#nightingale: you are sick
mihai-florescu · 1 year
Oh Valkyrie theme hello Mihai how's it going?
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Happy pride month !
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mechieonu · 1 year
just finished good omens s2. i'm in so much fucking pain and agony
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sunblazes · 1 year
the seven was so so healing to watch oh my god
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chiisana-lion · 1 year
Duck you're one of real ones I appreciate you
casting spell of horrors go away from my good friend vi
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hello-eden · 2 months
To Long Of A Wait
Tim hates being the one most well known for business on the civilian side.
Tim and Bruce are stuck at a dinner with Vladimir Masters. Tim has no idea who he's trying to impress; the sports team merch and Gothic Castle do not go well together. The two of them are there to find evidence of the money laundering and blackmail scheme that has all signs pointing to Masters.
The plan was originally for Bruce to keep him distracted and Tim to be able to search through the office but Vladimir Masters brought his heir with him. not much is known of his heir.
Daniel Nightingale is a 17-year-old transgender male who is Vladimir Masters' godson. He grew up in a small town with Amity Park That ended up going under lockdown because of some sort of sickness. 
Tim knows that the sickness is a cover story. It was some sort of Supernatural infestation but whether Daniel's parents were in the know or not he was sent away to live with his Godfather.
Daniel has been quite nice so far even if he looks very sick. Tim doesn't doubt that Vladimir is the one forcing him to go to this dinner.
Daniel waits only a few minutes after he is done before saying he is going to the bathroom. He is not even trying to conceal the fact he's trying to get as far as he can.
Tim waits 15 minutes before announcing he is going to the washroom too. Master's tries to offer for him to lead the way but Tim just says he remembers the tour and leaves.
Tim turns into the hallway that has Vladimir Masters' work office. He's about to open the door when he hears the sound of throwing up. He waits there for a moment realizing that the bathroom Daniel is using is right beside the office. it is as far away from the dining room you can possibly go, which is probably why he used it. 
Tim hears the sound of washing hands and goes into the office. Behind him he locks the door and listens for Daniel to leave. He hears footsteps walk away.
Tim speeds quickly to the desk and looks over the files. He knows he doesn't have a lot of time especially if Daniel asks where he is. Tim doesn't find anything to concrete but he does find a couple of shady deals with an off branch of Cadmus and a few of the shader government departments. 
Tim takes a few photos and makes sure everything's in place before he walks out. He makes sure no one's in the hall and he walks back to the dining room. 
Tim goes on his phone making sure to hack into the security to corrupt the footage so that no one notices. they really should get better security Tim thinks before he hears talking. He hides behind the corner and hears is Daniel with who he assumes is a member of their staff. 
“I'm fine Trisha. it's just a little bit of morning sickness, I'm not dying” Tim can hear a little giggle at the end like they just told an inside joke
“ He shouldn't be making you go at all. You've had a very hard week." He hears a woman that he believes is Trisha start scolding Daniel.
 “It's not my first rodeo. I know what I'm doing. I have to last maybe another hour before I can get an excuse. I can last another hour.” Daniel tries to soothe Trisa.
 Tim is starting to think this is a whole lot more complicated
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hawkinsbnbg · 1 month
Written for @steddieangstyaugust Day 13: "Please, stay."
tags: mutual pining, mildly dub-con, slight daddy kink (1 word), hurt/comfort, hookups to lovers, idiots in love, post ss2/post starcourt
rated: M | words: 3k | ao3
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"Please stay."
That halted Eddie's movements briefly. Only briefly. And then he resumed zipping up his flies and buckling his belt as if nothing had been said.
Eddie's heart trembled in his chest, begging him to obey the voice of his Adonis, but he resisted. Because he had gone into this with his eyes wide open and head cleared of any delusional thoughts.
He knew his place, knew how to get his job done, knew what parts to hide safely away from prying eyes and protruding ears, knew just the way to make every night worth the time.
And knew he wouldn't find real love in one Steve Harrington—the town's sweetheart and golden boy—however lovely their rendezvouses had been so far.
"You're drunk, Harrington," he dared a look over his shoulder, sighing when he found the bane of his existence was already snoring softly.
Unable to help himself, Eddie cursed under his breath and stepped over to the bed once more to tuck Steve under the blanket neatly, safe and sound, and lingered for a bit to admire how young and carefree Steve looked while asleep.
Mouth slacked, eyes closed peacefully, features softened from all the edges, so unlike the bone-deep exhaustion that clouded those pretty hazels with gloomy shadows.
At least, after their little arrangement started, Steve seemed to have benefited from it judging by the lack of his heavy eye bags.
Two months ago, Steve had come asking for something to help him sleep and somehow left with a bag of weed after blowing Eddie's brain out.
It was so surreal that Eddie thought he had hallucinated the whole thing while high off his ass.
Except, Steve kept seeking him out, going from paying for drugs with intense blowjobs to something more, something Eddie could give him without affecting the Munson household's finances.
Since then, Steve would wait for him at the Harrington's residence considering it was easier and safer that way, and Eddie would do his best to pound Steve so good he would conk out by the time they were done.
And yet, more often than not, Steve would already have taken a few swigs from daddy dearest's pricey liquors and would be quite tipsy by the time Eddie arrived.
Not that Eddie hated it. He was obsessed with a tipsy Steve actually. Because tipsy Steve was always sweeter, more open and pliant with everything Eddie gave him, more expressive and vocal in a way that made Eddie weak on the knees.
Then again, tipsy Steve also got quite a loose mouth.
He asked for things Eddie would be dying to give him, he said things that were too good to be true, he sang Eddie's name like prayers, and he always begged Eddie to stay.
None of that helped Eddie's stupid heart to stay at bay at all. Because the moment Steve's pretty mouth pressed on his ear and whispered "Daddy", he was a goner.
Nonetheless, Eddie hadn't survived to this day to not being aware of how dangerous Steve Harrington was.
A rich straight boy who was curious about the world around himself. Who would stamp on Eddie's heart once he got bored and decided to move on. Who would leave Eddie behind to go get a perfect family with a beautiful wife, two kids and a half, and a white-picket-fenced house.
It didn't take Eddie long to make up his mind.
He looked at Steve once more before turning on his heels to leave the room, somehow feeling less hollow and cold after two months of witnessing them together.
So long as Steve needed him, he would be there. And Eddie would make himself sacred when the time came.
"Stay the night?"
Eddie glanced up from the task in his hands—wiping Steve down with a warm washcloth—and smiled humorlessly.
"You know I can't, Harrington."
"Why, though?" Steve asked softly, eyes still hazy and bottom lip jutting out petulantly.
"My uncle will worry sick if I stay overnight outside," Eddie offered a half-truth considering Wayne had stopped giving him curfews since he started dealing.
"I'm flattered you wanna keep me in your chamber, princess," he leaned forward to press a kiss on Steve's forehead. "But I gotta go."
For a fleeting moment, Steve seemed sobered up enough to regard him with an unreadable look, like he could see right through Eddie's lie.
But the moment just passed as quickly as it came when Steve let out a teary yawn that shouldn't be as endearing as it was.
"Good night," Eddie whispered as he pulled the blanket up to cover his sleepy boy.
"G'night," Steve smiled, small and sweet, and was off to dreamland within seconds, leaving Eddie sitting by his side and gazing at him longingly.
When Steve wasn't drunk, he would be more tense and on guard, which Eddie could completely understand given their circumstances.
What Eddie couldn't understand, though, was that Steve still asked him to stay.
"I, uhm, have nightmares," Steve averted his eyes, he did that a lot lately, like he was afraid Eddie would figure out the secret in them if he looked too long. "It'll help to have someone hold me while I sleep."
It was so sly of him to use that card on Eddie, knowing full well how much of a bleeding heart Eddie was.
Therefore, Eddie knew the decision had been made for him even before he opened his mouth.
"Alright, I'll stay, but only 'til you fall asleep."
It was the right and wrong thing to say.
Eddie realized with great displeasure that he didn't like the way Steve's eyes dimmed right after having brightened up just seconds ago.
When Eddie left that night, he tried to not think about the disappointment on Steve's face when the younger boy woke up to his cold side of the bed in the morning.
(He failed.)
Steve didn't ask him to stay anymore.
And Eddie pretended that it didn't crush his heart just a bit when Steve refused to receive the aftercare.
In response, Eddie simply fucked him harder for that so he wouldn't have any strength left to protest by the end of it.
It was worth all the glares and pouts Steve shot his way when he just gave up on the charade after a while and let Eddie take care of him again.
"Stay, please?"
It was said so quietly, and if Eddie wasn't always paying attention to Steve, he wouldn't be able to catch it at all.
Eddie swallowed dryly, wanting nothing more than to return to Steve's side and scoop him in a cuddle until they both drifted off in each other's arms.
But reality was always cruel. And Eddie had learned that the hard way. He couldn't afford to make mistakes now when everything had been going smoothly so far. Especially when his traitorous heart was constantly on the verge of running away from him.
"I can't–"
"Sorry," Steve let out a sigh. "Just... Just forget about it."
When Eddie finished dressing, he turned to look at Steve and was greeted by a sun-kissed back.
He squashed the urge to come closer and run his fingers on it, mapping out the constellations and tracing love lyrics with his lips on those moles and freckles.
Instead, he walked over to the door and saw himself out.
"Have a sweet dream, Stevie."
He lingered a bit, only leaving once he was sure Steve had fallen asleep.
They didn't meet quite often anymore. Steve was busy with his summer job and Eddie was well... hung up on the what-ifs.
What if Steve was also a trailer kid? What if Eddie wasn't a drug dealer? What if they both came from normal families that loved and accepted them for who they were? What if then?
Eddie liked to think they would always meet each other at some point in their lives no matter what the circumstances. Eddie liked to think they were star-crossed lovers who couldn't get together because of the period they were living in. Eddie liked to think Steve also loved him back.
And yet, Eddie had seen Steve flirt with endless girls at Scoop Ahoy, making eyes with some guys who looked like college jocks, who could guarantee him a good time once he dropped Eddie like a sack of potatoes.
Eddie had stood on the sideline and watched with burning, acidic jealousy as Steve threw his charm carelessly at everything that could breathe and walk on two legs.
When Steve turned to look at him with that same charming smile, Eddie realized it was time for him to wake up from his dream.
And so he did.
"Can you come tonight, Eddie?"
"Sorry, man, I've gotta sell all of this new stuff by the end of tonight 'cause the bills are due next week, ya know?"
"'S okay. Uhm, see you later?"
"See you later."
"Are you busy tonight?"
"Yeah, sorry 'bout that. I have band practice until midnight. And Wayne will be home by the time I'm done. So..."
"Yeah, I got it."
"Rain check?"
"Rain check."
Eddie turned up the volume of his music until it drowned out the ringing of the phone.
Eddie bit his nails, watching Steve's beamer park outside the Mayfield's trailer, watching him talking and laughing with that red-haired little girl, watching him finally get back into the car and drive away once the sun set.
He didn't know if he should feel relieved or disappointed when Steve never looked at the Munson Trailer once.
Eddie jolted up by the sharp knocks on the trailer's door. A quick glance at the clock told him it was only two am, too early for the police's raid and too late for his customers to linger outside.
There was only one answer to that and he hoped Franklin would be cowed away by a broken beer bottle just like the other night.
Stumbling out of his bed and pulling up his jeans hastily, he blearily thanked his lucky star that Wayne wasn't home yet.
Because for all the patience the older man had, he didn't doubt Wayne would pull the shotgun on Franklin and well, Eddie wouldn't be sorry for the drunken bastard but he didn't want Wayne to get involved in his mess too much.
On his way, Eddie picked up his weapon from under the couch as he passed by it and marched straight to the door.
When he threw it open, scowling and ready to swing at his enemy, he was greeted by not Franklin but Steve Harrington instead.
Eddie faltered, feeling sick with worry and cold dread as he took in the sight of the younger boy.
"Jesus Christ," he dropped the bottle, ignoring the clang! it made on the floor, to hover his hands over Steve's face. "What the fuck had happened to you, Harrington?"
Steve honest-to-god giggled.
"S'not important anymore," he slurred and swayed on his feet, eyes swollen in purple and red, face caked in blood and bruises and scratches. He was a bloody mess.
Eddie pulled him inside as gently as possible, trying to stay level-headed for both Steve and himself because it wouldn't do either of them any good if he panicked now.
Carefully, Eddie guided Steve to the couch, flipping on just the lamp on the side table, knowing from experience that too much light would cause discomfort to someone who had just got beaten to a pulp.
He poured Steve a glass of water, watching him drink it slowly before getting up to retrieve the quick aid kit, clean towel, and wash his hands thoroughly with soap in the bathroom.
Once he was done cleaning the cuts on Steve's face, he applied some antiseptic cream on the injured areas—which didn't look that bad after the blood was gone.
During the whole time, Steve remained oddly silent, eyes slightly glazed over like being high or in shock, just watching Eddie do all the work and only letting out a few quiet hisses when the cuts burned.
Eddie had apologized plenty for that, wishing he could share half of the pain Steve was feeling at the moment.
Then he asked Steve about the other possible injuries and concussions, not wanting to overlook anything and receiving a simple "Yes" to both questions.
("Christ, we should bring you to the hospital, Stevie."
"No, no hospital. Please."
"... Have you had anyone besides me checked your injuries, yet?"
"Uh, yeah, the paramedics. They cleared me after a bit. 'Cause there's nothing really bad, though.")
"Can I sleep now?" Steve sniffed, sounding small and lost, making Eddie's heart ache terribly.
"Not yet, Bambi," Eddie smiled softly when those pitiful doe eyes looked at him. "We gotta bathe you first, wash away these dirt and grimes before bringing you to bed."
And he wasn't lying, either. Wherever Steve had been all night had soiled his cute sailor uniform and turned him into a real Cinderella.
"C'mon," Eddie guided him up with a hand around his waist while ducked to shoulder one of his arms. "The quicker we do it, the sooner you can get your beauty sleep."
Fortunately, Steve didn't protest and allowed Eddie to half-carry him all the way into the bathroom.
Eddie took in a sharp inhale when he got to see the damage beneath Steve's clothes. It was far more severe than he had anticipated and he wondered if the paramedics would've let Steve go had they seen this.
Sighing inwardly, Eddie used a washcloth and gently scrubbed all the mud and blood off Steve's body, shushing the younger boy softly when he whimpered at the stings and dull aches.
