#nick rowan
stalker. ( nick rowan x reader )
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Nick came home from work to find you waiting on the steps of the police house. He approached the door as you stood up, and noticed that your smile was smaller when you greeted him. He knew from the look in your eyes that you weren't here to see him as your boyfriend but as a policeman.
"Hello, love." He took the keys from the pocket of his jacket and unlocked the door, gesturing for you to enter first.
"I'm sorry to trouble you so late. I know you've just clocked off." You began as you headed inside, turning to him, holding the strap of your bag in your hands, tightening your grip anxiously. "I thought it was just my imagination."
Nick took off his jacket and hung it up on the hooks by the door. "What was?"
You swallowed thickly, feeling the tears returning to your eyes, blinking as you looked away. Nick stepped forward and placed his hands on your arms, rubbing them gently.
"Hey, hey," He said softly, "What is it?"
"I've been a fool." You wiped away a tear that fell down your cheek and Nick rested a hand on your back, leading you to the kitchen.
"Sit down and I'll make you some tea."
You took a seat at the small dining table while Nick set the kettle on the stove, turning the dials. "About a week ago I thought I saw someone following me home from the bus stop."
Nick turned, and you kept your eyes on your hands, knowing you couldn't handle seeing his reaction as you continued, "It was dark and there was no one around the village, I thought I was just imagining things. But then I started seeing a shadow outside my house at night."
Nick walked closer, sitting across from you. "Why didn't you call the police? Or tell me?"
You met his gaze as you shook your head. "I kept telling myself there was no one there. But last night there was a knock on my door and when I went down there was no one there. Just flowers." You opened your bag and took out the envelope, holding it out to Nick who glanced at you before taking out the white card inside.
"It's an excerpt from a love poem." He met your gaze. "Very graphic."
"It was hand delivered twenty minutes ago. By the time I got to the door, there was no one there."
Nick glanced at the poem, setting it upside down on the table with a look of disgust, and shook his head. "How long has this been going on for?"
"Nine days." Nick raised an eyebrow at you and you nodded as you looked at your hands. "I know. I just didn't think -"
You flinched when the kettle hooted and Nick reached over to squeeze your hand before crossing the room to remove the kettle from the stove and made two cups of tea.
Nick placed a cup and saucer on the table next to you and sat across from you, setting his own cup down. "You should have told me sooner."
"I'm sorry."
"This man probably thinks you have some kind of connection. Is he there every night?" You nodded. "So he should turn up tonight."
The plan was simple. You would go about your bedtime routine as normal and Nick would stay at your place, prepared to run outside to catch the peeper.
Nick was sitting on the sofa while you were in the kitchen, hidden from view due to the high window as you washed the dishes. "See anything?" He looked over at you and you remembered not to look back at him, continuing to act as if you were alone.
Nick spent the night beside you, and the longer you lay there in his arms, listening as he distracted your mind by talking about his day, the more the fear slipped away. You hadn't realized your eyes were closing until he kissed your head. You lifted your head from his chest and he sent you a smile.
"Go to sleep. I'm not going anywhere."
The night passed uneventfully. The next day, there were no cards, no flowers, or any sign someone was watching. But when you came home from work the door was ajar and when you entered the house was destroyed, ornaments and vases smashed, the sofa slashed, and furniture broken. The only thing in perfect condition was a photograph of Nick leaving that morning stuck onto the wall.
You rushed to the telephone to call the station, and Nick stood up when Phil said your name, taking the phone, knowing something was wrong.
"What happened?" He heard you crying on the other side. "Don't move. I'm on my way."
You were standing in the living room when the four policemen arrived. Nick looked around at the carnage, calling out to you, finding you staring a photograph.
"Are you hurt?"
You shook your head, sniffling. You handed him the photograph, crossing your arms while his eyebrows furrowed in disbelief and annoyance when he saw it.
"Looks like he knew you were here, Rowan." Oscar looked at you, "I advise you to find somewhere else to stay for the time being." He said, referring to the pending arrest of your stalker. "Rowan."
Nick looked at you when Blaketon walked into the kitchen before following. Phil offered to stay with you while you packed a bag and when you returned downstairs Nick drove you to the police house.
He encouraged you to unpack, clearing space in his dresser, and stood watching as you began to set your clothes next to his. When he saw the first tear fall he was by your side instantly, and wrapped his arms around you, holding you to his chest as you cried.
"I'm such an idiot! I should've known that it would end like this!"
"Hey, none of that." He kissed your hair and rubbed circles on your back. "I promise you that I will find him. Phil and Alf are interviewing your neighbours. Hopefully, one of them saw or heard something."
Later that night while you were washing the dishes and Nick was drying them, he was called to the station about a possible identification of your stalker. After ensuring all the windows were locked, he traded his cardigan for a thick jacket and you followed him to the door.
