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Here it is! A compilation of every single Turbo flipnote I made, starting in 2014. Some of the art is rough to look at, but there's a little improvement over time, lol
Video length: 3:16
Sappy, sentimental stuff below...
As a child, my mother banned me from making and posting flipnotes to Sudomemo (and Hatena, which was the original place to upload them). She was extremely strict about when I could use electronics, and how I had access to the internet. She was strict about a lot of things. I wanted to be an animator so badly, I wanted to make art, I LOVED making art; so I would get on late at night, often forfeiting four hours of sleep in favor of making animations on my DSi. And it was the best time of my life. I don't think I will ever be as happy as I was when I was hiding under the blankets with a stylus carefully tracing over every frame of an AMV, I'll never get the same adrenaline rush as when I would hit "upload" on a finished piece.
I was so frustrated in 2014 that I was two years late to the fandom, lol. Wreck It Ralph had run it's course online and people had moved on, I'd missed all the good Turbo art as it was uploaded. But there were stragglers like me on Sudomemo who were still fixated on it. If I ever meet xNightx again I think I'll cry. I hope they're doing alright.
So yes these animations are a bit cringey, and yes they're not my best work, but I was happy when I made them and they're an important part of my art journey, so I'm happy to share them.
I can't believe my first special interest has been revived so severely, lol
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Think I'm going to be up all night based on how I'm feeling :(
I can't sleep.
#art talks about stuff#opened my window so it's cooler but i'm still mentally shinjichairing#tried to go outside to take photos of the bugs in my yard but predictably the dsi doesn't have a good night time camera
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*points at you* hoi :3
I've seen you talk bout a lotta things but nit Mario rpg so far! What makes it interesting to ya? What do ya enjoy about it? :3c
I’m so sorry for the very very long post you’re about to read.
This franchise has been everything to me ever since I first discovered it as a kid, to the point where I have most definitely obsessed over it for.. literally years at a time.
Full post under the cut due to length.
So! I’d known about these games since I was.. I want to say eight years old. I was obsessed with Mario ever since I had gotten my first console, the DSI, when I was six. I discovered the M&L series from YouTube, after begging my mom to let me watch videos there. From that point on, I discovered the game’s soundtracks, gameplay videos, etc. I’d watch them for hours on end, over and over. I was utterly hooked. Having Mario games with these cool new locations? New villains? The music that I could listen to for hours and hours on end?? An actual story? It was the best thing ever! A short time after discovering them, I discovered Mario roleplaying games on Roblox, which only fueled my love for the idea and games. Eventually I got my very first M&L game, Dream Team, on the year of release! I played it obsessively. Every day, every night, for hours and hours and hours. It never bored me. The characters had me fascinated, the humor made me giggle, just everything about the game was perfect to capture my mind, who already was obsessed with storytelling at the time. The bros themselves were the best part at first, thanks to me adoring their dynamic. I loved the games properly exploring their brotherly relationship, and how much they cared for eachother. It seeped into a lot of the stories that I’d written for them, and I couldn’t get enough of it. Really for the longest time the best part of the games to me was the bros. Though that didn’t last too long. At the age of fourteen, I’d gotten my hands on the Superstar Saga remake! After begging my parents to buy me the rest of the games, SSS was the very last game I needed to complete my collection.
This game
This game was my downfall.
If my obsession wasn’t bad before, this game started the true obsession. The environment, the characters, the music, the story, I loved it. Peasley was my favorite character out of the bunch, and he still is, of course. I never payed much attention to him until I saw the Royal brat in action. Yeahhh. Yeah. He had my heart. Smug, valiant, he somehow hit every mark for little ol me. That was the start of it all. From that point onwards, at the age of fifteen specifically, I started making a buttload of headcanons, lore to fill in the gaps, and finally, ocs. A lot of ocs. It turned into its own big ol story! It’s been now.. seven years of me doing this!! A lot’s happened, and I’ve grown a lot! Those stories have grown with me, and it’s honestly the thing I’ve poured most my heart into. It’s aged like milk, because yes, stories created when you were fifteen or sixteen aren’t gonna be the equivalent of picasso, but I still adore it and love it to bits. It’s my baby, I’ll die for that baby. It’s.. quite literally my own little love letter to the franchise and how much it’s shaped my life. My writing wouldn’t be the same without it, and neither would anything else. This franchise is a part of me, and always will be. With Brothership releasing soon, I can only see my little obsession growing.
The writing is so charming and goofy, and I have to thank the games for influencing me so much in that regard. They always make me laugh or smile, or feel so much. The animations add onto all of that, and make the game feel so… alive! The stories have always been so unique and fun, giving me years of thoughts and smiles, and the characters have always made me the happiest person alive.
M&L is my favorite franchise. It always will be. I’m so happy that I was able to discover it, and have so much of it shape my life. I wouldn’t be who I am today without it!
But, you wanted to hear why I liked M&L, so here you go! I think my favorite games in order tho have to be…
Superstar Saga, Dream Team, Bowser’s Inside Story, Partners in Time, and Paper Jam. I’ll see where brothership places when it releases!
I need to post my Mario stuff more, and maybe I’ll get to talk about all my silly things more often. If you’ve been my friend for any time at all, you know how much this franchise means to me. It’s.. a several hour long conversation, which a lot of them have had the misfortune of hearing.
Trust me, over 80 ocs and over a decade of obsessing over one little franchise does something to a girl.
Hope you enjoyed this read though, I’m glad to be able to share it with everyone!
