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titobitex · 8 months ago
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reread a fic by AuburnSticks on ao3 that i got in the 2023 gta valentines day exchange and got inspired to draw him again! im slowly forgetting how to draw and i figured who'd better to draw than Brucie Kibbutz
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bedrockpizza · 5 months ago
Gta 4 incorrect quotes!
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Hope the five other gta 4 fans enjoy
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vyvy4n · 3 months ago
When I have art block I draw cats until I don’t have art block. It’s a peak strategy
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godidontgaf · 1 year ago
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felt too shitpost-y to put on my art acc so eat up godidontgaf followers!!!
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osihbj · 4 months ago
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The first one sounds so canon...
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southern-sighthound · 1 year ago
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how we feeling about this
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ann7531 · 1 year ago
Weird as it is, but I'd love to see a GTA IV add-on devoted entirely to Niko's everyday life.
How he works in taxi and has to listen to his clients' stories, troubles mostly ofc. How, given the chance, he stands up for those of his clients who can't stand their ground. And considering that Niko is fantastic at communication, no wonder he gets plenty of regular customers right away.
How he keeps telling Roman off for wasting his money, but never stops giving it.
How Mallory gives birth to a girl and how she and Roman ask uncle Niko to babysit from time to time. Which he agrees to, reluctantly at first, until he takes a liking to his funny sweet niece.
How Niko and Packie have this long and painful conversation about Kate's death.
How every once in a while old partners in crime try to convince him to take part in yet another heist or something, but Niko repeats over and over that he got his out.
How Bernie regularly invites him to join his little cruises and this one time Brucie joins them by chance. How Brucie sees that ~even~ Niko is totally cool with Bernie being gay and how it makes something shift inside him. How Brucie signs up for anonymous therapy and how snail-speed-slowly he is coming to realise who he really is.
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3311mm · 1 year ago
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sashazweig · 1 year ago
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GTA IV fancast 😊
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mrchouyu · 2 years ago
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thewonderbug · 2 years ago
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titobitex · 1 year ago
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bedrockpizza · 5 months ago
Gta 4 meme/photo dump :P
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hoodedboy79 · 7 months ago
SFW Alphabet: Roman Bellic
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Why is this the only Roman GIF I can find?? 😭
-(GN Reader)-
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
- Roman's love language is physical touch, so he's a massive fan of giving and recieving affection.
- Roman would show you affection in a multitude of ways, whether it be through spontaneous make out sessions, getting takeout after work so you don't have to cook or just lazing in bed with you on his days off, he'd make sure to show you how much he cares everytime his schedule (and wallet) allow him to.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
- The friendship would probably start either online or in a club.
- If it started online, Roman probably found your profile while he was mindlessly scrolling through LoveMe.net, looking for his next hookup. Or perhaps you befriended Brucie first and then he introduced you to Roman later on (after you completed a job for him).
- If it started in a club, Roman definitely was the one to approach you, either to dance or to get you a drink (that he's sorta hoping you'll pay for, if you're a guy) and you two just hit it off from there, not that it's partically hard to get on with Roman as long as you can tolerate his eccentric nature.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
- If you want to cuddle, Roman's down.
- You will spend a lot of time smacking his hands away from certain areas though. Roman can't help himself.
- Roman will probably end up falling asleep or getting bored and wanting to do something else after a while.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
- Roman's never really gave much thought on settling down, he's been encouraged over the years by his aunt and now Niko but Roman's having too much fun fucking around right now to worry about commitment.
- Instant Noodles is as far as Roman's cooking abilities go and in regards of cleaning, it's left up to Niko or whoever is forced to share a space with him at the time.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
- Procrastinate's so much. Generally will avoid doing it for a while.
- He'll complain about wanting to break up and just you in general to Niko, Mallorie, Brucie and just really anyone that will listen but when asked why doesn't he just do it and get it over with? Roman avoids the question.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
- Roman is the textbook definition of commitment shy.
- He can barely stick to the same group of girls to get him off, nevermind dating and marriage.
- But that doesn't mean it would never happen, it would just take a while for Roman to tire himself out with his current lifestyle.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
- Roman is gentle, especially emotionally.
- A stark difference to his cousin.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
- Roman loves hugs. It's one of his favourite ways of showing and receiving affection to/from the people he cares about, both platonically and romantically.
- He doesn't hug you for long but he sure does hug you tightly. Making sure to give you a squeeze before letting you go.
- The type to jokingly pick you up while hugging you too.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
- It would probably take a few months for Roman to say it and mean it. He let's it slip after a few drinks and he's feeling tipsy and loosed lipped, que both of you suddenly sobering up just a tad and staring at each other in shock for a moment.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?)
