#nico thinks he isn't worthy of love
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somewhereincairparavel · 1 month ago
a huge chunk of the pjo fandom has turned into such a superficial, judgemental and PROBLEMATIC group who defeat the purpose and point that the books were trying to make, it's so fucking atrocious. the prime example of mischaracterizing/reducing the value of characters who are already misunderstood/misjudged in canon. this fandom does this to every.single.character.ever omg
percy jackson is so relatable to many people is because he didn't have to capacity to absorb textbook knowledge but was HIGH on street smart knowledge that got him to succeed. the whole point of his character is that he had low self esteem because he was ridiculed at school by the faculty and the students for being a 'dumb' and 'useless' guy that made him think he's an inconvenience to his mom. the baggage he carried is so overlooked.
the fandom saying stuff like 'annabeth had adhd and dyslexia too but she carried percy' is so fucking disrespectful. one, she's an athena kid who's supposed to be smart that's like the whole point, and that does NOT mean percy wouldn't survive without her. he's a DIFFERENT character and he doesn't need to be a scholar to be a powerful demigod who has his own identity. stop belittling him and comparing all of their adhd/dyslexia struggles. just because annabeth is smarter does NOT mean percy has less value than her, and that whatever comes out of his mouth is just silly gibberish, which is exactly what y'all are trying to imply. no he did NOT get by with just "luck" he's smart and capable enough to actually achieve things. It isn't rocket science.
making jokes like his only purpose is to have a goofy personality and wondering how he 'pulled' annabeth is NOT cute whatsoever. just deprives him of his canon developement and fails to recognise him as an important person because he is not book smart. the level of belittlement. in a way rick also contributes to this character assassination because he added another scene of piper saying something along the lines of 'thank god annabeth is there to keep percy from going wild/doing something stupid' like no miss girl
I could go on about how the fandom infantilizes nico, brushes of hazel's flaws/traits because she's a 'smol' bean (when she literally cusses out octavian, why do y'all hate the idea of her being bold/badass when she literally is??) belittling frank's power because he's 'just an innocent goof', saying stuff like 'in my head leo is a tall guy because rick did him dirty with the height when he is so hot' that's basically implying that he loses his attractiveness because he's short and wanting to confine him into those toxic masculinity standards
slandering rachel and calling her a pick me for liking annabeth as though annabeth already had a claim over percy in BOTL when he wasn't even in a relationship and even had a small liking to rachel (belittling BOTH rachel and percy in the process, is percy not allowed to have feelings too? is he only obligated to like annabeth?), also with the fandom's clear misogyny in their treatment of nico liking percy vs rachel liking percy, go on a moral policing hunt when it comes to jason, piper and percy but goes right ahead to defend and glaze luke's behaviour to annabeth, percy and silena (also victim blaming silena because she was manipulated as a teenager by a fully grown adult who KNEW what he was doing, using her)
stubbornly not wanting to recognise jason as an important character and reducing him into a 'whiney pick me guy who wanted everything to be about himself' and that he's 'boring' not realising that his abusive environment both as a baby and as a teenager suppressed him into struggling and not being able to feel worthy to even have feelings of his own, villianizing and getting on pipers throat for calling percy unimpressive simply because she LOVED and was LOYAL to her then boyfriend?? is she not allowed to have a preference??? heck id be more concerned if she did call percy hot whilst being in a relationship wtf.
and DONT get me started on the grover belittlement and erasure please, saying that percy and grover are only annabeth's 'sidekicks' on quests, as though he wasn't capable to go on a hunt for pan all by HIMSELF not knowing he'll ever be back.
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bwoahtastic · 10 months ago
Ahh the alpha papas helping little alpha hulkie with his rare animal characteristics, trying to fill out what seb cant, maybe seb thinking hes not enough/cant give him all the guidance he needs but often hulk just actually wants seb🥹 seb being the only one who can properly calm him when hes hiding somewhere and hissing at everyone bc hes scared
Plss the alphas trying to help the little thihg deal with Alpha instincts as he clearly had no one guiding him before. Seb sometimes feels bad that he isn't always as instinctive with Nico as with the other pups, doesn't understand his chirps directly always, but Nico still loves momma so so much! Momma is so safe for him and when he is scared, all he wants is Seb to hold him and rock him gently 🥹
Also Nico being a little shy around peacock momma nico? If this amazing momma is called nico, then maybe little Hulk isn't worthy of thr name!
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swemtpotamtam · 8 months ago
*CLEARS MY THROAT* OC asks for the two most important boys <3 3. What were their first impressions of each other? How does that compare to their impressions of each other now?
6. Do they have any shared interests/hobbies? Do they ever do these hobbies together?
20. What is their best memory together?
Eeeee hi, Bo, bbyy!! Thank you so much for the ask! 🫶💕
And eee you're so sweet, I cry 😭💕
3. What were their first impressions of each other? How does that compare to their impressions of each other now?
Nico's first and current impressions are by far the most drastically opposite. At first, when Niners was presented as his partner, Nico absolutely despised the guy. He had his reasons of course - one of which was connected to his sister's death -, so it wasn't just baseless but still. As a result, his attitude was quite unpleasant at first, swinging like a pendulum from disinterest/apathy to irritation and anger.
Now, he sees Niners for what he truly is - a valuable partner, both at work and in life, someone worthy of trust and respect, someone extremely smart and interesting, compassionate and selfless. Most importantly, he sees a person, an individual with his own likes, dislikes, personality, interests, opinions, etc. Even though he may not say it directly or aloud all that often, Nico is extremely proud of Niners and his personal growth.
Niners started out neutral but still polite and friendly towards Detective Lallas, slowly growing more and more intrigued, trying to understand his partner better. That was no easy feat since irrational reactions caused by emotional outbursts were hard to grasp and find logical explanations for. The more Niners learned, the greater was his respect for Nico and all the things he accomplished.
Now, Niners can't imagine himself without Nico (the feeling is mutual, of course, but for Niners this has a bigger impact). This experience, everything they both went through, made Niners into who he is, and for that he is forever grateful! There are no words to describe the amount of love, care and loyalty he feels towards his human partner. The feelings of awe and adoration that swell in Niners' heart are so vast and deep, absolutely limitless. This troubled man with his own flaws and issues is deserving of so much love and compassion and Niners is more than happy to provide that, not asking for anything in turn (however, this selfless gesture doesn't go unnoticed. Nico isn't the type to express his affection through words but he has his own ways of showing that Niners means a whole lot to him).
Both are very glad to have met each other <3
(Can you tell that I love gushing about their attitudes towards each other, especially once they have realized certain things about each other and developed a bond? Oughh I love my boys so much 😭)
6. Do they have any shared interests/hobbies? Do they ever do these hobbies together?
They both like music and play instruments. Albeit, different ones - Nico knows how to play the guitar and drums (mostly plays the former since that's what he has at home), while Niners learned how to play the piano. They do also listen to stuff together from time to time!
Another thing that they enjoy doing is playing chess together! I even had this little scene in my head where Nico tells Niners to play fair without even thinking of ever giving in. Nico considers winning against Niners fair and square an accomplishment since his partner is basically a super computer :D
Not technically a shared hobby but Niners looooves reading books! He has lots of 'em - some bought or gifted to him by Nico, some bought with his own money. And sometimes he reads them out loud to Nico when they're both either chilling on the couch or on the bed together. Falling asleep to Niners' deep and soothing voice reading a fantasy adventure story is one of Nico's favorite pastimes <3
Another fun thing that they do together when they have the time is watching detective shows and nitpicking them to bits ahahdhd
Nico is usually the one shit talking the shows, rambling about how dumb and unrealistic stuff is or how nothing makes sense. Niners finds it pretty entertaining. Sometimes this turns into a discussion about what they would've done or what would've worked better for the scene or crime solution in whatever episode they were watching.
20. What is their best memory together?
They have a lot of great memories together so it's hard to choose. Plus some of 'em would be spoilers so I'll keep 'em a secret 👀 Gotta read the comic that I'll make one day to find out 👀
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batsplat · 5 months ago
I want to know which current F1 drivers meet your ‘worthy of interest’ standard? Because I honestly find most of them pretty boring.
