#nighty night everybody
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silly-goobr · 7 months ago
Lots of times I’ve gone “I wish I were cisgender” but no I think I just wish people would let me be transgender like being trans is fine and it’s acumtually so cool but when you factor in the ppl who hate us it becomes a nightmare that you have to survive everyday with no reward in sight and you feel like the minotaur imprisoned in that labyrinth below crete and you’re just
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monards · 11 months ago
I’m like the hungry caterpillar but with naps. I have taken several today; and I’m still absolutely so ready to go to bed
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nights-flying-fox · 2 years ago
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Rainy day!!
Day 13 of @rise-april-art-challenge - Umbrella
I got a bit burned out so all I could do was a doodle of Donnie 😅
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brightfemurz · 7 months ago
i got called he/him in a voice call without ever mentioning my pronouns and got offhandedly told that my voice sounded hot (i was very eepy and so my voice was tired and low pitched). i think ive peaked im packing up and going home.
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tortillamastersblog · 10 months ago
ⴵ Mac and Cheese | Yelena Belova ⴵ
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Pairing: Yelena Belova x reader
Warnings: none
Summary: After a brutal mission, Yelena lets you take care of her…
“Ha! Suck it, Y/N,” Peter exclaims, slamming the Draw 4 card onto the table.
“Watch it, kid,” I warn playfully, which makes him cackle.
Wanda chuckles next to me and gives Peter a high five.
“And you,” I say, turning to her and pointing an accusing finger at her chest, “Don’t encourage him!”
“Oh, shush! Now draw your cards,” she counters with a smirk.
I roll my eyes and grumble my disapproval, leaning forward in my seat to draw my cards, when F.R.I.D.A.Y. announces the return of the rest of the team.
“Nooo!” Peter whines when I jump out of my seat. “You can’t leave now.”
I throw the rest of my cards on the table, and send him an evil smile. “I can, and I will, little one.”
Wanda laughs and sets her cards down as well. “It’s over, Peter. Better luck next time,” she says.
Peter groans and reluctantly collects all the cards, putting them back where they belong before joining Wanda and me.
We make our way outside onto the lawn just as the Quinjet touches down.
It takes a second longer for the engine to shut off and the back door to drop, revealing the team.
They look tired and beat, but at least they’re all safe and home now. Wanda goes to greet Vision with a quick kiss and Peter moves to embrace Tony in a hug.
I smile at the reunion, even though it’s only been two days since they left. Then, my eyes sweep over the rest of the team until they land on the person I’m looking for.
She’s one of the last ones to step off the jet. Her shoulders are slumped and she’s dragging her feet tiredly, but when her eyes meet mine, she perks up slightly.
“Hey,” I say softly as she approaches. “Tired, my love?”
Yelena exhales shakily and collapses into me, her arms wrapping around my shoulders and her face landing in the crook of my neck. “Yes,” she mumbles.
Poor baby…
I return the embrace, squeezing her waist for a second before pulling back slightly to brush a strand of hair out of her face. “How about a hot bath and some dinner before bed?”
Yelena leans into the touch and nods with her eyes close.
“Alright, let’s go.” I press a kiss to her forehead and lead her inside after the rest of the team.
From time to time they eye us with guarded curiosity, and at first I’m not sure why but then I realize they’ve never seen Yelena this openly affection before.
She’s leaning into me as we’re walking, my arm over her shoulder and hers around my waist, gripping my shirt weakly.
She’s usually not a fan of PDA, but when she’s tired she’s apparently not as opposed to it.
“Nighty night, everybody,” I say when we get to the door of my room.
A chorus of “good night” sounds through the hallway and before long, Yelena and I are alone.
I take her to the en-suite bathroom and guider her to sit on the closed toilet, moving away to get her bath started.
“Have you had anything to eat today?” I ask worriedly when her stomach grumbles a few moments later.
I turn to see her leaning against the wall with her eyes closed. “No,” she whispers.
I frown and sprinkle the rest of my epsom salt into the water before approaching her. I kneel in front of the toilet and take her hands into mine. “Are you okay?”
It’s not normal for her to be this quiet, not even when she’s tired.
She blinks her eyes open and I’m surprised to find them bloodshot and a little watery. “I don’t know,” she croaks, her bottom lip trembling.
I straighten up, alarmed, and taker her face in my hands. “Are you hurt?”
She shakes her head and blinks slowly, a tear tracking down her cheeks which I’m quick to wipe away with the pad of my thumb. “I’m just so exhausted, and today has been awful—I don’t know…”
I hum softly and run my thumb over her cheek a couple more times before getting up to shut off the water.
