#nil digital collectibles
counterten · 3 months
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Digital sports cards revolutionize collecting, blending tradition with innovation. These virtual treasures offer dynamic visuals, player statistics, and interactive features, all accessible online. Catering to casual fans and serious collectors alike, they provide convenience and engagement. With limited releases and trading capabilities, they foster a vibrant community of enthusiasts. Whether reliving iconic moments or discovering new favorites, "CounterTEN" digital sports cards offer an immersive and dynamic experience that transcends traditional collecting boundaries.
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Character Spotlight: The Chemist (Ayreon's The Source)
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Ask and ye shall receive.
In the grand scheme of countless intertwining Ayreon headcanons infesting my brain, I like to have a nice, compact theme to refer back to for each album. Arjen is borderline intentional about not putting themes in his work, but they creep in anyway and you can dig them up and work off of them with a little elbow grease.
For me, The Source is about loss of purpose, which is sort of an overarching theme of the Forever saga anyway, but it shows up on a more intimate level in this album. Especially when you pull traits for characters out of thin air when you're 14 and eventually find a red thread through the lot of them you didn't actually plan for.
I did a really general overview of most of my versions of the Source cast and their whole deal while they're on Alpha. Just a whole mess of science, religion and state all crammed into one, eventually leading to the 'Frame taking over. In some way or another, these people all know each other and support a cause of some sort. When they're forced to leave their home planet, they have to grapple with the fact that their lives there were altogether pointless and figure out how to embrace the sense of rebirth that's a part of the Forever package.
Almost all of their arcs follow the same overall timeline: they had some *thing* they had worked towards for the better part of their lives, it's all ripped away in an instant with Alpha's destruction, and during their time on Starblade, they work their way back up to a new sense of collective self-worth.
There are, however, a few notable outliers. The Captain, The Chemist and TH-1 still have that theme thing going for them at the end, but how they get there is a little different.
So. Chemist. Like I said, pretty much everyone in the cast has an idea of who everyone else is. Not this guy.
Thomas Giles Rogers is an organic chemist with zero personal affiliation with any other character pre-album story. He graduated from the same enormous central university most of them did, but had no interest in tying his research, much less his entire career, to the fate of the planet itself. Not that he was ever offered or cares about politics at all, but still.
His motivations lie on more personal grounds. Giles is prone to stress, nervous breakdowns in academic settings, all that fun stuff. He always has been. His doctoral dissertation and the ten years of his career following it were dedicated to the synthesization of safe alternatives to sensory deprivation drugs. Either supplemental to the process or replacing it entirely. His "big" project for most of that time was an injection meant to temporarily alter the human respiratory system, allowing someone to breathe underwater for therapeutic processes.
The endeavor was a total failure, for all the resources put into it. Giles is forced to abandon the project after years of constantly being denied grants to pursue its production. People not prioritizing what he wants to use it for, his ineffective presentation, him refusing to let people hire him for research to weaponize it, whatever. All that work was for nothing and it takes genuine a toll on him.
It's really just a career slump, but his self-worth is so firmly attached to his perceived academic success that he can't cope. Four years before TDTTWBD, he drops all his research, picks up some entry-level lab tech job and just goes through the motions. No grandiose motivation to save the world like the rest of these yahoos, just surviving.
But anyhow. Russell does his thing, the 'Frame takes over, and one way or another everyone except Giles is crowded in Nils' basement accepting their fate and hopelessly looking for livable planets with no power or digital resources.
Gross oversimplification of Chronicle I, by the way. Russell drags a broken android into the place, Floor shoots Simone's ear off, etc.
The only remotely plausible option is Y, pretty grim given that the surface is uninhabitable and colonization could only occur if everyone somehow grew gills. As Hansi laments when a switch goes off in his brain and he remembers some science expo he went to a few years back, where some guy was presenting prototypes for...pretty much exactly that.
By pure coincidence, Giles is one of Simone's clients, signed onto her private practice she started after quitting her job as the previous president's counselor. She knows where he lives and works, and she and Tommy manage to track him down amidst the literal apocalypse outside (on account of Tommy having no scientific background and pretty much no other use to the group than scavenging for essentials on the surface in this part. Bonus points that he knows how to use a gun and supposedly doesn't care about his own death).
Giles, like a lot of people has basically been hunkered down in his apartment since the 'Frame took power (about three weeks) and is all paranoid and starving when they find him but they find him, take him back and convince him to pick his work back up all the same.
So he's part of the group now, and alternative to everyone else on Starblade who has no point to their lives now, Giles has FAR too much of a point. Using years old notes and limited resources, he has to create the greatest scientific advancement in the history of mankind in the maybe....six months that people onboard are able to live outside of suspended animation. The total extinction of the human race to follow if he fails.
This...does not mix well with
1. his whole self-induced, major-accomplishment based pressure thing since it's a wildly amplified version of it
2. The fact that he killed a woman during Run! Apocalypse! Run! (defending another character but still) and his control to give life and take it away over so many people, existing and prospective, constantly rotating in his brain
3. The more upbeat, hopeful characters unwittingly holding their expectations for their brave new world over him and what Liquid Eternity needs to be to satisfy them
4. Pretty much everyone else involved in the political side of things deliberately ceased contact with friends or family outside the party's inner circle, to prevent distractions or the possibility of blackmail, while they were still on Alpha. That devaluing of personal relationships is what they're conditioned to and this is more the focal point of Tommy, Floor and Tobias' sort of...joint character development situation, but it has an effect on Giles. This much more openly sensitive, emotional guy is surrounded by these jaded assholes who have no sense of the pressure he's feeling in more ways than one. This effect also applies to James (Historian) in a way, and the two actually kind of have a rapport going about it at the end of Chronicle II (syncing up with their little Condemned To Live duet), but the only person who seems to fully get what's happening to Giles is Simone, someone who deliberately separated herself from said jaded political asshole clique and who has prior knowledge of his experiences on account of literally being his therapist.
All in all just. Not having a good time, insisting that he has to do this alone and eventually external assistance from one or more characters being the only thing that solves it.
The other part of this compact theme thing is that our purpose, our humanity, is defined by our relationships and reliance on other people. We need something to strive for in order to feel like a person, and ultimately that 'something' comes down to either the preservation of the self, the other, or of the collective.
Once you resolve that, there is one other thing that defines the human experience and that is death.
Death and a point, a person, to avoid it in the name of. And Liquid Eternity took both of those things away. From there arises stagnation and a lack of purpose with no means of escape, the hallmark of the Forever Race.
(gosh, I wonder if that ties into members of the party forcing away loved ones in the name of their progress even though it was pointless in the end. Or TH-1's self-preservation being their downfall after all the talk of cooperation and acceptance of emotional openness. Who's to say.)