well, a dead giveaway for me mostly agreeing with your assessment is that I don't really post about f1 on here. which, okay, admittedly there's a lot of things I don't post about on here, like tennis for instance.... but y'know. there's more of a motorsports tumblr crossover, whereas nobody's following me for my tennis takes and the tumblr community isn't really my scene. with f1, I do actually follow it a lot through tumblr... and. I mean, I have plenty of opinions and all that, I enjoy engaging with it, but I'm not posting long psychological deep dives on here for a reason. I kinda follow f1 differently because it's a sport I got into with my flatmate, who I watch the races with whenever we can. and relatively speaking, our conversations about the sport are like... more focused on the team side of things in addition to the drivers, driver market gossip and news stories and all of that, just having fun with the controversy of the week etc (or every few months it's me sending her very long messages about how I think an x men f1 au would work, which she very generously puts up with despite only having a passing familiarity with the x men franchise)
that being said! ofc it can be fun to root for and against some guys in a more casual way! and I've definitely developed and refined my preferences for drivers in the last couple of years... the ones I primarily root for are george, lewis, alex and esteban. george has that like... idk, exceedingly obvious hunger to him that I really appreciate in athletes - I can tell every single second just how badly he needs this... how he does want to be loved and sometimes thinks too hard about how to achieve it... but when it comes down to it, he will ALWAYS choose winning. very compelling!! I love how even in his current situation where he knows a lot of lewis fans despise him... he still can't entirely help himself, he's still going to push it. because he just can't function any other way - he's not the type who can really be bullied into submission, which slaps. also he's clearly quite thoughtful, somebody who thinks a lot about his craft and is really committed to constantly working on himself. again, it's all about the hunger, that sense that he'll pounce every time given half a chance. that edge of neuroticism paired with the constant accusations of inauthenticity... plus, idk, there's a real air of uncertainty surrounding whether he'll ever be able to fulfil his potential, and I am a sucker rooting for someone who brings out my natural pessimism. but the thing is, he does have that dawg in him - if he ends up not making it, won't be because of his mentality
lewis in all honesty I missed so much of his career that it's always going to be a different type of investment for me... idk I've just never been the type of fan who can care if someone finishes p6 or p8 if they've won eighty million races. I have the same thing with marc too, had it with valentino back in the day, like I'm sorry but you've won so much it's just very... okay wake me up when you're fighting for something real. obviously I do enjoy all the narratives he's picked up over time, the nico stuff in particular is a lot of fun... I like his steel and grit and the way he's defied the odds to become one of the greatest to ever do it, and again the hunger he's got about him... got some real affection for how he's also kinda paranoid, moody, pessimistic, irascible, enough of an edge to him to be just a touch nasty. not a stranger to mind games himself, of course. and he's an excellent pr merchant!! such a carefully constructed persona, idk, makes him more compelling somehow. I enjoy whenever there's been a hint of tension in that particular teammate relationship, shame merc never had a good enough car for it to get worse. here's hoping he's not too washed to crash out leclerc next year or something fun like that
alex,, yeah, obvious underdog charm. bit of an odd route into f1 and has of course had to fight pretty hard to get back into the series at all. he's got a good dry sense of humour as well as quite a whiny streak that makes him more interesting, plus I like his friendship with george, (my general bar for caring about athlete relationships is 'do I think corporate is pushing this on me', which is true of a lot of these f1 'friendships' but not this one.) he's just quite easy to root for idk, my bar for rooting for athletes is way lower if you're not winning everything. like it's only if you're at that top tier that I need you to be an absolute dickhead for you to sustain my interest. and then with esteban, again, underdog appeal partly just because of how rough a road he had into f1,, not just another rich kid... also how many other drivers he's pissed off. pairing the on-track terrorism with a really sweet smile off it, which is always such a fun combination imo. AND too many people hate him, which makes me naturally root for him more
so yeah, y'know, I have thought about them a fair bit and talked about them with my flatmate and all that, but it's all relative in terms of the amount of time and interest I've invested in them. mostly I just bully them all a lot in messages that will remain unavailable for public consumption
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wrongcaitlyn · 10 months ago
thoughts on i can fix him (no really i can)
sorry this isn’t abt the fic i have no more questions but your responses are so great 😭
DONT APOLOGIZE AT ALL I LOVE LOVE LOVE TALKING ABOUT TAYLOR SWIFT like i honestly get worried that i talk about her too much a lot bc irl im always told i need to know how to have conversations about things OTHER than her so like knowing that y'all wanna know my opinions on these things is actually the coolest thing ever and i love it <333
first of all, i LOVE the vibes of it. i choose to try not to think about the source material of these things (i've never been the hugest fans of connecting songs to the actual artist who wrote them, idk it just feels invasive) so the entire time i was thinking abt lucy gray baird/coriolanus bc of a post that rachel zegler made months ago for tom blyth's bday with a tee-shirt that said "I can fix him" like idk i just KNEW the song was gonna be snowbaird coded AND I WAS CORRECT
the vibes seemed so cowboy like me like i was genuinely surprised?? the whole thing seemed like it was very taken out of modern society, and like, fugitive au, and i was recently just reading this 1870s small town au (had just finished it like the day before ttpd i think) and so i was SO HERE FOR THAT KIND OF VIBE
overall i just loveeeed the imagery in these lyrics. it's one of those songs where the production just matches the content so well and taylor is truly incredible at that!!
one of my FAVORITE lyrics (most def my fav of the song, possibly one of my favorites of the album was
They shake their heads sayin', "God, help her" When I tell 'em he's my man But your good Lord doesn't need to lift a finger
idk why but the way she said it, the lyrics, the "good lord doesnt need to lift a finger" like GOD it just scratched an itch in my brain so perfectly (the entire album, i felt like she was singing it perfectly, there were so many little moments where i was just like GOD THIS WAS SUNG EXACTLY AS IT NEEDED TO BE SUNG)
just reread the lyrics for this bc i wanna make a worthy response (if y'all EVER want an opinion on ANY taylor swift song or any other artist i've mentioned before like PLEASE feel free lyrical analysis is my entire life)
and like
i seriously have to stop with au ideas
bc just the mention of texas has me thinking OMG FUGITIVE NICO X COWBOY WILL SOLACE AU and im like STFU BRAIN YOU ALREADY HAVE TOO MUCH YOU'RE WORKING ON but like i mean its TEXAS
The dopamine races through his brain On a six-lane Texas highway His hand so calloused from his pistol Softly traces hearts on my face
and the way it just ends so suddenly with "woah maybe i can't" is just😭😭i cackled at that it was hilarious
conclusion: i haven't really re-listened to it bc it wasn't one of those songs that stood out to me in the first listen (i've been listening to the album on loop since it came out bc im still trying to process all the songs, but there were definitely some that i repeated over and over again bc they were my favorite). i don't really like ratings because i feel like every song has so much potential, and i just haven't understood it yet? like, particularly with taylor songs, i actually didn't like the folklore or evermore albums when i first listened to them. then when i did again, they become two of my favorite albums holding some of my favorite songs. so all i can say right now is that it isn't one of my favorites off the album, but i do love certain aspects of it!
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yonemurishiroku · 3 years ago
One of my guity pleasure is that I enjoy it when Nico denies others’ love for him. Romantically, i mean (Nico would hardly turn away from a family member).
Like, someone has just confessed to him and Nico would most likely be stunned, standing there, eyes wide and mind blank. 
And there would be two possibilities: 
Nico would then either proceed to ask if they are joking, making fun of his sexuality, messing around with him, just because he’s “unnatural”----When they deny it and claim their attraction as true, Nico would definitely, desperately, a little scared and thinly hopelful, demand: “Why me?”
Because he doesn’t believe he’s worthy of love. Because he came to learn of romance the hardest, harshest way one should never be forced to experience. Because he has given up that kind of love from the moment its pain turned too much to bear to that point that now, when it comes back to him, Nico fails to see its beauty and just can’t help but close off, putting up guard to avoid being hurt all over again. 
And it just breaks my heart.
Or Nico would still be in denial, but in another way: he shuts it down. He doesn’t reject it, per se. He brushes it off. He erases its roots. He straight-up manipulates the other: “No, you do NOT love me.”
This is quite rare, actually. Most fanfics fall into the first category, while i specifically take joy in this one - in which Nico’s existence is poisonously beautiful, painfully strong and ethereally wistful. He has grown so used to forloness that everything he sees in love is just emptiness. That he’s convinced he cannot be loved and whoever claims to have fallen in love with him is either a liar or a victim. Romance to him is a one way to hell of a heartbreak and Nico isn’t afraid of its absence enough to let anyone fall for it - neither him or the other.
He can be cruel. He can be cold. He would hurt someone for a fleeting moment to spare them a broken heart that can’t be fixed for a life time.
And i specifically enjoy this image of Nico di Angelo, just because he’s painfully beautiful - adorned with forloness and rising up from heartbreak and loneliness so breathtakingly, unafraid because of despair and as fierce as a wounded animal. So much that he doesn’t need a lover and their accompanying pains in his life.
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butterfluffy · 2 years ago
Hello! :) Can I request a one piece x daki reader? Where the reader is just like daki and daki is really pretty. And so she shows her strength like her blood demon art and all and she can also regenrate, and so she meets: Katakuri, Luffy, Boa, Robin, Ace, Zoro and so what are their thoughts on her?
⠀⠀ੈ♡˳· various!op characters' thoughts on their s/o who is a demon like daki from kny!
⠀⠀➧ unlabeled | c. katakuri, b. hancock, n. robin, p. d. ace (separate) x f!reader | multi-character headcanons
⠀⠀➧ warnings — none, bit of violence though. mistakes may be present too.. so do ignore them, thanks!
⠀⠀➧ requests are closed until further notice!
⠀⠀꒰ 🍨 ꒱ notes: did something similar here, check it out if you want. but, it's the characs finding out that their s/o is a devil instead! ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
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with an s/o who's a demon!
“my wife is amazing, isn't she?”
mochi man is 100% just purely amazed of you, your beauty, your abilities—damn, everything, hon.
anyhow—on your beauty... kata is kind of smug with this, 'cause, you're the prettiest in totto land, and he managed to make you his.
sometimes flaunts you around with his hand on your waist, pulling you close to him to make others jealous, LMAO.
he's also pretty chill with all this... demon abilities of yours, like the regeneration and blood demon art stuff.
i mean, he literally lives on a world full of creatures with shocking traits and abilities, so it's not a surprise to him anymore.
and lastly, on strength.... we love a strong couple! katakuri absolutely adores your strength, loving how you can manage to defend and attack, like him!
to sum that up, kata admires you real lots, his demoness.
