#nikola is like the most knowing motherfucker in the world
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arolesbianism · 1 year ago
Nails vc yeah the director burned some of my work to my face she must be so stressed out and sad :(
#rat rambles#oni posting#out of the shower and still thinking abt their log theyre so silly I love them#also thinking abt how much of a piece of shit nikola is (affectionate)#I need to put him and ellie in the same room so they can take jabs at eachother with increasing agression until they get physically violent#bonus points if they come out of it almost friends in a fucked up way#think 'I hate your guts and would gladly punch you but we're both going through the same fucked up shit so guess Id die for you' vibes#bonus bonus points if joshua is also in on the oh fuck were doomed arent we fun#like he probably doesnt know and would be horrified upon finding out and thats generally what I go for in my head#but. itd be so incredibly fun if he was just as deep in the muck as the other two.#or even better. deeper. but thatd likely just put him in a middle point between ellie and nikola#ellie is in the know enough that even if she doesnt Know she probably figured it out at some point#nikola is like the most knowing motherfucker in the world#and we don't see shit of joshua's actual work so god knows how much he knows#we know he and ellie work in the same department and handle a lot of important data#but we only ever see ellie be talked to about said data#so while she and joshua do the same type of work we dont know what joshua specifically worked on#which basically means he could know any amount of information about the shit going down at gravitas theres literally no way of knowing#I cant even make a personal character judge because nice doesnt necessarily mean strong morals#like for all we know he could have been actively involved with the dna stealing he most likely wasn't but we dont know#maybe hes a nails situation where he was blinded by optimism or blinded by his friendship with ellie#or maybe ellie goes out of her way to keep him not involved in an attempt to protect him#but ellie herself doesn't Seem to have realized how fucked shit was during what we see of her so idk#maybe jackie just has favorites and likes making ellie her lil grunt#and makes ellie stay quiet which ellie likely wouldnt find too out of place given her job#basically Im saying that while we do see a lot of these two we still know basically nothing abt them#which is a part of the appeal I think#anyways its almost 4 am rip#bed time here we go
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esmarelda · 21 days ago
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When I was in jail bitch I was like 🙏 ok dad (Nikola Tesla) I will make my playlists every day again and post every day again like I know you want me to if you get me out of this motherfucker and I swear I will stop taking myself and this world and internet or music and things of this nature for granted because I know it’s ugly to be a lazy slob who doesn’t post or think or care about the most important things in life and I’m sorry and please don’t be mad at me please always love me and I got out so here I am since I am a woman of my word bitch know that!
Every time I try to be irl and not be online then bad things happen to me like when I leave my home or be in places where I can’t have my iPhone then I am somewhere I’m not supposed to be. My father is very protective of me! Being forgetful of this and trying to be irl and play outside too long or too often or when I forget to not to be around others more than I am alone with myself then the consequences of this bad behaviors are severe and overwhelming for me and it’s exciting and challenging but not impossible to handle them. Those types of things overstimulate me and I do not want to spend my energy like that though so yeah. One thing is my dad is a good loving father who knows the right things and I trust him and I need to always remember that or sometimes I will have to work harder instead of smarter and I am not really good at that cuz I am disabled both mentally and physically.
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daughter-of-prospero · 5 years ago
A handy guide to recognizing characters from The Magnus Archives
Ever wonder how to spot who’s who in fanart when there aren’t many physical descriptors given in cannon? Well no worries, here’s a handy-dandy guide to spot your fave archival staff members (and friends!) at a glance, across the multitudes of gorgeous art out there:
Jonathan Sims: If Cecil from Night Vale didn’t sleep for a month and then got run over by a bus. Twice. Thinner than tracing paper. Feral, but fragile. Associated item: Tape recorder. Or twenty.
Martin Blackwood: Sweaters Jumpers and circles! Is he wearing a sweater jumper? Is he drawn entirely using round shapes and soft edges? Do you want to hug him on sight? It’s Martin. The definition of “shaped like a friend”.  Associated item: Mug of tea. (It’s for John. Even when it’s not, it is.)
Tim Stoker: Hot. He has finger guns and he’s not afraid to use them. Associated item: An axe, or the aforementioned guns.
Melanie King: Blindfolded. Usually short, usually angry (mood). May be wearing her own merch.  Associated item: There’s a knife on her somewhere. In hand, as a tattoo, at her hip - sometimes all three.
Georgie Barker: She’s got style. The rest of these motherfuckers wear clothes to function but Georgie’s put to-fucking-gether. I don’t know who decided it, but they’re right. May be wearing her own merch. Associated item: She’s usually got really dope earrings.  