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burlveneer-music · 7 months
Nils Frahm - Day
Nils Frahm shares a new collection of solo piano music, his first album since 2022’s three-hour 'Music For Animals'. 'Day' is available on limited edition vinyl as well as via all digital platforms. It was recorded in the summer of 2022 in complete solitude and away from his studio at Berlin’s famed Funkhaus complex. 'Day' may come as a surprise to those who, over the last decade, have watched Frahm shift slowly away from the piano compositions with which he first made his name in favour of a nonetheless still-distinctive approach that’s considerably more instrumentally complex and intricately arranged. In addition, in 2021, having spent the early part of the pandemic arranging his archives, he released the 80 minute, 23-track 'Old Friends New Friends', a compilation of previously unreleased piano music intended to enable him to ”start over” with a clean slate. Judging from the extended, ambient nature of 'Music For Animals', it proved a successful gambit, but Frahm has never been able to resist returning to his first love, and those who enjoyed earlier acclaimed albums like 'The Bells', 'Felt' and 'Screws' will once again revel in 'Day'’s familiar, personal style. Characterised by its confidential mood, the new album confirms that, while Frahm is arguably now best known for elaborate, celebratory concerts calling upon an arsenal of pianos, organs, keyboards, synths, even a glass harmonica, he’s still a prolific master of affecting simplicity, tenderness and romance.
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brokehorrorfan · 2 years
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The Seventh Seal will be released on 4K Ultra HD + Blu-ray on April 18 via The Criterion Collection. Neil Kellerhouse designed the cover art for the influential 1957 Swedish historical fantasy.
Ingmar Bergman (Persona, The Virgin Spring) writes and directs. Gunnar Björnstrand, Bengt Ekerot, Nils Poppe, Max von Sydow, Bibi Andersson, Inga Landgré, and Åke Fridell star.
The Seventh Seal has been digitally restored in 4K with uncompressed monaural Swedish audio and an English dub. Special features (included on the Blu-ray disc) are listed below.
Special features:
Introduction by writer-director Ingmar Bergman (2013)
Audio commentary and video afterword by Bergman expert Peter Cowie
Bergman Island - 2006 feature-length documentary on Bergman by Marie Nyreröd
Audio interview with actor Max von Sydow (1998)
Tribute to Bergman by filmmaker Woody Allen (1989)
Bergman 101 - A selected video filmography tracing Bergman’s career, narrated by expert Peter Cowie
Booklet with an an essay by critic Gary Giddins
Returning exhausted from the Crusades to find medieval Sweden gripped by the Plague, a knight (Max von Sydow) suddenly comes face-to-face with the hooded figure of Death, and challenges him to a game of chess. As the fateful game progresses, and the knight and his squire encounter a gallery of outcasts from a society in despair, Ingmar Bergman mounts a profound inquiry into the nature of faith and the torment of mortality. One of the most influential films of its time, The Seventh Seal is a stunning allegory of man’s search for meaning and a work of stark visual poetry.
Pre-order The Seventh Seal.
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rushikshah · 1 year
What Are SEO Services & What Do SEO Services Include?
Alright, so imagine you’re a business owner. Your product is ready, your website is sparkling, and you’re excited to see those digital dollars roll in. But there’s a problem: no one’s visiting your site.
Dimensionalizing the Problem
Symptoms and Effects of Unresolved SEO Needs
Online invisibility – your digital store remains hidden.
Lost revenue because potential clients can’t find you.
Emotional drain from seeing empty analytics charts.
Spending heaps on ads, yet the organic traffic remains nil.
Frustration over competitors getting all the limelight.
The overwhelming feeling of not knowing where to start.
Confusion over technical jargon like ‘backlinks’ and ‘meta-tags’.
Fear of losing out in the digital age.
The stigma of having a ‘ghost-town’ website.
Doubting the viability of the online side of the business.
It’s not a pretty sight.
The Unexpected Root Cause
Here’s a curveball: It’s NOT just because you’re new online. It’s NOT because the internet gods are against you. The REAL reason many businesses remain invisible online is a lack of efficient Search Engine Optimization or SEO.
Failed Common Solutions
Throwing Money on Ads: Without proper SEO, you’re basically pouring money down the drain.
Following Outdated SEO Advice: Google’s algorithm changes. If you’re following tips from 2010, you’re in trouble.
Doing it All Yourself: SEO is a vast field. Dabbling in bits and pieces often leads to more harm than good.
Hiring Cheap SEO Services: Not all SEO services are created equal. Some can even get you blacklisted on Google!
The Superior Way
The Revolutionary Approach to SEO
The secret? Tailored SEO strategies that understand your business’s unique needs. This isn’t a one-size-fits-all deal.
Benefits of this New Approach
Visibility: Your business doesn’t just appear online; it stands out!
Organic Traffic: This isn’t just any traffic. It’s people who are genuinely interested in what you have to offer.
Cost-Effective: In the long run, effective SEO can be more economical than continuous ad spend.
Credibility: A high-ranking website establishes trust.
Ahead of the Curve: Stay updated with the latest in SEO, keeping you ahead of competitors.
What Are SEO Services?
SEO Services refer to the array of professional services that aim to improve the visibility of a website or online content on search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. The main objective of SEO services is to increase organic (non-paid) traffic to a website, which can lead to increased brand awareness, customer engagement, and potential conversions or sales.
Here are some core components of SEO services:
Keyword Research: Identifying relevant and high-search volume keywords that a target audience uses when seeking out products, services, or information.
On-page SEO: Optimizing individual web pages to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic. This includes optimizing content, meta tags (title, description, keywords), URL structures, header tags, and internal linking.
Content Creation: Developing high-quality content tailored to your audience and optimized for search engines. This can include blog posts, articles, infographics, videos, and more.
Link Building: Acquiring high-quality inbound links from other websites. Backlinks serve as endorsements, suggesting that the content on your site is valuable and trustworthy.
Technical SEO: Improving the technical aspects of a website to enhance its usability, speed, mobile-friendliness, and overall performance. This also includes optimizing the site’s XML sitemap, robots.txt file, and site structure.
Local SEO: Optimizing a business for local search results. This can involve claiming and optimizing business listings, collecting and managing reviews, and ensuring consistent name, address, and phone number (NAP) information across online directories.
eCommerce SEO: Specialized services for e-commerce websites, which include optimizing product pages, and category pages, and ensuring a smooth user experience to boost online sales.
Mobile SEO: Ensuring a website performs and ranks well on mobile devices, given the increasing number of mobile users.
SEO Audits: Reviewing a website’s current SEO strategy and identifying areas for improvement. An audit will typically look at on-page elements, technical aspects, backlink profiles, content, and more.
Monitoring and Reporting: Using tools and analytics to monitor keyword rankings, website traffic, user behavior, and conversions. Regular reporting ensures that strategies can be adjusted based on performance.
SEO Consultation: Offering expert advice on how to improve a website’s SEO strategy.
Penalty Recovery: Assisting websites in recovering from penalties imposed by search engines due to violations of their guidelines.
Why use SEO services?
In the vast expanse of the digital realm, visibility is currency. Every business, big or small, wants its brand to pop up when a potential customer types in a relevant query. SEO services, or Search Engine Optimization services, led by digital marketing strategists, work magic in achieving this. But, why exactly should a company invest in SEO services? Let’s deep dive.
