you gift him now are more apparent in their value as he yells at those who dare question the dumb aranara pin you bought him and placed sneakily on his hat…oh and he gives you hat privileges.
ʚ it’s raining? …get close to him so you don’t begin complaining about the way the rain feels on your skin.
ʚ she starts treating you less like an asset in her “contact if in need of assistance” roster and more like a friend — of course, she maintains that distance between you two, but she lets you wriggle around in her heart to see if you manage to fit.
ʚ chances are, you will — unknowingly she’d grown to love you in ways that may have even gone unnoticed by her given how natural they were; inviting you to random gatherings when the whim arises, pulling your chair out for you when out for brunch, or even tucking away strands of hair and twirling it around playfully.
ʚ arlecchino’s love isn’t something immediate or expected, she’s a woman who keeps every card close to her chest and her children even closer, you have to prove to her that you’re worth it, in a way that doesn’t necessarily mean spilling blood but more so answers the question: do you care, and are you willing to accept her blinding love?
ʚ it’s like a shepherd dog with a lost lamb, but that little sheep is just you, and she’s a wolf in need of a muse.
ʚ cute tea parties aren’t uncommon with the two of you, she’ll happily let you indulge yourself in treats as she leans back with scorching tea in her hands while memorising every curve of your lips as you chew and swallow, she loves watching the way your eyes crinkle when you smile and the little sway from side to side you occasionally do as an expression of joy.
ʚ once arlecchino notices that she’s began treating you as another authority figure in the house of hearth, she’ll reach and collar you gently, intertwining her dark, cursed hand into your flowery one.
ʚ one of the most attractive qualities a man can have is knowing when to shut the fuck up and to slide his card over during a dinner — both such things pantalone can do effortlessly, especially when it comes to you.
ʚ arlecchino claims that: “he allows his actions to be governed by the vengeance and hatred locked in the depths of his heart.” something that definitely translates into his love affairs in more than obsessive manners.
ʚ don’t be afraid of the massive hauls of clothing and sparkling jewellery galore that are being trudged in by multiple men, darling, it’s just a menial souvenir from his latest travels and newfound connections that he thought you might enjoy ^^
ʚ while his grandeur usually stems from his deep hearted desire to overthrow the imbalance between immortals and mortals, rest assured the luxury he provides you purely stems from his desire to make you his.
ʚ whether that entails you being his pet for him to seek comfort from on the occasion or a genuine connection where he can comfortably hold you at night purely depends on you.
ʚ oh, you’ll let him chew your ear off about his recent expedition and extravagant plan? consider your rent payed for the next few months and a few kisses on your cheek that certainly aren’t actually part of the snezhnayan custom (let him indulge in those little cravings or else he’ll undoubtedly be petty).
ʚ has a breakdown.
ʚ a little dramatic, but honestly if his entire life wasn’t a disgusting mess already, you’ve come to make it worse. fate is deliberately mean to brooding blondes it seems, given the fact he’s now stuck pacing around back and forth on a trail of dead abyss mages as he rereads a letter you’ve sent him weeks ago.
ʚ everything you give to him, everything you say, do, write, whatever, he remembers implicitly. each word you say is engraved into him as if they were important artefacts regardless of how pointless and mundane.
ʚ it can honestly get a little…scary at times? you’ll mention liking something once and all of a sudden you find it within your possession at least a few weeks later.
ʚ dainsleif doesn’t have enough time to wallow in the glory of mushy, all consuming love despite desperately wanting to imagine how your hand would feel caressing down past each of his scars, but what he can do is protect you, and to him that’s a greater blessing than intimacy he knows will end eventually.
ʚ a big tough man who would honestly fold the moment you call him any variation of a pet name, specifically with the word “mine/my” at the beginning — hey, it’s nice knowing you mean something to someone the point they view you as inseparable.
ʚ the timings at which he comes to aid you are all too convenient and believe me he’ll try his best to downplay it as coincidence, all the while he’s breathing heavily both from the face your eyes are scanning his so closely and the fact he used up so much energy to merely make a portal to sneak into your space.
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©STARYUEE do not copy, steal or repost ♡ ᴜsᴇᴅ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ɪʜᴇᴀʀᴛɢᴀɴʏᴜ
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mika-mp3 · 2 months
The treasure is all mine
-chapter four-
(Prologue, chapter one, chapter two, chapter three)
Genshin Impact x Creator!Reader
warnings: possible spelling errors, no y/n used, takes place after the sumeru archon quest
summary: after resting, your new friends tell you their plan to visit the dendro archon. You were very excited but had no idea what trouble little actions of yours can bring.
characters: Tighnari, Collei, Nilou, Wanderer (Hat Guy), Nahida, some guard npc's
word count: 3408
wattpad story here
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Tighnari's words from the previous night echoed in your mind. The journey to uncover your true identity was just beginning, and with the support of your new friends, they felt ready to face whatever lay ahead. The path forward was uncertain, but it was also filled with hope and the promise of discovery.
You awoke to the delicious aroma of fresh fruit and baked bread wafting through the air. The scent of ripe berries, citrus, and something sweet filled your senses, inviting you to rise from the warmth of your blankets. As you blinked away the remnants of sleep, you noticed the soft morning light streaming through the window, casting gentle shadows on the wooden floor. Slowly, you sat up and stretched, feeling the comforting ache of a good night's sleep. The previous day's journey and the warmth of Tighnari and Collei's hospitality had done wonders for your weary body. You glanced around, taking in the cozy, rustic interior of Tighnari's home, the shelves lined with various plants, books, and trinkets.
As you made your way outside, you found Tighnari and Collei already seated at a small wooden table laden with a simple but inviting breakfast spread. There were freshly baked bread, colorful fruits, and a pot of fragrant tea. The morning sun bathed the village in a golden light, highlighting the intricate architecture and lush greenery.
"Good morning!" Collei greeted with a bright smile as you joined them. "Did you sleep well?"
"Yes, very well, thank you," you replied, taking a seat and feeling the warmth of their kindness envelop you once more.
"Help yourself," Tighnari said, gesturing to the food. "We have a lot to discuss today."
You nodded, grateful for the sustenance and the company. As you ate, Tighnari began to explain their plan. "After discussing things last night, we decided it would be best to take you to the Dendro Archon," Tighnari said between bites. "She possesses great wisdom and knowledge, and if anyone can help you uncover your past and identity, it's her."
"The Dendro Archon?" you echoed, feeling a mixture of awe and anticipation.
"Yes," Collei confirmed. "But we need to gather a few supplies for the journey. It will take some time, so you have a chance to explore the village while we prepare."
You nodded, understanding the importance of the plan. "Thank you, both of you. I really appreciate everything you're doing for me."
"It's our pleasure," Tighnari said with a reassuring smile. "Feel free to look around and get to know the place. Gandharva Village is a special community, and I'm sure you'll find it quite interesting."