Basira Hussein: Stoic as a sphinx and probably twice as knowledgeable. Often in a police uniform, generally in a hijab. Merely glancing at her image will convey her ruthless competence.  Associated item: A book
Alice ‘Daisy’ Tonner: Lean, mean, hunting machine. Many scars. Often in a police uniform. She will beat you up. Alternately: some sort of terrifying wolf monster Basira is comforting. Associated item: Raw butch energy. 
“Elias Bouchard”: Smug DILF.  Associated item: Length of pipe. Or sex toys (you know who you are)
Peter Lukas: Classic sea captain aesthetic. Healthy beard, cheap whistle around the neck. Seen most often in monochrome. Associated item: Elias’ ass (you know who you are).
Jane Prentiss: O, worm? Associated item: See above.
Nikola Orsinov: Uncanny valley...but make it sexy.  Associated item: Circus regalia
Michael: Lots o’ colours. Flowing blond hair from a L’Oreal commercial plus Freddy Kruger hands.  Associated item: Doors
Helen: Lots o’ colours. Powerful 80′s business woman vibes plus Freddy Kruger hands. Associated item: Also doors.
Gerard Keay: The gothest goth to ever goth. Lives at Goth street in Goth city, and takes the goth train every morning to work at Goth Ltd. And honestly? Good for him. He deserves to be able to pursue his interests. Associated item: A Leitner
Gertrude Robinson: The world’s most intimidating grandmother. Associated item: Your corpse, underfoot. She dealt with you before you even realized what was happening. While you were reading this very post, in fact. Now you’re going in the skin book. 
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mysterioussinkhole · 6 years ago
Another Twist
Statement Summary: Statement of Michael, taken direct from subject. He found Jon through his Spiral abilities, which he’s rather vague about. Killing Jon makes sense at the moment because it puts both the Stranger and the Eye at a disadvantage. Plus, it’s revenge for his fate. He is Michael but he never wanted to be him. Before he was Michael, Michael worked for Gertrude and he was something else entirely. But now they are the same. He has existed for far too long but Michael Shelley is easy to track. He worked at the Institute after his friend was taken by something Spiral aligned. Thus, he started working for Gertrude. Michael Shelley didn’t really understand her. He thought she was the fragile old woman she pretended to be rather than the ruthless watcher she really was. They went on a trip together to Russia. Most of the assistants had been prepared for the possibility of going on a trip so it didn’t strike him as odd. They taken to their destination by Peter Lukas for a time. Michael Shelley worried for Gertrude rather than himself. He became afraid when he was told of a great evil they were going to fight. He’s not sure he is really evil. The building they found had twisting, impossible proportions (made by “The Worker of Clay”). Many were there to open the doorway for him. The place they were in has never existed. Through the impossible terrain they found him beginning to emerge. Michael Shelley felt he was losing his mind. Gertrude stares straight at the statement giver, opened his door and sent Michael Shelley in. Even in that state, he trusted her. He had a map from Gertrude and he followed it all the way to the statement giver. And thus they became one. His becoming was to become Michael rather than become the end goal. The ritual was thwarted and the followers were cast out. Gertrude left with Peter. The rest is history.
He could never take revenge on Gertrude and she was not as good an Archivist as Jon now is. He’d hope the Archivist would defeat the Stranger before he had to die, but circumstances have changed. There is nothing he can really do to stop Michael. So he submits. Jon tries to open his door but it is locked. That is impossible. Michael starts screaming. The door opens. And now there is Helen. Not Helen Richardson, and not Michael Shelley. Apparently, Michael let personal feelings get in the way. Helen is more sympathetic to Jon and wants to help him leave. Utterly helpless, he goes along with it. He doesn’t know how long he’s been away.
Who Did It: The Spiral (plus some Stranger action)
Spooky Rating: 9/10, It’s all semantics, really
Kidnapped Drama: Jon is held captive by Nikola and her associates, gagged. She turns the recorder on for fun. The Do Not Open coffin is present as well as Breekon and Hope, before they are sent away. Nikola speaks to Elias, saying that she has Jon tied up and there are messed up wax figures all over the place. She says Jon is rude and asks too many questions. Mocking him, she asks how he’s feeling. He says something muffled that sounds distinctly like, “Fuck. You.” She goes on to explain how she’s altered her plan so now she’s going to skin him and where him. This distresses Jon. Nikola says they are in a place where the Eye can’t see them. She goes off to get some people to moisturize Jon’s skin. Oof. Later, the recorder turns on and Michael appears. He’s decided to kill him, but first removes Jon’s restraints and makes a statement.
