#nicojack fic
willysnylander · 3 months
have some awkwardness from the nicojack migraine fic!
“I did, like, research,” Jack says, and then adds, “While you were asleep.” Which is completely unnecessary, really, because when else would he have done it, and now he just feels like he’s making everything more awkward than it already was.
send a 🌹 to get a random snippet from a wip!!
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theemporium · 6 months
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[7.6k] jack totally wasn't in love with his frat's president. and he totally wasn't in love with his president's girlfriend. and this totally isn't the story of how the three of them realised they fell in love with each other. (smut)
You bit back the grin threatening to take over your face, attempting to school your features to a neutral expression as you glanced down at the textbook opened up in front of you. You let out a hum in response, but didn’t glance over at your boyfriend who was sprawled on his bed a few feet away from you.
“You are a menace.” 
You glanced over your shoulder, finding Nico already staring back at you with an amused expression on his face—despite what his downturned frowning lips said. “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” you answered eventually with an innocent look.
Nico shot you a look. “Baby.”
“Nico,” you retorted in the same serious tone.
A few moments passed before he looked away, rolling his eyes and shaking his head as he glanced down at his phone. “He’s going to get such a big head if he sees this,” he murmured, though there was something fond in his voice. “God knows Jack doesn’t need a bigger head.”
You raised your brows. “Does that mean you’re gonna keep it?”
“You’ll just change it back anyways,” Nico retorted, and you didn’t disagree with him. 
Instead, you stood up from the seat by his desk where you had been studying before he came in from class around thirty minutes ago. You made your way towards the bed, not even fighting your boyfriend as he reached for you and tugged you to lay on top of him. You propped your head on his chest, grinning at him.
“The contact name fits him and you know it does,” you said in a knowing voice. 
“Favourite Pledge is hardly a creative name anyways,” Nico deflected, but you saw right through him. 
One of the things you loved about Nico Hischier was his loyalty. It was one of those defining traits that made you fall more in love with him than you ever deemed humanly possible. He was loyal to his family, to his friends, to anyone that meant the world to him. His heart was split, little pieces given to those he trusted with it and the whole frat inevitability was a part of that. 
He loved his frat brothers. He loved them when he first joined. He loved them as more of them entered and pledged. He loved them when they appointed him president, even when he was just a sophomore. The frat loved him as much as he loved them. 
But it was an undeniable fact to anyone with working eyes that he had a soft spot for the new pledge, Jack Hughes. 
He didn’t admit it out loud. He always claimed to love his brothers equally, that it was impossible to have favourites. Though, you knew he just felt a little bad about it. He felt guilty that the younger boy had claimed a little bit more of his heart than the other frat brothers had. 
Yet, no matter how hard he tried to deny it, Jack Hughes had wiggled his way into his heart. 
You knew it stemmed from the fact the Swiss saw a bit of himself in the boy. Though Nico adored the frat and the community it gave him, he wasn’t shy of the fact he only joined to follow his older brother’s footsteps—something Jack himself had also done. 
The fact Jack had also tried out for the university’s hockey team—and was incredibly talented on the ice—was the final nail in the coffin for Nico (even if he still tried to deny the coffin existed). 
“But it’s true,” you sang with a smug look on your face. 
Nico rolled his eyes but the action was fond. “He was gonna grab some coffee on his way back from class, do you want anything?” 
“The usual,” you answered, leaning down to peck his lips before you moved to sit back at his desk. “Oh, ask him if he can get one of those muffins too. The lemon one.”
There was a pause as Nico typed out his reply before he snorted. “He said he already picked one up for you.”
Your expression brightened. “Well, if he isn’t your favourite pledge, then he definitely is mine.”
Nico shook his head. “So now you’re stealing him from me?’
“Is this you admitting he’s your favourite pledge?” You retorted. 
A few moments of silence passed, neither one of you saying anything nor looking away. Seconds ticked by, Nico’s phone continued to buzz on the bed and a ping sounded from your laptop when an email came through. But still, neither one of you looked away.
Until the buzzing became more insistent and Nico’s eyes snapped down to look at his screen, something fond in his gaze as messages about Jack complaining on how long the coffee was taking came through. 
“Ha! I was right!” You grinned, clapping your hands together but Nico didn’t have it in him to argue this time. 
He had shifted to sit with his back against the headboard and his laptop lying across his thighs when Jack finally burst through the bedroom door fifteen minutes later, holding a carrier of coffees and a bag of sweet treats. 
“Miss me?” 
You turned to see Jack already beginning to make himself comfortable as he dumped his backpack by the door and toed off his shoes. He handed you your coffee first with the lemon muffin in his other hand. “Mrs President.”
You snorted. “Thank you, Jack.”
He beamed before he grabbed Nico’s coffee and the cookie Nico pretended not to like (even though he really, really did). “Mr President.” 
“You’re in a chipper mood today,” Nico noted as he thanked the younger boy, taking the coffee and cookie to place on the bedside table beside him. He then turned towards Jack again, mouth open like he was about to say something—only for Jack to faceplant down on the bed the second the coffee was out of his hands. “You good?” 
“Tired,” he grumbled, his words muffled with his face buried into the duvet. “Plus, algebra sucks.”
Nico’s face softened a little. “You should take a nap, we have a big game later.”
“M’fine,” he murmured in response, but it convinced no one.
“Sleep, Jack,” you said as you glanced at the boy, his eyes already shut but his shoulders tense like he was preparing himself to sit up again. “You can nap here.”
Jack froze before lifting his head, blinking slowly as he stared between you and Nico. “Really?”
“Sleep here,” Nico confirmed with a nod, reaching over to playfully ruffle his hair. However, the act just made Jack slump back down onto the bed, his face buried in the duvet once again. “I’ll wake you up so we can eat before the game.”
“M’kay,” he managed to mutter out, seconds away from falling asleep.
Nico watched with a small smile before he grabbed a blanket, placing it over Jack and making sure he was settled before he grabbed his laptop to work again. He cleared his throat a little, though the smile never left his face as he began to type away.
“Oh, you’re so obvious,” you murmured with a snort.
Nico glanced up at you. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“Hm, I’m sure,” you mused as you settled back in your chair. “So, you’d just let anyone nap on your bed? With your favourite blanket?”
He shot you a look. “I let you do it all the time.”
Your grin widened. “Exactly.” 
Nico rolled his eyes, refusing to continue the conversation any further. And because you were a nice girlfriend, you chose not to mention the light pink tint to his cheeks. Or the fond smiles Nico would give Jack whenever he glanced over. 
Or the photo you snuck of the two of them, curled up and looking so comfy in bed together. 
To absolutely nobody’s surprise, the boys smashed the game with a 7-1 win to continue their nine game win streak. 
And to celebrate their win, the frat decided to hold a massive—and last minute—rager in honour of Nico, Jack and the rest of the hockey team. Though, you weren’t convinced it was as last minute as Trevor made it out to be considering the kegs were definitely being delivered to the house before you left to go watch the game.
The house was packed with frat brothers, hockey teammates and strangers alike, with no real invitation but with an overwhelming need to celebrate by getting shit-faced drunk nonetheless. Music was blasting from the countless speakers set around the house, every open surface looked like an Ibiza bar with bottles sprawled across it and the hockey boys were getting their chance to really celebrate with no practice or game until next week holding them back.
“Drink up, Mrs P!” 
You bit back your laugh as you inspected the cup Trevor was handing you. His cheeks were flushed, his grin was huge and you had no doubt that whatever was in the cup was the result of him and Cole concocting their own makeshift cocktails to get people as drunk as they were. 
“Do I even want to know what’s in this?” You questioned, a teasing glint in your voice as you sniffed the cup. 
Trevor didn’t even look bashful. “Don’t worry, we made sure to add more of Nico’s fancy Swiss lager in yours. He can’t get mad at us then.”
You actually did laugh this time. “You boys need to stop putting me in the crossfire. He’s your president.” 
“And you’re our Mrs President,” Trevor retorted. “It’s literally your job to stop him from killing us.”
“I don’t remember signing up for this.”
“You do it because you love us?” Trevor replied, a boyish grin on his face that made your heart warm in your chest. 
“Yeah, I do love you idiots,” you grumbled, though there was a smile on your face as you patted his cheek, amused at the way his grin widened at the action. 
“Maybe some of us more than others,” he supplied, something mischievous glinting in his eyes. 
You sighed. “Trevor, if this is about me giving Cole the last slice of apple pie—”
“I’m talking about Jack and we both know it.” he sang, delighted in the way you quickly stopped talking. “I see the way you and Nico look at him.”
You frowned a little. “We don’t love him more than we love the rest of you—”
“You love the rest of us like we are your kids,” Trevor corrected, still thoroughly amused by the conversation. “You and Nico look at Jack like you want to sleep with him.”
You let out a startled laugh. “Trev—”
“And he looks like he would take anything you give him,” the boy continued, looking far too smug at the way you trapped your bottom lip between your teeth. “Don’t worry, Mrs P, I’ll keep your secret.” 
You didn’t get a chance to respond before the boy had wandered off, disappearing into the throng of partygoers. Though, if you were being completely honest with yourself, you weren’t even sure what you would have replied with. Maybe it was a blessing he walked away first.
“You good?”
You blinked before turning your head, finding Nico standing there with his brows furrowed in concern. You could feel his hand on your lower back, a soft and comforting touch that you leaned into. 
“Yeah,” you said and flashed him a smile. “Just contemplating if I want to risk drinking whatever Trevor and Cole made me.” 
Nico snorted but it was fond. “I’ll hold your hair back later if you risk it.”
You grinned. “My hero.”
“Always,” Nico grinned back, leaning down to peck your lips before he dragged you back to the party in the direction of the back garden where the hockey team seemed to have accumulated. 
Yet, no matter how hard you tried, Trevor’s words lingered with you for the rest of the party, playing on a loop you couldn’t stop.
The irony of it all was that you knew, deep down, Trevor was right. 
It shouldn’t have been a shock when it was something you had been aware of for a while, even subconsciously. As much as you teased and taunted Nico, there was something different about Jack in comparison to the other pledges and frat brothers. It wasn’t a favouritism, it went beyond that. There was something more with Jack, something deeper. 
And you always knew it. 
It just took the realisation that other people—that Trevor—had noticed it too. It wasn’t this secret hidden in your heart or an inside joke between you and Nico, it was beyond that. Your feelings weren’t as subtle as you thought. And neither were Nico’s. And apparently neither were Jacks’.