Eddie had half a mind to kiss them better, but he reined in his desire to soothe Steve's pain and concentrated on making the shower as short as possible.
By the time they left the bathroom, Steve was trembling minutely but the fog in his eyes had dissipated and he seemed more conscious than when he appeared on the Munson Trailer's front porch.
After putting on one of Eddie's old Metallica tees and a pair of red flannel pants by himself, Steve ran a hand through his dampened hair and gave Eddie a crooked smile.
"Sorry for bothering you this late."
"I wanted to help," Eddie corrected him quickly.
"Of course, I know you would," Steve swallowed, eyes flickering back and forth from Eddie's eyes to his pale tattooed chest. "But I'm still sorry for having turned up without calling ahead. I was lucky enough I didn't ruin your uncle's sleep."
"He'd do the same for you, you know that right?" Eddie raised an eyebrow, chest tight with possessiveness at the sight of Steve wearing his clothes, standing in his bedroom, and smelling of his shampoo.
"Look," Steve spoke up before Eddie could say anything. "I gotta go now."
"No," Eddie reached for Steve's hand and held on it tightly. "You're not going anywhere."
Eddie clicked his tongue in mild annoyance, wanting to know what made Steve think it was wise to sleep without supervision while having a concussion and cracked ribs.
"I'm not letting you go back to your place alone like this."
Steve snorted and rolled his eyes, a hint of King Steve peeking through the veil. He tried to pull his hand back but gave up once he realized Eddie wouldn't let him go.
He settled with a tired sigh instead.
"I don't want your pity, Munson."
"I'm not pitying you."
"So what is this?" Steve hissed as he raised his captured wrist and shook it lightly for emphasis.
Eddie only tightened his grasp further, paranoid that Steve would slip through his fingers like sand.
"It's not pity," Eddie met those hazel eyes, still burning with that same fire he always loved. He brought Steve's hand to his lips, pressing shaky kisses on those bruised knuckles.
He still wanted to run away. But the idea of leaving Steve caused him such unbearable pain that he just knew would break him down if he ever did it again.
"I care for you, Steve," his voice cracked as he confessed quietly, "I care for you a lot."
Steve breathed in sharply, eyes glassy with unshed tears and lips quivered.
"Then why did you never stay?" He asked softly. "Why did you always leave even when I begged you not to?"
Eddie stepped in closer and used his free hand to hold on to Steve's as well.
"'Cause I was scared, sweetheart," he whispered. "Scared of having my heart broken. 'Cause I knew, always do, that I don't deserve pretty things like you. That I can't give you all the good things that you deserve."
"So I'm begging you now," he blinked away his tears and looked at Steve beseechingly.
"You don't have to–"
"Please, stay," he pleaded. "Please give me another chance to show you how much you matter to me. Please trust me to make it right this time. Please."
Steve became worryingly silent at that. But Eddie still waited patiently, knowing it was a lot to take it all at once. Even Eddie himself was reeling from what he just said.
"You ignored my calls."
"I'm sorry."
"You always left although I begged you not to."
"I'm sorry."
"You lied to me."
"I'm sorry."
"You didn't tell me what I did wrong," Steve mumbled, lips wobbling and nose turned pink.
That cut him deep.
"No, sweetheart, no," Eddie tugged him closer and embraced him gently, heart swelling with fondness when Steve melted in his arms.
"You did nothing wrong, baby, it's all my fault," Eddie sniffled, walking them both to his bed carefully. "I'm so sorry for making you think that way."
As Steve let out a wounded noise and started shaking with small sobs, Eddie cried with him and stroked his back soothingly, knowing he would kill and die for this boy in a heartbeat, knowing that he could never not be in love with Steve Harrington.
When they finally settled on the mattress together, Eddie spooned Steve from behind and pressed kisses everywhere he could reach.
Steve giggled quietly, too exhausted to say anything but still leaning into Eddie's warmth all the same.
Eddie knew they still had a lot to discuss to make their newly found relationship really work, but as he listened to Steve's soft snoring, he was certain they would be fine this time.
As long as they were together.
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spacedace · 2 years
So I've seen a lot of "Jazz works as a therapist at Arkam" in the dp x dc fandom, and while I like the concept, I also feel like Jazz would take one look at the place and immediately be like "what the absolute fuck" at just the everything of the place.
Like, she either nopes out after the tour during the interview or quits not too long afterward starting there, not because she can't take it but because she's so appalled by what's going on there and can smell the corruption rolling off the place and knows no one sent to there is ever actually going to get the help they need.
So Jazz decides to open a private practice instead while still being absolutely determined to work with the various rogues in the city, she is here to help and nothing is going to stop her.
So she just starts showing up at known hangouts of rogues and during their heists/schemes/sprees, and even fights between them and the batfam, just like
"Hi! It’s so nice to meet you! My name is Dr. Jasmine Fenton/Nightingale/whatever last name she’s using and I was hoping we could talk!"
Casually kicks a baterang away without looking because she's being polite and professional!
"I understand that your experience with therapy through Arkam has been nothing but atrocious and that you are rightfully -"
Kicks Batman away without breaking eye contact or a sweat.
"Suspicious of attempting therapy again, and Idon't want to force anything on you, therapy should be on your terms after the experiences you've had but -"
Grabs Robin out of the air as he leaps at the rogue she's talking to and tucks him under her arm, ignoring his feral hissing and all attempts to break her hold.
"-I really think that you'd find it beneficial, even if I'm not the right therapist for you."
The rogue in question is having the time of their life and takes Jazz's business card - and a few extra to pass around - not really intending to actually ever book a therapy appointment with her but way too entertained and excited to share this madness with everyone else.
But then one of the rogues actually looks up Jazz's website and sees all the various safe guards she’s put in place to ensure that any villians that come to her will be protected while seeing her - soundproof therapy room, regular sweeps for listening and tracking devices, the most insane firewalls and protections anyone has ever seen on her network, and ooh she provides snacks and drinks!
So someone finally books an appointment with her, half convinced she's either going to turn them in or is a villain herself intent to experiment on them, but then it’s actually really nice??? And they feel a lot better afterwards?? She doesn't even say anything to indicate that she wants them to stop being villains, she just wants them to be okay??
So more and more rogues start going to her, and Batman was already losing his mind about this woman before - Oracle can't hack her system?!? And her background check shows a totally normal Psychiatrist?? - but now half of Gotham's heavy hitters and a dozen or so other minor league villains are seeing her regularly and every time he tries to get info on any plans the rogues might be scheme via her office it fails utterly. Nightwing got knocked out with something called a creep stick and when he tried to break in himself to get answers she just appeared out of no where and gave him the most scathing lecture about doctor-patient confidentiality before bullying him off her property and threatening to sick her brother on him if he tried again?
And because she's become such a figure in the Gotham underworld, she gets the attention of Joker.
And everyone, rogues and Bats alike, are terrified that she’s going to try and take him on as a patient like she has so many other villains in the city and that's just a recipe for tragedy.
But then the Joker is on his way to the hospital with two broken legs and the fear of god beat into him babbling about eldritch nightmares and whenever anyone asks Jazz what happened she just shrugs and just says things like "I refused him as a patient, he's not my problem." Or "My brother doesn't like clowns." And just, does not elaborate.
Batman is losing his mind over it all. Jazz is just happy to be able to actually help the rogues. Arkam is less happy about how she absolutely destroys their reputation.
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clockwayswrites · 1 year
Both Ways at Once Part 5
WC: 1766, Masterpost CW: discussions of death, vague mentions of child trafficking and rape
Danny leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes. He breathed in slowly through his nose, counting. He couldn’t let loose. They didn’t know. John said they didn’t know and Danny trusted John. Not with everything, he knew too much to trust John with everything, but he trusted John with this. The other wouldn’t have done this if he had known.
The gloved hand on his shoulder shifted, sliding to wrap around the back of Danny’s neck and give a little squeeze. It should have felt suffocating. It was grounding. Danny could already feel himself settling and responding to resonate back with Red Hood.
That was dangerous to have that resonance.
“Pomp,” John said. His shoes squeaked as he leaned forward. “Talk to me, Pomp, what did I miss?”
That right there was one of the reasons Danny trusted John, he would step up when he fucked up.
Danny sighed and opened his eyes. “He’s— he was a halfa, John.”
John paled. The color drained out of his face and left him a splotchy grey. His voice was strangled as he insisted, “Halfas are just a myth.”
“Rare, very rare, but not a myth. Think about it John. You said that the Red Hood from before was alive, but you know I’m right, the one here is a protector spirit. He died, John.”
“Red Hood is still alive, he has a heart beat,” Superman insisted.
“I’m still not talking to you,” Danny hissed, not taking his eyes off John. “Constantine. He was a halfa. I don’t know what they are anymore. This one is more ghost than human. I assume that the other one is more human than ghost. But put them back together and they would be perfectly balanced and you’ve been keeping them apart.”
John slumped back, rubbing at his face. “Bloody fucking hell…”
“The other half has been unwell, hasn’t he? Maybe just fatigued, but I bet he’s in pain too. His focus keeps wandering maybe. He’s listless.” Danny finally glanced away from John and over to the trio. Batman was, as always, almost impossible to read, but Danny felt sure Batman was tense. He might even be worried.
He wasn’t even looking at Danny but instead at Red Hood, who Danny was sure was avoiding Batman’s gaze. Even still, Red Hood’s fingers were trembling against the back Danny’s neck.
Danny reached up and took the gloved hand, hooking their fingers together.
“Constantine,” Batman growled, but the word sounded broken, under the bite.
John glanced from Batman to Danny and back again. “If Nightingale says that Red Hood is, was, a halfa, then he was. Nightingale’s the psychopomp, the dead is his realm more than any living I’ve ever met and, hell, more than most people who are dead.”
“And what is a halfa?” Wonder Woman asked, still the calm voice of reason.
“Rare,” Danny bit back, showing his teeth. He made himself take a breath and regulate his tone. “Someone who is half living, half ghost. They are a balance between life and death. If no one knew that Red Hood was part ghost, there’s a chance he wasn’t fully formed before, but I can assure you he’s a protector spirit now, no matter if he’s still alive. It’s also likely why the spell did this. There were already two halves to split. The human who was the living and the ghost who was the death.”
Wonder leaned forward in her seat. “You seem certain that the other half is sick.”
“They have to be— it’s a part of themselves that was ripped out and that leaves a wound. I suspect that because the other one must have more of the human side, he’s suffering more of the human affects of the separation while Red Hood is suffering more of the ghostly affects.”
“And your recommendation?” Wonder Woman asked.
“They need to be together. They need to be together and the place where they’re together needs to be Red Hood’s haunt.”
“His haunt?”
“Likely where he resided before. Or it would be where he patrolled if those are different areas. It would be somewhere emotionally important to him no mater what. As I’ve said, he’s a protector spirit so it should be obvious where his haunt is considering his role as a vigilante.”
“Crime Alley,” Red Hood rasped from behind Danny. his fingers squeezed tighter around Danny’s for a moment.
Danny’s arm was getting sore holding itself up like that, but he wasn’t going to take the comfort away from Red Hood or even deprive himself of that grounding point. It would be too easy for him to lose his temper here and really give the Justice League something to be afraid of.
“Crime Alley then,” he said. He had no reason to doubt what Red Hood was said. A ghost knew their own haunt. “We have to get him back to Crime Alley and they need to be together. I assume you have a place there?”
“No,” Batman said, though he didn’t shift. Wonder Woman placed her hand on his arm again.
“We’re concerned about there being a reaction of some sort should they meet,” she explained. “Constantine said that it might be possible.”
Constantine grumbled under his breath and ducked his head with a little shrug.
“If we didn’t know what was going on, sure, that’s a fair enough worry, but we do and I’m telling you that they need to be together until either they’re back together as one or until they fully settle into two separate people.”
“No.” It was Superman who protested this time.
“You don’t have a choice if you don’t want to torture and kill one or both of them,” Danny said, resisting the urge to bare his fangs at the boy scout again. “They need to go to Crime Alley.”
“He’s dangerous. If he is just the Red Hood half of the personality, which you’ve basically confirmed—“
“I have not. I’ve explained how they were physically split. It has affected how their split in motivation only because motivation is what a ghost is, but I would have to speak with both of them to learn how they are mentally and emotionally split.”
Superman just frowned in a disappointed uncle sort of way, as Danny talked and then continued on like Danny hadn’t even said anything. “Then he’s even more dangerous. We cannot simply let someone like Red Hood go. We have to think about everyone’s safety in this matter, especially civilians.”
“I thought you weren’t killers?” Danny threw back at them, saccharine sweet in his delivery.
It made Superman’s frown deepen, though Wonder Woman actually looked a bit amused.
“We aren’t,” the Big Blue said.
“If you try and keep him here you are. I’m telling you right here and right now that if you do not let him go back to Crime Alley then you are signing his death warrant. You might try to claim that he died in jail, but you’ll still be the cause of it. But that’s how you kill, isn’t it?”
“Nightingale,” John warned under his breath, twitching like he wanted to reach out and touch Danny, maybe to hold him back.
“No, really, it is, isn’t it? You want to to pretend that you don’t kill, that you’re better than whatever Red Hood has done, but are you really? At least he’s Honest about it. Red,” Danny said, tugging at the other’s hand so that he had to move up to stand more beside him. Danny looked up at the mask, looked through it. “You’ve killed.”
“Because they wouldn’t stop. They never stopped. Now that they’re dead, they’ve stopped.”
“Poisoning drug dealers. Rapists. Abusers. Child traffickers. People who threatened my….” Red Hood reared back slightly as if surprised by what his cut off words were going to be.
“Your haunt. Your people. Those under your watch and protection,” Danny said. “See, he’s honest about it. Were all of those deaths in the right? I don’t know. But I’m not sad a rapist is dead. I’m not sad children didn’t get trafficked. Those are the sort of people we’re supposed to be against, isn’t it? Well, us small heroes. You fight bigger names these days, don’t you, Superman?”
“Alright then,” John said, standing suddenly. Red Hood twisted to put himself further between the occult detective and Danny.
Danny patted Red Hood’s arm gently. “It’s okay, John’s trying to protect me. He thinks I’m putting my foot in my mouth and making enemies. And maybe I am. But I’m not going to sit by and watch this hypocrisy. You don’t kill. That’s a damn lie.”