After finishing breakfast, you stepped outside into the vibrant village. The morning sun bathed Gandharva Village in a golden light, highlighting the intricate architecture and lush greenery. The village, often referred to as "The City Above the Forest," was a marvel of design, with houses built into the trees and connected by winding bridges and pathways. As you wandered through the village, you noticed that many of the villagers were glancing at you curiously. Their expressions were a mix of friendliness and intrigue, as if they were trying to understand who you were and what had brought you to their home.
After a few minutes of strolling through the village, you came across a group of children playing near a large tree. They were laughing and chasing each other, their joy infectious. When they spotted you, they paused and approached with wide eyes and eager smiles.
"Hi! Are you new here?" one of the children asked, their curiosity shining brightly.
"Yes, I am," you replied with a smile. "What are you all up to?"
"We're just playing," another child said, their eyes sparkling. "Do you want to join us?"
Feeling a surge of warmth and happiness, you nodded. "Sure, I'd love to. How about I teach you something I learned from some very special friends of mine?"
The children gathered around, their excitement palpable. You sat down on the grass and began to show them how to make flower crowns, just as the Aranara had taught you. The children watched with fascination, their small hands eager to mimic your movements.
"First, you need to find some pretty flowers and sturdy stems," you explained, demonstrating as you spoke. The children scattered, collecting flowers and stems from the surrounding area, their laughter filling the air.
Once they returned, you guided them through the process, weaving the flowers together to create beautiful crowns. The children were quick learners, and soon they were proudly wearing their creations, their faces beaming with pride and joy.
"This is so fun!" one of the children exclaimed, adjusting their flower crown.
"Thank you for teaching us," another added, their eyes shining with gratitude.
"You're very welcome," you replied, feeling a deep sense of fulfillment. "It's something my friends taught me, and I'm happy to share it with you."
As the children continued to play and create, you felt a sense of peace and belonging. Despite the uncertainties that still lay ahead, moments like these reminded you of the simple joys and connections that made life meaningful. Soon after, Tighnari and Collei called you back to start the travel. Feeling both excited and a bit scared you start the new chapter
The journey through the vibrant and verdant Sumeru rainforest felt surprisingly effortless with Tighnari and Collei by your side. The forest seemed to welcome your presence, the paths almost guiding your steps as the dense foliage parted to make way. Tighnari, with his vast knowledge of flora and fauna, pointed out various plants and creatures, sharing fascinating tidbits about each one. Collei, though initially quiet, soon opened up, her laughter and stories adding warmth to the journey. The camaraderie between the three of you created a comforting rhythm, each step taken with a shared purpose and growing bond.
Before long, the towering silhouette of the Academia came into view, its majestic spires rising above the treetops. The awe-inspiring structure, built upon a colossal tree, seemed to defy gravity with its intricate architecture and grand design. The sight filled you with a mix of anticipation and wonder. With Tighnari and Collei's support, the path to discovering your past felt clearer and more achievable. The closer you got to the Academia, the stronger the feeling of hope and purpose grew, propelling you forward towards the answers you sought.
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The bustling capital of Sumeru came into view, its port teeming with activity. Ships unloaded their cargo as merchants and travelers from all over Teyvat mingled, creating a lively and colorful scene. Market stalls lined the streets, offering everything from exotic spices to intricate jewelry. The aroma of freshly baked bread and ripe fruits filled the air, mingling with the sounds of lively bargaining and cheerful chatter. The buildings were adorned with intricate carvings and lush greenery, their architecture blending seamlessly with the natural beauty of the rainforest.
As you walked through the city with Tighnari and Collei, you couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and excitement. The sheer vibrancy of the capital was overwhelming. "Can we look around first before meeting the Archon?" you asked, your eyes wide with curiosity. Tighnari nodded, understanding your eagerness to explore. "Of course," he said. "There's much to see here. We'll head towards the Grand Bazaar first. It's a place filled with wonder and culture."
As you made your way through the bustling streets, the crowd seemed to part for Tighnari and Collei, their presence as respected Forest Rangers earning them nods and smiles from the townsfolk. The Grand Bazaar was a vibrant hub of commerce and culture nestled under the giant tree that supported the Academia. Colorful banners fluttered in the breeze, and the sounds of laughter and music filled the air.
Before you could reach the entrance to the tunnel leading to the Grand Bazaar, a captivating sight caught your eye. A red-haired girl in a flowing blue dress adorned with beautiful gold and silver accessories was dancing gracefully. Her movements were fluid and enchanting, as if she was telling a story with every step. Her hair, a cascade of crimson waves, flowed around her as she twirled, and her eyes sparkled with joy and passion. The small group of children watching her were completely captivated, their eyes wide with wonder.
Tighnari and Collei smiled, recognizing her immediately. "That's Nilou," Tighnari explained. "She dances for the Zubayr Theater, located in the Grand Bazaar. Her performances are legendary around here."
Nilou's dance was mesmerizing. She moved with an ethereal grace, each motion perfectly synchronized with the music that played softly in the background. Her dress fluttered like petals in the wind, and her bare feet seemed to barely touch the ground. It was as if she was dancing on air, her every move a testament to her skill and dedication. The children watched in awe, clapping and cheering with delight.
When Nilou noticed you watching, she beckoned you to join her. At first, you hesitated, unsure if you could match her grace. "Me?" you asked, pointing to yourself. Nilou nodded with a warm smile, her eyes inviting and encouraging.
Collei gently nudged you forward. "Go on," she said with a smile. "It's a rare opportunity to dance with someone as talented as Nilou. Besides, it looks like fun!"
Taking a deep breath, you stepped forward. Under Nilou's expert guidance, you found it surprisingly easy to follow her lead. She moved with such fluidity and grace that it felt natural to mimic her movements. Her hands guided yours, her smile reassuring you. The crowd began to grow, more and more people stopping to watch the impromptu performance. Their cheers and applause were a testament to Nilou's captivating presence and your newfound courage.
More and more people stopped to watch, and soon a small crowd had gathered, captivated by the performance. The energy was infectious, and for a moment, you forgot about everything else. You were lost in the dance, the rhythm of the music, and the joy of the moment.
The crowd, however, began to cause a bit of congestion, blocking the merchants from entering and leaving the tunnel to the bazaar. This attracted the attention of the city guards, who moved in to disperse the crowd for safety reasons. One of the guards, carrying a spear like the others, approached you with a stern expression. "Please follow me," he said. "The Lesser Lord Kusanali has requested to meet you."
The sudden request made you nervous, and Nilou's expression turned worried. She stepped closer, placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder. "Don't be afraid," she said softly. "The Lesser Lord is kind and wise. If she wants to meet you, it must be important."
Tighnari and Collei rushed to your side, having heard the guards words as well. "Don't worry," Tighnari reassured you. "It will be okay. We'll be with you every step of the way."
Collei nodded, her expression serious but kind. "We won't leave your side," she said firmly. "You're not alone in this."
With your friends by your side, you followed the guard up towards the Academia. The path spiraled upwards, each step taking you higher and higher. The grandeur of the Academia loomed closer, its magnificent structure both intimidating and awe-inspiring. The buildings were intricately designed, with ornate carvings and lush greenery adorning their surfaces. The closer you got, the more the air seemed to hum with an almost palpable energy.