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with an s/o who's a demon!
“...i am still a lot better than you, remember that!”
snake empress is a bit jelly of you, yk? though no one will know about that, she's keeping her thoughts to you to herself.
your beauty... is breathtaking, even for her, leaving her stunned for a second every time she looks at you
moving on to the abilities...! boa thinks that your regeneration ability is pretty handy, and weird 'cause—hello?? your leg just got ripped off, miss ma'am, then you're growing a new one????
low-key amazed by your blood demon art though. you get praises for that sometimes. pretty rare though.
last, strength—for the kuja's, strength is beauty. so she sees you worthy to be her s/o, being strong and beautiful like her.
in summary, a couple that slays together, stays together. xoxo.
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with an s/o who's a demon!
“you're truly something, aren't you, darling?”
impressed by you, just by existing there as a demon, her lover.
robin finds you very interesting for having such abilities that is non-human, interesting that she is researching about your kind!
thinks that her hana hana no mi ability and your ability to regenerate, looks, and title are matching and it's cute.
your strength is something she looks up on, being amazed each time you showcase it.
don't blame her though, she can't help it, you're just so astonishing!
demon child x demoness best match, fr fr, no cap.
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with an s/o who's a demon!
“hey everyone, that's my girl right there!”
proud, very, very proud to have you as his s/o who's level of amazingness is beyond lengths.
when you first showed him your ability to regenerate, ace's eyes widen, visibly shocked—soon amazed like a child watching a magic trick.
loves to watch you use your blood demon art, cuz he thinks it's real cool.
applauses your strength.
will sometimes go and challenge you into a small fight so that he could train with you, ahsahshaha.
and of course, ace, without a doubt, will be set a blaze by your blinding beauty that brings the sun to shame.
same with katakuri, he too, loves and admires your entire being.
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© butterfluffy 2022
⠀⠀ʚїɞ · likes, comments, reblogs and/or feedbacks are highly appreciated!
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justice4sasuke · 2 years ago
One Piece and The Right To Exist
Oh hey, One Piece also has an arc with a theme of the right to exist so Naruto tried to say it which means I got to point out how it's done. Don't get me wrong, I think Hiruzen's speech on having people around you deny your right to exist poignant in its wording (though also in retrospect, if you saw this Hiruzen why weren't you more helpful to Naruto? You could have at least been doing that rather than the calligraphy and looking into the crystal ball thing), it does not have much impact if in the same chapter Konohamaru becomes his little "rival" and the next chapter is Naruto becoming part of Team 7 so they are kind of obligated to at least deal with his existence.
But One Piece.
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I don't want to overexplain what happens because some reading this haven't read One Piece and Water 7/Enies Lobby is best arc (argue with the wall, though I don't think many people will) so it would be terrible to spoil it. I'll just say I think one of the main themes of this arc is people's right to exist, not just like existing as in living but the right to exist in a space even if you think you don't belong. Actually that's one of the themes of One Piece in general tbh, but I want to talk about it in the Water 7 arc because it's really heavy on that.
This arc is 14 volumes long (the manga helpfully labels arcs (kinda, I feel like the New World arc could be broken up more)) and digs into (not offhandedly mention), I think, three difference characters and how they struggle with their place existing in this world.
Now, this probably won't be something everyone agrees with or thought of but I did because that's my boy and I love him, Usopp is 1. the best character of this arc and 2. similarly to the other two characters I will talk about, struggling with his existence, just as part of the Straw Hat crew rather than struggling with just existence in general. Usopp does not see himself as a "useful" part of the crew and doesn't believe he has a place there, that he can exist in that space, and it's through this arc that we see and Usopp sees his value as a member of the Straw Hats (and about respecting his captain which I won't get into).
Franky. Franky's struggle is with his right to exist how he truly wants as he is unable to forgive himself from past mistakes. We really get into Franky's backstory, how he was tossed out by his dad for being a bother, the mistakes he made that turned him into the person he is when we first meet him, and even though Franky doesn't take it to heart until later a big part of that is loving anything you give existence. If you bring something into existence, even if no one else does, you as the creator should love it at least. And while I think overall Franky's story is one about forgiveness, the "existence is not a crime" aspect is there and there is a reason he is the one who says that to Robin.
And Robin. Nico motherfucking Robin. If you want to get across the experience of feeling like you don't have a right to exist this is the blueprint. Even before the arc we get hints that Robin isn't super attached to living, throughout the arc we see the lengths she will go to for the sake of the crew at the expense of her own existence, we have a devastating extended flashback about why Robin thinks the way she does (which also shows why she should value her life!), we get TIME to sit with how much the fact that people treat her as someone evil or a means to an end has effected her and how she feels about her existence. And most importantly we get the catharsis of Robin being allowed to see herself and a person worthy of existence and get the full support of the people she's been doing all of this to protect as they protect her in turn and I'm not even going to say what it is because it is one of the great moments in One Piece and there are uninitiated people present. And the beautiful part is that we get to spend the rest of the manga seeing her loving and appreciating her life with the Straw Hat Pirates.
And of final note, this is only an arc I'm discussing here. I'm not even discussing other pontifications on the right to exist in the series like with Portgas D. motherfucking Ace.
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danganronpasurvivoraskblog · 9 months ago
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I mean...Now that he's gone, he...won't have any use for it, but it belongs to ERR0RM3SS4GE. You should take it back.
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He can keep it. We have no more use for that thing.
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But if it aids the Future Foundation in their future endeavors...Well, either way, I'm sure 404 would have preferred Saihara have it than us.
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Really? Well...Thank you again.
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Don't get mushy...This is just one last favor I'm doing as part of our partnership. After I leave the walls of this building...You're on your own from here on. No matter what you say or do.
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What do you mean?
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I mean Future Foundation's partnership with ERR0RM3SS4GE is over. From this point on, should we be able to help it, you won't be hearing from our organization again.
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Wh-Why not?
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Because I HATE you...
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Rantaro held all of you in high regard. And as an upstanding woman of society, I think it's only fair to him, and to you, that I express my true thoughts earnestly.
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What Rantaro ended up doing went against everything we taught him at ERR0RM3SS4GE. He pulled us out of the shadows, unveiled his true identity to everyone, and put his life on the line for a mission.
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But I let him do it. ERR0RM3SS4GE has always stuck to its beliefs, but with some younger members having recently joined with us, I thought it was time to let them take the reigns and make some changes.
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We gave you this; we gave you EVERYTHING! ANYTHING it if meant bringing the Zetsubou chapter to a close! Our gear, our assistance, our secrets, our intel, EVERYTHING!
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...And now what do I have because of that? I don't even have one of my prized agents anymore...
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...Look, Himuro, I'm sorry, but this is not our fault...! Rantaro was his own person, and he made his own choices, ERR0RM3SS4GE and Future Foundation be damned. Because he CARED about us.
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Shirogane's the one who actually killed him, and he knew exactly what it was that he was getting into when he signed up for all of this. I'm happy to take whatever responsibility you want me to take, but the truth is this isn't about me-!
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The TRUTH Akamatsu, is that he's DEAD because of YOU! EVERYONE tonight who DIED, died because of YOU! Because SHIROGANE! HATES! YOU!
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Hey! That's too far!
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I said what I said and I don't regret it!
...I once believed in the Future Foundation more than I have any other powerful organization, even the government office that I worked in. But all that's left now of the company it once was is just death and ruin, all because they made the stupid choice to adopt a bunch of aliens into their ranks. A decision that singlehandedly caused the destruction of everything that once made this place something worth a shit.
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And you know what? I'm experienced enough as an agent that I can pick up on subtle queue's you can't, so let me tell you something else...Your own men in here feel the same.
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Kaede, don't listen to her. She's just spouting crap.
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Oh, AM I now? As you walked down the hallway towards me, I spotted at least three people give you the death stare from behind. Like they also want to pin all their problems on you. Because Shirogane hates you so much that she's willing to kill everyone they love if it means getting to you.
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Akamatsu. Have you ever once stopped to think about whether people ACTUALLY care about you at this Foundation? Have you ever considered that maybe the only reason people talk to you is because of your importance in this conflict? That you've never done ANYTHING worthy? That you and your friends are just a big pile of shit that Shirogane wants to clean up?
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Hey, I said shut up!
*Kaito stands in the way and jabs a finger at Nico.
Love Across the Universe.
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Kaede...Are you sure we should be doing this? Shuichi didn't seem like he was in the mood to talk...
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I know Kaito...But we don't have to talk...
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I just...need to let him know that we're in his corner for whenever he needs us. And that he's safe...He seemed kinda...self-destructive after reading Tenko's note.
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I don't blame him. We all got repeatedly punched in the face by the bad news...And honestly, even after all we've fought for today, it feels like we still lost more than we gained.
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You're right...This is all sucks so much...And I don't know what to do about it...
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We can just keep going now...And...I know this sounds corny, but...
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Now that I know that we don't get any more second chances...It makes me want to make sure that I do as much as I can with the life I have.