“We don’t.”
“You’ve checked up on ever criminal then?”
“What?” Superman asked, thrown by the sudden question.
“Every criminal you’ve fought, every mugger and back robber and goon, you’ve followed up to see how they’re doing the next day, month, year?”
Superman had that lemon sucking twist to his face again. “No?”
“So you don’t really know, do you, how many criminals walked away from you only to die of brain hemorrhaging later because you punched them into a wall. Or how many died from a complication to their lungs or spine or heart because Black Canary ruptured something with her wail or Flash fucked from contact with the Speedforce. It’s not that you haven’t killed, it’s just that you don’t know how many you’ve killed. It’s impossible to act on the scale that you do and not have killed,” Danny said with certainty.
“Nightingale, I believe you’ve made your point,” Wonder Woman said, still calm, still patient. She was different from the others. She has killed, Danny knew that; she was an Amazon. He remembered his stories from Pandora.
“Have I?” Danny asked. He let go of Red Hood as he stood to lean over onto the table. Danny could feel that snarl building up in his throat again now. The other reached out to touch him again right away. The snarl calmed a little, only a little. “Because what about when Superman has used a building as a barrier to smack an enemy into? No one was ever hurt there? No grannie ever slipped and fell as the building shook and never got up again? At least that would be an accident then, unlike punching someone to death, but don’t pretend your hands aren’t red. Don’t pretend—”
The hiss of the door opening cut Danny off.
The room feel silent.
Danny could see all the heroes tense.
From behind him a voice spoke up, “Well, aren’t you all dramatic.”
--- AN: The mysterious stranger is right! They are all dramatic. Danny was about ready to go for Superman's throat-- literally and just not figuratively. Hope you enjoyed how this all played out! I know people were waiting for Danny to let loose some. Fatigue is hitting me hard right now, so glad to have gotten this out!
Stay delightful, darlings!
I no longer tag, you can instead subscribe to the masterpost!
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lemonlover1110 · 7 months
Hello! I hope you are doing well 😌 you are my fav writer and I just wanted to to throw out this crazy brainrot request to u bc I am SICK over it
So Florence nightingale syndrome right? Toji is like a professional boxer or whatever something athletic bc he's a fucking beast and he gets hurt, like his leg or something, and you become his at home occupational therapist. So you're like taking care of him and he's getting feelings for you while also being a stubborn ass bc u push him constantly so he can get better. and he's super hesitant to accept his feelings bc he's a Playboy of course.
I'm just picturing this one scene where you're helping him up and he's leaning on you and he says something like "are you sure you can handle me princess?" Idk I'm insane I'm sorry 😭😭😭😭
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Pairing: boxer!Toji Fushiguro x f!caregiver!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, frustrated Toji, Florence nightingale syndrome, Toji has an injured leg and is a little bitch for a bit
*This was so fun to work on and now I'm having thinking a little too hard about boxer toji (I'm ovulating) sofjsof enjoy!
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Toji never really thought he’d be dependent on someone, yet now he can’t even take a shower standing up. After an unlucky boxing match, Toji ended up in a cast and crutches. That’s what he gets for not listening to his son who told him it was around time to retire.
“I’m not a fucking skeleton, I’m good in my field. I can do this for a couple more years.” How he wishes he could swallow his fucking words. He thought that after getting the cast off he’d go back to normal, and he’d have no issue with mobility. He shouldn’t have an issue moving his fucking leg again, he’s been moving it for more than thirty years, why should three months of not moving it change much?
Apparently he can’t do anything, which is why he has someone with him all day every day, helping him so he can get better. Toji’s main issue? He gets frustrated when someone tries to help him. 
“Be careful, it’s hot.” You smile at him as you put his dinner in front of him. He has a scowl on his face as you set it down in front of him. He tried to help make dinner but he couldn’t stand for too long. He’s mad, but not at you. He could never be mad at you. 
Toji wasn’t necessarily fond of you when you started working with him; he hates being dependent on someone else, and he knew that he would have to depend on you for pretty much everything. You try to help him though, and he should be more appreciative of you because of it, but in reality he feels like a fucking baby. He’s grown to like you though… A little too much for his liking. 
You leave him to eat, going to wash the dishes since he can’t do the task yet. Perhaps his own bowl and spoon, but not everything that needs to be cleaned. You watch him from the counter, watching his refusal to pick up the spoon and eat the soup you made him. Earlier he was so prideful, telling you that he would help you every step of the way during dinner, and he couldn’t even finish one third of it. You were proud of him regardless.
“It’s really good, Toji! The potatoes you helped peel really added a touch to it.” You’ve gotten close enough to be on a first name basis. You see each other every day, you stay in the same house, of course you’re close enough to talk to each other so casually. It doesn’t mean you should though. You’ve always managed to keep a very professional relationship with patients, but there’s just something about him that makes it hard for you to be normal around him.
“Don’t talk to me like I’m a fucking kid.” He says, pushing the bowl of soup away. He’s not hungry anymore. Toji stands up, his hands holding on to the table to support himself before grabbing his crutches. 
“Toji, if you’re not eating it, can you try to bring it over to me, please?” You ask. You know the soup has cooled down, if he spills it, he’ll be fine.
“If you want it, pick it up yourself.” Toji is clearly mad. You don’t take it to heart though, because you know it’s with himself and not you. 
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“How about we go to the park tomorrow? It’s supposed to be a nice day out.” You talk to Toji who tries to watch a documentary. He’s not all that interested in what he put on, caring more about what you have to say. He might not show it, and he tries to deny it, but he has the biggest soft spot for you. “We can also get some ice cream, if you’re in the mood!”
“Hey… I’m sorry about earlier. I was just—” It’s hard to get an apology out of him, but sometimes he knows he’s in the wrong and he feels the need to apologize. He doesn’t want you to be mad at him, even though you’re clearly not upset with him. You’re so understanding and patient with him, he feels like he doesn’t deserve that.
“You’re fine, Toji.” You reassure him with a smile, your hand going over his balled up fist. You feel your heart skip a beat as you touch him. You’ve crossed the line past a professional relationship, and you should set some boundaries within yourself– But his other hand goes on top of your own before he brings it up, softly kissing your knuckles. It’s hard to set boundaries when he feels the same way.
“I’m tired.” He tells you, and you stand up to help him get up. Toji usually denies your help, but this time, he has no problem accepting it. You just want the best for him, and there’s some things that he can’t do completely alone. He has to take baby steps. He’s using you for support, and he’s scared that he’s too heavy for you. He asks you, “Are you sure, princess? Can you handle me? I know I’m pretty big.”
“You’re fine. I can handle you.” You reassure him, and you begin to walk to his bedroom. His room was previously on the second floor, but ever since his injury, he’s moved his bedroom to the first floor. You get him to his bedroom, helping him on the bed. You smile at him before saying, “Let me grab your crutches. You left them in the living room, right?”
Before you can walk away, he grabs your sleeve. Toji’s slowly realizing that he can’t fight off the feelings that consume him when you help him, and he’s usually not a fan of them. Toji’s been tied down once before, he certainly doesn’t want that again. But with you, it’s different. He doesn’t mind the idea.
“Will you lay down with me?” He asks, and you suck in your bottom lip between your teeth. You shouldn’t. He caresses your cheek with the back of his hand before he prompts himself up to kiss the corner of your mouth.
“Toji, you know this isn’t something I can do.” You tell him as he looks lovingly into your eyes. “I’m here to help you get better.”
“You can help me get better by laying down next to me.” Toji responds. You grab the hand that so lovingly touches your cheek and kiss it, before bringing your lips down to meet his momentarily. He swears he hears fireworks when your lips meet, even after you pull away.
He’s most definitely in love with you.
“I’ll go get your crutches. Good night, Toji.”
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prythianpages · 7 months
'Cause Somewhere in the Crowd There's You | Lucien
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summary: When Tamlin sends Lucien to the Night Court as his emisssary, he stumbles upon a nightclub and finds himself captivated by you. His sweet nightingale.
warnings: angst, mentions of blood and violence (reader is trapped in a nightclub)
a/n: This is part of my ABBA x ACOTAR series (masterlist) where I dedicate a song to a character (: but also was inspired by Lana Del Rey's music and a hint of Oscar Wilde ♥️ This takes place roughly before Amarantha's rule. If I'm going to be honest, I find Lucien hard a bit hard to write for (but this song really gave me lucien vibes) so I hope this doesn't come off a bit out of character for him. also why is it so hard to find pics that match Lucien's vibe on pinterest.
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Trapped in the ceaseless rhythm of melancholic blues, you can’t help but feel sick and tired of everything. Days blur into nights. All you do is eat and sleep and sing. The weight of routine presses down on you, suffocating the spark that once fueled your passion. 
You wish every show to be your last.
That is, until you see him.
He emerges from the crowd like a radiant sun breaking through the darkest night. His presence is tall and striking with skin kissed by the sun and a cascade of red hair. Despite the length of scars that run down the left side of his face, there is an undeniable elegance and beauty that surrounds him. His eye holds you captive, drawing you in like a moth to a flame and your voice falters for a brief note. 
Lucien knows he should leave. Hewn city is not a welcoming one and his meeting with the High Lord of the Night Court did not go well. But against the warning bells ringing in his head, he decides to linger and wander around the dark city. With no clear destination in mind, his feet guide him through the labyrinthine alleys until, almost as if compelled by an unseen force, he stands before the entrance of a mysterious nightclub. Bathed in an eerie red light, the sign above reads The Rose. 
As he approaches, the entrance, despite being small, appears almost ethereal. Shadows dance upon the towering stone walls. The air is thick with an alluring blend of magic, pleasure and something darker. Inside is just as mysterious and intoxicating. He should leave and he turns around to do so when he a mesmerizing sound stops him and holds him in place.
“In the land of gods and monsters.” 
A beautiful and heavenly voice. It beckons him forward like a siren’s call and he allows the fae lights embedded in the cavern to guide him further. The corners of the nightclub harbor hidden alcoves, draped in luxurious silks and velvet.  
“I was an angel living in the garden of evil.”
Some high fae engage in secretive exchanges and gambles. Some are lost in the enigmatic allure of drinks and colorful powders that shimmer with enchantments. Some are engrossed in the pretty fae females and males on their laps. Others, like him, are captured by the hauntingly beautiful song.
“You got that medicine I need. Fame, liquor, love, give it to me slowly.”
Where ancient stone meets polished wood, Lucien finds himself at the bar and orders a drink. He turns to face the stage in the center of the club, leaning against the bar. His mechanical eye emits a soft whir as his gaze travels to the owner of the voice. 
“Put your hands on my waist, do it softly.”
A silent awe washes over him as he takes in the sheer beauty before him. Dressed in a white gown that drapes over you like moonlit silk, you stand on the stage like an angel amidst the monsters that lurk in every corner of the place. The fabric mirrors your every movement as you sway to the rhythm of the song in small billowing waves.
“Me and the Mother, we don’t get along. So now I sing.”
It’s as if you sense his gaze on you because your siren eyes are searching the crowd. Mirroring the depths of a fathomless ocean, your eyes are pools of sadness and longing, yet there's a vulnerability that softens in them as they lock with his. Your voice slightly falters and for a heartbeat, time seems to stretch.
A tremor courses through you, fingers tightening their grip onto the microphone. Your eyes darken again and then you’re tearing your gaze away from Lucien. He follows it, curious eyes landing on a male who stands on the balcony facing the stage. Even from where Lucien stands, he can tell the male radiates power and money.
“No one’s gonna take my soul away.”
“They call her the Nightingale.” The bartender says to Lucien as he hands him his drink. Lucien’s gaze returns to you. “She’s off limits. I suggest finding another female to warm you for the night. There’s plenty to choose from here.”
Lucien says nothing in return. Those hadn’t been his intentions upon seeing you. He simply found himself struck by your presence. And as the enchanting notes of your song continue to soar, there’s a rising desire to learn more about you. The thought of extending his stay begins to take root, a subtle whisper tempting him to linger a while longer. He’ll write to Tamlin to reassure him and continue to negotiate with Rhysand further.
The gamble Lucien took to stay in Hewn city is a winning one with each passing night yielding more promising signs of Rhysand's willingness to compromise. It brings him relief as it gives him an excuse to visit the nightclub again. He returns the next night and then the following, noticing something new about you every time. 
On the second night, he realizes the male you had glared at the first night he saw you was the owner of the nightclub. Lucien learns that he was right in his first impression of him. Benedict is a wealthy man, both in money and in connections, and is not subtle about the power he holds over this part of the city. Everyone in the nightclub bows down to him but not you. There’s a look of defiance in your eyes every time you look Benedict’s way.
On the third night, your usually hauntingly melancholic voice takes on a different, lighter tone. It’s still just as beautiful but now, harbors a sense of hope. And your eyes find Lucien’s with ease. You don’t break eye contact with him throughout the entirety of your performance that night, as though your song is a serenade meant solely for him.
It’s on the fourth night that he finally gets to talk to you. 
Breaking from your routine of disappearing behind the stage curtains after performances, tonight, you grace the bar with your presence, drawing stares from some of the high fae. His grip tightens on his glass when he recognizes a dark hunger in most of them but even so, none dare to approach you.
“What will it be, lovely?” Lucien hears the bartender address you.
Taking the empty spot beside Lucien, your presence and proximity captivate him. His heartbeat falters momentarily as you graciously flip your hair, surrounding him with the divine scent of the sweetest rose.
“Just a water,” you reply and he hears the rustle of your dress as you turn to face him. “You’re not from here.”
Lucien’s lips twitch upwards. “What gave it away?”
“You’re not a monster.”
He finally turns to look at you, a strange warmth spreading through him. Ever since he lost his eye, he had battled with the scars tainting his skin, internalizing a sense of monstrousity. Yet, as you regard him, it feels as though you see an angel where he sees only imperfections.
His eye drinks you in, the mechanical one on the left whirring along. The corner of his lips lift up into a smirk when he catches you doing the same. 
“How do you know I’m not a monster?”
“There’s something different about you. Something good,” your eyes study him carefully and then, with a soft sigh, you add, “It’d do you well not to dwell in places like this. They’ll only dim your light.”
Curiosity getting the better of him, Lucien asks, "And what about you?"
Your eyes widen, as though the question catches you off guard. "What about me?"
