#nightopian oc
sapphireluci · 4 months
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A bunch of NiGHTS x Street Fighter sketches I did recently 😍 Also the Nightopians are my ocs, may elaborate more on them later
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nightsdreamgates · 3 months
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Some Polar doodles I did because I was feeling drawing something fluffy haushuah
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I wanted to draw this funky fella that @drawingwiffmoochi​ made, and I hope I did a good job!
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emirrart · 9 months
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OC doodle
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drawingwiffmoochi · 2 years
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Oh hi thanks for checking in- more art for your troubles?
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rockstarthedragon · 8 months
A little sneak peak into NiGHTS: Endless dreams
I know I've been gone for a while, but I had no internet, I got a job, lost internet again... Ugh... But I am proud to present a sneak speak into NiGHTS: Endless dreams with some comic art and concept art!
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I have been working hard on this, once I get more pages made I'll start posting it. Maybe I'll contain it on a separate comic blog, IDK yet. I'm tired... And hungry...
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marinerainbow · 2 years
Can you do headcanons of NiGHTS meeting a First Level Nightopian after the rebellion (OC/Reader) who finds NiGHTS feeling down due of traumas and ending up comforting them? Also with addition of that First Level Nightopian accepting NiGHTS and helping him fit in the Nightopian Kingdom's traditions and such?
Hi! I'm really sorry this took me so long. There's been a lot going on on my end. But thank you so much for being patient. I hope these headcannons are to your liking ^^
Since this could be for either an OC or a reader, I'm gonna try to keep it general. But I will refer to the nightopian as a reader insert so I won't confuse people by using they/them for both NiGHTS and the nightopian.
~NiGHTS befriending a first level Nightopian after their rebellion~
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The former royal of Nightmare was exhausted when the first level nightopian found them. Seeing it was the one and only NiGHTS, you felt fear at first. Though when you could see their defeated and torn appearance, you felt pity for the nightmaren, and decided to offer mercy.
Yes, despite all the ways NiGHTS contributed to the suffering of visitors and nightopians, you still found it in your heart to approach the nightmaren, who was still on edge after escaping their prison, and offer a helping hand.
They were skeptical at first. Their whole life, they were taught to never trust anyone, and the one 'maren they did trust was the one who reported their 'insolence' to Wizeman. But it's not in a nightopians nature to be deceitful, right? Besides, they could easily take you on if you proved to have malevolent intentions.
So, they let you guide them to your home. The pixies- the lower level nightopians- saw you two and were scared of the notorious nightmaren. For their own and your sake. Though you did your best to calm them and assure them that NiGHTS was no danger to them right now, or you. NiGHTS was used to strike fear in others, so they were unbothered by all this.
Even when you brought them inside your home, they were still wary of you. Even when you healed their physical wounds and offered to listen to their emotional pain, they weren't willing to trust you right away. All these years of working under Wizeman's rule and only having one friend had caused them to distrust any 'un-earned' or fearless acts of kindness.
You could see they didn't trust you, and it caused your heart to ache as well as for you to see the bigger picture for them. Maybe they never wanted to cause anarchy in the night dimension. Maybe they were forced to. Maybe you could show them that the world wasn't meant to be revolved around violence and gaining power.
It would take a long time to get NiGHTS to fully open up, but once they realize that you had no ulterior motive for this, that you genuinely wanted to see them become the best and happiest them they could be, it'd be quite emotional for them. They finally have a true friend, after so long of feeling like they were alone. But best of all, they truly realize that they are now free.
They had always been curious about what Nightopian culture and traditions were like. But they barely had the opportunity to find out for themselves. But now that they're free from their former masters cluthes, they want to learn as much as they can. And since you are their friend, they want to learn from you.
You're all too happy to share your people's ways with your new friend. And now that the other nightopians understand NiGHTS is no longer an enemy, they are excited to help you show them the world of Nightopia.
Needless to say, NiGHTS just loves everything there is about Nightopia. Especially the music and celebrations. They even played their invisible instrument for others once they learned of the nightopians love for music.
You even taught them how to help and interact with the visitors too, aiding them in turning their life completely around from their former role under Wizeman. The visitors, especially the younger ones, absolutely loved NiGHTS, and they were all too happy to aid you in protecting and caring for the visitors. Especially once their former friend, Reala, started to become a problem.
Owl and the pixies were a big help, but ultimately, it was you that helped NiGHTS become the playful jester they are today. And every day, even if you don't realize it, they are always grateful that you were the one who found them that fateful day.
I hope this is OK. Any questions you have I'm more than happy to answer ^^
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coziroses · 1 year
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•Oh look! NiGHTS into dream favoritism!
•base: https://twitter.com/umbra_borealis/status/1646998134864609280?s=46&t=e6n1m-eE9RBndGDTW1p86Q
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♥ Also please credit me if using it ♥
♥ Apr 19 to Apr 25 ♥
♥ ibisPaint ♥
♥ 16:15:56 ♥
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amestrixx · 7 months
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Forgot to post this-
Here's a drawing I did of @amimirs Nightopian OC Mar-Jo for a Valtentines Secret Santa style event in the Wonderworld Dreamgate Discord Server!! ♡♡♡
Time: 8-9hrs
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thefuchsianeko · 1 year
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NiGHTS oc that I've finally figured out (just in time for Art Fight too lol)
Home is a 2nd-level Nightmaren who no longer associates with Nightmare and Wizeman. She mainly spends her time playing with Nightopians.