Finally, you reached the grand doors of the Academia, standing tall and imposing before you. As the doors slowly opened, you couldn't help but feel a mix of anticipation and apprehension. The interior was just as grand as the exterior, with high ceilings, elegant archways, and an atmosphere of quiet reverence. With Tighnari and Collei at your side, you stepped forward, ready to face whatever awaited you inside.
The doors to the Academia swung open, revealing an interior that took your breath away. The first room you entered was vast and round, dominated by a magnificent water fountain in the center. The water cascaded gracefully, its gentle splashing echoing softly throughout the chamber. Around the fountain, potted plants added a touch of verdant beauty, their leaves glistening in the light. Above, a grand chandelier hung from the high ceiling, its crystals catching and reflecting the light, casting shimmering patterns on the polished floor below. Additional stand lanterns lined the room, their soft glow adding to the serene ambiance.
The room buzzed with activity as students moved about, their expressions serious and focused. The atmosphere was markedly different from the bustling port and vibrant bazaar outside; here, the weight of knowledge and scholarship was palpable. Some students paused to stare at your group, their curiosity evident, but their attention didn't deter your determined progress.
You followed the guard through the room, your footsteps echoing on the marble floor. The halls of the Academia were lined with more intricate carvings and adorned with lush greenery, a testament to the harmonious blend of nature and intellect that defined Sumeru. As you walked, you couldn't help but be struck by the sheer scale and beauty of the architecture.
Your journey led you to a grand library, a sanctuary of knowledge and learning. The vast number of books lining the shelves was truly impressive, each tome a repository of wisdom waiting to be explored. The library was illuminated by more of the elegant chandeliers, their light casting a warm, inviting glow over the numerous tables where students sat engrossed in their studies. The air was filled with the quiet rustle of pages turning and the soft murmur of scholarly discussions.
The most impressive feature of the library, however, was the stained glass ceiling. Intricate designs in shades of blue and green formed a breathtaking mosaic above, casting beautiful light patterns on the floor below. The interplay of colors created an ethereal atmosphere, making the library feel like a sacred place of learning and reflection.
In the middle of the library was a smaller, round room that piqued your curiosity. At first, you didn't understand its purpose, but as you stepped closer, a sense of familiarity washed over you. Though you had never been here before, you instinctively recognized it as an elevator. The realization was strange, like remembering something from a past life.
You stepped inside the elevator with the guard, Tighnari, and Collei. The doors closed with a gentle whoosh, and you felt the ground begin to lift beneath you. The ascent was smooth and silent, the library slowly disappearing from view through the elevator's glass walls. The higher you went, the more the grandeur of the Academia unfolded before you, each floor revealing more of its architectural marvels and scholarly treasures.
As the elevator came to a stop and the doors opened, you found yourself on a higher floor, ready to continue your journey towards the answers you sought. The anticipation in your heart was a mix of excitement and apprehension, each step bringing you closer to the enigmatic Lesser Lord Kusanali and the truth about your mysterious past.
You step out of the elevator and into a round room bathed in a soft, ethereal blue light. The centerpiece of the room is a giant floating blue sphere, rotating slowly and surrounded by intricate constructions that defy your understanding. The size of the sphere is imposing, and multiple staircases wind up to a second floor that encircles the room, adding to the grandeur.
As you take in the breathtaking sight, you finally notice two figures standing before you. One is a small girl, exuding a gentle, calming presence. The other is a boy with a more intense demeanor, his expression a mix of surprise and something deeper, like he has seen a ghost. The girl quickly regains her composure and smiles warmly at you.
"Welcome," she says with a voice as soothing as a breeze through the trees. "You can call me Nahida. And this is Wanderer"
She nods to the boy beside her, wearing a navy blue kasa hat, a black turtleneck bodysuit, a white kimono, and other intricate garments, continues to look at you with a mixture of disbelief and wariness. His attire includes fingerless metallic gloves, black hakama shorts, a thick black and indigo obi belt, knee-high white gaiters, black geta sandals, and a patterned blue half-cape adorned with gold ornaments and a gold feather. This is the Wanderer, and his piercing gaze seems to search for something beyond your appearance.
Nahida's expression turns more serious as she continues, "I called you here to discuss an incident that occurred during the dance at the bazaar. A child was hurt and couldn't get out as quickly as they should have. I don't blame you, but this situation has piqued my interest more than I initially thought."
Before you can respond, Tighnari steps forward, his demeanor respectful yet firm. "Lesser Lord Kusanali, this person has lost their memory and does not even recall their own name. They were found in the forest, and their presence seems to have a profound effect on the environment. Flowers bloom, and they even met and stayed with the Aranara for a while."
Nahida listens intently, her eyes widening slightly as she processes Tighnari's words. "Is that so?" she murmurs, more to herself than anyone else.
The Wanderer finally speaks, his voice tinged with curiosity and skepticism. "The Aranara? Are you telling me they were living with those mythical creatures?"
You nod, feeling the weight of their combined scrutiny. "Yes, I lived with the Aranara for months. They took care of me when I had nowhere else to go."
Nahida's eyes soften with understanding. "It seems there's much more to you than meets the eye. The Aranara are known to be elusive and magical beings. For them to accept you so readily is extraordinary."
The Wanderer crosses his arms, his gaze still sharp but now more thoughtful. "So, what are you, exactly?"
Tighnari interjects again, his voice calm and measured. "We believe they may be something more than human. The forest's reaction, the absence of any scent, and the unusual events surrounding them all point to a deeper mystery. We hoped you might be able to help us uncover the truth, Lesser Lord Kusanali."
Your eyes widen. You had no idea they thought you were something more then a human. However you said nothing, you didn't want to be rude to someone like Nahida and wanted to know more about their theories.
Nahida nods slowly, her mind clearly racing through possibilities. "I see. This is indeed a complex situation. There is a presence about you that is different. We must tread carefully to understand it fully."
The Wanderer, though still skeptical, seems to accept the gravity of the situation. "If anyone can uncover the truth, it's Nahida. She has the wisdom and the connection to this land that we need."
Nahida smiles again, this time with a hint of determination. "We will get to the bottom of this. But first, let's address the immediate concerns and ensure everyone is safe."
The atmosphere in the room shifts from tension to a shared sense of purpose. You feel a mixture of apprehension and hope, knowing that these knowledgeable and powerful individuals are now invested in uncovering your true identity. With their guidance, the path ahead, though uncertain, seems a little less daunting.
After a lengthy discussion, a conclusion is reached: you will remain in Sumeru, living within the bounds of the capital until more is known about your true nature. During this time, you will have unrestricted access to the grand library, a treasure trove of knowledge that will aid in uncovering your past. You will also meet with Nahida once a week. Through various tests and exposures to different environments and stimuli, they will try to learn as much as possible about you.