Despite the myriad thoughts swirling within him, he restrains himself and settles for, "You, too, don't seem to fit into this place.”
You fall into a thoughtful silence and your brow slightly furrows. Lucien keenly observes the subtle shift in your gaze as you scan the room before settling back on him. Leaning in as though sharing a secret, he instinctively leans closer. However, as he anticipates your words, you’re turning your back to him. Just as he's poised to speak, you sweep your hair aside, rendering him speechless as you show him instead. 
A delicate tattoo is etched onto the skin between your shoulders—a bird confined within a cage.
“I can’t leave,” he hears your murmur and the ink on your skin appears to shimmer like stars in confirmation. A bargain permanently marked upon flesh. Your flesh and he swallows thickly at what your words imply. 
You’re that bird, the nightingale, trapped in the cage.
“I have to go,” you say suddenly and your hair falls back into place, cascading down your back and concealing the telling tattoo. “Will you come by tomorrow?”
“I thought you said I shouldn’t dwell in places like this.”
“You shouldn’t,” you reply with a wistful smile and Lucien hates the way you drop your gaze.
“But I think I will.”
His words prompt your head to lift, eyes meeting his in surprise. A rush of excitement flushes your skin, transforming the wistful smile into one that is lighter, more promising. A fluttering sensation stirs in Lucien's stomach, and he can't help but return your smile.
A couple more days in Hewn City wouldn’t hurt.
Ten days ago, you were stuck in an endless loop of exhaustion and despair, where every night weighed heavily upon you. However, a welcome shift has occurred since then. Sleeping, eating and singing still consume most of your days but a newfound presence has entered the scene. Lucien.
And as the curtains are drawn back, revealing your presence to the awaiting audience, you embrace yourself for the blinding super trouper beams. Unlike nights past where a tinge of melancholy enveloped you, tonight is different. 
You won’t feel blue, like you always do, because somewhere in the crowd there’s him.
Lucien’s presence is like a burst of brilliance, akin to the beaming lights that find you on the stage every night. When your eyes find his amongst the crowd, your pulse quickens and heat rushes to your cheeks. It’s like the sight of him proves to you that you're still alive. 
In his wake, the shadows that linger in the club cower and hide away. He shines like the sun and you find his brightness infectious. It chases away the gloom that had settled over your own light, reigniting the flames of enthusiasm that had long dimmed within you.
Each note you sang resonated with newfound energy, and every performance became an opportunity to embrace the warmth and vitality he brought into your world. As the final notes of your song hang in the air, you can’t help but feel a sense of destiny. You were meant to meet Lucien.
After your performance, you sneak your way back to the bar where he waits for you.
“You came again,” you smile at him.
Lucien smiles back at you but it falters. “I’m afraid it’ll be the last time…for a while.”
The smile doesn’t waver off your face yet the glistening in your eyes reveals the threat of an emotional storm beginning to unfold. You refuse to dwell in it, not wanting to let the darkness that lingers over you like a gloomy cloud to consume you again.
“Okay,” you manage to breathe. You knew this day was coming. Lucien had to return back home, and you, regrettably, can’t go with him. “Let’s make the most of tonight, then. Dance with me?”
“Are you sure?” Lucien asks and you follow his gaze to where Benedict stands, a top of the balcony as always. You feel a rush of relief when you see a pretty female wrapped around him. A distraction. Perfect.
Lucien watches you, taking in every shift in your expression as he awaits for your answer. It’s not that he doesn’t want to dance with you. Gods, does he want to dance with you. Anything to be able to hold you close. To take you into his arms and hold you tight. 
Unfortunately, he’s well aware of the tight leash Benedict keeps you on. He doesn’t let you stray far from his sight. You’re not allowed anywhere near the private nooks lining the club or the rooms at the back where private exchanges occur. It’s for your own safety and Lucien can’t be mad at that. What unsettles him is the way Benedict regards you as his most prized object and Lucien doesn’t want you to face consequences over a dance.
“Yes,” you finally answer. 
There’s a strong certainty in your voice but also a subtle plea that tugs at his heartstrings. It brings forth a tightening in his chest. He suppresses the urge to frown. He plans to return to you but for now, it’s your last night together before he has to leave the Night Court. 
Lucien graces you with a smile instead. He offers his hand to you, his eyes lighting up with a warmth that mirrors the blood coursing through his veins. A delightful shiver travels up his spine as your hand wraps around his. Until now, you’d only share glances, lingering stares and the occasional brushing of skin. 
As the piano begins its enchanting melody, Lucien takes the lead, guiding you onto the dance floor. You’re so close you can feel the warmth of his body and all you want to do is melt into it. Melt into him. But you can’t.
So you bask in the warmth of his gaze instead. Up close, you can now appreciate the depth of his russet eye and you can’t help but marvel at the intricacies of the golden mechanical eye on the left. His gaze never strays from yours throughout the dance and the tender connection between you begins to rise under the brilliance of his gaze, pulling your heart with it.
As he holds you tight, you surrender to the intimate embrace, shedding all inhibitions. Neither of you speak, your eyes speaking for you. It feels as though the world has faded away, leaving just the two of you swaying in harmony. Smiling, having fun, where each step becomes a silent declaration of the unspoken feelings that have blossomed between you.
The passage of time remains elusive as you share the dance, the minutes slipping away unnoticed until the pianist gracefully bows to the audience. Your dance comes to a dreadful stop. Lucien's grasp on you tightens, a reluctant acknowledgment of the inevitable separation.
“I’ll come back for you,” he whispers, his promise carrying a tenderness that ignites a fervent flame within you. “I’ll find a way to help set you free, my sweet nightingale.”
He then pulls a pristine white rose, the same exact shade of white as the dress you wore when he first saw you, from the folds of his coat. He graces you with one last smile as he leans in, placing the rose carefully behind your ear. “Until then,” he murmurs, his lips brushing against your temple and your eyes flutter shut.
“Until then,” you breathe and as Lucien walks away and the shadows inevitably return, you take delight in the way the darkness hesitates to claim you, leaving you untouched.
You can’t even bring yourself to care when Benedict corners you backstage, seething with anger. Of course, he noticed. You don’t even flinch when he throws his glass of whiskey toward the wall behind you, the shattered glass ricocheting. Some of them make their way to you, slicing your skin.
As you settle into the comfort of your small room, you retrieve the white rose from its perch behind your ear, cradling it delicately in your hand. A single drop of blood from one of your healing cuts taints the rose, painting one of the white petals red. Still, you cling onto the slender stem, gripping it as tightly as you grasp onto that fervent flame of hope burning within you. Your light will never dim again…
Because somewhere in Prythian, there’s him.
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a/n: I'll admit this took an angstier turn than what I had intended but I hope you still enjoy this darker interpretation of ABBA's Super Trouper lol.
if you'd like to read more about these two, here's a part two.
tagging: @scooobies
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b4mpyre-k1zz3s · 2 months
The Jackass Guys Taking Care of You while you’re Sick HCs!
Johnny Knoxville X Fem!Reader, Chris Pontius X Fem!Reader, Steve-O X Fem!Reader, Bam Margera X Fem!Reader, Ryan Dunn X Fem!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of illness, pet names (ie. darlin’), alcohol
An: While writing this, I was actually bed bound for two days to to a nasty respiratory illness, so I think you could guess where my inspiration came from XD Ironically enough, in between writing this and coming out I got sick again. Boy, what an immune system I have! I get sick frequently and one thing I can always count on making me feel better is writing about the guys :)
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You had no appetite, you could barely leave your bed, and you had a temperature of 101.9. Yep, with how sick you were, there was no way you’d be able to go to work.
So you called your boyfriend to help take care of you
“Oh, darlin’…”
You were in sore shape, and like the amazing boyfriend he was, Johnny went to helping you feel better right away!
Really, he missed his calling as a doctor or nurse with how sweet and considerate he is to you
Helping you out of bed if you’re weak on your feet and to the shower, assuring you how much better you’ll feel after you get a lil’ steam in your system <3
And after you get out, he’d sit behind you and gently comb/brush our hair for you, no matter how many times you mumbled to him that yes, you were sick, but you could take care of your basic needs yourself
But you secretly enjoyed being babied by him
If you couldn’t stomach much, he’d bring you some warm tea and fruit with a kiss on the forehead before he went to set up the humidifier
When Robitussin and NyQuill weren’t making a dent in your fever, Johnny got a little creative,
“If it doesn’t make you better, you’ll forget you were sick in the first place!” He explained, handing you the mug of hot water, lemon, and a splash of bourbon
A hot toddy, he told you it was called, something his mama used to give him when he was sick at home
And that thing worked.
Your eyes were falling close as you murmured, half asleep already,
“Thank you, Dr. Knoxville…”
“You look like shit.”
Lack of bedside manner aside, he is probably the last person you want taking care of you while you’re sick.
“Well thanks, Bam- I feel like shit.”
Feeling a little bad for you he asked if you needed anything
So you asked for something to eat- maybe soup and warm tea?
But all you received was an uncrustqble (which you bought because bam doesn’t like the crusts on his sandwiches) and a bottle of water lobbed onto your bed from the doorway.
“D’you think you could grab me some tissues too?”
With a groan, Bam disappeared into the bathroom before you heard all this thudding and an exasperated, “Fuck!”
Before he emerged with a roll of toilet paper.
Sure, maybe he wasn’t Florence Nightingale, but he did what you asked and you honestly didn’t even expect this much from him
He mumbled, disticnt affectionate tone in his voice as a smile crept onto his face as he walked by your bedside to ruffle your hair a little,
“You’re a real pain in the ass, Y/N.”
“Time for your sponge bath!”
Chris is a firm believer in the fact that laughter is the best medicine
So that’s why he walked into your room wearing one of those sexy nurse outfits.
And while you appreciated the sentiment, you didn’t really need the sponge bath
You also didn’t need the rectal thermometer he proudly offered to you,
“Time to take your temperature! Roll over!” He chuckled that sweet stoner laugh of his, “Kidding, kidding- it’s one’a the normal ones.”
Or when Chris pretended to “accidentally” drop said thermometer next to your bed and bend over to pick it up with his ass in full veiw.
Soon, you began to recognize the click clack of cherry red high heels as the sounds of Nurse Pontius,
And you’d come to anticipate his spectacular bedside manner ;)
In fact, this whole ordeal just left you more endeared to him
Yes, even when he asked to warm your boobies up because in his words, they looked really cold.
“You know, your probably the best nurse I’ve ever had.”
“What’s goin’ on?”
He stumbled into your room, having kind of forgotten why you called him,
Steve isn’t so much of a caregiver as he is a heating pad
But damn it if he isn’t a good heating pad
He’d just walk into the room and lay down next to you, all warm and cozy- a heaven for your shivering, sick body
Despite how nice it felt to cling to him, he isn’t much help besides that given the fact he fell asleep five minutes ago (not that you noticed)
“Hey, do you think you could grab me some-“ Yep. Out cold
So you had to tear yourself from the comfort of your bed to make yourself soup
And when you return, all shivering as you slip back under the covers,
Of course that’s when he wakes up.
You had already started eating when Steve took the bowl from where it was resting on your lap to steal a few bites himself
When you pointed out that he just used the same spoon you did (and would probably get sick too), he just shrugged,
“So what? I don’t care.”
“Are you dead yet?”
While there was an unmistakeable tone of sarcasm in Ryan’s voice, he really was concerned
Out of all the guys, he would be the one to get worried sick (no pun intended) about his ill girlfriend :(
But he played it off well, saying that he didn’t have anything to do that weekend despite canceling plans with Bam to look over you
So he might as well sit by your bedside to make sure you’re okay!
Or that he just conveniently rented all of your favorite movies because he wanted to watch them, but you’re free to join him if you wanna watch
And, despite your warnings that you’ll get him sick, he’d have no problem with laying down next to you if you can’t sleep
Because that’s what the two of you usually do! No reason to break routine because of a stupid cold.
“C’mon! With you shiverin’ like that, how could I not? It’s like seein’ a kitten out in the rain…”
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aziraphales-library · 2 months
are there any forced proximity trope fics u could rec for me please? preferably ones that take place after season 2 but i’m really not fussy either way :)
i tried searching for the forced proximity tag on this page but i couldn’t find it so im really sorry if this has already been asked for!!!
thank u <33 much love to u all!
Hello! We have a #trapped together tag with a couple of posts, so check that. Here are some post-series two fics to add...
Nightingale's Lament by midnightdragons (G)
Crowley has to drive Aziraphale somewhere in the Bentley. They aren't talking. The Bentley is not going to stand for that. (Season 3 speculation. I love the forced proximity trope, and by Neil’s ‘they aren’t talking’, it seems that that may be where we’re headed. And so I raise to you, a thought I had while driving and pulled over to write out.)
Confession Box Revelations by sentientsky (T)
After Aziraphale returns from Heaven, tensions run high. Sick of their unspoken angst and desperate to get them to actually TALK to one another, Maggie and Nina lock Crowley and his angel (ex??) husband in the record shop's office. Both of them forget that they're supernatural entities who could just miracle the door open.
waiting for something to fall from the sky by findmebythemilkyway (G)
“Down, you need to go down,” Crowley growls, one hand on the D button. “Do you know what down is? It’s – it’s fucking down!” The elevator stills, shakes one last time like a dog after leaving water and its doors practically throw themselves open. An even brighter landscape greets Crowley. Heaven. “Are you shitting me?” Crowley grumbles and proceeds to return his attention to the treacherous D button. “Hold the elevator!” a familiar voice exclaims from the outside. “I won’t be a moment, please!” Crowley freezes. This can’t be happening. Or, Crowley uses the elevator to go to Hell. The faulty thing sends him Upstairs instead, just as Aziraphale needs to use its services.
7 minutes in heaven by waddlesthejoghog (T)
"If Crowley and Aziraphale couldn’t figure it out, Muriel would have to take a different approach. It wasn’t enough to put them in the same location. They had to plant some seeds of conversation. They had to come to a conclusion naturally, but with a push." OR Muriel reads every book in the shop, then comes up with a plan to get Aziraphale and Crowley back together.
- Mod D
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shadowsndaisies · 1 year
that time where everyone met birdy
main masterlist codename: nightingale series masterlist
so this is another hc for my codename: nightingale series, but this is the first time Dinah introduces Birdy to people outside of Star City, and it's the root of Robin's crush on her, but also the root of her friendship with Wally.