Then I turn back to Yelena and hold out my hands for her to take. I pull her to her feet and press a kiss to her forehead. “It’s going to be okay. I’m here for you.”
She blinks at me, looking more vulnerable than I’ve ever seen her, and whispers, “I love you.”
I smile softly and raise her hands to my mouth, kissing each palm. “I love you, too. So, so much.”
She cracks the tiniest of smiles and pulls me in for a short kiss. I sink into it, loving how I still get goosebumps every time we kiss even though we’ve been together for a couple of years now.
When we break apart she sighs and rests her forehead against mine while I get to work on stripping her out of her suit. She assists every once in a while, but in the end I do most of the work. I don’t mind it. Not at all, especially because it demonstrates just how much she trusts me and I can’t help but feel a rush of affection for her.
“Alright, in you go,” I say softly once the suit and the rest of her clothes have been discarded. I lead her to the bathtub and help her sink into the water.
“Thank you,” she says, not letting go of my hand just yet. “For taking care of me.”
I squeeze her hand and run my thumb over her knuckles. “Always…”
She squeezes back and closes her eyes, sinking deeper into the water until the bottom part of her chin is submerged. I stay with her for a couple more seconds to make sure she’s fine before kissing her forehead one more time and leaving the bathroom to find something for her to eat.
When I get to the kitchen, I find Nat and Clint talking over a giant pot of Mac and Cheese.
They look up when they notice me and greet me with soft smiles.
“How’s Yelena?” Clint asks, putting his fork down to reach for his glass of water.
“Not so good,” I admit as I go to grab a bowl and a fork.
Nat’s brows furrow and she pushed the pot over to me so I can grab a serving of the cheesy goodness. “How come? I know she was quiet on the plane, but when I asked her about it she blew me off and told me she was just tired.”
I press my lips into a thin line and take a deep breath. “She‘s having a bad day, I think. At least that’s what she told me,“ I reply.
Nat hums in understanding and squeezes my shoulder. “Good thing she’s got you then.”
I smile a little bashful and excuse myself, wishing them a good night before taking the bowl of food and heading back to my room.
When I get there, Yelena’s already curled up under the covers of the bed. The soft glow of the lamp on the bedside table illuminates the room just enough for me to make out the frown on her face.
I sit down on the bed next to her and place a hand on her hip which makes her open her eyes.
“Here, I brought you something,” I say, waving the bowl in front of her.
She sits up ties her hair into a loose ponytail. “What is it?” she asks, her voice raspy.
I smirk and hand her the bowl and the fork. “Your favorite.”
She sends me a small, grateful smile and takes the bowl while I get under the covers next to her. She eats in silence, leaning into my side and offering me a bite or two every now and then.
“Thank you,” she says once she’s done, placing the bowl onto the nightstand. She turns off the light and shuffles down on the bed, pulling me with her until her head is on my chest and her leg is thrown over my hips under the covers.
It’s only then that I realize she’s wearing my high school hockey sweatshirt and I can’t help but smile at the sight.
I run my hand over her back and slip it beneath the fabric and begin drawing soft circles onto her warm skin.
“That feels nice,” she whispers, nosing forward to press a kiss to my throat.
I hum and continue scratching her back. In moments like these it’s easy to forget that she’s a trained assassin.
“Could we maybe stay in tomorrow and watch a movie or something?” she asks, slipping her hand under my shirt so it rests on my stomach.
I chuckle softly. “Of course. Anything you want, my love.”
It’s not long after that that her breathing evens out and slows down, indicating she’s fallen asleep.
I sight, relieved she’s home and unharmed, and close my eyes, ready to drift off as well.
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starastarship · 8 months ago
opening adoptables 1/4
gonna open adoptables here now! each of them cost 10$ each! The designs are all based on my AUs magic system of getting a kid! if you want anyone just dm me!
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this is part 1/4 (and yes including the fanchildren of my OC Starchild too, but once adopted they won't have a connection at all)
Now to sum the first once up
Pendant: Risking is all this penadant about. Darin will get a sudden spurt of an idea they can do. Depending on how big the idea is, it chances of success increases or decreases!
A certain interest in stunts, they are daring to try out new things. But don't take them as just someone who just takes the risk. They calculate each stunt to bring the best outcome of it!
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Pendant: Moonhop is already fast as is, but using their pendant, gripping it, they become extremely fast, leaving a trail of dust behind like a comet.
This Bunny-owl was born ready for any kind of competition! Having quiet the Energy, Moonhop is always up for a game, sport or not! Just don't be a sore loser if they win!
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Pendant: Whenever they are in danger, or need help their pendant summons a bubble around them and if needed all the critters nearby/ they want to protect.
