#niko x karolina
swarkler · 6 years
in which Nico is lowkey jealous of Xavin and Karolina reassures her with stories from when they were kids
Karolina waltzes into her bedroom, thrilled to finally have a chance to lie down after a long day of fighting her evil alien family. Once again, she and her friends have barely made it out alive and their fight was far from over, but right now she’s just way too tired to think about any of that.
She sees Nico already lying in bed, which is very unlike her. Nico hardly ever slept, especially these past few days. Karolina takes a seat beside her, running her hand up and down her girlfriend’s spine but getting no response.
“Are you okay?” She asks softly.
“I’m fine.” Nico groans. They have been together long enough for Karolina to know that meant she was Definetely Not Fine.
“Hey, look at me.” She pleads, and Nico finally turns her head to face her. Her makeup is intact, so Karolina knows she hasn’t been crying, but there’s still some sadness in her eyes. “Tell me what’s up.”
“It’s nothing.” Nico replied quickly, always trying to avoid talking about her feelings. “I just wish I could’ve done more today, you know.”
“What do you mean?” Karolina furrows her brow. “You guys totally saved me and Chase back there.”
Nico avoids Karolina’s eyes as she speaks. “Some of us contributed more than others.”
Suddenly, Karolina knows exactly what’s going on, and the mere idea of it is so ridiculous she can’t help but laugh, much to Nico’s desmay. “Is this about Xavin?”
“Of course not! She was the one who got you to safety, you know that’s all I wanted.” Nico’s voice breaks a little, and Karolina realizes how much her girlfriend was hurting while she was being held hostage by Jonah. “I just… I wish I could’ve done more.”
“Hey, you did more than enough, okay?” She reaches out to grab Nico’s hand reassuringly. “You came back for me. You led the rescue mission that got me and Chase out. I know you wish you could’ve fought more, but now that our parents have that brain-jamming thing…”
“But that’s the point, isn’t?” Nico sits up, her tone louder now, angrier. “I couldn’t use my staff, so I was pretty much useless back there. You were right in front of me and there was nothing I could do to help you. Xavin, on the other hand…”
“Nico.” Karolina stops her, cupping her girlfriend’s face with both hands gently, trying to get Nico to look into her eyes. “You don’t have to worry about that! The important thing is I’m home now, and I’m safe, and I’m with you, okay?”
“I don’t know…” Nico is still looking down, her whole expression screaming heartbreak. Karolina wishes she could somehow squeeze the sadness out of her. Nico had suffered enough, she deserved to be happy. “I just can’t help but think that maybe you would be better of with someone else. Someone who doesn’t need a creepy magic stick to be there for you when you need it. Maybe… maybe someone from the same planet as you.”
“Okay, no, I’m not having this.” Karolina says decisevely, knowing damn well that this is the only way Nico will listen when she’s like this. “I’m not gonna leave you for Xavin just because she doesn’t need props to use her powers or because she comes from the same planet as I do.”
“You forgot to mention the part about how you two are apparently destined to be together by some sort of ancient alien prophecy.” Nico adds sourly.
“Yeah, I don’t give a shit about that either. I mean sure, it’s cool to have someone in my life that knows what I am and where I come from other than my sociopathic father, but you…” She smiles as she plays with a loose strand of Nico’s hair tenderly. “Nico, I’ve loved you since we were 6 years old. And these past few months we’ve spent together? Somehow, in the middle of all of this chaos, you and I managed to build something beautiful, and I’ve never been more sure of anything in my entire life. You have nothing to worry about, okay?”
“Okay.” Nico blushes, grabbing Karolina’s hand from her cheek and kissing her fingers. She is clearly still a tiny bit insecure, but they can work on that later. Karolina pulls her girlfriend in for a hug and the two of them cuddle in silence for a moment, just appreciating the feeling of each other’s company.  
“Hey.” Nico’s raspy voice breaks their comfortable silence. “Did you really mean that thing you said? About when we were little?”
“Well, yeah.” It’s Karolina’s turn to blush now. She has never spoken to anybody about this, especially not Nico. The two of them hardly ever talked about the times before their lives fell apart. “I remember this one time in first grade when this kid Jenna McNamara asked to borrow my scissors for a school project. I knew she was kind of a bully, but I genuinely thought she was just asking for a little help, you know? Anyway, the second I handed her my pair of scissor she cut my ponytail right off, no warning. I was devastated.”
“And then I grabbed your chopped-off ponytail and I hit her in the face with it.” Nico laughs, and it warms Karolina’s heart. She wasn’t sure if Nico would remember. “We were called into the principal’s office and everything. My parents were furious, but at least I got to take her down with me.”
“You were always such a tough kid, even before...” She doesn’t finish her sentence, leaving the circumstances unsaid. There’s no point in bringing up old wounds, not right now. “You protected your friends, whenever they needed you. I had no idea that having crushes on girls was even a possibility back then, but I knew I thought you were the coolest person in the whole world. I guess I never stopped thinking that.”
“Not even when I fell on my ass in the middle of the school cafeteria and injured my tailbone?” Nico teases, finally reverting to her usual self.
“Nope.” Karolina shook her head vehemently. “I remember that day, you and Amy were showing us your karate moves, I actually thought it was kind of badass. I mean, you injured your tailbone and you didn’t even shed a tear.”