1. Mastering the Algorithms
Search engines like Google use complex algorithms to determine which pages to display in their search results. These algorithms are constantly evolving. SEO professionals are always up-to-date with these changes, ensuring that your website remains compliant and ranks high.
2. Achieving Organic Traffic
Organic traffic refers to the visitors who land on your website without the use of paid advertising. This type of traffic is sustainable and cost-effective in the long run. SEO services optimize your site to enhance its visibility in organic search results, ensuring a steady stream of potential customers.
3. Enhancing User Experience
User experience isn’t just about a website’s look. It’s about its functionality, speed, and how intuitive it is. SEO professionals ensure your website provides an optimal experience for users, which search engines reward with higher rankings.
4. Credibility & Trust
Websites that rank higher on search engine results are often perceived as more credible and trustworthy by users. SEO services help in building a strong foundation for your website, ensuring a clean user experience, and establishing trust.
5. Data-driven Decisions
One of the strengths of SEO services is their reliance on data. With tools like Google Analytics, SEO professionals can track the performance of specific keywords, user engagement, bounce rates, and more. This data-driven approach ensures that strategies can be adjusted in real-time for optimal performance.
6. Outmaneuvering the Competition
Chances are, your competitors are already using SEO strategies to boost their online visibility. Without SEO, you’re essentially giving them a head start. Employing SEO services helps you stay competitive in the digital marketplace.
7. Local SEO for Targeted Outreach
With the rise of mobile searches, local SEO has become crucial for businesses. SEO services can optimize your online presence for local searches, ensuring that locals can find your business quickly and easily.
8. ROI-Driven Approach
Compared to other forms of online marketing, SEO offers a superior return on investment (ROI). While PPC campaigns and sponsored content can be more expensive and offer short-term results, SEO provides long-term, sustainable growth for businesses.
9. Scalable Strategies
SEO services can be tailored to fit the needs and budget of any business. Whether you’re a start-up or a multinational corporation, SEO strategies can be scaled to suit your requirements.
10. Building a Brand’s Online Identity
Consistency in your online presence establishes a strong brand identity. SEO professionals ensure that your brand’s voice and image remain consistent across all platforms, solidifying your reputation and recognition in the market.
How Much Do SEO Services Cost? An Overview of Pricing
Determining the exact cost of SEO services can be a bit like pinning down the price of a car: it varies widely based on make, model, features, region, and a myriad of other factors. However, to provide a clearer understanding, here’s a general overview of the pricing structure within the SEO industry:
1. Hourly Consultation
Price Range: $50 to $300+ per hour.
This is often used for businesses seeking guidance or a review of their current strategy. An SEO professional will evaluate your website, give suggestions, and even train your team. The range is broad due to differences in experience, region, and specialization.
2. Monthly Retainers
Price Range: $500 to $10,000+ per month.
Monthly retainers are one of the most common payment models. This approach involves ongoing SEO services, and the cost largely depends on the size and complexity of the project. For instance, a local business targeting a small audience might pay less than a multinational corporation aiming for a global reach.
3. Project-Based Pricing
Price Range: $1,000 to $50,000+ per project.
Project-based pricing is suitable for businesses with a specific, one-off need. For example, a website overhaul for SEO or a link cleanup after a penalty. The cost varies based on the project’s intricacies and duration.
4. Performance-Based SEO
Price Range: Variable, often a base fee plus bonus structure.
This is a more results-oriented approach where the SEO agency charges based on the results achieved. While potentially more cost-effective, it’s crucial to clearly define success metrics to avoid disputes.
5. Local SEO Packages
Price Range: $300 to $2,500 per month.
Local SEO focuses on boosting visibility in local search results. It’s typically cheaper than broader SEO campaigns but still varies based on the competitive landscape of the local region.
6. SEO Tools and Software
Price Range: $0 (for basic tools) to $1,000+ per month (for advanced suites).
While not a service per se, many businesses invest in SEO tools to monitor rankings, track backlinks, analyze competitors, etc. Some popular tools include SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Moz Pro.
Factors Influencing SEO Costs
Agency’s Reputation and Size: Established agencies with a track record of success often charge more.
Geographical Location: SEO services in major cities or high-cost-of-living areas might be priced higher.
Scope of the Project: More extensive projects with multiple websites or extensive content creation will cost more.
Niche Complexity: Competitive industries require more intensive efforts and thus higher costs.
Types of SEO Services
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1. On-page SEO
Definition: This refers to the strategies applied directly to a website to improve its position in search rankings. It primarily deals with the content and structure of the site.
Key Elements:
Keyword Research: Understanding what search terms (keywords) your target audience uses and incorporating these into your content effectively.
Content Creation: Producing high-quality, relevant content that fulfils the user’s intent.
Meta Tags: Title tags, meta descriptions, and header tags that incorporate target keywords.
Image Optimization: Ensuring images are the right size, have relevant filenames, and contain alt text for better indexing.
2. Off-page SEO
Definition: This involves actions taken outside of your website that can impact its rankings within search engine results pages (SERPs). It’s primarily concerned with building authority.
Key Elements:
Backlink Building: Acquiring links from reputable sites that point back to your own. Quality is more important than quantity.
Social Signals: Engagement metrics from social media platforms and shares of your content.
Guest Blogging: Write content for other blogs or platforms to increase your online reach and acquire backlinks.
Brand Mentions: Even unlinked mentions of your brand can be an off-page signal to search engines.
3. Technical SEO
Definition: This focuses on improving the technical aspects of a website to increase its visibility in search engines. It ensures that search engines can easily crawl, interpret, and index the site’s content.
Key Elements:
Website Speed: Faster loading times improve user experience and SEO rankings.
Mobile Optimization: Ensuring the website is mobile-friendly as mobile searches dominate today’s search landscape.
XML Sitemaps: Lists of your website’s pages that help search engines understand its structure.
Robots.txt: A file that tells search engines which pages or sections of your site to avoid crawling.
4. Local SEO
Definition: It’s the process of optimizing your online presence to attract more business from relevant local searches. This is crucial for brick-and-mortar businesses aiming to draw customers in from the local vicinity.
Key Elements:
Google My Business Listing: Claiming and optimizing this listing is a must. It allows your business to appear in local search results and on Google Maps.
Local Citations: Ensuring your business’s name, address, and phone number (NAP) are consistent across all online platforms.
Reviews: Encouraging satisfied customers to leave positive reviews on platforms like Google, Yelp, and TripAdvisor. Responding to reviews, both positive and negative, can also impact local SEO.
Local Backlinks: Acquiring backlinks from local newspapers, blogs, or business associations.
Which ranking factors do SEO services optimize for?
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SEO services target a myriad of ranking factors to optimize a website’s visibility in search engines. Here’s an elaboration on some of the most crucial ranking factors that SEO services pay attention to:
1. Content Quality and Relevance
Search engines prioritize content that is of high quality, relevant to user queries, and offers genuine value.
Depth and Breadth: Content should thoroughly address the topic, answering questions users might have.
Freshness: Regularly updated content can be perceived as more relevant, especially for time-sensitive topics.
2. Keywords
These are the terms users type into search engines. Having them in your content suggests relevance.