They will protect anyone and everybody in need! Thunderguard will jump into action, if someone needs help and protection, not really having a regard for their own safety! Remind them always that their safety is important too!
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Nighty Nightphant
Pendant: With the Power of the stars, Nighty can gain the wisdome and knowledge of the past, present and future for a short amount of time, thanks to the telling of the stars
A curious nature and a fascination with the night sky, Nighty will always tell you the newest thing they just learned from the sky. Carrying a big telescope whever they go, to see the night sky wherever they are!
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Smarty Smartcorn
Pendant: If Smarty knows and remembers the scientific component of an object, they only have to think of it and the object will come out of their pendant. However the Pendant either needs to cool down before it can create another object or the object before has to be destroyed.
A mix between the logic and the creative side of the brain, Smarty uses their knowledge on things and their creative thinking, to find a solution to any kind of problem!
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Dreamcat (closed)
Pendant: The pendant, when activated, can let Dream give everyone a dream of their choosing, good or bad, and let them look into the sleep of others.
sleeping for most of the day on their floating cloud, Dreamcat wishes all their friends a good night sleep wherever they are! A calm and relaxed nature, brings even the most insomniac critters, sweet dreams!
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Pendant: This Pendant, bases the mood of a critters based on Cuddles. It works in a specific radius, which makes all the critters, feel the same emotion as Cuddles themselves.
Cuddles, with their un-bear-able love to give, will make sure that you will have the most amazing, active and loved day, everyday! Be it with simple compliments, getting you out of bed, hugs and more, to accomplish their goal!
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Pendant: Coolcaw has the power to change the weather in either direction. It could be a sunny day and the next thing you know it's raining cats and dogs!
Make way for this cool critter! Coolcaw will take you up on all challenges at once to show you who is the coolest and awesomest critter out there! But be warned they neither are a good winner nor a good loser!
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Shelly Seashell
Pendant: Shellys pendant, let's them take control various little sea creatures for 5 minutes, before they start fighting the control off and regain themselves again.
Shelly can never pass onto some good seafood. They always brings snacks for their friends and some seasnacks just for themselves!
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bow-to-your-king · 4 months ago
☆ Greetings, Mortal ☆
[plain text: Greetings, Mortal]
I am Nightmare, the King of Negativity. Do not bother to try and kill me- it's rude, for one.
Welcome to my castle. I recommend you treat me with respect.
You may call me:
☆ Nightmare
☆ My liege
☆ My king
☆ Boss
☆ Your majesty
☆ Night (if we are friends)
You may NOT call me "Nighty." EVER.
[plain text: OOC INTRO]
This is a roleplay blog for Nightmare Sans! :) Please send in asks, they are more than welcome!
This blog is run by the Bloodbane System (our main is @yellow-computer-mouse), and Nightmare is a fictive. Because of this, we ask you to respect some boundaries.
☆ Nightmare is aromantic, asexual, and demiplatonic. He is very slow to trust, and this trust can be easily broken. Do not be offended if he doesn't consider you a friend. He only has two or three, from what we know. (We also won't say who these friends are openly, to avoid hurt feelings. You can ask, but you might not like the answer. Know that his opinions on you don't represent all of us.)
☆ He REALLY doesn't like his authority being undermined. Please don't do that.
☆ It stresses him out when he feels like he has to worry about your health. Please don't make jokes about things that could hurt you (eating inedible items, jumping off of something, etc). If you're not sure, don't.
☆ We're pretty sure he's a prosecutor of some kind? He might be snappish or rude. Don't be an asshole to him for this. We're really sorry if he says or does something to upset you. He almost certainly doesn't mean it, unless you're being a dick to us on purpose.
☆ He also might have underwhelming or upsetting reactions to things. Again, please be nice.
We also have a very small DNI!
☆ Proshippers
☆ Anti-endos (we don't care if you interact, but we're endogenic and support all origins)
☆ NSFW blogs (we're a minor bodily)
☆ Radqueers/TransID (this doesn't count good-faith labels)
☆ Standard criteria. Use your heads!
Have fun, everybody! :)
- Curly
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cve-th3mvsic · 10 months ago
i honestly need a schedule
like… i need set days.
i need to have set days that are for certain things.
like, a certain day, i will allow myself to be on tumblr and goof around and not be as productive as i would like to be (meaning i’ll js get distracted on here).
i need certain days where i will draw. nothing else. no tumblr. just. draw. practice. get good.
and then days where i’ll be silly and play roblox and probably farm on royale high
ima do that. ima make myself a schedule.
i’m also gonna shower- nighty night everybody. sleep well, stay hydrated, eat enough, and stay hyped 🔥
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oetter · 5 months ago
the cat has begun calling for me from my bedroom door so i think it’s time for me to retire. nighty night everybody
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hysteria-things · 7 months ago
guys since you guys love me sm can y’all give me angst idea on my acc since people on my acc won’t (im going through it and need some juicy ass angst) 🥲
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i’m officially going to hit the hay nighty night everybody🤠
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the-himawari · 2 years ago
A3! Ikaruga Misumi - Translation [SR] BEYOND FULL BLOOM
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*Please read disclaimer on blog
Misumi: Hey there~!