Everyone saw it but you three, and now you were painfully aware and pining.
Because that was the only way you could describe how you had felt since the party. You had been pining after Jack. It was like the conversation with Trevor opened the box you had desperately been locking shut, and now you were overwhelmed with your feelings for the younger boy. 
And Nico noticed too. 
He hadn’t mentioned it, not directly. But he noticed a shift in you since the party. He noticed the way your eyes lingered on Jack a little longer than usual when he walked in a room. He noticed the way you seemed to drag Jack to sit with the two of you whenever you got the chance. He noticed the way your touch would linger on Jack, the way you did with him. 
It made his stomach twist with a desire he didn’t know was possible, he didn’t know he wanted.
It was enthralling to watch you watch Jack, to watch you look at Jack the same way you look at him. Maybe because he knew he was no different. He knew it was all leading to something, you did too. 
Neither of you expected it to happen just two weeks after the party when the frat found themselves at the campus bar on a random Thursday.
It was somewhere between your second and third drink. The frat were spread across the establishment: some were by the bar chatting with some strangers, others were playing pool on the tables at the back, the rest were sprawled over the booths and seats around the room. 
You had settled on a small couch, a vodka rum in hand as you watched Trevor and Cole attempt to talk up some girls from one of their shared classes a few feet away. Trevor had been insistent he could get their numbers, and Cole had just wanted to be close enough to see the trainwreck. And you had thoroughly enjoyed watching them both. 
“Budge up!” 
You let out a small huff when Jack unexpectedly collapsed onto the couch beside you, but you didn’t argue as you shifted until you were both squished together. Your thigh was pressed against his, your shoulders shoved together, but neither of you moved away even if there was enough space on the couch to put a few inches between you. 
“You seem chipper,” you commented, eyeing the flush to his cheeks and the grin on his face. You wonder how many beers one of the older brothers had slipped him through the night.
“Just handed Turc’s ass in pool,” Jack told you, puffing his chest proudly. 
“That’s shocking considering you’re shit,” you teased, nudging into his side a little. 
“Hey, that was an unfair advantage one time!” Jack huffed, but he was still smiling. “Nico was cheating.” 
You snorted. “How?” 
“I don’t know but nobody is naturally that good at pool,” he grumbled as he shifted back into the couch, his body sagging like the night was starting to catch up on him. “I think we should team up.” 
You raised your brows. “To what? Beat him at pool?”
“Mhm,” Jack nodded in confirmation. “We could distract him.”
“And how do you propose we do that?” You questioned, thoroughly amused. 
“I think our pretty faces are enough,” he answered confidently. “Bat a couple eyelashes, maybe throw a few flirty comments in there and he’ll be useless.”
This time you actually laughed and Jack’s smile widened at the sound.
“What? You don’t think I could do it?”
“Oh no, I think you could and you’d be dangerous,” you assured him, shifting in your seat until your body was facing him. “I think my flirting would be lacklustre in comparison to yours.”
He gave you a small shove. “Nah, you have him wrapped around your finger. He would fold at whatever you said.”
Almost instinctively, your eyes began searching the bar for your boyfriend before you found him on the other side of the room. He was standing by one of the pool tables, leaning against the cue as he watched Jesper take a shot with a fond smile on his face. He looked laid back, his flannel abandoned somewhere to leave him in the tight-fitting t-shirt, his cap placed backwards on his head to keep his hair out of his face. He looked relaxed, young even. Like he didn’t have the responsibility of a frat, hockey and college on his mind. 
And like he could sense you, his eyes turned to look at you and his smile widened. He glanced at you, and then the boy beside you, before his gaze returned to you. 
And then, the little fucker winked. 
“See,” Jack said, laughing a little but it sounded off. 
You turned back to look at Jack, finding his eyes still locked on Nico. You noticed the slight flush to his cheeks, and a part of you wondered if he was just as affected by your boyfriend as you were. You wondered how long you had been oblivious to it if this was how he was staring at Nico. You wondered if he looked at you the same way. 
“He’s no better with you,” you eventually spoke, watching as his eyes quickly snapped back to you. His cheeks went redder. “Don’t underestimate that pretty face of yours.”
And you could see the cogs turning in his head. You could see him picking apart your words, can see the way he shifts in his spot. And you can see the way he tries to act like it doesn’t affect him when it does.
“You think I’m pretty?” 
Because he’s Jack and when things get overwhelming, he resorts to some weird mix of joking and flirting because it feels safer than whatever the truth is. Because you knew as much as he wanted to believe you, he couldn’t quite admit it out loud yet, admit it to himself. 
And you also knew he sometimes just needed a push in the right direction.
“I think,” you started as you lifted your hand, hesitating for a small moment before you pushed your fingers through his hair. You watched his eyes flutter shut, his body leaning further into your touch. “You’re one of the prettiest people I know.”
He gulped a little, blinking his eyes open. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” you confirmed with a nod. 
And maybe it was the newfound realisation of your feelings. Or maybe it was the confidence you felt in the way he stared at you, like you hung the fucking moon. Or maybe it was a cumulation of the alcohol you had drunk since you arrived that fuelled it all. 
You weren’t sure what it was. 
But his eyes dropped to your lips for a few seconds too long and the next thing you knew, you were leaning in and pressing your lips against his. 
Your hand dropped to cup his cheek, the growing stubble brushed against your palm as you deepened the kiss. He let out a noise, something sweet and whiny and you wanted to bottle it up to listen to it forever. He let you guide the kiss, let you take control as your tongue swiped along his bottom lip. 
His eyes were still shut when you parted for a few seconds. But yours were open and staring just past his head, where Nico was standing. 
He was already staring at you, both of you. And you knew he wouldn’t be mad, but there was still something about the pure lust and want in his gaze that made your stomach dip. The way his lips twitched upwards when he saw you staring back, the way he nodded his head a little like it was a challenge. 
He was halfway across the room and, yet, still seemed to be enjoying this as much as the two of you. 
But before you could even bring yourself to take him up on his challenge, before you could close the distance between you and Jack and kiss him again, he was pulling away completely.
“Shit,” he breathed out, his wide eyes staring at you with an expression full of surprise and shock. 
Your brows furrowed. “Jack?”
“Shit,” he repeated, and you barely had a chance to wrap your head around any of it before he was quickly standing up. He stared at you, his face scrunched up and his lips parted like he wanted to say something but couldn’t seem to find the words.
“Jack,” you called out, your voice soft and concerned as you reached out for him but he jerked away from the touch.
“I am so sorry,” was all he managed to get out before he made a beeline towards the door.
You watched him rush out like he was being chased before your head turned, finding Nico watching the exit with a mixed expression of hurt and concern. 
And as you stood there, in the middle of the bar, feeling oddly cold and confused about the last thirty seconds, you couldn’t help but feel like you fucked something up without realising it.
Jack was avoiding you. 
He thought he was being subtle with it, but it was clear to everyone what was happening. He was hardly in the house anymore unless it was to sleep. And even then, he was still going out of his way to leave insanely early and come back very late. You hardly even saw him on campus. 
You hardly saw him at all.
And it was one thing if he was avoiding you, but he was avoiding Nico too and you could tell it was hurting him. You could tell it bothered him that Jack was hardly around the house, that he was having to get updates from Trevor or the other boys, that he went out of his way to avoid Nico at hockey practice too. 
It hurt and everyone could see the three of you suffering, but Trevor the worst. 
“He thinks you hate him,” the boy said one day when you were in the kitchen, pushing your pasta around your plate with no real appetite to eat.
You frowned. “What?” 
“Jack thinks you and Nico hate him because of what happened at the bar,” Trevor continued, shrugging his shoulders. “Something about making you kiss him and getting between your relationship.”
Your frown deepened. “But I kissed him. Not the other way around.”
“Yeah, well, that’s not how he sees it,” Trevor muttered, the usual smile on his face replaced with a concerned frown. “He thinks Nico is going to kick him out the frat.”
You dropped your fork. “What? That’s insane! Nico would never do that.”
“That’s what he believes though and the guy can be fucking stubborn,” Trevor huffed out. “I have tried telling him he is overthinking it but he just gets upset about it. He thinks he is delaying the inevitable.”
You let out a sigh.
Trevor continued. “He just needs to realise that he didn’t ruin his president’s relationship and that you both actually want to fuck him—”
“—and then everything will be fine,” he concluded like it was easy. Like you could just walk up to Jack and tell him as much. As if he hadn’t been actively avoiding you for the last week.
“Yeah, that’s all,” you murmured, your mind wandering as the boy continued to ramble on about some business analytics class he was taking.
In classic president fashion, Nico was the one who had enough of the weird game the three of you had been playing for the last few weeks. He couldn’t take it anymore, so he was going to do what he did best, and he was going to fix the mess. 
He couldn’t handle seeing you heartbroken over it any longer.
He couldn’t handle Jack hiding away from him like he was a stranger. 
He couldn’t handle the overwhelming emptiness in his chest that had been haunting him since Jack ran out of the bar.
He couldn’t fucking handle any of it anymore.
All in all, it was embarrassingly easy to manipulate and puppeteer the whole thing. It was a bit of a slap in the face, to realise that something could have been done weeks ago. But Nico tried not to linger on the thought for too long. 
Plus, getting Jack in the same room as the two of you was the easy part.
Convincing him the two of you were just as gone for him as he was for you was going to be the hard part. Especially considering the fact Jack was one of the most stubborn and iron-willed people he had ever met in his life.
But he would be damned if another day went by where Jack Hughes didn’t know how the two of you felt for him. 
“Trev, how many books do you have that you need my help with?”
“I borrowed a lot! The librarian likes me.”
“And why have you not returned then?”
“...I forgot.” 
Nico could feel you tense beside him as the voices on the other side of the door got closer. He reached over, placing a warm and comforting hand on the small of your back as you sagged back against him. The footsteps got closer and closer until there was a pause. 
“Isn’t this Nico’s room?”
“Uh, no!”
The next thirty seconds passed in a blink of the eye. The door swung open and you could pinpoint the exact moment Jack saw the two of you. His eyes widened, his face fell and he was frozen in his spot. It gave Trevor more than enough time to shove him deeper into the room, call out a ‘you’re welcome!’ before he slammed the door shut behind him. 
