themarissaharrison · 2 years
open starter! location: bonfire event 001! time: early-ish in the evening!
Marissa, along with quite a few other Nightrest residents, was already feeling the effects of the booze and joints that were floating around the bonfire. Sure, it was still fairly early on in the night, but a bunch of them had pregamed at Chi’s place, so they had a headstart - it’s what Lou would have wanted, after all. The dude was pretty old, so weren’t these things supposed to be celebrations of life, heavy on the CELEBRATION? That’s what Riss was leaning into anyway, besides no one seemed to be particularly beside themselves about the death.
“To Lou! And everything he would have wanted!” Riss rose a toast with a laugh. 
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jacoboh · 2 years
open to: everyone
location: halftide rock, near the bonfire
As much as he seemed to end up going out, Jacob wasn't actually a big party guy. He'd come because it felt like the right thing to do, but as the hours passed by and drinks finished, he'd found a bit of peace sitting closer to the beach with a drink in hand, slightly away from the bustle of the bonfire. Sound of footsteps approaching would pull his gaze away from the waves and towards the figure near him. "Oh, hey," he spoke, offering the person above a smile. "Sorry, guess I just needed a minute away from the noise."
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brxxksazars · 2 years
OPEN: limiting to 5 - (3/5) - @nightrestmaster​ LOCATION: halftide rock, near the kegs
"Hmm?” Brooks mumbled against the rim of his solo cup before stepping back, shaking his head from side to side. “Nah, have at it, all yours. I’m not even drinking it. This—” he paused to point at the ‘drink’ in his hand; after a moment he tipped it a hair forward, revealing the contents. “—Cinnamon Toast Crunch. You know I had to come locked and loaded.”
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kennedyxneills · 2 years
CLOSED: @lnavarrofms​ LOCATION: halftide rock, drinks table
With the contents of her flask drained, Kennedy had had no choice but to try out this whiskey everyone was talking about. Her red solo cup filled nearly a third of the way, she drew it up to her nose for a sniff and immediately turned away with a cough. “Oh my god!” she reacted, drawing the back of her free hand up to her nose to block off the fumes. With eyes widened, she turned towards the person beside her. “People are really drinking this?”
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thejulesmoreton · 2 years
open starter! location: bonfire event 001! time: early-ish in the night! 
Jules wasn’t much of a drinker, she enjoyed having a couple but she would much rather be stoned than drunk and too much alcohol really messes with the bud, in her educated opinion. So, that’s what she’d opted for tonight, kickin’ it with the white claw just in case someone rose a toast to the dead - seemed disrespectful to toast to them with an orange juice or something. Seemingly out of nowhere, pizza turned up, and Jules (now a couple edibles and entire joint down) decided that she’d never been happier. “Whoever brought this pizza down is a genius, and if they’re not careful, imma propose by the end of the night.”
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nightrestrp · 2 years
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At 8:00pm, the town will gather on the sands of Echo Beach. There will be a picture of Louis pulled from his Facebook that he hated but his mom loved. Candles will be passed along to people that knew him well, some that will claim to, and others that had never so much as uttered a word in his direction. It will be sad and performative; a way of grieving that's been taught and accepted. Something picturesque the news can air.
Louis would have been so uncomfortable with that sort of scene. Would have mumbled under his breath about needing a shot of whiskey.
So when the good ol' fashioned memorial wraps up and the rest of the town goes to bed, a group will continue on out at Halftide Rock, Louis's lighthouse watching over them in the distance.
In Character Time: ~9:00 pm Saturday, January 28th, 2023
Out of Character Time: Saturday, January 28th to Sunday, February 5th
Event Tag: #nightrest:event001 and #nightrest:bonfire
Note: Muns may choose to continue non-event threads during this time.
Halftide Rock is an overlook in the Stoughton Estates neighborhood. Rocks separate it and the shoreline, so the actual amount of beach is limited. A bonfire will be set up at the top of the overlook on a patch of dirt and rocks and someone will have music playing from their car. Two kegs will be provided, though bringing your own provisions is never frowned upon! And Hank Dorsey was kind enough to donate half a dozen bottles of Tullamore Dew, Louis's regular order.
Rumors have already been circulating around town regarding Louis, but now that the case has officially turned into a homicide investigation the chatter has only gotten louder. By the time the event has started, characters may have heard the following:
The tongue is believed to have been cut out with a sharp object.
People claim to have last seen Louis getting gas at Mike's. Others claim that, no, he was at Run for Cover in the 'Self Help' section.
His car, a silver 2016 Subaru Outback, has not been located.
Louis talked about his previous stint as a collegiate swimmer, something he had needed to discontinue due to a severe injury to his rotator cuff in his left shoulder.
Get excited for our first event! And pour one out for our boy Lou. RIP.