Stray Thoughts: Now we see the cruelty inherent in the Gertrude. She was a stone cold motherfucker and the world is better for it. It’s a shame to lose Michael (his voice actor is really good!) but I love Helen. The switch up fits the Spiral so well because just when you think you understand it all, everything changes. I’m interested in what makes Jon a better Archivist. Is it his willingness to use his powers? His general nature? Is it just that he has less personal willpower than Gertrude and is more easily used as a chess piece? I have so many fucking questions. I’ve also noticed that most rituals have a key figure that factors into them: The Dancer, The Worker of Clay, The Archivist, etc. It seems like a neat thing to make up a list of headcanons for.
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runespoor7 · 8 years ago
YOI Hogwarts Sorting
For several characters I mention alternates. 
I also try to focus on the qualities exhibited by characters rather than decide they don’t fit in a House for lacking certain qualities, and some of there aren’t set in stone either.
Yuuri Katsuki: Gryffindor (or Slytherin)
Gryffindor because home boy has anxiety and puts himself again and again through both the competition and his own brazen claims of love/victory. He is very good at doing or saying outrageous stuff while being semi-terrified, and then being mortified, but he does it over and over and over again. It’s one of the things that most define him in the series, how he pushes forward and through his fear. And we learn that mostly, he’s felt like he’s done it alone, for years. He knows intellectually his family and friends support him, but he’s not able to draw strength from that knowledge (unlike JJ); even in the series, thoughts of others don’t really inspire him, his strength comes not from a sense of community, but from himself and from his refusal to give in to what he considers weakness. That’s a pretty damn Gryffindor set of attitudes to me.
Slytherin works for me because I am delighted in playing up Yuuri’s thirst for recognition, surpassing Viktor Living Legend Nikiforov, and gold medals. Yuuri hates hates hates losing. Yuuri puts “victory at the GPF” on his list of Personal Goals for last season, according to the JSF site. Yuuri’s competitive and self-centered (consider: his disregard for Minami; and I wonder at his distance from Sara Crispino, for instance, and his general non-involvement with skaters close to his age like Michele and Christophe. I’d have thought he’d at least have some comments about them and their skating, but nope. Yuuri pays attention to Phichit and Yuri’s skating and that is that). Also Yuuri’s smirking certitude that Yuri’s underestimating him tingle my Slytherin sense just a bit.
Yuuri’s on-ice attitude of “hate me, I dare you” and high goals get him Gryffindor or Slytherin, I don’t care that his anxiety wants him to be low-key.
 Viktor Nikiforov: Ravenclaw
Viktor values surprises, both surprising others and being surprised himself. He’s consistently delighted when Yuuri stuns him with his skating. He likes breaking the routine, trying new foods, visiting tourist traps, witnessing new things. Curiosity pushes him forward. He wants to be challenged, but more because it’s interesting than to get better: Otabek’s skating for instance catches his attention not because it’s better but because it’s fresh and thus interesting.
It makes him sound a very “ooooh, shiny!” kind of Ravenclaw, but I feel like his being a choreographer also deserves a mention. Even his choice to coach Yuuri. Viktor’s a visionary, an explorer. Curiosity, again.
 Yuri Plisetsky: Hufflepuff
Yura would absolutely make an excellent Gryffindor (he is fierce, loud, and reckless) and would probably sign up for Slytherin in a hot second (“if that’s what it takes for me to win, I’m yours body and soul”), but Hufflepuff fits him and his theme to a T.
Yuri’s thing is Agape.
One of the ways this translates is loyalty. Yuri’s the one putting efforts into dragging Viktor back to Russia, the one staying in touch with Yuuko, seeing his family whenever he can – and financially supporting them according to supplementary material. Twice he’s shown encouraging people. I also salute his tsundere dedication to making Viktor and Yuuri’s lives a living hell over what he judges are unworthy decisions or reactions. Yuri wants the people he looks up to to be as good as they can be.
His competitiveness with Yuuri makes his new found hard work a bit complicated to gauge, but I find it telling he starts to work hard over Yuuri and not over someone he genuinely dislikes like JJ.
Please put my furious child in Hufflepuff, Hufflepuff should get more spiky-cred than it’s given.