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nellas-art · 1 year
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Re-designed my other NiGHTS oc Phant
His old design's here
Not really much had to be changed; his colour scheme was already good, just gave him more of a regal flair.
Phant is excitable, easily entertained, easily bored, dramatic, curious, and spoiled. While he is the prince of the Awakers, he is extremely fascinated by 'trinkets' from the waking world and often sends his subjects to go find more for him. Luckily, the Awakers don't require any guidance from Phant (not that he'd give much helpful guidance) since they know what they have to do; awaken visitors that linger too long in the Night Dimension. If they do, they'll take it up with Phant's father; King Phantomire II, otherwise known as the Awaker King.
Phant also changed his form to somewhat resemble NiGHTS; he caught a glimpse of them when they were flying by his castle and thought they were beautiful, and thus shapeshifted his form and barely changes back. His true form is slightly bigger than the average Awaker (I think Awakers are around 4 feet tall), and only changes back to surprise people.
While Awakers don't intervene with the issues between the Lite Sprites, Nightopians, and Nightmarens due to being a neutral party, that doesn't stop Phant from hanging out with NiGHTS, Berceuse, visitors, or any other friends. After all, more friends means less boredom and more trinkets and information from the waking world. He's not a fighter though, so if issues with Nightmarens turn up he either flees and hides or finds someone to help (if he's not preoccupied with panicking that is).
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nightsdreamgates · 3 months
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Dutchess Créme
Inspired nightopian OC based of marie antoniette!
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just-kit-ink · 1 year
More eatier content for you, if you wish ^^
Imagine Kitty meeting Mercedes! The elder eatier that my first level nightopian/celestial OC Prism is friends with, and the one that scarred the canon character Reala. I still need to think about Mercedes' character, but I like the idea that she's developed a bit of a more maternal streak (she's mothered some eatiers. It's hard to say which ones and how many are her direct descendants, though). Not only that, but she does have a more warrior spirit as well; she was one of the eatiers that were around when Wizeman first took over. She's seen what the Night Dimension is supposed to be, and what it has now become. She takes her duty as one of the guardians for the visitors seriously.
I think Mercedes would admire Kitty's spirit, and it would remind her of Prism's own fighting heart and NiGHTS' rebellious stresk, too. And, depending on how powerful an eatiers emotional intelligence/intuition can be, maybe she can sense too that Kitty has lost her mother, and wants to do her justice. So that would touch on Mercedes' maternal side, too.
Depending on whether or not Mercedes is the first eatier Kitty encountered, I can see her taking a bit of a more gentle, yet straightforward approach? Like she just stays where she is, looking at Kitty all the while, before laying down where she is- instead of approaching Kitty and giving her a gentle tap. This is basically Mercedes' way of telling Kitty that she isn't a threat, and giving her the chance to approach if she would like.
One more thing. I don't imagine eatiers being able to speak... But let's say for a moment they could, or at least the eatiers have developed enough magic to speak without words. I can imagine Mercedes sounding like Moro from Princess Mononokoe https://youtu.be/ueSEoeSG8CQ?si=2cGJi4ffGzN44F2l
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That's so sweet Mercedes reminds me of a giant matriarchal elephant in a way 😊 She's emotionally intelligent and kind to those who deserve it. Kitty would grow super protective of her. And would absaloutely give her a gentle pat back once she had grown past the fear of how large the eatiers were 😆😊
(Also did you just reference one of my all time favourite movies I think you did! 😀 I think there actually might be a bit of San deep down in Kitty's character!)
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shadowqueen402 · 1 year
Wizeman's and Kalpana's Origin
(This is a fic that I came up with. It will talk about how Wizeman and my NiGHTS oc, Kalpana, met. I hope you all like this fic. Please let me know in the comments/reblogs what you think.)
Somewhere, in an unknown part of the Night Dimension, far away from the Dream Gate and Nightmare, exists a beautiful realm that Visitors have never been to before. Its verdant lands, mixed in with the clear rivers, the breathtaking waterfalls, and the stone buildings truly made it a paradise. This realm was home to a bunch of Nightopians and mysterious humanoid beings that were very welcoming and polite.
One particular being stood out the most. Her name was Kalpana. Unlike the rest of her people, she was a Nightmaren. But what interested others was that she was the only one of her kind to not be created by a notorious being known as Wizeman the Wicked and the only one to have a confirmed gender. She was a beautiful Nightmaren with beige skin and kind blue eyes. Her light pink and magenta striped jester hat had her long, golden blonde hair tucked underneath it. She wore a simple yet elegant magenta dress that was long-sleeved and had a sweetheart neckline.