However, this arrangement means that you won’t be seeing your friends as often. Collei and Tighnari must return to Gandharva Ville to fulfill their duties as forest rangers and caretakers of the rainforest. They promise to visit the capital when they can, but their presence will be sporadic. The Wanderer continues to watch you with suspicion, his eyes never leaving you, as if expecting something to reveal itself at any moment. Nahida, on the other hand, seems to already be forming theories, her mind working quickly behind her gentle eyes.
As you stand there, surrounded by these remarkable individuals, you feel a mixture of hope and sadness. The path to discovering your identity may be long and challenging, but you are not alone. With the support of Nahida and the resources of the Akademiya, you take your first steps toward uncovering the mystery of who you truly are.
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Thank you so much for reading! Fell free to give me feedback and ideas how to continue this!
P.S. Sorry for not posting in a while! I got really sick and wasn't able to do much.
- @resident-cryptid - @wutap - @saternsky - @vianitry - @fantasyhopperhea - @yamarireads
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ivyluvsyouu · 6 months
Hiii can i request Furina, Nilou,Tighnari (and Wanderer) with an s/o that is like a Disney Princess, like when they sing Music came out of nowhere, animal talking to them, it's like watching a musical play right infront of them, but seriously where is the music coming from?? I think it would be funny to see their reaction :3
𝑫𝒊𝒔𝒏𝒆𝒚 𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒔/𝒐
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She absolutely adores everything about you. How elegant you are, your beautiful voice when you sing and how everyone else even animals seem to love talking to you. Whenever she's feeling down, she'll ask you to sing for her, something about hearing your voice just calms her down. One night you two were in bed cuddling, about to go to sleep and you were singing to her. Her arms were wrapped around you, and it was like music started playing out of nowhere when you started to sing. Her eyes shot open, and she looked around "what was that??" she asked. You stopped singing and gave her a confused look. "What was what?" you responded. She shook her head "Nothing..goodnight" she said closing her eyes.
The first time she saw animals talking to you she thought it was the coolest thing ever. you both were on a walk and a bird landed on your shoulder and you just started talking to it like it was a normal thing and it chirped back at you, when it chirped back you responded and started having a conversation with the bird. "Y/n are you feeling, okay?" she asked putting a hand on your shoulder. "Yeah!! I can understand the bird" you explained. "Ohhhh woah!! can you teach me how to understand animals??"
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She's so mesmerized by everything you do. Your voice, how elegant you are, how animals talk to you everything about you is so beautiful to her and she lets you know it all the time. "You have such a beautiful voice Y/n" she said to you as she listened to you sing to her. She loves how kind and compassionate you are, you're always willing to help someone and it's something she looks up to you for.
You both are very similar in a lot of ways you two will sing together sometimes when you two are alone together and she loves dancing with you. Dancing with you is one of her favorite things to do with you. However, it surprised her when she found out that animals can talk to you. "Y/n that sure is a unique ability..."
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He's so interested in your ability to talk to animals literally nothing else phases him. He asks you all the time to help him with his research whenever he's working with animals. "Y/n, can you tell me what that bird said?"
He loves how compassionate you are. You're always willing to help somebody and he absolutely adores that about you. You have so many stories from times that you've helped people, and he could listen to you tell those stories for hours.
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He's working hard to be a better person and you've helped him so much and he's grateful to you for that even if he doesn't say it or express it. He loves how kind you and he really admires you. He loves your singing voice it's one of his favorite things about you. A lot of times when he's stressed, he'll ask if you can sing to him. "Y/n can you sing to me...? It's been a rough day."
He loves how caring you are and how gentle you are. He remembers the first time he heard you talking to animals he was laying in your lap one morning while you were eating breakfast outside. A bird landed on his chest, He swatted it away and you laughed softly. "The birds mad you swatted it away, dear" you said softly. He looked up at you, he was a bit confused, but he shrugged it off. He realized after some time that you can communicate with animals, and he finds it very interesting, and he asks you about it a lot. "Hey y/n..? why was that dog barking what was it saying??"
𝑻𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒔𝒎 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒊𝒏𝒈! 𝑳𝒆𝒕 𝒎𝒆 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒘𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒆𝒍𝒔𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒘𝒐𝒖𝒍𝒅 𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒔𝒆𝒆~
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idyllic-affections · 1 year
general friendship headcanons (sumeru).
summary. what is it like being friends with some of sumeru's citizens?
trigger & content warnings. brief & hypothetical mentions of people being creepy towards you.
tropes, pairings, fic length, & other notes. fluff. alhaitham & reader, collei & reader, cyno & reader, kaveh & reader, nahida & reader, nilou & reader, wanderer & reader, tighnari & reader. 0.9k words. no pronouns for reader.
author's notes. just a lil filler post while i continue working on requests <3 should i make this into a series? i think i will HSKDHDLD sometimes i need things to post in between requests, especially when i get a wave of longer requests.
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alhaitham is the kind of friend you can just... sit in the silence with. it's not uncomfortable silence whatsoever—it's, on the contrary, rather comforting and calming. he'll let you sit right up against him if you so please as he reads a book of his. you want to take a nap on him? go for it, he doesn't mind. i like to think that alhaitham finds the weight and pressure to be soothing (neurodivergent alhaitham my beloved...). you want to read your own book? that's fine. maybe you're doing something else—crocheting, knitting, drawing, writing... he really doesn't mind. whatever it is you choose to do, you're welcome to curl up against his side while you do it.
collei is another one you can sit in comforting silence with. she finds it nice just to spend time with her friend! if either of you aren't really interested in doing anything in particular, or if one or both of you aren't feeling great mentally or physically, she's totally cool with sitting in the calm quiet and cloud-gazing together. if you do want to do something, however, she's up for that too! she would also take you on patrol with her, i think, even if you need special accommodations. she'll figure it out. if you want to go with her, she'll find a way c: she's also the kind of friend that would enjoy trading easy & convenient recipes with you.
cyno is definitely the card game friend. you will learn to play tcg. you have no choice. it is your fate. /lh but i also like to think he's a considerably protective friend! he's the one to ask all the questions if you let him know you're planning on going out. he wants to know all the details. are you going with someone? yes? who is it? where are you planning on going? he literally just wants you to be safe, so sometimes it might come off as overbearing or infantilizing, but he really doesn't mean it that way! he genuinely just wouldn't forgive himself if something happened to you that he could have prevented.
kaveh is the kind of friend you could stay up until atrocious hours of the night talking to. also 100% the gossip friend. he'll sit there doing your hair, makeup, nails, or skincare routine—regardless of your gender, whatever you're comfortable with! kaveh genuinely doesn't care as long as you're happy and content—and tell you all of the terrible awful drama he overhears. he's also somewhat protective, but not to cyno's level. he'll inquire about your plans and will then tell you to be safe and have fun! he would feel really bad if something happened, though. really bad. will definitely, 100%, without a doubt tell off any creeps bothering you. he can pretend to be your brother or your boyfriend, whatever you need. he'll do it.