Jack cleared his throat. “Sorry, I’m just gonna—”
“No,” Nico stepped forward, trying to hide the desperate tint to his words. “No, stay. Please.” 
Jack shifted in his spot. “I have some homework to—”
“Jack,” Nico interrupted, a deep sigh following as he shot the younger boy a look. “We know you’re ignoring us.”
Jack froze before he let out a strained laugh. “What? No! I’ve just been busy—”
“Jack.” This time you stepped forward, a frown painted on your lips. “Please, we know. We aren’t stupid.”
“Talk to us,” Nico said as he continued to walk forward until he was only a few steps from the boy. “Talk to me.” 
Jack glanced between the two of you, a conflict clearly playing out in his head before he eventually blurted out, “I didn’t mean to be a homewrecker!” 
Nico blinked, his brows furrowed together. “A what?”
You shook your head. “Jack—”
“I-I just…listen, you don’t have to say it. I get it. I know.” Jack swallowed, shifting in his spot once again. “I didn’t mean to…I…” There was a pause before he let out a breath. “You don’t have to worry about me…doing anything again. I won’t. I promise. And…and if you want me to leave the frat, I get it.” 
His eyes were focused on the ground, staring at some random spot between his feet as he finally got out the words that had been weighing heavily on his chest for the last few weeks. But with his gaze downward, he missed the way Nico’s face softened completely at his admission. 
“And if we want you to do it again?” 
Jack blinked before he lifted his head. “What?”
Nico swallowed before he closed the small distance between them, keeping his eyes on the boy. “And what if we want you to do it again? What if we don’t want you to stop?”
He blinked with a look of pure discombobulation on his face. “Huh? But I…I kissed your girlfriend.” 
“Jack.” Nico sighed, and it sounded so fond as he lifted his hands to hold the younger boy’s face. “You kissed my girlfriend.” 
“Uh, yeah, I just said that,” Jack murmured, his cheeks burning.
“I am not mad, I like kissing my girlfriend too,” Nico told him.
Jack frowned a little. “Well, yeah, she’s your girlfriend—”
“And,” Nico interrupted, taking a deep breath before he continued. “She liked kissing you too.” 
Jack blinked. 
“If anything, I was jealous she kissed you first,” he continued, his thumbs lightly swiping over the apples of his cheek.
“Oh,” was the only response Jack managed. 
You made your way over, leaning against your boyfriend’s arms as you stared at Jack with a soft smile on your lips. “He’s wanted to kiss you for a while. You are his favourite.”
Nico’s lips twitched upwards but, for the first time, he didn’t deny it. “Yeah. Yeah, you are.” 
Jack looked between the two of you as he tried to process the last thirty seconds in his head. And then he let out a laugh, a little nervous and hesitant. “You…you want to kiss me too?” 
Nico nodded.
“Is this, like, some weird couples kink?” Jack blurted out, blood roaring in his ears and he was half-tempted to pull away if he knew he wouldn’t miss Nico’s touch on him. “Or has Trevor set you up to this? Because that is not cool—”
And then, Nico was kissing him.
Albeit, it was short and nowhere near as passionate as the one you and Jack shared at the bar, but it got the job done. It shut the boy up. It showed him this was far from a joke.
“For fuck’s sake, Jack,” Nico groaned as he pulled away, resting their foreheads together like he tended to do after goal celebrations on the ice. “We are in love with you, you idiot. You wrecked nothing.” 
Jack let out a shaky breath as he pulled back a little. “You’re what?”
You stepped forward, catching his hand in yours before he stepped away completely. “This isn’t a joke. This isn’t some weird kink. This is just us telling you that we like you. Love you, even. This is us asking you to fix whatever mess we accidentally created because, Jack, I can’t handle you ignoring us again. We can’t handle that.”
His face softened. “You mean it?” 
“Every word,” you confirmed with a nod.
“You want me?” He asked, and it broke your heart a little. You don’t think you had ever heard Jack Hughes sound so doubtful, so unsure of himself.
“We want you, baby,” Nico murmured, his hand dropping to cup the back of Jack’s neck as he smiled at the boy. 
“I—” Jack’s shoulders sagged a little, like he could finally breathe for the first time in weeks. Like the weight and lingering guilt had been removed from his shoulders. “Shit, I really dragged this out, huh?” 
You laughed, shaking your head. “We got there eventually.”
“Even after I ran out on you?” Jack questioned.
“You can make it up to me,” you retorted, something mischievous shining in your eyes.
Almost instinctively, Jack’s eyes snapped over to Nico like he was seeking permission. 
Nico smiled a little, squeezing his neck once again in reassurance. “You don’t have to ask. You can just kiss her, baby.” 
“I know, I just…” He trailed off, his cheeks pretty and rosy and it made something twist deep in Nico’s gut. 
“You want me to tell you what to do?” Nico asked, his voice a little lower. A little gruff. “Need a little guidance, hm?” 
Jack swallowed but nodded, a little shy.
“Hm, gonna listen?” He continued to taunt the boy, feeling Jack’s pulse thump beneath his palm. “Not gonna be a brat?”
“Promise,” Jack nodded.
Nico smiled and it made his heart lurch with desire. “Kiss her, baby. Make it up to her.”
Jack’s eyes shifted over to you. 
You were watching him with a fond smile, head tilted in curiosity as you watched the interaction play out between the two of him. The second his attention was on you, you raised your brows in challenge, waiting to see if he really would listen to Nico’s instructions. 
There were only a few beats of hesitation before Jack leaned forward, one hand on your face and the other on your waist as he pulled you towards him. The kiss was nothing like the one from the bar, it was far better. It almost felt like he had been holding back on you before.
A soft moan escaped your lips as you sunk into the kiss, as you let Jack take control this time, as you let him express the months of wanting and pining he had been holding onto him. You could feel his arm around your waist tightening, could feel his body pressed against yours as he held you close. 
Nico settled behind Jack, his hands on the younger boy’s waist as he watched with pure desire and intent in his gaze. 
You let out a small gasp when he nipped your bottom lip before pulling away, both of you panting and desperately breathing in the air your lungs were crying out for.
“Hm,” Nico hummed, his chin hooked on Jack’s shoulder as he looked at you. “What do you say, baby? Think he made up for the last few weeks?”
You almost felt like you were in a daze as you shook your head. “More.”
“More?” Nico grinned, squeezing Jack’s waist. “What do you say, Jack? Wanna give our girl more?”
He gulped a little at the use of ‘our girl’. 
“You want to make her feel good? Beg for her forgiveness?” Nico continued, his head dipping down until his lips were tracing over Jack’s neck. He felt the boy shiver as he pressed a kiss to his pulse point. “Want me to teach you what she likes?” 
“Please,” Jack breathed out, his eyes fluttering shut. “Fuck. Please. Yes.”
Nico lifted his gaze to look at you—a look you knew all too well.
“Bed. Now.” 
The hands on his waist kept Jack locked in place as he watched you step out of his hold. He watched you continue to walk backwards until you reached the edge of the bed and quickly settled yourself down on the mattress, looking at Nico with that same expression Jack had given him earlier. 
Nico pulled Jack closer, his chest pressed against the younger boy’s back as his breath tickled along his skin. Jack’s eyes fluttered shut as he began to kiss along his neck, teeth grazing against the sensitive spots that made his body push back into Nico’s. 
He leaned back against the boy, his head falling back on his shoulder as Nico’s hands began to wander. 
“Take off your pants,” Nico said to you, his voice rougher than moments earlier as he pushed one hand under the hem of Jack’s shirt.
Jack let out a small sound, a whimpering noise that was borderline embarrassing but Nico didn’t seem to mind. Instead, the boy lifted his head from Jack’s neck and used his free hand to grip his chin and turn his head so he could finally kiss him properly. 
You watched them from your spot on the bed as you shimmied your jeans down your legs. You watched the way Nico held Jack’s face, the way his tongue swept along his lips before sinking into his mouth. You watched the way Jack’s body keened under the touch, the way his body shifted to seek more of him. You watched the way they fit together so well, like a perfect match.
Your boys.
“Look at her,” Nico grumbled as he pulled away, despite the fact Jack kept shifting closer to kiss him again. “So impatient. Such a brat.” 
Jack blinked slowly, his brain feeling like it was ten seconds behind as he turned his head to look at you. His lips parted in surprise as he found you sitting on Nico’s bed, clad in your shirt (it was really one of Nico’s) and your panties with your fingers tracing the waistband.
“M’not a brat,” you responded with a huff.
Nico grinned, leaning down to lightly nip Jack’s earlobe. “She’s such a brat,” he murmured, his large hand still splayed on Jack’s stomach and it made his head feel funny. “Gonna help me take care of her?” 
He nodded.
“Go on then,” Nico said as he lightly patted Jack on his ass before stepping back. “Kneel in front of her. Be a good boy.” 
He bit back the small whine he wanted to let out as he closed the distance between you and him, pausing for a moment when you reached for his shirt and yanked him down to kiss him. He sunk into the kiss quickly, letting out a relieved moan as he felt your tongue exploring his mouth. 
He placed his hands on either side of you, happy to just feel your lips on his and hear the little sighs you let out against his mouth. 
“Touch me, Jack,” you murmured softly between kisses. 
Jack’s brain short circuited as he pulled back to look at you, hooded eyes blinking as he took in your glossy eyes and flushed expression. Almost instinctively, his eyes darted downwards to see the way you were clenching your thighs together. 
“Beg him,” Nico spoke from a few feet away.
Jack gulped a little as he glanced back up at you, seeing the same hint of desperation he felt bubbling inside him.
“Please touch me, baby,” you whispered, leaning closer until your noses were brushing against each other and you could feel the shaky breath he let out. “Fuck, Jack, I wanna know how you feel. Thought about it so many times. Thought about you inside me.”
His eyes fluttered shut. “Shit.” 
Because, if Jack Hughes was completely honest with himself, the whole thing felt like a dream. He had many of them since he joined the frat, since he met you and Nico and felt every perspective he had on his sexuality be thrown out the window. He had so many that eventually the guilt washed away to a more permanent emotion. 
He lost track of the amount of times he dreamed of your soft hands or Nico’s board shoulders or his lips on either one of yours. He lost track of the amount of times he woke up hot and sweaty and panting in his bed. He lost track of the amount of times he fisted his cock in the shower, early in the morning when no one else was awake and he didn’t have to hide his pants and moans of your names as he came. 