#cawllingcards#im so sorry this post is so long#it’s almost like this franchise is my favorite or something.
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I don’t write for UA students but Bakugo and me are the same person and we’d be best friends if I was at UA 😂. I was listening to Bakugo by KVMIL and it just had me thinking about Bakugo x black american bestfriend reader (this has been sitting in my drafts forever lol might as well let it go)
No warnings, just two foreign besties with bad attitudes and terrible language (purely platonic)
Katsuki definitely speaks English, he’s a rich kid, and his parents traveled to the states a lot for work and they used to takes him in the summer. He just refuses to speak English because he thinks it sounds stupid.
The back and forth trips are how he ended up meeting you in the first place the summer between first and second grade. Your parents were working on a collaborative design line focusing on mixing Japanese and African American street fashion styles
Neither of you liked each other. He was loud and you thought his red eyes were creepy. He thought you were a loser and hated the noise your hair made when you walked (it was the beads, he thinks they look “cool or whatever” now though) you guys actually ended up fighting, Mitsuki thought it was funny because Katsuki lost (he started it) she bought you ice cream for winning.
After that day you guys came to an agreement to not speak to each other but by day 3 of vacation you were sharing games and sending each other colored screens on your DSIs. You guys did argue everyday of that summer though, and every day of every summer you spent together until middle school when he started staying in Japan to train.
Fast forward to high school and you still text each other. He’s at UA and you’re at a well known hero school in the states. Both of you are loud mouths with quirks worthy of helping saving lives (yours a quirk reversal/theft quirk that allowed you to reverse a persons quirk or utilize their abilities for a certain amount of time, like toga and all for one mixed).
Let’s just say your school has a sports festival similar to UAs that’s also televised and streamed nationally and internationally which prompts Miruko to want you intern abroad with her. Of course you accept and your school works with UA to get you into a transfer program thus starting your 1 year stent at UA. Now for fun’s sake you didn’t tell Katsuki you were coming to UA so imagine his surprise when all the rest of 1A is talking about some American transfer student and he walks into the common room and sees you sitting there.
“What. What the fuck are you doing here you fucking loser” the rest of 1A is shook, they know he’s an ass but they didn’t think he’d just be mean to new student. Just when they get ready to intervene you respond to him with a “you know you’re happy to see me fucker it’s been like 3 years” and the rest of the class is just like wtf is going on here. Y’all of course explain that you knew each other and that you’re besties. Deku being the only one not surprised considering you’d met him once before.
From then on you too go back into your old ways from childhood but with added addition of training. When you’re not busy with Miruko and him with Jeanist y’all go back to the Bakugo house and eat dinner with Mitsuki and Masaru.
You make him apologize to deku (long before canon) when he tells you what happened during middle school and how the first half of the semester had been. You beat his ass and told him to get over himself (he knew you were right).
You and Deku going feral when he gets hurt, LOV attacks and the three of you have to be put on house arrest by Iida cause y’all get too emotional over one another
Forcing him to class 1A gatherings. Neither of you wanna go but Mina saw you two getting ready to disappear after dinner and dragged y’all to movie night
Katsuki likes American food. Spice levels are just a little higher, flavors are a little more intense than typical Japanese food. You can cook a little bit and help him make American style dinners for everybody sometimes
People think you guys are partners cause of how relaxed you two are around each other but he’s like your brother and you would kiss m*neta before Katsuki
Yeah just two foreign besties (your American friends thought you were lying about your best friend living in Japan all through middle school, they didn’t realize you were serious until you moved and FaceTimed them with Katsuki in the camera)
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There are two types of Pokémon creepypastas I remember reading as a teenager: creepypastas about the games, and creepypastas about the Pokémon world. Mostly I would remember the ones about the games, because the ones interacting with the fictional world didn't feel like anything I wasn't supposed to know. It's horror fanfiction, which is cool, but it didn't stick with me personally to remember long-term. Some of them had basis in Pokédex entries, and as much as I liked a good horror story now and then based on one of those entries, it felt like normal horror fiction, confined within the garden walls of safe fictionality.
The ones that really stuck with me were about, on some level, Pokémon games being games. Stories about glitches and secret coded threats and adverse effects individual elements could have. To this day, I turn the system volume off in Lavender Town even in HeartGold because I'm so freaked out and superstitious about a made up story I read or heard about a decade ago. After all, having heard about game-breaking glitches and details changed in localization, about MissingNo. and bad eggs and all kinds of shit, it makes a person with very little knowledge of what a game can and cannot do really unsure of which stories are real and which are creepypastas. Add in stories about fake game cartridges (something that do exist) with threats and death and gore to a level which would never happen on a real Pokémon game but could be put in a home-cooked faux-Pokémon game if made by a malicious actor, horror enthusiast, or someone with a rotten sense of humour about to let it fall into the hands of the wrong neighborhood ten year old, and the possibility of what could exist gets even broader.
It gives a person high standards, and multiple sleepless nights.
Maybe it's why the further into these stories I got, the more I would find myself disliking the ones that made absolutely no sense. Oh, your GameBoy bled when you put the cartridge in? Is this fucking Cabinet Man? (accuracy note: Cabinet Man hadn't yet been released, actually, so I wouldn't have said specifically that). The official Pokémon game told you that you were responsible for your dead niece's departure from this world, but displayed nothing when your friend tried to set off the interaction? A game like that cannot tell which user plays it. There's no specialized facial recognition software on a GameBoy or DS, as far as I'm aware, so it shouldn't know the difference between your playtime and your friend's. Until the DSi they don't even have cameras. You know, it's stuff like this, where the technology is doing things that technology literally cannot do, that I started to feel like these stories weren't doing much for me, especially compared to ones that knew their tech and made a plausible, fictional, fucking horrifying story out of it.