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Zetsubou are still out there, there are still many other issues we've gotta tackle, but all the same...
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I'm still going up to space one of these days...Nothing's gonna stop that.
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*Kaede solemnly nods, and the two continue walking. However, as they make their way down the hallway, they suddenly spot someone.
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...Kaito, look.
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Hmph...There you are...I was wondering where all of you had gone to. Then I realized you were probably with Yumeno...
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Hello, Ms. Himuro. Is...everything alright?
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No, not really. I don't see how you thought it could be.
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Well...what are you up to?
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As a matter of fact, I was just about to make my leave. I turned what was basically my 2-Minutes Notice in to Kirigiri just now, and as of now, our partnership is over. So I'll be heading back to ERR0RM3SS4GE now.
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You're leaving?
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Like I said, I have no reason to stick around, and I don't want to either way. Not after all that's happened.
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There is something you should probably know. I discussed this with the agents back at our HQ, and they've agreed to let Agent 404's body remain here at the Future Foundation. That way, you can all hold a funeral for him.
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So...you know that we can't...?
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Bring Rantaro back? Tch...Of course I do. He knew it as well. Long before any of you did.
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Wait...he did?
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Then...why did he sacrifice himself-!?
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Who knows? I could never truly understand that boy...He was a stupid child, depriving himself of his own potential, letting himself die while so young...
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But what happened happened...Since you're the closest thing he had to family, you're the one's who should send him to the other side...Assuming he even gets there...
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Thank you. That's nice of you.
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Don't mention it...
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Well, before you leave...Shuichi was planning on giving back Rantaro's Symmetra Matrix.
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gildedmuse · 3 years ago
Hey hey, you and your amazing writing skills :3
Hope you're doing good?
What do you think about Law and Zoro becoming parents? Adoption, Ivankov... Don't know. But I think Law would be a total mother henn and Zoro also caring but not so strictly as Law.
Keep up your writing, I love these AUs and they beautify my day!
Ahh, you're far too nice.
I've written up/rped/plotted out a few different "ZoLaw but with kids" scenarios (by the way, people that Discord me or DM me will occasionally just get plots thrown at them and sucked into huge ideas or roleplays and that is not my fault.... They talked to me first okay? I am innocent in all of this). Because both of them are these strong, stubborn, serious faced boys who love fluffy things and are actually total geeks (Law for manga and ninjas, Zoro for historical swords). And we've seen how Zoro will act all aloof or grumpy but also allows any child or fluffy thing to immediately attach to him and will then protect said child or fluff ball with his life.
In other words, this au just makes sense.
I Might Love Your Dad
[I didn't plan for this to turn into a goddamn half fic, bit it did, so now it gets a title]
I tend to assume Law is a really busy dad - either he is the head surgeon at a busy hospital or he is working on a revenge plan against an evil, angel killing shichibukai or he has four yonko to defeat, the point is he has somethings on his plate - and maybe he misses a few years of Chopper/Tetsuya growing up, not be sure he doesn't care it's just that Law can get a bit.... Focused.
Zoro tends to be the more day to day caregiver. Sure, when Law sees how relaxed he is about certain things like letting the kids play with swords or the foods they eat he freaks the fuck out because Zoro-ya! They are children! You can't just let them do as they please! But Zoro is also the dad who is there watching over them every night. He's the dad that acts put off about having to do some stupid activity like making Chopper a reindeer costume for his school's Christmas recital but damn if he doesn't slice the pattern out in just a few swings of his sword (then asks Nico Robin for help on actually sewing it together.... Also, great, now Chopper is going to be wearing this thing 24/7. You know how obsessed he is with that stupid Tony The Blue Nosed Reindeer movie.
(Robin does know and she thinks it's adorable. She even paints his nose blue instead of black right before the show. Chopper is so delighted he forgets his lines and calls the audience a bunch of idiots for thinking he is cute.)
Not that Chopper wants to be cute. He's a big boy now and he isn't cute, and also ut doesn't bother him that Otousan didn't show - !!! Otousan! Look, look at the costume Chichi-Ue made him!
And Law, still in his doctor's coat, just glares at all the people who dare to send him dirty looks, either for coming in so late or for his son ruining the whole production. As if their children where acting prodigies whose performances were applause worthy. Please, the pink haired reindeer is shoving a muffin in her face and spitting crumbs all over while reading her lines while that Carrot girl keeps almost getting off the stage to go towards Wanda and Pedro - names Law only knows because the "Christmas Angel" hopped off the stage and is reading her lines from their laps while repeatedly commenting on how much for this is, right Wanda-haha and Pedro-chichi!? - and let's not even talk about the fit Dracule Perona is throwing because everyone is ruining her "cute" moment. As if Chopper is ruining anything just because he forgot a few lines, it's not like their teacher is some brilliant writer whose work is worth respect and study. It's nonsensical tripe for the kids to say on stage, that's all.
Plus, look how his son's eyes light up when he sees Law trying to sneak his way in without interrupting the whole thing. Ha, his little reindeer tail even wags he is so excited! That's worth so much more than this cheap, poorly written waste of a show just meant to give the kids something to do while their teacher recovers for her holiday party hang over. Chopper gets so excited he accidently shouts out, "Otousan!" And all eyes go to Law, and you might think he would be embarrassed or at least contrite, but in truth he loves that moment when Chopper calls for his dad and all eyes go to Law. His son is adorable with his big brown eyes and that puff ball of light brown hair, a face so round that people on the street want to just stop and pinch his cheeks even with Law glowering at them and making sure they don't. He looks absolutely nothing like Law and so everyone assumes they aren't related. At best, he will get someone giving him a look they probably think is very kind and telling him how they are simply in awe of anyone who chooses to adopt.
That may be worse than all the times someone praises him for letting his friends have the night off - parents have it so rough, you know, and it's so great to see a mature single man who understands that - because it reminds him of all the times Corazon use to have to correct and insist and argue and get out papers showing that, yes, he is Law's rather and what does it matter that they look nothing alike! That's to be expected, seeing as they have entirely different genes! That doesn't mean Corazon isn't his father!
It sure as hell doesn't mean that Chopper isn't his son! So Law just soaks in their annoyance and whispered disapproval. Let them talk about how rude Chopper's father is, what a terrible parent he must be to come in so late. They're right. Law should have been here on time - he would have of the damn administrator had shut up for a damn second, and they're also right that Law doesn't give one fuck how impolite they think he is for sneaking in the way he did. Big mostly they're right that he's Chopper's father. His Otousan. That's his boy up there, smiling and rambling and....
Wait? Why is his son's nose painted bright blue? Isn't he supposed to be a reindeer?
Afterwards, once Chopper and Carrot are done being completely overwhelmed by how awesome they both did, Chopper dances around Law (who has mostly been forgiven by the other parents, only thanks to the fact that he had been in such a rush he left coat and the rest of his hospital attire on. You can almost hear the faint 'ah' of understanding as the gossip makes it's rounds. A doctor and he still rushed to see his adopted/step son's performance. What an admiral man. Their approval makes Law want to leave the place in shambles.) He is much more interested in asking about how many people Law cured and what kind of illnesses he saw and did he have to make a lot of medicine? Was doing surgery scary? Chopper bets the people weren't scared though because Otousan is the best doctor EVER.
Not as good as Chopper will be one day.
Shut up, Touchan! You saying that doesn't make Chopper happy! He doesn't even like that you came to see his show! He isn't excited at all!
Then Chopper spends the next ten minutes asking of he can spend an extra day at Otousan's place, so maybe he can take Chopper to work like he did that one time! Wouldn't that be fun, Otousan?!
Law casts a nervous glance at Zoro. For years he's been sure to take weekends off so that he can spend time with Chopper, bit there had been that one incident, two years ago now, where there hadn't been any other surgeon available who could do the work needed, what with the man's sliced nearly in half across the chest. And of course Law had rushed to surgery, throwing Chopper and Bepo - their Great Pyrenees - in the back seat and hitting an irresponsible speed getting to the hospital.
As though he was about to trust any of those other surgeons with his Zoro-ya.
(No, not HIS Zoro-ya. They haven't been together since college, Zoro had only even reached out to Law because his statues as a doctor looked good on the adoption paperwork. Originally, the coffee had been that Law simply had to play the role for the damn social worker, but after that he wouldn't have to have any part in raising the kid. It was stupid, but Zoro had been going around to hospitals doing these kendo demonstrations for kids and he met this one that just.... Well, he knows it's been a few years but it's not like they broke up on bad terms. They're still friends, or allies at least, so he thought he might as well ask Law. He could go to Hawkeye, of course, but he thought the agency might think it was question how him and Mihawk-)
(Law had agreed almost immediately. Like before he had even had time to think about it. He's usually so careful about thinking things through and making plans, but just like when they were together, all his forethought and preparation got smashed to pieces the moment Zoro enters the room. The worst part is how Law doesn't even mind. He grumbles about it, he makes a few snarky comments under his breath, and then he would precede to let oro slice his way through whatever arrangements Law had so meticulously set up.)