nahida is the therapist friend, in a way. she doesn't completely understand human emotions and thought processes, but she is totally happy to listen to whatever you need to get off your chest! it helps her understand you and other people better, and it (hopefully) helps you feel better. her advice is a little difficult to understand, admittedly... she tries her best though! if you don't understand, feel free to tell her. she'll try to be clearer. it may or may not work, and she has a chance of making her point even more confusing, but she really does try.
nilou is the kind of friend who's happy to do activities with you. she's happy to do anything as long as it's with her friend! she'll take you out to the shopping (only for you two to inevitably return with a ridiculous amount of free gifts for nilou, namely from the grand bazaar vendors...) if you'd like, or she can get you guys tickets to some of her favorite performances! she'd also love to teach you her style of dance if you'd be willing to and are able to learn. if you're not able, though, that's okay! she really doesn't mind. i like to think she'd also be super supportive of you and all your pursuits.
the wanderer is, quite simply, the begrudging friend. he will NOT admit that he cares about you and will claim the exact opposite. he'll say that he absolutely does not care whatsoever (but will then, in the same sentence, berate someone for so much as glancing at you in a way he deems to be wrong). he's a bit emotionally inarticulate—and rightfully so—but he really does care. his ways of showing it are just a little odd and unconventional. he acts like every display of affection ever is such a terrible burden that should not have been put on his shoulders, but secretly really loves holding your hand or giving you a hug. also really likes being held. like. he would die before admitting that but he... he just needs to be held, you know?
tighnari is the kind of friend who tells you all sorts of things—he shares his knowledge so freely with you, it's sort of like a love language. he'll tell you all about the local flora, explaining what plants you could eat in the case of an emergency and what ones you should never even touch. also as his friend you are allowed to touch his ears and tail. imagine habitually fidgeting with them while tighnari doesn't even flinch because, as long as you're always careful and gentle, he trusts you enough for that kind of thing. i bet he is very soft. anyway, i can't explain it, but i just know his hugs are warm and comforting and protective. he definitely gives really good hugs.
please consider reblogging, it helps me out quite a lot!
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teyvat-airlines · 10 months
How they love you.
Aka their way of showing love.
Feat, Wanderer, Kazuha, Xiao
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Wanderer loves you from afar. He'll stare at your face for a while and think about talking to you. He doesn't mind walking you home, even if he acts like he hates it. He isn't sure how to properly show his adoration for you, so he hides it. When he truly loves you he's subtle. He'll buy you small things and say "This reminded me of you."
Kazuha loves using his words. When he leaves and you don't come with him, he sends you poems. He writes poems about how much he adores you. He holds your face and tells you how precious you are to him. He's written a list of reasons he loves you and put it in your room for you to find. His poems about you always compliment your insecurities.
Xiao loves like a cat. Xiao is not used to physical affection, but he lets you hug him. He watches over you, when he gets the chance. Xiao doesn't care for social interactions, so he'll leave gifts at your door instead of handing them to you. He always remembers the small things you tell him, like your favorite type of candy, or your favorite color. It takes him a lot of courage to vocally communicate that he loves you, but he still tries.
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@.teyvat-airlines do not repost, copy or steal.
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sgrimp · 1 year
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Scaramona/Wandermona and Cynilou
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catscidr · 9 months
// genshin characters as lethal company players //
cw: none! just silly headcanons. 100% crack includes: kaveh, kazuha, columbina, kirara, kaeya, cyno, ayato, wanderer, xiangling, xingqiu, mika, layla, nilou, chongyun, thoma, childe, itto, dehya, dottore, albedo, lyney, bennett, ganyu, venti, furina, zhongli, neuvillette, candace, collei, arlecchino (that's a lot) a/n: this was a shower thought after watching the sumeru cast play the game agfsghjs
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knows everything about the game ↳ kaveh, kazuha, columbina, kirara, kaeya
⇢ already has a “boss” pin on their in-game uniform when you play together for the first time ⇢ is the one that chooses which moons you guys go to. also buys all the resources (flashlights, walkie-talkies etcetc) bc they don't trust anyone else to do it ⇢ could probably speedrun the game if they wanted to, they have like every map memorized ⇢ if they die you’re ALL fucked. good luck ⇢ always brings back the dead bodies no matter what (says it’s for the quota but actually just feels bad leaving you guys there)
mostly there for the laughs but is maybe surprisingly pretty good at the game ↳ cyno, ayato, wanderer, xiangling, xingqiu
⇢ don’t let them find the airhorn/clown horn unless you want them to destroy your eardrums ⇢ somehow Always encounters monsters. but they get out alive (most of the time) ⇢ has died to quicksand and gotten clowned for it in the vc with other dead people in it ⇢ when you go sell items on the last day they ring the bell repeatedly to provoke The Worm to make everyone panic ⇢ scares you on purpose. may or may not have gotten themselves killed by you beating them to a pulp because you got jumpscared by them one too many times
always on edge, even before the game starts ↳ mika, layla, nilou, chongyun, thoma
⇢ gets the “most paranoid employee” note when you all come back from a moon ⇢ most likely to sacrifice themselves (to finally catch a break) ⇢ screams a lot. has gotten eaten by eyeless dogs more times than u could count ⇢ sticks with you so they’re less scared (but their paranoid Vibe just makes you scared too) ⇢ the one that dies first or is the last one standing. either way they're stressed and can't think properly
your personal guard dog ↳ childe, itto, dehya, dottore, albedo
⇢ “strength in numbers!” they say right before a thumper mauls the shit out of them ⇢ designated enemy killer. carries around a weapon to smack them with it (their weapon of choice is a yield sign) ⇢ has saved you from a snare flea stuck to your head multiple times (always expects a “thank you”. they bonk you if you don’t say it) ⇢ walks in front of you to scope out danger ⇢ also sometimes very tempted to beat you with their weapon just to fuck with you (dottore finishes the job)
the lost puppy ↳ lyney, bennett, ganyu, venti, furina
⇢ gets “laziest employee” every single time because they never find any scrap to bring back to the ship ⇢ has an awful sense of direction in the game and somehow loses sight of you even when you're exploring the moon together ⇢ gets grounded by your group and is tasked to guide people in the facility through the cams with their walkie talkie ⇢ their inventory is always full but only with useful items like a pro flashlight, a walkie talkie and a ladder ⇢ speaking of ladders, they've accidentally fallen in a hole multiple times and that's why they always need a ladder on them. to get themselves out.
bonus: watches you play! ↳ zhongli, neuvillette, candace, collei, arlecchino
⇢ watches the game either very invested or very confused ⇢ may or may not backseat without realizing it ⇢ contributes to the bits (not on purpose: zhongli, neuvi. on purpose: candace, collei, arle)
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nervocat · 1 year
hiii! i ABSOLUTELY love your 'dancing with the fontanians' publish and is it ok if i request the same type but sumeru characters? thank uuuuu
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★ 📝 — notes: I actually wanted to do something like this but I didn't expect my last one to be received so well since I didn't try my best on it, but I'm glad you and many others liked it ^^
Also, quick heads-up: I don't know the Sumeru woman too well so if you, anon, or others reading this wanted more female characters, so sorry I only did a couple, and this again, isn't my favorite of my works, but it's not too bad I hope, and I'm so sorry this took so long to do.. my motivation just kinda plummeted to write this (not that I didn't like it). Not proofread btw, will read later (maybe)
       — word count: 1.1k , fandom: genshin impact , cw: none — ✦
                     " Dancing with the Sumerians "
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★ — Kaveh
     Kaveh doesn’t know how to dance, like at all. He only knows the positions so if you don’t know how to dance either, you’re screwed. However, if you do know how to dance, he gets flustered at the thought of actually dancing with you in specific. Same with if you don’t know, but you two just fumble over each other and it just makes you two laugh.