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so dinah brings her to her first meet up with Wally, Dick, and kaldur.
and in the way the numbers have been crunched via fic magic — there is no roy yet (more to come on this later)
Nightingale has not made her official debut just yet, so she’s just going by Birdy.
Which explains the nickname a little
Dinah shows up with this little girl and she's dressed in black leather, black combat boots, and black lipstick. She looks like a little mini Canary, and it's adorable, because she's small
she has about 3 to 4 inches on Robin since girls grow earlier.
she’s just barely shorter than wally who’s a few years older
Dinah introduces her to everybody, “I’d like everybody to meet my new partner in crime, everybody this is Birdy. She hasn't made her official Star City debut just yet, we’ve got a bit more training to complete, but she's getting there.”
Bruce, who knows exactly who Birdy really is, is watching her with his analytical eyes, because he wants to see how she's doing, how she’s adapting, to ensure that she really is ready for this. It’s the first time he’s seen her in person in a while, probably since the trial of her parent’s murderers.
Flash manages to make a small crack about replacing GA that gets a ghost of a smile on yns lips
“Finally get sick of GA, Canary? You know we’d have been happy to replace him ourselves,” he flirts a little, but all the adults know it’s completely playful. “Then again, if I had to stare at his ugly mug everyday, I’d probably want to find someone else to partner with too,” he sighs, pulling a light chuckle out of Aquaman, and a small smile on your face.
which B is very happy to see, because frankly, he’s not sure he’s seen birdy smile since before her parents deaths
The kiddies on the other hand, are in awe, they want to know more about this new person, because oh my gosh, it's a girl! and oh my gosh she’s kind of adorable!
without a doubt they’re underestimating her the slightest bit— except rob, because he knows that looks can be deceiving, because Bruce had taught him not to underestimate anyone.
So maybe, Flash gets a little cocky. He looks at Birdy and sees she's small, and realizes know she hasn't actually said anything yet and she's standing just to the side of Dinah, but a few steps behind, almost like she wants to hide behind her mentor.
So flash looks at the kid and looks at KF and then looks at Dinah and is like “what about a little action, huh, Canary? 10 bucks that KF can take your baby bird,” Dinah raises an eyebrow and looks at him, and she's like “really flash? Betting on the children?” The flash shrugs, “we’re here to see their skills, make sure they’re up to par, no?” he adds, defending his offer.
Before anyone else can say anything Oliver saunters up and is like, “I’ll take that action,” looking straight at flash, “but only if you make it 50 bucks.”
and robin who is analyzing the new girl sees as her lips turn up just the slightest bit, and how she stands just a bit straighter, basking in Oliver’s confidence of her.
Flash accepts.
Dinah’s like “all right boys before you go and pull your wallets, why don't we actually check with the kids?”
KF says he's down, absolutely underestimating Birdy
The boys pull him over to them for a second, and whisper in their little huddle
robin: you sure about this man?
KF: shes little, she’s new, it shouldnt be too bad
aqualad: perhaps we should not judge this particular book from her cover?
KF: maybe someday, but look at her? she’s like 10!
But then everyone shifts to look at Birdy because again she still hasn't said anything yet.
YN raises an eyebrow at KF, looks him up and down, and then turns to Dinah and shrugs
safe to say, she lays him flat on his ass despite his powers. and she does it quick.
Kaldur and Ollie are laughing
Bruce has got this lil quirk of a smile at the corner of his mouth
Barry’s caught between laughing and awe because that little girl who’s less than half his height, just took his boy down.
Wally’s on the ground groaning, but he looks at her when she steps into his line of sight, blocking the ceiling, and offers her hand to him to pull him back up.
and instead he says “marry me” gaining a slightly bashful smile from her, and a new round of laughter from the boys.
Birdy, ever a team player, sobers her look just a little, and finally says something.
“your stance was off from the very start. Speedster or not if you don't have a good footing you'll never win in a fight.”
But Dinah?
Dinah’s so proud of her kid. Not only because she won, which is huge, but she did exactly what D would want her to do, she helped her ally improve, and you can be damn sure that Wally’s careful with his stance going forward, and Dinah knows it’s because of what happened that day.
leaving Rob, who, at first bust out laughing watching his best friend go down to the floor so fast, but he’s also in awe because omg she’s so cool!
flash hands over the $50, and ollie takes it winking at Birdy, ruffling her hair as dinah rolls her eyes but squeezes Birdy’s shoulder appreciatively so Birdy’s smiling because she made them proud..
GA: way to go kid, how about we get aqualad next, huh?
Canary: Arrow!
AquaMan: I think it would be in the best interest for my wallet and my protege if I declined that bet
aqualad: I concur
NG: (beams nice and big at the praise)
wally: (quietly to the boys only) seriously I think im in love
rob: (just in his head) wow she’s pretty
B: (suppressing a smile while addressing everyone) shall we begin the training exercise? or would anyone else like to attempt a round with our newest addition?
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everything tags:
dc tags:
@grey-water-colors @batarella @loninctzencarat @escapenightmare
cnng tags:
@babymango-writes @smile-more19 @bruiscdlikeviolets @truly-dionysus @farfromjustordinary
@sometimeseverythingsucks @dweeb-central @lucy-roo @casedoina @cipheress-to-k-pop
@anonomano @seninjakitey @wherethesidewalkens @whelmedparker @bigtimesexhaving
@officiallydarkgeek @midnxghtblue @unini @blackwhiteandshadesofgradient @dontmesswithbeebo
@raggedyoldwitch @tinybeantm @unicorn-mya @bouqet-of-gay @duckmylife18
@kendallambrosio @hanbetired @torchbearerkyle @cynthiarose07 @lolsnacks
@mono--moonchild @emo-space-tea @notsostraightweeb @cryingnotcrying @sassyspanishartist
@we-flower-fan @laurcad123 @aces-tattooartist @awkward-youtube-trash @so0bercore
@sanovr @feverish-dove @raginghellfire @mischiefmanaged71 @evermoore580
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bejeweledblondie · 1 year
Simon “Ghost” Riley x F! Reader
Summary: Y/N is a aid worker with UNICEF, while helping treat innocent children from preventable viruses the encampment is taken over by terrorists, the video of her an American being held hostage goes viral & it’s up to Task Force 141 to rescue her & the others
Warnings: mentions of beatings, death, war crimes, murder, it’s kinda heavy
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Ever since you saw Audrey Hepburn walking with the sick, & hungry children with UNICEF you knew exactly that’s what you wanted to do. Help the most innocent & vulnerable children on the planet. You had gone to nursing school already & graduated. Once you graduated you immediately had made it imperative to volunteer your skills to help UNICEF. So now here you sat in the hot African heat & sun. It was absolutely sweltering, but the line of mother’s seeking out proper care for the babies, was extremely long. Your colleagues were offering them water, food rations, anything they needed while you helped administer vaccines. There had been a huge polio outbreak in the region due to contaminated water, & your team decided to administer that vaccine first.
A small frail toddler sat on her mother’s lap while you prepared the vaccine. Her wide eyes looked around the blue tent that was overhead. She looked malnourished, & was clinging to her mother. You had been administering her vaccines for the past couple of weeks now, & started to create a friendship with her mother. It was incredibly important to you to build trust with the little ones mothers, & you wanted them to know how much you genuinely cared for them.
Once the vaccines were ready you went to go & administer the first vaccine into the young child’s thigh when screaming was heard in the distance. The deafening sound of machine gun fire was heard in the distance. The woman in front you immediately picked up her child & ran in the opposite direction. A colleague of yours sprinted in your direction alerting you that one of the terrorist groups in the country had captured the nearby city, & were now taking over the camp. You immediately dropped the syringe in your hand & started to sprint.
Two pick up trucks pulled in front of her. Machine guns were bolted down into the their beds & multiple heavily armed terrorists occupied them. They jumped out, shouting in a language you didn’t fill understand. Shaking now in fear you threw your hands up surrendering yourself. Immediately their hands where on your shoulders dragging you to the truck. They zipped tied your hands behind your back & threw you in the back of one.
“Please you don’t understand I’m not a soldier!” You sobbed out. “I’m a aid worker.” Over the past few hours that felt like an eternity they grabbed civilians, & colleagues of yours. Soon the trucks were driving into the nearby city, cheers & gun fire rang out into the air in celebration. The trucks came to a halt & you along with the other hostages were dragged into one of the many buildings in the city. You could see people holding camera phones trying to get into your face, documenting the kidnapping of western aid workers.
The inside of the building was fairly clean, but lacking in any furniture. All that lay there was a area rug & some cushions. They plopped each one of you on the rug. A man who was somewhat well dressed walked in, a rifle was slung across his chest.
“Which one of you is American?” He asked. Everyone says silent then he loaded a bullet into the chamber of his rifle.
“M-me.” You squeaked out not looking up. He chucked to himself & two of the guards immediately brought you to your feet.
“Don’t worry we won’t kill you.” The man said. “Yet.” He chucked. “Americans, especially American women go for a pretty penny on the black market but I think you’d be best suited for ransom.” He explained. The guards dragged you into a room off of to the side & there sat a chair with a video camera facing it. They forced you to sit down & tied you to the chair. A table was to your left, all laid out were different knives, hardware tools, & other tools that could be used to torture a human being. Then it all hit you, you were going to be tortured on camera. The video would probably broadcasted across every major news network, for all to see. The idea of your family & friends having to bear witness to your bloodshed on television started to cause you to wonder if death was a better fate.
A taller man came up to you & bent down to look at your face. His grimy hands pulled your hair back punched you square in the face. A blood curdling scream escaped your lips as you heard the crack of your nose. The metallic smell of blood filled the air.
“Shut up!” One of them yelled. Your head hung weakly in defeat & pain. One of the men started the camera, & the other stood next to you with a large machete in his hand.
“To the people of the west, we declare war on you. The bloodshed that had spilled on our soil will continue, & it’s time for us to take revenge.” He said in near perfect English. The bastard had a damn American accent. “We have captured one of your own, & it is up to you to make sure she stays alive.” You lifted your head & looked into the camera intently. You reminded yourself of the importance to make sure you could be identified for rescuing. “You have 72 hours to respond.” The man said menacingly as he put the machete close to your neck. Your breathing increased by the presence of the large blade. The camera was then stopped & he removed the machete from your neck. You were soon untied & brought back into the room where the other hostages are. A colleague of yours gasped at the sight of your blooded & bruised face. They threw you to the ground, & you started to sob even more. Your vision kept going in & out from the pain.
“All I wanted to do was help people.” You whispered as you gave into the darkness.
Simon along with the rest of Task Force 141 sat in a briefing room awaiting what their next mission was to be. Price had a bit of a hunch as his wife texted him a news article mentioning the aid workers taken hostage. Laswell came in looking absolutely stressed.
“Afternoon.” She mumbled & put her laptop down on the table. The air suddenly felt incredibly tense by her presence which wasn’t abnormal but something felt off. She flipped open her laptop & started to brief them. “As some of you may know a group of terrorists invaded a city that was once held by rebel fighters. A UNICEF camp was based on the outskirts, a bunch of foreign nationals were there administering medicine to the locals. They attacked, & took an American aid worker hostage along with nationals from other countries.” Kate sighed. “There’s a video they released.”
Everyone looked around the room at each other. “It’s dark.” She simply stated. “This poor woman.” She hit play & the video started. As soon as they all saw the young woman blooded with her head down they sat up. The more the video played Simon grew more angry. Then once the terrorist had pulled her head up Kate looked down. Her eyes where blood shot, nose was already broken, & her whole face was covered in blood. The man held a machete to her neck & they all watched her body tense up.
Simon was pumped full of adrenaline & wanted to snap the neck of the man who held the machete. He was furious.
“Holy Fuck.” Gaz said & shook his head.
“Yeah I know.” Kate said. “The United States has reached out to us, they want us to rescue her. Their Special Forces are conducting other operations. The woman in the video her name is Y/N L/N, & it’s believed her colleague Paul Kessler is also in the compound. Their lives are at extreme risk & we need to extract them immediately. So hop to it.”
They went over the rescue plan, & walked out to the airstrip where a C-130 aircraft awaited them. Their gear was put on board by the crew & they boarded the plane. Simon couldn’t help but wonder about the young woman in the video. She looked so defeated & was on deaths doorstep. It angered him. These were his least favorite type of missions, he hated the idea of innocent people who just wanted to help others be subjected to the worst kind of violence. He had seen so many innocent people throughout his childhood, & adulthood fall victim that he was fueled with anger for this mission.
The plane landed safely at a airbase in one of the neighboring countries. They got off & did a full gear lay out to assure everyone had the correct equipment. Simon took apart his rifle & cleaned it a few times before putting it back together. Everyone could tell from his demeanor that he was going to be ruthless. Both Soap & Price exchanged a glance of worry before looking at Simon again. When they knew he was doing a deep clean of his rifle he wasn’t going to hold back once they landed. Two Blackhawk Helicopters landed on the Tarmac at 02000 (8pm) ready for the Task Force to board.
Simon pulled his iconic skull faced mask over his head, transforming from a man into a force to be reckoned with. Ghost had now taken over, & it was time for him to board the helicopter. Ghost & Soap took one helicopter while Price & Gaz went to the other. Night had fallen & it was perfect for them to be stealthy enough to fly under enemy radar. They lifted off of the ground & headed off to their target.
“Gentlemen, we are now over the border.” One of the pilots said over the radio. “Wheels down in ten.” They were flying so incredibly low that they just barley touched the tips of the trees they flew over. Soon they had reach a now pitch black city & the helicopters started to approach the house were their target was.
“Eyes on target.” Price said into his radio, alerting the task force. A fighter on of the roofs started to fire as the approaching helicopters & was quickly taken out by Price. Soon they were hovering over the roof of the building & repelling down. Once his boots hit the roof of the building his combat mode was switched on. Looking through his night vision goggles he was able to eliminate all of the hostiles on the surrounding roofs. Soap located the door that lead down the stairs & immediately kicked it open. He eliminated one of the terrorists behind the doorway & motioned for them to follow him.
With ease they cleared the stairway & upper floor of the house. It certainly helped that the terrorists were completely unorganized & didn’t know how to properly fight. Soap grabbed one of them & dragged him to where they were holding the hostages.