A small part of him was waiting for the moment to hit. He was waiting for the dream to no longer feel so real, for the edges to start to blur as his body began to wake up. He was waiting to wake up in his bed, hit with a pang of longing and loneliness with only a hard cock to show for it. 
But he didn’t want this dream to end. 
This felt like one of his most realistic ones yet and he wasn’t ready to let it go, he wasn’t ready to face his reality. He wasn’t ready for it to be fake. 
He squeezed the fat of your thighs as he guided your legs over his shoulder, as he kissed and sucked up and down the skin of your inner thighs like he always wanted to do. He clung onto you like his dream would rip you away, like he could prevent himself from being torn away from between your thighs.
Jack listened to the way you moaned and sighed beneath his touch, the way you cried out his name as his tongue swiped along your clothed cunt and sucked the fabric in his mouth. He clung onto the way your thighs squeezed his ears as his fingers tugged the fabric of your panties to the side, as he finally got his mouth on your pussy. 
He wasn’t ready to wake up and lose this. He wasn’t ready to wake up and lose the way Nico’s fingers felt tangled in his hair as he guided Jack’s head up as he ate you out. He wasn’t ready to lose the way Nico’s body felt pressed against his back, whispering what a good job he was doing as his lips wrapped around his earlobe the same way Jack was doing to your clit.
He needed to keep this. 
He needed this to be real. 
He needed—
“You’re so perfect, Jack,” Nico groaned from behind him, his hand reaching around to dip under the waistband of his trousers. “So fucking perfect. Our pretty boy, hm?” 
He needed it all to be real. 
Jack groaned against your cunt when Nico wrapped his hand around his cock, his hand so much bigger than his own. He took a moment, leaning his forehead against your thigh as Nico’s thumb lightly circled the head of his cock in a way that made his whole body shake.
“C’mon, baby, you said you wanted to make our girl feel good,” Nico whispered in his ear, pressed up against him as he continued to stroke his cock. “You only get to come when she comes.” 
“Nico,” Jack panted out, his eyes clenched shut as the older boy’s fist tightened around him.
“You said you’d be my good boy, Jack.”
“I will,” he breathed out, groaning as he bucked his hips. “I am.”
“Then make her come.” 
He needed this to be real. He wanted it to be real so fucking badly. He wanted this to be the life he lived, the life he had wished for constantly. He wanted for it to be you and him and Nico, he wanted it all. And maybe it made him greedy, but he needed it.
And Jack could feel everything building up. 
He could feel the way your body tensed and shook underneath him as he licked and sucked and kissed your soaking cunt, as he wrapped his lips around your clit until your back was arching off the bed. He could feel the hot rush of pleasure wash down his spine as Nico continued to stroke his cock, whispering filthy words in his ear that would haunt him for the rest of his life. He could feel the overwhelming rush of emotions bubbling inside him, ready to spill into some cold, bitterness when he woke up alone.
He could feel it all and it all came crashing down at once, it felt like it fucking winded him.
And he couldn’t bear to open his eyes at first. He couldn’t bear to open his eyes and see his own room around him. To see the sun shining in through his window because he forgot to close the curtains the night before. To see himself alone in his bed. To see whatever ungodly hour he had woken up at this time.
He couldn’t bear it just yet.
And then he felt a warmth against his back. It was comforting and familiar and he craved to feel more of it. And he felt a hand in his hair, lightly scratching his scalp in a way that made him whine a little.
“Shhh, you did so well, baby. So well for us, Jack,” a voice whispered, deep and rich and soothing. A voice he craved to hear constantly. 
Because it wasn’t a dream. None of it was a dream. It was real. It was all real life. It was him and you and Nico. It was the three of you and neither of you were going anywhere and Jack wasn’t about to wake up in his room alone. 
It was all fucking real. 
“There he is,” you mused, your hand running through his hair as you watched his bleary eyes blink up at you. “Our pretty boy.” 
His cheeks flushed in response. 
“C’mon, need to get you cleaned up. I’ll get you another pair of sweatpants to wear and then we can nap, okay?” Nico asked, hardly giving Jack a chance to even answer before he pressed a kiss to the side of his head and stood up. 
He hated how cold he felt without Nico behind him.
“You okay?” You asked, your voice soft and concerned, and he just wanted to close his eyes and rest his head on your lap and stay there forever.
“Is this real?” He blurted out, only slightly embarrassed by his own bashfulness as you smiled down at him.
“So real, baby,” you murmured before tugging his head back enough to lean down and kiss him. “So fucking real.”
“Good,” he hummed as his eyes fluttered shut. “I love you both too, you know?”
“Yeah, we know.” 
And there was more to talk about. So much more to discuss and work out and really talk about. You knew that. Nico knew that. Jack knew it too. But it could wait. You had waited months to admit your feelings to yourselves and each other. You could wait just a little longer. 
It was a conversation to be had later, when you weren’t cuddled on Nico’s bed with both your boys pressed up against you as you surrendered yourself to the sleep your body was fighting. 
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lilyrizzy · 2 months
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signs of a lifetime (you til' i die) by lilyrizzy | jack/nico | hockey rpf | rated e | 24.2K
If he was in Michigan things would be so much better. He’d have his brothers, his guys and Nico too.
Nico, who fits in so well with everyone Jack loves. Who can talk enough hockey to keep up with Z, who offers to do the washing up every night after dinner in a way that has Jack’s mom beaming at him. Who wrestles on the dock with Luke like he’s known him his whole life, who can quietly play pool with Quinn, their heads bent together as they trade mumbled laughter.
Nico in Michigan can be everything to everyone, and that is so much better than Jack in Switzerland. He only knows how to be anything at all to Nico.
Jack goes home with Nico for the summer & things are harder than he expects.
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catofthecanals289 · 25 days
NicoJack drabble
“So, any nice girls in Michigan?” Luca asks over the rattling hum of his Ford’s engine.
It’s late, the night thick and heavy between the mountains, the road ahead barely visible beyond the headlights. The radio display doesn’t show the time and Nico doesn’t want to check his phone and the lack of messages, so he can only guess just how close to midnight they really are.
Glancing over at his brother, he finds Luca looking straight ahead through the windshield, focused, but not tense, despite the winding road neither of them know well. The usual road had been blocked, a fallen tree from a storm earlier in the day not yet removed. Luca hadn’t seemed too concerned though so Nico had just sunken further into his seat while trying not to think about the text he was half sure he wouldn’t get an answer to.
“What?” he says belatedly when Luca prompts him again by clearing his throat.
“Just-” Luca sighs, running a hand over the stubble on his chin. “I don’t know, you seem sad.”
Pressing his lips together, Nico shrugs. He doesn’t know what girls would have to do with it, but Luca isn’t wrong. Being back home is going to be great. Nico has missed his family, has missed Switzerland. Sitting at the kitchen table and eating food his bother cooked, looking out the window and seeing the lush green and tall peaks reaching into the blue sky – it’s what Nico has been longing for.
But it turns out the end of missing one thing just means the beginning of missing another.
“I thought maybe you had a girlfriend over there and now-” Luca goes on, and without thinking, Nico shakes his head.
“No,” he says over the sound of some song on low volume that Nico is pretty sure he’s heard before while holding a red plastic cup, drinking awful American beer and trying not to smile too much at the way Jack was moving to the beat of the music. Nico isn’t sure if it could be called dancing. But he’s sure he hadn’t been able to look away. He hadn’t wanted to.  
“No girlfriend.” He looks down at his phone, at the black screen. “The girls were nice. Just-”
Just they were girls.
And they weren’t Jack.
Swallowing, Nico presses the button on the side of his phone, but no notifications show on his home screen. When he tabs open his conversation with Jack it says *read one hour and twenty-six minutes ago*.  Jack has been online thirteen minutes ago according to the grey text next to his little icon.
It’s a picture Nico took of him, right there are the shore of the lake. The sun had been setting and Jack had stood there with his backwards hat on and his bare feet in the cool water and Nico-
“What if there was a boy?” he says, the words out before he’s really truly thought them.
For a moment Luca’s silence is deafening.
Nico can’t let himself breathe, can’t make himself look over. Instead he turns his phone around in his lap, watching the screen go from bright to dim to black. Then-
“A nice Michigan boy?”
“Well, he’s- Yeah,” Nico says on an exhale, swallowing thickly. “He’s in Michigan. But he lived in Toronto before that. And- Yeah.”
And Nico has spent hours listening to Jack talk about it. About Florida where he was born but doesn’t remember, about Boston, about New Hampshire, about the cold winters across the border and how Michigan is home, how he misses his older brother and how much he loves hockey.
And then he’d given Nico that smile that made his chest flutter and he’d rolled onto his back and looked at the clouds passing over the driveway and he’d asked Nico about Luca. About playing together in Visp, about Switzerland, about everything.
What do you like most about America so far?, he’d asked a sweet little grin on his face, and Nico thinks the answer might have been obvious on his face even if he hadn’t said the You that’d been on the tip of his tongue.
“Were you guys boyfriends?” Luca asks now and with a lump in his throat, Nico has to shrug.
“I don’t know,” he says softly.
Luca seems to have heard him anyway.
 “Ah, Nico,” he says after a short moment of simple squinting at the dark road ahead of them. “I’m sorry.”
It’s fine, Nico wants to say. It doesn’t matter.
Because it doesn’t. Nico is back home in Switzerland and Jack is in Michigan and whatever happened in those six months that Nico spent over there, it’ll just be a memory now. It’ll just be what Nico thinks about whenever someone asks him about his first kiss, about his first time, about his first time being in love.
His first heartbreak too, it seems like.
“He says he’s not gay,” he says, voice cracking over the last word. He wishes his lips weren’t trembling as he speaks. “That he doesn’t like boys that way.”
“But you do?” Luca asks.
No pause this time, no silence.
When Nico glances at him, Luca is still looking at the road.
“Yeah,” he whispers and Luca doesn’t say anything, but he reaches over, putting his hand on Nico’s shoulder.
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teethkick · 8 months
rock bottom, baby | jack hughes/nico hischier, e, 17k
the devils keep losing and jack handles it totally normally :) he has no problems or issues :), non-linear timeline, mild painplay, the trials and tribulations of getting your captain to wife you up
"You want me to be jealous," Nico says, and it's not a question.