“What?!” Nico raises her eyebrows, clearly not buying it. “C’mon, it was super embarrassing. I had to carry that stupid special tailbone pillow with me everywhere.”
“And I thought it was adorable.” She reaches closer, planting a soft kiss to her girlfriend's lips. “You even let me bedazzle it, remember?”
“How could I possibly forget?” Nico rolls her eyes.
“Well…” Karolina shrugs, grinning tauntingly. “I know it wasn't exactly my best fashion work, but at least it was funny. You could've bought yourself another one if you didn't like it, but you never did.”
“Of course not.” It's Nico's turn to lean in for a kiss. “A pretty girl made that one for me, I wasn't gonna throw it away.”
Karolina is more than used to people calling her pretty, so used to it that most of the time she'd prefer it if people could just compliment her on literally anything other than her physical appearance. Still, there's something about the way Nico says it that never fails to make her stomach flutter. She knows that the beauty Nico sees in her is about a lot more than the blonde hair or the blue eyes.
“Anyway, my point is…”  She backs away from Nico's lips just enough to be able to speak, still keeping their faces less than an inch apart. She loves watching Nico from up close, being able to see all the little details that are usually hidden by the heavy makeup. God, she loves this girls so much. "I don't care what any prophecy has to say. You've always been my hero, Nico, even before you found your staff, and I'm sure that if there's anyone out there I'm destined to be with, it's gotta be you.”
“Good.” Nico responds seriously, wrapping her arms around tightly around Karolina and planting a kiss to the top of her head. Karolina had known Nico her hole life and she never imagined her tough goth crush would turn out to be such a soft girlfriend. If anything, this surprise only made her love her even more. “Because you're my hero too, and I never want to lose you.”
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Do you want to look Gay?
First step: Use this outfit
There's no more steps
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cophine-wayhaught · 5 years
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Check out my chanel for melko and deanoru kisses
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KAROLINA AND NIKO ARE SO CUTE!!! Like she for real did not want to leave Karolina out there against Jonah Jonah alone. And although I feel like it was a bit rushed I don't particularly hate the pacing. Like it did what it needed to do, it was mainly the fact they kept dragging on the possibility of Alex x Niko until they decided, fuck it let's just make Alex a little unlikable and have Niko hate him. Like I see what they were trying to do but I feel like it was just paced poorly. But I mean that's bound to happen with an only 10 episode season I guess. Now back to how cute they are. The way Karolina was just like "I've been wanting to do that for a long time" had me screaming. And when Alex was like "Do you want any company" and Niko was like "sure, Karolina come with?" And that whole moment i. Karolina's bedroom. Not to mention (although I do not condone either of their behaviors in that scene) when Gert was like "Do you have a thing for Niko?" LIKE SHE WAS SO OBVIOUS!!
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rosamundpkes · 3 years
niko x karolina!
i genuinely only watched runaways for them but yes i love them! i wasn't a fan of some of the s3 storylines but everything else was amazing
send me a ship and i’ll give you my (brutally) honest opinion on it
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chucksnerdthoughts · 7 years
Thoughts on, “Destiny” (Runaways)
This series continues to impress! Spoiler thoughts below.
1. I really liked all the hints about the Pride’s past. First off, we straight up saw that Molly’s parents died. It might have been Niko’s mom who did it. We don’t know why, but she’s def the most evil of the parents, so I’m not surprised. That could just be a misdirect though. And then, we also found out that Karolina’s dead had the memory wipe thing happen to him. So I think its safe to say he was a member of the Pride, but then he did something either he wanted to forget or the group wanted to forget. I’m sure by the end of the season, we’ll get a few of these answered.
2. It pains me to see Molly get picked on by the group. Them not believing her is so rough. But it makes sense. They see her as the baby of the group and that’s how a lot of people act. They see the youngest as lesser. But this sets up the group arc of the team realizes who smart and valuable Molly is. Just because she’s young doesn’t mean she doesn’t know what she’s doing. And that was proved with the whole scene where she lies to Alex’s mom.
3. I’m really loving the flirting between Chase and Gert. Its super adorable. Everything with the x-ray specs was just perfect!
4. We got our first real look at Old Lace!! That was amazing! I’m so excited to see more of her.
5. I’ve been meaning to complain about this, but I keep forgetting. The Staff of One. I think they made it not magical anymore. It looks like the staff makes it so that whatever Niko’s thinking becomes real and its based in science. I don’t like that. The staff is supposed to be magic and whatever Niko says, happens, but she can never repeat the same spell. So she would have said, “Snow” and it started to snow. But if she said, “Snow” a second time, something bad would happen. So her constant struggle is to come up with new ways of doing similar things. But now they completely removed that huge part of Niko’s character and I hate it. The point is that its limiting. With magic, you can just do anything and that gets rid of so much drama. But this is supposed to be magic with a very limiting rule. So she really can do anything, but only once. Its frustrating. Plus like, in the comics, Niko ALWAYS has to say something in order for a spell to happen. Whereas in Harry Potter, they say that they need to speak a spell, unless its an action scene. 
6. I liked the pairing between Niko’s dad and Chase’s mom. They def need each other. And they feel like good enough people to deserve this. 
Besides that one change, I’m super into this series. The characters are great, the story is interesting, and I’m just excited to see where they take things.
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