     The first time you dip him, he starts to misstep and his face is red. He liked it though, so please do it again. Kaveh would like to try and dip you too though, but he was kind of clumsy with it. You two would normally dance in his room while you two dance to the typical classical music with sumerian touches to it. If you kiss him when you dip him, he'll straight up stop moving. He'll regain his composure though and grumble to himself before kissing you as well.
       Kaveh likes to be spun and then you lean him down, but not dipping him. He'll giggle about it later, and he'll try to do the same to you, but he'll probably fail. He tried though.
     He doesn't know how to dance at all, but either learning or teaching him is always fun and it's always fun with the blond. ☆
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✦ — Alhaitham
     Also doesn't know how to dance. He's not as clueless as his roommate, but still doesn't know where to put his feet. When you two dance, it's in his room as well and he'll look deep into your eyes, analyzing the colors as he also focuses on his footing whether you're teaching him or not. He'll be smiling when he finally knows how to dip you and kisses you before pulling you back up.
     He learns quickly though so expect him to be able to dance good enough pretty soon. He also dances to the typical classical music, minus the Sumerian flare to it. Alhaitham overtime becomes a mediocre dancer and if need be, he’ll teach you some things if you didn’t teach him to dance. He doesn’t prefer to be dipped when dancing, but he’ll let it slide once or twice if you're able to dip him.
       He'll definitely spin you and kean you down and smile slightly while doing so. You probably won't do the same to him, but he'll let you try to do so.
     Overall, he’s an average dancer and learns quickly and dancing with him is definitely an experience. ✧
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★ — Cyno
     Doesn't know how to dance either. He never took the time to learn so he just doesn't even know where to put his hands. If you don’t know how to dance either then expect to trip a few times and him making a pun about it. Cyno at least knows the music you’d dance to though.
      He pretty much will never dip you or really do anything romantic unless you ask and teach him. Once he does learn though, expect him to at least dip you or kiss you a few times and he’s pretty good at it. You two don’t dance often, but he tries to dance with you when you two are free. If you dip him, he’ll just simple and go with it, maybe a joke here and there.
     Dancing with Cyno isn’t very enthralling, but you know he loves you, you’ll just have to tolerate all the puns while dancing. ☆
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✦ — Tighnari
     Knows how to dance to some extent. Tighnari knows where to put his hands, the basics of dancing, but his footing can be a bit off at times. He likes to dip you and smiles while doing so but wouldn’t mind being dipped either, he doesn't care. Tighnaris tail might gently wag on occasion as his ears would flick sometimes.
     Like Alhaitham, he learns quickly if you teach him some things and is very attentive to what you say. He mainly focuses on his ranger work, but has enough free time to either practice dancing with you or to just dance.
    Tighnari will dance with you when he can and sometime Collei will stumble in on you two and just leave you be, happy you two have an activity to do together. ✧
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★ — Nilou
     She's a dancer, Nilou obviously knows how to dance, but might have to learn a few things for this type of dancing though. Even if you know how to dance you might learn a thing or two with her and she’d love to teach her lover how to dance, it’s her passion. She loves to dip you but also be dipped, and she wouldn’t really do things like kissing, but she would occasionally and let you smother her if you wanted to.
     You two would dance to all kinds of music and she'd like to explore different dances couples would do, learning as well as she went. If it's a special occasion, she'll give you a kiss on the nose or maybe on the lips if she's able to dip you. If not, she'll she'll it while spinning with you.
      No matter what gender you are, she doesn't care. As long as you'll dance with her, she'll dance with you. ☆
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✦ — Lisa (added her here because she's from Sumeru)
     She knows how to dance as well. She’s not super experienced like Nilou, but she knows a little bit more than the basics. You two dance in the library when you two know no one will be around and she just puts on the typical classical music. You two have never really walked in on, but Paimon and Traveler did once.
    Lisa absolutely loves to dip you, but she also adores being dipped equally so, so it's a win-win for you two in whatever you prefer you prefer to do. She also likes to be spun around as much as she likes to be spun around. She'll be gently laughing when done with a smile on her face, her hat usually being off when she dances with you.
     Lisa absolutely loves dancing, especially with some sumerian flair, but she just loves you and will call you names of endearment throughout the dance. ✧
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★ — Wanderer
     Dancing with him? He probably knows how to dance, but isn't willing to. Wanderer eventually caves in though, with the exception of some grumbling, and goes to dance with you. This is more of a one time thing, but he'll do it more if you politely ask him (with some poking a prodding).
     He won't be super romantic, but he'll spin and dip you and tease you with a smirk while doing so. Wanderer won't dance for long, but the short moment lets you know how much Wanderer genuinely loves you. By the end, he's slightly flustered and might walk off, but he'll probably stay around.
     Dancing with Wanderer is a rare opportunity, but it's a good experience with him and a rare moment of intimacy. ☆
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🌊 ★ — © nervocat || I appreciate any reblogs made, and pls don't repost or translate my works anywhere, ty — ✦ 📖
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saylor-twift · 5 months
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“Don’t tell me you’re one of those people…”
genshin characters i feel would be swifties!!
if you think i’m wrong, i do not care. 🩷
warnings: none (idk how this tag stuff works)
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#1: Navia (obviously)
• One of my favorite parts of Fontaine’s release is how everyone went nuts when she came out especially on tiktok bc she gives such Taylor vibes. Navia Swift fr.
• The type of girlie who stays up till midnight whenever a new album is released so she can listen the second it comes out
• She def gives fearless and 1989 vibes, i firmly believe they are her favorite
• Her favorite songs are Style and You Belong With Me. You cannot tell me she doesn’t freak tf out whenever they play on the radio.
• She would absolutely have a taylor baking playlist for while she makes her signature macarons
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#2: Nilou
• Listen to me when I say all dancers are inherently swifties (i’m joking plz calm down)
• As a former competitive dancer:
taylor swift across the floor is >>>
• She absolutely loves dancing to taylor!!
• I feel like she’s be a speak now and 1989 girlie. also definitely appreciates midnights! (i might only feel this way because she was released roughly the same time as midnights was and i just associate two and two together?? anyways..)
