#nicolai brahe
Fugan: Here you go, a nice hot cup of coffee!
Nicolai: It's cold.
Mugan: A nice cup of coffee.
Nicolai: It's horrible!
Fugan: Cup of coffee.
Nicolai: I'm not sure if this even IS coffee.
Fugan & Mugan in unison: C U P.
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bottomgojo · 2 years
I guess a character that literally murders multiple people as an adult deserves more of a redemption arc than two teenagers that were manipulated by a secret organisation and brutally murdered off but okay go off fandom.
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vinnygothika · 1 year
Nicolai: *leaned over an informant with a bloody knife in hand* you'll have to do better than that if you want me to spare your life..
Young Fugan and Mugan: *come in with drawings* look papa.
Nicolai: boys papa's working right now... Did you two draw these? Oh look at these, they're wonderful. I'll put them on the fridge.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 2 years
Thursday 21 November 1833
8 20
12 ½
much rain in the night – rainy morning F49° at 8 ½ am - breakfast over at 10 – M. Christiani lesson 23 from 10 ¼ to 11 10 – then writing out German translation and from 12 ½ to 2 Lesson 1 M. Sartman recommended by Mr. Nissen - M. S. – a young Danish student having learnt German early – a very inferior master (after all) to Xtiani, but I may I hope profit by him tho’ I told him he was right an hour at a time, would perhaps be better than 2 - out at 2 ¾ - drove to Comtesse de Blucher’s - gave Miss F- the plate and 100 cards and sat there ¾ hour - home - dressed - at the de Hagemanns’ at 5 - 17 of us in all sat down to a very handsome dinner - price William of Hesse led out Lady Harriett and M. Stemann? minister of the Interior and Justice - who parted Lady Harriet and myself and on my right M. de Hockschilde [Hochschild]- Comtesse Plessen and Blome, baron de Nicolay , Messrs Huygens and Arana and the Austrian chargé d’affaires, Captain Fallesen, Mr. Nissen etc Lord Hilsborough [Hillsborough] à la chasse with Price Xtian and did not come till after all the rest were gone and the room in darkness about 9 - all gone at 8 - sat down to dinner about 5 ½ - coffee immediately after leaving the dining room and liquor - I do not think the dinner last quite 2 hours - had ordered my carriage at 10 - asked the de H-s and send and ordered it sooner - it came at 9 - but Lord H- coming I staid a while longer and took tea - at 9 ¾ went to the Hockschilde’s [Hochschild] - found them and Miss d’Oxholm at tea and les dames Billé Brahe and Steen Billé there and Messrs. Steen B- and Nissen - and comte somebody joined us for a little while - Mr. Hockschilde [Hochschild] at his card table in the next room - home at 11 20 fair day and finish – fine day for November – F55° now at 11 55 tonight in my salon – no fire since four or 5 p.m.
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koolkat9 · 2 years
Welp...Nicolai may be a villain, but he’s still a better father than Endeavor. 
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brood-mother · 2 years
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wow guys, the tiger & bunny fandom is amazing! season 2 has only been out a few days and someone’s already made this awesome nicolai brahe cosplay! 
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uchicagoscrc · 6 years
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Today we bid a fond farewell to Special Collections Project Cataloger, Jennifer Dunlap, as she embarks on a new adventure at the Houghton Library at Harvard University. We wish her well! Jennifer’s parting gift to us (and you!) is a highlight of some of her favorite items here at the UChicago Special Collections Research Center. 