It would turn out that whatever this mysterious power of Zoro's is that sends every one of Law's methodical, diligently laid plans into dissary, Chopper appears to have inherited the same ability. Because the moment Law held the then two and a half year old in his arms all that talk about how, very well, Zoro-ya, he's willing to play along for the sake of appearances just so long as Zoro-ya truly doesn't have any expectations of Law joining him in this insane little experiment -- Oh, he smiled. He hadn't been doing when the social worker picked him up, but placed in Law's arms he smiled and... Look, look Zoro-ya, it's almost like he's trying to listen to Law's heartbeat, holding out his hand like a play stethoscope. Isn't that the cutest -- err, not that he knows what he's doing, obviously. He's just making some random gestures the way children do. Obviously. Of course.
Law had been very fortunate that Zoro is the type of guy who is so easy going, who often goes out of his way for his friends whole shrugging it off as though it was nothing. Once everything was signed and they were sure their ruse worked and Chopper was there to stay, he had been more than happy to offer Law weekend custody as well as open visitation. Law had almost been an idiot and tried to talk Zoro-ya into driving a harder deal. Chopper is his son after all, he shouldn't be so casual about sharing his time!
"What's the big deal, Torao? I mean, it's not like I'm going to go e him away to just anyone. He's my family and nothing will change that. Why's it so bad if he's your family, too? That's what you want, isn't it?
Which is how Law ended up spending his earlier years as a surgeon also learning how to be a father on the weekends. He read about it plenty and out together lists and planners. And then he ended up calling Corazon who took mercy and came over to help (he would claim it was to help Law, but Law is absolutely sure that if he let him, Corazon would run off with Chopper and keep the boy all to himself. Probably spoil him rotten, too. It's not like Law can't see the sweet practically spilling out of his father's pockets, or is mystified by how every time he visits Chopper ends up with sticky hand and the puffed out cheeks of a squirrel hiding it's treasures.) Eventually, he got competent enough that he didn't call Corazon in a panic less than three hours into his Saturday. Not that it stopped Corazon from randomly stopping by every now and then.
Of course, he'd been nowhere to find that one particular weekend, so into the car and down to the hospital Law went, taking him unthinkingly into the room to see Zoro which, fuck, if he knew the state the man had been in he definitely would have left Chopper sitting out in the hall, he just wanted to see Zoro-ya for himself and also didn't know what to do but keep holding onto Chopper with all his strength.
"Torao, stop being so nervous. You look worse than me, and I just had my chest sliced open."
"Zoro-ya, try to take this seriously!"
"Otouchan? Otouchan, don't be sad. Chichi-Ue's gonna be okay. You're the bestest doctor ever and you came just to make him better! Chichi-Ue knows you'll make him all better again."
"Hee, smart kid. He must get that from me, eh, Torao?"
Law had been annoyed and touched and furious and worried, which is not a good state for someone to be in before doing surgery. So while they got Zoro ready he sat with Chopper and they went through his Kid Veterinarian Facts book while he laid back against Bepo, stroking the dog's thick white fur, which somehow always calmed Law down. So by the time he is called to get ready he feels steady and balanced.
While Zoro recovered in the hospital - something that practically involved his friend Franky coming over and sitting on him to get him to stay, Law had Chopper. So he brought him along to the hospital, thinking he could keep Zoro company. He had been much more excited about the prospective of dressing up in his little doctor's costume and following Law from room to room. Even when Law had taken him to see Zoro-ya, Chopper insisted on playing doctor and "taking Chichi-Ue's vibals", scribbling random numbers onto a piece of paper.
Law is still rather sure it had all been terrible parenting on his part, and he's pretty certain that sooner or later Zoro-ya will realize that he only found it so endearing because of the major blood loss, and take Law to task for allowing their son to wonder around a hospital watching as Law explained simple amputation procedures and look at graphic images of people's kidneys.
"You know I'll see you this weekend, Cho-ya," Law ensures his son instead, hoping to avoid a straight up rejection.
"Actually, it would be great if you'd take him tonight." Law can't help but feel this is a trap. Not that Zoro hasn't been very understanding in the past, when Law finds himself with a day off and wants to have an extra day with Chopper, bit something about the offer feels.... Off. "It's Franky and Robin's anniversary, and Nami charges by the second. I can't afford the two months rent just to send him there for a night."
That all makes sense, Zoro-ya needs a babysitter and, well, it isn't like Law would - Wait. "Didn't the season end two weeks ago?" Zoro is still recovering from nearly being chopped in half, but still insisted on competing. He had done pretty well, too, although not nearly as good as he had wanted. He'd only placed fourth international, and in his mind seeing as it's been nearly two years since he was sliced up (and two months since he lost the eye) this was a total failure.
Law had been rather impressed, though. Impressed and annoyed because, really, Zoro-ya, it's like he wants to stress his body out instead of allowing it time to heal.
"Oh, yeah, I just have a date," Zoro tells him like it's no big deal. Which it isn't. They haven't been together since college and that small period they faked being in a relationship so the adoption agency would approve their application. It's really not a big deal. Law has dated plenty and Zoro probably has, too, just Robin has always been available so there hadn't been a reason to-
"I have a shift tonight," Law bluets out, ignoring the happy dance Chipper does be side he might get to play doctor with his Otousan. "Its in the ER. High stress, very.... Gory. I don't think they'd even allow me to take him."
The staff would fucking love if he showed up with his adorable, excited son who wanted to be just like his genius doctor daddy, but the words just spill out before Law can stop them. What is he even thinking!?
"I'm sorry... If I had known..... I hate that you have to cancel your date."
Okay, that's what he was thinking.
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daisugababy · 4 years ago
I want to see Levi do something for Nico that's over the top romantic. Is that too much to ask for? I know some people think Nico isn't good enough for Levi, but I disagree. He's been there for Levi constantly and shown him a lot of support (bar incident, his uncle, the thing with Meredith, staying late to help him, etc). I absolutely want them to be endgame, and I truly hope we see more of their story (BOTH of them) in S18. But I want Levi to do something over the top FOR Nico.
this 100%!! people demand nico show he's worthy of levi's love, meanwhile forgetting every single thing we've seen him do onscreen. conflict is a normal part of a relationship, you won't always 100% agree with someone. you will fight, you'll have to compromise. that's just how it goes. but the moment nico disagrees or establishes boundaries, levi goes sulk and the fandom forgets about everything good nico has ever done before :')
so yes, i'd love for levi to go above and beyond for nico for once. but also that he remembers what type of person nico is and actually does something for him and not something he himself would want.
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bwoahtastic · 2 years ago
I need more omega Max getting married off to an alpha
Plss poor Maxy married off to Alpha Nico R? He is so intimidated because he/she (I still love fem nico but guy nico too!) Is so beautiful and Max thinks he jsnt worthy...
Max has always been told he wasn't worth the money to go to school past high school and he feels so dumb and useless! He desperately tries to the the housework and cook for Nico but he isnt all that good at that either and when Nico comes home one day, he finds Max sitting on thr floor and crying because he used the wrong product on the windows and just made it worse...
Pls Nico realising how traumatised and scared max is and sure Nico was angry because he didn't want this arranged mating, but it isn't Max's fault! Nico changing and being so sweet to Max, snuggling him snd praising him snd bringing him books to read and a laptop for him to take courses! Max would be so excited to tell Nico what he learned when they are having dinner together (max got to love cooking too!) And nico just loves this sweet thing so much!
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cassieschaosdimension · 4 years ago
Okay! Here it is the fanfic some of you have been requesting!
Enjoy it!
"Nico!" Will called to his boyfriend. "Put that sweater on right now! You know you want to!" He starts running after Nico with said sweater in hand. He knows his boyfriend wants to wear it, but the goth message is too strong.
Nico is being chased all over their apartment in New Rome by his overly energetic boyfriend who wants to match for their first Christmas on their own. He would have put the sweater on by himself, but it was too ugly to be seen on anyone. Even Hephaestus and the guy was ugly!
Will stopped all of a sudden and stared at the sweater in his hand. "Nico, it's not that bad! Please wear it! For me!"
Oh no Nico thought as he watched his boyfriend turn on that Southern charm and the puppy dog eyes. He tried to look away, but found he couldn't because Will was advancing slowly towards him.
"William," Nico says slowly edging towards the front door of their one bedroom apartment. "Be reasonable, would you want your dad, the fashion guru of Greek mythology to see me in that?!" The horror is present in his tone. "First off, I would not wear it and you know I would wear almost anything to please you. I draw the line at that thing!"
This gives Will a pause as he considers the question. He stares at the jingle bells stripes and Christmas tree underneath them. The green and gold don't work out and the red of the presents aren't helping the poor sweater's case. He thinks back to the time his dad yelled at him for wearing sandals with socks because he was in a rush after being late for cabin clean up duty. He shudders. He does not want a repeat of his over dramatic father flapping his arms while lecturing him on fashion choices.
Will sighs. "Alright Nico. You win this one. My dad's fashion lectures aren't for the faint of heart and I've had enough of them to last a lifetime. But please dress in green or red okay? You would look really good in emerald green." He starts walking to their room.
Nico grins to himself. He's won this round with his mad reasoning skills. Then again, he almost always wins his arguments with Will. Decades in the Lotus Casino arguing over games will do that to you. Then he registers what his boyfriend requested of him.
He starts to run after Will. "Will! I don't have emerald clothing! I have brown, black, and grey! What are you talking about?! William! Get over here!"