You kept going in & out of consciousness due to the pain. Your captors had beaten you with every possible way they could. It was a direct attempt to break your spirits & make you ultimately give up hope for a rescue. Your eyes were so bloodshot & after a blow of a rifle butt to the head you couldn’t even fully see anymore. One of your colleagues had to explain what was happening around you. After you slipped out of consciousness again you felt someone’s knee trying to awake you. A overwhelming feeling of dread filled your body thinking it was one of your captors.
“Y/N! Y/N!” The voice screamed, it was one your colleagues Paul. “Wake up they’re here to rescue us.” He said attempting to wake you up. You opened your eyes only to see blurred figures. Hearing gun fire up the stairs you tried to sit up more. Stomping came down the stairs & more shots rang out. You felt a bright light shining on your face & then hands on you. Your bound hands were cut free & your body was lifted from the ground into a fireman’s carry.
“Captain I’ve acquired the target,” A deep British accent said. “Ready for extraction.”
“Affirmative.” A muffle voice said over the radio. Mentally you were thanking whatever higher power that sent them here to rescue you. You let our little squeaks & moans of pain as the two of you made it up the stairs. Your head was beyond pounding now.
“I know love, but I promise we’ll get you treatment as soon as possible.” The voice replied to your small noises. The two of you made it to the roof & the helicopter that was hovering turned around to extract the whole Task Force. You could hear Paul thanking whoever he was in front of at the moment for rescuing him.
“How’s she doing? A voice yelled over the sound of the helicopter approaching. “Okay, not great but we gotta get her immediate care.” The wind of the helicopter blades indicated that it was right above. You felt yourself being strapped to a gurney & lifted into the air. Once in the helicopter & moving you could feel them stabilize your head. A IV was started to replenish your body of it’s fluids. One of the men aboard with a thick Scottish accent kept asking you a series of different questions. You could only respond with hand signals. A bulky piece of fabric was placed in your arms. Your hands felt around the folded fabric only to realize it was an American flag. Small sob escaped your lips as you clutched onto the fabric tighter.
Ghost looked down at the poor woman who was strapped to the gurney. Soap had taken an American flag that was aboard the helicopter & placed it in her arms. They both watched as she sobbed clutching the fabric at the realization that she was actually safe.
“You’re safe love,” Soap assured her. Once they had landed back at the airbase the young woman was handed off to the team of advanced medics on the airbase to be stabilized for transport. Ghost watched from a distance as she was being boarded onto a airplane to be sent to Germany for proper care. He removed his mask revealing Simon. Price walked up to him & clapped him on the back.
“Job well done son,” Price said. “Cmon let’s get some sleep & then we’ll be headed back.”
A few weeks later you were somewhat healed. The doctors were able to place your nose back together properly & you regained your eyesight somewhat. The most difficult part was hearing your speech might be slurred due to the blow you took to your head. You were also told you’d have to relearn to write again. During your entire treatment you refused to let go of the American flag one of the rescuers put in your arms. The doctors had to pry your arms open to gain access to your abdomen.
It sat on the bed side table of your hospital room. You were sat up in bed holding a pencil tracing letters. Your doctor recommended you do so in order to regain the ability you once had. It hadn’t been this difficult since kindergarten. You were so focused on your writing that you hadn’t even noticed the handsome soldier at your door. A soft knock on the side of the door frame alerted you of his presence. You looked up, somewhat embarrassed at your appearance in front of the handsome stranger. The bruising under your eyes was yellowing now from the rhinoplasty.
“I’m sorry for startling you.” He said, & your mind immediately flashed back to that night. That voice. “You may not remember me but-“
“N-no I d-do.” You replied through slurred words. He gave you a soft smiled & walked into the room.
“May I sit?” He asked & you nodded. He pulled up a chair & sat down next to your bed. “I’m Simon.” He introduced himself.
“Y/N.” You managed to get out. He looked down at what you were doing. Embarrassed you tried to flip the paper over but he stopped you.
“What are you doing?” He asked & flipped the paper. “Ah I see. Let me help.” He said. His large hand eclipsed yours as he helped you hold the pencil correctly. He helped you trace one of the lowercase letters properly by guiding your hand.
“T-thank you.” You said & looked at him. He brushed your hair out of your face & then looked at the American flag on your bed side table. One of his large hands ran over it & then placed it in your lap. You reached out for his hand & give it a squeeze. His flesh was calloused but made you feel warm & safe. Those same hands that rescued you would be the ones to have & to hold you for your entire life.
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slaymitchabernathy · 2 months
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Cold & Calculated
Coriolanus POV
Thunder booms throughout the Snow penthouse as Coriolanus relentlessly paces back and forth in the library.
A million thoughts race through his head. Is she alright? Does she need him? Is she scared?
"Pacing like a caged animal will not help your wife give birth," his father tells him, sounding rather bored as he sips his whiskey. Coriolanus sighs but continues his pacing, "I can't help it."
He's moments away from meeting his firstborn child, his daughter.
He wishes he could be with Soarynn, stay by her side, and hold her hand but men are forbidden from witnessing the birth itself which means he has nothing left to do but simply wait. And it's so fucking hard. Maybe if he didn't love her as much as he does then he wouldn't be this worried, if they had stayed cold and calculated in regards to one another but they hadn't.
Nine months ago he confessed his love for Soarynn and she did the same. It caused a major shift in the dynamic of their relationship, they argued more often than they did before. Mostly over little insignificant things like where to go for dinner but Coriolanus was finally given a look at how feisty and loud Soarynn could be.
He felt that he could always blame her pregnancy hormones but deep down he knew that Soarynn had always been this way, it just took him a long time to realize that. His wife was stubborn and headstrong yet caring and loving at the same time. All qualities he hoped would be passed down to their daughter.
Soarynn had been so excited when they found out they were having a little girl. She already insisted that they would have a little boy soon after. "So she won't be an only child like us," Soarynn had told him one night. It both melted and broke his heart to hear her say that. Coriolanus wasn't always an only child, he was going to have a little sister but she didn't survive the birth and his mother barely did herself.
He promised himself that he'd tell her that after she gave birth to their children, she was already nervous as it was.
"These things take time Coriolanus," Glen Nightingale tells him.
Coriolanus knows that Glen has a point but Glen's own wife also died giving birth to Soarynn so he doesn't really have much room to talk in his opinion. Still, Coriolanus gives him a small smile and looks out the window at the dreary night this is turning out to be. "Sit down and have something to drink son," his father says, waving him over to the small seating area. Coriolanus contemplates it for a moment but eventually gives in to his father's request.
When Crassus Xanthos Snow tells you to have a drink, you have a drink.
He sits down with a heavy sigh and holds his head in his hands, "Were you this nervous when mother was giving birth to me?" His father pours him a drink and offers him the glass filled with whiskey, "On the contrary, I had every confidence that she'd successfully push you into the world. Your mother is a force to be reckoned with as you very well know." Coriolanus nods, indeed she is. His mother is kind, trustworthy, and quite hard to shake.
Coriolanus takes the glass and nearly drinks half of it in one gulp, "It's taking forever." He really can't rush Soarynn, not when he's talking about the birth of their daughter but he wishes for nothing more than to know that she's safe and not in pain. The last two months have been the worst for her during this pregnancy. Back pain, headaches, morning sickness. He can tell that she's ready to be done with this.
Glen chuckles and gives his knee a reassuring squeeze, "All will be well my boy, have faith in her and you'll see that there was nothing to worry about." Coriolanus wishes he could believe him but he can't, not until it's all over.
Both older men end up talking about business or something of that sort but Coriolanus tunes them out, only listening to the pattering of the rain and the occasional sound of thunder. Soarynn hates thunderstorms.
She hates thunderstorms but loves how it smells after it rains. She likes sleeping with the windows open. She doesn't like needles. Her favorite color is pink, any shade will do. She hates coffee but loves the smell of a freshly brewed cup. She's scared of the dark but feels better if there's a nightlight. She loves him.
"Coriolanus?" It's the warm sound of his mother's voice that snaps him out of his thoughts as he looks over at the library door, "Yes?" She gives him a smile, "Come and meet your daughter."
Coriolanus almost falls out of the chair as he stands to his feet and follows his mother out of the library and down the hall. He can see the members of his staff standing outside their bedroom doors, smiling at one another as they peek inside. When he finally walks into the bedroom he's greeted by the sight of Soarynn, Persephone, and the doctor who delivered their child.
His focus narrows down on Soarynn who looks exhausted as she sits against the headboard. He crosses the room in seconds, completely ignoring everyone else but Soarynn whose smile brightens when she sees him. "Hello," she says softly. Coriolanus carefully sits on the edge of the bed next to her and holds her face in his hand, "Hello my darling. How're you feeling?"
Soarynn lets out a tired sigh and looks across the room where the doctor seems to be fussing with something, "Tired," she admits, "but she's beautiful Coriolanus." Hearing those words reminds Coriolanus that he now has a daughter and he looks over at the doctor who is now walking over with a pink bundle in her arms, "Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Snow," she says softly, handing their daughter to Soarynn.
Coriolanus gasps when he finally lays eyes on his daughter. Her eyes are closed but he can already see that Soarynn is right, she's absolutely beautiful, just like her mother. Soarynn presses a soft kiss to their daughter's golden curls and smiles, "We've been so excited to meet you my darling Ceraphina."
Coriolanus nods and gently takes hold of Ceraphina's tiny hand, counting five little fingers. "She's perfect," he decides, "absolutely perfect, well done my darling," he presses a kiss to Soarynn's temple. He's beaming with pride now that all is well and he's finally a father.
Their own fathers join them a moment later and Glen crosses the room to see his daughter and granddaughter. "You did wonderful honey," her father softly tells her, gently squeezing her shoulder. Soarynn smiles up at her father, "Thank you, I can't believe she's finally here."
Ceraphina lets out a small noise and then a second later opens her eyes. Coriolanus feels as if he's staring into Soarynn's eyes right now, they're that identical. Glen chuckles, "She has her mother's eyes." Ceraphina squints up at him as if offended by that statement and Coriolanus grins, "And her mother's attitude."
Soarynn scoffs and gives him a gentle shove, "Oh, hush."
His own parents join them along with Persephone who all gaze adoringly at Ceraphina who stares at all these strange people with curious eyes. "I wish Festus could be here," Persephone sighs, rubbing her own protruding stomach. Once Soarynn announced her pregnancy to the world at one month, it set off a string of pregnancies among their friends. Soarynn is the first to give birth among the elite which once again solidifies that Snow lands on top.
Soarynn offers her good friend a sympathetic smile, "We do hope he recovers swiftly from the flu. I know that Coriolanus and I will be there to support you when the time comes." Coriolanus barely noticed his good friend's absence tonight, the lack of jokes made for a quiet night but he knows that Festus would've been here if he was able to. Soarynn gives him a nudge and he perks up, "Of course we will," he agrees.
But Persephone is a good four months away from giving birth so he's not too worried about that right now. All he needs to do is focus on his wife and his daughter."
꧁ Two Months Later ꧂
Coriolanus keeps a watchful eye on his wife as she stands among her close friends, all who share their praises and words of affection towards her and their daughter. With all of these women being so close to their own due dates, emotions are running rampant and it seems to have landed Ceraphina an extra amount of undivided attention from all these mothers-to-be.
"Oh, she's just so precious Soarynn."
"Absolutely adorable."
"She looks just like you!"
"She's a true Snow if I've ever seen one."
The last comment makes Coriolanus grin as he finally turns his attention back to his friend's conversation. "...and then she asked me for fish with mustard!" Festus says, tugging at his own curls in frustration, "These pregnancy cravings get stranger and stranger as the days go on." Coriolanus sympathizes with Festus, especially when he was also subjected to several strange cravings from Soarynn including pickles with ice cream.
"You're almost at the finish line my friend," Coriolanus tells Festus who simply rolls his eyes in return, "Easy for you to say, you two are just starting over again."
Coriolanus looks back at his wife and daughter and his eyes travel down to Soarynn's stomach where another baby is growing safely inside of her. He hadn't known how long it would be until Soarynn would be up for the idea of sex again, but two months after giving birth to Ceraphina she was ready again.
Coriolanus however, hadn't planned on getting Soarynn pregnant so quickly, not after she'd just given birth. Soarynn hadn't been as apprehensive as he was and expressed her enthusiasm about Ceraphina growing up alongside a younger sibling. They had yet to find out the gender but Soarynn was certain it was a boy.
He notices Soarynn eyeing the refreshments table, more so the small plates of chocolate cake and he doesn't hesitate to rise from his armchair and grab her a slice. Ceraphina is the first out of all the women to notice his approach and her face lights up as she lets out a squeal of delight. Coriolanus had low expectations going into fatherhood, never truly knowing what to expect but Ceraphina quickly became the apple of his eye.
Maybe it has something to do with the fact that she looks nearly identical to Soarynn, with blue-gray eyes and blonde hair. Her curls were precious and her smile was contagious.
Coriolanus smiles down at Ceraphina and basks in the wishful sighs that Soarynn's friends let out when seeing such a sweet sight. "Looks like your father brought us something to eat," Soarynn says to Cerapahina who makes grabbing motions at Coriolanus with her hands, clearly wanting to be held. He chuckles and offers Soarynn the plate, "I saw you eyeing it. Why don't we trade?" Soarynn doesn't need much convincing and easily hands Ceraphina over to him so that she can enjoy her cake.
Persephone rubs one hand on her stomach while the other rests on her lower back, "I still don't know how you're doing it all over again Soarynn. You just got through it all and now you want another one?" Soarynn rolls her eyes as she chews, behavior she only shows around those she knows and trusts the most, "You make it sound as if being pregnant is the worst thing in the world."
Persephone shakes her head and gives Ceraphina's cheek a soft pinch, "It isn't, but it's certainly not pleasant either. Don't tell me you didn't have any back pain during those nine months." Coriolanus bounces Ceraphina up and down as she lets out more baby noises, looking up at him so adoringly. "Of course, I had back pain," Soarynn tells her friend, "but overall I enjoyed being pregnant. The birth itself wasn't even that bad and you were there for that."
Coriolanus nods along to his wife's words, Persephone is undoubtedly Soarynn's closest friend and personally bore witness to Soarynn pushing Ceraphina out into the world. Persephone looks over at where most of their husbands are sitting save for Coriolanus and glares at Festus who's as oblivious as ever, "I just wish our husbands could take on a bit of the discomfort so that they'd understand why we suddenly aren't in the mood for sex every single night."