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july-1804 · 3 months
so beautiful, the space between | nico hischier/jack hughes, 5.2k
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so beautiful, the space between | nico hischier/jack hughes, 5.2k
Jack lands in Detroit on a warm afternoon in early August with a gold medal winning husband, a teething toddler, two nagging brothers who hadn’t seen their niece in months (6 weeks), and a desire to win the Stanley Cup more than ever.
or, Jack has some big emotions and just wants to be a great husband to Nico, a badass dad to Mila, and more than a mediocre hockey player.
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imperatorrrrr · 8 days
nearly fell down the stairs racing over to ask about your WIPs!!! as you know. I'm v intrigued about the ocean's 11 au or your emma au and will sit here kicking my feet waiting patiently to hear about it 😇 (or, if you've already talked about those WIPs - literally ANYTHING else on your list ehe)
I feel like I've already talked your ear off about both of these, but lets do the Emma!AU
Jack will be our good intentioned matchmaker
this is a modern re-telling of Emma with all the players still remaining hockey players
Jack wanting to see all of his friends and family happy and being the world's worst matchmaker and learning things about himself along the way that lead him straight to Nico being the love of his life
Jack thinking love is friendship (because he's thinking about Nico but he doesn't know he's thinking about Nico) and deciding that Cole and Trevor should be together because they're best friends but is thrown for a loop when Trevor wants to be with the quiet Jamie and Cole wants to be with his captain Nick Suzuki.
and it all throws Jack for a loop because Trevor's so loud and rambunctious and Jamie's so quiet and he's pacing around in Nico's apartment telling him all this and Nico's like well sometimes opposites attract sometimes you need someone that'll store all that energy for you and then Jack's thinking about Cole wanting to be with his captain and he's confused because they're teammates tho isn't that weird, wouldn't that be hard. and Nico's very calmly telling him that sometimes the chemistry on the ice translates to chemistry off the ice
and then there's some Quinn and Roman Josi because I gotta I absolutely gotta
and, of course, we need the Mr. Elton type that throws a wrench into the NicoJack of it all and kind of catches Jack's fancy for a bit and makes Nico sad and run away to Switzerland at the end of the season after losing in one of the late rounds of the playoffs. I'm thinking maybe Ty Smith for the memories?
and this is when our MVP Luke comes in and does some meddling. I'm thinking that at this point in time every one of Jack's attempts at matchmaking his loved ones has failed spectacularly tho they've all ended up with someone they love and are happy and he misses Nico and he's coming to terms with the fact that every single thing he's learned and everything he knows about love leads him to Nico
and so he's got Nico on the brain and he's thinking about matching Luke up with someone (but Luke is already happily with Nemo but Jack doesn't know that yet) and Jack's waxing poetic about how Luke needs someone like Nico and Luke goes "well what about Nico" because he's a magnificent troll
and so Jack tries to matchmake his brother with his captain which will finally lead us to Jack getting something right and declaring his love for Nico
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jeanie-g · 3 months
For the dialogue prompt bullet point thing how about #2? And NicoJack please?
If that strikes your fancy!
yes m'am! 🫡 hope some sweet, sweet angst strikes your fancy <3
#2: "It's not like this with them."
• Nico has stopped keeping track of how long he's been in love with Jack. Sometimes, it feels like he can't even remember a time when he wasn't.
• It's like Jack has always been there, and Nico was simply waiting to find him. Like Nico's heart knew it before his brain did, keeping a small, Jack-shaped space carved out for the time they finally met. And when they did, Nico felt something slide home in himself that he'd never felt before.
• It's been years now since that very first day at training camp, years since Nico fell victim to the first of a thousand smiles that Jack cast on him like a spell—and, yeah, he guesses that he kind of does still keep track after all. Because it's been four years, and Jack doesn't feel the same.
• Nico's come to terms with it, he likes to think. That Jack will never love him back the way he wants. It's not Jack's fault he's straight, just like it's not Nico's fault he isn't. It's just unfortunate, is what it is (Nico tries to avoid the word "tragic" as much as he can in the fear that he'll sound like a sappy novel), but that's life. That's the way the world works. He just needs to get over it.
• Except, the thing is, it's really fucking hard to get over it with Jack acting the way he does. Loud, open, touchy, always hanging off of people, always hanging off of Nico on the ice or in the locker room or out at bars and clubs. Nico has to act like it doesn't affect him, because he knows Jack's just like that, that he's just a friendly guy who isn't afraid to show physical affection toward the people he cares about.
• Even when he sits next to Nico more than the others, his thigh pressed against his. Even when his celly hugs last a little longer with Nico, and Jack turns his head till his nose touches Nico's neck. Even when, a few beers deep, he gets all up in Nico's space with that wicked smile of his, and Nico has to call on every fiber in his being to keep from leaning forward and kissing him. To keep from scooping him up and taking him home. When, in his moments of weakness, of stupid blind hope, Nico thinks that maybe, just maybe, Jack might like him back—and those hopes get dashed almost immediately after they've sprouted.
• Because Jack takes girls home. He leaves Nico's side at the club eventually and dances with girls. He kisses girls. He fucks girls. And Nico's not a girl. Only if he strikes out, which isn't often, does he come back to Nico, smiling and sweaty and beautiful. Or hours after, when Nico hears the tell-tale ding of the hotel elevator descending, and he asks if Nico's still up to watch a movie because he can't sleep. And Nico doesn't have the kind of self preservation to feel ashamed, so he says yes. He always says yes. And when Jack enters his room, smelling like some girl's perfume, he pretends he doesn't know what Jack's been up to. Because Nico's not a stupid man. He'll take what he can get.
• The night after their win in Dallas is hard. Jack's clingier than usual, being a bit less conservative with his lingering touches on Nico's back as they walk or the hook of his arm around Nico's neck as they sit. Nico tries not to think about it.
• He’s talking to Siegs about one of the Dallas plays in the third, and that's when he notices Jack's eyes—every few moments—flickering down to his lips. He thinks it's just because it's kind of loud and Jack may be reading them to parse out what he's saying, but even when Siegs starts talking, Jack doesn't let up. When Nico smiles, he looks over at Jack, who's very pointedly still following Nico's mouth.
• Nico doesn't know what to do with that, he really doesn't, so he decides it's time to start drinking. But when he starts, so does Jack, and in just over an hour, all of the micro-movements—all of Jack's confusing little gestures—go up exponentially.
• The guys have pulled them both to the dance floor, and Jack is just awful at it, which Nico has to try really hard not to find endearing. Jack finds any excuse he can to slide up against Nico, bumping their hips with the rhythm. When the music speeds up, he moves his hands down Nico’s arms, intertwines their fingers, even, before pulling them away. Nico can smell the sweat on his body, can feel the heat radiating between them, and when Jack meets his gaze and smiles, something dangerously close to hope swells in Nico’s chest. Jack swings close, and his eyes drop to Nico’s lips again, and the air gets a whole lot warmer.
• And Nico is nearing his boiling point. There's only so much of this can-he/will-he Nico can take before he explodes. Or cries. Because even if he goes with it—falls into Jack's touch the way he's desperate to—he knows, fuck, he knows that Jack will go home with someone else. It's better to just rip the bandaid off now.
• He breaks free from Jack and stalks off the dance floor, going up to the bar and asking for a cup of water. He downs it, eyes scanning over the crowd of swaying partygoers. Suddenly, it doesn't matter how much alcohol he's had; Nico is absolutely drained. He asks for another water, sipping it more gingerly this time as he studies the multitude of liquor bottles backlit on the bar shelves. Then, he feels a hand on his shoulder, and his face sours when he turns and sees Jack.
• "Hisch, where'd you go?" he asks, and Nico finds a well of bravery he has a very small window to tap.
• "I can't do it, Jack," he says, avoiding his eyes.
• "Can't do what?" Jack asks.
• Nico makes a pained noise as he meets Jack's eyes. "You have to know, Jack. You have to know. How I…how I feel about you.”
• And Jack's face sobers. He doesn't deny it, which Nico can at least respect, though it breaks his heart. A large part of him was hoping that Jack was simply oblivious this whole time.
• Nico drops off his water cup and shoves past Jack, heading towards the exit. When he steps out of the club and feels the first lick of wind on his face, he can finally take a breath. And then the door opens behind him, and Jack appears.
• "Nico, please..."
• Nico was intending to drop it for now, maybe just pretend this exchange never happened for his own sanity's sake, but Jack seems hell bent on hashing it out now. If that’s what he wants, that’s what he’ll get.
• "So, are you messing with me, then?" Nico spits, letting those self-hating thoughts come to the surface. "Playing with me because you know I want you? Just to fuck off with some gorgeous blonde ten minutes later?"
• "No, Nico, that's not..."
• Nico feels hot tears burning, and he tries valiantly to fight them back. "It's mean," he bites, and then the first tear slips, and he feels himself deflate. He's so tired. "You...you make me think you might actually...and then you leave and take someone else home."
• Jack's eyes dart over Nico's face. He seems anxious, like a mouse caught in a trap. "I...I don't want to."
• Nico chokes out a hoarse laugh. "You don't want to?" He asks incredulously. "How can you not want to?"
• "Because it's not like this with them," Jack says quickly, and then his voice goes smaller, his eyes get wet. "It's not...I've tried, Nico, but it's not."
• Nico stills, and Jack steps closer. "I always think about you. Even when I'm not..." His face pinks. "And I've tried to ignore it for so long. I don't want to be..."
• The word lies silently between them: gay.
• "But I want you," Jack continues. "I don't care anymore. I just want you."
• Nico still hasn’t moved, his mind trudging through Jack's words and their meaning like molasses. Jack takes one of Nico’s hands and places it on his own cheek, covering it with one of his own.
• And Nico can't believe what he's hearing. What he’s seeing. What he’s doing. He feels like he's in a daze. A lovely, dreamlike daze. Jack…likes him back. He slowly brings his other hand to Jack's cheek, just as a tear slips down to his chin.
• "Please," Jack whispers, and Nico can only nod.
• Slowly, so slowly, in case Jack changes his mind, Nico leans forward. He sees Jack close his eyes before Nico closes his own, and then it's inches, centimeters, millimeters, and their lips are touching.