Nobody knew how she came to existence, but they never questioned it. And neither did Kalpana herself. Instead, she spent her days outdoors enjoying life itself. Kalpana didn't have a worry in the world. And neither did the rest of her people. Life was good for Kalpana.
Of course, all good things had to come to an end.
One particular afternoon, Kalpana was out in the fruit fields, harvesting some mangoes while humming a tune. A gentle breeze tickled her cheek while she clutched a basket into her arms. But that breeze turned into a gust of wind. The sky began to darken, grabbing Kalpana's and the inhabitants' attention. Concerned whispers were exchanged from one another, wondering what was going on. The Nightopians quickly flew away for their lives, panic evident on their faces.
Suddenly, to their horror, a gigantic being appeared, hovering over the entire realm. Kalpana felt the basket of mangoes slip from her arms and fall onto the ground. She couldn't bring herself to move as she reluctantly took in this gigantic being's appearance. Something in the back of her mind told her that this being was a "he".
He was a strange, caped humanoid creature with a spiked metallic crown that covered most of his head. He even had six metallic floating hands, each one with a purple eye that coldly glanced down at everyone who stared up at him in terror. Like he had expected them to do so. His cape was royal blue, purple, and red with star and sun patterns on it. And on his chest was what appeared to be amulet with two small green jewels and a big blue one.
"I am Wizeman The Wicked," The being's voice boomed, sending chills down everyone's spine. "Ruler of all Nightmare… God of Nightmares…" By now, everyone didn't dare move a muscle. One of Wizeman's six eyes then noticed Kalpana, staring up at him in total fear. And his hand flew really close to her, causing Kalpana to fall down and back away. "Oh? And what do we have here? A Nightmaren that I've never seen before…"
Kalpana didn't speak for fear of saying the wrong thing. She didn't know this guy, but she had enough sense to understand that he would crush her without any hesitation if he wanted to. "And what is your name?" Wizeman asked. Though, it honestly sounded more like a demand than an ask.
"Kalpana, sir," Kalpana responded clearly, internally surprised that she did so without stuttering.
"Kalpana… Interesting…" Wizeman's hand floated back up to his height. But all six eyes stared icily down at her, reading her every move. "I happen to have a proposal for you, Kalpana…"
"A…proposal?" Kalpana did not want to know what it was. But she had no other option but to listen.
"See, my Nightmaren army needs a strong general," Wizeman explained. "One that will help them succeed with an iron fist. Since I sense your power, this will give me the opportunity to get an heir that has potential. The way I see it, you only have two options; agree to marry me and give me an heir or you can watch as I destroy this precious homeland of yours until there is absolutely nothing left. Now, I would advise that you do the right thing, Kalpana."
Kalpana went silent for a bit. Truth be told, she had once dreamed about finding her ideal lover that she could marry and start a family with. But with Wizeman? He didn't even look like he was husband-material. Kalpana could only imagine as to what kind of father he would be to their kid.
"I will marry you," Kalpana finally said to Wizeman.
"Wise choice, my dear." When Wizeman spoke those words, it sounded as though he was mocking her. Not that Kalpana was going to point this out. "I should warn you that, once we get married, you will be forbidden from returning to this place again. You now belong to me."
Kalpana felt tears trying to escape her eyes. This was it. She was going to marry a tyrannical God which would cost her her only chance to see her realm and her people again. But she refused to shed those tears. She did not want Wizeman to believe that she was fragile.
"You have my word." Kalpana closed her eyes.
Without a word, one of Wizeman's hands scooped up Kalpana from where she stood. The people gasped and backed away, watching helplessly as Wizeman flew off with their only Nightmaren companion in hand.
That was only the beginning of Kalpana's story.
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drawingwiffmoochi · 2 years
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I was in a NiGHTs mood today and saw there was a Christmas NiGHTs and I never jumped on a bandwagon so fast before.
it’s also been a while since I drew Mira- and something about a Nightmaren and a Nightopian having chemistry just tickles me pink to think about.
Also me and my friend created this little Nutcracker AU for NiGHTS and I’m still working out NiGHTs colors.
also little chao Mira spotted 👀
and and- I have an obsession with drawing Mira and NiGHTs dancing together- sorry not sorry.
ANYWAYS this is to get into the Christmas spirit so BANG BANG POW BANG POW ART
Also also also- the oc Iris belongs to @azalea-towne
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marinerainbow · 2 years
I have a request (joke) Prism hitting the griddy
For those of you that don't know what 'hitting the griddy' is, don't worry. I don't know either. And neither does Marshmallow so you ain't getting shit out of her.
But really Marshmallow, you sure that's a good idea? Cause of the limited knowledge we do have, it's some dance you do while lifting your legs up high. Prism is flexible, but she's literally 4'7. Her legs ain't long. She will get an automatic F and a see me after class note if she attempted 'hitting the griddy'.
Your OC Audaci on the other hand, his legs are like 75% of his height. He'll get the right form. Though knowing his clumsy ass he'll trip over the curb.
And then NiGHTS has to show up and show these amateurs how it's done. Because I'm absolutely certain they would know exactly what 'hitting the griddy' is, and they aren't too short and their balance is just right. They get an A+
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