I think some of these stories could thrive if they leaned into being generally horror fiction, straying away from attempts at being urban legends. I think some of these stories could thrive if they didn't rely on their core premises being about technology that people knew it couldn't do certain things, even if they weren't 100% sure of what the upper limit is. MissingNo. is real. Lavender Town fooled enough people I still find threads asking if it was real. Pokémon (spins wheel) Skulls and Crossbones where the (throws a dart) player is (picks a slip of paper from a hat) sucked into the game and (consults an augur) forced to be the chimneysweep for the Daycare Centre for all time is a fucking reach, as interesting fictionally as the premise might be to explore in a story if we all play with the understanding it's fiction. There are things we know Pokémon cartridges and Nintendo systems do, and there are things we know they Nintendon't.
I don't think a good story should have to be plausible (duh, I write about vampires and ghosts and witches considerably often). Lots of great science fiction relies on the technology going beyond the normal bounds of what technology can currently and in some cases will ever do. But I think that when you invoke specificity of console and brand, whether that's a Pokémon game and a GameBoy or whether it's Microsoft Outlook and a laptop running Windows 10, people who use those systems and technologies relatively often if not daily will be familiar with them enough to not believe for a minute if a story tells you that's what tried to pull an honest to goodness Cabinet Man or suck someone into an isekai. I'm not saying it will break everyone's suspension of disbelief, but it sure breaks mine, and then it just seems silly and out-of-nowhere.
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get to know me 💌
hello!!!! (^з^)-☆
i go by six, and welcome to my blog! this will basically just be a dump of anything and everything i want! i love to write so i figured what better place than tumblr?
i’m 22, and currently thinking about what i want to do with my life lol
i unfortunately have aphantasia, which is the inability to form mental images in your head. i also don’t have an inner monologue which confuses a majority of people. it’s not a genetic thing but i learned my brother doesn’t have an inner monologue either recently!
a lot of people ask a lot of questions about these, but i really suck at answering since it’s just normal for me. i assumed everyone was using a metaphor when they said “picture this” or “i can hear it in their voice” but turns out im the weird one lol
this sucks for my partner though because i have to listen to fan sounds and have complete darkness when i sleep or else ill be distracted and stay up all night
i like to game, mostly roblox and gta, but i do love a good little big planet session. i primarily use playstation but i have a desktop computer that i sometimes play genshin on, as well as a nintendo switch and DSI.
.ೃ࿔ ✈︎ *:・
i have a long term boyfriend and we love to travel, we’ve been to the bahamas, canada, and japan together! it was an experience of a lifetime BUTTTT i realized i subconsciously have a fear of planes, i stayed awake the whole 13 hour flight to Haneda Airport :(
my friends and i travel together as well! we go to Universal’s Halloween Horror Nights every year, 2025 will be our fourth year attending! (as long as the houses are good, last year was kind of a bust)
i’m quite the harry potter fan, im a slytherin and i LOVE universal because of harry potter world
i ofcourse have played hogwarts legacy and did the slytherin play through
↻ ◁ || ▷ ↺
i’ve been to quite a few concerts!! my list includes:
selena gomez, 5sos x 3, katy perry, big time rush, paramore, remo drive, two door cinema club, mayday parade, eric nam, hojean, leanna firestone, $uicideboy$, pierce the veil, sad summer fest, ski mask the slump god, and avril lavigne
next concert: pierce the veil
next trip: florida 💪
#get to know me#gtkm#questions#travel#dream vacation#this is a girlblog#girlblogging#genshin impact#gta 5#gta online#gta 6#anime#inuyasha#playstation#ps5 games#little big planet#roblox#total drama#scary sushi#gamergirl#slytherin#universal studios#i miss japan#japan#bahamas#aphantasia#inner monologue
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Hello! We are the Worm Collective, and this is the host and body, Star, speaking! For the sake of this post, I will be referring to us as a singular. (IRL friends - if you are seeing this post and seeing this information, please don't ask about it and don't tell anyone else about it! If I feel ready to tell you, then I will tell you. Thank youu <2)
More info + DNI below the cut!
- I am a minor, and I am aroace and have two queerplatonic partners! My partners are @eepymallowmarsh and @the-nintendo-dsi (malice).
- I am a system of about 50 or so other people, though I'm usually the one in front!
- I am xenogender! What xenogender specifically? Well. That's for you to know and me to find out.
- yes you read that last point correctly.
- I am an artist! If you want to commission me, feel free to DM me and ask! Just keep in mind that I'm a minor, of course. (I also can only do commissions for Discord Nitro or other various video game currencies (i.e. robux for Roblox, zophan canisters for Pokéfarm, etc))
- As a system, I prefer to be referred to as a singular by other people unless you are specifically referring to the entire system. I mostly use we/us/our when referring to the whole system myself, and the others in the system usually use we/us/our when referring to the system or the body or any of my family or friends or any I own, etc.
- Ask me to tag anything you need tagged, or if you need plain text or alt text tell me as well and I can add that!