Will cackles to himself while going through their closet. He bought his boyfriend colored clothes for occasions with his father and Nico looks delicious in cool, dark times so that's what he bought. He was lucky he hid them on his side of the closet. He turns to see his boyfriend glaring at him.
Nico stares at his poor boyfriend he only knows wants to help him make an impression on Hades. It was only supposed to be the two of them and Hades and Persephone, but of course Apollo had to invite himself. Rolling his eyes at the memory he turns back to Will with his hands on his hips glare still in full force.
With a pleading look on his face, Will is desperate. They're running late and he doesn't want to leave the three gods alone more than they have to be. "Nico," cue the sigh. "We're already running late and I don't want to find a war going on with your stepmom in the middle. She's scary."
"Will… Fine!" Nico says throwing his hands up and walking to grab the shirt from his boyfriend who is now grinning broadly. He walks to the bathroom and changes into the shirt grumbling about Will and if he didn't live him he wouldn't do this.
Meanwhile Will is getting dressed in a dark maroon, fluffly long sleeve sweater and dark blue jeans with black vans. When Nico comes back from the bathroom his heart stops.
His boyfriend stands slightly slouched, uncomfortable with the attention. The emerald shirt sets off his long lashes, dark eyes, and raven hair perfectly. Will wants to swoon, but they have business to attend to.
"Good you're ready to go. Hades confirmed he's ready for us?" Will says coming next to Nico.
In response Nico nods and they head out the door. "Just so you know," Nico says with an undertone. "I'm only wearing this shirt and making nice with your dad because your mom loves me so now I need to win over your dad."
Will doesn't tell Nico his dad was won over the minute Nicon said hello, I'm only here because Will made me. Maybe he might actually behave. One can hope.
They head to the car deep in each of their thoughts. Nico is worried how long his dad is going to last in Apollo's presence. Will is worried how long Hades can stand to be in his dad's presence because Apollo is overbearing.
They have agreed to meet in the Underworld and Zeus has given Apollo permission to head down there to celebrate with them. As Will starts to drive south, the air in the car turns warmer. They banter and whine about the music choice. Nico wants Green Day and Will wants to listen to Blake Shelton.
They left around eleven in the morning on Christmas Day and it takes them about seven hours to get to Hollywood because of traffic in the LA area. They park the car and walk behind the Hollywood sign, Will grabbing Nico's leather jacket in the way behind the sign because even with a sweater on the Underworld is a child, unforgiving place. There Will grabs onto Nico and they shadow travel down to Hades' living room.
Nico wonders why they couldn't shadow travel in the first place and why Will insisted they drive when they walk in and he immediately knows why.
Persephone is standing by the wall her hands over her head while her husband and cousin are going at it.
"This is my domain Apollo you do not have the authority to say what's going to be served for dinner. I can do that on my own."
"But Uncle, you're serving turkey! It's supposed to be ham! Most mortals use ham!" Turning to his son he implores him. "Will tell Hades most mortals use ham for their Christmas dinner!"
Will is torn between getting the approval of his boyfriend's father and his dad. He ultimately goes for the one that will save his life. "Dad, many mortals celebrate Christmas differently or not at all. If Nico's dad wants to serve turkey then let him serve turkey! We are here as his guests and I expect you to behave!"
Apollo looks torn but nods and says "Will, I know you want to make a good impression on Uncle over there, but I am your father!"
"No dad. Mom raised me to have manners and her manners have taught me to accept all food unless I am allergic to it and I have no food allergies. Now sit down and we can eat." Will turns to Lord Hades. "Please excuse my father Lord Hades. I had a talk about this with him earlier, but it seems to have not rectified in his brain."
Hades nods and strides over to Nico. "Nico. Thank you for coming. I am starting to warm up to the boy, but I still need time."
Nico sighs his left hand clenching in a fist involuntarily. "Father you have been given years to accept Will. And it seems you have, but you don't want me to know. Father, the spirits talk."
Hades looks shocked and now angry. "Now listen here Nico. I may have approved of him, but he must be worthy of Maria DiAngelo's child. Bianca wishes she were here, but she is having fun in the fields of Elysium."
Meanwhile Will and Apollo are having their own discussion.
"But Will, Uncle said he didn't mind me coming!"
"Dad, you invited yourself here, remember? I know what mom saw in you, but really. Your manners need brushing up. For real. Just because Lord Hades is your uncle doesn't mean you can barge into his domain even with Lord Hades permission." Will feels like a dad reprimanding a child.
"William," Apollo strikes a pose. "I am the god of music and medicine. This is a celebration with my son and son in law. I had to come." He dramatically sighs and heads to the table. "Come now Will, let's stuff our faces!
As Will follows his dad he wonders who exactly the child is. He looks over at his boyfriend and his dad. They look like they're still having a heated discussion. Luckily for Will he has Nico's jacket so the chill in the air isn't as bad as it could have been. Nico hasn't noticed the jacket is gone until he brings his hands up to tig it around himself and it's gone. Looking up he mock scowls at Will.
Nico walks up to his boyfriend with an air of I don't care. They both know he cares very much. "Will, give me my jacket."
In response Will sticks out his tongue and says no. This results in a banter fight much like the one back at the apartment.
Will doesn't want to give the jacket back because it's warm and he's freezing. Nico says he can get him another one of Nico's leather jackets. But Will isn't having it. He knows this is Nico's favorite jacket hence why it was in the car, he takes that thing everywhere he goes. He wants to wear his boyfriend's favorite jacket. His boyfriend wants to wear his favorite jacket. The two of them are so engrossed in their argument they don't see the three adults smiling at them.
Persephone was reminded of how she first felt arguing with Hades over the fact she was kidnapped against her will by a much older man. She was intimidated by this man yet she felt some sort of weird connection to him. She pitied him because he was older and lonely down here with no one but Cerberus to keep him company. Eventually she came to care for this man unlike her stepson and his boyfriend who genuinely seem to get along even when arguing.
She goes over to break it up. "Boys, you can have this argument later. Nico, let Will keep the jacket, you can feel him shivering. I'll go turn up the fire. Will dear, come sit and stuff your face as your impatient father has been doing for the past half hour.
At this Apollo looks up turkey gravy dripping from his mouth. They all sigh and hope this is over soon. The dinner drags on and on and suddenly Hades can't take it anymore. While the rest of the group has polite conversation, Apollo finds it necessary to butt in and make it funny when it's not.
Normally Will accepts this behavior with grace, but not on Christmas and not when he is trying to get approval from his boyfriend's father who happens to be Lord of the Dead.
"Hey Dad," Will says from across the table where he has watched his dad pack away most of the food on the table. "I don't appreciate this and maybe I'll tell mom about this little gathering and how your Southern manners disappeared." He raises an eyebrow and Apollo's response is hilarious.
He sits up straight and acts like a Southern gentleman the rest of the time. Will signs in exasperation and turns to Nico and Lord Hades.
"Lord Hades, please forgive my father for his behavior," here he pauses while throwing side glances at his father.
Hades waves his hand in a gesture of peace. "Please boy. This is almost tame for my nephew. Did you enjoy your meal?"
Turning to Nico for reassurance Will answer carefully. "Yes Lord Hades. The good was quite delicious. Thank you for inviting us over for dinner."
"You are welcome boy," Hades says turning to his son. "Now, let's get the gift giving over with so my nephew can go home." The two snicker together and Will tries not to join in. It's impossible though as Persephone is talking to Apollo utterly bemused while he sprouts haikus about the meal.
"Father, here is my gift to you," Nico's voice carries as he hands a gift to Lord Hades.
"Thank you son. I appreciate it." His voice also carries. Apollo is beginning to quiet down and not be so energetic. Now he begins to get downright cocky. He's no longer dramatic.
He heads to their end of the table near the tree Persephone insisted on having. "Ahhhh presents. I remember when I was youn-" Apollo is cut off when Nico hands him a gift.
They're all speechless and Will stares at Nico in shock. Looking around at all of them he asks "what? I can give gifts."
A shocked silence falls over the room when Will throws himself in Nico's arms. He whispers in his boyfriend's ear. "He didn't expect to get one from you Nico. Look, you made him cry. " They look over still wrapped in each other's arms. Apollo is in fact hugging the gift while grinning with happy tears running down his face.
The look on Will's face says it all. Nico grins as he watches his boyfriend watch his dad open the gift. Suddenly Apollo is rushing towards Nico and grabs him in a hug. Stiffening Nico is confused but then reaches around the god and hugs him back.
Hades looks on with pride at his son who with Will Solanc's aid will grow to be a fine young man. He already was, but since he met Will he had grown in leaps and bounds in height and personality. He was proud of his boy.
Will is beaming with pride at the fact his boyfriend was thoughtful enough to get his dad a gift. To their surprise Apollo hands a gift right back to Nico.
The night is just full of surprises and after the gift giving and opening, Will and Nico start to clean up to head out. They had fun despite the rocky start and by the end of the night Hades had laughed out loud more times than Apollo can remember and Apollo hadn't felt the need to be cocky or arrogant. He was the man Will's mom must have fallen in love with.
As Nico and Will get up to leave Apollo hugs each of them, but Nico's is especially long. He whispers thank you for everything in his ear. Nico is absolutely shocked. He didn't think Apollo knew the words thank you. But here he was a mere demigod getting thanked by a god! Wow, Will's dad is full of surprises…
Apollo then goes over and hugs Hades and Persephone. He really is full of surprises today. He goes and leaves. In his wake four very confused people discuss what happened.