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selintemel · 2 years
Selin 📱 Vivi 💖
Selin: what the hell???
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crawfxrds · 2 years
CLOSED: @selintemel​ LOCATION: halftide rock, along the ledge
Normally when it came to that stupid group chat, Crawford didn’t engage. Just let the messages come pouring it only for him to skim past all the bullshit for anything of importance like tonight, this bonfire. Whatever combination it was of it being Louis’s night, the Irish whiskey in his system, or the constant buzz of his cell in his pocket— Crawford broke his silence. He’d started it stronger immediately after, collected another tall pouring of Tullamore Dew before settling off near the overlook, looking down towards the rocks and the people currently dumb or brave enough to risk them. It’d only been a few moments of peace before he’d felt a presence drawing closer. One look to his right and he groaned. “Fuck me.”
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malachiphillips · 2 years
closed starter for @kyleyangs​
“So what’s the deal with you and Vera anyway?” Chi asked, a smirk on his lips as he leaned against a wall, watching the festivities by the bonfire happen for a bit before turning towards his best friend. He had some good alcohol in his system already, he was with his best friend, they were celebrating Louis’ life and the night was still young. All in all, it was shaping up to be a pretty good night. “Is this you turning a new leaf and becoming an actual relationship guy now?” He teasingly asked. 
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brxxksazars · 2 years
CLOSED: @themarissaharrison​ LOCATION: halftide rock, honestly anywhere in the realm
Brooks navigated the small crowd as best he could, looking left and right for a sign of Riss. As he passed by a pocket of people, one called out to him, trying to draw him in to conversation. “Can’t right now, man, I’m on a mission!” He explained, still giving them a small wave as he jogged backwards. As he turned himself back around, there she was. A hop to his step, Brooks practically skipped over, wide smile on his face. “There’s my absolute favorite person to ever set foot in this town! You’re looking especially beautiful this evening.”
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nightrestrp · 2 years
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Realizing we never set an official start time, Ev and I think now is as good a time as any for the event to start. Feel free to begin posting anything event related, and remember to tag either #nightrest:event001 or #nightrest:bonfire.
Writers may choose to pause, continue, or end any current threads: it is ultimately up to you!
And as a final reminder, the event will run until Sunday, February 5th.
Have fun!
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selintemel · 2 years
closed starter for @deanhadwin​
“I swear, I don’t even know why I came out here. I didn’t know Louis, nor did I care about him, and I hate pretty much everybody here except for a few, the number of which I can count on one hand,” Selin said with a roll of her eyes as she took a seat beside Dean, someone she’d known for pretty much her whole life. A safe space amidst all the chaos in this town. “Hope you’re havin’ more fun than I am tonight.” 
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malachiphillips · 2 years
closed starter for @sadiye-kaplan​
“Didn’t think you’d show up tonight,” he said with a smirk as he walked over towards her with drinks in both hands and he offered her one of them. With Sadiye, it was always a fun time, even if it’s just her busting his balls purely for her entertainment. Chi liked it, though. He liked the thrill of sneaking around with her even more, and it wasn’t like the times he’d fly out to New York for no reason and they’d link up, with no fear of people spotting them. In this town, everybody was always in everyone else’s business, and that made him a little bit more careful with how he acted with her. But maybe, just maybe, tonight, people would have bigger things to worry about than him flirting with a family friend. “Glad you did though,” Malachi added as he showed her a teasing smile. “So what’s it gonna take for me to convince you to come with me to the ‘dance floor’?” He asked, holding his fingers up to portray quotation marks. 
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selintemel · 2 years
closed starter for @kattcalled​
Selin had watched Kat seemingly flirt with Lukas for a bit and she had to walk away, reminding herself that it was fine. She was completely and totally fine. Lukas wasn’t her boyfriend anyway. Still, it was hard for Selin to let it go and with the drink in her hand -- cheap alcohol from the keg that she shouldn’t have tried in the first place -- she found herself standing in front of the blonde woman. Her lips curved into a smirk as she watched the alcohol pouring down, drenching Kat’s hair, pouring down onto the woman’s lap, over her outfit. “Oops,” Selin joyfully said as she threw away the now empty cup 
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selintemel · 2 years
closed starter for @veritycalma​
“Heard you were lookin’ for me,” Selin said, smirking as she walked towards the gathering spot beside the bonfire, sighting the dark-haired woman she had talked to earlier in the group chat. After her little tussle with the blonde who was well-known as Verity’s best friend, Selin was definitely ready to go again. If these people wanted a fight from her, then that was exactly what they were going to get. “What do you want? Because I’d really prefer it if you stop wastin’ my time,” Selin said as she held her chin high. “Or are you just goin’ to keep runnin’ your mouth like you always do?”
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