 Phichit Chulanont: Hufflepuff
Look I’m just not going to spend paragraphs arguing how the guy’s who the series shows as 1)community-oriented, and 2)a Best Friend, would be the Triwizard champion for Hufflepuff.
 Christophe Giacometti: tentatively Slytherin, but I’m not married to that and could see him a fine member of each House, ask me again in a week and I’ll probably like something else better.
An overabundance of choice even worse than Yuri P.
I could actually spend the rest of the afternoon babbling about Chris, but that’s too long and would rely on a half-ton of headcanon/fanon, so.
When I think of Slytherin for Christophe, I think of his anger in his GPF FS when Viktor cheered him on. How dare you, Viktor. Christophe wanted to defeat you. I think of his being 25 and never having won international gold. I think of his deflecting – oh, without Viktor, he’s not really into it – and his staying in the competition anyway. I think he’s good at being discreet.
…but I could see him in Hufflepuff, too, for his role mirroring Phichit as a best friend, for his smile sliding into melancholy at getting in fifth. For not letting his friendship with Viktor be warped by resentment.
He’s certainly smart – and I think, liking being smart – enough for Ravenclaw, flamboyant enough for Gryffindor.
 Otabek Altin: Slytherin
His inspirational monologue boils down to “be as you as you can be; the best you you can be,” with a side of “never satisfied.” What we know of his backstory doesn’t exactly hurt: that boy has made a lot of choices at a very young age to get where he is. He has made a lot of sacrifices. He has thrown himself away to be reborn better. Otabek is all about the price, and patiently working toward his goal. He’s good at bidding his time: see his friendship with Yuri. He is a master of theatrics. (Look. No-one performs a dashing rescue on a motorbike before doing a dramatic reveal of backstory with a perfectly-designed compliment on the eyes of the person one’s speaking with, in a gloriously scenic vista in front of a motherfucking sunset without being extremely talented at theatrics.) Last year, he looked so disappointed with his bronze at Worlds.
I could see a case for Gryffindor, but from where I stand, he’s such a perfect image for a deeply heroic Slytherin it seems a shame not to put him there. 
 JJ Leroy: Gryffindor
On paper, he has attributes I do often associate with Slytherin in others.
In practice, he’s so Gryffindor it hurts.
 Georgi Popovich: …I just don’t know; so much of Georgi is wrapped up in his thing with Anya. He could arguably fit pretty much anywhere.
I have to admit to a bias. Georgi’s attitude toward his ex makes me so uneasy I very much want to avoid putting him in Hufflepuff, because I don’t want to conflate his issues re:women with loyalty. What Georgi shows about Anya isn’t loyalty, it’s obsession and a refusal to see her as a person. He constantly thinks of her as the object of his affections. Emphasis on “object”.
Based on the rich, meticulous narrative structure of both his programs, I’m considering Ravenclaw. Georgi clearly put a lot of personal thoughts in these programs, the story he’s telling is very detailed, well-researched (see the Sleeping Beauty inspiration), and extremely expressive.
Aside from that, I’m left with Georgi’s age: he’s as old as Viktor, always second best to him even nationally, and hasn’t retired – in fact retirement doesn’t even cross his mind. And Yakov thinking that of all his skaters, Georgi is the most receptive.
I don’t know what to make of that, and I’m not married to Georgi being in Ravenclaw, but I do think it’s an idea.
 Michele Crispino: Gryffindor (?)
I feel like Gryffindor would tragically be a good fit. Anyone so caught up on their own narrative of being chivalrous and wanting to protect their sister forever would do well in Gryffindor; the very deliberately heroic imagery of his SP influences me some.
However, Hufflepuff might be a good fit too, much for the same reasons.
 Sara Crispino: Slytherin or Gryffindor
So, Sara’s unafraid of striking out on her own. She’s willing to sacrifice things and she’s willing to be ruthless to get what she wants/needs, see her “breaking up” with Michele right before his FS. She wants things and she goes after them, whether it’s Michele respecting her individuality, Seung-Gil, or interactions with Yuuri. She’s also the one skater able to pull off a specific combination (that I have momentarily forgotten) until Michele homages it, and when talking to him she’s very direct about wanting to reach the GPF.
 Emil Nikola: Hufflepuff
Wants everyone to get along, mellow, takes very well the fact that he’s not going to finish his FS cleanly in his inner monologue.
Precious sunshine.
 Seung Gil Lee: Slytherin
“I want the gold,” his theme for the season shouts at the top of its lungs. “I want it all.”
