hey guys
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santaflash · 2 years
Is Wes the New Wall-E?
Is Wes the New Wall-E? Take a journey with K-404 and find out! Wes was definitely a favorite when reading Lost Bits by @KerryNietz. #dystopian #adultfiction #adultSciFi Readers of #MGSciFi #YASciFi will also enjoy this book.
Lost Bits The last thing K-404 remembers is a happy home with the human child Ele, whose care is his primary purpose. So, when he wakes up in a landfill of tossed-away technology, his only thought is to reunite with his family. This world is not his own, though. It’s a wasteland of desolate buildings, flying metal disks, and monstrosities that keep themselves active by stealing another bot’s…
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cosmicgrapevine · 9 months
Samantha Nietz. Heidi Haley. Robyn Calvino. Tabby had overheard those names, in ‘hey, what happened to…’ or ‘did you hear about…’ scraps of gossip. Every school had its scandals, and one the size of Kahoti surely had some juicy ones. She was getting a front row seat to one of them—literally, as Shanti drove them to the Nietz house. Shanti was new to Kahoti herself, as of last August; her father’s job had brought him from Boston to Tampa Bay. With her looks, she turned heads as soon as school started, but even in fall, the school’s dating scene orbited around the baseball team. Jordy got first dibs, which he happily took, and after a fairytale homecoming dance, other perks started piling up in her corner; a spot on the cheer squad, teachers suddenly deciding that D+ essay was really more of a C-, and, of course, magic. Such was life when the Cervantes Mafia took a shine to you. “It never really bothered me that magic was real, you know?” Shanti said airily. “There’s all kinds of crazy stuff out there. But maybe I just didn’t understand it well enough.” Success, of course, bred resentment. Girls who had spent three years on—or wishing they were on—the squad stared daggers at this newcomer flouncing right in and stealing away the school’s biggest hunk. Just before winter break, the three aforementioned girls dreamed up a disgusting prank-slash-threat involving a chunk of raw ground beef, some used tampons, and Shanti’s cheerleading uniform. “I think the beef was what really made me snap. Like, they know I’m Indian, they know that makes it worse. If they’d just used, I dunno, raw fish…” she shrugged. Shanti planned her revenge meticulously. She had Jordy spread rumors about a big blowout New Year’s Eve party for all the cool kids at his uncle’s (fictitious) beachfront place, then drive the girls there the day of. Jordy, apparently terrified that he’d wind up on the hit list himself, complied. Shanti was waiting for them, with a trapping ward to keep them from escaping and enough Ward-Ash to turn their psyches into her playground. Robyn was the animal-noises girl Tabby had heard about, and she did indeed get it the least-bad, thanks to a last minute desperate apology. She would only snort or moo when talking to boys, so at least going gay was still on the table. Heidi was forcibly implanted with a sort of all-consuming nymphomania in return for calling Shanti a whore, to the point where her parents started home-schooling her for her own protection. And Samantha, the raw-beef mastermind, got it the worst of all. Shanti parked in the cul-de-sac in front of the Nietz house and tapped the horn—three quick beeps. Soon, a ghostly figure appeared at a bedroom window, a girl with raggedy hair, sallow skin, and disheveled clothes. “Pathological germophobia,” Shanti said proudly. “She can barely leave the house anymore because she’s so scared of getting infected with something. I made her scared of soap and laundry detergent and stuff too, she thinks they’ll poison her. And the cool part? She knows that’s not true, but her fear is just too strong to ignore. So she just sits in her room, getting filthier and filthier. Maybe she’ll die in there.” Shanti’s final lie, the one that truly sealed her enemies’ fates, was successfully spreading the rumor (again, with Jordy’s help) that they had gone to an even wilder New Year’s party, one with ravers and hallucinogens, and got high enough to get permanently re-wired, explaining their new compulsions and fears. It was a bullshit story, one even a DARE officer wouldn’t buy, but hey, they were all suburban teens, and drugs were scary demons on the nightly news. It worked well enough.