Hades wants to know how his nephew behaved all nice and sweet. He almost didn't recognize him! Persephone told him it was because he realized he could be himself and not have to put an image up.
Nico says he doesn't know which Apollo he finds most sickening, earning him a slap on the back of the head from Will.
They discuss it more and the four grow closer. The Christmas dinner really was a success even with Apollo there. Nico hugs his father and stepmother then gathers up their gifts. Will goes up to Hades and shakes his hand thanking him for inviting them. Persephone hugs Will saying he must come back soon when Nico next visits them.
Soon the two fade into shadows with the two immortals waving after them. Will takes off the jacket and puts it back in the backseat of the car with a grin.
"Well Neeks, I'd say it was a success though I was worried for a second." Will says getting into the driver's seat.
"Me too Will. Your dad actually seems like a really nice guy. I bet it gets tiring putting up a facade all the time," Nico responds through a yawn. "Will, don't drive all the way home. Stop at a hotel okay?"
Nodding Will turns the ignition and starts to drive. They talk about the dinner and how different it turned out from what they expected. Then they start to banter tearing each other with how they expected the night to end up.
"Neeks, you look really good in emerald holy Hera!" Will glances over at his tired boyfriend who is drifting off.
"Will, don't even start you look amazing in my leather jacket. Maybe I'll let you wear it more often." Smiling to himself Nico thinks he'll let only Will wear his leather jacket now. They can share it. His last words before he falls asleep are: "I love you William so pull into a hotel and we'll spend the night there. You're not driving all the way home this late."
Nico's soft snores fill the car and Will can't help but think he and Nico are made for each other. They complement one another perfectly and he thinks back on all the memories they've made together since they got together all those years ago.
Seeing a vacancy sign at a motel he pulls into the parking lot. He leaves Nico snoring away while he goes and asks for a room. Coming back out he rouses Nico and tells him he can sleep in a real bed.
Half asleep Nico leans on his boyfriend for support. The night turned out better than he could ever expected. Maybe next year they could shadow travel or even stay the night.
As Will supports his boyfriend while walking to the room he thinks of how grateful he is to Apollo for catching the eye of his mother so he could he born and also Lord Hades because he made Nico come into existence.
Opening the door, Will walks over to the bed placing the dozing Nico on it. After giving him a forehead kiss he goes to the other side of the bed. "Love you too Neeks."
Both Nico and Will dream about the wonderful Christmas dinner they just had and wonder what will happen next year.
And that's a wrap (lol) on they fanfic! I hope you guys like it! Please let me know what you think of it!
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thelucyverse · 4 years ago
Andromaquynh ff In Your Stead
The Old Guard Andy/Quynh fanfiction
Now in a much improved version on ao3 here!!!
Feel free to still like and reblog the WiPs on tumblr tho:
part 1 - part 8
Part 9:
At first, Sébastien doesn't notice that he doesn't dream of the drowning one anymore.
It's a relief, really, every night that isn't haunted by nightmares, and he doesn't linger on the thought any further than that.
Andromache, however, notices...
Anthea had suspected that there is a logic to the shared dreams of the immortals for a while now.
None of them know how it works, of course (although Nico and Josef are much too convinced of some deity being behind it, which Andromache can't believe at all), but the dreams can't be quite random when they stop as soon as they meet.
In the past, when she was always fighting in some war or uprising or another, she hadn't had the time to figure it out- or maybe she had just died too often then to figure it out.
Because death appears to be the connection.
Now, she doesn't dream about anyone herself, but Livre quite reliably informs her of his dreams, bitching about every little inconvenience the way he always does.
Maybe he would stop if she told him to.
She knows Yusuf and Nicolo expected her to do so, thinking that it causes her too much pain... But her need to know about Quynh, paired with her curiosity about the nature of the dreams, is much stronger than her pain.
After a few years, she's almost certain: whenever Livre dies- not being stabbed and healing instantly, not being shot when it doesn't really bring him down, but his heart stopping, eyes rolling back in his head- that's when, the next time he sleeps, he will dream of drowning.
When, after drowning himself in another useless submarine-related incident, he doesn't talk about any dreams the day after-
At first, Andromache hopes that maybe, he's just finally grown up. Or that his personal experience with drowning make the dream seem less worthy of a mention.
Mostly, she's afraid to ask.
The next time he dies, it doesn't have anything to do with drowning at all, so that theory is out. And he still complains about everything else, so when he doesn't say anything about a dream the next morning...
This time, because she knows she will not rest until she knows for sure, she asks him- deliberately doing so at the table with Nicolò and Yusuf, so they will hear it, too.
She gets her answer.
He hadn't dreamt of her in a year.
Andromache feels broken in a way she had never felt before.
Now, she knows why this feeling is described as a broken heart. The literal version of that would hurt less. She has to know, it happened.
Everything feels numb, and completely on fire at the same time.
Of course, she has loved and lost before- yes, she does love, loved people and places many times in her long lifetime. If she shows herself as stoic and unemotional, forces herself to be that way, then it's just for her own good: to protect herself from mortals who are just going to leave her again, who are just going to disappear, succumb to illnesses and life, and die.
After loosing her family and many others after that, she had only allowed herself to really feel something for other immortals.
She loves Yusuf and Niccolo like brothers, she even starts to like Livre well enough.
When she loves, Andromache loves fiercly and comppetely.
She has been in love with mortals in the past- first long before Quynh, before she stopped herself from loving mortals, and then even while with her- because with her, she sometimes allowed herself to indulge, knowing that once their mortal lovers were gone, they would still have each other.
She had only been in love with one immortal.
Had been in love with Quynh for millenia.
The last time they switched, she had actually communicated with Quynh. Was that her goodbye? Were three written words the only thing she would ever have left of her- that and her necklace, and of course all her painful memories?
But. Wait. Their switching- Booker's dreams aren't the only thing connecting them to Quynh. What if she hasn't died? What if the dreams just stopped?
It has been decades since she last switched with Quynh- and, carefully writing down each instance it had happened on a piece of paper, she notices that each time is closer to the last that before.
When- if- when it happens again, it will be soon.
And it has to happen again. Because Quynh can't be dead, she can't-
Andromache hopes beyond hope that she is right.
And then, when she has almost given up- almost given into her grief, letting the others console her instead of hiding herself away- she again drowns.
She had never been so relieved to die before.
There will be more, so let me know if you want to be informed when I upload the following parts- or alternatively, you could also bookmark the fic on ao3!
Edit: part 10 on tumblr :)
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etlunainmorte · 5 years ago
✒ P.S. I Love You ✒
Thank you! (Y/N) mouthed her gratitude as she pointed at V's pocket.
And then, as V felt for the thing in his pocket, the thing she put a few hours earlier, the lovers finally vanished into the night,... into sweet delight.
He smiled as he took a deep sigh of relief. It's finally over. He succeeded!
"Okay, folks! Show's over!" Avery clapped her hands like a bossy head chef and brought them back to reality from their own scattered thoughts. "We have a wedding to settle, and I'm inviting you!"
"W - " Nico muttered, at a loss for words at what Avery just announced. "But, we're done here! We finished the mission for ya. Isn't it a bother for both you and Roman to still have us around?"
Avery raised her eyebrows and rolled her eyes. "Well, duh. We're friends already, aren't we? Isn't that right, Roman?"
"You can say that again!" Roman happily answered as Griffon landed on his shoulder.
"I insist!" Avery looked at V and smiled at him. "And wear something decent for once, V! We'll help you and Nico with your outfit. In fact," She looked up, seemingly in deep thought, and brought her fingers to her chin, tapping it with them. She looked at V once more and pointed at him, a mischievous grin on her lips. " ... I think we should also invite that lazy Devil Hunter from Devil May Cry! Who was that again?"
V chuckled at the title she gave his twin brother. "Dante is his name."
"Oh! Can we invite Nero, too? And Kyrie?" Nico excitedly asked.
"Who's Nero and Kyrie?"
"Nero's the one with the God awful singing voice!" The Artisan proudly declared. "And Kyrie is his lady love!"
Avery couldn't help but knit her brows in confusion and disbelief. "I see. Well, sure! Poor girlfriend, though, having to listen each day to that!"
Nico, Roman, and Avery all laughed at the mere thought of this, until everyone noticed the Hispanic guy being comfortable with the demonic bird on his shoulder.
"Sweetheart, aren't you afraid of that bird?" His fiancée questioned him with mirth in her eyes.
To this, Roman only bashfully puffed his chest out and proudly brought his hands to his hips like a superhero. "I've grown much stronger and braver! And it was all thanks to V!" He, then, turned sideways to Griffon, who was looking at him like he has some evil intention towards him. "And to this amazing bird, too! Isn't that right, buddy?"
Griffon took this as a cue and widely opened his beak. "Ohohoho! Aww! So ye're brave now, huh?!" The bird told him in a clear voice that surprised Avery, made Nico burst out laughing, and made V smirk in amusement.
And Roman? The poor guy was simply at a loss for words.
And this only made Griffon more mischievous. He raised his beak and swayed his head from left to right like what he did the first time he met Roman, speaking in a hilariously loud tone. "FFFUUUCCCKKK YYYEEEAAAHHH! IT'S BARBEQUE TTTIIIMMMEEE!"