Then we have the fact that he specifically requested to skate a mambo. Unfortunately, Seung Gil doesn’t elaborate at any point why he chooses anything he did, so I’m left speculating: is it a new approach for him? If so, what is the reason behind the change? Does he want to surprise the judges, for better scores? To be more rounded up as a skater? Is he interested at all in that music and his will to “explore masculine sex appeal” yaddayadda or is he merely taking the approach of imitating Chris, who’s consistently ranked second behind Viktor with that style (so it’s repeatable, unlike Viktor’s own approach)? Depending on these, I guess I might see him in Ravenclaw if we’re getting desperate for Ravenclaws.
 Guang Hong: Hufflepuff (alternate: Gryffindor)
With the caveat I think he’s an actual cutie-pie, etc, and reserve to right to change my mind when I’ve done more thinking about him.
Hufflepuff feels a bit of a cop-out, simply because he’s so moe innocent and young and adorable. I like the idea of Gryffindor, for the riffing on the tone of his FS and his epic fictional taking-the-bullet for Leo.
 Leo de la Iglesia: Ravenclaw
An 18-year-old doing his own choreography piques my interest.
 Mila Babicheva: not a goddamn clue
I have zero idea what Mila’s inner life looks like. She teases Yuri and she’s clearly fond of him, she’s friendly with Sara (if not a friend), and she’s often used as audience reaction (whether it’s cackling/being D: about Georgi, wishing Viktor had been there for Yuuri to skate his FS well at the Rostelecom cup, or noticing Otabek). She likes fun.
But I have no clue about her motivations or her fears or her goals, so. Be free, little headcanons.
 Minami Kenjirou: cutest little Gryffinpuff
Hush, that’s totally a House.
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evils-corner · 8 years ago
Every even number on the list!
I misread that as every number on the list rip so I did them all
1. What’s your favorite candle scent?
Hmm…I think it’d probably be…anything vanilla honestly! Vanilla is just my favorite smell/one of my favorite flavors ;v;
2. What female celebrity do you wish was your sister?
Auli'i Cravalho! She just seems so fun and kind and just aaaa ;;v;;
3. What male celebrity do you wish was your brother?
Hmmm…….I’m…not sure…..probably….aaahhhhh probably Dwayne Johnson tbh he’s so funny and awesome I frickin love him
4. How old do you think you’ll be when you get married?
Well I don’t really plan to get married for a while so….maybe somewhere in my early 30s? 
5. Do you know a hoarder?
Yeah it’s me I hoard snacks and regret
6. Can you do a split?
s n o r t s I can’t even straighten my leg out all the way hon I’m the most UNFLEXIBLE motherfucker you’ll find
7. How old were you when you learned how to ride a bike?
I think I was…8 or 9? It scared me so it took me a while to do it ;v; 
8. How many oceans have you swam in?
I haven’t even seen an ocean in person
9. How many countries have you been to?
Exactly One
10. Is anyone in your family in the army?
Ah..not anybody who is still alive, no. My grandpa was though! 
11. What would you name your daughter if you had one?
If I ever decide to have kids, I always wanted to have twins, a boy and a girl..the girl’s name I really wanted was Vanessa
12. What would you name your son if you had one?
The boy’s name I always wanted for the twins was Vincent ;v; 
13. What’s the worst grade you got on a test?
uhhhh 40 something? I missed two weeks of school because of strep throat and I had to take the test anyways because my doctor kept putting off sending a doctor’s note, so there was no ‘’proof’’ I was actually sick ;o;
14. What was your favorite TV show when you were a child?
Definitely Go Diego Go! I liked Dora but I liked him better, because he rescued animals all the time and had that little jaguar with him ;v;
15. What did you dress up as on Halloween when you were eight?
When I was eight….I think I was a spider witch that year! Ironic since I’m very terrified of Spiders haha
16. Have you read any of the Harry Potter, Hunger Games or Twilight series?
I have read all of them…I didn’t enjoy Twilight, haha, I was pressured into reading it by my friends so :/ Not even mentioning how…bleh they were to begin with but that made it even worse..