• It's dry—Jack's lips are chapped, but a sting of lightning sparks between them anyway. Like instinct, the both of them pull back slightly to lick their lips, and then they fall forward together, and Jack tilts his head, and Nico parts his lips, and then they're kissing—properly kissing—and Nico thinks he'll faint right here on the sidewalk.
• Jack whines, and Nico can't help but lean forward to drape his body against Jack’s—push him the few steps it takes till they're against the brick wall so their hips can touch.
• "Oh, fuck," Jack breathes, breaking their kiss for a few moments to pant. Nico takes the opportunity to move his hands up into Jack's hair, fingers raking his scalp. Jack is immediately responsive, moaning quietly and grinding his hips ever so slightly against Nico's. Nico has to blink stars out of his vision.
• "Nico, please, never stop touching me," Jack says, and Nico wordlessly moves his hands to cradle Jack's head, tilting it to capture his lips again. Jack opens his mouth for Nico's tongue, and Nico just about dies.
• He will never stop touching Jack again, now that he has him, now that Jack is finally his.
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offside-the-lines · 4 months
Nico + Jack: ‘This is not the right time.’ ‘Was there ever a right time?’
Okay so, here is what happened. I was procrastinating writing for my wip (fire and gasoline, quinn/brady story for @hischierlovebot) and this got a little out of hand... like is this still... mini??? It's like 600 words long.
Also, this is a mild spoiler for the next chapter. But, not in any like, meaningful way. But I've been thinking about the background nico/jack of it all (surpriseeee). So this is how they got together in fire meets gasoline-verse.
FYI: this is a spies/assassins AU, that's not like super relevant to this, except that they are both not hockey players. I hope you enjoy it anyway.
[An alleyway in Bern, 3 months prior to the start of ‘fire meets gasoline’]
Nico grips his hand so hard it hurts. Jack looks at him, his eyes meeting the deep pools of brown that stare down at him; he feels his breath catch in his throat, and his cheeks heat. He tries to stuff that feeling deep down.
“What’s wrong, ‘schao?” Jack says, voice raw from the tears that still stain his face.
“Your parents are going to be okay.” Nico steps closer, placing his other hand on Jack’s shoulder; it forces Jack to tip his head back to look up at him.
“Don’t fucking say that, you don’t know that,” Jack’s voice sounds less forceful than he intends. 
Nico slides the hand on his shoulder up until it rests on Jack’s neck. Jack forces himself to remain still; he forces his eyes to stay fixed on Nico’s eyes.
Nico sighs. “Nothing is sure, especially in this line of work. But I have faith. I know they are the best at what they do. I know you’re good at your job. I know I’m good at my job. No one’s going to find them.” 
His thumb brushes the hinge of Jack’s jaw, and he finds himself closing his eyes and leaning into the pressure. A shaky breath leaves his lips. When he opens his eyes again, he finds Nico’s warm gaze. He finds himself wondering when this ‘European contact’ became something more. He feels guilt lick at the back of his conscience.
“Nico—” he whispers.
“Let me come back to Canada with you,” Nico says at the same time.
“What?” Jack startles.
“I don’t want— I can’t protect you from across an ocean.”
“I didn’t ask you to protect me— I don’t need your protection.” Jack tries to pull out of Nico’s grasp, but his grip is firm.
“You don’t need it, but I want to be there for you,” Nico says softly. Jack’s eyes can’t help but dip to Nico’s lips briefly.
“Nico, I—” Jack hesitates, the guilt clawing for a firmer grasp. 
“Shh,” Nico shushes.
He steps closer still, and Jack feels the cold brick against his back. He watches as Nico’s warm gaze dips to his lips once, twice, three times. Jack’s mind swirls a little; trapped between the rough, cold wall and Nico’s soft, warm chest, it’s hard to think straight. Nico studies his face, and seems to find something that pleases him because he smiles. 
Nico leans in most of the way before pausing. It’s so close Jack feels like the tip of his nose is tingling.
“This is not the right time, Nico,” Jack whispers.
“There’s never a right time.” Nico’s voice is so soft it aches. Jack feels the words brush against his lips, gently puffs of air.
Jack closes the gap; their lips meet so fiercely, it hurts. But Jack doesn’t mind. He lets the pleased tingle in his mind swallow the guilt; he lets the warm wet slide of Nico’s tongue against his drown out the voice of responsibility, the ache of concern, the tremble of anticipation. His fingers grip the front of Nico’s t-shirt so tightly he’s momentarily worried that he’s going to rip the expensive fabric.
From 5 feet away, a car horn beeps. They startle, both of their heads whipping around to meet the rolling eyes of Quinn.
“Shit,” Jack whispers. Nico just giggles.
Quinn rolls down the window. “Are you fuckers coming or what?”
“How long have you been there?” Jack asks, swallowing hard, shooting a brief glance at Nico.
“Long enough.” Quinn makes a retching sound.
Nico squeezes Jack’s hand. Jack looks at him, his eyes meeting Nico’s; he feels himself smile. He lets himself luxuriate in the feeling for a second, before pulling him towards the waiting car.
Send me a player or pairing + a word, and I’ll write a mini fic about it. (I am running on quite a backlog right now so it might take me a while to get to your request. I promise they won't all become related to WIP LOL). Read other prompt mini fics!
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hischierschain · 4 months
i had a hard time letting her go but here is my literal child that has made my dear friend cry
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ryangravytrain · 9 months
Hockey holiday authors have been revealed!! Check out my fic “Speak to Me”
Jack remembered the first time he ever saw his soulmate's handwriting. It was a message composed of sloppy letters that he didn't quite recognize, forming a sentence that his 5 year old brain had no way of understanding. Instead of asking his parents or teachers what it meant, he drew a small smiley face next to it. Jack watched in fascination as his smiley face slowly turned into a little flower, with the smile right in the middle.
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willysnylander · 5 months
I COME WORH A WORD AND A PAIRING!!!!! to be simple it is just ‘sweet’ + nicojack :]
thank you so much for this, olive!! hope you like it! <3
“I got you something.”
Jack’s eyes are bleary as they lift to Nico’s face - the pain meds he’s been on since the surgery make him tired, so he’s been napping a lot lately - and the smile that takes over his face is tired, but Nico still thinks he looks beautiful.
“Yeah?” Noticing the way Nico holds one hand behind his back, Jack immediately attempts to peak around his boyfriend’s waist. “What is it?”
Nico quickly twists, keeping his little present hidden from view, and laughs a little when Jack pouts.
“Close your eyes, schatz,” he instructs. “It’ll be a little surprise for you.”
“I don’t like surprises,” Jack mumbles, voice closer to a whine than it probably would be if the pain meds weren’t still affecting him. In addition to the tiredness, they’ve also been making him a little more emotional than usual, which he’s complained to Nico several times by this point that he hates; Jack is the kind of person who prefers to have a grasp on what he’s feeling and how much of it he outwardly shows, and it hurts Nico almost as much as it hurts Jack himself to see that, on top of the still-not-completely gone pain in his shoulder and the tired sluggishness that the meds have made settle over his brain, some of his control has been taken away from him.
But, well, that’s what Nico’s little present is for, isn’t it? A little thing to cheer him up, to clear away the air of tired sad in pain that has been drifting around him since he got hurt again, even if only for a few moments.
“Close your eyes,” Nico repeats, “and hold out your hands. Don’t open them until I tell you.”
Jack heaves a sigh that he would likely insist is not dramatic at all, thank you very much, if Nico were to tease him about it, but he obeys. Despite his annoyed act, Nico sees an anticipatory smile fighting to make its way onto his face, and the sight makes his own smile stretch a bit wider.
He makes sure the gift is set securely in Jack’s palms, not wanting his boy to drop it and risk making him even sadder, then says, “You can open your eyes now.” When Jack does, and Nico watches his eyes light up and hears the tiny delighted gasp that escapes him, it’s all he can do not to grin so wide it splits his face.
In Jack’s hands, partially wrapped in a white napkin so it doesn’t make a mess of his palms and fingers, sits an impressively-sized cinnamon roll, big enough to give their team nutritionist a heart attack if the poor guy was ever to see it, golden-brown and slathered with cream cheese frosting that hasn’t even hardened yet. It’s still warm through the napkin; a worker at the bakery down the street from Jack and Luke’s apartment where Nico bought it, the one Jack loves and has regularly mourned not being able to visit every day because of their diet plan, had just been putting a fresh batch into the display case when Nico had walked in earlier, an amazing little stroke of luck.
“Neeks!” Jack practically squeals, looking up at his boyfriend with a huge grin. He certainly doesn’t look as tired as he did only a moment ago - his eyes are alert and shining with happiness. “Is this from the bakery down the street? You did not have to get me this, oh my God.”
“I know I didn’t have to,” says Nico. “But I wanted to.” He moves from where he’s been standing above Jack to sit on the couch beside him, leaning over to press a kiss to Jack’s cheek as soon as he’s seated. “You deserve a little something sweet.”
What he really means is, You deserve something that’s going to make you happy, even if it’s just something as small as this. You’re going through a lot right now, and I hate that I can’t fix everything that’s wrong, but I can do this for you. You deserve everything sweet and good in this world, and I would get it for you if I could, but since I can’t, I’ll give you this instead.
He means all of that, but he doesn’t have the courage to say it, so he just leaves it at that. Somehow, he gets the feeling that Jack understands, anyway.
His boy turns to look at him, smiling in that way that makes his eyes and nose scrunch up, that way that makes sunlight explode in Nico’s chest whenever he sees it. Still holding the cinnamon roll in his hands like a precious treasure, he pecks Nico on the lips and says, “Don’t even need this. Already got my something sweet right in front of me.”
Nico laughs, even as Jack’s words make the sunlight in his chest shine that much brighter. “You’re so cheesy.”
“You know you love it.”
“Of course I do,” he agrees without a hint of hesitation. After taking a second to feel good about the slight blush that blossoms across Jack’s cheeks when he says that, he reaches over and taps one finger against the inside of Jack’s wrist. “You should start eating that, they’re never as good once the frosting hardens.”
Jack doesn’t need to be told twice. He brings the cinnamon roll to his mouth, carefully rearranging the napkin so that he can hold it to eat it without getting his fingers sticky, and takes a big bite. His eyes close as he chews, and Nico has to fight a smile at the loud, satisfied moan he lets out, even tilting his head back slightly and letting the longer bits of his hair fall around his shoulders.