If I think of anything else I'll add it lol
(* means big hyperfixation right now)
Undertale/Deltarune (@greyro-undertale-enjoyer) [Fav: Papyrus]
Bug Fables (sideblog: @star-shaped-bug) [Fav: Leif]
Splatoon (3) [Fav: Frye]
Entomology (sideblog: @star-shaped-bug) [Fav: Beetles!!!] *
Animator VS Animation [Fav: Purple] *
OCs (mine and friends) [Fav: All of them]
In Stars and Time/START AGAIN: A Prologue [Fav: Isabeau] *
Murder Drones [Fav: N]
Ride the Cyclone [Fav: Ricky]
Gravity Falls [Fav: Dipper]
Project Sekai [Fav: Saki]
Cookie Run: Kingdom [Fav: polychampions] ***
Hermitcraft [Watching Grian since S6]
Third life series [Fav: Dersert Duo/Ranchers]
OneShot [Fav: The World Machine] **
I'm not really too strict on my DNI, however — DNI if:
Syscourse (if you're anti-endo but are at LEAST chill about it and not pushy then you're fine)
Pedophilic/"Minor Attracted Person" (not interested. go away and get actual, genuine help.)
Transphobic, homophobic, misogynistic, TERFs, aphobic, xenophobic/racist, ableist, etc.
Don't like interacting with minors
Mean to my partners
Call people crybabies, view crying as a negative thing for everybody to be ashamed of, harass people for crying, etc.
Bored and wanna be mean to someone (I'll just block you and delete whatever you said. It's pointless lol)
You don't pass my vibe check (aka I block you)
If you are on my DNI, then just block and move on! Thank you! Also if you get blocked by me, you do NOT reserve the right to know why I blocked you. Please just move on.
#starling sings - star speaking tag
#my art - my art
#other's art - other people's art
#important - things I deem important knowledge
#favorites - my favorite posts
#favorites favorites favorites - my favorite favorite favorite posts
#my qpp - posts about Mallow
#my qpp 2 - posts about Malice
#[___] tag - other headmate speaking tag
#oc: [___] - tag for my OCs
I have so many tags this section will likely be updated the most.
I ran the blog @mini-games! I have a lot more followers on that blog so if you followed me and don't know why cause you forgot, then it's possible that's why.
Tag me in anything related to bugs please! Whether you tag my main (this blog) or my bug sideblog is up to you. It is my goal to be the bug enjoying mutual.
Talk to me about my OCs. Btw. If you are bored and are curious.
Also feel free to send me any photos of your pets!!! I love animals and I love seeing them!!! Let me see your animals!!!!!
Have a great day/night/timezone! o/
credit for the dividers: @enchanthings
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I modded my hot new dsi (even though i had already modded my 3ds) so now i have access to a bunch of games.
I now have TetrisDS which is the best version of Tetris. I don't like tetris. I like this game. I'm bad at it.
I was also able to create a ROM. I've never done that before. I made a copy of Episode 3 DS which is what I tested the console with on Saturday.
I learnt my DSi is called "Test", which makes sense, but my DS Lite is called "Sun" which must be what the original owner called it before they passed it to Cex.
Played some of Kirby Power Paintbrush which is actually a fantastic game. It reminds me of Epic Yarn XL on the 3ds but it's in a proper resolution and art style for the screen instead of being a downscaled Wii U game. You bounce Kirby around like a pinball and draw paths for them to travel while avoiding deadly enemies. I got lost last night and had to give up mid level.
Anyway good times. Today I'm going to play some Lego Star Wars II on DS which is one of the worst games of all time, but it's another from my childhood. I was able to get bounty hunter mode working on download play too.
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OK so idk if I posted it here before, but I had an idea for an mha animatic for Work This Body by WALK THE MOON for Izuku Midoriya (BC idk, that song just screams "Deku" to me-)
Anyways I'm gonna post it here now cuz I hope to draw the frames soon (I have no idea how to animate whatsoever- does that mean I'm gonna give up tho? No. I'll animate it on freaking flipnote on my old DSi if I have to, I will make this animatic so help me-)
So yeah, scroll past if you don't rlly care/aren't interested, but if you are I'm gonna put my ideas for the frame-by-frame (sort of) under the cut:
OK SO! *claps hands* these blorbo thoughts have been marinating in my brain for so long, bro (/gn), you have no idea...
OK so beginning context:
In my au, Uraraka is pan, Izuku is bi, the "Toshi" mentioned in the animatic notes is one of their future kids who eventually inherits OFA. With the context out of the way, IDEA FOR THE ANIMATIC!!!
Piano at the beginning: a couple scenes of the beginning of MHA just as, like a refresher (like maybe a short flash of baby Deku and a look at the sludge monster incident briefly) and title screen
"It was a strange place and a tender age": Izuku standing in front of All Might after the sludge monster incident, All Might offers to help make Izuku a hero.
"I was just a babe in school": shows Izuku happy at All Might's offer and crying, he's still in his middle school uniform.
"Saw them roll their eyes at me": shows Bakugo walking by, glaring in disgust at Deku as he passes.
"Every time that I thought that I was cool": Izuku taking notes.
"Well uh God knows I was no chosen one": Izuku looking at the littered beach.
"That just wasn't my prime": Izuku struggling to move the fridge on the beach.
"Yeah it's just a matter of time, honey, it's just a matter of time": Izuku standing on a clean beach as All Might hands him his hair.
"And I will work this body": Izuku during the entrance exam.
"I will burn this flame": Izuku talking to Shoto at the sports festival.
"Oh in the dead of night and in the pouring rain": Izuku training outside at night in the rain, practicing his kicks.
"Yeah I'm a workaholic": Deku doing Sit ups.
"And I swear I swear": Deku punching and kicking the punching bag.