• If they went, I just know her and Navia would have the most gorgeous fits for the eras tour
• the type of girl to stay in the studio after rehearsal is over, just practicing and dancing for fun. she loves to improv and make combos, especially to taylor. (imagine her dancing to epiphany??? like?? absolutely stunning)
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#3: Xingqiu
• just stay with me now- i don’t feel like he listens to her a ton, but since he’s such a little bookworm i feel like he loves her songs and lyrics with deeper meaning to them
• 100% a folklore/evermore/tortured poets kinda guy
• he’s the type of person who hyper analyzes the lyrics and deciphers all of the hidden meanings.
• he is no singer, but he has definitely tried his hand at writing taylor-esque lyrics in his free time.
• HUUUUGE fan of the folklore teenage love triangle
• #1 john mayer hater
• also definitely stans any songs that make fun of her exes
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#4: Barbara
• now i would just be crazy if i didn’t put her here
• taylor was definitely one of her big inspirations for starting to sing
• makes covers of her favorite songs and likes to perform them along with her own originals
• i feel like she’d really be a fan of taylor’s older albums, specifically fearless and red (her fav song is 100% all too well 10 minute version)
• imagine jean and barbara sister bonding time while they do each others hair and listen to their favorite songs together! ughhhh so cute
• i also feel like jean is a taylor appreciator, but doesn’t talk about it much because she feels as the acting grand master she doesn’t really have the time for things like that
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#5: Ayaka
• Similar to Xingqiu, I don’t feel like she’s an avid listener, but we know that Ayaka also enjoys poetry so i feel like she would really enjoy taylor’s lyricism
• loves songs like the archer and this is me trying (probably doesn’t tell anyone because sweetie is embarrassed, but i think she really likes some of the songs that are a little more sultry or flirtatious like dress and false god)
• after a long day of wearing her mask and presenting herself as inazuma’s noble lady like everyone expects, she loves to just relax in her room and listen to her faves :)
• yk those tiktok’s that are like: you’re pretty, pretty like (insert song)? she gives me that vibe but wildest dreams
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Bonus: Itto
hard to say if he’s actually a swiftie or not, but i just think it’s funny because he reminds me of those videos of post malone dancing on stage with guilty as sin? in the background and he would totally do that 💀 i have a whole collection saved they are so funny to me
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strawb3rrystar · 1 year
Sumeru Siblings Discover You’re Going Out
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Pairing(s): Alhaitham, Kaveh, Tighnari, Cyno, Wanderer, Collei, Nahida, Nilou, Layla, Faruzan, Candace, Dehya + Reader (Separately)
Warnings: None
Word count: 700+
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“I’m going out!” You call out to your older brother. Silence. You walk up to his study, standing on the threshold “Did you not hear me? I’m going out.”
“I heard,” he looks up from the book he was indulging in. “I just don’t care. You’re an adult, take care of yourself”
“Where are you going?” You freeze, turning around to look at your brother. “Out?” You place your hand on the doorknob, planning to make a run for it.
“Without me?!” Kaveh gasps, placing a hand on his chest “You dare leave your twin brother here all alone?! With him?!” You roll your eyes. “Kaveh you’re a grown-ass man, act like it.” You open the front door, making a run for it. Cursing Kaveh for making you late to a TCG match.
“Forest or city?” Tighnari asks when you mention going out. “Forest” You can never leave the house without some sort of survival gear. The amount you take with you is dependent on where you’re going.
Cyno is the definition of the protective older sibling. You don’t bother asking him to go out anymore, because if you do, you know you’ll be bombarded with questions. “Who? Where are you going? What will you be doing? What time are you going? What time will you be back? Do you need to be dropped off? Picked up?”
Technically they’re all reasonable questions. But nothing is reasonable when it comes to you going out by yourself.
He acts like he could care less, but would most likely follow you to make sure you’re alright. He has nothing better to do anyways. So, he wouldn’t mind staring down your friends or choking out someone who looked at you inappropriately.
She is not a snitch. Collei will keep your secrets till the day you die. It’s sibling code.
If you go out, she won’t ask to go with you. Collei knows you’re your own person, with your own life. And at the end of the day, you’ll be home in time to tuck her in and tell her the story of your adventure. Or Tighnari and Cyno will, but then you’ll get into heaps of trouble.
“Ahem” Nahida crosses her arms, and you wince, turning around. “I thought I put you to bed, missy,” you raise an eyebrow.
“Yes, but I heard you going out,” Nahida responds. You sigh, walking towards her bedroom “Come on little sis, back to bed.”
“Y/N! I need your help!” Nilou calls from her room. You sluggishly walk to her room, opening the door to find Nilou trying to yank a hairpiece out of her hair. You run over to her, grabbing her hands to stop her from hurting herself.
“How did this happen?” You ask, looking at her through the vanity mirror. “I saw on the calendar, that you were supposed to go out today. So I did this to myself, that way you have to stay home!” You stare at her in shock, your mouth agape “You sneaky son of a-”
You peek into Layla’s room to find her sound asleep on her desk. Just as you were about to open the front door, something grabs your sleeve. You whip your head around, now face-to-face with a sleepwalking Layla. You sigh, knowing she’s not going to let go of you anytime soon.
“You can’t go out Y/N! You have to stay here to help your Lady Faruzan,” you chuckle. “You worry too much big sister. I’ll be fine” Faruzan grumbles. “I forbid you from going out!” She stomps her foot but is met with silence. As you were already out the door.
She doesn’t really mind when you go out. She worries, of course. Asks the general “Where are you going?” and maybe will give you a curfew. She isn’t your typical ‘strict big sister’ she's fair, or at least she tries to be.
You were standing on the front step when an arm suddenly gets wrapped around your shoulder. You scream, looking over your shoulder at Deyha "What the hell?!"
She just laughs, patting your shoulder "Where do you think you're going pip squick?" She raises an eyebrow. "Nowhere..." You mumble "Yeah! Not without your amazing big sis!"
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-> This has been sitting in my drafts for weeks lol Let me know if you want to see sibling headcanons for other nations!
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sayakaskokofish · 11 months
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Hey! So while everyone is waiting for my Diluc X Reader one shot, I decided to make a small treat for you all 🩷 (I worked hard making it all pretty so I really hope you like it, and I'll try doing more stuff like this after the Diluc oneshot as it will look way different, as I have had it for a long while sitting in there sobs)
Characters selected!
➤ Nilou! 🌊💃🪷
➤ Tighnari! 🪴🦊🌱
➤ Kamisato Ayato! 🌊🧋🗡️
➤ Xiao! 🍃👹🍮
➤ Zhongli! 🪨🪙🍵
➤ Scaramouche/Wanderer! 🍃🫐👶
Content: Reader being a ballerina and them seeing the performance (because I've been obsessed with the black and white swan recently 🩷)
Readers gender/pronouns: Gender neutral, They/Them (but you are 100% free to place your own pronouns here as it is for readers!)🫧
Hope you enjoy! ღゝ◡╹)ノ
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𝗡𝗼𝘄 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴: Nilou!