Jack takes two more bites, getting half of the pastry gone, before he turns back to Nico, smiling wider than Nico thinks he has since he hurt his shoulder. The frosting is smeared around his mouth a bit, little flecks of it caught in the fuzz on his upper lip. His eyes, Nico’s favorite shade of blue, are brighter and more alert than they have been in a little bit, crinkling at the edges from his joy at the simple pleasure of a sweet treat after the stress and pain the last few weeks have held for him.
It’s a relatively simple sight, a bit of a messy one even, but to Nico, right now, seeing the man he loves smiling and happy is damn close to art.
“Thank you, Neeks, really,” says Jack, never losing that beautiful smile. “This was really thoughtful, and I definitely appreciate it. You’re always really good to me, I probably don’t thank you for that enough, so thank you.”
And rather then telling Jack that he doesn’t need to thank him, that would do anything if it meant making Jack happy, that he loves Jack more than he will ever be able to properly express in words, Nico answers his boy with a kiss. It tastes of sugar, cinnamon, sunshine, and love.
send me a pairing + a random word and i’ll write you a little something!!
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theemporium · 21 days
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[2.4k] two pretty brats seduce hot, dominant european man by the pool. (smut)
watch other videos here
“Here all by yourself?” 
Nico couldn’t help but bite back his grin as he leaned back on his hands, the wet tiles pressing into his palms as he sat on the edge of the pool. But his eyes were glued on you, only a few feet away from him, up to your neck in water as you stared back with such innocent, sweet eyes that he knew better than to trust. Just like he knew better than to trust the boy behind you, chest pressed against your back and mischief gleaming in his eyes. 
“You offering to keep me company?” He asked, his voice a little lower than you expected it to be. “Maybe I want to be here alone.”
“Maybe we can make our company worth your time,” Jack retorted, slowly swimming you both closer. Close enough for Nico to see his hands beneath the water, caressing along your skin and playfully fiddling with the strings of your bikini. 
Nico’s eyes darkened. “Yeah?” 
“Gotta lot of tricks up our sleeves,” Jack answered, his hands gripping your waist hard enough that it would probably bruise tomorrow. You loved it. “She’s got quite a mouth on her. Don’t you, baby?”
You flashed Nico a smirk. “If the incentive is right.” 
Nico’s lips twitched upwards. “Is that so?” 
“Show him, baby,” Jack murmured, his lips ghosting along the skin of your shoulder but his eyes were on Nico. “Show the pretty stranger just what he’s missing out on.” 
Nico swallowed harshly as you placed your hands on his knees, spreading his legs a little wider so you could settle between them. Your eyes gazed up at him, keeping them locked on him for a few moments before you leaned to press a short but sweet kiss just above his knee.
He raised his brows but you just grinned in response. 
“A couple of sweet kisses ain’t gonna tempt me, sweetheart,” he murmured, his voice a low hum against the soft, splashing waves of the rippling pool. “And they aren’t gonna fool me either.” 
Your smile widened. “Maybe I’m a sweet girl.” 
“I’m not inclined to believe that,” Nico mused. “Surely your pretty boy would be enough.” There was a pause as he glanced at Jack, his gaze lingering on his pretty lips and the way his tongue darted out. “Bet he makes you feel good.”
“I’m insatiable,” you retorted, your teeth lightly nipping the skin just below the hem of his shorts. “Maybe I need more than one pretty boy?” 
Nico could feel his dick twitching in his shorts. “Yeah?” 
“Mhm,” you hummed, your hands soothing up and down his thighs until you got bolder, until you pressed your palm against the bulge in his shorts and listened to the way the boy groaned in response.
“Fuck,” Nico moaned, his eyes fluttering shut as you continued to press your palm against him. “I thought I was promised your mouth, baby.” 
You grinned, your fingers hooking along the waistband of his shorts with the intention of pulling them down but the boy on tsked, shaking his head. His actions made you freeze. 
“Didn’t say you deserved my cock just yet,” he mused, lifting one hand to skim his fingers across your cheek before moving to tuck some hair behind your ear.
Your eyes glinted at his words. 
“Earn it.” 
Your eyes never left his, big and round and locked on his expression as your hands moved to hold onto his thighs. You smirked when he hissed as your nails dug into his skin, your arrogance short lived as a small whine left your lips when he tugged on your hair. 
“Don’t be a brat,” he gruffed out, his cock straining in his shorts as you pouted up at him.
“She can’t help it,” Jack commented, one hand trailing up your body until his fingers were lightly clasped around your neck, keeping your pouty face mere inches from Nico’s cock. “She sees a pretty man and a pretty cock and goes a bit stupid.” 
Nico raised his brows. “You think I’m pretty?” 
Jack grinned. “Want me to show you how pretty I think you are?” 
He hummed, pulling his hands away from you and leaning them back against the tiled floor. He knew how he looked, wet shorts clinging to his thighs and his hard cock, droplets of water rolling down his chest, wet hair pushed back from his face. He could see the way your hungry eyes ate him up, desperate to get your hands on him.
But as impatient as you both were, it amused him to no end how obedient you two were trying to be for him. 
It made him want to play with you both. To push your buttons. To toe the line and test your limits until your bratty mouths were biting back, begging and insistent and needy. 
Nico wanted to see you both begging for his cock.
“That depends,” Nico spoke up, biting back the smirk on his lips as both your gazes snapped up to his face. 
“On?” Jack rasped, swallowing harshly. 
Nico’s smile was wolfish. “If you’re going to listen.”
“Yeah,” Jack responded instantly, his voice a little raspy and caught off-guard. 
But it was exactly where Nico wanted him.
“Touch her,” Nico said, his words pointed and direct as he stared at the pretty boy staring back at him. “Make her feel good. Show me what you do with her that leaves her so desperate for more cock.” 
Jack tucked his lip between his teeth, his hands dropping from where they were holding you to disappear under the water. 
Nico would be lying if he said he wasn’t entranced with the scene playing out in front of him. In the way Jack crowded against your back, in the way his head tucked down to press his lips against your ear and whisper something far too low for him to hear. In the way that Nico was so focused on the way your head was tilted to the side, in the way that Jack was starting to trace his lips down the side of your neck that he almost missed the splat of something landing beside him. 
He turned his head, his lips twitching when he saw the fabric of your bikini bottoms lying on the tiles beside him. He wasn’t surprised to turn back and find Jack grinning back at him.
“Couldn’t do anything with those still on,” Jack commented with a casual shrug, like there wasn’t a shit-eating grin on his face. “I need full access.” 
“Yeah?” Nico mused before his eyes snapped back to you, watching the way your lips parted with a needy moan. “Feel good, sweetheart?”
“Mhm,” you nodded, whiny and breathless.
“Good,” he said before squishing your cheeks with one hand. “I thought you were gonna be good for me too, hm? Don’t tell me you can’t concentrate now that he’s touching you.” 
You quickly shook your head, wide eyes staring up at him. “Wanna taste you.” 
“Still gotta work for it, baby,” Nico grinned, pulling his hand away only to let out a groan as you instantly nuzzled your cheek against the bulge in his shorts. “Oh, fuck.” 
The sweet, innocent facade was long gone. There was a desperation in your actions that wasn’t there before, a sort of primal neediness that had you mouthing and moaning against his clothed cock, as though you could taste him through the fabric of his swimming trunks. It was filthy and debauched and Nico had never been so goddamn hard in his life.
Nico let out a shaky breath, watching you continue to kiss and lick and tease his cock. He watched the way you nosed at his bulge, the way you wrapped your lips over the fabric where the head of his cock was. He watched the way your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you pushed further back into Jack, moaning and whining and wanting more of whatever he was doing to you under the surface. 
“You fucking her?” He rasped, his voice low and rough, like his whole body was on edge. 
Jack raised his brows. “Am I allowed?” 
Nico’s lips twitched. “Do you want to fuck her?” 
Jack nodded. 
“Tell me how much you want to fuck her.” 
“So bad,” Jack breathed out, his cheeks flushing a light pink that Nico wanted to see all over his body. “M’so hard, please. She feels so good around my fingers, taking me so well. Please. Just the tip. Promise I’ll be good.” 
“Promise, baby?” 
Jack nodded. “Promise.” 
Nico only nodded back in response. 
It sent a thrill down his spine, watching the way Jack’s movements felt clumsy and flustered as he rushed to push his trunks down enough to slip his cock out. The way Nico could watch the way his arm work, the way he knew he had a hand wrapped around himself as he panted heavily. It felt fucking thrilling to know he was doing it because Nico told him to. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Jack groaned as he moved closer to you once again, as he had one hand on your hips and the other wrapped around his dick so he could slide right in. 
Nico’s hands sunk into your hair once again, yanking your head back to watch the way your expression faltered as Jack slowly fucked his cock into you. Your eyes were barely able to stay open, a pornographic moan echoing through the room as you finally got what you wanted. 
Or, almost what you wanted. 
“Please,” you whined, blinking your eyes open to look up at him. “More.” 
“You need more, baby?” Nico cooed, his thumb swiping along the apple of your cheek as your body jerked with each thrust from Jack. “One cock not enough for you?” 
You shook your head, the urge to nuzzle your face against his cock again was strong. 
“You gonna let me see those pretty lips around my dick?” Nico continued, something patronising in his voice as he cupped and stroked your face like you weren’t currently squeezing around Jack’s cock. 
“Anything,” you nodded, your mouth parting instantly as Nico pressed two thick fingers into your mouth to rest heavy on your tongue. 
“Since you’ve been such a good girl,” he commented, using his free hand to pull his cock out from the waistband of his shorts—just enough for you to drool at the sight of him. “Hm, such a needy, little slut, huh?” 
“You have—” Jack gasped, his own eyes looking dazed and glossy as he continued to grasp onto your body like a lifeline. “No idea.” 
Nico kept his grip on your hair as he guided you closer, slapping his cock on your tongue before letting you wrap your lips around him. The moan he let out was guttural, grumbling from his chest as you sucked greedily on his tip. 
“Fuck,” he groaned, his fingers pulling your hair a little harder. “Atta girl, baby, got such a perfect mouth. Your pretty boyfriend was right.” 
“Told you so,” Jack choked out, still cocky and arrogant, even when he was close to tittering the edge. “Shit, baby, can’t squeeze me like that if you want me to last. M’gonna—”
“Hm, I didn’t say you could come,” Nico gruffed out, holding your head still until just the tip of him was left in your mouth, unbothered by the whine you let out with a mouthful of his cock. “Thought you were both gonna listen and be good?” 