Keyword Research: Identifying the right keywords is foundational. SEO services use various tools to find keywords relevant to their client’s audience.
Keyword Placement: Keywords should be naturally integrated into titles, meta descriptions, content, and URLs.
3. Mobile Usability
As mobile search has surpassed desktop, having a mobile-optimized website is crucial.
Responsive Design: The site should look and function well on all devices.
Mobile Page Speed: Mobile users are often on the go, and slow-loading pages can be a huge deterrent.
4. Backlinks
Links from other websites act as endorsements and play a significant role in ranking.
Quality Over Quantity: Links from authoritative and relevant sites hold more weight than numerous low-quality links.
Anchor Text: The clickable text in a hyperlink. Varied and natural anchor text can be beneficial.
5. User Experience (UX) and Engagement
Search engines use various indicators to determine how users interact with sites.
Click-Through Rate (CTR): The ratio of users who click on a link to the total number of users who view it.
Bounce Rate: The percentage of visitors who navigate away after viewing only one page. A high bounce rate might indicate poor content or user experience.
Page Dwell Time: The length of time a user spends on a page before returning to the SERPs.
6. Technical SEO
This ensures that search engine bots can easily crawl and index a website’s content.
Website Speed: Faster sites are favored by search engines and users.
HTTPS: Secure sites (those starting with HTTPS) are given preference over non-secure ones.
Site Structure and Navigation: A logical structure helps search engines understand and index content, and it aids users in navigating the site.
7. Local SEO
For businesses targeting a local audience, some factors are especially crucial.
NAP Consistency: Name, Address, and Phone number should be consistent across all online platforms.
Google My Business: A well-optimized listing can lead to improved local search visibility.
Local Reviews: The quantity, quality, and recency of reviews on platforms like Google and Yelp can impact local rankings.
8. Social Signals
While the direct impact of social signals (likes, shares, tweets, etc.) on rankings is debated, there’s little doubt that they can enhance visibility and drive traffic.
9. Schema Markup
This is a form of microdata added to web pages that creates an enhanced description in SERPs. It can help search engines better understand the content and its context.
10. Domain Factors
These include the age, history, and authority of a domain. Trusted domains typically rank higher.
What should SEO services include?
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Each of the mentioned components is crucial for an effective SEO service. Let’s delve deeper into what each of these elements entails:
1. Custom Strategy
Every business is unique, which means its challenges, goals, and audience are distinct. An effective SEO service tailors a strategy to fit the specific needs and objectives of the business.
Tailored Approach: Rather than a one-size-fits-all strategy, the service should consider industry trends, business size, competition, and target audience.
Goal Setting: The strategy should align with the business’s broader objectives, be it brand visibility, lead generation, or sales.
2. SEO Audit
This is an in-depth analysis of a website to identify strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improvement.
Technical Analysis: Assess how search-engine-friendly a website is by looking at aspects like site speed, mobile optimization, and secure connectivity.
Content Evaluation: Examine the relevance, quality, and structure of the website’s content.
3. Competitor Analysis
Understanding competitors helps in pinpointing gaps in one’s own strategy and discovering opportunities.
Competitive Landscape: Identify who the primary competitors are and what strategies they’re using.
Benchmarking: Compare the client’s website in terms of keyword rankings, backlink profile, and more against competitors.
4. Off-page Optimization
This focuses on external ranking factors, primarily backlinks.
Link Building: Acquire high-quality, relevant backlinks to improve domain authority and rankings.
Social Media: Enhance online visibility and engagement through various social media channels.
5. On-page Optimization
Improving aspects of the website itself to make it more search-engine-friendly.
Keyword Integration: Ensure that content, meta tags, URLs, etc., contain relevant keywords.
Content Strategy: Regularly update the website with fresh, quality content that meets user intent.
6. Ongoing Optimization
SEO is not a one-time task. Search algorithms evolve, and competitors change their strategies.
Continuous Improvement: Regularly revisit and adjust the SEO strategy based on performance data.
Algorithm Updates: Stay updated with search engine algorithm changes and adjust strategies accordingly.
7. Monthly Reports
Transparency is crucial. Clients should be informed about the progress and results of the SEO efforts.
Performance Metrics: Provide data on keyword rankings, website traffic, conversion rates, etc.
Action Points: Outline the activities undertaken during the month and their results.
8. ROI Tracking
Ultimately, businesses want to know the return on their investment.
Conversion Tracking: Monitor how SEO efforts translate into tangible results like leads, sales, or sign-ups.
Cost Analysis: Compare the costs of SEO efforts against the generated revenue to determine ROI.
9. First-party Data Activation
Utilizing the data that a business collects directly from its audience to inform and refine the SEO strategy.
Audience Insights: Understand user behavior, preferences, and pain points from collected data.
Personalization: Use the insights to tailor content and offers to meet the specific needs of the audience.
What is an example of SEO services?
Consider ‘Beachside Bakes’, a local bakery. With proper SEO, their website went from page 10 to the first page on Google, resulting in a 200% increase in online orders.
How do I choose SEO services?
Choosing the right SEO services is pivotal to your online success. Here are 10 tips to help you make an informed decision:
Clear Understanding of Your Goals
Check Their Track Record
Ask for References
Transparency and Reporting
White-Hat Techniques Only
Inquire About Their Team’s Expertise
Customization over Cookie-Cutter
Continuous Learning and Adaptability
Price and Contract Structure
Communication and Responsiveness
SEO services play a pivotal role in enhancing the online visibility of businesses in today’s digital landscape. By optimizing websites for search engines, these services not only ensure better rankings but also improve the overall user experience. From the intricacies of on-page content adjustments and off-page link-building strategies to the nitty-gritty of technical optimization and local SEO, the multifaceted nature of SEO services is comprehensive.
Furthermore, when seeking a professional SEO service, businesses should expect a suite of offerings, including custom strategies, thorough audits, competitor analyses, and transparent reporting. Ultimately, while the digital realm continues to evolve, the essence of SEO remains consistent: to make websites more accessible, relevant, and trustworthy for users and search engines alike. Investing in quality SEO services is, therefore, an investment in the long-term success and digital footprint of a business.
Ready to boost your online visibility? Contact us today for premier SEO services tailored to your unique needs.
Alright, so imagine you’re a business owner. Your product is ready, your website is sparkling, and you’re excited to see those digital dollars roll in. But there’s a problem: no one’s visiting your site.
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adhamhocaoimh · 1 year
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Of late, I have been spending time working at my home. Or, more accurately, the rudimentary recording studio/office space I am trying to turn it into.
I have acquired some... crude paraphernalia to allow me to develop this humble abode into a de facto, barebones production hub. After the expropriation of some very, very expensive, very, very rare equipment, I arrived at a decision that could only be resolved in two ways.
I could spend time uselessly lamenting my missing pieces, lambasting those responsible, and laying waste to myself.
Alternatively, I could interpret it as a fresh start. A clean slate. A sort of conscription to that new, minimalist lifestyle trend that's no longer new, nor particularly trendy.
So I am piecing together what I can from what I have left, and building anew.
I have taken the opportunity to obligate better, learned men than myself on the most effective routes forward.