"Yeah, one day I will beat you fair and square": Deku pausing, sweating, to look at a picture of Bakugo for motivation.
"Show me what you got!": Deku training with All Might.
"Work this body on the floor": Izuku during one of the training exercises, swinging through the air on Black Whip.
"Who do you think you are?": Bakugo watching the same training exercise knowing the form is the same as when he uses his Howitzer.
"C'mon, meet me on the court!": Izuku and Bakugo fighting at night.
"Que ferais-tu? Putain, je ne sais pas!": Izuku and Bakugo working together to save Katsuma and Mahoro from Nine.
"It ain't a matter of 'if', honey": Bakugo being stabbed through the stomach by Shigaraki with that weird tentacle thing.
"It's just a matter of when": a picture of a goodbye note on Deku's hospital bed saying he's running away and he can't risk everyone else getting hurt since the LOV is only after One for All.
"On some Sunday": runaway Vigilante Izuku arc dirty, dusty-ass lookin costume.
"When it's my face in the newspaper again": the news outlets on TV covering the 'new vigilante on the scene' (the very dirty broccoli boi who thinks he can do everything himself smh /lh /aff).
"All the rag magazines": 1A bringing him back.
"Black limousines": Uraraka on the rooftop with a megaphone.
"They'll be gettin in line": Deku training for the big fight.
"Yeah it's just a matter of time, honey, it's just a matter of time.": Deku kicking Shigaraki's ass.
"And I will work this body": second year Deku and Bakugo sparring.
"I will burn this flame!": Izuku playing Uno with his friends and classmates.
"Oh in the dead of night and in the pouring rain": Izuku lightly splashes Bakugo with ocean water and he splashes him back hard.
"Yeah I'm a workaholic": Izuku studying.
"And I swear I swear": Izuku and his friends graduating.
"Yeah!": they throw their caps.
"One day I will beat you fair and square!": Deku talking to Bakugo out on patrol.
"Show me what you got!": Izuku saving civilians trapped in a building.
"Work this body on the floor": adult Izuku and Bakugo sparring.
"Who do you think you are?": Deku on the news.
"C'mon meet me on the court!": Izuku getting interviewed.
"Que ferais-tu? Putain, je ne sais pas!": Bakugo predicting Deku's gonna win the hero rankings #1 and giving him a noogie.
"Ne vien pas plurer": The announcement for the new hero rankings.
"Ver moi….": Izuku is named the new number 1.
Instrumental interlude: Izuku doing great things as the Symbol of Hope and new number 1 hero and past class A celebrating for their friend.
The piano flourish at the end of the instrumental: a pause, seeing Izuku hold his oldest son for the first time with Ochako handing baby Toshi (their firstborn) to him.
"And I will work this body": Izuku showing Toshi (10, quirkless) how to defend himself.
"I will burn this flame": Izuku coaching his son (still 10) as he struggles with push ups push ups.
"Oh in the dead of night and in the pouring rain": Toshi, 14, going for a run at night in the pouring rain
"Yeah I'm a workaholic": Izuku cheering on his son as he does one handed push ups.
"And I swear I swear": Izuku handing Toshi a piece of his hair like 'you are ready'.
"Yeah, one day I will beat you fair and square": Izuku ruffling Toshi's hair as he sends him off to his first day at UA.
"And I will work this body": Toshi training his ass off.
"I will burn this flame": Toshi talking to the vestiges, mainly second, about what they did that helped.
"Oh in the dead of night": Toshi taking notes and strategizing how to be better.
"And in the pouring rain": Toshi running up a hill with weights in the snow.
"Yeah I'm a workaholic and I swear I swear": Toshi beating the crap out of a punching bag while training.
"Yeah, one day I will beat you fair and square": Toshi beating his dad (Izuku) at sparring.
" YEAH!": Toshi at, like, 24, in his hero suit with one arm up.
#tw cussing#cw cussing#tw cursing#cw cursing#← it's in French tho so I don't rlly understand#mha#bnha#my hero academia#boku no hero academia#mha animatic idea#bnha animatic idea#mha spoilers#bnha spoilers#mha au#bnha au#izuku midoriya#midoriya izuku#izuocha#← in case anyone has that tag blocked and/or don't wanna see it
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I'm back and reading chapter 9 of the Sign book. Much more focus on the investigation this chapter.
We start with Tharn making breakfast. Same as the show but he's alone eating a fried egg, hotdog, and toast. He is not a very good cook so he sticks with simple foods. He gets a text from P'Mhor which is the doctor(I'm far too proud that I realized Prem was using this for Ten in Cooking Crush today) asking to meet for lunch but Tharn tells him he'll probably be busy with the case. Chalotorn insists on taking him out to celebrate if he does have time later. This makes Tharn smile because he likes free food.
The DSI dress code is a black or dark suit with white shirt and...yeah I wish we got that in the show. Billy and Babe would look so good in suits. Or that may just me having a thing for men in suits. Tharn thinks he's 5 minutes early but everyone is already there when he gets to the meeting room and the captain tells him he's late.
There are a bunch of different forensic officers in the room being introduced. The head of forensic medicine went to high school with the captain. They have several different teams but they are missing toxicology as they won't be joining for several days. After all the intros, Tharn noticed a forensic scientist standing by himself so Tharn introduced himself. The man says his name is Vito and they are called back to their separate teams.