Top to bottom:
1. Duns Scotus’ Ordinatio I. [Venice] : [Johannes Herbort, de Seligenstadt, for Johannes de Colonia, Nicolaus Jenson et Socii], [1481]. This volume contains the first part of Duns Scotus’ Ordinatio or Quaestiones in quattuor libros Sententiarum (commentary on the Sentences of Peter Lombard). This volume is perhaps the most interesting binding of all the SCRC incunabula featuring blind tooled pigskin over wooden boards with brass “furniture” (metal attachments on the cover, usually to protect the binding), catches, and clasps. (Incun 1481.D9 Rare c.1) 
2.  Boethius. Boetius De philosophico consolatu … [Strassburg] : [Johann Grüniger], [1501]. Aside from the wonderful hand-colored woodcut illustrations, SCRC’s copy is full of provenance information including annotations, manicules, former owner’s inscriptions, and a few manuscript poems. (alc B659.D2 1501 Rare)
3. Barentsz, Willem. Deliniatio cartae trium navigationum per Batavos, ad Septentrionaelm plagam, Norvegiae, Moscoviae, et Nova Semblae … [Amsterdam] : [Cornelius Nicolai], [1598]. This map was produced to highlight the three expeditions undertaken by Dutch explorer and cartographer Willem Barentsz (c.1550-1597) between 1594 and 1597 in search of a Northeast Passage. It depicts he Arctic regions including Greenland, Iceland, northern Scandinavia, and northern Russia, as well as the routes that Barentsz’ ships took, not to mention numerous map monsters. (alc ff G3270 1598.B3)
4. Tennyson, Alfred. The ode by Alfred Tennyson on the opening of the Exhibition, 1862. [Coventry] : [Charles Newsome], [1862]. Part of the Gerald N. Wachs Collection of Nineteenth-Century English Poetry, this silk souvenir ribbon from the 1862 International Exhibition features Tennyson’s Ode on the opening of the Exhibition and a woven image of the Crystal Palace, where the exhibition was held. Tennyson was asked to write a piece which would be set to music by composer William Sterndale Bennett and performed at the opening of the Exhibition. The ribbon was designed by Edwin Rollason and produced by ribbon manufacturer Charles Newsome of Coventry. Newsome’s intertwined monogram appears at the top of the design in gold and cream. (ff PR5568.O15 1862)
5. Apian, Peter. Astronomicum Caesareum. [Ingolstadt] : [Peter Apian], [May 1540]. Another beautiful hand-colored 16th century imprint, this edition includes 22 volvelles, several of which feature the striking dragon design seen on the title page. SCRC’s copy is inscribed by Tycho Brahe to mathematician and astronomer Paul Wittich. (alc ff QB41.A639 1540 Rare)
6. Gart der Gesundheit. [Augsburg] : [Johann Schönsperger], [5 June 1486]. This German herbal printed in 1486 includes a wonderful example of a printer’s error, that of fallen type, near the end of the text. Fallen type occurs when a piece of type gets snagged on the leather covering of the ink balls while one of the pressmen is inking the form, gets pulled out of its place in the form, and ends up getting imprinted long-wise onto the page. These errors are fairly infrequent as the error would typically be noticed when the paper was removed from the press and the printer would return the fallen type to its place in the form and continue on with the job. (Incun 1486.G17 RareCr)
7. Dante Alighieri. [Divina commedia]. [Venice] : [Bartolomeo de Zanni de Portesio], [17 June 1507]. This copy of the 1507 printing of Dante’s Divine comedy has been heavily censored, probably in accordance with "Index librorum prohibitorum et expurgatorum ... D. Sandoval ex Roxas" of 1612, with the questionable sections of the text completely crossed out with wide vertical stripes of ink. (PQ4302.B07)
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veryfineday · 4 years
Thursday 21 November 1833
8 20/..
12 1/2
much rain in the night – rainy morning Fahrenheit 49º at 8 1/2 a.m. – breakfast over at 10 – monsieur Christiani Lesson 23 from 10 1/4 to 11 10/.. – then writing out german translantion and from 12 1/2 to 2 Lesson 1 monsieur Sartman recommended by mr. Nissen – monsieur S-[Sartman] a young Danish student having learnt german early – a very inferior master (after all) to Xtiani[Christiani], but I may I hope profit by him tho’ I told him he was right one hour at a time would perhaps be better than 2 –
out at 2 3/4 – drove to Comtesse de Blucher’s – gave miss F-[Ferrall] the plate and 100 cards and sat there 3/4 hour – home – dressed – at the de Hagemann’s at 5 – 17 of us in all sat down to a very handsome dinner – Prince William of Hesse led out Lady Harriet and monsieur Stamann? minister of the Interior and of Justice me, who parted Lady Harriet and myself – on my right monsieur de HocKschilde – Countess Plessen and Blome, baron de Nicolay, messieurs Huygens and Arana and the austrian chargé d’affaires Captain Fallesen, mr. Nissen etc. 
Lord Hilsborough à la chasse with prince Xtn.[Christian] and did not come till after all the rest were gone, and the room in darKness about 9 – all gone at 8 – sat down to dinner about 5 1/2 – coffee immediately after leaving the dining room and liquor – I did not thinK the dinner last quite 2 hours – had ordered my carriage at 10 – asKed the de H-s[Hagemanns] to send and order it sooner – it came at 9 – but Lord H-[Hilsborough] coming I staid a while longer and tooK tea – at 9 3/4 went to the HocKschilde’s – found them and miss d’Oxholm at tea and les dames Billé Brahe and Steen Billé there and messieurs Steen B-[Billé] and Nissen – and comte somebody – joined us for a little while – mr. HocKschilde at his card table in the nextroom –
home at 11 20/.. fair day and fineish – fine day for november – Fahrenheit 55º now at 11 55/.. tonight in my salon – no fire since four or 5 p.m. –
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