I have always left the nitty gritty and minutiae to more capable hands, concerning myself with more primitive means of expression,
Acquainting myself with a new Digital Audio Workstation, some new hardware, and an unfamiliar instrument (I am finding brave new ways to put some spook on things) has been a challenge, but I will endeavour to document it on this platform, so that I might refer to it when I predictably forget everything I've learned the moment I lay my head down to sleep.
Things like Reaper, Ableton Live, and even the most simple of synths, or even the use of a basic rhythm machine have forever seemed beyond these clumsy, primal paws. My 7ARDOOM brethren, Kathal Larkin, has been guiding me through the finer points of all of this terrifying, unfamiliar technology I find myself festooned with.
When it comes to the physical side of engineering, and indeed, even information as simple as exactly what bits and pieces I might need to make even basic demonstrations, I too am stumbling blindly in the dark. My long-suffering brother in Gloom, Fionntán Mac Cába, has been lending me his technical knowhow, as well as half of my current guitar effects collection.
I am devastatingly close to realizing a live/recording synthesizer setup, something I've been toying with the idea of for just shy of a year at the time of writing.
Having admired groups like No Spill Blood, Neurosis and Battles, as well as composers like Jon Hopkins, Nils Frahm and Yosi Horikawa, the possibilities of seeing how I can make strange, sad sounds with almost infinite textural complexity is giddying. It might not exactly be a Moog One, but it will be more than enough to serve the work I have been doing for Two Heavens.
Progress, however incremental, is yet progress.
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In the competitive sports industry, connecting with fans is crucial. TopFan offers an advanced membership platform for sports teams, creating a dynamic digital hub for engagement. Unlike traditional social networks, it removes content restrictions and allows teams to bypass algorithms and restrictive moderation. Teams can deliver diverse content, such as articles, podcasts, videos, and more, within a secure environment. Additionally, TopFan provides ownership of fan data, enabling direct, personalized marketing. This innovative platform enhances fan experience, builds loyalty, and drives new revenue streams.
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tonin-terets · 5 months
Cartier x Six N. Five - Magicien from Six N. Five on Vimeo.
I am delighted to welcome you to this realm, where we have had the privilege of creating a short film that invites you into a magical world of new realities: the Cartier Magicien universe.
Since the begining of this journey I have been dedicated to pushing the boundaries of visual storytelling, and the Cartier Magicien project represents the culmination of many creations made over the past few years. Through a combination of different techniques and my own universes, a new piece has been born that invites viewers on an enchanting journey through the captivating and unique vision of Cartier watchmaking.
From the surreal to the sublime, each frame of the film is a testament to the power of digital art to evoke sensations, ignite the imagination, and transport audiences into new realms. With a focus on beauty and a talented team committed to creating something unique and distinct, we have crafted a piece that showcases Cartier’s iconic collections and celebrates the art and ingenuity of digital storytelling.
Cartier x Six N. Five Commisioned by Publicis Luxe and Prodigious France
Shortfilm created by Ezequiel Pini a.k.a Six N. Five
Creative Direction: Ezequiel Pini Director & Film Direction: Sebastián Baptista Executive Production: Belén Palos Production Coordination: Max Palou Studio Coordination: Lina Cabrera
Production team Art Direction: Ezequiel Pini and Jesús Mascaraque 3D Lead: Maxime Roz 3D Art: Andy Lipe, Diego Diapolo, Thiago Tallman, Thais Altes, Borja Alegre, Joan Garcia Pons, Maximilien Vert, Macs Riedel Animation: Macs Riedel, Riccardo Bottoni Simulations: Nil Estany, Matías Furno Watches Modeling &; Styling Artists: Iván Antón, Jordi Cerdà, Kornel Makarovic, Marco Segovia Audio Design: Aimar Molero Animatic: Macs Riedel, Eze Matteo Audio Design: Aimar Molero RnD process: Christoph Strohfeld, Simon Reher, Michele Resenterra Compositing: Alain Laza Barbieri
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cssmonster · 11 months
Discover 30+ CSS Input Text
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Dive into the realm of web form perfection with CSS Monster's "The Ultimate Collection of CSS Input Text Styles." Discover the pivotal role that input text fields play in enhancing user interactions, data collection, and overall user experience in modern web design. Our commitment to providing valuable resources for developers and designers takes center stage in this collection. Handpicked from reputable sources like CodePen, GitHub, and web development communities, these free HTML and CSS input text code examples are the epitome of innovation. With our June 2023 update, three new additions ensure you stay ahead in the dynamic world of input text field designs. Experience the beauty of creatively designed placeholders that go beyond mere functionality. From subtle animations to unique fonts and text color changes, our collection provides inspiration to transform your input fields into visually striking and informative elements. Elevate user experience with the integration of float labels, an elegant design pattern ensuring clarity for users even as they start typing. These examples not only look exceptional but also streamline the form-filling process. Every code snippet in our collection is customizable, allowing seamless integration into your project's unique style. Adjust colors, fonts, and animations to tailor these input text styles to your web application's needs. Embark on a journey of creativity as you explore our collection today. Redefine user interactions with web forms in the digital age, infusing style, substance, and flawless functionality. CSS Monster's handpicked CSS input text styles are your gateway to web form excellence. Happy coding!