- Extremely jealous.
- Roman seeing you even talking to another man a bit too enthusiastically will send him off in a sulk, which will most likely turn into a drunken sulk.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
- Roman's kisses are all over the place. They range from quick, chaste ones, usually slapped on your cheek, as he's rushing out the door to work to longer and more passionate one's when you two get some more time together, alone.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
- Around kids that aren't his he can be a little awkward at first, not use to being around children, but if they're left with him for an extended amount of time then Roman becomes their new found 'fun uncle' type figure.
- With his own children, as babies Roman is pretty useless to begin with, he has little to no knowledge on how to properly care for infants and is just all over the place with nerves but with some help and reassurance eventually Roman will get it. He will happily leave the nappy changing up to you though.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
- Most mornings either consist of Roman being hungover or him begrudgingly getting ready for work (or both), so it's not too eventful.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
- There's an obvious answer here.
- But other than that, nights where he's not dragging you to a club or bowling alley mostly consist of watching crappy late night TV and eating whatever takeout Roman could afford, sometimes Niko joins you two too.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
- Roman's pretty upfront but also a bit of a liar.
- So while he may tell you things about his life very early on in your acquaintance a lot of it with be fabricated or exaggerated.
- But once you become close to him, a friend or more, and learn most of what he told you at the start was bullshit to make himself sound better, Roman would tell you some things about when he first came to America and may or may not let some things slip about his and Niko's life back in Yugoslavia when he's drunk and feeling sentimental.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
- Gets pissy very quickly, especially when drunk but getting Roman actually angry is a task.
- He doesn't stay angry for long though, he'll either forget when he sobers up or, if it's actually annoyed him, a genuine apology should get you and Roman on good terms again.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
- Roman's weird when it comes to remembering things. Especially, in terms of smaller things, is he going to remember the exact way you like a certain type of food prepared? Probably not. But will he suddenly remember some random item you mentioned wanting a month ago while walking past a store front? Yep.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
- The first date. The way you two just clicked and managed to have fun together even with the limited options of entertainment available fully convinced Roman to pursue you properly.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
- Roman's protective but not the best at protecting, if you get what I mean.
- He'd be the first one to jump in and act the tough guy if someone was bothering you and if it's just a verbal altercation then Roman could hold his own but if it turned physical...Niko's getting a panicked phone call.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
- He really tries when it comes to anniversaries and gifts. I mean you're his partner, you deserve the best ofc.
- Will probably try and take out another loan to buy you something extravagant (please stop him).
- In terms of dates, Roman either leaves it up to you or just drives around till you two spot somewhere interesting looking.
- Everyday tasks is something Roman gets pretty lazy with. He's not a complete slob that never cleans but he definitely leaves it till the last minute.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
- His fear/lack of commitment.
- His forgetfulness. He's doesn't do it out of malice or lack of care, Roman's just a bit scatterbrained at times.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
- In his day to day life Roman doesn't actually put too much effort into his appearance, fresh clothes and a quick finger brush of his hair will do him.
- Not because he doesn't care enough but because Roman's convinced he's attractive no matter what, so what's the point?
- He will fuss though when he's going to the Maisonette 9 with you or Brucie, he knows to get out his suit when it comes to that.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
- If your relationship is at the stage where Roman is generally in love with you, then yes, he would.
- Contrary to what some might believe Roman doesn't fall in love easily so if, for whatever reason, you leave, he'd be devastated.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
- If you invite him to do something he doesn't really want to do Roman will probably make up some excuse to say he's busy but send Niko in his place instead.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?)
- Roman wouldn't like someone that's uptight.
- Like would Roman enjoy someone who's a bit more prepared and responsible than him? Maybe. But would he like someone who's too uptight to relax and have fun every once in a while? Definitely not.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
- Roman's sleep schedule is pretty inconsistent due to his work and nightly endeavours so when he finally does get home, whether it be morning or night, Roman's out for the count as soon as he's off his feet.
I'm back from procrastinating again 🙌 (This sat unfinished in my drafts for over 3 months 💀)
I still do write for GTA 4, to the person who asked me to write for Packie, I will do eventually when I've finished some other things I'm working on.
Hope this wasn't too bad!
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gtafest · 3 months ago
From webbiemuppiepuppie (who doesn't have a Tumblr):
happy holidays @titobitex! i’m your secret santa in @gtafest, i hope you like what i wrote!
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osihbj · 4 months ago
I want to create server on discord 'bout GTA IV, but i have on my mind something casual.
I want this place to be comfortable for everyone, maybe even we can do roleplay sometime or talk on vc, play some games together I dunno, we'll see.
Anyone who wants to join my server just add me on my discord: osihbj
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