"Lock it behind me. Don't open it for anyone." He turned as he stood outside, "I won't be long."
"Thank you." You smiled softly, and placed a hand on his cheek when he leaned in to kiss you.
"Everything is going to be fine. I promise."
When he walked away you locked the door and finished washing the dishes. You left them to dry before heading upstairs to bed. You were getting changed into a nightdress when you heard noises from outside, the whining of the gate. You peeled back the curtain a little to look out and gasped when you saw a dark figure approaching the house. You quietly crept downstairs and went to the telephone, calling the station.
Phil answered but before you could speak the doorknob jiggled. You held your breath and closed the door to the office before returning to the telephone.
"Hello? Y/N?"
"He's here."
You heard a loud bang as the door was kicked in, the lock useless, and held your breath as footsteps entered.
"We're on our way." Your hand trembled as Phil spoke before he hung up. You set the handset down and gripped the telephone tightly. You heard the footsteps get closer and braced yourself for when the door opened and hit the man with the telephone, sending him to the ground. You rushed to the door but when he started standing up you rushed upstairs.
A hand grabbed your ankle and dragged you down a few stairs. You screamed when he slapped you and grabbed your arms. You used your foot to kick him several times in the gut until he let go and shoved him away before racing into the bathroom, locking the door.
"I've seen you with him!" He seethed as he walked up the stairs. "I would have given you anything! But you chose the copper!"
You heard the sounds of him tearing apart the bedroom, and emptying the dresser and flinched when the vase of flowers hit the bathroom door.
When Nick arrived the room was a mess, and the man was kicking in the door to the bathroom. He swung for him but Nick blocked it and hit him in the gut with his baton. He got him on the ground and handcuffed him.
Phil took over as Nick went to check on you. The door opened and he saw the blood on your cheek, caused by the man's ring when he hit you. "Oh, Nick!"
He hushed you gently, taking off his jacket and wrapping it around your nightdress. You cried on his chest as he held you, kissing your head.
"It's okay. He's gone." He shielded you from the sight of Phil dragging the man outside to the car while Oscar and Alf followed.
Nick closed his eyes as he rested his head on yours. "I've got you, love." He tightened his arms around you. "I've got you."
The next morning you went to the station to give your statement and the lock was fixed on the police house. Nick asked you to move in with him that evening and slowly everything went back to normal and you no longer had to look over your shoulder.
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sunflowerim · 4 months
I think the truth is that everyone in the entire world is confused and nobody understands much of anything at all.
- more wise words by Angel Rahimi (I Was Born For This, Alice Oseman)
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normalpeoplethiings · 10 months
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my boy lister is definitely doing the right thing by recording
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19 days tell Heartstopper season 3
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marylenjackson · 9 months
Merry Christmas everyone! I wish all of you joy, happiness and never stop dreaming and believing in yourself!
Wish you that this Christmas will brings you only pleasure moments with people you like 🎄🎅🎁
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sollucets · 1 year
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surprise papang appearance
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rough patch. ( nick rowan x reader )
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When you arrived in Aidensfield, you were determined to prove that you were great at your job since your boss was reluctant at first, wondering what a woman could do to benefit the workplace. Nick knew that you could do anything you set your mind to, and for over a month, he kept quiet about the way your clashing schedules were affecting your marriage. Every marriage went through a rough patch and after three blissful years, you were going through it.
He would never ask you to give up working, knowing how bored you got in the house very early in your relationship when you started crocheting and knitting, making everything from pillows to tea cozies to blankets. It got to the point when he came home to find bundles of new creations and cupcakes and brownies you had baked.
Nick understood how much you had sacrificed to support him as his wife and his career as a policeman. You had left your family behind, a good paying respectable job, and traded it for a life in a village that hadn't been welcoming at first and struggled to find a job that matched your skills.
Now that you have, you were taking everything your boss threw your way. Extra paperwork? No problem. Extra hours? Of course.
However, the past week and a half had proved difficult for your marriage as you never had time to have breakfast together anymore, never spoke during the day, and Nick had dinner hours before you came home.
"It's good money." You told him.
"Yeah, but we don't see each other much as it is." He argued.
You sighed, looking at your cup of tea. You glanced at the clock and finished your tea, standing up. "I'd better get going." You took your cup to the sink and returned, placing your hand on his shoulder as you kissed his cheek. "I love you."
"I love you too."
You squeezed his shoulder as you headed to the doorway, looking back at your husband of three years, a frown on your lips, knowing he was right. You still felt your boss didn't respect you, but you knew Nick always would.
So you approached your boss later that day, and when you asked for time off, he began his speech about how he "should never have taken a woman onboard" and how a "women's place is in the home". You had heard it all before, but tonight, you were desperate to return before your husband and surprise him.
"I work harder than anyone else in this office. I did everything you asked. I have never taken a holiday in six months. There is one thing more important than this job Mr. Spence, and it's my husband. So I am leaving with everyone else, as I am paid for."