As Tharn heads back, he suddenly feels an icy cold sensation at the base of his neck causing his hair to stand on end and makes him feel like he's being touched. Phaya notices and tries to get him to move back to the conference room but Tharn can hear something. A whisper or buzzing that he shouldn't be able to hear but does. Something no one should be able to hear but somehow Tharn is able to.
Tharn is finally snapped out of his daze by the captain who is very unhappy with him. He goes to sit but she makes him come over to her instead. She smacks him with a folder and says he embarrassed her and that he's acting like he's not ready to work. He apologizes and she tells him to go back to his seat. Phaya asks if he's ok and he nods.
They divvy up the work of who is going to interview all of the victims of the murdered men. They have a tablet thing with all of the relevant info for each victim. They call them Kinds because they are like modified Kindles. Everyone leaves and Tharn thinks Yai follows to check that he's ok but no he lectures him about being late and tells Phaya to take care of him.
Tharn hears the voice again but this time he can make out what's being said: help him. Please help him. And Phaya is thinking of his dream the night before.
They get to their victims house and she is less than cooperative. She doesn't want to answer their questions as it brings up too many bad memories of the past. She has a daughter from the assault. They ask to speak with the daughter but she starts yelling at them and slams the door in their faces. So they go visit the daughter at school instead. She also doesn't want to talk but something about her makes Tharn suspicious that she's hiding something. Phaya agrees but they don't have enough to do more now.
They get back to the office and report everything to Singh and Thongthai. Yai brought in one of the victims he talked to because they were acting suspicious. As they are all discussing things, the captain brings in a woman draped in a red dress. It's a woman from one of the photos in Phaya's wallet. Phaya is not thrilled to see her and asks for Tharn's help.
They go into the visitor room and the woman bumps Tharn out of the way to get to Phaya. She wants to have lunch with Phaya but Phaya puts his arm around Tharn's shoulder and winks at him. The woman starts whining and begging. Phaya insists he can't go to lunch with her and that she promised she would stop bothering him after they broke up. Some grossness about how they had sex when he was drugged and of course he couldn't resist a woman that served herself up when under the influence.
Phaya and Tharn go out to lunch and Tharn calls Phaya daddy again. Anyways Tharn can't undo his seatbelt so Phaya has to help him. Phaya realizes how much Tharn looks like Vanvisa close up. He puts his hands on Tharn's cheeks and then under his chin saying. Tharn asks what the hell he's doing and Phaya says that he looks so much like her. Tharn asks like who but they are of course interrupted by Chalotorn. He asks if they are ok because they stayed in the car for so long. They say no they were just talking. Chalotorn takes Tharn's hand and Phaya watches as they walk into the restaurant. Phaya wonders why the doctor doesn't like him.
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To-Do (out of order, to be updated)
Make font
Finish character sprites (SG: Sprout, Dandi, PP: Lynn, Quinn, Thomas, HG: Maud, Dr. Veal, CC: Tori, Bauble, LB: Allen, QWERTY)
Buy/find Toy Camera (pre 2008)
Finish banner
Finish closing screen
Buy fake Queen of the Night for PFP
Buy bracelet for PFP
Take/change PFP
Finish story outline
Finish environments (Spring Gazebo, Pet Plaza, Hallowed Grounds, Cozy Cottage, Lunar Base)
Finish map
Finish UI
Finish character talk sprites (SG: Sprout (0/2), Dandi (0/2), PP: Lynn (1/2), Quinn (0/2), Thomas (2/2), HG: Maud (0/2), Dr. Veal (2/2), CC: Tori (0/2), Bauble (0/2), LB: Allen (0/2), QWERTY (0/2))
Finish story artwork (0/??)
Finish story writing
Finish character dialogue (1/??)
Finish Carrd
Find/buy a DSI
Buying from my Etsy/Redbubble allows me to spend more time/money on @petsdale!
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Tied Up at the Office
Day 15 of 31 of Kinktober
Prompt: Bondage
Word Count: 839
Mello's such a tease. But not as big of a tease as Matt. Let's remedy that situation with a little...correction, shall we?
“Matt!” Mello called out into the warehouse. Everyone who worked under him froze at their boss’s shrill screech. It didn’t matter if it was for them or not. The effect still hit the same.
However, Matt remained unmoved. His headphones were firmly affixed to his head and his cigarette hung out of his mouth. All while a mix of late nineties and early 2000s techno blared through his head. All while he played an RPG on his jailbroken Nintendo DSi. No one dared to disturb him. Matt wasn’t exactly a pleasant creature to deal with when someone interrupted his breaks. Even though he hardly did anything all day that wasn’t experience farming. But there was a quiet between songs. At least for a second.
“Yeah?” Matt jumped a bit, taking his headphones off.
Matt could feel a bead of sweat roll down the back of his neck. Oh, shit…I’m fucked, aren’t I? Slowly, but surely, Matt made his walk of shame to Mello’s office. He knew that if he looked at any of the guys in the warehouse, they’d all look away. And yet, he could still feel all their eyes on him, unaware if this would be the last time they’d ever see him. But Matt knew better. It’s Mello. Sure, I didn’t hear him the first time he yelled for me, but…Come on. I’m me. What’s the worst Mello could want?
“You call for me, Mels?” Matt stuck his head in Mello’s office.
“I called for you twice,” Mello pointed out, “What the hell?”
“Sorry about that,” Matt bit his lip, “Darude gets to me.”
“Of course, it does,” Mello rolled his eyes, “And to think, tonight was going to be the night.”
“What night?” Matt perked up, “Did you have something in mind?”
“Well, I did…” Mello sat on the edge of his desk, “But now, I don’t know.”