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Comment: “Hello!”
Comment: “We came to watch~!”
Comment: “Great job on the special performance~!”
Misumi: Gee, thanks~!
Comment: “I went to watch since I’m from Hokkaido~!”
Comment: “I travelled there!”
Misumi: Wow, a lot of you went to watch us, huh! I’m super grateful!
Comment: “Both Misumi-kun and Hisoka-kun’s Josef were amazing!”
Misumi: Ehehe, thanks! Hisoka was cool as Josef too, wasn’t he! We couldn’t share the stage… But we had a lot of fun preparing for our roles together~. …Y’know, I kinda feel like talking to Hisoka now! I’ll be right back. Sit tight for a second, everyone!
*runs off*
Comment: “Ehh!?”
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Comment: “Misumi-kun!?”
Comment: “Where did he go~?”
*comes back*
Misumi: Thanks for waiting! I brought Hisoka over~.
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Comment: “That was fast!”
Comment: “Ah, it’s Hisoka-kun!”
Comment: “You brought him!?”
Hisoka: Are you streaming…?
Misumi: Yep! We were discussing the special performance and then I got the itch to talk with you. So, let’s chat!
Hisoka: Fufu. Sure.
Comment: “I feel healed by this interaction…”
Comment: “They have a unique air!”
Comment: “What did you two do after you arrived in Hokkaido?”
Hisoka: We… ah, we played with the cats in Hokkaido.
Misumi: Oh yeah! You also played with them the day after Muku and I did.
Hisoka: The cats were adorable. I had a good time.
Misumi: Even though we went to Hokkaido, we just did the same things as usual~.
Hisoka: …
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Comment: “Is Hisoka-kun nodding off?”
Comment: “Is he okay?”
Misumi: Are you sleepy, Hisoka? Sorry for dragging you over all of a sudden.
Hisoka: It’s… fine… Zzz….
Misumi: Oh boy. It looks like Hisoka fell asleep, so I’m gonna end today’s stream here. Thanks for tuning in, everybody. Nighty night.
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thenewfuture · 1 year ago
Guys check the time on your wrists and trust us when we say…make sure you don’t fall asleep against the monitors.
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It's....almost up....
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Ruruka: Nighty-night!~ *She rubs his head*
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*yaaaaawn* We're gonna see each other again, got it?
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You make it sound ominous like that....
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"Too a good night's sleep everybody!"
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It's not even night time yet...
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Nevertheless comrades... All we can do now, is to pray...
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You needn't worry Hajime, I'll be right by your side.
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And give you a proper bonking on the head should you talk in your sleep!
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Be safe. Both of you.
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Got it. And Kyosuke?
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Never mind. I'll save it for later.
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*The timer hits zero on everyone's bangles... And everyone falls asleep....*
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Mmmm.... That was it, wasn't it?
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Mmmnnrrgghh... Yeah... Seems like the door held...
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Good. Then we shall-
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Hey. What's wrong?
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*Kyosuke and Juzo both wake up to a horrific sight... Laying in fron of them is.......*
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Chisa...... No.....!
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nights-flying-fox · 2 years ago
Welcome back to Welcome Back, Doc!! It's time for the last chapter, where Bugs has his problems solved with a little help and the Warners have some fun. Featuring a few random fires.
It is finally here!! And finished!!
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rulerzzre4chf4n · 1 year ago
hi everybody!! im sorry for not blogging today.. to make up for it!! heres what i did tday..
had a sleepover with friends !!
cleaned room..
listened to a lot of music!!
read my fav books
watched a movie w my mama!!!!!
ik guys i did smmm!!! its so cool, i love hanging out w my mom.
im eepy, ill give song of da night and then eep.
song of the night ISSSS
best song ever debate me on it.
love u guys! nighty night,
maru 🫶
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anniesocsandgeneralstore · 1 year ago
I’m off to bed, good night everybody! I hope you all get wonderful sleeps and have fun dreams 💞💞 btw Here to Stay Chapter 3 is dropping tomorrow morning at 8:30 AM EST! Another one of my favs so far honestly, so I hope you all enjoy. Nighty night!
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supbreak20 · 1 year ago
Write a horror story in the format of an Internet search history
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