Jack swallowed. “But I can’t—”
“You can and you will,” Nico said, tilting his head. “Won’t you, baby?” 
A pathetic whimper left his lips as he nodded. 
“Good,” Nico smiled, and something about it sent a rush of pride through Jack. “Maybe next time it’s your pretty mouth I fuck, hm? Bet you would look pretty crying on my cock.”
Jack’s grip on your hips tightened, half the urge to keep his hips snug against yours before he blew his load and the other half wanting to desperately listen to Nico’s words as his praise washed over him. 
“Aw, you’d like that,” Nico mused, making a show of slowly bobbing your head up and down his cock again, until the noises of you swallowing his cock were too loud for Jack to ignore. “Fuck, bet you’d feel just as good as this little slut, huh?” 
You whined, your nails digging into his thighs as you tried to push him further into your mouth. 
“Both so, so good for me,” Nico kept going, something deep in his stomach swirling and tightening as he watched the way you both worked so effortlessly to his words. “Should’ve known when you walked in. Just two brats that needed to be fucked stupid, desperate for some attention.” 
“Shit, shit, shit,” Jack panted, whiny and breathless. 
“That’s it,” Nico groaned, strands of wet hair falling in front of his face as he looked down at you, at the way you nosed the hair at the base of his cock. “Fuck, baby, look at you taking me so well. Like you were made to swallow my cock, huh? Can’t wait to come in that pretty mouth.” 
He groaned when he felt you swallow around him. 
“C’mon, baby,” Nico groaned, fucking your face with a ruthless pace that matched the boy behind you. “Let me give you a taste while your pretty boyfriend comes inside you, yeah? Be good for him. Let him feel you come around his cock.” 
It was a symphony of moans and whines and whimpers, bouncing off the tiles and rippling water. Nico shooting down your throat, tugging your head back enough for some of it to land on your face. Jack whining and moaning and swearing as he came inside you, his cheek plastered to your back as he tried to catch his breath. The way your body shook and tried to ground itself, slumped against Nico as he talked you through it all. 
Your body moved willingly as he cupped your cheeks, swiping his fingers through the mess he left before slowly sliding his fingers back into your mouth. 
“Good girl,” he hummed, watching your eyes fluttered shut and your cheek pressed against his thigh as you sucked on fingers. “Both so good f’me.” 
“Told you we could make our company worth your time,” Jack retorted, blinking his eyes open slowly to look up at Nico and shoot him a boyish grin. 
Nico’s grin was nothing but wolfish and hungry. “Care to keep me company in the changing rooms too?” 
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lilyrizzy · 4 months
for jacknico: jack is used to being called “pretty” as an insult- to emasculate him, minimize his accomplishments and talent, etc etc so he always bristles at someone calling him pretty… until nico does it in a tender/intimate moment and oh. the whole meaning of the word changes. augh
okay anon this isn't reallyyyy what you wanted but...it felt right. I hope you like it anyway! also on ao3
Tilting his head back, Jack tries to make the patterns of stars above him into constellations. They shine bright despite the distant glow of city lights around him, the hotel rooftop dark enough not to dull them. If this were his apartment building in Newark, Jack isn’t sure he’d get to see this many.
Not that it matters. Jersey is home now, stars or no stars. He’s only sat here on this roof because of Trevor, because he wouldn’t stop banging on about the calming abilities of his fucking sunsets.
California sky, man. Nothing like it.
And after watching the Ducks hand Jack's team their asses while he sat on his own in the fucking media box, he needs all the calm he can get.
He still can’t quite understand how Trevor can live in a place like this, with no seasons. Just hot and then hotter, no chilled winter air to close the windows of your apartment against. No need for extra blankets on the bed, just the constant blast of aircon against the thickness of the air. Even now, an hour past curfew it’s warm in a way that lets Jack sit here with no jacket.
He shouldn’t have come on this roadie. He wasn’t going to, was prepared to mope alone in his apartment until it was time for his surgery, but then-
Are you coming, Nico had asked him after turning up at Jack’s apartment with fucking chicken soup, like he had a cold and not a potentially season ending injury. I- I think the guys would like it best, if you came.
So Jack is in fucking Anaheim. By the time the team made it back to the hotel, the sun had long set, but he’s nothing if not someone who fucking tries.
It’s why he’s searching so hard now for Orion’s belt, for the big and little dipper’s that Quinn pointed out to him three summers ago. Anything to slow his pounding heart, to unfurl his clenched fists and help him forget the image of puck after puck sinking in their goal, to shake the maybe arrogant belief that, I could have given that game a different outcome.
The back of his neck prickles, and behind him he hears the fire escape door open and close.
He doesn’t need to turn around to know it’s Nico behind him. Hell, he didn’t even really need Nico to speak. It seems like lately, no matter where Jack has turned, there he is, both off ice and on it. If Jack was able to think badly of Nico he’d think he was taunting him with it, seeing how far he could push before Jack snapped and begged him for something they’d both regret, but- Nico isn’t mean.
Nico is good.
“Hischier,” Jack says, though he knows putting up walls is pointless when one look will have them crumbling as easily as a kicked sandcastle. “Shouldn’t you be in bed?”
Nico snorts, and by the time Jack is brave enough to turn around, he’s there. Stood beside Jack’s stretched out legs, lowering himself to sit besides him.
“I could say the same thing to you,” he says, and with the simple exchange, Jack knows this isn’t his captain speaking, just his- Whatever Nico is.
It’s never felt simple enough to be friends.
“Did Ty rat me out?” Jack asks anyway, just to be sure. “Send you looking for me?”
Nico stretches his arms out behind him, falls back onto his hands and tilts his head back to look at the same stars Jack was just minutes ago.
“No,” he says easily. “Maybe I just wanted to see the stars as well.”
It’s easy to believe. Nico probably grew up under a sky full of them, in the Swiss mountains. Gorgeous, Jack has heard him describe his home multiple times, with a passion Jack can find for few things, hockey one of them. Maybe Nico knows these stars well enough to have used them more than once to impress someone, to get them into his bed.
Still, like always, Jack is unable to help offering something to Nico, even if it’s maybe not quite what he wants-
“That’s Orion’s belt,” Jack tells him.
His finger traces the pattern of it in the sky, and it feels headier than it should, to watch Nico’s eyes follow it. To see the arch of his neck as he tilts his head back to look at where Jack is pointing. He shifts closer to Jack, their ankles brushing. Nico is wearing sliders with no socks, and the bones of his ankles look weirdly smooth. Hairless.
What would they feel like, against-
“Oh yes,” Nico says, happily, “I can see it. You know all the constellations?”
Jack lets the thought go. It’s safer that way.
He distracts himself by showing Nico all the stars he knows. He can’t see them all, so when they’re lost to their eyes, he traces what they should look like against the inky black. Then, when he runs out, he starts to make them up. The big stick, the puck. The giant dick.
“There’s a special one, in Jersey,” he adds with a grin. “It’s called the bad-ass devil. You can only see it from the roof of our building though, so um. I’ll have to show you when we’re home.”
When he turns to look at Nico, to check he’s made him laugh, he sees that Nico is looking at him with surprisingly serious eyes despite his smile. Close like this, Jack notices the way the tips of his hair are damp like he showered again when he got back to the hotel. Except, no. Jack doesn’t have to have been in the locker room to know Nico didn’t shower there, too eager to get out, to get away the way Jack had been.
The same way Nico had known to look for Jack on the roof.
The longer Jack looks at Nico, the sweeter his smile gets. His dimple appears, high on his cheek, and Jack-
“What?” He dares to ask into the silence, but-
Kiss me, he thinks, and the clarity of it should startle him but who is he kidding. Every moment since he met Nico has been building to this one, stark desire. I’ll do anything you want if you just kiss me.
“You’re so pretty.”
The moment snaps, a string pulled too tight. Jack can’t help the way the word makes him recoil, jerking backwards to put more empty space between them.
“What?” He asks again, this time with an angry sounding laugh. “What- Fucking, okay Hischier.”
Pretty. Fucking pretty. Jack isn’t-
He scrambles to his feet, as quick as the twinge in the shoulder will let him. Nico stays frozen on the ground at his feet, his face crumpled into something dangerously close to hurt. It’s almost enough to have Jack smash his own head against the concrete wall behind them because he’s fucking this up. He’s fucking it up, but he has to say this. If anyone has to know, Nico has to know.
“I’m not some fucking- I'm going to be back,” he says, the words like venom sucked from a wound. “I’m going to be back, and then I’m going to score enough to carry this shit show of a team, and- And I’m going to do it all with my pretty fucking face.”
“Jack-“ Nico tries, finally pushing himself to his feet too, “Jack, I didn’t-“
But Jack doesn’t want to hear it. All he listens to is the crash of metal on metal as he slams the fire escape door shut behind him.
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catofthecanals289 · 5 months
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the sweeter the sun | 6.6k | explicit | Jack Hughes/Nico Hischier
“Tapping out already, Hughes?” Nico asks, a slight rasp to his voice as he traces his fingers over Jack’s back, connecting his moles into invisible constellations only he knows. Jack hums, then exhales audibly through his nose. “Why, did we have plans? Was that not enough for you?” He quirks an eyebrow. “That’s quite greedy, I’m just saying.” --- Or: goodbye sex before parting ways for the All-Star break / bye-week
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baiyunli · 1 year
Number 9 nicojack 👀 pls
send me a number and i'll write a micro story - "rude"
"You're being rude," says Nico, wrapping his arms around Jack. He sets a warm palm on the back of Jack's neck, cradles his head in the curve of Nico's neck. "Pick up the phone, sweetheart."
Jack hums and scrapes his teeth across Nico's collarbone, just because he can. He tries to grind against Nico's thigh as subtly as possible - Nico clocks it immediately, but just lays a hand on the curve of Jack's ass, palms it lightly. "Luke can wait." Jack's phone is buzzing off the counter, but he closes his eyes and ignores it.
Nico hums. "He'll be worried," he says, as if he cares about Luke being concerned, and not just about getting to watch Jack squirm a little.
"Just shut up about Luke for a second," Jack whines, and then he's pushing Nico towards the bedroom, where they won't hear Jack's phone ringing or the incoming texts from Luke for the next few hours.
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