“Come on, Mello,” Matt whined, “Nobody likes a tease.”
“And there’s only room in our relationship for one whiny bitch,” Mello argued, pulling Matt a little closer, “And that’s me. Isn’t it?”
“That’s very true,” Matt scooped Mello up into his arms, “Seriously, Mello…What were you thinking?”
“How would you feel about getting a little hot and bothered in my office?” Mello suggested, “Give the guys something to talk about around the watercooler?”
“Mello,” Matt gasped, clutching his nonexistent pearls, “I am a good little boy. And you were going to take advantage of me?”
“Oh, I was going to do much more than merely take advantage of you,” Mello smirked, spinning a pair of handcuffs around his finger, “But if Darude was getting to you…You would’ve known that sooner.”
“Don’t do that to me, Mello,” Matt pouted, “Don’t tease me like that.”
“You know…” Mello tossed the handcuffs aside, “I don’t want to. Not in my office. It’s so unprofessional.”
“Mello!” Matt was nearly in tears at this point, “Come on. I’m sorry. I’ll keep my headphones down when I’m in the warehouse from now on. I promise.”
“I said we weren’t doing anything in my office,” Mello settled him, “I didn’t say anything about our bedroom. Get in the car.”
“Yes!” Matt ran out of Mello’s office, knowing the kind of fun that awaited him when they got home.
And when they got home, Matt made a beeline for their bedroom. As Mello walked in, Matt’s pants were already on the floor. It shouldn’t have made Mello giggle, but it made Mello giggle, “So eager for me. You can’t tell me you’re that horny already.”
“You have no idea…”
“Well then,” Mello shoved Matt down to their bed and pinned his hands over his head, “We can’t have you playing with what’s already mine, can we?”
“And because I know damn well you can’t be trusted,” Mello took a silk scarf out of the nightstand and kept Matt’s hands in place. The knot rubbed just under Matt’s thumb, “Look at you…all tied up just for me…”
“Uh-huh…” Matt nodded. It wasn’t the first time he and Mello had ever gotten kinky, but it was something Matt could never get used to.
“Let’s see…” Mello looked him over, “You’re missing something.”
“What’s that?” Matt wondered. You already have my hands tied up, Mello. What more could you want?
“How about…” Mello went into the chest they kept at the foot of the bed and dug around for one more fun surprise. He pulled out a silver rod with a couple of cuffs attached to it, “This?”
“The…” Matt could hardly breathe, “You…You want to bring out…the, uh…”
“Go on, Matt,” Mello coaxed him along, already strapping him in, “Use your words.”
“You want to bring in the spreader bar…?”
“Well…Yeah,” Mello shrugged him off, “You have a horrible habit of closing your legs when I’m between them. We can’t have that, now can we?”
“No?” Matt squeaked.
“That’s right,” Mello pulled the belts tight and cradled Matt’s cheek in his palm, “Now, are you ready, sweetheart?”
“Yes, please…”
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LETS GOOOOOO I just caught Raikou in Pokemon HeartGold in the most amazing way possible: In a Friend Ball.
That's right baby, not in a Dusk Ball (the time on my DSi is off so it's night rn in-game which I haven't bothered fixing cause I'm lazy but also I've realized this has benefits) or a Ultra Ball but a freaking Friend Ball!!!
AND something pretty amazing that happened with Raikou is that while using a Haunter to whittle away at their HP (obviously saving beforehand in case of an accidental defeat) I got a crit on Dream Eater and for a moment I thought "oh no this is about to KO, isn't it? I didn't think Dream Eater did that much..." <- (just learned Dream Eater) but instead of that happening Raikou actually lived on a sliver of HP! So just to find out how much I left 2 spots in my party empty and you wanna know how much HP this guy had left?
This Raikou did me the favor of tanking a Dream Eater crit and lived on three HP.
Like I've got Entei in the red but any more damage and he'll die plus I can't switch out of Haunter to do a small amount of damage due to how Mean Look works. So for me to have Raikou just barely live that crit was truly a blessing. <3
#Pokemon HeartGold#Also fun fact: I named Raikou Gold and plan on naming Entei Heart#I feel like a genius lol#I'm m also doing a for fun Nuzlocke so I HAVE to name them too#(I emphasize for fun because I'm not counting deaths on legendaries- and that especially applies to the 2 roaming ones)
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File: Firestarter
Code Name: Playing with Fire/ Agent Charlie McGee/ Commander Charlie Wells
Object Class: Archon Thaumiel
Special Containment Procedures: Due to the agreement made between the residence of [data expunged] farm, SCP-AAS herself, and the Foundation, SCP-AAS is not to be contained. Instead, SCP-AAS is to remain at the [data expunged] farm and the farm is to be protected and monitored by Foundation personnel. Mobile Task Force Poseidon-2: "Dry ice" is to guard, protect and if necessary, incapacitate SCP-AAS should she ever decide to use her powers to claim innocent lives or threaten the Foundation. To further prevent this, Foundation staff testing with or guarding SCP-AAS are to treat her kindly. Any Foundation staff that insult, harass, or show any negativity toward SCP-AAS are to be executed, there are no exceptions.
SCP-AAS has agreed to move into Site-AM now that she is a member of MTF Alpha-9. As she requested, she still visits the [data expunged] farm whenever she has free time. The farm is still under Foundation protection as per agreement with SCP-AAS. Additionally, SCP-AAS is now to be referred to her real name Agent McGee Commander Charlie Wells. Furthermore, any Foundation staff that mistreat her in any way are to be fired or executed depending on the severity of the crime, there are no exceptions.