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Author S G November 26, 2021 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Made with HTML (Pug) / CSS (SCSS) About a code CUSTOM STYLED INPUTS Compatible browsers:Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive:no Dependencies:- Author Anyssa Ferreira September 16, 2020 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Made with HTML / CSS (SCSS) About a code CSS EDITABLE LETTER BOARD Compatible browsers:Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive:no Dependencies:- Author David A. September 9, 2020 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Made with HTML / CSS (SCSS) About a code CSS VARS STYLING Compatible browsers:Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive:yes Dependencies:- Author Shannon Moeller June 16, 2020 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Made with HTML / CSS About a code COMBOBOX Compatible browsers:Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive:no Dependencies:- Author Jhey April 30, 2020 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Made with HTML (Pug) / CSS (Stylus) About a code PURE CSS AUTHENTICATION Compatible browsers:Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive:no Author Nils Binder April 6, 2020 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Made with HTML / CSS (SCSS) About a code INPUT WITH GRADIENT-BORDER Compatible browsers:Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive:yes Dependencies:- Author Jouan Marcel December 17, 2019 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Made with HTML (Pug) / CSS (Sass) About a code 3D TEXTBOX Compatible browsers:Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive:yes Dependencies:- Author Lucas Oliveira October 7, 2019 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Made with HTML / CSS (SCSS) About a code INPUT TEXT Compatible browsers:Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive:yes Dependencies:- Author Aaron Iker August 15, 2019 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Made with HTML / CSS (SCSS) / JS About a code INPUT GROUP Compatible browsers:Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive:yes Dependencies:- Author Fatma August 14, 2019 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Made with HTML / CSS About a code MATERIAL INPUT TEXT FIELDS Compatible browsers:Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive:yes Dependencies:- Author Niklesh Tiwane January 14, 2019 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Made with HTML / CSS About a code JUMPING INPUT TEXT Compatible browsers:Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive:yes Dependencies:- Author Fidalgo December 9, 2018 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Made with HTML / CSS About a code FORM LABEL SHOW AFTER INPUT TEXT Compatible browsers:Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive:no Dependencies:- Author bertdida October 15, 2018 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Made with HTML / CSS (SCSS) About a code NOTIFY ME Compatible browsers:Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive:no Dependencies:- Author Andreas Storm July 20, 2018 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Made with HTML / CSS (Stylus) About a code ELASTIC VALIDATION Compatible browsers:Chrome, Opera, Safari Responsive:yes Dependencies:-
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Author Andreas Storm June 15, 2018 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Made with HTML / CSS (Stylus) About a code INPUT:NOT(:PLACEHOLDER-SHOWN)
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Author Mahesh January 24, 2018 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Made with HTML About a code FORM INPUT DESIGN
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Author Rik Schennink December 12, 2017 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Made with HTML About a code INPUT FIELD GRADIENT BORDER FOCUS FUN Author Danian September 27, 2017 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Made with HTML (Pug) / CSS (Less) About a code CSS INPUT FOCUSED ANIMATION Compatible browsers:Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive:no Dependencies:-
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Author Nick Salloum September 27, 2017 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Made with HTML About a code CSS ONLY FLOATED LABELS
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Author Stas Melnikov June 17, 2017 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Made with HTML About a code CSS FIELDS Author Ana Tudor January 15, 2017 Links Just Get The Demo Link How To Download - Article How To Download - Video Made with HTML / CSS (SCSS) About a code INPUT FIELD WITH UNDERLINE UNDER EACH CHARACTER Compatible browsers:Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera, Safari Responsive:no Dependencies:- Read the full article
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rober-noir · 1 year
Anoushka Shankar - Daydreaming feat. Nils Frahm - YouTube
'Daydreaming' " is the 2nd single ahead of Anoushka Shankar's new mini-album, "Chapter I: Forever, For Now". It was recorded at LEITER Studio in Berlin’s celebrated Funkhaus complex, and features acclaimed pianist Nils Frahm. The track is taken from Anoushka's forthcoming mini-album "Chapter I: Forever, For Now", the four-track collection will be available on limited edition vinyl and via all digital platforms from October 6, 2023
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counterten · 3 months
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Digital sports cards revolutionize collecting, blending tradition with innovation. These virtual treasures offer dynamic visuals, player statistics, and interactive features, all accessible online. Catering to casual fans and serious collectors alike, they provide convenience and engagement. With limited releases and trading capabilities, they foster a vibrant community of enthusiasts. Whether reliving iconic moments or discovering new favorites, "CounterTEN" digital sports cards offer an immersive and dynamic experience that transcends traditional collecting boundaries.
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Drifting Out to Sea || Erika L Epilogue (ft. Nils)
Nils Falk is not having a good month. And it’s about to get worse.
If the senseless destruction of his precious collection wasn’t enough, in the coming weeks, he will learn of the death of his best friend. He will be spared the gory details, but it won’t soften the blow any. He will lambast himself for not checking his email sooner, for missing the last communique she ever sent until it was far too late. He will drive out into the wilderness she loved, scream at the sky, and try unsuccessfully to find closure among the chilly trees. He will cry into Linnea Ljunggren’s shoulder at the funeral, watching the burial of an empty casket (for it will not be viable to transport her broken body back home). 
After the funeral, however, Nils will receive a check in the mail. A silver lining in this pitch-black stormcloud. In a somewhat curtly written letter, its sender (one Jae-min Jun) will explain that he was partly, indirectly responsible for the horrible misfortune that befell Nils’ collection. This, he says, serves as his apology. Nils won’t be sure how to feel about this initially, worrying it might be some kind of scam. He will repeatedly Google the exchange rate between won and kronor to make sure the considerable amount isn’t some mistake. But, exhausted by all the grappling he’s had to do with his insurance to squeeze even a fraction of the cost out of them, he will eventually cash the check and get to work rebuilding his collection.
Not too long after that, Nils will receive another check in the mail, and a couple packages of obsolete pro-grade video production electronics along with it. Akito Mikage will be the name listed on the return address, and he will introduce himself as another subject of that horrible experiment. One of Erika L’s new friends… as short as the time they had together was. Nils will accept his gift too, and send him a short, grateful reply in his scribbly handwriting.
Then, in a final unexpected twist, he will discover that Erika Ljunggren still exists.
Well, “exists” is one way to put it. And the ethical and philosophical debate over that may never see a satisfactory resolution. A digital ghost - an AI trained on her brain, and not even flawlessly. To some, an abhorrent prospect. But Nils will become obsessed with the idea. If he could speak to her again, say his goodbyes properly, maybe the ragged hole she left in his life will stop bleeding.
As soon as he is permitted to, Nils Falk will travel to Austria.
He will wade with the copied Erika L through the streets of the underwater city (because he is not the strongest swimmer). He will tour her new apartment. He will marvel at the modifications she’s had done to her digital form. Cosmetic patches of scales. Webbed hands and feet to swim easier in her preferred environment. Other minor tweaks to her body shape. Nils will wryly remark on the fact that they both opted to get top surgery, and Erika will just grin and shrug.
He will smile with her, because even if she sometimes struggles to speak, her smile remains as infectious as it always was. He will snap a picture of her, using a digital simulacrum of an antique camera that Weiss generates out of thin air for him, and he will later put the resulting photo in a frame on his real-world wall.
Nils will travel with Erika from the sunken city to an autumnal forest. There, he will meet her new girlfriend, another AI copy of a deceased human. Nils will fail to resist the urge to joke about cats having interest in fish. This will make Erika dissolve into uncontrollable laughter, but Greta (or Trouble, as she will introduce herself to him initially) will just glance aside in bemused exasperation and flick her tail.
He will meet some of the people who died alongside Erika in this cruel experiment. But not all of them. Erika is not on good terms with all of them, and not all of them chose to remain. A fact Nils will have to infer, given that this truth will choke out her ability to communicate again for a good half hour. He will give her a long, firm hug to help ground her (and the sensory authenticity in this virtual interaction will surprise him).
Nils will find himself comforted by the knowledge that Erika is thriving, despite her fatal accident (she will insist it was an accident, and he will pretend he does not know better). The weight of grief will begin to lift from his shoulders. He will bid her a fond farewell as their time together nears its end.
Erika L will beam and entreat him to visit again. And Nils will find himself unable to say no to that smile. Seems he still has some mourning to do.
Nils will visit Erika L in Austria again and again. It will become a tradition for him to visit just after her birthday and sometime in June each year, and they will message each other frequently via the Internet. He will bring tidings from her parents, who will find VR to be a disorienting and overstimulating experience and only visit once.
One visit, Nils will encounter a flamboyant brunette man in the halls of the Austria facility. Erik A will recognize Nils immediately, and stop him for a quick chat. He, too, was a subject, Erik A will explain. He, too, bonded with Erika L, as much due to the similar tragedies in their respective lives as it was to their shared gregariousness. Now that all is said and done, he lends his expertise to tending her afterlife. Nils will exhibit the characteristic monosyllabic shyness he greets new people with in this interaction, thoroughly failing to match Erik A’s own exuberance, but he will manage to express his gratitude nonetheless.