17. Would you rather have an American accent or a British accent?
Um. I guess American? Midwestern. Whatever accent I have now. People from the coasts/other countries have told me I have an accent, like a lilt in the way I talk so…? I mean I don’t hear it but….that’s probably because. I grew up around it. with it. lmao it’s whatever
18. Did your mother go to college?
19. Are your grandparents still married?
Uh on my mother’s side they are, but not on my dad’s side
20. Have you ever taken karate lessons?
21. Do you know who Kermit the frog is?
How could I not he expresses my feelings better than I do
22. What’s the first amusement park you’ve been to?
Joyland! It shut down unfortunately haha, and I was too young to really remember most of the rides…the only one I remember was the Haunted Shack, because I didn’t WANT to ride it I wanted bumper cars…the giant spider on the wall on that ride made me cry ;o;
23. What language, besides your native language, would you like to be fluent in?
If you had asked me a few months ago/a year ago I would’ve had a solid answer, but now…? Um…I don’t know ;v; I would say Spanish for convenience, and a lot of my favorite phrases/songs are in Spanish so..
24. Do you spell the color as grey or gray?
It depends, most of the time I spell it Gray but if I’m doing something/writing something/reading something where it’s spelled grey I’ll spell it that way
25. Is your father bald?
No, but he’s starting to get a nice bald patch >:)
26. Do you know triplets?
yes I do! Taylor, Tony, and Troy are they’re names~
27. Do you prefer Titanic or The Notebook?
um…..Titanic, I don’t….really like romance stuff….
28. Have you ever had Indian food?
I don’t think I have, no
29. What’s the name of your favorite restaurant?
hm…probably the Cheescake Factory, or Panara Bread
30. Have you ever been to Olive Garden?
Yes and I’m in love with the breadsticks they’re so g o o d
31. Do you belong to any warehouse stores (Costco, BJ’s, etc.)?
My dad does, he belongs to Costco but I don’t 
32. What would your parents have named you if you were the opposite gender?
Nicholas. I was named after Nikola Tesla so it was already decided to either be Nicholas or Nichole
33. If you have a nickname, what is it?
Nikki or Evil :o 
34. Who’s your favorite person in the world?
okay you can’t make me choose just one? like that’s unfair I have too many??
@datonegaimidnight @acrylicqueen @charmyjouta are some of my fave people weeps they’re awesome and always make my day better 
35. Would you rather live in a rural area or in the suburbs?
Suburbs. I mean, rural is nice because it’s quiet and you can see the stars I’m love the stars so much ple a s e but I don’t like to be so disconnnected, so far away from everything
36. Can you whistle?
no…I can kinda sorta not really if I suck air IN but..I can’t whistle normally/well rip
37. Do you sleep with a nightlight?
yayaya I do, I have multiple. The one in the bathroom is really just so I don’t trip or anything, but the one in my room is for my paranoia ;v; 
38. Do you eat breakfast every morning?
Ah no, I rarely eat breakfast…mostly because eating too soon after waking up makes me feel sick all day haha, or I just don’t have time to
39. Do you take any pills or medication daily?
I take vitamins but that’s about it? 
40. What medical conditions do you have?
Ah lemme see…I’ve got mild scoliosis, and there’s…something wrong with my left eye I don’t remember what it’s called/if there’s a name for it but the nerves grew wrong so sometimes I can’t see outta that eye…I think those are the only physical medical conditions I have? I’m not gonna touch mental illnesses since I don’t even know what’s going on up there tbh I’m just a hot mess up there 
41. How many times have you been to the hospital?
For myself, I’ve only been to the hospital….once I think, when I fractured my arm. I’ve been multiple times with family/to visit family ;v;
42. Have you ever seen Finding Nemo?
43. Where do you buy your jeans?
Wherever I can get them relatively cheap (Normally I go to Walmart or JCPennys or something)
44. What’s the last compliment you got?
Someone at work told me I have really pretty eyes ;v; 
45. Do you usually remember your dreams in the morning?
I used to, but I barely remember my dreams anymore haha..I’m not even sure if I’m having dreams tbh
46. What flavor tea do you enjoy?
ah the only kinda tea I’ve had and enjoyed was Earl Gray, so…that one >w
47. How many pairs of shoes do you currently own?
Six pairs…I don’t really. Like having lots of shoes haha I just have a pair for any situation (Tennis shoes, work shoes, dress shoes, snow boots, and two pairs of slippers)
48. What religion will you raise your children to practice?
I don’t think I’ll raise them with a religion tbh since I don’t practice any specifically :u if they want to go to church/want to try something I’ll certainly let them, but I’m not gonna force anything on them
49. How old were you when you found out that Santa wasn’t real?
I was 8 and I cried
50. Why do you have a tumblr?
This started out as an ask blog for some rp characters I had, my Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Team Dark Aura. Though eventually I just liked Tumblr as a way to escape/post and look at funny pics/posts/etc so I turned it into my personal blog and stayed :U
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