Soarynn turns a light shade of pink and Coriolanus wisely remains silent, not daring to go against a very pregnant woman's words. He's heard from his friends that their wives have been put off by the idea of sex and he can't really blame them for that but Soarynn was always eager and willing. Coriolanus enjoyed making love to Soarynn while she was pregnant. He was able to take things slower, worship every little thing about her while she lay down on their bed like a goddess.
Soarynn offers Persephone an encouraging smile before finishing off her cake and handing the empty plate to an Avox waiter, "You're almost at the end, two more months is nothing compared to the lifetime you'll have with your son." Festus and Persephone were expecting a son who Festus jokingly referred to as 'Festus Jr.' which was not very funny to his wife.
Coriolanus liked to think about the possibility of their having a son, making them parents to a boy and a girl, the perfect family unit really.
They'd just have to wait and see.
Soarynn POV
"I think Persephone might make Festus get a vasectomy once she gives birth." Soarynn grins at her husband's comment and lifts her head from his chest to look him in the eye, "Hush. She's just tired of being pregnant."
Coriolanus tightens his hold on Soarynn's waist and the bath water gently sloshes around them. He gives her an amused look and shakes his head, "I'm not faulting her for being tired of it, I can only imagine how exhausting it must be to carry a child for nine months, but I just don't remember you complaining about it that much, especially in public."
Soarynn rests her head back on his chest and sighs contentedly, "Every woman is different," she reasons, "and this time might be different than the last."
Being pregnant for nine months had been a foreign experience to Soarynn who feels much more confident heading into it for the second time. To have something constantly growing inside of you, needing nutrients, kicking from inside of you was an out-of-body experience for her. She enjoyed it for the most part, buying maternity clothes and decorating their daughter's nursery had been wonderful. Throwing up every morning and not being able to put on her shoes not so much.
She's lucky to have a husband as doting and attentive as Coriolanus who was always by her side and ready to fetch her whatever she needed. He took a whole month off from work after Ceraphina was born to help out where he could and once he went back to work, his mother stayed with them to help. Soarynn valued Mrs. Snow's guidance since her own mother had tragically passed away when giving birth to her.
Ceraphina was an easy baby though, sleeping through the night with little to no troubles and always being rather quiet instead of screaming at the top of her lungs. It helps that Soarynn spends every waking moment with her darling daughter. Soarynn thought that loving Coriolanus was the only type of love that could exist, romantic love. But motherly love was a new level of love.
She had been excellently behaved at today's gala thrown at Heavensbee Hall in honor of the new generation of babies slowly making their way into the world.
Ceraphina was the first to be born in the long line of elite families, all of who were eager to welcome their own children into the world. Coriolanus hums and drags his fingers up and down her spine, "She certainly is reaping the benefits of being the only baby in our friend group." Soarynn smiles and melts further into his safe hold, "She's our little star."
꧁ ꧂
"There you go," Soarynn whispers, "much better."
She gently places Ceraphina back into her crib, listening to her daughter's whimpers grow less and less as she realizes that she's back in the safety of her crib. Soarynn had been woken up by the nanny who couldn't get Ceraphina back to sleep no matter what she tried. Soarynn reassured the woman that she could quiet down the baby and she did just that by gently rocking her back and forth for a good thirty minutes while humming a lullaby.
She watches Ceraphina's eyes grow heavy as she finally drifts back to sleep and she quietly backs away from the crib, careful not to disturb her daughter's sleep. Once she closes the door to the nursery the nanny approaches her, "Would you like me to get you anything before I leave Mrs. Snow?"
Soarynn looks down the hall and out the giant window that overlooks the Capitol and sees that it's still dusk, meaning their cook has yet to arrive and begin preparing breakfast. "Some tea would be lovely," Soarynn decides, giving the nanny a grateful smile.
Having never grown up with a nanny herself, Soarynn was more than hesitant to entrust a stranger with her daughter's care but their nanny Maria has proven to be a godsend in managing the household with a newborn infant. Maria comes in around eight once Soarynn has gotten Ceraphina down for the night and stays until around seven in the morning once Soarynn or Coriolanus has woken up.
Being able to sleep through the night without any disturbances was truly worth every bit they paid Maria but Soarynn had told Maria not to hesitate to seek her out should she need some assistance, which is what led to Soarynn being woken up at six in the morning. She normally only slept in for another thirty minutes before waking up to spend a few moments with her husband before he left for work so she didn't mind. Ceraphina wasn't a very fussy baby which she was grateful for.
꧁ ꧂
Soarynn pads down the hallway and quietly opens the doors to her own bedroom and finds Coriolanus sitting on the edge of their bed, freshly woken up by his alarm clock. He looks up at her and holds a hand out, "I was wondering where you went," he says with a yawn. Soarynn crosses the room and takes his hand, letting out a squeal when he pulls her into his hold, his legs caging her in.
Soarynn giggles as she looks down at her very handsome husband who even manages to look attractive after just waking up. His voice is always deeper and more raspy in the mornings which is something she always enjoys. His other hand explores the rest of her body and travels up her thigh and takes a firm hold of her ass, "You wouldn't happen to be in the mood to make my morning a very happy one would you?' He asks, his tone laced with lust and sleep.
One glance at his pajama pants lets Soarynn know that he's woken up with a rather pressing problem. A problem that he could easily take care of himself in the shower but it's always so much more fun when they do things together. Soarynn raises her eyebrows, "A pregnant woman's mood changes several times throughout the day darling," she informs him before slowly sinking to her knees, "but you've found me in a rather generous mood."
Sex is still something new to Soarynn, something that at times can make her nervous or self-conscious. Her body didn't undergo any significant changes during her pregnancy with Ceraphina, she gained two pounds and thankfully didn't experience any tearing while giving birth but she'd still been worried about what Coriolanus would think of her.
Getting pregnant two months after giving birth clearly showed how obsessed he still was with her and Soarynn proudly sported her small new baby bump.
They don't have much time and Coriolanus is known to want to always return the favor so Soarynn doesn't waste any time in grabbing the waistband of his pants. Coriolanus helps her pull them down along with his boxers and she swallows at the sight of his hardened cock, red at the tip.
She could relate to Persephone Creed on a great number of things when it comes to being pregnant but having sex while pregnant was something that she and Coriolanus constantly partook in. When she reached about eight months she truly couldn't find the energy to do anything but lie on her back and Coriolanus took full advantage of it, pleasuring her with his tongue and cock for hours on end.
It's no wonder that she's gotten pregnant again so quickly because the two of them can't seem to get enough of each other.
She takes hold of his length and runs her tongue up and down just as he showed her over a year ago when she gave him a blowjob for the first time. She had been so nervous that she might accidentally bite him in the process but Coriolanus went slowly and helped her get accustomed to his girthy length. Now Soarynn can take most of him without a problem.
Coriolanus lets out a shaky breath when she finally wraps her lips around the tip and begins bobbing her head up and down, "Fuck Soarynn," he moans, his hand coming to grab a handful of her hair, using it as a makeshift ponytail. Soarynn runs her tongue along the underside of his shaft, a trick that always makes Coriolanus moan. And he does just that, tightening his grip on her hair as she continues her pace.
His breath grows more and more frantic as he approaches his orgasm and Soarynn doubles down on her efforts, only gagging once she's taken all she can fit in her mouth. "Right there," he moans, "just like that." Soarynn reaches to take hold of his balls, giving them a squeeze, and that's all it takes for Coriolanus to cum.
"Fuck," he moans, finishing down her throat. Soarynn slows down as he finishes, only pulling her mouth off once he goes limp in her mouth. Soarynn wipes her mouth with the back of her hand before swallowing, something that always pleases Coriolanus.
Soarynn grins up at him, batting her lashes while he catches his breath. "That mouth of yours is dangerous," he finally says, rubbing his hand over his face. Soarynn shrugs but the praise isn't lost on her. "Let me return the favor." Coriolanus Snow is predictable as ever but that doesn't stop Soarynn from pushing herself off the floor and sitting on the edge of the bed, her lips instantly finding him in a passionate kiss.
Soarynn whimpers when one his his hands slips under her nightgown and grabs her breast, his fingers pinching her nipple. Since getting pregnant with Ceraphina, her breasts have grown more sensitive, especially since she's breastfeeding and Coriolanus has taken full advantage of her sensitivity, using it to get her off.
His other hand grabs her waist and pulls her closer to him and Soarynn moans when he rolls her rosy bud between her fingers, "Please," she breathes. She can feel Coriolanus smirk into the kiss and his hand leaves her breast, slowly sliding down to her cunt.
"Please what?"
Soarynn whines at her husband's teasing which only causes him to laugh, "I want to hear you beg darling, I can't have my wife being impolite." Soarynn wants to point out that she never makes him beg, but she knows that pillow talk always gets Coriolanus more riled up.
Soarynn gasps when she feels his fingers slip under the fabric of her panties and prod at her entrance, "Please fuck me," she says, arching her back, "please Coriolanus."
Those seem to be the magic words that grant her the thing she wishes for because Coriolanus is quick to get her lying on her back while he crawls on top of her, pushing her nightgown up and ripping her panties down her legs. He pushes her thighs apart and simply stares at her cunt for a moment, long enough to make Soarynn buck her hips in anticipation.
Coriolanus smirks and shakes his head, "So impatient," he tuts, slowly lining up the tip of his cock with her entrance. Soarynn huffs, "I'm not the one who woke up horny." Coriolanus chuckles and presses a kiss to her cheek, "But you woke up feisty."
He sinks his cock into her cunt without any warning and Soarynn moans loudly at the intrusion. After over a year of having sex with Coriolanus, she still feels the burn every single time his cock stretches out her walls. Coriolanus begins to set a quick pace, his hips slamming into hers repeatedly as Soarynn moans and whimpers. "You feel so good darling," he whispers, placing a kiss on her lips.
Soarynn returns the kiss to the best of her abilities but she's hindered by the euphoric feeling of him thrusting into her at such a rapid pace. Coriolanus can fuck as good as he can make love but right now he's fucking her just right. "Please," she mumbles, already delirious in pleasure, "please right there, right there, don't stop."
His pace becomes more punishing and Soarynn can see Coriolanus watching her carefully, gauging her reactions. Her back arches off the bed when he targets her sweet spot and Soarynn grabs onto his broad shoulders, digging her nails into his skin. "I want you to cum for me darling," he pants, pressing another kiss to her lips, "be my good girl and cum for me."
Soarynn's eyes roll back at his demand and she can feel her walls tightening up around his cock, her peak growing closer and closer. "Please," she moans, "Coriolanus please." Her husband seems to know just what she needs because one of his hands slips down and his fingers begin to rub at her clit, making Soarynn instantly see stars while her orgasm washes over her.
Coriolanus follows right after her, painting her walls with his cum as they both ride out their highs. Soarynn goes limp while his thrusts slow down until he finally stills inside of her. Coriolanus rests his head on her shoulder and Soarynn brings her hands to his soft golden curls, scratching his scalp just the way he likes it. Coriolanus groans at the feeling and Soarynn giggles, "Good morning," she says sweetly.
Coriolanus slightly lifts his head so that he can look into her eyes and Soarynn cherishes the love she sees in them. It wasn't always this way, he used to look at her with care and lust, but not love. "Good morning my love," he replies, his voice still deep. Soarynn's heart flutters at the pet name. Once they finally broke through the walls they had put up, Coriolanus adopted a plethora of pet names to call her.
'My love, darling, sweet girl, my darling girl, angel, my good girl, my glowing wife, the love of my life.'
It amazes her how quickly their relationship changed once they were honest with each other, and right on time considering she was newly pregnant with Ceraphina when they confessed their true feelings for one another. "I'm surprised you were up before me," he mumbles, placing soft kisses on her collarbones. Soarynn sighs and stares up at the ornately carved ceiling, "Me too. Ceraphina wouldn't go back to sleep so Maria came to get me. I got her back to sleep though."
If they hadn't hired a nanny to help with Ceraphina, they certainly would've hired one once Soarynn gave birth to their second child. She can't imagine trying to balance her social life and two children.
Still, she wouldn't change a thing. She's incredibly blessed to have a wonderful husband, pleasant in-laws, a doting father, and a darling daughter. It seems that everything worked out in the end.
Coriolanus POV
꧁ Two-and-a-Half Years Ago ꧂
Coriolanus drums his fingers against the hardwood table which earns him a scoff from his mother who swats at his arm from across the table, "Be patient Coriolanus, you're in no rush to be anywhere but right here." He doesn't argue with his mother, not if he values his life but he's still annoyed.
At twenty-three years old you'd think that he'd get more of a say when it comes to his social life but his mother insisted that he attend this very small, intimate dinner. "I'm simply anxious to meet my future bride," he replies which earns him a glare, "They'll be here shortly," his father tells him.
Coriolanus simply nods and looks out the window at the Capitol street, watching people walk by. He's not surprised that his parents chose this specific restaurant to have this dinner, it's quiet, expensive and the service is excellent. And you have to be put on an extensive waiting list to get a table. Unless you're a Snow.
Coriolanus is more than aware of the power his last name holds, which is why he's been so hesitant about having this dinner. He doesn't want to give his family name to just any girl. But his father insisted that this girl, whoever she was, was the perfect fit for him and their family. Crassus Snow is rarely ever wrong so Coriolanus figures it won't be too bad.
He can always just say no.
His parents sit across from him and he watches his father take his mother's hand, giving it a gentle squeeze, "It'll be fine darling," he says, easing his wife's worries. Coriolanus knows how much his mother worries about him finding a suitable bride. She doesn't want her only child, her darling boy to be lonely. He's only twenty-three so he figures he has some time but his mother has been pushing for marriage more and more over the past year.
Coriolanus sighs and looks back out the window, watching other couples pass by hand in hand. He wonders how they met, maybe at the park or at their jobs. Maybe they were schoolmates. His good friend Festus Creed who he's grown up with also has a date this week with a potential wife. Hopefully, they both have good luck.
"There they are." Coriolanus looks up at his father's words and looks over at the entrance of the small dining room they're sitting in. He recognizes the man immediately, Glen Nightingale a good friend of his father's as well as a business partner. Coriolanus and his father rise from their seats as one does to show a sign of respect and that's when he sees Glen's daughter. At least, he assumes she's his daughter.