Another time, Nils will pass a nondescript brown-haired woman as he enters. Her dark eyes will widen a bit as she warily looks him over, and she will hurry to make her exit. Nils will innocently assume social anxiety on her part - he frequently responds to new people like that himself, after all.
Eventually, as he ages and matures, Nils will notice that Erika does not. She will remain 28 forever, frozen in time. He will start to struggle with that reality.
One day, just after Erika L would’ve turned 36 had she survived, Nils will confess his emotional quandary to Erika. His fishy friend will fall silent for a long time, laboring to find words. But eventually, ever understanding, Erika will smile and tell him he doesn’t have to keep visiting if he’s no longer comfortable.
He will come back a few more times in the subsequent years, even so, but eventually Nils will find it within him to move on. He will start to message her less, and eventually not at all. He will take the photograph of the digital Erika from his wall, and place it on her empty grave. He will go camping again, and this time the scenery will feel less hostile. He will, on a whim, take a picture of the sky and put that in the frame instead.
When robotics technology eventually advances to the point where humanoid robots can be piloted by these AIs, well into his fifth decade, Nils will brace himself to be visited by Erika’s copy. But that day will never arrive. Eventually, his curiosity will overwhelm him and he’ll contact her again. She will inform him that she prefers the digital playground, and that she doesn’t want to return to the mundane regular world. Nils will admit he understands the sentiment.
Though neither realize it at the time, this will be the last time the longtime best friends ever talk to each other.
The phantom of Erika Ljunggren will outlive her parents. She will outlive Nils, and everyone else who survived the experiment. She will outlive the digital realm’s custodian, Erick Weiss. She will continue to enjoy a robust simulation of fantastical life until outside circumstances preclude it, however many generations in the future that may be. Because no matter how bored or lonely she may find herself, she will never find it within herself to choose oblivion. She will staunchly refuse to succumb to ennui. There’s something good on the horizon, she will keep promising herself. Keep going.
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Listen/purchase: Excessive Step by Calum Gunn
Calum Gunn is a Scottish electronic musician and programmer based in Berlin, Germany. His sonic recordings and performances (as well as his label Conditional) are legendary, and we are beyond proud and excited to be able to release his tunes on 3OP. Excessive Step is one of the most exciting albums I've listened to in recent memory, and we sense it's a classic in the making. Experimental, yet accessible. Emotive and contemplative, but never really nostalgic. Crisp, digital, modern: very much computer music, yet quite organic and human as well. The sonic symbiosis of human and machine in realtime. A kind of cybernetic perfection. On the surface, this is a wicked collection of pure bangers, Tidal Cycles based jams, and DJ applications. But we are confident you'll find this this to be a tantalizing and very cohesive album experience, filled with adventure and character. It's futuristic electro, yet we've found that Excessive Step has a timelessness to it. We hope you enjoy this sonic journey as much as we have over the last few months of many, many listens. I feel lucky to have had this in my playlist up to now. It really is so much FUN to listen to. -E                                         
released November 5, 2021                        Written and Performed by Calum Gunn Mastered by Nil Hartman Artwork by Andrew Bates            
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gertlushgaming · 1 year
Game Boy Classic Trip World, Set for A Re-release on PlayStation, PC and Nintendo Switch
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For the Game Boy Classic Trip World re-release new we learn of the collaboration with Sunsoft and original Trip World director and producer Yuichi Ueda, Trip World DX expertly reproduces the legendary, highly sought-after platformer, releasing for the first time worldwide. The Carbon Engine allows for supreme accuracy in retro game emulation and gorgeous modern presentation to create a brand-new experience for timeless classics. One of Sunsoft’s finest original titles, Trip World marks the peak of the company’s illustrious 8-bit legacy. In the classic Trip World, you take part in a globetrotting adventure through Trip World, a land filled with endearing creatures and mythical beings, as the bunny-like hero Yakopoo. A showstopper on its original handheld hardware, Trip World features some of the finest graphics and music ever heard in a video game in this form factor. The quality of its presentation is matched perfectly by the spot-on game mechanics and atmospheric level design that encourages the player to take part and enjoy the many sights of Trip World rather than rush through and beat it.
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Complimenting this fantastic re-release, Trip World DX includes a variety of features that provide never-before-seen content and context to what makes this game such an incredible release of its time, including a music player with remastered audio and arrangements, original design documents, cameo appearance designs, and video interviews. Trip World DX is not just a name; it also signals the most exciting aspect of this incredible re-release. Alongside original director Yuichi Ueda, the Carbon Engine team sought to realize a long-term dream for the director by developing a brand new colorized version of Trip World! Trip World DX is not just smoke and mirrors, nor simulated. This is a ground-up port of the game to spec for the Color handheld, with full compatibility on original hardware! What was once only in the planning stages in the 1990s is now fully realized and available thanks to the combined efforts of Sunsoft, Limited Run Games, and the Carbon Engine.
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This incredible package includes the following: - The original handheld version of Trip World - A brand new color version: Trip World DX! - Museum mode contains never-before-seen design documents, video interviews with the original developer, music videos, box scans, and much more. - Music player featuring original remastered audio tracks, brand new arrangements, and a surprise track from another cult Sunsoft classic title! - Sleek new presentation and art - Developed and designed alongside classic Sunsoft director Yuichi Ueda Related Post: Terra Nil Review (Steam) (gertlushgaming.co.uk) About the Physical Editions: Ahead of Trip World DX’s digital release, Limited Run Games will take pre-orders for the physical and Collector’s Editions from April 28th until June 11th, 2023. These bespoke physical releases were made with fans of the original Trip World and the title's legacy in mind. Whether they want to play on original Game Boy hardware or their newest console, fans will have the following options when revisiting Yakopoo’s grand adventure.
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Retro Editions - Trip World for the Game Boy ($39.99) - Trip World DX for the Game Boy Color ($39.99) Fans can also bundle a Yakopoo plush with their copy for $64.99 Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5 Editions - Standard Edition ($34.99) - Includes a physical copy of Trip World DX on the chosen platform - Collector’s Edition ($74.99) - Includes a physical copy of Trip World DX on the selected platform - Yakopoo plush - Retro cart keychain - Trip World DX official soundtrack on CD - Double-sided poster - Premium collector’s box PC Edition - Standard Edition ($34.99) - Includes a digital copy of Trip World DX on a USB - Premium storage box The complete Trip World DX Collection is available to preview at LimitedRunGames.com Read the full article
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hashtag-academy-ddn · 2 years
The term stock market refers to several exchanges in which share of publicly held companies are purchased and sold. Such financial activities are organized through formal exchanges and via OTC (over the counter) market places that operate under a defined set of regulations.
The stock market is a collection of exchanges, where securities like stocks and bonds are purchased and sold.
The stock market helps companies raise money to fund operations by dealing shares of stock, and it creates and helps to sustains wealth for individual investors.