Roman lost it and fainted.
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Three days later,...
"I pronounce you man and wife." The minister announced. "You may now kiss the bride."
Everyone cheered as Avery grabbed Roman by the waist, bent him, and gave him a passionate kiss.
V and Nico, who were both looking smart and gorgeous with the outfit the couple chose for them, applauded and chuckled at how Avery handled her blushing husband, Roman. 
Nico glanced at V and nudged him on the arm with an elbow. "Lookin' really smokin' hot right there, V!" She said with a wide smile as she looked at his ensemble of crisp, jet - black coat, tie, and pants, matched with a snow white - colored shirt and a pair of leather vintage shoes. His neatly slicked back jet - black hair, the perfectly polished metal cane on his hand, and the perfume he bought for the special occasion with the money he just earned from the mission gave him a truly and magnificently virile aura that made all the guests look at him, either in curiosity or something entirely different altogether.
The poet smiled as he nodded at her and her bright yellow bodycon dress matched with a ridiculously huge sunflower on her hair. "And I could say the same for you."
"Hehe, thanks!"
V smiled and took something out from the pocket of his coat, the thing that (Y/N) gave her three days ago that was, apparently, the source of the tremendous power that enabled him to beat the evil doctor.
It was her own locket which she kept close to her heart until her reunion with Victor. And she gave it to him that day.
With a gentle smile on his face and a soft look in his eyes, he carefully opened the locket, revealing a photo of her that was taken during that day when she first met Victor.
"Everything is alright now, (Y/N)." V whispered as the guests went on cheering for the newly wed. "Your great grand niece is safe and happily married.”
As Nico observed how V looked at the precious locket, her eyes widened, suddenly remembering something really important.
"Oh, I almost forgot!" Nico blabbered, making V look at her in curiosity. "I have somethin' for ya."
"And what would that be?" V asked with a smirk as he hid the locket back to his pocket.
With a ginger smile, Nico produced something from her huge handbag and handed it to V, who looked at it with utter confusion.
"And this is?"
"The latest model of Somesang Universe. But I tweaked it for ya."
"Tweaked? How so?" V asked as he looked at the sleek and fragile black cellphone on his hand.
"I put some special programs of mine in it that could still let ya record all kinds of noises produced by all types of creatures. Ghosts, Demons, Mermaids, ya name it! And you can also play games in it, if ya want. Oh! I definitely didn't put Nero's singing in its music album, trust me!"
"What is it, Nico?!" Nero, who heard his name being mentioned by the Artisan, turned and gave her a suspicious look.
"Nothin', psycho!"
"This looked,... really expensive." V told her as he humbly tried to give the phone back to her. "I do not know if I'm worthy of having a thing such as this."
Nico smiled as she pushed the phone back to V. "I insist! It's a way of sayin' thanks for letting me tag along on the mission."
"I see. Well, I appreciate this gift. Thank you so much. I will take care of it."
"Nah, don't mention it." Nico said as she lightly punched V's arm. "Actually, I put somethin' else in it. I found somethin' truly groundbreaking the other day when I went to visit grandma Adelaide."
"Who's Adelaide?"
"That's Victor and (Y/N)'s grandchild!"
"Oh, my!" Shame on me, I have actually forgotten to ask her name.
"Anyway, if you open the contacts list, you'll find her - "
"Hey, man!" Dante, who was looking really uncomfortable with his formal wear, interrupted the conversation as he hid behind V. "I'm not really good at this!" His twin whispered as he cautiously looked around like he was being stalked by Demons.
"What brings you here?"
"It's that crazy woman! She - "
"THERE YOU ARE!" All of them heard Avery's voice as she and Roman walked towards Dante. She totally ignored V and grabbed the legendary Devil Hunter's arm. "You're not escaping me this time! You'll join the game!"
"W - what did I do to deserve this, señorita?!" Dante complained as Avery dragged him forcefully towards the center where a lot of people were already waiting. 
"Oh, nothing! I just wanted revenge for denying me a week ago!" She declared with a mischievous wink.
"I'm not being paid for this!"
"V, Nico, you should join! And Mr. Nero and Ms. Kyrie, too!" Roman invited them as he gestured towards the crowd. "And Avery's cousin just arrived from Paris!"
A few moments later, V found himself next to Dante, Nero, and the rest of the male guests as they waited for Roman to remove a garter from Avery's thigh using only his teeth. The man waved it happily, making the men cheer wildly.
"What is wrong with this people?" Nero asked, disgusted at the display of unbridled male fantasy before him.
Dante sighed in disbelief. "It's a traditional wedding game wherein males try to catch the bride's garter thrown by the groom. Same thing goes for the bride who tosses her bouquet for the females. The couple who catches the garter and the bouquet is said to be destined to be together. But, that is just an old wives' tale."
"What?! I don't wanna be with anybody else other than Kyrie!" Nero, who took the game way too seriously, blurted out as he drew back in fear. 
Dante patted the youth on the shoulder. "I feel you, kid. Don't wanna catch it! Unless there's a hot babe in there somewhere, then,..."
"Hey, V!" Griffon, who was wearing a smart bow tie around his neck, landed on the poet's shoulder and whispered to him. "So, uh, me and the housecat surveyed the females, and we found yer perfect match! It's the one who just arrived from, ahh, Yourip! Yeah, that's it. Wait, what's Yourip?"
V chuckled at what his familiar just said. "It's Europe. And I' am not interested in this game."
"Aww, come on, Shakespeare! Don't ya wanna have a girlfriend?!"
"Yeah, give it a chance, V!" Dante teased as he patted the poet's shoulder.
V only shook his head, chuckling at the mere thought of him having a girlfriend. Who would love him, anyway, when he's not as strong as Dante, or as witty as Nero - ?
"ALRIGHT THEN, FUCK YEAH!" Griffon shrieked as he let out a small amount of electricity that went directly to V's right arm, startling him and making him raise it in response. The cane on his right hand, which was raised high above his head, then, caught the garter in perfect timing, making Nero and Dante cheer and applaud!
"Nice one right there, V!" Nero cheered as he clapped his hands. "And Little Chicken!"
V brought his cane down and looked at the lacy thing on his cane, and before he could say something else or even react, the females cheered as Avery tossed her bouquet. There was a strange noise as some females screamed, Black Panther! and drew back. Apparently, Shadow, who was wearing a huge pink lace bow around her neck, pushed someone from the crowd, making her stumble forward and catch the bouquet in the process.
"Mission accomplished!" Griffon laughed menacingly as he flew away from V before the poet could say anything and landed on the table where the huge vanilla - flavored eight layered cake was, starting to nibble on Roman's part on the treat. Shadow arrived there a few seconds later and started eating Avery's part.
"Come here, V!" Roman said with a huge smile ( still unaware of what's happening to the wedding cake ) as he took the poet's arm and dragged him towards the center. V arrived just in time to see Avery dragging the lucky girl who caught the bouquet towards the center to where he was. Avery looked up at V, smiled at him, and moved to the side, revealing to him the girl who was now holding her bouquet.
And as he looked at the girl, he couldn't help but get mesmerized and emotional at the same time. The girl, who laid her (E/C) - colored eyes on his green ones, felt the same as some kind of unknown emotion started to form in her chest.
She brushed a wayward (H/C) lock away from her face and placed it behind her ear. She, then, gave him that smile that V was longing to see once more.
And with an achingly familiar voice that he thought he would never hear ever again, she spoke to him.
"Haven't we met?" She asked him.
"My,... Evening Star,..." V whispered as he smiled at her,...
✒ @la-vita , @micaelagua , @v-vic , @birdgirl69 , @beyond-the-mirror , and @cantcopewithlosingv . ✒
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destinyc1020 · 4 years ago
Finally watched Cherry. Tom 100% makes the movie if it was another actor I think people wouldn’t like it. The filming is the only bad part. It’s filmed different in each chapter so it doesn’t line up with the others and some might not like that style. I read the book and can happily say that the movie is better than the book but also very different. Emily & Cherrys relationship is very different in the book or in real life since it’s based on Nico walkers life. They break up more than once and he has other relationships which isn’t explored in the movie. They wanted to make it more of a love story which they’ve talked about in relationships. Other difference is clearly the ending of the movie. Overall 9/10 for Toms performance I don’t think it’s an Oscar worthy movie but his performance should land him more roles like this people seem to be solely impressed with him. 8/10 for Ciara I don’t know her well so I can’t compare her to other performances she did help make the love scenes seem like their chemistry when they weren’t high off the charts. 7/10 for the russos overall movie it’s a hard sell for some who are really into film it’s very indie film feel and artsy. I know this movie will blow up once everyone see it’s and I’m happy for Tom. I hope fans don’t get their hopes up in it being an Oscar nomination type movie for Tom though.
Thanks Anon.
I've heard that some didn't quite like the directing style, but that Tom (and Ciara) was the best part of the film. I've even read that the Russo's deliberately cast Tom in this role because they felt that he could portray the very delicate balance of being a guy who makes some really poor choices in his life, but also one that you kind of still want to root for.
It's a very delicate balancing act, because I'm sure there are a lot of things Tom's character does in the movie that isn't so good. 😔
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