As far as he knew, Glen didn't have any children. Well, any children his age. This girl looks young but she's absolutely beautiful. She has long blonde hair that must touch her lower back. Her skin is tan and her face is dotted with freckles, giving her a natural look. What's most startling about her though are her eyes, both shades of blue and gray.
She's gorgeous.
Glen and his father shake hands and Coriolanus watches the girl carefully as she remains at her father's side, only giving his mother a small wave. She looks over at him for a split second before looking back down at the ground. She's nervous.
Coriolanus clears his throat and rounds the table, reaching out his hand to Glen. "Wonderful to see you again Mr. Nightingale." Glen smiles at him and takes his hand, "Likewise Coriolanus, I swear you've grown since I last saw you." Coriolanus honestly can't remember the last time he was face to face with Glen, maybe when he graduated from University.
Coriolanus nods and chuckles, "I definitely take after my father in that regard." Coriolanus inherited many things from his father, his height, his pride, his ambition, his authoritiveness, and his good looks. He turns his attention to Glen's daughter and offers her a polite smile, "And this must be..." Glen gives his daughter's arm a gentle squeeze, "This is my daughter Soarynn."
Soarynn. What a pretty name.
Coriolanus tries to remember her face in his years attending University and the Academy but he can't recall ever seeing her. Had he come face to face with her before this, he would've already been after her. Soarynn returns his smile with one of her own, "It's a pleasure to meet you." Her voice is so soft and quiet, she's like a little mouse.
"Let's sit down and have a few drinks," his father suggests and Glen happily nods, "Yes, let's have a seat, honey." Coriolanus makes his way back over to his seat and pulls out Soarynn's chair, enjoying the surprised look that washes over her face at the polite gesture. "Thank you," she says before sitting down. Coriolanus hums and immediately notices how she crosses her ankles and places her napkin over her lap. She has manners, good. The wife of a Snow needs to possess proper etiquette.
"I don't recall seeing you in any of my classes during my years at the Academy," Coriolanus says, grabbing his glass of wine, "did you attend a different school?" He fears what her answer will be because only the richest and most elite citizens of Panem send their children to the Academy. If Glen sent Soarynn somewhere else then this marriage won't work.
Soarynn brushes her hair back behind her ears and shyly looks over at him, "I just graduated from the Academy last year."
Last year? She's eighteen. Freshly eighteen then from the looks of it. No wonder she's nervous. His mother sighs before she takes a sip of her wine, "Oh, I remember ironing your Academy uniform darling, you looked so handsome in red." Coriolanus doesn't point out that the maid did most of the ironing but his mother tends to forget those pieces of information.
Soarynn nods and reaches for the water rather than the wine, "Most of my friends are now looking for suitors, that seems to be the thing to do once you graduate." Everyone nods in agreement, as a young Capitol lady the best thing you can do is get married to a young man who comes from a noble family. Just like Coriolanus.
As dinner progresses, Soarynn barely says a word. Coriolanus watches her while she eats, noting how she uses the proper cutlery and how kindly she speaks to the waiter when he takes her order. He's overwhelmed by the sweet scent of vanilla that constantly floats off of her, it nearly gets him drunk on the smell of something sweet.
By the time dinner is over and the bill is paid, Coriolanus already knows that he's going to marry Soarynn Nightingale. He's sure that she'll be more talkative once they're alone but he didn't mind how quiet she was tonight. There's nothing worse than an outspoken wife who can't control her mouth.
Goodbyes are exchanged and as he leans down to press a kiss on her cheek, he takes her small hand in his, "I'd like to see you again next week. Take you out to dinner if you'll let me." He swears his mother almost swoons at his "romantic request" but he knows how to play the long game. He has to do this properly, by the books if he wants a good, healthy relationship with Soarynn. Taking her out on a true date is only the beginning.
They'll attend galas, auctions, charity events, go see movies, and get dinner with friends together.
The future Mr. and Mrs. Snow.
꧁ ꧂
꧁ Present Time | Eight Months Later ꧂
"Do you need any help putting on your shoes darling?"
Coriolanus waits for a beat for Soarynn to answer his question but he gets nothing in return which worries him. Soarynn is very pregnant right now which means he's very overprotective right now. More than ever.
He quickly fixes his tie and strides out into their bedroom where he's welcomed with a rather sweet sight of Soarynn holding Ceraphina in her arms, swaying them side to side as she sings her a lullaby.
Roses are red, violets are blue, Heavens know that I love you, Close your eyes, my little dreamer, And you'll become my little star sleeper
Ceraphina is almost asleep when she notices Coriolanus watching them and she lifts her head from Soarynn's shoulder, "Da-da," she mumbles, reaching her tiny hand out to him.
Coriolanus smiles and doesn't hesitate to take her tiny hand, pressing a kiss to it, "Hello my little Ceraphina, are you going to bed soon?" Ceraphina scrunches her nose, "No."
Soarynn gives him a knowing look and shakes her head, "Yes you are darling, Maria will be here soon and you've been very fussy today." At almost a year old, Ceraphina is beginning to speak and develop her personality.
She knows very few words such as: 'Momma, Da-da, No, Tunia, and Mari.' Half of her words are just nicknames for the people in her life, Petunia, Maria, and so on. Coriolanus often finds his mother trying to get Ceraphina to say, 'Grandmother' but she's far from using such big words.
Coriolanus runs a loving hand through her golden curls, admiring the pink bow that Soarynn tied in her hair today, "You have been a bit cranky today," he agrees, remembering how Ceraphina decided to screech at the top of her lungs today while they had lunch. Thank goodness they hadn't been in public. Her afternoon antics were what led to Coriolanus and Soarynn ultimately deciding to call in Maria to watch her tonight while they went out to a small dinner with friends.
Ceraphina turns her attention back to Soarynn and places her hand on Soarynn's mouth, "Momma." Soarynn smiles and gently moves Ceraphina's hand off of her mouth, "Yes my darling, I'm your momma."
Coriolanus can't recall how he managed to act so cold towards Soarynn for so long. She's everything he could ever want and it's embarrassing that it took him as long as it did to realize that. "We'll need to be ready soon," he tells Soarynn, looking down at his wristwatch, "I'll have the car brought out front." Soarynn nods and bounces Ceraphina on her hip, "Time to get you in bed missy. Say goodnight to your father."
Ceraphina frowns at the premise of bedtime but Coriolanus is quick to lean down and press a kiss to her cheek, earning him a shriek of laughter. She sounds just like Soarynn when she laughs. "Goodnight my princess, you'll be the only thing I think of tonight." Soarynn shoots him a playful look and tilts her head, "You won't be thinking about me?"
Coriolanus grins and shakes his head, "Not at all, I have a very beautiful date tonight who's going to keep me company." He's glad that Soarynn has a good sense of humor because she plays right into his joke, "Oh? What does this date of yours look like?" Coriolanus pretends to think about it for a moment which earns him an eye roll from Soarynn, "She's about five-foot-six, blonde hair, gorgeous eyes. You wouldn't know her."
Soarynn shakes her head and walks towards their bedroom doors, "You're right, I wouldn't know her if I was looking in the mirror."
Coriolanus laughs to himself while she walks down the hall towards the nursery, giving him a good view of Soarynn from behind. After she gave birth to Ceraphina she had been worried that he wouldn't find her attractive but the fact that she carried his child for nine months only made her more attractive in his eyes.
He gathers his things before making his way to the living room where Maria is speaking with the cook, "Good evening Mr. Snow," Maria says, giving him a small bow. He nods and offers her a polite smile, "Hello Maria. Thank you for coming on such short notice." Maria has been a godsend when it comes to raising a newborn and also providing for his family. Coriolanus is a simple man with simple needs so if he wants to spend a night alone with his beautiful wife, all he has to do is call Maria.
It helps that Ceraphina loves Maria but she's always ecstatic when she's reunited with her parents, smiling, giggling, and shrieking with joy. Maria nods and waves him off, "It's no trouble at all Mr. Snow, I love getting to take care of your sweet Ceraphina." Coriolanus is more than used to hearing people praising Ceraphina's sweetness. Soarynn has done a remarkable job at raising Ceraphina to be as sweet as her.
He just hopes she'll do the same with their son.
When they received the confirmation that they were having a little boy, Soarynn cried tears of joy. She had been so insistent on them having a girl and a boy and her wish was once again granted. Coriolanus felt more than proud now that they had secured an heir. Two children in a little less than a year.
Snow lands on top once again.
꧁ ꧂
Soarynn POV
"You're absolutely glowing Soarynn, you're sure you don't want one more baby?"
Soarynn's eyes widen at Livia's question and she fervently shakes her head, "I think we're more than happy with just two," she replies, looking at Coriolanus for backup. Coriolanus places a hand on her shoulder and nods, "Yes, we're more than pleased." Soarynn honestly can't imagine doing this for a third time, the second time has proven to be more exhausting but Persephone told her that carrying a boy was much harder than carrying a girl.
Soarynn's mother-in-law confirmed that belief and whipped out the photo albums to show Soarynn all the baby pictures of Coriolanus who was less than pleased when they got to the photos of him butt-naked in the bathtub. Soarynn had enjoyed looking through the pictures though, especially because she knew their son would most likely look just like Coriolanus.
Ceraphina was her twin through and through, the only thing remotely different between them was their hair. Ceraphina sported tight curls like her father whereas Soarynn's hair was naturally wavy.
Soarynn is counting down the days until her son arrives, twenty-four to be precise. She's seen the way Ceraphina has Coriolanus wrapped around her little finger and she doesn't doubt that their son will do the same to her once he arrives.
Putting together another nursery in such a short time has probably been the most stressful part of this pregnancy but Soarynn managed to pull everything together a week ago. Their son's nursery was done with baby blues and warm lighting. Ceraphina's has a more feminine touch with baby pinks instead of frills but Coriolanus insisted on a more "masculine" approach for their son's nursery.
Soarynn had been pleasantly surprised at her husband's eagerness to help her with the decorating mostly because he let her have full reign over their daughter's room. But they were ready, there was no doubt about that.
Livia nods and changes the subject, "Did you hear that the Heavensbees are spending their entire summer traveling through the Districts?" Several eyes widen at the table including Soarynn's at the new piece of information. Soarynn is mostly surprised since the Heavensbees just had their first child, Plutarch who is a rather sweet-looking baby.
Coriolanus raises his eyebrows and leans back in his seat, "Surely they won't be taking public transportation." Soarynn herself has never left the safety of the Capitol and she doubts she'll ever leave now that she's married to Coriolanus who hates the Districts. He'd never want to put her in harm's way. He's been a few times with his father for business but the closest she's ever gotten to the Districts has been talking to Sejanus Plinth who Coriolanus also hates.
"Apparently they're taking a private train and Hilarius is sparing no expense," Livia tells them. The Heavensbees are almost as rich as the Snows so traveling privately doesn't shock Soarynn or Coriolanus that much but their friends whisper about how expensive this trip will be by the end of it.
The waiter comes with fresh glasses of wine for the ladies and bourbon for the men. Coriolanus takes a sip of his drink, his other hand still planted on Soarynn's shoulder, always seeking out physical affection from her even in such close proximity to one another. His fingers trail up and down her skin, making shapes and leaving goosebumps in their wake.
"My mother wanted to take a family trip to Four," he says, "but I decided against it in the end, Soarynn would just have given birth to Caspian if we ended up going." Soarynn's heart beats a little faster when he says the name of their son. They decided on it months ago, finding it a fitting name for a Snow.
Festus grunts in approval, his hand holding Persephone's on top of the table, "We should all do a holiday trip, get out of the cold for a couple of days." Soarynn brightens up at the idea of going somewhere warm, preferably the beach.
She leans over to Coriolanus while their friends discuss more meaningless topics and whispers to him, "I've always wanted to go to the beach and see the ocean." Coriolanus grins at her and squeezes her shoulder, "Then consider it done my darling."
Coriolanus isn't a man who makes empty promises which means despite his hatred for the Districts, he'll still grant her wish to see the ocean, and that excites Soarynn. She remembers the first time she ever met him, how she begged her father to let her stay home because she was too nervous.
If only she knew how it would all work out in the end.
With Snow landing on top.
| Part 5. | Final Part |
| tumblr oneshot/drabble |
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saysthenightingale · 26 days
nightingale discovers warhammer (3/???)
thoughts this time include konrad horse, a genshin impact detour, and erebus hate
just realised today that warhammer is made by the british and suddenly everything makes way more sense.
learned more about the Situation that guilliman is in and watched the trailer where he's talking about the tyranids. no wonder he has ultradepression, especially with the way the last words his dad said to him were not even a coherent sentence
status update: still coping. sanguinius is alive in my heart
saw a comment that went "if i was in a room with horus, erebus and a bolter with two rounds, i would shoot erebus twice and then beat his corpse with the bolter" and while i do agree with the sentiment... well, realistically, i would shoot myself first
if i could lift and shoot a boltgun well enough and fast enough to hit my target, i would shoot erebus twice. i wouldn't be in a room with him. he would be in the room with me
does erebus have any fans please be honest
konrad curze reminds me of a horse. yeah i know he's a bat but bats are cute and fluffy (to me. i'm insane.) horses are so unhinged and full of evolution-enhanced hysteria that if a camel farts in egypt while temperature is at 31.5C they will just spontaneously go "okay, i clearly only have one option left: kill everyone in this room and then myself." and they WILL do it. sometimes they just die because fuck you
if konrad curze isn't a horse, why does his last name slant rhyme with horse, huh? konrad horse
"magnus the red would get along with nahida from genshin impact" is the worst thing i've ever said but i stand by it. a knowledge seeker, psyker and scholar like him would in theory get along with the psychic, dream-walking goddess of wisdom. his snootiness and arrogance would piss her off, but she managed to rehabilitate a war criminal mommy issues full-of-seething-rage puppet who canonically is shown as a soggy sad kitten and tried to kill her while he was using the object embodying her godhood to take over her beloved country. while she was freshly broken out of the prison where she was kept since she was born. she can deal with magnus.
the story where the tau try to fuck with a raven guard's brain is so funny. wdym he just gave himself a heart attack. he gave himself a fatal cardiovascular event. that is so insane, this would not fly in any other setting. this is something a horse would do
genestealer cults are fucking sick and the fact that a mindless swarm that can just be dialed down to "we hungry, we evolve" is such a massive threat against empires and civilisations is fantastic
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