Companies raise money on the stock market by dealing power stakes to investors. These equity stakes are known as share of stock. By listing shares for deals on the stock market, companies get access to the capital they need to operate and expand their business without having to take on debt. In exchange for the right of dealing stock to the public, companies are required to expose data and offer shareholders observe how their business are running.
Stock market provides the investor several advantages and provides them with the easy management of their money.
There are several benefits, which include:
GAIN RECEIVED: The capability of the market to create the kinds of earnings it does is the most necessary component of investing directly in markets.
Investing in companies with a harmonious growth pattern and increased earnings every quarter, or in industries that contribute to the country’s profitable growth, will result in you steadily evolving your wealth and growing the valve of your investment over time.
SAFETY AGAINST INFLATION: The essential objective of investment is to guarantee our future but we must keep track of inflation regularly.
The earnings will be nil if increase and the rate of return on investment are similar. In an ideal world, the rate of return on investment would be high than inflation.
Stock markets and benchmark indicators have consistently outperformed inflation.
LIQUIDITY OF EASE OF CONVERSION: Stocks are considered assets since they can be fluently converted to cash and have a large number of purchase at any given time.
The same cannot be said for all assets some such as real estate are delicate to vend. It could hold months to see a return on your home investment. It is, still much simpler in the case of stocks.
 INVESTORS GET THE ADVANTAGE OF ECONOMY: Investors in the stock market can directly profit from a thriving economy and the value of their investment rises in pattern with economic expansion.
When an economy is raising, commercial earnings upgrading, and is a outcome, the ordinary individual’s income rises.
TRANSPARENCY: The stock market in every country is regulated by a regulatory body, for sample in India, the body is SEBI, the market functions by the guidelines of it and the bodies regulate stock exchange, transparency in the market and cover the rights of investors.
This means that when the investors invests in the stock market, not just his money but also his rights are secured by these officials bodies. This saves them from any sort of fraudulent activity done by the company they have invested in.
FLEXIBILITY OF INVESTMENT: For a fresher in the stock market the road isn’t easy and the risk needs to be lower. For this, they have to invest in stocks that are not high priced. This is where the stock market serves the investors. It gives them the adaptability of less investment.
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furioushooves · 2 years
Furhoof Faves of 2022
Another year has come to an end and though people have been sharing their yearend lists for weeks, even months already, we wanted to join in with our very own Furhoof Faves of 2022. So, we asked some Furhoof artists that released music this year, as well as some others, what some of their favorite (non-Furhoof) releases of the year were.
We hope you enjoy, and of course, if you like the recommendations you hear… support the artists directly by buying their album on bandcamp or in the physical form. Oh and of course consider checking out the Furhoof artists’ work as well.
All selections are listed in no particular order.
Daniel Lynch (of Sunglow & the Lipschitz)
Macula Dog - Orange 2
Coco & Clair Clair - Sexy
Pilotredsky - Doggone Systems EP
Chronophage- Chronophage
Stress Positions - Walang Hiya
Cabo Boing - Real Gems for Little Jewels
Furhoof released Sunglow - Like a Man Overboard Asking for a Drink of Water on cassette in 2022.
Gigi Meade (of Deva Grace, AKA Dæva)
Wicca Phase - Full Moon Mystery Garden
FKA Twigs - Caprisongs
Sidewalks & Skeletons - Exorcism
Yeule - Glitch Princess
Blood Orange - Four Songs EP
Furhoof released Deva Grace - Vocivos on cassette and reissued Dæva - Beta Persei (2016) on cassette in 2022.
Jack Foster (of BAL & House of Fools)
Cass McCombs - Heartmind
Gleemer - Here At All
S.G. Goodman - Teeth Mark's
Madison Cunningham - Revealer
Soul Blind - Feel It All Around
Furhoof released BAL - Seafoam on cassette in 2022.
Loretta Blue (of Loretta’s Museum)
Johanna Warren - Lessons for Mutants
Andrew Wasylyk - Hearing the Water Before Seeing the Falls
Briana Marela - You Are a Wave
Nils Frahm - Music for Animals
Mdou Moctar - Niger EP Vol. 2
Furhoof released Loretta’s Museum - Collected Streams: Singing Songs 2014-2021 on vinyl and reissued their complete 4-album discography (2017-2021) on cassette in 2022.
Tim Hawks (of ZDJ & Horse Culture)
American Aquarium - Chicamacomico
Unholy Altar - Demo
FKA Twigs - Caprisongs
MIKE - Beware of the Monkey
Taylor Swift - Midnights
Furhoof released Furhoof Halloween Split Series No.12 featuring ZDJ & Mellow Slam as a digital download in 2022, ZDJ - Sigil Meditation on cassette & pamphlet in 2020, and ZDJ - Heliopause on cassette in 2019.
Drew Fitchette (of Drew Fitchette & Rooftops)
Jake Xerxes Fussel - Good and Green Again
Big Thief - Dragon New Warm Mountain I Believe In You
MJ Lenderman - Boat Songs
Alex G - God Save the Animals
Chat Pile - God’s Country
Furhoof released Drew Fitchette - Witness Marks on cassette in 2022.
Blake Luley (of Rainwater)
Alex G - God Save the Animals
Vince Staples - Ramona Park Broke My Heart
Alabaster DePlume - GOLD
Beyoncé - Renaissance 
Perfume Genius - Ugly Season
Furhoof released Rainwater - In-Between on vinyl & cassette in 2021.
Jordan Powers (of BAL, House of Fools, & Far-Less)
Soccer Mommy - Sometimes, Forever 
Cave In - Heavy Pendulum 
The Beths - Expert in a Dying Field
He is Legend - Endless Hallway
Victoria Victoria - To the Wayside 
Furhoof released BAL - Seafoam on cassette and companion story Jordan Powers - Zero Andy One on zine in 2022.
Tyler Duddy (of 1,000 Pieces)
Chat Pile - God’s Country
Delicate Steve - After Hours
Surprise Chef - Education & Recreation
Pink Siifu - Real Bad Flights
Jasmine Myra - Horizons
Furhoof released Furhoof Halloween Split Series Vol.01 featuring 1,000 Pieces on 2x cassette & zine in 2021, and 1,000 Pieces - Yellow & Black & Black on vinyl in 2013.
Jeff Haley (of Jeff Haley & Wild Nothing)
Alex G - God Save the Animals
Cate LeBon - Pompeii
Cass McCombs - Heartmind
Tim Heidecker - High School
John Walsh - New Meditator 
Furhoof released Jeff Haley - Forgotten Exposures on cassette in 2022.
TJ Hatcher (Furhoof co-founder)
The Sawtooth Grin - Good
The Wind In The Trees - Architects of Light
Black Matter Device - Autonomous Weapons
Gillian Carter - Salvation Through Misery
Kublai Khan TX - Lowest Form of Animal EP
The Wonder Years - The Hum Goes On Forever
Ryan McCardle (Furhoof co-founder)
Erin Rae - Lighten Up
battle ave. - I Saw the Egg
Sadurn - Radiator
Wet Leg - Wet Leg
Chat Pile - God’s Country
Widowspeak - The Jacket
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