"If you walk out now, don't bother coming back!" He stood up, putting his hands on the desk.
"Fine. Goodnight., Mr. Spence."
You walked out of his office and went outside to your car. When you arrived at the police house, you started cooking dinner, and Nick arrived forty minutes later to find you setting the table.
"Hello, love." He greeted with a smile. "What are you doing here so early?"
"I spoke to my boss about sticking to what should be my normal hours."
"Oh, yeah? What did he say?"
"He fired me." You went to the oven to take out the vegetables, setting the glass dish on the table.
"He fired you?"
You sent him a small smile, "I'm okay with it, really. I realized that it didn't matter what I do, he would always find some way to belittle me. And I can find something a little closer to home."
You went to the stove and dished out the meat and potatoes before setting the plates on the table. Nick sat down, observing as you brought over two glasses of water.
"You're really okay with this? I could have a chat with him, if you want me to."
You shook your head, "No, that won't be necessary." You shrugged your shoulders, "Besides I hated every second of working there." You set the two glasses on the table and wrapped your arms around his neck. "It means you'll be seeing much more of me."
Nick placed a hand on your arm, turning his head to meet your gaze, "I like the sound of that."
You smiled softly, leaning in to kiss him tenderly. "Me too."
Every marriage went through a rough patch, but you knew you and Nick would survive it.
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radiodr3amer · 1 year
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Osemanverse supremacy
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normalpeoplethiings · 10 months
“Most adults see teenagers as confused kids who don't understand much, while they're the pillars of knowledge and experience and know exactly what is right at all times. I think the truth is that everyone in the entire world is confused and nobody understands much of anything at all.”
- I Was Born For This, Alice Oseman (2018)
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kippyzzworld · 8 months
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Worlds most sane Alice Oseman fan
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jaminster · 16 days
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Decided to draw chapter 37 (4:9) fanart for @daddyellis and his amazing masterpiece: Frisson! If you haven't already, go and check out the epic Nellis masterpiece! The writing is honestly so good, and I totally recommend reading it! (Also give the author some love cuz they def deserve it for all the hard work they put in to this!)
Frisson: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57778924/chapters/147056344
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sollucets · 1 year
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pride sands
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mediumdoodles · 2 months
thank you Alice oseman 💝
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sunflowerim · 3 months
Two very relatable excerpts from I Was Born For This by Alice Oseman perfectly highlighting what a lot of fans (if not most) have experienced atleast once:
Mum doesn’t understand me. She doesn’t understand why I reacted so strongly about a boy band. And I know they’re both worried about my future. They don’t ever say it, but I know they know I’m average and average is disappointing for them. Especially compared to my brother. The pinnacle of ambition and success. Don’t worry. I know that. I’m fully aware I’m average. God, I’m so, so aware I’m average.
Then Dad sighs. ‘Is this a big, important thing for you, Fereshteh?’
‘Well, yeah. I really like this band.’
‘And what will you feel when you get home? When is the band obsession going to end?’
‘Why does it have to end?’
‘Because this is your life,’ he says. ‘Not the life of a band.’
I stop walking, and stand very still in the street. I’m almost at Juliet’s nan’s house and there isn’t a single person in sight. Just the dull yellow light of the streetlamps and the rain pattering against the pavement.
‘I just wanted to go to a concert,’ I say. ‘And then I’ll feel better.’
‘Were you not feeling good before, my girl?’ he asks.
I don’t think I’ve ever felt anything except The Ark.
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settling in. ( nick rowan x reader )
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There were still a lot of boxes to unpack, and photographs to hang on the walls. It had been over two weeks since you had moved into the police house and you spent most of your time trying to make it feel more like home. Nick was put to work immediately upon arrival, and you formed a routine. Unpack a box, find a place for everything, and clean up afterward.
You were used to the bustling city, racing off to work after breakfast, but in the past two weeks, you had received several knockbacks from job applications in the area. You were trained in the field but the replies made you feel frustrated and disheartened, feeling like the only job you could apply for was a shop assistant and in the small town you doubted anyone would accept as they held old-school views, believing your place was better served in the kitchen.
Nick knew you missed working. When you were stuck inside too long, you went stir-crazy and lately, he could see the signs. One afternoon, he came home for files on a case he was working on and found you scrubbing the grout on the bathroom tiles. He asked around the companies you applied for and was disappointed with the responses he received. You were more than qualified. Your only shortfall was that you were a woman.
He could see the toll the knockbacks were having on you as you realized that you may have to accept your role as a housewife. You tried to maintain your optimism, but as time ticked away and after a month of living in Aidensfield, you became more sullen.
Nick felt guilty knowing you had left a brilliant job behind to follow him out of the city. He was enjoying his job but hated the way you were struggling to settle in the way he was, giving up everything to support your husband as he sought a change of scenery.