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ontologic-catgirl · 2 months
Because i just had to do finances and look at how much debt im in alleviating my suffering by sharing how kick ass my schedule is for next year block 1:
PHI 220: Philosophy of Identity: Self Gender Race
block 2:
PHI 309: Existentialism
block 3:
THE 267: Stage Make-up
block 4:
MUS 110: Music Theory I
block 5:
REL 128: Topics: Introduction to Biblical Hebrew
block 6: REL 265: Topics: Advanced Biblical Hebrew
block 7:
PHI 306: 19th Century Philosophy: Hegel to Nietzs
block 8:
PHI 215: Topics: Philosophy through Film Adjuncts: Mock trial, LSat prep, health and wellbeing
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blograridades · 1 year
“Não existem fatos, apenas interpretações.” — Friedrich Nietz
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uniquetyphoonmiracle · 3 months
Es una LASTIMA que David BOWIE que murió de CANCER con 69 años ..2 días después de su cumpleaños y de publicar cd BLACKSTAR no pueda cambiar de hábitos [ni de creencias ni de trabajo ni de mujer o de cualquier cosa que ya no te gusta o te perjudica] ni testificar como si Mickey ROURKE del que grababa todas sus películas desde la EROTICA 9 semanas y media hacia Atras o MANHATTAN SUR [11_$] y luego hacia ADELANTE o EL CORAZON DEL ANGEL [sobre un trastornado CANTANTE por II GUERRA MUNDIAL llamado JOHNNY FAVOURITE que se escapa del psiquiátrico convirtiéndose en DETECTIVE y al que busca el DIABLO al que vendió el ALMA]..tatuandose un CRUCIFICADO con CARRIE FOREVER a la que conoció en ORQUIDEA SALVAJE [donde sale catalana ASUMPTA O ASUNCION SERNA] y a la que luego casi mata de un disparo accidental ...después se tatuo a CRISTO , VIRGEN Y UN RAMO de FLORES a la ESPALDA
Por cierto..BOWIE hizo cantar a Mickey ROURKE en SHINING MY STAR [MAKING MY LOVE] cd NEVER LET ME DOWN que incluye TIME WILL CRAWL dedicada a la tragedia de CHERNOBYL
9 semanas y media en una película sobre que el SEXO es un PODER OSCURO o en la OSCURIDAD que ACABA MAL porque es ALGO ESCLAVO =SLAVE TO LOVE de Brian Ferry fue la BSO al igual LOVE THEME de Jack NIETZE [casado con la INDIA Buffy SAINTE_MARIE] que también fue BSO de VENGANZA de KEVIN COSTNER un piloto USA que traiciona a su gran amigo un VIEJO MAFIOSO MEXICANO acostandose con su joven mujer
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lil-tumbles · 11 months
Girl help my philosophy teacher is planning to take over AQA and change the spec. Yeah. She's a nihilist. We'll be learning nietze within the year. Girl help why are you walking away girl-
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itspurvis · 11 months
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Witch Star is so cute. Kirby Sunny is also cute. Also that's my boy Nietz doing the translating now; and indeed the quality jumps a bit.
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topazthecat · 1 year
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The Eyes
(probably still needs more editing)
Starting in the late 90's, I began meditation exercises daily. I would put myself in a dark room, or cover my eyes lightly with a dark cloth, and focus my energy to the center of my forehead where I would always feel a tickling sensation.
It was interesting to me what I could still see in darkness. Was this brain activity? Was it eye activity? Either way it was fascinating to me and I enjoyed the relaxing displays. I wondered if this was what a blind person saw. What I would see were mostly lights in rhythmic wave patterns. Some were white, some were indigo, but most of them were pale blue or bright blue. The sensation it created was similar to staring hypnotically into a lava lamp in the dark.