"Hips don't lie - Shakira" // sped up ☆
02:10 ━━━━●───── 03:39
ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ↻ ♡
🫧✧˚ ༘ ⋆。♡˚
• Nilou, being a dancer herself, was super excited! She loved seeing other people dance. It gave her full happiness when she saw you come up on stage wearing a pretty costume. She watched every second of the show in awe. Candace, Dehya, and Kevah who were sitting next to her could see stars in her eyes as she watched your performance.
• She couldn't help it! She was enchanted watching you dance every single time! Sure, she could dance well.. but watching you dance was so much better. Your movements, Costume, even the way your hair was made her light up as she watched you. She happily ate the small snacks Dehya has snuck in for the small group.
• After your performance ended, she went straight up to you, leaving the others behind as she hugged you tightly. She spewed only kind words as she told you how great you looked and how pretty your dance was. Afterwards, she helped massage your feet from dancing. Even as you both fell asleep, she couldn't help but think about your dancing. She was truly mesmerized.
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Next Up: Tighnari!
"Just a cloud away - Pharrell Williams" // sped up ☆
01:15 ━━━━●───── 02:56
ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ↻ ♡
🌱‧₊˚𖦹 ࣪.𓋼𓍊 ☘️
• At first he didn't think he even had time to go see your performance. But after Collei had asked, he gave in and they went to go see it. He regrets nothing. Him and Collei were sitting a good distance away to where they could see you properly, and they were snacking on the overpriced snacks that the place had sold as they watched you.
• As Collei was watching, she had turned to look at Tighnari, looking to see if he was paying attention.. only to find his tail wagging back and forth in the chair. His eyes were entirely on the stage. She gave him a (⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠) look before looking back at the stage with a huge smile on her face.
• After the performance, Tighnari was holding Collei's hand as they walked to where you were resting, taking off your shoes. He had saw a small bruise on your foot and once the three of you got home, he praised your performance as he massaged your feet and aided the bruise, his tail still wagging.
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Continuing: Kamisato Ayato!
"Carless Whisper - George Michael" // sped up ☆
02:43 ━━━━●───── 05:01
ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ↻ ♡
🌊.𖥔 ݁ ˖🧋₊ ⊹
• His sister had asked to go see one of your dances and while he was busy.. he was able to cram the rest of his work in two days so him, Ayaka, and Thoma could go see your performance. After getting in the good seats they had paid for, they watch the show. Ayaka had a huge smile on her face as she looked over to her brother who had a small smile on his face as he drank the boba he had snuck in inside his sleeves.
• When the performance had ended, they all went to go see you and afterwards, they spent the rest of the day going getting food and relaxing since he now had a few days of free time.
• He had decided that he would get you a custom costume and pair of shoes made for your next performances. Ayaka had helped him with it, finding accessories for you.
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Next Up: Xiao!
"I can't handle change - Roar" // sped up ☆
02:36 ━━━━●───── 03:18
ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ↻ ♡
🍃* ೃ ༄
• He denied coming to your performance due to his duty to protect Liyue as it is in his contract, however.... If you looked hard enough, you'd see him in the back just watching. Amazed.
• As the performance hit the best part, Xiao was stuck there, watching with stars in his eyes. Even if his face didn't show it, he was glad he came and watched you. He would've regretted it, especially if he had saw the face of disappointment when you couldn't see him.
• After the performance, you were met with Xiao with a small Qingxin in hie hand. He shyly held it out to you before saying he liked your show, poofing into the greenish teal smoke and with that, he was gone. Only this time like the rest, his face was a bit pink.
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𝗡𝗼𝘄 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴: Zhongli!
"Two Slow dancers - Mitski" // sped up ☆
01:03 ━━●─────── 03:59
ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ↻ ♡
🪙`∘⁠˚⁠˳⁠° 📃 合約 🪨
• Zhongli is a big fan of performances and watching them, he always spent time watching Yunjin and some of the other traditional dancers perform so he was quite delighted to accept your invitation!
• Hutao has invited herself along since she haven't had any customers the whole day, the two of them had sat down and waited, Hutao had snuck food inside because both her and Zhongli aren't paying that much for the food they are selling (💀).
• They watched as you danced around gracefully, Hutao had thrown some of her snack at some people who wasn't paying attention in-front of them. And after the performance ended, Hutao shoved a Lily in your face with a big smile and Zhongli stood behind her, his hand about to grab her pigtail as he complemented the preformance.
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𝗡𝗼𝘄 Listening to: Scaramouche/Wanderer(hoe)!
"They're only humans - death note: the musical" (the English version) // sped up ☆
01:55 ━━━━●───── 02:38
ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ↻ ♡
🎐🍃 ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ـ♡ﮩ٨ـﮩﮩ٨ 🫐⚡
• He said that it sounded stupid as d that he wasn't going to go. That was 3 hours ago, Nahida told him to go anyways, because even if he didn't like it, him going would make you happy. He said hell no and left.
• Now he's sitting on a bench with Nahida beside him as every was talking, waiting for the preformance to start (it wasn't really anything big, just a small outside performance for people to sit and watch) as he crossed his arms, slumped. He was cursing the small archon beside him who had to get a few cusions to even see, which he laughed at.
• Nahida had looked over to her side as the preformance was going on, she was met with Wanderer/Scaramouche with a tear rolling down his eye. Throughout the whole preformance, he could only think about the story his deceased friend had told him which he had called stupid. The nutcracker and ballerina. In that very seat, he felt like the nutcracker and he hated how he felt, but he couldn't resist watching you dance beautifully.
• After the preformance, Nahida and Scaramouche were holding hands (much to his dismay and embarrassment) as they walked to where you were sitting, massaging your feet. Scaramouche's eyes were slightly red but after whispering to Nahida she had told you that he liked the preformance, to which he denied, his face as red as his eyes.
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Hello! I hope you liked this treat. And no, scaramouche didn't get favoritism 😭 was just able to write more for him, plus my emoticon website thing stopped working for me 😭 (so him and Zhongli are kinda half-assed with that small part) I'm getting used to having something that looks so pretty (in my eyes at least) so please bare with me, requests are open ❤️ Diluc oneshot may be a bit delayed however. Also, for requests, feel free to request a song (not a songfic) or have me give you one for the character(s) 🫧💗
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Some genshin drawings cause Yes
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mishuleshi · 1 year
Nahida decided to get another cat, who could it be?
Well I thought about Candice, Nilou or Dehya.
But if it was boy I thought about Kaveh or Al haitham.
If it was Candice she could be reader's 'sister' figure.
If it was Dehya she could be 'aunt' or 'mom' figure to both of them. (It's worded weirdly)
If it was Nilou she could be rival to reader. You and her would fight over Scara.
If it was Kaveh he could be Scara's 'brother' figure.
If it was Al haitham he could be Scara's rival. Him and Scara would fight over you.
Maybe it's weird but it's just thoughts. If you don't like it it's okay.
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noellefan101 · 10 months
totally not gonna use this for anything
just asking but yk what is your favorite post of mine, you can find them in my master list (linked below) them you dont know abt them, or want to read them (they couldn´t all be there im sry)
(requests open)
there were too many to tag
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