Description: SCP-AAS, at the time of writing is an eight-year-old girl named Charlie McGee. she is an artificially created psychic pyromancer, able to manifest fire instantaneously through meta-physical means. Creating or manipulating fire or anything energy related has no strain or causes any consequences to SCP-AAS herself. Despite DNA testing showing SCP-AAS being 100% human, her body is completely immune to extreme temperatures and is seemingly indestructible. How this is possible seems to be partially related to the experiments her parents were involved with, though how they became so strong and seemingly limitless is unknown.
SCP-AAS has complete control over energy, heat, and anything relating. As such, she can control and deflect bullets, she can extinguish an explosion the second it ignites, she can fill an entire room with fire, and create flaming projectiles or explosions out of nothing. It’s even possible for her to survive extreme levels of radiation and even control irradiated materials and particles. Should SCP-AAS ever desire, she has the potential of turning everything around her hot enough to match the heat of the sun. All of this makes her one of the most dangerous anomalies in the world. It is for this reason that all Foundation staff interacting with SCP-AAS are to treat her with kindness. Any Foundation staff that treat SCP-AAS with disrespect and get attacked by her as a result, they are to be left to suffer by her hand. There are no exceptions.
SCP-AAS was discovered in 1984, when the government funded organization known as Department of Scientific Intelligence was completely wiped out. The Foundation was attempting to annihilate the organization due to their experiments giving humans anomalous abilities. However, by the time Mobile Task Force Ares-3: "The Anarchists", found their base of operations, it was burned to the ground. All remaining scientists and agents of the organization were dead, left as nothing but smoldering corpses. It was later found out this was all done by SCP-AAS herself in retaliation for the organization killing her parents.
SCP-AAS wandered the road alone heading to [data expunged] farm. She was attempting to meet with friends at the farm and with their help expose the organization and their crimes to the world. However, the next day MTF Ares-3 arrived at the farm and attempted to captured her instead. This proved to be a mistake as SCP-AAS thought they were with the DSI and used her abilities to incinerate them all. on the night of the same day, Mobile Task Force Epsilon-9 "Fire Eaters" was deployed and surrounded the farm to prevent SCP-AAS and the inhabitants of the farm form leaving. The next day Foundation representatives came to the farm to negotiate with SCP-AAS.
Thankfully the incident never got violent, but SCP-AAS refused to go with the Foundation, insisting she would destroy anyone who tried to imprison her like the DSI did. After some back and forth negotiation it was eventually agreed that the only way to have SCP-AAS cooperate with Foundation peacefully was to ensure the safety of the farm and for her to live with them rather than in containment. In exchange for protection of the farm and its inhabitants by the Foundation, SCP-AAS has agreed to do any testing the Foundation requires. Due to the complete annihilation of the DSI the O5 Council and the Ethics Committee both agreed this was the right choice.
However, as a contingency measure in the unlikely scenario SCP-AAS becomes a threat to the Foundation and by extent human life, Mobile Task Force Poseidon-2: "Dry ice" was created. MTF Poseidon-2 is a 40-unit security team all wearing temperature nullification armor and equipped Foundation assault rifles as well as chemical spray guns loaded with liquid nitrogen. They are not only the security force of the farm but also the first and last resort should SCP-AAS ever go rouge. Thankfully this has never happened; Instead, SCP-AAS and MTF Poseidon-2 actually have maintained a good relationship, with SCP-AAS sometimes calling them her brothers.
SCP-AAS is intelligence, devoted to protecting innocent life, and possesses a strong sense of justice with the desire to destroy the "bad guys" of the world. This as well as her growing power and increased control over of said power, SCP-AAS is under consideration for a position within MTF Alpha-9. Of course, SCP-AAS will have to be debriefed by the Anomalous Employment Division and that will have to wait until she is of age.
Update: 1992 - SCP-AAS has accepted the AED's proposal of her becoming a Foundation staff member. She is to receive the necessary combat training and education so that she can become a proper future candidate for Mobile Task Force Alpha-9: “Last Hope”.
Update: 1994 - SCP-AAS has completed her training alongside Sigurrós Stefansdottir’s mental recovery, she is now a willing participant of MTF Alpha-9. As such Foundation staff are to refer to her as Agent McGee. Because of her cooperation and loyalty to the Foundation and its idea’s MTF Posseidon-2 has been disbanded with a few members still working alongside Agent McGee as bodyguards.
Update: 2011 - Agent McGee and Dr. Wells have gotten married. As such Agent McGee's ID name has changed to Agent Wells.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
#DZtheNerd#SCP: Horror Movie Files#SCP Foundation#scp fanfiction#scp au#SCP#scp mtf#SCP Mobile Task Force#MTF Alpha-9#firestarter#stephen king#SCP-AAS#Thaumiel
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One time, my little brother and I were playing Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition. It was night time in the game and he was out in the forest. I told him “You’re gonna die, bro,” and he replied “Not on my watch!” and jumped off a cliff into a lake in which he landed safely. He said “See? I told you I wouldn’t die” and was immediately shot and killed by a skeleton. I thought it was so funny that I made a Flipnote Studio animation about it on my DSi.
The dialogue is what I remember from the Flipnote so it might not be completely accurate..?
Also, I would usually play with the Tuxedo Steve skin and he would usually be Swedish Steve.
it's so weird to me that everyone on this website is a human person outside of their weird internet niche so rb this with a random bit of your lore
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