You were proud of Nick, thrilled that he was coming home excited again about his job. You could listen to him talk about it for hours, just to see his eyes light up. You just wished you could have the same success in your career as he did.
The village wasn't welcoming to outsiders in the beginning, but Nick soon won them over, and you helped him more than once when he called the police house asking for you to check a name in the files kept there. You liked helping him as it kept you busy, and there was only so often you could clean the house. You were frightened that you would scrub away the woodwork at the rate you were going.
Nick sat at the table as you brought him the breakfast you cooked, and he asked if you heard anything yet about jobs you had applied for. You had branched out and applied for barmaid positions and shop assistants. Still, there was nothing.
Trying not to let the mood dampen this early in the morning, he said, "Don't worry, love. I'm sure you'll find something soon enough."
"At this rate, not likely." You replied dryly, walking to collect the mugs of tea, turning when you heard him sigh to find his shoulders slouching a little. And knew he was feeling guilty about your lack of success.
You set the mugs down on the table and wrapped your arms around his neck, "I'm sorry. You're right. I know you are. Something will turn up." Your hands squeezed his shoulders, and he lifted your left hand, kissing your knuckles.
You rested your head on his, smiling softly. Nick had been there to witness every struggle you went through to ensure you were respected in your old job, jumping through all the hoops until finally someone finally respected your opinion. He would do anything to make you happy, even if it meant returning to the city.
When he left for work, you kissed him goodbye, smiling as you tugged on his tie, prolonging the kiss while he murmured against your lips that he was late for work and Blaketon would be on his back all day - more than usual.
You fixed his tie as he smiled at you. "I love you."
"I love you too. Have a good day."
As Nick got on the motorcycle, you leaned on the doorway, wrapping your cardigan around you to fend off the morning breeze, waving goodbye as he took off. You decided today would be different. It would be the last day you spent sulking inside and decided to look in the boxes stored away with memories inside. You found your grandmother's recipe box, looking at the cards inside, and decided to take a trip into town, buying the ingredients you needed.
When Nick came home that evening, he heard the music playing due to the open window and followed the sound inside, to the kitchen where you were singing along, checking the food in the oven before closing it. Nick noticed the two baskets of scones and muffins and a fresh batch of shortbread you were waiting for to cool down.
"You've been busy." He smiled as he took off his jacket.
"And you have good timing!" You turned to him with the brightest smile he'd seen in a while, and Nick placed his hands on your waist when you wrapped your arms around his neck, greeting him with a kiss. "Dinner is ready, so go wash up."
His gaze followed you as you doused the shortbread with sugar, humming along to the music contentedly. He lingered for a moment, a smile remaining on his lips as he went to get changed and wash his hands.
The table was set when he returned, and Nick took a seat as you ushered him to a chair. "I saw the box upstairs. What were you looking for?"
"Inspiration as it happens." You joined him at the table and sent him a smile. "How was your day?"
"Not as eventful as yours, apparently." He nodded to the baked goods on the countertop.
Nick smiled fondly at your excitement, "Are you planning on going?"
"I found my grandmother's recipe cards. I forgot how much I enjoyed baking. It's taken my mind of everything. I went into town today for groceries and met a delightful woman. She has a cooking class every Saturday night and invited me along."
You nodded, "It's not every Saturday that you get the night off so I thought you wouldn't mind."
"Of course not, love." He reached out and held your hand on the table, "I'm glad that you've found something to be excited about again."
"I think I'm finally stating to settle in. I have to face facts, we don't live in a city anymore and my job is in short supply in the countryside. I'll find something eventually, but having this cooking class and meeting new people, it takes the pressure off a little. Are you sure you don't mind?"
He shook his head, "I'm delighted that you're starting to settle in." He brought your hand to his lips, flashing you a smile. You mirrored it, grateful for the man you married who would do anything to make you happy and lived to see the smile on your lips every day. "So I can expect more baked delights then?"
"I even made your favorite."
That night, you cleaned the dishes, and Nick dried them and went to the living room, snuggling into the village bobby on the sofa as he recalled his day. He looked at you with a smile as he joked that he would need to start jogging every morning to avoid buying bigger clothes if you continued to bake so much.
"There is another activity that's great for cardio." You tilted your head on his shoulder to meet his gaze with a smirk.
Nick's gaze followed your every move as you left the sofa and headed to the doorway, looking back at him with a coy smile.
Laughter left your lips when he rushed towards you, dashing upstairs with him hot on your heels. You fell onto the bed, giggling as he hovered over you, placing your hands on his cheeks as his lips met yours hotly.
After nearly two months in Aidensfield, you finally felt content in the village and couldn't wait to see where this new road would take you both.
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thediamondarcher · 1 year
okay, i want to know this now
guess what my favorite is 💀
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