Sometimes when I would close my eyes and focus, I would see a swirling pattern that would open and I would see a scene in the distance, a person I did not recognize, an outdoor scene. If I stared at it too long, I would feel a pulling in the center of my chest as if I were about to be transported or lifted into the swirling light toward the distant scene.
One evening sometime around 2010, I started my meditation as I always did. I expected to see the soothing light waves or swirling blue vortex pattern. Instead, I saw a pair of eyes looking back at me! They were cold and unblinking. They were dark and without definition, but they were definitely eyes. I stopped meditating that night immediately. I felt a little shook up and almost violated, but who can I blame for that type of intrusion? Besides, who could I even tell about something like that?
The next night I did the same thing, and I saw the same eyes in the darkness. I repeated this in the daytime, the same eyes were staring back at me. This went on for months, and continued for years. I stopped meditating as often as I did before because I did not like seeing the eyes staring back at me. Occasionally I would meditate just to see if the eyes were still there. They always were. It was so strange. I started drawing them from time to time, but I always threw the drawings away. Seeing them behind my eyes was enough. I didn't need to see them in open-eyed reality. It was too much.
I had such a busy life at this time, and my stress level was pretty high. I really could have used the regular meditation. Honestly, I could have used a person to talk to. One who could relate to what was happening to me. How in the world would I find someone like that? I had never even heard of visible light waves in the dark, much less a pair of staring eyes.
The eyes changed over the years, from always looking cold and unblinking to housing hints of expression. Some days I would see them, and the shadow of furrowed brows were prominent. Sometimes the eyes would look confused but still interested. Although the eyes frightened me, I never saw them looking at me with anger. The frequent look and feel was curiosity paired with indifference. I suppose the way my eyes might look at an unusual plant, or vegetable, or piece of surreal art. The fact that the eyes just appeared one day and didn't seem to ever leave was what frightened me the most. When something happens to me that I don't understand, it will consume my mind and mentally exhaust me.
I began to feel as if I were being watched, but from the inside. I told a confidant, "It feels like when you notice someone, then the person notices you noticing them, and you become the target of his or her curiosity (uncomfortably turning the tables)."
I don't know why the eyes started noticing me, I am not sure why they looked back. I didn't like them noticing me. I could feel it in my waking hours throughout the day or night as I tried to fall asleep. No matter where I was.
Who are they? I don't know. I have spent many sleepless nights wondering about this. Apparently I am not the only one who has had to ponder such things.
"...for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.”
― Friedrich W. Nietzsche
I still see the meaning of this quote being debated and questioned online. The first time I read it, it felt like I had been punched in the chest. I had no doubt what it meant...to me anyway. It wasn't figurative in my world. I read the quote as quite literal.
About 6 or 7 years ago, the eyes were gone. Their departure was quite anticlimactic. One day, I tried to meditate and thought,'Oh wow, they are gone.' The next day, and the next day, each time they were gone. I have not seen them since. They vanished in the same manner in which they appeared.
I don't know what it means, who or what is responsible, or just how I should feel about it. I suppose I will just write this and move on to the next thing as long as they do not return.
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dirtyfreshsociety · 6 years
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Dirty Fresh Society
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philosopeace · 3 years
Antes uma lembrança bondosa da vida do que a vida em si.
F. Nietzsche
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orangerosebush · 3 years
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Artemis: i have a decent relationship with my parents :) *files away dozens of papers by Jung and Freud who
1) were two men who saw one another as both the father and the son within their friendship, and would eventually bitterly destroy any hope of amity between them over intellectual differences
and 2) positioned the family as some kind of psychoanalytic shadow realm which was the battlefield of nightmares*
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fairytalearista · 2 years
55 of currently reading
Amish Vampires in Space by Kerry Nietz, 4% of the way in, reading via Kindle Unlimited
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I've heard good things about this series, and have been looking forward to reading 'em. But it is the book I JUST started, so I can't really say much about it yet. But ... Amish Vampires in Space!
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cestpasunkodak · 7 years
nietz shelt
nietz shelt par Luna Park Via Flickr :
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